Whitehorse Chamber Of Commerce E-Bulletin

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August 4, 2017

Whitehorse Chamber E-Bulletin “The Voice Of Business”

In This Week’s Edition for August 18, 2017… 1. WCC Notice Of Meeting 2. July’s Golden Host Service Excellence Awards Winner 3. Government of Yukon Wants Your Input on Carbon Price Rebate 4. Government of Yukon Stakeholder Cannabis Survey for Yukon Businesses 5. City of Whitehorse Update 6. Employee Recruitment- Destination Canada Information 7. 5 Minutes For Business 8. Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance 9. First Data Merchant Services 10. Upcoming Events

August 4, 2017

Notice Of Meeting In accordance with bylaw 6.4 – Notice of Meeting – notice is hereby given that there will be a short special meeting on Thursday September 7th at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Roundhouse on Front Street across from MacBride Museum. The purpose of the meeting is to elect the Board of Directors of the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce. In partnership with the City of Whitehorse a Business After Hours, hosted by the City, will follow. According to Bylaw 4.6 (e) please see below the list of Nominees, put forward by the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, for the 2017/2018 fiscal year: Officers of the Board: Chair – Stan Thompson 1st Vice Chair – Mike Pemberton 2nd Vice Chair – Lars Hartling Secretary/Treasurer – Lori Barr Directors: Betty Burns David Sennett Lorraine Stick Eric Brohman Sylvio Lin

Kirk Cameron Kathleen Napier Alex Doepel Shirley Chua

If you have any questions please contact the Chamber at 667-7545. Sincerely, Rick Karp President Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce

Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, 101-302 Steele Street, Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 2C5 Phone:867-667-7545 Fax:867-667-4507, www.whitehorsechamber.ca

August 4, 2017

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2017-08-15 July’s Golden Host Service Excellence Awards Winner Announced Whitehorse, Yukon – 48 nominations were collected for the July 2017 Golden Host Awards which recognizes frontline workers for their extraordinary service to our Yukon visitors. The Yukon Tourism Education Council (YTEC) along with their partners the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce (WCC) and the Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon (TIA Yukon) are pleased to announce the winner of the Golden Host Service Excellence Award for July 2017.

Trevor Braun - Yukan Canoe, Whitehorse YT “He went above and beyond excellence helping stranded tourists with a flat tire on the South Canol road. Drove them to Ross River to get a tire, fed them dinner, then drove them back to their truck and camper and changed the tire.” – Bill Dunn & Sue MacKinnon, Whitehorse YT

Caribou Crossing Trading Post, Carcross YT “Sara, Nancy, Shan, Jess, Lori, and Saralee; these amazing ladies were called back to work to serve the softball team from Turkey. We arrived late and hungry. They quickly came together to provide an amazing BBQ chicken lunch complete with donuts for dessert. All the staff was friendly and efficient and we enjoyed our time after lunch exploring this beautiful place. This was extraordinary service and deserves to be recognized.” -Thomas McDermott, Coach, Team Turkey Congratulations to all July 2017 Golden Host Nominees with employees from:

Alpine Aviation Aurora Inn, Dawson City Best Western Gold Rush Inn Campbell Region Interpretive Centre, Faro

Dawson City Visitor Information Centre Downtown Hotel, Dawson City Days Inn Whitehorse Dredge No. 4, Dawson City

Caribou Crossing Trading Post

Icycle Sports

Cottonwood Park, Destruction Bay

Integra Tire Auto Centre Whitehorse

August 4, 2017

Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre

Six Mile Resort, Tagish

Northern Lights Optometry

Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre

Robert Service Cabin, Dawson City

Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Dawson City

Yukan Canoe

The partners gratefully acknowledge The RUSH, Northern Native Broadcasting Yukon, and Yukon News for their promotional support. If you know someone who has provided extraordinary service, please nominate them! Golden Host Nomination forms can be found throughout Yukon businesses and Visitor Information Centres. You can also submit nominations online at ​goldenhost.ca​. –30– For more information about the Golden Host program please contact: Suzanne Blackjack – Programming Coordinator, YTEC 4141D 4th Avenue Whitehorse YT Y1A 1J1 Whitehorse: +1 867 667 4733 or Toll-free: +1 844 667 4733 info@yukontec.com

August 4, 2017

Government of Yukon wants your input on carbon price rebate The Government of Yukon is seeking public input on how it can best develop a rebate that will return revenues from the federal carbon price to Yukoners and local businesses. Yukoners are invited to complete a survey between August 16 and September 13, which will inform the development of the carbon pricing revenue rebate. In addition to engaging with Yukon residents, the Government of Yukon will also hold conversations with Yukon First Nations, municipal governments and local industry. The rebate program will be informed by responses received during the engagement period. Quotes “All federal carbon pricing funds collected in Yukon will be returned to individual Yukoners and businesses through a rebate program. We want to hear from Yukoners to ensure we develop a rebate program that is effective.” –Premier and Minister of Finance Sandy Silver Quick facts • In 2018, the Government of Canada will introduce a tax on carbon in all provinces and territories that do not put in place their own carbon pricing system. The federal carbon pricing system will apply in Yukon. • The Government of Yukon has committed to returning this money to Yukoners and businesses. • The Government of Yukon expects that the federal government will collect about $5 million in carbon pricing revenue in 2018, rising to $25 million in 2022 when the carbon price is in full effect. • The Government of Yukon expects the carbon price to be 2.33 cents per litre for gasoline in 2018. This will rise to approximately 11.63 cents per litre in 2022. • Yukon signed the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change on December 9, 2016. • The Government of Yukon is also working with the federal government to conduct a study on the potential impacts of carbon pricing in Yukon and the effects of carbon pricing in other jurisdictions on Yukon’s economy. • This federal study will be completed in the fall of 2017. The study will identify, assess and propose possible solutions and opportunities to mitigate potential adverse economic effects. Learn more: Carbon pricing rebate survey Contact: Sunny Patch
 Cabinet Communications
 sunny.patch@gov.yk.ca Eric Clement
 Communications, Finance 

August 4, 2017

Stakeholder Questionnaire

Yukon’s approach to cannabis legalization Please share your views on cannabis use and legalization with the Government of Yukon. Send your organization’s response by September 15 to cannabis@gov.yk.ca:

1. Should legally produced cannabis be available for purchase in every community in Yukon?

2. How do you think legally produced cannabis should be sold in Yukon? 3. What impact will the sale of legally produced cannabis have on your community? 4. What should the Government of Yukon do to ensure the health and safety of Yukoners as part of the new cannabis legislation?

5. Should the Yukon government generate revenue from the sale of cannabis? 6. What issues or concerns do you think are of the greatest interest to Yukoners? 7. What do you need to know about Yukon’s cannabis rules and regulations as it becomes legal? 8. How would you like to be informed about Yukon’s cannabis rules and regulations as it becomes legal?

Supplementary questions regarding sale and distribution: 1) Does your organization favour more or less government control over sales of legal cannabis? 2) If in favour of controlled sale and distribution of legal cannabis, does your organization support sale and distribution of legal cannabis: a) Through government wholesale sales e.g. Yukon Liquor Corporation? (YES/NO) b) Existing government liquor stores? (YES/NO) c) Separate government-run cannabis store? (YES/NO) d) A government-run mail order system? (YES/NO), or e) Comments or other ideas? 3) If in favour of less controlled access to legal cannabis, does your organization support sale and distribution of legal cannabis: a) From licensed private storefronts for retail distribution? (YES/NO) or b) Through other means of sales and distribution? (YES/NO) E.g. _______________. 4) What concerns, if any, would your organization have with regard to: a) Retail sales of cannabis and liquor at the same storefront? b) Retail hours of operation for cannabis sales? c) Proximity of a cannabis retail store to schools and places frequented by children and youth? 5) What can be done to address your organization’s concerns?

August 4, 2017

August 18, 2017

Lions Aquatic Centre Shutdown The Canada Games Centre pool will be closed for annual maintenance from Saturday, August 19 to Friday, September 8. Last Splash is August 18 from 4-8 pm! Admission by donation, raising funds for Challenge Disability Resource Group. Check out other exciting activities online at whitehorse.ca/cgc

Discovery Day Services August 21 Most City facilities and offices will not be operating, including the Canada Games Centre and Transit. Shipyards Park will remain open, as will the Waste Management Facility.

Back to School Safety Fair On August 25, we’ll be at Shipyards Park from 10 am to 2 pm with our partners at Yukon Highways and Public Works. Learn from the safety experts! Add this event to your calendar at whitehorse.ca/events

Fall Active Living Program Registration Get ready! Registration opens on Saturday, August 26 at 10 am online and in person at the Community Registration Fair taking place at the Canada Games Centre from 10 am to 1 pm. Visit whitehorse.ca/activeliving

Miracle-Gro Best Garden Selection Submit your residential garden or commercial landscaping to this friendly competition! The contest is open until September 1 and winners will be awarded a Miracle-Gro Prize Pack. Learn more at whitehorse.ca/inbloom

Robert Service Way Area Plan This project stretches from Ear and Hobo Lakes to the Airport and from the Alaska Highway to the Yukon River. We want to hear from you! Our online surveys are now available until September 10 at whitehorse.ca/robertserviceway

Wildlife and Waste Minimize access to your recyclable, compostable & landfill waste by keeping it secure. Get details at whitehorse.ca/wildlife


Residential Housing Lots Online Surveys Our second phase surveys on the updated lot layout proposals are now available and will be open until October 23. See more at whitehorse.ca/housinglots

EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT- DESTINATION CANADA INFORMATION The Government of Yukon, Advanced Education, Immigration along with the Francophone Association of Yukon (AFY) will be attending this year’s Destination Canada event in France and Belgium, which takes place November 14-18, 2017. This is a recruitment event organized by the Canadian Embassy in Paris to promote living and working in Canada. The federal immigration program’s mandate is to attract skilled workers, business investors and newcomers who will contribute to the development of Canada. Representatives from provinces and territories and employers from across Canada will attend the event to promote their jurisdictions to the 3500 invited guests who are eagerly awaiting a Canadian experience.

This event provides Yukon organizations with a limited, yet excellent opportunity to cast their recruitment nets further. Whether your organization needs to recruit employees for your business or promote your organization to potential clients or investors this may be the opportunity that you are looking for. Employers can either attend the event to meet candidates and take applications, or, if it is not possible to travel to the event, Yukon bilingual representatives can promote your business. More information about the Destination Canada is available at this link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/multimedia/video/destination/destination.asp

The Government of Yukon is partnering with the Francophone Association of Yukon (AFY), a champion in providing well established supports in employment, settlement and language services for bilingual and francophone newcomers to the region. AFY’s attendance at Destination Canada November 2016 resulted in eight bilingual recruits who are now working in Yukon businesses. Many businesses in Yukon have benefited from the arrival of international skills and our community is gaining a global perspective that prepares our citizens for future development. Examples of the benefits to Yukon and its employers can be seen at: (click on English at top right corner) http://rh.afy.yk.ca

AFY and the YG Immigration are pleased to host an Information Session about the Destination Canada event that can inform employers about the potential that exists at the recruitment fair. We will be joined by the joined by the Embassy in Paris via teleconference at the following venue: Embassy in Paris via teleconference at the following venue:

August 4, 2017

5 Minutes for Business Infrastructure Spending—Real Bang for the Buck! August 15, 2017

One of our pet peeves at the Canadian Chamber is when governments talk about infrastructure investment purely in terms of how many billions they’re spending, often with few details about what the infrastructure is trying to achieve. We worry when the goals are unclear and dollar sums are massive. Imagine someone saying, “I’d like to renovate my home and am unsure what needs to be done, but I’d like to spend at least $150,000.” (And, it’s all borrowed money.) We decided to flip it around to talk about what we get out of infrastructure, rather than just asking how much money is going in. That’s why we wrote a report called Stuck in Traffic for 10,000 Years. That’s the amount of additional time that commuters in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver spend stuck in traffic every single year as a result of road congestion. It’s an enormous waste for the Canadian economy to have those people sitting around in cars burning gasoline. That’s why we need to prioritize investments in transportation capacity where they’re needed most. Instead of spreading the money across the country like jam, let’s concentrate on the worst bottlenecks (we’ve got a list). Canada also needs to prioritize investments in broadband. Canada’s geography results in big coverage gaps, much lower speeds and much higher costs, particularly in rural and Northern areas. It’s critical for the government to increase public infrastructure investments in rural and remote connectivity and improve tax incentives. The third major priority is to build export corridors, in the Asia-Pacific Gateway as well as the QuébecOntario Continental trade corridor, to get our goods to market. This would significantly improve the longterm competitiveness of Canadian manufacturers.









Green Infrastructure





Social Infrastructure





Trade and Transport













Public Transit

Rural and Northern Total

How are we doing on these investments? The above table from the Fall Economic Update shows new spending on infrastructure. Not much (13%) is going to trade and transportation—the things that improve productivity and growth. Canadians must also look to the private sector for infrastructure needs. That’s why we’re excited about the potential of the Canadian Infrastructure Bank. Let’s take a real world example. VIA Rail is proposing to build a new dedicated passenger rail line between Toronto and Quebec City that would provide more frequencies and improve the convenience, reliability and trip times of connections. The trains would be able to run at their full potential speed of 160 km/h because they would no longer share tracks with freight trains. The line would also reduce congestion by taking 2.4 million cars off the road (that translates into 10.8 million tons of carbon dioxide). The total cost is $4 billion and could be paid for by the increased number of passengers who will take the train. So the project doesn’t need taxpayers, it just needs financing—some debt that can be paid back over 15 or 20 years. That is exactly what the Infrastructure Bank should be doing.

For more information, please contact: Hendrik Brakel Senior Director, Economic, Financial & Tax Policy 613.238.4000 (284) | hbrakel@chamber.ca


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Business After Hours Sponsored by City of Whitehorse/Special Meeting


Yukon Delegation to Opportunities North


Startup Canada NORTH Awards

Canadian Chamber of Commerce 2017 AGM in Edmonton

Small Business Week sponsored by BDC




19 Canada Post Event - On-line Shopping/ Shipping opportunities for SME’s

Business After Hours Sponsored by Dana Naye Ventures



Business After Hours Sponsored by Association Franco-Yukonnaise


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