What's Up Yukon, July 3, 2024

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PHOTO: Cathie Archbould


The Faro Golf Tournament is returning July for its 25th year, hosting 50 teams (of four) for a scramble format tournament consisting of two rounds of nine holes.

“It feels surreal,” says Faro Golf Club secretary Michelle Vainio. “When I first joined the club in 2001 or 2002 it didn’t dawn on me that this club would still be around in 20-plus years. So many organizations fall apart because it’s so hard to keep and get volunteers, but we’ve got three board members that have been

volunteering with the club for over 20 years.”

Cathy Nyland, treasurer for Faro Golf Club, says the tournament is important to the community still after all these years because it is one of the things that has helped put the community on the map.

“Whenever I’ve been traveling the territory and been asked where I am from and say, Faro, the golf course is usually the first thing the other person brings up,” she says. “People from all over love our course and they especial-

ly love coming out for our tournament.”

Nyland goes on to say that it makes sense that Faro has a large golf community, as the course is right in the middle of the town, and is accessible to all ages and inexpensive to play. Vainio points out that it isn’t just locals who enjoy golf, but golfers from far and wide come to play in Faro, especially during the tournament.

“The golf tournament brings so many people to Faro,” he says. “This year we have 50 teams

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Faro Golf Club

registered. That’s 200 golfers. Everyone is in Faro to have fun. And that’s what we’ve always strived for.”

The club is teasing this year’s tournament as their biggest ever, with bigger sponsors than previous years and the promise of some surprises for its players. With more golfers than ever before, the tournament is only growing, and the Faro Golf Club team are looking forward to unveiling their new contests and other activities.

“The sponsors that come forward are incredible,” says Nyland. “Some have been sponsoring and donating for many years. It is rewarding that so many people believe in our tournament and our community. Instead of a red lantern award for last place, the last place team members each receive the coveted wooden, hand-painted ‘red truck’ award–it symbolizes

the red truck that greets people on the way into the community.”

Gary Jones, Faro Golf Club’s president, says just about everyone in the community has been on the executive team, volunteered at an event or contributed to the club in some way or another. He says the tournament has expanded and stayed alive because of its thousands of volunteers over time, as well as lots of generous funding from sponsors including local businesses, Yukon companies, Yukon Lotteries and Community Development Fund (CDF).

“Over time, a great partnership with the town has evolved,” he

says. “Thanks to the Town of Faro and all of its employees for the help. One of our town employees refers to the course as the Faro Golf Course!” To learn more about the Faro Golf Club and the Faro Golf Tournament, visit www.farogolfclub.


“I love golfing in Faro,” says Vainio. “I’m not a golfer and I don’t golf anywhere else because I don’t enjoy the pressure of regular courses. This is a golf course for die hard golfers as well as the once-a-year, Faro Golf Tournament golfers or the first time golfers.” ■

PINEAPPLES NORTH A.K.A. Tropical North of 60

Look what I grew. In the flowers and plants area just inside the doors of Save-On-Foods, we found a live pineapple plant in a pot.

We just had to have it, so we took it home and admired it for a couple of weeks. When it seemed that it was as mature as it was going to get, we harvested it and ate it.

I’d read that you could just plant the top and leaves and you

could grow another plant. (OK, let’s do that.) Then I read on the UBC Botanical Garden forum that it was possible to grow yet another pineapple if you just leave the original plant in the ground.

Pineapple farmers don’t bother doing this because the resulting fruit is too small to be marketed.

Sure enough, that worked and now we’ve got another interesting houseplant.

Then I discovered that it had

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also produced a sport/sucker/ offshoot, whatever the proper botanical term is, and I cut it off and planted it. What you see in the photo on the left is the original plant with the second generation pineapple. In the middle is the offshoot doing rather well, and on the right is what happens when you plant the top of the pineapple you just ate. How cool is that? ■

You can expect friendly and welcoming care in an environment that relaxes even the most anxious patients. We all love what we do, and look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice.

PHOTO: Carl Maguire



An invitation to garden

“Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden?”
- Robert Brault

As a society we don’t give kids enough credit. We chronically underestimate them all the time.

We think they aren’t capable, that they aren’t listening and that they don’t understand. While in other parts of the world children are given responsibilities at a very young age and are asked to do tasks like keeping an eye on younger siblings, taking care of the family’s animals and helpingout in the fields, we choose to shield our children from the “real world” with good intentions. Perhaps for much too long.

Children, like adults, want to feel useful and needed. It gives them a sense of belonging and purpose. Of course, including our kids in our chores and day to day life can significantly slow things down and make everything a lot more challenging for us in the short term. It’s much easier to plop them in front of the TV or the iPad and do our work on our own. I get it. No judgement here. Sometimes you just want to get dinner finished and the laundry into the machine and have a moment to decompress after a long day.

Depression and anxiety in children is on the rise and some experts argue that part of the rea-

son is a growing use of screens and social media as well as an overprotection at home that is causing children to have a very fragile sense of self and is preventing them from becoming independent, resilient and empowered individuals. Among the solutions that are suggested are more time outside, more free play and interactions in the real world (as opposed to the virtual one) and more responsibility and embodied activities. Gardening is something that

fits all of the above mentioned criteria.

Not only is gardening an excellent real life activity that allows for unstructured play and teaches kids about responsibility and patience, it also fosters curiosity, nurtures a growth mindset, promotes confidence, strengthens an appreciation for nature and

is an escape from a world filled with overstimulation and sensory overload. On top of that, playing in the dirt is good for a child’s developing immune system and best of all, it’s fun!

You might think that July is too late to start a garden but there’s still plenty of time to enjoy being outside, growing things and laying the groundwork for next year’s garden. In fact, it’s the perfect summer vacation project.

The best way to get kids involved in the garden is to give them their own space. Whether you have the room to give them their own few metres of your yard or simply a few ceramic pots or fabric planting containers, the important thing to remember is that it’s completely theirs. This is where they can experiment and play. They can choose what they

want to plant and how they want to do it. While you can give advice, make suggestions and demonstrate how to do things, there should be no rules. This is their safe place and things don’t have to be perfect. It’s not about production; it’s about getting them involved and having fun. Less correction and interference from us and more autonomy and experience-based learning for them. Of course you’re free to give some guidance and support along the way. For example, for very young gardeners, plants that don’t mind a bit of extra water (or a week with no water) are a good place to start since toddlers get a lot of joy from pouring water onto things but also tend to be easily distracted. In fact, giving your son or daughter a watering can is a great way to get

them excited about gardening. Seeds are better suited for older kids while already established plants from the local garden centre or greenhouse are better for younger ones. Teenagers might like to put together their own raised garden boxes with the help of some power tools or perhaps they’ll want to get a few chickens or a beehive. Bigger seeds like peas and sunflowers are easier to handle with little fingers and fragrant herbs are fun to smell and cook with. Include some edible flowers like Johnny Jump Ups (aka viola tricolor or heartsease) and add a bit of whimsy in the form of some painted rocks, a favourite toy figurine or a garden gnome. Let them plant in spirals instead of rows and maybe invest in their own personal set of garden tools. Most importantly, let them eat what they grow. Let them pick the first strawberry and savor the sweetness of a deep red cherry tomato. And if they choose to share their bounty with you and the rest of the family, acknowledge their contribution with gratitude and respect for the hard work and play that went into it.

If you’re looking for some more motivation and inspiration, check out Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature by Steven Rinella and The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt. ■

PHOTO: Jessica Surber
Johnny Jump Ups are edible, fun to look at and easy to grow - the perfect addition to a child’s first garden
PHOTO: Pexels A young gardener at work
column with Jessica Surber
Jessica Surber is a writer who loves being in the mountains and working with plants. She divides her time between Peru and the Yukon.


This summer, Wendy is launching the 50 Lakes Project. She will SUP 50 Yukon lakes within three to four hours of Whitehorse and will create a guidebook profiling the 50 lakes and their stories. See you out on the water.


friend said to me, “It’s boring there. There is nothing exceptional about Tarfu. It’s worth skipping.”

I’ll admit, I have long passed over Tarfu Lake. It didn’t seem

exactly right.

There, along the far shore of Tarfu, I watched two beavers striping leaves off a branch and they, in-turn, were watching me paddle by on my stand-up paddle

like a primary destination for Yukoners. Often, I’d heard of it as “overflow camping” for the more popular and coveted Snafu Lakes.

The 50 Lakes project has me pushing past any reason to skip it. On Tuesday evening, after a long day of work in Whitehorse, I made my way South, down the Atlin Road, to the end of a 4 km gravel road, past the chain of Kettle Lakes, to the Tarfu Lake Campground and launch spot for my evening paddle.

My friend’s voice resonated still. “There is nothing exceptional about Tarfu. Nothing that can’t be found on any other Yukon lake.” It turned out that he was

that lie just south of the border in B.C. The warmth of the Midnight sun warmed me through the late evening hours.

Tarfu’s Tagish and Tlingit names, Nústséhé Méne’ and

board (SUP). Also with its eyes on the passing board, was a bald eagle who was perched in a sturdy tree scanning the surrounding area. A pair of Loons sang their evening calls to each other and anyone else listening. A butterfly landed on the tip of my board, catching a ride for a few minutes before fluttering away into the sunshine. It was so quiet, the most prominent sound was the light breeze. The green canopy from the aspens’ new growth danced in the wind and caught the sun’s rays. The backdrop of the night was the snow-peaked Mount Minto (or K’iyan to the Taku River Tlingit First Nation) and Dark Mountain

Naagas’éi Áayi, mean “Fox Lake.”

It’s most commonly known for the military acronym that it is named for. Tarfu means Things Are Really Fouled Up (TARFU). For my first paddle, Tarfu was nothing but calm, cool and collected.

While the 50 Lakes project at times seems ambitious, it also feels like a gift. I get the “boring” summer of repeating this scene dozens more times. Launch and then meander amongst the outdoor greatness then repeat.

The morning following my evening Tarfu paddle, I made my way to Snafu Lake, where I have been many times before, to meet my friend Jill for a day of SUP and

discovery. Snafu Lakes are just a few kms north of Tarfu and share the southern backdrop of the aforementioned mountains.

My friend Jill, while an experienced paddler, had only been on a SUP once before. Yet she troopered with me for a full day into the evening hours. I was set to explore many of the lakes within the chain of lakes; interconnected by short creeks that require us to line our boards, and in some cases, to portage. And of course, I had forgotten my map to find each of the links of the chain.

No problem: “Situation Normal, All Fouled Up,” is Snafu’s acronym and mantra as we know. Power on! We explored each bay, finding the creeks that the map would have shown me. It was all part of the

discovery process.

Snafu Lake is always an adventure, even the campground. Where a beaver or porcupine or moose might wander through your campsite while you’re cooking dinner.

After our late dinner, it was a young moose that ran past our campsite at high speed. Minutes later, we understood the reason for its quick pace when we saw two young grizzlies rumble into the campground and headed straight for Jill! A few shouts from both of us, and the grizzlies took off into the woods. Situation normal.

Next on the list is Atlin Lake. Atlin Lake is the 3rd largest natural lake in B.C. It’s a beast. Some might say that Atlin Lake is not in the Yukon. I’ll disagree for two reasons. The first is that the very Northern tip of Atlin Lake lies within the Yukon territory. It’s hard to see on a map, but it’s there. The other reason is that Atlin has always had honourary status as part of the Yukon. This whole region connects us beyond the dotted lines marking a border on a map.

Adding a trip South this summer to explore the offerings of Atlin Road will undoubtedly bring all sorts of exceptional sights and adventures. ■

column with Wendy Morrison
PHOTOS: Wendy Morrison Tarfu Lake
Tarfu campground sign
Bat nursery at Tarfu campground
Kettle Lake with Mount Minto/K’iyan in the background on the right



Fri Jul 5 Atlin Family Fun Fair Tarahne Park

A carnival type atmosphere with performers, Claire Ness, buskers, face painting, a bouncy house, sumo wrestling suits, human soccer balls, carnival games and gold panning. https:// atlinfest.ca/


St. Martins Anglican Church Sunday Service

10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican Church 10:00

AM Everyone is welcome.

Atlin Christian Assembly 11:00 AM St. Atlin Christian Centre 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome.


Caregiver & Tot Drop-in 10:00 AM Atlin

Recreation Centre This is an unstructured hour for You and your Littles to get social and run wild. This IS NOT a drop off, all children must be accompanied by an adult. Call or email 993-4102 atlinarc.coordinator@gmail.com for more info.

Yukon Communities:

Wednesdays AA Yukon Unity (OM) 3:00

PM Online Yukon Health Centers, Live Video Meeting Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Destruction Bay, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, Watson Lake. Online users’ sign in info: yukonbcdistrict52@gmail.com


Second Sunday of Every Month St. Saviour’s Church Services 2:00 pm St. Saviour Church 867-668-3129

First Friday of the month Mother Goose Group 11:00 AM Haa Shagóon Hídi (Our Ancestors House) Carcross/Tagish Learning Centre Learn stories, songs, and rhymes, lunch provided. Suitable for babies and children 5 and under. Please bring along a water bottle and blanket to sit on. To register, call 332-2389. https:// whatsupyukon.events/jwf

Thursdays Yoga with Jess Ghùch Tlâ Community School Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. Drop-in, Free admission! For more info email yogajessyukon@gmail. com.


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at:

Sunshine Restaurant

Carmacks Rec Centre


Tatchun Center General Store

Fri Aug 09 SoftBall Tournament 5:00 AM

Carmacks, Yukon

Sat Aug 17 Village of Carmacks 40th

Anniversary 5:00 AM Carmacks, Yukon

Sat Aug 17 Cookshack Sessions 2024 - Two

Moose Lake 6:30 PM Two Moose Lake Familyfriendly, free/by donation acoustic concerts and workshops by Yukon Women in Music (YWIM). Held in Territorial campgrounds between July and September.

First & Third Tuesdays of Every Month

Carmacks Regular Council Meeting 7:00 PM

Carmacks Municipal Building


Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Volleyball 7:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Baseball / Softball 7:00 PM LSCFN Ball



Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Laser Tag 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Soccer 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Baseball / Softball 7:00 PM LSCFN Ball

Diamond Thursdays

Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Pickleball 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Basketball 8:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


Soccer 5:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Volleyball 7:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


Basketball 5:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


Baseball / Softball 7:00 PM LSCFN Ball

Diamond Archery 1:00 PM Carmacks School


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at: Discovery Store Van Gorda

July 18 - 20 25th Annual Faro Golf

Tournament Faro Golf Club Centre Scramble format tournament. Two rounds of 9-holes.

Teams of 4. Registration includes dinner and a prize for every golfer.

First and Third Tuesday of every month Faro Council Meeting 7:00 PM Town of Faro


Parent & Tot 10:00 AM Faro Recreation Centre

Open Gym 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Kids Club Faro Recreation Centre

Adult Floor Hockey 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre


Seniors Games & Walks 1:00 PM Faro

Recreation Centre The gym is open for seniors

who would like to improve their fitness goals.

Fitness Fun for Seniors 2:00 PM Faro

Recreation Centre

Pickleball 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Volleyball 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre


Parent & Tot 10:00 AM Faro Recreation Centre

Open Gym 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Kids Club 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre


Pickleball 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Seniors Yoga 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Open Gym 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Chair Yoga & Deep Relaxation for Seniors

Basketball 3:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre


Pickleball 2:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre

Open Court Basketball 3:00 PM Faro

Recreation Centre

Open Gym 4:30 PM Faro Recreation Centre


Open Court Basketball 3:00 PM Faro

Recreation Centre


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at:

Little Green Apple

Fri Jul 5 2024 Summer Music Series - Speed

Control 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www.villagebakeryyukon.com/ live-music.html

Sat Jul 6 2024 Summer Music

Series - Elijah Bekk 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www. villagebakeryyukon.com/live-music.html

Sun Jul 7 Guided Eco Walk 1:00 PM Kathleen Lake Free – Interpretive walk with Parks Canada Staff and nature based artmaking with Gen Gagnon. Ages 16+ Register by phone 336-3489

Fri Jul 12 2024 Summer Music SeriesNorth of Sexy 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online.

Sat Jul 13 2024 Summer Music Series - The Vanstones 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online.

Fri Jul 19 2024 Summer Music Series - Steve Slade 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online.

Second and fourth Wednesday of every month

Village Council meetings 7:00 PM St. Elias Convention Centre Village Council meetings are also held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. [Remote attendance only]

Mondays Fun with Food 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Learn new skills, share recipes and take food home!

Drop-In Basketball 6:00 PM St. Elias

Community School Meet in the school gym


Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena

Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under and their parents/caregivers.

Tea & Bannock – Haines Junction 1:00 PM


Men’s and women’s sewing group 1:00 PM

Mun kų

BGC Game Night 3:30 PM St. Elias

Community School Play, have fun, build skills and challenge your friends


Water Wednesdays 1:30 PM Pine Lake Come

Join us every Wednesday for an afternoon of paddling in the traditional cedar dugout canoe!

Da Kų Cultural Centre.

Seniors and Elders Refreshments and Games 2:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors


Girls Club 3:20 PM St. Elias Community School Held in the art room, open to Girls and identifying as Girls from Grade 8 to 12.

AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 3:00 PM

Haines Junction Health Centre

BGC Rec in the Gym 3:30 PM St. Elias

Community School

Art Journaling Group 3:30 PM St. Elias

Community School Bring your own creative supplies that you like to use. This can be scraps of paper, magazines, glue, paint, pen, markers, stamps, ink etc. and a book or journal to create


Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under

and their parents/caregivers.

Seniors Activities 2:00 PM St. Elias

Community Centre Floor curling, carpet bowling and indoor walking group.

Haines Junction Thrift Shop 2:00 PM St. St. Christopher’s Thrift Shop is a great place to pick up items. Prices are low and numerous adult items are available for $2, and most items for children are $1.

Adult Volleyball 7:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym

Fridays Stories and STEM Activities 10:00 AM Haines

Junction Library

AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:30 PM Haines Junction Health Centre


AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre


Anglican Church Service St. Christopher’s Church 10:30 AM Anglican Church Service at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church in Haines Junction https://anglican.yukon.net/services.


AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre


Last Wednesday of every month MLCS board meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre

Tuesdays Play Bridge 1:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre

North of 60 Seniors Coffee and Chat 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre


South of 6 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre


Shuffleboard Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM


Beginner Yoga Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM

Youth Gym Drop-In Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM


Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM


Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at: Haldane Services

Mon Jul 1 Mayo Arts Festival Galena Park

A homegrown festival offering cultural arts and craft demonstrations, sales and provides an outlet for amateur talented artists and musicians.


Sat Jul 13 Canada Historic Places Day at Robinson Roadhouse 12:00 PM Robinson Roadhouse Historic Site Come enjoy a free barbeque, site tours, lawn games, live music and more. Bring the whole family!Featuring acoustic country tunes from local favourites Clint Carpentier, Kevin Barr, and Ellorie McKnight.

Sat Aug 10 Enchanted Walk 1:00 PM Annie Lake Road For nature lovers who yearn to connect deeper with their environment and explore the medicine and food abundant in the wilderness

1st Tuesday Monthly LAC Meeting Lorne Mountain Community Centre


Run Club 6:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre

Drop-In Yoga 7:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre By donation all levels welcome Yoga with Jess 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. To register or for more info email yogajessyukon@gmail.com.


Active Fun Fitness Class - Drop In 6:30 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre Improve your balance, flexibility, strength and endurance in this indoor class led by Colleen Ennis. Drop in, admission by donation. Suitable for mature youth & adults. https://whatsupyukon.events/ fhm


Community Drop In 11:00 AM Mount Lorne Community Centre Run Club 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre



Men’s Night At The Rec Centre 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre


Kids Gym 3:00 PM John Tizya


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at: Dawson City General Store

Until Jul 28 The Land Speaks to me by Jackie Olson Odd Gallery SOVA This exhibit offers a rare glimpse at her collected works-inprocess: Olson makes works that want to be returned to the land, and many of her works have already been curated back.

Sat Jul 6 Yukon Gold Panning Championships Dawson City, YT Gold panners of any skill and all ages are welcome to join this competition based on efficiency and speed. https://dawsoncity.ca/event/yukongold-panning-championships-2/

Fri Jul 19 Dawson City Music Festival 2024

5:00 AM Minto Park DCMF 2024 will feature 24 artists and bands from across Canada performing on exquisite stages throughout Dawson’s historic townsite.

Sat Aug 17 2024 Dawson City Horticultural Exhibition 8:30 AM Dawson City, YT Did you grow it, bake it, or craft it? Come show it off at the 2024 Dawson City Horticultural Exhibition next to the Farmer’s Market!


1st Saturday of every month Coffee House & Open Mic Night Klondike Institute of Art and

Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, though little instruction is provided. KIAC Classroom, back door.


St Paul’s Anglican Church Morning Prayer

9:00 AM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer

5:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

Hand-Building Pottery Drop-In 6:30 PM

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC)

Self-guided group studio time for those with some experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, little instruction is provided.

Summer Volleyball 7:30 PM Victory Gardens Outdoor Volleyball 18+ Free, drop-in - check both Victory Garden and Minto Park will take place at Minto Park until the grass is in at Victory Garden.


St Paul’s Anglican Church Morning Prayer

9:00 AM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

QYS Drop-in 1:00 PM DCMF Office

St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer

5:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

Welcome Wednesday Supper and Games

6:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church

Screen Printing Drop-in 6:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom

Pottery Drop-in 6:30-9pm

Lake 6:30 PM Teslin Lake Campground Familyfriendly, free/by donation acoustic concerts and workshops by Yukon Women in Music (YWIM). Held in Territorial campgrounds between July and September.


AA: Teslin Group (O) 7:00 PM Catholic Church Rectory

The ‘Big 4-6’ Sports 4:00 PM Teslin

& Tots 12:00 PM Teslin

Ball Hockey 7:00 PM Khàtìnas.àxh Community School 12+ Drop in

WATSON LAKE Daily Northern Lights Space & Science Centre Shows 11:00 AM The spectacular dancing Northern Lights are showcased, a video that is broadcast in the NLC’s domed 100-seat theatre daily throughout the summer season. Plays daily on the hour starting at 11:00 AM

Second Saturday of the month Watson Lake Direct Aid 2:00 PM Northern Lights Centre Tuesdays

Smart Recovery Meetings 3:00 PM Wye Lake Cabin Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services For more information, email joey. mitchell@yukon.ca or call 332-3187

(enter via backdoor) Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with screen printing.

CFYT Trivia Night The Drunken Goat Fun filled night of Trivia. Every other Wednesday. A variety of trivia categories! Come with your team or join a team when you arrive!


CDC Toddler Program 10:00 AM Klondike Institute of Arts & Culture KIAC Free drop-In for kids 5 & under with parent/guardian Story time & free play!


Cards & Conversation 1:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Dawson City Free! Drop-In! No registration necessary. whatsupyukon.events/dawson-legion-8336c3

Open Studio Drop-in 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Enjoy KIAC’s bright, air-conditioned space to create and focus on your artistic practice. Even better- we’ve waived the drop-in fee this day.


Open Studio – Drop In 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Space to create and focus on your artistic practice.

AA North Star Group Dawson City 7:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion In person or Videoconference option available Call 867-993-5095 or 867-993-3734 for more information Sundays Anglican Church Service 10:30 Anglican Church Service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City. Corner of Front and Church Streets at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City

Pickleball & Badminton Watson Lake

Secondary School 7:00 PM Wednesdays

Drop-In Ninja Tumbling 5:30 PM Watson Lake

Secondary School All ages welcome. Adults are welcome too, come to do some stretching or try some handstands etc.

Fridays Friday Night Lanes 7:00 PM Call 335-7979 to register


Disc Golf 6:00 PM Raven Pines Rent discs at the Rec Centre or bring your fave. All welcome from expert level to beginner. Baptiste Power Yoga 7:00 PM Fees apply. A muscle-shaping and mind-sculpting workout, work at your own level and ability, set to electronic music.


St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Church Service (867) 536-2932 Sunday Nite Volleyball 11:00 AM Watson Lake Secondary School

The following proper es have been put up for sale by council by way of request for proposal. The complete RFP packages are available on the Town’s website at faro.ca/p/bids-and-tenders or by scanning the link to the right.


Served hot or at room temperature, these fritters are great with lots of cold wine (and consume both while sitting in the sun!).

Serves 4 as a snack


❑ 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

❑ 2 eggs

❑ Salt and pepper

❑ 1/4 tsp baking powder

❑ 1 1/2 cup green beans

❑ Oil, for frying

❑ Chilli oil to serve

❑ Crispy shallots to serve


1. In a bowl, combine flour, eggs, salt and pepper to taste, and baking powder and mix until well combined. Add the green beans and mix until the green beans are coated in the batter. Let rest for 10 minutes.

2. Heat a skillet over medium high heat, and add a layer of olive oil. Enough to generously cover the bottom of the pan. Add the bean mixture by the spoonful and cook until brown, repeat with remaining batter. Serve topped with chili oil and crispy shallots. ■

Sydney Keddy
Sydney [Oland] Keddy is a recipe developer who lives in Whitehorse. Her work can be
PHOTOS: Sydney Keddy
Green bean fritters
Green beans Eggs, flour, salt and pepper, and baking powder
Make a thick batter
Add the green beans

Just Imagine

Some people have their own golf course

Some people have their own swimming pool

Some people have their own mansion

Some people have their own yacht

Some people have their own limousine

Some people have their own private jet

Some people have their own bodyguard

Some people have their own jacuzzi tub

Some people have their own masseuse

Some people have their own liquor cabinet

Some people have their own gym

Some people have their own chef

Some people have their own waterbed

Some people have their own maids

Some people have their own art collection

Some people have their own island

Some people have their own cadillac

Some people have their own lawyer

Some people are VIP

Some people have their own suite


a cartoonist, a fiddle player and a snowshoe racer from Old Crow, Yukon. Allan is a Vuntut Gwich‛in artist who provides cartoons and poems to What‛s Up Yukon. He introduces us to two sets of characters who represent Allan‛s family and traditional Gwich‛in life growing up in Old Crow.

II’LL NEVER HITCHHIKE AGAIN! Fort Providence to Yellowknife PART 3

t was 7pm when Cindy and I got dropped off at the Big River Service Centre, outside of Fort Providence.

We were hitchhiking to Yellowknife and were almost there – only 300 km to go! The bar was open until midnight and the restaurant was open 24 hours so we decided that we would stay there all night and ask everyone that comes in for a lift.

We sat there for over three hours, when a trucker finally pulled up. Perfect! As soon as he came in, he bought the bar a round to celebrate his wife giving birth that day. Since Cindy and I were the only ones in there, it was a cheap round but got him talking to us and he agreed to give us a ride. He had a few more drinks and bought a bottle for the road. We were thrilled to finally get a ride, but, as the truck driver told us later, we were stupid to get in his truck with him because real truck drivers wouldn’t drink and drive. He wasn’t a real trucker. He was just doing his dad, who ran a trucking company, a favour by driving a load of new cars up to Yellowknife.

cont’d on page 13 ...

How can First Nations effectively engage in YESAB assessments?

Participation by First Nations is a significant part of environmental assessments conducted by YESAB. There are several effective ways to engage in the YESAB process.

Citizens and governments can submit public comments on ongoing projects. Your comments and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge are valued alongside Western scientific information. Another meaningful way to take part in the process is to invite YESAB to host educational sessions in your community.

To invite YESAB for education sessions and community meetings, email our indigenous partnership manager at rose.sellars@yesab.ca

column with Donna Lawther
Donna Lawther is a long-time Yukoner, pour-painting artist and author of Harry the Hug Monster.
PHOTOS: Wikipedia Big River Service Centre outside Fort Providence.

We discovered all this at 1am, in the pouring rain, in the middle of the Northwest Territories with a rifle pointed at our heads!

It had all started when the trucker heard, on his CB radio, that there was an accident up ahead.

The other trucker said the police were there but apparently the driver had disappeared. Our trucker told us he was psychic and could find the driver who must have wandered into the bush, so he was going to stop and help. We tried to talk him out of it because he had been (and still was) drinking.

I guess he didn’t like us telling him what to do because he suddenly stopped the truck, pulled his rifle out from behind the seat and told us to get out! We were tempted to comply, but our backpacks were in one of the cars he was hauling, and we were scared he’d ditch us without them. We didn’t like the idea of being stranded in the middle of nowhere, in the rain, without a tent, so we did our best to talk him down. Somehow, we calmed him

down, he put his rifle back under his seat and headed back up the Mackenzie Highway. We came upon the accident soon after and even though the RCMP were waving him on, he pulled over. “Stay in the truck!” he growled at us, as he got out. We scrambled out the passenger side before he could stop us. The officers tried to tell us to get back in the truck but finally listened to our story. “Sorry,” they said. “We can’t help

you. We’re stationed in Rae-Edzo [what Behchokǫ was called in 1985] and there is nowhere there for you to stay so we can’t take you there.” We were shocked, but didn’t give up, and talked them into helping us get our packs and taking us with them.

That is how we found ourselves, at 2:30am, wandering the streets of Behchokǫ in the rain. We first thought of pitching our tent in a construction site, where we could find cover from the rain, but didn’t like the idea of being woken up by a bunch of construction workers. Then I saw the beautiful, old, log church next

door and remembered hearing that churches always keep their doors open to provide sanctuary to anyone that needs it. We tried the church door, and it was open! The pews were hard, but it was a dry, warm, safe place to sleep after such a harrowing experience. Thank God!

The next morning, our friend from Yellowknife drove to Behchokǫ and picked us up. Cindy and I both ended up getting good jobs, finding a place to rent (which is much harder than getting a job, in Yellowknife) and promised each other that we would never hitchhike again! ■

• Excavators (Cat 315 to Cat 330)

• Telehandlers

• Loaders (Cat 950H)

• Skid Steers (262C to 289D3)

• Single Drum Packer (XCMG CV123)

• Frost fighters 350K BTU

• Heat Trailers, Ice fighter 700K BTU

• Enclosed Trailers

• Car Hauler Trailers

• Gooseneck/5th Wheel Trailer with winch

• Generators, 30KW to 500KW, Propane and Diesel

• Transformers 750 Kva 480:4160V, 750 Kva 480:600V, 600/480 300Kva

• Load Bank (100KW @ 120/208)

PHOTOS: Wikipedia
St. Michael Parish in Behchokǫ was our sanctuary after a harrowing night

Historic Buildings On Qikiqtaruk—Herschel Island

Preserving history

How do you protect the oldest woodframed building in the Yukon?

Lift it off the wet ground extremely slowly - one shim at a time.

In August 2023, three specialists from the Yukon government’s Historic Sites Unit lifted the 130-year-old Pacific Steam Whaling Company Community House on Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk) Territorial Park, a full 18 inches off the ground. It took four 11-hour days,

plenty of planning and a lot of hard labour.

“So we started with sixteen airbags and six toe jacks, and then just lifted a half-inch by half-inch and levelled it out as much as we could,” said conservation carpenter Stephan Biedermann.

They slowly pumped up the airbags and then placed plywood shims in every gap, to support the walls. As the gaps got larger, so did the shims—until they were replaced by wooden cribbing.

“We were running around, moving around a lot and crawling under the building to get cribs underneath the other sets of beams,” said restoration and reproduction specialist Gisli Balzer. “It was like the building sort of smiled at us when we’d lift the outside, and then we’d settle it

The Community House is the fifth building that’s been lifted and placed on cribbing on QikiqtarukHerschel Island. The Northern Whaling and Trading Company Warehouse, the Northern Whaling and Trading Company Shed, the Customs Warehouse and the Karlik House, were successfully lifted in past summers, but the Community House was the largest, the heaviest and the most challenging.

The Community House is approximately 9.4-metres wide by 17.7-metres long. Its weight is unknown because there’s no way to put it on a scale, but the team knows they used 16 airbags, each with a point load of 11.7 metric tonnes; and six toe jacks, each with a point load of six metric tonnes. That’s a total of 223.2 metric tonnes of lifting power to raise it and ensure that its weight was distributed along its beams, so the structure wasn’t damaged.

Luckily, the building was so well-built that it was raised up in one piece.

“The big, huge spikes that they drove into the wood one-hundredand-thirty years ago, they stuck everything together,” said Balzer. “So, the building just came up and those beams just stuck to the floor. It was pretty wild.”

The Community House and

other structures on QikiqtarukHerschel Island were built right on the gravel bed at Simpson Point. For decades that wasn’t a problem.

Now, with increased coastal erosion, loss of sea ice and rising temperatures, the once-dry ground is often waterlogged in summer. There are pools and puddles of water.

“All the buildings were originally built right on the ground, so they collect moisture from the ground and start deteriorating from the ground up,” said Biedermann.

Biedermann, Balzer and restoration planner Brent Riley—for whom getting the Community House on cribbing was a crowning achievement before his retirement—hope that lifting the building out of the water will stop the damage in its tracks. It will also help prevent rot and mould, which could permanently destroy or disfigure the historic structure.

The Community House was constructed in 1893. The wood, mostly rough-sawn Douglas Fir, was pre-cut and labelled in San Francisco, then shipped as a kit to Qikiqtaruk-Herschel Island with the Pacific Steam Whaling Company’s whaling fleet.

cont’d on page 18 ...

down again. It was amazing.”
PHOTOS: Courtesy of Government of Yukon, Brent Riley
The state of the Community House the first summer that the Yukon Historic Sites Unit was on-site, 1987
(L-R) Gisli Balzer and Stephan Biedermann placing wooden shims under the building in August 2023

Celebrate Historic Places Day at Robinson Roadhouse

Saturday, July 13

12 to 3 pm

Join us for a fun-filled event at the historic Robinson Roadhouse!

Come enjoy a free barbeque, site tours, lawn games, live music and more. Bring the whole family! No registration required. Featuring acoustic country tunes from local favourites Clint Carpentier, Kevin Barr, and Ellorie McKnight.

Where: Robinson Roadhouse, at km 139 South Klondike Highway, near the Annie Lake Road turn-off.

This historic site is in the Trad

Territory of the

and the

Built in 1906, it served as a staging point for miners in the Watson and Wheaton Rivers mining district. For more informa on, call Historic Sites at 867-332-3862

Photo: Yukon Archives, Rolf and Margaret Hougen fonds, 2009/81 #491
Photos: Bruce Barre
Carcross/Tagish First Na on
Kwanlin Dün First Na on.


Fri Jul 05 6th Annual VGCX Golf

Tournament 5:00 AM 6th annual fundraiser to benefit Every Student Every Day. Golf, snacks, dinner, drink tickets, entertainment, great prizes, silent auction and a whole lot of fun. Safe Rides available after dinner. Register online.

Fri Jul 05 2nd Annual BSC Golf

Classic 12:00 PM A Texas Scramble Golf Tournament to support the local community clubs with the help of local businesses and people. This years recipient will be the Biathlon Yukon club. Register online.

Sat Jul 06 2024 Yukon Golf

Championships 5:00 AM Shotgun start at 10 AM, Junior, Senior & Super Senior divisions, Open Amateur Men/Women divisions. Register by July 3 by calling the club or in-person at the club.

Thu Jul 11 Dustball 2024 5:00 AM

Don’t miss out on the biggest slopitch tournament North of 60! The 42nd Annual Dustball Tournament with lots of new and exciting things coming this year!

Fri Jul 12 Northern Cup 5:00 AM An annual tennis weekend tournament

welcoming players from across the North for friendly competition! Register online. Sat Jul 27 Whitehorse Whitewater Rodeo 3:30 PM The annual YCKC event that celebrates and showcases whitewater paddling through a series of friendly competitions.

Fri Sep 06 Klondike Road Relay 5:00

AM An epic experience unlike any other race and we encourage all levels and ages to participate. Runner or walker; adult or youth; the full race or our shorter, modified route - the KRR is for everyone!


Judo For Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30

AM Northern Strength Academy Functional fitness training to be stronger and injuryresistant. All levels are welcome. Train ‘functionally’ with NSA Co-owner Jeremy McCulloch. https://northernstrength.ca/

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga

8:30 AM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts

7:30 PM

Rest & Restore-Meditative Yin 8:30 PM

Avalanche Athletics Suitable for all levels, offering variations and props to support individual needs. Bringing a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended.


Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00

AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Séances de yoga 8:00 AM

Flow and Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30

AM Grace Space This dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered.

Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http:// amitieyoga.c

Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00 AM

Canada Games Centre Yukon Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged

Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30

AM Northern Lights School of Dance

Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online.

Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40

AM Northern Lights School of Dance

Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg

Noon Strength and Conditioning 12:00

PM Northern Strength Academy Functional strength class teaches compound multijoint lifts that improve athleticism, strength, coordination, power and more. https:// northernstrength.ca/

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days

Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Kids Muay Thai 4:45 PM Eight Days Martial Arts KIDS MUAY THAI a dynamic and engaging martial art that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century. Open to ages 8 - 12.

Zumba with Bonita 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online

Women’s Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga

6:45 PM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http:// amitieyoga.ca

Spirit Bear Karate 7:30 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http://

Elderactive Yoga with Richard until Oct 24 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance explore the great variety the IYENGAR Yoga method has to offer Yoga with Barbara until Feb 20 10:00

AM Whitehorse United Church Use side door All Levels Yoga. Email bfraingower@ gmail.com

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 AM

Yoga-Yoga Nidra 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio Awaken and then release as we delve into a one hour yoga class that will prepare us to melt into the 30 minute Yoga Nidra experience. Register online.

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy

Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Black Street Stairs 12:00 PM Black Street Stairs Park

Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Preregistration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Yoga 12:00

PM Shipyards Park Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Pre-registration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:15 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available.

Elderactive Leisure Walking 12:30

PM ElderActive Recreation Association Leisure Walking is similar to Nordic walking but is suitable for those who prefer a slower, more relaxed pace

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM Strength & Conditioning 5:30 PM Northern Strength Academy Exercise to suit your fitness level and Strength & Conditioning Goals. Learn to Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Row and Olympic Lift https://northernstrength.ca/ Evening Yoga 6:00 PM Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs eclipsenordichotsprings.ca

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Learn to Fence 6:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class introduces the fundamentals of fencing to kids who have never tried fencing. All classes are at Grey Mountain Primary.


Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Whitehorse Archery Takhini Elementary 6:30 PM Whitehorse Archery is a nonprofit club for the recreational shooter, hunters, and those who just want to work on their skills. https://www. whitehorsearchery.com/schedule

Spirit Bear Kobudo (Weapons) Karate 7:00 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Intermediate 7:30 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class picks up from where Learn to Fence ends. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness.

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM

Stretch and Stabilize – Functional Conditioning 7:45 PM Grace Space Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class. Wednesdays

Muay Thai Kickboxing 6:00 AM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout. Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30 AM Northern Strength Academy

https://northernstrength.ca/ Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00 AM Canada Games Centre Yukon Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online.

Zumba with Bonita 10:00 AM 7th Ray Studio Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness. Register online. YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge! Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40 AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg

Ladies Kickboxing 12:05 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout.

NSA Spin Classes 4:15 PM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM Spirit Bear Karate

Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning 8:15 PM Avalanche Athletics Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class. Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning http://amitieyoga.ca


Insanity Live! Get Fit For Winter – 6

Week Winter Series 5:30 AM Riverdale

Subdivision – Whitehorse Incinerate fat and calories in 50 minutes with the ultimate cardio-conditioning program that is tailored to ALL fitness levels. Register online. https://whatsupyukon.events/b7o

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00

AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Tai Chi for Seniors 10:00 AM Golden Age Society Come early, bring water, and wear comfortable, smooth soled indoor shoes.

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:00 PM

Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available. https://bit.ly/3oiTBVz

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels

Noon Hatha Yoga until Dec 7 12:00 PM

Grace Space Relax, energize and leave with more mental and physical space and capacity! Register online. http://cuts2.com/ gmGhI

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days

Martial Arts 12:05 PM

Babynastics with Coach Ewan 1:00

PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semistructured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https://www. polarettes.org/babynastics

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eight Days

Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Adult

Beginner 7:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School If you are looking to learn fencing as an adult. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

NSA Spin Classes 6:30 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 9:30 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/yoga-classes

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Thursdays Noon Hatha Yoga 12:00

PM Grace Space Energizing blend of Hatha and Kundalini with Pranayama (breathwork), Friendly and Community oriented space! Register online. http:// www.gracespaceyukon.com

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight & Mondays

Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Tai Chi Yukon outdoor practice 5:30 PM

On the Wharf at the foot of Main Street.

Call 335-4813 for more info.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - teen classes Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:30 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout.


Flow & Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM

Avalanche Athletics A dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered. All levels, Bring yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended. http://amitieyoga.ca

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Saturday Morning Strength and Conditioning 10:15 AM Northern Strength Academy Full-body movements to improve functional strength. Suitable for all levels and aligns with NSA’s strength programming. https://northernstrength.ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/


No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days

Martial Arts 12:05 PM

Open Mat Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM


Circus Sundays 10:00 AM Avalanche

Athletics We will have equipment for people to try out, including stilts, juggling stuff, aerial silks, aerial hoop, static trapeze, spinny things, balance things…

NSA Spin Classes 10:00 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include

yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes


7/10/2024 Summer Series: Sleep Solutions 12:00 PM Learn about common sleep disorders, the importance of healthy sleep hygiene, and ways to work towards better sleep. To register call 667-8733 or email ccsp@yukon.ca.

Elder and Counselor available

Emotional and Spiritual support, free to Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirited in Yukon, Northern BC: Phone, video appointments or in person. Call Toll Free 866 667 6162 or visit www.yawc.ca for info.


1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month The Prenatal Lunch Network 12:00 PM NVD Place (Old Canadian Tire Building) A free prenatal lunch network. Each week will feature a different activity. Call 332-5054 or 332-6476 for more info.

1st Wednesday QYS 2SLGBTQIA+ Parent & Guardian Peer Support Nights

6:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache We want to provide a space where parents and guardians of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth can find connection and support from their peers.

2nd Wednesday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

1st Thursday of every month Men’s Gathering 5:00 PM A safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional teachings. For more info contact Rob at 332-5708 or Rob.McLean@kdfn. net

Every other Tuesday Sharing Circle 12:00 PM Old Justice Building KDFN Every other Tuesday for recovery focused sharing circles. Connect, share challenges and gains, and access support and wisdom. Snacks and refreshments served. https:// whatsupyukon.events/4en

Last Monday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

Last Sunday Spoonie Support Circle

2:30 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache A low-key community hangs, engage in peer support in facilitated conversations on topics brought forth by participants, and meet other spoonies! For details and to register islairhysrathlin@gmail.com


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House Infant Feeding Mondays 1:00 PM Yukon Midwifery Program Yukoners who are pregnant or have a baby under 12 months

are invited to learn about feeding their infants and get support with challenges. Call 393-7120 to book a private appointment or drop-in.

AA Life Ahead (O, A) 7:00 PM 509 Hanson St. Held in person or by zoom –ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

AA New Beginnings Group (O, A) 8:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

AA New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Tuesdays

Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre

An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM

305 Wood St. Captain Martin House ARKA Brotherhood Men’s Circle: Porcupine Squad 6:30 PM Whitehorse

A confidential, structured space that empowers men to transform themselves into self-aware, self-disciplined, empowered and trustworthy leaders. Email mjvernon@gmail.com for more info. http:// www.arkabrotherhood.com

AA UglyDuckling Group (C/M, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral New members always welcome, this is a non smoking group.

Ugly Ducklings Group (O,A) 8:00 PM

Christ Church Cathedral Held in person or by zoom – ID 251-363-5766, call 778-9072701 for more info.

TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 6:00

PM 100 25 Firth Rd Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Join us! Every Wednesday morning. Call or text 867-3341725 for more details


TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 8:00

AM Closeleigh Manor Common Room Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Call or text 867-334-1725 for more details

Community Kitchen 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House Al-Anon 12:00 PM Sport Yukon Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00

PM Inclusion Yukon

Art Therapy for Grief 5:30 PM Hospice Yukon Learn more about living with grief and self-compassion in a supportive space with others who are grieving the death of a loved one

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:30

PM Overeaters Anonymous For more information contact oayukon@gmail.com for more information

AA No Puffin Big Book Study (C, A) 8:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

Porter Creek Step Meeting (C) 8:00 PM

Our Lady of Victory


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse

United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre

An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM

305 Wood St. Captain Martin House Connect to Culture - Drop-In 1:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre FREE! Drop-In, Open to ALL! Weekly cultural activities from beading to sewing, healing camp trips, elder visits and more. For more info call 667-2093 or email info@vfwomenscentre.com https:// vfwomenscentre.com/events

Polar Group (O, A) 7:30 PM 311 Elliott St. & 4th Ave. Held in person or on zoom, Zoom ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

Fridays AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM

305 Wood St. Captain Martin House AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:30 PM Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778-907-2971 for more info. Community Kitchen 4:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info.



buildings on Qikiqtaruk – Herschel Island cont’d from page 14

It was first used as a community building for the officers (of the whaling ships) who spent winters on the island. After the whalers left, it was used by Bishop Isaac Stringer and the Anglican Mission, the NorthWest Mounted Police (precursor to the RCMP) and by researchers studying the island. It’s currently used as a park office and a meeting place for visitors to the park.

The Community House has been standing for 130 years, through 10-foot-high snowfalls, howling winter winds and powerful storm surges.

“Some of the woodwork is perfect,” said Balzer.

“The building is extremely strong. It’s a little bendy because it’s so wet, but it is just really … It’s beautiful. It’s a great building. The more you see, the more respect you have for the previous builders.”

Each summer, the Historic Sites Unit team spends at least two weeks on QikiqtarukHerschel Island, keeping up with regular maintenance and monitoring of the buildings. In the next

few years, they plan to also lift the Bonehouse onto cribbing, as well, to save it from deterioration. The Bonehouse was used to store valuable baleen—a giant filter in the jaws of Baleen Whales, which was

used to strain their food during the island’s whaling era.

“When I started the job, I didn’t have the history lesson. And I still don’t have it all, but the more I learn, the more I just really

enjoy the work,” said Balzer.

Watch a time-lapse video of Historic Sites Unit specialists Brent Riley, Gisli Balzer and Stephan Biedermann, lifting the Community House building (youtube.com/ watch?v=dByDVFYCVSE).

And there are 3D drawings of the Community House and other historic buildings available at herschel.preserve.ucalgary.ca

Find more information about how Yukon Historic Sites is working to preserve and protect herit-

age on Qikiqtaruk—Herschel Island. And watch for future stories in this series Read the Herschel Island–Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park Management Plan: yukon.ca/en/ herschel-island-qikiqtaruk-territorial-park-management-plan ■


• Interview with Stephan and Gisli

• herschel.preserve.ucalgary.ca

The Community House after the lift, 2023
The Pacific Steam Whaling Company’s Community House before the lift, 2019



Thank you to our Sponsors

We invite Businesses and Organizations around Whitehorse to join in on this city-wide Lemonade Stand Competition from 11:00am-2:00pm on Wednesday, August 7, 2024

All lemonade stands participating offer their lemonade by donation, and some choose to also include additional draws such as treats, baked goods or a bbq.

All proceeds from The Big Squeeze stay in Yukon to support our agency’s proactive mentoring programs! Register a Team By August 1, 2024


• Big Brothers Big Sisters will provide your team with lemons and pitchers (if required) the Monday before the event. Teams can add anything (non-alcoholic) to their lemonade.

• The agency will promote all locations (which can be indoors or outdoors) that lemonade will be available. You can do additional promotions for your team; it’s encouraged!

• Teams can raise additional funds at their stand by collecting donations, having a bake sale or anything else that is legal and your imagination can come up with. These additional fundraising efforts will go towards your total.

• Lemonade is sold between 11:00am-2:00pm. No lemonade sales (or other fundraising) done before 11:00am, or after 2:00pm will be eligible to be added to your total sales.

• Pledge sheets will be provided to collect information for those who would like a tax receipt.

• Our “celebrity” guest taste testers, along with Big Brothers Big Sisters reps, will be acting as judges and will be coming to each lemonade stand during the sale period to do a taste test. These judges will award the coveted Big Squeeze trophy at the end of the day. Points will be awarded for taste and appearance! There will also be an award for top fundraising lemonade stand.

• Staff members from Big Brothers Big Sisters will be at your location between 2:00pm-3:00pm to pick up the money raised and any remaining supplies.

Red Grossinger is a sasquatch enthusiast, investigator and a published author living in the Yukon.

or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com


Until July 31 Art Exhibit by Ayla Dunn Northern Front Studio Emerging artist displays original art, displayed throughout July.

Until Aug 30 CAMP by Couzyn Van Heuvelen YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery Couzyn van Heuvelen’s sculptural installations in this exhibition build from van Heuvelen’s earlier investigations into hunting and fishing practices by shifting focus to the chores and communal spaces that take shape around the harvesting and preparation of food.

Until Aug 30 Stories within by Yukon

First Nations Artists 5:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This exhibit brings together Yukon First Nations artists to delve into the rich traditions of storytelling embedded within their practices.


Tue Jul 02 Riverfront Town Square

Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!

guaranteed seat as spots fill up fast!



Acoustic Jam 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well


Karaoke 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well

Whitewater Wednesday 8:00 PM 98



Ginger Jam 7:00 PM Lefty’s Well


Live Music at Whiskey Jacks 7:00

PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill At Whiskey Jack’s every Saturday. whiskeyjacks.ca/


Open Jam 8:00 PM 98 Hotel


Bauberger in turning your clean waste stream plastic into parade-able puppets and costumes!

Wed Jul 17 Intro to Sock Knitting 6:00 PM This class will walk you step by step through the stages of basic top-down sock construction. Yarn and pattern included, you will need 3.75mm needles. Register online.

Thu Jul 18 Parade-able Plastics Workshop 4:00 PM As a part of Plastic Free July come join Nicole Bauberger in turning your clean waste stream plastic into parade-able puppets and costumes!

Sat Jul 20 Town Square Workshops 10:00 AM Workshops and demonstrations during the City’s Riverfront Town Square Market. Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm, July through August.

Tue Jul 23 Introductory Fused Glass Workshops – Magnets 6:00 PM Introductory fused glass workshops this summer. No experience necessary. All supplies and tools included. Email tintinaglass@ gmail.com for more info or to register.



Batteries store energy that is needed to start your vehicle, there are a few things to remember about batteries.

Regular maintenance #1 is making sure the battery is secured properly so it doesn’t vibrate, keeping connections clean and tight at the terminal, with loose connections you may run into problems like vehicles won’t start, alternator not charging properly and could cause battery and alternator failure. Making sure your battery is ready for the colder weather we see in the Yukon like adding a battery pad or battery blanket to keep it warm when the vehicle is not in use; by keeping the battery warm in colder weather you will get the most power out of the battery on start up. Here is a side tip: if you don’t drive your vehicle on

and are experiencing battery problems, you could ask you local mechanic to install a

amp battery maintainer;

will keep your battery fully charged



Fri Jul 05 Franklin with HEDKSBaby Ronka & the Boyfriends 8:00 PM Franklin (Whse) The low and slow, green riff machine with HEDKS (Vancouver- Off 6 year Hiatus) and Baby Ronka and the Boyfriends (Dawson CIty). Doors 8 pm and music 9:30 pm - cover charge at the door.

Fri Jul 05 Unicorn Parts EP Release with Peggy Hanifan 8:00 PM Unicorn Parts is releasing their debut EPFeaturing your friend and ours, the Fabulous Peggy Hanifan! Music at 8 pm, no cover. Bring your dancing shoes.

Tue Jul 09 Riverfront Town Square Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!

Fri Jul 12 The Animal Warfare Act presents - Gruchella 8:00 PM Toronto-based horror metal trio The Animal Warfare Act return to their hometown of Whitehorse - Doors at 8 pm and music at 9 pm - Cover charge at the door.

Tue Jul 16 Riverfront Town Square

Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!

Tue Jul 23 Riverfront Town Square

Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!

Sat Jul 27 All Ages Live Music at the Cafe by Ed McLean 2:00 PM Kick off to Summer Party - BBQ Smokies, live music by Ed McLean and of course, coffee! Bring a lawn chair for a

Wed Jul 03 Introductory Fused Glass Workshops – Sun Catchers 6:00 PM Introductory fused glass workshops this summer. No experience necessary. All supplies and tools included. Email tintinaglass@ gmail.com for more info or to register.

Fri Jul 05 Created at the Canyon 2024 1:00 PM A variety of Yukon artists and creatives will be showcasing their skills at Kwanlin (Miles Canyon), educational stations and interactive activities themed around Salmon Runs & River Reflections!

Sat Jul 06 Town Square Workshops 10:00 AM Workshops and demonstrations during the City’s Riverfront Town Square Market. Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm, July through August.

Sat Jul 06 Created at the Canyon 2024 11:00 AM A variety of Yukon artists and creatives will be showcasing their skills at Kwanlin (Miles Canyon), educational stations and interactive activities themed around Salmon Runs & River Reflections!

Sat Jul 13 Town Square Workshops 10:00 AM Workshops and demonstrations during the City’s Riverfront Town Square Market. Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm, July through August.

Sat Jul 13 The Animal Warfare Act presents - Gruchella 8:00 PM Toronto-based horror metal trio The Animal Warfare Act return to their hometown of Whitehorse - Doors at 8 pm and music at 9 pm - Cover charge at the door.

Mon Jul 15 Recreation Pop-Ups 11:00 AM Free family focused games, activities, music and fun! Various locations throughout the summer for fun and games!

Wed Jul 17 Parade-able Plastics Workshop 4:00 PM As a part of Plastic Free July come join Nicole

2nd & 4th Mondays Service Officer

7:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion Whitehorse An invite to all Veterans, Police and First responders for the service hour at the Legion, socialise and find out what is going on. https:// bit.ly/3Lm40ZG

2nd & 4th Wednesdays Whitehorse Photography Club - Meetup 7:00

PM Yukon University - Whitehorse Campus Held in Rm A2204. Discuss photography, share your work, learn new tips and tricks. http:// whitehorsephotoclub.ca/

First Thursdays QYS Craft Night 7:00

PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache This is a great place to gather and meet other queer crafters. And there will be tea of course. Regular drop-in is still available.

2nd Thursday QYS Movie Nights 5:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache

Last Thursdays Repair Cafe 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Bring it in and see if it is fixable using soldering irons, multimeters, and other tools. This easy introduction to electronics and small home appliance repair is a useful evening of DIY learning that you can take home.

2nd Thursday Music Trivia 7:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Come on out and test your music knowledge! Teams of no more than 6 people.

3rd Sundays Messy Church 3:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. Crafts, singing and food will be the focus.


place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https://mountainview. church/connect/youth Monthly



Play Pool 1:00 PM Golden Age

Society Becoming more limber and agile in your movements through playing billiards is a great benefit.

Play Whist 1:30 PM Golden Age Society Classic English trick-taking card game which was widely played in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the rules are simple, there is scope for strategic play

Mtg: Competitive Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm Women’s Bible Study. Refreshments are served followed by the study. For more info check out www. mountainview.church or email rachel@mountainview.church.

Euchre - For Members and Signed in Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Euchre a tricktaking card game for four players, two on each team, As a member you Industry Night Lefty’s Well 8:00 PM All are welcome - 20% off everything for our industry family - hot dogs, tunes, games and happy hour all night! https://bit.ly/3L0J3Ce Tuesdays

Café de l’amitié 2:00 PM Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) Le Café de l’amitié est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire et une occasion de rassemblement pour les francophones de 50 ans et plus.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society

The Cache 2:00 PM Tarot Tuesdays 5:00 PM Caribou RV Park Insightful and fun readings with Aimee (Bow & Arrow Tarot & Astrology) every Tuesday in Joe’s Cozy Cabin! Walk-in from 5-6pm or pre-book online. https://www. bowandarrowtarotandastrology.com/ Language Skills for Ukrainians 5:15

PM Yukon Learn A discussion group workshop provides a relaxed and friendly environment where learners can practise and learn English conversation skills.

Weekly Shuffleboard Tournament

6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch

254 For members and signed in guests. A double knockout style competition and games are limited to 6 ends or 15 minutes

Chess Club 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Love Chess? Want to learn? Looking for Competition? Join us!

SuperSmash Bros, Mtg: Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

10 Card Crib - Members & Signed In Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Whether you are a seasoned crib player or a beginner, come play! Learn tips and tricks and have some fun! https://bit.ly/3KP0B5s Wednesdays

Multicultural Connection Group

11:00 AM Multicultural Centre of the

Yukon – MCY Connect with other parents and caregivers, learn about parenting in different cultures. A free lunch program for immigrants and refugee families. Lunch and transportation provided. Call 332-1803 for more info.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM

Texas Hold’ Em 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For signed in members and guests. Bragging rights!

Spanish Conversation 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Call 3336081 for more info.

Anglican Holy Communion –

Whitehorse 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral The Book of Common Prayer, 2nd Wednesday of the month

Mtg: Modern, Warhammer Age of Sigmar 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Public Speaking TrainingToastmasters 12:00 PM Decora Guests are always welcome. There are many roles to learn at Toastmasters. Practice 2 minute table topics

Anglican Thursday at the Cathedral 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral Bring a lunch (Book of Alternative Services)

QYS Drop-in 2:00 PM Queer Yukon Society & The Cache

Fireweed Community Market

3:00 PM Shipyards Park Wonderful aromas, delicious fresh foods, and unique artisans from our approximately 70 weekly vendors. Grab a picnic dinner and get that special gift. Enjoy local live music and other amusements from buskers.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Find out what role playing games are all about! Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are always welcome.

Mtg: casual Commander, Warhammer 40k & Kill Team 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

Mountainview Church Community Group 7:00 PM 16 years or older?

Mountainview Church Community Group! We’ll share some snacks and talk about what the bible has to say about discipleship.


Yukon Amateur Radio Association

Coffee Discussion Group 8:45 AM A&W

Restaurant Hams from outside the Yukon and those interested are welcome to join us in this casual event.

Tarot Card Readings with Sari

Horvath Baked Cafe 9:15 AM Sari uses her wisdom and guidance through tarot cards to help answer your life questions! Please use email to book appointments treasurebooksyxy@gmail.com

Coffee & Chat 11:00 AM Golden Age

Society Coffee and chat is a way to connect with your community, develop friendships, and have fun.

Crib 1:00 PM Golden Age Society

Cribbage is an easy game to learn

but hard to master. For more info call 668-5538.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society

The Cache 2:00 PM

Mtg: Pioneer, YuGiOh Casual 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Cribbage - Members and Signed in Guests 2:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Masks are mandatory. Members must have a valid 2021 membership and they may sign in 2 guests MAX.

Pokemon, Mtg: Youth Magic, Lorcana 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Mountainview Church Sunday Service 9:30 AM Church In The Building 9:30 AM, 11AM or Church At Home 7 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM Mountainviewwhitehorse.ca/Watch

Clothing Room 10:00 AM Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Free of charge to anyone and everyone

Whitehorse United Church

Worship Service 10:30 AM A caring community of faith, based on a foundation of Biblical teaching and spiritual truth

Secondhand Clothing Bizarre 2:00 PM Whitehorse Seventh-Day Adventist Church Clean clothes needed and donations accepted if in good condition. Please call before dropping clothes off and for more info 633-3463.

Sunday Gatherings 3:00 PM The Northern Collective Church


Until July 4 Inside Out 2 Nightly + Matinees Yukon Theatre Long awaited animated sequel by Pixar. Follow Riley, in her teenage years, encountering new emotions. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/schedule/ inside-out-2

Fri Jun 28 Recreation Pop-Ups 11:00 AM Shipyards Park Free family focused games, activities, music and fun! Various locations throughout the summer for fun and games! https:// www.whitehorse.ca/


1st & 3rd Saturdays Grades 5 - 7 Junior Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church Passionate about giving kids opportunities to have fun & make new friends, while teaching them about Jesus & His great love for our world https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth

2nd and 4th Saturdays Grade 8 - 12 High School Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https://mountainview. church/connect/youth



Drop-In 9:00 AM Polarettes

Gymnastics Gym Open to all ages –Children, youth, and teens must be accompanied by an adult.

Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 3368577


Yukon Family Literacy Centre -

Summer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 3368577

Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Join us for stories, songs & rhymes! A free drop-in program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers at Whitehorse Public Library

Parent-Child Mother Goose 10:30 AM The Child Development Centre Celebrates the power and pleasure of songs, rhymes and oral stories. Bonding time with your little one or to learn for later. Register online. https:// whatsupyukon.events/lj5

Let’s Create - Crafting Together 5:30 PM The Child Development Centre A fun crafting group for families with children aged 2 and up, light dinner will be served, transportation available. For more info call 332-4997 or email donna.light@yukon.ca


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 3368577

Community Connections 1:30 PM Yukon Family Literacy Centre An intergenerational story time and craft program. Meet local elders, have a coffee, do some crafts, and make a friend!


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 1:00 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Transformations Along The Chu Nikwän 1:30 PM Yukon Visitor Information Centre Join Amber for a free walking tour every Thursday along the Whitehorse waterfront to learn about the Yukon First Nations people and the history of the Yukon.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Youth 11-17 are invited to join, no experience necessary.


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 AM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577


Moms & Kids - Summer Rec Program 11:30 AM Moms, aunties,

Your bags are on us.

and caregivers of all kinds, along with their kids ages 5 to 8. Siblings are welcome, but activities will be geared toward 5 to 8 year olds. Email summerrec@vfwomenscentre.com for more info.

Drop-In 3:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club enjoy the gym as a giant indoor play space. A great place to practise skills or just play and explore! Open gym is for members only


Thu Jul 4 Recreation & Parks Association of the Yukon AGM 7:00 PM RPAY & Recreation & Parks Assoc of the Yukon Held in person or online, new members and current members welcome, to register email anne@ rpay.ca or call 668-2389. https://rpay. ca/

Thu Jul 11 Whitehorse Minor Hockey Association AGM 6:30 PM Whitehorse Curling Club All WMHA members are eligible to attend, anyone with a player registered for the 2023-2024 season will be considered a member, Beverages will be available for purchase and snacks will be provided by WMHA



Rendezvous Rotary Tonys Pasta and Seafood House 6:30 PM Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Tony’s Pasta and Seafood. Come and join us for fun, and fellowship.


Toastmasters Decora 12:00 PM Sundogs Toastmasters Club. Club is open to all interested parties we provide constructive feedback to help develop public speaking skills.


First Monday Klondike Snowmobile Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Sport Yukon https://ksa.yk.ca/comingevents/

Third Thursday ASAY board monthly meeting Sport Yukon 10:00 PM Third Thursday Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition Monthly Meeting 5:00 PM ZOOM Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition for regular meeting. Everyone is welcome. Call Kathy 334-9317 or info@yapc.ca for a zoom link or join us in person. https://yapc.ca/actions/ detail/yapcs-monthly-meetings

Online Events

Fridays AA Yukon Unity Group 1:30 PM Online For Zoom Room address Contact 334-7693

Saturdays AA Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM Online For Zoom Room address call 334-7693.

Tuesdays Restorative Online Healing Circles 7:30 PM Online Check-in, Q&A, connect and feel the results. No experience necessary. Register online, or call 335-0078 or email alison@alisonzeidler.com for more info.

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Annual tennis tournament returns to town this month

Tennis is back for another year with the upcoming Northern Cup tournament hosted by Tennis Yukon and set to take place from July 12 to 14, at the scenic Mt. Mac courts in Whitehorse. The highly anticipated event will feature friendly competition between players from Juneau, Yellowknife, and Whitehorse, continuing a tradition of spirited rivalry and camaraderie spanning three decades.

Last year’s tournament winner was the team from Juneau but that only helped intensify the competition as Whitehorse aims to reclaim the cup this year. The Northern Cup fosters a weekend of sportsmanship and community engagement among Northern cities.

Yukon and Alaska and of course COVID-19.

“The Capital Cup was a capital city challenge begun in the 90’s (when there was a scheduled flight between Whitehorse and Juneau). It was dormant for several years after the flight stopped, but was revived in 2008 and has been held annually ever since (except for the COVID summer),”

Lewis said. “Some years it is even played twice, if Whitehorse players travel to Juneau to play on the indoor courts.”

Lewis said In 2023, the tournament expanded with an invitation to players from northern BC and NWT.

“It’s very special that this tournament has been around so long and is such a fun chance to share

rounded by beautiful scenery and the long days allow for a lot of playing time!” She also said it ap-

“We are so excited to welcome Alaskan and N.W.T. players to the Northern Cup once again,” said Stacy Lewis, Tennis Yukon Board director. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to come together, compete, and celebrate tennis and our Northern community.”

She added the tournament has a rich and long history that began over 30 years ago, but with some interruptions because of the loss of a scheduled flight between the

in some friendly competition with fellow Northerners!”

In addition to the tournament, Tennis Yukon also offers camps, clinics, and lessons at the Mt. Macintosh courts all summer. In the winter, the organization provides programming in school gyms.

Lewis said there is a lot of interest when it comes to tennis in the territory.

“Tennis in the Yukon is so fun because we have nice courts sur-

peals to many different people.”

“It’s also something that is popular because you can enjoy it across age groups, and enjoy it your whole life.”

The number of season passes for the outdoor courts rises every year, mirroring the growth in popularity across Canada, she added. “We’ve definitely seen an impact from young Canadian players having success on the international stage.”

As for the tournament numbers, Lewis said there will be strong showing from Alaska and the Yukon for sure.

“Typically we have about 20 players from Juneau, 20-30 Whitehorse players, and a few from Yellowknife.”

And as for the spectators, the tournament should showcase the passion and the skill of the players involved with a lot of great tennis to be played over those dates.

“Come out and watch the action!” Lewis said.

Registration for the tourna-

ment is now open. Players interested in participating can register online at https://tennisyukon. com/tournament/

For more information about the event, including schedule details and accommodation options, please visit the website or contact Tennis Yukon at tennisyukon@ gmail.com ■


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