The Atlin Whisperer August 5, 2020

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Wednesday August 5th, 2020

The Atlin Whisper “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.” Margaret Mead

A BLAST FROM THE PAST! Atlin Many Things to Many People Atlin News Miner 1972 Diane S Smith Atlin is a youngster in the eyes of history. A scant seventy-two years old, it was founded when a prospector’s pan first held tiny particles of Pine Creek gold and men swarmed to grab a share of the wealth. Atlin boomed when the horse was king in the world of transportation and when muscle sweat and curses were the major forces behind earth renting and operations that gouged gold from the streams. Atlin enjoyed a boisterous youth then settled into a declining middle age. Atlin has always been many things to many people. Mostly the first stampeders saw it only as a place to make a fast buck, a place to grab for the brass ring before drifting on to the next strike. But many of the first gold seekers found it suited them as a place to settle down. For them it was right for building homes, raising families and becoming established in the community way of life. These were Atlin’s real founding fathers. An unfortunate few found it a point of no return, a place of shattered dreams and lost hope. Others fell victor to a northern nature’s fatal sword. For some, Atlin became the end of the road but for others it was the end of the rainbow. The ones who stuck it out through the lean years are the ones the later day pioneers owe tribute. They were the stubborn ones who kept Atlin on the map when an economy based on gold production sagged disastrously and it was often a challenge to keep body and soul together. A unique combination of the “Atlin Spell” and the tough perseverance of these settlers kept the town quietly alive while others faded into history. Atlin waited while the world outside passed through decades of war and prosperity then into a time of restlessness born of overcrowding and a singular dedication to materialistic pursuits Atlin became a little quieter and emptier while clinging to the hope another boom would occur but unaware it would be quite different from the first. The village has a charm, now rare. An old-fashioned atmosphere prevails that is a balm to a victim of the plastic and chrome world to the south. Here the new log buildings blend amiably with the old false fronts. The sound of horse bells and the clop, clop of hooves is heard in the streets. A malamute’s wail may rent the still night and whirring chopper blades may cut crystal clear air but the mind-numbing din of factory and traffic don’t exist. Atlin offers solace to the harried spirit worn ragged by the push/pull of the city. It offers vast miles of surrounding wilderness for the sportsman, the nature lover or the loner who simply wants room in which to think. Atlin lacks many amenities but inconvenience of outhouses and water storage barrels is offset by an easygoing air. Time is available to exchange a yarn over a cup of coffee or to listen to the tinkle of the ice along the lake shore. Time is also available to skin a moose or to help a neighbor to start a frozen truck. Time is very likely Atlin’s newfound wealth, discovered and highly prized by the new pioneers who harbor vivid memories of the mad hatter pace of other places.

Atlin is also a place in which to change the course of one’s life. People come here searching for new surroundings, new friends and new adventures. The town draws those who have jogged themselves from old worn ruts and are now experiencing the joys and pitfalls of trying something entirely different. Here an electrician technician operates a grocery store, and iron worker owns a new hotel, a man who worked in broadcasting sales and public relations at a Toronto radio station has a small motel and has just began gold mining, while his wife, a former media director with an ad agency, prepares to open an art gallery. A registered nurse, a telephone operator and a draftsman have gift and craft stores. A young couple with degrees in psychology and education have opened a general store. A former die cutter has been a cook at a hunting camp, fought forest fires, dug graves, worked at construction and is currently driving truck at the highway department, a mixed bag to be sure but in all cases certainly a change. For a few city bred young people Atlin has been a place to try a Tom Sawyer type existence denied them in an urban childhood. It is a place for them to experience life in the bush and to try a little living off the land. Some newcomers are doing things long dreamed of, like running a trap line, driving a dog team, working a placer claim, building a log house. As in the early days many people of many skills, professions and talents are gathering here and blending into the community. Each adds to the continuity and continuing life of a busy rejuvenated Atlin. And each finds that Atlin has a special meaning for them.

Son, Brad will be sending in articles written by Diane on a regular basis. So, for those of you who aren’t familiar with Diane and her life, here is a short bio from Brad. We hope you enjoy her stories, which will be published monthly. Diane Smith moved to Atlin with her husband, Ed, two-year-old son Brad and four husky’s in the summer of 1967 from Juneau Alaska. In her words they were escaping the rat race of the big city. Juneau’s population was five thousand at the time. The Smiths bought The Kootenay Hotel and the Court house. The hotel burned down but they lived in the court house for roughly ten years. Ed and Diane started an impromptu museum in the courtroom that would become today’s wonderful collection of antiquities that is now the Atlin Museum. Diane was a founding member of the Atlin Historical Society and went on to write the quintessential History of Atlin, Atlin the story of British Columbia’s Last Gold Rush with friend Christine Francis Dickinson. Diane also wrote other publications still sold today at the museum. Diane made sure she sold the court house to the Atlin Historical Society as well as the Tarahne which she purchased from a gentleman for a dollar. She in turn sold the boat to the Historical Society for a dollar thus ensuring its salvation and once and for all determining it forever belonged to the people of Atlin. Diane was a business owner. She founded and owned the Discovery Shop a craft store that sold many of her own creations as well as providing an outlet for Atlin’s many artists and crafters to sell their wares. Diane was a dog owner and lover, her entire life. At one time she owned over thirty dogs. Diane was a proficient musher and she created a bustling dog breeding and selling operation for a time. She became a part of the history she adored and valued highly. She is now an indelible part of Atlin’s fabric, a corner stone of Atlin’s second boom, and an integral cog in the works that shaped today’s Atlin. Diane was an engineer a draftsman a sign painter, artist, historian, writer, journalist, teacher, mentor, mother and champion of all things Atlin. Together with her last dog Willow she lies on a hill overlooking the lake and mountains she loved so much, but close enough to her friends to catch the latest gossip. The people, she surmised were Atlin’s real gold.

August Movies The Historic Globe Theatre Sunday August 9: The Horse Whisperer Rated PG-13 Doors Open 6:30 Show Time 7:00 – 9.45 Starring Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Sam Neill Directed by Robert Redford Drama: After a devastating riding accident, a young girl & her beloved horse are both left with serious physical & emotional scars. Determined to help, the girl’s desperate mother seeks out the “Horse Whisperer” Wednesday August 12: Journey From Zero & Biggest Little Farm Doors Open 6:30 Show Time 7:00 – 9:00 Documentaries: Journey from Zero, A journey northward from Mile Zero to Atlin. Covering the route of the travelling library van to oil towns, army bases, mining camps and scattered settlements. The Biggest Little farm about a young couple who decide to leave their old lives behind and buy a farm. The movie especially points out how hard it is to keep a farm running and all of the hardships, sadness and anger they face, but also the happy, beautiful moments and the relationships they build., Sunday Aug 16: The Tuskegee Airmen Rated PG-13 Doors Open 6:30 Show Time 7:00 – 8:45 Historical Drama: The 1943 story of the first squadron of black American pilots allowed to fight for their country. Wednesday August 19: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Admission Donation Concession items marked All proceeds go towards enhancing Theatre Assets

Upcoming Musicians The Historic Globe Theatre Wednesday Aug 5, 2020 Fraser Canyon & Friends Saturday Aug 15 Singers: Rebecca Law Susanne Hingley Caroline Watt Andrea Rodgers

Telek Rogan Elaine Schiman Bonnie Duffee Instrumentalists… Annie Avery on piano and Paul Bergman on bass.

See Posters & Facebook for Full Details Facebook: @ExploreAtlin

Presented by Heather Keny


ATLIN DISTRICT BOARD OF TRADE Atlin, July 28 2020 Dear Community Members, The object of the Atlin District Board of Trade (ADBOT) shall be to promote and improve trade and commerce and the economic, civil and social welfare of the district To expedite the exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience and information between members and the business community To promote our district so that it benefits the whole community of Atlin To act as a liaison between all levels of government, Federal, Provincial and First Nation, to facilitate discussion between all concerned parties. To undertake specific projects, studies and other forms of action as deemed necessary from time to time by the directors and council of the Board of Trade.

We are pleased to welcome our new board members : President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary

Georges Holman Tammy Fetterly Nathalie Claing Vacant

Monthly meetings are advertised to place, date and time We are inviting you to join the ADBOT and fill the form. You can send it back by email or at the PO Box 106. Membership dues are $50/year (May 1st to April 30th) Sign Kiosk dues are : $100/year (May 1st to April 30th) Membership dues are payable by cheque or by etransfer at For any question, don’t hesitate to email us. New members Welcome !

The Board

Application Form ADBOT You can email us back the completed form or mail it at the address below. Last Name :


First Name :


Mailing Address :


Physical Address :


Telephone :


Email : ________________________________________

Are you a business owner :



If yes, Business name : ___________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________ Website : _____________________________________________

We want to hear from you. After you have read the ADBOT mission, what you would like the board to work on, do you have a community priority ? ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Payment :

by cheque


etransfer at

P.O. BOX 106 ATLIN, B.C. V0W1A0

NEWS FROM THE BREWERY BAY MARINA ASSOCIATION Attached are the minutes of the BBMA’s required Annual General Meeting. Included are the results of an election of officers and directors. We welcome John Faulkner on board as a new director. For the third year I tried to find someone to replace me as president with no such luck. I will remain in the position until someone steps forward to take over the helm. I am sure everyone has observed the dramatic increase in boating activity this year. The closure of the Canada/USA border has a lot to do with it. On most week-ends you would be hard pressed to find a parking spot for your truck and boat trailer near the free public boat ramp at the foot of Rant Street. A BBMA membership costs $75.00 annually and gives you unlimited use of our sheltered launch ramp and parking lot. I trust our local authorities are checking all boaters for required licences and safety equipment. Anyone fishing on the BC portion of Atlin Lake requires a BC fishing licence. Atlin Lake is a transboundary waterway but is not a transboundary lake such as Teslin and Tagish Lakes. I would also like to remind parents that children should be supervised at all times when on marina docks or breakwater. They are not allowed to play on the docks or to use inflatable toys anywhere within the yacht basin. Jim King, President BBMA Brewery Bay Marina Association Annual General Meeting Atlin Recreation Centre June 27, 2020 Attendees Members: John Faulkner, Randy Shewen, Bob Jickling, George Holman, Rick Sudlow, Lyle Coleman, Archie Wiggins, Vic Ischenko, Bob Gobeil, Judy Currelly, Steve Torres, Brian Mercer, Dana Hammond Directors: Jim King, Jane Curry, Don Curry, Gary Hill, Terry Boylan, Bob Wagner, Pat Thompson, Dan Cable, Wayne McManaman Meeting Called to Order: by Jim King at 10:00 AM Agenda: Motion to adopt agenda was made by Lyle Coleman and seconded by George Holman Review of 2019 AGM Minutes: Motion to adopt minutes was made by Bob Wagner and seconded by Dan Cable Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report for January 2019 to December 31, 2019 was given by Jane Curry. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Don Curry and seconded by Terry Boylan. AGM Election: The Nominating Committee nominated the following members for election as the Association’s Executive for 2020/2021: President : Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Directors:

Vacant Gary Hill Jane Curry Terry Boylan Don Curry Dan Cable Wayne McManaman Pat Thompson Bob Wagner John Faulkner

Harbour Masters:

Don Curry Wayne McManaman

No one put their name forward for the position of president. Jim King agreed to stay in the position until someone offered their name to the Nominating Committee. Motion to accept the List of Executive was made by Pat Thompson and seconded by Gary Hill.

Old Business: a)

Piling replacement along McBride Boulevard – Steel pipes will be put in place this year to replace leaning logs. (Pat Thompson) Action 1: Wayne Dear will bring hoe when highways open. Pat will supply the pipes. Expense will be hours on Wayne Dear’s hoe. Action 2: Next year Sheldon will be hired to dig out the bank and old cribbing and replace cribbing. Rough estimate of this cost would be somewhere between $5 000 and $8 000. b) Log Booms at entrance to marina need to be rebuilt and replaced. (Don Curry) Archie explained the need to keep the original design of stacked logs to break the waves. Action: Committee formed with Archie Lead, Don Curry and Bob Wagner.

New Business a) Operation and Maintenance of new airplane dock Plane owners who are currently BBMA members personally paid for replacement of the aging plane docks. This project was completed in June. A decision was made at an informal executive meeting held on June 24, 2020 that plane owners would be responsible for maintenance of the docks. They would also be responsible for collecting moorage fees and monies from the transient lock box. John Faulkner agreed to be in charge of these responsibilities. b) New Signage – Jim has the signs and needs someone to install them. (Pat) Motion to purchase posts and cement. Pat reported that he has the auger attachment for his bobcat. He needs someone to volunteer to operate it. Motion made by Bob Jickling to purchase materials and seconded by Lyle Coleman. Action 1: Purchase posts from Bob Smallwood and cement from Whitehorse. Action 2: Someone volunteer to operate back hoe to install posts. c) BC Parks Proposal – Waiting for proposal from Robin Urquhart – plans for sign gazebo to replace existing Search and Rescue sign. Bob Wagner made a motion to accept the construction of gazebo with signs subject to approval by BBMA. Seconded by Terry Boylan. Other Business d) George reports that LDM (Ministry of Transport) will be widening the road along McBride along plane dock to create better parking of vehicles. e) South Break Water parking lot – Gary Hill has noticed the cribbage is bulging on south side. He thought a piling may need to be installed. No further action was made. f) Moorage Wait List – Randy Shewen asked if there was a wait list and if it went by ‘first asked’. Jim reported there were 4 on the wait list. g) Concern was expressed by several members that children are swimming and using floating devices in marina. Also noticed was children on docks and breakwater without adult supervision. A suggestion was made that a notice go out to members and the general public stating the concern. A motion was made by Bob Wagner seconded by Pat Thompson that a notice will be sent out. Action: Jim and Jane will compose a letter for both members and the Whisper. Meeting Adjourned Motion was made by Jane Curry to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Don Curry.

NORTHERN HOMES REAL ESTATE 2nd Street Stunning custom built home featuring fabulous open floor plan with vaulted ceilings, 2 bedrooms, full bath plus Atlin’s only elevator that takes you to the lower level with pantry, storage and a 16’x28’ heated shop with 10’ ceilings. Private location with guest cabin included! $295,000 Warm Bay Road 12.4 acres with great mountain views, several cabins, shop and living quarters. Well on site. Off grid. $195,000 Third Street 2 bedroom, bright home on 75x100 lot with a 24x40’ shop with 12’ ceilings. Some updating needed but most rooms are 15’+. Major foundation and roof work already done. $189,900 Food Basket Thriving business in Atlin! The building, land, rental suite, and grocery store are all included. A great way for the whole family help make a comfortable living $300,000 plus stock 4th July Bay Half acre lakefront property with log home that has one BR on main level and 2 more in walk out lower level. Large garage, greenhouse and wood shed completes the package. $299,500 FIRM Atlin Highway 80 acres fronting onto the highway, off grid, with the most spectacular views in the area, Atlin Lake from Minto Mountain to Teresa Island! $350,000 Trond Gulch In a pastoral setting, backing onto Munro Mtn, this one-bedroom, 715 sq.ft. off-the-grid home on 9.88 acres surrounded by Crown Land. Sauna and guest cabin. Was lived in year around for many years. $350,000 4640 Warm Bay Road Fabulous 3 level home on 2.6 acres high above Warm Bay Road providing an incredible view of Atlin Lake. $240,000. SOLD 6th Street 320 sq.ft. cabin on 50x100 lot, no plumbing. “As is, where is” $45,000 SOLD Above asking First Street 2500 sq.ft. basement entry home with 4 bedrooms, 24x24’ garage, 60’ shed for wood, quads or whatever you need, very private 2 acres. $187,000 SOLD Wilson Street Quiet mountain views from this four-bedroom, 1600 sqft home on two acres. Open yard with raised beds and greenhouse. Where else can you find a kitchen like this at this price? Great value at $197,500 SOLD Call Myrna at (250) 775-1019 Please text or email a message (rather than voice mail) . Go to for more details.

TAKU WILD is in no way affiliated with “Wild Taku� He who counts the stars and calls them by their names is in no danger of forgetting His own children. C.H. Spurgeon

Big Water Society We are still providing free counselling during this time As the community is aware, the way everyone is conducting business lately is shifting. Sometimes life can stress us out or make us anxious, particularly during this pandemic and the way it has disrupted many of the ways we enjoy our lives, jobs, and relationships with friends and family. Free mental health counselling will continue to be offered in a safe and positive way by Big Water Society and our counsellor Jan Forde (MSW, RSW) who will provide remote counselling service for the time being. Jan will be providing counselling via phone every Thursday of the week from between 9am5pm. Please feel free to call and leave Jan a message at office Ph: 250-651-2189 0r cell Ph: 867-3336829 Or email to leave a message to book a time for Thursdays with her via phone. We hope everyone stays healthy and happy, we will get through this

Help Us Stop the Spread of COVID-19 Service BC continues serving our communities. To protect the health of our citizens and employees, we will be delivering essential services only at this time. For all other services please visit to find information on how to access online or by phone.

Book an appointment at Essential Services:

• Auto Plan Insurance

• BC Services Card

• Driver licensing - for renewals call 1-800-950-1498 or visit

• Medical Services Plan (MSP)

• •

• Residential Tenancy • Affordable Childcare Benefit

• Forestry workers support program

Atlin Service BC 250 651-7595 For non-health-related questions, please contact: 1-888-COVID19. If you think you may have the virus, call HealthLink at 811 to determine if you need testing; or, visit the HealthLink website at: Thank you for your patience during these challenging times as we try to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Fishing Charters

Custom Fish Art- Fiberglas and Wood GARY HILL’S FISH ART

SVOP Licence, 24 ft. Boat, Transport Canada Commercial Registration – Insured Gary Hill, Atlin B.C. V0W 1A0 Licensed, B.C. Guide Call -250 651-7553 Email $850.00 per day - $550.00 per 1/2 day


When refreshing rains Drench country lanes Puddles will form. As clouds drift by Clearing the sky Children come out And find puddles… Irresistible. Jeff Salmon jeffandmich67


Sewing Machine

Atlin Community

Cleaning, Repair, & Setup

Open Every

Library Friday and Saturday

2-4p.m. Everyone Welcome

Terry 250 651-7769


Closed until further notice

St. Martin’s Anglican Church 10 a.m. Sunday Everyone Welcome


Atlin Christian Centre Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Services Sunday 11: a.m.

Come join us! (778) 721-0710 OPEN

Please note that calls for same day water delivery service must be received no later than 11 a.m. of said day. Thank you! Heating Oil delivery available

Delivery days are Monday through Friday Our mailing address is Box 318, Atlin BC V0W 1A0 You can also email us at 250-651-7463

With thanks, Dana and Mary Hammond

For sale, 80 acres of beautiful mixed forest just off Atlin lake and 27 kms north of Atlin. Zoned ALR with a creek running through it, gently sloped and easy to develop. $350,000. For more info call 867-333-9914. The next Whisper is Wednesday August 19th. Submissions are due no later than Sunday 9pm August 16th . Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of RCMP Atlin; Ink costs courtesy of Literacy Now. Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-250-651-7861 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit. Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You!

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