The Alton Whisper September 6, 2023

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September 6th , 2023

The Atlin Whisper

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.”



Sheslay Mike

Hutsigola Lake, January/February,1982. At the end of January 1982, smoke was reported by local pilots at Hutsigola Lake. It was clear to everybody that Sheslay Mike was back in his digs, and the word went out.

The RCMP assembled a fully armed team that included Peter Bird. They flew into the lake in two helicopters, and managed to arrest Oros at the cabin, but not before some hair-raising moments. Fact is, all it takes is one reasonably placed shot to down a helicopter and every man on that mission knew it all too well. Needless to say, a huge sigh of relief came with the sound of handcuffs being snicked onto those dangerous and unpredictable wrists.

A search of the cabin and Mike’s caches revealed further evidence of his involvement in Lishy’s deathevidence that included Lishy’s pack, sleeping bag and, most importantly, his .44 magnum revolver.

Mike was stuffed in a helicopter and transported directly to Atlin, where he was questioned at length. But he wasn’t giving anything away. The man was cagey. The contents of his diaries, however, led to an order for a psychiatric evaluation in Vancouver.

Terrace, B.C. March,1982. RCMP constable Mike Buday was off shift and having a beer at the Skeena Hotel in Terrace. Buday was about to meet Sheslay Mike Oros for the first time, under less than perfect circumstances. They were holding Oros at the Terrace jail, preparing to ship him to Vancouver, and he was creating havoc - busting this, shattering that, and no-one was willing to enter his cell to subdue him. He had just learned that his dogs, rather than being left to starve at Hutsigola lake, had been shot, and he was furious. The only guy who they thought could handle him was Buday.

And handle him he did. Rousted from his bar stool, he headed down to the jail house, opened up the door, grappled with the feisty and combative Oros for a few minutes until, finally, he grabbed him in a choke hold and knocked him out. Job done, he went back to his beer. But it wasn’t the last Mike Buday would see of Sheslay Mike Oros, and their next meeting would have tragic consequences.

In the process of being transported for evaluation, Jamie Stephen, who was now stationed in Sechelt B.C., was asked to interview Oros in a holding cell at Vancouver airport. While Mike did end up making some vague references to Lishy, no new information came from the meeting.

Mike Buday

In the end, unbelievably, Mike Oros was allowed to go free by the courts. He headed back home - to Hutsigola. Law enforcement was mighty disappointed.

Teslin Lake, March,1985. Frank Hase and his wife approached their cabin at the south end of Teslin lake to find that somebody had moved in. The snow was stamped down, there were tracks everywhere and their woodpile was gone. Even before they got to the front door, they suspected it was Oros. When they did finally open that door, it was to a horror show.

The floor was covered in blood, rancid hides, hair and urine. Evidently Oros had been butchering meat in here for quite some time. Not only that, when he was done, he had stripped the place of tools and supplies - anything moveable - and transported the booty back to his cabin on Hutsigola Lake.

Hase was furious, but he was also apprehensive. Oros was known to be violent, and anybody willing to trash a place like this without fear of retaliation was obviously out of his mind. In fact, that’s exactly what was happening - Sheslay’s mental state was cratering. He was a madman on the loose, willing to kill anyone who he believed crossed him … and according to Mike, everybody had crossed him.

Frank and his wife climbed on their skiddoos and got the hell out of there. They reported to the RCMP that evening and a surveillance plane was sent out the following morning.

They didn’t have long to wait for contact. After following Oros’ toboggan tracks down Teslin Lake, they finally spotted him - just as he was raising his rifle to take a shot at the plane. Pilot Denny Denison banked sharply and avoided a shot that seemed to detonate like a cannon all around them. That was enough. It was time for the Emergency Response Team.

Teslin Lake, March 19,1985. Sometimes things just unravel. The best intentions, the finest equipment, the intensive training … sometimes it just isn’t enough.

First of all, jurisdiction was a problem. The south end of Teslin Lake is in British Columbia, leaving the closest major center, Whitehorse, out of the enforcement picture … politically at least. The team had to come out of the Skeena district. Members of the Emergency Response Team, a team that now included Mike Buday, assembled in Prince Rupert, and flew to Whitehorse. There, they finalized their plans for taking Oros into custody. But it wasn’t going to be easy, and Murphy’s Law was about to play a major part in the cluster #*@& that followed.

Surveillance indicated that Oros was camped out on Big Island on Teslin Lake. This was a promising state of affairs. He could be surrounded and waited out if necessary, but they would have to get in position before daybreak.

As it turned out, various factors conspired to thwart that plan. First of all, they lost their advantage by leaving far too late - a mistake that ended up putting every man on that team in danger. Next, they ended up a helicopter short, forcing multiple trips to get in position; and finally, a vital radio repeater was found to be missing, leaving them without proper communication.

To further complicate the situation, Oros was on the move and in his element. The scenario was now a very different one. Regardless of the training the unit had, it was likely to fall short when stacked up against the well-honed bush skills Oros had developed over the years.

All of these factors conspired to make any plans they came up with useless. Far from the 10:1 ratio of man power guaranteeing success, the final showdown ended up involving only three members of the team: Haugen, Rodgers and Buday. The original plan was for the three to set up on a promontory at the south end of Teslin Lake and wait for Oros to pass them, at which point they would hail him to stop and surrender, all backed up by the other two teams. Everything was going according to plan until, all of a sudden, it wasn’t.

Mike had seen the helicopter land, he knew exactly where the three men were, and he wasn’t about to walk into their trap. Unhooking himself from his toboggan, he headed straight for the bush and disappeared. The team on the point now didn’t have a clue where he was or what he was up to. Without proper radio communication with the other teams, they were helpless.

Meanwhile, Oros was silently working his way around and behind the positions of Buday, Rodgers and Haugen, and before they knew it, there he was - standing a mere 26 yards behind Mike Buday. Rodgers got a quick glimpse of him before Oros fired, but it was too late; a .303 round was already on its way, Buday was on his way down, and Oros already had a second round in the chamber and was bringing his rifle up to bear on Rodgers himself. In reaction, Rodgers got off a quick shot and Oros dropped like a stone, the bullet entering his head at the hairline. And suddenly, it was all over.

The only way they could have captured Mike Oros that day without incident would have been to shoot him on sight. At least three of those guys were sharpshooters. But that would have been murder. These men were RCMP officers, and despite any mistakes they may have made, they held to their responsibility to hail and warn before attempting an arrest. Sheslay Mike Oros had no such restrictiona fact he took full advantage of.

The aftermath to these events ended up being as startling as the events themselves. When they checked Oros’ rifle, they discovered the round in the chamber with the markings of the firing pin already on it. The charge had failed to detonate. The fact was, Oros had fired first, and Rodgers would have been a dead man had that bullet left the barrel. After that, it would have been a simple task to locate Haugen in the cover and shoot him, leaving the very real possibility of the others being hunted down one by one.

To say that the operation was botched would be understatement. Finding themselves a helicopter short and lacking proper communication, the team likely should have aborted the operation. Instead, they forged ahead, compounding the seriousness of the situation with an unforgivably late start and a gross underestimation of their target’s bush skills and mental state. The result was, in many ways, inevitable.

Surprisingly, the latter could have been avoided. Evidently, nowhere in their preparation did they consult Jamie Stephen - the conservation officer who had the earliest and best information on Oros’ capabilities and bush skills. From the beginning the whole thing was, to quote the military, a TARFU situation.

A small monument sits on the point where Mike Buday died. It’s blind luck that Buday’s name is the only one that graces it.

*My sources and credits for this story can be found at the end of Part IV. Thanks to all.”

Atlin Community Improvement District

To Whom it may Concern

Annette Giesbrecht has stepped down as the Atlin Community representative on the G2G Forum (Province/TRTFN) The Province has 3 seats one of which is allocated to Atlin and the TRTFN have 3 seats.

The Atlin Community Improvement District has appointed Asa Berg to replace Annette. The board has chosen Asa based on her background and experience with the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan (ATLUP), the G2G Forum and her work on negotiations in general.

Asa was one of the Atlin Community representatives during the negotiation process and finalization of the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan (ATLUP) which was completed in June of 2011.

We wish Asa much success in her new role.

The Board of Trustees

The Atlin Community Improvement District.

Atlin Community Improvement District PO Box 388 Atlin BC V0W 1A0 Phone/Fax: 250-651-7582 Email:

Message from the Atlin community representative on the G2G Forum.

The G2GF oversees several Joint Initiative (JI) Working Groups, each of which address important issues on the land base, including mining and mineral exploration, protected areas, fish and wildlife management, as well as research and monitoring.

As your Atlin Community representative, I would like to hear from you about topics that are important to you so I can be the conduit of Atlin Community interests at the Forum.

Remember to comment on the new North Area Hunting and Trapping Regulations Proposals for 2024-2026.

You can get In touch with me by emailing

Åsa Berg

September Summary




The August Arrival Toots Songwriters Night Returning Performer


Bye Bye Globe Theatre Lease



Doors open 7:00, movie starts 7:30

Sunday September 10:

A Good Year:

Starring: Russell Crowe, Albert Finney, Marion Cotillard, Abbie Cornish

Directed by: Ridley Scott

Sunday September 17:

I’ve Loved you So Long:

Starring: Kristin Thomas, Elsa Zylberstein

Directed by: Philippe Claudel


Matt - Discovery Helicopters

On behalf of the Atlin Volunteer Fire Department and the Atlin Community Improvement District –


Your fast response with your helicopter and Bambi bucket on August 20th to the house fire was most appreciated.

Atlin Community Improvement District

The Atlin Community Improvement District (ACID) is accepting resumes for employment as a Part Time Administrator.

Hours: Approximately 70 – 100 hours per month

Closing Date: Until filled

Start Date: A.S.A.P.

Pay: Commensurate with experience

Skills and requirements:

✓ BasiccomputerskillswithknowledgeofWORDprocessingpackage&EXCEL

✓ AbletodobookkeepingusingSAGEaccountingsoftware

✓ Typingspeedof30wordsperminute

✓ Goodcommunicationskills–verbal&written(letterandreportwriting)

✓ Abilitytouseandmaintainorganizedfilingsystems-paper&electronic

✓ Abletoworkunsupervised&beextremelyorganizedandself-motivated

As the ACID Administrator you will be expected to:




-Followgenerallyacceptedbookkeepingprocedures-accountspayable/receivable, payroll& remittances,reconcileaccounts,prepareyearendpaperworkforauditor,etc














Administrative experience an asset. Training will be available. Please submit your resume via mail or email to:

Atlin Community Improvement District

P.O. Box 388 Atlin, BC V0W 1A0



1100 sq.ft., 3 bedroom home with a view of the lake and mountains and close walking distance to everything in the center of town! Small lot with enough room to park and not worry about yardwork! 1920 era with lots of character … $175,000 and immediate possession.

Watson Avenue

Two adjoining lots totaling 75x100’ providing ample room to build a new home while restoring a colorful and historic building, if you chose. No neighbors or roads to the north so lots of privacy.


4th Street

400 sq.ft., one bedroom cabin plus large workshop on two adjoining 50x100 lots, fully fenced. Quiet location with lots of room for expansion. Great potential for expansion.


43.6 Acres

Beautifully maintained, inside and out, this cozy 2 bedroom home is so private featuring a second cottage with sleeping loft (often used as B&B), a third cabin for guests, great garage/workshop, plus various other craft/work shops and fencing. Mountain views in every direction plus short walk to Atlin Lake sandy beaches. Just waiting for you! Viewing by appointment ONLY!


Pearl Street

1700 sq.ft. historical building suited for combination comfortable living plus retail. Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 3rd huge room to adapt to your needs! Recent extensive foundation and roof restoration plus interior renovations utilizing the original wood and fixtures. This is original “Atlin” and your opportunity!


Warm Bay Road

This gem is off grid, well maintained and absolutely the perfect retreat. 2 bedrooms, large open dining/living room, galley kitchen and spacious pantry. Storage in walk out cellar plus numerous outbuildings. Bonus is a warm spring flowing through year around!


Lake View

A great view awaits in this well built, 2 level home with a fabulous open floorplan on the upper level with a master bedroom plus storage! The lower level boasts 2 extra bedrooms or bedroom and games room. Almost 1700 sq.ft., lots of room for the entire family and guests to enjoy! Dbl garage on lower level plus another garage for all those extras like boats, quads, sleds. $535,000 SOLD

5 Acres

With power, small log cabin, tenant occupied near the upper end of the acreage, application for subdivision has been submitted/approved to create two 2.5 acre parcels. Slope facing Atlin Lake. Build your dream home to take advantage of the view and keep the tenant as caretaker! Or build a series of guest cabins! Your imagination is your only limitation!

$237,000 SOLD

2nd Street

100’ deep and 33’ wide, building lot with view of the mountains and lake. Waiting for you … $135,000.

Surprise Lake Road

Six acres with no near neighbors, bordering a creek with an historic 2 story cabin plus outbuildings that offers additional modern guest accommodation. Potential for further development – guest cabins perhaps. Limited only by your imagination. $350,000

4th of July

.78 acres of Crown Land lease, gated, partly cleared, the perfect spot to keep your RV and recreational necessities, there for year around enjoyment. Lease term to 2042.


Mi 43 Atlin Highway

34+ acres of land, surrounded by grazing lease, with 1700 sq.ft., 2 BR, full basement home, great well, septic field, solar and generator plus lots of extras. If you wish, will come with 2 loveable nags who consider this home. Quick possession is possible.

$535,000 SOLD

Call Myrna at (250) 775-1019

Leave message via text or email

above plus satellite email at

Will be in Atlin Sept 10 and 11th for appointments

Go to for more details.

FOR SALE – Atlin Property at corner of 3rd Street and Pearl Avenue

In the middle of the Atlin townsite but tucked away for tranquility and privacy.

Spacious backyard with greenhouse (6x12 feet) and three raised garden beds, various fruit trees and shrubs (cherry, apple, haskap, saskatoon, raspberries etc.) and an outhouse. Property right next to the Alkali slough with great accessibility to walking and cross-country ski trails and with a view of Atlin


General info:

• Total property size fully fenced: 3 lots (12,600 sqft, ~0.3 acres)

• Finished area: 1050 sqft – living space all on one floor

• Interiors extensively renovated in 2009

• Cistern with 2300 litres capacity

• Septic tank and field – redone in 2020

• Wood heat with Pioneer Princess wood cook stove hand-crafted

• by the Amish; back up oil and electrical heating

• R65 insulation in ceiling/attic

Gary Pumps Ltd.

Please note that requests for same day water delivery must be received no later than 11 am of said day. Thank you!

Water delivery and Sewer Removal are available Monday through Friday

Home Heating Fuel, Bulk Fuel and Bulk Oil Available

Phone 250-651-7463


Mailing address is Box 147, Atlin BC V0W 1A0

Office hours – Monday to Friday 8 am – noon

With thanks, Gary McNeil and Jody Smallwood


• 2 arctic entrances

• 2 bedrooms

• 1 full bathroom (and 1 outhouse)

• Open kitchen, dining and living area

• Storage room with cedar wood infra-red sauna

• Large root cellar below

• Oversized garage with ample parking and storage space

• Large woodshed with some wood

• 2 additional storage sheds

• Appliances: washing machine, stove, fridge

Price: $330,000

Serious inquiries at

Custom Fish Art- Fiberglas and Wood



PHONE 867 334 4857.


7 MONARCH Drive – ATLIN – BC. V0W 1A0

Atlin Mountain Inn's New Hours

Breakfast 7-9am

Lunch 12-2pm

Dinner 6-8pm

Saloon open Wed - Sat

Atlin Coffee and Cream Cart

Featuring specialty coffees and more!

NEW_ Soft Ice cream!

Open daily 12-9pm. Closed Thursday. Located across from the Tarahne on Lakeshore St. Atlin.

Atlin Pet Care

287 Tatlow Street


Indoor/Outdoor Runs

Heated Kennels

Boarding-Grooming-Pet Supplies

Emergency Care-Veterinarian Referrals


George Holman 250-651-7717 or Marj Holman 250-651-7758




Canada Day - Closed Saturday, July 1st …… Open July 2, 3, 4

BC Day - Closed Monday, Aug 7th …...…. Open Aug 5, 6, 8

Labour Day - Closed Monday, Sept 4th ………... Open Sept 2, 3, 5

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - Closed Saturday, Sept 30 … Open Oct 1, 2, 3 Thanksgiving Day - Closed Monday, Oct 9th ... Open Oct 7, 8, 10

HOURS 11 AM - 4 PM

Operated by the Atlin Community Improvement District

Spring hours effective April 1, 2023

Monday to Saturday 9am – 5pm

Sunday 11am – 4pm

New bakery chef with take out options!

~Weekly freight truck run on Mondays and freight runs available upon request~

Atlin Christian Centre Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Service and Sunday School Sunday

11 a.m.

Come join us!


St. Martin’s Anglican Church

10 a.m.

Sunday Everyone welcome!

Mountain Shack

Café Restaurant

Fast Fancy Food

Great Service

110 Discovery Avenue

In Atlin, B.C.


Wednesday thru Monday



Contact: Alain Vanier 250-651-0037

Reasonable Rates!

The love of God is like the Amazon River flowing down to water just one daisy.

Author Unknown

That’s how important each and every person is.

Smallwood Enterprises Ltd

We provide Concrete, Drain Rock, Screed gravel, Sand, Topsoil and Septic systems. We also provide Equipment Rentals, Excavations, Covered Storage, Firewood and Snow Removal. Please call (250) 651-2488 or email bobscontracting2020

The next Whisper is Wednesday September 20th

Submissions are due no later than Sunday 6pm September 17th

Sewing Machine

Cleaning, Repair, &Setup

Terry 250651-7769

Atlin Community Library

Due to the Courthouse repositioning, will be closed from August 13th onward. Reopening date unknown, but watch for announcements.”

The Purpose of the Atlin Whisper is to encourage, build-up and inform the people of Atlin concerning ongoing community events and happenings. The Whisper is not a political mouthpiece.

Compiled and edited by Lynne Phipps. Paper for printing courtesy of Northern Homes Real Estate Printing courtesy of Dani McNeil and the RCMP Atlin. Delivery by Bobbie Whelan and Gary Hill.

Classifieds, news, upcoming events Contact 1-867-334-7949 or if you have, pictures or articles you would like to submit.

Please note that submissions should be sent in either WORD or JPEG whenever possible. PDF must first be printed and then scanned back into the computer in order to format it into the paper. This costs in both paper and ink. We know that at times a PDF is the only way, which is okay when necessary, but otherwise, as the Whisper is a FREE community service we appreciate your support in helping to keep the costs down as much as possible. Thank You!

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