November 16 Issue

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this issue 136 THIS month’s What’s On for Families has a roundup of local events to celebrate Bonfire Night with the kids from fireworks displays to fairground rides there’s plenty of fun to be had. Over at Donington le Heath Manor the House you can discover more about how Sir Everard, whose family H owned the house, was involved in the famous Gunpowder Plot – see full details on page 8.

What’s Around

Editor Vanessa Preece

Telephone 01530 417739

We also bring you an update on the first ever Coalville Colour Run which took place in September and proved to be massively w popular, raising over £15,000 for local charity; Living Without Abuse. po

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And don’t forget the regular favourites such as this month’s walk, health d and fitness advice from MP Personal Training, delicious recipes, quizzes and more…




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What’s On for Families


Swannington Heritage Trust





Community Board


Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.

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Spotlight On

Pet’s Corner


What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.

Ashby Museum News



Front cover image Donington le Heath

Donington le Heath Manor


Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries What’s On at The Palace Seasonal Recipes


In Your Garden

Health Fitness & Advice Fun Quiz

Just 4 Fun

A Walk in the Forest Book Reviews


What’s On... Storytime

Puzzle Solutions

Business Directory


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donington le heath manor IIN November 1605 the country w shaken by an attempt to blow was u up the King and his parliament.

O One of those plotters, Sir Everard D Digby, was the leader of the Midlands C Conspiracy - a key part of the G Gunpowder plot.

JJoin us at this popular family event to d discover more about how Sir Everard, w whose family owned the house, was iinvolved in the famous Gunpowder Plot.

C Costumed characters will tell the story o of the plot, and the reasons behind it, t through a series of short plays t throughout the house. Outside in the g grounds, re-enactors will show the i impressive power of gunpowder during m musket and cannon firing demons strations.

C Children get in for free and there w will be engaging and themed craft a activities for a small fee. The tearoom w be open serving light refreshments will t throughout.


A date for your diary: Sunday 11th December 10.30am to 4.30pm. We will be celebrating Christmas at The Jacobean Manor. See the manor dressed for Christmas, with costumed characters guiding you through the house as it is prepared for the festivities. Children will be able to make a ‘Christingle’ Look out for information on events and activities at the site during our closed period at www. The house will reopen for the new season on April 1st 2017.

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what’s on for families

Bonfire Night when I was growing up involved huddling in our back garden sending my Dad out to light soggy half-hearted fireworks that had more of a sizzle than a bang. Now fireworks events involve 3D Holographic displays (I have no idea what this involves) and a sky full of colour and sparks. We have a round up of the local extravaganzas. As always, visit our Whats On page online for many more family events...


Cattows Farm are holding the MIDLAND’S BIGGEST BONFIRE, FIREWORK AND LASER DISPLAY on Saturday 5th November. Gates open at 5pm with the bonfire lighting at 6.30pm and fireworks at 7.30pm. As well as a large bonfire and the UK’s first 360 degree fireworks display there will also be a Laser Light Show, fairground rides, a licensed bar and food stalls as well as the chance to meet your favourite children’s character. Tickets are available now online at Children £4.50, Adults £6.50 and Family tickets £20.

RAINBOWS FESTIVAL OF FIREWORKS takes place at Leicester Racecourse on Saturday 5th November. This promises to be an explosive evening of fun. As well as a children’s fireworks display at 7pm and the main display at 8pm there will also be a huge bonfire, food and drink stalls and an amazing funfair! See for more information. Advance tickets cost £5 each or a family ticket costs £20 whilst children under 4 are free. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult.

Celebrate Bonfire Night locally at IBSTOCK CRICKET CLUB from 7pm on Saturday 5th November. There will be a fireworks display, food and bar – all on your doorstep. Ibstock Cricket Club, Coronation Ground, Melbourne Rd, Ibstock LE67 6NN. Please note there is no on site car parking on the night. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all that’s happening locally.


CONKER’S annual Fireworks Display starts at 5.30pm on Saturday 5th November with one of the largest displays in the East Midlands. As well as rides and amusements for the kids there will be food and drink available. Sparklers will also be on sale for use in designated areas. See for more details and to book online. Tickets cost £4 for children, £6 for adults or £18 for a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children).

The FIRE-WEEN FESTIVAL on Friday 4th November is a combined Halloween and Fireworks event in support of Pony Rescue in Bagworth. The event starts at 5.30pm when the children can meet the farm animals. There will be hot food and entertainment before the bonfire is lit at 7.30pm and the fireworks blast off at 8pm. There will also be prizes for the best fancy dress costumes (adults and kids). Tickets on the gate on the night will be £8.50 per adult and £5.50 per child. Pony Rescue Care Farm Park Lane, Bagworth, LE67 1BB.

Our online What’s On section at also has details of local events and ideas for family days out. Send us details of your family events or clubs at

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ashby museum news


e have a lovely new range of four different Christmas cards now available for those who want wa something really special this year. The designs feature historic Ashby landmarks, all in a seasonal snowy setting, painted by Di Lorriman and exclusive to landmar the Museum. Do come and have a look.


Our next ne exhibition, Christmas Contrasts: Aspects of Ashby’s Christmas Past, will from November 16th until the end of December. It will recall a range of run fro activities and events in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through activiti contemporary newspaper reports and material from our archives – from Society contem gatherings at the Assembly Rooms to the Workhouse Christmas Tea, Meat Fairs to gather Toy churches, charities, laments for the demise of carol-singing as well as T y Fairs, To F Fa the largest mince-pie in the world! So please come along to reminisce and discover. larg

anyone has a topic of Ashby history in which they are especially interested, or If anyo of which whic they have a particular knowledge, and feels that it could form the basis of an exhibition we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Carol Walton (Exhibitions Officer) at the museum. (Exhibi

To in whatever capacity, for the time and effort they put in to keeping our T thank our volunteers, volunt Museum running smoothly, we are holding a Coffee Morning for them on November 24th. The s last one was very successful and we hope they will all be able to attend this time. s

One of our sister organisations, the Friends of Grace Dieu Priory, is hosting 'An Evening with Elizabeth 1' at Thringstone Community Centre on Friday November 18th starting at 8pm. Tickets are £5 and can be obtained from Gillian Bates 01530 224491 or gillianbates1208 This year the Museum will be closed for the Christmas period from 17th December to 2nd January.

FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM The next Friends talk will be on the History of Gardens on Wednesday 16th November at 2pm. The talk will be at the museum. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available after the talk. £3 to support the work of the museum. Please call in or phone to book a place on 01530 560 090.


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swannington heritage trust

Leicester and Swannington Railway

The engine house and boiler house were demolished in the 1950’s and the winding engine moved to the National Railway Museum in York.

ROBERT Stephenson’s 1832 Leicester and Swannington Railway was the first steam railway in the English Midlands. The western end reached Swannington in 1833 when the Incline was built, a 1:17 slope 750 yards long with a winding engine at the top.

CHRISTMAS AT THE MILL Sunday 4th December, 2-4pm

In 1846 the Midland Railway bought the Leicester and Swannington, paying £100 per £50 share. A couple of years later the railway was extended to Ashby and Burton, thereby making the Swannington Incline a branch line.


The line to Ashby included Swannington Station which closed after the last passenger journey in 1951. The Swannington Archive holds photographs, letters, deeds and maps on a wide variety of subjects. For more details email chairman

A great chance to enjoy the decorated mill and see Santa. To book a place or find out more about the events email

Hough Mill could be just the place for your community organisation to enjoy a festive celebration with a difference. Contact us to find out more.

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spotlight on The first ever Coalville Colour Run took place on Sunday 18th September, raising funds for local charity; Living Without Abuse.


THE day was an overwhelming success with all 500 places filled, including 28 families and over 20 teams taking part on what turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. They certainly did colour Coalville in!

So far the event has raised an amazing £15,396 including the sponsorship received from local businesses. This gives Living Without Abuse, after the costs of organising the Colour Run, a profit of nearly £10, 000 which is absolutely amazing and so much more than was ever expected.

These funds are vital in supporting the work Loughborough based charity; Living Without Abuse do. The statistics are quite frightening with 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men being affected from some form of domestic abuse in their lifetime.

Living Without Abuse outreach workers provide much needed support to men, women and children who have or who are suffering from any form of domestic abuse. They help them to rebuild their confidence and move on from their situations, offering the emotional support that people need in these situations. Living Without Abuse are currently supporting 600 adults and 900 children in the Leicestershire area and sadly also have a waiting list which they are trying desperately to get down.

Although they are a really small charity, Living Without Abuse are doing a massive job to help local people. They support people in Leicester, Rutland and the whole of Leicestershire and really do appreciate every single penny received through donations and fundraising events.

For more information on the invaluable work they do visit their website at There’s plenty of advice there as well as details of how you could show your support whether this is through donations, organising a fundraising event or volunteering for a few hours.

The Coalville Colour Run was a fantastic example of how local people can raise essential funds whilst having a great time with friends and family. Living Without Abuse have been taken aback at the success of the event and are so grateful to all of the event sponsors – especially NWLDC as they were absolutely fantastic in supporting this event. Let’s hope we see Coalville going colour crazy again next year!


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pet’s corner


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ibstock & barlestone surgeries


These are the clinics run by our Health Care Assistants and Nurses to review patients with long term conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes, Heart problems, those who’ve had a stroke or mini stroke, have high blood pressure and those patients with COPD (like Asthma but occurs in older people). We’re overhauling the way we run these clinics and how we call patients in for them. We are moving towards a system where patients will be called just once a year regardless of the number of these conditions they have (as people quite often have more than one). This is more efficient and saves you getting multiple letters or calls.

In addition to help with administration of these clinics both for patients and ourselves, we’ll be inviting patients to come in the month they were born. This means in the short term you may be called for an annual review not long after you’ve already had one. Please bear with us during this and it’ll all sort itself out soon.



Our new system is much more flexible when it comes to texting patients. Not only can we send appointment reminders, but we can send lots of other texts such as a reminder that you’re due for a review.

We’ll gradually be implementing these systems so please: • Make sure we have your most up to date mobile number. • And if you don’t want these messages, let us know so we can mark your records.

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community board – ew Sale N ly r a e N ! bargain Grab a 5th November, l

ona rday On Satu 2noon, the Nati ew Sale o 1 N t y m rl a a 0 e :3 N 10 ty ust chari Village Hall. Sell Tr th ir b ira Child ce at Mo RLY NEW takes pla anted but NEA hool & w n -sc u re r p u yo ler, 0 aby, todd per age limit is 1 bump, b p u e h (t gister to s g re in d n th a l o re mo scho nAnd find out byBurto years). To email NNS.Ash k .u se rg a o le t. p ra @nc sell Coalville ot pop along fo ly, why n way to kick start ve ti a rn e Alt eal en It’s an id Doors op m bargain? mas shopping. & 10:30a st ri rs h e C b r u m e yo r NCT m ntry for buyers is fo m a 0 1 at st e er ublic. La n is £1 p for the p y. Entry donatio a r. d o id o d m e 2 1 th adult on

Join in & feel good!

mn with the Get your blood moving this Autu rs group! They local TCV Conservation Voluntee ove the National go out every Tuesday to impr ing, tree Forest – work includes tree thinn ath work and planting, habitat creation, footp try skills learning the fascinating coun ng and coppicing. of hedgelaying, dry stone walli tools and tea and The group provides full tuition, meet people while biscuits and is a great way to the local making a positive difference to cise thrown in! community – with a bit of exer Ashby They can pick up from Moira, nteers of all ages or Coalville and welcome volu please contact and abilities. For further details or Kay Thompson at kay.thompson phone 01283 223 327

s is t ma r h C u p o n G if t s S to c k s & chool in C r a ft Infant S

C. E. tween t Denys November be free. wn to S n Head do ednesday 30th £1.00 childre l sion on W e schoo Ibstock .00 pm. Admis se contact th r fo a e 8 z le d ri 6.00 an ld like a stall p 10.00 plus a p ou t£ If you w 0 262 043 Cos . e ffl 3 the ra on 015


Charity Open Eveni ng

Packington & Norm anton Church Ladies Group will be holdin their Charity Open g Evening in support of the Motor Neuro Disease Associatio ne n on Wednesday 16t h November. ‘Wartime Christma s’ at Packington Memo with Jane Arnold begins at 7.30pm rial Hall. Tickets cos t £6.00 and include glass of wine and a a mince pie. Call Doree n Gasson on 01530 412 012.

y mun it ! m o C Ne w he d la u n c r i o undation h C larke Fo

ood C new Shuttlew tion of a d charity unce the forma re welcome. re te is g o a Re n s n e a ti ili to d ab sed n on are plea hoir! All ages an er sessio ity c hoir tast at m p 0 commun go at the free c .0 1 at vember ry Have a 22nd No vity Centre, Prio H. Tuesday P cti A ft ro c e, LE67 9 rs ir e h lv rs U e e st th nd the ice h to atte 14 or croft, Le is rs w e r lv o U , 49 tails 4 e 2 Lane d 0 r 3 e 5 h 1 quire furt len Baxter on 0 If you re rk ll He la a -c c d o se o a ple ttlew session len@shu email he

Do you want to work with children and young families? Do you have free time for a worthwile cause? NWL Sure Start need volunteers. An excellent volunteer training package is provided. Gain valuable skills and confidence. Ask at your local NWL Children’s Centre for more details or call Heather Wood on 0116 305 5328 or 07943 142001 between 9am and 4pm.

Ashby Pr

obus Clu


invites re tired profe business ssional an m one of th en to come as visi d er month ly meetin tors to what they gs to decide to are about and may see b meet in A ecome a member be shby on th . They e first Mo each mo nd lunch and nth for a talk and a ay of al p and other so have frequent ub outings ev enjoy the ents. If you would lik company men in a of other re e to frie ti contact th ndly atmosphere red please e secretar on 01530 y Frank B 467 183 fo edford r be very w details. You will elcome.

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what’s on at the palace...


Coming soon...

They’re back... The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

Sunday 6th November, 9am - Midday

Now running weekly! Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a stall call Gary on 01530 262 400.

The Palace Film Night ‘Love and Friendship’ (PG)

Friday 18th November, 7pm for 7.30pm

Based on the Jane Austen novella ‘Lady Susan’ Set in the 18th century, the seductive and manipulative Lady Susan (Kate Beckinsale) uses devious tactics to win the heart of the eligible Reginald De Courcy (Xavier Samuel). Enjoy a drink from the bar whilst watching a great film in this unique venue; one of the oldest surviving purpose-built cinemas in the country. Tickets: £5/£4.

The Palace Bingo Night Friday 25th November

Doors open 7.30pm, Eyes Down 8.30pm

A great social night out! Join us for our special ‘Halloween’ bingo – fancy dress encouraged! Licensed bar and refreshments. Everyone welcome.

Palace Social Dance

Saturday 26th November, 7.30pm-10.30pm A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin and Sequence. Doors & bar open at 7pm. Tickets £5.

Sunday 4th December, 9am - Midday

Now running weekly! Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a stall call Gary on 01530 262 40. Also on Sunday January 8th 2017, February 12th 2017 and March 12th 2017.

The Palace Wine Club ‘Wine Tasting Evening’

Wednesday 7th December, from 7.30pm

Limited to a maximum of 30 places! Call Gary at The Palace on 01530 262 400 or Corinne 01530 451 725 to reserve your place. Tickets £8.

The Palace Christmas Festival

Friday 9th December, 3.30pm - 8.30pm and

Saturday 10th December, 10am - 1pm

Santa will be there to greet his visitors in his ‘Fairytale Forest Grotto’. There will be a large variety of interesting stalls, offering a wide range of seasonal goods at the indoor market. Beautiful, live harp music will help to create the perfect atmosphere for the occasion and free entertainment for the children will be provided by the puppets of the amazing ‘Magical Mill’, plus lots more traditional ‘festive fun’ for all the family. Seasonal refreshments will be available throughout the event.

TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260 460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment.


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Regular bookings... Monday

Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.

Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.


‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.

50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.

Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine Hodgetts on 01530 262 400.


‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email

NEW CLASS – Young Pathfinders, 5pm-6.30pm Contact the Palace on 01530 262 400 for details.


Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on 01530 262 400.

ME Sports, 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.

Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656.

Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.


‘Simply Ballroom’ Tea Dance Fortnightly, on a Wednesday, 2pm to 4pm, £3.50 entry. An afternoon of dancing, socialising and great music. Call 07768 372321 for more details. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.

‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email

Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.

Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.

Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937.

Children’s Dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email

Monthly Bingo Friday 25th November, Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for all.


Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. If you would like to learn more about what is going on in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious home made cakes. Light refreshments available.

The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel 01530 262 400. Visit for more details

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seasonal recipes A hearty and warming soup made with seasonal winter root vegetables. Serve with thick slices of warm crusty bread for a filling lunch or supper.

Spiced Winter

Serves 4 Ready in 75 min s

Veggie Soup


• 250g swede, peeled and • 2 tbsp olive oil diced • 1 onion, peeled and • 2 large parsnips, peeled finely chopped and diced • 1 clove garlic, peeled • 1.4 litre vegetable stock and crushed • Crème fraîche or natural • 2 tsp medium curry yoghurt, parsnip crisps paste (see tip) and crushed • 300g carrots, peeled and coriander seeds, to diced garnish


1 Heat the oil in a large deep pan over a medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and fry for 6 to 7 minutes until softened. Stir in the curry paste and cook for 1 minute then add the diced vegetables and cover and cook gently for 5 minutes.

2 Pour in 900ml of the chicken stock and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Cool for 10 minutes. 3 Puree the soup in a blender or food processor (in batches if necessary) and return to the pan. Stir in another 300ml of the remaining stock and heat through gently. If you prefer a soup with a thinner consistency add the rest of the stock.

4 Adjust the seasoning to taste and serve in warmed bowls garnished with a spoonful of crème fraîche or natural yoghurt, parsnip crisps and crushed coriander seeds.

TOP TIP To make the parsnip crisps, use a potato peeler to shave long thin strips from one large peeled parsnip. Half fill a large deep frying pan with vegetable oil and heat until a cube of bread dropped in the hot oil browns in 30 seconds. Fry the strips of parsnip in the hot oil for 1 to 2 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain well on kitchen paper.


These classic American cookies are crisp at the edges, chewy in the middle and have a delicious cinnamon sugar coating. Try them warm from the oven with a milkshake or hot chocolate – and if you need an excuse, America is celebrating Thanksgiving this month!

Make s1 Read 6 35 m y in in coolins + g



• • • • • •

115g unsalted butter, softened 100g dark muscovado sugar 2 tbsp maple syrup 175g self-raising flour 1½ tbsp granulated sugar 1 tsp ground cinnamon


1 Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4. Line two large baking sheets with baking paper.

2 Place the butter and muscovado sugar in a large bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until creamed. Beat in the maple syrup. Sift over the flour and beat in with the wooden spoon to form a rough dough.

3 Mix together the granulated sugar and cinnamon on a flat plate. Divide and shape the dough into about 16 walnut-sized balls (keep them roughly shaped – not smooth) and roll each ball in the cinnamon sugar. Place, well spaced, on the prepared baking sheets. Flatten each ball of mixture slightly with your fingertips.

4 Bake in the preheated oven for 13 to 14 minutes, or until deep golden brown. Remove the baking sheets from the oven and sprinkle any remaining cinnamon sugar over the cookies. Leave on the baking sheets for 10 minutes then transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool. TOP TIP Add some chopped pecans or toasted chopped hazelnuts to the cookie dough for a crunchy texture, or top with white or dark chocolate chips just before baking.

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in your garden Editorial by Pippa Greenwood

GARDEN fireworks YOU may be planning a traditional display of fireworks on November 5th, but why not also think ahead and plant yourself a few garden fireworks?

At this time of year, there are still several stunning flowers that remind me of fireworks, such as the flamboyant red hot pokers or kniphofias, also known as torch lilies. Kniphofia ‘Brimstone’ has a rich yellowy-orange colour while the smaller ‘Little Maid’ has ivory-yellow flower spikes and reaches a height of about 2 ft (60cm). ‘Fiery Fred’ has blazing orangey-red flowers, while those of ‘Alcazar’ are bright red. Available in garden centres now, they do well if planted out in early autumn or spring in a sunny spot with a well drained soil. Once established you will have a regular display that really will go off like a rocket!

Crocosmias help provide colour at this time of year, so take a look at ‘Lucifer’, with its flame-red, almost trumpet-shaped flowers clustered along an elegantly arching spike, or for golden yellow flowers consider ‘Canary Bird’. The many varieties of crocosmia thrive in sun or part shade in a well drained yet also moist soil. Pot-grown plants should be available for planting now or in the spring, or you


can buy the corms to plant towards the end of winter; these plants will look like the ultimate elegant arching firework. If fireworks like star clusters are more your scene, think about sedums or ice plants, many of which have star-shaped flowers. Some of the sedums, such as ‘Autumn Joy’, are still just about in flower, but plant pot-grown specimens now and from late summer you will have a tremendous show of blooms for several weeks, certain to attract bees and butterflies. The angels’ fishing rods, diorama, have arching stems in great numbers surrounded by broad, almost grass-like leaves, each measuring up to 5 ft (1.5m) in length. The rich pink funnelshaped flowers dangle and sway in the wind and keep on bobbing straight back up again, even on a windy site.

Consider growing some lupins for summer, either a yellow variety or ‘My Castle’, which has rich red flowers - just like a rocket racing skywards, but far less noisy.

If you want a tree but space is limited, the Kilmarnock willow, Salix caprea ‘Kilmarnock’, is a good option, reaching a height of about 6 ft (1.8 m) after 10 or 15 years. It has long weeping branches and bright yellow fuzzy catkins in spring, far better than any real Roman candle I know!

Look around nearby gardens to see what a fantastic display autumn foliage can put on, then plant anything with good autumn colour to guarantee a glowing bonfire every autumn. Your garden centre should have a plentiful supply of shrubs and trees at this time of year.

Finally, if you are having a bonfire, make it at the last minute to minimise the risk of hedgehogs or other wildlife hiding beneath the heap coming to an untimely end. The hedgehog is one of the gardener’s best friends, as it eats huge numbers of slugs and many other garden pests.

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health & fitness advice with Mark Padgett of MP Personal Training

The Power of Motivation and Goal Setting THINKING of the benefits of exercise such as weight loss, toning, a more positive outlook and so on can really make us feel like taking up exercise... It is a great motivator. So, once you are motivated you can achieve great things which lead on to greater success.

This is where goal setting comes into the equation. Take some time out to reflect on what you want and then start to think about how you are going to achieve it, what time and resources you have in order to help you achieve it and when you want to achieve it by. Write it all down, set a deadline, monitor your progress on the way and achieve your goal!

You can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it and get the right help and support... All you have to do is stick at your plan no matter what.

An example of this is the LOROS fundraising event we held in July. Goals on the gym kit were set for each participant, sponsor forms were issued, motivational support was provided, all gym challenges were achieved on the day and an amazing ÂŁ7,737 was raised for LOROS... All in the space of half a day!

Using motivation as your fuel for a more healthy, fit and balanced lifestyle is definitely the way to go but what if you struggle with motivation and attitude?


Be motivated, set goals and feel the power!

You can find out more by contacting us on 01530 815 610 or 07855 668618 or email mark@mppersonal

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fun quiz

Answers on page 52


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just 4 fun

CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Solutions on page 52


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a walk in the forest

Saltersford Valley S

W are so lucky to live within the National Forest - there are new spots popping up regularly We tthat have been made into wonderful areas of woodland, plus loads that have been around ffor quite a few years now. Here’s one that is easily overlooked but it’s a lovely spot for a q quiet stroll. This walk around the Saltersford Valley Picnic area follows a sort of figure of eeight and takes from 20 mins to half an hour but there’s scope to spend much longer relaxing oor exploring if you wish. There is seating on the way around, open grassy areas and plenty oof birdlife on the lakes including swans, tufted ducks, moorhen and grebes. The paths are all well maintained with good surfaces but the boardwalk can be slippery when wet so do take w ccare. If we have had very heavy rain the path at the very far Saltersford end may a get fl ay fflooded. loode lo d d S de alte t rs te r fo f r Valley is situated off Measham Road in Oakthorpe – look for the sign into the car park as you go through the dip in the bottom of the valley. The postcode for sat nav users is DE12 7RF.


In the car park you will see a large wooden gate opposite the signboard and, a little further round to the right, there is a smaller wooden gate leading onto Angels Walk (1). Go through this smaller gate and follow the well-made track down through the trees to come out into a small clearing. Walk straight across the c clearing, ignoring paths to your right and left, and o onto the start of the boardwalk (2). Follow the path a across boardwalk – this will take you out between the r reeds and across the lake (3) before curving around in a loop to the left. Follow the pretty path under the trees before returning to the c clearing where you started. Once again walk straight across the clearing (you h have now completed the first loop of the figure of e eight and are on the path which was originally on your l left when you first entered the clearing - you should n have the lakes on your right). Keep following this now p path through a gateway, passing by a wide track to t left which leads back to the car park. This hard the core path will now curve around to the right, passing by the first of several stations for fishermen at the side of the lake. On coming to a fork in the path keep right, close to the water. The path crosses over two small bridges (4) and then passes an open area on the left before curving back through the trees to give you a view over the far end of the lakes. As you turn away from the water there is a gate on your right which give access to another field and more of the o you will n eed to retrace far lakeside. Go through the gate to explore this area – this path is a dead end so need your steps and go back through the gate afterwards. Continue around the main path with the open grassy a area, which you have now looped around, on your left a a bench on your right (5). You will soon be back at and tthe fork where you started the second loop of your ffigure of eight – keep straight on with the water now o on your left to come back to the gateway leading into tthe clearing at the start of the walk. Turn right before tthe gateway to go up a wide path (6) which will lead y you uphill and back to the car park.






All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware A t that paths may change over time and with the seasons.


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book reviews

Foundin Translation

With Chaucer, r Shakespear r, Shakespeare and Austen forming the backbone of English E literature, literature one could be forgiven for f missing out on literary literar gems from countries. Books other cou afford us the chance to and this selection see the world from a different point of view, a France and that takes in Sweden, Japan and China via Fr Russia gives us just a taste of the wonders of the wide world out there.


MADAME BOVARY by Gustave Flaubert

W With its subtitle, ‘A story of provincial life,’ you could be forgiven for thinking that Madame Bovary is a bucolic tale of domestic bliss. Famed t for the beauty of its rhythmical sentences in its original French, the novel ttells the tragic story of Emma Bovary, a young woman married to a dull country doctor, who embarks on not one but two adulterous affairs to quench the r raging of her unsatisfied desire. Unsurprisingly the novel, first published in 1856, caused a scandal, th with reported ‘outrage to public morals and religion’ but today it stands as a ith rep beautifully crafted tragedy of love and longing.


THE SUMMER BOOK by Tove Jansson

Tove Jansson is more famous here in the UK for her childrens’ stories about the Moomin family, But her books for adults, recently translated into English, are a real treasure trove of sparse yet evocative prose. The Summer Book follows a six-year-old girl, Sophia, and her artist grandmother as they spend a summer together on a tiny island in the gulf of Finland. Deeply touching and hilarious in turn, it’s an easy yet profound read that will leave you longing i g for fresh air, deep seawater and the kind of precisely true observations about the world that only the very young and the very old can provide.


NORWEGIAN WOOD by Haruki Murakami

russia... r

ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy

Oh, Murakami. Master of the bittersweet memory, of loves lost and of the intricate details that bring Japan and all its beauty alive to his readers. Norwegian Wood is a love story that spans the decades. It follows a young man, Toru Watanabe, as he hears a cover version of his favourite Beatles song and remembers his youth, his days as a student – and Naoko, his best friend’s girlfriend. All is calm, until an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and turns it upside down. ‘Vengeance V is mine, and I will repay.’ So begins this dark, dramatic and tragic tale of love, longing and lust. With some of the most memorable, complex and convincing characters ever to have been written, we follow with bated breath as the fate of our married heroine Anna unfolds. Tolstoy tells us that Count Vronsky, upon meeting Anna, “…Did not take his eyes off her and, without knowing why, smiled.” And somehow from this point onwards we know that things are not fated to end well. A magnificent story, most beautifully told.


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what’s on...

November Thursday 3rd Funhouse Comedy Club A night of comedy at The Lyric Rooms in Ashby with Adam Kay, Peter White, Kate Smurthwaite and Pete Dobbing. Compered as always by Spiky Mike. 7.30pm doors. 8.15pm start. Food available 7.30pm-8pm. All Shows £10 in advance unless otherwise stated. Visit www.funhousecomedy. or call 0115 952 5050. Friday 4th ‘Race’ (PG) The incredible true story of legendary black US athlete Jessie Owens, who shook Hitler's plans for Aryan supremacy at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Stars Stephan James and Jeremy Irons. Starts 7.30pm. Admission £3.50 pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444. See www. Saturday 5th Copper Leaf Craft Café Book a slot to have your child’s handprint made into a silver pendant with jeweller; Lori Ridgway between 10am and 1pm. For details contact Copper Leaf Craft Café on 07939 449 009 or call into the gallery which is upstairs above Souk de la Zouch on Bath Street Corner. Saturday 5th Quality Craft Fair 10am to 2.30pm at


Ashby Methodist Church Hall. Access from Burton Road or Co-op car park. A good opportunity to buy Christmas gifts. Light refreshments also available. Friday 11th Armistice Day At 11am the annual Armistice Day event will take place at the War Memorial Coalville. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be 2 minutes silence followed by a short prayer and songs by All Saints, Belvoirdale and St Clare's Primary School School children. Contact Angela Bexton on 01530 454 603 or email angela.bexton@ Friday 11th Spectacular Concert presented by the Ashby Concert Band with support from the Seaforth Highlanders Pipes and Drums in aid of the Poppy Appeal at Holy Trinity Church from 7.30pm. All in association with the Royal British Legion. Tickets available from Ashby Tourist Information Office. Saturday 12th Venture Jazz Club at the Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby from 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 and available from Ashby Tourist Information Office.

Sunday 13th Coalville's Commemorative Remembrance Day Service and Parade will be held at Coalville's War Memorial organised by NWLDC in conjunction with the Whitwick Branch of the Royal British Legion. The parade will leave Christ Church at approx 10.35am, after the services held in the church and church hall. Sunday 13th ‘The Smallest Show on Earth’ (U) A young couple (Bill Travers & Virginia McKenna) inherit an old cinema known as "the flea-pit" to the locals. Hilarious classic British comedy also starring Peter Sellers & Margaret Rutherford. Starts 2.30pm. Admission £3.50, children £2, pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444 or see www. Monday 14th Ashby History Society Mathew Morris, Leicester University Archeological Fieldwork Director speaks on "The excavation of Greyfriars Abbey" where the body of King Richard III was found. Meeting held at Methodist Church, Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch commencing at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome. Entry £3. To find out more

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about the group please ring David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. Thursday 17th ‘Oh whistle and I’ll come to you!’ New Perspectives Theatre presents a gripping Christmas chiller based on M R James' classic Edwardian ghost story in which the chance find of an ancient whistle unleashes a terrifying supernatural encounter. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £10 are available online at www.century or call 01530 278 444. Friday 18th Charity Quiz Night & Raffle Evening in support of ‘Our Space Appeal – the Children’s Cancer Unit at Leicester Royal Infirmary. Teams of four, £5 per person. A great evening for a great cause. 8pm start at The Club, North Street, Whitwick. Contact Andrea Burton at AndreBurton08@ or call 07873 277 468. Saturday 19th Ashby Holiday Bible Club presents 'Starlight'. An afternoon of fun and sharing for all the family including craft, games, prayer, singing, stories and puppets! From 2pm

bingo. Call Ken or Glenda on 01530 230 467 for details.

till 4pm. Refreshments will be served until 5pm at Ashby Congregational Church, Kilwardby Street LE65 2FQ. Doors open at 1.45pm – register on the door. Saturday 19th Castle Rock Community Garden Project Launch Day Activity Day to start a Community Garden Project at the Hive Community Building at Castle Rock High School in Coalville. The Air Cadets will be planting some trees, the Coalville Heroes Project will be running some fun activities, the CCB Project and Master Gardeners will be talking to people about getting involved in regular gardening activities. Running between 10am

and 1pm. To find out more call Dave Cliffe on 07977 015 674 or email Tuesday 22nd Copper Leaf Craft Café Christmas makes at the Cake’n’Crochet Club. Drop in from 1pm and stay for as long as you like for £5. Crochet, chat and eat cake. Bring your packed lunch. For more details contact Copper Leaf Craft Café on 07939 449 009 or call into the gallery which is upstairs above Souk de la Zouch on Bath Street Corner. Friday 25th Charity Dance At Bagworth Club, Station Road from 8pm. £2.50 entry on the door with all funds raised given to charity. Dancing, raffle and

It’s FREE to put community information on this page or on our website. Please submit your full event details online at www.whatsaround. Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the November issue is Thursday 10th November. Information is pub-lished subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. For any queries please email admin@whats

Friday 25th Wildlife in Calke Park at night Bill Cove of Calke Abbey shows the fascinating range of creatures which modern technology reveals at night, including a wide range of bats and other wildlife. The LRWT are a friendly local group which meets monthly for talks, visits, conservation work and social events. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby and begin at 7.30pm. Entry is £3 each. To find out more about our group please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. Thursday 24th to Saturday 26th Comfort and Joy A hilarious comedy about a chaotic family Christmas, written by Mike Harding. 7.30pm at the Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby. Tickets £8 and £9 from Ashby TIC or online at www.ticket dramaticsociety

collective action to improve Coalville and the surrounding areas as a place to live, work and visit. For more details, contact John Talbut on or 01530 836 780. Tuesday 29th The Big Christmas Board Games Day Enjoy a fun afternoon at Ashby Library and try out some of the new generation of popular boardgames. Stay and play all afternoon and evening for just £2.50. Games are generally suitable for ages 8 years to adult. Proceeds of the event go to The Nagajuna Trust - a UK Registered Charity educating orphaned and destitute children in Nepal. For more info contact Margaret Jones at margaretjones@ or 07776 161 818.

December Monday 5th Love LBG Ladies Business Group Christmas Lunch Christmas lunch and festive stalls at The Lyric Rooms from 11.30am to 2pm. Open to LoveLBG members

Saturday 26th Coalville Community Connections Conversation Cafe An informal meeting from 7pm-9pm at The Christ Church, Coalville. To support, encourage and facilitate people to take individual or

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and the general public. Everyone welcome. Raising money for local charity the Maria Hanson Foundation (me&dee charity). Tickets in advance only at www.lovelbg.



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storytime AN ash branch whipped across the windscreen, snapping the wiper blade off cleanly. Barry pulled the car on to the verge and slammed on the brakes. The driver’s side windscreen became a river and the light from his headlights just a blur. Mrs Porlock’s parrot tutted.

Barry wished he was home and dry. He’d foolishly agreed to a fifteen mile round trip in the driving rain to collect his neighbour’s parrot from the vet. These last two miles were the most perilous. The high-banked lane, in many places, was only the width of one car. The rain rattled down like gravel, and a car sped by.

P ar rot

No one was sure how old Mrs Porlock’s parrot was. The bird never spoke, or did any tricks. It had just two states – either tutting with disapproval, or sulking. It particularly disapproved of anything garish or bright. Mrs Porlock could never have fairy lights at Christmas, and the bird still hadn’t forgiven Barry for once wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It tutted at him again.

Mrs Porlock’s

Barry suspected there had never been anything wrong with Mrs Porlock’s parrot. Either the rotten thing feigned illness to get some fresh fingertips to peck peck, or Mrs Porlock fancied it looked peaky just to get herself some respite from its miserable company. A white van thundered past, making the car rock unpleasantly. The parrot returned to sulking mode.

The vet had been very keen to see the back of it.

“There’s nothing wrong with this bird that some manners couldn’t cure,” she had said good-naturedly. “He’s an old soul, just keep him safe and warm.” Barry noticed a sticking plaster on each of her fingers. Even the kindest vets have their limits, Barry thought.

With only one working wiper, it was impossible to see what was up ahead. While he’d always joked that he could drive this road blindfold, and in fact had done it once for a bet in his early twenties, without a co-pilot he couldn’t know if anything was coming the other way. At this time of night there were plenty of folk about who drove as though they owned the road. His only option was to leave the car on the verge and walk the rest of the way.


h Barry looked at his passenger. He wondered if the old bird could survive a th pouring rain. It two mile walk in the began tutting again.

annoy “I know you’re annoyed,” Barry said in a this tutting doesn’t exasperation, “but all help l .” There was a sound lp so help.” of engines and fle by. The parrot two motorcycles flew stopped tutting, and returned to sulking.

hi seat, at a loss for Barry slumped in his until the rain stopped what to do. If he sat tight un he could be here all night. The T passenger side hap windscreen wiper waved happily as if mocking him. Mrs Porlock’s parrot had a perfect view of the oncoming traffic. If only his co-pilot wasn’t a dumb bird.

Barry looked at the parrot. It can see the oncoming traffic, Barry thought, and when it sees headlights it tuts. He waited. Within a few minutes the parrot began its annoying tutting again. Barry looked at his watch. Exactly thirty seconds after the parrot began tutting a Range Rover rumbled past. Thirty seconds, Barry thought, would give me enough time to pull out of the way.

He took a deep breath and put the car in gear. It was only two miles, Barry thought with determination, they would both arrive safe and dry, or not at all.

It was going to be a very defining two miles for both of them.

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by Jackie Brewster

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business directory Accountants & Payroll Accapita Haines Watts Ashby Ltd JAWS Accountancy Services Ltd Aerials & Satellite Stocktons Satellite & Aerial Arts, Crafts & Gifts Ashby Bears Builders Stevenson’s Builders Keith Armston Building Contractors Business Services NWL Chamber of Commerce Carpentry & Joinery TA Hardwick Carpets & Interiors Ashby Decorator Centre Coalville Furniture Superstore Richardsons Furniture Signature Blinds Taylor Made Flooring The Flooring and Bed Company Childcare Swingboat Nurseries Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services NJR Pure Clean Oven Clean Safeclean Toni’s Ironing Angels Dental Services Beautiful Dentures Driving Schools Bardon School of Motoring R D T School of Motoring Electricians Bright Sparks D&B Electrical M Gleeson Events Ashby’s Big Christmas Weekend Measham Car Boot Sale The Palace Community Centre Food & Groceries Conibears Kitchen Moo Fresh Garden Charnwood Tree Services


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