December 2016 Issue

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this issue 137 What’s Around nd Editor Vanessa Preece

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WELCOME to our bumper Christmas issue. Within this month’s magazine we hope you’ll find everything you need to celebrate the festiv season to the full locally. festive On pages 24 and 25 we have our pick of the r regions family Christmas events and on pages 30 and 31 we have a full list of What’s On in December in the area. The details of the local Church Services, a full schedule for t Rotary Club Santa Sleigh Route and those essential last posting the da dates are all here to ensure you don’t miss any vital dates. We h have Christmas recipes including Stollen, perfect with a glass of mulled wine wine, and local walks to enjoy after you’ve overindulged. And of course we have special festive offers from many of our local businesses. From all of the team here at Whats Around we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to another exciting year in 2017!


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Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR


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Front cover image Donington le Heath

Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.

Community Board Health Matters


In Your Garden






Santa Sleigh Routes

Health Fitness & Advice

What’s On...



Ashby Museum News

30 36

What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.

Swannington Heritage Trust

What’s On for Families


50 52



Spotlight On




Donington le Heath Manor

Interior Design Tips Church Services



Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries

Chamber of Commerce

What’s On at The Palace A Walk in the Forest Just 4 Fun

Seasonal Recipes Puzzle Solutions

Business Directory


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spotlight on... HERE at Whats Around our main aims are to let people know about events, services, shops and trades people within the area and to encourage residents to support them and all local businesses.

That’s why we are strong supporters of Small Business Saturday which returns for it’s fourth year on Saturday 3rd December. Although the first Saturday of each December is seen as a key date, the campaign also aims to support, inspire and promote small business all year round.

Did you know that small businesses in the UK provide almost two thirds of private sector employment and almost half of private sector turnover? Small Business Saturday’s website gives small businesses the ability to register their details which customers can then search for using the Small Business Finder giving them the ability to locate small businesses near to them. Small businesses can even share their latest offers.

They also have a series of workshops covering a range of topics to help both established small businesses and start-ups – all free of charge as the campaign is a not-for-profit initiative. So whether you’re a plumber, retailer, accountant or physiotherapist they could provide you with invaluable tools and support.


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We all know the difference small businesses make to our local area and the satisfaction that comes with supporting a local person rather than a large national company. In this month’s issue alone we bring you details of just under 70 local businesses and tradespeople so there’s plenty of choice out there – turn to our categorised index to easily find what you’re looking for.

You can also visit www.small and discover how you can pledge your support for local businesses and find a local business near to you or follow #SmallBizSatUK on social media for the latest updates.

Remember to buy local and use local services – at this time of year as Christmas draws near there are so many opportunities to make a difference by using a small business near you.

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swannington heritage trust


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ashby museum news

rances Susan Chick from London, has recently kindly donated a mezzotint portrait of Doctor Thomas Kirkland, sketched in 1794. Doctor Kirkland was an Ashby physician in the mid to late 18th century who became nationally famous for tending John Johnson, the servant of Earl Ferrers. The portrait has been in Frances’ family for years.

We have had a successful year with our town walks, both for the general public and specific groups. n Although next year’s dates have not yet finali been finalised we will be offering evening walks from spring until autumn. We a can also offer tailor-made daytime walks, to include lunch if required. Details will appear in later issues.

ne design Christmas cards are Our new provin to be very popular and are proving selling well. If you would like something a festive, then do come and have a little different, but still fe look before they all disappear off the shelves.

Think of a museum as a human place. Despite all the glass-encased objects, it is people who make museums. These people are as eager to tell their stories as you are to hear them. Be an active museum-goer, visit with a deliberate purpose and intention. Do you want to know more about the Edwardian lady parachutist, Dolly Shepherd, read about the First World War Victoria Cross hero, Philip Bent or learn about Ashby's history as a Spa Town? Our Museum collects, preserves, researches and exhibits but the average visitor only takes advantage of the exhibits. If you could spare a couple of hours a fortnight, do get in touch with us about how you can help to keep our museum in the forefront of Ashby's life. Call us on 01530 560 090 or come and see us in person, preferably on a Monday or Wednesday morning. The Museum will be closed for the Christmas period from 17th December to 2nd January.

FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM Thank you to all who supported the Quiz Night at Packington Memorial Hall, which was a great success. Keep a look-out in this magazine for details of next year's spring afternoon tea talks. The first one will be delivered by Ivan Hallam in March, on Ashby’s clock and watchmakers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of those featured will be William Salisbury, Samuel Kirk Peplow and William Measures.


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santa sleigh routes


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health & fitness advice with Mark Padgett of MP Personal Training

Top Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy over Christmas...

SET REALISTIC EXERCISE GOALS. Aim to average around half an hour per day, this will help to keep your metabolism higher which will, at least, help your body process any overeating. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. This can help you to control your appetite as well as keep you hydrated at all times. It could help to minimise the impact of any hangovers you might experience. EAT LITTLE AND OFTEN. Plan your meals evenly throughout the day, and do not eat everything at once as your body doesn't have time to digest and tell you that it has had enough. Eat your dinner earlier and have a nice walk before going to bed. Try not to let over indulgence rule and don't be too polite to say that you have eaten enough.


PLAN YOUR WORKOUTS AND MAKE THEM A PRIORITY. Aim to do your workout early in the morning when everyone else is in bed so that you are still spending quality time with your family without compromising your health and fitness. Ignore the 'Oh come on, it's Christmas' comments. DRINK IN MODERATION. Alcohol is a massive calorie 'adder.' Ask yourself whether you will enjoy Christmas any more than you might if you controlled your intake. AVOID SKIPPING MEALS. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast! Even though it can be tempting to skip on certain meals, believing that it will make up for the treats you consumed in the previous day, don’t do it because it will only lead to counterproductive results. CHEW YOUR FOOD SLOWLY. It will give your body chance to digest it properly and to register that it has eaten enough. INCLUDE YOUR WEIGHT TRAINING WORKOUTS. This will burn lots of calories, at least as much if not more than your cardio workouts. Even better if you include both in all your workouts. HAVE A GREAT TIME! Still eat the so called forbidden foods but control the quantity of them otherwise you will want them even more if they are forbidden.

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community board

as has Christm arrived undation is

o Clarke F Santa will t ttlewood The Shu to announce tha pearance d ecial ap sp delighte een ry ve ga er, betw be makin y 10th Decemb ation’s d a n rd u o tu F a e on S 4pm at th fair. There 10am to hristmas festive alls and C st g e in iv is st ra of fe fund t Santa. selection will be a portunity to mee is £5 per o tt ro G the op nta’s on to Sa a small gift. The Admissi e d lu c in elicious child, to serving d d the s will be n a m o ts n ro e a te refreshm be open warming odel railway will ation m rm r fo la u in c re ta c o m spe ing. For xter on and runn ntact Helen Ba il at o a please c 4 914 or via em rg. 4 e.o rk la -c 01530 2 d o uttlewo hello@sh

Bumper charity Quiz

head to head to The smartest residents will go led people. help transform the lives of disab region will put BRAIN boxes from across the a bumper charity their knowledge to the test as Canine Partners is quiz comes to the Midlands. -of-the art hosting a quiz night at its state thorpe where it Midlands Training Centre in Osga rest dogs. But, trains some of the country’s cleve r 2nd, the mbe from 6.30pm to 10pm on Dece er of centre will test the brain pow as they host Leicestershire’s human residents to six people can the special quiz. Teams of up h includes a enter for £10 per person whic or to book a place buffet. For more information 0 225 935 or call Charlotte Jopling on 0153 by email charlottej@caninepartn November 29th.


G re e n e h t on arols nised c ar o l s ve orga e

at th ne ha hringsto 9th December owed ll nds of T y e fo a ri d h F ri rc F e u h n T 0pm o land Ch D U3A from 6.3 Church of Eng inment by WA h Hall. rta rc tone te s u n g h e n C ri d t h n T a dis hments gstone Metho s e fr re by hrin ome. oir’ in T All welc ‘Fun Ch


The gift of time

An appeal for volunt eers to give the gift Alzheimer’s Society of time. The ’s Side by Side servic Zouch is looking for e in Ashby de la volunteers to give the gift of time to hel people with dement p ia. The service ena bles people living wit dementia to keep h doing the things the y love. Anyone interested in finding out more about this opportunity can con volunteering tact 07889 604 227 or em Suna Tilley on 0116 231 1113 or ail suna.tilley@alzh

e 2 0 16 v o L f o cted ee is ere L i g ht s of Love Tr d in

ghts vere a giant Li nton Harold, co ristmas tau A short S s. , e e n tr o Every Ch n e d rrers C of love adings, re h it at the Fe tags in memory w ee d rybody to the tr ve r E a . e n n lights an o ti ld ill be he iet reflec ve’ – service w and time for qu te a ‘Light of Lo ica r for usic d o e m u d , yo d ls n ro a to d ca ar to atten eone de ut is d b m te s so a vi f in m o is ry rist in memo e absent this Ch rganise a tag r e th e h o w ill b e who w (details of how to k ). Lights of someon lcome. oughts o th h e r u ic yo sp still in ww.ho ne is we und at w d everyo can be fo ee to attend an Love is fr

Carols by Candlelight Carols, readings and seasonal refreshments at 7pm on Friday 2nd December at Staunton Harold Church. Parking available in the Lion Court car park, courtesy of Mr and Mrs J. Blunt. The event is in aid of Hospice Hope. Please call 01530 560 130 for further details.

Go Ukule

le Crazy!

A fun-pac ked Packingto evening from 7p m at Ukulele B n Village Hall with and: Go U lo kulele Cra cal of opport zy! Lots unities to join choruses, actions an in with the time. As it 's near to d have a good Christmas will be th , there e There will odd seasonal tun e too. be a bar an night, wit d raffle o h n the event goin all the proceeds fr om the g to Hosp ic e cost £10 per perso Hope. Tickets Hagreen at jane@h n. Email Jane ospiceho or 07935 800 658.

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health matters Local acupuncture expert; Vanessa Jewell well of Traditional Acupuncture gives her tips on...


THE most common complaint I hear from people eople at this time of year is how tired and sluggish they feel. During the cold winter months people are more prone to colds, flu, poor circulation, low energy and seasonal mood disorders. The cold months of the winter is the natural atural time to slow down, rest and Tips to support kidney function: recuperate, building energy reserves ready for the spring. spring

In acupuncture, we believe you should live in harmony with the seasons. Winter corresponds with the Water Element, which represents the Kidney and Bladder. Eastern medicine believes that the Kidneys house the body’s Original Essence inherited from both parents at conception. This determines a person’s constitution and general health from then on but lifestyle, diet, etc. can influence this Essence. During the winter months it is important to nurture and nourish our Kidney Qi. It is a time when this energy can be easily depleted. Low Kidney Qi is associated with lower back pain, knee pain, lack of energy, low libido, hot flushes and frequent urination. Acupuncture treatments in winter serve to nurture and nourish Kidney Qi. It helps to improve circulation, metabolism and the digestive system. All of these will help to boost your immune system and can enhance the body’s ability to increase energy.

To find out more about how acupuncture can help you give Vanessa a call on 07834 606084 or visit her website


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GET PLENTY OF SLEEP. Go to bed early and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. EAT SEASONAL, warming foods such as stews, soups, nuts, seeds and dark, leafy vegetables. Drink warm or hot water and warming teas such as ginger, cinnamon and fennel. AVOID RAW vegetables, cold salads, cold food and drinks. DRESS WARMLY, especially keeping your tummy area warm. The abdomen is considered the storehouse of the body’s energy. KEEP FEET WARM as the kidney meridian starts on the sole of the foot.

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what’s on for families Various dates in December, 11.30am to 7.30pm.


Tickets cost £9.95pp and £37.80 for a family of four. To see dates and book online visit or call 01283 216633.

Arrive at Waterside Winter Wonderland, where Santa’s Chief Elf and his team of elves will lead you through the Enchanted Forest and the Valley of Christmas lights to Santa’s Woodland Grotto. Meet the reindeer (12 to 6pm) and take a trip on the Santa Special train through the tunnel of discovery, meet the balloon modeller (from 1 to 5pm) and watch the Christmas show.

Festive family events in our local area

We advise you check all details on the event organiser’s website or contact them to confirm details before you set off

Daily until 24th December – various times.

1st to 4th December – various times.


Tickets cost £12.50 per person. Please call 0844 474 1777 to book. See for details as well as Sunday lunch or Supper with Santa. Join in with the Christmas magic at Twycross Zoo by having breakfast with Santa. Let the Zoo’s little helpers welcome you into Windows on the Wild for an extra special breakfast, before meeting the man himself! This magical experience includes a delicious cooked breakfast, the chance to meet Santa and a small gift to take home.

Daily until 31st December various times.

Tickets from £13.95 per person. Under 2’s go FREE. Book online at or call 03448 000 011.

CHRISTMAS IN COALVILLE Market Hall Car Park, Coalville.

There will be lots of festive fun including a funfair, Santa's Grotto with real reindeer, birds of prey, live music and other attractions for all of the family. At 5pm ‘Little Chix’ will lead the lights switch on with a firework finale whilst over at the Belvoir shopping Centre you will find a food and drink festival. For further information telephone 01530 454 603.

various dates in December, 10am to 1pm

FAMILY ‘MAKE 'N' TAKE’ CRAFT ACTIVITIES Copper Leaf Craft Café, 3 Bath Street Corner, Ashby.

Call 07939 449009 or pop in to the gallery for more info.


The Panto Company presents another Christmas classic but with up to date chart songs and plenty of slapstick humour. Standard tickets cost £8.75 with reductions for groups and schools. See www.centurytheatre. for performance times and details.

Santa will be returning to Tamworth SnowDome this Christmas with his magical Winter Wonderland in the snow! As well as his reindeer, he will be bringing all of his friends for some serious festive fun. With real snow, real animals and the brand new Winter Wonderland show, it’s the ultimate Christmas adventure for all the family.

SANTA’S WINTER WONDERLAND Snowdome, Tamworth, B79 7ND.

3rd December, 10am to 5pm

DICK WHITTINGTON Century Theatre, Coalville.

Various crafting activities - 30 minute sessions cost £5 and 1 hour sessions for more complex shapes cost £7.50. Tea, coffee, cake & biscuits always available. On Monday 19th December, Mathew Warburton of AluminiumArt will be in the gallery from 10am to 12noon with his pre-prepared holly & angel shapes for families to bead then hand engrave to personalise with a name or date. These sessions can be pre-booked and will cost £7.50 for 1 hour.

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Ibstock celebrates with a grand lights switch on then a Christmas parade through the high street. There will also be a funfair, market stalls, food and drink as well as live music with a performance from The Simpletones. Take a ride on the magical festive train, through the enchanted woods, before heading on to Santa’s workshop to see his Elves busy at work! Be sure to see Rudolph and his friends in their stables before disembarking the train and heading to see Santa in his grotto where each child will speak to Santa and receive a present.

3rd December, 4.30 to 10.30pm.

IBSTOCK CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL 2016 High Street, Ibstock. See their Facebook event for more details or call 07982 996377.

Every Saturday & Sunday until 18th December, 11am to 4pm.

SANTA EXPRESS TRAIN RIDE & GROTTO Sunnyside Garden Centre, Ibstock

See to book online or call 01530 263418. Tickets cost £2 for adults and £5 for children. Afternoon tea Santa experiences also available.

3rd & 4th December, 10.30am to 4pm.

A whole weekend of Christmas entertainment, shopping and more. Children’s rides, carol singing, food and drink stalls, a magic show and Santa on his sleigh. On the Sunday, Food Gusto will have gift stalls as well as festive food and drink. The Ashby Santa Fun Run will start at 11am over on the Bath Grounds - prepare for the amazing sight of hundreds of Santa’s passing by!

ASHBY BIG CHRISTMAS WEEKEND Market Street, Ashby. See or or email for more details.

Our online What’s On section at also has details of local events and ideas for family days out. Send us details of your family events or clubs at

Whats Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. Swannington Heritage Trust promise plenty of Christmas fun with games, craft stalls, children’s craft activities, a raffle, festive refreshments and Sanata himself. It’s also the perfect excuse to explore the Mill.

A FREE family event where the adults can stock up on Xmas gifts at the large number of indoor market stalls selling confectionary, crafts and more whilst the children can visit Santa in his Fairy Tale Forest Grotto (£3 including a gift). All this plus live harp music and seasonal refreshments. A fancy dress party for the kids – the perfect opportunity for them to dress up in their favourite festive outfits. Tickets cost £8 per child whilst adults go free. This includes unlimited play, a disco, food, games and a gift from Santa himself.

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all that’s happening locally.

4th December, 2-4pm.

CHRISTMAS AT THE MILL Hough Mill, Swannington.

Find out more on their Facebook page or call 01530 838 331 or email events@

9th December, 3.30-8.30pm & 10th December, 10am to 1pm.

CHRISTMAS FAIR The Palace, High Street, Ibstock.

18th December, 3pm to 5.30pm.

CHRISTMAS PARTY Barney’s Playbarn, Coalville.

Book early though as places are limited. Call 01530 835 876. Breakfast with Santa is also available between Monday 12th and Friday 16th December.

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donington le heath manor

Christmas is coming are you ready to celebrate - 1620s style? ON 11th December, from 11am til 4pm, bring your family to explore the fully furnished Jacobean house as it is prepared for the Digby family to celebrate the full twelve days of Christmas.

Admission tickets for this special family-friendly event are £5 for adults whilst children are free.

Please note that the upstairs rooms are not accessible to those with severe mobility problems.

Talk to our costumed volunteers to find out how the family and their servants would celebrate and what work would be done to prepare. You can also have go at Christmas children’s crafts and join in with period carols and a mummers play!

Visitors are given a warm welcome in the barn tearoom where they can purchase and enjoy festive, period-style refreshments.


Education news...

Melissa Lewis, our new Heritage Learning Officer, has worked with her team to develop a new and engaging 1620s Christmas school session for the site and we’ll be hosting the first of those early in the month. For more information on what schools can do in the 1620s House and Garden visit www.doningtonleheath.

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Winter will see various development works in the gardens, undertaken by our garden volunteer team, while the house interpretation volunteers will go through a programme of further training and housekeeping duties. If you are keen to join the house interpreter team please get in touch. If you can’t join us for our Christmas event, the house will reopen for the 2017 season on Saturday 1st April and we look forward to seeing you then.

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what’s on...

December Thursday 1st Funhouse Comedy Club The Lyric Rooms, Ashby. An evening of comedy with Carl Donnelly, Mitch Benn, Jake Lambert, Jon Pearson. Compere: Spikey Mike, doors open at 7.30pm to 8pm for 8.15pm start. All shows £10 advance unless otherwise started. Food available 7.30pm to 8pm. For more details call see www.funhouse or call 0115 952 5050. Friday 2nd LRWT North West Group Skittles & Meal Meet at 7.30pm for a chance to meet your wildlife friends, have a good meal and play skittles in the enjoyable, traditional pub setting of The Odd House, Snareston. Cost £10 for main course, sweets extra, please book with David Wroughton on 01530 414 672. Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd Christmas Tree Festival There will be 50 decorated and illuminated trees herald the start of celebrations. Opening times 10am to 6pm on Friday and 10am to 4pm on Saturday.’ Refreshments and other attractions at Holy Trinity, Kilwardby Street proceeds to roof repair fund, free entry. Saturday 3rd Christmas Craft Fair From 10am to 4pm at


Legion House, South Street, Ashby de la Zouch. For further details please contact Mary Tuckey on 01530 413 434. Sunday 4th Antiques & Vintage Fair Hermitage Leisure Centre from 9.30am to 3.30pm. Fantastic if you’re looking for something different to suit all tastes & budgets. Free parking. £2 admission. Refreshments served. Contact Gary Halford at guildhall.antique.fairs@ or call 07583 410 862. Monday 5th Christmas Carols From 3pm at Grace Dieu Priory. Car parking at the rear of The Bulls Head in Thringstone. 10 minute’s walk through the woods. (Don’t forget to bring a torch). Entrance is free. Mulled wine and mince pies available. See www. for more details. Wednesday 7th Ibstock Wine Club Do you enjoy drinking wine and trying out different sorts? Want to share your likes and dislikes with other people? Ibstock Wine Club members aren't wine experts, they are local people who enjoy different wines and like to try new ones. We meet four times a

year in the Palace Centenary room, Ibstock at 7.30pm. A charge of £8 per head covers the cost of the wine. Book your place by Friday 2nd December by contacting Gary at the Palace 01530 262 400. For more information you can contact Corrine Male at cjh.male@ or by calling 01530 451 725 Wednesday 7th Christmas Memories Presented by Neil Sands. Join Neil and his brilliant cast for this delightful and unforgettable festive trip down memory lane, singing along to all your festive favourites. Century Theatre, Coalville, starts 2pm. Tickets £12, Concessions £10 for group bookings of 10 or more. Tickets available online www.century or call 01530 278 444. Friday 9th LRWT North West Group AGM and ‘Bird life in my garden’ Noel Morgan shows his DVD of bird life in a typical garden in southern Leicestershire. His cinematic presentation includes humour, tragedy and everyday life for birds as it really is. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby and begin at 7.30pm, entry is £3 each. To find out

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more about our group please ring David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. Saturday 10th A brief history of Christmas Acclaimed historical musicians ‘Blast from the Past’ present a festive romp through 600 years of Christmas music, songs and stories. Second half is a thrilling re-telling of Dickens' ‘A Christmas Carol’. Century Theatre, Coalville, starts 7.45pm. Admission £10 advance, £12 on the door. Tickets available online www. or call 01530 278 444. Sunday 11th White Christmas (U) Enjoy Irving Berlin's Christmas Classic with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Century Theatre, Coalville, starts 2.30pm. Admission Adult £3.50, child £2 pay on the door or book online www. Call 01530 278 444. Sunday 11th Hugglescote Churches Together Christmas Carols and Tea for older folk at Hugglescote Community Centre from 4pm. Wednesday 14th Sweet Harmony Concert Get into the Christmas spirit and pop along to

Spikey Mike, doors open at 7.30pm to 8pm for 8.15pm start. £13 advance tickets. Food available 7.30pm to 8pm. For more details see www.funhouse or call 0115 952 5050. Sunday 18th Christmas Extravaganza A Christmas concert with the world famous Desford Colliery Band at The Century Theatre, Coalville from 7.30pm. Tickets cost £8 and are available online at www.centurytheatre. or call 01530 278 444.

St Michael’s Church in Ravenstone to enjoy a night of Christmas songs and carols. 7pm start. Refreshments available. Admission free. Thursday 15th Sence Valley Supper Club Welcomes new members, old friends and acquaintances alike to its monthly culinary evenings at various venues around the local

area. The Black House in Market Bosworth, CV13 0LF. The meal is booked for 7.30pm. Shared transport is used wherever possible. Email jane_boyce@hotmail. for more details. Sunday 18th Funhouse Comedy Club At The Lyric Rooms, Ashby. An evening of comedy with Jo Caulfield, Gary Delaney, Phil Chapman, Simon Wozniak. Compere:

Tuesday 20th Cake ‘n’ Crochet Club Christmas Party with mince pies and mulled wine (non-alcoholic). Drop in from 1pm and bring the family along for crochet and crafting. £5 per person including crafting, drinks and mince pie. For more details contact Copper Leaf Craft Café on

07939 449 009 or call into the gallery which is upstairs above Souk de la Zouch on Bath Street Corner. Wednesday 21st Ashby Spa WI – Christmas True Victorian Style – Costumed talk by Jo Carter. Ashby Baptist Church in Brook Street at 7.30pm, visitors welcome £4. Email com or call them on 01530 563 682. Sunday 30th Funhouse Comedy Club At The Lyric Rooms, Ashby. Christmas special, an evening of comedy with Tanyalee Davis, Lloyd Griffith, Jollyboat. Compere: Spikey Mike, doors open at 7.30pm to 8pm for 8.15pm start. £13 advance tickets. Food available 7.30pm to 8pm. For more details call see www.funhouse or call 0115 952 5050.

It’s FREE to put community information on this page or on our website. Please submit your full event details online at www.whatsaround. Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the January issue is Thursday 8th December. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. For any queries please email admin@whats

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interior design tips Eddie Ong from FABCO, our resident expert on all aspects of Interior Design, shares his take on the latest colour trends and the key tips to follow if you want to pull off the look in your home...

IS GREEN THE NEW GREY? A colour scheme is one of the most important elements in interior decorating. If you get it right, it will take your breath away and leave others green with envy! “Green is the most recent emerging colour trend which is set to dominate the interior world in 2017. Dark shades of green will become one of the most featured colours in soft furnishings and feature walls as we wave “au revoir” to navy and moody blues. Look out for high quality finish gold accessories to complement this sultry hue. Copper and Rose Gold accessories will still work a treat with the scheme, but they will be on their way out as the market is saturated with cheap finish rose gold and copper accessories. The “Gold” rush is already here and it is here to stay for a little while! Cover the floor with textured carpets, aged timber flooring and contrasting feature rugs such as natural plant fibre or Kilim rugs. Mix


the colour with dark wood furniture pieces and a mirror on the feature wall to complete the scheme. Finally, for this party season, why don’t you treat yourself with a gold or brass finish drinks trolley and make your own Christmas Garlands? EDDIE - FABCO’s in-house interior designer The Flooring and Bed Company 01530 564 864 Also see pages 28 & 29 for our latest promotion

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in your garden Editorial by Pippa Greenwood


GIFTS IT is not that long until Christmas now, and if you’ve any gardening friends it is so easy to get them a present they’ll really enjoy and find useful. Any good local garden centre will have plenty of potential gifts in a wide range of prices, sizes and shapes to suit anybody from the complete novice to the most experienced gardener. Alternatively, take a look on the internet and get some gorgeous gardening gifts delivered right to your door.

HOUSEPLANTS make brilliant presents, so why not choose a couple of really good-looking ones? At this time of year there are plenty, such as the indoor cyclamens and azaleas or a flamboyant poinsettia or a gorgeous Christmas cactus, which look fantastic whilst in flower - but don’t forget that lots of the foliage houseplants look great, too. Make sure that you keep the plants at their best by placing them in a suitable position before you give them away.

OUTDOOR PLANTS are also an ideal choice, but make sure that you know that the plant you are choosing will go to a suitable home. There is no use buying a limehating plant such as a Pieris, rhododendron, Camellia or azalea for somebody if they garden on chalk although a supply of ericaceous compost and a good sized pot could also be a present from someone else if you plan carefully.

A lovingly CREATED POT of winter flowering bedding plants, perhaps under-planted with a few small bulbs such as crocus or miniature daffodils, will make a lovely instant garden impact present for anyone. Despite the huge quantities of Christmas para-


phernalia in garden centres now, any half decent centre will still have a good range of winter bedding plants and winter interest plants available.

Anyone with an interest in GROWING VEGETABLES would enjoy one of the many gardening books on the subject, or perhaps a ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ Gift Voucher Card, which lets them select the vegetables they’d like to grow from the range I offer at Then, in the spring, we send them garden-ready plants accompanied by weekly advice emails from me.

Most gardeners love to encourage birds into the garden, so how about a BIRD BOX OR FEEDER or maybe even some bird food? Bird feeding equipment and supplies take up plenty of space in garden centres, so you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Gardeners love PRACTICAL THINGS so a good hoe like my favourite, the SpeedHoe, will always be welcome, or how about some Micromesh-covered or polythene-covered EasyTunnels, perfect for protecting crops throughout the growing season next year? A raised bed kit is a great gift idea, too, allowing people to grow vegetables when their own soil isn’t ideal. Some kits have the option to add crop covers made from fine mesh (to keep pests out) or polythene (to protect from the worst of the weather and provide offseason warmth). So rather than rushing out and buying something that ‘will do’ as a gift, take a moment and see what you can find which will really bring a smile to someone’s face!

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church services

Christmas Church Services 2016

Methodist Church, Hall Lane

Christ Church, Coalville

St. Christopher’s, Ellistown

Sunday 18th December

Sunday 4th December

Sunday 4th December

6.00pm Candlelight Carol

10.15am Christingle Service

3.00pm Christmas crafts and


Sunday 18th December

Christingle - for families

Saturday 24th December

10.15am Morning Worship

Friday 23rd December

4.00pm Christingle Service

and children’s nativity

6.00pm Nativity and Crib

Sunday 25th December

6.00pm Carols by


10.00am Christmas Day Service


Saturday 24th December

Sunday 1st January

Saturday 24th December

9.00pm Christmas Service

10.30am New Year's Day

3.00pm Crib Service


11.30pm First Communion of Christmas

St John the Baptist, Heather

Sunday 25th December

Sunday 27th November

10.15am Family Christmas

4.00pm Christingle Service


Sunday 18th December 4.00pm Service of lessons and


Marlborough Square Methodist Church, Coalville


Saturday 10th December

Sunday 25th December

St Peter’s, Bardon Hill

6.00pm Carol Service

10.00am All Age Communion

Wednesday 7th December

the Reason for the Season.‘

7.30pm Bardon Aggregates

A shoppers alternative. Relax

St. John’s, Hugglescote

Quarry Annual Concert with the

for a while with coffee, mince

Sunday 4th December

Croft Silver Band

pies and music, or possibly a

9.30am Toy Service for Families

Sunday 11th December

light lunch

Friday 16th December

10.15am Christingle Service

Sunday 18th December

7.30pm Broom Leys Choral

6.00pm Christmas Songs and

6.00pm Carol Service

Society Christmas Concert


Monday 19th December

Sunday 18th December

Sunday 8th December

7.00pm Radio Leicester

9.30am Nativity Play

6.00pm Carols by Candlelight

‘Big Sing’ in place for 7pm

6.00pm Parish Carol Service

Saturday 24th December

prompt start

Saturday 24th December

11.30pm First Communion of

Sunday 25th December

4.00pm Christingle Service


10.00am Christmas Day short

11.30pm Midnight Service

Sunday 25th December

Service with Rev. Janet Tanner.

Sunday 25th December

10.15am Holy Communion

All Welcome

10.30am Family Communion

Saturday 24th December 2.00pm Crib Service

10.00am-2.00pm ‘Jesus is

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Christmas Church Services 2016 Baptist Church, Ibstock

Sunday 4th December 10.30am Fun & Christmas story telling for all the family Sunday 11th December 10.30am A Victorian Sunday in Advent. Costumes, hymns and drama. Holy Communion. Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Carols by Candlelight Friday 23rd December 6.00pm Christmas story on the street. Carols in Costume. 24th December 11.30pm Midnight Service – ‘Joy to the World’ 31st December 10.30am Welcome to 2017

Methodist Church, Ibstock Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Carol Concert led by Rev Janet Tanner Saturday 24th December 6.00pm Christmas Eve Service led by Rev Janet Tanner. Come at 5.30pm for mince pies

St Denys, Ibstock Sunday 4th December 6.00pm Christingle Service Sunday 11th December 11.00am Children's Nativity Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Service of lessons and carols

Saturday 24th December 4.00pm Crib service 11.30pm Midnight Communion Sunday 25th December 10.30am All Age Worship

Wesleyan Reform Church, Ibstock Saturday 3rd December 7.30pm Coalville Male Voice Choir Christmas Concert. Tickets cost £8pp. Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Carol Service (Lessons and Carols led by Members) Saturday 24th December 6.30pm Christmas Eve Service (Led by Mr Ian Relf)

Holy Trinity, Normanton-le-Heath Tuesday 13th December 7.00pm Carols around the tree (in churchyard) with mulled wine ands mince pies. Sunday 18th December 3.00pm Christmas Carol Service Sunday 25th December 9.30am Christmas Day Communion with carols

Holy Rood, Packington Sunday 4th December 4.00pm Christingle Service Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Carols by Candlelight Thursday 22nd December 7.00pm Carols with the

Salvation Army at the Bull and

Lion public house Saturday 24th December 4.00pm Crib Service 11.30pm Midnight Communion

St Michael’s, Ravenstone Sunday 4th December 11.00am Messy Church Christingle Service Sunday 18th December 4.00pm Carols by Candlelight Saturday 24th December 5.00pm Crib Service 11.30pm First Communion of Christmas Sunday 25th December 10.15am Family Christmas Service

St Bartholomew's, Snarestone Sunday 18th December 6.00pm Christmas Carols Sunday 25th December (see local advertising)

St. Mary’s, Snibston Sunday 25th December 9.00am Christmas Communion

Methodist Church, Thringstone Sunday 18th December 3.00pm Christmas Carol Service (Led by Rev John Hartley)

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ibstock & barlestone surgeries

MONTHLY UPDATE SPEAKING TO THE DOCTOR OF YOUR CHOICE We realise that for some patients, and particularly for ongoing conditions, speaking to a particular doctor is important to you. All our doctors work part-time and so are not available every day, and sometimes they will be fully booked.

So, if you do wish to speak with a particular doctor, please mention it to our receptionists and if the doctor is not available that day, the receptionist will let you know when they are next in surgery and do their best to arrange a telephone appointment for you then.

APPOINTMENT TIMINGS TO SUIT YOU As most patients will know, we run a telephone appointment system. One of the advantages of this system is that we have more appointments available than if we only did face-to-face appointments and often, a visit to the surgery won’t be necessary because many things can be dealt with over the phone, so you needn’t take time away from work or other activities to come down. However the disadvantage is that we can’t give accurate times


that the doctor will call you. As you’d expect, they prioritise calls to the most ill patients, and as most requests for calls come in during the first hour and a half we’re open, we can’t hope to call all patients back within a short time of their call. Therefore to help make sure you can take the call first time, saving you and the doctor time, if you are unable to take calls at a certain time please let the receptionist know. Or perhaps you can only take calls during your lunch hour, please let us know this too. We’ll do our absolute best to accommodate your request. HAPPY CHRISTMAS Finally, it’s hard to believe another year has nearly passed and so we’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We’ll be closed on all the three Bank Holidays over the festive period so if you need urgent medical assistance please call 111 or if it’s a life threatening emergency 999. Full outof-hours information is available on our website – under ‘Opening hours’, ‘When we are closed’.

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chamber of commerce

he North West Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce has always encouraged young people in business. Again this year, there is £1000 up for grabs to one Young Entrepreneur. If you are between 16 and 21 and have a business or are looking to start a business and could do with a financial boost and the opportunity to be mentored by the Chamber members, now is the time to apply. For a copy of this leaflet with details of how to apply, contact the chamber at

John Merison – President of the Chamber said “North West Leicestershire is an excellent place to do business and recent growth figures and feedback from our some 60+ members is extremely encouraging for the continued prosperity in the region. However, as always, there is much work to do and as our Chamber tag line says – it’s Your Voice. Your Vision. Our Goal – a collective voice is greater than any individual so I strongly encourage other businesses to become members, come to our events, absorb the information available that will help their business thrive and help us make the regions prospects even more promising together.”

FORTHCOMING EVENTS • FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2017 • FORTHCOMING EVENTS 7th February - LLEP / NWL District Council – New grants available for business 4th April - Meet the Police & Crime Commissioner & 30th June - Annual Lunch

All general meetings are FREE to members and just £5 to non-members • Refreshments served To reserve your place, please visit the website and click on the ‘Contact’ tab.


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what’s on at the palace...


The Palace Bingo Night Friday 23rd December

The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale Sunday 4th December, 9am - Midday

For more details or to book a stall call Kirk on 07901 380412 or Lisa on 07506 255522 and via face book page: ibstockcarboot. January car boot dates: 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th.

The Palace Wine Club ‘Wine Tasting Evening’

Wednesday 7th December, from 7.30pm

Limited to a maximum of 30 places! Call Gary at The Palace on 01530 262 400 or Corinne 01530 451 725 to reserve your place. Tickets £8.

Doors open 7.30pm, Eyes Down 8.30pm

A great social night out! Join us for our special ‘Halloween’ bingo – fancy dress encouraged! Licensed bar and refreshments. Everyone welcome.

Coming soon... Panto at The Palace

January 28th to February 4th, 2017

A traditional family pantomine, Peter Pan. Details next month.

The Palace Christmas Festival

Friday 9th December, 3.30pm - 8.30pm and Saturday 10th December, 10am - 1pm


Santa will be there to greet his visitors in his ‘Fairytale Forest Grotto’. There will be a large variety of interesting stalls, offering a wide range of seasonal goods at the indoor market. Beautiful, live harp music will help to create the perfect atmosphere for the occasion and free entertainment for the children will be provided by the puppets of the amazing ‘Magical Mill’. Seasonal refreshments will be available throughout the event, including mulled wine and mince pies.

TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262 400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260 460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment.


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Regular bookings... Monday

Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.

Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.


Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on 01530 262 400.

NEW CLASS – Young Pathfinders, 5pm-6.30pm Contact the Palace on 01530 262 400 for details.

Thursday continued

Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine Hodgetts on 01530 262 400.

‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email


Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.

Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937.

Children’s Dance Classes Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656. Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle School of Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684. Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email


50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email

Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.


‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.

Monthly Bingo Friday 23rd December. Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for all.


Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. If you would like to learn more about what is going on in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious home made cakes. Light refreshments available. The Palace Community Centre is available to hire for regular events and commercial hire, as well as private parties and celebrations. The Palace has a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park opposite venue, good disability access and facilities, full PA and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue for numerous types of events.

The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel 01530 262 400. Visit for more details

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a walk in the forest

Three great places for a Christmas walk

No matter what you do for the rest of the year, there is a magic about Christmas that can see even the least active family members being persuaded outside for a breath of fresh air. It may be a short stroll after Christmas Lunch to walk off the excesses of turkey and Christmas pudding, or an urge to get everyone out of the house of Boxing Day before tempers erupt! It could be the crisp, clear feel of New Year’s Day, or just the fact that you have the time to enjoy a slice of the outdoors during the holiday break. Whatever the reason, this is the time when the whole family often walks ttogether - so I’ve rounded up three of my favourite locations that everyone, ffrom oldies to littlies, can enjoy over the festive season. Opening times may vvary over the Christmas period, particularly for facilities such as shops or ccafes so do check before you go. These locations are all good for family walks with easy walking and hard T p paths suitable for pushchairs, wheelchairs, and small people. All have p paths that are well marked and easy to follow, so I’ll leave it up to you to c choose your own routes.


The beautifully kept park at Market Bosworth offers historic open parkland, T a arboretum, a pond with viewing an p platform and a children’s play area. You can enjoy feeding g tthe he ducks, ducks watch the birds from the woodland feeding area, discover the stew ponds with their pretty little bridges or wonder at some of the amazing trees and bushes in the arboretum. Find Market Bosworth Country Park just off the B585 as it leads from the A447 into Market Bosworth village, postcode is CV13 0LP. There is a parking charge of between £2 and £4, depending on how long you stay.


Home to the National Forest Cycle Centre, Hicks Lodge is located off Willesley Woodside between Moira and Ashby, postcode is LE65 2UP. Enjoy the trails which are graded for families, bikes only or mixed use and then relax in the cafeteria with a hot chocolate and slice of cake. There is a wonderful adventure arking is £1 for an n hour or £3 all playground using lots of natural wood and also an activity trail to follow. Car parking day. If anyone in the family got a new bike for Christmas then this is absolutely the spot to visit – and those who didn’t can hire one when you get there!


All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware that paths may change over time and with the seasons.

A visit to our local National Trust property, Calke Abbey, is sure to bring a smile to your face. Vehicle access is via the main entrance at Ticknall, p postcode is DE73 7JF. If you are not a National Trust member you will need to pay to take your vehicle into the grounds but if you arrive on n f foot you can enjoy the grounds for free. Footpaths lead into Calke from T Ticknall Village or Calke and there are car parks at Ticknall Village Hall o the Staunton Harold Reservoir, though both are likely to be busy over or t festive period. Enjoy some of the oldest trees in Europe, admire the the deer park or explore the old tramway tunnel and limeyards. If you like d t plan your walk ahead then take a look at the Calke Abbey website to w where you can download guides for a number of different trails.


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just 4 fun

Solutions on page 52

CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Solutions on page 52


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festive recipes Glazed gammon is a Christmas favourite – delicious hot from the oven as a festive supper or served cold as part of the Boxing Day buffet!

This spiced and fruity Continental sweet bread is perfect for serving over the festive season with a glass of warm mulled wine.

Serves 8 Ready in 3 hours

Marmalade and mustard

glazed gammon YOU WILL NEED

• 2.5kg smoked gammon joint • 1 onion, peeled and quartered • 1 large carrot, peeled and chopped • 2 fresh bay leaves, plus extra to garnish • Black peppercorns


• 1 tbsp whole cloves • 3 tbsp shredless orange marmalade, warmed • 2 tbsp runny honey • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard • 3 tbsp light soft brown sugar • Orange wedges, to garnish

1 Place the gammon joint in a large deep pan with the onion, carrot, bay leaves and peppercorns. Pour over enough cold water to cover the joint.

2 Bring to the boil then skim off any scum from the surface using a slotted spoon. Reduce the heat, cover and leave to simmer for 1½ hours, topping up the water level as needed.

3 Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4. Lift out the gammon from the pan and place in a foil-lined roasting tin (discard the cooking liquid). Leave to cool for 10 minutes. Cut away the skin from the gammon, leaving a thin layer of fat and score the fat into diamonds. Stud the scored fat with the cloves in an even pattern.

4 Mix together the marmalade, honey, mustard and sugar and spoon all over the gammon fat. Roast in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes, basting regularly with the glaze and pan juices until the fat is golden. Serve hot or cold garnished with fresh bay leaves and orange wedges. TOP TIP Add 1 tsp each ground cumin and ground coriander or a splash of Tabasco sauce to the glaze for a bit of extra spice, if liked.




• • • •

50g butter 175ml milk 3 tbsp caster sugar 375g strong plain white flour, plus a little extra • ¼ tsp salt • 1 tsp ground mixed spice • 2 tsp fast-action dried yeast

Make s 12 sli 10ce Ready s 3 hou in rs

• • • • •

Zest of 1 lemon 1 large egg, beaten 125g raisins 25g chopped mixed peel 50g glace cherries, rinsed, dried and quartered • 175g marzipan • Melted butter • Icing sugar, for dusting


1 Put the butter, milk and caster sugar in a small pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and the butter has melted. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.

2 Sift the flour, salt and mixed spice into a large bowl and stir in the dried yeast. Make a well in the centre and stir in the milk mixture, lemon zest and egg. Mix together with a round-bladed knife to form a soft and sticky dough.

3 Turn the dough onto a well floured surface and knead for 5 to 8 minutes until smooth and elastic. The dough will be quite sticky so add more flour as necessary.

4 Flatten out the dough and knead in the raisins, cherries and peel until just combined. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for about 1½ hours, or until doubled in size.

5 Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 1to 2 minutes, then roll out to a 25cm square. Shape the marzipan into a sausage shape and place down the centre of the dough. Fold one side over to cover the marzipan then repeat with the other side, overlapping in the centre. Seal the ends. Place seamside down on a greased baking sheet. Cover with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan 170°C, gas 5.

6 Bake the stollen for 35 to 45 minutes until golden and sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Brush the hot stollen all over with melted butter and roll in the icing sugar to coat. Leave to cool.

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business directory Accountants & Payroll Accapita 13 Haines Watts Ashby Ltd 9 JAWS Accountancy Services Ltd 35 Aerials & Satellite Stocktons Satellite & Aerial 14 Arts, Crafts & Gifts Ashby Bears 49 Builders Stevenson’s Builders 53 Business Services NWL Chamber of Commerce 40 Carpentry & Joinery TA Hardwick 15 Carpets & Interiors Ashby Decorator Centre 51 Coalville Furniture Superstore 41 Richardsons Furniture 18 Taylor Made Flooring 13 28, 29 & 33 The Flooring and Bed Company Childcare Swingboat Nurseries 56 Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services Oven Clean 52 Safeclean 38 Toni’s Ironing Angels 52 Dental Services Beautiful Dentures 15 Driving Schools Bardon School of Motoring 49 R D T School of Motoring 52 Electricians Bright Sparks 45 D&B Electrical 55 M Gleeson 52 Events Leicestershire County Council 6 The Palace Community Centre 16 Financial Services Bleathwood 7 Florist Holywell Petals 14 Food and Groceries Conibears Kitchen 27 Moo Fresh 32 Garden Charnwood Tree Services 45 Eden Tree Care & Fencing 12 & 23


Garden continued Endurance Landscape Services Ltd The Ten Mile Timber Company Tindle Tree Care Ltd World of Sheds Hair & Beauty KW Mobile Hairdressing Healthcare Bosworth Home Care Chris’s Therapeutic Counselling ProPhysio Ashby Traditional Acupuncture IT Services Midland IT The PC Clinic Kitchens & Bathrooms Ashby Tile & Bathrooms Ibstock Kitchens Locksmiths Hazlewood Locksmiths Notices Ravenstone Hospital Charity Painters & Decorators W L Lacey & Son Pet Services Woodward Veterinary Practice Plumbers & Gas Services B Wilkinson Plumbing D B Plumbing Finley Plumbing MBR Plumbing Services Property Repairs & Maintenance 1-4-All Appliance Repairs Century Fire & Security Cloudy 2 Clear Dream Doors Roof Tech RSJ Roofing TS Roofing Window Mate Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways George Inn Schools & Tuition Clubs Complete Sports & Fitness MP Personal Training Rebound Taxi Services Ashby Cars

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