What's Around Magazine February 2016

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this issue 127 What’s Around Editor Vanessa Preece Telephone 01530 417739

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Website/What’s On


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Welcome to my first issue as editor of What’s Around magazine. I’m excited to take on the challenge of producing a magazine you’ll enjoy reading and look out for each month for the latest local news and events but also keep and turn to whenever you need a business, service or tradesman in the area.


This month we meet the residents at Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary and find out more about the amazing work they do. We’ve got recipes to make the perfect pancake on Shrove Tuesday and heart biscuits on Valentine’s Day plus all of our usual updates from The Palace, Ibstock and Barlestone surgery and others.

Don’t forget we’ve just re-launched our website so you can also keep up-to-date with the latest happenings near you in our online What’s On section at www.whatsaround.co.uk or by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Look out for our all new online Business Directory coming soon – we’ll keep you posted.

Vana Pree


Twitter @whatsaroundmag



In Your Garden





Front Cover Image by Neal Preece

Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.

Community Board


Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR

What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.







36 38




On the Beat


Ashby Museum News A Walk in the Forest What’s On...

Spotlight On


What’s On at The Palace Fun Quiz

This Month

Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries


Hard Sudoku

Puzzle Solutions

Seasonal Recipes

Business Directory

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It’s a fantastic way to target potential customers and great value for money

For details call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk

Copy deadline for the March edition is Thursday 11th February Please note advertising space is limited, pre-booking is recommended 4

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To advertise in WHAT’S AROUND call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk

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community board

FREE COMMUNIT Y NOTICES Did you know you can put community

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a try, singin wer then give them If you sing in the sho meet on a Monday y The lth. hea l nta me for both physical and h, Margaret Street, urc Ch Life w Ne 0pm at from 1.30pm to 3.0 t session is free. firs the but ek we per Coalville. Cost is £3 77 593 814. 074 on oks Cro le hel For more info call Mic

n Run/Walk Easter Egg 3K Fu 27th Hicks Lodge on Sunday

A new inform st Friday of the month fir Ulverscroft meet every – 3.45pm at from 2.30pm ill be welcoming new w Grange. They iday 5th February from Fr ntial and members on oking is esse 2.30pm. Bo tea and cake will be ry ta complimen all those attending! available to ntinue ions will co Monthly sess ith the Foundation w , 16 20 of £1 per throughout a donation welcoming freshment. re a e ud cl person to in


CANCER WE LLNESS PRO A Cancer Wel GRAMME ln Leicestershire ess Programme, organi se

P ro u d Si ng L o u d B e ho ir C o m m u n it y C g is good

C a n in e Pa r tn e r Q u iz N ig ht s

Join Canine Pa rtners Quiz Nigh t between 6.30p m and 10pm on Friday 12th Fe bruary to help transform the lives of adults with physical disab ilities. Teams of six need to registe r for the event at their Midlands Centre in Osgathorpe. Tic kets are by advanced book ing only and co st £10 per person which includes hot food and a prize for the winning team. To purch ase tickets or to find out more email helenw@canin e partners.org.uk , call 01530 22 5 939 or visit caninep artners.org.uk.

information on this page free of charge (subject to space). So whether you are looking for new me mbers, volunteers information that you or just some ’d just email the details like to let local people know about over to us at admi n@whatsaround. co.uk We’d love to hear from you!

s, go along to In aid of Wishes 4 Kid first Easter Egg take part in their very March at 10.30am and ole family (pushchair wh the for le tab Sui Fun Run/Walk. und the lakeside a scenic 3k route aro ed friendly), you will follow with a tasty well-earn ted sen pre be will r paths. Each finishe ng in fancy dress if you alo Go . ate tific cer nt ). For more Easter Egg and eve person (Under 3's free wish. Cost £6.50 per ase contact Ange & ple ces pla r you k boo information or to llenge.co.uk or easteregg@ivanhoecha Richard Bebbington at call 0775 125 9489.

National Forest

Planting The National Fo rest Company (N FC) has opened of the Changing Round Landscapes Sche creation scheme me, its largest for 9 . They are lookin g for landowners est minimum of on e hectare of lan with a d in the Forest interested in cre who are ating new wood land and associa habitats such as ted meadows, parkl All of these are and and wetland important to the . development of Forest. The Sche the me is open for applications un til 5pm on Friday 8th Ap ril.

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on the beat

Hello everyone...

LEICESTERSHIRE Police is warning van drivers not to leave any tools or anything of value in their vehicles overnight. It follows a spate of offences mainly in the north of Leicestershire. Between 2nd and 8th November, 19 vans were broken into in locations like Loughborough, Hathern, Rothley, Shardlow and Ashby. Other offences have also happened in Burbage, Earl Shilton, Lutterworth and Cosby. Analysis shows that the offences are occuring during the hours of darkness from hotel car parks and when vehicles are parked outside or on the driveways of home addresses. We want to remind van drivers to remove their tools overnight and review their vehicle security. We have also been working closely with hotels to encourage them to improve car park security.


We have made some significant arrests recently but incidents are still being reported to us. We know that it can be inconvenient to remove tools from your van, especially if you are staying in a hotel, but it can be even more inconvenient if your tools are stolen and you can’t work until you replace them. Power tools can be really expensive which is why they are attractive to thieves so we’d urge builders and trade's people to think about the security of their vehicles, consider fitting a cage and a stronger external lock and think about where it is parked. We want to receive information about who is committing these offences, if you see any suspicious behaviour please report it to the police or use Crimestoppers which is free and anonymous. PREVENTION MEASuRES TO PROTECT YOuR TOOLS ANd VANS: • Remove all tools from your van especially at night. • If you have a garage, use it. • Consider alarming the vehicle or fitting an internal security cage. • Park in well-lit areas. • If you park on a drive install security lights. • Visibly mark your machinery and tools and make a note of serial numbers. • If possible, reverse your van close to a wall. • Report any suspicious activity immediately. If you see any suspicious behaviour please call 101 or call Crimestoppers, which is free and anonymous, on 0800 555 111.


call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk

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in your garden Editorial by Pippa Greenwood

Editorial by Pippa Greenwood

Feathered Friends WATCHING wild birds in your garden is a real delight, and as many help to keep pests at bay for much of the year it makes sense to encourage them in. You can provide a haven for wild birds as long as you have a fair number of potential hiding places, such as a few good sized shrubs or trees and trees which provide berries or other fruits are always going to be welcome.

But what else can you do to encourage your feathered friends into the garden? A source of water really is one of the best features, so either buy an ornamental birdbath or create one from a shallow dish with sloping sides. The water should be no deeper than 2” (5 cm) and if you do have a deeper container then you should fill the lower depths of it with good sized stones, to reduce the depth. Ideally the water should be changed every other day, but at this time of year it is essential to make sure that the water does not freeze for long


periods of time. Other garden water features, including ponds with shallow sloping sides, are also perfect for many birds to feed and bathe in. Providing birds with additional food materials is worthwhile, but remember to provide a constant supply or they may come to rely on something that is not there when they need it most.

If you have a problem with squirrels, then use a squirrel proof feeder – they resemble bird cages and hold a central cylinder of peanuts, though they can cost up to £40. If squirrels are not a problem, use a cheaper nut feeder, but position it so it is out of range of cats.

Save household scraps for the birds too; they enjoy apples, cooked rice, cheese, old breakfast cereal, raisins and sultanas and, of course, bread. Buy fat balls which contain mixed seeds and hang them from trees or large shrubs where they will provide a fantastic

meal for many birds and, provided you position them correctly, means that you can also enjoy watching them. I only buy the net-free fat balls, as birds’ feet can get trapped in the net.

You can also buy grubs and larvae to feed the birds. These high protein snacks are particularly useful once birds start feeding their young in the spring, and are best distributed on a bird table or even on a garage roof. They are available by mail order or from garden centres and pet shops.

If you feel like making or buying a bird table on which to set out the feasts you are supplying, then so much the better. Choose one which is not easily accessible by cats, and position it where you can watch the birds as they feed and drink. I mainly feed the birds on top of an old, established hedge. It is just tall enough for me to reach its flat clipped top surface and I put out bird food on flat wooden trays – perfect for me to view and impossible for cats to get the wrong idea about who is meant to be eating!

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ashby museum news

ur new exhibition for the months of February and March will feature the history of the hamlet of Lount. Included will be photographs, maps, pottery, information on old housing and some aspects of the Staunton Harold estate such as the school, which also serviced Lount children. The exhibition is being collated by John MacDonald, Betty Cawte and Trevor Stewart. The Romans are coming! In February, the Kids' Club at the Museum will be looking at the Romans. Come and make a centurion's helmet or sacred altar. Discover your Roman name and much more. The club is on Saturday 6th February from 11am till 4pm. Open to all children of primary school age, who must be accompanied by an adult. Museum volunteers are working on supporting material for the Friends of the Bath Grounds. The Guide Book ‘Ashby de la Zouch: The Spa Town’ by Kenneth Hillier (first published in 1983 and with a new edition in 2003) is again being updated by the author, with information about happenings on the Grounds since the 1980s. It will be ready in the late Spring with a new

title: ‘The Ivanhoe Baths and the Bath Grounds’. Four volunteers - Pat Dixon, Wendy Freer, Lorna Titley and Ken Hillier - are producing two Information Boxes on the Spa: one for Primary School children and one for adults. These will be available from the start of the Autumn Term. Several walks and talks are also being planned, with the theme of the Spa Town. Further progress has also been made with our friends at St. Helen's Church, with their exciting plans to develop the Cottage and provide information boards and displays in their new build and within the church itself. These partnerships are all evidence of the Museum working in conjunction with other groups to explain and enhance the town's past heritage and present attractions. Any articles for our annual publication Ashby, Past and Present are most welcome. If you have something of interest to impart about some aspect of the town or its people and would like to have it published in the magazine, please get in touch with the museum on 01530 560090 or pop in in.

FRIENdS OF ASHBY MuSEuM The Friends of Ashby Museum are planning a programme for 2016. Details will be available on the website, through posters and this publication as soon as possible.


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a walk in the forest

Enjoy the snowdrops at dimminsdale This time of year the days can be quite gloomy and it isn’t always easy to throw off that winter feeling and head out for a walk but I guarantee that this one will be well worth the effort. Dimminsdale nature reserve is a very special place – if fairies and elves really exist then this is surely where they will live! On top of the magical feeling that the place has you will find hidden within the woodland a truly stunning display of snowdrops - a welcome sign that Spring is on its way. The short walk around Dimminsdale can easily be completed in half an hour but if you fancy a longer stroll, perhaps combined with refreshments, there is the option to extend the walk to include a visit to the Ferrers Centre at Staunton Harold. The path around Dimminsdale is steep in places and can be slippery so you need to be steady on your feet and to wear suitable footwear but you will be well rewarded!


Parking for this walk is in the Severn Trent Spring Wood car park by the end of Staunton Harold Reservoir. There is no charge but keep an eye out for closing times. To reach the car park follow the B587 from the roundabout by the Tesco store, just outside Ashby, towards Melbourne. Stay on the B587 as it turns right towards Melbourne and passes the entrance to Staunton Harold Hall and then take the first turning left – this leads downhill and you’ll find the car park on your left just before the road crosses the reservoir.


Exit the car park at the bottom corner where a path leads back out onto the road. Turn left to walk alongside the road for about 200 yards - you will cross the bottom of the reservoir and then arrive at the entrance to Dimminsdale Nature Reserve part way up the hill on your left (1). Entering the reserve, follow the path across a bridge and walkway and then down some steep steps to arrive in front of the large pool that is at the heart of the Nature Reserve. Ignore the footpath marker pointing right and turn left at the bottom of the steps to follow the path around the site clockwise. Cross bridges the small streams that run out of the main pool (2) before going steeply uphill and bearing around to the right. There are several sets of steps on this narrow path (3) – after the second set of downhill steps is a small hollow protected by a large mossy stone – this is where we always look for the first signs of snowdrops and we’ve seen them peeping out as early as Christmas in this sheltered spot. Keep following the path around to the top of the hill and the main display of snowdrops (4).




As the path curves around to go back downhill there is a yellow marker for the Ivanhoe Way/National Forest Way(5) – if you wish to visit the Ferrers Centre turn left here and follow the path into the Staunton Harold Estate. You will come out on the main driveway and can turn left to visit the shops and tea rooms, retracing your steps afterwards to continue the circuit around Dimminsdale.

To complete the walk around Dimminsdale follow the path as it goes downhill via a series of steps, after the snowdrops. Cross over a small stream at the bottom of the hill and, ignoring the path off to the left, go up and then bear round to the right. The path is wider now as it passes through the woods at the bottom of the site before emerging beside the pond. You have now completed the circuit and are back at the bottom of the steps that you descended at the start of the walk, next to the footpath marker post – turn right and follow the path back up the steps, across the walkway and bridge to leave the Dimminsdale. Turn right along the road to return to the car park. Please be aware that paths may change over time and with the seasons.


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what’s on...

February and Bradgate Park. Meeting held at Methodist Church, Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch commencing at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome to attend, talks £3. For more details call Susanne Tandy on 01530 415 654.

4th February Ashby Castle WI Peter Wood – ‘Pole Lathe Turner’. A talk and demonstration at 2pm at Ashby Congregational Church. Visitors always welcome. £4 to include tea and cake, for further information contact Fran on 01530 414 933. 5th February Suffragette (12A) In early 20th century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working class mother Maud Watts. Stars Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham-Carter and Meryl Streep. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £3.50 pay on the door or call 01530 278 444.


6th February Quiz Night with Ashby Castle Rotary Club The return of the popular quiz night to be held at Hood Park Leisure Centre. Teams of 4 required with prizes to the winning team. A hot buffet and licensed bar available all evening. Tickets to be booked in advance at £10 a head with all profits to Rotary charities. Fun starts at 7pm prompt. For tickets please call Ian Stubbs on 01283 212 650. 8th February Ashby History Society ‘Home of the Greys’, Peter Liddle, local archaeologist, speaks on the history of the Grey family and recent excavations at their homes, Groby Old Hall

10th February Ashby Ivanhoe Travel Club ‘Wonderings of a Cycling photographer’ by T Williams. Pithiviers Room at Ivanhoe Technology College at 7.30pm to 9pm. There is no joining fee or annual subscription, just a minimal charge of £1.50 per meeting. All are welcome for any of their meetings, for further information call Julie Nelson on 01530 588 197 or email juliesportsfan@ yahoo.co.uk. 12th February ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ At Packington Memorial Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm start. Canine Partners Quiz Night Get your thinking caps on and join Canine Partners Quiz Night to help transform the lives of

adults with physical disabilities. Teams of six need to register for the event at their Midlands Centre in Osgathorpe on Friday 12th February between 6.30pm and 10pm. Tickets are by advanced booking only and cost £10 per person which includes hot food and a prize for the winning team. Arrive at 6.30pm with the quiz starting at 7pm. To purchase tickets or to find out more email helenw@caninepartners. org.uk, call 01530 225 939 or visit caninepartners. org.uk. 17th February Ashby Spa WI ‘Folk tales and funny folk’. Manor House, South Street at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome for £4. For more information call 01530 563 682 or email ashby.spa@ googlemail.com. 18th to 20th February ‘The Anniversary’ A wicked comedy by Bill Macilwraith. The Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby de la Zouch. Tickets from Ashby TIC 01530 411 767 and online at www. ticketsource.co.uk/ashbydr amaticsociety or see their

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Theatre, Shepshed. For tickets call 01530 834 534 or visit www.caos.org.uk. 24th February ‘AFAR’ A talk by Julie Fraser from Ashby Civic Society, from 2.15pm at Prior Park Community Centre. Members £2 nonmembers £3. 'Walk in the Woods' Travel writer, Bill Branson (Robert Redford) takes a long lost friend (Nick Nolte) for a hike along the Appalachian trail. Take a walk to the Lyric Rooms. Hiking boots not necessary. Ashby Community Cinema Film Nights.

website ashbyventure theatre.org.uk 19th February LRWT North West Group ‘40 Years of Twitching’ with David Scott. He shares the highs and lows of twitching in the UK which has resulted in his life list of 449 birds. Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby, 7.30pm. Entry £2. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 20th February Ashby Farmers Market 9am to 2pm at Manor House South Street. Bringing you the finest

foods from the region and specialist stalls. Free parking. T.Rextasy The world's only official live tribute band dedicated to Marc Bolan & T.Rex, returning to the Century after four previous sell-out shows. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £18 advance, £20 on the door. Book online at www.centurytheatre.co. uk or call 01530 278 444.

24th to 27th February ‘The Anniversary’ A wicked comedy by Bill Macilwraith. The Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby de la Zouch. Tickets from Ashby TIC 01530 411 767 and online at www. ticketsource.co.uk/ashby dramaticsociety or see their website ashby venturetheatre.org.uk 26th February Spectre (12A) Daniel Craig returns as 007 in the latest, spectacular

James Bond film, alongside Christoph Waltz & Ralph Fiennes. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £3.50 pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444. 27th February An evening with Sergeant White It is August 1914 and Sgt Frederick White of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment is recruiting for King, Country and Empire. Featuring performance historian John White. Century Theatre Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £7.50 advance, £9 on the door. Book online at www.centurytheatre.co.uk or call 01530 278 444. Grimethorpe Colliery Band Concert The Concert will take place at Burton Town Hall, starting at 7pm. For tickets please call 01283 569 677 or 07939 0124 58. The choir and band will provide an outstanding evening of entertainment with music to suit a wide variety of tastes. The concert is ticket only so please purchase tickets now to avoid disappointment.

23rd to 27th February ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ Caos presents an amateur production by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Ltd at Hind Leys Community College

It’s FREE to put community information on this page. Please submit your event details via email to admin@whatsaround.co.uk or online at www.whatsaround.co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the March issue is Thursday 11th February. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.

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spotlight on REdGATE Farm Animal Sanctuary are a local, very busy animal charity founded in 1986. They are based between Markfield and Coalville on Shaw Lane, just off the A511 and have been looking after stray, unwanted and injured animals for 30 years. They also provide a local re-homing service so that as many animals as possible can find their forever home.


With the growing interest in animal rescue and pet re-homing centres, for example with Paul O’Grady’s marvellous TV programmes from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, now is the right time to ask you to follow their activities, support their fundraising events, become a Friend of Redgate, or even better go and visit them and the animals. They are only about 20 minutes’ drive from Ashby. Parking can be a little bit restricted, but there is a lay-by right next to the Sanctuary entrance on the A511, or you could open the big red metal gates and drive in. The Sanctuary is open to the public every day of the year, except Christmas Day, from 10:30am – 4:00pm. They are currently looking after a wide variety of different animals including horses and ponies, cats and kittens, rabbits, dégus, 1 dog (a small German Shepherd), a bull, a cow, goats, pigs, a flock of sheep, poultry and waterfowl. Every day brings in new patients who need help straight away.

The Sanctuary plays a vital role within our community not only through the care and love they give the animals. They also work with local colleges and offer an ideal work experience placement for young people who want to work with animals or on the land. And for those who cannot have a pet of their own the Sanctuary is more than happy for people to pop along and spend some time with the animals whenever they have an hour or so to spare.

Redgate’s essential income is raised through its three small charity shops and by local fund-raising efforts. To find out more about their amazing work and how you can offer support, raise some much needed funds or simply spread the word visit: www.redgatefarmanimalsanctuary.co.uk give them a call on 01530 243 295 or follow them on Facebook.

Meet a few of the residents...

Here are photos of four residents, who, unfortunately, have all been seeking a new home for over a year. Can you help by offering them a fresh start this year? If you are interested please call 01530 243 295. Meet RuBY, a sweet, petite, female German Shepherd who's 7 years old. Ruby is desperate for a new home but she requires one without any other dogs, animals or young children.

Meet our feisty feline TASHA. She is approximately 12 years old and is looking for her new forever home.


Meet MOPSY, a 2 year old grey, lop cross breed. Mopsy is an un-spayed female. she isn't the tamest of bunnies, so will require a home where she will be able to be given time to adjust and where she will be able to receive regular handling.

Say hello to WILLOW. She is a 9 month old, brown female. Willow is in good health and will require some regular handling as she can at times become a little feisty but she has a lovely nature and with time and patience will develop into a friendly companion.

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what’s on at the palace...

February... Pantomime at The Palace presents ‘Cinderella’

january 30th to February 6th Matinee and evening performances. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for further details. Tickets £7.50 adults and £5 children, available from The Palace and Halls Electrical.

‘Sharing Bread’ Event

Wednesday 10th February, 5pm til 8.30pm Would you like to learn to make fresh bread from scratch for you, your family and friends. ‘Sharing Bread’ is a new community project. To find out more and book a place please contact Gary on (01530) 262400.

Palace Social Dance

Saturday 13th February, from 7.30pm A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence. Doors and bar open at 7.30pm. Dancing from 8pm ‘till 11pm. Tickets £5.

The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

Sunday 14th February, 9am ‘til Midday Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a table call Gary on 01530 262400. (Also on February 14th and March 6th.)

The Palace Film Night ‘McFarland USA’ (PG)

Friday 19th February, 7.30pm Jim White (Kevin Costner) moves his family after losing his last job as a football coach. He sees that some of the students are worth starting a crosscountry team with and he turns seven students, with no hope, into one of the best cross-country teams. Enjoy a drink from the bar whilst watching a great film in this unique venue; one of the oldest surviving purpose-built cinemas in the country. Doors/ bar open at 7pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £5/£4.

The Palace Bingo

Friday 25th February doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8.00pm. A great social night out! Licensed bar & refreshments. Everyone welcome.

Little Acorn Production Company presents ‘Three One Act Plays’

Friday 26th February, doors open at 7pm Three One Act plays with a fish and chip supper. ‘The Drag Factor’ by Frank Vickery. (Drama/comedy). ‘The Extraordinary Revelations of Orca the Goldfish’ by David Tristram (Comedy). ‘Peas’ by David Tristram (Comedy). Doors open at 7pm Curtain up 7:30pm. Tickets £12.50 each. (Purchased in advance only.) Please ring Chris Shreeve on 01455 631235. Tickets also available from the Ibstock Palace 01530 262400. Price includes fish and chip supper, cake, tea or coffee. Fully licensed bar available.

Spitz and Co. (Centre Stage) presents ‘GLORIATOR’

Saturday 27th February, doors open at 7pm In 2000 director Ridley Scott brought you Gladiator, an epic film of bravery, honour and sacrifice. Unfortunately Russell Crowe was not available, but we do have Spitz & Co performing “Gloriator”, an aweinspiring production of bravery, honour... and costumes made out of cardboard! The show has been described as “belly-achingly funny” and “Wildly inventive and hilarious”. Performance starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £8, concs £6, Combo ticket (1 Full & 2 concs) £16. (Age 12+)

Coming soon...

The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

Sunday 6th March Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a table call Gary on 01530 262400.

Available for Hire...

The Palace Community Centre is available to hire for regular events and commercial hire, as well as private parties and celebrations. The Palace has a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park opposite venue, good disability access and facilities, full PA and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue for numerous types of events.

TICkET BOOkING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. 28

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Regular bookings... Monday

Mosaic disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.

Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.

Thursday continued

Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine Hodgetts on 01530 262400.

‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email jwyld@weight-watchers.co.uk



Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on (01530) 262400.

ME Sports , 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.

Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656. Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.


50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com.

Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.


‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.

Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.

Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937. Childrens dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com. Monthly Bingo - Thursday this month only Thursday 25th February. Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm.

Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for everyone.


Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Starts again this month. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. So if you would like to learn more about what is happening in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious homemade cakes, plus produce from Ibstock’s very own dairy, including milk, butter, yoghurt and cream. Light refreshments available.

The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co. Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details Please mention WHAT’S AROUND when responding to adverts



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fun quiz

Answers on page 43


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this month

Editorial by Kate Duggan

Chinese New Year CHINESE New Year has been celebrated for thousands of years. No one knows exactly when the tradition first started, but it is believed to date from at least the Shang dynasty (1766BC to 1122BC), although it may be much older.

The Chinese calendar is much older than the Gregorian one we use today, although it has evolved over time. It follows the lunar cycle, with each month beginning with the new moon. Chinese New Year falls between 21st January and 20th February on the Gregorian calendar. This year it will be celebrated on 8th February. Celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, to the Lantern Festival 15 days later. It is the Year of the Monkey, one of twelve animals associated with Chinese New Year. The others are rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse and sheep. The colour red is often associated


with Chinese New Year. In Chinese folk lore there was once a beast called the Nian who roamed the land at the beginning of each year, terrorising villagers. Red was found to drive the Nian away, so red clothes were worn, and red lanterns and scrolls were hung. The tale goes that the Nian was eventually captured by a monk, but people have continued the traditions. Red packets containing money are also often given to younger people by married couples, to bring luck.

Food plays an important role in Chinese New Year. New Year’s Eve dinner is a day for families to gather together to celebrate at home. The type of food served depends on the country and region. Some of the most common food traditionally eaten on or around Chinese New Year include dumplings, fish and spring rolls. Many of the ingredients are chosen because their name is considered

auspicious. For example, there is a vegetarian dish called Buddha’s Delight which is often eaten at this time of year. Fat choy is usually included in the dish, due to the last syllables of its name sounding similar to a Cantonese phrase for prosperity. The preparation and way of eating the dishes is also considered very important. Restaurants across the UK will often hang up decorations for Chinese New year and hold their own celebrations, including special menus and entertainment. Many of the cities also host Chinese New Year celebrations and activities, from lantern making and martial arts demonstrations to parades and firework displays. The Chinese dragon has become an iconic part of Chinese New Year. Dragons are said to ward off evil, and bring prosperity and good luck. The dragon dance is perormed by a group of dancers carrying a giant, moveable dragon. It is believed that the longer the dragon, the more good luck it can bestow, so some can reach over 70 metres!

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ibstock & barlestone surgeries


HERE at Ibstock and Barlestone Surgeries we have some clinicians you may not be used to seeing in doctors’ surgeries. So to help our patients understand these new roles, we’re doing a spotlight on a couple of them in the coming months. First is Hayley Aldridge, our Emergency Care Practitioner. Hayley is based at our Ibstock surgery but does lots of home visits and so you may see her out and about in the community.

Hayley is an experienced clinician although she is not a doctor.

She started her career back in 1985 working for the ambulance service and over the years has done more and more studying including getting a degree in Emergency Care. She worked for 7 years at the Leicester Royal Urgent Care Centre seeing and treating patients with minor illnesses and injuries. She is very experienced at stitching wounds (and does a much better job than our


doctors!). Prior to working for us she was working for the acute visiting service, doing home visits for elderly and acutely unwell patients throughout West Leicestershire.

She is now working alongside the doctors here telephoning and seeing patients with minor illnesses and injuries and visiting patients who are too unwell to come to the surgery. By using this team approach the doctors are freed up to see the patients with the most complex needs.

We have had some lovely feedback about Hayley from a number of our patients and are pleased to have her on the team.

MARATHON WOMAN Just to let all our patients know that dr Houghton is running the London Marathon in April in aid of Sense, the charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind or have sensory impairments. This is a really worthwhile cause and she will be fundraising in both surgeries in the lead up to the marathon as she has to raise a minimum of £1500 to enter. Thank you to all the patients who have already given. It is much appreciated.

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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition.

That’s all there is to it.

You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic there’s no maths involved and no adding up.

It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s additive!

Solutions to al puzzles can be found on page 43.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cecil Same-sex marriage Foo Fighters Andy Burnham dismaland Minions

S O L u T I O N S

7. Female bishop (in the Church of England) 8. jess Glynne 9. Matisse 10. The uk Independence Party (ukIP).



P u Z Z L E

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seasonal recipes Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake day as it’s also known) is on Tuesday 9th February this year. Over the years I’ve tried my pancakes with fruit, maple syrup, and a variety of Makes 12 Ready savoury fillings, but I keep 20 minin s coming back to fresh lemon juice and sugar... just irresistible.

Flipping Pancakes! YOu WILL NEEd

• 115g plain flour • 115g butter, melted • Pinch of salt • 1 large free range • Juice from 2 lemons, strained egg • Half a pint of milk • Caster sugar


1 To make the batter: sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Beat in the egg and a little of the milk until smooth. Gradually beat in the remaining milk and add 4 tablespoons of the melted butter. Cover the bowl and leave to stand for one hour.

2 In a small non-stick frying pan heat some of the butter until sizzling, but taking care not to let it burn. Pour enough batter into the pan to coat the base evenly. Cook over a moderate heat until the pancake is light golden brown underneath and looks dry on top. Flip over (try to do this with style!) and cook the other side until golden. Continue until all the batter is used. The recipe should make 10 to 12 pancakes. 3 You can keep the pancakes warm in a low oven until they are all cooked, but in our house they’re barely out the frying pan before they’re scoffed. 4 Serve with the lemon juice and a sprinkling of castor sugar... Enjoy!


Perfect for those with a love for something sweet after their main course!

Valentine Heart Biscuits


• 170g Ground Almonds or Hazelnuts • 170g Plain flour

• 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 1/4 tsp salt

• 100g caster sugar • 1 medium egg


Makes 24 Ready in 45 min s + chilli ng

• 115g butter (at room temperature) • 1 tsp vanilla extract • Raspberry or strawberry jam • Icing sugar for dusting • Heart-shaped cookiecutters in two sizes; one small, one larger.

1 Mix the ground nuts, flour, cinnamon and salt together in a mixing bowl, set aside. 2 Beat the butter and caster sugar together until light and fluffy. In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg with the vanilla extract. Beat half the egg mixture into the creamed sugar and butter, then beat in the other half. Continue to beat until combined. Add all the dry ingredients and mix gently by hand until all the ingredients have been combined. 3 Divide the dough in half, shape each piece into a disc, place in a polythene bag and chill for 2 hours. 4 Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark 5 and line two trays with greaseproof paper or a silicone baking mat. Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the first piece of dough until it is about 1/4 inch thick. Cut out as many large heart-shapes as the dough can fit. Gather up the scraps with the second disc of dough and continue to roll out the dough and cut out the cookies. Cut out the centres of half the cookies using the smaller heart-shaped cutter. 5 Transfer the cookies to the baking sheets and bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until the cookies are golden, dry, and firm to the touch. These cookies don't spread so don't have to be spaced out too far apart. Remove from the oven and allow to cool while the second batch is baking. 6 Heat up some jam on the stove top until it is warm. Spread half to one teaspoon of jam on each cookie and place a cookie with a cut-out centre on top. Lightly dust with icing sugar before serving. If you don't want the jam to be sprinkled with icing sugar, you can dust the cookietoppers with the cut-out centres first, then place them on top of the jammy bases before serving.

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