Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce E-bulletin

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Nov 14th 2014

Whitehorse Chamber E-Bulletin “The Voice Of Business”

In This Week’s Edition for Nov.14th 2014..... 1. BAH Humbug Cocktail Party 2. Business After Hours By Air North 3. Foodsafe Level 1 Course 4. Foodsafe Level 2 Course 5. Yukon College - Procurement Training 6. Education, Career And Volunteer Expo 7. Yukon Tourism Training Fund 8. TIA, YCB and Nakai Theatre Open House 9. Chamber of Mines - Geoscience Forum And Trade Show 10.City Of Whitehorse Update 11.Pathways To Wellness

FOODSAFE Level 1 is a food handling, sanita on and work safety course designed for front line food service workers such as cooks, servers, bussers, dishwashers, and deli workers. The course covers important food safety and worker safety informa on including foodborne illness, receiving and storing food, preparing food, serving food, cleaning and sani zing.

Next class is Saturday November 22, 2014 Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Cost: $75.00 per par cipant To register, please contact the YTEC office at 667-4733 or via yukontec.com Space is limited. In a food service establishment that fosters a culture of food safety, everyone understands why certain procedures need to be followed. Whether you are an owner, manager, cook, dishwasher or server, you know the safety of the food the establishment is serving rests with YOU!

FOODSAFE Level 2 is designed for foodservice owners, managers, kitchen managers, execu ve chefs and others who are managing food safety in foodservice establishments. The focus of this course is to create a food safety culture in the workplace and to provide the essen al tools and prac ces that support that culture.

Date: November 29 & 30, 2014 Time: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm Loca on: YTEC office, 4141D 4th Avenue Cost: $110.00 per par cipant To register, please contact the YTEC office at 667-4733 or via yukontec.com Space is limited

These courses are almost full!! Book now if you want to attend!

Procurement Training FALL 2014 SCHEDULE NOVEMBER

Bullet-proofing Your RFPs: A Survival Guide for Public-Sector Buyers One of North America’s leading experts in the RFP process, Michael Asner brings you backroom insights from his role as both an evaluator and public procurement specialist. An engaging and entertaining speaker, Michael first deals with the two hottest topics in public procurement: 1) Negotiated RFPs; and 2) Statements of Work — Getting them Right! Michael then covers everything you need to know: when you must use an RFP, the details of a fair, open and transparent RFP process, and the eight building blocks of an evaluation process.

CRN 10507 | Nov 19 | Wed | 9am–4pm Instructor: Michael Asner | $500 + GST

What the Evaluators are REALLY Looking for: Laser-focusing Your Proposals The key to successful proposal writing is to ensure you zero in on your audience’s needs and requirements. Writing for the government is no exception. This seminar first describes the rules every public body must follow. Michael then describes what an evaluator goes through after receiving your proposal and outlines critical issues you must deal with for your proposal to be acceptable and win the contract. One of North America’s leading experts in the RFP process, Michael Asner brings you backroom insights from his role as both an evaluator and procurement specialist. An engaging and entertaining speaker, Michael covers everything you need to know: the government’s rules, the blow-byblow breakdown of a real-life evaluation of a proposal, how to decode evaluators’ behaviours, and how to “lose really big.”

CRN 10508 | Nov 21 | Fri | 9am–4pm Instructor: Michael Asner | $500 + GST

Instructor Profile | MICHAEL ASNER We welcome back Michael Asner, who is recognized as one of North America’s leading speakers, consultants and authors dealing with public sector procurement and proposal writing. He helps government entities improve their RFP practices and documents and acts as an RFP Advisor or Fairness Officer on highrisk, high-value procurements. He assists private-sector firms in understanding how to sell to government and create winning proposals.

Continuing Education and Training INFORMATION 867. 668.5200 | yukoncollege.yk.ca/ce REGISTRATION 867. 668.8710

Education,+Career+&Volunteer+Expo+2014+ Kwanlin'Dün'Cultural'Centre' Thursday,'November'27th' 10:30'am'to'4:00'pm' Le'français'suit'l’anglais.' Involved+in+education+or+employment+counselling?+Need+volunteers?+Looking+for+staff?+ Showcase'your'organization'and'inspire'Yukoners'to'explore'opportunities'in'education,'jobs,'or' volunteer'experiences.' Anticipated'Visitors:' •' •' •' •' •' •' •' •' •' •' '

High'school'students'and'their'teachers'and'parents' Yukon'College'students'seeking'transfer'to'universities'or'other'programs' Student'advisors' Career'Counsellors' Immigration'officers'and'counselors' NewTcomers'and'Immigrants' Job'seekers' MidTcareer'changers'or'those'seeking'professional'development' Retirees' Volunteers'

Last'year’s'event'welcomed'700'participants'and'49'exhibitors.' Registration'Fees':' •' $100'which'includes'one'6’'table'and'2'chairs,'wireless'Internet'(limited'bandwidth).' •' There'is'a'50%'discount'to'all'current'Volunteer'Bénévoles'Yukon'members'' ' For'more'information'or'to'register,'please'contact:' •' Volunteer'Bénévoles'Yukon,'executivedirector@volunteeryukon.ca,'or'456T4304'(NGOs)' •' YuWIN,'executivedirector@yuwin.ca,'393T3874'(Businesses)' •' Yukon'College,'abowen@yukoncollege.yk.ca,'456T8587'(educational'institutions/Governments)' •' Association'francoTyukonnaise,'fnolet@afy.yk.ca,'or'668T2663'ext#233'(Francophone' organizations)' '' 2014'Career,'Education'and'Volunteer'Expo'Registration'Form:' http://volunteeryukon.ca/IMG/pdf/2014_Expo_Registration_Form08sep.pdf'' To'become'a'sponsor:' http://volunteeryukon.ca/IMG/pdf/2014_Education_Career_Volunteer_Expo_Sponsorship_PackageT Final.pdf'''

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! ! Are!you!working!in!the!tourism!industry?! ! Apply!to!YTTF! ! If!your!courses!and!training!are!applicable,!you!could!receive!funding!for!up!to! 75%!of!the!eligible!costs!to!a!maximum!of!$3,000!!If!you!are!seeking!entryA level!skill!development,!seasonal/wilderness!training,!or!professional!skills! development!for!a!career!in!tourism,!you!could!be!eligible.!Businesses,! nonprofits,!and!organizations!wishing!to!provide!training!to!the!tourism! industry!may!receive!up!to!a!maximum!of!75%!of!the!cost!of!implementation!to! a!maximum!of!$5,000.! ! !Standard!Fist!Aid,!Wilderness!Advanced!First!Aid,!WAFAAWFR!Bridge,!WFR! ReACert,!&!Wilderness!First!Responder!Courses!are!all!being!offered!year! round!in!Whitehorse!! ! Remember!that!you!must!apply!to!the!fund!before!training!begins!and! application!approvals!will!occur!only!4!times!a!year.!!The!next!application! deadline!is!Friday!November!21st,!2014!at!5:00PM.! ! Call!668A3331!or!visit!www.tiayukon.com!! for!more!information!and!applications!


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Please join TIA Yukon, YCB & Nakai Theatre for our annual

Holiday Open House 4pm to 7pm TIA Yukon Office, Second Floor White Pass Building Stop by the TIA Yukon Office for a drink and some holiday goodies! Hope to see you there!

City News Highlights – November 14, 2014 Spruce Bog at the CGC This Yukon Crafts Society event is taking place on Saturday, November 15. Please ride Transit, carpool or use overflow parking, as space will be limited at the Canada Games Centre. Parking at Mount McIntyre is not recommended for this event. View details at www.sprucebog.com. City Council Meeting The next Standing Committee Meeting is November 17 at 5:30pm in City Hall Council Chambers. Visit www.whitehorse.ca/agendas for Council and www.whitehorse.ca/CASM for CASM meetings. Building Consolidation Open House Attend our Open House on Wednesday, November 19 at City Hall Council Chambers from 5 to 7pm to learn more about efficient service and operations facilities that work for Whitehorse. For more information on this project, visit www.whitehorse.ca/buildingconsolidation. Flu Clinics at the CGC Yukon Health and Social Services will be offering influenza vaccines November 20-22 in the Canada Games Centre Boardroom. Get full details at http://yukonimmunization.ca/diseasesvaccines/influenza. Holiday Contest Help us find a tree to decorate for the holidays, to be placed at the end of Main Street. The donor of the chosen tree will win one month’s membership to the Canada Games Centre. Contest closes November 21. For full details, visit www.whitehorse.ca/parks. Recycling Options Please continue to recycle using the bins at the landfill, P&M Recycling’s Depot or the Blue Bin Society’s collection. Raven Recycling still accepts refundables and continues business collection. For more information, go to www.whitehorse.ca/recycling. Frost Protection Frost protection devices should now be activated. These include authorized free flowing bleeders, thermostatically controlled bleeders, circulating pumps, electrical impedance heat trace, and aqua flows. Learn more at www.whitehorse.ca/waterandwaste. Community Economic Development Strategy Our online survey is open until November 30 at www.whitehorse.ca/ceds.

Pathways to Wellness e-Tips conversation • connection • commitment

Mindful eating Mindful eating can help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and get more satisfaction from the food you eat.

About Us We want to hear from you. You can email us, call, or arrange a meeting.

Honour your food -- think about how and where it was grown or harvested, and how it was prepared.

We can do a presentation for your group and lead a discussion on how to improve wellness. Or we can go for a walk and talk about your ideas!

Engage all your senses -- taste is important but so are the colours, smells, texture and even sound (like the crunch of biting into an apple, or a piece of celery).

Contact us at www.yukonwellness.ca/ contactus.php

Be aware of portion size -- serve up a modest portion and use smaller plates and tall, narrow glasses.

Our Location

Chew. Chewing your food allows you to get the full taste experience. Once food is down your gullet, the taste experience ends.

Eat slowly -- putting down your fork and knife between bites, and taking small sips of water will help you eat at a more moderate pace.

201 - #1 Hospital Road, Whitehorse, Yukon Mail: Pathways to Wellness, H-1 Health and Social Services Yukon Government Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 E-mail: yukonwellness@gov.yk.ca Jan: 867-667-3674 Paula: 867-393-6305 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ YukonWellness

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