Whats Around Magazine January 2016

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this issue 126

What’s Around Editor Liz Roberts Telephone 01530 417739 Email enquiries Advertising/Accounts info@whatsaround.co.uk

Website/What’s On admin@whatsaround.co.uk

Web www.whatsaround.co.uk

New Year, New Start

Welcome to our first issue of 2016. We’ve got some great ideas to help get your year off to a flying start in our New Year article on page 22. We also have exciting news! We’ve now launched our new website, complete with packed listings of local events – find out more about that on page 6 - and we also have a new editor for 2016. Vanessa will be taking over at the helm as Liz takes retirement. Vanessa, who has been with the company since December 2014, is looking forward to taking What’s Around forward, she will continue to be assisted by Ibstock mum, Chandra, who does a fabulous job of helping local businesses find the best way to promote their services. So it’s goodbye from me, hello from Vanessa and a Happy New Year from all three of us.

Liz Roberts & Vanessa Preece




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New Website


On the Beat

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Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries

Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR


A Walk in the Forest


Ashby Museum News


Just 4 Fun


New Year, New You


Ashbeian MTG News


Community Board


Fun Quiz


Seasonal Recipes


What’s On


In Your Garden


What’s On at The Palace




Puzzle Solutions


Business Directory

Front Cover Image by Roger Partridge

14 18

What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited. Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.






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Copy deadline for the February edition is Thursday 14th January Please note advertising space is limited, pre-booking is recommended 4

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new website

What shall


EACH month we bring you a round up of all the upcoming local events in your area in our What’s on pages in the magazine. Whether you’re interested in concerts, coffee mornings or farmer’s markets, planning a trip to the theatre or seeking inspiration for a family day out we have it all. Alongside this our Community Board page brings you details of local club meetings and charity fundraising events. We know that this vital source of local information is important to you and we work with many of the area’s clubs, societies and community centres to bring you everything you need to know. Now you don’t need to wait for the latest magazine to come out to find out this month’s highlights you can simply head on over to the all new improved What’s Around website -www.whatsaround.co.uk - where we have launched a fabulous full events calendar. The events are automatically listed in date order from today but you can search by month, then browse the dates to see full details of what’s happening where and when along with contact information, costs, website links and a colourful image. There’s even handy symbols to indicate family events at a glance. Your diary will soon be jam packed with activities. Visit www.whatsaround.co.uk today to see the new look site and don’t forget if you have an upcoming event to let us know so we can spread the word. You can even submit full details of the event via a handy online form which will guide you through all the details that people are likely to need – this will then come straight through to us and and we’ll get it online and into the events calendar in no time at all. We hope you love the new website as much as we do. As well as the events calendar there’s also more information on who we are, the areas we deliver


magazines to and the drop off points where we leave additional copies. We would welcome your views and any ideas on what else you would find useful or interesting as we continue to develop the site throughout this year. There’s a contact form on the site to drop us a line with your thoughts. Finally, we also share links and information about what is happening locally regularly on our Facebook page and Twitter feed. As well as keeping people informed this enables those who follow us to share the information and spread it to an even wider audience, which many do. Follow us today and you’ll be sure not to miss out on the fun! Bookmark www.whatsaround.co.uk for a quick and easy way to keep up to date with all things local. You’ll find us on Facebook at www. facebook.com/Whats-Around-Maga zine and can follow us on Twitter at @whatsaroundmag.

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on the beat

“What’s the difference between Father Christmas and a burglar?” THAT'S not funny if you've been the victim of crime and that is why we are appealing to local residents to take extra care over the Christmas period. Most burglars get into homes through open or unlocked windows and doors. Always make sure these are securely shut and locked. As well as that: • Avoid leaving gifts and valuables on display • Visible burglar alarms, exterior security lighting and timer light switches, deter thieves and give the impression that somebody is at home. • Mark or etch your postcode onto the gifts you receive for Christmas. This will make it more difficult for thieves to sell your items, and easier for police to return them to you, should they be stolen and recovered.


“Father Christmas delivers your presents and a burglar takes them away!” • When out Christmas shopping, make sure your purchases are hidden from view if left in your vehicle. All staff at North West Leicestershire Police would like to thank you, our local community, for all your support in 2015. We wish you a happy and safe Christmas, and a healthy and prosperous 2016.

PC MARK ARJOO call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk

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ibstock & barlestone surgeries THIS time of year always brings lots of coughs and colds and other viral infections. Like all GP surgeries, we are likely to be extra busy at this time of year. There are lots of ways you can help yourself and the Minor Illness guide on our website can help with this. This can be found by clicking on the Minor Illness tab at the very bottom of the right hand menu bar. Pharmacists too are qualified to help with minor illness so you can always pop in and ask them for advice.


Here at Ibstock and Barlestone Surgeries we are keen to improve the service we give to our patients and would like our patients’ help with this. There are areas that as a practice we have identified as needing improvement and we’ll be working on them this year. However we really value comments and suggestions from patients and so please get in touch if you aren’t happy or if you think of a way that we can improve. We have a ‘Suggestion’ box in reception or you can email us on Ibstock.house@nhs.net or use the Comments and Suggestions form on the Contact Details page on our website at www.ibstockhousesurgery.nhs.uk. We also have a Patient Participation Group that gives us lots of constructive and helpful feedback at their monthly meetings. If you want to find out a bit more about how the surgery works or have a question you think would be of interest to lots of patients, why not come along? There is usually a GP, one of the managers and some of the other staff there to help answer questions and explain anything new we are doing. The next meeting is Wednesday 27th January, at the Ibstock surgery at 6pm - anybody who is a patient at Ibstock or Barlestone Surgery is welcome. Just a quick note to let all patients know that from April this year you will be able to access the health records we hold about you on our clinical system via the web. We are currently implementing this and because of the confidential nature of the information, we will need proof of who you are to enable this. More details will be available in the next couple of months.


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a walk in the forest

Around Thornton Reservoir


For this month’s walk we visited Thornton reservoir, a beautiful spot with good paths that take you on a pretty walk following the banks of the reservoir. Dog walkers should note that there are signs at several points around the reservoir asking for dogs to be kept on lead and a short section at the end of the walk is on the pavement alongside the road that crosses the end of the reservoir. There is a small, free, car park where you will usually see a variety of friendly ducks, geese and swans beside the shore. On the walk you are also likely to see a good selection of birds on the water including grebes and coots. Allow an hour to an hour and a half for this walk.

Thornton Reservoir is situated in the village of Thornton, between Ibstock and Leicester, and can be accessed either via the Flying Horse Roundabout on the A511 or by going through Bagworth. For sat nav. users the postcode for Thornton Reservoir is LE67 1AR. Leaving the car park take the path that leads off to your left as you face the water. Follow this tarmac path along with the reservoir on your right hand side.


After a little way you will come to an unusually shaped building that houses the exhibition centre, fishing lodge and toilets. Passing by the lodge, go through a wooden swing gate onto a hard-core path, still walking alongside the waters of the reservoir. Pass by the rear of St Peters Church and continue along this path to come to the weir that runs across this end of the reservoir. The weir is fenced off, not being safe to cross, and the path continues a little further before turning to the right and crossing a bridge to reach the next bank of the reservoir.


The path briefly splits in two here, we took the right hand split which goes nearer to the water and gave us a lovely view of the various different water birds, but as the paths do re-join a little further along either would do. Follow this well-made path for the whole distance of this side of the reservoir with farmland off to your left at the start and then a very attractive wooded area. If you are feeling a little more adventurous there are a variety of paths for both walkers and cyclists available so you can explore the woods which are on your left and then re-join the main path.


On coming to the end of this side of the reservoir you will again bear right and cross a bridge over a stream to follow along the opposite bank of this arm of the reservoir (the whole reservoir is shaped roughly like a letter Y and you are now on the second point of it). Keep straight on along this path, with the water still on your right hand side until you reach a large metal gate, with a smaller wooden swing gate beside it. Go through this into a small area alongside the road. Cross over the road to reach the pavement on the far side and turn right, following the road as it runs across the end of the reservoir. Where the pavement ends cross back over the road and go through the opening leading into the car park where you started out. Please be aware that paths may change over time and with the seasons.


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ashby museum news


e would like to remind readers that, following the Christmas holidays, the Museum reopens at 11am on Monday January 4th 2016. Much of the Museum staff’s time is spent behind the scenes. Almost twenty people are involved in cataloguing, either on paper or on computer, the large and increasing amount of material relating to this area. A variety of skills are used including using the Modes programme to record material which eventually ends up on our website; conserving documents of which many are over one hundred years old and researching manuscripts such as those relating to Alton Grange, Coleorton and local businesses.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers and have two hours a fortnight to spare, then please get in touch with us on 01530 560090. We have also been storing, more effectively, material passed on to us by the Bowls Club, Ashby Rotary Club and Ashby Civic Society. We were delighted to welcome, in the Autumn, two new trustees, Mrs. Carol Walton and Mrs. Rosie Pilgrim. The trustees meet four times a year and at the Annual General Meeting and the Museum has been extremely fortunate to have had, over the past thirty four years, many loyal, hard-working and talented individuals as trustees.

FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM The Friends of Ashby Museum enjoyed a talk recently about Wicked Hathern Brewery and especially the tasting session! The committee is putting together the 2016 programme. There will be several afternoon talks, including ones on the Burton to Ashby Tramway and an aspect of Coleorton's history. In the Autumn we will holding the Ian Clews Memorial Quiz. We will publicise dates as soon as possible. We look forward to your support.


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just 4 fun

Solutions on page 44


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition. That’s all there is to it. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic - there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s additive! Solutions to all puzzles can be found on page 44.

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new year, new you

New Year Resolutions

After indulging in all the festive feasts and celebrations of the last few weeks many of us will be looking to the New Year with renewed enthusiasm to get fit, lose weight or generally to improve our health, both mental and physical. Whatever your goal there are a choice of local businesses who can offer support and inspiration and here’s our pick of the best:

If you’re looking to get fit then MP Personal Training in Coalville can help with unlimited gym classes for £50 per month or £8 each or you could benefit from more personal attention working with a highly qualified personal trainer in the gym.

To further encourage your good intentions; Hermitage Leisure Centre is running a January promotion of ‘Join Now pay Nothing till February’ which could save you up to £50. See their website for more information at www.nwleics.gov.uk/ pages/hermitagelc

If losing those few extra pounds gained over Christmas is your priority, then Slimming World could well be the answer. Local leader Jo holds sessions at Measham Top Club at various times every Wednesday.

Down at The Ibstock Palace you have a choice of ways to keep fit whatever your age or fitness levels. Fitness Pilates classes run on a Monday night with sessions for the over 50’s on a Wednesday and Thursday morning. There’s also Circuit Training on a Tuesday evening and twice a week you could try Tai Chi. For a more low impact aerobic workout there’s ‘Healthy Hearts’ specifically designed for the 50+ age group on Thursdays.

For many the New Year resolutions we make will be to boost our emotional wellbeing, learning how to relax and step back from our worries. Vanessa’s Traditional Acupuncture offers benefits for a wide variety of conditions from migraines to stress to insomnia when other treatments have not helped. Yvonne from Therapeutic Touch provides meditation for health and lifestyle in either group or individual sessions and welcomes beginners.

All of these local businesses can help you to meet your 2016 goals whatever they may be. Take that first step today and enjoy a Happy New Year with a happy new you.


Find a full selection of local businesses either in your monthly magazine and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest offers. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.

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ashbeian mtg news Mid-way through rehearsals for two productions, the Ashbeian Musical Theatre Group send you greetings for an exciting New Year

From Shepshed to Repton

OUR first production is “Aladdin”, a traditional pantomime by Ben Crooker, to be performed at the Hind Leys College Theatre in Shepshed from Wednesday 16th to Sunday 20th February. Producer and Director; David McKnight is no stranger to panto – having been a


professional pantomime dame – and he was part of the team that produced “Cinderella” in 2012, raising funds for Hospice Hope. Donations from Aladdin ticket sales will be made to LOROS, Rainbows and the Air Ambulance. Supported by talented dancers from Dance Networtk and AMTGT’s resident musicians, Aladdin will appeal to audiences of all ages and will beat those winter blues. Oh yes it will! We are also rehearsing for “Anything Goes”, set aboard the SS American, which will be performed from Tuesday 5th to Saturday 9th April at our usual theatre home, the magnificent 400 Hall at Repton School (pictured). With well-known

Cole Porter songs and music, this tale of mistaken identity, romance and comedy, takes place during an Atlantic voyage from New York to England. Newcomer Natalie Whittlesey plays the role of Reno Sweeney, alongside Chris Head as Billy Crocker and Emily Wortley as Hope Harcourt. Book your tickets for either show by calling 07527 228945 or book online at ashbeianmtg.org New members are welcome at any stage during our rehearsal period, so if you are looking to join a great and friendly musical theatre company in any capacity contact us at ashbeian@hotmail.co.uk

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community board


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C o le o r to n and N e w L o u nt Vo lu nte e r G ro u p

Are you interested in Wildlife?

Dates for work sessions in Oc tober are: New Loun t, January 5th an d 9th ranger days . Coleorton Wo od, January 19th an d 23rd non-ran ger days. Work Sess ions start at 10 am and usually las t for 4 hours. Volunteers are welcome to go along for all or part of any of th e sessions. If yo u are intereste d in joining the grou p you can cont act coleorton11@gm ail.com or see www.cnlvg.moo nfruit.co.uk.

Bosworth Battlefield alk Guidedalk W e exploring th

ed w e. A 2km guid it’s outcom sworth and Bo of e ttl Ba s throughout ay nd Su d Saturdays an 0 adults. 30pm. £4.5 January at 1. n. Family tickets re £3.25 child 429 for ll 01455 290 available. Ca details. e or m


w you can put com munity information on this page free of charge (subject to space). So whether you are loo king for new memb volunteers or just ers, have some inform ation that you’d like to let local peo ple know about sim ply email the details over to us at admin@whatsaro und.co.uk. We’d love to hear fro m you!

The Peter Williams Naturalists Club meets on the first Friday of the month, from September through until April, at 7.30 pm in the Marlene Reid Centre, 85 Belvoir Road, Coalville. Each meeting has a speaker who will show their pictures and explain about the wildlife they are interested in. In the summer months trips to local reserves are organised. The club was started by well-known local Naturalist called Peter Williams, and is named after him. Sadly, Peter died a couple of years ago, but his son, Richard Williams, is now President. Visitors, either wanting to learn more about wildlife or, those who would like to share their knowledge are most welcome. If you would like to talk to a member before just turning up, then phone chairman Richard Pegler on 01530 413 121, or secretary Martin Vaughan on 01530 412 220 to find out more.

Ulverscroft Gra nge

Tearoom Open Monday to Ulverscroft Gran Friday from 10am to 4pm, the ge Te aroom is the pe unwind and is ful rfect place to ly wheelchair ac cessible. Daily sp are served betw ecials een 12 noon an d 2pm with last from the table menu taken up until 3pm. Grou orders to plan ahead ma ps wishing reserve tables for y book visits in advance and we will them. There are regular activitie with volunteer s led walks on a Tuesday afternoo along further details on n. Fo all of these activ ities please conta r administration ct the team on 01530 24 4 91 4 or email hello@shuttlewo od-clarke.org.

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fun quiz

Answers on page 44


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seasonal recipes This tart makes a delicious warming winter pud. You can use other fruits if plums are not available.

This filling curry can be made with any mix of vegetables you have to hand.

Plum & Almond Tart

Serves 6 Read 75 miny in s chillin + g

YOU WILL NEED • 175g self-raising flour • 100g unsalted butter, chilled and diced • 50g ground almonds • 3tbsp caster sugar • 1 small egg, beaten

• 50g natural marzipan, chilled and grated • 4 large plums, stones removed and quartered • 2tbsp flaked almonds, roughly chopped • 2tbsp Demerara sugar

GET STARTED 1 Sift the flour into a bowl; add the diced butter and, using your fingertips, rub the fat into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the ground almonds. Remove ¼ of the mixture and chill in the fridge. 2 Add the caster sugar and beaten egg to the remaining mixture and mix to a soft, slightly sticky dough. Using floured hands press the dough into the base and up the sides of a 28 x 10cm oblong loose-based flan tin (see tip). Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. 3 Preheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, Gas Mark 4. Scatter the grated marzipan in the chilled flan case and top with the plum quarters (skin side up). Stir the flaked almonds and Demerara sugar into the reserved breadcrumb mixture and scatter over the plums. 4 Bake the tart in the preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes, or until crisp and deep golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes. Remove the tart from the tin, slice and serve. TOP TIP If you don’t have an oblong shaped flan tin use a 20cm round loose based fluted flan tin instead.


Paneer & Vegetable Coconut Curry

Serv es 4 Read 45 m y in ins

YOU WILL NEED • 2 small carrots, peeled and thinly sliced • 100g small cauliflower florets • 100g small broccoli florets • 1tbsp vegetable oil • 225g paneer cheese, cubed • 150g mushrooms, wiped and sliced • 1 large onion, peeled and chopped • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

• 2cm piece root ginger, peeled and grated • 1 red chilli pepper, deseeded and chopped, plus extra sliced chilli to garnish • 1 tbsp Thai red curry paste • 400ml can coconut milk • 150g frozen peas • 2 tomatoes, roughly chopped • Squeeze of lime juice • Fresh oregano leaves, to garnish

GET STARTED 1 Bring a pan of water to the boil. Add the carrots and boil for 5 minutes until almost tender adding the cauliflower and broccoli florets for the last 2 minutes. Drain well and set aside. 2 Heat the oil in a large deep frying pan over a medium heat. Add the paneer and mushrooms and stir-fry over a high heat for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. 3 Add the onion to the pan and fry very gently for about 10 minutes until soft and golden. Add the garlic, ginger and chilli and fry for a further 2 to 3 minutes then stir in the Thai paste and cook for 1 to 2 minutes until fragrant. 4 Pour in the coconut milk and bring to the boil then reduce the heat and return the paneer and mushrooms to the pan along with the drained vegetables, peas and tomatoes. Stir well and simmer gently for 4 to 5 minutes. Add the lime juice and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve garnished with sliced red chilli pepper and oregano leaves. TOP TIP Paneer is an Indian vegetarian cheese which has a firm texture and goes particularly well with spices and garlic, chilli and ginger. You can use drained and cubed tofu instead, if preferred.

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what’s on...

January evening performances. Adults £8.00 and children £7.00. Call 01530 834575 or visit www.tpads.org.uk 16th January Ashby Farmers Market – 9am to 2pm at Manor House School, South Street, Ashby. Bringing you the finest foods from the region and specialist stalls. Free parking.

1st January LRWT North West Group – New Year’s Day walk at Bradgate Park. Enjoy the delights of the historic setting, unique mammals and a wide range of flora. Meet at 1pm in main car park. N.B. Parking charge payable, car sharing suggested. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 7th January The WI at Packington – Social evening at Packington Memorial Hall. Starts at 7.30pm in the small room. Guests welcome. 9th January The Roulettes – Local harmony group; The Roulettes live at The Ram Inn, Ibstock with covers from the 1950’s to the present day. Starts at 9pm. Call 01530 587 490.

8th January Savannah Jazz Band – One of the most popular UK bands with an exciting New Orleans style. Doors open at 7pm at Newbold Verdon Sports and Social Club. Admission £9.00. Contact 01455 822824. 15th January 45 Years (15). As their 45th wedding anniversary approaches, a couple receive an unexpected letter which contains potentially life changing news. Stars Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £3.50 pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444.

16th January Tea party for the over 60’s - Enjoy a New Year party tea with music and entertainment from vocalist Katherine Field, The Breakaway Singers and Go Ukulele Crazy. From 2pm to 5pm Ravenstone Institute, tickets cost £3 available from the Village Shop, Beesley’s Garden Centre or phone 01530 813 323. Supported by PRS for Music. For more details visit www.ravenstone eventsgroup.com. 16th January Billy Idol Tribute – Live at The Ram Inn, Ibstock. Starts at 9pm. Call 01530 587 490.

19th January Juke Box Jury Thringstone WI take a trip down memory lane in their January meeting with favourite hits. Starting at 7.30pm in Thringstone Methodist Church Hall. Visitors welcome. 22nd January LRWT North West Group – Michael Jeeves looks at the future for wildlife in Leicestershire. He will explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the Living Landscape Projects, HS2 and increasing pressure from development. Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby, 7.30pm. Entry £2. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 23rd January The Forbidden Door (Age: 12+) – By The Devil’s Violin, a combination of mesmerizing, live music and dynamic storytelling. Acclaimed storyteller Daniel Morden is joined by virtuoso musicians

Mr Holmes (PG). A drama mystery film starring Ian McKellen as Sherlock Holmes at Packington Memorial Hall. Refreshments available from 7pm. The film commences at 7.30pm. Pay on the door. 15th to 23rd January Little Red Riding Hood. Thringstone Pantomime and Drama Society present this classic tale at Thringstone Community Centre. Matinee and


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30th January Coleorton & New Lount Volunteer Group AGM The meeting will start at 7pm and will be followed by a Social Evening, which will include refreshments. This is an open event and all are welcome to attend. The Beaumont Centre, Peggs Green, Coleorton. 30th January Roy Chubby Brown Tribute Show – Live at The Ram Inn, Ibstock. Starts at 9pm. Call 01530 587 490. Sarah Moody (cello), Dylan Fowler (guitar) and Oliver Wilson-Dickson (fiddle) to transport you into the mysterious world of the imagination. At 7.30pm, The Palace, Ibstock. For more information call 01530 267 303, or go to www.thedevilsviolin.co.uk. 23rd January Rocking Ratbags – 50’s, 60’s and 70’s music live at The Ram Inn, Ibstock. Starts at 9pm. Call 01530 587 490. 23rd January Hey Beatles - The ultimate Beatles tribute band. At 8pm, Venture Theatre, North Street, Ashby, tickets £10 from Ashby TIC. 24th January Market Bosworth Farmers Market – Every fourth Sunday of the month from 9am to 2.30pm at Market Square, Market Bosworth CV13

0LJ. Bringing you the finest foods from the region and specialist stalls. 27th January Sing - Along -a - Sound of Music - The Lyric Rooms will be 'alive to the sound of music'. Dress up if you wish. Ashby Community Cinema Film Nights. Please note the time change - doors and bar open 6.30pm and the film starts 7pm. 28th January ‘The Pitmen Poets’ The Pitmen Poets celebrate the songs, humour and culture of the North East's Coal Mining tradition. With Billy Mitchell, Bob Fox, Benny Graham and Jez Lowe at the Century Theatre, Snibston. Starts at 7.45pm and tickets cost £17.50. Book online at www.centurytheatre. co.uk or call 01530 278 444.

30th January to 6th February Cinderella at the Palace A magical pantomime production by the Palace Players complete with the wicked step mother and evil step sisters. Will Cinderella find her Prince Charming? Matinee and evening performance. Refreshments and Bar. Tickets £5.00 children and £7.50 adults. Call the Box Office on 01530 262400 or visit www.palace players.co.uk


5th February Suffragette (12A). In early 20th-century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working wife and mother Maud Watts. Stars Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne-Marie Duff & Meryl Streep. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £3.50 pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444.

16th to 20th February Aladdin. Ashbeian Musical Theatre Group presents Aladdin at Hind Leys College, Shepshed. Tickets £10 each. Evening and matinee performances. Call the Box Office on 07527 228945 or book online at ashbeianmtg.org

It’s FREE to put community information on this page. Please submit your event details via email to admin@whatsaround.co.uk or online at www.whatsaround.co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the February issue is Thursday 14th January. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.

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in your garden Editorial by Pippa Greenwood

Make Room for Roses IT’S the perfect time of year to plant roses, and there should be a good selection in local garden centres or from specialist rose nurseries. Although roses look good in beds, borders and containers, why not create your own fantasy rose arch or rose-clad arbour? Transform an existing arch or pergola by planting roses now to ensure fabulous colour for many summers to come. Alternatively, create your own using sturdy timber or buy a good quality wooden or metal arch or pergola kit. Start by deciding whether to use ramblers or climbers to cover your pergola or arch. Ramblers are easier to train but only flower once a year, whereas many climbers have two flowering periods or flower intermittently for months. Many roses are strongly coloured, so ensure that these will look good with adjacent planting and will not clash with nearby painted or treated surfaces such as decking or garden furniture. Perfume is a vital ingredient walking beneath an arch or pergola laden with perfumed roses on a warm summer’s evening takes


some beating! If you get your roses delivered, don’t be put off if they have somewhat lopsided roots, uninspiring woody stems and little else. This is normal, but despite their forlorn appearance they usually establish well. Do try to plant as soon as possible, but if not make sure that you keep the root systems moist by wrapping in thoroughly moistened hessian or by burying the roots temporarily in garden soil. Make your planting hole close to the base of the arch or pergola: a distance of about 30 to 45cm (12 to 18in) works well, but keep away from concrete footings or other material located in the soil. Although roses quite like fairly heavy soil, for clay soils likely to waterlogging prepare a sizeable area before planting by digging in well rotted manure, garden compost and grit, which also ensures good fertility. If the roots of bare root roses are lopsided and crammed together, spread them out before planting. Soak the roots in water for a couple of hours before prising them apart, prune out any which have been damaged and plant the rose immediately.

Ensure you plant at the correct depth: the swollen graft point slightly above where the roots start protruding should be just above soil level. Once in place, keep your rose well watered during dry conditions, paying particular care over the next 18 months. Apply rose fertiliser and top up the mulch in spring. Newly purchased roses are unlikely to have much in the way of top growth, but once they get going you will obviously need to train these stems into the arch or pergola, securing them at regular intervals with great care, so that they are not damaged by being buffeted against the arch or pergola during windy weather. I like to use the steel wire with a dense foam covering – strong but soft! Good varieties for planting over pergolas and arches include: Veilchenblau Paul’s Scarlet’ (climber) Excelsa ‘Crimson Shower’ Albertine Albericbarbier ‘Golden Showers’ ‘Iceberg’ (climber) Malvern Hills ‘Super Fairy’, ‘Gloire de Dijon’, ‘Zéphirine Drouhin’.

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what’s on at the palace...

The Palace Community Centre wish all their members and patrons a Happy New Year! January... The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

Sunday 10th January, 9am ‘til Midday Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a table call Gary on 01530 262400. (Also on February 14th and March 6th.)

The Palace Film Night ‘Mr Holmes’ (PG)

Firday 15th January, 7.30pm Long-retired and near the end of his life, Sherlock Holmes (Ian McKellen) grapples with an unreliable memory and must rely on his housekeeper's son as he revisits the still-unsolved case that led to his retirement. Doors/bar open at 7pm. Tickets: £5/£4. Advance tickets: from The Palace call 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical call 01530 260460.

The Devils Violin present ‘The Forbidden Door’ (12+) Saturday 23rd January, 7.30pm (For details see http://wwwthedevilsviolin.co.uk). A combination of live music and dynamic storytelling, the lauded company weave an enchantment of melody and mystery. DON’T OPEN THAT DOOR! As soon as the rule is laid down, we know it will be broken. Acclaimed storyteller Dominic Kelly, joined by virtuoso musicians will transport you into the world of the imagination. Performance starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £8, concs £6, Combo ticket (1 Full & 2 concs) £16. Advance tickets: from The Palace call 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical call 01530 260460.

The Palace Bingo

Coming soon... Pantomime at The Palace presents ‘Cinderella’

January 30th to February 6th Matinee and evening performances. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for further details. Tickets £7.50 adults and £5 children, available from The Palace and Halls Electrical.

Palace Social Dance

Saturday 13th February, from 7.30pm A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence. Doors and bar open at 7.30pm. Dancing from 8pm ‘till 11pm. Tickets £5.

The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale

Sunday 14th February, 9am ‘til Midday Pick up a bargain! Admission 20p. For more details or to book a table call Gary on 01530 262400. (Also on March 6th.)

Available for Hire...

The Palace Community Centre is available to hire for regular events and commercial hire, as well as private parties and celebrations. The Palace has a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park opposite venue, good disability access and facilities, full PA and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue for numerous types of events.

Friday 29th January Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes Down at 8.00pm. Licensed bar & refreshments. Everyone welcome.

TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. 40

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Regular bookings... Monday

Thursday continued

Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.

‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831.

Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.


Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Rachel Seabrook on 01530 452144. ME Sports , 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937. Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656. Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.


50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. NEW - ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com. Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.


‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.

Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine Hodgetts on 01530 262400.


Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216. Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937. Childrens Dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com. Monthly Bingo Friday 29th January. Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for everyone.


Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Starts again in February. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. So if you would like to learn more about what is happening in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious homemade cakes, plus produce from Ibstock’s very own dairy, including milk, butter, yoghurt and cream. Light refreshments available.

50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.

The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co. Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details Please mention WHAT’S AROUND when responding to adverts



Percy comes for

By Jackie Brewster


MARJORIE daydreamed as she stirred the bubbling pan full of her New Year’s Day casserole. The family were out watching the local rugby match, but would soon be home, cold and famished. She paused at the sound of Great Aunt Sophia making her way downstairs. This year Marjorie had drawn the short straw to have Sophia over for the New Year. She had arrived by train on New Year’s Eve carrying her musty handbag full of mystery false teeth, hairnets and used tissues. Last, but by no means least, in that cavernous bag was the black ceramic pot containing the cremated remains of Percy, her deceased husband. He was her constant companion. There were members of the family who had only ever known Percy as a black ceramic pot. He’d been dead for over twenty years and yet never missed a family occasion. Sophia, besides being rather absentminded, wasn’t really much trouble, and in many ways she tried to be helpful. She always offered to pop the kettle on or butter some bread, and Marjorie knew she should be grateful, but the kitchen was her domain and it felt uncomfortable to have another woman invading it. She was putting the plates in the oven to warm when Sophia came in carrying Percy. “Something smells nice”. She said, “Do you want a hand with it?”. She lifted the casserole dish lid and sniffed. “It’s all sorted Sophia, but thanks anyway”. “Would you mind if I make myself a cup of tea?”. “Let me do it for you Sophia, the kettle’s just boiled”. “I won’t hear of it, you’ve done enough, go and put your feet up”. Sophia began opening and closing cupboards so Marjorie decided to grab a handful of cutlery and beat a retreat to the dining room. Calmly she began to lay out each place setting. “I hope you don’t mind but I’ve added a bit of Percy to your stew dear”. Sophia called through the kitchen door, “It just needed a little something”. “Thank you Sophia”. Marjorie called back. She was slightly annoyed. It wasn’t a stew, it was a casserole, and, interfering with another woman’s recipe was really going too far. She took a deep breath and folded a napkin. Then she stopped. What had Sophia just said? She flew back into the kitchen, to find Sophia happily stirring the casserole. Next to the stove was Percy’s pot with the lid askew.


Marjorie gasped as Sophia raised the wooden spoon to her lips. “Aunt Sophia stop!”. She shrieked. But it was too late, Sophia slurped down the casserole greedily. “Mmm, just what it needed”. She licked her lips, then noticed Marjorie, “What on earth’s wrong dear?”. “Tell me you haven’t put Percy in the casserole?”. “Not Percy”. Sophia seemed bewildered. “Why on earth would I do that, dear?”. She held up a glass jar that Marjorie recognised from the back of the spice rack. “It was parsley, and just a teaspoon. Here, have a taste”. Sophia thrust the same spoon into Marjorie’s open mouth. The casserole now had a distinctly different tang, Marjorie thought, but wasn’t completely ruined. She made a mental note to throw that jar away, judging by the fusty taste it must by months out of date. She heard the front door open and the sound of six pairs of boots in the hall. “We’d better start dishing up Sophia”, she said. “Take Percy out of the way”. And it was probably for the best that neither lady noticed the seal on the lid of the parsley jar. It had never once been opened.

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PUZZLE SOLUTIONS - SUDOKU - FUN QUIZ - WORD LADDER & MORE... WORD LADDER Foot, hoot, hood, hoed, heed, herd, hard, yard.

WORD WHEEL TARGET: Excellent: 28 or more words Good: 22 words Fair: 17 words Answer: Backdate

FUN QUIZ 1. Cecil 2. Same-sex marriage 3. Foo Fighters 4. Andy Burnham 5. Dismaland 6. Minions 7. Female bishop (in the Church of England) 8. Jess Glynne 9. Matisse 10. The UK Independence Party (UKIP). 44

To advertise in WHAT’S AROUND call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk

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business directory Accountants & Payroll

Garden continued



Leicestershire Coal

City Tax Shop


Eden Tree Care

Haines Watts Ashby Ltd JAWS Accountancy Services Ltd

9 30 27

Sharon’s Mobile Hairdresser



Juliet Brooke Chiropody



Slimming World

Green Builders


Therapeutic Touch


Keith Armston Building Contractors


Traditional Acupuncture


Carpets & Interiors Ashby Carpets


Coalville Furniture Superstore


The Flooring and Bed Company

24 & 25

Childcare Orchard House Day Nursery Swingboat Nurseries

15, 16 & 17 48

Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services Deanclean


NJR Pure Clean


Oven Clean




Toni's Ironing Angels


Driving Schools Bardon School of Motoring


Electricians M Gleeson Electrician



Midland IT


The PC Clinic


Kitchens & Bathrooms Ashby Tile & Bathrooms Ibstock Kitchens Hazlewood Locksmiths W L Lacey & Son B Wilkinson Plumbing


Property Repairs & Maintenance Cloudy 2 Clear


Mr Oddjob Handyman Services


RSJ Roofing




Supreme Home Improvements


TS Roofing

19 10

Window Mate Pubs, Restaurants, Take Aways

Conibears Kitchen


Plumbers & Gas Services


Food & Groceries


Painters & Decorators



2 12


The Palace Community Centre Regent Financial Management


IT Services

Ashbeian Musical Theatre Group Financial Services

The George Inn


The Ram Inn


Schools and Tuition 29


Appleby Community Languages


Sports & Fitness

Charnwood Tree Services


8 34


Arts, Crafts & Gifts Ashby Bears

The Ten Mile Timber Company


Hair & Beauty

Aerials & Satellite Stocktons Satellite & Aerial

Endurance Landscape Services Ltd



MP Personal Training

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