What's Up Yukon 2021 Press Kit

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Years Sharing Yukon’s Stories HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR TIME SINCE 2005


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205-105 Titanium Way (Trades Centre), Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7

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p 867-667-2910

10 REASONS our Advertisers choose What’s Up Yukon 1 Production Quality

What’s Up Yukon’s full colour production model demands a higher quality print to achieve our magazine layout and feel. • Non-toxic vegetable based ink and completely recyclable • Premium Glossy Print (8 Pages)

What’s Up Yukon’s website boasts Yukon’s largest digital cultural archive, most comprehensive events database, and is always updating with the latest stories. We offer modern interactive advertising - no plain static ads for our readers!

What’s Up Yukon invests in learning more 7 about readership through a third party

• Professional Graphic Design Services


offer a comprehensive online 6 We experience

FREE Distribution - is a HUGE advantage

professional business - Datapath Systems.

This is the information age and we all expect to have access to stories for Free. Free removes barriers from readers and provides unique distribution opportunities. We believe FREE distribution has contributed to What’s  Up  Yukon’s success.

Presently no other local media does this for their clients.

It is What’s Up Yukon’s policy for all 3 content to be 100% local What’s Up Yukon promises readers and advertisers only local content - never using free on-line fill services. Local content is crucial to maintaining the high percentage of readers who actively read the entire issue. Engagement is key.

4 Longer Readership Cycle !

This means your message gets more time in the market compared to traditional newspapers. Our entertainment magazine earns consistent readership and with it we also enjoy multiple issue reads due to our extensive event listings.

5 What’s Up Yukon is FUN

Yukoners enjoy reading about their neighbours and plan their leisure time with the many schedules inside. What’s Up Yukon is about celebrating who we are and exploring what we can be. Numerous columnists and writers take being the FUN EXPERTS, seriously.

CONTACT US TODAY for a Detailed Rate Sheet & Date Plan

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

Datapath follows the standards of Canadian research guidelines and back up their data 100%. Donna is one of only 300 Canadians certified in Market research and a leader in North America, she is often presenting research results around the world. Survey research is proven to be statistically accurate within 5%.

8 What’s Up Yukon is INNOVATIVE

Unique opportunities? Try something different? The very existence of What’s Up Yukon has been built on creativity and thinking outside the box. If you have partnership opportunities, special booking size requests, content design/ad integration bring it on!

What’s Up Yukon can reach both locals 9 and tourists Not an easy feat. Very few publications can appeal to both markets.

Yukon mine camps receive What’s Up 10 Yukon When Mines are operational, we send every issue to remote regions throughout Yukon.

What’s Up Yukon is a proud member of

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FREE. It Makes A difference! Yukoners can get involved in their community as we provide the door to opportunities with FREE access to the secrets and celebrations of Yukon culture. FREE distribution delivers readers to our stories without barriers. All this benefits our advertisers with greater access and visibility. FREE opens up a multitude of unique distribution opportunities, as we receive many requests to be part of special events; such as conferences, welcome packages, festivals, and gift giving. We love receiving calls for special invites.

2021 Distribution Strategy We’ve increased our base distribution to 6300 copies weekly! What’s Up Yukon discovered we could deliver more copies to fewer locations and still meet our distribution targets. This makes us smile as we love creating and sharing this little magazine. Watch our newsletter for select Issue dates where we add a Whitehorse Mail drop bringing our distribution to 12,000 copies.

Find us at these locations: ✔ Canada Post (All Yukon communities) ✔ Big Bear Donair ✔ Boston Pizza ✔ Canada Games Centre ✔ Gold Rush Inn ✔ Granger Big Way Grocery ✔ GP Distributing Clients ✔ High Country Inn ✔ Home Hardware ✔ Horwoods Mall

✔ Independent Grocer ✔ Integra Tire ✔ McDonald’s Restaurant ✔ Mac’s Fireweed Bookstore ✔ Northlight Innovation Centre ✔ Riverside Grocery ✔ Save on Foods ✔ Shoppers Drug Mart (Both) ✔ Subways (Downtown) ✔ Super A (Both)

✔ Superstore ✔ The Deli ✔ Tim Hortons (Both) ✔ Wal-Mart ✔ Westmark Hotel ✔ Yukon Liquor Store ✔ Yukon Tourism Visitor Centre (Whitehorse)

Recycled Distribution ATTENTION RETAILERS AND LOCAL PRODUCERS You deliver Yukon-made, we’ll surround it with Yukon culture. Our fun bright pages provide excellent FREE packaging for your local goods being sent all over the world. We have limited returns so best to order by month, first come first serve basis.

Got A S tory Idea? Send our editor your press release! Tips to increase your chances of coverage: ✔ Avoid mass media press releases. ✔ Hone your message for What’s Up Yukon. ✔ Plan ahead, send your pitch 30 days or more before your event. ✔ Offer to write the story as a free exchange. ✔ Business pitches need a unique angle, strategize your timing. ✔ Follow up with our editor to determine interest.

e editor@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext 3

Providing Your Own Ad Design?

Here are our production specs to achieve the best results. Pre-Flight CHECKLIST

ACCEPTABLE SOFTWARE FORMATS PDF (high resolution print quality, preferably PDF/X-1a:2001) **PREFERRED** TIFF (flattened) EPS (with pictures embedded and all type outlined or fonts included) JPEG (be aware that we convert these to TIFF, CMYK before printing) Adobe Indesign CC and lower versions. The file MUST be packaged and include the IDD file, the IDML version, all linked images and fonts. Adobe Photoshop CC, CS6 or earlier (flattened, or in layers with all type rasterized or fonts included) Illustrator CC, CS6 or earlier (flattened, or in layers with all type outlined or fonts included) Microsoft Word or Publisher files are not accepted! Please use our free design service. Send our sales person your copy by email and your graphic elements attached separately.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS Fonts: Rasterizing and outlining type ensures we will not have any font substitution problems. However, it does render the type uneditable which means WUY designers will not be able to make minor corrections should they be asked to do so. Image Resolution: All images must be adjusted to a minimum of 300 pixels/inch, at the size it will appear in your ad. Please note printing an image requires a much higher resolution then viewing it on a computer screen. If you print your image on your laser printer, if the image looks soft, crunchy, distorted, it will look more so using our press. Please be aware that when submitting low resolution images, there is little we can do to compensate. An image at 72 pixels / inch (typical web resolution) may look like this on your computer screen:

But it will look like this when printed on paper:

A quick check through this list can eliminate most print problems.

PDF: q PDF file was created using Acrobat Distiller. q The file was distilled using PDF X1/a:2001 settings. q All fonts were embedded. q Security settings were turned off and no encryption was used. q PDF is cropped to correct ad size with registration & crop marks turned off.

IF SUPPLYING AD IN DESIGN STAGE: q Both screen and printer fonts were provided. q Open type or Multiple Master fonts were NOT used. q Outlined fonts - save a copy of non-outlined text outside of the ad area for future editing.

IMAGES AND SCANNING: q Include all TIFF [LZW compression was turned off] or EPS images used in ad (no giffs or jpegs). q Halftone or photo-quality images were sized to 220 dpi for newsprint or 300 dpi for heatset or glossy products. q All line art and line drawings were sized to 600 dpi for newsprint or 800 dpi for heatset or glossy products. q All images have been flattened (no layers). In-house designers should save their .psd files (if used) and include in archived folder for future editing. q All files are CMYK/Grayscale/Line Art (no RGB).

COLOURS: q Use pure Black (4 Color or registration black is not recommended). q All colors are CMYK - replace all PANTONE or RGB colors with CMYK and give consideration to dot gain (28%) and ink density (240%). q Type under 9pt and lines under 1pt should be one process ink colour (cyan, magenta, yellow or pure black) or white only (or accuracy of registration cannot be guaranteed on newsprint).


Adjustments: WUY policy is to not tamper with provided ad designs. However, please be aware we may choose to adjust image brightness/contrast to optimize print quality. We do advise clients to go back to their original designer for edits. Printing Liability: What’s Up Yukon reminds clients providing camera ready ads, design responsibility and the resulting printing issues would place liability on their designer.

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

q The ad measures the correct size. q All files have been flattened (no layers). q Ad has a border defined by background or a line. If not, it may be necessary to add one to separate it from editorial. q Ad pasteboard is cleared of old images not used in ad.

NAMING CONVENTION q Image names should be specific eg. red hat.tiff, NOT generic eg. image. tif q PDFs supplied should reference ad name and date, eg. 150205_Whitehorse Chamber.pdf, NOT whatsupyukonad.pdf

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Submit Your Event

It’s FREE. It’s EASY. It’s FAST.

e r o M l Sel



Create An Account On Our New Website Full management control of your event listings and venues

Sell Your Event Tickets & Program Registrations! A Yukon Solution with competitive commission rates ✔ Payable Ticket Commission to WUY: 4.75% (Lower than Eventbrite & others) ✔ Your account receives payment instantly, commission portion dropped in WUY account ✔ Free tickets can use service for free ✔ Yes we can accommodate complex ticket structures ✔ Mobile app to scan tickets and manage guest lists ✔ Virtual event options with live stream embeds and monetizing ability ✔ Email marketing coming soon

All events are promoted with What’s Up Yukon! ✔ Tourism identified events have a live link to travelyukon.com ✔ All events are promoted in our print editions ✔ Events whereby commission is active will have a higher digital promotion on WUY events pages but also through WUY social media ✔ What’s Up Yukon is making significant marketing investments to gateway visitors and YG tourism identified international markets. Visitors can buy tickets before arriving! ✔ Interested in a live integration with What’s Up Yukon contact us we love partnerships.

Automated calendar integrations Schedule automatic event imports from Meetup, Google Calendar, iCalendar, and other sites

Prefer our events guru, to look after your events No problem just email: events@whatsupyukon.com

We’ll keep an account active for you so you may access as you wish. e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

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WHAT OUR CLIENTS SAY We definitely love working with What’s Up Yukon for our marketing efforts, even more, since we discovered through a community survey that our audience is using WUY as one of the main references to know what’s going on in the Yukon. WUY is the best for advertising performing arts. Gwaandak Theatre Always professional and offers a lot of options and possibilities for l’AFY communications. Association Franco-Yukonnaise Your ambition and energy is a blessing. We here at Canal Marine and Oceanside RV in Haines love to be a part of your publication. You stand above the rest in your timely ads. Thank you again for your continued support.

I have really enjoyed watching What’s Up grow - you guys are so committed to this community forum - thank you for the great covers, unique columns approach and listings. Patti Balsillie - CAE, EQAT Tammy and her committed Team of experts bend over backwards for their Clients. The entire paper is first-class, never boring and always full of good and interesting news. Even the quality of the photos is firstclass. What’s up Yukon—I trust it and admire the way it is run. Special thanks to Tammy for all of your very helpful advice and the time you take to make your Clients feel special. Your brand of service and quality is truly exemplary. Joy E Karp - Author & Business Owner

Top-notch people who are passionate about their work and who seek (and make happen) mutually beneficial opportunities. We really appreciate our partnership and the latest article and photos really captured the essence of who we are and what we are trying to be. In fact, thanks to What’s Up promotion we attracted members from Dawson and Beaver Creek!

What’s Up is not only THE BEST source for news on Yukon arts and culture, you are awesome supporters.

Yukon Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Association Residents and businesses enjoy the coverage and services What’s Up Yukon provides in our community. Similarly, the majority of audiences at the Palace Grand Theatre (and 60,000 visitors to our community) often rely on What’s Up Yukon coverage during their trips. Dawsonites and our visitors appreciate reading What’s Up Yukon. Thank You! Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Live at the Palace Grand Theatre Dawson City, Yukon

Oceanside R.V. Park


Very easy to deal with and Tammy was so helpful in getting our ad constructed and in the paper. Communication was always prompt as well... very pleased!

I would like to thank the What’s Up Yukon team for such a great BreakOut West feature. Neat to see a different take on the musical profiles, the schedules were laid out beautifully so easy to follow (saw lots of people with an excerpt from What’s Up Yukon in their pockets over the weekend), and the cover on the edition drawing from the many Yukon music/musician stories in past issues was exceptionally effective! Encouraging some of the restaurant venues to advertise including the Yukon spotlight/musicians definitely helped increase their business. The Yukon spotlight initiative went over very well from all accounts. I personally know dozens of people who deliberately fraternized those Yukon establishments that were featuring Yukon musicians. So kudos all around. Cheers! Duncan Sinclair - Music Yukon Advertising in What’s Up Yukon weekly has been so successful, we’ve had to re-evaluate our marketing plan to accommodate the business success we’ve enjoyed. Ammanda Partridge Business Owner, Elements Esthetics The support and design I receive from What’s Up Yukon makes marketing so much more stress-free than any other publication I’ve worked with. It’s just so nice to have that attention, especially when you’re a one-person operation. It makes me feel as though my business matters to you as much as it does to me! Ellen Brian - Little Star Astrology

Yukon Queer Film Alliance

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

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Whatsupyukon.com DIGITAL OPPORTUNITIES Engaging our readers by: ✔ Hosting Yukon’s largest digital cultural archive ✔ Compiling the most comprehensive Yukon events database ✔ Engaging through our social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and we just started an Instagram account. ✔ Joining ISSUU for our readers to enjoy easy reading on their tablets in magazine form. ✔ Creating and posting new original content every week! ✔ Engaging in a comprehensive targeted digital media buy for What’s Up Yukon with vision to grow regional and international readership. NEW

Increase brand awareness and site traffic by leveraging the trust What’s Up Yukon has built with readers. Views Chart

Age Demographics Ages 45-54 Ages 55-64 15.31%


Ages 25-34 Ages 35-44 27.58%

Women Men



Monthly 14,000

Weekly 3,500

16.72% 16.99%







Mostly regional readers: Yukon Canada, Western Canada, Southeast Alaska

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

One of the Yukon’s most-visited and highest-ranked sites

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Choose Your Plan for Digital Display Advertising Our team of professionals can help you navigate the ad formats, create the message and assist with evaluating the results.




Traditional Formats

Interactive & Eye Catching

Traditional Formats

Size: 300x300 px

Size: 300x600 px or 970x250 px

Engaging Unique Sizes that dominate!

✔ $150 per week or

✔ $200 per week

✔ $300 per week

✔ $395 per month

✔ $495 per month

✔ $595 per month

Format options:

Format options:

Format options:

✔ Basic Static Ad ✔ The flipper/swapper ✔ The Peel ✔ Split Reveals ✔ Instant Text

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Amazing Cube Slide ins/Sneakers Scratch Offs Expendables Videos

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Billboards 1500x350 Open to larger sizes The Road Block / Pop Ups Expandable Flyouts Videos larger than 300x300 Featured ads: photos/video/ multiple links social media icons

To view all the options: https://information.broadstreetads.com/category/ad-formats/

Buy One Year Of Digital Display Advertising ✔ Receive 20% off

silver/gold/platinum plans

Full Account Access

➠ Change your ad designs ➠ Check your stats

by impressions, hovers and click-throughs

✔ Receive 10% off all print advertising plans Note: early cancellation of these programs will require the correct rate applied retroactively.

Digital Advertising Site Categories: Our commitment is showing your ads to the right readers at the right time. We have four placement strategies. All placements packages will be granted space on homepage rotation.

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2



Advertising tabs Include:

Advertising tabs Include:

➠ Events ➠ All Arts ➠ Yukon artist talent directories

➠ All Yukon ➠ Lifestyle subsections: Wild Foods & off the land

➠ Outdoors Readers subsections: Living With Wildlife & Hunting for Wildlife



Advertising tabs Include:

Advertising tabs Include:

➠ All Recipes ➠ Lifestyle subsections:

➠ All Lifestyle ➠ All Our Readers ➠ Yukon subsection: Yukoners

Food and Drink & Wellness

➠ Reader Subsection: Yukon Eat It

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Manage your own store What’s Up Yukon Commerce Shop Reach relevant audiences with an attractive digital store format. Increase brand awareness and site traffic by leveraging the trust What’s Up Yukon has built with readers. ✔ One time setup fee $75 ✔ $25 monthly fee plus sales commission ✔ Minimum 3 month agreement ✔ Sign up for the year ($300 we’ll waive the set up fee)

And More Digital Service Opportunities ... ✔ Add a video on issuu for a $25 fee. View on tablets, phones & the issuu is linked throughout our website. Our readers love the archives, issuu reads continue to grow long after release dates. ✔ Free Ad Design - Available for both print and digital static formats. Limited free proofs. Offer doesn’t extend to video development ✔ Ask us for a retargeting quote. Your digital advertising with What’s Up Yukon can follow our readers as they move to other platforms.

e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 ext. 2

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WE’VE BEEN RECOGNIZED BY OUR COMMUNITY: ✔ Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce “Contribution to Community” and “Business Persons of the Year” (twice) ✔ Tourism Industry Association of Yukon “Cultural Tourism Award” ✔ BDC Young Entrepreneur for Yukon Award ✔ Chatelaine Magazine 80th Anniversary Issue Noted as one of Canada’s Top 80 women to watch! ✔ Start Up Canada Business Women for Northern Canada ✔ Yukon Legislative Assembly Tribute “For enriching the lives of Yukoners, contributions to the economy and celebrating culture”

Calling All Professional Persuaders, Imaginaters And Implementers Of Creative Visionary Advertising Messages.

Join Us. Meet Our Readers. Let’s navigate options and create together! e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910 a 205-105 Titanium Way (Trades Centre), Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7

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