What's Up Yukon, November 6 2019

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November 6, 2019 Issue #651

BLUE FEATHER Music Festival ... see page 35


Lest we forget

Se Pa e ge 7

All Northern. All Fun.

We Remember The first poppy ceremony was held on October 25 at the Whitehorse Cenotaph


Run Santorini

Veteran Woodworks

See Page 18

See Page 32

See See Pages 9, 14 & 28 visit& online See Pages Pages &us23 5,or22 17 20 6,

Printed in Canada

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PHOTO: Lauren Humble

See Page 24


November 6, 2019



& e k o m S p o h S e Vap

A Klondike Korner with Dan Davidson

Dawson entertains The Bra Boutique itself at We’re Moving!! monthly Tit Tip! coffee houses 203 Main Street, Whitehorse YT 867-667-2615

Dec. 2nd!

New Address:

Suite 101, 4133 4th Ave

Current Address:

Suite 122, 1116 Front St

1 bra worn every day will last approximately 3 months





t’s Coffee House/Open Mic time at the KIAC Ballroom once again. This is a monthly event that usually takes place on the first Saturday of every month from September through to May. It is one of those things that the community does for itself, as

Photos: Dan Davidson

Ian Nyland contrasted with all those special events (partly for visitors) that crowd the calendar and the available performance spaces from June to the end of August. KIAC stands for the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture, and is itself the program arm of the Daw-

son City Arts Society. (or DCAS.) Until the last couple of years, the building in which so much happens was called the Odd Fellows Hall, since that’s the name of fraternal organization that built it. After nearly 20 years of DCAS cont’d on page 3 ...

It’s Time to Reserve Your Holiday Appointments! View our treatments & hours on our website:

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Teresa and Stephanie

Appointment alerts Share the Love for Prizes

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with the monthly flyer

DID YOU KNOW The Ledge has delicious daily lunch special, made from the

freshest ingredients daily.


with the monthly flyer



November 6, 2019



Dawson entertains itself at monthly coffee houses... cont’d

On the Cover Commissioner Angelique Bernard and Whitehorse Legion president Joseph Mewett pay respects at the Cenotaph PHOTO: Lauren Humble

occupancy, it was decided it might be appropriate to refer to it as the KIAC Building. Last summer a further addition to its name was made when KIAC and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in came together to add a Han name the structure. After a couple of years of deliberations, the new name chosen was Dënäkär Zho, which means ”a house of mixed colours.” “Zho” in any of the Han names around town means “house.” The coffee house evenings run about two-and-a-half hours and feature all sorts of homegrown entertainment, plus the sale of coffee, tea, pop and goodies. The entry fee is whatever you can afford and the monies raised go to one of the many non-profits in town. October’s went to the Humane Society. The October session featured 13 different acts, beginning with some fiddle tunes by Simon Crelli and Peter Menzies. Ian Nyland and

What’s Inside Klondike Korner .................... 2 Eye on the Outdoors .............. 4 Didee/Didoo ......................... 5 Geezerville .......................... 6 Step Outside ........................ 8 My Mother’s Kitchen ..............10 Buck Choquette ...................12 Seasonal Recipes ..................16 Greek Runs: Santorini ............18 SheZe Summit Pt. 2 ...............21 Delta Rambler .....................22 Remembrance Day 2019 .........24 Idiomatic Origins ..................29

There was a good sized audience for the October evening 

Menzies each offered a couple of tunes, Nijen Holland accompanied Stephanie Cayen in a song she wrote with some friend about their hike on the Chilkoot Pass last summer. Nijen was joined by Jim Taggart as a truncated version of their River Bends band. Stephanie came back with Teresa Conkin, to advertise the fledgling community brass band project by playing a pair of flute and trom-

Kids enjoying the music

bone numbers. Jason Biasetti had written the lyrics for a song Jim and Nijen performed, and later on took to the mic to read a poem and a short story. During much of the evening, whenever there was music, young children danced in front of the stage, and that was fine until it got to be more like gymnastics, and then their parents scooped them up. After three decades in classrooms in Beaver Creek, Faro and Dawson, Dan Davidson retired to continue writing, as he had been all those years. Please send comments about his stories to dawson@whatsupyukon.com.

Living With Wildlife ...............30 Nature’s Workshop ................32 Yukon See It Here .................34

Events Whitehorse Listings ................ 9 Active Interests ....................14 Highlights ............................27 Community Listings ...............28

whatsupyukon.com 205-105 Titanium Way, Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7 Ph: 667-2910

What’s Up Yukon Team Editorial Danny Macdonald Team Danny@whatsupyukon.com Amy Kenny

Client Care Tammy Beese Team tammy@whatsupyukon.com Monica Garcia


What 8 grams of protein looks like...

You Are Invited to a Celebration of Life for former Premier

Dennis Fentie

when we unleash our staff on the dairy aisle.


Friday, November 8, 2019 ~ 2:00 p.m.


Longhouse Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre Whitehorse, Yukon

The Celebration of Life will be live streamed for anyone who can not attend, it will be hosted on the Government of Yukon Facebook page: facebook.com/yukongov

Chelsey MacDonald chelsey@whatsupyukon.com

Design Lesley Ord Team Paulette Comeau Didier Delahaye

Admin Penny Bielopotocky Team events@whatsupyukon.com Weekly Magazine published by

Beese Entertainment Publishing We thank our advertisers and our friends at 135 distribution points for helping keep What’s Up Yukon FREE.

The celebration will be followed by a reception. In lIeu of flowers, donatIons can be made to canadIan cancer socIety and/or regIster as an organ donor. for more InformatIon or to rsVP Please contact Protocol@goV.yk.ca the

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Invitation à la cérémonie d’adieu en mémoire de l’ancien premier ministre yukonnais

Dennis Fentie

qui aura lieu le vendredi 8 novembre 2019 à 14 h dans la salle Longhouse du Centre culturel des Kwanlin Dün Whitehorse, Yukon La cérémonie sera diffusée en direct sur la page Facebook du gouvernement du Yukon (facebook.com/yukongov) pour ceux et celles qui ne peuvent y assister en personne. Une réception suivra la cérémonie. Pour témoIgner Votre symPathIe, Vous PouVez faIre un don à la socIété canadIenne du cancer ou Vous InscrIre comme donneur d’organes. Pour obtenIr Plus d’InformatIon ou Pour confIrmer Votre Présence , écrIVez à Protocol @ goV . yk . ca

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November 6, 2019


Eye on the Outdoors with Murray Martin

The unknown life of a butterfly Murray suggests that if you want to attract butterflies, plant flowers such as roses, dahlia and violets

Remembrance Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by thousands of brave men and women. I encourage you to take the time to bring your families to one of the many wreath laying ceremonies taking part at your local cenotaph or


community. Lest we forget.

Hon. Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament, Yukon

204-204 Black Street, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 2M9 Tel: (867) 668-6565, Email: larry.bagnell.c1@parl.gc.ca



ike most, I used to just take the butterfly for granted. Like most, I never gave it a thought other than that it was nice to see one. I lived in the more northern-central part of Ontario. THere were loads of flowers, a nice garden and the ditches along the rural road had lots of milkweed. Consequently, loads of butterflies adorned our property. We had cat birds, cowbirds, flying squirrels, bats and more. I never gave the butterflies much thought though, until I was with Winchester Arms and had the opportunity of hunting down in Mexico. That is when I saw hundreds of monarch butterflies clinging to the trees. I thought they had to be native to Mexico, but once my curiosity was piqued, I found that they were the same ones I’d seen in Ontario. They would have been born in Canada and made a flight of roughly 4,000 kilometres to winter in Mexico, some driving force of nature guiding them to this place they’d never been. They travelled in search of plants that contain an abundance of nectar, an essential food of the monarch butterfly. Hatched in the early spring, the butterflies are attracted to areas where the milkweed is most prominent. If you want to attract these beautiful little creatures, plant flowers such as roses, dahlia and violets. They are loaded with essential nectar. Although weeds such as thistles and goldenrod

may be pests to humans, the opposite is true of butterflies. This is why with global warming, we should be very careful here in the Yukon, with what we presently call an invasive species. They can be essential as new wildlife moves northward. What was invasive now becomes the essential plant or weed for the new species of creatures that will adorn our homes north of 60. The lifespan of a monarch is short. In spring, they are born in Ontario. In fall, they fly to winter

PHOTO: Pixabay in Mexico. During mating season, as they return north, they leave 400 or so eggs on specially selected plants (including milkweed) in Ontario and the northern states. After only nine months, the monarch dies. There are many varieties of butterflies, in all sizes and configurations. Some are all black and others are all colours of the rainbow. It should not come as a surprise that herbs of different cont’d on page 5 ...

PHOTOS: Murray Martin

Hip Pain Workshop

Pain that travels down the leg into the knee, interferes with walking, dancing and things you love to do. Left unchecked, hip tightness and pain can accelerate

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November 6, 2019



The unknown life of a butterfly ... cont’d

Murray shares details on the lives of butterflies

kinds will also attract butterflies of all kinds. This year, Lisa planted a small herb garden and we often see the butterflies attracted to the nectar of these herbs. Next spring we plan to add a mixture of herbs that will include chives alongside of the domestic garden flowers. A good butterfly garden should include strong early sprouting perennial plants as well as the later sprouting annual flower pants for late fall. In closing, I offer you this as a thought for tomorrow: “Success is 99 per cent attitude. It calls for love, joy, optimism, confidence, serenity, poise, faith, courage, cheerfulness, imagination, initiative, tolerance, honesty, humility, patience and enthusiasm.” Murray Martin is a former Ontario conservation officer and a longstanding member of the Outdoor Writers of Canada.

Didee an’ Didoo were real Didee’s name was Moses Tizya An’ Didoo’s name was Martha Tizya. And they both used canes. Didoo Martha wore a hankerchief An’ Didee Moses wore Didee’s hat. Didee an’ Didoo both spoke Gwichin And they live in a tent. Didoo Martha carried her teapot An’ Didee Moses carried his axe. Didoo Martha wore a long skirt An’ Didee Moses wore long boots. They don’t know their real ages An’ they both get strong cheques.

Didoo Martha was always wise And Didee Moses was comical. Didoo got sewing machine An’ poor Didee got kicker. Didee an’ Didoo make strong jig ‘Cause they drink homebrew. Didee an’ Didoo use strong Vicks An’ they eat dry meat an’ bannock Didee think he’s Big Shot An’ Didoo work for W.A.

Allan Benjamin

When I was a kid this Elder gave me a Gwich’in name”CHIH AHAA”. Translated it means”walking ahead”

You are invited to provide input into the modernization of the Workers’ Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Act. Public open houses Haines Junction Tuesday, November 5, 2019 Drop in between 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Haines Junction Convention Centre - Mezzanine Refreshments provided

Mayo Monday, December 2, 2019 Drop in between 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mayo Recreation Centre Curling Lounge Refreshments provided

Watson Lake Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Drop in between 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Watson Lake Recreation Centre Curling Lounge Refreshments provided

Dawson Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Drop in between 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre Refreshments provided

Whitehorse Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Drop in between 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre (Grey Mountain Room) Refreshments provided For more information regarding this engagement: visit: wcb.yk.ca/actsreview phone: 867-689-8395 or toll free 800-661-0443 email: wcb-cs@gov.yk.ca


November 6, 2019



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Wasting Away in Geezerville with Ken Bolton

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Taking flibberties with the (Widdle) English language



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Ken delves into the origins of the gossipy flebergebet



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ow do you solve a problem like “flibbertigibbet?” Unless you had a grandmother like mine, that’s a word you’d probably never heard before Oscar Hammerstein II used it to describe a postulant manquée named Maria in a musical he and Richard Rodgers wrote about a plucky family of Austrian warblers. It’s a fabulous word, especially when one pairs it with the equally delightful “will-o’-the-wisp,” as Hammerstein did in his lyrics for The Sound of Music. That description of young Maria Kutschera (who left the abbey to help raise Captain Georg von Trapp’s seven offspring, before marrying him and co-producing three of their own), harkens back to the Middle English flebergebet. As every speaker of Middle English knows, flebergebet means a chatterer, a gossip, or (as they say in rural Prince Edward Island), a “news-bag.” In 1605 (or so), the immortal Bard of Avon tried to introduce that euphonious description of a flighty, loquacious person into common parlance by applying it to a character in his tragedy of dynastic intrigue, King Lear. For once, Willy the Wordsmith fanned out. No one paid any heed to flibbertigibbet until 1821, when Sir Walter Scott used it in his novel, Kenilworth. Come to think of it, that may have been when my Scots-Irish

granny first encountered it, although there’s no official record of her being around before sometime in the 1880s.

This is another granny word. I distinctly remember her wagging an arthritic forefinger at me and saying, “nobody likes a blatherskite!” ... Ken Bolton

There have been many variations of flibbertigibbet over the years, including flybbergybe, flibber de’ Jibb and even flippertygibbet. But no one seems able to explain what flibberty means, or what connection it has to the word gibbet. One seldom sees gibbets on street corners nowadays, but in

We want to hear your

Pawsitive Tail

their heyday (I must explore that word sometime), these metal or wooden cages displayed the corpses (or near corpses) of convicted criminals, to discourage other potential miscreants. Which brings us, for no particular reason, to the second word I’d like to chat about this week: blatherskite. This is another granny word. I distinctly remember her wagging an arthritic forefinger at me and saying, “nobody likes a blatherskite!” Regular readers of this column will appreciate that I often engage in meaningless blather. Nevertheless, to be accused of blatherskitery is a grievous thing. In essence, a blatherskite is neither more nor less than a flibbertigibbet, with one crucial difference: a blatherskite (or blatherskate, depending on where one’s ancestors hail from) is someone who talks at great length without making much sense. A blatherskite is a blusterer, a deadbeat, a contemptible person who talks nonsense (blather) or skite (replace “k” with “h” for full effect.) Kind of like a certain former mayor of New York City, now that I think of it. Sound. Fury. Signifying nothing, as the Bard would say. Our resident Geezer has been known to blather on southeast of Whitehorse.

Win an original Pet Portrait!

Share your ‘Pawsitive Tail’ on the What’s Up Yukon Pet Page and enter to win a pet portrait by local artist Chris Caldwell. Contact Monica: monica@whatsupyukon.com, 667-2910 ext. 2

Submit your own story, 750-950 words, OR Pitch your story idea and be interviewed by What’s Up Yukon. Draw will take place in January 2020, with the winner announced in our Jan 29 issue.


November 6, 2019


Remembrance Day 2019

Remember those who have given their lives for our freedom, by wearing

the Legion’s Red Poppy During the period of

October 28 to November 11, 2019

Money raised is used to provide assistance to our Veterans, to support youth & senior activities and to provide medical assistance

Join us at the Canada Games Centre on November 11th at 10 am for the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Whitehorse Transit is providing a shuttle service from the Takhini Arena to the CGC and its use is strongly encouraged. Our Yukon Veterans paid for our freedom through their sacrifices, at the cost of their lives or with lifelong injuries. Proudly wear the poppy as a sign of Remembrance of the sacrifices made by Veterans.

Lest We Forget !



November 6, 2019


Step Outside with Larry Leigh

Buying a knife Did you know... We provide year-round offerings! • Whitehorse Area • Breweries • Miles Canyon • Wildlife Preserve • Hot Springs • Carcross • Kluane November is a great time to logistic plan for conferences, events, meetings and holiday ideas. Support local by booking us for ‘super host transport’ services.



ifferent knives are for different purposes, so peeling potatoes is not as easy with a Leatherman as it is with a paring knife. If your budget allows it, I think a person who hunts and fishes needs three knives. The angler can do a better job filleting fish with a knife for that purpose. The blade should be flexible and still have enough backbone to cut through the ribs. It must be sharp enough to then slice out the ribs on that side, all in one piece. A person lucky enough to catch salmon or other larger fish will need a similar knife, but stiffer with a longer blade. These knives are usually very sharp when

Larry has some tips on picking the right knife when picking one for your outdoors activity PHOTO: Pixabay


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new and can be re-sharpened with a number of inexpensive sharpeners. These factory made knives vary in price from a low around $15 to a high of about $100. Handmade knives are much more costly but their quality (staying sharp) and appearance is impressive. The hunter needs a general purpose knife for routine tasks around camp and on the trail. Any

prying, rope cutting, whittling, potato peeling, etc. is done with this knife. This knife is carried in a sheath or pocket where it is readily available. The second knife carried by a hunter has a narrower function as it is only taken out for use when game is to be processed. It is best carried in the pack where it is less likely to be used for chores around camp which will

Jason McCoy has 3 reasons to

Get Checked

How many reasons do you have?

Jason McCoy of the Road Hammers treasures his beautiful family of 3!


eventually make it dull. The need for a camp knife can be filled with a “multi-tool” such as Leatherman, Gerber or SOG. They are tough, well-made and have the ability to do many tasks with the variety of blades and tools. There are cheap copies of these available, but they are low-quality and the user can injure themselves when these break under pressure. Other single or two-bladed folding or fixed blade knives are not as versatile as multi-tools, but they are the traditional camp knife and have proven their worth over time. Many modern folding knives have a lock piece to keep the blade from folding up under pressure, but these should not be depended on when the knife was cheap to start with. Modern knives are designed to appeal to the user. They are supposedly shaped to fit the hand, have holes or pins on the back of the blade for one-handed opening, gut hooks and replaceable various shaped blades. All of these options attract the inexperienced

buyer by appearance, not by quality or durability. Up to an extreme point, the hardness of the steel in a blade makes for a better knife as the hard steel holds its edge longer, though it is also harder to re-sharpen. Cheaper knives have softer steel, which doesn’t hold an edge well but is simpler to resharpen. Knives can usually be described as “you get what you pay for.” My advice is to only look at knives made by reputable companies, avoid gimmicks and spend a little more money than you originally planned. Quality and dependability are worth a few extra dollars. Larry Leigh is an avid angler, hunter and all-round outdoors person who prefers to cook what he harvests himself. He is a past president of the Canadian Wildlife Federation and a retired hunter-education coordinator for the Government of Yukon. Please send comments about his articles to wild@whatsupyukon.com.

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November 6, 2019

ENTER YOUR EVENTS ON-LINE It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.

Whitehorse EVENTS ART SHOWS Fri Nov 8 Artwork Unveiling Ceremony 11:00 AM Yukon Government Administration Building View local art in the Legislative Assembly Chamber by artists, Brian Walker, Ken Anderson, Phyllis Fiendel, fanny Charlie and Elizabeth Bosely. Fri Nov 8 Exhibition Opening - Chu Niikwän Artist Residency 5:00 PM Arts Underground Feature works created during the residency, August 26th to September 15th by artists Meshell Melvin, Shirley Adamson and Talia “Taliawo” Woodland with emerging curator, Karly Leonard. Until Nov 22 Into the Kalevala By Lillian Loponen Yukon Arts Centre A multimedia exhibition that is an experiential interpretation of Finland’s national epic of folklore, Kalevala. Until Nov 22 Ubiquitous - Technology and the Human Experience By Leslie Leong Yukon Arts Centre Leslie Leong is a Yukon visual artist focused on recycling and sustainability. Ponders the ubiquitous nature of technology. It has seeped into every aspect of our society/ lives, even if we choose not to partake. It is omnipresent. Until Nov 29 Sandra Storey: Connections New Works in Clay Yukon Artists at Work Gallery A new collection of her engaging, delightful and thought provoking sculptures in clay, inspired by the mountains surrounding the Carcross Tagish Learning Center where she works as curator. Until Nov 29 A Collection of Ceramic Masks Baked Cafe A collection of the remaining masks and a few new ideas since the shows following the passing of my Father Arthur Penner and partner James Kirby. Call Claire Strauss at 4563411 for more info. Until Nov 30 Dwellings by Dan Brown Hozjan Arts Underground The series Dwellings grew out of an affinity for old, rough-hewn, backwoods cabins, artwork features many depictions of bush cabins. Until Nov 30 Cutting Edge by the Northern Cultural Expressions Society Arts Underground A network of artists living healthy lives, who have strong self-esteem and are contributing positively to their family and communities. Dedicated to a vibrant First Nation culture and to a diverse Yukon cultural industry, through sharing traditional arts and customs.


Wed Nov 6 Whitewater Wednesday 6:00 PM Town & Mountain Hotel Longtime Local jam night hosted by Peggy Hanifan Thu Nov 7 Jazz in the Hall with Funkometry 6:30 PM The Old Fire Hall Featured performances will present groups performing a variety of jazz styles and led by different wellknown local musicians. Email info@jazzyukon. ca for more info. Tickets available at the door. 867-334-2789 Thu Nov 7 Open Stage & Jam 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Express yourself! Perform solo or with back up. Some instruments provided. Fri Nov 8 Steve Slade 6:00 PM The Cut Off Restaurant Steve Slade entertainment, for reservations call 668-7800 Fri Nov 8 KingSwardFish 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Reggae, Funk and Blues influences with a hint of social justice and real lyrics about real problems. Fri Nov 8 Blue Feather Music Festival 7:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Featuring - Digging Roots, Crystal Shawanda, Speed Control, Sierra Noble 667-8574 Fri Nov 8 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler Room Fri Nov 8 Cabin Fever 10:00 PM The Local Bar Playing a wide variety of music from new to old, funky to country, classic rock to new releases and everything in between! Cover charge applicable. Sat Nov 9 Selina and Tara 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Dynamic duo features Selina on guitar, vocals and Tara on drums and vocals, playing classics from bands such as Zeppelin, B.B King, Neil Young, The Eagles, Nirvana and much more. Sat Nov 9 Blue Feather Music Festival 7:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Featuring - Digging Roots, Crystal Shawanda, Speed Control, Sierra Noble 667-8574 Sat Nov 9 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler Room Sun Nov 10 Jam Session 6:00 PM 98 Hotel Bring your instrument and have fun! Tue Nov 12 Tuesday Jazz Night with Anne Turner 5:30 PM Earls Restaurant On the Restaurant side local Jazz musicians to join Anne weekly. No TVs - just great times with family and friends! Tasty menu and tasty tunes!



Or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com

Wed Nov 13 Whitewater Wednesday 6:00 PM Town & Mountain Hotel Longtime Local jam night hosted by Peggy Hanifan


Wed Nov 6 Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM Yukon Government Administration Building Join us inside the Bridges Café 6336081 Terry or Michèle Wed Nov 6 Food In Motion: Dine With The Yukon Transportation Museum 5:00 PM Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre A 3-course meal Inspired by an Atlin Inn historic menu from August 25, 1935 and hear short stories by YTM staff about the exhibits. To reserve a spot call 668-3505. Wed Nov 6 Legion Texas Hold’Em 6:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 All Legion Members both local and national Welcome 667-2802 Wed Nov 6 Way Back Wednesday: YCGC and Bear Creek 6:30 PM MacBride Museum Wayback Wednesday Storytelling Night - Cash bar will be available. Wed Nov 6 Whitehorse United Church Choir Practice 7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church Wed Nov 6 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler Room Thu Nov 7 Whitehorse Yukon Community Thrift Store - Silent Auctions 12:00 PM Whitehorse Community Thrift Store Silent Auctions for valuable, unusual and unique items. Bids taken Friday and Saturday at the store. Bidding Closes 2:00 PM Saturdays, each week. Thu Nov 7 Indigenous Book Club: The Marrow Thieves 6:30 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre A free book club, read works by Indigenous authors, share dinner and discuss themes and ideas. Call 667-5239 or come into the library to reserve your copy. Thu Nov 7 Walk Between Worlds Storytelling 6:30 PM Well Read Books Tellers coming to share stories, come gather and listen. For more info email walkbworlds@gmail.com Thu Nov 7 Chess Corner 6:30 PM Yukon College Chess played in room A2101, beginners welcome, welcome to bring your own ‘lucky’ board. Everyone welcome to sit in on this game of strategy. Thu Nov 7 Uke On Ukulele Club! 7:00 PM Porter Creek Secondary School Email us at ukeonukuleleclub@gmail.com for more information. Thu Nov 7 Christ Church Cathedral Choir Practice 7:30 PM Christ Church Cathedral Fri Nov 8 Whitehorse Yukon Community Thrift Store - Silent Auctions 12:00 PM Whitehorse Community Thrift Store Silent Auctions for valuable, unusual and unique items. Bids taken Friday and Saturday at the store. Bidding Closes 2:00 PM Saturdays, each week. Fri Nov 8 Double Feature Films on Indigenous Knowledge 5:30 PM The Edge on Main Two 25 minute films about Traditional Knowledge envisioned and directed by the Elder’s Circle of the First Nations University of Canada with participation from students. Dinner included. Fri Nov 8 Legion TGIF Dinner 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Open to Members and signed in guests Meals are $12 unless a steak dinner which is more. Fri Nov 8 Paddlepalooza 2019 7:00 PM Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre A celebration of the 2019 paddling season! Free Admission, all welcome, Wet your whistle at the snack bar and help support the club. Email them to current@ yckc.ca for more info. Fri Nov 8 48 Film Challenge Simultaneous Screening 7:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Screen entries produced during the 2019 Yukon 48 (hour) film challenge and vote for the favourite. 393-6040 Sat Nov 9 Whitehorse Yukon Community Thrift Store - Silent Auctions 12:00 PM Whitehorse Community Thrift Store Silent Auctions for valuable, unusual and unique items. Bids taken Friday and Saturday at the store. Bidding Closes 2:00 PM Saturdays, each week. Sat Nov 9 Legion Crib Night 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 All local and national legion members welcome! Register by 6:25 PM, Games Start at 6:30 PM. 667-2802 Sat Nov 9 Comedy at the Guild - Gavin Glarkson 8:00 PM The Guild Hall Featuring local comedians, buy tickets online or at the door. Sun Nov 10 Adult RPG Drop-in - Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder and More 12:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library Monthly Role-Playing Game (RPG) Free! No experience necessary. All supplies provided. Must be 18 years of age or older. Sun Nov 10 Ceramics Open Studio 2:30 PM Arts Underground Non-instructed open studio. Participants are welcome to use the studio’s

tools and equipment; clay and some tools are available for purchase. Every Sunday except long weekends. $5/hour. Sun Nov 10 Available Light Cinema: Time Bandits 3:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre In this fantastic voyage through time and space from Terry Gilliam, a boy named Kevin escapes his gadget-obsessed parents to join a band of timetraveling dwarfs. Tickets online or at the door. Sun Nov 10 Peter Jickling Poetry Night 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Mon Nov 11 Remembrance Day Ceremony 9:00 AM Canada Games Centre Share a moment of silence for the men and women who fought for freedom and liberty of our Country. Shuttle service from Tahkini Arena starting at 8:15 Mon Nov 11 Free drop-in computer labs 10:00 AM Yukon Learn Free Drop-In Computer Lab for Self Directed Studies A tutor/Instructor will be available on site to assist you. 867-668-6280 or toll free: 888-668-6280 Fax: 867-633-4576 Mon Nov 11 Legion Scrabble Meet 1:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 All Legion Members both local and national Welcome 667-2802 Mon Nov 11 GO The Surrounding Game 6:00 PM Starbucks Chilkoot Centre Simple Game Deep Strategy. Beginners & Visitors Welcome. For more information email: tjbowlby@gmail. com Mon Nov 11 Yukon Comic Culture Society: Board Game Drop-in 6:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Come and check out the YCCS Board Game library! Children and Youth must be accompanied by an adult or guardian who is 19+ Mon Nov 11 Euchre Night 6:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 All local and national legion members welcome! 667-2802 Mon Nov 11 Night Sky Presentation and Public Sky Gazing 7:00 PM RASC Yukon Centre Observatory Entry by donation only. Tue Nov 12 Second-hand Clothing Bazaar 5:30 PM Whitehorse Seventh-day Adventist Church Donations of clean clothing in good condition welcome. All proceeds go to charitable causes. For more info. call 633-3463. Tue Nov 12 Intermediate Sewing: Zippers! 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Innovation Hub Learn how to draft two sizes of zipper pouches onto cotton fabric, cut them out and sew them up in one evening. Sewing machines and tools will be provided. Register online 457-0150 Tue Nov 12 Available Light Cinema: Honeyland 6:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre When a nomadic family move in and break Honeyland’s basic rule, the last female wild beekeeper in Europe must save the bees and restore natural balance. Tickets online or at the door. Tue Nov 12 Underachievers 6:30 PM Arts Underground A club for painters of all skill levels. Bring your own supplies, we have easels and plenty of space. There is no instruction. Cost is free with a membership. Tue Nov 12 JCAY Taiko Practice 7:15 PM Christ the King Elementary To register by jcaytaiko@gmail.com, please mark “Taiko registration” in the subject line. Tue Nov 12 Available Light Cinema: La disparition des lucioles (The Fireflies are Gone) 8:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre The trials and triumphs of Léonie, a teenager waiting to finish high school and escape her industrial town. Tickets online or at the door. Wed Nov 13 Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM Yukon Government Administration Building Join us inside the Bridges Café 6336081 Terry or Michèle Wed Nov 13 Legion Texas Hold’Em 6:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 All Legion Members both local and national Welcome 667-2802 Wed Nov 13 Getting Started with Oils 6:30 PM Arts Underground Utilize drawing skills to map out your paintings and work layer by layer with oil paints, mediums and glazes. Register online or call 667-4080 Wed Nov 13 Whitehorse United Church Choir Practice 7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church Wed Nov 13 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler Room


Wed Nov 6 Parent Child Mother Goose 10:30 AM Thomson Centre Discover the power of songs, rhymes and stories as a positive parenting tool. Ages newborn - 5 yrs old. Call 322-5990 to register. Wed Nov 6 Yukon Imagination Library Story Time 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre Enjoy a classic pick from the Imagination Library, followed by an activity or craft. Suitable for all ages. For more information call 668-8698 Wed Nov 6 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers

and for those with babies up to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family supports. Thu Nov 7 Future City Program 4:00 PM Northlight Innovation Students will imagine, research, design, and build the cities of the future. To register call 668-8819 or email camps@yukoncollege.yk.ca. Fri Nov 8 Preschool Drop-in Gymnastics 10:00 AM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Silly songs and preschool free play, call 668-4794 for more information. Fri Nov 8 Animal Antics 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre Stories, songs, exploration and discovery or all things animal. Featuring a different animal each week. Suitable for all ages. For more information call 668-8698 Fri Nov 8 Standard Format - Magic: The Gathering 6:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Legal sets = Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Dominaria, Core Set 2019, Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance.Banned Cards = Rampaging Ferocidon Fri Nov 8 Girls Club 7:30 PM Bethany Church Call 668-4877 for more information. Sat Nov 9 Choose Your Own Adventure 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre Choose from a variety of fun, interactive and family friendly play stations. Suitable for all ages. For more information call 668-8698 Sat Nov 9 Family Drop In 3:30 PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Drop in for families and caregivers, call 668-4794 for more info. Mon Nov 11 Preschool Drop-in Gymnastics 10:00 AM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Silly songs and preschool free play, call 668-4794 for more information. Mon Nov 11 Construction Zone 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre Children Build and create together learning to problem solve and be inquisitive. Great for all ages! For more information call 668-8698 Tue Nov 12 Baby Senses 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre A world of sensory delights, songs and rhymes for baby while caregivers have an opportunity to meet, chat and share parenting advice. Birth to 18 months. For more information call 668-8698 Tue Nov 12 Youth Beading Circle 3:30 PM Nàkwät’à Kų̀ (KDFN’s potlatch house) Learn to bead, try a new style or pattern, free, snacks provided Call 334-8728 for more info. Tue Nov 12 Äsųą K’e - Grandmother’s Ways 5:00 PM Dusk’a Learning Centre Parent/ child language lessons, taught in Southern Tutchone Ta’an Dialect. The program is facilitated by Nicole Smith. A healthy meal will be provided at each session. Tue Nov 12 Free Super Smash 7:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe All skill levels welcome! Please bring your own controller, and if you have a Nintendo Switch and/or Gamecube controller adapter please bring them so that we can have multiple setups. Wed Nov 13 Parent Child Mother Goose 10:30 AM Thomson Centre Discover the power of songs, rhymes and stories as a positive parenting tool. Ages newborn - 5 yrs old. Call 322-5990 to register. Wed Nov 13 Yukon Imagination Library Story Time 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre Enjoy a classic pick from the Imagination Library, followed by an activity or craft. Suitable for all ages. For more information call 668-8698 Wed Nov 13 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family supports.

MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Tue Nov 5 She/Ze Leads the World: A Summit for Women Leaders in the North Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Dynamic keynotes, interactive workshops, introspective panels, mentorship speed-dating and so much more. For more info email Sofia@smrtpopups.com. Wed Nov 6 Northern Voices Toastmasters 7:00 AM Sport Yukon Supportive members will help you develop your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@ gmail.com Wed Nov 6 Financial Survival for Entrepreneurs CPA Financial Literacy 5:00 PM Yukonstruct Innovation Hub Learn more about effective tax strategies, tactics of seeking out financing and understanding the management of growth and expansion. To register email albert@yfncc.ca. Wed Nov 6 Beaded Poppy for Beginners 6:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Create your own beaded poppy and honour our veterans. All

materials and supplies will be provided. Register online. 456-5322 Wed Nov 6 Becoming a Certified FireSmart Community - Meeting 7:00 PM Mount MacIntyre Recreation Centre The Copper Ridge Community Association and the Copper Ridge FireSmart community group are holding a meeting regarding: “ Becoming a Certified FireSmart Community”. YTG WildLand Fire will also be in attendance. Thu Nov 7 Sundogs Toastmasters Club 12:00 PM Sport Yukon A lunch time session to learn the skills, practice the speaking, receive the feedback to improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@ gmail.com Thu Nov 7 Supporting the Grieving Child Lunch ‘n’ Learn for Professionals 12:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library A short film about kids and grief made by the Dougy Centre and a discussion afterwards. To register call 667-7429, or email info@hospiceyukon.net Thu Nov 7 Midnight Sun Toastmasters Club 5:30 PM Yukon College Room A2714. An after work meeting to help you gain confidence in public speaking, improve communication and add to your leadership skills. Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@gmail.com Thu Nov 7 Into the Great Expanse:Photography & Lightroom for Enthusiasts 7:00 PM Whitehorse, Yukon Over two evenings and a full day you will develop your skills in seeing and expressing your vision. Register online. Sat Nov 9 Yukon Amateur Radio Association: Coffee Discussion Group 9:00 AM A&W Restaurant Casual event. Hams from outside the Yukon and those are interested are welcome Tue Nov 12 Trapping Program Kenadan Ku - House of Learning Free 4 week course and get first hand experience of a trapline with local KDFN trapper Russell Burns. To register call 633-8422 ext. 512 or email mark.smith@kdfn.net Wed Nov 13 Northern Voices Toastmasters 7:00 AM Sport Yukon Supportive members will help you develop your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@ gmail.com Wed Nov 13 The Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection AGM 7:00 PM Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre All current and potential members are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. For more info call 667-5858 or email garnet.muething@gov.yk.ca.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesdays The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon 305 Wood Street -Back Entrance Porter Creek Step meeting (CM) 8:00 PM Our Lady of Victory No Puffin (CM, NS) 8:00 PM 6210 - 6th Ave Thursdays The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon 305 Wood Street -Back Entrance. Polar Group (OM) 7:30 PM 6210 - 6th ave. Fridays The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon 305 Wood Street -Back Entrance Yukon Unity Group Meeting 1:30 PM #4 Hospital Road Whitehorse Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM 305 Wood Street - Back Entrance. Saturdays Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM, Sara Steel Building 609 Steele St., Main Entrance Hospital Meeting Whitehorse General Hospital (OM NS) 7:00 pm - Hospital Board Meeting. Sundays Detox Meeting (OM NS) 1:00 PM 1:00 PM, Sara Steel Building 609 Steele St., Main Entrance Hospital Meeting (OM NS) 7:00 PM Whitehorse General Hospital Mondays The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon 305 Wood Street -Back Entrance New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM 6210 - 6th Ave Tuesdays The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon 305 Wood Street -Back Entrance Ugly Duckling Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM 6210 - 6th Ave. Juste Pour Aujourd’hui (OM, NS) 7:00 PM 205 Black Street Suite 120 Phone: AA 1-888-453-0142 (24 hours a day)

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November 6, 2019


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From My Mother’s Kitchen with Murray Martin

Fresh pies


f you have never actually used a fresh steamed pumpkin when baking, rather than buying cans of pumpkin, I might suggest you give it a try. It’s a little more work, but well worth the effort. Here are a few suggestions for baking pumpkin treats.

Main: 867-633-5192 Toll Free: 1-866-449-5192 Fax: 867-633-6222 Email: hurlburtei@gmail.com Address: 11 Burns Rd., Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 4Z3 Cheque,Cash, S.A.Vouchers accepted


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Age of students: Between 19 and 22 years old We require: • Welcoming and inclusive family For more information, environment please contact: • Students will attend ESL classes from Monday to Friday at Yukon College. International Student • You will need to provide a private Advisor bedroom, meals and airport transfers. 867.456.8565 • We can place one student per family. international@yukoncollege.yk.ca • English speaking families are preferred • Able to obtain an RCMP Police Record Check


Also, we are looking for host families to take in international students from around the world on a per-semester or annual basis. Homestay families are compensated $750/month or $200/week for hosting a student.

PHOTOS: Pixabay PUMPKIN PIE Ingredients: Crust 1 ¼ cup graham cracker crumbs ½ cup finely chopped pecans ¼ cup white sugar ⅓ cup melted butter Filling 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin ½ tsp ground nutmeg ½ cup cold milk ½ tsp salt ½ scalded milk ⅓ tsp ground ginger ¾ cup packed brown sugar ½ cup table cream 1 tsp ground cinnamon 14 ounces pumpkin 6 ice cubes ( about 1 cup)

Murray has some pumpkin pie recipes from the past Directions: Crust: Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and pecans. Stir in melted butter. Reserve ¼ mixture for garnish. Press remainder into 10-inch pie plate. Bake at 375 F for 5 minutes. Cool. Filling: In blender, sprinkle gelatin over cold milk and let stand until gelatin is moistened. Add scalded milk. Cover and process at high speed until gelatin dissolves, about 2 minutes. Add brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, ginger and table cream. Cover and process at high speed for about one minute. Add pumpkin and proceed at high speed for about 20 seconds, or until all ingredients

Richard’s Tire Tips

How do I know when to get NEW TIRES? Every new tire comes with special humps in between the tread blocks known as the wear bars, these bars are used to indicate to the user that the tire has reached 2/32’s of an inch. 2/32’s is considered to be at the end of the tire’s useful life and can no longer safely grip the road, especially in rainy conditions where you will find the tire to likely experience a hydroplane condition. Therefore if your tires have reached these wear bars your tires are no longer safe to operate and are in need of replacement.


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are thoroughly combined. Remove center top cover and, with blender still running, add ice cubes one at a time. Process at high speed until ice is melted. Allow to stand for 10 minutes to thicken mixture. Turn into cooled pie shell. Sprinkle with reserved crumb mixture. Chill until set. This should make about 8 servings. CHOCOLATE CHIP PUMPKIN HERMITS Ingredients: ¾ cup shortening ½ tsp baking soda 1 ¼ cups packed brown sugar ½ tsp salt cont’d on page 11...

Stuck in a rut

Call For Reader Submissions

Yukoners Living With Wildlife Send us your high resolution photos

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with a description of what’s happening in the photo, and the camera equipment you used. Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com

Inside Yukon Inn Mall on Fourth (Beside Dollar Store)

November 6, 2019



Fresh pies ... cont’d 2 eggs 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla ½ tsp each of nutmeg, allspice and cloves ½ cup pumpkin puree ½ cup raisins 2 cups white flour 1 cup chocolate chips 1 tsp baking powder ½ cup chopped nuts

Directions: Mix the ingredients in the order given and bake in one crust. PUMPKIN CRUNCH MUFFINS Ingredients: ¾ cups flour ½ cups raising ½ cup sugar ⅔ cup milk 3 tsp baking powder ½ cup canned pumpkin ½ tsp salt 1 egg ½ tsp cinnamon ⅓ cup salted oil ¼ tsp cloves ⅓ cup brown sugar nutmeg Directions: Stir to blend flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and spices. Stir in the raisins. Combine milk, pumpkin, oil and eggs and blend with

beater. Add liquid ingredients to dry mixture all at once. Stir until moistened. Fill a well greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Sprinkle tops with brown sugar. Bake at 400 F. for about 25 minutes. This should give you about 12 medium sized muffins. YUMMY PUMPKIN PIE Ingredients: 1 tbsp flour 1 tbsp melted butter ½ tsp salt 1 cup milk ¼ cup brown sugar 2 well beaten eggs ¼ cup honey or maple syrup 1 ½ cups pumpkin ½ tsp each of powdered ginger, whipped cream, mace and nutmeg Directions: Prepare a pie shell . Mix together all the ingredients except whipped cream. Pour mixture into pie shell and bake until firm. Serve with whipped cream. MY FAVORITE APPLE PECAN PIE Ingredients: ½ cup raisins ½ cup white sugar 1tbsp peach schnapps 1 tsp cinnamon ¼ cup softened butter ½ tsp nutmeg

1 cup pecan halves ¼ tsp salt ⅔ cup brown sugar 1 tsp grated lemon peel 1 can apple pie filling 1 cup whipping cream 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp flour Directions: Soak raisins in peach schnapps for several hours. Drain well. In a 10-inch pie plate, spread evenly over the bottom and side. Press pecans, round side down, into butter. Sprinkle brown sugar over nuts. Roll out pastry. Line pie plate with pastry over pecan layer. Combine raisins, apples and the remaining ingredients, except the whipping cream. Mix well. Pour into pie crust. Place top pastry over filling mixture. Crimp pastry edges. Prick top crust with a fork. Bake at 450 F for 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350 F and continue to bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown. Cool pie on a rack until fill stops bubbling. Place serving plate over pie. Carefully invert. Remove pie plate. Garnish with whipped cream. Murray Martin shares recipes from the 1940s and 50s with us. Questions or comments about his stories can be sent to editor@whatsupyukon.com.

Year-End Tax & Estate Planning Session November 19 Westmark Hotel Breakfast: 8:30 a.m. Session: 9:00 a.m.

Crowe MacKay experts will share recent tax developments, tax restructuring basics, and tips on planning for your year-end taxes. This is a complimentary event hosted by Crowe MacKay LLP for the Whitehorse community. RSVP By phone: (867) 667 7651 By email: Kynan.McIntyre@crowemackay.ca acKay LL eM


Audit / Tax / Advisory


acKay LL eM


PUMPKIN PIE Ingredients: 1 ½ cups steamed and strained pumpkin ½ tsp ginger ½ cups brown sugar ½ tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 2 eggs 1 ½ cups milk

Pumpkin muffins are a treat to make with leftover pumpkin


Directions: In a large bowl,cream together shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs, vanilla and pumpkin. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices. Stir into creamed mixture. Stir in raisins, dates, chocolate chips and nuts. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Bake at 350 F for 10 minutes or until golden brown. This will make about 60 cookies.

Crowe MacKay presents



November 6, 2019


Northern History with Doug Sack

The ballad of “Buck” Choquette O

n a recent canoe/camping trip down the majestic Stikine River from Telegraph Creek, B.C., to Wrangell, AK, one name kept popping up on all the tourist info boards along the way to the point where your humble and inquisitive northern history buff had to find out why. Alexandre “Buck” Choquette was born on Aug. 17, 1830 in StBenoît, in the farming county of Deux-Montagnes, in the province of Quebec. When he was 19 and working in a Montreal apothecary as a clerk/bottle-washer, he heard about the rich gold strike at Sutter’s Mill in California and set out to seek his fame and fortune. In the early spring of 1849, he traveled to California via the Lachine Canal, the Rideau Canal, the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Thousand Islands, Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron, and Sault Ste. Marie. Think he was done? Not quite. He also hit Lake Superior, Winnipeg, Duluth, the Mississippi River south to parts of Missouri, including St. Paul, St. Louis, and Independence. Then he joined a wagon train on the Oregon Trail and crossed the Rocky Mountains, came through the Sierra Nevadas over Donner Pass, and arrived in California in July. There, he found all the ground already staked, but got a job as a mine labourer, mucker and panner. He stayed there two years and saved his wages for a grubstake. Between 1851 and 1856, young Buck went north up California towards Canada by following the San Joaquin, Sacramento and Feather Rivers. He joined the crowds to each subsequent gold strike at places like Shasta Mountain, Trinity River, Scott River, Yreka, Jacksonville and Josephine Creek in Oregon Territory before going onto the Fraser River in B.C. in 1857. Everywhere he went he was a day late or a dollar short to get the rich ground. After two years on the Fraser making wages, he heard about the Stikine River way up north next to Alaska. It was at-

tracting prospectors, but was still largely unexplored. He went to Victoria in 1859 looking for a way to get up the coast and found a group of seafaring Tlingit natives going home in a large outrigger canoe. They called themselves Tahltans and agreed to take him on the 1,341-kilometre canoe ride up the Inside Passage to Wrangell on the Stikine delta. In June 1861, after an eventful voyage, they reached the delta area of the Stikine where Buck, 31, met and married Georgiana, the beautiful daughter of the powerful local chief named Shakes. Russia still owned Alaska at the time. In July 1861, shortly after his wedding, he and Georgie left for the top of the Stikine river and “discovered” the glacier which he henceforth called Ice Mountain because it was his first close look at a calving glacier and he was speechless. It is still called Ice Mountain today. One morning in the fall of 1861, he finally had his Eureka moment after taking a random pan near Telegraph Creek. “There’s color enough to match the northern lights!” Buck exclaimed before going into a jig as men crowded around to see the yellow dust gleaming with plenty of heavy gold nuggets. “Buck’s Bar” as it has been known ever since, marks not only the first discovery of gold on the Stikine River and in the huge Cassiar district, it was also the first major gold strike in the Alaska region and led directly to the Stikine Stampede in 1862-63, and to the Cassiar in 1874. On March 13, 1866, Buck went

“Buck was the essence of divine unrest, a ‘49er who lived long enough to be a ‘98er.”

back to Wrangell and married a relative of Georgiana’s named Aggie. When word of the Klondike strike hit the Stikine in the fall of 1896, Buck made plans to send his three oldest sons crosscountry to the Yukon River watershed while he and Aggie went south by steamer to Victoria to purchase everything they needed to open a store in PHOTO: University of Washington / Frank H. Nowell Photographs of Alaska DawsonCity, which they would bring in the Buck Choquette lived in Fort Spring of ‘97 up via St. Michael on Wrangell, Alaska from 1883 the Bering Sea. until 1894. This photo of Fort The boys reached Dawson in the summer of 1897 to meet Buck Wrangell was taken in 1902 and Aggie there. The family then opened a big general store to serve the hundreds of local miners his family until 1870. From 1870 to the summer of and 30,000 stampeders. But in the spring of 1898, Henry, 1875, he lived in Boundary Post his favourite son, was fatally inwith his wife and four children. From 1878 until 1894 he con- jured close to Dawson in an accitinued to barter goods from the dent aboard a sternwheeler. “Buck, 68, collapsed when they company for trade on his own behalf. During the summer of 1878, told him what had happened to his a letter from Chief Factor William son. They all tried to cheer him up Charles was addressed to “BUCK, but Old Man Buck had no spirit to carry on. He died quietly of a Ice Mountain, Stikine River.” By 1880 his address had broken heart that spring of 1898.” changed to Telegraph Creek, and That’s according to his grandson from 1883 until 1894 he was resid- Henry W. Clark who wrote Staming at Fort Wrangell, at the mouth peder about his grandfather in of the Stikine River within Amer- 1930. Buck made a will of his Yukon ican territory. In 1886 Buck and his family holdings on June 15, 1898 and went east to Montreal and Ot- died on or about June 17, leaving tawa, where he had business with behind: the members of Parliament to discuss the Canada/Alaska border • 1 bench claim on Little Skookum, 10th tier. situation. There, Georgiana died of smallpox. She was buried with • ½ interest in #54 Jensen Creek her father, Chief Shakes, in British Columbia. With seven children • 1 bench claim on Eldorado Creek. to look after by then, Buck went into business as an employee of the Hudson’s Bay Company. In 1867 he set up his store between the Porcupine River and Ice Mountain where he remained with

• • •

1/6 interest in #19 above on Last Chance Cash on hand, $1,000. Value of claims listed above: $500.”

“The cold statistics on gold rushers are amazing: Only one in 10 stampeders make enough to pay their way back home; one in seven don’t find any gold at all, and only one out of thousands makes a killing,” wrote Clark. “These men may have been dreamers, always seeking richer, distant fields. They may be called intransigent, or mercurial. Yes, and they were more than that. They were not content to sit at home and dream, they went out in quest of their vision. They did not sit back supinely hoping for a brave new world, they matter-offactly set about building it. They were the essence of divine unrest. That is why Alexandre “Buck” Choquette is a vital part of the story of our great northwest, one of the few who were both a ‘49er and a ‘98er.” As Buck lay quietly dying of grief in Dawson, resigned to his fate, a young stampeder from San Francisco was in the hospital being treated for scurvy. He’d spent the long winter in a cabin on Stewart River where it joins the Yukon River. The young man said he would like to meet a “real” gold prospector after listening to so many Cheechako wannabees all winter. His name was Jack London and Buck spent his last days and hours in Dawson telling him true stories of his long pioneering life in the Northwest. Is it just coincidence, then, that the main character in his most successful novel, The Call of the Wild, is also named Buck? D’s pre-teen grandkids (8, 10 and 12) canoed the Stikine in June, employing their parents as voyageurs but Grandpa’s journey was virtual, based on nightly Sit Reps sent to Whitehorse by Sat phone.

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OFFICE HOURS Monday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

November 6, 2019



NOVEMBER 16 | 10AM – 2PM YUKON CONVENTION CENTRE Augmented Reality, Gold Nugget Draw, Heavy Equipment Display, CKRW Live on Location, Lego Mine Building, Gold Panning Supported by



November 6, 2019


Available Light Cinema Tuesday, nov 1 2 yukon Arts centre

6pm – Honeyland Arguably one of the best observational documentaries of 2019, this triple Sundance award-winner offers up a visual feast and a poignant lesson in human misbehaviour. Haditze Muratova scales her way along the breathtaking Balkan mountainside to check her beloved cache of honeybees. She’s the last of the Macedonian wild beekeepers and lives alone with her ailing mother on a farm unspoiled by electricity or running water. When a nomadic family move in and break Honeyland’s basic rule, Haditze must save the bees and restore natural balance. In Turkish with English subtitles. Dir. Ljubomir Stefanov, Tamara Kotevska, 2019, Macedonia, 86 min. “Honeyland really is a miraculous feat, shot over three years as if by invisible camera.” ~Cath Clarke, The Guardian 8pm – La disparition des lucioles (The Fireflies are Gone)

La disparition des lucioles brings to life the trials and triumphs of Léonie (Karelle Tremblay), a teenager waiting to finish high school and escape her industrial town. The story is anchored by the strong friendship between Léo and her much older guitar teacher which defies expectations as it touches on the characters’ battling egos and negotiations of power. In French with English subtitles. Comédie dramatique de Sébastien Pilote. Avec Karelle Tremblay, Pierre-Luc Brillant, François Papineau. Léonie est une jeune fille marginale qui s’apprête à terminer son secondaire dans une petite ville industrielle. Dir. Sébastien Pilote, 2018, Quebec, 96 min. Presented in partnership with Association franco-yukonnaise. Tix: YAC Box Office + yukontickets.com YukonFilmSociety.com


Help Shape Yukon’s Future

Get on Board! Consider serving on one of the following boards and committees: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Carcross Housing Advisory Board Carmacks Housing Advisory Board Dawson City Housing Advisory Board Faro Housing Advisory Board Haines Junction Housing Advisory Board Mayo Housing Advisory Board Ross River Housing Advisory Board Teslin Housing Advisory Board Watson Lake Housing Advisory Board Whitehorse Housing Advisory Board

Deadline: Contact: ■ ■ ■ ■

Carmacks Renewable Resources Council Dän Keyi Renewable Resources Council Laberge Renewable Resources Council Carcross/Tagish Renewable Resources Council

Deadline: Contact: ■

■ ■ ■

Wellness LISTINGS Wed Nov 6 Restorative Yoga 10:30 AM Alpine Bakery Slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Drop in any time Wed Nov 6 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women & Children Wed Nov 6 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family supports. Wed Nov 6 Drop-in Recovery Group Meetings 2:30 PM Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services Health & Social Services We ask that you be alcohol and drug free during the group meeting. Call for more information. 456-3838 Wed Nov 6 Beginner + Experience – Level 1 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals of yoga including the principles of internal form, breath, and core, Pre-registration appreciated, drop-ins welcome. 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com Wed Nov 6 Managing My Emotional Eating 6:00 PM Whitehorse Health Centre Find out more about what influences our eating behaviours and learn tools to help manage emotional eating. Email CCSP@gov.yk.ca or call 667-8733 to register. Wed Nov 6 Get your Floor Ready for Baby! 6:00 PM Grace Space All material will be provided & snacks will be offered. Wear comfortable clothes to move. Email info@ physioborealis.com for more information. Wed Nov 6 Living Life to the Full 6:00 PM Mental Health Association Yukon Learn how to stop the cycle! Sleep better, feel happier, have more energy, gain confidence, get out more, enjoy better relationships, help others. Register online. Wed Nov 6 Better Backs Hips & Hams 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery Find out exactly what and where your core is, learn how to breath into and from it, engage it, work from it. To register call or email, drop ins welcome! 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com Thu Nov 7 Evening Hatha Yoga 5:30 PM Grace Space Learn principles that will guide your asana practice and your daily mental health, email info@gracespaceyukon.com Thu Nov 7 COPD Wellness Workshop Series 6:00 PM Canada Games Centre A free three-night workshop series, learn about living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Register by calling 667-8733 or emailing CCSP@gov.yk.ca. Thu Nov 7 Ladies Night at Fassy 7:00 PM FASSY an evening of fun activities and socializing for women of all ages. 393-4948 girls@ycommunityliving.com

Or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com

Fri Nov 8 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch for Women & Children 334-9317 Fri Nov 8 Slow Flow Resto - All Levels 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery All Levels – Stretch, gentle flow + restore. Pre-registration appreciated, Drop-ins welcome. Sat Nov 9 Counselling Drop-In and Short Term Counselling Service 11:00 AM Mental Health Association Yukon Free Drop-In counselling is offered every Tuesday 11am 4pm and Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Call 6686429 for more info. Sat Nov 9 Red Tara Practice 12:30 PM VajraNorth Everyone welcome. For more info contact 667-6951 (Cheryl Buchan) 633-3715 Sun Nov 10 Restorative Yoga 10:30 AM Alpine Bakery Slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Drop in any time Sun Nov 10 Gentle Yoga 12:30 PM Rooted Tree Massage & Yoga Get moving and breathing easy with special consideration for those who are stiff, inflexible, and new to yoga. Open to all levels. Call or email to register or drop in. 334-8599 rootedtreemassage@ gmail.com Sun Nov 10 Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:00 PM 509 Hansen Street Contact oayukon@gmail.com for more information Sun Nov 10 Emotional Healing Hypnosis 7:00 PM Rooted Tree Massage & Yoga All suggestions during hypnosis are based around strengthening self-esteem, self-concept, and regaining personal power. Register online. Mon Nov 11 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch for Women & Children 334-9317 Mon Nov 11 Remembrance Day Restorative Mini-Retreat 1:00 PM Alpine Bakery Guided stretching, breathing, tea, healthy treats, very restorative yoga, and yoga nidra. To register email wallymaltz@mac.com Mon Nov 11 Shamata Meditation 5:15 PM White Swan Sanctuary Group meditation all levels welcome Mon Nov 11 Buddhist Meditation Society 5:15 PM White Swan Sanctuary All are welcome! Mon Nov 11 Absolute Beginners – Intro to Yoga 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals of yoga including the principles of internal form, breath, and core, To register call or email 393-4440 wallymaltz@ mac.com Mon Nov 11 Hips Ham Core 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery Find out exactly what and where your core is, learn how to breath into and from it, engage it, work from it To register call or email, drop ins welcome 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac. com Tue Nov 12 Rise + Shine 7:00 AM Alpine Bakery To register call or email 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com

November 29, 2019 Michael McBride (867) 332-7065

Apprentice Advisory Board

Deadline: Contact:

November 29, 2019 Sheila Tarr (867) 667-5129

For application forms and more information visit: www.eco.gov.yk.ca or call toll-free 1-800-661-0408 Application packages can be emailed to: boards.committees@gov.yk.ca

Tue Nov 12 Counselling Drop-In and Short Term Counselling Service 11:00 AM Mental Health Association Yukon Free Drop-In counselling is offered every Tuesday 11am - 4pm and Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Call 668-6429 for more info. Tue Nov 12 Intermediate Yoga - Level 2 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery Explore Alignment and form in a wide range of familiar + new poses. Pre-registration appreciated and drop-ins welcome. 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com Tue Nov 12 Introduction to Meditation 7:15 PM White Swan Sanctuary A 4-session introduction to meditation with video teachings by Yongey Mingur Rinpoche. Wed Nov 13 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women & Children Wed Nov 13 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family supports. Wed Nov 13 Drop-in Recovery Group Meetings 2:30 PM Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services Health & Social Services We ask that you be alcohol and drug free during the group meeting. Call for more information. 456-3838 Wed Nov 13 Sharing Circles 5:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship Centre Men only, Dinner provided Call 633-7688 Wed Nov 13 Beginner + Experience – Level 1 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals of yoga including the principles of internal form, breath, and core, Pre-registration appreciated, drop-ins welcome. 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com Wed Nov 13 Living Life to the Full 6:00 PM Mental Health Association Yukon Learn how to stop the cycle! Sleep better, feel happier, have more energy, gain confidence, get out more, enjoy better relationships, help others. Register online. Wed Nov 13 Living with Loss 6:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library A 2-hr information session you will learn about the grief cycle that happens with any kind of loss. To register, call 667-7429 or email info@hospiceyukon. net Wed Nov 13 The Alzheimer/Dementia Family Caregiver Support Group 7:00 PM Copper Ridge Place A group for family or friends caring for someone with Dementia. Info and register call Joanne 668-7713. Wed Nov 13 Better Backs Hips & Hams 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery Find out exactly what and where your core is, learn how to breath into and from it, engage it, work from it. To register call or email, drop ins welcome! 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.com


Skyblaste rs Fireworks

Until filled David Dugas (867) 667-5798 November 29, 2019 Kathryn Ives (867) 334-8928

Sat Nov 9 Ecstatic Dance 8:00 PM Breath of Life Collective A fun, healing, moving meditation. Come early to stretch and warm up as ambient music plays, then get your groove on with some Reggae/Funk/House. Wear loose clothing and bring water. Sun Nov 10 Velocity/Pursuit Practice 10:30 AM Biathlon Range Mon Nov 11 Spinning with Penny 4:30 PM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre A slow, steady workout with an emphasis on hard resistance work. Call 633-5425 for more info. Tue Nov 12 Adult Biathlon 6:30 PM Biathlon Range Wed Nov 13 Spinning with Penny 4:30 PM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre A slow, steady workout with an emphasis on hard resistance work. Call 633-5425 for more info. Wed Nov 13 Velocity Squad 4:30 PM Biathlon Range

ENTER YOUR EVENTS ON-LINE It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.

November 21, 2019 Colleen Parker (867) 633-7899

Education Appeal Tribunal

Deadline: Contact: ■

Sundays to Fridays, Kickboxing Age 5 - 12 4:00 pm Peak Fitness Wed Nov 6 Spinning with Penny 4:30 PM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre A slow, steady workout with an emphasis on hard resistance work. Call 633-5425 for more info. Wed Nov 6 Velocity Squad 4:30 PM Biathlon Range Thu Nov 7 Cadet-Biathlon 6:30 PM Biathlon Range Fri Nov 8 Strong by Zumba with Lynda 6:00 AM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre Combines high intensity interval training with the science of Synced Music Motivation. Call 633-5245 for more info. Fri Nov 8 Golden Horn Judo 3:30 PM Golden Horn Elementary Sat Nov 9 zFit with Jennifer 10:00 AM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre Call 633-5245 for more info.

Municipal Board

Deadline: Contact: ■

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays, COBRA Self Defense Age 5 - 12 5:00 pm Peak Fitness Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays, Kickboxing Age 13+ 7:00 pm Peak Fitness Mondays & Wednesdays, Judo Age 13+ 6:00 pm Peak Fitness Mondays & Wednesdays Ladies COBRA SD 8:00 PM Peak Fitness Tuesday & Thursdays Grappling 6:00 PM Peak Fitness Tuesday & Thursdays Ladies Kickboxing 5:00 PM Peak Fitness Tuesday & Thursdays Muay Thai 7:00 PM Peak Fitness Fridays & Sundays COBRA FS 8:00 PM N60 Peak Fitness Fridays & Sundays Ladies Grappling 6:00 PM Peak Fitness

Private Investigators and Security Agencies Review Board Licensed Practical Nurse Discipline Panel

Deadline: Contact: ■

November 29, 2019 Michele Campbell (867) 667-3206

Yukon Lottery Commission

Deadline: Contact: ■

November 30, 2019 Yvonne Clarke (867) 667-8541

Community Advisory Board Yukon Police Council Yukon Review Board Yukon Utilities Board

Deadline: Contact: ■

November 15, 2019 Catherine Ford-Lammers (867) 667-5336

Capability and Consent Board

Deadline: Contact: ■

November 30, 2019 Catherine Ford-Lammers (867) 667-5336

Teslin Renewable Resources Council

Deadline: Contact: ■

November 21, 2019 Cindy Schamber (867) 667-3545

Active Interest LISTINGS

Custom Packages

« flying lanterns « fireworks kits « cherry bomb boxes « sound shells « roman candles « floral shells « barrages « fountains « comets « cakes

For more info Chuck

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November 6, 2019



CURL KIDSSAKE by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yukon

Sunday November 17, 2019


Everyone is welcome to participate. No experience necessary! Teams of 4-5 players each. All ages welcome!


A full day of fun, starting with an instructional and practice session. Use of equipment is supplied free of charge by the Curling Club. There will be a morning game followed by a lunch, and an afternoon game. There will be chances to win prizes, 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction!


For a great cause and to have a great time! A great ‘Team Building’ activity and a chance to try something new.


Sign up your team(s) at no cost to you and ask for pledges from friends, family, neighbours and co-workers! Register your team(s) by November 14th by contacting Angela Krueger 668-7911 or bbbsyukon@gmail.com.



November 6, 2019


Seasonal Recipes with Sydney Keddy

Okra and bacon rice pilaf


omewhere between jambalaya and a simple pilaf this rice dish can be a hearty side or the base for a meal when topped with a fried egg. If you’re not the sort to use a powdered bouillon make sure to aggressively season this dish and taste it at several different points during cooking. Or replace the water with any sort of stock you have on hand. Serves 2 as a main, or 4 as a side INGREDIENTS

❑ 3 strips thick-cut bacon, chopped

❑ 1 small red onion, finely

PHOTOS: Sydney Keddy


❑ 1 cup chopped okra ❑ 1 large tomato, chopped ❑ Salt and pepper to taste ❑ 1 cup par-boiled rice ❑ 2 cups water ❑ 2 tsp chicken bouillon (optional)

❑ Big pinch red pepper flakes (optional)

Onions and bacon

Chopped okra

cont’d on page 17 ...

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Tell us about wine Tell us about beer Tell us about yourself

We’re looking for Columnists with Spirit! Please email our editor: editor@whatsupyukon.com

November 6, 2019



Celebrating 25 years of guiding Yukoners on their path

Okra and bacon rice pilaf ... cont’d

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All the vegetables and bacon sauteed together

Rice cooked into the saute

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In a large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat cook the bacon until crisp and brown. Once the bacon has rendered add the red onion and cook until translucent (about 3 minutes), then add chopped okra and tomato. Cook until tomato and okra have softened (about 6 minutes) then season to taste with salt and pepper. Add rice and toss until incorporated, then add water (and chicken bouillon and red pepper flakes if using) and bring to a simmer.


Once the liquid is simmering turn heat to low and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Cook until all the liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes, then remove from heat. Serve as a side with any sort of grilled

or roasted meat, or top with an egg for a light supper.

Live Every Friday 6-8 pm Steve Slade Saturday Nights 10 cover $

Live music from 7-10pm

Topped with an egg for dinner

Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.

9 16 23 30

Closed for private event Graeme and Selena Peters Blues Cargo Kim Beggs

Full menu available FridaySunday


Sydney Keddy is a recipe developer who lives in Whitehorse. Her work can be found in The Boston Globe, Seriouseats. com, as well as other publications.

Paninis have arrived.

THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Canada Games Centre - 456-7690, 2190 Second Ave - 668-6889, 212 Main Street - 393-5000

Friday 4 -10 pm Saturday 1-10 pm Sunday 1-9 pm 867-668-7800 Watch for our “Daily Specials” and “Live Music” updates Find us on the Carcross Corner, 20 km south of Whitehorse on the Alaska Hwy

Join Us

Thursdays Open Mic

November Lineup

with Steve Slade


Tarot Tuesday

Fri Nov 8: KINGSWARDFISH Band Hours Sat Nov 9: Selina and Tara pm Sun Nov 10: Peter Jickling Poetry Night to7:30 10:30 pm Fri Nov 15: KABN Sat Nov 16: Perfectly Melancholy Sun Nov 17: D-Side on the B-Side with host Scott Maynard Fri Nov 22: Blues Cargo Sat Nov 23: Stockstill and Rose Sun Nov 24: Trivia with Jona Barr and Adrian Burrill Fri Nov 29: Ryan McNally Sat Nov 30: Manuel Kennedy-Kuiper & Graeme Poile Sun Dec 1: The Garlic Munchers Best Western Gold Rush Inn

411 Main Street, Whitehorse, 668-4500 Breakfast Menu: Weekdays 7-11 am, Weekends until 2 pm


November 6, 2019


Running on a postcard

The climb from the start line isn’t so bad, since you run down it to the same finish line

by Barry “Jack” Jenkins

PHOTOS: Danny Macdonald

The iconic views of the Santorini Experience serve as an amazing, hilly 15-kilometre run by Danny Macdonald


fter scraping to survive the half marathon on Skiathos and then eating and drinking my way through Greece, I approached the Oct. 5 run on Santorini with some hesitation. My concerns were for naught as the course on Santorini, while challenging, was more comparable to our local Yukon River Trail Marathon course than the Skiathos course I faced two weeks earlier. The race began near Oia, the picturesque town of white-washed buildings and blue roofs, where visitors gather to see postcard sunsets. From there, participants run up a steep climb that includes natural steps and skirts along the

The first part of the race has some choke points that force single-file passage

bay overlooking the caldera of the old volcano. The early morning temperatures and light make it an enjoyable excursion and most participants are caught in the masses on the hill and at some choke points that require singlefile traffic. After scaling the first hill climb on a gravel trail, runners began a long descent to the road, before facing another long climb over the second hill on the course. It is noticeable in the distance. The orange race shirts given to participants stuck out in a long line along the trail rounding the mountain in the distance. The climb was on loose rock and trail, which made for a difficult and challenging climb. After crossing the hill, runners rounded onto the city portion of the run at the five-kilometre mark and began running on cobblestone and cement walkways as the course entered the first parts of the main town on Santorini, Fira. By then, it was morning. Tourists were out and exploring, which added a new challenge to navigating the course. The Santorini Experience is an out-and-back course, so the five-kilometre mark was the turnaround for 10 kilometre runners. The 15 kilometre runners knew they only had another two-anda-half kilometres to their turnaround. Unfortunately, there was

a long, casual downhill to that checkpoint in Fira, so immediately afterwards, runners were forced to run right back up the course. One runner took advantage of this and once he got back to the 10 kilometre turnaround, he had volunteers record his proposal to his girlfriend, to share with her once the were both done the race. That’s the sort of thing that happens on Santorini - engagements, honeymoons and weddings. For racers, that out-and-back was the most frustrating part of the course. For all the beautiful views and enjoyable trails, runners knew they would be running back up every downhill portion. The lone exception was that runners took a different cobblestone trail at the 11 kilometre checkpoint to go around the second hill, instead of over the top on the return leg. The start of the race featured a long climb over the hill, and this created a pleasant kilometre long downhill to the finish line, that my weary legs welcomed. The uneven ground did challenge fatigued muscles, but not to the same extent that the Skiathos run had done. The Santorini Experience was a very enjoyable run that created a community event for all participants to enjoy. cont’d on page 19 ...



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November 6, 2019



Running on a postcard ... cont’d The final summit brings an end to the uphill run

The Santorini Experience starts early in the morning with low light and cool temperatures

The race enters into Fira along the paved walkways and white-washed buildings

Runners stretch out to the summit of the first hill on the course

The 11 km checkpoint diverts runners from the path back over the hill, instead taking a hiking path around the mountain and providing a recovery

WHY MAKE YOUR OWN WINE? Danny Macdonald is the editor of What’s Up Yukon. He is a lifelong Yukoner who is active in sports, community organizations and the Yukon’s events scene.

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November 6, 2019


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November 6, 2019



Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable How embracing your awkwardness can help you be a better leader

Maureen Johnstone is a leadership and personal coach for passionate, socially conscious leaders and entrepreneurs

participants embracing their awkwardness and vulnerability to become better leaders–in their own lives and for those around them. Awkwardness and vulnerability can seem to many like something uncomfortable, unwanted, and out of place in the work setting. But, when embraced, they can have a great impact. They can help people connect, communicate, and go further. On the individual level, our awkwardness is a resource to getting us closer toward our goals. For Johnstone, a leader who is willing to be awkward and vulnerable is PHOTO: courtesy of Maureen Johnstone one that is willby Selene Vakharia ing to truly aureen Johnstone is a connect with those around them. leadership coach and It is from this place of connection the founder of Raven- that we are able to be great leadtree Coaching. She’ll be lead- ers. “As a leader we want to be ing a workshop at the upcoming She/Ze Leads the World Women’s comfortable with feeling awkward Leadership Summit that will have because that’s where we are most



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apt to be able to connect with someone else,” said Johnstone. “Ultimately, it’s about being seen and being heard–being visible. That’s awkward. That’s really uncomfortable. So, if you’re not willing to do that, you’re not going to be able to engage. It’s harder for people to see you and get to know you if you’re not willing to put yourself out there.” Johnstone acknowledges that there is a risk and discomfort in the awkwardness. But, for Johnstone, the discomfort is key to the leadership journey. In order to do great things in our lives, we need to get “comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Anyone who is trying to do something big will stumble and fall. Part of the formula is being open to that and being able to pick yourself up and carry on. Johnstone spoke to the tolerance for discomfort and to building resiliency to these stumbles as a practice of being courageous. “In order to be vulnerable, we need to have a courage practice,” said Johnstone. “And that involves understanding at a deeper level what are those buttons, those triggers, that potentially send us right into shame in a blink.” In Johnstone’s session at the summit, she will help participants embrace vulnerability and awkwardness and redefine it. Rather

than being a negative undesirable, they will learn to define is as a positive. “Vulnerability and awkwardness–we make it about being something wrong,” said Johnstone. “And I want to make it about being something right and really support leaders in being able to practice courage in those moments of vulnerability so that they don’t feel like they aren’t enough, or will never be enough, or that they’re a failure.” By becoming aware of their triggers that happen when we step out of our comfort zones and by acknowledging the emotion of vulnerability, participants will begin to build a courage practice in their own lives. The journey isn’t a fast one, but it is a powerful one. SHE/ZE Leads the World is hosted by SMRT WOMEN and the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre and will be held November 1921. Event details and tickets are available at yukonleadershipsummit.com

Selene Vakharia is a freelance writer in Whitehorse. To comment on her story email editor@whatsupyukon.com.


November 6, 2019


The Delta Rambler with Dennis Allen

Dennis shares a tale of where he (maybe) got his guitar skills

Deals with the Anaatquuq A

s a musician, you put yourself out there in the public and you have to be ready to appease your fans. That means answering questions after the show. The most common question I get is, “How long have you been playing?” Well, I’m here to tell you, I don’t know. It seems music has always been a part of me. Growing up in Inuvik, everybody played music. When I was 12 years old, I was singing about prison and booze and loose women. I had no idea what the hell I was singing about, we just sung ‘em cause that’s what we heard. Anyway, let me tell you how I got into this mess.

I was eight years old and walking home from playing baseball one hot August night. I heard a knock at a window from the Old Folks Home across the road. It was an old Anaatquuq, (an Inuvialuit shaman) named Rufus who was blind as a bat. How the hell he ever knew I was walking past, I’ll never know. His dark sunken eyeballs and shock of wild, white hair freaked the living Jesus right out of me. As wigged out as I was, I froze in my runners at such a sight. He motioned with his hands for me to come in and pointed to the side door. I didn’t know whether to blow bubbles or do a tap dance to

PHOTO: Pixabay tell you the truth, but I walked to the side door anyway. I was standing there, wondering whether or not to knock when he pushed the door open and was standing there like Chucky. I let out a weak scream and dog-gone near fainted. I wanted to make a mad dash out of there, but something drew me to him as he led me down the narrow hallway, running his hands along the walls for guidance. He sat down and started talking to me in Inuvialuktun. I had no idea what he was talking about, but was comfortable with it cause my dad used to talk Inuvialuktun all the time. At that time, I was playing around with my brother Gerry’s little Stella Acoustic guitar. He used to keep it in a gunny sack and drive his dog-team to all his girlfriends in the Mackenzie Delta and sing old cowboy songs. I used to sneak it down when he wasn’t home and pretend to play it. I really liked CCR and would pretend to sing Lodi. “Left a good job in the city. Working for the man every night and day.” I had no idea how to play it, but I sure tried. But back to the Old Rufus. He was asking me something, but I didn’t understand him. He repeated himself a few times, but I still didn’t get it. All I knew was a few swear words and a couple of body parts. Then he made a motion like he was playing guitar. “Guitar? You want a guitar?” He shook his head “no” and

pointed at me and made the guitar-playing motion again. “Do I play guitar?” “Eee. Eee,” he replied. “Yeah I do, I mean, I want to play guitar.” Then he grabbed my hands and starting chanting some old song in Inuvialuktun. I tried to pull my hands away, but his grip got tighter and tighter. Then he stood up and got louder and louder. “Ah yah yah. Ah yah yah yah.” I got so blasted scared I started to cry, but no tears came out or no sound came out of my mouth. I just stood there terrified at the sight of that old man with milky white eyes and a big black hole where his teeth used to be. His bony, cold hands gripped mine until they started to hurt. He threw his head back and went into a deep trance. “AH YAH YAH.” When I felt his grip loosen, I yanked my hands free and bolted out the door. I ran up the road looking back every few seconds to make sure he wasn’t chasing me. Instead he was watching me through the window and laughing like Jack Nicholson. I ran into my house and was hiding under the bed when my sister asked me what I was doing. I told her Old Rufus was chasing me and he was gonna eat me. She busted out laughing and said, “As if.” After I quit shaking, I peeked out the window to see if he was outside.

Then, I don’t know why, but I took my brother’s Stella guitar out of the gunny sack. He had a piece of twine for a strap and I hung it over my shoulder like a rock star and made a guitar chord, something I’d never done before. Then I played the guitar intro to the CCR song, Lodi; Da da da dum, da da da dum, da da da dum dum dum dum. I’d always pretended I knew it, but now I was actually playing all the right chords. Then I jumped on my brother’s bed and starting singing it, word for word. It was like something possessed me and was singing and playing guitar instead of me. It was 8:30 p.m. on Aug. 18, 1969, the exact moment CCR was taking the stage at Woodstock. The reason I know is because it was my cousin Ebun’s birthday the next day and he wouldn’t let me come into his party cause I didn’t bring him a present. Anyway, nobody was there to witness what happened to me. Some people say my imagination is too wild and that I’m just telling tall tales. But you believe me. Don’t you?

Dennis Allen is an awardwinning filmmaker, forlorn songwriter and hopeless storyteller. He’s the only guy he knows who’s never seen the Stones.

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November 6, 2019



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November 6, 2019


Lest we forget

Yukon communities will remember on Nov. 11

by Danny Macdonald

PHOTOS: Lauren Humble

Remembrance Day activities are organized by local members of the Royal Canadian Legion

Whitehorse Legion president Joe Mewett presents the first poppy to Commissioner Angelique Bernard


Members of the Royal Canadian Legion gather to present the first poppy on Oct. 25

In Flanders Fields by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae



Nov. 11 10:30 a.m. Canada Games Centre

Nov. 11 Assemble 10:30 a.m. Robert Service School Gym

TESLIN Nov. 11 10:30 a.m. The Cenotaph in front of the Village of Teslin office Potluck lunch to follow

HAINES JUNCTION Nov. 11 Ceremony starts promptly at 10:30 a.m. St. Elias Convention Centre

Rangers to lay wreath at Cenotaph following ceremony Reception to follow Dawson City Museum *Elder Joseph Naytowhow from Saskatchewan in Dawson will be singing a Cree Honour Song

FARO Nov. 11 Doors 10:00 a.m. Seating 10:20 a.m. Faro Recreation Centre

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields! Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields


ach year we hope you take the time to remember on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, wherever we are. In the modern world and as we become more disconnected from the memories of what occurred, it becomes more important that we share the necessity of recalling what may occur when we throw our women and men into war. We owe them gratitude and we owe them remembering the costs so that no one should have to be asked to do so again. Each Yukon community has different traditions that they share on Nov. 11, but we hope that you take the time to acknowledge the history and men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Danny Macdonald is the editor of What’s Up Yukon. He is a lifelong Yukoner who is active in sports, community organizations and the Yukon’s events scene.

November 6, 2019



Coastal Tlingit translation provided by Bessie Cooley

Southern Tutchone translation provided by Champagne and Aishihik First Nations

Northern Tutchone translation provided by Selkirk First Nation

Tagish translation provided by Patrick Moore

Hän translation provided by Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in

French translation provided by Sylvie Binette

Gunalchéesh / Shäw níthän Másin / Gùnèłchīsh / Mähsi’ Cho Thank you / Merci Thank you to all our funders, sponsors, donors, Elders, volunteers, presenters, and participants for making this event a success! 4imprint Alaska State Library Anastasia Wiley Anne Ranigler The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley Barbara Hogan Bessie Cooley Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec Cathy Hines Champagne & Aishihik First Nations Chuck Hume Corinna Cook Courtney Wheelton Daghaalhaan K’e Da Kų Cultural Centre Dakwäkäda Dancers Daniel Henry David Neufeld David Schlosser Deborah Lemaire


Dev Manning Douglas Hitch Elaine Tennant Frances Woolsey Georgette McLeod Haines Sheldon Museum Hän Singers Heather McIntyre Inkspirationz Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Dancers John Cloud John Fingland Kaitlin Normandin Karen Routledge Krista Reid Lani Hotch Leighann Chalykoff Lesley Buchan Lianne Maitland Linaya Workman Linda Johnson Lorna Kirwan

PARTNERS: Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Centre



Marsha Hotch Michael Gates Michael Pealow Nadine Helm Nancy Lewis-DeGraff Parks Canada Patrick Moore Rick Lemaire Ron Chambers Ron & Kip Veale Sally Robinson Selkirk First Nation Sheila Greer Sylvie Binette Teri-Lee Isaac Theresa Salazar Timothy Koepke Tom Buzzell Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in University of Alaska Anchorage University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Washington Val Chambers Valery Monahan Yann Herry Yukon Archives


November 6, 2019


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November 6, 2019



Highlights L’Association franco-yukonnaise présente un

Holiday Markets Whitehorse

Sat Nov 16 Global Village Craft Fair 11:00 am The Old Fire Hall Take action as a global citizen and show solidarity with producers around the world by purchasing fair trade products and helping to promote fair trade in your community! Sun Nov 17 Christmas Antique, Vintage & Collectibles Sale 11:00 am Golden Age Society Find that perfect Christmas gift. Sun Nov 17 Spruce Bog Craft Fair 11:00 am Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Over 75 artisans and crafts people, only hand made in Yukon products. Sat Nov 23 to Sun Dec 15 YÚK’E Arts Market Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Showcasing and selling Yukon Indigenous art, craft and gift products in a beautiful gallery setting throughout the Christmas shopping season. Sat Nov 23 Re:Design 5 11:00 am The Old Fire Hall Artisans embracing creative reuse by working with discarded and salvaged materials to make new products. Sun Nov 24 2019 Cranberry Fair 10:30 am Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Exceptional classic arts event delivering on its promise of quality and originality in Yukon arts and crafts. Email cranberryfair@live.com for more information. Fri Nov 29 to Sat Nov 30 Heart to Home Christmas Market 11:00 am Westmark Whitehorse Held in Conference Room 3, Crafters of all types, Yukon and Atlin Artisans only. Open to Seniors and people with mobility issues an hour earlier. Sun Dec 1 Country Christmas Craft Fair 12:00 pm Lorne Mountain Community Centre From silversmith to pottery, chocolates to socks, woodwork to morels and more! Hot drinks and homemade treats at our Cranberry Cafe Soups and treats. For more info call 667-7083 Sat Dec 7 Winterval Santa Parade 4:00 pm Main Street - Downtown Floats, guests and parade watchers are encouraged for join us in the favourite costumes. Email anne@ csrmanagement.ca for more info. Thu Dec 12 to Mon Dec 23 12 Days of Christmas Market 12:00 pm Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Yukon artisans gather to showcase and sell artwork, crafts, food, and more! Saturday – Wednesday 10am-7pm Thursday & Friday 10am-9pm


Sat Nov 30 & Sat Dec 14 Atlin Christmas Craft Fair 11:00 am Atlin Rec Centre To book a table call 250651-7663, concession will be open.

Dawson City

Sat Nov 16 Little Blue Daycare Christmas Bazaar 11:00 am Robert Service School Santa pics 12-2 pm, shop from a large variety of vendors for local, handmade items, get a bite to eat at the concession. To rent a table email littlebluelearningcentre@gmail.com or call 993-5167 Sat Nov 23 KIAC’s Annual Christmas Art & Craft Fair 12:00 pm KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Shop local for one-of-a-kind, hand-made gifts by local artists and makers. Call 9935005 for more info. Fri Dec 6 DCMF Presents - Winter Bizarre! 2:00 pm KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A night of live music, games, auctions, food, drinks, karaoke, live radio, photo booth, and a general feeling of good cheer! For more info email info@dcmf.com or call 993-5584. Fri Dec 6 Celebration of Lights 4:00 pm WaterFront Park Celebrate the beginning of the holiday season! With music, food, fun times, and the lighting of the front street decorations. Free and fun for the whole family! Sat Dec 7 Last Minute Christmas Bazaar 11:00 am Tr’ondek Hwech’in Community Hall Don’t miss the last Christmas Bazaar of the season and your chance to shop for local, handmade crafts, baked goods and other items. Sat Dec 7 The Nutcracker 3:00 pm Diamond Tooth Gerties Talented locals and experienced dancers from Whitehorse team up to ring in the festive season with this famous story. Sat Dec 21 Christmas Boat Parade 6:00 pm Dawson City Visitor Information Centre Festive vessels will take to the streets and parade through town to spread Christmas cheer!


Sat Nov 30 W.I.G.S Annual Christmas Bazaar 1:00 pm Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and support local! To rent a table and sell your goods call 996-2924 for more info.

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture Dawson City, YT

Boys and Girls Club of Yukon


: In FreeWhat Teen Drop Ages 11 to 18 Free snack and meal

Free Teen Drop In Ages 11 to 18 Free snack and meal When: Tuesdays to Saturdays 3When: PM to 9 PM

The Best Things in Life are… Rescued!

Are you ready for a puppy? Come down and meet: Bane is an active and talkative guy who loves to be around people.

Thursday, November 7th

Business After Hours

La Bohème

Saturday, November 16th

Wine Tasting & Pairing Friday, November 22nd

Venez rencontrer notre équipe de développement économique!

Matthew Cardinal

Saturday, November 23nd

Holiday Art & Craft Fair Submissions accepted till Monday, December 23rd

Wednesdays to Saturdays Where: 3 PM to 9 PM 306A Alexander Street

Dawson City International Short Film Festival 2020

Look for the big green door!

Where: 306A Registration: Alexander Street Contact KhoiLook Truong,for ad@bgcyukon.com the orbig 867-393-2824 ext. 202 green door! Contact: Web: bgcyukon.com Facebook: bgcyukon Twitter: @bgcyukon

Ph. (867) 393-2824

Robyn is a happy girl who loves to jump!

Tuesdays - Fridays 12pm-6pm Saturdays - 10am-6pm 126 Tlingit St, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6J2 | Tel: 867 633 6019

Jeudi 7 novembre, 17 h à 19 h Collège du Yukon au NorthLight Innovation 2180, 2e Avenue

October 3rd – November 15th

Coney Island, Baby

Tel: (867) 993-5005 Fax: (867) 993-5838 Website: www.kiac.ca


305 Main Street, Whitehorse 305 Main Street, Whitehorse

305 Main Street, Whitehorse November 5 BEGINNER SEWING: TOTES! 6 - 9pm ……………………….. WOOD LATHE 101 6 - 9pm ……………………….. METAL SHOP SAFETY ORIENTATION 7 - 9pm ……………………….. November 8 FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIALS IN THE MAKESPACE (MEMBERS EVENT) 6 - 8pm ……………………….. November 12 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 5 - 6pm ……………………….. INTERMEDIATE SEWING: ZIPPERS 6 - 9pm ……………………….. WOODSHOP ORIENTATION 7 - 9pm ……………………….. November 13 ALL-AND-ONE MENTOR NIGHT 6 - 9pm ……………………….. November 14 CARVEY EQUIPMENT CELEBRATION (MEMBERS EVENT) 5 - 7pm ……………………….. PUBLIC TOUR EVERY TUESDAY AT 12 NOON ……………………….. Open Hours: Wed-Sun 1pm-9pm

WELCOME WEDNESDAY NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 10:30am ……………………….. PUBLIC TOUR EVERY TUESDAY AT 12 NOON ……………………….. Open Hours Mon- Fri 9am-5pm

NorthLight Innovation Building 2180 2nd Ave



The Focus and Edge The Focus and Edge Galleries Galleries

Come Drop In Second Monday of the Month


The Focus and Edge Galleries Secret Kingdom Secret Kingdom Virginie Hamel Virginie Hamel

Cutting Edge

Northern Heart Northern NorthernCultrual Heart Erin Oliver-Beebe Erin Oliver-Beebe Expressions Society On View Until On View Until Dwellings Saturday October 26 Saturday October Dan Brown Hozjan26

On View WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS November 1 - 30 Brick Stitch Earrings Brick Stitch Earrings Sheelah Tolton WORKSHOPS Sheelah Tolton Nov. 16 Nov. 16 1:00 - 4:00 pm 1:00 - 4:00 pm Pysanky Ornaments Brick Stitch Earrings Pysanky Ornaments Sheelah Tolton Sheelah Tolton Sheelah Tolton Dec. 14 Nov. 16 Dec. 14 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am- -4:00 12:00 1:00 pmpm 1:00 - 4:00 pm 1:00 - 4:00 pm


6:30-9 pm at The Royal Canadian Legion

CLOSED for lunch10am-3pm, 12-12:30pm OPEN WEEKDAYS OPEN SATURDAYS 10am-2pm for CLOSED for lunch 12-12:30pm Family Drop-In OPEN SATURDAY’s 10am-2pm Programs are are FREE FREE Programs

503 Steele Street, Whitehorse $2 Drop-In Fee

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at the

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Pysanky Ornaments Sheelah Tolton Winter workshops Winter workshops will be announced Dec. 14 will be announced November 1stpm 9:00 am - 12:00 November 1st 1:00 - 4:00 pm Kids’ Mask Making Cat Jamnicky Sat. Dec. 21 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

For a complete list of our For a complete list of our winter workshops visit, winter workshops visit, artsunderground.ca artsunderground.ca

For a complete list of our workshops visit, artsunderground.ca Winter workshops will be announced

2:30pm Time Bandits An eye-popping and giddy fairy tale for youngsters! In this fantastic voyage through time and space from Terry Gilliam (Brazil), a boy named Kevin escapes his gadget-obsessed parents to join a band of time-traveling dwarfs. Armed with a map stolen from the Supreme Being they plunder treasure from Napoleon (Ian Holm) and Agamemnon (Sean Connery)—but the Evil Genius is watching their every move. At once a Monty-Pythonesque revisionist history lesson, and a satire of technology gone awry. Recommended for ages 9+. Dir. Terry Gilliam, 1981, UK, 116 min. Family pass (for fam of 5): $28, all other tickets: $9 “Gilliam fills the screen with bizarre images, and directs with a breathless ingenuity.” ~Nigel Floyd, Time Out Tix: YAC Box Office + yukontickets.com YukonFilmSociety.com



November 6, 2019



Fridays and Saturdays Atlin Community Library 2:00 PM Wed Nov 6 Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet Bowling 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre Fri Nov 8 Thrift Shop 2:00 PM St. Martin’s Anglican Church Sun Nov 10 Atlin Christian Centre 10:30 AM Atlin Christian Centre Sun Nov 10 St. Martins Anglican Church Service 11:00 AM St. Martin’s Anglican Church Wed Nov 13 Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet Bowling 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre


Mondays and Fridays Tot Time 9:30 am Nelnah Bessie John School Tuesdays and Saturdays Volleyball 8:00 pm Beaver Creek Community Club


Tue Nov 12 Digital Skills for the Work World 9:00 AM Jacquot Hall Burwash Landing Learn basic computer skills to help you along in the work world. call 841-4274 for more information.


Tue Nov 12 Art & Wellness Series - Family Trees 6:00 PM Carcross Learning Centre Everyone welcome, no experience required. Snacks will be provided.Call 821-8800 for more information Tue Nov 12 Women’s Group 7:00 PM Carcross Community Campus 821-4251


Until Nov 15 Coney Island Baby KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A collaborative project created by Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Jeneen Frei Njootli, Chandra Melting Tallow and Tania Willard on Secwépemc territory, emphasizing invisible labour and Indigenous-led economies. Wed Nov 6 Active Aging 55+ 10:00 AM Minto Park Improve movement patterns for everyday activities. Register at the Rec Centre Office. Wed Nov 6 Learn to Skate - Grades 2-5 2:00 PM Dawson City Arena Learn and improve on figure skating. Call 993-7400 Ext 299 for more information. Wed Nov 6 Zumba 5:15 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@cityofdawson. ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Wed Nov 6 Fitness Fusion 6:30 PM Minto Park Dance and fitness. Register at the Recreation Office or call 993-7400 ext 299 Thu Nov 7 Zumba Light 5:30 PM Minto Park Calorie burning dance fitness but lower intensity. Register at the Recreation Office or call 9937400 ext 299 Thu Nov 7 Against the Grain Theatre’s ‘La Bohème 7:30 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A modern adaptation and English translation of the Puccini classic shifts the tale of struggling artists to the present-day, and unfolds entirely inside a local bar. Tickets available at the door. 993-5005 Thu Nov 7 Adult Soccer 8:00 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@cityofdawson. ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Thu Nov 7 Karaoke in the Lounge 10:00 PM Westminster Hotel Fri Nov 8 Play Like a Girl - Hockey Jamboree Dawson City Arena All skill levels, ages 5-15 and banquet. Register at the Recreation Office or call 993-7400 ext 299 Fri Nov 8 Super Seniors Weights 55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre Fri Nov 8 Women & Weights (Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Fri Nov 8 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondek Hwech’in Youth Centre Fri Nov 8 Sam Connolly in the Tavern 6:00 PM Westminster Hotel Fri Nov 8 48 Film Challenge Simultaneous Screening 7:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Screen entries produced during the 2019 Yukon 48 (hour) film challenge and vote for the favourite. 393-6040 Fri Nov 8 Youth Centre Open Gym 7:30 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Sat Nov 9 Open Studio/Saturday Painting 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A communal afternoon time to work on personal projects. Bring your own ideas and painting surfaces. Paints, brushes and easels are supplied, no instruction offered. All ages welcome, Sat Nov 9 Medieval Knights 2:00 PM Minto Park For more information contact the recreation department recreation@cityofdawson.ca, 9937400 ext.299 Sat Nov 9 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondek Hwech’in Youth Centre Sat Nov 9 Women’s Volleyball 4:00 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@cityofdawson. ca, 993-7400 ext.299

Sat Nov 9 Youth Centre Open Gym 6:15 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Sat Nov 9 The Riverbends in the Lounge 11:00 PM Westminster Hotel Sun Nov 10 Under 5 Open Gym 10:30 AM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Sun Nov 10 St. Paul’s Church Service 10:30 AM St Paul’s Church 867-993-5381 Sun Nov 10 Cricket 4:30 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Sun Nov 10 Table Tennis 6:30 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Mon Nov 11 Family Play Group 10:00 AM Trinke Zho Introduce your child to active learning through play. For more info call 9937400 ext 299 Mon Nov 11 Super Seniors Weights 55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre Mon Nov 11 Women & Weights (Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Mon Nov 11 Zumba Fitness 5:30 PM Minto Park Calorie burning dance fitness. Register at the Recreation Office or call 993-7400 ext 299 Mon Nov 11 Fitness Fusion 6:30 PM Minto Park Dance and fitness. Register at the Recreation Office or call 993-7400 ext 299 Mon Nov 11 Family Badminton 6:30 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Mon Nov 11 Adult Basketball 8:00 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Tue Nov 12 Learn to Skate - Ages 3-5 10:45 AM Dawson City Arena 20 minutes of instructions, 10 minutes of free skate. Call 9937400 Ext 299 for more information. Tue Nov 12 Hand Building Pottery Drop In 6:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Basic Tools and materials supplied - no instruction provided. Enter through the back door. Tue Nov 12 Step n Strong 7:00 PM Robert Service School For more information email: getrealfit@me.com 867-993-2520 Tue Nov 12 Dawson City Council Meeting 7:00 PM Dawson City Town Hall Meetings are aired live on Dawson City TV Channel 12. Council holds a Question Period at each meeting that takes place towards the end of the meeting. This provides the public an opportunity to ask Council questions. 867-9937400 Tue Nov 12 Adult Volleyball 7:00 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Tue Nov 12 Adult Soccer 8:00 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Wed Nov 13 Active Aging 55+ 10:00 AM Minto Park Improve movement patterns for everyday activities. Register at the Rec Centre Office. Wed Nov 13 Learn to Skate - Grades 2-5 2:00 PM Dawson City Arena Learn and improve on figure skating. Call 993-7400 Ext 299 for more information. Wed Nov 13 Zumba 5:15 PM Robert Service School For more information contact the recreation department recreation@ cityofdawson.ca, 993-7400 ext.299 Wed Nov 13 Fitness Fusion 6:30 PM Minto Park Dance and fitness. Register at the Recreation Office or call 993-7400 ext 299


Wed Nov 6 Faro Fire Department Meeting 7:00 PM Faro Fire Hall Faro Fire Department Wednesday Meeting. Thu Nov 7 Parent & Tot Storytime 10:00 AM Faro Community Library For babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be provided Fri Nov 8 Teen Drop in Gym 7:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Sun Nov 10 Faro Church of Apostles Mass 10:00 AM Church of Apostles Sun Nov 10 Faro Bible Chapel Sunday Service 10:30 AM Faro Bible Chapel with Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442 994-2442 Tue Nov 12 Parent & Tot Storytime 10:00 AM Faro Community Library For babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be provided


Daily Haines Public Library Open Hours: MonWed 11-8 | Fri 10-6 | Sat/Sun 1:30-4:30| Thurs/ Fri Closed #907-766-2545 Mondays and Wednesdays Kids Jujutsu 5:00 pm Chilkat Center For The Arts Nov 6-9 Alaska Bald Eagle Festival American Bald Eagle Foundation The Festival includes daily presentations, tours, a banquet, films and a bazaar featuring local artists. Wed Nov 6 Aqua Aerobics 8:00 AM Haines Borough Swimming Pool

ENTER YOUR EVENTS ON-LINE It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. Or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com

Wed Nov 6 Sword Class 6:30 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts Wed Nov 6 Open Mic Nite 10:00 PM Pioneer Bar Thu Nov 7 Ashtanga Yoga with Melina 9:30 AM Chilkat Center For The Arts Thu Nov 7 Starvin’ Marvin Gardenin’ 12:00 PM Haines Borough Public Library Fri Nov 8 Aqua Aerobics 8:00 AM Haines Borough Swimming Pool Fri Nov 8 Tai Chi - Advanced 10:15 AM Chilkat Center For The Arts Fri Nov 8 Nature Hike/ Foraging 11:00 AM Haines Borough Public Library Fri Nov 8 Story Time 12:00 PM Haines Borough Public Library fohbpl@gmail.com Fri Nov 8 Yoga with Mandy 1:00 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts Fri Nov 8 American Legion Burger Night 6:00 PM American Legion Sat Nov 9 Tai Chi 11:00 AM Chilkat Center For The Arts Sun Nov 10 Sunday Worship 11:00 AM Haines Presbyterian Church Sun Nov 10 Bible Club - Sunday School 12:30 PM Haines Presbyterian Church Mon Nov 11 Aqua Aerobics 8:00 AM Haines Borough Swimming Pool Mon Nov 11 Mother Goose Stories and Songs 11:00 AM Haines Borough Public Library fohbpl@gmail.com Mon Nov 11 Yoga with Mandy 1:00 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts Mon Nov 11 Adults Jujutsu 6:30 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts Tue Nov 12 Ashtanga Yoga with Melina 9:30 AM Chilkat Center For The Arts Tue Nov 12 Women’s Fellowship 3:00 PM Haines Senior Center

Tue Nov 12 North of 60 Seniors Cafe. We heat the beverages, you heat the air. 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Tue Nov 12 Yoga with Richard 5:30 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Tue Nov 12 Local Advisory Council 7:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre followed by hot apple cider and refreshments. 660-4999


Daily, Mondays to Fridays, Mom, Dad & Me Toddler Time 9:00 am Skagway Alaska Appropriate for 2 - 4 yrs. of age & caregiver, Free drop-in. Call 907-983-2679 for more info. Wed Nov 6 SpinFlex 6:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre 30 min. cycling- 25 min. resistance training-must be able to lunge & squat Wed Nov 6 Back & Hip Yoga 10:00 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Wed Nov 6 Group Cycling w/Therese 12:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre A fun low impact cardiovascular workout with great music that uses endurance, intervals, hills, drills and rhythm to burn fat. Wed Nov 6 Group Cycling w/Cindy & Emily 4:45 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Thu Nov 7 Mat Pilates 6:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Intermediate core based class using classical mat exercises to create long, lean muscles. Thu Nov 7 Senior Chair Based Weight Training 10:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Chair based resistance training program that’s not just for seniors. Thu Nov 7 Celebrate Recovery Meal & Fellowship Time 5:30 PM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives. Thu Nov 7 Basketball For Adults 7:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Sat Nov 9 Group Cycling w/Emily 11:00 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Sat Nov 9 Bouncy House Fun Time! 1:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre A parent or guardian must accompany children 12 and under. Sun Nov 10 Undo and Renew Gentle Yoga 3:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Mon Nov 11 SpinFlex 6:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre 30 min. cycling- 25 min. resistance training-must be able to lunge & squat Mon Nov 11 Restorative - Yin Yoga ALL Levels 10:00 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Mon Nov 11 Group Cycling w/Therese 12:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre A fun low impact cardiovascular workout with great music that uses endurance, intervals, hills, drills and rhythm to burn fat. Mon Nov 11 Group Cycling w/Cindy & Emily 4:45 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Mon Nov 11 Acro Jam 6:30 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Playful practice that combines acrobatics and yoga. This is an unstructured class to work on things you would like to improve on or trade Tue Nov 12 Mat Pilates 6:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Intermediate core based class using classical mat exercises to create long, lean muscles. Tue Nov 12 Senior Chair Based Weight Training 10:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre Chair based resistance training program that’s not just for seniors. Tue Nov 12 Hatha Flow w. Foam Roller & Pinky Balls 6:30 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Hatha Flow practice followed by foam roller and pinky balls. Tue Nov 12 Hatha Yoga with Foam Rollers & Balls 6:30 PM Skagway Recreation Centre Tue Nov 12 Basketball For Adults 7:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre

Wed Nov 6 Seniors - Drop-In and Activities 1:30 PM Haines Junction Seniors Apartments Arts, craft, fitness, pool tournaments, shuffleboard, carpet bowling, and card and board games. Refreshments. Wed Nov 6 Quill Creek Draft Timber Harvest Plan Open House 6:00 PM Da Ku Cultural Centre A public engagement session, the Forest Management branch will present and answer questions. Snacks and beverages provided. Wed Nov 6 Adult Volleyball 6:30 PM St. Elias Community School Thu Nov 7 Seniors - Carpet Bowling 1:30 PM St Elias Convention Centre All Seniors and Elders welcome! Thu Nov 7 Chair Yoga For Seniors 3:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors Apartments Thu Nov 7 Women’s Circle 5:30 PM Mun Ku Email elskloppers@gmail.com for more information. Thu Nov 7 Adult Soccer 7:30 PM St. Elias Community School Thu Nov 7 Drop In Hockey 7:30 PM Bill Brewster Arena Fri Nov 8 Story Hour 10:00 AM Haines Junction Community Library Sat Nov 9 Beginner Public Skate 10:00 AM Bill Brewster Arena No sticks, no pucks, bring your little ones or just come practice your skills. Sat Nov 9 Public Skate 12:00 PM Bill Brewster Arena Mon 3-4:30 pm, Wed/Thurs 3:15-4:30 pm, Fri 3-6 pm, Sun Nov 10 Drop In Curling 1:00 PM Bill Brewster Arena Contact Tralee MacDonald (Healthy living Coordinator) for more information. Sun Nov 10 Public Skate 5:00 PM Bill Brewster Arena Mon 3-4:30 pm, Wed/Thurs 3:15-4:30 pm, Fri 3-6 pm, Mon Nov 11 Drop In Hockey 7:30 PM Bill Brewster Arena Tue Nov 12 Southern Tutchone Classes 12:00 PM Da Ku Cultural Centre Tue Nov 12 Takhini Family Game Night 7:00 PM Takhini Hall


Mon Nov 11 Yoga with Jess Sellers 7:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre For more info call 667-7083 or Email lmca@northwestel. net Tue Nov 12 Seniors Winter Wellness Cafe 1:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre With Bianka Walcher, free event, just drop in!


Wed Nov 6 Open Hours 5:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Wed Nov 6 Pump Fitness 6:30 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Wed Nov 6 Waste Mgmt Society Meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Thu Nov 7 Pickleball 5:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre All welcome, carpooling available from Tagish, call 399-3671 for more information. Thu Nov 7 Choir 6:30 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Sat Nov 9 Bridge club 12:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Sat Nov 9 Knitting Circle 1:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre 660-4999 managermarshlake@gmail.com


Wed Nov 6 Parent & Toddler Playgroup 10:00 AM Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Run, skip, jump, play and socialize with other children and parents. Fri Nov 8 Dinner and Movie Night 5:00 PM Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Sun Nov 10 Parent & Toddler Playgroup 10:00 AM Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Run, skip, jump, play and socialize with other children and parents. Sun Nov 10 St. Mary’s Church Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s Church (867)667-7746 Mon Nov 11 Video Yoga Classes 5:15 PM Mayo Curling Arena Yoga Videos are used for leading each class. Bring your own Yoga mat or borrow ours. Drop-ins are welcome. For more info call 996-2043 8979962043 Tue Nov 12 Mayo Sewing Nights 7:00 PM Yukon College Mayo Campus


Thu Nov 7 Adult Night at the Youth Centre 7:00 PM Old Crow Community Center Sun Nov 10 St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church 867-993-5381 Tue Nov 12 Gym Night 7:00 PM Old Crow Community Center


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Wed Nov 6 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community Centre 399-3418 Wed Nov 6 Coffee and Chat: Tagish Community Centre 1:00 PM Tagish Community Centre A lunch program which will include such things as soup/stew/chili and homemade rolls/bread plus some tasty treats! every Wednesday. Wed Nov 6 Flu Shot Clinic 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Worried about getting sick this winter, drop in for an annual flu shot. Stay one step ahead of the flu. Wed Nov 6 Youth After School Program 4:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Fun, games, snacks, for ages 9+, call 399-3407 for more info. recreation@tagishyukon.org Wed Nov 6 Tagish Advisory Council meeting 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Agenda posted at tagish.ca Thu Nov 7 OsteoFit 10:00 AM Tagish Community Centre Exercise and education, gentle strength training, for more info call 3993671. Thu Nov 7 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM Tagish Community Centre Everyone is invited to come and learn the technical game of Carpet Bowling. Fri Nov 8 YogaFit 8:30 AM Tagish Community Centre User friendly style for everybody and every body developed by Beth Shaw, for more info call 399-3671. Fri Nov 8 Friday Games Nite 6:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Play all sorts of games from the classics to new games. For all ages, call 399-3407 or email recreation@tagishyukon.org for more info. Sat Nov 9 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community Centre 399-3418 Sat Nov 9 Youth Night 5:30 PM Tagish Community Centre Fun, games, snacks, for ages 10+, call 399-3407 for more info. recreation@tagishyukon.org Mon Nov 11 Nordic Walking 1:30 PM Tagish Community Centre Everyone welcome, for more info call 399-3671. Tue Nov 12 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM Tagish Community Centre Everyone is invited to come and learn the technical game of Carpet Bowling. Tue Nov 12 Get and Stay Fit Class 6:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Everyone welcome, for more info call 399-3671.


Wed Nov 6 Seniors Social 10:00 AM Teslin Rec Center Every Wednesday come play cards, drink coffee, chat, and have a good time. Call Kelsey at 335-4250 or email teslinrec@teslin.ca Wed Nov 6 Badminton Nights 7:00 PM Teslin Rec Center Every Thursday, bring your racket or just bring your self for some swift fun! 335-4250 teslinrec@teslin.ca Thu Nov 7 Taking the Pulse 6:00 PM Teslin Rec Center Review of Yukon’s health and social programs and services is underway, and the Independent Expert Panel leading the review needs your help. Fri Nov 8 Girls Club 5:00 PM Teslin Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang out, games, activities and snacks! Call Kelsy 335-4250 for more information. Fri Nov 8 Youth Club 8:00 PM Teslin Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang out, games, activities and snacks! Call Kelsey 335-4250 for more information. Sat Nov 9 Volleyball 7:00 PM Teslin School Everyone welcome! Tue Nov 12 Yoga in the Mezzanine 5:30 PM Teslin Rec Center Every Tuesday, mats provided just bring your zen. 335-4250 teslinrec@teslin.ca Tue Nov 12 Teslin Dance Group Practice 7:00 PM Teslin Healing Centre Every Tuesday evening, for more info contact Melaina at 3902532 ext. 333 or Melaina.sheldon@ttc-teslin.com Tue Nov 12 Volleyball 7:00 PM Teslin School Everyone welcome!


Daily, Mondays to Fridays Youth Activity Club 3:15 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre For grades 5-11, come hang out, games, activities and snacks! Call the Rec Centre 536-8023 for more information. Wed Nov 6 Wellbeing Wednesdays! 6:45 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre T’ai Chi, Qi gong, Yoga, Mediation. Drop-in rates apply. Thu Nov 7 Flu Shot Clinic 1:00 PM Watson Lake Family Centre Influenza Immunizations and information will be available, call 536-5255 for more information. Thu Nov 7 Help and Hope Drop in for Moms and Kids 1:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Crafts and Activities together! Thu Nov 7 Body Fit 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre For more information 5368023 Sun Nov 10 St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Church Service 536-2932 Mon Nov 11 Help and Hope Drop in for Moms and Kids 1:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Crafts and Activities together! Tue Nov 12 Body Fit 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre For more information call 536-8023

November 6, 2019



More Than Just Feed!

Idiomatic Origins with Josephine Holmes

Three letters that could save your life…

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ply, as SOS. …---… Of course, the days of Morse Code have faded into an all-butdistant wartime memory, of days at sea when distress signals were sent out in hopes of saving both souls and ships. A memory, yes, but the signal remains to this day. It may be scrawled in dirt or scribed with any available implement, or even spelled out with stones, in some remote location, and is commonly recognizable as HELP! Eventually, the unspoken signal became the audible “Mayday!”— another international distress symbol, heard from sea and sky, that originated with the French word m’aider or “help me!” These signals are still understood and employed today—perhaps SOS moreso than Mayday— but, as described in the old Bob Dylan song, “The times, they are a changin.’” These are the days of texting and high-tech, of 911, of both audible and visible alarms on elec-

tronics—and all of this on our cellphones, our constant co-dependency-inducing companions. But somehow I am enticed by simpler times—seduced by power outages (short ones) and lulled by the quietness, the lack of urgency and the return to hearth and candlelight. I even bought a typewriter, recently, and am enchanted by the gentle “clacking” of the keys, as if this were some new invention. Perhaps it is that the “old” becomes “new” again in its unfamiliarity. Or perhaps we are simply enticed by what Valdy described as “the simple life.” If I need help, though, the first thing I will reach for is my cellphone. And if I can text only three letters, they will be SOS because I know that their meaning will be instantly understood. SOS … remember, those three letters can save your life.


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Josephine is a freelance copy editor who enjoys writing prose and encouraging writers. You can contact her at YukonCopyEditor@gmail.com.


The Energetic Grove

Tammy MacKay-Kearney, Intuitive Psychic Healer “Energy, when used with pure intent, has the potential to power your growth, transformation and healing.”

Josephine shares the story of three life-saving letters OS. Many of us know (or think we know) what these familiar letters stand for. We may have even sent out an SOS, a time or two, when life or limb warranted it. Some (myself included) think that the trio means “save our souls.” Others say it means “save our ship.” Well, it’s neither. Yukoners may have been acquainted, however briefly, with a telegraph machine at the MacBride Museum. I visited this fall with our granddaughters, Taya and Eden, and couldn’t resist trying one out, imagining what it would have been like to communicate with the rhythmic clacks, imagining the tapping and the urgent, choppy messages that would come through via wireless radiotelegraph machines, through radio waves. (Not that I purport to understand how that works!) In International Morse Code, three dots stand for “S” and three dashes stand for “O.” So, three dots, three dashes, three dots (no spaces), came to be known, sim-

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November 6, 2019


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Living with Hello Everybody, We invite you to share your photos of Yukon wildlife. Eail your high-resolution images with a description of what’s going on and what camera equipment you used to Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com

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PHOTO: Fay Cable Submitted by Steve Wilson Steve has gone to the birds

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November 6, 2019

Living with



Wildlife 9

Hello Everybody, We invite you to share your photos of Yukon wildlife. Eail your high-resolution images with a description of what’s going on and what camera equipment you used to Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com

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Rhetorical Devises

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Submitted by Steve Wilson

When I checked in during the late summer, the young Robert Service Eagles had left the nest and these two seem to be do-

ing very well. They have no problem defending their fish from

a very bold raven on a gravel bar on the Yukon River just upstream from the SS Klondike. Camera: Nikon D7200

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November 6, 2019


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Nature’s workshop Jason Patreau; from Armed Forces to entrepreneur

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PHOTO: Jason Patreau

Patreau in the Afghanistan desert

by Anne Huang–Power


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leven years ago, Jason Patreau was in Afghanistan with Task Force 1-08, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group. (PPCLI.) He would be stationed there for nine months, not only engaging in active, combat but also humanitarian efforts such as rebuilding schools. This would be his sixth and final year with the Canadian Armed Forces. It was a job he loved. Leaving his fellow troops was one of the toughest decisions he had to make. Originally from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Patreau signed up to be in the Canadian Army Reserves not long after high school, because he “didn’t know if [he] wanted to be in the army full-time.” He soon found that he relished military life and wanted to make a career out of it. According to Patreau, he “loved everything about it,” from the daily physical training, to the discipline, to working effectively as a unit. When the Canadian Armed Forces started asking for volunteers to go to Afghanistan, he

immediately said yes. He was sent to 2nd Battalion, PPCLI in Manitoba for one year of additional training to prepare for the realities of live combat. Today, Jason is the owner of Nature’s Workshop, a woodworking company that creates mostly custom pieces, including coasters, wall art and full dining sets made from sustainable local wood and plant-based epoxy. I met Patreau at his Whitehorse shop where he was working on a custom river table which will be set with pebbles, crystals and LED lights that can be controlled via cell phone. He’s soft-spoken, humble, but clearly passionate about his work, and takes great pride in his creations, which are always inspired by nature. “My love of nature is in everything I do,” Patreau stated. It’s no wonder he and his wife Barbara ended up in the Yukon. After a nine-month tour in Afghanistan, in 2008, he made the decision to leave to spend more time with the woman he loves. “That was the hardest thing I had

* Walk, run, fat-bike, ski or kicksled anytime! (867) 456-7300 Yukonwildlife.ca #yukonwildlife on

Call For Reader Submissions

Yukoners Living With Wildlife

to do. I really loved my job and loved the people.” Patreau said he “was a bit lost, a bit depressed. I loved working with the people who felt like your brother, not just a co-worker. You live with them, you train and fight with them, you laugh with them and you cry with them. That bond. The feeling of being part of something bigger and something important.” His time in Afghanistan was full of interesting experiences. “Afghanistan is a beautiful place. It was horrible when we were there of course, but there’s a lot of beauty. There’s a lot of water and greenery. There are mountains, deserts and the Arghandab River which was amazing. It’s a beautiful and very diverse place.” Looking at his signature river-themed, works I can’t help but wonder if they’re partly inspired by his time there. A total of 40,000 Canadian troops were deployed to Afghanistan between the years 2001 and 2014; the largest since World War II. Statistics Canada states that troops who were deployed to Afghanistan had twice the rate of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or a panic-related disorder than their counterparts who were not deployed. In his own words, Patreau’s “depression problems, they spiralled. My reason was more I felt bad that I wasn’t going to be with those guys anymore. I felt bad leaving them.” He retrained as a carpenter and it wasn’t until he

Patreau, 3rd from left in Afghanistan with troops FOLLOW US ON www.whatsupyukon.com

PHOTO: Jason Patreau

cont’d on page 33 ...

Pet junction Pet Supplies & More

Send us your high resolution photos with a description of what’s happening in the photo, and the camera equipment you used. Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com


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November 6, 2019



Nature’s workshop ... cont’d started creating his river wall art and charcuterie boards in his spare time that he realized he found something else he loved to do. He would regularly sell out at local fairs and markets in Ontario and here in Whitehorse. Barabra’s work as a nurse took them to Inuvik where Patreau worked as a carpenter. During their time off, they drove down the Dempster, hiked the Tombstones and visited Whitehorse. After Barbara’s contract ended, instead of moving back to Ontario, they set up home in Whitehorse. The spell of the Yukon had well and truly been cast. Patreau mentioned Ron Koser, of Old Country Woodworking, as being a huge supporter of his creative work. “Ron helped me out a lot and never discouraged me,” he said. With encouragement from his wife and customers he only very re-

Jason Patreau photographed at his shop, standing over one of his unfinished river tables

cently made Nature’s Workshop his full-time job. He’s now navigating the world of entrepreneurship and writing business plans. It’s a far cry from the man in combat gear navigating the war zones of Afghanistan in 50 C heat. “I don’t regret my decision at all. Now my wife and I have our first child, we love living in Whitehorse, the people here are fantastic. I love doing what I do. No complaints.” Find Jason and Nature’s Workshop at the Spruce Bog, on Nov. 17, on Facebook @NaturesWorkshopWhitehorse and Instagram @ Natures_Workshop. Anne Huang–Power is a British expat, not a big fan of snow and is just trying to survive her first Yukon winter. So far, so good.

Patreau in full combat gear in Afghanistan

PHOTO: Jason Patreau

PHOTO: Anne Huang – Power

ers tn r a P w e N r u O t c ta n o C

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November 6, 2019


See It Here

Hello Everybody, We invite you to share your photos of Yukon life. Email your high-resolution images with a description of what’s going on to editor@WhatsUpYukon.com.

Submitted by Steve Wilson

I captured these beautiful autumn colours at Lewes Lake.

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November 6, 2019




November 6, 2019


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