What's Around Magazine October 2013

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Issue 99 - October 2013

Delivered throughout Ibstock, Ravenstone, Heather, Coleorton, Swannington, Packington, Normanton le Heath and surrounding areas


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Publisher: What’s Around Ltd. Printed by: Context, Packington Editor: Paul Garrett Advertising: 01530 832015 Email:advert@whatsaround.co.uk Web: www.whatsaround.co.uk Address: Hall Gardens, Ravenstone, Leics. LE67 2HF

Ginger Page 24

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Film Review Page 53

Food & Drink 8

Seasonal Recipes


Slow cooked beef in ale with dumplings


Roasted vegetable lasagne


Fillet of venison and wild mushroom sauce


Seasonal Desserts

Monthly Features 10





Book Review Too


Book Review





The Palace



Jobs in the Garden

Copy deadline for nov 2013 is 15th oct 2013

Seasonal Desserts Page 50


The Health Benefits of Ginger


Just for Kids


Wines From - MACEDONIA - something different


Good New Films and those you may have missed


Hospice Hope Rememberance Service


Your Stars by Dan Worthaus


Trees for Free


What’s On


Charity Swim - a Thank You!


Useful Numbers


Rainbows Volunteers


Index of Advertisers

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Seasonal Recipes Butternut squash soup Serves 4 mins Prep 30 Ready in mins 10 to 30 Ingredients • 1 butternut squash • 2 tbsp olive oil • 1 onion, chopped • butter, to taste • 600ml/20fl oz vegetable stock, plus additional stock to loosen soup if desired • 1 heaped tsp hot smoked paprika

• salt and freshly ground black pepper For the crisps • reserved butternut squash peelings • drizzle olive oil • few drops sherry vinegar • 2 tbsp finely chopped rosemary

1. Peel the butternut squash and reserve the long strips of skin.

Serves 4 Prep 30 mins Ready in 1-2 hours


• 4 pheasant breasts (young hen breasts if possible as they won’t be so tough) • 4 large rashers, lightly smoked bacon

• 500ml/17fl oz dry cider • 5 shallots • knob of butter • 1 tsp caster sugar • 30g/1oz plain flour • 100ml/7tbsp full fat crème fraîche

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

2. Discard the butternut squash pulp and chop the remaining butternut squash into chunks.

2. Butter the pheasant breasts and then wrap in the bacon. Place in an ovenproof dish (so that they aren’t too cramped together) and then pop in the oven for 25 minutes.

3. Heat the olive oil in a large casserole, add the onion and butternut squash and plenty of butter (to taste) and cook untill brown and caramelised.

3. After 25 minutes reduce the oven temperature to 170C/325F/Gas 3, pour 250ml/8 fl oz of the cider over the pheasant breasts, cover with a lid or tin foil, and return to the oven for another 60 minutes.

4. Pour over the stock. Simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat, leave to cool slightly and then blend using a food processor or hand-blender to the desired consistency.

4. Towards the ending of the cooking time for the pheasants, pour the remaining cider into a saucepan and cook until the volume of liquid has reduced by about half.

5. Add hot smoked paprika and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 6. For the crisps, preheat the oven to 140C/275F/ Gas 1. 7. Place the reserved butternut peelings in a roasting tray and top with the olive oil, sherry vinegar, chopped rosemary and put in the oven to cook for 20 minutes on a low heat to crisp up. 8. Remove the crisps from the oven and place on kitchen paper to absorb any excess oil. 9. Serve the soup with the skin crisps. Courtesy Nigel Slater


Pheasant breasts braised in cider

5. Thinly slice the shallots and cook very slowly in a little butter until soft. Then add the caster sugar and continue to cook until lightly caramelised. Remove from the heat until ready to finish the sauce. 6. Check the pheasant breasts during the cooking time to ensure that they do not dry out and add more cider if necessary. 7. To finish the sauce, add the flour to the shallots, place the pan back on a gentle heat and mix together. You may need to add a little more butter at this stage if the shallots are very dry, but they shouldn’t be. Now add the cider reduction and the crème fraîche and cook together over a low heat until the sauce starts to thicken. 8. Once ready to serve, slice each breast into about five slices and place on the plate still in the shape of the whole breast. Pour the sauce over the meat and serve. Courtesy Bella Radford

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Book Review Too!

by Buck Verm

Dead Man Rising By Jack Hayes Meet Rook. A former spy turned reporter, his life is planned like a game of chess. Every move has an objective - and is played strategically, and with total focus.

But in the tranquil paradise of Hawaii, amid the palm trees and sunshine, he is about to play out the greatest game of his life. And the deadliest. A fellow journalist - running the paper’s Hawaii bureau - has disappeared. No one knows why, or where? Rook is determined to find out. He was on the trail of one of the greatest scoops of all time - a story that brings together all the powers competing for control of the Pacific. As he starts to dig, Rook soon finds he is on the run - from intelligence agencies, governments, police forces and from his own past.

He will need all his survival skills to outwit them. Because a dead man can rise once. But not twice. 14

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Slow cooked beef in ale with dumplings Serves 4 Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time2 hours Ingredients 2 tbsp sunflower oil 500g braising steak, trimmed and cubed 250g shallots or baby onions, peeled 250g carrots, trimmed and scrubbed 225g button mushrooms, wiped 400g baby potatoes, scrubbed 2 tbsp plain flour 440ml ale 1 beef stock cube, crumbled 1 tbsp tomato purée 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp demerara sugar For the dumplings 125g self-raising flour 50g shredded suet 1 pinch of salt 2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley 1 tbsp creamed horseradish



Heat the oil in a large, flame-proof casserole dish and fry the steak over a high heat, turning until sealed on all sides and just beginning to brown at the edges. Add the shallots, carrots, mushrooms, and potatoes to the dish and cook, stirring, for a further 5 minutes.


Sprinkle the flour over and stir well. Pour in the ale and add the crumbled stock cube, tomato purée, Worcestershire sauce, sugar and 300ml boiling water. Bring to the boil and simmer, uncovered, for 1½ hours. If the casserole looks like it’s drying out, add a touch more beef stock.


Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200°C/ 400°F/Gas 6, and make the dumplings. Sift the flour into a bowl and stir in the suet, salt and chopped parsley. Stir the horseradish into 6 tbsp water and add to the dry ingredients, mixing to form a soft, sticky dough.


Roll into 8 small balls and arrange on top of the casserole, around the edge of the dish. Cook in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the dumplings have risen and turned golden.

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Roasted vegetable lasagne Serves 4-6 Prep Time less than 30 mins Cooking Time 30 mins to 1 hour Ingredients 450g/16 oz courgettes 1 aubergine 3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 kg firm, ripe tomatoes, sliced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 10-12 fresh basil leaves, torn Pinch salt and freshly ground black pepper 2x125g/4½ oz low-fat mozzarella cheese, sliced 150g/5¼ oz fresh lasagne sheets 100g/3½ oz freshly grated parmesan, or similar vegetarian hard cheese 1. Slice the courgettes and aubergine into diagonal slices. Heat a ridged grill pan, brush the slices with olive oil and grill for several minutes each side until chargrilled, then remove. You’ll have to do this in batches. 2. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Brush the inside of a large baking dish with a little oil. Place a layer of sliced tomatoes (about one third of the total) on the bottom, slightly overlapping. 3. Next, layer with half of the courgette and aubergine slices. Sprinkle with half the chopped garlic and one tbsp balsamic vinegar. 4. Scatter over half of the torn basil leaves and season with salt and pepper. 5. Layer half the mozzarella slices on top, then cover with half the lasagne sheets. 6. Continue layering with the rest of the ingredients, ending with a layer of tomatoes on top. Sprinkle over the parmesan. 7. Cover with foil and bake for 35-40 minutes. Remove the foil and bake another five minutes until the parmesan’s golden on top. Courtesy BBC Good Food


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Healthy Living

The Health Benefits of Ginger Ginger was first discovered in China many centuries ago and it has been used ever since as a natural remedy as well as a deliciously tasty food. This popular herb is used in cooking throughout the world, from South America to the Middle East. Ginger is one of the most ancient spices in worldwide cuisine. It has become well-known for its various health benefits, which include its ability to boost bone health, aid digestion, e n h a n c e sexual activity, and relieve pains related to menstrual disorders, nausea, and flu. Ginger’s main benefit is its ability to sooth stomach and digestion problems. However, some people also reach for the ginger as soon as they feel a migraine coming on. Research has shown that ginger is particularly effective at alleviating feelings of nausea and sickness. If you tend to feel unwell when flying, a dose of ginger before you go can really make a difference. Ginger can also be taken to boost circulation and to reduce the symptoms of everything from a sore throat to inflamed skin. There is also considerable research indicating that the root can protect and, to some extent, fight cancer. 24

Many people take ginger when suffering from flu or a cold as it can encourage the body to sweat. Not only does sweating act as a form of detoxification but it is also believed to increase the body’s ability to fight infections near the skin’s surface. Ginger can be particularly useful for women during pregnancy who may not be able to take regular medicinal remedies. Studies have shown that the root is a safe and effective form of treatment for the nausea and sickness typically experienced by pregnant women. In terms of nutrition, ginger c o n t a i n s good levels of magnesium, potassium, c o p p e r , manganese, and vitamin B6. And as you would expect, the plant is very low in calories so is perfectly suitable for people who are trying to lose weight. Queen Elizabeth I, a fan of ginger herself, was the one to invent the gingerbread man in the 16th century, and it is now loved by millions of children (and adults) around the world. The gingerbread man was presented at a Royal ball, and several were made to resemble respected guests. Top tip - if you want a strong ginger flavour, add the root towards the end of the cooking process. And if you want a more subtle ginger flavour to your dish, add the ingredient at an earlier stage.

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is both fresh and full on the palate and has a prolonged finish, pairing wonderfully with white meats, fish and seafood.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT Macedonia – officially the Republic of Macedonia – is a modern country in southeastern Europe and one of the successor states of former Yugoslavia. Landlocked and bordered by Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania, Macedonia has a Mediterranean and continental climate, with hot, dry summers and moderately cold winters. The capital city is Skopje. Tourism forms an important section of the economy and has many natural and cultural attractions, including an admirable heritage of arts, architecture, literacy and music. The 8th September is recognised and celebrated as the day of independence from Yugoslavia (1991). The multi award-winning Stobi Winery is located in the renowned Tikvesh wine region of Macedonia, that has ideal conditions for the production of high-quality grapes, which, in turn, leads to the superb wines, we can all enjoy, today. Many grape varietals are grown, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir and Shiraz, plus Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat and Riesling, amongst others. With grapes grown in their own vineyards, Stobi constantly invests in improving and expanding, including creating new vineyards, for example. The latest modern technology, plus expertise and dedication, ensures high-quality grapes and ultimately, their excellent wines.

Stobi, Syrah, barrique, I rate as a superb red. Aged in French and American oak, and again made with grapes from their own vineyards (100% Syrah), this is another very popular production. Fruit sensations in the bouquet lead enticingly to an impressive mouthfeel, which is elegant, with more fruits displayed. This ruby red wine accompanies beef and many other meat dishes, perfectly. Some other impressive wines from the Stobi Winery include Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel, Petit Verdot and Vranec. I am most pleased to have located Stobi Winery – a producer that has their wines available in the UK. Outstanding wines, with controlled origin. www.stobi.co.uk For details of all wines and availability Tel: 0845 370 2222 Email: sales@signatureglobal.co.uk signatureglobal.co.uk

As always, Enjoy!

Trevor Langley

Stobi, Cuvée, I found to be an excellent dry white wine, with a good bouquet of fruits. Produced using Zhilavka, Zhupljanka, Riesling, Chardonnay and Muscat Ottonel grapes, harvested from their own vineyards, this wine



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Fillet of venison and wild mushroom sauce Serves about 4 Preparation Time overnight Cooking Time 30 mins to 1 hour Ingredients For the venison 500g/1lb 2oz venison fillet, trimmed and cut into 2.5cm/1in thick medallions 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 carrot, finely chopped 1 onion, finely chopped salt and freshly ground black pepper For the sauce 100g/3½oz unsalted butter 2 small onions, very finely sliced 40g/1½oz dried morels, soaked in warm water for 2 hours, drained (reserve the water) 150g/5oz fresh porcini mushrooms, thickly sliced 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (aged for 10-15 years) 4 tbsp dry sherry 6 tbsp double cream salt and freshly ground black pepper


For the venison, the day before cooking, place the venison in a dish and cover with three tablespoons of the olive oil, and all of the balsamic vinegar, carrot and onion. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper and place into the fridge to marinate overnight.


For the sauce, heat a non-reactive frying pan until hot. Add the butter and onions and fry the onion for 2-3 minutes, until softened.


Add the morels and cook for 10 minutes.


Add the porcini and fry for a further 3-5 minutes.


Add the balsamic vinegar, sherry and cream and simmer for 10 minutes. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. (The sauce may become quite thick, so add a little of the morel soaking water to the pan.)


To cook the venison, remove the venison from the marinade, pat dry with kitchen paper, then season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper.


Heat a separate frying pan until hot. Add the remaining two tablespoons of olive oil and the venison steaks. Fry the venison on each side for 3-4 minutes, until golden-brown on the outside, but still pink on the inside, or until cooked to your liking.


To serve, spoon the mushroom sauce onto warmed plates, then top with the venison steaks. Courtesy Antonio Carluccio


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The Enemy of my Enemy & Beyond Judgement by Richard Bard

The Enemy of My Enemy When a freak accident gave Jake Bronson near-superhuman mental powers and landed his loved ones in the crosshairs of an Islamic terrorist, the only way out was with guns blazing. But Jake was unable to put a stop to his nightmares or his murderous nemesis, Luciano Battista, in that ferocious Afghan mountains showdown. Now the terror czar and his minions have brought the fight to American soil—along with the most terrifying bioweapon that has ever threatened the free world. They demand vengeance, and Jake’s family and friends are caught in the crossfire. From California’s beaches and Mexico’s deserts to the depths of a raging underground river and the treacherous Venezuelan jungle, Jake and his unlikely alliance of combat veterans and gangsters wage a rolling war of wits, weapons, and indomitable will—to rescue those they love, to save America from extinction, and to stop a madman’s bid for global conquest dead in its tracks. Beyond Judgement After waking up with amnesia from a sixyear coma, Jake Bronson’s past is lost to him. But that doesn’t mean the past hasn’t been looking for him—or that it will let him live when it finally catches up. Jake’s placid, anonymous life in Italy is shattered by the arrival of an assassination squad hell-bent on eliminating him—and he has no idea why he’s in their crosshairs. He’s saved only when an American scientist intervenes, wielding strange technology that briefly reactivates Jake’s dormant memories and deadly skills. As unknown enemies continue to hound Jake’s every step, the scientist helps him reconnect with lost friends and loved ones who believed him long dead. Any happy reunion is forfeit, though, as Jake’s murky history and mysterious talents conceal a terrible secret that—should it fall into the wrong hands—could trigger the extinction of the human race. Averting this apocalypse means Jake must risk everything to reawaken his true self and stop an ancient order from unleashing humanity’s ultimate judgment.


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The Palace

October’s forthcoming events at the Palace are as follows: 4th, 5th, 6th, October – Ibstock’s 3rd Annual Beer Festival - Friday 4th October til Sunday 6th October. Venues include The Palace Community Centre, the Boot Inn, the Ram Inn and the Waggon & Horses pub. Live entertainment on Friday and Saturday night at some venues. Over 30 real ales plus traditional ciders, perries and fruit wine. Hot food available at selected venues. Event times: Friday: 6pm – 11pm, Sat.: 12 noon – 11pm, Sun: 12 noon – 10.30pm. Come and enjoy real ale at its best! For further details contact Tel: 01530 262400. Saturday 5th October – ‘Local Produce Event’ – as part of the Ibstock Beer Festival weekend the Palace will be hosting the ‘Local Produce Event’, showcasing locally made produce that’s produced right on your doorstep – from ‘artisan’ breadmakers, handcrafted cheese, delicious pickles and preserves to succulent sausages and meats and butter, yoghart, cream and milk, plus much more. Come along and see how differently food tastes when it’s made with passion by producers who really know their trade. Event open 12 noon to 5pm. Contact the Palace on (01530) 262400 for more details. Friday, 11th October - Skittles Night with supper included 7.30pm start. Tickets: £5.00 from Halls, High Street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460 or The Palace Tel: 01530 262400. Sunday, 13th October - Palace Indoor Car boot Sale from 9.00am – mid-day. Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For More details or to book a stall call Gary on Tel 01530 262400. Friday, 18th October - Film Night – ‘We bought a Zoo’ (PG). Based on the true story of Benjamin Mee. An account of how the author and his family used their life savings to buy a dilapidated zoo, replete with 200 exotic animals facing destruction. Mee, along with his children, had to balance caring for his wife, who was dying of brain cancer, with dealing with escaped tigers, raising endangered animals, working with an eclectic skeleton crew and readying the zoo for a reopening. Doors, Box Office and Licensed Bar open at 7.00pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £4.00/£3.00 from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical, High Street, 01530 260460. Sunday 20th October – Desford Brass Band in concert (raising funds for their Japanese tour later in the year). Concert starts at 7.15pm. Tickets: £8.00 with £7.00 for concessions. Available from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical, High Street, Ibstock Tel: 01530 260460. Friday, 25th October – ‘Funhouse Comedy’ present a Comedy Night at The Palace. Funhouse Comedy is one of the UK’s foremost promoters and bookers of live stand-up comedy. Established in 2004 and now arranging comedy shows at over 30 venues and festivals. Featuring: Simon Bligh, Steve Day and Carly Smallman, with compere, Scott Bennett. Doors/bar: 7.30pm - Show starts 8.15pm. For more details see www.funhousecomedy. co.uk. Advance tickets £8.00: available from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400, Halls of Ibstock Tel: 01530 260460 or via Funhouse Comedy web site. (UNSUITABLE FOR UNDER 14’S) Saturday, 26th October - A Family Halloween ‘Dracula Spectacular’ Disco Party – with the fabulous John Robson Disco Road show! Party starts at 6.30pm until 10.00pm. FREE ADMISSION FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 (Must be accompanied by an adult). Adults: £2.00 on the door. A family evening of spooky fun with party games and prizes. Prizes for the best fancy dressed children and adults (Fancy dress optional). Coming soon: Saturday, 2nd November – Ashby Concert Band presents “Music from the Musicals”. Concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £8.00 from Halls of Ibstock Tel: 01530 260460 or The


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Palace Tel: 01530 262400. Friday, 8th November - Palace Line Dance - with Honky Tonk Cliff. A great social night out with no partner required! Dancing from 7.45pm. Doors, Box Office and Licensed Bar open at 7.00pm. Tickets: In advance £4.50 from Hall, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460 or from The Palace, Tel: 01530 262400 or £5.50 on the door. Regular bookings: Monday Mosaic Disability Services - 9.30am - 3.30pm. Contact Janice French on (07720) 218571. Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness – 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Contact Judith Sell on (0115) 714 8480. Fitness Pilates class – 7.45pm – 8.45pm. 678367.

Contact Michelle Scott-Worthington on (07887)

Tuesday Bubbles Playgroup – 10.30am – 12 Noon. Contact Rachel Seabrook on (01530) 452144. Circuit Training – 6.45pm – 7.45pm. Contact Curtis Smith on (07870) 498110. Tai Chi – 8pm – 9pm. Contact Doug Gerrard on (07969) 480684. Wednesday 60+ Fitness Pilates – 9.30am – 10.30am. 678367.

Contact Michelle Scott-Worthington on (07887)

Thursday Active Steps Workout – posture, balance and fitness class – 11am – 12 noon. Contact Michelle Scott-Worthington on (07887) 678367. Outlook Group (a social group for senior citizens) - 1.30pm – 3pm. Contact Elaine Hodgetts on (01530) 262400. Bingo – Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar & refreshments. Everyone welcome. Friday Tai Chi – 10am – 11am. Contact Michael Cashmore on (07714) 215216. Yoga (Hatha Yoga Classes) – 11.30am-1.00pm. Contact Sandra on 07966 308826, e.mail: sandradyoga@yahoo.co.uk (as from Sept 20th 2013) Saturday Community Morning at the Palace – 10am to 12 noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village, including the Ibstock Historical Society. So if you would like to learn more about what is happening in your community, come along to the Palace. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious home made cakes, plus produce from Ibstock’s very own Dairy, including milk, butter, yoghurt and cream. Light refreshments available.

The Palace Community Centre is available to hire for regular events and commercial hire, as well as private parties and celebrations. The Palace has a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park opposite venue, good disability access and facilities, full PA and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue for numerous types of events. The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. E-mail:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co.uk

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Seasonal Desserts Compost Crumble Serve Prep s 6 30 m Read ins 30min y in s - 1h r Ingredients • 2 pears • 1 apple • 2 nectarines • ½ lemon, juice only • 1 banana, roughly chopped into discs • 3 tbsp golden caster sugar For the crumble topping • 200g/7oz plain

flour • 100g/3½oz butter • 60g/2¼oz rolled oats • 1 large handful pumpkin seeds • 30g/1oz flaked almonds • 2 tbsp sesame seeds • 4 tbsp demerara sugar To serve • cream or custard

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/ Gas 4. 2. Chop the pears, apple and nectarines and place in a pan over a low heat with the lemon juice. Warm through for 10 minutes. 3. For the crumble topping, in a bowl, rub together the flour and butter with your hands until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the remaining dry ingredients and the demarara sugar. Set aside. 4. Take a small roasting tin. Layer the warm fruit on the bottom, along with the chopped banana. Sprinkle with the golden caster sugar. 5. Top with the crumble mixture and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until the topping is golden-brown. Serve immediately with cream or custard. Courtesy Nigel Slater


Pumpkin Cheesecake s8 Serve ins m 0 3 p Pre in y d a Re hours 2 to 1


• 225g/8oz digestive biscuits • 60g/2oz butter • juice and zest 1 lemon • 340g/12oz cooked pumpkin (steamed or roasted) • 225g/8oz caster sugar

• 450g/1lb cream cheese • 1 tsp ground cinnamon • 2.5g/½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg • 4 eggs • 90ml/3fl oz double cream • 90ml/3fl oz natural yoghurt

1. Heat the oven to 170C/325F/Gas 3. 2. Bash the digestive biscuits into crumbs. Melt the butter over a low heat and mix in the biscuit crumbs and lemon zest. Lightly grease a 25cm/10in loosebottomed cake tin and press the crumbs into the base and up the sides slightly. 3. Mix together the cream cheese, pumpkin flesh, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg until smooth. Beat the eggs and fold into the pumpkin mixture. Turn into the tin and bake in the oven for 90 minutes until the surface is set but the underneath still slightly squidgy. 4. Take the cheesecake out of the oven and let it cool in the tin. When cool, turn it on to a serving plate, cover with cling film and chill overnight. 5. Whip the double cream until thick and fold in the yoghurt and the lemon juice. Spread over the top of the cheesecake and serve at room temperature.

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This Months Jobs in the Garden If frost is predicted by the weatherman then you will need to bring inside tender plants such geraniums & fuchsia’s. Some begonias can be lifted & potted up and placed on a widow-sill or in the greenhouse. By doing this you will have them flowering through winter. Young Cordyline’s and Japanese Acers need protection too from frost. If in containers place them in a sheltered area. If they are in the ground cover them over with a sheet. Leaves on the lawn need to be cleared so brush or rake them off and put on a compost heap if you have one. If not place the leaves in a black bin bag, put a few holes in the bag, tie it up and leave it alone till spring when it can be used as food for your borders. Tidy Borders: Parts of plants that have died back in the borders can be removed, also any debris such as twigs & stones. Water butts & ponds may need cleaning out too. Aerate your lawn with a fork to encourage air flow and drainage and deter moss. LIFT split and replant clumps of perennials which have become congested. This month you can get planting the following plants: Foxgloves / Hardy Heathers / Wallflowers / Forget-me-nots / Sweet William and Polyanthus. Plant spring bedding plants such as aubrietia, alyssum & winter pansies It’s also a good time to plant shrubs & trees. Dead-head faded flowers & un-healthy looking buds. Tall growing roses can be cut back to reduce wind-rock. Leave the main pruning until next March. Remove bulbs & tubers from the ground. Gladioli / Dahlias / Begonias Bulbs & tubers of Gladioli, dahlias & begonias are to be removed from the ground, dried and stored in dry cool place. Cut back the tallest stems of quick-growing shrubs such as lavatera and buddleia by a third. Before Planting Prepare your soil before planting by digging over the soil and removing all weeds, then add some well rotted compost. The watering of Greenhouse plants can now be reduced. Only open vents on warm days and making sure they are closed on nights. Check heaters are in good working order. Clean the glass panels inside and out. Clean & disinfect floor area, benches & shelves with a product such as Armillatox. Take gooseberry cuttings / Finish planting spring flowering bulbs / Plant spring cabbages / Turn over the compost heap / Cut down asparagus.

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Captain Phillips (2013) Captain Phillips is director Paul Greengrass’s multi-layered examination of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S. container ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Somali pirates. It is – through Greengrass’s distinctive lens simultaneously a pulse-pounding thriller and a complex portrait of the myriad effects of globalization. The film focuses on the relationship between the Alabama’s commanding officer, Captain Richard Phillips (two time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks), and his Somali counterpart, Muse (Barkhad Abdi). Set on an incontrovertible collision course off the coast of Somalia, both men will find themselves paying the human toll for economic forces outside of their control. The film

is directed by Academy Award® nominee Paul Greengrass, from a screenplay by Billy Ray based upon the book, A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous Days at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Talty. The film is produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca.

Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) Flint Kockwood, the mastermind behind a machine that turned water into food, which almost caused the destruction of our planet after it went haywire, has since got a new job working for his idol, Chester V, at the Live Corp Company. But it turns out that his machine wasn’t completely destroyed and has been moved to an island where its created food/creature hybrids, including shrimpanzees, hippotatomuses, atermelophants and mosquitoasts. Flint must enlist the help of his friends Sam, Brent, Barb, Steve and Earl if he’s going to fix things.

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Your Stars Your Stars for the Month 2013 by Dan Worthaus Aries - March 20th - April 20th Others tend to look for a commitment from you this month October 2013, dear Aries. Whether you solidify a partnership or decide that a relationship is not living up to its potential, relationships are serious in October 2013! Your mood, however, is romantic but playful. The Full Moon on the 11th can bring a long-standing problem to light. Career and finances are strong in October 2013. It’s a time for proving your worth, displaying your innate leadership abilities, and making important decisions. Be as aboveboard and professional as you can -- others are taking note! Taurus - April 21st - May 21st Work commitments may be hefty this month October 2013, dear Taurus, and you should watch for taking on more than your share. Frustration can come to a head around the 11th. October 2013 is one of the strongest months for you in 2013 for relationships, particularly towards the end of the month. You are taking the lead, taking action, and romantic interests are never short in supply. All signs point to you moving forward. Family life is animated and perhaps restless at times. Recently, you have been getting rid of the nonessential things in your life, and you could find that your attitude towards moving forward has improved as you rid yourself of excess baggage. Gemini - May 22nd - June 21st Purely superficial elements of partnering are no longer tolerated, and a relationship can deepen, perhaps due to resolution of a long-standing problem, in October 2013, dear Gemini. Getting serious about a romance or a creative project can figure strongly. Some of you may enter a business partnership. This is a favourable time for turning a creative undertaking into a profitable hobby. Job opportunities can emerge towards the end of the month. More determination and motivation will aid any new fitness or nutrition program started now. Watch for hurried speech and impulsiveness all month. Cancer - June 22nd - July 23rd Issues surrounding family and career capture much of your attention this month October 2013, dear Cancer. A job offer may be hard to refuse around the 11th or a career matter reaches a head. Opportunities to strengthen a partnership this month October 2013 are especially strong. Some of you may take a friendship into unexplored romantic territory, or meet a significant person through a friend or group association. You are also more focused and ambitious when it comes to your work, health, fitness, and self-care programs in October 2013. Leo - July 24th - August 23rd Demonstrating the perfect balance of self-assertion and cooperation is your challenge this month October 2013, dear Leo. You can be impatient at times. A travel or education matter culminates around the 11th. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. The people that you meet tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You can take an idea to the bank this month October 2013, or a project can come to a satisfying conclusion. Decisions need to be made, but stressing over them won’t help. Virgo - August 23rd - September 22nd You’ve been worrying about money much of the year, dear Virgo, and now is an excellent time to take charge of your finances. Yes, you need to buckle down, but it feels good to do so as you get your priorities straight. Romantic opportunities might come from people of an entirely different background or culture, or possibly through education and travel, in October 2013. Relationships with siblings and neighbours improve and are a source of happiness. Many of you are enjoying more success in your studies.


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Libra - September 23rd - October 23rd You are accustomed to making everyone else in your life happy, dear Libra, but this month October 2013 you can tend to your own needs without guilt. It’s a time for pushing your own personal projects and interests ahead. Surprises are in store in a close relationship around the Full Moon on the 11th. Clashes in values or conflicts over money with a friend can be irksome around the 26th, but money matters improve overall in the last week of October 2013. It’s a strong time to make an investment or to clear some debt. Scorpio - October 24th - November 22nd Conversations open up this month October 2013, dear Scorpio, and you stand to either make a new connection that lasts in the long term, or to enhance the bond of an existing one. Nevertheless, you can be rather withdrawn until mid-month as you prepare for a new astrological year and build up your energy reserves. Career matters are fast-paced, stimulating, and sometimes rocky this month October 2013, as bosses can be demanding. You may need to watch what you say around the 26-27th. Personal charisma runs high, however, and love matters are strong. Sagittarius - November 23rd - December 21st While the desire to be with friends is strong this month October 2013, be careful that you don’t over-commit in the process, dear Sagittarius, as you’re likely to feel the weight of your obligations if you do. Be helpful and involved, but avoid the tendency to forget your own needs in the process. Increased clarity about a love affair or creative matter comes around the 11th, when a new relationship may begin for some of you. Recognition and possibly increased remuneration for your work is very possible in the last week of October 2013. It’s a time to shine your light. Be humble, but don’t hide your abilities. Capricorn - December 22nd - January 20th October 2013 is a strong month for creative pursuits and love matters, dear Capricorn. Your ambition is heightened this month October 2013, but you also enjoy contributing to a team or group effort, where you can shine right now. Your support is rewarded, as others can come to your aid or inform you of an opportunity for personal advancement in the last week of the month. With your strong involvement with friends, associates, and career, you will need to find a balance when it comes to attention to family, who will remind you of this around the 11th. Aquarius - January 21st - February 19th Developments in your career are favourable this month October 2013, dear Aquarius. You experience more motivation to realize your business goals and to improve your income from business. You could form alliances that further your professional goals or you might make friends through professional interests and contacts. While it’s a generally good time for education, you might feel somewhat bogged down with responsibilities, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle. Partners can be demanding or cranky this month October 2013. Resolve to manage problems as they come up. Pisces - February 20th - March 20th Financial matters need careful handling this month October 2013, dear Pisces, and you have all of the necessary tools at your disposal to make important changes to your spending and borrowing habits. Work can be demanding but also motivating in October 2013. Conflicts with co-workers may arise, but if you tame impatience and attempt to work independently at your own pace, their likelihood decreases. Opportunities to break out of your normal routine abound and excite later in the month. It’s also a time to shine on the level of communications. You can be recognized for your ability to express yourself. Please mention What’s Around when responding to Advertisers - Many Thanks


What’s On Friday 4th October 2013 Coalville Town Twinning 60s Dance. Live music provided by ‘The Revivals’.Everyone welcome. Come and dance the night away. 7.30pm to 11.00pm. At Hugglescote Social Club. Admission £6. For more details call 07806 934474 or 01530 415196. Friday 4th October 2013 Century Cinema: Summer In February (15). True tale of love, liberty and scandal amongst the Edwardian artists’ colony in Cornwall. Stars Dominic Cooper & Dan Stevens. At Century Theatre, Snibston. Starting at 7.30pm. Admission £3.50 pay on the door. For more details call 01530 278444. Saturday 5th October 2013 Collister, Kelly & Filleul. Christine Collister, Dave Kelly (The Blues Band) and Peter Filleul perform a host of their favourite songs crossing every music genre: soul, blues and country. At Century Theatre, Snibston. Starting at 7.30pm. Admission £14 advance, £16 on the door. For more details call 01530 278444. Friday 11th October 2013 Centre Stage Pressents Trio Manouche. Trio Manouche is one of the UK’s leading Gypsy Swing acts, performing the works of Django Reinhardt and their own original swing compositions and songs.Licensed bar available.Thringstone House Community Centre 56

First Floor Hall, 7.30pm to 10.00pm. Admission £9 adult and £7 child. Call 01530 222337 for more details. Friday 25th October 2013 Winston On The Run. It’s 1899 and escaped POW Winston Churchill is lost in the African savannah, wanted ‘dead or alive’. Critically acclaimed touring drama. At Century Theatre, Snibston starting at 7.45pm. Admission £12 standard, £10 students & groups 10+. For more details call 01530 278444. Friday 1st November 2013 Ravenstone Events Group, Halloween Party at Ravenstone Village Institute, 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Fancy Dress - Prizes to be won. Tickets Limited. Admission 1 child free with each paying adult (16+). Adults £3.50, additional accompanied child £1.00. Tickets available at The Village Shop and the Plough Inn. Sat 2nd November 2013 Ibstock Events Group presents the Ashby Concert Band in Music from the Musicals at The Palace, Ibatock starting at 7.30pm. Tickets £8.00 available from Halls Electricals, High St, Ibstock, Tel 01530 260460 or The Palace, Tel 01530 262400. Sat 9th November 2013 Autumn Bazaar at St Laurence’s Church Hall, Measham, DE12 7HZ. 12.00

to 3.00pm. Raising money for Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary and Measham Guides. There will be refreshments, raffle, have a go craft table, face painting, children’s pocket money stall, biscuit decorating and more. Trade stalls including Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Body Shop, Phoenix Trading, as well as handmade items cakes, jewellery & fabric crafts and more! Why not come along support the charities and perhaps pick up some Christmas gifts. Entrance 50p adult and 20p children. For further information, please contact Sharon Raines on 01530 274774. Fri 15th Nov.ember 2013 Centre Stage presents Trio Manouche. Trio Manouche is one of the UK’s leading Gypsy Swing acts, performing the works of Django Reinhardt and their own original swing compositions and songs. At Thringstone House Community Centre First Floor Hall. 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Admission Adult £9 Child £8. For more details call 01530 222337. It’s free to have your event details published in the What’s On section. Either email us with your details to info@whatsaround. co.uk or fill out our on-line event form at www.whatsaround. co.uk. Space permitting we’ll get your event noticed.

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