What's Up Yukon, 31 July 2024

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It’s easy to
the warm and sunny days of summer

After all, what’s not to like about ice cream in cones, short sleeves and balmy breezes. But what about the rainy, grey parts of summer that include the wet and damp days that mean more bugs and less days out at the lake swimming and working on your tan? Here’s a few reasons why you may want to give them a chance too:

Tuesdays 4 pm - 8 pm Markets + Workshops Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm

Riverfront by the Wharf Markets + Concerts


The Coziness: A moody rainy day calls for a cup of hot chocolate, a bowl of soup and your favourite sweater. To me there are few things cozier and more relaxing than curling up at the end of the day under a blanket with a good book and the sound of rain on the roof.

The Gear: There’s no article of clothing that makes me feel like a little kid again quite as much as a pair of rain boots does. A good rain jacket, a sturdy umbrella and a comfortable pair of rubber boots can make even the biggest downpour a fun adventure. Rainy days can motivate you to dig out your cute rain gear and go looking for some puddles to jump in.

A few days of rain awakens new life

other parts of the world, such as Japan, also have similar beliefs. According to a four-year study carried out at Iwate University in northern Japan, there’s actually scientific truth to it. They concluded that the electrical charge from lightning really does cause mushrooms to multiply.

The Mushrooms: Rain and thunderstorms are incredibly effective at awakening the network of mycelia beneath the forest floor. A few days of rain and you’re almost guaranteed to be greeted with all sorts of tasty fungi on your next walk in the woods. And it’s not just the rain that we have to thank. I’ve heard people in the Peruvian Andes say mushrooms are especially plentiful after thunderstorms and after a bit of research online it seems that people in

The Berries: Summer is berry season but extended periods of hot and dry weather can shrivel up even the most seemingly promising berry crops. On the other hand, a well timed rainfall can help make the juiciest and biggest strawberries and raspberries you’ve ever seen. No amount of watering (whether by hand or with a hose) seems to have the same effect on berries or on your garden in general as a few really rainy days can have. Nothing can beat nature’s original sprinkler system.

The Sound: As anyone who’s ever slept in a tent on a rainy night can attest to, the pitter patter of rain has a very calming, repetitive and nonthreatening rhythm to it that is said to lower anxiety levels, regulate our breathing and heart rate, mask other noises and trigger an increase in melatonin secretions (especially if you don’t have to worry about packing up a wet tent the next day). If you can’t get the real thing, Youtube is filled with thousands of hours of videos of rain sounds that promise to soothe, relax and even cure insomnia.

The Smell: Have you ever noticed the sweet earthy smell that follows the first rainfall after a

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Jessica Surber is a writer who loves being in the mountains and working with plants. She divides her time between Peru and the Yukon. with Jessica Surber
PHOTO: Jessica Surber

warm dry stretch of summer?

That smell is called petrichor and according to Wikipedia, scientists believe that we humans may be especially sensitive to that scent and appreciate it so much because our ancestors relied on rainy weather for survival for thousands of years. Take a deep breath the next time it’s rained and pay attention to the unique aroma and pleasant combination of soil and plant life mixed with water.

The Green: According to the Meteorological Service of Canada, Whitehorse is one of Canada’s driest cities. So it makes sense that in the course of a warm dry summer things often start to get a bit

brown in the forest. The lichen becomes crunchy under one’s feet and the forest doesn’t seem to have that distinctly green lushness anymore. A few days of rain can transform everything though. Moss recovers its softness and deep viridescent colour and tiny puddles of water form in the middle of lupin leaves that look fit for a fairy to drink from.

The Rainwater: Harvesting the rainwater from your roof with gutters and collecting it for your garden is not only a great way to conserve groundwater and nourish your plants but it also saves the energy required for tap water. (https://www. premiertechaqua.com/en-ca/


Rainwater is free from treatment chemicals and harmful salts as well as being naturally “soft” (low in calcium and magnesium) and slightly acidic which helps plants absorb nutrients from the soil. It also contains bioavailable nitrates that tap water doesn’t (https://www. bluebarrelsystems.com/blog/ rainwater-for-garden/). Not only is rainwater good for your garden but it also washes away the dust and pollen from everything outside leaving everything clean and refreshed and its “softness” is even said to be good for your skin and hair. As the Germans say “Regen macht schön” (rain makes you beautiful).

The Pause: A rainy day can give you a reason to take a break, to change your plans, to stay home and maybe even go to bed early. Sometimes we forget that we can do those things and so when a rainy day arrives it can come as a welcome excuse to take a breather.

The Fresh Perspective: Whether it’s a steady drizzle or the kind of downpour that some refer to as a “frog strangler,” a rainy day will make you appreciate the rainbows and sunny days that come afterwards so much more. We can’t change the weather so we might as well find ways to enjoy it. And then, when the sun breaks through the clouds again, be grateful. n

Ronnie Brendan Charlene
Gardens love rainwater
Rainy days are great for walks in the forest
PHOTOS: Jessica Surber



Part of the 4-H curriculum is volunteering in the community

and fundraising

You may have seen us out and about, selling equine bug repellent, serving and bussing tables at banquets, picking up garbage along the Alaska Highway and spending many hours selling raffle tickets!

All that hard work went toward our biggest fundraising goal a fiveday trip to Alberta back in April. On our trip we gained independence by traveling solo without our parents! This was a first for many and an opportunity to adventure with our super fun 4-H leaders and volunteer chaperones.

Our first stop was Delaney’s Veterinary Services Clinic (DVS) in Sherwood Park. Delaney’s specializes in all kinds of horse care, from checkups to ambulatory services

to surgery. We got a full tour of its facility, including the intensive care stalls, exam rooms, isolation stalls, and reproduction wing. The best part was seeing the fresh new foals. Even in the short few hours we spent at DVS, we learned so many new things. Visiting definitely sparked some career interests for some of us!

Next, we spent 3 days at the Horse Expo in Red Deer, Alberta. The Horse Expo is Canada’s largest equine expo where they have trainers, showdowns, clinics, presentations, and shopping!

Thousands of people go to this event every year. Over the weekend, we watched training experts demonstrate their methods. Pat Parelli, Glenn Stewart, and Dough Mills worked with unbroken colts for three days, showing their skills and competing for first place. We had the unique opportunity to learn from these outstanding trainers and their different opinions and perspectives on colt training. As well as seeing these colts transform in 3 short days, we

Now Welcoming New and Emergency Patients!

Our dentists and team of dental hygienists have been proudly serving the Whitehorse community for many years. Come in for your first consultation and you’ll leave with something to smile about.

also watched barrel racing classes, cutting horse classes and desensitizing drills.

Traveling together has created a closer bond for our team, we are so lucky to have had this opportunity.

This trip was an incredibly valuable experience. Without everyone’s continued support in our fundraising efforts, we would not have been able to reach our goals. Shout out to our amazing Whitehorse community for buying raffle tickets, Wykes and Northland Beverages for donating to our concession and Takhini River Ranch and Air North for having us serve at events. Without all of you, these experiences would not be possible. Last but not least, thank you to our brave and passionate leaders, parents and volunteers. A lot of what we do would not be possible without you! n

You can expect friendly and welcoming care in an environment that relaxes even the most anxious patients. We all love what we do, and look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice.

As a kid, every summer we would travel to our traditional whaling camp at Baby Island on the Beaufort Coast

Iwas too small to go in the boat with my dad and the other older hunters, so I used to bug my cousins Buck and Freddy to take me in their boat.

Buck used to tell me, “You’re gonna get cold.” I would run up to our camp and come back with my big parka and boots to show him I had enough clothes to keep warm.

Then Freddy would say, “You’re just gonna be in the way.” So I would load their boat with their gas cans and a grub box to show him I could work.

Buck would look at me and say, “Go ask your mom.” I lied to him and told him she said I could go.

“Don’t cry if you get scared, ”Freddy told me.

I was pretty excited to go on my first hunting trip with my older cousins. It was the first time I was out in the open sea and I was excited to be hunting with Buck and Freddy. Freddy yelled at me over the noise of the kicker (the out-

board motor). “Keep an eye out for whales!” I didn’t know what he meant so I asked him what they looked like.

“They’re white and they’re gonna come out of the water. You’re gonna see them blow when they come up. It looks like a water fountain.” So I peeled my eyes on the horizon and tried to spot the whales. It was rough out and there were white caps all around.

Then we spotted whales.

They looked just like what Freddy described.

“Right there!” I yelled at Buck.

“Whitecaps,” Freddy said. The way the sun was hitting the whitecap sprays looked like a water fountain to me. That’s why I said it.”

It was getting too rough, so we headed toward an old lookout spot called Tom Elanik Point, where there were lookout towers. We landed and Buck told me to start gathering wood for the fire. I knew I had to earn my keep so I got busy collecting driftwood for the fire.

When I was done, Freddy told me to take his binoculars and climb the tower and look around for whales. I was the only one small enough to climb to the top and I stayed up there over an hour looking around with binoculars.

I saw these white things bobbing

around, so I yelled to Freddy and Buck. “Whales!”

Freddy came running over and struggled to get up to where I was, losing one rubber boot on the way up. He took the binoculars from me and looked in the direction I was pointing. “Seagulls,”

Freddy said. Then he grumbled as he made his way back down the tower pole.

I had a quick lunch with Freddy and Buck, then they spotted whales coming into the bay.

We packed up and took off at full throttle towards the pod of whales. Freddy saw them first. “Right there! Right there!” he was telling Buck.


“Right there in front of us.”

“Oh,” Buck said and started going toward three big bulls that were travelling together.

“Pick one,” Buck told Freddy.

“That one. That big white one,” Freddy said. He grabbed his harpoon and stood on the bow of the boat while Buck got behind the whale.

When a whale is swimming in shallow water, it creates a wake and that’s what you have to follow. You have to stay right on top

of it and harpoon it as soon as it comes up. I was getting so excited that I started running around the boat trying to see what they were seeing. “Sit down!” Buck yelled at me. I sat down for two seconds, then stood back up.

Just then the kicker started to sputter. “Grab the wheel,” Buck told me. “I have to change kicker tanks.”

The gas tank was running out of gas and Buck had to switch tanks. I took the wheel, even though I never drove a speed boat before, and Freddy was yelling at me to turn this way and that way as we chased the whale. Buck was having trouble switching tanks ‘cause the waves were throwing us around. I kept turning too much one way or another and pretty soon we lost the whale.

Buck finally fixed the tank and we got on the way again. This time, Buck was able to stay on top another whale while Freddy harpooned it. A beluga whale is about fifteen feet long and over two-thousand pounds. When you kill one, you have to get a rope around the back flipper and tie it to the boat so you could tow it in. It’s hard enough with two guys, let

alone with a little kid who keeps getting in the way.

“Get out of the way,” Freddy would yell at me. But I was so curious to see what they were doing that I stuck my head between them. We finally got it tied to the boat and started towing it in. Freddy looked at me and started laughing. “You don’t know how to listen, or what?” We towed the whale back to camp where my mom and aunties went about butchering and cooking it. I must have grown on Freddy and Buck ’cause they took me out hunting the next summer. I was a little bigger and not so much in the way. I knew I graduated when Freddy let me roll him smokes and take one puff.

In the summer of 2023 I went hunting again with Freddy and Buck for the first time in thirty years. Freddy looked at me and started laughing. “Don’t get in the way now.” Buck busted out laughing and we had a hell of time on that trip. I’ll never forget it. n

PHOTOS: Dennis Allen
column with Dennis Allen
Dennis Allen is an award-winning filmmaker, forlorn songwriter and hopeless storyteller. He’s the only guy he knows who’s never seen the Stones.
(L-R) The hunters, Dennis, Freddy and Buck


The first job I got, when I moved to the Yukon in 1984, was bartending at Dezadeash Lodge

Since it was in Kluane National Park, I was looking forward to seeing lots of wildlife but I had no idea how diverse it would be.

One afternoon, I had hitchhiked to the nearby campground for a swim in the lake and was hitching back to the lodge, when I got picked up by a big old semi truck..

“Don’t mind us if we stink like elephants,” the driver said to me as soon as I climbed up into their dirty old truck and squeezed in between them, “because we have two in the back.”

“Two elephants! No way!” Some people may call me gullible but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt because life is not as normal as some might like to think it is. “Are you taking them to a zoo?” I asked.

“Nope, we’re carnies,” the passenger said. “We’re part of a convoy taking a circus to tour Alaska.”

“You’ve come all the way up the Alaska Highway with two elephants?” I asked. “Where did you start?”

“Montana,” he answered, “and it’s been a bitch, too. We had three flat tires today alone! These old rigs are pieces of shit.”

I didn’t believe that they were with a circus because there was no painting emblazoned on their trucks. But, I did believe that they had had a rough trip because it was a super old truck.

“My lodge is just up there,” I said pointing. “Do you need gas or anything?”

“We just got gas in Haines Junction,” the driver said, slowing down.

“How about something to eat or a cold drink?” I asked.

“Beer, would be nice,” the passenger said, laughing. “But we can’t stop. We have to stay with the rest of the trucks in case we break down again.”

“OK, just give me five seconds. I’ll be right back,” I said, as I jumped out. I ran into the lounge and came back with a cold six-pack of Budweiser. “We sell off-sales too,” I told them. “These are on me. Thanks for the lift!”

“Oh wow! You’re an angel!” They said, “You just made our day!”

That night, one of our regular truckers came in for dinner and I was telling him how much fun it had been to ride in a big semi truck, as it was the first time I had.

“You should see my truck,” he said. “It’s got all the bells and whistles. I’m going to Haines early tomorrow morning and will be back before you start work. Do you want to come for a ride?”.

I had never been to Alaska, or one to pass up an adventure, so took him up on his offer. We left early in the morning as we had to

• Excavators (Cat 315 to Cat 330)

• Telehandlers

• Loaders (Cat 950H)

• Skid Steers (262C to 289D3)

• Single Drum Packer (XCMG CV123)

• Frost fighters 350K BTU

• Heat Trailers, Ice fighter 700K BTU

• Enclosed Trailers

• Car Hauler Trailers

• Gooseneck/5th Wheel Trailer with winch

• Generators, 30KW to 500KW, Propane and Diesel

• Transformers 750 Kva 480:4160V, 750 Kva 480:600V, 600/480 300Kva

• Load Bank (100KW @ 120/208)

meet the ferry to pick up his load.

As we pulled into the ferry parking lot, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were my truckers, outside their semi, hosing down two elephants!

I hopped out and strolled over.

“Just had to come see if you were bullshitting me,” I said. We laughed.

I had expected to see lots of bears and wildlife around the lodge, but not elephants!

A few weeks later, my boss went to town for the weekend and told me to give the Llama Lady cabin number one because it was big enough for her to bring her llamas inside. “Okay,” I said, feeling my gullibility being tested again. But, I’d already seen elephants, so why not llamas?

The only road out of Haines goes past Dezadeash Lodge to Haines Junction, where it splits north to Fairbanks or east to Whitehorse.

As the ferry traffic started filtering through that night, the customers kept asking if the Llama Lady had arrived yet.

“So she really has llamas?” I’d ask.

“Oh, yes. They’re her pets. She has all four of them in the back of her van.”

“Four llamas in a van?! No way!”

‘Well, it’s a little longer than a regular van, but not much. The Mom and Dad llama sit facing the back and the two young ones sit forward with their head poking over the head rest.”

“This I have to see.” I said.

And I did.

“I don’t know what I’d do without this lodge,” the Llama Lady told me as she led the baby lllamas inside the log cabin. I’m a senator and live half the year in Juneau and the other in Anchorage.

[Having] this place to stay, halfway between, is a godsend. I’ll tie the adults outside. I reckon they could put up a decent fight against a bear, but I feel better having the babies safe inside with me.“

“Well, I’ve been working here all summer and still haven’t seen a bear,” I said. “I’ve seen elephants and llamas so far, but still no bears.”

When I finally did get to see a bear, I almost didn’t. I was walking from my little staff cabin to the lodge when a coworker told me to look behind me. A grizzly was standing with his paws on the flower box, looking through the big picture window of my cabin! I had left my camera in the cabin so I couldn’t even get a picture from behind. And since I am so darn unobservant, I had missed my chance to get a terrific photo from inside!

Later that summer, I was just getting ready to close up the bar when five big old semi- trucks pulled up to the fuel bowser. I got a bit nervous as I watched big, tattooed, rough looking truckers climb out and approach the bar.

“Hi!” said the first trucker who walked in. “We just had to stop and introduce all our boys to the angel who gave us cold beer in the middle of nowhere!”

“ Well, hello!” I said. “How are your elephants?” n

PHOTO: Wikipedia
with Donna Lawther
Donna Lawther is a long-time Yukoner, pour-painting artist and author of Harry the Hug Monster.
Dezadeash Lodge, as it looked in 1984, when I worked there
PHOTOS: Pixabay

Dezadeash Lodge, as it looked in 1984, when I worked there




St. Martins Anglican Church Sunday Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican Church 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome.

Atlin Christian Assembly 11:00 AM St. Atlin Christian Centre 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome.

Mondays Caregiver & Tot Drop-in 10:00 AM Atlin Recreation Centre This is an unstructured hour for You and your Littles to get social and run wild. This IS NOT a drop off, all children must be accompanied by an adult. Call or email 993-4102 atlinarc.coordinator@gmail. com for more info.

Yukon Communities:

Wednesdays AA Yukon Unity (OM) 3:00

PM Online Yukon Health Centers, Live Video Meeting Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Destruction Bay, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, Watson Lake. Online users’ sign in info: yukonbcdistrict52@gmail. com


Second Sunday of Every Month St. Saviour’s Church Services 2:00 pm St. Saviour Church 867-668-3129

First Friday of the month Mother Goose Group 11:00 AM Haa Shagóon Hídi (Our Ancestors House) Carcross/Tagish Learning Centre Learn stories, songs, and rhymes, lunch provided. Suitable for babies and children 5 and under. Please bring along a water bottle and blanket to sit on. To register, call 332-2389. https://whatsupyukon.events/ jwf

Thursdays Yoga with Jess Ghùch

Tlâ Community School Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. Dropin, Free admission! For more info email yogajessyukon@gmail.com.


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at:

• Sunshine Restaurant Carmacks Rec Centre

• CDC / CIBC Bank

• Tatchun Center General Store

Fri Aug 9 SoftBall Tournament Carmacks, Yukon

Sat Aug 17 Village of Carmacks 40th

Anniversary 5:00 AM Carmacks, Yukon

Sat Aug 17 Cookshack Sessions 2024

- Two Moose Lake 6:30 PM Two Moose Lake Family-friendly, free/by donation acoustic concerts and workshops by Yukon Women in Music (YWIM). Held in Territorial campgrounds between July and September.

First & Third Tuesdays of Every Month

Carmacks Regular Council Meeting 7:00

PM Carmacks Municipal Building


Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Volleyball 7:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Baseball / Softball 7:00 PM LSCFN Ball Diamond


Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Laser Tag 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


4:30 PM Faro

3:00 PM Faro


Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at: Little Green Apple

Wed Jul 31 Long Call & Ian Van Der Wee 5:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Ian Van Der Wee & Long Call are presenting their Homesick for Halifax tour - Free show, no food offered during the show by the Village Bakery. https://whatsupyukon.events/gnq

Wed Jul 31 Free campfire talks Congdon Creek Campsite 7:00 PM Join Pauly Sias for a cup of tea and fireside chat at Congdon Creek Campground. Learn about the cultural and natural history of Lhù’ààn Mân Keyi from a citizen of Kluane First Nation and life-long resident of Kluane Lake.

Fri Aug 2 2024 Summer Music SeriesKevin Barr 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www. villagebakeryyukon.com/live-music.html

Sat Aug 3 2024 Summer Music SeriesGemini Fire 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www. villagebakeryyukon.com/live-music.html

Fri Aug 9 & Sat Aug 10 Augusto

Children’s Festival 5:00 AM St. Elias Convention Centre A magical weekend filled with fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories. From exciting performances to interactive activities, there’s something for every child to enjoy! Tickets online. https:// www.augustokids.ca/copy-of-2022-schedule

Fri Aug 9 2024 Summer Music Series - The Hibernation 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www. villagebakeryyukon.com/live-music.html

Sat Aug 10 2024 Summer Music SeriesFawn Fritzen Trio 6:00 PM Village Bakery and Deli Dinner + music experience, patrons can enjoy a freshly prepared meal while taking in the beautiful views and listening to the featured Yukon musician/band of the night. Reservations online. https://www. villagebakeryyukon.com/live-music.html

Wed Aug 14 Takhini salt flats walk 5:30 PM Haines Junction, Yukon Join plant expert Bruce Bennett for a scenic stroll through a mosaic of meadow, open forest and ponds, and enjoy views of the surrounding mountains. https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

Second and fourth Wednesday of every

month Village Council meetings 7:00 PM St. Elias Convention Centre Village Council meetings are also held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. [Remote attendance only]


Fun with Food 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Learn new skills, share recipes and take food home!

Drop-In Basketball 6:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym


Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena

Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under and their parents/caregivers.

Tea & Bannock – Haines Junction 1:00 PM https://whatsupyukon.events/tea-bannock68ab07

Men’s and women’s sewing group 1:00 PM Mun kų

BGC Game Night 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Play, have fun, build skills and challenge your friends


Water Wednesdays 1:30 PM Pine Lake Come Join us every Wednesday for an afternoon of paddling in the traditional cedar dugout canoe! Da Kų Cultural Centre.

Seniors and Elders Refreshments and Games 2:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors Residence

Girls Club 3:20 PM St. Elias Community School Held in the art room, open to Girls and identifying as Girls from Grade 8 to 12.

AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 3:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre

BGC Rec in the Gym 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School

Art Journaling Group 3:30 PM St. Elias Community School Bring your own creative supplies that you like to use. This can be scraps of paper, magazines, glue, paint, pen, markers, stamps, ink etc. and a book or journal to create


Romp & Run 11:30 AM Bill Brewster Arena Drop in. Programming is for kids 4 and under and their parents/caregivers.

Seniors Activities 2:00 PM St. Elias Community Centre Floor curling, carpet bowling and indoor walking group.

Haines Junction Thrift Shop 2:00 PM St. St. Christopher’s Thrift Shop is a great place to pick up items. Prices are low and numerous adult items are available for $2, and most items for children are $1.

Adult Volleyball 7:00 PM St. Elias Community School Meet in the school gym


Stories and STEM Activities 10:00 AM

Haines Junction Library

AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:30 PM Haines Junction Health Centre


AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM Haines Junction Health Centre


Anglican Church Service St. Christopher’s Church 10:30 AM Anglican Church Service at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church in Haines Junction https://anglican.yukon.net/services.


AA: “Yukon Unity Group” (O) 1:00 PM

Haines Junction Health Centre


Fri Aug 9 Paradise Music Festival 2024 5:00 AM kettleys Canyon The largest and only Canadian electronic music festival north of 60, everyone is welcome to come together and celebrate the love of music, dancing, art, connection, diversity and culture under the midnight sun. https://www. paradisemusicfestival.ca/

Last Wednesday of every month MLCS board meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre


Play Bridge 1:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre North of 60 Seniors Coffee and Chat 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre


South of 6 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Centre


Shuffleboard Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM


Beginner Yoga Marsh Lake Community Centre 10:00 AM Youth Gym Drop-In Marsh Lake Community Centre 6:00 PM

Saturdays Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM

Sundays Pickleball Outside Marsh Lake Community Centre 11:00 AM


Pick up your copies of What’s



https://www. teslin.ca/registration

St Paul’s Anglican

Hand-Building Pottery Drop-In 6:30 PM Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC)

Self-guided group studio time for those with some experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, little instruction is provided.

Summer Volleyball 7:30 PM Victory Gardens Outdoor Volleyball 18+ Free, drop-in - check both Victory Garden and Minto Park will take place at Minto Park until the grass is in at Victory Garden.


St Paul’s Anglican Church Morning Prayer 9:00 AM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

QYS Drop-in 1:00 PM DCMF Office

St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 5:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church

Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

Welcome Wednesday Supper and Games 6:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church

Screen Printing Drop-in 6:00 PM

Klondike Institute of Art & Culture KIAC

Classroom (enter via backdoor) Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with screen printing.

Mon Aug 5 Teslin Summer OlympicsSUP’ing 6:30 PM Teslin Marina Tue Aug 6 Teslin Summer OlympicsWheelchair Basketball 2:00 PM Teslin Recreation Complex

Tue Aug 6 Teslin Sport Camp - Lacrosse 5:00 AM Teslin Recreation Complex Lacrosse combined with good nutrition, positive coaching, role modeling and mentorship, evening activities and engaging experiences. https://www.teslin.ca/registration

Wed Aug 7 Teslin Summer Olympics - Closing Ceremonies 5:30 PM Teslin

Recreation Complex

Mon Aug 12 Summer STEM camp - Teslin

Teslin Recreation Complex Programming to inspire Teslin children and youth n in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics, and Trades.


AA: Teslin Group (O) 7:00 PM Catholic Church Rectory


The ‘Big 4-6’ Sports 4:00 PM Teslin

Recreation Centre

Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Lake

Recreation Complex

Outdoor 3D Archery 7:00 PM Sambow Archery Course – Meet at the ball diamond


Dominos 1:00 PM Teslin Recreation Centre Drop in seniors

Pickleball 6:00 PM Teslin Lake Recreation Complex


Group Fitness 5:30 PM Teslin Lake

Recreation Complex

Girls Volleyball 3:15 PM Teslin Lake

Recreation Complex


Basketball Drop-in 7:00 PM Teslin Lake

Recreation Complex


Parent & Tots 12:00 PM Teslin Lake

Recreation Complex


Ball Hockey 7:00 PM Khàtìnas.àxh Community School 12+ Drop in WATSON LAKE

Fri Aug 9 Going Batty in Watson Lake 10:00 PM https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

CFYT Trivia Night The Drunken Goat Fun filled night of Trivia. Every other Wednesday. A variety of trivia categories! Come with your team or join a team when you arrive!


CDC Toddler Program 10:00 AM Klondike Institute of Arts & Culture KIAC Free dropIn for kids 5 & under with parent/guardian Story time & free play!

Fridays Cards & Conversation 1:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Dawson City Free! Drop-In! No registration necessary. whatsupyukon.events/dawson-legion8336c3

Open Studio Drop-in 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Enjoy KIAC’s bright, air-conditioned space to create and focus on your artistic practice. Even better- we’ve waived the drop-in fee this day.

Saturdays Open Studio – Drop In 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Space to create and focus on your artistic practice.

AA North Star Group Dawson City 7:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion In person or Videoconference option available Call 867-993-5095 or 867-993-3734

Sat Aug 10 Why Wye? (Watson Lake) 10:00 AM Wye Lake Park https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

Sat Aug 17 Yukon Pride 2024 - Watson Lake Watson Lake Yukon Pride is coming to Watson Lake - this year’s theme is “A Chosen Family Reunion”. https://www. queeryukon.com/upcoming-events

Daily Northern Lights Space & Science Centre Shows 11:00 AM The spectacular dancing Northern Lights are showcased, a video that is broadcast in the NLC’s domed 100-seat theatre daily throughout the summer season. Plays daily on the hour starting at 11:00 AM

Second Saturday of the month Watson Lake Direct Aid 2:00 PM Northern Lights Centre


Smart Recovery Meetings 3:00 PM Wye Lake Cabin Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services For more information, email joey.mitchell@yukon.ca or call 332-3187 Pickleball & Badminton Watson Lake Secondary School 7:00 PM


Drop-In Ninja Tumbling 5:30 PM Watson Lake Secondary School All ages welcome. Adults are welcome too, come to do some stretching or try some handstands etc.

Fridays Friday Night Lanes 7:00 PM Call 335-7979 to register

Saturdays Disc Golf 6:00 PM Raven Pines Rent discs at the Rec Centre or bring your fave. All welcome from expert level to beginner. Baptiste Power Yoga 7:00 PM Fees apply. A muscle-shaping and mind-sculpting workout, work at your own level and ability, set to electronic music.

Nite Volleyball 11:00 AM Watson Lake


Nine Yukon artists have been commissioned to create artwork for new signs at the nine key points of entry to the territory

It only makes sense that visitors and returning travelers be welcomed or welcomed back into the Yukon with a glimpse of the vibrant and diverse arts community for which the territory is known.

This summer, the Government of Yukon is updating the welcome signs at all nine key points of entry to the territory, and newly designed signs each feature the work of a different local artist.

The sign installation began in July and will continue throughout August.

A call for artist submissions was sent out earlier this year, and 28 artists in total submitted artwork proposals. Nine artists were selected to create a piece of work representing a different region of the Yukon. The artists with work featured on the signs are Tara Easley, Kimberly Edgar, Maegan Garrett, Leslie Leong, Ferryn No-

Freelance with Manus Hopkins

watzki, Chantal Rousseau, Dustin Sheldon, Justien Senoa and Terrence Shorty.

“To be a part of the ongoing process of reconciliation in the renewal and replacement of the old highway signs with a new First Nations based design means everything to me as I’m sure it would my ancestors,” says Sheldon, a Victoria, BC-born and Whitehorse-raised Teslin-Tlingit illustrator whose piece titled Tatshenshini River will be installed on the Stewart-Cassiar Highway August 12-16. “Being able to draw from memory my time as a youth out on the land rafting along the Tatshenshini River it is an honor to continue in my ancestor’s footsteps through this digital era we find ourselves within, but not without the privilege of carrying on our culture through this new Welcome to the Yukon signage. Gunal’chish, Merci Beaucoup,

Thank you.”

The project’s goal is for each sign to reflect the Yukon’s inspiring landscape, vibrant culture and creativity, according to a statement from the Government of Yukon. The statement goes on to express that the Yukon welcome signs are an important part of a Yukon travel experience, as well as a point of pride for Yukoners. With welcome signs for desirable travel destinations regularly photographed and shared across the world, an update to the signs could help support local businesses and enrich visitor experiences in the north.

For this project, each selected artist was paid $6,000 to cover commission fees, production costs and licensing for promotional materials. The signs will be updated again in five years with another

on page 11 ...

Manus Hopkins is a Toronto- and Whitehorse-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats.
Chantal Rousseau – Top of the World (Top of the World Highway)
Dustin Sheldon – Tatshenshini River (Stewart-Cassiar Highway)
Ferryn Nowatzki – Alpine Tapestry (Haines Road)
Justien Senoa – Boreal Magic (Whitehorse Airport)
Terrence Shorty – Wild River (Atlin Road)

call for local artist submissions.

Leslie Leong, a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Whitehorse, created a work titled Moose forages in Yukon Landscape for a sign set for installation July 29 to August 7 on the Alaska Highway near Beaver Creek.

“It is an honor to be featured

community, having recently held a show in the community for the school students and staff as part of the CSTP (community school touring program).”

Other sign locations include Atlin Road, the South Klondike Highway (south of Carcross), Top of the World Highway, Dempster

on the Beaver Creek welcome to Yukon sign with an iconic moose profile, foraging in the boreal forest, with the midnight sun over the mountains,” she says. “These new signs are expected to be in place for at least 5 years, and postcards and stickers will also be produced as promotional materials. As artists we get paid and we get long-term exposure, without getting frostbite! I have a soft spot for the beaver creek

As each sign is installed, a public celebration will take place at the corresponding Government of Yukon visitor information centre, where stickers and postcards featuring the selected artworks are available. The locations of the signs will also be added to the government’s Sights and Sites mobile

Highway, Haines Road, Whitehorse Airport and the Alaska Highway (south of Watson Lake)

With the theme for the artwork being simply “Welcome to the Yukon,” the nine artists were able to channel their personal creative touches to express the excitement of a Yukon adventure. The signs showcase well-known attributes of the Yukon like its heritage, cultures, landscape, communities and wildlife.

to have my art and my message greeting Yukoners and visitors.

Salmon are the lifeline of our First Nations culture,: reads a quote from artist Terrance Shorty in a Government of Yukon statement.

“They teach us that as we move across the land and the water we need to look after one another

app, where visitors can find more information about the artists.

As the old welcome signs are removed with the new ones installed, one of the older pieces will be installed at the Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake and one will go to the Yukon Transportation Museum in Whitehorse to preserve them and honour their legacy. The remaining signs will be repurposed for other projects.

“I am honoured and excited

ent of the territory’s arts community.

“I’m thrilled that our new welcome signs, designed by our talented local artists, will be installed this summer,” he said. “These signs showcase the Yukon’s awe-inspiring landscapes and vibrant culture, and they will

and our sacred animals. The land and the water feed us and give life to our children. I take inspiration from my late Uncle Richard Shorty and from my son, Däk’àna Shorty, and I hope people will enjoy my work and that it will connect with and inspire the next generations.”

Minister of Tourism and Culture John Streicker also expressed his excitement in a government statement, shouting out the tal-

do a great job welcoming visitors and supporting our local tourism sector. As Yukoners we can all be proud to see our local artists’ work displayed throughout the territory. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these stunning signs as they welcome everyone to the Yukon!”

To learn more about the installation project and the nine artists, visit https://yukon.ca/en/ welcome-signs. n

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Events will discuss:

Haines Junction and Whitehorse, Yukon Whitehorse, Yukon

Kimberly Edgar – Dempster Highway (Dempster Highway)
Leslie Leong – Moose forages in Yukon Landscape (Alaska Highway, near Beaver Creek)
Maegan Garrett – The Renegade (South Klondike Highway, south of Carcross)
Tara Easley – Just Over the Rise (Alaska Highway, south of Watson Lake)



Trappers who spend most of their time in the bush throughout the year rely on friends to help out with things like picking up items on sale at Canadian Tire (every dollar counts, since gas and flights are mighty expensive!), filling and taking a few drums of fuel to the plane that’s picking them up in April or collecting mail etc.

plornet is no longer a viable tool for me in the North, but lucky for me, Starlink has stepped in so we can order items over the internet that are not available in the Yukon. But many parcels won’t be delivered to our postal box, so we’re glad they will be delivered to our helping friends’ houses in Whitehorse.

Four months is the maximum time that we are back in “civilization” this is not a lot of time when having to organize supply trips back to the trapline.

For many years now I have been working with Excel inventory lists: I can see exactly how many kilos of flour, sugar etc. we have for the upcoming winter trapping season. Then in April before coming back to town, I head down into the cellar to count what’s left. Then we make a new shopping list right away and the first time we are back in Whitehorse we are shopping for next winter again.

This year, for instance, there is no more Fruit Punch nor Nesquick to be found anymore (glad I still have 3 tins of the latter in the cellar to make Nesquick pudding. Yum!). It would also get uncomfortable if, in the middle of winter, we’d run out of coffee, sugar or toilet paper! I always have a list on the go of the specialty items we’ll need like tools, replacement parts and the like.

We are in a fortunate place (geographically) to be able to supply our trapline by boat. It’s a long way upriver but still cheaper than having to fly everything in. We

just did such a boat trip recently. We got up at 5 a.m., left at 7 a.m. and started out on the river at noon. The weighed and marked cardboard and Rubbermaid boxes were loaded, tarped and secured the evening before (we also know what’s in each box). It’s a good idea to know how much weight the boat can handle, otherwise one has to stop and unload something only to pick up later with the second load.

We also wear yellow safety glasses, hearing protection and life vests. We try not to go onto the river when the Spring runoff is still going on, at high water, because the sticks and dirt could plug up the boat’s jet intake. If that happens, then the motor loses power. Having to stop and clean it might mean 15 minutes

less driving time. If some other trouble arises, like the fuel pump quitting on you, then there’s more time lost. One doesn’t necessarily want to camp out on the river, except if that was the plan all along of course. On the one hand it’s ok, since we get to enjoy a summer of light until midnight, but make no mistake; the mosquitoes and black flies will find you! We carry rain gear, a change of clothes, a First Aid Kit and food. Don’t forget the paddles! Pack more than enough gas! There’s nothing worse than having to turn back or even becoming stranded.

p One of our few shopping trips (with free hanging baskets!)
PHOTOS: Sonja Seeber
column with Sonja Seeber
Sonja Seeber and her husband Paul are Yukon trappers who live in the Pelly Mountains and have developed a lifelong passion for the trapping lifestyle in the North.
The author, concentrating on the river q

We saw some amazing things on the river this last week: blooming fireweed, Common Merganser, Canada Geese, a moose cow and calf, a belted Kingfisher, many sandpipers and swallow tail

butterflies. The birds like the river to raise their young. We are happy when not getting hit by rain, thunderstorms or wind.

It can also be really difficult to “read” a river meaning one can’t properly see the river’s main water flow and therefore might drive into the wrong channel (a river changes every spring and all of a sudden you can drive by a new logjam or can’t use the channel used last summer). But the worst thing on a river is when the sun is low and is glaring off the water. Especially when going downriver as it could get dangerous when you can’t see very shallow spots. One could easily get stuck on a gravel bar.

We are very happy indeed, every time, when we make it to our location. We will walk up to camp, check for grizzly signs, open up the door and shutters and put up the mosquito netting over the bed. Then we will have a light supper of noodle salad or bread, cheese and smoked moose meat, then it’s bedtime. We usually unload the boat the next morning. Be safe on the water and enjoy the summer!

Sonja Seeber, Yukon trapper n

A spot of fireweed where, a few years ago, a wildfire swept through q

PHOTOS Sonja Seeber
p The boat, fully loaded
t A Merganser with many young ones
t Grizzly tracks



He has always been a creative kid who loves to make things constantly. Whether it’s making figures out of Play-Doh, building with Lego with his dad, or creating colourful drawings to decorate our fridge, his imagination has helped him develop things from games to stories to songs. It truly is something magical to behold.

Another important thing to know about my son is that he is typically an all-or-nothing type of child. He doesn’t do anything halfway. He is either 100% invested in something, or he couldn’t care less no matter how hard you try to persuade him.

Which is why I should not have been surprised that when he finally made an imaginary friend the other day, it wasn’t just one imaginary friend. No, no. There were many of them.

It was 26 of them to be exact.

Twenty-six imaginary friends! That’s right. My child has the entire alphabet as his imaginary posse.

And they all love to hide. Which means they all need to be found. A fact that has made it extra difficult when we are trying to leave the house first thing in the morning but It’s still freaking fantastic!

Now, I know that many of us had imaginary friends when we were growing up. It’s a completely normal part of childhood and our socio-cognitive development. Imaginary friends allow children to explore friendship on their own terms until they get to a point where they become more interested in engaging in real life friendships. Some children even forget their imaginary friends entirely once they move beyond this stage in their lives.

Just think of Bing Bong from Pixar’s Inside Out and try not to cry.

But, it’s important to note that not all of us have imaginary friends as children. I know I did not.

And the funny thing was, I really wanted one. I remember wanting one so badly that I pretended to have one at times which is strange to think about. I mean, I know why I pretended. It was because of

My child has a wondrous imagination

a self conscious feeling I had that perhaps my imagination wasn’t strong enough for one to appear. My child mind couldn’t fathom why some kids had them while I just couldn’t make it happen. It’s a question that I still can’t

answer. After all, there is no real reason that some children develop these friendships. It’s normal, but not necessarily a result of anything specific. At least in most cases.

So seeing my child have 26 imaginary friends makes me shake my head and laugh at the same time. Perhaps he’s the reason I didn’t have one I was

The alphabet posse

saving mine to pass on to him. These alphabet friends bring him so much joy. They follow him around, listen to him, play with him, and give him lots of opportunities to pass on his preschooler words of wisdom.

“It’s not kind to leave J with no one to play with” I overheard him telling F one afternoon. “We need to be nice to our friends.”

As an only child, I often worry about him getting enough socialization practice, so moments like this make me feel a little better. I see and hear his empathy and am happy to witness him being able to vocalize things that he has clearly internalized. These relationships are helping him build his confidence as a leader; and given that he is acting out each conversation that’s occurring between himself and the 26 friends, I have seen quite the boost in his vocabulary.

Although, one thing I am not so fond of is the fact that my son seems to think that having this many imaginary friends in the house means that he has a getout-of-jail-free card now. After all, it wasn’t him that drew on the table, but rather, it was one of the alphabet letters!

So, while 26 imaginary friends is not something that I expected my child to have, I know that it’s just another stage of his development and nothing that I need to worry about. It’s play, and it’s harmless. I know, given how social he enjoys being with his real-life friends, this stage will end eventually. This time in his life will go by quickly; so for now, I’ll just remain a happy bystander, occasionally having to prepare play-food meals and listen to letters of the alphabet tell me about their day. I’ll just have to work out some strategies for getting the members of the posse dressed a little faster on weekday mornings. Wish me luck! n

Elsie Jordan made the Yukon her home in 2014. She has a passion for storytelling, with a focus on family (mis)adventures featuring a unique Yukon feel to them.
column with Elsie Jordan
PHOTOS: Elsie Jordan

• Angellina's Toy Boutique

• All Paws Veterinary Clinic

• Alpine Veterinary Medical Centre

• Core Geoscience Services

• Driving Force

• Horizon Helicopters

• Klondike Kettle Corn

• Kobayashi+Zedda Architecs

• Mark Kelly Photography

• Mary Binstead Designs

• Medicine Chest Pharmacy

• Midnight Sun

• Newmont Gold

• Orion Mechanical Services

• Pursuit CoachingTara Larkin

• Save on Foods

• Solvest

• Super Save Propane

• Tetratech

• Urban RealtyTom Luxemburger



Sat Aug 3 Muay Thai Seminar 12:00 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Don’t miss this chance to train with a top instructor Sensei Jesse Boldt and improve your Muay Thai skills! Email muaythaiyukon@gmail.com to register. Sat Aug 3 Tatshenshini River WeekendTatshenshini River A weekend of paddling the classic Blanchard/Tatshenshini day run. 24 kms of great class III, with 3 bigger rapids.

Sun Aug 4 Yukon River Trail Marathon

Women’s Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga 6:45

PM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.ca Spirit Bear Karate 7:30 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight

Shipyards Park This year is our 25th event! All three races—marathon, half-marathon, and relay—will start and finish at Shipyards Park due to planned construction at Rotary Park. Register online. https://www.yukonmarathon.com/

Tue Aug 6 Neighbourhood nature: Airport trail

7:00 PM Black Street Stairs This week, we’ll climb the Black Street stairs and explore the Airport Trail to look for plants and Arctic Ground Squirrels. https://yukon.ca/en/wild-discoveries

Tues Aug 6 Summer Pop-Up Series – Black Street Stairs 12:00 PM Black Street Stairs Join our CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Pre-registration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Fri Aug 9 Going batty in Whitehorse 9:00 PM Chadburn Lake Perfect event for the night owls! Once bats come out, we’ll see biologists briefly capturing and tagging them as part of a monitoring program. https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

Sat Sep 07 Klondike Road Relay Rotary

Peace Park An epic experience unlike any other race and we encourage all levels and ages to participate. Runner or walker; adult or youth; the full race or our shorter, modified route - the KRR is for everyone!


Judo For Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30 AM

Northern Strength Academy Functional fitness training to be stronger and injury-resistant. All levels are welcome. Train ‘functionally’ with NSA Co-owner Jeremy McCulloch. https:// northernstrength.ca/

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.c

Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00 AM Canada

Games Centre Yukon Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged

Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30 AM Northern

Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online.

Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40 AM Northern

Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg

Noon Strength and Conditioning 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Functional strength class teaches compound multi-joint lifts that improve athleticism, strength, coordination, power and more. https://northernstrength.ca/

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions. Kids Muay Thai 4:45 PM Eight Days Martial Arts KIDS MUAY THAI a dynamic and engaging martial art that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century. Open to ages 8 - 12.

Zumba with Bonita 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio

A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online

PM Rest & Restore-Meditative Yin 8:30 PM Avalanche Athletics Suitable for all levels, offering variations and props to support individual needs. Bringing a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended.


Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00 AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Séances de yoga 8:00 AM

Flow and Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Grace

Space This dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered.

Elderactive Yoga with Richard until Oct 24 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance explore the great variety the IYENGAR Yoga method has to offer Yoga with Barbara until Feb 20 10:00 AM

Whitehorse United Church Use side door All Levels Yoga. Email bfraingower@gmail.com

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 AM Yoga-Yoga Nidra 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio Awaken and then release as we delve into a one hour yoga class that will prepare us to melt into the 30 minute Yoga Nidra experience. Register online.

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM

Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Black Street Stairs 12:00 PM Black Street Stairs Park Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Pre-registration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Yoga 12:00 PM

Shipyards Park Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Preregistration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:15 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available.

Elderactive Leisure Walking 12:30 PM ElderActive Recreation Association Leisure Walking is similar to Nordic walking but is suitable for those who prefer a slower, more relaxed pace

Kids Brazilian

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00


Tai Chi for Seniors 10:00 AM Golden Age Society Come early, bring water, and wear comfortable, smooth soled indoor shoes.

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles Canyon

Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available. https://bit.ly/3oiTBVz

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM

Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels

Noon Hatha Yoga until Dec 7 12:00 PM

Grace Space Relax, energize and leave with more mental and physical space and capacity! Register online. http://cuts2.com/gmGhI

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM

Babynastics with Coach Ewan 1:00 PM

Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semi-structured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https:// www.polarettes.org/babynastics

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts

6:00 PM Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Adult Beginner

7:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School If you are looking to learn fencing as an adult. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness. Fridays Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM NSA Spin Classes 6:30 AM Northern Strength

Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 9:30 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/yoga-classes

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles Canyon

Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Thursdays Noon Hatha Yoga 12:00 PM Grace

Space Energizing blend of Hatha and Kundalini with Pranayama (breathwork), Friendly and Community oriented space! Register online. http://www.gracespaceyukon.com

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight & Mondays Days

Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts

4:45 PM

Tai Chi Yukon outdoor practice 5:30 PM On the Wharf at the foot of Main Street. Call 335-4813 for more info.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts

6:00 PM

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - teen classes Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:30 PM Eight Days

Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout.


Flow & Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Avalanche

Athletics A dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered.

All levels, Bring yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended. http:// amitieyoga.ca

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Saturday Morning Strength and Conditioning

10:15 AM Northern Strength Academy Full-body movements to improve functional strength. Suitable for all levels and aligns with NSA’s strength programming. https://northernstrength. ca/ Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs

10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/yoga-classes


NSA Spin Classes 10:00 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/ Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/yogaclasses


Tue Jul 30 Confident Peri Program Workshop

11:30 AM Yukonstruct Makespace In-person or virtually in a 2-part workshop, to learn more about what hormonal changes will happen in your 40s, what you can do about it. Tickets online. https://makecare.thrivecart.com/ periprogram-workshop-yukon

Mon Aug 12 Grief Walk and Picnic 6:00 PM https://hospiceyukon.net/en/2024/07/08/picnicwalk/

Wed Aug 14 Summer Series: Grief and Chronic Conditions 12:00 PM Chronic Conditions Support Program (CCSP) Learn about how grief can affect you when you live with a chronic condition, and how it can be supportive to name and address specific losses. To register, call 667-8733 or email ccsp@ yukon.ca. https://yukon.ca/en/events/summerseries-grief-and-chronic-conditions-hostedhospice?date=2024-08

Elder and Counselor available Emotional and Spiritual support, free to Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirited in Yukon, Northern BC: Phone, video appointments or in person. Call Toll Free 866 667 6162 or visit www.yawc.ca for info.


1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month The Prenatal Lunch Network 12:00 PM NVD Place (Old Canadian Tire Building) A free prenatal lunch network. Each week will feature a different activity. Call 332-5054 or 332-6476 for more info.

1st Wednesday QYS 2SLGBTQIA+ Parent & Guardian Peer Support Nights 6:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache We want to provide a space where parents and guardians of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth can find connection and support from their peers.

2nd Wednesday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

1st Thursday of every month Men’s Gathering 5:00 PM A safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional teachings. For more info contact Rob at 332-5708 or Rob. McLean@kdfn.net

Every other Tuesday Sharing Circle 12:00 PM Old Justice Building KDFN Every other Tuesday for recovery focused sharing circles. Connect, share challenges and gains, and access support and wisdom. Snacks and refreshments served. https://whatsupyukon.events/4en

Last Monday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

Last Sunday Spoonie Support Circle 2:30

PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache A low-key community hangs, engage in peer support in facilitated conversations on topics brought forth by participants, and meet other spoonies! For details and to register islairhysrathlin@gmail. com


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305

Wood St. Captain Martin House

Infant Feeding Mondays 1:00 PM Yukon

Midwifery Program Yukoners who are pregnant or have a baby under 12 months are invited to learn about feeding their infants and get support with challenges. Call 393-7120 to book a private appointment or drop-in.

AA Life Ahead (O, A) 7:00 PM 509 Hanson St. Held in person or by zoom – ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

AA New Beginnings Group (O, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

AA New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral


Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https:// whatsupyukon.events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305

Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United

Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

AA UglyDuckling Group (C/M, NS) 8:00 PM

Christ Church Cathedral New members always welcome, this is a non smoking group.

Ugly Ducklings Group (O,A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Held in person or by zoom –ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 6:00 PM 100 25 Firth Rd Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Join us! Every Wednesday morning. Call or text 867-334-1725 for more details


TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) 8:00 AM

Closeleigh Manor Common Room Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Call or text 867-334-1725 for more details

Community Kitchen 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 6672693 for more info

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305

Wood St. Captain Martin House

Al-Anon 12:00 PM Sport Yukon Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM

Inclusion Yukon

Art Therapy for Grief 5:30 PM Hospice Yukon

Learn more about living with grief and selfcompassion in a supportive space with others who are grieving the death of a loved one

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:30 PM Overeaters Anonymous For more information contact oayukon@gmail.com for more information

AA No Puffin Big Book Study (C, A) 8:00 PM

Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

Porter Creek Step Meeting (C) 8:00 PM Our Lady of Victory


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal. Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https:// whatsupyukon.events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305

Wood St. Captain Martin House

Connect to Culture - Drop-In 1:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre FREE! Drop-In, Open to ALL! Weekly cultural activities from beading to sewing, healing camp trips, elder visits and more. For more info call 667-2093 or email info@vfwomenscentre.com https:// vfwomenscentre.com/events

Polar Group (O, A) 7:30 PM 311 Elliott St. & 4th Ave. Held in person or on zoom, Zoom ID 251363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.


AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00 PM 305

Wood St. Captain Martin House

AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:30 PM Online

Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778907-2971 for more info.

Community Kitchen 4:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info.

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Yukon Employees Union

Al-Anon 7:00 PM Trinity Lutheran Church Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

AA Whitehorse Group (C, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral


Moms & Kids - Summer Rec Program 11:30

AM Victoria Faulkner Womens Centre Moms, aunties, and caregivers of all kinds, along with their kids ages 5 to 8.

AA Detox Meeting (O, A) 1:00 PM 609 Steele St.1:00 PM

AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:00 PM Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778907-2971 for more info.

AA Hospital Meeting 7:00 PM #5 Hospital Rd. Room 1212


AA Detox Meeting (O, A)1:00

First Nations Health Programs at Yukon Hospitals is seeking donations of Wild Game for our Traditional Food program. Without community donations, Yukon Hospitals would not be able to operate the Traditional Food program for our First Nations, Metis, and Inuit patients.

To make a donation, please contact Krystal Olito, First Nations Health Programs at (867) 393-8780.

We give thanks for your donations and support of this important program.

Màhsi’ choo, Mähsi’ cho, Sógá sénlá’, Másin cho, Shäw níthän, Gùnèłchīsh, Gunałchîsh, Tsin’įį choh

for people to try out, including stilts, juggling stuff, aerial silks, aerial hoop, static trapeze, spinny things, balance things…

Wood St. Captain Martin House

ARKA Brotherhood Men’s Circle: Porcupine Squad 6:30 PM Whitehorse A confidential, structured space that empowers men to transform themselves into self-aware, selfdisciplined, empowered and trustworthy leaders. Email mjvernon@gmail.com for more info. http:// www.arkabrotherhood.com

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Inclusion Yukon

AAHospital Meeting (O,

July 13

Makespace New Member Orientation 5:00pm - 6:00pm

July 13

Woodshop Orientation 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Open Hours: Wed–Sun 1pm–9pm

Please see Yukonstruct.com for more info!

NorthLight Innovation Building

2180 2nd Ave

July 31

Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am

August 7

Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am

August 7

WELCOME WEDNESDAY 11:00am - 11:30am

August 14

Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am

Open Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm

My Running Club

I run with my puppy I run with a fox I run with a wolf I run with a caribou I run with a beaver I run with a muskrat I run with a bear I run with a lynx I run with a otter I run with a mink I run with a marten I run with a weasel I run with a wolverine I run with a squirrel

I run with a rabbit I run with a moose I run with a sheep I run with a coyote I run with a porcupine I run with a ptarmigan

When I was a kid, this Elder gave me a Gwich’in name, “CHIH AHAA”

Translated, it means “walking ahead.”

Allan Benjamin CHIH AHAA

Allan Benjamin is a poet, a cartoonist, a fiddle player and a snowshoe racer from Old Crow, Yukon. Allan is a Vuntut Gwich’in artist who provides cartoons and poems to What’s Up Yukon. He introduces us to two sets of characters who represent Allan’s family and traditional Gwich’in life growing up in Old Crow.


I got some emails back from you! I am so happy and grateful for them. I have gathered them up here and put them to use

For newcomers to the column, I have been aiming to alternate between two ways of writing here. Some columns will be primarily firstperson musings from my confused wayfinding amid what often seems like contradictions in our mainstream Canadian material culture.

Others will draw from stories people send to me at materialreculturing@yahoo.com. This gesture came from hearing all the stories people shared with me while I was artist in residence at Raven ReCentre, of the small but concrete actions they were building into their lives. I wanted to gather up these stories and share them, not let them go to waste.

This article draws on the latter. Keep sending them to me! I’m also envisioning articles based on interviews in the not-too-distant future.

Jozien emailed me to say the column on learning to walk encouraged her in her own walking practice. I ended that column with the question, what are you trying to learn? Jozien says she is trying to learn “to not buy anything plastic or in plastic [and] not bringing plastic home.”

That’s an ambitious goal!

I hope she’s signed up for Raven ReCentre’s plastic-free July challenge, “to use the delete button on the Internet, to keep learning from books and real life (instead of the Internet), to get rid of something daily.”

On that day, Jozien got rid of worn-out gloves that do not even have a partner (I somehow end up with left-handed gloves). She also made a box of gloves for the freestore, with perfectly good pairs. The final item on her list (which she observed was just an excerpt from an endless one) was learning to be kind! Yes. I’m trying to study in that school myself.

These are some images of a blanket that my grandma made out of flannel scraps from pj’s my mom had made for all of our family members. She brought it to our house the day (in 1977) that my dad died (suddenly and unexpectedly). I claimed it and slept under it for decades

I admire Jozien’s capacity to get organized and get rid of things, partly because I’m sure it makes the space she already has much more readily usable, and that saves all kinds of things including heating capacity. I will admit it’s not my strong suit personally. And I think in this article I will actually champion, with limitations, the kind of sentimentality that would have us hang onto things rather than get something new.

I think when this article comes out, we will begin to see the signs that summer is not forever.

Perhaps you will have even spotted cotton on a fireweed stalk. Nothing (except plastic and “forever” chemicals I guess) lasts forever. What if this feeling of nostalgia, of sentimentality, is not a problem to solve, but something to enjoy?

I asked people on Artsnet about sentimentality and reducing

This is the blue cashmere sweater Lyn Fabio inherited from her Mom. Lyn is almost always cold so she sleeps in it. She has embroidered over holes and breakfast stains

waste. I asked, what if we just really enjoy keeping things for a long time. Do you have an oftenmended shirt? What material things have you made a commitment to that you keep and tend rather than buying something new? Maybe it’s even ziploc bags and you have a great system for drying them. Maybe it’s your partner. I got some great responses. Cate Innish sent a link to a song from her repertoire by Mary

Chapin Carpenter called “This Shirt” found here: youtu.be/ gClmaOb1aNI?si=LkAVsFBdBtT4M5W2

Cate finds it “beautiful, and very evocative, if perhaps sentimental.” Perhaps you’d like to listen to it as the soundtrack to this column.

Margaret Donnelly had an old tshirt that was her Dad’s. “I saved it when we packed up the house after he died. I slept in it for years and years and years until it finally disintegrated. Even though

I washed it often I still imagined that it smelled like my Dad. I wish I had kept more of his t-shirts.” Margaret, you’re breaking my heart. I have one of my Dad’s sweaters too, with lots of holes in it. How do we treat with kindness the parts of our hearts that express themselves this way? Do I really have to let that sweater go? I haven’t yet.

HKB sent a wonderful and thorough reflection that speaks to both the keeping and the letting go. I will quote them at length.

“When I know something well it speaks to me and then it becomes hard to not hear their voice. That’s when they become a thing that needs preserving. I do need to give myself limits and discern what is in that category, otherwise it becomes impossible to live. So... I give myself permission to speak with certain objects/places/rubbish/souls and I coach myself through not forming that connection to everything I encounter.”

It makes me think of reciprocity with beings who can’t talk the way humans do.

Of different ways of listening. Of how we tend to the world around us. And it makes me think of capacity. Of how much I can be in a relationship with it. Of who I must say “no” to in order to not be stretched too thin.

And then the process of letting go of something (usually for me it’s a pair of pants) that has been mended and mended and mended and simply isn’t holding together anymore. How do we send things off once it’s time for them to go?” What a beautiful question. How will we let go of summer? How do we let go of the disintegrated shirt of Dad’s? I wonder how Margaret did it. I think Jozien’s idea of kindness has a role to play here. What if we respect the fact that we store meaning in objects? What if this has a value that does not exchange easily with mere newness? What needs to happen before we chuck that shirt in the black bin?

Please send me your stories of things you’re doing, changes you’re making, however small, play out amid your thoughts about waste, climate change and the environment, at materialreculturing@yahoo.com n

column with Nicole Bauberger
Nicole Bauberger is a painter, writer and performer living in Whitehorse.
PHOTO: Jocylyn McDowell
PHOTO: Lyn Fabio


Until July 31 Art Exhibit by Ayla Dunn Northern Front Studio Emerging artist displays original art, displayed throughout July.

Until Jul 31 Northern Fibres Guild at Jenni House Jenni House - Shipyards

Park The public is welcome to drop by and watch as members weave a tapestry to show how the climate of the Yukon has changed in the last 100 years. This collaborative project is a celebration of the guild’s 50th anniversary.

Fri Aug 2 45 Years of Northern Light with Lillian Loponen - A Farewell

Exhibition 5:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This small retrospective showcases how Loponen masterfully captures the light, underscoring her deep connection to the Northern landscape.


Until Aug 30 45 Years of Northern Light with Lillian Loponen - A Farewell Exhibition YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This small retrospective showcases how Loponen masterfully captures the light, underscoring her deep connection to the Northern landscape.


Fri Aug 2 Show Off - A Yukon Ceramics

Until Aug 30 CAMP by Couzyn Van Heuvelen YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery Couzyn van Heuvelen’s sculptural installations in this exhibition build from van Heuvelen’s earlier investigations into hunting and fishing practices by shifting focus to the chores and communal spaces that take shape around the harvesting and preparation of food.

Until Aug 30 Stories within by Yukon First Nations Artists 5:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This exhibit brings together Yukon First Nations artists to delve into the rich traditions of storytelling embedded within their practices.


Tue Jul 30 6ft Seas - Fanboy - Bryan Wright 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well Doors 7pm · Music 8pm · Cover Charge at the door. 6Ft Seas with Fanboy and Bryan Wright (All from Alaska)

Tue Jul 30 Calgary Wind Symphony 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre A free concert by the Calgary Wind Symphony, musicians from all walks of life: women and men, young and young-at-heart, native Calgarians and new arrivals.

Showcase Exhibit Opening 5:00 PM Arts Underground On view in both the Focus and Edge Galleries, Yukon makers of all skill levels to showcase bowls, plates, sculptures, cups, etc. All are welcome to attend this free event. Food and drinks will be provided.

Batteries store energy that is needed to start your vehicle, there are a few things to remember about batteries.

Regular maintenance #1 is making sure the battery is secured properly so it doesn’t vibrate, keeping connections clean and tight at the terminal, with loose connections you may run into problems like vehicles won’t start, alternator not charging properly and could cause battery and alternator failure.

Making sure your battery is ready for the colder weather we see in the Yukon like adding a battery pad or battery blanket to keep it warm when the vehicle is not in use; by keeping the battery warm in colder weather you will get the most power out of the battery on start up. Here is a side tip: if you don’t drive your vehicle on a regular basis and are experiencing battery problems, you could ask you local mechanic to install a low amp battery maintainer; this will keep your battery fully charged even when the vehicle is parked for a long time.

https://www.artsunderground.ca/events/ aug2024-opening

Until Aug 30 Show Off - A Yukon Ceramics Showcase 5:00 AM Arts Underground On view in both the Focus and Edge Galleries, Yukon makers of all skill levels to showcase bowls, plates, sculptures, cups, etc.

Thu Aug 1 Honky Tonk with Big Fancy & the Shiddy Cowboys - Joe Abott & Long Calls 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well Fri Aug 2 Karaoke Pop-Up 7:00 PM Creative Initiatives Warehouse Singing is a great way to spend the evening, share your musical talents with us all!Tickets online. https://whatsupyukon. events/qfu

Fri Aug 2 Marshall Burns - Kyrie Kristmanson - Piper Burns 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well Country and Folk Originals and Covers with Marshall Burns, Kyrie Kristmanson and Piper Burns. Sat Aug 3 All Ages Live Music at the Cafe by Ed McLean 2:00 PM Kick off to Summer Party - BBQ Smokies, live music by Ed McLean and of course, coffee! Bring a lawn chair for a guaranteed seat as

Until Aug 1 Twisters Nightly + Matinees Yukon Theatre This summer, the epic studio disaster movie returns with an adrenaline-pumping, seat-gripping, big-screen thrill ride that puts you in direct contact with one of nature’s most wondrous—and destructive—forces. Tickets online or in-person at the Box Office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/ schedule/twisters

Thu Aug 1 Yukon Pride 2024 - Queers & Beers 5:00 PM Winterlong Brewing Co. DRAG BINGO - showcase a gathering of queer friends enjoying a night filled with laughter, games, and the chance to win some delightful prizes! https://www.queeryukon.com/upcomingevents

Thu Aug 1 Transformations Along The Chu Nikwän 1:30 PM & 3:30 PM Yukon Visitor Information Centre Join Amber for a free walking tour every Thursday along the Whitehorse waterfront to learn about the Yukon First Nations people and the history of the Yukon.

Sat Aug 3 Yukon Pride 2024 - Chosen Family Function - Drag Show & Dance Party 8:30 PM Elks Lodge 306 Featuring your favourite artists from Whitehorse’s local drag scene, as well as performances by visiting legends! Tickets online. https://www.queeryukon. com/upcoming-events

Sat Aug 3 Yukon Pride 2024 - Pride Parade & Community BBQ 1:30 PM Whitehorse United Church Folks can watch the parade from along the route. Community is invited to join the BBQ and fun activities for everyone, splash pad, volleyball games, face painting, after the parade. https://www. queeryukon.com/upcoming-events

Sat Aug 3 Horizon - An American Saga - Chapter 1 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre In a nod to the classic John Ford Western, Costner chronicles a multi-faceted, 15-year span of pre-and post-Civil War expansion and settlement of the American west. Tickets online. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/schedule/ horizon-an-american-saga-chapter-1

Sun Aug 4 Yukon Pride 2024 - Drag Hang! 3:00 PM Queer Yukon Society –

The Cache A vibrant event - attendees can experiment with drag make-up and explore the assortment of outfits in our tickle trunk and much more. Afterwards join renowned storyteller and queer elder Brian Cope in sharing his inspiring journey.

Tue Aug 6 Auditions for Hurricane Diane by Madeleine George 5:30 PM The Guild Hall Auditions will consist of a chat with directors, reading from the script and basic movement work. If you like, you can also bring a prepared monologue. Email guildproducer@ gmail.com to book an audition or for more info.

Tue Aug 6 Introductory Fused Glass Workshops – Night Lights

6:00 PM YAAW Yukon Artists at Work Introductory fused glass workshops this summer. No experience necessary. All supplies and tools included. Email tintinaglass@gmail.com for more info or to register. https://tintinaglassworks.ca/ workshops/

Tue Aug 6 Screenwriter’s Room

6:15 PM Whitehorse Public Library

Are you plugging away in isolation over your latest film drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, or sci-fi? Bring it to the Screenwriter’s Room, discuss, critique, edit, and find creativity.

Thu Aug 8 Yukon Pride 2024 - Fashion Fam - All Ages Runway Show & Dance Party! 7:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Local youth will walk the runway in a “category” of their choosing to affirm, explore, and celebrate aspects of their identity, with supportive judges cheering them on! Tickets online. https://www.queeryukon.com/upcomingevents

Fri Aug 9 The Great Escaper 6:00 PM Yukon Theatre Bernard Jordan escapes from his care home to attend the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in France. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety. com/schedule/the-great-escaper

Fri Aug 9 KENAISSANCE - A Beyoncé Inspired Drag Show 8:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Canada’s Drag Race finalist Kendall Gender is inviting you to the KENAISSANCE, an immersive show inspired by Beyonce’s iconic tour! Tickets online. https://www. queeryukon.com/upcoming-events

Fri Aug 9 Open Mic Night 7:00 PM Creative Initiatives Warehouse A great evening of laughter and good times - sing, dance, recite poetry or offer comedic relief, we want to offer you a venue and a stage to perform! 19+ event - tickets online. https:// whatsupyukon.events/6273d9

Fri Aug 9 The Fabulous Four 8:30 PM Yukon Theatre An uproarious comedy about a group of life-long friends who travel to Key West, Florida, to be bridesmaids in the surprise wedding of their best college girlfriend Marilyn. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/ schedule/the-fabulous-four

Sat Aug 10 Longlegs 8:00 PM Yukon

Theatre One night only - In pursuit of a serial killer, an FBI agent uncovers a series of occult clues that she must solve to end his terrifying killing spree. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/ schedule/longlegs

Until Aug 15 Deadpool & Wolverine Yukon Theatre Matinees + Nightly Shows Wolverine is recovering from his injuries when he crosses paths with the loudmouth, Deadpool. They team up to defeat a common enemy. Tickets online or in-person at the Box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/schedule/ deadpool-wolverine


2nd & 4th Mondays Service Officer 7:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion Whitehorse An invite to all Veterans, Police and First responders for the service hour at the Legion, socialise and find out what is going on. https://bit. ly/3Lm40ZG

2nd & 4th Wednesdays Whitehorse

Photography Club - Meetup 7:00 PM Yukon University - Whitehorse Campus Held in Rm A2204. Discuss photography, share your work, learn new tips and tricks. http://whitehorsephotoclub.ca/

First Thursdays QYS Craft Night 7:00

PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache This is a great place to gather and meet other queer crafters. And there will be tea of course. Regular drop-in is still available.

2nd Thursday QYS Movie Nights 5:00

PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Last Thursdays Repair Cafe 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Bring it in and see if it is fixable using soldering irons, multimeters, and other tools. This easy introduction to electronics and small home appliance repair is a useful evening of DIY learning that you can take home.

2nd Thursday Music Trivia 7:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Come on out and test your music knowledge! Teams of no more than 6 people.

3rd Sundays Messy Church 3:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. Crafts, singing and food will be the focus.

2nd & 4th Sundays Grade 8 – 12

High School Youth Group 6:00

PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https://mountainview. church/connect/youth Monthly



Play Pool 1:00 PM Golden Age Society

Becoming more limber and agile in your movements through playing billiards is a great benefit.

Play Whist 1:30 PM Golden Age Society

Classic English trick-taking card game which was widely played in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the rules are simple, there is scope for strategic play

Mtg: Competitive Commander 6:00

PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm Women’s Bible Study. Refreshments are served followed by the study. For more info check out www.mountainview. church or email rachel@mountainview. church.

Euchre - For Members and Signed in Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Euchre a trick-taking card game for four players, two on each team, As a member you Industry Night Lefty’s Well 8:00 PM All are welcome - 20% off everything for our industry family - hot dogs, tunes, games and happy hour all night! https:// bit.ly/3L0J3Ce


Café de l’amitié 2:00 PM Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) Le Café de l’amitié est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire et une occasion de rassemblement pour les francophones de 50 ans et plus.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM Tarot Tuesdays 5:00 PM Caribou RV Park Insightful and fun readings with Aimee (Bow & Arrow Tarot & Astrology) every Tuesday in Joe’s Cozy Cabin! Walk-in from 5-6pm or pre-book online. https://www. bowandarrowtarotandastrology.com/

Language Skills for Ukrainians 5:15

PM Yukon Learn A discussion group workshop provides a relaxed and friendly environment where learners can practise and learn English conversation skills.

Weekly Shuffleboard Tournament 6:00

PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For members and signed in guests. A double knockout style competition and games are limited to 6 ends or 15 minutes

Chess Club 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Love Chess? Want to learn? Looking for Competition? Join us!

SuperSmash Bros, Mtg: Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles 10 Card Crib - Members & Signed In Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Whether you are a seasoned crib player or a beginner, come play! Learn tips and tricks and have some fun! https://bit.ly/3KP0B5s


Multicultural Connection Group 11:00

AM Multicultural Centre of the Yukon –MCY Connect with other parents and caregivers, learn about parenting in different cultures. A free lunch program for immigrants and refugee families. Lunch and transportation provided. Call 332-1803 for more info.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM Texas Hold’ Em 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For signed in members and guests. Bragging rights!

Spanish Conversation 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Call 3336081 for more info.

Anglican Holy Communion –Whitehorse 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral The Book of Common Prayer, 2nd Wednesday of the month

Mtg: Modern, Warhammer Age of Sigmar 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Public Speaking TrainingToastmasters 12:00 PM Decora Guests are always welcome. There are many roles to learn at Toastmasters. Practice 2 minute table topics

Anglican Thursday at the Cathedral 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral Bring a lunch (Book of Alternative Services)

QYS Drop-in 2:00 PM Queer Yukon

Society & The Cache

Fireweed Community Market 3:00

PM Shipyards Park Wonderful aromas, delicious fresh foods, and unique artisans from our approximately 70 weekly vendors. Grab a picnic dinner and get that special gift. Enjoy local live music and other amusements from buskers.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Find out what role playing games are all about! Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are always welcome.

Mtg: casual Commander, Warhammer 40k & Kill Team 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

Mountainview Church Community Group 7:00 PM 16 years or older?

Mountainview Church Community Group! We’ll share some snacks and talk about what the bible has to say about discipleship.


Yukon Amateur Radio Association

Coffee Discussion Group 8:45 AM


Restaurant Hams from outside the Yukon and those interested are welcome to join us in this casual event.

Tarot Card Readings with Sari

Horvath Baked Cafe 9:15 AM Sari uses her wisdom and guidance through tarot cards to help answer your life questions! Please use email to book appointments treasurebooksyxy@gmail.com

Coffee & Chat 11:00 AM Golden Age Society Coffee and chat is a way to connect with your community, develop friendships, and have fun.

Crib 1:00 PM Golden Age Society

Cribbage is an easy game to learn but hard to master. For more info call 6685538. QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM

Mtg: Pioneer, YuGiOh Casual 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Cribbage - Members and Signed in Guests 2:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Masks are mandatory. Members must have a valid 2021 membership and they may sign in 2 guests MAX.

Pokemon, Mtg: Youth Magic, Lorcana 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Mountainview Church Sunday Service 9:30 AM Church In The Building 9:30 AM, 11AM or Church At Home 7 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM Mountainviewwhitehorse.ca/Watch

Clothing Room 10:00 AM Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Free of charge to anyone and everyone

Whitehorse United Church Worship

Service 10:30 AM A caring community of faith, based on a foundation of Biblical teaching and spiritual truth

Secondhand Clothing Bizarre 2:00

PM Whitehorse Seventh-Day Adventist Church Clean clothes needed and donations accepted if in good condition. Please call before dropping clothes off and for more info 633-3463.

Sunday Gatherings 3:00 PM The Northern Collective Church KIDS & FAMILIES

Thu Aug 1 Knee-high nature: Buzzing bugs 10:30 AM Black Street Stairs

Knee-High Nature programs are specifically designed to introduce little ones to plants, animals and their habitats. https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

Fri Aug 2 & 9 Taylor on the TrolleyAll Ages 6:00 PM MacBride Museum Ride the trolley along the waterfront. We’ll be playing nothing but TSwift all evening. We want you all to come bejewelled in your best Eras Tour outfits! Friendship bracelets are encouraged. Tickets online. https://brushfire.com/ macbridemuseum/trolleydatenight

Sat Aug 3 Rise & Shine Skateboard

Jam 11:00 AM Second Haven Skate Park A weekend supporting girls & women in skateboarding featuring a Skate Contest, Skate & Griptape Art Workshop, graffiti workshop, complimentary BBQ, and more surprises. https://whatsupyukon.events/ jxw

Thu Aug 8 Knee-high nature: Amazing amphibians 10:30 AM Solstice Disc Golf Park Knee-High Nature programs are specifically designed to introduce little ones to plants, animals and their habitats. https://yukon.ca/en/wilddiscoveries

Sat Aug 10 & Sun Aug 11 Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds 3:00 PM Yukon Theatre One day, the adventurous Juliette and her sister Carmen find an enchanted toy and get swept away into the Kingdom of the Winds. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/ schedule/sirocco-and-the-kingdom-ofthe-winds

Wed Aug 14 Hadestown Teen Edition 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre A fulllength teen edition of Anaïs Mitchell’s haunting, jazz-inflected folk opera follows Orpheus’ mythical quest to overcome Hades and regain the favour of his one true love, Eurydice. Tickets online. https://www.yukontickets. com/TheatreManager/1/tmEvent/ tmEvent2853.html


1st & 3rd Saturdays Grades 5 - 7 Junior Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church Passionate about giving kids opportunities to have fun & make new friends, while teaching them about Jesus & His great love for our world https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth 2nd and 4th Saturdays Grade 8 - 12 High School Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https://mountainview. church/connect/youth



Drop-In 9:00 AM Polarettes Gymnastics

Gym Open to all ages – Children, youth, and teens must be accompanied by an adult.

Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM

Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park

Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Join us for stories, songs & rhymes! A free drop-in program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers at Whitehorse Public Library

Parent-Child Mother Goose 10:30

AM The Child Development Centre

Celebrates the power and pleasure of songs, rhymes and oral stories. Bonding time with your little one or to learn for later. Register online. https:// whatsupyukon.events/lj5

Let’s Create - Crafting Together 5:30

PM The Child Development Centre

A fun crafting group for families with children aged 2 and up, light dinner will be served, transportation available. For more info call 332-4997 or email donna. light@yukon.ca


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Community Connections 1:30 PM Yukon Family Literacy Centre An intergenerational story time and craft program. Meet local elders, have a coffee, do some crafts, and make a friend!


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 1:00 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer dropin, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Transformations Along The Chu Nikwän 1:30 PM Yukon Visitor Information Centre Join Amber for a free walking tour every Thursday along the Whitehorse waterfront to learn about the Yukon First Nations people and the history of the Yukon.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Youth 11-17 are invited to join, no experience necessary.

Fridays Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 AM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer dropin, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Saturdays Moms & Kids - Summer Rec Program 11:30 AM Moms, aunties, and caregivers of all kinds, along with their kids ages 5 to 8. Siblings are welcome, but activities will be geared toward 5 to 8 year olds. Email summerrec@ vfwomenscentre.com for more info. Drop-In 3:00 PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club enjoy the gym as a giant indoor play space. A great place to practise skills or just play and explore! Open gym is for members only



Tuesdays Rendezvous Rotary Tony’s Pasta and Seafood House 6:30 PM Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Tony’s Pasta and Seafood. Come and join us for fun, and fellowship.

Thursdays Toastmasters Decora 12:00 PM Sundogs Toastmasters Club. Club is open to all interested parties and we provide constructive feedback to help develop public speaking skills.


First Monday Klondike Snowmobile Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Sport Yukon https://ksa.yk.ca/comingevents/ Third Thursday ASAY board monthly meeting Sport Yukon 10:00 PM Third Thursday Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition Monthly Meeting 5:00 PM ZOOM Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition for regular meeting. Everyone is welcome. Call Kathy 334-9317 or info@yapc. ca for a zoom link or join us in person. https://yapc.ca/actions/detail/yapcsmonthly-meetings


Tue Aug 13 Electoral District Boundaries Commission - Virtual Public Hearing #2 7:00 PM ZOOM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83951059723

Fridays AA Yukon Unity Group 1:30 PM Online For Zoom Room address Contact 334-7693

Saturdays AA Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM Online For Zoom Room address call 334-7693.

Tuesdays Restorative Online Healing Circles 7:30 PM Online Check-in, Q&A, connect and feel the results. No experience necessary. Register online, or call 335-0078 or email alison@ alisonzeidler.com for more info.

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