What's Up Yukon, November 16, 2022

Page 16

Health Comfort Function AppearanceR RR R Call today for an appointment 668-2510 or 1-888-660-1839 #402 - 305 Hawkins Street, Whitehorse Denture Specialist: Chris Von Kafka LD DD Canadian Licenced Denturist, Denturist Diploma A Reputation Built on Trust and Quality yukondentureclinic.ca ykdenture@klondiker.com WH TSUPYUKON All Northern. All Fun. blue feather s how Red Hot! Off to the Races! Coins in Them There Hills! page 3 page 13
Mike Thomas/Yukon Arts Centre Yukon’s Events Magazine Since 2005 November 16, 2022 Issue 752 VISIT DAWSON CITY ... page 17 Printed in Canada | See Pages 6, 7,15,16 & 18 |EVENT LISTINGS YUKON INNOVATION WEEK 2022 ... page 8 is


Little Better

The pandemic made it even lonelier, with no readings, festivals or gatherings to go to and connect with other writers and like-minded people.

Yukon Words is now hosting their first Yukon Words Festival from November 25–27. The fes tival will be at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre and Yukonstruct, except for Friday’s opening mixer at Arts Underground. Yukon auth ors and storytellers will mix it up with guests from Outside.

“Yukon Words aims to support all word artists, regardless of their media—writing, storytelling, journalism, poetry, screenwrit ing, playwriting or songwriting. We are finding it very tough to present all media and all forms of word artistry in two days and an evening, but we are trying,” said Ellen Bielawski, a board member of Yukon Words.

The not-for-profit cultural or ganization was founded in 2020, right at the beginning of the pan demic. They are representing and supporting Yukon writers, story tellers and word artists, at all lev els. Their aim is to build a com munity of readers and audiences. In addition to that, their goal is to foster wide public access and participation in Yukon writing and storytelling in all forms.

“We are thrilled to anticipate gathering in real life, in person, for the first time since Yukon Words began. At the same time, given the evolution of virus vari ants, we are planning our line-up with “Covid understudies”—that is, all presenters have backup from someone who can step in, in case of infections, travel restric

tions, lockdowns or quarantines. It is complicated, but we so want to deliver an interesting and di verse program,” Bielawski said.

Readings, panels, workshops and free events will take place over the weekend from November 25–27.

Yukon Word artists confirmed for panels, readings or storytell ing, at this time, are Eva Holland, Joanna Lilley, Tara Borin, Ellen Bielawski, Luke Campbell, Dan Dowhal, Lillian Nakamura Maguire and K.J. Munro.

Guests from Outside include Megan Cole, Ahmad Danny Rama dan and Andromeda Romano-Lax. “Our budget only allowed us to fly people in from western Canada,” Bielawski said.

Danny Ramadan is a SyrianCanadian author, public speaker and advocate for the LGBTQIA2S community and for refugees. His debut novel, The Clothesline Swing, was shortlisted for the Lambda Literary Awards (“Lam mys”), longlisted for Canada Reads and named a Best Book of the Year by the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star. Ramadan will hold a workshop about the First Sentence: Starting at the Be ginning. The author will also host an event on behalf of The Writers’ Union of Canada (he is the B.C. and Yukon representative for the union).

Another workshop will be host ed by Yukon author Eva Holland: Building Blocks—From Essays to a

Book. Holland is a freelance writ er based in the territory and has published Nerve: A Personal Jour ney Through the Science of Fear She has also published numerous essays, stories and articles.

Writers who have already writ ten one or more books can par ticipate in the Advanced Artists workshop, with host Andromeda Romano-Lax. She is a resident of Vancouver Island. Her first book, The Spanish Bow, was translated into 11 languages. Her next three novels—The Detour, Behave, and Plum Rains—reflect her diverse in terest in the arts, history, science and technology, as well as her love of travel and her time spent living abroad, as it says on her website. Romano-Lax works as a freelance book coach and has co-founded 49 Writers, a non-profit organization of Alaskan writers.

Building our Artists’ Commun ities is the topic of the panel that Bielawski will chair. Cole will host a panel discussion of Borealis Prize winners. One of the festival highlights is a two-hour storytell ing extravaganza that will take place on Saturday evening.

Bielawski stresses that all events are open to the public. A festival pass or individual tick ets will be available. “Some events will be pay-what-you-can [events].”

Yukon Words is working very hard to engage communities across the Yukon. Funding is avail able for people to travel from communities to Whitehorse for the festival. All they have to do is apply, until November 10, at the Yukon Words website. Recipients will be chosen by lottery.

“We are also trying hard to include audiences—readers, lis teners, watchers. We have a par ticular interest in connecting with community librarians across the Yukon, because they work face to face with people [who are] seek ing books, stories, movies, music and so on,” Bielawski said.

The full schedule will go live on yukonwords.ca. n

November 16, 20222 whatsupyukon.com 867-668-2430 elementshairandspa.ca Located inside the Goldrush Inn Appointment alerts Share the Love for Prizes Lay on the bed, relax and soak up the heat and benefits of infrared sauna. BOOK YOUR SESSION NOW, or drop in to check availability! Warm up with our sauna bag treatment! Download the Paired App and follow us on Facebook It’s sauna technology in a bag! Smoke & Vape ShopSS moke & Shop WHY PAY MORE? 203 Main Street, Whitehorse YT 867-667-2615 Paddling Back to Us: A Journey into Wildness on Connected Waterways By Kay Deborah Linley 2022 Book Tour Featuring readings by Kathryn Couture from her series Indomitable (Dawson City only) Kay is called to undertake a 1000-kilometre kayaking journey from south of Atlin to Dawson City. Join alongside her kayak as she shares her story and illustrations about the connections made on her adventure. For more information email Kay at kaydlinley@yahoo.ca Atlin, Nov. 19 ¶ Globe Theatre, 7-9pm ¶ Poetry readings by Stephen Badhwar ¶ Admission by donation Tagish, Nov. 20 ¶ Community Centre, 10:30am Whitehorse, Nov. 22 ¶ United Church Sanctuary, 7-9pm ¶ Marimba music by Andrea McColeman ¶ Poetry readings by Stephen Badhwar ¶ Admission by donation Dawson City, Nov. 30 ¶ KIAC/Dënäkär
¶ Readings
¶ Admission
YUKON All Northern. All Fun. Your Guide
Zho, 7-9pm
by author
Couture from her
Live music!!!,
by donation To Living Yukon Life a
Writing is a lonely task: sitting at home and putting words on paper is the main part of an author’s life
PHOTO: Pixabay
Freelance with Elke
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Elke Reinauer is a writer, based in Germany, with strong ties to the Yukon. Please email comments about her articles to editor@whatsupyukon.com

Talks of having a ski race, as part of Mount Sima’s preseason training program, were already happening two years ago, according to general man ager Sam Oettli. It was last winter that talks got more serious, when a group of coaches got involved and Mount Sima enlisted the help of Alpine Yukon for the Fédération Internationale de Ski/Internation al Ski Federation (FIS) application process.

Because of uncertainty around when the pandemic would wind down enough for racers to come from other parts of the world to participate, the planning process had its hurdles. But Oettli and his team knew they wanted to take their time to prepare and to host a major event, once it was possible to do so with little to no restric tions in place.

“It definitely made us think that once the pandemic was over, or at least at a point where things are

closer to normal, that we could better facilitate such an event,” said Oettli. “Also, that would mean our pre-season would be back up and running, because the pandem ic definitely slowed that down a lot when travel wasn’t exactly a thing a lot of people could do.”

With lots of preparation going into the race, Oettli is looking for ward to seeing it all come together and what it will mean for local ski ers to get to experience the event.

“Just having a race of this cali bre is going to be awesome to wit ness and be part of,” he said. “I’m also really looking forward to the opportunity for local clubs and athletes to be exposed to this level of race and to see it grow over the years.”

Oettli goes on to say he already has plans to work to develop this race into a yearly event at Mount Sima, with this year’s edition be ing the kickoff. This race is also the first Canadian FIS race to be hosted during the 2022–2023 sea son. Oettli is thrilled to be host ing a landmark event like this and said that clubs and teams, from far and wide, immediately expressed interest in sending athletes to par ticipate upon hearing about the race.

“It’s definitely a nice little badge of honour, if you want to call it that,” said Oettli. “It definitely caught the attention of those in the race world that we were going

to be doing this.”

Standard FIS races involve cri teria that participating athletes must meet, like having a race num ber they’re issued when they reach a certain level of skiing, and using those numbers, they can sign up for certain races. Oettli says at least half, if not more, of the athletes taking part in this year’s race will already be in Whitehorse and at Sima for the pre-season training.

“On the days of the race, the 18th and the 19th, [the athletes] show up very early in the morning, get their bits and everything, and then there will be some meetings with the race organizers,” said Oettli. “Then they head up and go slam some gates.”

Oettli and his team are also working on setting up some spec tator stations at the base and the finish line, so people can watch the beginning and end of the races.

“It’ll be pretty interesting to see how many folks want to come out and have a look and see these awesome athletes come ripping down a mountain,” said Oettli.

Oettli said that Sima has excel lent terrain for the size of moun tain that it is, and its FIS-sanc tioned race run, Dan’s Descent, has the terrain features that many professional teams seek out for training purposes.

“Having a race this early in the season for them is usually good,” said Oettli. They then can go into the next set of races already with some points, and that helps some of these athletes in their starting positions as they enter into other races.”

Oettli made a point of thanking

Sport Yukon, who have given Mount Sima a lot of behind-the-scenes people power to help them put this event together, and he has already roped in lots of volunteers to make the event run smoothly.

“There’s going to be a volun teer call-out in the coming weeks that will probably come through Sport Yukon,” Oettli noted.

There are lots of officials and coaches who will be coming up and helping with the event, as they have certifications required by the FIS for certain jobs.

“We’re hoping that will help foster and grow the possibility for people to get those certifications up here,” said Oettli.

Races will take place on Dan’s Descent. Giant Slalom will happen on November 18, with the slalom race going on November 19. Cur rently, it is estimated that 80 alp ine skiers will take to the slopes for the two-day event. The FIS is the highest international governing body for skiing and snowboarding.

Mount Sima’s pre-season train ing regularly brings some of Can ada’s best winter athletes to the hill. The FIS race will attract alp ine skiers from several parts of the world, making it an exciting event for travellers and locals alike.

“It’s super exciting for our Mount Sima team,” said Oettli. “We’ve been working on this in the background for quite some time and seeing if there was any interest from clubs and teams from across the country. There was a lot of interest. That’s why we moved forward.”

For more information, visit https://www.mountsima.com. n

3November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com editor@whatsupyukon.com Send your wildlife photos to Yukoners Living with WildlifeWH TSUP YUKON All Northern. All Fun. Call For Reader Submissions Sandra Sarah Tina IT’S COLD OUTSIDE. But we have all the fresh produce for hearty soups and stews inside. Open Everyday 8am to 10pm 303 Ogilvie St, Whitehorse (867) 667-6251 Join the PC Optimum Program
Manus Hopkins is a Whitehorse- and Toronto-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats. Freelance with Manus Hopkins
Mount Sima will be hosting the Yukon’s first-ever FIS race from November 18–19
A Celebration Of Words 2 Mt. Sima: Off To The Races 3 YAC Showcase: Carl Beam 4 Skills Canada Profiles: Sky Pearson 5 At Home With Art 9 Seasonal Recipes .................... 10 The Bubble Life 11 Heritage Conversations: Coins in Dawson 13 Queerlesque Comes To Town 19 What’s Inside Whitehorse Listings 6,7 Highlights 15 Community Listings 16 Active Listings 18 On the Cover Events 205-105 Titanium Way, Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7 Ph: 667-2910 whatsupyukon.com Our Team WH TSUP YUKON All Northern. All Fun. Yukon’s Events Magazine Since 2005 South Africa’s Dilana performs at the Blue Feather Music Festival on November 5 at the Yukon Arts Centre.
Mike Thomas/Yukon Arts Centre Editorial Team Client Care Team Design Team Admin Team Chris Colbourne editor@whatsupyukon.com Josephine Holmes Copy Editor Mark Beese mark@whatsupyukon Chelsey MacDonald chelsey@whatsupyukon.com Lesley Ord Paulette Comeau Didier Delahaye
PHOTO: Courtesy of Mount Sima
Tammy Beese tammy@whatsupyukon.com Penny Bielopotocky events@whatsupyukon.com
Yukoners racing at Mount Sima last year: a much-bigger race is taking place this upcoming season

CARL BEAM artist

In 1995, the Yukon Arts Centre began acquiring works of art by Indigenous and northern artists—art significant to First Nations and northern Canadians in its representation of their experiences. Our Permanent Art Collection comprises

over 100 critical works portraying a range in style and mediums, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, mixed media, photography and textiles by Indigenous and northern artists. It is also a significant display of the artistic talent that exists in this part of the world. The entire collection can be viewed at yukonartscentre.com

November 16, 20224 whatsupyukon.com All items subject to applicable taxes. At participating McDonald’s restaurants in Canada. ©2022 McDonald’s SOUTHERNLAKESRESORT.COM | (867) 334-9160 PUBLIC LAKEFRONT RESTAURANT Friday-Sunday 12pm - 8pm Dog Sled Tours, Snowmobile Tours, Snowshoes or bring your Toys LAKEFRONT CABINS with use of Restaurant 7 days a week Yukon Residents get 20% OFF when booking at least 2 nights PHOTOS: courtesy of YAC ON ANY PURCHASE GOAL!!! (867) 667-2525 • Sales: 866-413-0631 • Service Parts: 866-413-1752 • 5 Two Mile Hill Rd Mcken Jayrhon Ken YAC PERMANENT SHOWCASE column with YAC

PROFILES: Interview with Sky Pearson NTC

Sky Pearson NTC

Red Seal Welder

Current workplace: Yukon University

What motivated you to get into this trade?

I first got interested in welding while working in outdoor educa tion at the University of Alaska Southeast, because I wanted to build an aluminum sea kayak to explore the Alaska coast with. The thought of joining metal together fascinated me. I started weld ing and getting training, while I lived in Juneau, striving to gain the skill sets to build the kayak. Once I moved back to Whitehorse, I decided to go to school for more welding training and start working in welding as a part-time backup job. That is when I realized how much I enjoyed working with my hands and the welding industry— and never left. Though I still have not built that aluminum kayak I wanted to.

I have a lot of little projects all around the Yukon, whether it is trailers people are using or projects like the stainless-steel salmon bike rack at Whitehorse Elementary School. That bike rack was a fun build—hand bending and forming the pipe to look like a sal mon just sticking out of the water. I had no plans, other than a few pictures printed off the internet, to build the idea from. When I was choosing what type of metal to build the bike rack out of, I felt stainless steel was the most dur able, as mild steel would need to be regularly repainted, and alum inum potentially could have been too light and easy to tip over if children were to play on it. Af ter I finished the project, I real ized I accidently made the tail too small.

Most of my career has been in the exploration and mining in dustry. Having this welding trade in that industry has sent me to explore a lot of the wilderness across the North. From welding on Alaskan mountain tops, the Yukon backcountry, Diamond mines in N.W.T., to the vast open tundra in Nunavut

Can you tell us more about what being a Skills Canada NTC (National Technical Committee) member means?

and how quickly you can see what I have created. I also know that the things I build could be around longer than I will be.

What does a regular day look like for you in your job?

I love to give people the oppor tunity to try the trade and show them the enjoyment welding can provide, by helping teach weld ing kids camps, to teaching preemployment welding courses at Yukon University.

Being a Skills Canada NTC mem ber makes me proud to be able to organize and design territorial and national competitions for the trades. I love seeing welders push themselves to be better and be able to meet other welders from across the country. Working with Skills Canada also gives me the op portunity to promote the benefit of working in skilled trades.

Do you have a favourite part of your trade?

I love sticking metal together

My typical day as a welding in structor starts with discussions of welding theory; for example, the operation of different welding processes, metallurgy, fabrication layout and design. Then we move into the shop to practice practical hands-on training. This is where I provided direction on how to im prove the students’ skills sets and help them become better weld ers. Sometimes, instead of the students welding the same weld, over and over again, to improve their skill set, I get them to work on real-world projects like build

ing tables, to trailers, to fixing heavy equipment.

Where do you see your ca reer in 5, 10, 15 years?

I probably will still be instruct ing and hopefully building small, fun projects out of my garage and teaching my kids how to weld. Maybe in 15 years, I will have completed that aluminum kayak I wanted to build 20 years ago.

How do you use your trade outside of your regular job?

I like to work with introducing youth to welding and helping ap prentices train for skill competi tions. I occasionally build small metal art pieces and furniture made of wood and metal. I also use my skill set to help out and re pair items for friends and family; for example, doing repairs on the Santa Clause garbage truck. n

5November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com
Skills Canada Yukon promotes trades and technology careers as a top choice for Yukoners. If you are interested in learning more about the trades and technology sectors, or want to connect with our community, please call 867-332-7446, or email yukoncommunications@skillscanada.com. You can also find us on Facebook and on Instagram @skillscanadayukon. column with Riley Olsen
Where has your trade taken you?
How do you support other people entering the trade?
Is there a project you’ve done locally that you’d like to tell us more about?
Sky Pearson PHOTO: Erik Pinkerton
Age: 42
Judging at the 2022 Territorial Skills Competition PHOTO: Donald Fortune

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Until Nov 26 Watercolour Wanderers by Judy Tomlin & Melanie Harris Arts Underground Held in the Edge Gallery, inspired by the Yukon’s vast outdoors, spectacular scenery and unique history, and enjoy the calm peacefulness that noticing the beauty around them brings to their art.

Extended to Nov 26 Our Relations by Dennis Shorty Arts Underground Held in the Focus Gallery, carved soapstone sculptures mixed with moose and caribou antler and copper.

Extended to Nov 26 Posters From the Yukon Archives Arts Underground Held in The Hougen Heritage Gallery, thirty reproductions of posters from the holdings of the Yukon Archives.


Wed Nov 16 Whitewater Wednesday Night Jam 7:00 PM The Local Bar a open mic kinda show and all you have to do is bring in your instrument, find Jack and/ or Peggy and we’ll set you up! No need to be shy.

Wed Nov 16 VVinyl VVednesdays 7:00 PM Lefty’s Well Every Wednesday a local record junkie will be showcasing their collections for you, and maybe sometimes trade or buy.

Wed Nov 16 Erica Dee Mah & The Water Ensemble 7:00 PM Old Fire Hall A unique orchestral folk sound. Erica’s performances are intimate, innovative, and captivating, sure to transport audiences to another world. https://bit.ly/3tgc18I

Thu Nov 17 Live Music Thursdays 7:00 PM 98 Hotel

Thu Nov 17 Well Played – Open Mic 6:00 PM Lefty’s Well Old fashioned open mic, Show up and write down your name, players will be called up in order.

Thu Nov 17 Live DJs - Thursday Throwdown 9:00 PM The Local Bar

Fri Nov 18 Onde de Choc 7:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Dance, music, song, storytelling and puppets will be mixed. An authentic and creative cultural experience not to be missed! https://bit.ly/3NXGnpV

Fri Nov 18 Garbageman, Ben Kramer & Ben Mahoney 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well

Sat Nov 19 Music For Breakfast 9:00 AM 98 Hotel the last Saturday of every month. All New Members to The Breakfast Club Welcome. Music lasts until noon

Sat Nov 19 1920‘s Silent Film Night 7:30 Old Firehall Discover brilliant silent films from the early 1900s while kick-ass musicians improvise a live soundtrack before your eyes. Tickets online https://bit. ly/3hqRwDz

Sat Nov 19 The Half Cuts EP Release with Hoarfrost and Squirrelhunter 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well

Sat Nov 19 Karaoke Saturdays 9:00 PM The Local Bar Get your chance to compete for the Golden Mic, finalists will compete on Nov 26, a chance to win $500.000

Sun Nov 20 Jazz on the Wing –The Michael Weiss Quartet 7:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Michael Weiss – piano, Cory Weeds –saxophone, Jesse Cahill – drums, John Lee – upright bass, Tickets online. https://bit.ly/3NO4ck3

Mon Nov 21 Live Music Mondays at Whiskey Jacks 7:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill Patrick Jacobson at Whiskey Jack’s every Monday with a weekly “feature performer” for the last set. https:// www.whiskeyjacks.ca/

Tue Nov 23 Open Mic Night with Patrick Jacobson 7:00 PM Best Western Gold Pan Saloon Performers are encouraged to bring their own instrument and mic. All are welcome. No cover.


Wed Nov 16 Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church For more info Louise 867-687-7238 or Michele 867-333-6081

Wed Nov 16 Yukon Employees’ Union CliFF Screening 4:00 PM Yukon Employees’ Union This year’s festival short films that will surely captivate film enthusiasts. A thoughtful selection of documentaries, comedies, and dramas local screens. watch. eventive.org/cliff2022

Wed Nov 16 Texas Hold’ Em 6:30

PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For signed in members and guests. Bragging rights!

Wed Nov 16 ArtWings Whitehorse 5:00 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Are you interested in arts around Whitehorse, want to be more social = better arts, wings are half price, Jacob and Norah from Nakai facilitating.

Wed Nov 16 Yukon First Nations Hockey Association AGM 6:00 PM Sternwheeler Hotel For more info email yfnhahockey@gmail.com

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November 16, 20226 whatsupyukon.com
Clayton’s CAR CARE Tips Tire Shop: MON SAT 7:30-5:30 Mechanical Shop: MON FRI 8-5 867-667-6102 107 INDUSTRIAL ROAD Tidying Decluttering Organizing Ranger Réduire Organiser Nancy 867 335-5817 1drawer.at.a.time@gmail.com
WHITEHORSE EVENTS ENTER YOUR EVENTS ON-LINE It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com Please visit whatsupyukon.com for up to date event details. Some events may be postponed or cancelled after we print. cont’d on page 7 ... ATTENTION RETAILERS & LOCAL PRODUCERS! WHATSUPYUKON.COM Follow us... Recycled Distribution You deliver Yukon-made, we’ll surround it with Yukon culture. Our fun bright pages provide excellent FREE packaging for your local goods sent all over the world.

Wed Nov 16 Line Dancing 1:00 PM

Golden Age Society

Wed Nov 16 Black Panther:

Wakanda Forever 6:30 PM Yukon

Theatre Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje, fight to protect their nation from intervening world power. Tickets online or at the door.

Wed Nov 16 Intermediate

Bluegrass Jam 7:00 PM

Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 A fun and relaxed jam, medium tempos, bluegrass and related genres (old-time, classic country, etc). Lots of opportunities to take a solo if you want, but not at all required. Email ian.boyce@ northwestel.netfor more info.

Thu Nov 17 Nakai (Morning)

Training – Section B 8:00 AM

Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre Morning warm up and learning for performing artists with Nakai Theatre’s Fall Training Cohort. www. nakaitheatre.com/workshops

Thu Nov 17 Public Speaking

Training - Toastmasters 12:00 PM Northwestel Building Guests are always welcome. There are many roles to learn at Toastmasters. Practice 2 minute table topics to help you with presentations and speaking in front of people.

Thu Nov 17 Repair Cafe 6:00 PM

Yukonstruct Makespace Bring it in and see if it is fixable using soldering irons, multimeters, and other tools. This easy introduction to electronics and small home appliance repair is a useful evening of DIY learning that you can take home.Thu Nov 17 Indigenous Book Club – Life in the City of Dirty Water 6:30 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre In person or online. A gritty and inspiring memoir from renowned Cree environmental activist Clayton Thomas-Muller. https://bit.ly/3NBbbg5

Thu Nov 17 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 6:30 PM Yukon Theatre Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje, fight to protect their nation from intervening world power. Tickets online or at the door. https://bit. ly/3TfxWHy

Sat Nov 19 Nordting - The Northern Assembly from Norway 7:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre A staged performance that deals with identity and power structures of the North. https://bit.ly/3NRODYz

Thu Nov 17 Prayer 7:00 PM

Mountainview Church We take some time to connect with one another to praise God and pray for our church, our leadership, our city, and anything else in our hearts.

Thu Nov 17 Layered Art – Laser Cutting 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Create a layered standing bear artwork in this beginner laser cutting class. https:// bit.ly/3UpsTpm

Fri Nov 19 – 21 Yukon GeoScience

Forum & Trade Show Welcome delegates, speakers, partners, sponsors, exhibitors and guests back in-person to celebrate the 50th Anniversary and reconnect at all your favourite sessions, events and activities. www.yukongeoscience.ca

Fri Nov 18 to Nov 20 2022

Yukon 48 Hour Film Challenge

Whitehorse Participants will be given 48 hours from the time of start to hand in or send a link to download a final file at 5:30pm on Sunday, November 20th, 2022 https://bit.ly/3UnTJOL

Fri Nov 18 Till Yukon Theatre A profoundly emotional and cinematic film about the true story of Mamie Till Mobley’s relentless pursuit of justice for her 14 year old son. Plays nightly, showtimes and tickets (or at the door) online. https://bit. ly/3hvFXuA

Fri Nov 18 Lisa Baker & Natasha Lyne Myles 7:00 & 9:30 PM

Boiler Room Lounge Lisa Baker is a touring headliner and Tik Tok phenom. She tours all over Canada and will be accompanied by the talented, Natasha Lyn Myles. https://bit.ly/3DJznIA

Sat Nov 19 Yukon Amateur Radio Association Coffee Discussion Group 8:45 AM A&W Restaurant Hams from outside the Yukon and those are interested are welcome to join us in this casual event.

Sat Nov 19 Old Fashioned Christmas Sale 10:00 AM Old Log Church We will be selling heritage and vintage inspired Christmas ornaments.

Sat Nov 19 Global Village Fair 11:00 AM CYO Hall Come share the spirit of the season and at the same time help build a more caring, peace-filled world!

Sat Nov 19 Cribbage - Members and Signed in Guests 2:00 PM

Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Masks are mandatory. Members must have a valid 2021 membership and they may sign in 2 guests MAX.

Sat Nov 19 F.A.N.S. Challenge 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Challenge your friends and or family to Trivia, Music, Movies, TV & More. Teams of 6.

Sat Nov 19 Lisa Baker & Natasha Lyne Myles 7:00 & 9:30 PM

Boiler Room Lounge Lisa Baker is a touring headliner and Tik Tok phenom. She tours all over Canada and will be accompanied by the talented, Natasha Lyn Myles. https://bit.ly/3DJznIA

Sat Nov 19 Queerlesque Convoy 8:00 PM Yukon Transportation Museum A cabaret showcase and peep show extravaganza. Tickets online or email verawhiteclaw@ gmail.com for more info.

Sat Nov 19 2023 Call For the Cup - Sourdough Sam Searches 9:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill A fun night and be entertained by the Yukon’s Sourdough Sam hopefuls! Cover charge at the door may apply.

Sun Nov 20 Mountainview Church Sunday Service 9:30 AM Church In The Building 9:30 AM, 11AM or Church At Home 7 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM Mountainviewwhitehorse.ca/ Watch

Sun Nov 20 Whitehorse United Church Worship Service 10:30 AM a caring community of faith, based on a foundation of Biblical teaching and spiritual truth.

Sun Nov 20 The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers 1:30 PM Yukon Theatre While Frodo and Sam edge closer to Mordor with the help of the shifty Gollum. Tickets online or in person. https://bit.ly/3G063jB

Sun Nov 20 Trans Day of Remembrance 1:30 PM Queer Yukon a vigil In memory and honour of our Two-Spirit, Trans, and Non-Binary kin who are no longer with us. Light a lantern, leave an offering, or add to our Wall of Remembrance.

Sun Nov 20 Secondhand Clothing Bizarre 2:00 PM Whitehorse Seventh-Day Adventist Church Clean clothes needed and donations accepted if in good condition. Please call before dropping clothes off and for more info 633-3463.

Sun Nov 20 Sunday Gatherings 3:00 PM The Northern Collective Church

Sun Nov 20 Clothing Room 10:00 AM Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Free of charge to anyone and everyone

Mon Nov 21 – 26 Yukon

Innovation Week Free events will expose you to transformative ideas and inspire positive change in the North. Join us, as we celebrate innovation and inspire transformation. yukoninnovationweek.com

Mon Nov 21 Soupbox Session 12:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace As a part of innovation week, Join us for good food and conversation! https://bit.ly/3fPrZDv

Mon Nov 21 Welding 101 5:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Learn basic welding in the 4 hour welding class. https://bit.ly/3FZR1uh

Mon Nov 21 Euchre - For Members and Signed in Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Euchre a trick-taking card game for four players, two on each team, As a member you can sign in 2 guests MAX

Mon Nov 21 Moccasin Making 6:30 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Bead and sew a beautiful pair of Moccasins. Register online https:// bit.ly/3fMQTUg

Tue Nov 22 Men’s Community Group Mountainview Church 5:30 PM We start with a meal and fellowship, then work through a biblical study, and take time to pray for one another, and for shared requests.

Tue Nov 22 Weekly Shuffleboard Tournament 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For members and signed in guests. A double knockout style competition and games are limited to 6 ends or 15 minutes

Tue Nov 22 Chess Club 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Love Chess? Want to learn? Looking for Competition? Join us!

Tue Nov 22 Metal Shop

Orientation 6:30 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Learn how to handle the equipment safely, and how to access and put away the gear. Intended for new members https:// bit.ly/3fova4Z

Tue Nov 22 Woodshop

Orientation 6:30 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Learn about the Yukonstruct wood shop and each piece of woodworking equipment. Participants will each get hands-on practice with some of the machines. https://bit.ly/WUY-hHU

Tue Nov 22 10 Card Crib 6:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 https://bit.ly/3oWjB5W


Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

LAB Drop-In 12:00 AM Heart Of Riverdale For grades 8+, make beats, write, eat food.

Tuesdays Baby Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Rhymes, music, stories, movement, art & outside time. Ages 6 - 24 months & caregiver, Whitehorse Public Library meeting room. Free drop-in..

Tuesdays Toddler Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Rhymes, music, stories, movement, art & outside time. Ages 2 - 4 yrs. & caregiver, Whitehorse Public Library meeting room. Free drop-in.

Tuesdays Free Super Smash Bros. 5:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe All skill levels welcome! Please bring your own controller, and if you have a Nintendo Switch and/ or Gamecube controller adapter please bring them so that we can have multiple setups.

Wednesdays Warhammer Wednesdays - Age of Sigmar 5:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Every Wednesday

Thursdays Kill Team Thursdays 5:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe 6685750 Units can be drawn from both the core book, elite book, Kill team annual and white dwarf.

Fridays Standard Format - Magic: The Gathering 6:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Legal sets = Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Dominaria, Core Set 2019, Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance.Banned Cards = Rampaging Ferocidon

Saturdays Pokemon Saturdays 12:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Call 668-5750 for more info.

Wed Nov 16 Polarettes Preschool/ Family Drop In 11:00 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Club enjoy the gym as a giant indoor play space. A great place to practice skills or just play and explore! Open gym is for members only.

Wed Nov 16 Parenting: You Are Not Alone 6:30 PM Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre Parenting is not easy at the best of times. Parenting vulnerable or sensitive children is even more challenging. Reserve a spot online https://bit.ly/3TlVVoB

Thu Nov 17 Kids’ Pottery Painting 3:30 PM Arts Underground Explore and create colourful surface designs and the pots will be completed with a clear glaze by the instructor. Register in person or online. https:// bit.ly/3FLq7Gm

Sat Nov 19 Meet the Author –Gord Yakimow & Book Signing 12:00 PM Coles Books Former Yukon teacher and newly-minted children’s author Gord Yakimow will be signing his debut children’s book, The Gord Family’s Christmas Lights.

Sat Nov 19 Polarettes Preschool/ Family Drop In 3:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club enjoy the gym as a giant indoor play space. A great place to practice skills or just play and explore! Open gym is for members only.

Sat Nov 19 Kids Night Out 6:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club Kids Night Out is a new fundraising event that is organised by our Athlete Fundraising Committee. www.polarettes.org

Sun Nov 20 Meet the Author –Gord Yakimow & Book Signing 12:00 PM Coles Books Former Yukon teacher and newly-minted children’s author Gord Yakimow will be signing his debut children’s book, The Gord Family’s Christmas Lights.

Mon Nov 21 Whitehorse Go Club 6:00 PM A&W


Wednesdays Live And Online

Kundalini Yoga 8:00 AM Online Kriya, mudra, and mantra awaken your body and focus the mind. We will follow one sequence until you are able to find yourself in the flow, before moving on. Unfold to your own nature: do what feels good, soak in the good vibes, and watch this beautiful practice transform you. Kundalini has a powerful effect on the endocrine system, improving lymph drainage, hormonal balance, and mood.

Wednesdays Yoga Wake up Flow with Sheila 7:20 AM Online These classes are intended to help you build a consistent and comfortable yoga practice and build a community around that practice! https://www.rootedtreemassage. com/book-online.

Fridays Yoga Wake up Flow with Sheila 7:20 AM Online

These classes are intended to help you build a consistent and comfortable yoga practice and build a community

Fridays AA Yukon Unity Group 1:30 PM Online For Zoom Room address Contact 334-7693

Saturdays AA Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM Online For Zoom Room address call 3347693.you build a consistent and comfortable yoga practice and build a community around that practice! https://www.rootedtreemassage. com/book-online

Mondays Yoga Wake up Flow with Sheila 7:20 AM Online These classes are intended to help

Tuesdays Restorative Online Healing Circles 7:30 PM Online Check-in, Q&A, connect and feel the results. No experience necessary. Register online, or call 335-0078 or email alison@ alisonzeidler.com for more info.

Tuesdays Mental Health Awareness and Support Online it is essential that people build capacity to support those with mental health concerns. https://bit. ly/3GTz6T5

7November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com
WHITEHORSE EVENTS ... cont’d Joinusforface painting,prizes,and ourfamouscookies! Saturday,19November 10am–4pm BestWesternGoldRushInn TownHallRoom Youdon’tneedtodigdeep foragreattimeatthe AirNorth,Yukon’sAirline GeoscienceFamilyDay ALISTAIRMAITLANDPHOTOGRAPHYALISTAIRMAITLANDPHOTOGRAPHY




NOV 23 Transformation Talk: Social Innovation Lab to Address the Toxic Drug Crisis 9:00 am 11:00 am At Yukonstruct This fall IRP led the creation of one of Yukon’s first Indigenous led Social Labs. Join us to learn why this topic, and what came out of it

November 16, 20228 whatsupyukon.com
transformation Join us for a week of free events across the territory to spark transformative ideas and affect positive change in the North through meeting, making, and growing. Check out the full listing of free events and register today!
48 Film Challenge ScreeningYukon
NOV 23
Film Society 6:00 pm 9:00 pm at Yukon Theatre
for more
NOV 24
Session: Youth 12:00 pm 1:00 pm at Yukonstruct
youth based Soupbox Session will bring
people together to share, enjoy a hot lunch, and talk about innovation!
NOV 24 Hall of Innovators Award Ceremony
open at 6:00 at the Yukon Transportation Museum
us to celebrate as we present the third annual Hall of Innovators Awards! NOV 25
Students Fur Handwarmers Workshop 3:00 pm 5:00 pm at Yukon University
make handwarmers, learn about how trapping transformed the Yukon, and meet Yukon U’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship team! ALL WEEK C Community Pixel Art Baked Cafe Help us transform a pile of pixels into a work of art!
21 Kick-off & Reverse Pitch 3:00 pm 5:30 pm at Yukonstruct We’re kicking off Yukon Innovation Week with a panel of Yukon entrepreneurs talking about how to leverage the programs & funding available to you to GROW your business.
NOV 21-26 yukoninnovationweek.com

Fredrick W. Lemke has been in the Yukon since 1979.

Originally born in Germany, the visual artist calls Whitehorse his home, as well as an end less source of inspiration to cre ate. Over the years here, he’s made quite a few connections in the Yukon’s artistic community— enough that he feels confident hosting his own exhibition and sale of art from his own home.

“The space available in a mobile home is limited, but it still works,” Lemke admitted. “Whitehorse is an artistic place, with many shows taking place over a year. I had shows in the ’80s and ’90s, with an art gallery here, and this is my second ex

hibit from home.”

Lemke’s art largely focuses on landscape visuals that capture the serenity of the Yukon’s nature and wilderness, without shying away from showing what the winter weather can be like—Lemke even laments to What’s Up Yukon that it’s already -15 degrees out in ear ly November.

“I always appreciated creation and its beauty; to reflect that in my art was only natural,” Lemke explained. “I like to paint the nat ural way, not abstract.”

Lemke had some arts training at vocational school, growing up in Germany, but considers himself mostly self-taught as a painter. He always leaned towards artistic ex pression and found he had a skill for it. He has honed creating and working on his own projects over the years.

“The inclination and enjoy ment to paint was there from ear ly childhood on,” he said. “I chose watercolour as [the] medium, rather than oil or aryl.”

Lemke’s exhibition and sale of original watercolour paintings will be taking place Saturday, November 19, from 9 a.m. until 4

p.m. at Lemke’s home, located at 108 Lobird Trailer Park. The new pieces on display and for sale are from Lemke’s National Landscapes & Wildlife collection, and Lemke will also be selling prints for 50 per cent off. As for what people can expect to see in these new works, Lemke says “mostly north ern landscapes, where we live, as well as its wildlife; not so much people.”

Lemke’s original paintings have made their way into private col lections all around the world, and his prints are available for pur chase in many galleries in Western Canada, as well as some in Alaska.

Though he’s been in the Yukon for decades, Lemke doesn’t get tired of it as there is always art istic and creative inspiration to be found in the landscapes of the territory.

“I love nature and creation and like to paint,” he said. “I love the outdoors, and the Yukon has end less motives to offer.”

To read more about Lemke and see more of his original artwork, visit yukonart.ca/collections/fre drick-lemke. n

9November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com DEALS DEALS DEALS DEALS DEALS DEALS DOWNLOAD The Save-On-Foods App or VISIT SaveOnFoods.com. LOAD Go to My O ers, browse deals and load. SHOP Shop in store or online for an even hotter price. SAVE ON FOODS works with over 45 community groups in the Yukon. MY OFFERS SAVE MONEY - EARN POINTS • Exclusive Savings o ered weekly via the Save-On-Foods App • Exclusive More Rewards VIP o ers to earn more points • Customized o ers based on your shopping! 43 Chilkoot Way, Whitehorse | 867-668-6660 | Open 7 Days a Week: 7 am - 10 pmUse Your Points On Yukon’s Airline! AVAILABLE ON
Whitehorse artist Fredrick W. Lemke will be hosting an art exhibit and sale of his recent paintings on November 19
Freelance with
PHOTOS: Courtesy of Artist, Fredrick W. Lemke
Manus Hopkins
Manus Hopkins is a Whitehorse- and Toronto-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats. p Canada Lynx p The Eagle Lake q Voyager

may have seen this or something like it on Tik Tok, and while, in many cases, it is absolutely justified to roll your eyes at internet cooking, this simple rice paper omelet has changed the breakfast, lunch and snack game. Change up the top pings to make it more hearty— bacon, avocado and cheese are all fantastic.


1. Heat oil in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Beat the egg with sugar and soy sauce, add the beaten egg to the pan, then add the uncooked rice paper wrapper to the egg, pressing the edges so that the egg sticks to the wrapper. Cook until the egg is set, then remove to a plate.

2. Smear mayo onto the omelet, then top with spinach, sriracha and sesame seeds. Roll the omelet around in the spinach and serve. n

November 16, 202210 whatsupyukon.com INCLUDES: 8 cleaning products available in 1L RTU or 4L concentrate format. These products are cost-effective and the program is very simple to implement. All products come with MSDS and proper dilution information. PLUS there is also a Bleach substitute called UNITAB. It’s a Food safe disinfectant and sanitizing tablet. It is safer and easier to use. A G-P REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A SITE VISIT TO ASSESS AND HELP IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. g-pdistributing.com EVERYTHING NEEDED TO CLEAN A RESTAURANT FROM FRONT TO BACK! EMAIL US FOR MORE INFORMATION: orders.foodservice@g-pdistributing.com DUSTBANE’S FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 29 MacDonald Road, Whitehorse • 867-667-4500 • Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm with spinach and sriracha
Serves 1. Ingredients: ❑ Drizzle of oil ❑ 1 egg, beaten ❑ ¼ tsp sugar ❑ 1 tsp soy sauce ❑ 1 rice paper wrapper ❑ 1/2
RICE PAPER OMELET Egg, sugar and soy sauce Rice paper and egg SEASONAL RECIPES column with
cup baby spinach
Smear of mayo (optional)
Drizzle of sriracha
Toasted sesame seeds, to gar nish
Sydney Keddy
Cook the omelet onto the wrapper
Sydney [Oland] Keddy is a recipe developer who lives in Whitehorse. Her work can be found in The Boston Globe, Seriouseats.com as well as in other publications.
paper wrapper Add spinach and sriracha


The champagne that the Mar quise was referring to was made by the French wine makers Moët and Chandon. The Marquise loved this champagne so much that it became the offi cial champagne within the French court. Its popularity in France quickly spread to neighbouring monarchies shortly thereafter.

Even after the French mon archy dissolved, in 1792, with Napoléon as the new successor, Moët and Chandons’ popularity did not decline. In fact, Napoléon was such a huge fan that he made a few visits to the distillery to meet the winemakers. It is rumoured that the sabre ceremony (when a champagne bottle is opened with a sword or long knife) was started by Napoléon and his soldiers as a way to celebrate.

For those who are familiar with professional motorsports, you no tice how the winning drivers spray each other with champagne at the end? That tradition started in 1967 when the winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans race was given a bottle of Moët & Chandon. He decided to have some fun and spray it over everyone.

And what about the champagne pyramid that tends to stand out at luxe galas and lavish weddings?

You guessed it: Moët and Chandon

were the first to stack champagne glasses and pour from the top and let the bubbles pour themselves into the bottom glasses.

Fast forward to the present day: Moët & Chandon remains a popular brand for those seeking luxurious bubbles. I decided to try a bottle (from their collection) called Rosé Impérial. As the name suggests, this is a pink cham pagne. I am not super confident about my sabre skills, so I opened this bottle the traditional way—by popping the cork.

Once poured into the cham pagne flute, the first thing I no ticed was the lovely dark-pink col our. The Rosé Impérial is composed of three different grapes: pinot noir, pinot meunière and chardon nay. Second thing I noticed was the fruity aroma of strawberry, peach and raspberries, all blend

ed together, creating a perfectly balanced scent bouquet.

Time for the taste. The straw berry and peach are the flavour notes that are first tasted, fol lowed by a berry finish of raspber ries and gooseberries. The cham pagne is exceptionally smooth and has just the right amount of sweetness.

Moët & Chandon does have a nice selection of different cham pagnes, including one that is in tended to be served over ice! Rosé Impérial is the first one that I have tried (I am eager to try a few more). I am very impressed with the near-perfect taste and beauti ful aroma. The bottle is also nice, with a large pink label. If you are looking for a gift that will impress, or looking for a champagne that is celebration worthy, Rosé Impérial is an excellent choice. n

11November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com STOP IN at 2157-2 nd Ave, Unit C Thur-Fri 11AM-5PM, Sat 11AM-4PM Everything for the home bar enthusiast! The Yukon’s Cocktail Store Take Out & Pick Up Service 7 days a week, 4pm-10pm Porter Creek Mall, 29 Wann Rd, (867) 456-4742 Stop by Whiskey Jacks Beer, Wine & Spirits For all your favorite adult bevvies! Join our points program and earn points with every purchase! NOW WITH LIVE MUSIC IN THE PUB ON MONDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Follow us on Everyone Loves Gift Certificates! Stop In For Delicious! LOOKING OUT FOR YOU Enhanced Health and Safety Measures at Your Local Subway® restaurant Open Six Days A Week Monday - Saturday, To Serve You Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner! CGC 8am to 7pm 456-7690 • SECOND AVE 8am to 7pm 668-6889 • MAIN ST 8am to 10pm 393-5000 IBEX VALLEY FARM EGGS Our hens play outside and we feed them organic vegetables and Canadian Prairie grains that are: NO GMO NO Pesticide NO Herbicide NO Corn NO Soy NO Canola Buy Your Ibex Valley Farm Eggs at : ü Riverside Grocery ü Fireweed Market ü Haines Packing Company ü Save on Foods ü Independent Grocer ü Candy Fruit Stand 100% NATURAL FREE RANGE CANADIAN GRADE A YUKON EGGS
LIFE column with Angela Szymczuk Angela Szymczuk is a Whitehorse-based writer and espresso-infused, newsconsuming “machine” who loves the gym, boxing and spin classes, while still finding time to enjoy a Macanudo cigar, a glass of Glenfiddich 18-year-old scotch, and to ponder how she might teach her cat to scuba dive.
“Champagne is the only wine in the world that makes every woman beautiful,” a rather famous quote by a rather infamous mistress, Marquise de Pompadour, who kept King Louis XV company during his reign over France
Moët & Chandon remains a popular brand for those seeking luxurious bubbles PHOTO: Angela Szymczuk
November 16, 202212 whatsupyukon.com A simple blood test could lead to the detection of prostate cancer before it’s too late. Call your healthcare practitioner today. Donate or register at RideForDad.ca ONE TEST PROVIDES UNLIMITED HORIZONS. RIDE FOR DAD COMEDY NIGHT IS COMING IN JANUARY. Watch for details ha!! ha!! ha!!

The Inspiration for What’s Up Yukon’s logo

The house in the What’s Up Yukon logo was our very first o ce and is a famous structure in Whitehorse. It’s actually a photocopy from a sketch on a napkin of the Log Skyscraper.

As a professional trail build er, Bill McLane spends a lot of time digging earth, moving rocks and finding treasure. Usually, that “treasure” consists of broken saws, railway spikes and old bottles.

“I love history and learning about history, so it’s all interesting to me,” he said. “But I’ve never found anything like this before.”

In the summer of 2018, McLane spent six weeks in Dawson. He was working on a crew hired to build a new trail across the side of the Dome. Now overgrown with plants and trees, it was a spot many people called home during the Klondike Gold Rush and up until the 1910s.

“We were in an area of the for est where you could see the old dirt streets and tent sites with stoves,” said McLane. “We had permission to use one of the old streets as part of the trail, which was really cool.”

Historical photos from the ear ly 1900s show hundreds of tents and cabins on the hillsides around Dawson. As the boom town ex panded and the population grew,

the price of real estate increased. Gold-rush stampeders couldn’t af ford to live in the town, so they built up.

“On the hills above the city, to the east, lived a variety of curious men in tiny, immaculate log cab ins with thick sod roofs,” accord ing to author Laura Berton, who came to the Yukon in 1907.

On walks through the area, Berton mentioned hearing the “sounds of gramophones filtering through the woods.”

More than 110 years later, Mc Lane was listening to heavy metal music in the small excavator as he worked on the new trail.

“I was just digging away in a bit of a daze, honestly, because I’d been doing it for six weeks or so at that time,” said McLane. “I’d get pretty zoned out.”

He scooped up some dirt, and when he unloaded the bucket, a pile of sparkling coins came fly ing out. No box, no wrapping—just shiny silver coins mixed in with the dirt, roots and leaves.

“It didn’t seem real,” said Mc Lane. “You’re not used to seeing that kind of thing come out of the bucket.”

It took him a moment to regis ter what was happening.

It also took him a moment to decide what to do next. No one else had seen the coins. He was alone in the forest with a pile of actual treasure.

After a beat, McLane decided to tell his project leader, Derek Crowe.

“I walked into Derek’s camper and I said, ‘Hey, I found some thing.’ He didn’t even look up from his cereal,” said McLane.

13November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com DID YOU KNOW... WHATSUPYUKON.COMYukon’s Events Magazine since 2005
Follow us... HERITAGE CONVERSATIONS column with
Leighann Chalykoff Heritage Conversations columnist Leighann Chalykoff is a Yukon writer chronicling projects and people preserving Yukon’s history. This series is provided by the Government of Yukon Historic Sites to highlight the work of Yukoners and their connections to the territory’s heritage.
A chance discovery at a gold-rushera squatters’ site offers a shimmering glimpse into what life was like on the outskirts of Dawson, more than a century ago
This cache of 19th- and 20th-century coins was found about a metre underground on the side of the Dome
cont’d on page 14 ...
PHOTO: Courtesy of Bill McLane

“So, I put this sock full of coins down on the table … and then his eyes turned into saucers.”

In all, McLane unearthed 23 coins: Canadian and American quarters and half dollars dating between 1864 and 1902.

At face value, they’re worth about $10. That’s roughly $400 in today’s dollars, but they would be worth even more in a collector’s market.

“I think the story is more valu able to me than having a bunch of coins that I can never show anybody,” said McLane. “I’m a

blabbermouth, so I wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret very long anyway.”

Crowe called in the find and they arranged a hand-off with Tr’ondëk Hwëchin Chief Roberta Joseph and Wayne Potoroka, for mer Mayor of Dawson. After that, the cache ended up with the Yukon government for analysis and safekeeping.

“The Dawson area is continu ously surprising us,” said Yukon government archaeologist Ty Heff ner. “You can’t really do anything that scratches the ground without

something interesting popping up.”

Heffner is one of the experts who gets a call when something unexpected—like a stone tool, an abandoned safe or a coin cache—is found in the Yukon.

“There are always these chance discoveries where people are going about their daily lives and they run into things,” he said. “It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness because it’s in those moments that people really get excited and they see the real value in heritage.”

I heard it on the Radio!

Recently, the Yukon govern ment launched a campaign called Yukon’s Living Heritage, to guide people who find something that looks like it has heritage value in the Yukon. It asks people to leave the object in place and report the find.

But in this case, that wasn’t possible.

“In this case, leaving a pile of coins exposed in the woods doesn’t make a lot of sense,” said Heffner. “The trail-building crew reported the find and the coins will remain a public heritage re source.”

For Heffner, the coins are an intriguing link to our collective past.

“I think the really interesting part is all the unanswered ques tions,” he said. “Like, who put them there? Why did they put them there? And why didn’t they come back for them?”

From the dates on the coins, it’s certain that they were buried during or after 1902. The rest of the story is a best guess.

It can be assumed that they belonged to one of the hillside residents who was likely a lessaffluent miner or labourer who came to the Yukon and planned to stay for a short time. Perhaps they belonged to one of Laura Berton’s “curious men.”

“If it was somebody work ing in the goldfields and only coming into town at odd hours, they might not ne cessarily be able to ac cess a bank reliably,”

said Heffner. “I’m sure there were lots of accidents out in the gold fields, too, so maybe something happened to this person.”

Since finding the coins, four years ago, McLane has had a lot of time to speculate on the fate of their original owner.

“I think somebody made enough money to buy their ticket home and they buried it behind the tent so they wouldn’t spend it,” said McLane. “That’s what I would do. I’d make sure that I had enough to get home and then mess around and gamble or what ever.

“But something must have hap pened for them to not come back for the money.”

In honour of the mysterious cache of coins, part of the new trail is now called Buried Treas ure.

In summer 2022, McLane was back in the Yukon, again, work ing on a project with Crowe and the Singletrack to Success crew in Carcross

“Finding those coins was a total once-in-a-lifetime thing,” he said. “If something like that ever happens again, it’ll just be absurd … people won’t believe me.

“Derek [Crowe] was even jok ing about it. He said, ‘I don’t know how you’re going to top those coins, but I can’t wait to see.’”

For McLane, the best way to top the coins would be by finding “a giant gold nugget.” n

If you can, leave it where you found it and report your find. Often, the location of an object or other things found nearby can tell us a lot about the history, heritage and cultural value of an object.

Also, wherever you are in the Yukon, you’re on a First Na tion (or many First Nations) traditional territory. There are Yukon and First Nations government laws which state that artifacts may not be removed.

Find out more at yukonlivingheritage.ca or call 867-4710950.

Looking to promote your business or event?

November 16, 202214 whatsupyukon.com
Call Matthew or Kate P: 668-6100 E: sales@ckrw.com
Stolen Loot or Hard-Earned Savings? cont’d from page 13
PHOTO: Courtesy of Derek Crowe Close-up view of a U.S. half dollar from 1894 Trail builder Bill McLane, at work PHOTO: Courtesy of Government of Yukon
What to do if you find something that looks like it has heritage value:



The Best Things in Life are… Rescued!

Meet Bondo!

Youth Drop-In Centre

Recreational program for teen-years youth

When: Tuesday to Friday 3pm to 9 pm & Sat 1-9 pm

Ages: 12-18 years old

For more info: See Facebook page for schedule & activities, or email Oliver: obulpitt@bcgyukon.com


After School Program

An affordable, quality after school program

When: Monday to Friday 3-5:00 pm following the school calendar.

Ages: Ages 6-11 years old

Cost: Tuition fees as follows: $315/month allstars@bgcyukon.com for inquiries

Location: Downtown/Takhini Elementary


Tree Early Years Centre

Bondo is a 3-year-old, male, rottweiler mix.

This big guy has nothing but love to give! Bondo will need a family that will help learn good manners and work on his training. He is very sweet and has the best of intentions, but doesn’t realize just how big and strong he is.

He prefers the company of female dogs. Bondo would do best in a home with older chil dren, with proper introduction of another dog. We do not know how he is with cats.

f you are interested in adopt ing Bondo please fill out an online application at hu manesocietyyukon.ca. If you already have a pre-approved application with us within the last year, call 633-6019 to put your application towards him.

Shelter Hours:

Tuesdays - Fridays 12pm-6pm Saturdays - 10am-6pm 126 Tlingit St, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6J2 | Tel: 867 633 6019

An affordable, quality, licensed childcare program

When: Monday to Friday 7:30am-5:15pm

Ages: 18 months - 5 years of age

Cost: Tuition fees as follows: Toddler: $160/month, Preschool: $150/month Emily Howard at 393-2824 ext 206 or eypd@bgcyukon.com

Location: Riverdale


As most adoptions happen in the city, YARN relies heavily on foster homes in the city when pups are ready for adoption. We look after all the vet appointments and adoption applications.

YARN cannot continue accepting litters, unless it has foster homes to care for them in the city, while they find their homes. We are in need of some great Fosters Families to help our little fur-babies when they arrive in Whitehorse.

If you are interested and able to help in fostering please get in contact with us via our page @YukonAnimalRescueNetwork or send us a message via Facebook messenger or email: cheryl@YukonAnimalRescue.net


Move and Groove!

• Mondays, 9:30am-10:30am

Wiggle and giggle together in this active program that combines music and movement for children and parents to do together.

Sensory Science

• Wednesdays, 9:30am-10:30am In this hands on program, we will explore all of our senses together. It might get mucky!

Mini Mozarts

• Fridays, 9:30am-10:30am Clang, bang, sing, and play! Magical music-making for you and your little ones!

December will be Drop In Play, combined with Christmas Crafting Extravaganza!

Feel free to attend with no obligation, any Toastmaster (TM) meeting.

You can attend 3 meetings as a guest while deciding to join. ü You can just show up at a meeting before we begin (11:55am).

WHEN: Thursdays noon to 1pm (meet at 11:50 to noon at door) WHERE Northwestel bldg, Lambert St & 3rd Ave (blue coloured door around back side)

15November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com HIGHLIGHTS
Innovation Building 2180 2nd Ave
Innovation Week!
- 1:00pm
MOCCASIN MAKING 6:30pm - 9:30pm November
6:00pm - 9:00pm Open
Wed-Sun 1pm-9pm Yukon
& REVERSE PITCH 3:00pm - 5:30pm
Innovation Lab to
9am-5pm Please see Yukonstruct.com for more info! A weekly, action-focused circle of fire + fellowship for those who identify as male. A safe + brave space for men to share their wins and challenges, dig deeper into what’s really holding you back, have honest conversations, set goals and be accountable. Call/text Michael at 867-332-4722 or email: mjvernon@gmail.com arkabrotherhood.com
November 22 TRANSFORMATION TALK: Interpretive Walk 11:00am - 12:00pm November 22 SOUPBOX SESSION 12:00pm - 1:00pm November 22 TRANSFORMATION TALK: Perspectives 3:00pm - 5:00pm November 23 TRANSFORMATION TALK: Social
Address the Toxic Drug Crisis 9:00am - 11:00am November 23 TRANSFORMATION TALK: Innovation in
3:00pm - 5:00pm Open
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 668-8698 / 668-6535 Yukon Family Literacy Centre @ yukonfamilyliteracycentre Check out our Facebook page for program details, updates and Pop-Up Activities/Workshops. All programs are based on child-adult participation. YUKON FAMILY LITERACY CENTRE Programming for OCTOBER & NOVEMBER: FIÈRE DE DONNER DES AILES AU RÉSEAU CCF 21 NOVEMBRE — 19 H 30 OLD FIRE HALL — 15 $ PIERRE GUITARD ET ANTOINE LACHANCE WUY:Link + Logo ccf.afy.caTickets and more: yukontheatre.com YukonFilmSociety n o v 1 8 - 2 n4 o v 1 8 2 4 $10 TUESDAYS MATINEE SPECIALS TILL daily, fri thurs Chinonye Chukwu, 130 MINS FREE SCREENINGS: WHITEHORSE & DAWSON CITY wed, 6 pm BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER daily, fri thurs, sat & sun matinee Ryan Coogler, 161 MINS LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS sun, 1:30 pm peter jackson 179 MINs YUKON 48 CHALLENGE
Y ukon A nimal R escue N etwork
GUESTS WELCOME Actually, great value for the benefit, private public speaking professionals charge hundreds of dollars for courses, TM is much more affordable. Would you like to improve your public speaking skills, build confidence and hone your listening skills? Do you have a fear of PUBLIC SPEAKING? Klondike Institute of Art and Culture Dawson City, YT YUKON48 FILM CHALLENGE NOV 18-20: Make a film in 48 hours! NOV 23: Yukon48 Film Screening Sign up: dawsonfilmfest.com/48 HOLIDAY ART & CRAFT FAIR SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2022 UNTIL DECEMBER 3 Z’OTZ* COLLECTIVE | Habits of the Speaking Shadows Tel: (867) 993-5005 Email: kiac@kiac.ca Website: www.kiac.ca
QUESTIONS: herbeeking(at)hotmail.com






YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS | It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. Email: events@whatsupyukon.com | Also, email us if there are any errors!

Please visit whatsupyukon.com for up to date event details. Some events may be postponed or cancelled after we print.

Sat Nov 19 Faro Christmas Market 1:30 PM


Fridays Atlin Community Library Atlin Community LIbrary 2:00 PM Open two days per week, Fridays and Saturdays, covid protocols apply.

Sundays St. Martins Anglican Church Sunday Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican Church 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome.

Tuesdays Craft Dinner 5:00 PM Atlin Mountain Inn Craft and eat with good company, special meal discounts for crafters. Finish an old craft or start something new!

Tuesdays 5 Mile Group (OM) 7:30 PM Tutan Hit building Next to Centre for Culture Call 1-250651-7900 Ext. 315

Yukon Communities:

Wednesdays Yukon Unity (OM) 3:00 PM Online

Yukon Health Centers, Live Video Meeting Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Destruction Bay, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, Watson Lake.


First Sunday of Every Month St. Saviour’s Church Services 2:00 pm St. Saviour Church 867-668-3129

Mondays Light Walkers Group (OM) 5:00 PM Fire Hall meeting room 1137 Austin St.


Wed Nov 16 Toddler Time & Indoor Soccer/

Learn to Play 10:00 AM Carmacks Recreation Centre

Wed Nov 16 Teen Movie Night 7:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre

Thu Nov 17 Carmacks Open Gym 5:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre

Thu Nov 17 Family Movie Night 7:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre

Fri Nov 18 CTJS Floor Hockey 5:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre Kids & Youth Floor Hockey (5-7PM) and Adult Floor Hockey (7-9PM)

Sat Nov 19 Disc Golf Drop-In 1:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre All ages! Free! The Recreation Department has a variety of Driver, Fairway, and Putter Discs to use. https://bit. ly/3QIuxAs

Sat Nov 19 Drop In Pickleball 3:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre

Sun Nov 20 Toddler Time 1:00 PM Carmacks Recreation Centre

Mon Nov 21 Drop-in Basketball 5:00 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre Ages 5-12 (5-7PM) and Ages 13 to adult (7-9PM)

Mon Nov 21 Carmacks Spikerz Volleyball 6:00

PM Carmacks Recreation CentreIndoors at the VOC - Rec Center until the outdoor courts at Merv Tew Park & Tantalus School are ready! https://bit.ly/3Ot7cSv

Tue Nov 22 Drop-in Basketball & Soccer 5:00

PM Carmacks Recreation Centre Ages 5-12 (5-

7PM) and Ages 13 to adult (7-9PM)

Tue Nov 22 Nerf Battle Dome 5:30 PM

Carmacks Recreation Centre Carmacks Recreation Centre


Tue - Thur St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 4:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4pm Yukon Time for Evening Prayer.

Tue - Thu Saint Mary’s Weekday Mass 5:00 PM Saint Mary’s Catholic Church Join Father Emanuel for weekday mass Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Wed Nov 16 Youth Muay Thai Classes 3:00 PM Minto Park Concession Ages 7-13 Email recreation@cityofdawson.ca to register.

Fri Nov 18 Cards & Conversation 12:30 PM

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Dawson City Free! Drop-In! No registration necessary.

Proof of double vaccination required for anyone ages 12+. For more info email recreation@ cityofdawson.ca or call 993-7400 ext 299.

Fri Nov 18 Adult Rec & Roll 5:00 PM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre Improve your roller skating and skateboarding skills, 18+ Free-Drop in

Sat Nov 19 Free Drop In Art Activities

Ages 8-12 11:00 AM Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) 11:00 AM No registration required, just show up! Space is very limited.

Sat Nov 19 Under 5 Gym Drop-In 10:00 AM

Robert Service School

Sat Nov 19 Drop-In Walking Group 12:00 PM

Robert Service School Open to all ages, children under 10 to be accompanied by an adult, Parents with strollers are welcome. Set distance goals to achieve or just come for exercise and socialization.

Nov 19 Robert Service School Christmas Bazaar 4:30 PM Robert Service School Shop from a large variety of vendors for local, handmade items, get a bite to eat at the concession and have your photo taken with Santa! Santa will be available for photos from 12:00pm-2:00pm.

Sun Nov 20 AA North Star Group Dawson City 7:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion In person or Videoconference option available Call 867-9935095 or 867-993-3734 for more information

Sun Nov 20 Under 5 Gym Drop-In 10:00 AM Robert Service School

Sun Nov 20 Learn to Skate 4:00 PM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre For those 18+ Learn the basics of skating – register at the arena

Sun Nov 20 Screen Printing Drop-in with Dan Brown 6:00 PM Klondike Institute of Art & Culture (KIAC) Includes: use of screens*, emulsion, and ink! There is a refundable deposit of $20 per screen though participants are welcome to bring their own.

Sun Nov 20 Yin Yoga 8:00 PM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre For a deep stretch and relaxation before bedtime Email recreation@ cityofdawson.ca

Mon Nov 21 Handbuilding Pottery Drop-In Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) 11:00 AM Handbuilding pottery. For independent potters with experience who feel confident working independently.

Mon Nov 21 55+ Stretch & Strong Fitness Class 2:00 PM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre A 6-week strength class for Dawsonites Call 9937400 ext 299

Mon Nov 21 Badminton & Pickleball 6:00 PM Robert Service School Open to all ages (children under 10 must be supervised).

Mon Nov 21 Adult Drop-In Basketball 7:30 PM Robert Service School Gym – Free Call 9937400 ext 299 for more info

Mon Nov 21 Young Peoples Talking Circle 7:00 PM Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre

Tue Nov 22 Romp & Run 10:30 AM YOOP Hall

Email Jen.Suttis@cdcyukon.ca for more info.

Tue Nov 22 Preschool Learn to Skate 10:45 AM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre Half Hour program for stay at home preschoolers ages 3+. Email recreation@cityofdawson.ca

Tue Nov 22 Hand Building Pottery Drop-In 11:00 & 6:00 PM KIAC Space is limited to 6 participants, first come first served.

Tue Nov 22 Hatha Yoga 5:30 PM Art & Margaret Fry Rec Centre Improve your posture flexibility and strength. Email recreation@cityofdawson.ca

Tue Nov 22 English Conversation Club 7:00 PM YukonU A weekly English Conversation Club for immigrants in Dawson City.

Tue Nov 22 Magic The Gathering 7:00 PM Minto Park Concession Building FREE Event. Format is commander – Bring your own cards / decks


Wednesdays & Friday’s Games & Walks 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Walk or play cards, engage in healthy living.

Wednesdays Basketball (Open Court) 4:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Shoot some hoops, practice your skills on the open court. Call 9942375 or email recreation@faroyukon.ca for more info.

Fridays Badminton 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Saturdays Open Gym 4:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Unstructured activity time where the gymnasium is available to students, families, and/or community members to play pick-up sports. Call 994-2375 or email recreation@ faroyukon.ca for more info.

Tuesdays & Thursdays Parent & Tot 10:00 AM Faro Recreation Centre

Tuesday & Thursdays Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Tuesdays & Thursdays Kids Club 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre – Must be pre-registered, for more info call 994-2375

Tuesdays Adult Floor Hockey 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Faro Recreation Centre shop local artisans, crafters, bakers, makers wares! Food, crafts, gifts and much more! If you would like to sell your wares, $5.00 per table, call 994-2375 to reserve a table.


Wed Nov 16 Adult Volleyball 16+ 7:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym

Wed Nov 16 Village Council meetings 7:00

PM St. Elias Convention Centre Village Council meetings are also held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. [Remote attendance only]

Wed Nov 16 Boxing Classes Bill Brewster Arena 5:30 PM Reach your fitness goals by joining this boxing program! Participants must complete out a waiver provided. Call 634-2012 or email dgraham@cafn.ca for more info.


Thu Nov 17 Kids Art Journals (Grades 4-6) 4:30 PM Bill Brewster Arena Register online https://bit.ly/3TuhUtU

Thu Nov 17 Step It Up with Shelby 7:00 PM Bill Brewster Arena Cardio Aerobic Step Class is a classic cardiovascular workout, using a 4 or 6 inch step platform.

Fri Nov 18 HJL Story Time 10:00AM Haines Junction Library Registration is required but the program is still run as a drop in. There is no commitment to come each week. https://bit. ly/3KmBdBC.l

Sat Nov 19 Women in Business 7:00 PM St. Elias Convention Centre

Sat Nov 19 Bake Sale & Craft Fair 7:00 PM

St Elias Community School Come check out the Local Christmas Bake Sale & Craft Fair! A makers market, where everything is 100% handmade locally with love.

Sat Nov 19 Step It Up with Shelby 7:00 PM Bill

Brewster Arena Cardio Aerobic Step Class is a classic cardiovascular workout, using a 4 or 6 inch step platform.

Mon Nov 21 Step It Up with Shelby 7:00 PM

Bill Brewster Arena Cardio Aerobic Step Class is a classic cardiovascular workout, using a 4 or 6 inch step platform.

Mon Nov 21 Smart Recovery Meetings 8:00 PM Munku Hall Everyone welcome, call 3345688 for more info.

Tue Nov 22 Kids Art Journals (Grades 2 & 3) 3:30 PM Recreation Centre Register online https://bit.ly/3TuhUtU


Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Jackalope

Open for drinks and snacks 5:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre

Thursdays North of 60 Seniors Coffee and Chat 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre

Thursdays Shuffleboard Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM

Saturdays Knitting Circle 11:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre Everyone wielding a hook, needle or pin is welcome.

Saturdays Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 12:30 PM

Saturdays Family Playtime and Open Gym 3:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre


Weekdays Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM

Mayo Recreation Centre

Weekdays Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre

Mondays Video Yoga Classes 5:15 PM

Mayo Curling Arena Yoga Videos are used for leading each class. Bring your own Yoga mat or borrow ours. Drop-ins are welcome. For more info call 996-2043 8979962043

Mondays Dinner and Movie Night 5:00 PM

Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre

Tuesdays Drop-in Art Night 7:00 PM Mayo Curling Lounge If you can bring a photo that you would like to work from that would be great. No experience necessary.

Sundays St. Mary’s Church Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s Church (867)667-7746

Sundays Communion Service St. Mary with St. Mark Anglican Church 11:00 AM where village members come together to worship and offer service to their community and the world.

• Route 2: Pelly Crossing, Mayo, Dawson C (3 schools) • Route 3: Carmacks, Faro, Ross River (3 schools)

• Route 4: Carcross, Teslin, Watson Lake (3 elementary, 1 high school)


Wed Nov 16 Wilderness Wellness

Wednesdays 2:00 PM Mount Lorne

Community Centre Come for a walk and snack!

Thu Nov 17 Parents and Tots Playtime Group 1:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre

Thu Nov 17 Community Drop-In 1:30 PM

Mon Nov 21 Drop-In Yoga Mount Lorne Community Centre 7:00 PM By donation all levels welcome


Sundays St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church 867-993-5381

Wednesdays Parent and Tots 4:00 PM Old Crow Community Center Call 966-3015 for more info.

Wed Nov 16 Adult Card Game Night 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Wed Nov 16 Stroller Walks 10:00 AM Kih Tsal

Mon Nov 21 Men’s Night At The Rec Centre 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Tue Nov 22 Kids Gym 3:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Tue Nov 22 Adult Sewing 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Tue Nov 22 Youth Gym 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre


Wednesdays Women’s Morning Worship 7:00 AM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway All are welcome. Part of the Alaska Presbytery and the PC U.S.A.

Wednesdays Windy Valley Babies 10:30 AM

Skagway Public Library Stories, Songs, and Fun with Ms. Anna! Designed for ages 0-3.

Fridays Skagway Teen Night 6:30 PM Skagway Public Library

Sundays Sunday School 4:00 PM First

Presbyterian Church of Skagway Sundays Sunday Worship 10:00 AM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway

Sat Nov 19 Emblem Bazaar 10:00 AM Elks Hall

Join us at the Elks to browse local artists’ works of art and shop early for Christmas.


Wed Nov 16 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish

Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

Wed Nov 16 Yukon Learn at Tagish Library 1:00

PM Tagish Community LIbrary Targeted literacy programming by Yukon Learn at the Tagish Library. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon.

Wed Nov 16 Intro to Yoga 4:15 PM Tagish Community Centre

Wed Nov 16 Beginner and Intermediate Yoga 5:45 PM Tagish Community Centre

Wed Nov 16 Coffee And Chat 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre

Thu Nov 17 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

Thu Nov 17 Carpet Bowling 10:00 AM Tagish Community Centre

Thu Nov 17 Tagish Local Advisory Council Meeting Tagish Community Centre 7:00 PM .

Sat Nov 19 DPSAY Kicksled Workshop & Race Tagish Community Centre For More Info or to register to race: dogpoweredsports@gmail.com Everyone Welcome!

Sat Nov 19 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

Mon Nov 21 Tagish Butt Kickers Tagish Community Centre 11:00 AM Everyone Welcome, Biking, Hiking, Skiing Snowshoeing, Kicksledding, Ping Pong, Pickleball, Dog Walking & Morer

Mon Nov 21 Line Dancing Lessons Tagish Community Centre 7:00 PM Music, Dancing and FUN! For more info or to reserve your spot email recreation@tagishyukon.org


Wed Nov 16 Pickleball 12:00 & 7:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Thu Nov 17 Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Thu Nov 17 Youth Club 7:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Fri Nov 18 Young Explorers 3:15 PM Teslin Recreation Centre For those who like outdoor adventure.

Fri Nov 18 Basketball Drop-in 7:00 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex

Sat Nov 19 Parent & Tots 12:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Mon Nov 21 Badminton 6:30 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Tue Nov 22 3D Archery 5:30 PM Teslin Recreation Centre

Tue Nov 22 Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Recreation Centre


Daily Public Skate Watson Lake Recreation Centre 8:30-5:30 PM, Wednesdays 7:30 – 9:30 PM and Saturday 10:00 – 6:00 PM

Sundays St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Church Service (867) 536-2932

Wed Nov 16 Drop-In Ninja Tumbling 5:30 PM Watson

Lake Secondary School All ages welcome. Adults are welcome too, come to do some stretching or try some handstands etc.

Fri Nov 18 Friday Night Lanes 7:00 PM Call 335-7979 to register

Sat Nov 19 Baptiste Power Yoga 7:00 PM Fees apply.

A muscle-shaping and mind-sculpting workout, work at your own level and ability, set to electronic music.

Sun Nov 20 Sunday Nite Volleyball 11:00 AM Watson

Lake Secondary School

Mon Nov 21 Learn to Skate Watson Lake Recreation Centre Sign up at the Rec Centre

Tue Nov 22 Pickleball & Badminton Watson Lake Secondary School 7:00 PM

November 16, 202216 whatsupyukon.com
Mount Lorne Community Centre Play games, craft, chat walk, snacks, coffee & tea provided.
PROGRAM is accep ng tour proposals from performers for the
2022/23 school
All performance arts are welcome, including music, theatre and dance. The touring program aims to bring performances to s dents in Yukon commun es they may not otherwise encounter, and preference is given to applica ons with an educa onal component. Performers can apply for five di erent tour routes within the territory:
• Route 1: Haines Junc on, Kluane Lake, Beaver Creek (3 schools)
• Route 5: Old Crow (1 school) Tour dates are established by the performers and schools a er routes have been awarded. Complete applica on and guidelines are available at: www.ar s ntheschool.ca/cstp For more informa on:
Keitha Clark, Commun School Touring Program Coordinator Email: commun schooltour@gmail.com Phone: 867.332.1904 APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, DEC. 5, 2022

Take a break, you deserve it. Visit Dawson City

17November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com



Wed Nov 16 Beginner Cycling Series with Adrienne Marsh 4:15 PM Habit Health and Wellness A series of 5 classes, email habitcommunity@gmail.com

Wed Nov 16 Habit Spin 6:30 AM, 5:30 & 6:45 PM Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Wed Nov 16 Zumba 6:00 PM 7th Ray

Studio A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online

Wed Nov 16 Kids BJJ 4:45 & 6:00 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Children’s classes are focused on self defense Jiu Jitsu. A typical class starts with a warm up game, stretching, technique/ drilling, and ends with more fun games! For kids 4 - 12 years old.

Wed Nov 16 Sass Class – Drop in Velvet Antlers Productions 6:00 PM Super sassy dance cardio and across the floor progressions, along with tantalizing floorwork and sexy choreography. Register online. https://bit.ly/3wkXVod

Wed Nov 16 Spirit Bear Karate The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre 6:30 PM & 7:30 PM Traditional Okinawan Shorinryu Seibukan Karate Do. Adult Class (16 y/o and up) http://spiritbearkaratekobudo.


Wed Nov 16 Badminton Adult Drop-in Takhini Elementary 7:30 PM Open to everyone 18 years old and older and all skill levels

Thu Nov 17 Intro to No Bun Ballet –Drop in Velvet Antlers Productions 6:00 PM A low impact, medium/ high energy, basics class while you tighten your core, increase your strength and build on the fundamentals for all VA classes and performances. Register online. https://bit. ly/3cbyCOI

Thu Nov 17 Habit Spin 6:45 PM Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Thu Nov 17 NO-GI JIU JITSU Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM This class is very similar to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, only the students typically practice in shorts and a rash guard t-shirt, rather than a Gi. There is also typically a little more wrestling and leg locks due to the rules in tournaments being less restrictive.

Thu Nov 17 Total Body HIIT 12:15 PM Habit Health and Wellness A 30 minute total bodyweight cardio class. Drop In

Thu Nov 17 Zumba 6:00 PM 7th Ray Studio A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online

Fri Nov 18 Habit Spin 6:30 AM & 5:30

PM Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Fri Nov 18 Women’s Brazilian JIU JITSU Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM a grappling based art that utilizes takedowns, sweeps, joint locks and strangle holds to subdue your opponent or attacker. BJJ emphasizes a lot of drilling and live sparring also know as “rolling”

Fri Nov 18 Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 12:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Fri Nov 18 Rational Intimacy 7:00

PM Grace Space Relational Intimacy Appreciate and cultivate love and intimacy in your life regardless of gender, age, disability, sexual activity, race.. Register online https://bit.ly/3tkLmY5

Fri Nov 18 Badminton Adult Drop-in Takhini Elementary 7:30 PM Open to everyone 18 years old and older and all skill levels

Sun Nov 20 Habit Spin 10:00 & 11:00 AM Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Sun Nov 20 Habit Yoga – Candlelight YIN with Cailyn MacMaster 6:45 PM Habit Health and Wellness Unwind from the week or ease into the next one. Drop in or pre register.

Mon Nov 21 Kids Muay Thai 4:45

PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai teaches combat skills that are good for self-defense along with positive holistic effects like respect, discipline, focus, and confidence. Open to ages 8 - 12.

Mon Nov 21 BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM & 7:30

PM a grappling based art that utilizes takedowns, sweeps, joint locks and strangle holds to subdue your opponent or attacker. BJJ emphasizes a lot of drilling and live sparring also know as “rolling”

Mon Nov 21 KIDS MUAY THAI Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM a dynamic and engaging martial art that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century. The sport is also referred to as the “Art of Eight Limbs” because it utilizes punching, kicking, elbowing and knee strikes. Muay Thai teaches combat skills that are good for self-defense along with positive holistic effects like respect, discipline, focus, and confidence. Open to ages 8 - 12.

Mon Nov 21 Women’s Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 12:00 & 6:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Mon Nov 21 Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 12:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Mon Nov 21 Habit Spin 6:45 PM Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Tue Nov 22 Total Body HIIT 12:15 PM Habit Yukon 30 min lunchtime high intensity interval training. All levels welcome, drop in and first time try it rates available.

Tue Nov 22 Kids BJJ 4:45 & 6:00 PM

Eight Days Martial Arts Children’s classes are focused on self defense Jiu Jitsu. A typical class starts with a warm up game, stretching, technique/ drilling, then ends with more fun games! These classes are appropriate for kids 4 - 12 years old.

Tue Nov 22 Habit Spin 12:15 & 5:30 PM

Habit Health and Wellness, Drop in for fun, inclusive, 50 minute indoor cycling (spin) class.

Tue Nov 22 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 6:00, 12:05 & 7:30 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Often referred to as the game of human chess, BJJ is a grappling based art that utilizes takedowns, sweeps, joint locks and strangle holds to subdue your opponent or attacker. BJJ emphasizes a lot of drilling and live sparring also known as “rolling”.


Elder and Counselor available Emotional and Spiritual support, free to Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirited in Yukon, Northern BC: Phone, video appointments or in person. Call Toll Free 866 667 6162 or visit www.yawc.ca for info.

Tuesdays & Saturdays Counseling Drop-In and Short Term Counselling Service 11:00 AM Canadian Mental Health Association, Yukon Free Drop-In counselling is offered every Tuesday 11am - 4pm and Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Call 668-6429 for more info.

Wed Nov 16 Loss and Grief in the Workplace 8:30 AM Hospice Yukon Taking a proactive approach to grief and loss enables a workplace to support employees during difficult times while also maintaining workplace productivity.

Wed Nov 16 Community Kitchen 11:30

AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info.

Wed Nov 16 Dads Matter Group 5:30 PM

NVD Place A group for dads, grandfathers, stepdads, uncles, foster fathers, all male caregivers are welcome. Join us to talk about parenting and meet other male caregivers. For more info contact 3360795 or email ante.tokic@yukon.ca

Wed Nov 16 Beginner with Experience

– Level 1 Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 5:30

PM Assumes some familiarity with the components of Sun Salutation A + B, foundational standing poses, use these to find the principles of intelligent movement universal to all yoga and all life activities.

To register email wallymaltz@mac.com http://www.yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/ Schedule.html

Wed Nov 16 Hips Hams + Better Backs –

All Levels Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 7:30

PM Therapeutic work for healing, subtle work for strength. All levels welcome, pre-registration required and drop-ins welcome. To register email wallymaltz@ mac.com http://www.yogayukon.ca/ yogayukon/Schedule.html

Wed Nov 16 Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:30 PM Overeaters Anonymous For more information contact oayukon@ gmail.com for more information

Wed Nov 16 No Puffin Group (CM) 8:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral

Wed Nov 16 Sally & Sisters/Soeurs 1:00

PM Whitehorse United Church A safe place for women and children to access a meal.

Thu Nov 17 Hatha Yoga 12:00 PM Grace

Space Find alignment mental and physical during this hour of inspiring hatha yoga,. Register online. https://bit.ly/3kFowWQ

Thu Nov 17 Mantra and Relaxation 4:15

PM White Swan Sanctuary This class is about developing awareness of your inner Light through the practices of chanting mantra and deepening relaxation

Thu Nov 17 KDCC Walking with Our Sisters Sewing Group 5:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre.

Thu Nov 17 Family & Friends Support Group 7:00 PM Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) A drop-in support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Call 668-6429 or email programs@ yukon.cmha.ca for more info.

Thu Nov 17 AA Polar Group - O/M 7:30

PM Christ Church Cathedral Join our support group in person or for our zoom room address email aapolargroup@gmail. com

Fri Nov 18 Yoga wake up flow with Sheila 7:20 AM Online These classes are intended to help you build a consistent and comfortable yoga practice and build a community around that practice! https:// www.rootedtreemassage.com/book-online

Fri Nov 18 Morning Yoga Stretch 9:00

AM 7th Ray Studio Easing into the day with gentling warming up and stretching. All levels are welcome Register online.

Fri Nov 18 Sally & Sisters/Soeurs 1:00

PM Whitehorse United Church A safe place for women and children to access a meal.

Fri Nov 18 Slow Flow + Resto – All

Levels Alpine Bakery Upstairs 5:30 PM Stretch, flow + restore – a great way to end the week for a better weekend. To register email wallymaltz@mac.com http://www. yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/Schedule.html

Fri Nov 18 Sacred Breathwork 7:00

PM Alpine Bakery (Upstairs) Improve the capacity to release fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, grief, and other charged or blocked emotions. Pre-registration required, by email wallymaltz@mac.com

Fri Nov 18 AA Whitehorse Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Looking for support with your relationship with alcohol? Join the AA Whitehorse Group..

November 16, 202218 whatsupyukon.com 867.667.4922 #102–108 Jarvis St, Mah’s Point  Fat Burners  Bone Broth  Amino Energies  Smart Sweets  Protein Bars/ Cookies  MCT Oil  VitaStacks  Sugar-free Spices  FATSO Peanut Butter  Greens and More!  Pre-workouts  Collagens - All Types  Vegan/Plant Based/ Low Carb/Low Sugar and Whey Proteins  Creatine  Glutamine  KETO Products  Immune Boosters Vitamins B, C, D, Probiotics and Zinc  BCAA’s Helping Yukoners with their health and fitness goals GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE DEAR YUKONERS, Is injury, sti ff ness or other mobility troubles stopping you from getti ng out? WE’D LOVE TO SHARE OUR KNOWLEDGE AND HELP YOU ACHIEVE OPTIMAL HEALTH. 1.867.667.2272 www.chilkootchiro.ca For appointments, questions or advice, please call or email us: #203 - 107 Main Street Whitehorse, Yukon Reflexology is MORE than a ‘foot massage” It is a therapeutic application supporting your body’s efforts to function optimally. Book your private, individual therapeutic session today! I am the only Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist in the Yukon (RCRT). Some insurance companies in Canada will reimburse Reflexology sessions provided by RCRT’s 867.335.0078 alison@alisonzeidler.com alisonzeidler.com Book online today: takhinatherapeutics.com NOW HIRING Looking for a new RMT to come and work with us! APPLY TODAY: takhinatherapeutics@gmail.com
AND WELLNESS EVENTS ENTER YOUR EVENTS ON-LINE It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. or email them
Some events may be postponed or cancelled after we
cont’d on page 19 ...
to: events@whatsupyukon.com Please visit whatsupyukon.com for up to date event details.

Fri Nov 18 Men’s Support Group for Indigenous men 18 and over CYFN

Council Of Yukon First Nations Family Preservation Services is hosting a Snaring & Trapping Workshop as part of its ongoing Support Group for Yukon First Nations and Indigenous men.

Register now as space is limited!

Sat Nov 19 AA Hospital Meeting 7:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral

Sat Nov 19 Yoga with Amber 7:15 PM

Habit Health and Wellness book online or email habitcommunity@gmail.com for more info

Sat Nov 19 Kundalini Wake-Up with Nancy Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 9:00

AM Start the day with classic Kundalini yoga sets and meditations that stimulate the mind, activate the body and magnetize your energy. To register email wallymaltz@mac.com http://www.


Sat Nov 19 Restorative Yoga – All

Levels 10:30 AM Alpine Bakery & Upstairs Restorative poses are long holds over supportive props in relaxing variations of backbends, forward folds and twists, to relax deeply. To register email wallymaltz@mac.com http://www. yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/Schedule.html

Mon Nov 21 Sally & Sisters/Soeurs

1:00 PM Whitehorse United Church A safe place for women and children to access a meal.

Mon Nov 21 Smart Recovery

Addictions Support 6:45 PM Sarah Steele Building

Mon Nov 21 Live And Online Kundalini Yoga 8:00 AM Online Kriya, mudra, and mantra awaken your body and focus the mind. We will follow one sequence until you are able to find yourself in the flow, before moving on.

Mon Nov 21 Intermediate Yoga – Level

2 Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 5:30 PM

Explore alignment and form in a wide range of familiar + new poses, applying what we learn to deeper forward bends, backbends, balances, inversions and some flowing sequences. Preregistration required, email wallymaltz@ mac.com. http://www.yogayukon.ca/ yogayukon/Schedule.html

Mon Nov 21 Breathe + Stretch with Carrie Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 7:30 PM A slow paced class to lengthen and stretch the body. The focus will be on the spine, pelvis, and fascia with slow fluid movements to help give you a better range of motion and the ability to move more easily. An hour and a half to slow down and recharge your batteries with Carrie Ekholm. Pre-register carrie.ekholm@gmail.com http://www. yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/Schedule.html

Mon Nov 21 Hips, Hams + Core –

All Levels Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 7:00 PM Fairly vigorous classes with emphasis on breath and slower is stronger. Designed to dramatically increase core strength, stabilize, strengthen and open hips, safely regain hamstring mobility. All levels are welcome. Pre-registration required, email wallymaltz@mac.com. http://www. yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/Schedule.html

Mon Nov 21 Absolute BeginnersIntro Alpine Bakery & Upstairs 5:30

PM Get an introduction to yoga over 7 weeks with instructors Erica + Carrie. Pre-registration required, email wallymaltz@mac.com. http://www. yogayukon.ca/yogayukon/Schedule.html

Mon Nov 21 AA New Beginnings

Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral

Tue Nov 22 Sally & Sisters/Soeurs

1:00 PM Whitehorse United Church A safe place for women and children to access a meal.

Tue Nov 22 Yoga with Barbara 10:00

AM Golden Age Society Drop-in Yoga, everyone welcome. Call 335-1996 for more info.

Tue Nov 22 Men’s Community Group

5:30 PM Mountainview Church We start with a meal and fellowship, then work through a biblical study, and take time to pray for one another, and for shared requests.

Tue Nov 22 intermediate-Level 2

5:30 PM Alpine Bakery – Upstairs PreRegistration required, drop in welcome.

Tue Nov 22 Yoga by Amber 7:00 PM

7th Ray Studio A yoga class that is for all levels and abilities, register online.

Tue Nov 22 Breathe & Stretch with

Carrie 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery – Upstairs Pre-Registration required, drop in welcome.

Tue Nov 22 AA UglyDuckling Group

(C/M, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church

Cathedral New members always welcome, this is a non smoking group.


Come what Mae and Chérie Coquette Cabaret will be presenting Queerlesque

Convoy: A TransportationThemed Cabaret and Peepshow Extravaganza in Whitehorse on November 19

If you aren’t familiar with the term queerlesque, it shouldn’t be all that difficult to deduce its meaning from the two words it’s made of. Whitehorse is getting its own fix of the art form on Sat urday, November 19, when Come what Mae and Chérie Coquette Cabaret present Queerlesque Convoy: A Transportation-Themed Cabaret and Peepshow Extrava ganza at the Yukon Transportation Museum.

“We’re here, we’re queer, and we want to make performance art; and transportation is so gay,” said Jeszika Mae, also known as Joan Assmith and Jae Delight of Come what Mae. “We can tell so many stories through the characters we

embody in drag and burlesque and circus. Art is community care. Per formance art is healing.”

The event will feature Andy Boy, AJ, Beau Ryder, Chérie Co quette, Emma Aslett, Joan As smith, Lau D’Arta, Mixence Gold, Ratss Nest, Spank Karr, Ula La, and Randy Hearton, and will be hosted by Jae Delight and Chérie Coquette. The production is spon sored by The Gravy Train, Road Dogs Music Supply, Ali Cat Cater ing, Ignite Counselling Services, and Burnt Toast Café.

Though Mae has an extensive resume and has been involved in many productions, putting togeth er an event like this is still a big task.

“I’ve directed before, and I produce a weekly radio show on CJUC, but this is a huge undertak ing,” they told What’s Up Yukon “It’s my first big production and I believe it is the first communityfunded drag cabaret in the terri tory, featuring 14 Yukon artists. I’m really excited about the cast— that so many artists will be able to

showcase their talents.”

The cabaret takes place Nov ember 19 at the Yukon Transporta tion Museum, with doors opening at 8 p.m. and the show starting at 8:45. Tickets are $35 each.

“We have so many talented drag performers in the Yukon, each with their own distinct style,” said Mae.

“We’ll have drag kings, bur lesque queens and some circus scenes; the audience can expect to laugh, cry and cat call. There will be an aerial artist as well as peep-show booths.”

For more information, check out Come What Mae on Face book: www.facebook.com/Come whatmae867. n

19November 16, 2022 whatsupyukon.com Pet junction Pet Supplies & More 9006 Quartz Rd Whitehorse, YTthefeedstorewhitehorse.ca thefeedstore@northwestel.net Hours: Mon - Fri. 9AM - 6PM, Sat. 9AM-5PM DOG PARKAS 20% off BRANDS: CANADA POOCH RC PETS GF PETS SALE RUNS: NOVEMBER 16 - 30 e sales@whatsupyukon.com p 867-667-2910, ext. 2 WHATSUPYUKON.COM We’re with you every step of the way
AND WELLNESS EVENTS ... cont’d Freelance with Manus
Manus Hopkins is a Whitehorse- and Toronto-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats. Credit: Courtesy of Jeszika Mae
Jeszika Mae, also known as Joan Assmith and Jae Delight is the creator of Come what Mae


Victoria Gold/NND CBA Scholarship Program Deadline

As part of the Comprehensive Cooperation and Benefits Agreement (CBA), signed by Victoria Gold and the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun (FNNND) in October 2011, the Victoria Gold/NND CBA Scholarship Program was established in 2012 and is mutually implemented to help support FNNND citizens attending full-time university, college or trades and technical courses.

The upcoming scholarship program application deadline is November 25, 2022 and scholarships will be awarded in January 2023. Program details can be found at:  vgcx.com/responsible-mining/first-nations-involvement/

“I am grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship as it aided with my finances during my post-secondary education,” says Geri-Lee.” The cost of living while away from home at school can become stressful as a student. Every dollar helps with day-to-day living expenses and school gear.”

Continues Geri-Lee, “I see education in all forms to be a very powerful tool for anyone willing to do what it takes to pursue their goals. It allows me to explore new opportunities, build connections with others and develop my confidence. I hope more youth from the North are inspired to step outside their comfort zone and follow through with their learning journey.”

Since its creation, the Victoria Gold/NND CBA Scholarship Program has provided over 150 scholarships to FNNND citizens for a total disbursement over $150,000.

Scholarships are awarded twice per year. The next Victoria Gold/ NND CBA Scholarship Program deadline is in August 2023 and will be awarded in September 2023.

Property located approximately 375 kilometres north of

and 85 kilometres north, northeast of the Village of Mayo, within the traditional territory of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun (FNNND). The company employs over 500 workers and contractors; half of which are Yukoners At Work and many are FNNND citizens.

If you are a Yukoner with mining experience, Victoria Gold encourages you to become a Yukoner At Work. Visit the “Work For Us” page at vgcx.com/contact/work-for-us/ and send your resume to greatpeoplework@vgcx.com

November 16, 202220 whatsupyukon.com
The Eagle Gold Mine is situated within Victoria Gold’s 100 per cent-owned Dublin Gulch Whitehorse FNNND citizen Geri-Lee Buyck, also a former member of the CBA Committee, received a Victoria Gold/NND CBA Scholarship to pursue her post-secondary school studies. First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun citizen and Victoria Gold/NND CBA Scholarship Program recipient Geri-Lee Buyck.

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