Whats Around Magazine April 2016

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this issue 129

Editor Vanessa Preece Telephone 01530 417739

EACh month we are working hard to bring you even more local news, details of more local events and an even wider range of local businesses and services to choose from. This month we are excited to welcome on board the team at Swannington Heritage Trust who on page 8 tell us all about the work that’s been done to transform Hough Mill.

New this month…

What’s Around NEW

Email enquiries Advertising/Accounts

Following the massive success we’ve seen with the revamped website and in particular the now jam packed ‘What’s On’ section we’re thrilled to launch the all new Online Business Directory. Turn to page 6 to find out more and how we can help you find local businesses in just a few clicks.


Website/What’s On


Web www.whatsaround.co.uk

Facebook www.facebook.com/ Whats-Around-Magazine Twitter @whatsaroundmag Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR

Front Cover Image by Lesley Hextall

What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.

Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.

We hope you are enjoying the new additions – be sure to let us know what else you’d like to see. Don’t worry though the old favourites such as the Community Board, the monthly recipes and the quiz pages aren’t going anywhere.




Contents 06

Open 4 Business


A Walk in the Forest
















Swannington heritage Trust Spotlight On... Fun Quiz

What’s On at The Palace



Community Board Seasonal Recipes

Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries What’s On... On the Beat

Ashby Museum News In Your Garden

Puzzle Solutions

Business Directory


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It’s a fantastic way to target potential customers and great value for money

For details call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk

Copy deadline for the May edition is Thursday 14th April

Please note advertising space is limited, pre-booking is recommended 4

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open 4 business

The NEW Whats Around

BUSINESS DIRECTORY is now LIVE online! IN the What’s Around magazine, as well as bringing you all the latest local news and events, we like to offer you a really good range of businesses who are on your doorstep so that whether you need your boiler fixing or want to buy a new bed you can quickly and easily find a selection of local traders offering just the service or product that you are after. We know, though, that a lot of you find it quicker and easier to search online. That’s why we have worked with the superb team at Ashby Web Design to bring you the all new What’s Around Online Business Directory.

This gives those who prefer to browse on their laptop, tablet or phone the ability to find whatever they need locally with just a few clicks. No more frustrating searches that come up with just what you want... except that it’s hundreds of miles away!

If you’re looking for a local business, service or product just go straight to www.whats around.co.uk and click on the Business Directory. You can choose to look at businesses by type or there is a handy search box to use if you know the name (or part of the name) of the business you want or the type of service you need (i.e. you’ve got a leaky tap and urgently need a plumber). We are working closely with our current advertisers and local businesses to get as many listings as we can so you will find plenty of choice – always good if you are after a few quotes, looking for something specific or want to get the best offers.

Each business on the directory has a whole page with loads of space to give potential customers all the information they need. Clearly laid out at the top you will find the company name and address, phone numbers, email and website. This is then followed by a fully detailed profile in which each business can include all the information that prospective customers could possibly need on the services and products that they offer, plus a gallery of images to tempt you with! Where a company has a presence on Facebook, Twitter or Google + you will find a link so that you can easily click straight through to follow them. The email address and website are also clickable enabling you to contact them to request more details or a quote, or view their own website with just one click. We’ve also included opening hours plus a clear map with a link to get directions so that you know just where to go, how to get there and when to go.

The new What’s Around Online Business Directory is live now at www.whatsaround.co.uk – head on over for a look today and don’t forget we also have tons of local events in our What’s On section. Keep on visiting the site as we have plans to add more exciting features throughout the year – we’ll keep you posted!


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swannington heritage trust

The Amazing Transformation of Hough Mill THE transformation of Hough Mill from a derelict shell to a substantially restored windmill is one of the secrets of Leicestershire’s heritage. Hidden by woodland and tree lined lanes, many people drive past it without even realising it 1990 is there. In 1994 Swannington heritage Trust bought the 200 year old windmill and set about restoring it with a vigour that has won many awards. The initial project repaired the brick walls and installed a cap, doors, windows, floors and some milling machinery; prior to opening in 2000. Restoration work has continued with volunteers making additional equipment, a 10 foot diametre 1.75 ton brakewheel, plus the wallower which meshes with it to transfer the power of the sails to the upright shaft.


During the winter, volunteers have been replacing the fantail sails and the fantail gear. In addition the digitisation of the Trust’s archive has enabled new interpretation to be provided. hough Mill is a rarity amongst windmills. The adjacent buildings also tell the story of Robert Stephenson’s 1832 Leicester and Swannington Railway, 2012 the first steam railway in the English Midlands. The adjacent Gorse Field provides evidence of many centuries of coal mining from surface coal through bell pits to gin pits. The Califat Spinney is the site of an 1850’s coal mine and features an ongoing excavation of the buildings. hough Mill opens for the summer season on Easter Sunday, the 27th March. It will open from 2-5pm on Sundays and bank holidays until the end of April. Vehicle access is via St. George’s hill, Swannington, LE67 8QW. Details of family events such as Easter at the Mill on the 28th March and Take Teddy to the Mill on the 30th May are on the Trust’s website www.swannington-heritage.co.uk and hough Mill facebook page.

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a walk in the forest

Melbourne Pool

This month we take a trip out to Melbourne Pool – a very picturesque spot with ducks, geese, coots and moorhens. The Yew hedge in the gardens of Melbourne Hall is visible off to the left as you set out - a real work of art! If you’d like to visit the gardens they are open April to September on Wednesdays, weekends and bank holidays from 1.30pm to 5.30pm. The main part of the walk passes over farmland with strips of woodland that are a carpet of bluebells in late spring. The paths were very well marked, dogs do need to be on lead in a couple of places and there is one stile just over half way round which had cattle fencing either side so large dogs will need to go over. If you fancy refreshments after your walk there are tea rooms close to the car park and also in the village centre. This is a lovely morning or afternoon walk which took us around an hour and a half.



The walk starts from the car park by Melbourne hall, just off Church Street in Melbourne – the postcode for Sat Nav users is DE73 8EN. Leave the car park and follow the tarmac driveway which leads through the stone gateway to reach Melbourne Pool. Continue along this driveway with the water on your right, and the Yew hedge visible behind the wall on your left hand side. Keep straight on the as the driveway becomes rougher and passes by a footpath that leads off at the end of the pool. A short way after this you come to another public footpath, marked by a wooden post, also leading off to the right (1). Follow this path through the gate to enter a grassy field with an obvious path across it. At the far side, cross a stile into the next field, following the path on and over a third stile. The path now follows the edge of the wood for a while before continuing around the field edge and then dropping down to a stile on your left (2). You can now see a farm on your right. The path is well marked with yellow arrows as it goes alongside the fence before passing through a gateway to join a tree lined stretch of the grass driveway leading from the farm (3). Just before the end of this stretch of drive turn left at a yellow footpath post (4) to go down over a field and reach the strip of woodland in the valley. The path now crosses a stile and then a narrow wooden plank bridge over a pretty stream (5) before climbing out of the woods, where you go over a stile and then steeply up the side of a field. At the top is another narrow strip of woodland, the path through is quite steep with steps carved up to a stile leading into a large open field near the hilltop. Whilst crossing this look out for views of Breedon church in the distance. At the far side of this field the path meets with a bridleway (you’ll see yellow posts to your left and right) – you need to turn left along the field edge to follow the bridleway with the golf course visible in places on your right. Keep going, past a gateway, and keep to the bottom of the next field with the hedge and ditch on your right. After a while you’ll meet the drive up to Park Farm on your left (marked as No Public Right of Way). Keep ahead on the bridleway, (which is now wider with a hard surface) and you will soon see a green metal public footpath sign leading off to the right – opposite this is a less obvious wooden footpath sign pointing to your left and this is the path you need to follow. The path goes up the field towards the buildings of Park Farm. At the top of the hill cross the driveway and go over the stile opposite. In this field the path drops downhill, going diagonally to the right to reach a gateway with a cattle grid across it. Carefully cross the cattle grid and, ignoring a path off to your right, stay on the main track which will shortly lead you back to Melbourne Pool (6).





All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware that paths may change over time and with the seasons.


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spotlight on... Later this month Dr houghton from the Ibstock surgery will be running the London Marathon to raise funds for Sense. As well as wishing her the best of luck in this massive challenge we also thought it may encourage more of you to offer sponsorship and support if you knew a little bit about her chosen charity

DID you know that there are currently around 250,000 deafblind people in the UK? Sense is a national charity which has supported and campaigned for children and adults who are deafblind for over 60 years. Sense provides specialist information, advice and services to deafblind people, their families, carers and the professionals who work with them.

Deafblind people of all ages benefit from the work carried out by Sense volunteers. In 2015, Sense supported 1,039 children and young people across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For youngsters with sight and hearing impairments Sense family centres can offer vital help with gaining the skills and confidence required to master signing.

What’s more, Sense supports the whole family. They offer a wide range of activities – from family days to sibling weekends – where people can share information, take a break and realise that they are not alone with the challenges they face.

For adults, Sense helps break down isolation by offering information, support, events and social activities. Sense runs a range of projects, such as befriending and social prescribing where people of all ages can enjoy



a shared interest, socialise and support one another with the challenges they face.

In addition to working with those affected to lobby local and national government for better services, Sense have taken practical steps to help including the provision of training to NhS staff in order to help people to have better experiences of health services.

As a charity Sense depends on the efforts of dedicated fundraisers such as our very own Dr houghton and relies on volunteers to run the shops and co-ordinate the many other activities held. Last year a staggering 1,800 people contributed more than 485,000 hours of their time to support Sense.

So how could you offer support? Well did you know there are two Sense charity shops based in Coalville? The store in Belvoir Shopping Centre takes donations of antiques and collectables, books, bric-a-brac, clothes and accessories, electrical items, household items, jewellery items, music and DVDs. The second store at 8-10 Belvoir Road can also take larger donations of furniture and white goods with parking just off the high Street next to Argos. If you’re having a clear out then why not donate items you no longer need or pop down to the stores and pick up a bargain?

If you’d like to find out more then head over to Sense’s website – www.sense.org.uk here you can find out more about the people this amazing charity helps and how you can get involved, volunteer some time or raise some much needed funds. You can also follow Sense UK on Facebook and Twitter for all their latest news. Dr houghton will be running with her sister-in-law, Carly Alexander who is a manager in the social work department of Leicestershire County Council. They have committed to raise a minimum of £1,500 each for the charity, a total of £3,000. If you would like to show your support, you can donate online on her JustGiving website https:// www.justgiving.com/Fatima-Houghton and Sense can claim Gift Aid too if donors are UK tax payers adding 25p for every £1 donated.

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fun quiz

Answers on page 44


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what’s on at the palace...


St George’s Day Community Morning

Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd April Showcasing local artists work. Open to the public (free entry) on Saturday 2nd April 10am6pm and Sunday 3rd April 10am-5pm. Paintings will be for sale. Light refreshments available during both days.

Saturday 23rd April, 10am to 12noon Bring your children along to have their faces painted ready for tonight’s St George’s Day Disco; they can even make their own shield! The community morning will also have a range of stalls selling everything from handmade cards and crafts to jams and pickles and delicious home made cakes. Ibstock historical Society will also be on hand to advise if any dragons lived in Ibstock once upon a time! Light refreshments.

Palace Line Dance

St George’s Day Disco Party!

Art Exhibition

Friday 15th April, from 7pm with honky Tonk Cliff. A great social night out with no partner required! Dancing from 7.45pm. Doors and bar opens at 7pm. Tickets: In advance £5 from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or halls Tel: 01530 260460 or £6 on the door.

Palace Social Dance

Saturday 16th April, from 7pm A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence Doors and bar open at 7pm. Dancing from 7.30pm ‘till 10.30pm. Tickets £5.

The Palace Film Night ‘Bridge of Spies’ (PG13)

Friday 22nd April, 7.30pm Enjoy a drink at the bar whilst watching a great film in this unique venue; one of the oldest surviving purpose-built cinemas in the country. During the cold war, a lawyer, James B. Donovan (Tom hanks) is recruited by the CIA and involved in an intense negotiation mission to release and exchange a CIA U-2 spy-plane pilot. The exchange under negotiation is that of Francis G. Powers, who was arrested after his plane was shot down by the Soviet Union during a mission, and a KGB intelligence officer, Rudolf Abel, who was arrested for espionage in the US. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Doors/ bar open at 7pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £5/£4.

Saturday 23rd April, 6.30pm until 9.30pm. ‘Family friendly’ Party. FREE ADMISSION FOR ChILDREN UNDER 16 (Must be accompanied by an adult). Adults: £2 on the door. A fun packed evening with party games and prizes. Prizes for the best fancy dressed children and adults (Fancy dress optional)

The Palace Bingo

Friday 29th April Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes Down at 8pm. A great social night out! Licensed bar and refreshments. Everyone welcome.

‘Our Industrial Heritage’.

Saturday 30th April, 10am-3pm Free to enter exhibition by Ibstock historical Society exploring ‘Our Industrial heritage’. Displays will feature the various trades and industries that were an important part of the history of Ibstock and the surrounding villages. Ibstock historical Society is joined by Shackerstone Railway Association, Whitwick historical Group and Coalville heritage Society. Ashby and hinckley Museums are also providing exhibits.

Coming soon...

The Palace Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 11th May, 7.30pm Open to the general public, but membership is required in order to vote. To become a member call 01530 262400 and ask for details.

TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. 20

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Regular bookings... Monday

Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.

Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.


Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on (01530) 262400.

ME Sports, 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.

Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656. Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.


50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com.

Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.


‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.

Thursday continued

50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am

Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.

Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine hodgetts on 01530 262400.

‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email jwyld@weight-watchers.co.uk


Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.

Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937. Childrens Dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com.

Monthly Bingo - Now Monthly on a FRIDAY Friday 29th April, Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for all.


Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. So if you would like to learn more about what is happening in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious homemade cakes, plus produce from Ibstock’s very own dairy, including milk, butter, yoghurt and cream. Light refreshments available.

The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co. Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details Please mention WHAT’S AROUND when responding to adverts



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community board Wishe s

4 Ki d s

es 4 d of Wish isco in ai D ric & Ly e er n Th in t th May at Charity D t night ou turday 14 Kids on Sa Go along for a grea harity by C y. shb rshire Rooms, A l Leiceste urse Three co ort a loca and supp ch needed funds. n and Disco. u io m ct u g A in , is ra or , Raffle formation ith coffee ge r more in dinner w 50pp. Fo tact Richard & An 9. £2 s et n Tick please co 1 259 489 Email; s et ck ti y 0775 to bu nge.co.uk. on on Tel; Bebbingt er@ivanhoechalle n in yd it char

Club ootball arents F s r io n Hill Ju y a small group o0fcphildren Bardon ed b er 14

The Ibstock Suppo rt


nd of qu Darts an ality ent d ertainm former w professional w restling orld cha ent featurin Centre o mpions g your tic n Friday 22nd are to take ove a current and tw kets now and Satu r Hermit age Leis o rday befo £10 and ure doors o re they‘re all go 23rd April, so p pen at 6 in down n e . T ic tickets v kets sta .30pm. To rt isit www .triplem find out more from just promoti a ons.co.u nd buy k.

The Coalville Adult School Drama Group

rm ov 11 b was fo hey now have d to the club, The Clu ago. T affiliate n FA Charter rs rs a a e y e y e a e fiv 14 so needed om 4 to e becom aged fr ams and hav . Your help is ers, can b te te lu r n c io lu d n o e v ju d dit dren bers an the chil rd accre Standa coaches, mem and support Can you b l. that the grow the clu to Bardon Hil draising fun ted e to continu munity affilia pport through Lee (club e and com nsorship or su ntact Michell are also o b co offer sp ? If so please 9 585. The Clu lay on p s 6 activitie er) on 07515 7 rs aged 4-6 to ch from it e fundrais for mini kick wbridge 3g p ore info. e g m N lookin ings at ct Michelle for rn o m y Saturda .30am - conta -10 9.30am

V is ag e A r t G ro u p

Are looking for new members of all abilities to join their friendly inf or group. They me et at Heather Vil mal lage Hall from 1-3pm ev ery other Mond ay afternoon and St Johns Footba ll Club Heather from 7-9pm on alter nate Wednesday ev enings. No me mbership fee – just pay as you go! This ye programme wi ar’s ll include demo nstrations, workshops, ple in air painting, social events and their annual art exhib ition at the David Taylo r Memorial Ha ll. Find them on Facebo ok at ‘Visage Ar t Group’ For more infor mation contac t Vicky on 07876 276 873

(Bridge Road, Coalville) present 'Elementary, my Dear', a farce by Philip King and John Boland from April 20th to April 23rd. Tickets are £8 and £6 for concessions and are available in advance from The Hermitage Coffee Lounge, Memorial Squa re Coalville, Tel: 01530 460 992 or Ashby Tourist Informati on Office, North Street Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Tel: 01530 411767 or pay on the door. Curtain up at 7.30 pm.

thorpe ool in Oakis available h c s e r P s rn nding Little Aco charity organisation. Fu -12noon from 9am

ok Sale at Bargain Bo Library CoalvillePop into Coalville Library

s is a ns are also run a Little Acorn 4 years old. Sessio ssion. They ay for an d se an r 3, pe 2, 0 r id fo Fr £9.5 , to ay y id da Fr es lds, Monday to noon-1pm from Tu cess to fie 12 es safe ac e id ov pr g lunch club have spar ttin ey se r th , ei ly Th al 7 0. su extra £2.5 areas. Unu 16. Please ring 0751 . ay pl d an ils r 20 woodland uk for deta Septembe o. r l.c fo ai d tm an ho w places no acorns24@ email little 636 737 or

sale of a bargain? ere will be a prices Looking for e books! Th ain and bag som oks and DVDs for barg bo h April to second hand rary from Saturday 9t d Lib e of books an ng ra at Coalville e id w h May. A Saturday 7t Ds will be available. DV



The Ibstock Suppor t Cafe offers friendl y support and care anyone affected by to a life limiting illness in the Ibstock area and is free to attend . The group meet eve ry Tuesday between 1.30pm and 4pm at the Methodis t Church.

Coleorton an d New Lount Volun te er Group Dates for Ap ril: New Loun t Reserv 30th.

Coleorton W e, 2nd, 26th ood, 12th and Sessions star t at 10am an and 16th April. Work d usually last Volunteers ar for 4 hours. e welcome to go along for of any of the all or part sessions. If yo u ar e joining the gr interested in oup you can co coleorton11@ ntact gm www.cnlvg.m ail.com or see oonfruit.co.u k.

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seasonal recipes This hearty veggie dish makes a great family midweek meal. Serve with a crisp green salad or some crunchy home-made coleslaw.

A simpler version of the classic Italian dessert

Greek Vegetable Bake

YOU WILL NEED • • • • •

Serves 4 Ready 70 minin s

• 2 large potatoes, peeled • • and thickly sliced • 1 large aubergine, trimmed and sliced • 3 tbsp olive oil • 2 garlic cloves, peeled • and crushed • 150ml vegetable stock

1 tsp dried oregano 2 tsp tomato puree 300g thick Greek yogurt 2 medium eggs, beaten 1 tbsp cornflour ¼ tsp grated nutmeg 1 large tomato, sliced Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1 Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the sliced potatoes and simmer for about 5 minutes until almost tender. Drain well and refresh under cold running water. Set aside. 2 Place the aubergine slices in a shallow bowl and drizzle over 2 tbsp of the olive oil. heat a heavy-based frying pan over a medium heat. Cook the aubergine slices for 1 to 2 minutes on each side until tender and just golden. Remove and set aside. 3 Add the rest of the oil to the pan and gently fry the garlic for 1 minute. Whisk in the vegetable stock, oregano and tomato puree and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat. Preheat the oven to 190°C, 170°C fan, Gas Mark 5. 4 Layer the potato and aubergine slices in a large ovenproof dish (at least 8cm deep). Season lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper between each layer. Pour the stock mixture over the vegetables. 5 Place the yogurt, eggs and cornflour in a bowl and beat together until smooth. Add the nutmeg and season lightly. Spoon the mixture over the layered vegetables and top with the tomato slices. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes until the top is golden and bubbling.

TOP TIP Sprinkle with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese or thin slices of mozzarella cheese before baking to make this dish even tastier!


Fruit Tiramisu

Makes 6 Ready 30 minin s + chil ling


• 120ml cold strong black coffee

• 3 tbsp coffee liqueur such as Tia Maria • 14 sponge fingers

• 500g mascarpone cheese • 75g caster sugar • 75ml Marsala

• 300ml double cream

• 75g dark chocolate, grated

• 175g strawberries, hulled and halved • 175g fresh raspberries


1 Mix together the black coffee and coffee liqueur in a shallow dish. Dip half the sponge fingers in the coffee mixture and arrange in the base of a glass serving bowl.

2 Place the mascarpone cheese and sugar in a large bowl and, using a wooden spoon, beat together until smooth and creamy. Gradually beat in the Marsala and the double cream. 3 Spread about one third of the mascarpone mixture over the sponge fingers in the serving bowl. Scatter over half the grated chocolate and most of the strawberries and raspberries. Reserve the rest of the fruit in the fridge for decoration. 4 Dip the remaining sponge fingers in the rest of the coffee mixture and arrange on top of the fruit, pressing down gently. Spoon over the remaining cream mixture and use a spatula to gently level the surface. Top with the remaining grated chocolate.

5 Cover the dish with cling film and chill for at least 3-4 hours (or overnight). To serve, remove the tiramisu from the fridge and leave to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Uncover and decorate with the reserved fruit.

TOP TIP You can vary the fruit depending on what is available at the time – try pitted fresh or canned cherries, orange segments or blueberries.

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ibstock & barlestone surgeries


JUST some advance notice - in June we are changing our computer system and this will mean that there will be some disruption for patients and staff during the changeover period. We will of course provide more information on this next month and on our web site in the coming weeks.

REDUCED FUNDING GP surgeries nationally are facing difficult times. Over the last few years funding for GP surgeries has reduced from 11% of the NhS budget to 7% of the NhS budget, which has meant a real cut in funding. At the same time costs have gone up. Demand for appointments is also rising. As a result of this the number of doctors wanting to become GPs has reduced making recruitment of GPs very difficult. Just as other surgeries have struggled with these challenges, so have we.

To rise to this challenge we have looked to innovative ways to ensure that we can provide a safe and effective service for our patients and in many ways have been a forerunner in the things that we


have done. For example, we have introduced telephone appointments. This means that more patients can have an appointment with a GP than before. We have introduced a multi-disciplinary team, which now includes two Emergency Care Practitioners (up skilled paramedics) – hayley and Steve, and a pharmacist – Sylvia.

Sylvia, is an experienced pharmacist and as such is a medicines expert, having an in-depth knowledge of medicines and how they interact. She has started to review patients on several medicines, to make sure they are on the best ones to work together, and if a patient is suffering side effects from medicines, Sylvia can advise them about alternatives. She has started reviewing patients over the ‘phone and will soon be seeing patients face to face for medication reviews. Sylvia is also our antibiotic champion, making sure that our antibiotic prescribing complies with all the latest guidelines. The changes have been well received. We are receiving excellent feedback from our patients. Our ‘Friends and Family’ score tells us that 81% of patients are very likely or likely to recommend the surgery to their friends and family, and this score is amongst the highest in Leicestershire.

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what’s on...

April bottle and glasses if you wish. Teams of up to 6 people. Quiz prizes and a raffle. Tickets from Christian Aid representatives or call Frank Bedford on 01530 467 183.

Burton Road, Ashby, 7.30pm. Entry £2. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 23rd April

16th April Ashby Farmers Market 9.00am to 1.30pm at Manor House South Street. Bringing you the finest foods from the region and 2nd April Remi Harris and his Band Venture Jazz Club, tickets £10 from Ashby TIC. Doors open 7.30pm for an 8pm start. 5th April Visit to Beaumanor Hall (not their usual 2nd Tuesday). Join them for a tour of this beautiful hall and grounds plus refreshments. Home to the Herrick family and an important WW2 listening Y station working alongside Bletchley. Call John White 01530 412 355 to book, car share possible, visitors welcome. Visit ashbydelazouchcivic society.webs.com for more details. 9th April Craft Market at Shepshed There will be an array of crafts displayed from 10am until 3pm. Original art in several different media, handmade jewellery, garden ornaments, woodturning, glassware, cakes, and needlecrafts, to name but a few. Refreshments will be served all day, with drinks and lunches available. Car parking is free and entrance to the


Market is just £1, with proceeds for the work of the Church in Shepshed. 11th April Charnwood Flower Guild flower demonstration ‘Timeless Classics’ by Pat Billing. The Adult School, Bridge Road, Coalville, LE67 3PW at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome £6. For more information call 01530 450 595.

specialist stalls. Free parking. 20th April Ashby Spa WI Behind the Scenes at the Chelsea Flower Show Manor House School, South Street at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome. Email ashbyspa @googlemail.com or call 01530 563 682. 21st to 30th April

11th April Ashby History Society Recent discoveries through the portable antiquities section. Wendy Scott will illustrate this theme with objects from the archaeology collection at County Hall. Meeting held at Methodist Church, Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch, 7.30pm. Visitors welcome to attend talks £3. For more details call Susanne Tandy on 01530 415 654. 15th April Christian Aid Quiz Evening From 7.30pm at the Church hall, Holy Trinity Ashby. Tickets £5 per person including nibbles and soft drinks. Take a

Arms and The Man A comedy by George Bernard Show Shaw's wittiest play pokes fun at those who see war as a glorious romantic adventure. Running at the Venture Theatre. Show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets Weds and Thurs £8, Fri and Sat £9 from Ashby Tourist Information Centre. ashbyventuretheatre.org.uk/ 22nd April LRWT North West Group Nigel Slater explains the mystery of bird migration. He returns to bring you up to date with the latest news and to show how modern technology is reshaping our understanding of migration. Ashby Methodist Chapel,

LRWT North West Group Visit to Stoneywell gardens. Carl Hawke of the National Trust helps you discover the typical habitat and fauna of Charnwood Forest in the garden of this latest N.T. acquisition Meet in the car park on Whitcrofts Lane at 2pm G.R.485119. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 23rd April Ravenstone Events Group St George’s Weekend of on The Green, Leicester Road, Ravenstone, starting at 7.30pm. Enjoy the candle light atmosphere of days gone by at the Crimson Moon Medieval Tavern. 23rd April Ballroom and Sequence Dancing Best of Sound. Blackfordby Village Hall, from 8pm to 11pm. Admission £3, bar/ refreshments/raffle. For more information call 01283 213 481 or 01283 224 839. 24th April Market Bosworth Farmers Market Every fourth Sunday of the month from 9am to 2.30pm at Market Square, Market Bosworth CV13 0LJ. Bringing you the

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May finest foods from the region and specialist stalls. 24th April St Georges Fete Go and enjoy the fun on The Green, Leicester Road, Ravenstone from 12noon until 4pm with Slaying the Dragon, battle reenactment, Viking camp, bed of nails, ladder of swords, stilt walker, children’s games and a whole load of other events. Rides and

amusements, hog roast, BBQ, tombola. raffle and much more! Free entry. See www.ravenstone eventsgroup.com 26th April Ashby U3A A talk by Melanie Wilson on Leicester Heritage Apples at the Congregational Church Kilwardby St., Ashby at 2pm. Tea and Coffee. Visitors £1. All welcome.

2nd May Moira Furnace ’Family Fun Day’ A free event for a ‘family fun day’ which will have a seaside theme with bouncy castles, swing boats, popcorn, candy floss, fish and chips, Punch and Judy, boat rides, sand pit, buckets and spades, deckchairs, children's crafts, food and beverages. Bring along a picnic blanket or your own chair to sit in the grounds and watch the children play.

Lots and lots more to see and do starting at 11am to 4pm. 7th May Plant Hunters Fair These fairs make a wonderful day out full of inspiring ideas you take back with you to your own garden. Each fair is hosted by one of the most beautiful and most prestigious gardens in our region- this time is the turn of Donington le Heath Manor House. Cost £1. For more information email donington@leics.gov.uk or call 01530 831 259.

It’s FREE to put community information on this page. Please submit your event details via email to admin@whatsaround.co.uk or online at www.whatsaround.co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the May issue is Thursday 14th April. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.

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on the beat

hello everyone...

Tuesday 23rd February, ON Leicestershire Police launched a new scheme to help tackle rural crime. Rural Watch has been set up to create a network of villagers, farmers, churches and businesses that can work together to address local policing issues, share information and combat crime. It brings together several existing schemes, including Horse Watch, Church Watch and Farm Watch, which have been operating across the force area, to create a bigger network and to help ensure everyone has access to advice and information. The scheme was officially launched at Melton Cattle Market by Deputy Chief Constable Roger Bannister. Residents can join the scheme by signing up to receive text or email alerts about incidents and crime in their local area. In return we encourage members to


report suspicious people, vehicles and activity to us by calling 101. By encouraging them to report suspicious activity to us quickly, we can respond more effectively and work with them to make their communities even safer. We are also increasing our visibility in rural areas by holding more targeted crime prevention events such as barn meets, tack marking days and community contact activities, where people can get crime prevention advice assessments from a local police officer or specific support and advice. The scheme has received backing from the National Farmers Union and NFU Mutual. Tim Price, Rural Affairs Specialist at NFU Mutual said: “The Rural Watch scheme is a great opportunity for people to find out more about crime prevention. Rural communities should remain vigilant and put security at the forefront of their minds.” Police and Crime Commissioner, Sir Clive Loader, said; “Rural communities often tell us that they feel exposed to rural crime and events like this confirm our commitment to keeping them safe and helping them keep themselves safe.” Rural Watch is open to anyone who lives, works or visits rural locations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. For more information about the scheme, and to find crime prevention advice on a range of topics, visit www.leics.police.uk/ruralwatch Follow us on twitter @Leicsruralwatch or like us on Facebook leicsruralwatch


call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk

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ashby museum news

nce more we are grateful to readers who responded to our request for new volunteers. Those recently recruited are a valuable addition to our team but there is always room for more, so do get in touch if you have a couple of hours a fortnight to spare.

We are currently compiling this year’s edition of Past and Present, which will be on sale in June. More details about the articles included will appear in next month’s magazine.

The Archaeology of Leicestershire in 6 Projects A series of 6 lectures showing how key archaeological projects have thrown huge light on the archaeology of Leicester and Leicestershire. Peter Liddle MBE – former County Archaeologist for Leicestershire – has over 45 years experience in Leicestershire Archaeology and has worked on, or been closely involved with, many of these projects. The price is £30 for the series or £6 per lecture. April 12th The Medbourne Survey April 26th The hallaton Treasure May 10th Leicester Abbey

April 19th Burrough hill May 3rd highcross Shopping Centre, Leic., May 17th Bradgate Park

To book your place email peter.liddle51@gmail.com or phone (0116) 2214508 or 07758 194 353 or the Museum on 01530 560090.

FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM The Friends of Ashby Museum are holding an afternoon talk on Wednesday 18th May at the museum. The speaker is Keith Gilliver, who will be talking about the Burton and Ashby Light Railways. This includes the story of Car 14 which has been restored on its return from Detroit. Tea/coffee and biscuits included for £3. All profits used to support the work of the museum. Please book a place by calling the museum.


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in your garden

Go On, Grow Your Own ENJOYING a delicious meal which includes some home grown ingredients is a wonderful feeling – it fills you full of just the right sort of pride (and maybe even a little bit of smugness!). It simply feels good to indulge in a bit of Grow Your Own and then reap the rewards.

You may well have been sowing and potting on vegetables for a while now, but if you’re behind schedule or haven’t produced vegetables before, don’t panic – there’s still time to grow just about any crop in your plot this year.

Most plants can be raised from seed now, but there are a few that are likely to give a much better yield with an earlier start. Instead, buy in plants of crops such as tomatoes, sweet peppers, chilli peppers, melons and aubergines over the next month or so.

Some vegetables can be directly sown now into well-prepared garden soil in a suitable spot in all but the coolest gardens – beetroot,


lettuce, beans, peas, carrots, rocket, spinach to name but a few. Slightly more tender crops such as sweetcorn, squash and courgettes fare better if given a bit of extra heat when you are germinating the seeds, which is where an electrically heated propagator really comes into its own. The seedlings may then need pricking out and potting on until they are sturdy enough to live in the great outdoors, but try to ‘harden off’ the young plants before placing them into their final positions as they may be damaged by cold, wind or rain. Put the young plants outside on warm days once the weather has stabilised, and bring them back under cover at night. Leave them outside after a week or so, covering them with fleece at night to let them acclimatise.

To save time, you can buy in small plants and you will get a good range from seed merchants or garden centres, but if you would like advice from me to ensure great

results, don’t forget that you can still order garden-ready plants, accompanied by weekly advice and tips emails specific to the vegetables you’ve chosen to grow. There are more details at www. pippagreenwood.com/grow - your own and you can use the code 12419-E7SPS at the checkout to get £4 discount, whichever pack size you choose. Garden-ready plants can be planted out immediately and, provided you follow the instructions, keep them wellwatered during drier weather and apply feed at regular intervals, you will soon be harvesting crops such as climbing French and runner beans, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sugar-snap peas, peppers, chillies, onions, melons, butternut squash, beetroot and courgettes.

Most vegetables need a good fertile soil and a sunny or partly shaded spot, so choose your growing area with care. If space is limited, don’t worry – most vegetables will do well in good sized containers (minimum 30cm x 30cm x 30cm) with good-quality compost, though bigger pots will need less frequent watering. But, whether you plant and sow vegetables in pots, tubs, greenhouses or open ground, the end result will be gorgeous tasting, super-fresh vegetables. So go on, get growing! Editorial by Pippa Greenwood

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3. Laurel and Hardy

7. Wallace and Gromit

5. Batman And Robin

9. Dumb and Dumber


4. Ant

2. Jedward

6. Robson and Jerome

1. Torvill and Dean


S O L U T I O N S 8. Pixie and Dixie

10. The Chuckle Brothers

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business directory Accountants & Payroll


Orchid Garden Services



JAWS Accountancy Services Ltd


Stocktons Satellite & Aerial


Ashby Bears


Green Builders


Ashby Decorator Centre


IT Services

Ideas Interiors


PC Clinic

haines Watts Ashby Ltd

Aerials & Satellite

Arts, Crafts & Gifts Builders

Carpets & Interiors

Coalville Furniture Superstore Richardsons Furniture Signature Blinds The Bed Shop

The Flooring and Bed Company





43 5

24 & 25

Supporting Confidence Through Exercise


Orchard house Day Nursery



Swingboat Nurseries

Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services




Oven Clean


NJR Pure Clean Safeclean



Toni’s Ironing Angels


SJB Logistics UK Ltd


Courier and Transport Services Driving Schools

Bardon School of Motoring Electricians

Bright Sparks

M Gleeson Electrician Events

8 32


GreenThumb (Ashby) Tindle Tree Care Ltd Urban Flora

World of Sheds




33 45

Caring hands


Therapeutic Touch


Juliet Brooke Chiropody Traditional Acupuncture

Midland IT

Kitchens & Bathrooms

Ashby Tile & Bathrooms holme Tree Kitchens Ibstock Kitchens




17 44 2



hazlewood Locksmiths


Sturgess Loughborough


Ravenstone with Snibston Parish Council


W L Lacey & Son


Pet Stay


Motor Services Notices

Painters & Decorators Pet Services

Woodward Veterinary Practice Plumbers & Gas Services B Wilkinson Plumbing D B Plumbing

Property Repairs & Maintenance Cloudy 2 Clear

Mr Oddjob handyman Services RSJ Roofing



41 39 7





The Palace Community Centre


Conibears Kitchen


Charnwood Tree Services


MP Personal Training


Eden Tree Care


Villair Travel


Food & Groceries Garden

DC Tree Care


Endurance Landscape Services Ltd



TS Roofing

Window Mate

Sports & Fitness

Bluestone Fitness

Travel and Holidays

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41 3

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