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Tom Osterberg, Lighthouse Realty
We do all types of residential and commercial applications, including a Service Division that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Superior and effi cient workmanship, timeliness and reasonable prices are the basic standards you can expect when working with Glacier Valley Roofi ng. Our Company has a strong reputation for high quality and is fully licenced and insured. Call Bym Mensink at 604-551-8742 for your FREE ESTIMATE and consultation today.
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If it was built in 1980's to 1995 Polybutylene pipe was used for the water distribution. Manufacturing of this product ceased in 1995 because of failures in the ttings and the pipe. If you have this piping Insurance companies may not cover any ood damage.
Buying a Home that Needs Some Work
When you’re shopping for a new home, you probably want the property to be as “move in ready” as possible. That way, you can... well... just move in!
However, there are a lot of fantastic properties on the market that need some work. For example, you might see a home that has everything you need, but the kitchen is long overdue for a renovation. Or, you might view a property that requires a lot of repairs and painting — tasks that, at first glance, seem overwhelming. You don’t want to just pass on a property that might be a great buy. On the other hand, you don’t want to purchase a home, only to end up with more renovations, repairs and expenses than you anticipated. What’s the solution? Here’s an idea.
When you view a home that needs work, make a note of exactly what needs to be done. Stick to the important “must have” improvements and leave “nice to have” improvements for a later time. Chances are, you’ll identify just one or two projects — such as “paint all the walls” or “replace the countertops in the kitchen”.
Once you have that list, you’ll be in a better position to determine how long the work will likely take and the approximate cost. This will give you some needed perspective on whether or not to buy the home. If a home you’re considering needs $15,000 in work that can probably be completed within two months, that might make the property worth buying. In fact, it probably would! So, when you see an otherwise ideal home that needs some work, don’t let your imagination make that work into more than it is. Take notes and get estimates.
If you’re interested in moving to a larger more spacious home, give me a call direct 604-615-6446
We are a Re-Pipe and Renovations company that repairs or replaces Cold and Hot Water Building Mains; Hot Water Recirculation Lines and Risers; Re-pipe and Repair inferior or worn out Water Pipe Systems with new PEX Systems or New Copper; and General Plumbing Repairs. We will follow up with drywall repairs, finishing and painting.
Fully insured and registered with Worksafe BC and GST. All work guaranteed.
- Over 30 years'Master Plumber Red Seal since 1976 - Re-Pipe industry. Dry-Wall Repairs included with a Re-Pipe
Give Keith a Call for a FREE Estimate
Tom Osterberg
Real Estate Representative Lighthouse Realty Ltd Cell 604-615-6446 www.TomOsterberg.realtor fraservalleytom@gmail.com
What a challenging • April 30, 2021 – payment of 2020 income taxes for all individuals and IT’S NOT TOO LATE year 2020 has been! Like many of you I am happy to say filing of returns for individuals, except those with self-employment income • June 15, 2021 – filing deadline for goodbye to the old and welcome 2021! individuals with self-employment I am hopeful for a year that brings us income together, sharing new adventures with our loved ones, with renewed gratitude and Did you receive CERB Covid19 benefits in April 30th has come and gone. If you are self-employed with an unincorporated respect for everyone in our lives. 2020? Prepare yourself for a tax balance as there was no deduction for income business, there is still time –until June 15th! Don’t give the Tax Man that late The New Year means tax season is just taxes. If other sources of income exceed filing penalty! Even if you owe, it’s better to file on time.around the corner – Currently there are no updates to the usual deadlines: $13,229 you may have a tax balance of roughly $400 for every $2,000 received.
• I’m a CPA with over 20 years’ experience working with a wide variety of clients February 28, 2021 – T4’s, T5’s and other Were you laid-off and collected EI? ranging from personal tax clients to owner-managed companies keeping their earning slips must be filed with CRA; you may receive your copies before, or a little While EI payments include a deduction for Federal income taxes there is no businesses on track and growing. after this date deduction for Provincial income taxes. If other sources of income exceed $10,949 • Some of the services I can provide for you include: March 1, 2021 – RRSP contribution deadline to be deductible against your you may owe additional tax of 5.06% (depending on your marginal tax rate) of • Accounting 2020 income the gross amount of EI received. • • Personal and business taxes (Corporations, partnerships, proprietorships) March 31, 2021 – T3 slips for investments The above information is a general • Bookkeeping in mutual funds, or for beneficiaries of a trust, must be filed with CRA; you may discussion only. It is best to review your personal circumstances with your receive copies after this date professional advisor. LET’S WORK TOGETHER Come see me at my office located inside the Mission Chamber of Commerce.
JENNIFER LAGO, CPA, CGA JENNIFER LAGO, CPA, CGA 604-488-9806 604.488.9806 jen@jenlagocpa.com 34033 Lougheed Highway, Mission, BC. New Office Location: 34698 Dann Avenue, Mission BC Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Call or Email me for an Appointment