4 minute read
Winter Skin with Satin Laser Spa
8 S T E P S T O P R E V E N T D R Y W I N T E R S K I N
I T ’ S C O M M O N F O R M O S T P E O P L E T O H A V E D R Y S K I N D U R I N G T H E W I N T E R M O N T H S . D I D Y O U K N O W T H A T Y O U C A N P R E V E N T D R Y , F L A K I N G , I T C H Y A N D / O R C R A C K I N G S K I N ? Y E S , Y O U C A N !
1 C O O L I T D O W N
When the weather outside is frightful, it’ s very tempting to take long hot showers or baths, because it feels good on your skin to soak in soothing water that makes us feel warm. However, exposing your body to hot water for too long can be extremely drying to the skin. Keeping your baths and showers short (no more than 15 minutes) and using warm water instead of hot water will ensure that your skin will retain its own moisture.
2 D E L I C A T E A R E W E ?
The skin around your eyes as well as other areas of the face is thin and requires gentle cleansing and regular, quality moisturizing to keep skin soft and supple. Applying a good eye serum and facial cream often during the winter will keep dry skin (and wrinkles) at bay.
3 I T H C Y , F L A K I E N O N O ' S
As for itchy and irritated skin, switching to a mild cleanser also can help reduce or eliminate the itchiness associated with very dry skin. After your bath or shower, be sure to gently pat your skin dry with a clean soft towel and apply an ointment, body oil or moisturizing body lotion immediately afterwards. Take special care not to rub your skin dry with a towel as this can irritate it and exacerbate itching and flakiness.
4 I N G R E D I E N T S M A T T E R
Always check the ingredients in skin care products because deodorant soaps and cleansers, alcohol-based toners and products that contain fragrances can irritate dry, sensitive skin. Make sure your products are from a manufacturer you trust.
5 C R A C K I N G R E P A I R S
Most people tend to wash their hands more often in the winter time to get rid of potentially harmful germs and bacteria, covid has amplified this. Counter this by applying a moisturizing hand cream afterwards. If your hands are extremely dry and require more attention, dabbing thicker cream on them and covering that with gloves at bed time is a good way to repair dry, cracking skin overnight.
6 H U M I D I T Y A N Y O N E
Using a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home is another important step to preventing dry, itchy skin.
7 T H E F A B R I C O F O U R L I V E S
You also can wear soft fabrics that breathe, such as 100% cotton. If you wear wool or other rough fabrics, you should wear a soft fabric underneath.
8 H Y D R A T I O N
Hydration is key! Nourishing your body with 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is a must to keep you healthy, vibrant, clear minded, and with clear and hydrated skin. Mineral water is one of the best sources to provide peak nourishment.
For more information on how you can have soft, supple skin during the winter and year-round, reserve a consultation with Tammy and let her help YOUR skin look and feel its very best! Call 604-259-2193 or email elegancemdskincare@gmail.com today!
LOCATION: 32550 7th Ave. Mission, BC
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