The Atlin Whisper, September 28, 2022

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Wednesday September 28th, 2022

The Atlin Whisper

Before Thursday

July 1st 1946

From right to left: Kooteny Hotel Sands Store Moose Hall

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.” Margaret Mead
September 22nd Early hours of Friday September 23rd, 2022

Thank You!

I was in bed but not asleep when Dante (8 lb toy poodle) barked to alert me that a fire truck had pulled up. He's a big hero in a little package. I drove to Elizabeth's to alert her. I took the car in case we needed to evacuate suddenly. She and I watched the action from her living room. What a spectacle.

For those who don't know, my new house is about 100 ft. from the burning building. Firefighters Dani and Laura soaked the tall grasses between the store and my house using Dana's water truck. They must have emptied the whole truckful; the grass next to the burning building is still green. I'm very fortunate. Indeed, Atlin is very fortunate to have the AVFD. They and their helpers looked after all of us.

My house and my wee decrepit historic barn were saved. Importantly, our beloved Moose Hall was saved. I am thankful; we could never replace it.

Gratitude for our AVFD, the Ambulance Service, RCMP, the units from Whitehorse, and the thoughtfulness of those who brought drinks and snacks for this hardworking crew. and

Facebook: Discover Atlin and



Erica Dee Mah

Saturday October 8, 2022

Join singer songwriter, Erica Dee Mah, at the Globe Theatre for a rare performance of songs she has written on piano. Erica wrote her first original songs on piano at a young age, and went on to record two albums of whimsical, poetic piano waltzes, City Serenade and The Harbour Commission. Since then, her songcraft has expanded to include guitar, ukulele, and most recently, the guzheng (Chinese zither). She will be performing on the Globe Theatre's restored piano alongside her husband and cellist, Darcy McCord.


Coffee/Tea Service Available by Donation


Facebook: @ExploreAtlin Email Presented by Heather Keny

The Historic Globe
Doors Open 6:30 Concert Starts 7:00 Tickets $15 in advance, $20 @ the door
are respectfully asking that everyone who attends comes in good health, and is not required to be in quarantine

The Historic Globe Theatre

Paul Lucas & Tom Keenlyside

Wednesday October 5, 2022

“The Orchestration Project”

Paul recently released an album of solo guitar music, and often wondered how these pieces would sound with orchestration, and one day mentioned this to his old pal Tom Keenlyside. The next thing he knew, there was this track in his drop box. It was a fully orchestrated version of “Habanera,” and it was magnificent. Tom had evidently got a burr under his saddle, rolled up his sleeves, and got to work. The result is a series of pieces that has Tom and Paul playing interactively, in real time, with a fully orchestrated, sequenced background. Combined with several of Tom’s pieces played in a standard Jazz setting, they have come up with an exciting musical program.

Facebook: @ExploreAtlin Email

Heather Keny

Doors Open 6:30 Concert Starts 7:00 Tickets $10 in advance, $15 @ the door
Email Coffee/Tea Service Available by Donation We are respectfully asking that everyone who attends comes in good health, and is not required to be in quarantine
Presented by

October Summary


Sunday October 1:

no Movie

Sunday October 9:

Chasing Ghosts

Doors Open 6:30 Runs 7:00 9:00

Starring: Michael Madsen, GaryBusey Directed by: Kyle Dean Jackson

Thriller/Mystery: Detective Harrison has witnessed enough for 2 lifetimes. His decision to leave the force comes right at a time of a new string of brutal murders, hell bent on bringing up some of his dark past. Harrison’s rookie partner transfers to the department on Harrison’s last week and is immediately thrown into one of the most baffling serial murder cases to date.


posters for details

WednesdayOctober5 SaturdayOctober8

Paul Lucas & Tom Keenlyside

Erica Dee Mah

“The Orchestration Project” Piano


Patrick Jacobson


Indie-rock with Blues Cargo

Facebook: @ExploreAtlin


Presented by Heather Keny

The Historic Globe Theatre
note new start times .


The Language, Characters and Terminal Irreverence of A Small Town in the North


Peggy Milius lived on the side of Monarch Mountain along with Jeff McPherson and a falloon of other intrepid folks. She owned a beautiful little ‘A’ frame with a fantastic view of the lake and glaciers.

Every now and then, I would strap on my skis and negotiate the little trail that followed the slope of the mountain to Peggy’s house an event that would cause her to dig out her scotch in preparation for the inevitable philosophical discussion.

Peggy was a painter. Her favourite location for inspiration was down Atlin lake, in one of the beautiful little coves that littered the east side of Teresa Island. But camping out was starting to get old, and Peggy thought it might be nice to have a little houseboat of some sort.

It couldn’t be just any old houseboat though, it needed to be something special something befitting her artistic and philosophical temperament something unique, constructed from scratch perhaps several 45 gallon drums welded together as a base for a deck that could support say ... a wall tent.

Of course, the vessel would require some sort of propulsion the best bet likely being an inboard motor driving a propeller. Then again, a propeller sounded pretty uninspired. How about a paddle wheel like the old riverboats? Yeah, that’s the ticket a paddle wheel driven raft with a wall tent on deck. Now we’re talkin’.

Now that the goal was clear, the project began in earnest. Lloyd Brown rebuilt a Toyota engine for the job, John and Gary Thoma assembled the transmission, chain drive and paddlewheel, and various other town folk threw themselves at the remaining tasks until the thing was finished ... a small town gets to work. The result was one fantastic, unconventional houseboat.

Launch day came and Peggy, as happy as a clam, pulled away from the dock, paddle wheel a’ spinnin’, and headed down lake. She was grinning from ear to ear.

Peggy Milius painted away many summers on the east side of Teresa Island in her little floating home, and ‘Peggy’s Cove’ is now the official name of her favourite roost.


Boo Currelly was a woman and a half. Mother of my friend Judy, artist and pilot you will come to know better in a future tale, Boo spent entire summers in Atlin, many of them down the lake in Judy’s outfitting cabin.

Yet another Brit, (we litter the landscape like moose droppings), Boo was an adventurer by nature. We had matching skiffs 14’ Lunds with 15 horse outboards the absolute minimum necessary for negotiating Atlin lake’s unpredictable conditions. Already in her seventies, Boo would travel solo, come hell or high water, whitecaps or no, to and from the cabin roughly a 9 mile trip without a murmur.

I’m pretty sure Judy inherited that particular adventure gene, deciding at one point, that it would be fun to fly across the Arctic Ocean to Ellesmere Island in her Piper PA 12 ... solo ... yeah ... that’s right in a piston driven single engine plane made out of cardboard and sticks over a vast ocean of sea and ice, without a safety net. One cough out of that Lycoming engine and it would have been tits up. Welcome to Currelly land.

Anyway, every now and then, I would jump in my little Lund and pop across the lake for a visit. We would sit, drink tea, smoke cigarettes and discuss world affairs. Boo smoked rollies. Drum was her tobacco of choice, and a fine choice it was.

Smoking rollies should, in my opinion, occupy a more prominent place in the list of ‘most important rituals of mankind.’ It is, without a doubt, one of the most pleasurable acts to emerge in our spotty history of social development.

Best shared with a pal, the ritual begins with reaching into the inner pocket of your vest to retrieve the pouch of tobacco, the interior of which, depending on available space, also contains your papers. The papers, a component not to be underestimated, need to be of a certain quality. Whole civilizations have been known to collapse because of lack of attention to the quality of rolling papers. The ‘onion skin’ version is my particular choice.

The act of rolling is, at its best, an elegant process. Style plays a major role, and a little personal flair never goes unrewarded. From the standard two handed approach to the cowboy special the famous one handed ballet that takes place while simultaneously controlling a horse in motion, the dance is a delight to participants and observers alike.

Then comes the lighting, an action best accomplished with a wooden match, most laudably struck on your zipper or boot heel. And then your reward: You get to smoke the damn thing an act that automatically triggers discussion of one sort or another.

A ritual with this sort of heft should have gathered a society of some sort around it by now don’t you think? a ‘Royal Order of Tobacco Rollers’ or something of the sort; spawning gatherings where members strut the premises proudly puffing on this and that, embossed tobacco pouches in tow. Of course, it would just be a matter of time until the secret handshake appeared along with the ceremonial hat, but still a fine idea.

In the meantime Boo Currelly and I had our own little society one that involved English Breakfast tea, discussions of the weather, lake conditions, and how many angels danced on the head of a pin.

Now whether it was simply a genetic predisposition, or her continuing relationship with Drum, Boo ended up in the hospital having part of a lung removed no small thing. After her release, she needed to be transported back to Atlin, and I was elected to do the transporting.

At the time, I was still driving the ancient Mazda station wagon with the bald tires and now failing shocks not the best vehicle for the job. Hauling a recent recipient of major surgery down the Atlin road in old Nellie wasn’t going to be fun; the road’s status in that period being ‘gravel’ a state usually described with a disparaging grunt.

But Boo was insistent. She wanted to get home, and told me, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to lie in the back of the old rattletrap come hell or high water, so we might as well get on with it. Snot and vinegar that’s what that is.

The following summer, I found myself grinding up on the beach beside Judy’s cabin on Torres Channel. Smoke was puffing out of the chimney in the crisp morning air. I was looking forward to a nice cup of tea, a quick visit and one of our ceremonial rolled Drums. Surprised? Well all I can say is “Never say you can’t” to a Brit.

Boo Currelly, Grandaughter Zoe and friend To Be Continued

He states that he has spoken to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (MEMLCI) and that they recognize the importance of placer mining to the community.

He then goes on to say: "they are working diligently to process outstanding permit applications.

Inspections in the Atlin area were prioritized this year and many sites had not been inspected over the past few years."

It is not the miners fault the they were behind on inspections and furthermore, Mr. Cullen has been misguided as he seems to think that "prioritization" is as a result of overdue inspection.

In fact, as documented in emails from MEMLCI "prioritization" the government states that "placer mining" contributes nothing financially to their coffer and therefore they will be prioritizing the "hard rock" Notices of Work and Permits hence, the 1 2 year backup of placer permits.

Therefore, no placer mining in the Atlin area, which of course "affects" everyone in the community.

He states "they" have significantly increased the budget to deal with more staff to assist with permitting back logs (too little to late).

In his second to last paragraph, he goes on to say that "one of the largest operators could, in fact, be issued with a permit."

It is here that he has been ill informed and I am sorry to say he does not know what he is talking about

The short version is that the Notice of Work that had been forwarded in 2021 was delayed to the point that mining was not feasible for the 2022 season. This fact was known to the Smithers Mines office and as a result caused the permit to be delayed

And of course, this season all the mines were hit with increased bonding and in several instances, it was in excess.

I will say the Smithers office did contact several miners, in one instance it was too late to complete a proper and full season, thus that miner pulled up stakes and moved on.

As most of the community of Atlin is aware this has been a financial hit to the community that may never come back all as a result of poor and I mean poor management by the BC government.

Atlin Placer Mining Association.

Photo by Judy Currelly ..TO BE CONTINUED...Rebuttal to Nathan Cullen's letter: Dated September 12, 2022

What are we doing?


What are we doing?

Are we allowing beauty to erode?

Or upholding this world of splendour? Are we dictating with our heads? Or leading with our hearts?

Are we building walls to divide? Or reaching out to join? Are we creating fear between us? Or opening our arms to embrace?

Are we fighting for security? Or knowing that we are loved? Are we divorcing us from them? Or gathering all about?

“October in Town”

An October morning opens with a crystal clear blue sky, As a light breeze ushers in a few innocent wispy clouds.

Within hours these clouds become more numerous While still permitting the sun to offer up a cheerful day.

By afternoon however, the lighting turns from a bright yellow glow

To a pale yellow grey whiteness, as clouds are woven together.

Then, by early evening the clouds become so thick You cannot see the sun lean into the western sky.

Overnight a gentle but steady rain refreshes our town brushing the dust off of full grown trees.

For weeks brilliant sunshine was welcome Until the extreme dryness caused concern. Now, the only ones with concern are those who have planned a picnic.

Are we pushing each other down? Or helping each other up? Are we compartmentalizing? Or looking at the whole?

Are we pointing our sharp fingers? Or looking deep within? Are we scorning this hard journey? Or reveling in each small win?

Are we satisfied with the story? Or searching for the truth? Are we accepting the simple narrative? Or digging deeper down?

Are we connected with the internet? Or connected with Creation? Are we loving all this stuff? Or loving all the Love?



Atlin Community Improvement District

Invitation to Tender PROJECT

Snow Clearing

Front and driveway of Fire Hall and Pumphouse


The corner of Second Street and Pearl Avenue, Atlin, BC. The corner of Lake Street and Pearl Avenue, Atlin, BC


Front and side entrances of the Fire Hall must be accessible for Fire trucks, Ambulance & staff. Snow removal is expected at 10 cm (4 inches).

The access loop at the Pumphouse must be cleared for vehicle entry. Snow removal is expected at 10 cm (4 inches).


Bids must be submitted each year.

Closed Bid accepted by mail or email. See addresses below.

Invitation Closing Date: October 31, 2022

Start Date: November 1, 2022

Contract Term: November 1, 2022 October 31, 2023.

Contract may be terminated after a two week notice if work is unsatisfactory.

Successful bidder must supply proof of $1 million liability insurance coverage. Please include WCB number with bid. The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted.

Mail: PO Box 388 Atlin BC V0W 1A0 Email:

Atlin Community Improvement District PO Box 388 Atlin BC V0W 1A0 Phone: 250 651 7582 Email:


Warm Bay Road

This gem is off grid, well maintained and absolutely the perfect retreat. 2 bedrooms, large open dining/living room, galley kitchen and spacious pantry. Storage in walk out cellar plus numerous outbuildings. Off grid. $239,000

43.6 Acres

Beautifully maintained, inside and out, this cozy 2 bedroom home is so private with a second cottage with sleeping loft (often used as B&B), a third cabin for guests, great garage/workshop, plus various other craft/work shops and much fencing. Mountain views in every direction plus short walk to Atlin Lake sandy beaches. Just waiting for you! Viewing by appointment ONLY! $597,000

5 Acres

With power, small log cabin, tenant occupied near the upper end of the acreage, application for subdivision has been submitted/approved to create two 2.5 acre parcels. Slope facing Atlin Lake. Build your dream home to take advantage of the view and keep the tenant as caretaker! $259,000

Fourth of July

Basic lake side cabin, 3 bedrooms, lots of big windows, hidden in the trees, on .544 acres, leased lot until 2042. Very private! $97,000

4th of July

.78 acres of Crown Land lease, gated, partly cleared, the perfect spot to keep your RV and recreational necessities, there for year around enjoyment. Lease term to 2042. $53,500


This stunning gem in an Enchanted Forest has been lovingly crafted by the hands of this talented owner never to be duplicated! On 4 acres with guest cabins and a short walk to hidden lakes plus easy access to the highway, $399,000 SOLD

STUNNING Inside and Outside

Incredible views, quiet location and fabulous home. 1700 sq.ft. on main level, beautifully renovated with gyproc interior, lots of updated windows, open floor plan, kitchen, dining area, living room, bar/games room plus 2 bedrooms. Basement offers 3 more bedrooms, two baths, kitchenette and large living room with ground level access. One of a kind waiting for you. $349,000 SOLD

Atlin Highway

72 acres along the Atlin Highway with fabulous view of the mountains and lake, overlooking Surprise Lake Road as well. Not suitable for subdivision but offers an incredible homesite. $185,000 SOLD $187,500

Trond Gulch

In a pastoral setting, backing onto Munro Mtn, this one bedroom, 715 sq.ft. off the grid home on 9.88 acres is surrounded by Crown Land and extremely private. Sauna and guest cabin. Truly unique with perfection evident throughout! $350,000 SOLD

Mi 43 Atlin Highway

34+ acres of land, surrounded by grazing lease, with 1700 sq.ft., 2 BR, full basement home, great well, septic field, solar and generator plus lots of extras. If you wish, will come with 2 loveable nags who consider this home. Quick possession is possible. $535,000 SOLD

Call Myrna at (250) 775 1019

Leave message via text or email Go to for more details.


Atlin Property at corner of

3rd Street and Pearl Avenue

In the middle of the Atlin townsite but tucked away for tranquility and privacy. Spacious backyard with greenhouse (6x12 feet) and three raised garden beds, various fruit trees and shrubs (cherry, apple, haskap, saskatoon, raspberries etc.) and an outhouse. Property right next to the Alkali slough with great accessibility to walking and cross country ski trails and with a view of Atlin Mountain

General info:

• Total property size fully fenced: 3 lots (125 x 200 feet, ~0.5 acres)

• Finished area: 1050 sqft living space all on one floor

• Interiors extensively renovated in 2009

• Cistern with 2300 litres capacity

• Septic tank and field redone in 2020

• Wood heat with Pioneer Princess wood cook stove hand crafted by the Amish; back up oil and electrical heating

• R65 insulation in ceiling/attic


• 2 arctic entrances

• 2 bedrooms

• 1 full bathroom (and 1 outhouse)

• Open kitchen, dining and living area

• Storage room with cedar wood infra red sauna

• Large root cellar below

• Oversized garage with ample parking and storage space

• Large woodshed with some wood

• 2 additional storage sheds

• Appliances: washing machine, stove, fridge, dish washerPrice: $350,000

• Serious inquiries at

Hay For Sale Km 19 Atlin Road Round Bales From the field $150 Call Ken: 1 867 399 7011

The Atlin District Board of Trade

“Serving the Community of Atlin since 1904”

New members welcome Meeting’s 1st Tuesday of every month 7 p.m.

Watch for notices

ADBoT is currently working on the following: Cell Service, Senior’s housing and Health services, Roads, TRT/Atlin Joint ventures

Community Plan, Mining Activity, THELP Hydro Expansion project, etc. We advocate to ensure that the whole community receives fair and equitable representation!

PO Box 106, Atlin, BC V0W 1A0

Where are we going?


Where are we going?

Are we turning up the volume?

Or slowing down and listening?

Are we fearful of each next thing?

Or living life its best?

Are we working for our egos?

Or following divine plan?

Are we giving up our freedoms?

Or spreading our wings to fly?

Are we isolating and distancing?

Or gathering and celebrating?

Are we judging and shaming?

Or respecting contrary thought?

Are we looking to the bright lights?

Or looking to the guiding Light?

Are we raising the pyramid’s capstone?

Or rejoining the sacred circle?

Are we abdicating all our power?

Or exercising our fundamental rights?

Are we acquiescing to government over reach?

Are we abdicating all our power?

Or exercising our fundamental rights?

Are we acquiescing to government over reach?

Or protecting our constitution and statutes?

Are we relinquishing national sovereignty?

Or standing fast with our beloved nations?

Are we fine with one world government?

Or do we build a world that is fair?

Are we succumbing to grand deception?

Or opening our eyes to see?

Are we serving something else?

Or devoting our hearts to God?


Land for Sale by Owner

Three 30x100 lots in central Atlin, near Tarahne Park. One lot includes an historical cabin and garage. Would prefer to sell the three lots together. $275,000

Drive by at the corner of Munroe and Second St. to view. If interested, call 250 651 7502.

Fishing Charters

Custom Fish Art Fiberglas and Wood


SVOP Licence, 24 ft. Boat, Transport Canada Commercial Registration Insured

Gary Hill, Atlin B.C. V0W 1A0 Licensed, B.C. Guide

Call 250 651 7553 Email

$850.00 per day - $550.00 per 1/2 day


PHONE 250 651 7553 EMAIL –


WEB SITE http://gary

Atlin Pet Care

287 Tatlow Street Yourpetshomeawayfromhome!

Indoor/Outdoor Runs

Heated Kennels

Boarding Grooming Pet Supplies

Emergency Care-Veterinarian Referrals SPCA AGENTS

George Holman 250 651 7717 or Marj Holman 250 651 7758


British Columbia Ambulance, Atlin has positions available. We are actively recruiting local community members. If you are interested in serving Atlin, please contact

Tom Soames, NW District Manager

Clinical Operations 250 615 2188

Scott Cole, Community Paramedic, Atlin 250 651 7686

Ralf Lubben, Emergency Medical Responder, Atlin

Atlin Mountain Inn

Restaurant Hours (now licensed!)

Breakfast 7:30 am 4 pm every day (coffee & continental, self serve)

Lunch 12:00 pm 2 pm every day except Friday Dinner 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Wednesday Wing Night 6 8 pm

Sunday Dinner 6:00 8:00 pm

Friday Take Out Pizza Night 5:00 pm 8:00 pm

Follow us on Facebook for deals and specials!

Atlin Christian Centre Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Service and Sunday School Sunday

11 a.m. Come join us! (778) 721 0710

St. Martin’s Anglican Church

10 a.m. Sunday Everyone welcome!

The right kind of heart is a kind heart like God’s

Sewing Machine

Cleaning, Repair, &Setup Terry 250651 7769

Mountain Shack Café Restaurant Fast Fancy Food Great Service 110 Discovery Avenue In Atlin, B.C.

EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Wednesday thru Sunday 250 651 7789


Contact: Alain Vanier 250 651 0037

Reasonable Rates!

Smallwood Enterprises Ltd

We provide Concrete, Drain Rock, Screed gravel, Sand, Topsoil and Septic systems. We also provide Equipment Rentals, Excavations, Covered Storage, Firewood and Snow Removal. Please call (250) 651 2488 or email bobscontracting2020@

Atlin Community Library

Open Every Friday and Saturday 2 4p.m. Everyone Welcome

The next Whisper is Wednesday October 12th Submissions are due no later than Sunday 6pm October 9th The Purpose of the Atlin Whisper is to encourage, build up and inform the people of Atlin concerning ongoing community events and happenings. The Whisper is not a political mouthpiece.

Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of RCMP Atlin.

Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-250-651-7861 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit.

Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You!

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