The Atlin Whisper, December 8, 2021

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Wednesday December 8th, 2021

The Atlin Whisper “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.” Margaret Mead


Corinne and Darcy On your Retirement After 31 years at the Food Basket Enjoy your time off!

Thank you ATLIN! For all of your support over the last 31 years It has been a pleasure doing business! Corinne and Darcy We would like to wish

Richard and Allison Burgess Success in their future


Congratulations to Corinne and Darcy on their retirement and new journey…

We would like to announce The Food Basket is under New Ownership and look forward to continuing to serve the Atlin community! The store hours will align with the Yukon time zone as this best serves our business in supporting the community. We will switch over to Yukon time on Saturday Dec 11. Winter store hours Monday - Friday 9am – 6pm Saturday - Sunday 10am – 5pm ~Weekly freight truck run on Mondays and freight runs available upon request~ Store: 250-651-7676 Email: Text: 250-775-1878 Facebook: Atlin Food Basket

Please stop by and say Hello to Ritch, Allyson, and Rayne - proud to call Atlin home!

The Atlin Historical Society will be selling Brad Smith’s book at the Christmas sale on Dec 18th 2021. Stop by and get yours.

LANDFILL *WINTER DAYS* *Effective – Sunday, December 12, 2021*

SUNDAY & MONDAY 11 AM - 4 PM … PST CLOSED at temperatures -28 C & below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLOSED ON ALL BC STATUTORY HOLIDAYS Christmas - Open Dec 26, 27 New Year - Open Jan 2, 3 Family Day - Closed Mon, Feb 21 Open Sun & Tues, Feb 20, 22 Easter - Open April 17, 18 Operated by the Atlin Community Improvement District


Are you interested in advertising in the Atlin Claim? Please get in contact with Manu Keggenhoff and let her know. She is the one who can help you create the add if you can’t do it yourself. Are you interested in advertising in the coloured Atlin Brochure? Please get in contact with one of us, the dead line is approaching soon. Manu Keggenhoff or Edith Sidler

THE OZONE RANGERS II More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys by Paul Lucas “You visit, and you are knocked out by the place. Then you move here, expecting the charm to wear off, but it doesn’t. It never goes away.” Thus, spake Christine Dickinson, local teacher and wife to Dave - one of the saints on my cement pour. For me, Atlin was perfect. It embraced its history - a history still alive with miners, outfitters, trappers and bush pilots operating, for the most part, the same way they always had. There was plenty of technology, but folks were still running sled dogs and working old style sluicing operations, and the aircraft had barely changed at all. This was a place you could build a trapper’s cabin – in rough log, with a tin clad roof, a tin airtight and kerosene lanterns, and still feel you were keeping up with the Joneses. No need to sign on to utilities; it was all wood and water if that’s the way you wanted it - you cut wood and you hauled water – along with the rest of your neighbours. Occasionally, I would wax eloquent on the subject, and my southern friends would make that face ... “Sure sounds like a lot of work,” they’d opine. And I would reply, “More work than slaving in an office building under fluorescent light, commuting in traffic, paying off a mortgage and dealing with one regulation after another as you struggle to keep afloat in a less than attractive setting? No. In fact it’s a lot easier, and you have total control over your life.” That’s how I felt anyway. I’m not sure I changed any minds. --Atlin was rich with new experiences. I was thrust into an environment where my friends were those same outfitters, trappers and pilots, and I was invited into their worlds without reservation.

Hilary Craig was a decorated Vietnam vet with two tours who came to the North, as he occasionally let slip, to escape his own government. He and Ilene Hart were building a house a short distance from mine. Born in Florida, the nickame was inescapable. Hilbo he became, and Hilbo he stayed. He was a five string banjo player and a ball of fire. Born to literary parents, I’m not sure they even had a mould for him, much less one that could be broken. Everything Hilbo did was balls to the wall. It was exciting just to watch him. If the shit hit the fan, you wanted Hilbo there. Ilene Hart was from Iowa. She was clever, funny, and startlingly beautiful. It seemed unlikely that she should have ended up in the North but, as she was fond of saying, it was the wanderlust - a condition all of us could relate to. Hart played flute and sang and, while we were all socially adept, she was the queen of connection. Hilary’s mate for nine years, we eventually married. But that’s another story. Dave Stecker was a renaissance man. A bow hunter, fly fisher, philosopher and guitar player, he could sing and talk your head off ’til dawn, or at least until you split a gut laughing. AWOL from the US army, he travelled north like the rest of us to get out of the craziness. He was born in Pennsylvania and had a degree in something or other, but it was hard to tell what, because he was good at anything he turned his hand to. Howard Damron was a pilot who sang and played guitar. Brother of Dick Damron of Country Music fame, he had those musical genes and knew more songs than you could shake a stick at. We were part of a gaggle that included Freddy Morris, Liz Andrade, Alex McConnell, Gary Robinson, Jeff McPherson, Maureen Morris, Doug Lemond, Judy Currelly, Francoise Dubois, Andrea Ross, Phil Langevin, Bob McKerihan, Kate Fisher ... We were the new crew of the Good Ship Lollipop, and we were off on a trip that was about to make Jack Kerouak’s ‘On the Road’ look like Sunday school. Stecker, Alex, Pilar, Hilbo/Dacey, Hart (Ilene), Howard, Freddy, Andrea, Espy, Maureen

Open Letter to CBC Radio Staff, Management, CBC Ombudsman, Canadian Radio & Telecommunications Commission, Friends of Public Broadcasting, Minister of Citizenship & Culture, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam From avid life-time CBC listener, Stephen Badhwar, Atlin, BC December 5, 2021 Dear CBC Family, I have listened to CBC Radio faithfully, daily, for 55 years. CBC Radio has been my extended family. CBC has kept me informed and edified. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has a long history of journalistic enquiry, and of free and open discourse. Canadians, for generations, have relied upon the CBC to address contentious issues with fairness and balance. Canadians look to our national broadcaster to engage Canadians in national discussions on pivotal matters. It is with the greatest sadness that I report that there has been a drastic shift at CBC within the past 18 months. There has been a complete lack of openness and balance when it comes to the subject of the global response to SARS-CoV-2. CBC has not done its duty to provide a wide perspective on this matter. CBC has contravened its very own Journalistic Standards and Practices. There has been no real enquiry into this issue; no investigation; no debate. Science-based empirical cross-analysis has been conspicuously absent. Science requires that we consider all factors and variables when conducting an experiment. Science also requires that we do not discount or discard the data if it differs from what we expected. For example, there is a fast-growing body of evidence available within the public domain that reveals that these mRNA injections may not be as safe as the government, the industry, and the mainstream corporate media, is advertising. This evidence exists in plain sight, yet is hidden down in the statistical details, lost amidst the charts and graphs. With much digging and perseverance, the data can be collated: the US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System databasei reports 1,782,451 adverse eventsii. Europe is reporting 1,960,607 eventsiii. Government of Canada admits to 26,734 eventsiv. This is just the tip of the iceberg. This should be breaking-headline news. Yet nobody at CBC considers that Canadians might want to know about this. I am curious to know why we’re not discussing these numbers. We need to keep current with the mortality statistics so that we can carry out proper cost-benefit analyses. It is even more curious that we are not investigating -- or even mentioning-- the unprecedented high number of eventsv indicating pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, spontaneous abortion, and the unprecedented spike in stillborn birthsvi. Canadians have enough common sense to realize that something is amiss. Einstein reminds us that, “Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.” Einstein uttered these words of warning in the 1930s, the last time that the world was experiencing a slow, steady slide towards totalitarianism. Canadians know enough about history to see the patterns and recognize the cycles as they come around again. There are thousands of front-line health-care workers, nurses, doctors, and specialists across Canada vii -- and tens of thousands worldwideviii -- speaking out to fulfill their Hippocratic Oath (to do no harm), yet they cannot get any air time at the CBC, or at any other mainstream media outlet. It is beyond reason that none of these professionals have been invited onto CBC to share their information, their experience, their perspectives, or their wisdom. This omission constitutes either gross negligence, or overt censorship. The CBC has simply parroted the official narrative put forward by the WHO, promoted aggressively by the Centers for Disease Control, and by Health Canada, and pushed onto the public by key government agencies, certain nongovernmental agencies, and specific corporate interests.

In the past 18 months I have not yet heard a single guest who has said anything other than the tight, packaged, official rallying cry: ‘Vaccinate, it’s completely safe. So vaccinate, it’s so effective. So vaccinate, everybody’s doing it. So vaccinate, it’s the right thing to do. So vaccinate, it’s our only salvation.’ All that we have heard from CBC is the incessant repetition of this approved storyline. This rhetorical story, promulgated by the WHO, has been marketed by government and corporate bodies around the world, almost without exception, right down to the specific fear-based wording and protocols. The CBC has followed lock-step along with this campaign. It has been adopted without question or scrutiny. There has not been any enquiry or analysis to determine the scientific validity of this narrative. Canadians want Canadian solutions, not global agendas. Legal reminder: voluntary informed consent is a right enshrined in the Nuremburg Code of 1947ix. The Nuremburg Trials laid down 10 standards accepted into international practice to guide ethical medical behaviour. These were put in place to give legal recourse if a popular movement, such as the Nazis, ever attempted again to mess with our human rights and with our bodily autonomy. It is incumbent upon our government, its agencies, and its public broadcaster to provide (or at least not suppress) the information necessary for its citizens to make free and informed decisions, made without coercion or duress, with respect to this experimental medical procedure. Failure to do so is an indictable offence. Canadians have enough critical thinking skills to realize that we are being short-changed. All we are asking for is a mature, informed conversation. Let the Canadian public hear all the information. Let them decide, after careful review, which analysis holds merit. If we truly follow the science, then the unrestricted scientific process will determine which analysis of the evidence is correct. Let the dialogue begin. Sincerely, Stephen Badhwar The Simplicity of Propaganda Say it. Say it again. Say it often enough. And the people will believe it. The Value of Critical Thinking Read between the lines. That’s where the story is, what is said and what is not. Some Footnotes and References: 1


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Grizzly Home Services would like to wish all of its customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2022 We will not be delivering water or doing sewer December 24th 25th,26th, 27th or January 3rd Normal Friday deliveries will happen on Thursday and normal Monday deliveries will happen on Tuesday The Gas Station will be open the following hours: December 24th Closing at 3 pm December 25th Closed December 26th Closed December 31st Closing at 3 pm January 1st Closed Thanks to everyone for keeping driveways plowed, sanded and pathways to fills kept clear and clean of debris We would like to thank you for your continuing support throughout the year and all the best in the New Year Dana & Mary Hammond ====================================================================================

Dear Lynn: Tina emailed us a copy of the notice for a Hamburger Night for Margaret. That gave Bernie and I an opportunity to say “thanks” to you and all Margaret’s friends in Atlin. She really liked it up there and everyone she met. You were her “family”, she told me she didn’t want to come “South” after Doug passed. I’m sure she was surprised that she passed so soon. She liked the life there and being involved in festivities and with people. Maybe not the mosquitoes so much or the moose and pack horses passing through her lot munching on the apples trees she tried to grow! Margaret began quilting in Victoria when they lived there, Edmonton had more fabric stores and I loved her “stash”. She’d ask us (sister Ruth and I) her personal shoppers for fabric from Fabricland. When we mailed the parcels to her, the local Post Office would ask “where’s Atlin”? They liked your postal code. We’d reply, “two hours south of Whitehorse” hope you don’t mind! One thing she didn’t like about sewing was hemming her slacks or jeans. There weren’t many pairs that came in her “short” size. She would rather cut them off or roll them up. Due to ill health and Covid-19 Bernie and I weren’t able to get up to Atlin to say our “Good Byes” to our sweet daughter. So, we say “thanks” to you for all you have done, the help you gave Bill and Tina and the welcome you made for them. Sincere Condolences Bernie and Eleanor Golding From Lynn: It is also very much appreciated that so many people supported Margaret’s Hamburger Night. She would have been so pleased and happy to know how much she was loved and will be missed.

Land Act and Water Sustainability Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land and Allocation of Water Atlin Hydro Expansion Project Take notice that Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited (Proponent) of Atlin, BC has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (MFLNRORD) for a new hydroelectric power project located on Provincial Crown land near Atlin, BC. The proposed Project would generate approximately 8.5 megawatts (MW) of energy. The proposed Project includes a General Area Licence of Occupation for waterpower purposes and a Water Licence. The proposed Project will also require various other provincial authorizations including a Utilities permit in the Atlin Highway right-of-way and timber cutting authorization for the Project footprint. The MFLNRORD has received the Development Plan for this project from the Proponent and invites your comments. Please visit the MFLNRORD Applications, Comments and Reasons for Decision website at to view a summary of the Development Plan and provide comments. The Plan is intended to identify, assess, and address the impacts of the proposed project, as well as provide a detailed description of the activities related to project construction and operations. A printed copy of the Development Plan can also be viewed at the Service BC office in Atlin, and a digital copy and maps of the project area are also available on the proponent’s website at Written comments regarding the Development Plan can also be directed to the proponent c/o Stephanie Routley, Environmental Assessment and Permitting Coordinator by email at or by mail at PO Box 408, Atlin, BC., V0W 1A0. Please send a copy of all correspondence to Andrea Scarth, Project Manager by email at or by mail at MFLNRORD, Bag 5000, 3726 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BC, V0J 2N0. Comments will be received until January 14, 2022. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit to learn more about FOI submissions

============================================================================== Received from Christine Ziegler Formal Public Comment Period for AHEP has started online! The project proposal for the Atlin Hydro Expansion Project (AHEP) has been made available online on the provincial website and is now open for public commenting. Please follow this link: ( This formal public comment period of >30 days is legally required when submitting a project under the BC Clean Energy Process. Comments can be submitted any time also via E-Mail to the TRTFN Lands Project Review Group at or to the BC Project Manager at Any submitted comments will be handled anonymously.

Free Book Of The Month Free Book of the Month (December) All Creatures Great and Small by James Harriot The classic multimillion copy bestseller Delve into the magical, unforgettable world of James Herriot, the world's most beloved veterinarian, and his menagerie of heartwarming, funny, and tragic animal patients. For over forty years, generations of readers have thrilled to Herriot's marvelous tales, deep love of life, and extraordinary storytelling abilities. For decades, Herriot roamed the remote, beautiful Yorkshire Dales, treating every patient that came his way from smallest to largest, and observing animals and humans alike with his keen, loving eye. This is a wonderful family read. Visit your local Atlin Library on Fridays from 2:00 - 4:00 to enter the draw. There will be 18 winners. Winners will be announced then end of December. Sponsored by Decoda Solutions (Literacy Now)

WANTED Wanted smaller size office/computer desk. Maximum length 53 inches. Looking for quality construction, not particle board. 867-332-0836

Atlin Health Centre Christmas Holiday Hours Open: 9-12 Noon (PST) Friday Dec. 24th Closed: 1-4:30 Pm (PST) Friday Dec 24th ====================== Closed:

Mon Dec 27th


Tue Dec 28th and

Closed: Mon Jan 3rd ======================= FOR EMERGENCIES THE NURSE ON CALL CAN BE REACHED AT 250-651-7677

Sunday Movies At the Globe Theater Continue on through the winter months I will not be posting current posters for the next couple There is however a great selection and variety picked out. Email or Face Book message if you have questions Facebook:@ExploreAtlin Email:

Doors open 6:30, Movie Starts 7:00

Chrissy Vanhorn

HO! HO! HO! 10% Christmas Discount On all of Bill Wallis’ wood burnings and oils. Check out this great Christmas gift opportunity! All art pieces are displayed at the Atlin Inn.

(867)-333-9965 Arbonne is a vegan, gluten-free, earth friendly and cruelty free company. We provide skincare, haircare, nutrition, makeup and body care, without the use of harsh chemicals! I love to help people feel better so feel free to email, text or call me!

Please note that requests for same day water delivery must be received no later than 11 am of said day. Thank you! Water delivery and Sewer Removal are available Monday through Friday Did you know we sell and service Toyo Stoves? We offer competitive pricing on the latest models. Call the office for more information Phone 250-651-7463

Email Mailing address is Box 318, Atlin BC V0W 1A0 Summer Office hours – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8 am - noon With thanks, Dana and Mary Hammond

Mountain Shack Café Restaurant Fast Fancy Food

Sincerely Yours General Store & Canada Post Location OPEN

110 Discovery Avenue In Atlin, B.C.

Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm Closed for lunch 12:30 – 1:30

EAT IN OR TAKE OUT 250-651-7789

CLOSED weekends and Statutory Holidays

Great Service

HELP WANTED Driver - Class 3 with Air Brakes To do Water Delivery and Septic Pump outs for the community. Monday – Friday hours Wage Negotiable Potential for Year Round Employment APPLY TO DANA OR MARY AT 250-651-7463 GRIZZLYHOMESERVICES@GMAIL.COM OR STOP BY THE SHOP

COUNSELLOR KATIE ISRAEL @ BIG WATER SOCIETY Do you experience mental health challenges including depression, anxiety, substance use and addiction? Maybe you are at a crossroads and feel stuck? Come and let’s join hands in creating new pathways to increase wellness and inner peace.

CONTACT: Office: (250)651-2189 Cell: (867) 334-9524 Mondays and Wednesdays

Atlin Lot for Sale

Atlin Pet Care 287 Tatlow Street

Your pets home away from home! Indoor/Outdoor Runs Heated Kennels Boarding-Grooming-Pet Supplies Emergency Care-Veterinarian Referrals SPCA AGENTS George Holman 250-651-7717 Marj Holman 250-651-7758

Fishing Charters

SVOP Licence, 24 ft. Boat, Transport Canada Commercial Registration – Insured Gary Hill, Atlin B.C. V0W 1A0 Licensed, B.C. Guide Call -250 651-7553 Email $850.00 per day - $550.00 per 1/2 day

Downtown Atlin Right beside The Gold Claim (Jessica’s café) On 6th street across from the Rec Centre • 50’wide x 100’deep • flat level gravel pad • Clear of any obstructions • Room for parking along 50’ frontage • Great site for business or home REDUCED from $90,000 to $75,000 Contact: Elissa Miskey Message: 604-265-5700

Custom Fish Art- Fiberglas and Wood GARY HILL’S FISH ART


Bob’s Contracting & Services We provide Concrete, Drain Rock, Screed gravel, Sand, Topsoil and Septic systems. We also provide Equipment Rentals, Excavations, Covered Storage, Firewood and Snow Removal. Please call (250) 651-2488 or email bobscontracting2020@g

Atlin Christian Centre Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (778) 721-0710

SHORT TERM RENTAL Short term rental available: December to January 31st OR December 15th to January 31st Contact Rhoda @ Dancing Aspens 651-7668

St. Martin’s Anglican Church CLOSED AT THIS TIME! MOBILE WELDING SERVICE AVAILABLE Contact: Alain Vanier 250-651-0037

Reasonable Rates!

Life is like a mirror--we get the best results when we smile at it.

“Feel Free” Feel free to give your smiles away To those who pass your way today. Feel free to say a word or two To coax a laugh from them and you. With days like this, good neighbors too You’re apt to make a friend or two.

Sewing Machine Cleaning, Repair, & Setup Terry 250 651-7769

Atlin Community Library Open Every

Friday and Saturday 2-4p.m.

Everyone Welcome

Jeff Salmon

The next Whisper is Wednesday December 22nd Submissions are due no later than Sunday 6pm Yukon time December 19th. Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of RCMP Atlin; Ink costs courtesy of Literacy Now. Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-250-651-7861 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit. Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed Some Footnotes and References: and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE i community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You!

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