What's Up Yukon, February 21, 2024

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Yukon’s Events Magazine Since 2005



February 21, 2024 Issue 799



THE GUILD HALL presents MUSTARD ... page 25


YUKON FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION Banquet/Fundraiser ... page 27

Dancing in the Dark page

The Rocky Horror Dawson Show!



A Mid-winter Night’s Dream


PHOTO: Sandra Peña


| See Pages 7,8,9,20,21,22 & 23 |

Printed in Canada

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February 21, 2024

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Manus Hopkins is a Toronto- and Whitehorse-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats.

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ROCKY HORROR COMES TO DAWSON Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall will be screening The Rocky Horror Dawson Show on Feb. 24 and inviting members of the public to get onstage and lip sync


he Rocky Horror Dawson Show (also known as The Rocky Horror Picture Show) is coming to Dawson City! Hosted by the Klondike Institute of Art & Culture (KIAC) Feb. 24 at Diamond Tooth Gerties, members of the public are invited to come out, dress up and enjoy a screening of the 1975 cult classic musical, and anyone brave enough is even invited to get up onstage to lip sync along with the movie. “It’s very much an audience participation film and has a history of people liking to dress up and show off, which are all things people like to do in Dawson,” said Dan Sokolowski, Film Festival Producer at KIAC. “We thought it would be a good fit.” Screening The Rocky Horror Dawson Show is something KIAC has wanted to do for a few years, according to Sokolowski. When the idea first came up, the screening fees were much higher and the location-vetting process was more complicated, so it was ultimately shelved until this year. While Sokolowski admits he isn’t much of a dress-up person himself, he understands the special allure this movie has,and knows it is something that can be a smash hit in

PHOTO: Courtesy of KIAC

YES We Do Alterations!

Freelance with

Manus Hopkins

The event will encourage people to get on the stage and lip sync to the many memorable songs in the film Dawson City. “Certainly you can see the energy of the audience,” he said. “The Gerties space is very large, so people can get up and dance and do all sorts of things.” The Rocky Horror Dawson Show will serve as KIAC’s community casino fundraising event for this year’s Dawson City Film Fest. “Being a larger venue and allowing us to do a few different things than we could do at our own venue, it’s a good opportunity for us and for any non-profits throughout the season,” Sokolowski said of Diamond Tooth Gerties. “It’s a good thing the casino does for the community.” Patrons can attend to watch, dance and engage in the crowdparticipation aspects of the movie for a small fee at the door (pay what you can, with a suggestion of $10). However, those who wish to take it a step further can sign up to lip sync in an allocated space in front of the screen, as the movie plays, and the more commitment

to character, the better. “If people want to actually get out of the audience and get onstage and have people see them and extrovert themselves, we’d love them to do it,” Sokolowski said. Those interested in performing can contact Sokolowski directly at filmfest@kiac.ca. Spots on the stage will be limited to one performer or group of performers per song, so don’t delay. Known for its over-the-top abundance of audience-participation moments, The Rocky Horror Dawson Show is certainly in line with Dawson City’s fun-loving attitude. “I’d just love to see a packed Gerties and a lot of people letting some steam off and having some fun after the long winter,” said Sokolowski. “It’s still a couple weeks before the Thaw di Gras Spring Carnival, so maybe some people can get some early spring thaw-out.” To keep up with KIAC’s news and events, visit kiac.ca. n

February 21, 2024



On the Cover Freelance with

Manus Hopkins Manus Hopkins is a Toronto- and Whitehorse-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats.

STARTING SPRING WITH THE CHAMBER CHOIR Whitehorse Community Choir is presenting “Believe in The Sun,” featuring the Chamber Choir and the Persephones on March 2 at Christ Church Cathedral


ypically, the Whitehorse Community Choir performances mainly feature their Big Choir ensemble, with fewer selections sung by the a cappella Chamber Choir, the bass and tenor choir (The Neptunes) and the treble choir (The Persephones). Under leadership from C.D. Saint, the Chamber Choir singers will be stepping out of their comfort zones this spring with a special concert, titled “Believe in the Sun,” in which they will serve as the main performers, along with The Persephones and accompanist Cheryl Wishart. “Preparations are going really well,” said Saint. “The singers are putting in a lot of work, and

one thing I realized is that we’re stretching ourselves; the Chamber Choir usually just does a short set in the spring and christmas concerts, and this time we’re doing the bulk of the concert ourselves.” In addition to covering more repertoire, Saint mentioned that the Chamber Choir has also had less time to prepare than they typically would for a concert, with “Believe in the Sun” coming only a few months after the Whitehorse Community Choir’s Christmas concert. For this concert, it will be The Persephones doing a shorter set as part of the evening. “The singers seemed up for it, so that’s really cool,” said Saint, going on to say that it was the singers who first brought forward the idea of doing a longer concert of their own. “There was just some feedback from singers that they wanted to do more. They wanted to take on more and have more opportunities to share with an audience what they love to do.” Saint was happy to oblige the requests of his singers but admits that they didn’t exactly know what they were getting themselves into, but he cherishes the opportunity to work with the sing-

The Whitehorse Community Choir’s Chamber Choir performing at the 2023 Christmas concert at the Yukon Arts Centre

PHOTO: Bruce Barrett ers who are driven to put in their maximum effort to make this happen. When the ball got rolling on programming this concert, a few ideas for themes were floating around, according to Saint. He also took the opportunity to ask the singers if there was specific pieces they wanted to take on and he was put onto some work he didn’t know or hadn’t thought about before. “A number of the pieces they identified as ones they wanted to do (that made it into the program), I noticed had a theme of light,” Saint said. “You know how long it stays dark here, even when it’s changing quickly. It’s still dark, and it still feels dark in March.” As Saint built the programming, he started to look for other music that could fit into the theme of light, contextualizing it

as signs of winter ending and the Yukon moving into springtime. The Whitehorse Community Choir concerts always start at 7:30 p.m. and on March 2, the sun sets at 7:31 p.m. “It just seemed too good to pass up with all these little connections.” “Believe in the Sun” takes place on March 2 at Christ Church Cathedral on 4th Avenue and Elliot Street, featuring the Whitehorse Chamber Choir, with a performance by The Persephones and accompanist Cheryl Wishart. Directors are C.D. Saint and Barbara Chamberlin. Tickets are available on Eventbrite. The Whitehorse Community Choir will also be performing with all four choirs May 3 and 4, which will be Chamberlin’s last events with the singing collective. Visit whitehorsechoir.org to stay up to date. n

Aurora-watching on the Dempster Highway. PHOTO: Sandra Peña

What’s Inside Rocky Horror Dawson Show .........2 Starting Spring With The Chamber Choir.........................3 Mighty Women .........................4 Gather ...................................5 Seasonal Recipes ......................6 We Are All Remarkable ............. 10 Parks Canada: A Mid-winter Night’s Dream ....... 11 Marriage: Five Things No One Told Me 45 Years Ago ............... 12 Grey Matters ......................... 13 Postcards: Chasing The Aurora With Sandra Peña ................... 15 Step Outside: Winter Snacks Are For The Birds! 18 Skills Yukon Interview: Isaiac Tracey ......................... 24 Tales Of Nahganne: What Is Sasquatch? ................. 26

Events Highlights ............................ 7 Community Events .............. 8,9 Active Events ................. 20,21 Whitehorse Events ........... 22,23 With support from:

WH TSUP YUKON All Northern. All Fun. Yukon’s Events Magazine Since 2005

Our Team Editorial Chris Colbourne Team editor@whatsupyukon.com Josephine Holmes Copy Editor

Client Care Mark Beese Team mark@whatsupyukon.com Chelsey MacDonald chelsey@whatsupyukon.com


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column with

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February 21, 2024

Kylie Campbell-Clarke is an Australian-Canadian writer and photographer exploring the Yukon.



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PHOTO: Kylie Campbell-Clarke

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Women who suffer, sometimes do so in silence


t is absolutely no joke to say that women are incredible, with their ability to multitask, create, give birth and care for children. And, as they experience loss, they sometimes suffer in silence. And, while thinking about International Women’s Day, I wanted to talk about something that people don’t want to talk about, but should … miscarriages. It is reported that 15 to 20 per cent of women suffer a miscarriage (according to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada); that is, they find out they are pregnant (for better or worse) and at some point they miscarry (usually within the first eight weeks). Often the reason is not known, which can be the most frustrating part. As many as one in five women have had this awful experience and have had the strength to carry on. I remember when my husband and I were trying to conceive. We felt I was old and thought, So let’s just see if we can have kids. If we

can’t, then we won’t. Extremely stupid thought process because it gave us no real time to think of the massive life change that a baby would bring and we instantly got pregnant within three months. With that “little blue line,” my heart sank with dread but swelled with excitement and love. My husband was also shocked but happy. We were going to have a baby! Whaaat?! We didn’t want to tell the world until we could get scans and blood work done, but we did tell some people. Ryan told his parents and I told my best friends. It made it so real to actually tell people. We already started planning our parental leave and the baby’s bedroom. Then one day I woke up and there was blood. My heart sank like a lead balloon. We went to the ER to confirm. I had miscarried. It was a strange feeling. I was crying but I couldn’t even feel the pain; I couldn’t comprehend the loss. It felt so surreal how this little thing inside me just didn’t want to be. And so, I was no longer pregnant. I felt it was my fault, that something was wrong with me—with my body. I felt shame

and felt like a failure. We went home and all of the planning and things we had already bought felt like shame and stupidity. We didn’t even think this could happen. I sat on the couch for a week, crying in a black hole of sadness … of emptiness. After my experience, I thought, I never want to go through that again, but after two months I realized I actually wanted to have that little baby that “never was,” so we started trying again and, Bingo! (We got one and he “stuck”!) What was incredible to me was that almost every woman that I spoke to who was trying to have a baby or who had children, had all had a misccarriage—yet, they had never talked to anyone about it. One of the most upsetting things that can happen, and yet women just suffer that loss in silence. Telling me their miscarriage stories, I could see had helped to relieve some of the pent-up emotional baggage. To all of the women out there, vent your stories when you are ready … and remember that you are strong and incredible, and you are not alone. n

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February 21, 2024



column with

Miche Genest


Miche Genest is a Whitehorse-based chef and writer. She is also somewhat of a gardener. Miche has also written two books: The Boreal Feast: A Culinary Journey Through The North and The Boreal Gourmet: Adventures In Northern Cooking.



his recipe came about because I found a bag of last summer’s kale in the freezer, had picked up a couple of cans of chickpeas to satisfy a craving for hummus, and my roommate, shocked at the price of yogurt, started making his own. A kind friend and neighbour has lent him a yogurt maker, indefinitely. Following the advice of that same friend, he bought a four-litre jug of organic milk at the Superstore in Whitehorse (about $4 cheaper than 1.75 kg of organic, 3.5% yogurt). The first batch was a big success; he’s making it every week now, and we have a LOT of yogurt in the fridge. (We also have a lot of whey, from straining the yogurt to make it thicker. But more on that in a later column.) It seemed the perfect time to make labneh, the Lebanese yogurt cheese, possibly the easiest cheese to produce in the home kitchen. Labneh led to dukkah (the nut, seed and spice mix found through the Middle East), a fabulous topping for everything from steamed vegetables

to tagines, to morning porridge. Garam masala adds heat and spice to the stew, the chickpeas add a buttery crunch, and kale does its usual slightly sour, green magic. All in all, a hearty, soulful dish that will please the vegetarians in the family and satisfy the meat eaters. (To please the vegans, simply replace the labneh with a thick vegan yogurt.)

cups, chopped • 1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped to the size of raisins • 2 tsp white wine vinegar • Chopped fresh basil, cilantro or parsley

PHOTO: Miche Genest

When the winds of winter howl, it’s time to welcome the warming flavours of South Asia and the Middle East

Kale and Chickpea Stew KALE AND CHICKPEA STEW With Labneh and Hazelnut Dukkah Ingredients • 1 large onion, cut in half lengthwise and sliced • 3 Tbsp olive oil • 2 Tbsp garam masala • 1 large carrot, peeled and chopped • 6 cloves garlic, minced • 1/4 lemon, thinly sliced • 1 tsp kosher salt • 1 19-oz can chickpeas, including liquid • 1 bunch of kale—about four

Method Heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat until simmering. Add onion and sauté until soft, about 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garam masala and stir until onions are evenly coated. Add carrot, garlic, lemon and salt. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour chickpeas and liquid into the pan and bring to a simmer. Add kale, stirring it in t h o r oughly, cover and cook for about 5 to 7 minutes until kale is cooked. Stir in apricots and vinegar, cover and cook for another 5 minutes to allow flavours to blend. To serve, spoon stew onto a platter, add dollops of labneh and scatter a liberal amount of dukkah over top, followed by fresh herbs. At the table, pass bowls of extra labneh and dukkah. Some pita or flatbread would be great, too. Makes about 8 servings. LABNEH (LEBANESE YOGURT CHEESE) Ingredients • 3 cups plain, full-fat yogurt • 1/2 tsp salt

Method Mix the salt and yogurt together. Line a colander or a strainer with a piece of cheesecloth large enough to overhang the sides and set it over a bowl. Pour the yogurt into the cheesecloth and fold the ends over top. Leave in the fridge for 8 to 12 hours. The whey* will drain out of the yogurt, leaving a thick, creamy and slightly sharp cheese. Transfer the cheese to a bowl, cover and refrigerate. Will keep for up to 2 weeks. *Don’t discard the whey. Transfer it to a jar or bowl and store it in the fridge. Whey has a beautiful, sharp, complex flavour (use it instead of milk or water in baking, pour it over cereal or add it to stews or stir-fries). Makes about 2 cups labneh and 1 cup of whey. HAZELNUT DUKKAH [adapted from Nigel Slater] Ingredients • 2/3 cup raw hazelnuts • 2/3 cup raw almonds • 3 Tbsp white sesame seeds • 3 Tbsp black sesame seeds • 1 Tbsp dried thyme • 2 Tbsp coriander seed • 1 Tbsp cumin seed • 1 tsp kosher salt • 2 dried chili peppers

Method Dry-roast hazelnuts in a castiron frying pan over medium heat until they begin to turn golden and aromatic, about 5 minutes. Transfer hazelnuts to a tea towel and rub the skins off—as many as you can, but don’t sweat it. Transfer to a bowl. In the same pan, roast the almonds until just beginning to brown, about 3 minutes—this will take less time because the pan will be hot. Transfer almonds to the bowl with the hazelnuts. Toast the sesame seeds in the same pan, about 1 minute, and transfer to the bowl. Toast the coriander and cumin seeds until they begin to pop, about 1 minute. Transfer to a mortar and pestle. Turn off the heat and toast the chili peppers for 2 minutes and add them to the mortar and pestle. Allow spices to cool, add salt, and grind spices to a coarse mixture. Pulse the nut-and-seed mixture in a food processor or coffee grinder until coarse and still chunky. Transfer back to the bowl, add spices and thyme and mix thoroughly. Decant into two 240ml jars and store in the spice cupboard or fridge. Will keep for two weeks in the cupboard (longer in the fridge, but the flavours will become less intense with time). Use as topping for vegetables, dips, yogurt, eggs … Go wild! Makes 2 cups. n

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Sydney Keddy

Sydney [Oland] Keddy is a recipe developer who lives in Whitehorse. Her work can be found in The Boston Globe, Seriouseats.com as well as in other publications.


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Chopped lettuce February 27 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 5:00pm - 6:00pm ……………………….. WOODSHOP ORIENTATION 6:30pm - 9:00pm ……………………….. February 28 REPAIR CAFE 6:00pm - 9:00pm ……………………….. March 4 INTRODUCTION TO MIG WELDING LOTUS CANDLE HOLDER 5:30pm - 9:00pm ……………………….. March 5 METAL SHOP ORIENTATION 6:30pm - 9:00pm ……………………….. Open Hours: Wed-Sun 1pm-9pm

column with


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February 21, 2024

February 21 WOMEN INVESTORS & ENTREPRENEURS DAY, WHITEHORSE 9:00am - 7:00pm ……………………….. WELCOME WEDNESDAY NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 11am ……………………….. March 6 WELCOME WEDNESDAY NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 11am ……………………….. Open Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Please see Yukonstruct.com for more info!

Chopped surimi

Ripe avocado


urimi is another name for imitation crab, and it’s a fantastic low-cost ingredient that belongs in everyone’s fridge. These rolls are a great way to quickly eat some vegetables without feeling like you’re eating another salad. You can add whatever you’d like to these rolls, but try to keep it to just a handful of ingredients for the filling. Makes 6 rolls.

Ingredients ❑ 6 lettuce leaves, chopped ❑ 1/2 cup chopped surimi ❑ 1 avocado, sliced ❑ 6 rice-paper wrappers ❑ Peanut sauce, to serve

Filling piled in the middle


1. Place warm water in a shallow pan large enough to dip the rice-paper wrappers. Moisten a kitchen towel and place on a cutting board.

3. Repeat with remaining ingredients. n

Funders Meet and Greet Do you know that the Government of Yukon and its partners offer funding programs for a variety of businesses, not-for-profits, First Nations development entities and governments, as well as municipal governments? Join us at the annual Funders Meet and Greet event to learn more about the opportunities available. Representatives from participating organizations will be onsite to provide guidance and answer any questions. Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Whitehorse 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Free to attend Learn more: facebook.com/yukongov/events

PHOTOS: Sydney Keddy

2. Dip a wrapper in the warm water and place on the towel-covered cutting board. Place a pile of chopped lettuce, some chopped surimi and some sliced avocado on top of the lettuce. Bring the two sides of the wrapper together, then fold the bottom over the lettuce and wrap the salad roll around the filling.

Avocado And Surimi Salad Rolls

February 21, 2024


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The Best Things in Life are ... Rescued!

The Best Things in Life are ... Rescued! Hi, I’m Toasted Coconut! I’m a one year old mixed breed. I’m a happy go lucky guy! I enjoy life and I enjoy people. I’m a bit of a jumper because I haven’t had much training yet but the staff says I’m slowly learning. I’m still learning how to play but I do love to run around with the staff in the big yard. I would do well in an active home, I would like to go on hikes with you! Once my energy is burned out, I do like to snuggle.


Likes: running around, treats and is potty trained. Dislikes: When some dogs are too dominant when I first meet them Dogs: With proper introduction Cats: Not tested Kids: Yes, older ones since I’m so excitable Potty Trained: Yes

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Meet TAZ

Likes: Playing fetch, belly rubs Dislikes: Being left alone for too long Dogs: With proper introductions, yes! Cats: Not tested but not likely Potty trained: Yes, I’m a good boy!

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AA North Star Group Dawson City 7:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion In person or Videoconference option available Call 867-993-5095 or 867-993-3734 for more information Sundays Anglican Church Service 10:30 Anglican Church Service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City. Corner of Front and Church Streets at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City

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ATLIN Sundays St. Martins Anglican Church Sunday Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican Church 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome. Atlin Christian Assembly 11:00 AM St. Atlin Christian Centre 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome. Mondays Caregiver & Tot Drop-in 10:00 AM Atlin Recreation Centre This is an unstructured hour for You and your Littles to get social and run wild. This IS NOT a drop off, all children must be accompanied by an adult. Call or email 993-4102 atlinarc.coordinator@gmail.com for more info. Fri Feb 23 & Sat Feb 24 Atlin Ladies 34th Bonspiel Atlin Recreation Centre Whether you play, watch or volunteer - join in the fun of this annual ladies bonspiel! Call Jody 250-651-2488 to sign up! Sat Feb 24 Almost Spring Bazaar & Flea Market 11:00 AM Atlin Recreation Centre Watch the Ladies Bonspiel, browse local wares, baking, crafts, homebased businesses, and pick up a new to-you treasure! Concession open! To book a table call Lynn @ 250651-7663. Sat Mar 2 Atlin Frosty Frolic 5:00 AM Atlin 5th Annual Atlin Frosty Frolic. Brought To You By The Atlin District Board Of Trade. atlin-frosty-frolic

Yukon Communities: Wednesdays AA Yukon Unity (OM) 3:00 PM Online Yukon Health Centers, Live Video Meeting Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Destruction Bay, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, Watson Lake. Online users’ sign in info: yukonbcdistrict52@gmail.com

CARCROSS Second Sunday of Every Month St. Saviour’s Church Services 2:00 pm St. Saviour Church 867668-3129

February 21, 2024

First Friday of the month Mother Goose Group 11:00 AM Haa Shagóon Hídi (Our Ancestors House) Carcross/Tagish Learning Centre Learn stories, songs, and rhymes, lunch provided. Suitable for babies and children 5 and under. Please bring along a water bottle and blanket to sit on. To register, call 332-2389. https:// whatsupyukon.events/jwf Thursdays Yoga with Jess Ghùch Tlâ Community School Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. Drop-in, Free admission! For more info email yogajessyukon@gmail.com.

CARMACKS First & Third Tuesdays of Every Month Carmacks Regular Council Meeting 7:00 PM Carmacks Municipal Building

DAWSON CITY Sat Feb 24 The Rocky Horror Dawson Show 7:00 PM Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Get on stage and perform next to the movie! Don’t want to be on stage? Just mark the date and come to the film! Tickets at the door. Sat Mar 2 The Ostara Project 7:30 PM Dënäkär Zho & KIAC Ballroom The Ostara Project is a beautiful example of perseverance, community, and a deep love for music. Tickets online. MONTHLY 1st Saturday of every month Coffee House & Open Mic Night Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) 7:00 PM family-friendly open mic night at KIAC. Admission by donation with all funds raised donated to a different community group each month. Weekly Mondays Handbuilding Pottery Drop-in 6:30-9pm Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, though little instruction is provided. KIAC Classroom, back door.

Pack it in before you go too far. DON’T DRIVE IMPAIRED.

Ecumenical Mothers’ prayers gathering 7pm St Paul’s Anglican Church Tuesdays St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 4:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4pm Yukon Time for Evening Prayer. Hand-Building Pottery Drop-In 6:30 PM Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Self-guided group studio time for those with some experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, little instruction is provided. Wednesdays QYS Drop-in 1:00 PM DCMF Office St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 4:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4pm Yukon Time for Evening Prayer. Screen Printing Drop-in 6:00 PM Klondike Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with screen printing. CFYT Trivia Night The Drunken Goat Fun filled night of Trivia. Every other Wednesday. A variety of trivia categories! Come with your team or join a team when you arrive! Thursdays CDC Toddler Program 10:00 AM Klondike Institute of Arts & Culture KIAC Free drop-In for kids 5 & under with parent/guardian Story time & free play! St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 4:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4pm Yukon Time for Evening Prayer. Fridays Cards & Conversation 1:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Dawson City Free! Drop-In! No registration necessary. whatsupyukon.events/ dawson-legion-8336c3 Open Studio Drop-in 1:00 PM Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Enjoy KIAC’s bright, air-conditioned space to create and focus on your artistic practice. Even better- we’ve waived the dropin fee this day. Saturdays Open Studio – Drop In 1:00 PM Klondike Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Space to create and focus on your artistic practice.

First and Third Tuesday of every month Faro Council Meeting 7:00 PM Town of Faro Tuesdays Parent & Tot 10:00 AM Faro Recreation Centre Open Gym 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Kids Club Faro Recreation Centre Adult Floor Hockey 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Wednesdays Seniors Games & Walks 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre The gym is open for seniors who would like to improve their fitness goals. Fitness Fun for Seniors 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Pickleball 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Volleyball 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Thursdays Parent & Tot 10:00 AM Faro Recreation Centre Open Gym 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Kids Club 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Fridays Pickleball 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Seniors Yoga 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Open Gym 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Chair Yoga & Deep Relaxation for Seniors Basketball 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Saturdays Pickleball 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Open Court Basketball 3:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Open Gym 4:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre Sundays Open Court Basketball 3:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

HAINES JUNCTION Fri Mar 1-3 Glacier Nights Snow Festival Haines Junction, Yukon Snow sculptors, amateur snow sculpting competitions, workshops, food and beverages, dance parties, family activities, and music performances. Second and fourth Wednesday of every month Village Council meetings 7:00 PM St. Elias Convention Centre Village Council meetings are also held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. [Remote attendance only] Mondays Fun with Food 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Learn new skills, share recipes and take food home! Drop-In Basketball 6:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym Tuesdays Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under and their parents/ caregivers. Tea & Bannock – Haines Junction 1:00 PM https:// whatsupyukon.events/tea-bannock-68ab07 Men’s and women’s sewing group 1:00 PM Mun kų BGC Game Night 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Play, have fun, build skills and challenge your friends Wednesdays Seniors and Elders Refreshments and Games 2:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors Residence

Girls Club 3:20 PM St. Elias Community School Held in the art room, open to Girls and identifying as Girls from Grade 8 to 12. AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 3:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre BGC Rec in the Gym 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Art Journaling Group 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Bring your own creative supplies that you like to use. This can be scraps of paper, magazines, glue, paint, pen, markers, stamps, ink etc. and a book or journal to create Thursdays Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under and their parents/ caregivers. Seniors Activities 2:00 PM St. Elias Community Centre Floor curling, carpet bowling and indoor walking group. Haines Junction Thrift Shop 2:00 PM St. St. Christopher’s Thrift Shop is a great place to pick up items. Prices are low and numerous adult items are available for $2, and most items for children are $1. Adult Volleyball 7:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym Fridays Stories and STEM Activities 10:00 AM Haines Junction Library AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:30 PM Haines Junction Health Centre Saturdays AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre Sundays Anglican Church Service St. Christopher’s Church 10:30 AM Anglican Church Service at St. Christophers Anglican Church in Haines Junction https://anglican. yukon.net/services.html AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre

MARSH LAKE Last Wednesday of every month MLCS board meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Tuesdays Play Bridge 1:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre North of 60 Seniors Coffee and Chat 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre Wednesdays South of 6 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre Thursdays Shuffleboard Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM Fridays Beginner Yoga Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM Youth Gym Drop-In Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM Saturdays Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM Sundays Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM

MAYO Mon Feb 19 Public Meeting - Mayo Wildfire Evacuation Review 6:00 PM Mayo Community Hall Seeking input for the After Action Review of the wildfire evacuation in Mayo last summer. The review is intended to get feedback from residents affected by the wildfire and evacuation. Email TalbotCreek@Loomex. ca. for more info. Tue Feb 20 Yukon Seed & Restoration Research Open House 5:30 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Hear updates on research and findings from the researchers themselves and to share your thoughts on our projects. Attend in person or via Zoom. Mondays Morning Video Workout 6:15 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Teen Workout 12:00 PM J.V Clark School Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Art/Entrepreneur Club 3:30 J.V Clark School Held in the Lunchroom Dinner and Movie Night 5:00 PM Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Video Yoga Classes 5:15 PM Mayo Curling Arena Yoga Videos are used for leading each class. Bring your own Yoga mat or borrow ours. Drop-ins are welcome. For more info call 996-2043 8979962043 Tuesdays Morning Video Workout 6:15 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Youth Archery 3:30 PM Mayo Community Hall And Recreation Centre Tabata Training 5:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Disc Golf 7:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre And Recreation Centre Curling 7:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre And Recreation Centre Drop-in Art Night 7:00 PM Mayo Curling Lounge If you can bring a photo that you would like to work from that would be great. No experience necessary. Wednesdays Morning Video Workout 6:15 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Teen Workout 12:00 PM J.V Clark School Pottery Class 3:30 PM J.V Clark School

cont’d on page 9 ...

February 21, 2024



COMMUNITY EVENTS... ... cont’d Rec Volleyball 7:00 PM Village of Mayo Pool Thursdays Morning Video Workout 6:15 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Elementary Soccer 3:30 PM J.V Clark School Tabata Training 5:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Teen/Adult Floor Hockey 7:30 PM J.V Clark School Fridays Morning Video Workout 6:15 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Mayo Mornings Parent and Tot Time 10:00 AM Mayo Recreation Centre Lunchtime Lengths 12:00 PM Mayo Recreation Centre Teen Workout 12:00 PM J.V Clark School Sundays St. Mary’s Church Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s Church (867)667-7746 Communion Service St. Mary with St. Mark Anglican Church 11:00 AM where village members come together to worship and offer service to their community and the world.

MOUNT LORNE Sat Feb 24 Tour de Lorne 11:00 AM Mount Lorne Community Centre DPSAY Tour de Lorne in Mt. Lorne. Classes: Mush, kicksled, bikejor, canicross, kids Approximate Distances: 10 miles, 6 miles, 1 mile 1st Tuesday Monthly LAC Meeting Lorne Mountain Community Centre Mondays Run Club 6:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre Drop-In Yoga 7:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre By donation all levels welcome Yoga with Jess 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. To register or for more info email yogajessyukon@ gmail.com. Tuesdays Active Fun Fitness Class - Drop In 6:30 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Improve your balance, flexibility, strength and endurance in this indoor class led by Colleen Ennis. Drop in, admission by donation. Suitable for mature youth & adults. https:// whatsupyukon.events/fhm Thursdays Community Drop In 11:00 AM Mount Lorne Community Centre Drop-In Skating Lessons – Kids 5:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Learn to skate and improve your skills. Coached by Lyndi Proudfoot - Free to Members. Must bring your own skates & helmet. Run Club 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Drop-In Skating Lessons – Adults 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Learn to skate and improve your skills. Coached by Lyndi Proudfoot - Free to Members. Must bring your own skates & helmet.

OLD CROW Mondays Men’s Night At The Rec Centre 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre Tuesdays Kids Gym 3:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre Adult Sewing 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre Youth Gym 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre Wednesdays Stroller Walks 10:00 AM Kih Tsal Parent and Tots 4:00 PM Old Crow Community Center Call 966-3015 for more info. Adult Card Game Night 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre Sundays St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church 867-993-5381

ROSS RIVER Tuesdays Sewing Night 7:00 PM The Hope Centre Wednesdays Family Bible Study 8:00 PM The Hope Centre Fridays Family Game Night- Coffee House 9:00 PM The Hope Centre Sundays Church Service 12:00 PM The Hope Centre

SKAGWAY Alaska Mondays Live Music Red Onion Saloon 6:30 PM Live music every Monday Wednesdays Women’s Morning Worship 7:00 AM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway All are welcome. Part of the Alaska Presbytery and the PC U.S.A. Windy Valley Babies 10:30 AM Skagway Public Library Stories, Songs, and Fun with Ms. Anna! Designed for ages 0-3. Fridays Skagway Teen Night 6:30 PM Skagway Public Library Sundays Sunday Worship 10:00 AM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway\

Sunday School 4:00 PM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway

TAGISH First Monday of every month Carcross Tagish Renewable Resources Council 1:00 PM Tagish Community Centre First Monday of every month Tagish Advisory Council 8:00 AM Tagish Community Centre First Tuesday of every month Tagish Community Association 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Second Thursday of every month Tagish Local Advisory Council 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Wednesdays Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon Yukon Learn at Tagish Library 2:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Targeted literacy programming by Yukon Learn at the Tagish Library. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon. Coffee And Chat 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Thursdays Carpet Bowling 10:00 AM Tagish Community Centre Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon Tagish Local Advisory Council Meeting 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre . Saturdays Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

TESLIN Sat Mar 2 & Sun Mar 3 Annual Teslin Lakespiel Teslin Recreation Family friendly curling on Teslin Lake. Join in the fun of curling, community events, tailgating, pancake breakfast, soup contest! Sign up at the Rec Centre. Mondays AA: Teslin Group (O) 7:00 PM Catholic Church Rectory Tuesdays The ‘Big 4-6’ Sports 4:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Outdoor 3D Archery 7:00 PM Sambow Archery Course – Meet at the ball diamond Wednesdays Dominos 1:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre Drop in seniors Pickleball 6:00 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Thursdays Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Girls Volleyball 3:15 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Fridays Public Skating 4:00 PMTeslin Lake Recreation Complex Basketball Drop-in 7:00 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Saturdays Parent & Tots 12:00 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex Sundays Ball Hockey 7:00 PM Khàtìnas.àxh Community School 12+ Drop in

YukonConvention Convention Bureau Yukon Bureau Yukon Convention Bureau

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Thursday March 2th, 5-7pm

Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre - Multi Purpose Rm

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Generously Sponsored By: Generously Sponsored By:

Child Care Act public engagement Does your family use early learning and child care services or will you use them in the future? Are the principles of quality, affordability, inclusion and accessibility important to you when it comes to child care? We’ve extended the deadline; let us know what these principles mean to you for a modern Child Care Act. Learn more and take the survey at Yukon.ca/engagements by Thursday, February 29, 2024.

WATSON LAKE Daily Northern Lights Space & Science Centre Shows 11:00 AM The spectacular dancing Northern Lights are showcased, a video that is broadcast in the NLC’s domed 100-seat theatre daily throughout the summer season. Plays daily on the hour starting at 11:00 AM Second Saturday of the month Watson Lake Direct Aid 2:00 PM Northern Lights Centre Tuesdays Smart Recovery Meetings 3:00 PM Wye Lake Cabin Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services For more information, email joey.mitchell@ yukon.ca or call 332-3187 Pickleball & Badminton Watson Lake Secondary School 7:00 PM Wednesdays Drop-In Ninja Tumbling 5:30 PM Watson Lake Secondary School All ages welcome. Adults are welcome too, come to do some stretching or try some handstands etc. Fridays Friday Night Lanes 7:00 PM Call 335-7979 to register Saturdays Disc Golf 6:00 PM Raven Pines Rent discs at the Rec Centre or bring your fave. All welcome from expert level to beginner. Baptiste Power Yoga 7:00 PM Fees apply. A muscle-shaping and mind-sculpting workout, work at your own level and ability, set to electronic music. Sundays St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Church Service (867) 536-2932 Sunday Nite Volleyball 11:00 AM Watson Lake Secondary School

Conservation Science North of 60 In the North, For the North: Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences Want to advance your education and contribute to the knowledge required for conservation and sustainability of northern resources and communities? In collaboration with the University of Alberta, Yukon University offers years 3 and 4 of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences (ENCS), with a major in Northern Systems. The program offers a variety of options and entry points, including either full time or part time study.

Application deadline is March 1 for a Sept. 2024 start (late applications may be possible until May 31; contact us for information).

For more information, email ualberta@yukonu.ca or visit yukonu.ca/encs.



February 21, 2024 column with

Elke Reinauer


Elke Reinauer is a writer, based in Germany, with strong ties to the Yukon. Please email comments about her articles to editor@whatsupyukon.com.

WE ARE ALL REMARKABLE Inspire Inclusion is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8


ll women are remarkable. Some inspire me more than others—especially Yukon women. The women I know in the Yukon choose a life that feels unusual to someone from Europe. They aren’t afraid of extreme cold, wildlife and living off the grid. They are very hands-on, like friends of mine who built their house on their own and, meanwhile, were living in their shop. Yukon women grow their own vegetables in a harsh climate, they help with hunting and cutting meat, they brew their own beer (just a few of the things I know about Yukon women). In Germany, my life looks different than the lives of my female friends in the Yukon: I balance my life between work, my partner, friends, family and following my bliss when I go travelling. I hunt my meat at the butcher’s, and when it’s cold, I turn on the heater. I like to be capable of all of those things that my friends are capable of, but my priorities are different. I enjoy a comfortable home, but I also learned to enjoy camping and staying in the wilderness back in the Yukon, where I used to live. The women of our day can be anything they want to be. They can have anything in our Western world. In countries such as Iran or Afghanistan, this is different. International Women’s Day (IWD) reminds us that not all women in the world are free to do and be whatever they want. The day is celebrated worldwide on March 8 and its roots go back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1908, thousands of women took to the streets of New York City to demand equal payment and better working hours. The original idea for IWD came from Clara Zetkin, socialist and leader of the Women’s Office for the Social Democratic Party, in

who say it risks becoming like a second Valentine’s Day. In fact, women are getThe women of our day can ting flowers that day. But be anything they want to be IWD is a political day: Every year, a theme is chosen to promote a particular issue. This year’s theme is Inspire Inclusion. “When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment,” it says on the website of IWD (internationalwomensday.com/ Theme). They quote activist Gloria Steinem, who once said: “The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” With the upcoming elections of the European Parliament in June, IWD (in Germany) will be all about democracy and campaigns to encourage women to get involved in politics. In some cities, there will be demonstrations. There will be no demonstrations in the Yukon, but the Dawson Women’s Shelter (dawsonwomensshelter.com), for PHOTO: Pixabay example, is posting a remindFaso or Cambodia), it is a public er of IWD. They have a 24-hour hotGermany. While at a conference in Germany obtained in 1918. In 1975, the United Nations de- holiday. In China, women get half of line for victims of violence. The Copenhagen, she had the idea for that day in 1910. They demanded clared IWD as a holiday. In some their workday off. The annual day campaign reminds us that not all the right to vote, which women in countries (such as Nepal, Burkina has drawn criticism from feminists women in the Yukon have a free and privileged life, and some are experience gender-based violence and drug addiction. The Inspire Inclusion theme #InspireInclusion I #InternationalWomen’sDay I #IWD2024 sounds fancy to me, but when I think about it, my female friends in the Yukon did just that—they Let’s Inspire Let’s raise awareness inspired me: they included me in Inclusion and celebrate and momentum activities such as hiking and bushUnity and diversity Inclusion whacking and gardening and cutAchievements Gender equality ting meat … and I know that when Gender parity Rights and freedoms I come back (even after a long Creativity Empowerment time), they will include me again— easily. n

International Women’s Day:

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February 21, 2024



column with

Kathy Burden Communications Officer, Parks Canada Kathy Burden is a communications officer for Parks Canada in Whitehorse. This feature is part of an ongoing series, by Parks Canada, of stories about the places and people in the Yukon.

A MID-WINTER NIGHT’S DREAM 10 things to do in Kluane National Park and Reserve this summer


low as the drip of cold birch syrup, long as our January tilt away from the sun—winter in the Yukon can drag on. But now that we are on the other side of the winter solstice, it is time to start dreaming of the brief but brilliant summer to come. In our short summers, every day off counts. We hike, we bike, we boat, we fish, we photograph, we drive mile after scenic mile. We come with tents, motorhomes, trailers or tarps. And we roast our meals over an open fire, perched on a camp chair in the spot of our mid-winter dreams. To keep you dreaming through the dark winter mornings, here are 10 things to do in Kluane National Park and Reserve this summer. Most park facilities open May 17. (start planning now!).

THINGS TO DO t Visit Mät’àtäna Män

(Kathleen Lake) This is a great place to relax by the water, hike or go fishing. Grab a campsite or glamp up your stay with a night in an oTENTik. New for 2024, half of the campground’s sites are available for reservation:

Mountain biking on the Alsek Valley Trail

visitors can call 1-877-737-3783 or go online at reservation.pc.gc. ca to book a site or an oTENTik in advance.

t Hike Shepherd’s Knoll

Route Not all of Kluane’s hiking routes will give you calf cramps! You can enjoy this easy to moderate, two-kilometre return hike, which starts from the Sheep Creek Trail, for a view of the Ä’äy Chù Valley. Remember, routes are not marked trails, but a route description is available on the park’s website … and please give sheep their space, especially during lambing season.

t Count sheep at the

Thechàl Dhâl’ Visitor Centre Nestled at the base of Thechàl Dhâl’, this cozy visitor centre has interpretive exhibits, a large deck with viewing scopes for watching sheep, and cultural programming throughout the summer.


The Kokanee Trail along the shore of Kathleen Lake


t Sit in the King’s Throne One of the most-hiked trails in the area, this 10-kilometre return trail gains 600 metres in elevation to a spectacular cirque, the “King’s Throne.” This challenging trail offers stunning views of the Kathleen Lake area.

Learn with Parks Canada Parks Canada staff love connecting with visitors over campfire talks and other activities. Learn more about the people, landscapes and wildlife that call Kluane home. Check the website for program schedules before your visit. Go for a bike ride down the Alsek Valley Nothing beats riding a bike with your friends and family. Cycle the beautiful Alsek Valley Trail surrounded by forests and skyscraping mountains. Bring a picnic and relax on the rock outcrop (just five kilometres down the trail) and continue as far as you like along its 26-kilometre length.


Plan a family camping trip to St. Elias Lake Bring the whole family for this fun overnight hike into a remote campground. Swim in the lake and eat s’mores, and contact Dalton Trail Lodge to rent the lake’s resident canoe.

t Raft the Alsek River This remote Canadian Heritage River flows through glaciated valleys that are home to mountain goats, golden eagles and grizzly bears. Depending on where you start and finish, a trip on the Alsek can take anywhere from three to 14 days. Pre-planning is a must. Check the park website for details.

t Come out for Northern Nights Experience the Yukon’s only Dark Sky Festival at Mät’àtäna Män (Kathleen Lake) every September, with art, music, stargazing and PHOTO: F. Mueller, Parks Canada activities for kids of all ages.

t Stop by the Kluane National Park and Reserve Visitor Centre Our main visitor centre is in the beautiful Da Kų Cultural Centre in

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t Bring layers: Weather is a fickle friend in this wild landscape. Wool and synthetic layers, along with an insulated jacket and rain gear, will keep you comfortable. t Pack out your garbage: We all know that being a litterbug is bad news, but even small or degradable items like apple cores and orange peels can affect the environment, wildlife and the experience of other park visitors. Pack out whatever you pack in, and dispose of garbage in appropriate receptacles. t Be bear aware: This is bear country and, while bears generally prefer to avoid people, it is important to get educated about bear safety. Carry bear spray and know how to use it, make noise and be observant, always keep your dog on a leash and minimize attractants. Stop at the visitor centre in Haines Junction to learn more. t Be a respectful traveller: With First Nation Knowledge Keepers from across the territory, Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism (YFNCT) created a set of guidelines so we can all learn more about travelling through First Nation lands with respect. The area that is now Kluane National Park and Reserve is permeated with thousands of years of Indigenous history and culture; and today, Parks Canada cooperatively manages the park with Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and Kluane First Nation. Read the guidelines at indigenousyukon.ca/things-to-do. For more information: Go online to parkscanada.ca/kluane, or call 867-634-7250. n


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February 21, 2024

Freelance with

Erica Henault Erica Henault’s career was in health care, as a dental hygienist. She has always been a writer and a photographer. Erica moved to the Yukon when she was 19 and where she met her husband. They moved to Vancouver Island, 30 years ago, where they are continuing their love of camping, new adventures and exploring the beautiful outdoors. The breathtaking Yukon Territory is still the place they call home.

MARRIAGE: FIVE THINGS NO ONE TOLD ME 45 YEARS AGO Still true today … a glimpse of this man at the bank this morning and thought he looked harmless … and I was late.) The short version: Ten minutes later, I was renting a room in his house on Wood Street in downtown Whitehorse. Two years later, we were married in this same house. The long version: I was 19 years old and hard-earned wisdom and a great deal of luck were still a few decades ahead of me. (If my daughters did this today, I would freak out. Things were different then. Or were they?) No one told me, 45 years ago, that despite the best planning and the best intentions, a great deal of life is about split-second

1. Marriage is a leap of faith

The Volkswagen van slows down beside me. A layer of mud and dust almost hides the original blue colour. A young man leans over, cranks down the passenger window and asks me if I would like a ride. I am late heading to

Spectacular autumn Yukon scenery, circa late 1970s

my evening job at the Yukon Inn after a full day working at the bank. I say “Sure” and I get into the van. An unpleasant smell catches my attention. I turn around and see glistening-wet fish in a bucket on the floor. Later on, I learned that these were Arctic grayling, a freshwater fish popular in the lakes around Whitehorse. Later on, I will spend countless hours fishing for rainbow trout, north-

A constant layer of mud and dust on the blue Volkswagen van (Erica, center) as Chuck and Erica explored Dredge No. 4, Bonanza Creek, circa late 1970s

Chuck and Erica preparing their fresh-catch dinner, with Chuck in his Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous T-shirt, in the backyard at their house on Wood Street, Whitehorse (circa, late 1970s)

decisions and events that are out of your control. Each day is a leap of faith. Marriage is a leap of faith.

2. Them’s fighting words

The earworm (a.k.a. stuck song syndrome) began at a Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous festival in Whitehorse in the late 1970s. We were watching a Frantic Follies Vaudeville Revue, our toes tapping along to the band playing old-fashioned dance-hall music. Can can dancers, with twirling skirts and colourful petticoats, high kicks and cartwheels, did not leave much to our imagination. They did leave us with huge grins. Comical actors in a bar scene were making-believe fighting and engaging in an exchange of dialogue where one said, “Them’s fighting words where I come from.” The other replied, “Then how come you’re not fighting?” To which the first person answered, “‘Cause I ain’t where cont’d on page 14 ...

ern pike and Arctic grayling— all found in many of the lakes throughout the breathtaking Yukon. (Full disclosure: I had caught

PHOTOS: Erica Henault

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February 21, 2024


whatsupyukon.com column with

Dianne Homan


Dianne Homan is a retired school teacher, dancer and long-distance walker. She is the author of Walk Your Own Camino, Mother Earth Legends, and two children’s books. She lives an oh-so-simple off-grid lifestyle.

THOUGHTS ABOUT GREY MATTER I’m delighted to join the “Grey Matters” team of writers— partly because they are women I like and admire, but also because I’m intrigued by grey matter (yes, brains!)


ver the decades, I was a teacher in a variety of settings—elementary school classrooms, dance studios, university teacher-training programs, and workshops about integrating the arts into core curriculum (like teaching the science of space through visual art, or fractions through music, or poetry through dance). I love making teaching and learning multidimensional and fun. I speculate about how the brain works for all of us as we find ourselves or put ourselves into educational situations. When we talk about childhood learning, we refer to the brain as being like a sponge. Kids just soak stuff up. We all learned at least one language by being around it. We picked up social skills without much direct instruction besides reminders to say please and thank-you. We learned our way around our neighbourhoods, even before we knew what right and left were all about. Even the basic three “R’s”— ”reading, writing and arithmetic” (although requiring repeated exposure and practice)—get soaked up, sponged up by most (but not all) kids. One day, a light bulb goes on and a learner says, “Oh, I get it.”



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When we talk about childhood learning, we refer to the brain as being like a sponge Later, the lessons to be learned and the tasks demanded get more challenging, and the passive sponge doesn’t do the trick anymore. The brain needs to learn to work like the proverbial steel trap. I first felt this phase of brain usage when memorizing the multiplication tables in grade 3, when writing my first reports in grade 6 and when learning to take notes in history classes in grade 7 and 8, in order to do well on the challenging tests my teacher gave us. I got to like that steel-trap feeling. My brain felt like Pac-Man gobbling up everything in its path, feeling successful and seeking out more. I looked around and found all kinds of interesting ideas and topics and opinions in the world. Sometimes I’d run into something that stymied my brain. The different areas of our brains (which specialize in language, or math, or movement, or music, or social or spatial awareness) may have varying degrees of development and ability. I ran right up against that reality when, after marrying an immigrant to Canada from Germany, I figured I would learn German. Goodness, the grammar is complex. I

PHOTO: Pixabay

plugged away at it for a few years until, finally, during an intensive language class at the Goethe Institute in Germany, I told my instructor that the grey thing in my head (not knowing the word for brain) was too full. I gave it up soon thereafter. And sometimes I have to give up on trying to fix things that are broken and ask someone else to do it for me. It makes sense that we’d all stick with the steel-trap brain while still in the workforce where we have to stay alert, on task and able to solve problems. So, one of the great things about retiring is letting the brain relax. I call it “ocean brain.” When I let go of repetitive and obsessive remembering, stop planning or worrying about a hypothetical future and quit getting distracted by craziness in the present, then I float in that ocean. It feels as though my brain extends way beyond my body, way out yonder. I know lots of folks find ocean brain when they’re younger, through meditation practices. I’m happily devoting my senior years to swimming and floating in this great big mental space, courtesy of the grey thing in my head. Grey matters! n


Do you work or volunteer with youth?

•Build skills for having conversations about masculinity. •Learn about the option to lead a Boys Group. More info. consentcrew@vfwomenscentre.com vfwomenscentre.com/programs Application deadline: March 11, 2024


Seeking public input Residential Landlord and Tenant Act

February 1-29, 2024 The Government of Yukon invites Yukoners to provide their input on the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. You can complete the online survey and find related information at yukon.ca/engagements. Paper copies of the survey are also available at your local library, territorial agents, the Residential Tenancies Office on 307 Black Street, and the Government of Yukon Jim Smith Building on 2071-2nd Avenue in Whitehorse.

You’ll be royalty in your friends’ eyes. DON’T DRIVE IMPAIRED.



February 21, 2024

Marriage: Five things no one told me 45 years ago ... cont’d from page 12 share our unpopular little secret with them: We sometimes sleep in separate beds. Experts on the internet say our marriage is doomed. Their studies show that happy, long-term partners always sleep in the same bed … but snoring, twitchy legs, varying temperatures and different circadian rhythms can create a tired, grumpy partner. For us, sleeping in separate beds, at times, has been a marriage saver—not a deal breaker. Marriage is not an exact science. Staying married is as individual as the individuals in a marriage. Forty-five years later, I have learned the meaning of “You do you and I’ll do me.”

PHOTOS: GBP Creative


Erica and Chuck at Merridale Cidery & Distillery on Vancouver Island, May 2023 I come from!” Later on, we would repeat this to each other. My husband or I began with the first line and the other one would pick up with the second line. We finished it together and burst out laughing, and now we have repeated these silly lines almost every week

4. Fighting fair

I often have red ridges on my tongue. I know my husband has them, too. After 45 years, we can easily press each other’s buttons … and not always in a good way. Being hangry, tired and grumpy, along with that final straw in not

fighting fair. We have learned to choose our battles and to choose the timing. After 45 years, we have learned how being kind versus being right is always the right answer. We have learned to fight fair … and the ridges on my tongue are a small price to pay.

5. Humour saves the day

The situation is tense and emotions are raw. My husband and I still find something to smile about. Humour helps us to cope with the challenges in our day and the serious business of life. Humour is a constant thread woven into our relationship as laughing lightens the load and we discover a new perspective and a feeling of “this, too, shall pass.” We also have plain-old silly fun together. We end up laughing about something that would make no sense to anyone else (an inside joke between two people is a priceless gift in a friendship and in our marriage).

Humour (often) saves the day.

And now, 45 years later …

I am thankful that I took a leap of faith and said yes to my rewarding life, and I am truly grateful that my husband has been with me every step of the way. We now live on Vancouver Island where we continue to fish and to enjoy the incredible beauty of nature just minutes from our home. We often share fond memories of how we met and of our years together while living in the breathtaking Yukon. No one ever told me that now (45 years later) “Them’s fighting words” would still make us smile today. A long-lasting, loving, happy marriage is worth fighting for. n

Chuck and Erica exploring Long Beach on Vancouver Island—a favourite place to camp and enjoy the incredible beauty of the West Coast

of our marriage for the past 45 years. It never grows old, and for a brief moment in time, we don’t grow old. No one told me, 45 years ago, that these shared memories and routines would become an anchor to help us through the ups and downs of life.

3. You do you and I’ll do me

Friends and family avert their eyes. I can hear a pin drop as we

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE (GBV) AND CRIMINAL LAW: PART ONE March 18, 2024 | CRN 90142 | 10am-12pm | FREE Livestreamed via Zoom, Instructor: Pamela Cross Registration deadline is March 11, 2024 Note: This webinar is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to take Part Two, which explores some of the challenges with criminal law and court in cases involving GBV. This webinar is intended for frontline workers who encounter clients dealing with gender-based violence (GBV) in their lives, as well as for members of the general public who may be neighbours, friends or family members of people who have been victimized by GBV. This webinar provides an overview of the criminal law response to GBV.

Topics to be covered in this webinar will include: • What the criminal law can and cannot

• The players in the criminal system and

• How the victim can prepare for court

do in cases of GBV • Criminal offences related to GBV • The steps in a criminal case

their roles • Standard of proof in criminal court • The role of the victim/survivor

• Services connected with criminal court

REGISTRATION OPTIONS: • Contact Registrations & Records at 867.668.8710 EXT 2 and quote the CRN; • Register by emailing registrations@yukonu.ca • Find out more 867.456.8589 or nisj@yukonu.ca

• What happens after court is over

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Please note that if you wish to withdraw from your non-academic course, we require a notice of seven business days prior to your course start date in order for you to receive a full refund. This adheres to our cancellation policy for all withdrawal of non-academic courses.

February 21, 2024




Jessica Surber


Jessica Surber is a writer who loves being in the mountains and working with plants. She divides her time between Peru and the Yukon.

CHASING AURORA WITH SANDRA PEÑA When Sandra Peña saw northern lights for the first time, it was a quiet moment of reflection for her about the creation of life


er first thought was about how the first inhabitants of Earth must have felt when they saw these mysterious lights for the first time. Her second thought was how she wished she could share the moment with the special people in her life. Many years and many encounters with the aurora borealis have passed since that moment, and she now shares these exceptional experiences with visitors from all over the world—as her job. Originally from Xalapa, the capital of the Mexican state of Veracruz, Peña has been living in the Yukon for 16 years. Based in Tagish, her business, Nomada Excursions, offers a variety of unique tours in Spanish as well as in English. Her specialty is her Yukon Aurora Chasers tour (aurora-chasing for

the adventurous). Peña discovered her passion for guiding seven years ago but was faced with prejudice and harassment along the way. Instead of giving up the work that brought her so much joy, she channelled that adversity into something new and it ultimately pushed her to start her own business. It wasn’t easy and felt scary at times. Being a single mother of a then teenager (and setting aside money for this new dream) required a lot of hard work. She started very small, leading tours in her Toyota Corolla. She didn’t let the cold temperatures and discouraging words from others chase her away; she accepted the challenge, despite the fact that many thought she would fail. Being mobile allowed her to move around and “chase” the northern lights, instead of just being in one place and hoping for the clouds to part and the light show to begin. Drawing inspiration from other Yukon women-led tour companies, from her own experiences of living in a northern community and from her interactions with encouraging and extraordinary neighbours and friends, she decided to lean into her strengths.

PHOTO: Sandra Peña

Many of Sandra’s tours take place around the Carcross area She felt confident that she knew what Spanish speakers wanted from their experience in the North, and she trusted that

she understood this specific market. This was her chance to express herself in her own language and to be with Mexicans here in

the Yukon, and so she chose to offer a tour 100 per cent in Spanish, from the airport pickup—all the cont’d on page 16 ...



February 21, 2024

Chasing Aurora With Sandra Peña ... cont’d from page 15 [had] a very tight relationship with the spirit world, since Aztec times,” she said. Nothing compares to seeing these incredible dancing shapes and vibrant colours

The night sky in the Yukon is spectacular even without the northern lights way to the airport drop-off. Advertising and distributing information about a new company can be particularly challenging but, fortunately for Peña, Facebook gave her a direct connection with potential clients. She started to post in groups for Mexicans in Canada, and travel groups for Mexicans, and learned very quickly how to use Facebook for advertising. Today, she estimates that about 95 per cent of her clients are from Mexico. Thanks to Peña’s perseverance, hard work and exceptional reviews on Tripadvisor and Facebook, she’s been able to upgrade to a larger vehicle since those early days in her Corolla. Business Insider Mexico even featured a piece about her in 2022, as the first woman to create a tour in Spanish in the Yukon. These days, her husband

sometimes joins her on her tours; but at the core, she’s still a onewoman show. It’s a challenge to manage the company all by herself, with marketing, sales, logistics, etc. There’s always something new to learn. Although she misses her family in Mexico, the warmth of her people and the loud music and amazing street food, she considers Tagish her home and loves the unique people and the majestic landscapes of the North. “Living in the Yukon is always adventurous,” she said. In her experience, people are drawn to the Yukon for its nature and for the Indigenous culture and stories. “Some people are here to prove miracles—to believe in something or to witness the supernatural.” First Nation communities believe that the northern lights are the spirits of their ancestors, and hearing this resonated deeply with Peña, making her feel connected to her own roots. “Mexicans have

Although the aurora borealis is most commonly seen in shades of green and yellow, it can also appear in other colours in person, and it’s that sense of awe and astonishment triggered by the aurora that Peña loves to share with others. “My favourite part of my work is to see their excitement and happiness! The ‘Wow, Sandra, this is sooo beautiful’ … [and] to show them how beautiful the territory is—and the culture.” While many associate northern lights with the long, dark nights of December and January, these upcoming months can still be really great for aurora-watching. In fact,

in Peña’s experience, the best month is April. “I personally recommend April. The sun’s activity is higher after the equinox.” She suggests preparing by doing some

PHOTOS: Sandra Peña

research and getting warm equipment. “It’s better to have extra clothes than not having enough,” she said, then added, “Be open to adventure; the Yukon is more than just aurora.” When the aurora season is over, Peña takes a break by spending time creating art with materials available in the Yukon—from caribou antlers, to collected minerals, as well as doing leather work from hide scraps and other materials from around the world. All the while, she waits patiently for the darkness and the aurora to return. More information about Sandra Peña’s tours can be found at nomadaexcursionsyukon.com and on Facebook under Yukon Aurora Chasers. ¡Vámonos de Tour! (Let’s go on tour!) n

When she’s not chasing aurora, Sandra Peña also enjoys spending time on adventures in the mountains

February 21, 2024


June 8 Starts in Shipyards Park Ends in Atlin




February 21, 2024 column with

Larry Leigh


Larry Leigh is an avid angler, hunter and all-round outdoors person who prefers to cook what he harvests himself. He is a past president of the Canadian Wildlife Federation and retired hunter-education coordinator for the Government of Yukon.

WINTER SNACKS ARE FOR THE BIRDS Taking care of our feathered friends is simpler than you might think


ur long and often very cold winters are tough on all of us, but we can make it a little easier on some of our local birds. Ravens and magpies can go to the dump or the grocery-store parking lot and eat heartily. It isn’t quite as simple for our common, smaller birds. Bird feeders are readily available, although a bit expensive to buy, but home-created feeders can easily be made with materials already at hand. YouTube has numerous DIY instructions for feeders made from scraps of wood, repurposed plastic bottles, waxed milk containers, aluminum pots and kettles. A perch for the feeding bird can be made from a dowel, a tree branch, small wood trim, a pencil or a wooden spoon. Just drill a hole in both sides of the feeder and push the perch through and out the other side with a little glue, if necessary, at the holes. Hanging is easy when using wire, cord or an old dog collar. A cheap

PHOTO: Pixabay

Redpolls are regular visitors at winter bird feeders key-chain type carabiner or other hook at the top makes it easy to remove the feeder for filling. Feed is readily available at our big-box stores, and buying it on sale saves many dollars. Various mixed seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried cranberries, stale bread crumbs and leftover pancake/waffle/bannock bits are always accepted. Commercial suet cakes can be costly but

convenient. If you have the time and inclination, suet is easily created with melted lard or bacon/ pork fat mixed with seeds, with or without dried fruit, peanut butter, etc. Suet feeders are available but wire-mesh burger/fish cookers or even suet-dipped pine cones work very well. Cat kibble is popular with whisky jacks and magpies. Squirrels are a challenge as

they like to eat and are extremely patient and ingenious at getting food out of a feeder. They are daring and can jump quite a distance, both vertically and horizontally. They will very soon discover the “open for filling” lid on the feeder and will get inside to gorge themselves. A cord, wire or bungee wrap can be used to secure the lid. Bird activity at feeders attracts

neighbourhood cats, so hanging them higher than a cat can jump can help. We have about 20 feeders at our house. Some are more popular than others, but all are used throughout the winter. Most of them can be watched from our windows. The most-common birds gathering and feeding are various sparrows, chickadees, juncos, redpolls and a few others. Grosbeaks are fairly regular, and the completely red male is nice to see. Crossbills are rare. We have almost daily visits from a group of four to six magpies—one of which has only one leg, which makes it difficult to perch. I try to accommodate that bird by daily putting seeds, fruit, cat kibble and meat scraps on a flat board that I keep clear of snow. Please realize that bird feeders can be a bear attractant. Keeping the area clear and taking down the feeders in spring can help reduce potential bear-human conflicts. Feeding the birds requires minimal physical activity. If you are interested, it is a positive use of time, doesn’t cost very much and makes you feel good. n

February 21, 2024








Larry Bagnell


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February 21, 2024



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thurs, february 22, 8 pm 134 MINS

Thu Feb 29 Snowshoe Series 6:00 PM Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre Discuss snowshoe running basics and then do group runs in the trails that will help build up to the Dion snowshoe series race. Register online or call 335.0441 for more info.


Sun Mar 3 Tracks and Trails 1:00 PM Learn how to identify prints and look for other signs that wildlife has been in the area. No registration required. tracksand-trails

feb 22 - 29 BRAMAYUGAM

thurs-fri, daily weekend matinees 104 MINS

Every 2nd Sunday Snowsliding Meetups! 2:00 PM Mt Sima Bi-weekly snow sliding events for BIPOC, gender-divers and queer folx. Lessons for beginners and intermediate snowboarders.



thurs-fri, daily weekend matinees 116 MINS

Judo For Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30 AM Northern Strength Academy Functional fitness training to be stronger and injury-resistant. All levels are welcome. Train ‘functionally’ with NSA Co-owner Jeremy McCulloch. https:// northernstrength.ca/


DUNE: PART TWO thurs-fri, daily weekend matinees 166 MINS

Tickets k and more: yukontheatre.com com


Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.c Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00 AM Canada Games Centre Yukon Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. Babynastics with Coach Stephanie 9:30 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https://www.polarettes.org/ babynastics

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Tai Chi for Seniors 10:00 AM Golden Age Society Come early, bring water, and wear comfortable, smooth soled indoor shoes. Call 668-5538 for more info.

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Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions. Kids Muay Thai 4:45 PM Eight Days Martial Arts KIDS MUAY THAI a dynamic and engaging martial art that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century. Open to ages 8 - 12.


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Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg Noon Strength and Conditioning 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Functional strength class teaches compound multi-joint lifts that improve athleticism, strength, coordination, power and more. https://northernstrength.ca/

Zumba with Bonita 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online Women’s Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga 6:45 PM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.ca Spirit Bear Karate 7:30 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM Rest & Restore-Meditative Yin 8:30 PM Avalanche Athletics Suitable for all levels, offering variations and props to support individual needs. Bringing a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended. Tuesdays Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00 AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM Séances de yoga 8:00 AM Flow and Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Grace Space This dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered. Elderactive Yoga with Richard until Oct 24 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance explore the great variety the IYENGAR Yoga method has to offer Yoga with Barbara until Feb 20 10:00 AM Whitehorse United Church Use side door All Levels Yoga. Email bfraingower@gmail.com Babynastics with Coach Naomi 10:15 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semistructured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https://www.polarettes.org/babynastics Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 AM Yoga-Yoga Nidra 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio Awaken and then release as we delve into a one hour yoga class that will prepare us to melt into the 30 minute Yoga Nidra experience. Register online. Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels. Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:15 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available. Elderactive Nordic Walking 12:30 PM ElderActive Recreation Association he use of poles provides a full-body workout as well as stability over uneven terrain. Elderactive Leisure Walking 12:30 PM ElderActive Recreation Association Leisure Walking is similar to Nordic walking but is suitable for those who prefer a slower, more relaxed pace Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM Strength & Conditioning 5:30 PM Northern Strength Academy Exercise to suit your fitness level and Strength & Conditioning Goals. Learn to Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Row and Olympic Lift https://northernstrength.ca/ Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Learn to Fence 6:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class introduces the fundamentals of fencing to kids who have never tried fencing. All classes are at Grey Mountain Primary.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM Whitehorse Archery Takhini Elementary 6:30 PM Whitehorse Archery is a non-profit club for the recreational shooter, hunters, and those who just want to work on their skills. https://www.whitehorsearchery.com/ schedule Spirit Bear Kobudo (Weapons) Karate 7:00 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Intermediate 7:30 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class picks up from where Learn to Fence ends. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness. No-Gi Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM Stretch and Stabilize – Functional Conditioning 7:45 PM Grace Space Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class. Wednesdays Muay Thai Kickboxing 6:00 AM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout. Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30 AM Northern Strength Academy https://northernstrength.ca/ Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00 AM Canada Games Centre Yukon Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. Zumba with Bonita 10:00 AM 7th Ray Studio Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness. Register online. Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg Ladies Kickboxing 12:05 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout. NSA Spin Classes 4:15 PM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM Spirit Bear Karate 6:25 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:45 PM Eight Days Martial Arts The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions. Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning 8:15 PM Avalanche Athletics Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class. Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning http://amitieyoga.ca Thursdays Insanity Live! Get Fit For Winter – 6 Week Winter Series 5:30 AM Riverdale Subdivision – Whitehorse Incinerate fat and calories in 50 minutes with the ultimate cardio-conditioning program that is tailored to ALL fitness levels. Register online. https://whatsupyukon.events/b7o

cont’d on page 21 ...

February 21, 2024



ACTIVE AND WELLNESS EVENTS... ... cont’d Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00 AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM Tai Chi for Seniors 10:00 AM Golden Age Society Come early, bring water, and wear comfortable, smooth soled indoor shoes. Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available. https://bit.ly/3oiTBVz Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels Noon Hatha Yoga until Dec 7 12:00 PM Grace Space Relax, energize and leave with more mental and physical space and capacity! Register online. http:// cuts2.com/gmGhI No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM Babynastics with Coach Ewan 1:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https://www.polarettes.org/ babynastics Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Adult Beginner 7:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School If you are looking to learn fencing as an adult. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness. Fridays Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM NSA Spin Classes 6:30 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/




Circus Sundays 10:00 AM Avalanche Athletics We will have equipment for people to try out, including stilts, juggling stuff, aerial silks, aerial hoop, static trapeze, spinny things, balance things…

Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 8:00 AM Closeleigh Manor Common Room Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Call or text 867-3341725 for more details

NSA Spin Classes 10:00 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/ Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes

WELLNESS LISTINGS Elder and Counselor available Emotional and Spiritual support, free to Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirited in Yukon, Northern BC: Phone, video appointments or in person. Call Toll Free 866 667 6162 or visit www.yawc.ca for info.

Monthly 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month The Prenatal Lunch Network 12:00 PM NVD Place (Old Canadian Tire Building) A free prenatal lunch network. Each week will feature a different activity. Call 332-5054 or 332-6476 for more info. 1st and 3rd Wednesday QYS Peer Support Nights 5:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache We want to provide a space where parents and guardians of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth can find connection and support from their peers. 2nd Wednesday and last Friday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions 1st Thursday of every month Men’s Gathering 5:00 PM A safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional teachings. For more info contact Rob at 332-5708 or Rob. McLean@kdfn.net Every other Tuesday Sharing Circle 12:00 PM Old Justice Building KDFN Every other Tuesday for recovery focused sharing circles. Connect, share challenges and gains, and access support and wisdom. Snacks and refreshments served. https:// whatsupyukon.events/4en

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House Infant Feeding Mondays 1:00 PM Yukon Midwifery Program Yukoners who are pregnant or have a baby under 12 months are invited to learn about feeding their infants and get support with challenges. Call 393-7120 to book a private appointment or drop-in. AA Life Ahead (O, A) 7:00 PM 509 Hanson St. Held in person or by zoom – ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info. AA New Beginnings Group (O, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall) AA New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Tuesdays Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:30 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout. Saturdays Flow & Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Avalanche Athletics A dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered. All levels, Bring yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended. http://amitieyoga.ca Saturday Morning Strength and Conditioning 10:15 AM Northern Strength Academy Full-body movements to improve functional strength. Suitable for all levels and aligns with NSA’s strength programming. https://northernstrength.ca/

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Inclusion Yukon Art Therapy for Grief 5:30 PM Hospice Yukon Learn more about living with grief and self-compassion in a supportive space with others who are grieving the death of a loved one Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:30 PM Overeaters Anonymous For more information contact oayukon@gmail. com for more information

AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:30 PM Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778-907-2971 for more info. Community Kitchen 4:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info. Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Yukon Employees Union Al-Anon 7:00 PM Trinity Lutheran Church Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. AA Whitehorse Group (C, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Saturdays

Porter Creek Step Meeting (C) 8:00 PM Our Lady of Victory

AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:00 PM Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778-907-2971 for more info.

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House ARKA Brotherhood Men’s Circle: Porcupine Squad 6:30 PM Whitehorse A confidential, structured space that empowers men to transform themselves into self-aware, self-disciplined, empowered and trustworthy leaders. Email mjvernon@gmail.com for more info. http://www.arkabrotherhood.com


AA Hospital Meeting 7:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral

AA UglyDuckling Group (C/M, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral New members always welcome, this is a non smoking group. Ugly Ducklings Group (O,A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Held in person or by zoom – ID 251-363-5766, call 778907-2701 for more info. TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 8:00 PM 100 25 Firth Rd Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Join us! Every Wednesday morning. Call or text 867-334-1725 for more details

Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal. Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House

AA Detox Meeting (O, A) 1:00 PM 609 Steele St.1:00 PM

Sundays AA Detox Meeting (O, A)1:00 PM 609 Steele St. AA Yukon Unity Group 1:00 PM Online By zoom – Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 For more info call 778-907-2971 Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Inclusion Yukon

Want to be on (O, thisA)page? AAHospital Meeting 7:00 PM event(Hellaby HERE: Hall) Christ Enter Churchyour Cathedral

Connect to Culture - Drop-In 1:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre FREE! Drop-In, Open to ALL! Weekly cultural activities from beading to sewing, healing camp trips, elder visits and more. For more info call 667-2093 or email info@vfwomenscentre.com https://vfwomenscentre.com/events


It’s Easy. It’s Fast. It’s Free!

For when the high kicks in.

Clayton’s CAR CARE Tips


MAKE IT A HABIT Having good visibility on snowy roads can make all the difference. You will be able to see things clearly and avoid accidents and injuries. Here are a few tips to sharpen your vision and ensure a safe drive at night. First, check your lights. It is important to check your headlights that includes fog lamps, driving lights and brake lights if they are working properly before heading out. It is also important to visit your local mechanics if your vehicle requires to adjust or change your headlight bulb or if it requires some cleaning in order to have a safe and enjoyable drive.

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM Open Mat Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM

Al-Anon 12:00 PM Sport Yukon Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House

AA No Puffin Big Book Study (C, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - teen classes Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House


Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight & Mondays Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Community Kitchen 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info

Polar Group (O, A) 7:30 PM 311 Elliott St. & 4th Ave. Held in person or on zoom, Zoom ID 251-363-5766, call 778907-2701 for more info.

Tire Shop: MON-SAT 7:30-5:30 Mechanical Shop: MON-FRI 8-5

867-667-6102 107 INDUSTRIAL ROAD



February 21, 2024



It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.

Email: events@whatsupyukon.com ART SHOWS Thu Feb 22 Diversion Artist in Residency Exhibit Reception 6:30 PM Northern Front Studio Celebrate the work created by Nicole Bauberger, Leslie Leong, and Janet Patterson in the Diversions Artist In Residency program at Raven ReCentre. Until Feb 23 Connexion et Convergence by Association franco-yukonnaise Arts Underground Exhibit on view in both the Focus and Edge galleries. https://www. artsunderground.ca/exhibition-archive/ connexion-et-convergence Until Feb 24 This Wild Country: Postcards from the Yukon Archives Collection Arts Underground On display in the Hougen Heritage Gallery Until Mar 10 This Must be the Place – An Exhibit by Tara Kolla Tara Kolla’s This Must be The Place! fantastical, joyful works that transport the viewer to another world. commemorates Yukon Archives’ 50th Until Spring 2024 Out in the Open – En Plein Art The Jim Smith Building An exhibition celebrating the 2023 acquisitions of the Yukon Permanent Art Collection.

LIVE MUSIC Mon Feb 19 Reggae Dance & Concert 8:00 PM The Local Bar Listen to Alpha Yaya Diallo-Guina, Alex KajumuloTanzania, local musicians and much more! Cover charge at the door. Wed Feb 21 Kid Koala x Lealani 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre A live performance, Hybrid Party Set, Half DJ set/Half mpc guitar turntable mayhem with Montreal based DJ Kid Koala, and hailing from LA Lealani. Tickets online. www.yukontickets. com Thu Feb 22 Yukon Rendezvous - Fiddle Show 6:30 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre An incredible show filled with music, spirit, and Rendezvous Characters - featuring dual headliners Calvin Vollrath and Mark Sullivan with special guests The Fiddleheads, and Jeremy Rusu! Tickets online. www.yukontickets.com Fri Feb 23 The Damn Shames with Elijah Bekk 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well The Damn Shames are back and joined with The Elijah Bekk band for a night of good fun, dancing and libations! Sun Feb 25 Chapel Recital Series - Mah, McColeman, Crawford-Holland 2:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Music featuring Erica Mah, Andrea McColeman, and Maxime Crawford-Holland. Tickets online and at the door. Stick around for a reception with warm drinks and sweet treats. Wed Feb 28 Hannah Gerogas 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre Acclaimed Canadian singer-songwriter Hannah Georgas crafts textured pop songs with lyrics about heartbreak & change, coupled with incredibly catchy hooks www. yukontickets.com Fri Mar 1 K-OS 9:00 PM The Local Bar k-os is a Canadian alternative rapper, singer, songwriter and producer, see him perform live! Tickets online. Sat Mar 2 Whitehorse Community Choir - Believe in the Sun 7:30 PM Christ Church Cathedral An uplifting evening of soulful melodies and harmonies as the singers spread joy and the power of light. Tickets online. Sat Mar 2 The Unconfirmed – Gemini Fire & Chimney Fire 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well Sun Mar 3 The Ostara Project 7:30 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre The Ostara Project showcases the strength and creativity of Canadian women in jazz. Tickets online. www.yukontickets.com Monthly 1st Saturday Folk Society Coffeehouse 6:00 PM Whitehorse United Church


Also, email us if there are any errors!

All ages featuring local emerging and established musicians. Bring cash to buy coffee, tea, and tasty treats! Every Other Wednesday Intermediate Jam – Bluegrass, Old-Time 7:00 PM Whitehorse Legion A fun jam of bluegrass and related genres (old-time, classic country, etc). Medium tempos, lots of opportunities to take a solo if you want, but not required. Contact ian.boyce@ northwestel.net for more info. Mondays Live Music Mondays at Whiskey Jacks 7:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill Patrick Jacobson at Whiskey Jack’s every Monday with a weekly “feature performer” for the last set. whiskeyjacks.ca/ Wednesdays Whitewater Wednesday Night Jam 7:00 PM The Local Bar An open mic kinda show and all you have to do is bring in your instrument, find Jack and/or Peggy and we’ll set you up! No need to be shy. Ginger Jam 7:00 PM Lefty’s Well Thursdays Live DJs - Thursday Throwdown 9:00 PM The Local Bar. Saturdays Live Music at Whiskey Jacks 7:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill At Whiskey Jack’s every Saturday. whiskeyjacks.ca/

GENERAL EVENTS Mon Feb 19 Whitehorse Beringian Fair 6:00 PM Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre Learn about the threats to Yukon South Beringia’s unique biodiversity, research being done and steps being taken to protect wildlife there while exploring the new Beringia Interpretive Centre! Tickets online. Mon Feb 19 2023 Yukon Heritage Awards Ceremony 7:00 PM Yukon Archives Guest speaker Gùdia - Mary Jane Johnson will give a special presentation. All are welcome. No RSVP is required, Light refreshments will be served following the awards presentation. Mon Feb 19 When We Walked on Frozen Rivers - Book Release 7:00 PM Old Fire Hall rescheduled book presentation of:”When we walked on Frozen Rivers” Book 4 in Elisabeth Weigand’s YukonWild Series Tue Feb 20 Yukon Rendezvous Diamonds are to Kill For! 6:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Join our Rendezvous Alumni in celebrating the last 60 years of fun, excitement and craziness at the 60th Anniversary Murder Mystery Show. Tickets online. Wed Feb 21 Fuelling Collaboration Brewing Success 6:30 PM Decora A gathering for small business owners to chat, connect, and collaborate. A place to ask questions and engage in conversations to share and receive insight, form connections, and share best practices. Wed Feb 21 Women Investors & Entrepreneurs Day 9:00 AM Yukonstruct Makespace A series of FREE roundtable discussions and a networking mixer. Share experiences, ask questions, and learn what it means to be an investor or investmentready. Register online. Wed Feb 21 Mustard by Kat Sandler 7:30 PM The Guild Hall Masks-mandatory, pay-what-you-decide preview. A twisted fairy tale about friendship, moving on and finding magic where you least expect it. Shows are Wednesday through Saturday. Tickets online. www.yukontickets.com

Thu Feb 22 Bramayugam 8:00 PM Yukon Theatre Thevan, a folk singer of the Paanan caste, has a fateful encounter when escaping slavery, leading to discover an ancient tradition altering his destiny. In Malayalam with English subtitles. Tickets online or in-person at the box office.www. yukonfilmsociety.com Fri Feb 23 - 25 Yukon Rendezvous Festival Weekend 10:00 AM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre/Shipyards Park The annual Yukon Rendezvous festival - check out various events, snow sculptures, performances, join in on the friendly competition. Fri Feb 23 - 25 Yukon Rendezvous - Craft Fair 10:00 AM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre A part of the annual Yukon Rendezvous festival - check out handmade wares from local crafters & artisans, everything from baking - fine art. Fri Feb 23 Bob Marley One Love 8:00 PM Yukon Theatre Celebrates the life and music of an icon who inspired generations through his message of love and unity. On the big screen for the first time, discover Bob’s powerful story. Tickets online or in-person at the box office www.yukonfilmsociety.com Sat Feb 24 Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine until Victory 2:00 PM Whitehorse City Hall On the 2nd anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Canadian Association of Yukon is holding a vigil in Whitehorse to commemorate the fallen and remember the stolen children. Sat Feb 24 Midnight Series - Spikeball Edition 8:00 PM Yukon Brewing Come and compete in a friendly outdoor glow-in-thedark spike ball tournament. Register online. Sat Feb 24 Rendezvous Barn Dance! 7:00 PM Elks Lodge 306 A Rendezvous favourite, with caller: Marlon Davis, music by the Barn Dance Band, opening act: The Fiddleheads & Friends. Everyone is welcome! Tickets at the door. Sat Feb 24 Yukon Rendezvous Masquerade Ball 8:30 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Experience the magic and mystery that will leave you in a trance at our enchanted forest themed masquerade ball! Dance the night away with DJ Snake Charmer with top hits throughout the decades! Sun Feb 25 Community Barn Dance 7:00 AM Church of the Northern Apostles A variety of contra, square and ceilidh dances. Come with comfortable, clean footwear and loose layers of clothing. For more info email judy.m.greenhill53@gmail.com or Call 519763-2494. Tue Feb 27 Workplace Solutions: The Good, the Bad, and the Hazardous 10:00 AM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Learn practical approaches to help manage hazards and ensure success for your health and safety management systems. Held in person and online. Register online. www. wcb.yk.ca/workplacesolutions. Wed Feb 28 Funder Meet & Greet 9:00 AM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre An opportunity for the public to learn about the different resources and funding programs offered by the Government of Yukon and their partners. Wed Feb 28 Mustard by Kat Sandler 7:30 PM The Guild Hall ASL interpretation available on request. You must email boxoffice@yac.ca to request ASL interpretation. A twisted fairy tale about friendship, moving on and finding magic where you least expect it. Shows are Wednesday through Saturday. Tickets online. www.yukontickets.com Fri Mar 1 Dune: Part Two Nightly Yukon Theatre Explore the mythic journey of Paul Atreides as he unites with Chani and the Fremen while on a warpath of revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. www.yukonfilmsociety.com

cont’d on page 23 ...

February 21, 2024



WHITEHORSE EVENTS... ... cont’d Sat Mar 2 CAMINO 101 1:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library Want to learn more about the Camino de Santiago? Come join us, held in the reading room. To RSVP: yukon@ santiago.ca

Weekly Shuffleboard Tournament 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For members and signed in guests. A double knockout style competition and games are limited to 6 ends or 15 minutes


Chess Club 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Love Chess? Want to learn? Looking for Competition? Join us!

2nd & 4th Mondays Service Officer 7:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion Whitehorse An invite to all Veterans, Police and First responders for the service hour at the Legion, socialise and find out what is going on. https://bit.ly/3Lm40ZG 2nd & 4th Wednesdays Whitehorse Photography Club - Meetup 7:00 PM Yukon University - Whitehorse Campus Held in Rm A2204. Discuss photography, share your work, learn new tips and tricks. http:// whitehorsephotoclub.ca/ First Thursdays QYS Charmed Stitches 2:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Fiber crafts night. Bring your knitting, crochet, beading, sewing, stitching, etc, to The Cache to sit and stitch with other queer crafters. Second Thursday QYS Movie Nights 5:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Last Thursdays Repair Cafe 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Bring it in and see if it is fixable using soldering irons, multimeters, and other tools. This easy introduction to electronics and small home appliance repair is a useful evening of DIY learning that you can take home. 2nd Thursday Music Trivia 7:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Come on out and test your music knowledge! Teams of no more than 6 people. Last Friday Friday Night Karaoke 7:30 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 The last Friday of the month come practise your high and low notes or just watch! For members or signed in guests. https://bit.ly/3XJbTw4 Every 2nd Friday TGIF Dinner 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Every 2nd Friday, tickets to be bought in person at legion throughout the week leading up to dinner. No tickets at the door day of. 3rd Sundays Messy Church 3:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. Crafts, singing and food will be the focus. 2nd & 4th Sundays Grade 8 – 12 High School Youth Group 6:00 PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth Monthly Weekly Mondays Play Pool 1:00 PM Golden Age Society Becoming more limber and agile in your movements through playing billiards is a great benefit. Play Whist 1:30 PM Golden Age Society Classic English trick-taking card game which was widely played in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the rules are simple, there is scope for strategic play Mtg: Competitive Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm Women’s Bible Study. Refreshments are served followed by the study. For more info check out www.mountainview.church or email rachel@mountainview.church. Euchre - For Members and Signed in Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Euchre a trick-taking card game for four players, two on each team, As a member you Industry Night Lefty’s Well 8:00 PM All are welcome - 20% off everything for our industry family - hot dogs, tunes, games and happy hour all night! https://bit.ly/3L0J3Ce Tuesdays Café de l’amitié 2:00 PM Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) Le Café de l’amitié est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire et une occasion de rassemblement pour les francophones de 50 ans et plus. QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM Language Skills for Ukrainians 5:15 PM Yukon Learn A discussion group workshop provides a relaxed and friendly environment where learners can practise and learn English conversation skills.

SuperSmash Bros, Mtg: Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles 10 Card Crib - Members & Signed In Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Whether you are a seasoned crib player or a beginner, come play! Learn tips and tricks and have some fun! https://bit. ly/3KP0B5s Wednesdays Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Casual, no lessons, just conversations. Wednesdays noon, info Louise call 687-7238 or Michele 867-333-6081. QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM Texas Hold’ Em 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For signed in members and guests. Bragging rights! Spanish Conversation 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Call 333-6081 for more info. Anglican Holy Communion – Whitehorse 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral The Book of Common Prayer, 2nd Wednesday of the month Mtg: Modern, Warhammer Age of Sigmar 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Thursdays Public Speaking Training - Toastmasters 12:00 PM Decora Guests are always welcome. There are many roles to learn at Toastmasters. Practice 2 minute table topics Anglican Thursday at the Cathedral 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral Bring a lunch (Book of Alternative Services) QYS Drop-in 2:00 PM Queer Yukon Society & The Cache Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Find out what role playing games are all about! Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are always welcome. Mtg: casual Commander, Warhammer 40k & Kill Team 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Mountainview Church Community Group 7:00 PM 16 years or older? Mountainview Church Community Group! We’ll share some snacks and talk about what the bible has to say about discipleship. Fridays Yukon Amateur Radio Association Coffee Discussion Group 8:45 AM A&W Restaurant Hams from outside the Yukon and those interested are welcome to join us in this casual event. Tarot Card Readings with Sari Horvath Baked Cafe 9:15 AM Sari uses her wisdom and guidance through tarot cards to help answer your life questions! Please use email to book appointments treasurebooksyxy@ gmail.com Coffee & Chat 11:00 AM Golden Age Society Coffee and chat is a way to connect with your community, develop friendships, and have fun. Crib 1:00 PM Golden Age Society Cribbage is an easy game to learn but hard to master. For more info call 668-5538. QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM Mtg: Pioneer, YuGiOh Casual 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Saturdays Cribbage - Members and Signed in Guests 2:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Masks are mandatory. Members must have a valid 2021 membership and they may sign in 2 guests MAX. Pokemon, Mtg: Youth Magic, Lorcana 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Sundays Mountainview Church Sunday Service 9:30 AM Church In The Building 9:30 AM, 11AM or Church At Home 7 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM Mountainviewwhitehorse.ca/Watch

Clothing Room 10:00 AM Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Free of charge to anyone and everyone Whitehorse United Church Worship Service 10:30 AM a caring community of faith, based on a foundation of Biblical teaching and spiritual truth Secondhand Clothing Bizarre 2:00 PM Whitehorse Seventh-Day Adventist Church Clean clothes needed and donations accepted if in good condition. Please call before dropping clothes off and for more info 633-3463.

Babynastics with Coach Naomi 10:15 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Club Babynastics is a semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5.


Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Join us for stories, songs & rhymes! A free drop-in program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers at Whitehorse Public Library

Third Thursday ASAY board monthly meeting Sport Yukon 10:00 PM Third Thursday Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition Monthly Meeting 5:00 PM ZOOM Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition for regular meeting. Everyone is welcome. Call Kathy 334-9317 or info@yapc.ca for a zoom link or join us in person. https://yapc. ca/actions/detail/yapcs-monthly-meetings

Sunday Gatherings 3:00 PM The Northern Collective Church

Native Grad Regalia Sewing Program 4:00 PM Northern Cultural Expressions Free accredited program for indigenous high school graduates of 2024. Call 633-4186 or email executiveassistant@ northernculture.org to register.



Tue Feb 20 Magic Ben 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre An all ages show. Magic Ben and his spellbinding acts have left audiences across the country in awe. Tickets online.

French Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Wednesdays French Story Time at Whitehorse Public Library. Songs, stories and rhymes, en français, for children under 5 and their parents. Thursdays

Monthly 1st & 3rd Saturdays Grades 5 - 7 Junior Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church Passionate about giving kids opportunities to have fun & make new friends, while teaching them about Jesus & His great love for our world https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth 2nd and 4th Saturdays Grade 8 - 12 High School Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth Weekly Mondays Drop-In 9:00 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Gym Open to all ages – Children, youth, and teens must be accompanied by an adult. Babynastics with Coach Stephanie 9:30 AM Polarettes Gymnastics Club Babynastics is a semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5.

Babynastics with Coach Ewan 1:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club Babynastics is a semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Youth 11-17 are invited to join, no experience necessary. Native Grad Regalia Sewing Program 4:00 PM Northern Cultural Expressions Free accredited program for indigenous high school graduates of 2024. Call 633-4186 or email executiveassistant@ northernculture.org to register. Saturdays Drop-In 3:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club enjoy the gym as a giant indoor play space. A great place to practise skills or just play and explore! Open gym is for members only

First Monday Klondike Snowmobile Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Sport Yukon https://ksa.yk.ca/comingevents/

ONLINE EVENTS Fridays AA Yukon Unity Group 1:30 PM Online For Zoom Room address Contact 334-7693 Saturdays AA Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM Online For Zoom Room address call 334-7693. Tuesdays Restorative Online Healing Circles 7:30 PM Online Check-in, Q&A, connect and feel the results. No experience necessary. Register online, or call 3350078 or email alison@alisonzeidler.com for more info. Wed Feb 21 Managing Conflict After Separation or Divorce Workshop 5:30 PM Online Learn how to renegotiate personal boundaries and develop parenting strategies. Understand the process of separation. Pre-registration is required for this workshop. To register call 456-6721 Wed Feb 28 Living with Loss - Free Workshop 6:30 PM Online Learn about the natural cycle of grief that accompanies all losses, as well as practical tools for selfcare living-with-loss-free-workshop Thu Feb 29 Yukon Words AGM 7:00 PM Online Learn about our organisation, how we did in 2023, and what we have planned for 2024. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88353 Want to be on this page? 844129?pwd=oh0xYIepei8s2KdEoc5YzJb Enter your event HERE: CiSwtYP.1

MEETINGS Thu Feb 29 Ready-to-Learn Schools Parent Info Evening 6:30 PM Elijah Smith Elementary School. Parents and caregivers of Yukon students are invited to learn more about the initiative from our R2L team and ask questions about the initiative.



It’s Easy. It’s Fast. It’s Free!



February 21, 2024 column with

PROFILES: Interview with Isaiac Tracey

Riley Olsen

Skills Canada Yukon promotes trades and technology careers as a top choice for Yukoners. If you are interested in learning more about the trades and technology sectors, or want to connect with our community, please call 867-332-7446 or send an email to yukoncommunications@skillscanada.com You can also find us on Facebook and on Instagram @skillscanadayukon.

Isaiac Tracey

2023 Skills Canada National Competition Gold Medal (Sheet Metal) Age: 23 Trade & Certifications: Level 4 Sheet Metal Current workplace: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and HvachTech Systems Inc. Could you tell us about your experience in the trade sector so far? I feel like I have learned a lot of life lessons working in the trades, having learned a lot about myself and how to work with others. Working in my trade makes me feel like I am contributing to the world in a positive way.

How did you start exploring the trades? I started school.



Were there any extracurricular programs that encouraged the spark in your eventual career path? I always enjoyed working with my papa after school or on weekends. We would do all kinds of miscellaneous jobs, including

carpentry and mechanics. I also worked in summer jobs as a carpenter’s helper. I knew that when I started working construction, here and there, that I liked it and understood how to do it. So, I knew I wanted to pursue some kind of trade and had a lot of help getting into a trade through school!

Was there someone who inspired your journey into the trades and/or technology sector? School and working with my dad.

What does a regular day on the job look like? A day on the job can look like working inside fabrication ductwork or steelwork in the shop, or installing on a job site or doing a crane lift for a unit on a rooftop.

What is the most interesting project you have worked on? The most interesting project was a Skills Competition project. When we went to the Nationals in Winnipeg, I made a chuckwagon. It was a lot of fun, especially when I don’t get to make things like that often.

If you met someone who was looking at exploring the trades sector, what piece of advice would you give them? I would tell them to be ready and open to learning, and to push through the schooling because it will be worth it when you have the ticket in your back pocket.

Would you ever be open to learning a new trade, to challenge even more skills? If so, is there any approach, mindset or challenge of working in the trades that you will try to do differently? Yes, I want to start my welding apprenticeship when I finish my schooling for sheet metal this April! I will try to stay positive and not to feel discouraged. I am capable and I feel like I will become more versatile with the kind of work that I am doing.

Is there something about your trade that you think not many people know? I think that some people don’t know that you can make pretty much anything in my trade, not just duct work, and I want to keep making things that will challenge my skills.

Isaiac receiving his Gold Medal in Sheet Metal at the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition in Winnipeg, Manitoba

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Skills Canada Yukon

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Skills Canada Yukon

Do you think you will see out the rest of your career in the Yukon; and, if so, why? Or where else in the world would you love to go to work? It’s a hard call but I think I will probably stay in the Yukon because I have lots of family here and I would like to be close to them. I will eventually want to be able to start my own business, one day, here in the Yukon, but I wouldn’t mind going to work somewhere else just to try something different. In the next five or 10 years, I would love to be able to do my own bigger jobs and side jobs comfortably and confidently on my own.

Isaiac, standing with his chuckwagon project at the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition

You competed in the territorial and national competitions in 2023. Could you tell us about your experience? I feel like the skills competitions are a good opportunity to learn about your trade, other trades and experience in working under pressure. n

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February 21, 2024





February 21, 2024 column with


Red Grossinger Red Grossinger is a sasquatch enthusiast, investigator and a published author living in the Yukon.

WHAT IS SASQUATCH? The bipedal entities commonly called sasquatch are identified by many other regional names and nicknames ...

and have a walking gait just like humans, although with longer controlled steps and with arms swinging freely while walking (and with fingers closed in a fist towards the rear, as opposed to humans who close their fingers towards their thighs). The arms are long—hanging well down towards the knees. With humans, the arms hang down to the mid-thigh, on average. Sasquatch have been heard to communicate verbally using a range of sounds, whistles, whoops and yells, as well as by banging on trees, beating their chest and clicking rocks together, as described by witnesses who have often heard them communicating in low and soft-toned whisperings, as well. In the Yukon, sasquatch activity has been reported as occurring along well-travelled roads and highways (more people on these roads, therefore more witnesses). Unfortunately, not all people feel at ease reporting what they have experienced, as they are afraid of being ridiculed. This fear is common and is a negative trait in today’s society where people have set minds and do not accept thoughts that would wreck their preconceived ideology. And observers may also think, I’m seeing things, I’m delusional, it can’t be … or they may try to reconcile what they saw with something that is readily acceptable, such as a bear. n

To keep loved ones safe this Rendezvous. DON’T DRIVE IMPAIRED.

YOUR VOICE MATTERS YESAB’s process is about the people, the land and resources. We invite you to participate in the assessment of crucial projects within your district and make a meaningful impact on the decision-making process. To know more about projects under assessment and how to comment on them, visit the YESAB online registry by scanning the QR code here:




o mention them all here would simply take up too much space; however, my recent book, Nahganne: Tales of the Northern Sasquatch, uses the Dene Nation term Nahganne as the title. This term is commonly used along the Mackenzie River Delta, as well as around the Kaska Nation of southeast Yukon and northern B.C., to describe the sasquatch entity. Today, many more people have come forward to tell of their experiences with this little-known, puzzling entity. A relatively small number of scientists have had the internal fortitude to research what is known about sasquatch, and also to write about it, such as these respected and knowledgeable scientists: Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology; Dr. John Bindernagel, Wildlife Biologist; Dr. J Robert Alley, retired Professor of Anatomy and Physiology; Dr. Grover Krantz, Professor of Anthropology … and the list goes

The size and shape of their on. As well, many citizen scientists over 300 kg (over 650 lbs) by witfootprints is significant as they and enthusiasts have researched, nesses. The creature’s entire body is are obviously human-like, with a studied and written about this forward-pointing unclassified and big toe; however, uncatalogued biwith much more pedal entity. flexibility of moveBut, what do ment than human we actually know feet, as studied about sasquatch? by experts in the According to field of foot locomany witnesses, motion. These physically these footprints would forest-giant entiusually be the first ties would range signs of sasquatch between 2 and activities being 3.5 metres (6.5 to discovered and no11.5 ft) in height. ticed by passersby. They have been Not many described as bepeople have paid ing huge, with attention to the thick and mushands and fingers, cular barrel-like but those who chests, with strong did pay attention and long legs and have described the arms, and with a PHOTO: Wikipedia fingers as being thick neck (mostly somewhat shorter invisible due to a than expected in long head of hair). Painted Rock is an archaeological and sacred site of the Yokuts proportion to their The head has been of the Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation in stature. It is said described as someTulare County, California. One image, of several humanoids, that they have what cone-shaped, has been interpreted as “an entire Bigfoot family” wide hands, with with the back the palm being of the head belong and broad, ing slightly higher than the front and with a very described as being covered with forming a sort of scoop. One obhuman-like face and a nose often hair of varying colour that ranges server mentioned the fingers being said to be like that of a boxer ’s from light to darker shades of short but large, and the fingernails (flat). The skin on the face and brown and black, with some hav- as being flattish and looking like chest was mostly dark, often de- ing tints of grey or white, often chisels. Witnesses have mentioned that scribed as being the colour of sun- with reddish tones. The palms of burned skin, with some facial hair. the hands and soles of the feet sasquatch have an upright stance, with a slightly hunched posture, The entities were judged to weigh were reported to be bare.

February 21, 2024



For more Information, more Information, callFor (867) 667-4263 or call (867) 667-4263 or visit yukonfga.ca visit yukonfga.ca

The Fish and Game Association Annual Wild Game Banquet and Fundraiser Date: March 2, 2024 Time: Doors open at 5:00 pm, with a reception of drinks and appetizers. Dinner at 6:30. All dishes are Yukon-grown vegetables, wild game and fish. Entertainment: Enjoy live music from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, followed by a DJ until the end of the evening. Prices: $100 for YFGA members and $150 for non-members. If you would like to become a member, it costs $30/year, call the office and we will hook you up! There will be silent auction items and a live auction. Location: Kwanlin Dun Cultural Center

The Fish and Game Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. We organize various events throughout the year to raise funds for their conservation initiatives. One such event is the Wild Game Banquet and Fundraiser. This event is crucial to the association and its members as it helps them raise funds for their conservation projects. The banquet is a great opportunity for people to come together and enjoy a delicious wild game meal while supporting a good cause.

The YFGA is excited and proud to have Chef Chris Irving cooking for our banquet this year. This is your chance to sample dishes made by one of the most famous chefs in the world!

Special guest: World-renowned Yukon Chef, Chris Irving Chris Irving was born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon. The Yukon is still home where he spends time being active in the wilderness and focusing on his philanthropic efforts, growth and development of his personal businesses. Spanning a career of two decades, Chris has an impressive resume and has become internationally known. He has opened restaurants, worked with Gordon Ramsey, is sought after to be a Chef or consultant by internationally known hotel chains, worked on yacht’s cooking for the rich and famous, is currently still the Chef consultant to the Spanish Royal Family, and most famously known for being a contestant on Season 10 of Top Chef Canada, making the Yukon proud finishing in the top four!

YFGA would like to thank all those that donated wild game, the Yukon Grain Farm for donating veggies and all the donors for the live and silent auction items.



February 21, 2024


Application Deadline for Student Attendance-Based Projects The Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society (Society) encourages all Yukon First Nations, community organizations, schools, school councils and educators to apply for Every Student, Every Day funding for student attendance-based projects to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. A record $400,000 is available to directly fund grassroots projects; designed to support improving student engagement and attendance in Yukon classrooms. The application deadline is Friday, March 8. “We are pleased to increase our funding for projects that compliment resources for schools for the promotion of attendance and learning for all Yukon students,” says Society President Tara Christie. “We encourage applicants to reach out and discuss their project ideas or brainstorm how Every Student, Every Day could benefit their school or community so that together, we can encourage as many Yukon students as possible to attend school every day.” The application form is available at everystudenteveryday.ca and at all Yukon schools as Yukon Education distributes the application form to all school principals in the territory. Projects may be submitted by Yukon First Nation governments, community groups, school administrators and councils and educators. “We want to thank our Yukon educators who remain committed to ongoing collaborative endeavours, which enhance our children’s learning opportunities,” adds Christie. Every Student, Every Day was established in

Every Student, Every Day has a record $400,000 available to directly support communityled, grassroots projects which support improved student engagement and attendance in Yukon classrooms for the 2024-2025 school year. The application is available at everystudenteveryday.ca. The application submission deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024.

2012 and with support from the Government of Yukon and community partners, has directly funded more than 200 local projects with over $1.85 million raised primarily from Yukon businesses and individual donations.

EVERY STUDENT, EVERY DAY If you or your school or organization has a project to help increase student engagement and attendance in the Yukon, please visit Every Student, Every Day at everystudenteveryday.ca Applications for projects to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year are now open with a closing date of Friday, March 8, 2024.

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