The Atlin Whisper July 12, 2023

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Wednesday July 12th , 2023

The Atlin Whisper

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.”



Vera, a long-time resident of Atlin B.C., passed away June 8th, 2023 at the Thomson Centre in Whitehorse Yukon at 99 years of age.

She was born on March 2, 1924 to Tom and Ivy Griffiths in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. She met and married her husband Tom Kirkwood in Atlin July 25th, 1950 and had 3 children.

Vera is survived by her daughter Dorothy Odian (Dennis), son Ron Kirkwood (Liz), grandchildren Cheri Malo (Laurie), Scott Odian (Shannon), Calvin Kirkwood (Alison), Cameron Kirkwood (Kelsey), Conrad Kirkwood (Samantha), as well as her 6 great grandchildren and one great great grandson.

She was preceded in death by her parents, brother, husband Tom and son Greg Kirkwood.

The family would like to say thank you to the staff at the Thomson Centre and especially to those in Unit 4 for all they did in caring for Vera over the past 4 year. Thank you also for the meaningful Celebration of Life they had for staff, residents and family.

The family would like to thank all who attended the services for Vera June 24thor sent messages of condolences. Thank you to Rev. Sarah Usher who officiated, Gerri, Harry and TJ who provided music, and those that helped with the set-up preparations and refreshments. Your support for the family was very much appreciated.

For all those who are interested in volunteering to please email or phone me at (250) 651-7825.


Jody Smallwood for the lovely cruise you gave to the Atlin Seniors and Supportive Living for the wonderful meal!

We enjoyed every minute, and every bite and appreciate your generosity


$ 5.00 per ticket

For Atlin Board of Trade

Draw Date: Aug 7th

Tickets available at Atlin businesses

Dorothy O'dian and Marj Holman

Please support your local community

Tail Gate Sales 2023

Mark Your Calendars

July 22, August 12, September 2

10 to 1 or 2 PM depending on weather and vendors

Call, message or email Jane to reserve a spot or if you have questions. 651-7697,

$5.00 for each table or by Donation

All proceeds this year go to Atlin Museum programming



‘This is the City. I Work Here. I’m a Musician.’

“Ladies and Gentlemen, the stories you are about to hear are true. The names have not been changed - the perpetrators being guilty of all charges.”


I pulled the side door to the Red Onion closed, or at least I attempted to. The wind was trying to rip it out of my hands. Egged on by the unruly patrons inside who were getting attacked by flying napkins and table cloths, I braced myself one more time and yanked the thing shut, almost pulling out the handle in the process.

It’s a legendary wind. It whistles up Lynn Canal, and by the time it gets to Skagway it is often gale force. In fact, the name ’Skagway,’ comes from a Tlingit word meaning, more or less, ‘knock you on your ass, windy place.’ No self-respecting member of the indigenous population would be found dead living in this little uninhabitable slot of a valley, and I’m pretty sure that when the white man showed an interest in putting down stakes here, the entire Tlingit nation broke out laughing. ‘Help yourselves,’ they said.

In any event, there I was - stumbling in a tailwind down Broadway hoping that Gerry’s popcorn wagon was doing business in this wildly inclement weather and, sure enough, it was.

Gerry McNamara arrived in Skagway around the same time as the rest of us. Looking around, he figured what the town needed was a popcorn wagon, so he built one - a real classic with natural varnished wood and big old wheels. It was beautiful and the popcorn was great - real butter, and none of those nasties little unpopped corn kernels that can crack a tooth. But the capper for me was the nutritional yeast he sprinkled on top if you liked that kind of thing … and I did.

Minutes later, I was bracing myself against the side of Gerry’s wagon in the gale, waiting for my popcorn, and shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. You see, I had just broken my little toe on the base of the wood stove upstairs in the brothel, (that’ll teach me to walk around in my bare feet), and it wasn’t helping my stability in the wind.

I’d ordered the ‘extra large with the works,’ and Gerry was building it as we talked. It was the normal day to day gossip ... the ‘Who managed to get himself eighty-sixed from Moe’s bar the previous night for throwing up in the waste basket,’ ... and the ‘You’ll never guess who got caught, just this morning, rutting with so and so’s wife in the cab of the highways truck right there in the middle of Broadway,’ ... you know ... the normal chatter that keeps a small town running smoothly.

Then at one point, I decided I would just go ahead and pop the question.

“So Gerry, what the happened to your legs?”

Gerry had braces on both legs, but he didn’t look like he was a victim of polio. I was curious, so I thought I’d take the leap.

“Well,” he said, “I was skydiving one day, and my chute didn’t open.”

“Your chute didn’t open?” (I have a tendency to mindlessly repeat stuff when I don’t believe what I’m hearing).

“Yep, I pulled the cord and the thing only partially deployed, then the backup got tangled up and that was that.”

“How did you survive?”

“Well, it was the oddest thing. My first thought was, ‘This is it, I’m done for,’ and I got ready to meet my maker. Instead, believe it or not, I landed feet first in a farmer’s freshly plowed field - just fired like a nail into the dirt.”

Suddenly, a gust came up. I lost my balance, and managed to whack my forehead smartly against one of the carved wooden flowers on the corner of the wagon. Gerry couldn’t contain himself.

“Oooh, that was nasty!” he laughed, both hands on his hips as he rocked back and forth with the swaying wagon. “I bet that smarts.”

I grinned sheepishly, trying not to look like too much of a wiener. Rubbing my head, I yelled back over the racket,

“Still, you must have busted something.”

“Oh sure. My thigh bones punched up through my pelvis and ended up in my intestinal cavity. It wasn’t pretty, but I guess it was fixable - after a couple of years in the hospital that is. They told me I would never walk again but, hey, here I am!”

Hmmph,’ I thought to myself, ‘I guess I won’t bother mentioning the broken toe.’

“Welcome Me Home”

Throughout my life there were times I was content to live alone. I’d come home to my cozy nest And feel the warmth of its hug To welcome me home.

When there was someone special To share all that life had to offer Coming home was much sweeter.

Now, the highlight of my day is You are there when I come home. You are smiling with open arms And snuggle close to let me know How much I am loved.

Sometimes you’re out when I come home. No worries, as I look around And sense your spirit everywhere Complete with sweet memories To welcome me home

Jeff Salmon

Atlin Community Improvement District

The Atlin Community Improvement District (ACID) is accepting resumes for employment as a Part Time Administrator.

Hours: Approximately 70 – 100 hours per month

Closing Date: Until filled

Start Date: A.S.A.P.

Pay: Commensurate with experience

Skills and requirements:

✓ BasiccomputerskillswithknowledgeofWORDprocessingpackage&EXCEL

✓ AbletodobookkeepingusingSAGEaccountingsoftware

✓ Typingspeedof30wordsperminute

✓ Goodcommunicationskills–verbal&written(letterandreportwriting)

✓ Abilitytouseandmaintainorganizedfilingsystems-paper&electronic

✓ Abletoworkunsupervised&beextremelyorganizedandself-motivated

As the ACID Administrator you will be expected to:




-Followgenerallyacceptedbookkeepingprocedures-accountspayable/receivable, payroll&remittances,reconcile accounts,prepareyearendpaperworkforauditor,etc













-Ifrequired,paintingandsummermaintenanceofwalkway Administrative experience an asset. Training will be available. Please submit your resume via mail or email to: Atlin Community Improvement District

P.O. Box 388 Atlin, BC V0W 1A0



At Big Water Society we recognize the realities of human experiences, the diversity of innate worlds and states through these experiences, and we believe that we can, when we connect and share these experiences.

Be it traumatic experiences, emotional turbulences, depressive and anxious states, we are here to join hands with you and work through your unique experience. You do not have to go it alone.

Phone: (250) 651-2189; (867)334-9524


“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality – Martin Luther King, Jr

Did you know that Big Water Society provides the community with FREE professional mental wellness counselling?

If you feel you would like to talk to Katie Israel, please call her at: 250-651-2189 or 867-334-9524


Getting down and Dirty

“What this country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds” – Will Rogers

There is nothing quite like getting down and dirty while working in my garden. The soft black earth gives way at every turn of my hand. When I work in that unforgiving patch of soil my mind soars. I conjure thoughts of lush salads filled with crunchy fresh radishes, sun ripened tomatoes, and crisp green lettuce. I fill my mind with thoughts of splendor while numbing my senses with the aroma of well-turned soil, well-aged manure, and the dampness of an early morning rain shower!

The splendor of it all, what a gift I have been given. The means toprovide a full horn, a cornucopia of vegetables. Where does one begin on this journey? I find myself delving intocatalogues and texts full of information. It is almost too mind boggling for words. There are so many varieties of vegetables from which to choose.

Having perused several volumes of Lois Hole’s Gardening books as well as Louise Riotte’s – Carrots Love Tomatoes, and Mel Bartholomew’s – Square Foot Gardening: All of which are akin to the bible for these are my holy books of the garden;I have finally made a decision, a choice as it were. The decision is based on what will grow here in my patch of earth. I know the tried and tested varieties yet part of me wants tothrow caution to the wind. Why not try something unusual? Something that may try my patience and cause my theories torun amok.

Yes, the choice of lettuce has beentough. The sweet peppery taste of Arugula, Black Seeded Simpson, crisp and green, and then the mellow Oak Leaf with its succulent tenderness. All the varieties jumping from the pages, calling out tome. Can the carrots, beets, onions, and squash be sodifferent? I fear the worst. The pages possess me, and I am drawn into them.

The glossy pictures and well worded descriptions are like pools of cool azure water on a warm day. Having tested the waters while wading through the lettuces I take the final step and plunge into the abyss. I barely breath as I pass over the endless listings of beans, broccoli, beats, Brussel sprouts and the like. Oh, will it ever end;I don’t want it to end. I want to press myself into those pages. I want to taste those sweet baby carrots, nibble on that crisp lettuce. I want tocrunch my way through the celery and devour those perfect orbs of green that would be peas. My mouth begins to water at the thought.

Whocould imagine the satisfaction of selecting mere vegetables? Mere vegetables, I say. These are not mere vegetables I am selecting. These are the fruits of my labour. I digress, back tothe channels of blue. The joyful trip I have taken is soon wrought with troubles for I am about todelve into the unknown.

I turn the well-worn pages and there before me lie the egg plants. Oh, what beauty! Their perfect skins and lovely shape;sopleasing to the eyes. I pass over them quickly as they are like Sirens to Homer’s Ulysses. On to the Okra, Kohlrabi and Kale, of these I know nothing. What is the saying – nothing ventured, nothing gained? Again, I dive into the mystic waters, swirling, bending, being jostled about by the thoughts of what toplant.

Like waves washing over me the ideas and thoughts come rushing in. The pages fly past in a blur as I delightfully pick and choose these new wonders. Before I know it, my page is full, and I must put aside this palette to go about once again preparing my canvas.

Gloves in hand, shovel, hoe, and rake in tow I meander down the well-worn path tomy work of art. The warm sun on my face, the birds in the trees and the chipmunks chattering away fill me with a calm like none other.

Bending tosow the seed that will soon bring forth an abundance of vegetables, kneeling todig an amorphous weed or stooping torepel an insidious bug are all works of love. My body aches long intothe night, but my mind is rested and at ease from the wonderful time spent in that dirty patch of bliss.

July/August Summary

Musicians & Presentations


July28- 30

Atlin Gardening Haa Kusteeyi Celebration

Presentation film and elder stories



Café des Voix The Compassion Pills Jazz Collective CD Release

Sunday & Wednesday Movies

Doors open 7:00, movie starts 7:30

Wednesday July 12:

Picture Perfect:

Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Bacon

Directed by: Glenn Gordon Caron

Sunday July 16:

Death To Smoochy:

Starring: Robin Williams, Edward Norton, Danny DeVito

Directed by: Danny DeVito

Sunday July 23:


Starring: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman

Directed by: Baz Luhrmann

Wednesday July 26:

Last Vegas:



Watson Avenue

Two adjoining lots totalling 75x100’ providing ample room to build a new home while restoring a colorful and historic building, if you chose. No neighbors or roads to the north so lots of privacy.


4th Street

400 sq.ft., one bedroom cabin plus large workshop on two adjoining 50x100 lots, fully fenced. Quiet location with lots of room for expansion. Great potential for expansion.


43.6 Acres

Beautifully maintained, inside and out, this cozy 2 bedroom home is so private featuring a second cottage with sleeping loft (often used as B&B), a third cabin for guests, great garage/workshop, plus various other craft/work shops and fencing. Mountain views in every direction plus short walk to Atlin Lake sandy beaches. Just waiting for you! Viewing by appointment ONLY!


Pearl Street

1700 sq.ft. historical building suited for combination comfortable living plus retail. Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 3rd huge room to adapt to your needs! Recent extensive foundation and roof restoration plus interior renovations utilizing the original wood and fixtures. This is original “Atlin” and your opportunity!


Warm Bay Road

This gem is off grid, well maintained and absolutely the perfect retreat. 2 bedrooms, large open dining/living room, galley kitchen and spacious pantry. Storage in walk out cellar plus numerous outbuildings. Bonus is a warm spring flowing through year around!


Lake View

A great view awaits in this well built, 2 level home with a fabulous open floorplan on the upper level with a master bedroom plus storage! The lower level boasts 2 extra bedrooms or bedroom and games room. Almost 1700 sq.ft., lots of room for the entire family and guests to enjoy! Dbl garage on lower level plus another garage for all those extras like boats, quads, sleds. $535,000 SOLD

5 Acres

With power, small log cabin, tenant occupied near the upper end of the acreage, application for subdivision has been submitted/approved to create two 2.5 acre parcels. Slope facing Atlin Lake. Build your dream home to take advantage of the view and keep the tenant as caretaker! Or build a series of guest cabins! Your imagination is your only limitation!

$237,000 SOLD

Fourth of July

Basic lake side cabin, 3 bedrooms, lots of big windows, hidden in the trees, on .544 acres, leased lot until 2042. Very private! 61,500 SOLD

4th of July

.78 acres of Crown Land lease, gated, partly cleared, the perfect spot to keep your RV and recreational necessities, there for year around enjoyment. Lease term to 2042.



This stunning gem in an Enchanted Forest has been lovingly crafted by the hands of this talented owner – never to be duplicated! On 4 acres with guest cabins and a short walk to hidden lakes plus easy access to the highway,

$399,000 SOLD

STUNNING – Inside and Outside

Incredible views, quiet location and fabulous home. 1700 sq.ft. on main level, beautifully renovated with gyproc interior, lots of updated windows, open floor plan, kitchen, dining area, living room, bar/games room plus 2 bedrooms. Basement offers 3 more bedrooms, two baths, kitchenette and large living room with ground level access. One of a kind waiting for you.

$349,000 SOLD

Mi 43 Atlin Highway

34+ acres of land, surrounded by grazing lease, with 1700 sq.ft., 2 BR, full basement home, great well, septic field, solar and generator plus lots of extras. If you wish, will come with 2 loveable nags who consider this home. Quick possession is possible.

$535,000 SOLD

Myrna at (250) 775-1019 7
message via text or email
above plus satellite at
to for more details.

FOR SALE – Atlin Property at corner of 3rd Street and Pearl Avenue

In the middle of the Atlin townsite but tucked away for tranquility and privacy.

Spacious backyard with greenhouse (6x12 feet) and three raised garden beds, various fruit trees and shrubs (cherry, apple, haskap, saskatoon, raspberries etc.) and an outhouse. Property right next to the Alkali slough with great accessibility to walking and cross-country ski trails and with a view of Atlin Mountain

General info:

• Total property size fully fenced: 3 lots (12,600 sqft, ~0.3 acres)

• Finished area: 1050 sqft – living space all on one floor

• Interiors extensively renovated in 2009

• Cistern with 2300 litres capacity

• Septic tank and field – redone in 2020

• Wood heat with Pioneer Princess wood cook stove hand-crafted

• by the Amish; back up oil and electrical heating

• R65 insulation in ceiling/attic


• 2 arctic entrances

• 2 bedrooms

• 1 full bathroom (and 1 outhouse)

• Open kitchen, dining and living area

• Storage room with cedar wood infra-red sauna

• Large root cellar below

• Oversized garage with ample parking and storage space

• Large woodshed with some wood

• 2 additional storage sheds

• Appliances: washing machine, stove, fridge

Price: $330,000

Serious inquiries at

Custom Fish Art- Fiberglas and Wood

Please note that requests for same day water delivery must be received no later than 11 am of said day. Thank you!

Water delivery and Sewer Removal are available Monday through Friday

Home Heating Fuel, Bulk Fuel and Bulk Oil Available

Phone 250-651-7463


Mailing address is Box 147, Atlin BC V0W 1A0

Office hours – Monday to Friday 8 am – noon

With thanks, Gary McNeil and Jody




PHONE 867 334 4857.


7 MONARCH Drive – ATLIN – BC. V0W 1A0


Hi! I’m looking for antiques! Outdoor and indoor items/furniture. If you think you have something interesting for sale or to give away, please call me at 250-651-2111 or email me at:

Thank you!

Gary Pumps Ltd.


When Government and Corporations Conspire Against Small Communities

Small communities tend to have little political power. If they are unincorporated, they operate without the government-to-government relationships other bodies enjoy; they have little control over the land they occupy, and as a voting block, they hold virtually no sway in elections. As a result, these small populations tend to be largely ignored by the powers that be.

Still, many unincorporated communities are fine with that. ‘The less government the better,’ seems to be the clarion call, and for the most part that approach works just fine. Until it doesn’t.

When higher levels of government start to make decisions about the land in and around a community without the residents’ input, we have a problem. Similarly, if a corporation decides it is free take advantage of lack of local control to push one or another projects through against the community’s will, that is doubly a problem. But neither of these holds a candle to the combined power of a government acting in consort with a corporation to achieve these ends - a situation that exists right now in the little town of Atlin, B.C.

Politics has recently played a major part in creating two distinct communities in greater Atlin - the ‘Town’ and the Taku River Tlingit First Nation. The ‘Town’ (population 500) is unincorporated and other than ACID, its local improvement district board, it has no real government to government relationship with the B.C. government. The Taku River Tlingit community (population 400), on the other hand, does have that government-to-government relationship, and enjoys a voice in provincial politics, all of which has been fine. Until, again, it wasn’t.

For several years now, both the B.C. and federal governments have been active in supporting and promoting development in First Nations - development that would provide an economic base for future generations - a laudable goal. In Atlin’s case, however, it appears that much of the social cost involved in that goal is to be born by the ‘Town’ - the entity that, unsurprisingly, has no political voice in the matter.

A hydro project proposed by Tlingit Homeland Energy (a corporation) and supported by both the provincial and federal governments is projected to split a residential/recreational area in Atlin, ending in a 9.2 mw. powerhouse guaranteed to produce noise pollution in the surrounding area. It’s sole purpose? - the sale of power to the Yukon, none of the proceeds from which is to accrue to the town of Atlin.

The political expediency of this government support was abundantly clear. What wasn’t so clear was that it sounded a dog whistle for corporations of all stripes to belly up to the public trough - companies like SNC Lavalin, Brixton, and Canagold, along with a cluster of recently formed local corporations. The secret in all this, of course, being that the money is always made in the process, not the result. It’s the perfect corporate gravy train.

It is also the perfect storm against democracy. Political expediency meets corporate greed - the profitable partnership that serves all of the players except the people whose land it exploits - the very thing First Nations have been justifiably complaining about for generations. The irony is stunning.

One thing is certain: this is NOT DEMOCRACY. When a population gets left out of the mix on issues that affect the land it lives on and its quality of life, there is something dreadfully wrong with our democratic system.

Atlin Mountain Inn's New Hours

Breakfast 7-9am

Lunch 12-2pm

Dinner 6-8pm

Saloon open Wed - Sat

Atlin Coffee and Cream Cart

Featuring specialty coffees and more! NEW_ Soft Ice cream!

Open daily 12-9pm. Closed Thursday.

Located across from the Tarahne on Lakeshore St. Atlin.

Atlin Pet Care

287 Tatlow Street


Indoor/Outdoor Runs

Heated Kennels

Boarding-Grooming-Pet Supplies

Emergency Care-Veterinarian Referrals


George Holman 250-651-7717 or Marj Holman 250-651-7758




Canada Day - Closed Saturday, July 1st …… Open July 2, 3, 4

BC Day - Closed Monday, Aug 7th …...…. Open Aug 5, 6, 8

Labour Day - Closed Monday, Sept 4th ………... Open Sept 2, 3, 5

National Day for

Truth & Reconciliation - Closed Saturday, Sept 30 … Open Oct 1, 2, 3

Thanksgiving Day - Closed Monday, Oct 9th ... Open Oct 7, 8, 10


11 AM - 4 PM

Operated by the Atlin Community Improvement District

Spring hours effective April 1, 2023

Monday to Saturday 9am – 5pm

Sunday 11am – 4pm

New bakery chef with take out options!

~Weekly freight truck run on Mondays and freight runs available upon request~

I welcome truth

When I agree with its message. When Truth brings gifts of love, Of warmth and comfort, Of Joy and laughter, I celebrate Truth.

But what of truth

When I don’t want to agree? When Truth brings discomfort, Disturbs my sleep, Arouses my fears, Disrupts my trust, Upsets my world view, And tests my fabric, What then?

Would I discredit Truth

And condemn another

To justify myself?

Am I satisfied to Candy Coat Corruption? Indulge in Denial?

Legitimize Lies?

Nod to Niceties?

And Seek Social Approval

At the expense of truth?

Truth is for the Brave

Who choose to keep eyes open, Mind clear, Heart true, And choose to stand for truth

Regardless of the consequences.


To value Truth

Is to honour my integrity, To honour myself, To honour my God, And to honour my neighbour, Including those who cower in fear.

Truth flourishes in the light of open, honest dialogue. Honesty is the path to truth.

Deception grows in the dark, Manipulation and control are Deceptions Fruits.

To value Truth

Is to value Freedom.

Do I have the courage

To be uncompromisingly honest, First with myself, And then with my world?

Do I choose to Express honesty with compassion, With heart it can best be heard.

Do I choose to Receive honesty with humility Regardless of how delivered, Considering honesty’s gift And acknowledging its value With gratitude.

Atlin Christian Centre

Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Service and Sunday School Sunday

11 a.m.

Come join us!


St. Martin’s Anglican Church 10 a.m. Sunday Everyone welcome!

Proverbs 10:11

Sewing Machine Cleaning, Repair, &Setup Terry 250651-7769

Mountain Shack

Café Restaurant

Fast Fancy Food

Great Service

110 Discovery Avenue

In Atlin, B.C.


Wednesday thru Monday




Contact: Alain Vanier 250-651-0037

Reasonable Rates!

Smallwood Enterprises Ltd

We provide Concrete, Drain Rock, Screed gravel, Sand, Topsoil and Septic systems. We also provide Equipment Rentals, Excavations, Covered Storage, Firewood and Snow Removal. Please call (250) 651-2488 or email bobscontracting2020

The next Whisper is Wednesday July 26th Submissions are due no later than Sunday 6pm July 23rd

The Purpose of the Atlin Whisper is to encourage, build-up and inform the people of Atlin concerning ongoing community events and happenings. The Whisper is not a political mouthpiece.

Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of Dani McNeil and the RCMP Atlin. Delivery by Bobbie Whelan and Gary Hill.

Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-867-334-7949 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit.

Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You!

Atlin Community Library Open Every Friday and
Everyone Welcome
Saturday 2-4p.m.
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life.

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