Whitehorse Chamber Of Commerce

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June 5th 2015

Whitehorse Chamber E-Bulletin “The Voice Of Business”

The Millennium Trail Eagles have Returned!

In This Week’s Edition for June 5th 2015..... 1. Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce AGM Announcement 2. Business After Hours 3. WGH Expansion - Invitation To Business To Business Networking Session. 4. Public Lecture On Recent Supreme Court Of Canada Decisions 5. Become A YuWin Supporter 6. CCC - 5 Minutes For Business - How To Turbocharge Tourism 7. Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Safe Food For Canadians Act 8. YTG and COW Sign Memorandum Of Understanding On Land Development 9. Focus Canada Japan & Showcase Canada Asia, Oct. 2015 10. City Of Whitehorse Update 11. Pathways To Wellness

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! The$Whitehorse$Chamber$of$Commerce$is$pleased$ !to!welcome!to!Whitehorse,!! the!President!and!CEO!of!the!CIBC!! Victor$Dodig.$$ ! Mr.Dodig!will!address!the!Whitehorse!Chamber!of!Commerce!! membership!at!a!luncheon!on!Thursday!June!18th,!2015.!! !


! ! ! ! ! ! !

! The!luncheon!will!be!held!at!! Mt.McIntyre$Recreation$Facility$in$the$Grey$Mountain$Room.$ ! At!the!luncheon!we!will!hear!from!Mr.Dodig;!! as!well!he!and!his!team!from!CIBC!will!be!making!some!! very!special!presentations.! ! The!doors!for!the!luncheon!will!open!at!11:30am!! and!the!event!will!begin!at!noon.! ! The!cost!for!this!event,!which!includes!lunch,!is!$40.00! ! ! ! The!member!only!business!portion!of!the!Whitehorse!Chamber!of!Commerce!AGM! will!run!from!10:30amQ11:30am!in!advance!of!the!Luncheon.!!! ! This!event!is!in!accordance!with!bylaw!6.4!–!Notice!of!Meeting!–!Notice!is!hereby! given!that!the!67th!Annual!General!Meeting!of!the!Whitehorse!Chamber!of! Commerce!will!take!place!Thursday!June!18th,!2015.! ! $ To$register$for$the$Luncheon,$or$the$members$only$AGM,$please$contact$the$ Chamber$at$667F7545$or$business@whitehorsechamber.ca$

Business After Hours




INVITATION'TO'BUSINESS'TO'BUSINESS'NETWORKING'SESSION'–'JUNE'10,'2015' The!Yukon!Hospital!Corporation,!Partnerships!BC,!the!Whitehorse!Chamber!of!Commerce!and!the!Yukon! Contractors!Association!are!pleased!to!again!invite!local!contractors!and!suppliers!to!a!Business!to! Business!Networking!Session!(B2B)!for!the!Whitehorse!General!Hospital!Expansion!Project.! This!B2B!session!will!build!on!a!successful!first!event!held!last!December!and!provide!another! opportunity!for!local!businesses!and!suppliers!to!promote!their!companies!and!services!with!PCL! Constructors!Westcost!Inc.!–!the!partner!recently!selected!to!design!and!build!the!hospital!expansion! project.!The!initial!stages!of!expansion!construction!will!get!underway!this!summer!with!the!project’s! anticipated!completion!scheduled!for!late!fall!2017.! Please'see'event'details'below:' • • •

Date:!Wednesday,!June!10,!2015! Time:!8!am!–!10!am! Location:!Old!Fire!Hall,!1105!Front!Street,!Whitehorse,!YT,!Y1A!5G4!

In!order!to!guarantee!local!contractors!and!suppliers!time!with!the!designZbuild!partner,!the!B2B!session! will!be!a!“speedZmeeting”!format.!Except!for!this!session,!there!is!no!set!limit!on!the!time!you!have!to! promote!your!companies,!services!and!experience!to!the!designZbuild!team.!You!will!be!provided!with! some!tips!and!tools!in!order!to!focus!your!discussion!so!PCL!representatives!can!meet!with!all! participants!in!a!timely!manner.! You!must!register!to!attend!this!event.!Please!register!by!email!to!business@whitehorsechamber.ca! with!“Business(to(Business(Networking(Session”(in!the!subject!field.!In!the!body!of!your!email,!please! include!the!following!information:!! ! • Business!name! • Business!sector! • Business!address! • Names!and!positions!of!up!to!two!business!representatives! • Business!contact!phone!numbers! • Business!email!addresses! Please!note!that!to!facilitate!future!interactions,!the!registration!information!you!provide!will!be! provided!to!PCL!following!the!event.!Registration!will!close!on!Tuesday,!June!9!at!11:00!am.!Once!you! have!registered,!you!will!receive!a!registration!package,!which!includes!the:! • •

Rules!of!Engagement! Tips!and!Tools!





An Important Public Lecture on Recent Supreme Court of Canada Decisions

The Yukon Regional Group of the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors along with other partners invite you to attend a


Yukon Arts Centre


June 9, 2015 7:30 pm

FREE Event

Open to the Public For more information contact: Tim Koepke | 604.816.5367 | tim@klondiker.com

Izaak de Rijcke Adjunct Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Lassonde School of Engineering York University, Toronto

Will speak on recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions on Aboriginal Title and what they can mean for existing property law regimes.

Promoted on YuWIN’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, with a link to your organization

Why become a Supporter of YuWIN?

Free use of the YuWIN “Widget” – save time and money by having your own mini job board!

Benefits Support Yukon’s #1 Jobsite Be represented at labour market, training, immigration, recruitment and retention stakeholder events Get extra services!

Premium Advertising Services Employer name and Job Title in Friday’s Yukon News employment section Take advantage of “Top Jobs” - Stay right at the top of the job listings!

NGO / Not-for-Profit rate $75/year - less than 5 jobs per year (expected) NGO / Not-for-Profit Premium User rate $150/year Business – SME Rate $100/year - less than 5 jobs a year (expected) Business – Premium User Rate $150/year Government Rate $150/year For more information, contact Elise at YuWIN 867.393.3874 or email info@yuwin.ca

In this edition of 5 Minutes for Business, Hendrik Brakel, our Senior Director, Economic, Financial and Tax Policy, examines how support for Canada’s tourism sector could bolster our economy. Canada’s economy shrank by 0.6% in the first quarter. With a weak domestic economy, Canadian business increasingly needs to look for opportunities in international markets. Wouldn’t it be great if we could turn things around by getting foreigners to come spend money here in Canada? That’s why tourism is one of the top priorities of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Thank goodness tourism is also Canada’s second largest export industry, and it is gaining strength. It also benefits restaurants, retailers and so many more companies that don’t, or can’t, export. Tourism is a huge industry, larger than agriculture or the auto sector. It supports 170,000 small- and medium-sized businesses across the country, contributes over $88 billion to the Canadian economy and generates over 627,000 jobs. But what comes next? How can we continue to develop this sector to further develop our economy? That’s the subject that is being tackled this week in 5 Minutes for Business. And the timing is good, since this week is Tourism Week! To find out more, use the hashtag #StandUpForTourism. Read 5 Minutes for Business.

Are you a small business in the food industry? If so, we want to hear from you! Once in force, the Safe Food for Canadians Act will strengthen food safety rules. This new law will focus on prevention and your ability to quickly respond to food safety issues when they arise. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is holding a targeted consultation to better understand your food safety challenges and to seek feedback on options that could reduce burdens on your business.

Key food safety elements To improve the approach to food safety in Canada, we’re considering enhancements based on three key features of international food safety systems:

1. Identifying food businesses — to know who is involved in preparing and importing food and what they are producing or bringing into the country, and communicate directly with these businesses to share important information.

2. Tracing a food product’s path one step forward and one step back — to reduce the time it takes to remove unsafe products from the market.

3. Implementing preventive food safety controls — to make sure all businesses that prepare or import food understand and control the potential hazards associated with their products and processes.

Get involved For the purpose of this consultation, small businesses are defined as those that generate $100,000 or less per year in gross sales of food. If you’re a small business in the food industry, go to inspection.gc.ca/safefood to: ü Learn more about what these proposed changes mean for your business. ü Complete the online questionnaire on options for reducing the burden on small businesses. ü Register for a webinar. ü Register to attend one of our face-to-face sessions in a city near you. Don’t miss out. Have your say before June 30, 2015!

Registra)on now open for CTC Asia marketplace events: Focus Canada Japan & Showcase Canada Asia, Oct. 2015 Registra)on is now open for the Canadian Tourism Commission’s two fall Asian marketplace shows, Focus Canada Japan and Showcase Canada Asia, to be held in Japan and China this October. Trade-­‐ready Yukon tourism businesses are invited to consider aKending. Please don’t delay in reviewing as par<cipa<on slots are limited. Delegates who wish to par)cipate must register on their own; please see the websites below for more detailed informa)on. These events are annual tourism marketplaces that highlight Canadian des)na)ons in a proven format of pre-­‐scheduled appointments and networking events, similar to the CTC’s Rendezvous Canada event held each May. Tourism Yukon plans to aGend both of these events, to promote Yukon as a tourism des)na)on and to describe the array of tourism experiences available to Yukon visitors. Focus Canada Japan October 16-­‐17, 2016 Osaka, Japan Invites tour operators from Japan only hHp://www.focus-­‐canada.jp/about/ Showcase Canada Asia October 19-­‐23rd, 2015 Shenyang, Liaoning, China Invites tour operators from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia hGp://ctc.teameventmanagement.com/asia/ If you would like to discuss your par)cipa)on, please contact Jessica Ruffen, Market Manager, Asia Pacific, Yukon Tourism & Culture, atJessica.ruffen@gov.yk.ca or 867-­‐667-­‐3606. Marketplace registra)on and travel costs may be eligible for funding assistance. See hGp://www.tc.gov.yk.ca/ tcmf_shows_faq.html

June 5, 2015

Sister City Exchange Program with Ushiku, Japan Do you have teens at home? A zest for Yukon life? Interest in experiencing new cultures? Host a Japanese exchange student this summer for the 30th anniversary of this exciting program. Learn more at whitehorse.ca/ushiku.

Seniors Tea Join us on Wednesday, June 10 from 2pm to 4pm at the Kwanlin D端n Cultural Centre, for an enjoyable afternoon of tea, tunes and treats! Every year Mayor and Council are pleased to celebrate the valuable contribution seniors and elders make to our community. Visit whitehorse.ca/events for more details.

Turn Off Frost Protection Danger of frost has passed and all frost protection devices on your water system should now be turned off. Learn more at whitehorse.ca/waterandwaste.

All-Terrain Vehicle Requirements Ride safe this summer! Please stay on designated motorized trails, ride respectfully in residential areas and stay away from environmentally sensitive areas. See more information at whitehorse.ca/atv.

Summer Maintenance Notice Please exercise caution around City crews working on roads, parks and other projects. Thanks for your ongoing patience.

Next City Council Meeting The next Regular Council Meeting is June 15 at 5:30pm in City Hall Council Chambers. View whitehorse.ca/agendas for Council and whitehorse.ca/CASM for CASM meetings.

Corporate Volleyball Challenge Get out of the office and into the sand! Form a team with your colleagues and enter this summer challenge which takes place at Rotary Park on Wednesday June 24 from 5:30 to 10pm. Register at whitehorse.ca/alo by June 19.

Current Job Opportunities Visit whitehorse.ca/careers to see a variety of exciting positions currently open across all City of Whitehorse departments.


Pathways to Wellness e-Tips conversation • connection • commitment

Relationships matter The desire to connect with others begins at birth and continues to be important throughout our lives. In fact, our very survival as humans depends on our social relationships. Some scientists believe that humans have larger brains with more pathways and connections than other animals so that we can manage the complexities of human relationships. Greater "computing power" allows us to pick up on social cues, be empathetic, make and enjoy jokes without causing offense, solve problems through cooperation and put the needs of others before our own. Relationships are our greatest source of happiness, joy and belonging. People and experiences (which usually involve other people) contribute more to long-term happiness than money or material goods. Relationships flourish when there are more positive than negative interactions. The ratio of positive to negative interactions during the first few weeks of marriage accurately predicts which couples will still be together 5 years later. The magic ratio is 5:1. Here are some tips for deepening relationships and experiencing more happiness: • • • • •

Celebrate good things that happen to family members and friends. Show interest and delight in another's success. Ask for details and show genuine interest, enthusiasm and support. Express admiration for qualities that you admire and appreciation for the positive impact that someone has had on your life. Increase the number of positive interactions you have with people -- show affection, playfulness and gratitude. Show kindness -- to your friends, family members and strangers. Kindness creates connection and can have a ripple effect.

Contact Info: Contact us at www.yukonwellness.ca/ contactus.php

Our Location 201 - #1 Hospital Road, Whitehorse, Yukon Mail: Pathways to Wellness, H-1 Health and Social Services Yukon Government Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 E-mail: yukonwellness@gov.yk.ca Jan: 867-667-3674

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