The Atlin Whisper, August 17, 2022

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“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.”

Over the past (2) two years placer mining in BC have been applying for permits through the usual channels.Therehas been a slow down with regards the turnaround time. In fact, there have been no permits issued in the Atlin area this year or for that matter last year either.TheBC Ministry of Mines have stated on paper that they are putting all placer Notices of Work on the back burner as BC feels the placer miners do not generate enough money to the govt. They state that large mines and their programs will be looked at first. Atlin is a small community in the northwest corner of BC and the businesses there make their living as a result of placer mining and have since 1898. The fact is that this year there has been a loss of approximately 30 jobs from one mine site, 15 20 from another mine site and a multitude of other mines where jobs have been lost. The loss from these (2) two mine sites alone would be appox. 6-7 million let alone all the other mines.Thefolks in Atlin are very upset and have asked that an investigation be initiated into the gov't mishandling of this. The BC Gov't doesn't have a problem taking our money to stake our claims, leases and is holding bonding money, but will not allow us to mine. We have asked the Liberal mines critic Tom Shypitka to attend Atlin and talk with the folks in Atlin.Tom has stated that is willing to attend Atlin on August 23, 2022 to speak with the folks and listen to the miners’ issues. Again, this is very small community that is taking a very hard hit. It seems that the gov't is being very vindictive having hidden this slow down which has been unknown to the miners whose livelihood depends on the annual mining in Atlin only to find out that they have been stabbed in the back. One miner had pulled his multimillion dollar operation out of Atlin at a great personal loss to his business and of course the Atlin community. And to this date no permits have been forwarded. It is my understanding that the rest of the placer miners and communities in BC are having the same issues I would ask if you would be willing to have a film crew attend Atlin on August 22

Randy Miller Pres Atlin Placer Mining Assoc. 1 250 319


Margaret Mead Atlin BC-Loss of Mining Revenue

Wednesday August 17th, 2022 The Atlin Whisper

To: Good afternoon, I am the president of the Atlin Placer Mining Assoc.

Atlin Supportive Living Society Annual General Meeting When- 2:00 pmThursday August 25 Where- At thePew onFulton Ave. Phone: 651 7445 for more information or if you would like a ride to the meeting.


Thankyou,Maggie.Weknowyouaren’tgoneforgoodandwillbearoundifweneedyou,but we’llmissyou.

BC-TRT Joint Visioning Process Announcement & Call-Out for Participation


The Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) is currently planning a Joint Visioning Process with the Province of BC and Canada to develop a shared vision for advancing their government to government relationship over the next 20+ years.

Maggiebroughtherskillsashousekeepertomaintaintheguestroomsaswellasallspacesin thehotelneedingconstantattention.Sheisatirelessworker,oftenstayinglongerthanher shifttocompletetasksorfillinginforotherswhenneeded.Sheisthefriendlyfacethat greetsvisitors,oftengivingtheminformationaboutAtlinandthesurroundingarea.

TRTFN is currently seeking Atlin community representatives to participate in a facilitated joint visioning session taking place in Atlin on September 20th, 21st, and 22nd. Representatives must be available all 3 days and be committed to reflecting their understanding of community interests and to helping provide information out to the broader community of Atlin prior to and after the session.



If you are interested in participating or have any questions, contact Chantelle Schultz ( 867) 334Stay8985.tuned for further information and opportunities for involvement.

Maggie(Margaret)SmitharrivedattheInnlastyearjustafteritopenedandhasbeena staunchsupporteranddedicatedworkerthroughallitsgrowthanddevelopment.

Maggietookonanewrolewiththelocalschoollastyearassupportstaffandfounditso rewarding,shedecidedtocontinuewithitthisyear. Wewillmissher,herwonderfulworkethic,hersmileandallthosecookies,browniesand othergoodiessheregularlybroughtforstafftoenjoy.

MaggiehelpedtheAtlinMountainInninitsinitialphases,bringingherexpertiseinherfield andawillingnesstodowhateverittooktokeepthingsrollingsmoothly.

This fund is available toall Yukon AND Atlin residents. Toapply, contact: Hilary Smith Cancer Care Navigator Ph: 867 393 8853 SpeakOR with the nurses in the Chemoroom at Whitehorse General Hospital

The aircraft used for getting in and out of these wilderness areas was, in this case, Jimmy’s Piper Super

Alaska Hwy.Enroute Ft Nelson. I came over the rise, and a valley opened up in front of me one of those wide Yukon valleys with the rolling hills, topped with a powder blue sky and scudding cirro cumulus clouds. I heard the rotary engine of a little float plane off to my right, and saw a Super Cub beating it across a small lake, intent on clearing the trees at the far end. ‘Probably his last flight before freezup,’ I thought to myself. I watched as it barely cleared a row of tall skinny spruces and banked hard left towards the highway, the tips of the trees left shaking like fists, as if angry at the little aircraft’s escape. I shook my head and Itsmiled.reminded me of a story about a landing and takeoff on another pint sized pot hole lake further on down the highway a story that featured a series of wildlife shenanigans involving Jimmy Anderson and my friend Hilary Craig. Jimmy ‘Midnight’ Anderson, a bush pilot from down the highway, was charged with acquiring wildlife for a certain TV wilderness program, and Hilbo was his partner in crime. ‘Acquiring’ is the best I can come up with for the whole business, because it went something like this: Once a likely, reasonably photogenic, animal was sighted, it was shot with a tranquilizer gun, loaded into the plane, and transported to a location where it could be filmed ‘in the wild’ in reasonable comfort.

LANDFILL NEWS BRUSH AND OTHER BURNABLES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT THE LANDFILL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. SATURDAY MONDAY CLOSED ON ALL BC STATUTORY HOLIDAYS BC Day Closed Monday, Aug 1st …..… Open July 30, 31 & Aug 2 Labour Day Closed Monday, Sept 5th ……….. Open Sept 3, 4, 6 Thanksgiving Day Closed Monday, Oct 10th ... Open Oct 8, 9, 11 11HOURSAM-4PM Operated by the Atlin Community Improvement District ON THE ROAD V “And Now On The Nature Channel: ‘Stalking the Big Game of the North Country’."

One great feature of the Cub, is that it can land on very short water. Fortunately for the heroes of our tale, short water abounded in the area, and Jimmy was able to plop the little plane down on an available lake without delay. Getting their angry cargo out of the tail was no cakewalk, but they managed it without getting kicked to death. Finally, they stood and watched as a groggy Kevin retreated on wobbly legs towards the nearest stand of trees, probably wondering where on God’s earth he might be.

I can only imagine what Kevin was thinking when he woke up in the tail of that plane: “Hey, wait a minute. Wasn’t I just bounding through the bush? How did I end up thrashing about in this flimsy airborne contraption? And who are the two skinny white boys up front who look like they are about to shit their pants? ... dammit ... I should have listened to my mother.”

With the crisis averted and the plane patched up, Jimmy and Hilbo breathed a sigh of relief. They were home free. Well ... almost. It’s relatively easy to land on these little lakes. Taking off, though, is a different kettle o’ fish. Depending on the length of the lake and the height of the trees, you can easily find yourself stranded with no hope of getting into the air. This particular stretch of water was borderline, but Jimmy had a trick up his sleeve one often used by bush pilots to defeat the pesky too short lake.

Cub a beautiful little machine with high lift wing and powerful engine that made it a perfect float plane for the bush.

The plan worked, more often than not, without a hitch, but every now and then it would reveal itself to be the hair brained scheme it was. On this particular trip, a woodland caribou had been knocked out and trussed up in the tail of the Cub, which was now cruising above hilly, forested terrain peppered with pot hole lakes. It became clear shortly after takeoff, however, that the amount of tranquilizer necessary to sedate the animal had been woefully underestimated, because Kevin (as he became known) started to regain consciousness and, as they say in airline parlance, ‘move about the cabin.’

Now a fully conscious and frantic Kevin was starting to kick out the struts of the fabric and tube body. Air surfaces being what they are, this was not a good thing. The aircraft began to shudder and became more and more difficult to fly, and it was time to look for a place to land.

Another incident involved him putting down on the Alaska highway to release some other large mammal in crisis. But that was Jimmy. The stories of Jimmy Anderson’s flying exploits are legion. One of many tales involves him settling, just for a lark, on the roof of a pal’s semi trailer rolling down the Alaska Highway, then ripping his landing gear off on the superstructure as he gunned it to take off again.

I am guessing the driver had seen one or another versions of this dog and pony show before, and had enough sense to maintain his speed as he tried to figure out what the crazy bugger was up to this time.

Many years later, Ilene, Dacey and I stopped at Pink Mountain on one of our trips up the Alaska Highway. We ran into Jimmy in the local store. When he found out who we were, (in particular that Dacey was Hilbo’s daughter), he dragged us to his house for dinner. We drank whiskey, smoked cigarettes, ate moose steaks tougher than leather, and laughed the night away. Dacey, Ilene, Jimmy Jimmy was a bona fide rebel. The original old bold pilot. Against all odds, he died in his bed, just like his Atlin counterpart Dick Bond. They held a wake for him in Fort St. John and scattered his ashes around his cabin at mile 147 of the Alaska highway.

“OK, let’s get the stuff out of the aircraft and the tail tied off to that little spruce. Once that’s done, I’m gonna fire her up and red line the engine. When I give the signal, go ahead and cut the rope. Once it’s loose, this kite should take off like a bat out of hell and, with any luck, I should be able to clear the trees at the other end.”

Jimmy gave the thumbs up, Hilbo sliced through the rope right at the anchor tab, and the little aircraft blasted out of there just like they thought it would like a bat out of hell. Still, clearing the trees turned out to be a hair raising affair, and Hilbo swore he heard the floats clip the treetops at the far end. But clear them it did, and Jimmy circled for a victory pass, saluting and dipping his wings. before heading directly for the horizon. Hilbo waved back, hollering and dancing around the pile of supplies cluttering up the beach. “Yahoo!” he yelled, fist a’ pumpin’. Then of course, it dawned on him where he was smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

With the tail tied to the spruce, he piled in and started the engine. It kicked over, and the revs began to climb. Within a couple of minutes it was roaring at full rpm, shaking the frame, rattling the floats against the rocks, and tightening that rope like a bow string.

It took him a day and a half to hike out. Evidently this was not the first time Jimmy had to land with a poorly sedated animal in the cabin.

The Historic Globe Theatre The Compassion Pills Saturday August 20, 2022


The Compassion Pills are from Whitehorse, Yukon. The band began as the duo of Claire: vocals; keys and Sam Gallagher: lap steel. Together they have performed their original alternative folk blues music at the Guild Theatre, the Gold Pan Saloon in Whitehorse, the Village Bakery in Haines Junction, and the late, lamented Keno City Hotel. Following a residency at the Jenni House in October of 2021, where Claire focused on working on a graphic novel about vampires in the north and related music, the duo decided more musicians were needed to flesh out their musical ideas. Thus, The Compassion Pills were formed. The Globe Theatre performance, Claire and Sam are delighted to be joined by: Jody Peters bass, Keitha Clark violin Rob Jones Keny



~ drums Selina Heyligers-Hare ~ guitar. Doors Open 7:30 Concert Starts 8:00 Tickets $15 in advance, $20 @ the door Coffee/Tea Service Available by Donation We are respectfully asking that everyone who attends comes in good health, and is not required to be in quarantine Facebook: @ExploreAtlin Email Presented by Heather

The Historic Globe Theatre The Ongoing & Relentless Nakba: The Palestinian Catastrophe of 1948 to Today A photographic portrayal by Skip Schiel Monday August 22, 2022 A photographic portrayal about the forcible removal of approximately 750,000 Palestinians in 1948, by Israel, to form its new nation. How the survivors look now, where they once lived, and where they now live in West Bank refugee camps. Political domination, climate, war and other forms of violence, and economic conditions, especially gentrification, forcibly, frequently violently, displace more and more people worldwide. This affects many of us directly or indirectly; we’re either personally uprooted from our homes, or experience population pressure because of newly arrived people. This problem is especially vicious for ongoing and relentless nakba end of year update 2021 Doors Open 7:00 Presentation Starts 7:30 Enter by Donation Coffee/Tea Service Available by Donation We are respectfully asking that everyone who attends comes in good health, and is

More August Summary

Saturday August 20 Friday August 26

The Ongoing & Relentless Nakba: The Palestinian Catastrophe 1948 to Today A photographic portrayal by Skip Schiel

Monday August 22

The Historic Globe Theatre Movies

Sunday August 28: Shakespeare Retold Macbeth Doors Open 7:00 Runs 7:30 9:30

Directed by Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Superhero: In 1995, on the Kree Empire's capital planet of Hala, Starforce member Vers suffers from amnesia and recurring nightmares involving an older woman. Yon Rogg, her mentor and commander, trains Vers to control her abilities, while the Supreme Intelligence, the artificial intelligence that rules the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check.

In a modern retelling of William Shakespeare's "Scottish play," three strange garbage collectors make a glorious prediction for head chef Joe Macbeth's future. With his wife Ella goading him on, Macbeth makes plans to take ownership of the high class Glaswegian restaurant where they are both employed. The first step: murder owner and celebrity chef Duncan. & Presentation


The Compassion Pill Ryan McNally & Ellorie McKnight alternative folk blues https://elloriemcknight.bandcamp.com

Sunday August 21: Captain Marvel Doors Open 7:00 Runs 7:30 9:45

Starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou

24’ Aluminum BOAT FOR SALE 1998 L&J Marine Enclosed 3/8" thick Aluminum hull, 2' swim deck beyond 24' enclosed length. Inboard John Deere Marine diesel with a closed engine cooling system, 15 hp gas Suzuki 4 stroke kicker. 2019 Sunbrella canopy on stern deck. Interior 3/4" hickory flooring on ceiling & walls, Trex flooring. Interior LED lights, custom built woodstove with double insulated chimney. Queen & twin bed. Interphase Probe forward scanning fish finder, marine radio. Includes spare brass prop (value $800), two anchors, 250' line. On an included Easy Load Trailer in Atlin, BC. Price $75,000 OBO Email: or Phone: 250 651 0012 HOUSE FOR SALE IN ATLIN 2.5 acres on Warm Bay Rd==160 degrees view of Atlin Lake and surrounding mountains through floor to ceiling windows==. One bedroom plus loft. ==16’x28' outbuilding with electricity,R60ceiling, unfinished 8" walls.== Interior & Exterior of home cedar finished with impressive cedar molding. ==Triple pane Low E Double Argon windows== Wrap around deck== Registered summer use creek water for irrigation== Artesian well for domestic water== Heat Recovery Ventilator installed== Wood heat with electric back up.==Option to buy furniture and mattresses with price negotiable $495,000. Contact Diana Thayer or phone 250 651 0012 / 605 421 0749

Fourth$259,000of July Basic lake side cabin, 3 bedrooms, lots of big windows, hidden in the trees, on .544 acres, leased lot until 2042. Very private!


4$97,000 th of July .78 acres of Crown Land lease, gated, partly cleared, the perfect spot to keep your RV and recreational necessities, there for year around enjoyment. Lease term to 2042.

$535,000 SOLD Call Myrna at (250) 775 1019 Leave message via text or email Go to for more details.

This gem is off grid, well maintained and absolutely the perfect retreat. 2 bedrooms, large open dining/living room, galley kitchen and spacious pantry. Storage in walk out cellar plus numerous outbuildings. Off grid. Beautifully43.6$239,000Acres maintained, inside and out, this cozy 2 bedroom home is so private with a second cottage with sleeping loft (often used as B&B), a third cabin for guests, great garage/workshop, plus various other craft/work shops and much fencing. Mountain views in every direction plus short walk to Atlin Lake sandy beaches. Just waiting for you! Viewing by appointment ONLY!

$349,000 SOLD Atlin Highway 72 acres along the Atlin Highway with fabulous view of the mountains and lake, overlooking Surprise Lake Road as well. Not suitable for subdivision but offers an incredible homesite. $185,000 SOLD $187,500 Trond Gulch In a pastoral setting, backing onto Munro Mtn, this one bedroom, 715 sq.ft. off the grid home on 9.88 acres is surrounded by Crown Land and extremely private. Sauna and guest cabin. Truly unique with perfection evident throughout!

$350,000 SOLD Mi 43 Atlin Highway 34+ acres of land, surrounded by grazing lease, with 1700 sq.ft., 2 BR, full basement home, great well, septic field, solar and generator plus lots of extras. If you wish, will come with 2 loveable nags who consider this home. Quick possession is possible.

With5$597,000Acrespower, small log cabin, tenant occupied near the upper end of the acreage, application for subdivision has been submitted/approved to create two 2.5 acre parcels. Slope facing Atlin Lake. Build your dream home to take advantage of the view and keep the tenant as caretaker!


GEM This stunning gem in an Enchanted Forest has been lovingly crafted by the hands of this talented owner never to be duplicated! On 4 acres with guest cabins and a short walk to hidden lakes plus easy access to the highway, $399,000 STUNNINGSOLDInside and Outside Incredible views, quiet location and fabulous home. 1700 sq.ft. on main level, beautifully renovated with gyproc interior, lots of updated windows, open floor plan, kitchen, dining area, living room, bar/games room plus 2 bedrooms. Basement offers 3 more bedrooms, two baths, kitchenette and large living room with ground level access. One of a kind waiting for you.

FOR SALE Atlin Property at corner of 3rd Street and Pearl Avenue In the middle of the Atlin townsite but tucked away for tranquility and privacy. Spacious backyard with greenhouse (6x12 feet) and three raised garden beds, various fruit trees and shrubs (cherry, apple, haskap, saskatoon, raspberries etc.) and an outhouse. Property right next to the Alkali slough with great accessibility to walking and cross country ski trails and with a view of Atlin Mountain General info: • Total property size fully fenced: 3 lots (125 x 200 feet, ~0.5 acres) • Finished area: 1050 sqft living space all on one floor • Interiors extensively renovated in 2009 • Cistern with 2300 litres capacity • Septic tank and field redone in 2020 • Wood heat with Pioneer Princess wood cook stove hand crafted by the Amish; back up oil and electrical heating • R65 insulation in ceiling/attic Features: • 2 arctic entrances • 2 bedrooms • 1 full bathroom (and 1 outhouse) • Open kitchen, dining and living area • Storage room with cedar wood infra red sauna • Large root cellar below • Oversized garage with ample parking and storage space • Large woodshed with some wood • 2 additional storage sheds • Appliances: washing machine, stove, fridge, dish washer Price: $350,000 Serious inquiries at GARAGE SALE 19/20 AUGUST 9-AM TO 5-PM DAILY SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE DVD’S, CD’S, VHS TAPES, BOOKS/AUDIO BOOKS, KITCHENWARE, SMALL APPLIANCES, CLOTHING, SOME WINTER GEAR, TOYS, AND SO MUCH MORE. TIRES, SOME TOOLS, FITTINGS, FILTERS FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OIL AND OTHER FLUIDS, 110 VOLT DRYER (GWO), 220 VOLT DRYER (GWO), PROPANE DRYER (GWO) DIRECTIONS: TAKE FIRST AVE TO THE TOP, TURN RIGHT ONTO FOURTH OF JULY RD. PRIVATELY MAINTAINED ROAD ABOUT 5 ½ KM FROM CORNER. FOLLOW SIGNS.

The Atlin District Board of Trade “Serving the Community of Atlin since 1904” New members welcome Meeting’s 1st Tuesday of every month 7 p.m. Watch for notices ADBoT is currently working on the following: Cell Service, Senior’s housing and Health services, Roads, TRT/Atlin Joint ventures Community Plan, Mining Activity, THELP Hydro Expansion project, etc. We advocate to ensure that the whole community receives fair and equitable representation! PO Box 106, Atlin, BC V0W 1A0 Land for Sale by Owner Three 30x100 lots in central Atlin, near Tarahne Park. One lot includes an historical cabin and garage. Would prefer to sell the three lots together. Drive$275,000byat the corner of Munroe and Second St. to view. If interested, call 250 651 7502. “Summerland” Long days of warm sun in Summerland will bring the harvest closer at hand. While flowers nearby play host to bees ripening fruit weighs heavy on trees. Apples, peaches and cherries galore named Gala, Freestone, Sweetheart and more. These will be gathered quick as can be easing the burden born by each tree. Lush green valley a treat for the eye Fruit by the bushel…who’s making pie? Jeff Salmon ATLIN TAIL GATE SALE Mark your calendars for 2022 Location: Atlin Lake waterfront in front of Atlin Inn Saturday Dates: August 27 Time: 10 2 PM In event of really bad weather we will postpone until the following Saturday. Call Jane to reserve a spot or 250 651 7697 or message. Drop In space is available on most days. $5 for a table or by donation.

Custom Fish Art Fiberglas and Wood GARY HILL’S FISH ART GARY HILL’S CUSTOM, FISH EMAILPHONEREPRODUCTIONS2506517553 – 7 MONARCH Drive1A0ATLIN WEB SITE http://gary Fishing Charters SVOP Licence, 24 ft. Boat, Transport Canada Commercial Registration Insured Gary Hill, Atlin B.C. V0W 1A0 Licensed, B.C. Guide Call 250 651 7553 $850.00garyphill59@gmail.comEmailperday-$550.00per 1/2 day Atlin Pet Care 287 Tatlow Street Yourpetshomeawayfromhome! Indoor/Outdoor Runs Heated Kennels Boarding Grooming Pet Supplies Emergency Care-Veterinarian Referrals SPCA AGENTS George Holman 250 651 7717 or Marj Holman 250 651 7758 Sincerely Yours General Store & Canada Post MondayOPENLocationtoFriday 10am 5pm Closed for lunch 12:30 1:30 CLOSED weekends and Statutory Holidays Atlin Mountain Inn Restaurant Hours (now licensed!) Breakfast 7:30 am 4 pm every day (coffee & continental, self serve) Lunch 12:00 pm 2 pm every day except Friday Dinner 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Wednesday Wing Night 6 8 pm Sunday Dinner 6:00 8:00 pm Friday Take Out Pizza Night 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Follow us on Facebook for deals and specials! CANADA POST INFORMATIONCONTACT Inquiries or www.canadapostsebastien.bernier@canadapost.caconcerns?

AtlinLibraryCommunity Open Every Friday EveryoneSaturdayand24p.m.Welcome Earth crammediswithHeaven ElizabethBrowningBarrett The next Whisper is Wednesday August 31th Submissions are due no later than Sunday 6pm August 28th The Purpose of the Atlin Whisper is to encourage, build up and inform the people of Atlin concerning ongoing community events and happenings. The Whisper is not a political mouthpiece. Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of RCMP Atlin. Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-250-651-7861 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit. Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You! Sewing Machine Cleaning,Repair,&Setup 250Terry6517769 MOBILE WELDING SERVICE AVAILABLE Contact: 250VanierAlain6510037 Reasonable Rates! St. Martin’s AnglicanChurch10a.m.Sunday Everyone welcome! Atlin Christian Centre Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Service and Sunday School Sunday 11 a.m. Come join us! (778) 721 0710 Mountain Shack Café Restaurant Fast Fancy Food Great Service 110 Discovery Avenue In Atlin, B.C. EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Wednesday thru Sunday 250-651-7789 Smallwood Enterprises Ltd We provide Concrete, Drain Rock, Screed gravel, Sand, Topsoil and Septic systems. We also provide Equipment Rentals, Excavations, Covered Storage, Firewood and Snow Removal. Please call (250) 651 2488 emailor gmail.combobscontracting2020@

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