What's Up Yukon July 3rd Issue

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July 3, 2014 Issue #385


C h n ec ew k




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All Northern. All Fun.



Atlin’s music fest features Old Cabin and many others See Page 9

Stephen and Rob celebrate 10 years

Yukon’s Special Olympians are on the move

See Page 5

See Page 22


PHOTO by: Gary Bremner Photography

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July 3, 2014

Jickling’s Jabberings with Peter Jickling

The Half-Beer Reciprocation Blues

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nthropologists need not travel to New Guinea to research the subtleties of human societies; plenty of culture can be witnessed at the local saloon. Among the chivalrous traditions the bar-set prides itself on is its refusal to let a compatriot drink alone. “Want another one, Hank?” the bartender says. Hank, casts a glance at Stu beside him, who just ordered fresh suds. “I guess so,” he says. “I can’t let Stu drink alone.” Interestingly, Hank’s gesture is portrayed as an altruistic act — defending Stu against loneliness — but we know better. Generally, an offer such as Hank’s is made on the assumption that through some mysterious barroom intuition the levels of Hank and Stu’s brews will sync-up and they will finish at the same time, allowing them to settle their bills together. However, sometimes this process of syncing-up is easier said

than done; sometimes two barstool neighbors get caught up in the famous Half-Beer Reciprocation Blues (HBRB). HBRB occurs when two buddies are half a beer apart, drinking at the same pace, and unwilling to let the other imbibe alone. Thus, one guy finishes a beer while his pal has half a beer left, then he orders another, and is halfway done that one when his friend finishes his and hails the bartender for a refill. You can see where this is going. When one witnesses a bout of HBRB, questions spring to mind: What level of self-awareness do the participants possess re: their HBRB? Is it possible that one drinker is aware of the pattern and is actively engineering it to continue that way? Are both parties trying to sync-up their beers, but having trouble coordinating the effort? They could, for example, both be accidentally speeding up their consumption at exactly the same time and to the same degree, thus maintaining their half-beer bond despite their best efforts to close

the gap. I concede this is unlikely. Does the magic of HBRB get lost if one comrade mentions it to the other? I occasionally find myself sharing a sublime, unspoken truth with someone — the type of sentiment that does well when floating unvoiced around two people, but which loses its grace when someone (usually me) points it out. Does HBRB become awkward and clunky when one person mentions it to another? A good anthropologist would say it all depends on context, and she’d be right. But oddly, good anthropologists rarely venture into good bars, which is a shame, because they teem with life — with unspoken rules, with customer/ server understandings, with knowing nods, with sports trivia masters, with heartbreak, and with resilience. In other words, I’m going to miss the Roadhouse when it’s gone.

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July 3, 2014

How to Dump by Meagan Deuling


t was a Monday evening in June, before solstice. At nine o’clock, the sun was shining hot. Dallas-rae Gaven was reading in her bathhouse-cum-cabin on her parents’ property in Goring. She was recovering from what she refers to as her ‘wrecking ball’ weekend — there had been a wedding in Dawson, and there was The Pit. Her brother, Reid, was messing around the yard. They wanted to do something — Reid was leaving for work the next morning — but were both in lazy states. They noticed the canoe, their mom’s in the yard. They figured they might as well paddle down the Klondike. Dallas hadn’t been yet this year. She said friends had been asking her to take them out, but she hadn’t — not for any reason, although she did know the high water in the fast flowing, narrow river made it sketchy this time of year. But Reid was a perfect paddling partner. They made arrangements to have their dad pick them up. They put in just before the Dempster turn-off. It would be a few hours’ paddle. They didn’t bring much. Dallas threw her phone and a sweater in a dry bag, and Reid has his phone in a Pelican case in the pocket of his Carhartts. He unzipped the armpit vents in his windbreaker— it was warm. Dallas was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, glasses and a baseball cap. The Gavens grew up in Goring, on the Klondike Highway, about a 45-minute drive from Dawson City. Dallas knows the Klondike River — she knows its corners, and she keeps track of logjams from year-to-year. She doesn’t usually wear jeans when she’s out on the

water, and she and Reid planned to put their lifejackets back on once they got close to the logjam around a corner, about an hour down the river from where they put in. Their lifejackets were a faded orange and yellow, squareshaped and bulky, and Dallas had to fold hers over itself and cinch it down, but even still, with the bulk of it she could only paddle with arms fully extended. They were hot and uncomfortable and left their lifejackets loose in the canoe’s hull. The boat was too big, they were too light in it, it barely skimmed the surface of the Klondike. The river corners were tight, the sun slanted low and beamed off the water. Dallas said all she could see was golden light, and when they flipped, it happened fast. But so slow — they dumped upstream so water filled the boat — slowly, but too fast to right. They lost their lifejackets from the ‘80s. Dallas held onto her paddle, Reid lost his. Dallas said she saw the fear of death in her brother’s eyes. He went under, water flooded into his jackets via his open armpit vents. She said she could see his jacket ballooning. He said later he could feel the weight of the water pulling him down. The panic in his eyes kept Dallas-rae calm. She didn’t go under, her cap and glasses stayed dry and in place. Her jeans were heavy. If she knew one thing, Dallas knew she couldn’t let go of the canoe. The Klondike River flows fast, dark and deep where they dumped. Dallas says the shore

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On the Cover Jona Barr is Old Cabin. He will be playing this year at the Atlin Arts and Music Festival.

wasn’t too far, maybe 20 feet away, but there was no way they could swim to it, not with the canoe. Dallas told Reid to take a minute to breath. He was floating backward down the river, his body under the canoe. She knew he was in a bad place. Dallas breathed, too, she calmed herself and came up with a plan — she’d straddle the upside-down canoe and steer them to shore. As she hoisted herself onto the vessel, Dallas saw a ripple ahead, the river was changing — there was log below the surface, and the water wasn’t as deep. Dallas said it wasn’t a sandbar, but it reminded her of one. She yelled at Reid to help her turn the canoe, they’d snag it on the submerged log. Once their mom’s canoe was perpendicular against the force of the Klondike, Dallas and Reid climbed onto the roots of the deadhead. They couldn’t stop laughing. They did deep squats. Dallas said her blood coursed with adrenaline. She says if she hadn’t have been with Reid, there’s no way she could’ve righted the canoe and emptied it. She is strong enough to do it, but she said it

PHOTO: courtesy of Dallas-rae Gaven

Dallas and Reid Gaven post-dump took all of her (considerable) human strength to hold onto the bowline against the current. They did it, though, they righted the canoe and with Reid in the stern, now, they nosed along with the current. Dallas sat low in the boat. They were in the shadows; the trees hid the slanty night sun. It was dark and cold. But the affects of the adrenaline persisted. Dallas said she almost died, and “I’m frequently in life-anddeath situations, but this was a little close for me.” They turned a corner and the river widened, the sun hit the water again, and everything calmed down. The shore was mossy and green, and they spotted a cow moose. Reid started yelling at Dallas; under the momma moose was the freshest calf they’d ever seen. They couldn’t stop whooping.

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www.whatsupyukon.com Drop Point: Mailboxes Etc Mailing Address:410-108 Elliott Street Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6C4 Ph: 667-2910 Fax: 667-2913

Editorial Peter Jickling Team peter@whatsupyukon.com Meagan Deuling meagan@whatsupyukon.com

Sales Tammy Beese Team tammy@whatsupyukon.com Zvonko Jovanovic Zvonko@whatsupyukon.com

Graphic Lesley Ord Design Team Paulette Comeau Abi Posadas

Standing with Yukon’s arts and culture community

Accounts Keira Howard Receivable keira@whatsupyukon.com Weekly Magazine published by

yukonndpcaucus.ca Tel: 867-393-7050

Kevin Barr

Tourism and Culture Critic, Yukon NDP


• On-line inventory


Whitehorse Happenings............ 6 Highlights.............................. 8 Active Interests.....................17 Community Happenings...........19

Meagan Deuling is a Whitehorse-based writer and assistant editor at What’s Up Yukon.

Canadian owned and operated since



Jickling’s Jabberings................ 2 How to Dump......................... 3 Yukon Love............................ 4 A Klondike Korner................... 5 Yukon Girl............................. 7 Atlin Arts and Music Festival ..... 9 Edible Yukon ........................10 Food For Thought...................11 Living with Wildlife.................15 Online Love..........................18 Shagadelic............................20 Special Olympics....................22

Beese Entertainment Publishing We thank our advertisers and our friends at 135 distribution points for helping keep What’s Up Yukon FREE.



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July 3, 2014

Yukon Love with Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

Fighting for Love

Stephen and Rob Dunbar-Edge


n July 17, 2014 Stephen and Rob Dunbar-Edge will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. This event, a milestone for any couple, is especially significant for them: it commemorates a battle, hard won. Stephen and Rob were the first gay couple to legally marry in the Yukon. And before they tied the knot, they had to win in court. Their romance began as many do in the 21st century — online. In January 2002, the two found each other on a dating website. Even though they were wary of the physical distance between them — Rob was living in Calgary at the time — they chatted and visited back and forth. Finally, a Mediterranean cruise convinced them it was time to choose one place to call home. “We knew we wanted to be together,” says Stephen. Stephen had two daughters in Whitehorse, so they decided to

make their lives here. “It was such a bonus getting two young children, and a dog,” muses Rob. “I never thought that would be something that I would have.” On Valentine’s Day, 2003, Rob proposed and the two set a wedding date. The only problem was, gay marriage was not legal yet in the Yukon, or at the federal level. “B.C. and Ontario had already done it,” says Stephen. “We were the third and last court case in Canada — the nail in the coffin on the issue.” The court ruled in their favour three days before the wedding; it hard on them. “It was stressful suing the government,” Stephen notes. “When your wedding list goes beyond arranging for the florist and photographer, it adds another layer.” It was also stressful paying $50,000 in legal fees on top of the cost of a wedding for 250 people.

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Photo: courtesy Stephen and Rob Dunbar-Edge

Rob (left) and Stephen, off the coast of Newfoundland in 2013 Luckily they were awarded court costs as well. Over the past 10 years, they have seen not only their relationship grow stronger, but their community as well. “I grew up here,” says Stephen. “The change in Whitehorse since then has been 180 degrees.” Rob has found it to be a welcoming place where he has felt incredibly supported by Stephen’s

family and their friends. “It’s a wonderful community to live in,” he says. “It became home very quickly.” That local support and his loving relationship with Stephen were especially important when the vow “in sickness and in health” was tested early on. “Just before our court announcement, we found out Rob had some pretty severe medical issues,” says Stephen. “It’s now behind us completely, but he lost his spleen and had a little brain tumour. But when you go into a marriage and you commit to a life together, that includes everything — you’re in it to win it.”

“And I’d say we’re winning it,” Rob adds. Now they are building what they dub their “10th anniversary house”, travelling with their teenage daughters — and maybe raising a toast to the Yukoners who rallied to give them, in Stephen’s words, “both a wedding and a marriage.” Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail fell in love with the Yukon while writer-in-residence at Berton House. Now she’s telling the territory’s tales of romance. Know of a great Yukon love story? Email Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com.

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July 3, 2014

A Klondike Korner with Dan Davidson

Grand Times at the Palace Foxy, starring Bert (the Cowardly Lion) Lahr was not a grand success, either here or in New York, though Lahr won a Tony Award for his performance. Dawson was just too far out of the way to draw audiences. Eventually a gold rushthemed summer variety show, The Gaslight Follies, would flourish. It ran for forty years; but the KVA shut it down at the beginning of the 21st century because of the recession. It left a hole in the Dawson City tourism package. Everyone knew it, but it was confirmed by an economic development study commissioned by the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in. In the spring of 2013 the Dawson City Arts Society was provided with the funding to run a season’s pilot project, after years of abortive efforts by Parks Canada to go it alone. This is season two of that effort. Some of last year’s performers will again take to the stage, along with newcomers. Just recently, Conrad Boyce, one of the stalwarts from the days of The Gaslight Follies, staged “A Night at the Grand Opera House, 1899”, with Jillian Dunham. On June 27, The Palace hosted A Klondike Home Companion featuring Jon Ostrander; The Handsome Devils; Blackberry Wood, and The Kings of Dawson City. And on July 4, it welcomes the Silver Screen Scoundrels, playing original live soundtracks to authentic silent films. In the meantime, the Palace continues to provide a vital backdrop for some of the major

PHOTO: Dan Davidson

Guests at the Commissioner’s Ball love to dress up in their finest period costumes and pose for the traditional group photo


he second full revival season has been launched at the Palace Grand theatre. Marveling at the theatre is past due; It’s time to celebrate that the theatre is hosting more than daytime Parks Canada programming. There’s nothing wrong with showing off our treasure, or staging the Greatest Klondiker in the afternoons, but the Palace Grand was built for more than that. Arizona Charlie Meadows had the theatre built in 1898. On opening night, July 18, 1899, patrons enjoyed themselves immensely, despite sitting on the same type of less-than-comfortable high back kitchen chairs that are still used there now. Meadows ran the place for a few years before heading off to the next big opportunity. History hunter Michael Gates records, “the theatre staggered through the decades” under a less flamboyant name, the Auditorium. Saved from total ruin by the Klondike Visitors Association, the building was given to Parks Canada in 1961. It was one of the first big

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restoration projects in Dawson. The original building was beyond salvaging; the current structure is a reconstruction. Pierre Berton’s Klondike and the National Film Board’s City of Gold stirred up interest and inspired Stratford Festival impresario Tom Patterson to persuade the federal government to mount a festival here. The Palace’s production of

First he kicked his drug habit now he runs as fast as a rabbit. He runs many miles on mother earth and his name is Brad Firth. Brad is a Gwich’in athlete who was born with fast feet. Caribou Legs is made of steel an’ he runs to protect the Peel. In Inuvik his journey began and to Whitehorse he ran. Caribou Legs runs with his pup an’ he doesn’t know how to give up. He’ll wear out his running shoes ‘cause Caribou Legs likes to cruise. Brad knows how to hustle even with sore muscle. Caribou Legs can really move ‘cause he had something to prove. Caribou Legs runs in any weather an’ he carried an eagle feather. Some of us jogged with Brad an’ he made all Gwich’ins glad. He runs for all that he’s worth that’s why we support Brad Firth. An eagle flew over the crowd and Caribou Legs made us proud.

Allan Benjamin , events in Dawson: the Association of Yukon Communities AGM, the annual Gold Show, the commencement exercises for the Robert Service School, and, of course, the annual Commissioner’s Ball.

Old Crow, Yukon After 32 years teaching in rural Yukon schools, Dan Davidson retired from that profession but continues writing about life in Dawson City. Please send comments about his stories to dawson@whatsupyukon.com.



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Whitehorse Events Art Shows Wed, Jul 2 - Wed, Jul 2 Artist Talk with Amelia Merhar, 6:00 PM Arts Underground Amelia makes cool, clever art by way of interactive and performance installations. Often musical, sometimes political, and always enjoyable, her work invites audience participation and offers a memorable experience, Sat, Jul 5 - Sat, Jul 5 Solstice Art Show Opening 5:00 PM Arts Underground In the Focus Gallery YAS members exhibit Sat, Jul 5 - Thu, Jul 10 Whitehorse Nuit Blanche 7:00 PM Multiple Locations July 5th 7:00 p.m -- 7:00 a.m July 6th 2014 A free, all-night pedestrianaccessible contemporary art show. Multiple Locations: The Old Fire Hall, On the Wharf, Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters, YuKonstruct, United Church on Main Street, l’AFY, and a private backyard on Jarvis near the clay cliffs until Sun, Aug 31 Exhibit: Be Prepared 10:00 AM MacBride Museum until Sat, Sep 6 Exhibit: Jim Robb’s Colourful Five Percent 10:00 AM Yukon Arts Centre until Fri, Sep 19 “Encounters with the Sublime” Photography Exhibit by Salgado and Washburn at the Palace Grand 4:30 PM Palace Grand Theatre until Sun, Jul 13 Gallery 22 Opening “DAHKHA KHWAAN” Gallery 22 Original paintings by Colin Alexander. Dahkha Khwaan dancers art until Tue, Oct 7 Exhibition: La Caravane boréale des dix mots Centre De La Francophonie 668-2663 until Tue, Jul 15 Small Works on Paper art show by Don Weir Baked Cafe An art display of 20 smaller pieces, selected from work done this past winter. Artwork resulting from experimentation with new paper created by Arches for oil paint. until Fri, Jul 4 Arts in the Park Visual Artist: Suzanne Palecny 12:00 PM LePage Park until Thu, Oct 30 A Thrilling Narrative Arts Underground An exhibit of photographs, maps, diaries, pamphlets, books, newspapers and ephemera from the collections of the Yukon Archives

Live Music

Jun 26 - July 3 Adaka Cultural Festival Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Yukon First Nations Cultural Celebration. Take part in crafts & workshops, Traditional Dance, Local Music, Yukon Foods and so much more. See 8 page program in What’s Up Yukon June 26 Wed, Jul 2 Jamaoke With Jackie 11:00 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Thu, Jul 3 Arts in the Park: Kim Beggs 12:00 PM LePage Park Continues to slowly build a body of work that gets better and better with the passage of time Thu, Jul 3 Music at MacBride: The Canucks! 5:00 PM MacBride Museum 667-2709 Summer Concert Series on Thursdays Thu, Jul 3 Les Cafés 5 à 7 en musique 5:00 PM Baked Cafe 668-2663 With Pascale Geoffroy (violin-guitar-voice) vhamel@afy.yk.ca Thu, Jul 3 Fiddle Night With Joe Loutchan 7:00 PM 98 Hotel Thu, Jul 3 Country soul night: Don Amero 7:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre 867-667-7698 ext. 202 A concert that’s part of the Adaka Cultural Festival. Buy tickets online, at Arts Underground, or the Adaka Festival Info booth. Thu, Jul 3 Open mic with Marcus Steiner 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn 867-668-4500 Thu, Jul 3 Country soul night: Undertakin’ Daddies 8:30 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre 867-667-7698 ext. 202 A concert that’s part of the Adaka Cultural Festival. Buy tickets online, at Arts Underground, or the Adaka Festival Info booth.

Thu, Jul 3 Jamaoke With Jackie 10:00 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Fri, Jul 4 Arts in the Park: Doug Thorseth 12:00 PM LePage Park a great fingerstyle guitarist on 6-string, 12-string and harp guitar Fri, Jul 4 Kim Beggs live with Fabian Brook and Paul Bergman 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Kim Beggs was recently nominated for a Western Canadian Music award for solo roots album of the year for Beauty and Breaking, her latest album. Fri, Jul 4 Sodapony 8:30 PM Paddy’s Place 333-9315 Sodapony plays Paddy’s Sat, Jul 5 Kim Beggs live with Fabian Brook and Paul Bergman 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Kim Beggs was recently nominated for a Western Canadian Music award for solo roots album of the year for Beauty and Breaking, her latest album. Sat, Jul 5 Chris Culgin Band 8:30 PM Paddy’s Place 333-9315 The Chris Culgin band plays Paddy’s Sat, Jul 5 Yukon Jack 9:30 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Sun, Jul 6 Sunday Blues Night With McNalley & Hamilton 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Mon, Jul 7 Arts in the Park: Tiss Clark 12:00 PM LePage Park from Dawson City: a strong classical piano presence Tue, Jul 8 Arts in the Park: Jona Barr 12:00 PM LePage Park home-grown songs from a home-grown boy Tue, Jul 8 Ginger Jam 9:00 PM Yukon Inn fully electric jam with a PA system, drum kit and guitars provided, and encourages the wearing of silly hats Wed, Jul 9 Arts in the Park: Main Street Buskers 12:00 PM LePage Park Remy, Bob & Mike weave harmonies, instruments and silliness Wed, Jul 9 Whitewater Wednesday 7:00 PM Epic Pizza goes till we are done! Wed, Jul 9 Arts in the Park: Zip Line 7:00 PM LePage Park POWER TRIO – rock it out with the boys Wed, Jul 9 Johnny Rogers & the New Music Jam 8:30 PM Paddy’s Place 3339315 Every Wednesday come check out the new tunes. Wed, Jul 9 Jamaoke With Jackie 11:00 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Thu, Jul 10 Arts in the Park: Laura Beech 12:00 PM LePage Park with roots in the Ottawa Valley, a dark & lovely sound with live looping of violin, voice, percussion and guitar. Thu, Jul 10 Music at MacBride:Barbara Chamberlain 5:00 PM MacBride Museum 667-2709 Free concert series continues every Thursday Thu, Jul 10 Fiddle Night With Joe Loutchan 7:00 PM 98 Hotel Thu, Jul 10 Open mic with Marcus Steiner 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn 867-668-4500 Thu, Jul 10 Jamaoke With Jackie 10:00 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Sat, Jul 12 Yukon Jack 9:30 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Sun, Jul 13 Sunday Blues Night With McNalley & Hamilton 7:30 PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn

July 3, 2014

Enter Your Events On-line It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.

Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ gov.yk.ca. Thu, Jul 3 Introduction to 3D Archery 1:00 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Age 10 +.NCCP certified instructors. Arrive on time to receive equipment & safety gear. Registration : $5 /person / day 10 persons per day max. Please book with us in advance. More info: colin.hickman@yasc.ca Fri, Jul 4 Free Summer Kids Programs Ages 9-12 10:00 AM Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@gov.yk.ca. Sat, Jul 5 Boys & Girls Club Drop-In 10:00 AM Heart Of Riverdale Sat, Jul 5 Fish filleting demo and barbeque 12:00 PM Fish Ladder 6675237 Learn how to clean and filet fish from the experts, and sample some local fish. Sat, Jul 5 Fishing 101 7:00 PM Hidden Lake 667-5237 for anyone who wanted to try fishing but didn’t know where to start Sat, Jul 5 MANDRAGORA CIRCO 4:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Coming all the way from Argentina, Mandragora Circo will be telling a story of love and comedy for all ages! There will be juggling, aerial acrobatics on tissue and trapeze and live music! Mon, Jul 7 Free Summer Kids Programs Ages 4-5 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ gov.yk.ca. Mon, Jul 7 GO The Surrounding Game 6:00 PM Starbucks Chilkoot Centre Simple Game Deep Strategy. Beginners & Visitors Welcome. For more information email: tjbowlby@gmail.com Tue, Jul 8 Free Summer Kids Programs Ages 6-8 2:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ gov.yk.ca. Tue, Jul 8 Fun Run/Walk 6:00 PM F.H. Collins Secondary 633-5671 Run or walk a 2.5 km route, or a 5 km route. Tue, Jul 8 Knee High Nature 10:30 AM Middle McIntyre Creek Activities and games are designed for kids. Head up College Drive and follow the signs. Wed, Jul 9 Free Summer Kids Programs Ages 6-8 2:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ gov.yk.ca. Wed, Jul 9 Boys & Girls Club Youth drop-in 12:00 AM Heart Of Riverdale Thu, Jul 10 Free Summer Kids Programs Ages 9-12 2:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library Registration required. Space limited. For more information or to register call Amy at 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ gov.yk.ca. Jun 26 - July 3 Adaka Cultural Festival Thu, Jul 10 Introduction to 3D Archery Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Yukon First 1:00 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Jun 26 - July 3 Adaka Cultural Festival Nations Cultural Celebration. Take part Learn archery on life-size animals in the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Yukon First in crafts & workshops, Traditional Dance, forest. Age 10 +. Local Music, Yukon Foods and so much Nations Cultural Celebration. Take part NCCP certified instructors.Arrive on in crafts & workshops, Traditional Dance, more. See 8 page program in What’s Up time to receive equipment & safety gear. Local Music, Yukon Foods and so much Yukon June 26 Registration : $5 /person /day more. See 8 page program in What’s Up Wed, Jul 2 Free Summer Kids 10 persons per day max. Please book Yukon June 26 Programs Ages 6-8 2:00 PM with us in advance. Wed, Jul 2 Jarvis Street Comedy 9:00 Whitehorse Public Library Registration More info: colin.hickman@yasc.ca PM Jarvis Street Saloon required. Space limited. For more Fri, Jul 11 Free Summer Kids Wed, Jul 2 Northern Voices information or to register call Amy at Programs Ages 9-12 10:00 AM Toastmasters Meeting 7:00 AM Sport 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ Whitehorse Public Library Registration Yukon Guests are welcome! gov.yk.ca. required. Space limited. For more Wed, Jul 2 Artist Talk with Amelia Wed, Jul 2 Knee High Nature 10:30 information or to register call Amy at Merhar, 6:00 PM Arts Underground AM Middle McIntyre Creek Activities and 667-8900 or email amy.noseworthy@ Amelia makes cool, clever art by games are designed for kids. Head up gov.yk.ca. way of interactive and performance College Drive and follow the signs. Sat, Jul 12 Boys & Girls Club Drop-In installations. Often musical, sometimes Thu, Jul 3 Free Summer Kids 10:00 AM Heart Of Riverdale political, and always enjoyable, her work Programs Ages 9-12 2:00 PM


invites audience participation and offers a memorable experience Thu, Jul 3 Whitehorse: Fireweed Farmers Market Thursdays 3:00 PM Shipyards Park 393-2255 Enjoy Yukon Food, Crafts, Music and more every Thursday all summer long Thu, Jul 3 Salsa in the Park 5:00 PM Rotary Peace Park Every Thursday, join Salsa Yukon for a dance in the park.t Sat, Jul 5 Family Fun & Farmers Golf at Rivendell Farm 10:00 AM Rivendell Farm 867-393-8931 Sat, Jul 5 Whitehorse: Fireweed Farmers Market Saturdays 10:00 AM Shipyards Park 393-2255 Enjoy Yukon Food, Crafts, Music and more every Thursday all summer long Sat, Jul 5 MANDRAGORA CIRCO 4:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Coming all the way from Argentina, Mandragora Circo will be telling a story of love and comedy for all ages! There will be juggling, aerial acrobatics on tissue and trapeze and live music! Sun, Jul 6 - Thu, July 10 2nd Annual Plein Air Festival 11:00 AM Multiple Locations 20 Yukon Artist 5 locations: Fish Ladder, Kwalin Dun Cultural Centre, Whitehorse Tourism Centre Sun, Jul 6 Ceramic Open Studio 2:30 PM Arts Underground The open studio sessions are not instructed, however, a studio tech will be available to answer questions about our studio policy and procedures. Some previous experience required Mon, Jul 7 GO The Surrounding Game 6:00 PM Starbucks Chilkoot Centre Simple Game Deep Strategy. Beginners & Visitors Welcome. For more information email: tjbowlby@gmail.com Tue, Jul 8 MacBride Museum lecture series: birds of summer 7:30 PM MacBride Museum 667-2709 The Yukon bird club talks about sights and sounds of summer birds. Wed, Jul 9 Northern Voices Toastmasters Meeting 7:00 AM Sport Yukon Guests are welcome! Thu, Jul 10 Midnight Sun Comedy Tour 9:00 PM Jarvis Street Saloon Thu, Jul 10 Whitehorse: Fireweed Farmers Market Thursdays 3:00 PM Shipyards Park 393-2255 Enjoy Yukon Food, Crafts, Music and more every Thursday all summer long Thu, Jul 10 Salsa in the Park 5:00 PM Rotary Peace Park Every Thursday, join Salsa Yukon for a dance in the park. Fri, Jul 11 Arts in the Park: Poetry in the Park 12:00 PM LePage Park join us for a smorgasbord of local poets and wordsmiths Sat, Jul 12 Whitehorse: Fireweed Farmers Market Saturdays 10:00 AM Shipyards Park 393-2255 Enjoy Yukon Food, Crafts, Music and more every Thursday all summer long Sun, Jul 13 Ceramic Open Studio 2:30 PM Arts Underground The open studio sessions are not instructed, however, a studio tech will be available to answer questions about our studio policy and procedures. Some previous experience required

Workshops & Meetings Wed, Jul 2 Northern Voices Toastmasters Meeting 7:00 AM Sport Yukon Guests are welcome! Wed, Jul 9 Northern Voices Toastmasters Meeting 7:00 AM Sport Yukon Guests are welcome!

Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesday

The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Porter Creek Step meeting (CM) 8:00 PM Our Lady of Victory No Puffin (CM, NS) 8:00 PM Big Book Study Maryhouse 504 Cook St.


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Happy Destiny Young Peoples Group 6:00 PM B.Y.T.E. Polar Group (OM) 7:30 PM Seventh Day Adventists Church (PC)


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Yukon Unity Group Meeting 1:30 PM #4 Hospital Road Whitehorse Group (CM, NS) 8:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St.


Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM DETOX Bldg 6118-6th Women’s Meeting (CM, NS) 2:30 PM Whitehorse General Hospital (across from emergency) Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting (OM, NS) 7:00 PM Hospital boardroom


Sunshine Group (OM, NS) 1:00 PM DETOX Bldg 6118-6th Marble Group (OM, NS) 7:00 PM Hospital boardroom


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St.


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Ugly Duckling Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Juste Pour Aujourd’hui (OM, NS) 7:00 PM 4141B 4th Ave.


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July 3, 2014

Life of a Yukon Girl with Emma Kaiser

Springing to Summer Part 2 of 2


here are so many things I want to do this summer. The very first thing I’m going to do is put my school books in a corner where I won’t look at them for the entire summer, and then write a What’s up Yukon article about all the other things I’m going to be doing. I’m going to feed fireweed to the bunnies, and check if they’ve had any babies yet. If they have I’ll congratulate them and the bucks, Gilbert and Fred (they’re from Prince Edward Island), who will be daddies for the first time. I’ll go to our layer chicks and see if they’ve gotten any bigger in the last fifteen minutes. They probably haven’t. I’ll race our dog to the lawn and run around, playing fetch with her. The only way to get the stick from her is by playing dead or giving her a doggie treat. I’II look at the meat chicks and turkeys and wonder how such little animals can poop and stink so much. I’ll ride my bike to the end of the driveway and back (we have a long driveway), and bike to the quails and see if they’ve laid eggs. We’re going to try and hatch some quail chicks. We tried hatching some Buff Orpington/Barred Rock-crossed chicken eggs, but we cooked them by accident because my mom’s thermometer wasn’t working. Not even one of them “pipped” — that’s what it is called when they make their first hole in the egg before they come out. After I look at all the animals to see if anything’s changed, I’ll go inside and read a book if it’s raining. I’ll jump on the trampoline, swing on the swing, or play on our backyard zip-line. Sometimes I think our place is kid paradise. There is just about everything my siblings and I could want here — except for electronics, we don’t have any of those. If it ever rains for a long time, I can bake cookies, or make dinner that night. I can cook all day and never get tired of it. I will be having loads of fun this summer (like I do every summer), and I’m so excited for it to start.





Emma Kaiser is a young writer, farmer and cook.

We Sharpen Most Anything! PAll Precision Machine Work PLow Cost PFully Guaranteed PFast Service Not sure it can be sharpened? Call Fritz, You may be surprised! PHONE:


6149 - 6th Avenue, Whitehorse (4 blocks from Main)

Photo: Christina Kaiser

Playing with Zenzie, our dog

Sometimes I think our place is

kid paradise .

We LoveLines

ght i e r F e n a u l K ! U O Y K N A H T

--Emma Kaiser

For delivering papers to Dawson City and Carmacks!

33e Assemblée législative du Yukon

33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly





Le comité spécial d’examen des risques et des avantages de la fracturation hydraulique a été établi par décret pris par l’Assemblée législative le 6 mai 2013 (motion n°433).

The Select Committee regarding the Risks and Benefits of Hydraulic Fracturing was established by Order of the Legislative Assembly on May 6, 2013 (Motion #433).

Le comité organise des audiences publiques en vue de recueillir les opinions des citoyens yukonnais.

The Committee will be holding public hearings to receive the views and opinions of Yukon citizens.



Ross River

Lundi 7 juillet 13 h

HOPE Centre

Ross River

Monday, July 7, 1:00 p.m.

HOPE Centre


Lundi 7 juillet 19 h 30

Recreation Centre Bell Avenue


Monday, July 7, 7:30 p.m.

Recreation Centre Bell Avenue


Mardi 8 juillet 11 h

Carmacks Recreation Centre River Drive


Tuesday, July 8, 11:00 a.m.

Carmacks Recreation Centre River Drive

Pelly Crossing

Mardi 8 juillet 18 h 30

Pelly Crossing Recreation Centre

Pelly Crossing

Tuesday, July 8, 6:30 p.m.

Pelly Crossing Recreation Centre


Mercredi 9 juillet 11 h

Mayo Curling Lounge


Wednesday, July 9 11:00 a.m.

Mayo Curling Lounge

Les personnes qui souhaitent faire connaître leur point de vue au comité sont invitées à s’inscrire en remplissant le formulaire en ligne, au http://legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf_public_hearings.html, ou en téléphonant au bureau de l’Assemblée législative, au 867-667-5494. Le comité accepte aussi les commentaires écrits.

Individuals who would like to present their opinions to the Committee are encouraged to register at http://legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf_public_hearings.html or by calling the Legislative Assembly Office at (867) 667-5494. The Committee is also accepting written submissions.

Le comité tiendra des audiences publiques additionnelles à Haines Junction, Carcross et Tagish conjointement, et Whitehorse.

The Committee will be holding additional public hearings in Haines Junction, jointly in Carcross and Tagish, and Whitehorse.

Pour de plus amples renseignements : Site web : http://www.legassembly.gov.yk.ca/fr/rbhf Email: rbhf@gov.yk.ca

For more information: Website: http://www.legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf.html Email: rbhf@gov.yk.ca



July 3, 2014


Klondike Institute of Art and Culture

Looking for a TRUE

Northern Summer Experience?


Boys and Girls Club of Whitehorse

Bottle Drive Fundraiser


Wednesday July 2 Riverdale - 11am and 3pm Wednesday July 2 Downtown Whitehorse - 7pm - 9pm Thursday July 3 Copper Ridge - 11am and 3pm Friday July 4 Porter Creek - 11am and 3pm

Featured this week,

Come Meet our Friendly Huskies!


For more information: 668-3647 or info@muktuk.com

at the


Heart of Riverdale Dinner provided by the Boys and Girls Club


June 19 – July 12, 2014 The Confluence Gallery is located in the SOVA building on the corner of 3rd Ave. and Queen St.


yukonmadestore@yukonfood.com www.fireweedmarket.yukonfood.com

Like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/liveatthepg for more info.

Tel: (867) 993-5005 Fax: (867) 993-5838 Website: www.kiac.ca


Riverdale Knitting Circles Wednesdays, 1pm - 3pm 2nd Tuesday of the month beginning May 13 Riverdale Community Book Club First Tuesday of the month Family Drop-in Saturdays Drop-in 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Except Holiday Weekends)

Heart of Riverdale 38 A Lewes Blvd


Exhibi� ons CURRENT Exhibitions:

Welcome to the 18th Summer Festival Season! Visual Artist

July 3 & 4 Suzanne Palecny

Thursday, July 3 Kim Beggs

Continues to slowly build a body of work that gets better and better with the passage of time

Friday, July 4 Doug Thorseth

A great fingerstyle guitarist on 6-string, 12-string and harp guitar

Monday, July 7 Tiss Clark

from Dawson City: a strong classical piano presence

Tuesday, July 8 Jona Barr

home-grown songs from a home-grown boy

Wed Noon, July 9 Main Street Buskers

Remy, Bob & Mike weave harmonies, instruments and silliness



j ui

,à1 t e ll

Zip Line


ly 3 u J ake d Ca

, 5 pm

Thursday, July 10 Laura Beech

with roots in the Ottawa Valley, a dark & lovely sound with live looping of violin, voice, percussion and guitar.


Thurs d

Wed Eve, July 9 (7 pm) POWER TRIO rock it out with the boys

Jeu d

Supper Served Daily at 6:00PM

Audiences will have the opportunity to experience live music, authentic Gold Rush era entertainment, vaudeville, film and more in the iconic Palace Grand Theatre.

Every Wednesday 5:30-8:30

For Kids Ages 11-18 Wednesday to Saturday 3 pm - 9 pm

Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm Saturday & Sunday 1 – 5 pm Located on the corner of 2nd and Princess

Shows all summer long, starting June 22!

Taste of the Y ukon Lunch or Dinner


FREE Drop In Youth Centre

July 3 – August 1, 2014


Guided Summer Tours Combine tour with our

Both youth and adult volunteers will be scouring your neighbourhoods!


– Living with a Landslide –

TUES & WED, 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. THURS & FRI, 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. SAT, 11 A.M. - 4 P.M.

July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Support Boys & Girls Club by Setting out your returnable empties on the curb for pick up !


Friday, July 11 Poetry in the Park


Join us for a smorgasboard of local poets and wordsmiths

>> in the Yukon Art Society Gallery: THE SEVEN TEXTILE ARTISTS “How Does it Felt”

Focus Gallery Solstice

Exhibi�on closes December 1st, 2012

>> in the Hougen Heritage Gallery: YUKON ARCHIVES

Yukon Art Society members show Runs: July 5-26 Open Studio Sessions Opening: >> Ceramic Open Studio Sessions << Sundays from 6pm July 5, 5-8$5pm for2:30 NUITtoBLANCHE per hour Archival Gold: Favourites from the Vault Exhibi�on closes January 26, 2013

>> Acrylic Pain�ng Open Studio << with Neil Graham every first and third Wednesday of each month 7 to 9pm $10 per 2 hour session

Edge Gallery Northern Zine – The Zine Tree Project

To register call: 867-667-4080 Email: recep�on@artsunderground.ca

Facilitated by Amelia Merhar Curated by Geneviève Gagnon Runs: July 5-26 Opening: July 5, 5-8 pm for NUIT BLANCHE

Hougen Heritage Gallery A Thrilling Narrative: Documenting the Klondike Gold Rush

Reproductions of archival material from the holdings of the Yukon Archives Runs: July-October

OPEN STUDIO SESSIONS Ceramic Open Studio (14+) Every Sunday except long weekends From 2:30-6 pm $5/hr paid to Studio Tech Programs Arts Underground / Yukon Art Society 867-667-4080 ext 22



Atlin Arts and Music Festival

July 3, 2014

Festival Fun for the whole family

by Willow Gamberg

PHOTO: Robert Pinn


long-time favourite for local families, the Atlin Arts and Music Festival is an institution. Now in its 11th year, the event draws visitors and performers from across Canada and beyond. Taking place July 11 to 13, this year’s festival will feature guest performers like Gord Downie and The Sadies, David Francey, Danny Michel, and Steve Poltz, to name a few. There are also many established Yukon acts on the roster, including Old Cabin, Speed Control, Gordie Tentrees and the Hill Country News, Ryan McNally and more. As with previous years, there will be visual art and film aspects to the festival. Producer Kim Winnicky describes a particularly intriguing new art installation: “We have an interactive community art project by Paul and Jeanine Baker, which is a life-sized metal skeleton of a stand-up bass... festival-goers can bring small pieces of metal or wood or whatever they want, and they’ll weld or attach it to the bass, and we’ll have that to display year after year. I think that will be really special.” For Winnicky, the festival is about community, music, and fun for all ages. “I love how everyone’s smiling,” she says. “I like the synergy of the huge range of music, then add in art and film to that and it makes something really magic.” As in previous years, all-ages activities are a focal point; there will be a giant sandbox, and hula hooping and craft workshops, as well as a few new additions. This year will see a youth stage, and an all-ages family writing workshop. After a decade of development, the Atlin Music Festival is right where the organizers want it. “We sort of arrived at this place that we all wanted to get to,” Winnicky explains. “We’ve achieved our goals – we’re making all our ticket sales and maintaining our family-friendly outlook. We love the calibre of talent that we’re attracting in both music art and film components, and we like that families still rate it as one of their favourite events of the year.” Invariably well attended, the festival sold

Danny Michel

out very quickly this year — every advance ticket was gone by the middle of June, and there will be no tickets available at the door. Winnicky explains that the need to limit tickets arises from sheer containment issues — the small town of 450 people plays host to 2000 more over the weekend, and there is only so much space. Luckily, the Atlin Arts and Music Festival has an excellent team of directors and leaders from both Whitehorse and Atlin, which helps to distribute the workload and make things run smoothly. For those wishing to join the festival team, there are a limited number of volunteer spots that also fill up very quickly. Anyone interested should contact volunteer.aamf@ gmail.com. The full artist line-up and more information can be found online at http://www.atlinfestival.ca/. The schedule for the weekend will also be posted in the next two weeks.

irardin Tony G : O T O PH

David Francey

Action Realty

Each office independently operated

Jason Delaurier MOBILE: 867-335-2260 OFFICE: 867-667-2514 FAX: 867-667-7132 49 WATERFRONT PLACE, WHITEHORSE, YUKON JASON@JASONDELAURIER.CA • WWW.JASONDELAURIER.CA • Redefining Real Estate

Willow Gamberg completed a Music Business Management diploma in B.C. and writes about music and the arts. Please send comments about her articles to editor@whatsupyukon.com.



July 3, 2014

Edible Yukon with Kim Melton

What’s in a Name? Inside the

Names provide insight into a plant’s character, and a connection to its past admirers

Frank Slims Building at Shi pyards Park 1 1 to 4 daily

Our wild rose is known in Latin as

We’ll be at Sunstroke music festival June 20-21 Adaka cultural festival June 27-July 3rd Atlin music Festival July 11-13

Rosa acicularis; Rosa the ancient Latin, derived from the Greek Rhoda, both heard in reference to a red or pink colour, and the plant itself.

Fast, Fresh & Always Delicious Vegan & Gluten Free Options!

Award Winning

Gourmet Grille Sauces

A single petal left on each flower will help ensure pollination – the same scents we love attract pollinators

203 Hanson Street, Whitehorse • 667-7583 Hours Tuesday to Saturday 9am-5:30pm


n approximately 100,000 years since we began to speak, we’ve classified and described plants. Carl Linnaeus devised a system of naming using two Latin names for each plant — binomial nomenclature — which has endured as the scientific standard for all forms of life. In a time of unprecedented global travel and information sharing, binomial nomenclature makes


communication about plants across languages and communities simple. A plant recognized by science as one species may bear many different names across local communities, according to variation in use or context, and may be divided into sub-species indistinguishable to an academic expert. The downside of this nomenclature is that subtlety of local knowledge is lost if a Latin name supplants, instead of augments, traditional and common names. When I discover a new plant, I admire the shape of the leaf — the way the leaves connect to the stem, and how they are arranged. I notice particular shapes and rel-

the Fruit Stand

ative placement of petals, sepals, and bracts. Names help me bring all of these components together, and help me recall and compare plants. The Latin, English, and local-language names of plants, often bestowed over different time periods, hold clues to how different people viewed and used plants. Knowing a name brings beguiling comfort, but I have to remind myself that name-knowledge doesn’t replace careful attention. Do wild roses smell less sweet to a child or a foreigner who has yet to learn the word? Perhaps such people are better equipped to get to know an individual rose, without

the distractions that come with knowledge of a name. These distractions, however, also lend richness, by bringing in the experience of many others who have loved and been fascinated by plants. Compelled by such fascination, they enshrined their own way of seeing, in a name. Learning those names is an initiation into that fold, and a crucial act of participation in seeing this knowledge persist into the future. Kim Melton is an enthusiastic forager and gardener, inspired by all things that make up good, local food.

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and Seafood


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10 Oz. $25.95 12 Oz. $29.95

Gluten Free & Organic Items Crab Merus $34.99 lb Crab $22.99 lb Crab Cakes $21.99 lb Halibut Fillets $20.99 lb Halibut Burgers $14.99 pkg 4 Halibut Portions $24.99 lb Halibut Steaks $19.99 lb Lobster Tails $23.99 lb Mahi Mahi $14.99lb Pickerel $16.99 lb Sablefish $19.99 lb Sablefish (Smoked) $19.99 lb Salmon Burgers $9.99 pkg 4 Salmon Fillets $13.99lb Salmon Crab Pinwheel $7.99 ea Salmon Candy Bites $14.99 lb Scallops (large) $20.99 lb Shrimp $17.99 lb Tuna Ahi $13.99 lb

PHOTO: Kim Melton

Acicularis means needlelike, referring to the prickles. The petals are incredibly fragrant, and retain their scent for a long time if kept in a cool, dry place. Dried rosehips can be ground and sifted to make an intoxicating sweet powder to be added to cooking.

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July 3, 2014

Food for Thought


with Katherine Belisle

Here to make you happy ’til late.

The Power of Enzymes is Now

Night owls, insomniacs and midnight snackers, unite!

Watch your favourite games on our large screen TV TM‡

Whitehorse • 2241 2nd Avenue Whitehorse, Yukon Territories Y1A 5W1


† Registered trademark of Boston Pizza Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. * Trademark of Boston Pizza International Inc. © Boston Pizza International Inc. 2013. ‡Trademark of AIRMILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Boston Pizza International Inc. © Boston Pizza International Inc.

You can obtain local and organic foods from the Potluck Food Co-op on Cheddar Tomato 5th Ave. and help build our BBQ Bacon local agricultural economy

2pc. Chicken & Fries for

PHOTO: Katherine Belisle


f you’re pressed for time, as most of us are, summer is good news. Gone are winter days with their demand for labour-intensive, heated meals. Salads, smoothies, and other raw entrees feel good to eat on hot days, and you don’t have to cook. Plus, fresh foods fill our bodies with nutrients and enzymes that aid growth and repair. Enzymes trigger and accelerate thousands of biochemical reactions in the body. Whether classified as digestive or metabolic, they are essential for digesting food, stimulating the brain, providing cellular energy and repairing cells and tissues. Each enzyme has a specific function in the body that no other enzyme can fulfill. Our bodies manufacture them, or get them directly from food. Many of us are short on enzymes. Our body’s supply is depleted by consuming the same foods every day, eating mostly cooked or processed foods, dining in haste, and eating too much and too often. Alcohol and drugs take their toll, too. If you are stressed, have chronic health conditions, or are over 50, you need to be concerned about your enzyme intake and production. Why?

When our bodies run out of enzymes, we run out of life. We will suffer from low energy and immunity, malabsorption, gut flora imbalance, and food or environmental allergies. We may also overeat as the body struggles to capture the nutrients it needs. We obtain food enzymes from digestive enzyme supplements, and fermented or fresh foods. A good supplement should contain the major enzyme groups: amylase, protease, and lipase. Additional ones may be needed, depending on your production or secretion of enzymes in the stomach, pancreas or small intestine, and bile from the gall bladder. This is one area where it really helps to consult a nutritionist or naturopath for the right combination, especially if you have medical conditions. All fresh, unheated, and unprocessed foods have enzymes; some have more than others. Home grown sprouts are one of the easiest sources. Pineapple, papaya, mango, avocado and banana are popular choices. Really, consuming any food that is fresh or living will help maintain enzyme production. Go to www.yukonfood.com to explore the range of fresh food currently available to us. We have a number of local farms that you

can buy directly from, or you can shop the Fireweed Market at Shipyards Park on Thursdays and Saturdays. The Alpine Bakery also provides organic foods and fresh yogurt. If you are very busy, take advantage of the Potluck Food Co-op, which will compile your order of organic and local food. Lifetime membership is $250, or $25 a month for ten months. Supporting the Co-op helps grow our local agricultural economy and strengthens food security in the Yukon. Fermented foods also contain many enzymes. Products like homemade yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, miso and unpasteurized cheese are rich sources. You can ferment your food at home easily. You can learn how by contacting me for upcoming workshops, or go to my Facebook page, Wise Bodies Holistic Health, for more information.

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a little “pizza” heaven FAMILY MEALS, FAMILY PRICES Pastas, Calzones, Donairs, Salads, Entrees, Decadent Desserts and Gourmet Pizzas

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Katherine Belisle is a holistic nutritionist and medical intuitive. She has a private practice and enjoys writing and teaching on a variety of topics related to natural health and healing. You can contact her at info@wise-bodies.com.

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July 3, 2014

July 2014

Even More Things To Do….

Skagway Independence Day Celebration July 3 & 4, 2014

Ducky Derby

* Shop to your hearts content

July 4, 2014.

finish line over a route that includes

* Visit Skagway City Museum Summer Hours: Mo-Fr, 9am-5pm, Sa 10am-5pm, Su 10am-4pm

passing through 2 culverts, under

* See the Days of 98 Show on Broadway

1000 little plastic duckies race to a

Fireworks and street dance on the 3rd. Parade, street fair & Ducky Derby, July 4th. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for information (907) 983-1898

railroad tracks, always in danger

* Take the Red Onion 15 minute Brothel Tour

of getting caught in the trees lining

International Softball Tournament July 4, 5 & 6 2014.

* Take a Walking Tour with a Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park Ranger.

the bank and the water loving dog that likes to pursue them. Purchase

Contact Cindy O’Daniel for information

a ticket for your duck then be

Soapy Smith’s Wake

close by to cheer him/her on.

July 8, 2014.

* Visit Jewell Gardens and Glass Blowing * Take a walk out to the Gold Rush Cemetery


The con man of Skagway's Gold Rush days is toasted at an annual ritual started by Soapy's grandkids and the Day of '98 Show cast in the mid 1970's.

* Count Seals on the ocean front

Contact: Skagway Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 194,

* Take a Flightseeing Tour

Skagway, AK 99840,

* Ride the White Pass

(907) 983-1898

No guns allowed!!

* Go Fishing

or email: chamber@aptalaska.net

Contact: FOE Eagles #25, P. O. Box 181, Skagway, AK 99840 or (907) 983-2234

* Rent a bike or take a bike tour

w w w. s ka g wa y. c om There are TWO Gas Stations in Skagway

Corner Gas Station Self-serve Cardlock offers BEST Prices - located beside the Pizza Station on 4th -

Camper Need Propane? Call 253-973-9185

Smoked Salmon, Halibut, and black cod Locally Made Gifts • WE SHIP TO CANADA

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Reservations In Alaska: 907-789-3331 www.fl SALESyalaskaseaplanes.com ~ SERVICE ~ RENTALS email:::HAINES:: info@fl24yalaskaseaplanes.com Portage Street, 907-766-2869

Mon - Fri 9 am - 5:30 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm ::SKAGWAY:: and Broadway,TO 907-983-2851 SCHEDULED5thSERVICE Haines, DAILY: 9 am to 6 pm

Skagway, Sitka, Hoonah, Kake, Juneau, Gustavus, Angoon, Tenakee, Pelican, Elfin Cove and Excursion Inlet www.cyclealaska.com

SKAGUAY NEWS DEPOT & BOOKS Alaska Sea Planes Skagway News Glacial Smoothies Broadway Bites You Say Tomato Westmark www.whatsupyukon.com

Broadway & Third Alaska/Yukon Books New & Used Titles Papers - Magazines – Maps Welcome Yukon Friends! 907-983-3354 • Open 9-6



July 3, 2014

Upcoming Events For

July YAKUTANIA POINT Time: .................................. 1 hour roundtrip Distance: ................1.6 miles (2.6 km) roundtrip Rating: .................................................Easy Elevation Gain: .................... 20 feet (6 meters)

At the Skagway Recreation Centre Rock Wall Belay Classes


Beginner Friendly Climbing Night Tuesday’s 6:30-8 p.m. This is for people that have been belay checked and want to practice their skills in a beginner environment! Gather your friends for a fun night out!

Time: ............................. 1- 2 hours roundtrip Distance: .................................................... 0.9 miles (1.4 km) to lake and return roundtrip .......... 3.6 miles (5.8 km) around lake and return Rating: ......................................... Moderate Elevation Gain: ................ 500 feet (150 meters)

See www.skagwayrecreation.org for Classes Schedule: Yoga, Spinning, Zumba and more CARDIO/WEIGHT ROOM, SHOWER ROOMS & ROCK WALL OPEN ALL DAY

SMUGGLER’S COVE Time: ............................... 1-2 hours roundtrip Distance: ................... 2 miles (3.2 km) roundtrip Rating:........................................... Moderate Elevation Gain: ....................00 feet (30 meters)

Wednesdays W/ Tabitha McGillivray

Saturdays W/Jennifer Sasselli

6 - 7:30 Belay Instruction 7:30 - 8 Belay Check

11 - 12:30 Belay Instruction 12:30 - 1 Belay Check $5 Belay Check Fee. Sign up in lobby

ICY LAKE AND UPPER REID FALLS Time: ..................................3 hours roundtrip Distance: ................... 6 miles (9.7 km) roundtrip Rating:........................................... Moderate Elevation Gain: ................ 850 feet (260 meters)

Plan A Trip To Skagway Just a 2 1/2 Hour Drive From Whitehorse What’s Up Yukon special

STURGILL’S LANDING Time: ..................................4 hours roundtrip Distance: ................... miles (11.2 km) roundtrip Rating:........................................... Moderate Elevation Gain: .................500 feet (152 meters)

444 4th St. Skagway (907)983-2200

Only At the

BACK ALLEY ROCK Roman and Shipwreck Coin Jewelry SHOP

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Ammonite necklace

Canadian Dollars @ PAR

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Featuring Uggs, Levi, Skechers, The North Face, Toms, Nike, and Oakley

20,000 year old fossil Mammoth Ivory

Natural Gold Nuggets!

Gold Panning - Gold Guaranteed BEAD SALE $2 per strand *while quantities last

Down the Alley btwn 4th & 5th 907-983-2568

under the


1-800-664-2370 • www.klothesrush.com • 5th & Broadway Open: Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm, Sunday 10am-5pm


Thursday, July 3rd Street Dance

Built in 1897

BUY THE WORLDS BEST SELLING BRANDS SALES ~ SERVICE ~ RENTALS ::HAINES:: 24 Portage Street, 907-766-2869 Mon - Fri 9 am - 5:30 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm ::SKAGWAY:: 5th and Broadway, 907-983-2851 DAILY: 9 am to 6 pm


Yukoner rates! Rates $99/night & up includes free wifi and full hot breakfast Get your LOYALTY CARD for free stays and dinner specials

Gnat King Kong

July 4th THE BRANDS YOU WANT AT THE PRICES YOU LOVE! New Summer outdoor apparel, footwear, camping gear, and skateboard equipment. Shop our famous Sale Loft for great prices on brand names!

1-888-752-4929 www.skagwayinn.com

Beer Garden, Food & Fun

Thursday, July 10th


Friday, July 18th Great fun! Great cause!


Saturday, July 19th


Dread Onion


Your Services”Auction

Gnat King Kong

Open 10am - 9pm Daily (Closed Sunday Night)


5th Ave, Skagway AK 907-983-3562 Monday-Saturday 9:30am-6pm, Sunday: 11am-4pm


Windy Valley Boys


Gluten Free Pizza & Gluten Free Beer UPCOMING EVENTS ON FACEBOOK PAGE



Photo: Michael Edwards

July 3, 2014


Join us for a three-day celebration at Moosehide Village, where we will honour Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in (Hän) culture and traditions! Enjoy performances, guest speakers, feasts, dancing, drumming, singing and much, much more! Visit www.trondek.ca for more details or contact Tyla Crowe at tyla.crowe@trondek.ca


Bonanza Gold RV Park

Spacious comfortable rooms, with fridge, microwave, coffee maker and wi-fi. Only 1.5 km from the town centre. Come let our friendly staff serve you. 1-888-993-6789 www.bonanzagold.ca

Diamond Tooth Gerties

Come visit Canada’s First and Friendliest Gambling Hall!

Cancan shows nightly- 8:30/10/12 Open 7 days a week from May-Sept. www.diamondtoothgerties.ca

Whitehouse Cabins

Revel in a Klondike experience in a room with a view overlooking the Yukon River! We offer a rustic setting within walking distance to town centre. Treat yourself to a luxurious stay with us! www.whitehousecabins.ca

Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre


Silver Scoundrels (Live at the PG) July 4 July 5 Don Amero (Live at the PG) July 17 Como Mamas (DCMF Kick-Off) July 18-20 DCMF July 21 Parks Day at Tombstone Visit Dawsoncity.ca to see all our events!

Triple J Hotel

We have the newest rooms in town with all the amenities to make your stay memorable. Enjoy a meal or a drink on our sunny deck.town. Open May-September (867)993-5323 www.triplejhotel.com

Sourtoe Cocktail

The Sourdough Saloon is home to the world famous “SourToe Cocktail”. Come “kiss the toe” to join the club. “You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe” www.sourtoecocktailclub.com

Downtown Hotel

Welcome to Canada’s Best Value Inn Dawson City. Combining newly renovated rooms and historic turn of the century atmosphere, we are located in the heart of Dawson City. Home of the “Sourtoe Cocktail” www.yukonhotels.com

Live at the Palace Grand

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in cultural programs and guided tours.Our Gift Shop has the largest selection of handcrafted beaded slippers in the Yukon. This is the Gift Shop you have been looking for!

Experience the iconic Palace Grand Theatre through a diverse line up of live performances happening throughout the summer. Presented by KIAC in partnership with Parks Canada. www.kiac.ca

Eldorado Hotel

Klondike Kate's Cabins & Restaurant

Great location! All rooms with bath, hi-def tv, phone with voice mail, fridge, coffee maker & 250mb internet/day. Come dine in our restaurant, lounge or covered deck. (867)993-5451 www.eldoradohotel.ca


Stay with us while in Dawson City! Enjoy the privacy of your own cabin were rustic elegance meets modern comfort! Enjoy delicious food at the restaurant either inside or on our great patio! www.klondikekates.ca

get the truth, then go


July 3, 2014

Living with

Wildlife 9

15 Haven in the Willows Vacation Rental Haines Junction, Yukon

Luxurious amenities. Serene surroundings. Stunning views of the majestic St. Elias Mountain Range! Sleeps up to 6 people

Daily, Weekly, Monthly stays available

Hello Everybody, We invite you to share your photos of Yukon wildlife. Email your high-resolution images with a description of what’s going on and what camera equipment you used to Editor@WhatsUpYukon.com

To book this property visit:

www.haveninthewillows.com or call 1-867-334-2808

Your Journey Begins On The Waterfront... Full and Half Day Yukon River Trips Return Transportation Included.

PHOTO: Andy Paulson


was out photographing eagles at a favorite spot, and I opened

the door to my truck to see a coyote. It came out, right in

front of me. It looked at me and then continued walking as if I weren’t there.

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My camera at the time was:

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& A





Seriously, pack one up to take home!



SATURDAY, JULY 5TH 10 AM – 5 PM @ RIVENDELL FARM Bring the whole family to Rivendell Farm for a day of fun in the fresh air! Farmers Golf • Garden tours • Barbeque • Face-painting • 50/50 Draws Performances by Claire the Clown and Remy Rodden Turn left on Takhini Hotsprings Road when coming from Whitehorse at Km 6.5. Turn left at Km 2.3 onto Rivendell Rd. Follow the signs!

A Yukon Hospital Foundation Fundraiser

ADMISSION IS BY DONATION • There will be no veggie or berry picking on Saturday, July 5th •

393-8931 www.yhf.ca





July 3, 2014


Soccer The soccer team is training hard outdoors at the Christ the King Elementary School field and playing games against Whitehorse Minor Soccer U13. Before moving outdoors in early May, the team trained indoors at Christ the King Elementary School and the Canada Games Centre as well as a weekly boot camp with the entire Team Yukon 2014. The soccer team consists of ten athletes and three coaches. The team rotates three awesome goaltenders, namely Gaetan “Gaets” Michaud, Mike Sumner and Kenny Atlin. When not in net, Gaets plays forward, Mike plays forward and defense and Kenny plays defensive forward. The team also has 7 terrific players in Rachel Dawson, Teddy Jackson, Marvin Hall, Christopher Lee, Duncan McRae, Owen Munroe and Steven McGundy. Their coaches are Natalie Taylor, Thomas Reixenger and Ken Binns. The players are looking forward to traveling to National Games.

Swimming Team Yukon 2014 has two representatives competing in swimming for the 2014 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games. Ernest Chua and Kevin Spofford are two very dedicated swimmers who have shown their determination to become the best swimmers they can be by showing up to every practice, listening carefully to instructions and by having positive attitudes. Kaitlin McDougall is the Head Coach of our swim team. Phil Whiles is mission staff for the swimming team. Both Ernest and Kevin have improved tremendously since they started training for Nationals in the fall of 2013. Training specifically on swimming three times a week, they also were participating in a winter boot camp with all of Team Yukon 2014. They are working on improving their flutter kick to strengthen both of their freestyle and backstroke races. Ernest and Kevin are very driven athletes and they are looking forward to competing at the Games in Vancouver. This will be a great experience for both of our Team Yukon 2014 swimmers and they are thrilled about the opportunity to represent the Yukon.

Athletics Jessica Pruden and Darby McIntyre are the Yukon’s two representatives competing at the 2014 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games Track and Field competition. Both Jess and Darby continue to improve in their track, standing long jump and shot put events.

In preparation for the Games, Jess and Darby have been training inside over the winter as well as weekly winter boot camp training with all Team Yukon members. Since the spring, they have been training outside three times a week. They are working on improving at each practice and are both very dedicated athletes. Both are excited to attend Nationals and constantly talk about what a good time it will be. Carmen


The Team Yukon 2014’s 5-Pin Bowling team has been training since October and three times per week for the past few months at Mad Trapper Alleys here in Whitehorse. The team is made up of five hard working athletes in Carrie Rudolph, Garry Chaplin, Hayley Halushka, Lisa Bachli and Tyler Repka. The qualifier for Team Yukon 2014 was the Yukon Bowling Championships held in April of 2013. Krista McKinnon is the Head Coach for the team and Rose Inglangasuk provides mission staff support. The team continues to work on improving accuracy and proper delivery. Besides the weekly bowling program in the winter, the team has also been training very hard at the weekly winter boot camp training with the other members of Team Yukon. The team has become very close-knit and is very dedicated to the sport of bowling. They are looking forward to compete in a huge bowling alley with over 40 lanes!

Bocce Team Yukon’s Bocce contingent is made up of Aimee Lien, Theresa Roberts, Taylor Amundson and Trevor Beemish. Deb Sumner is the Head Coach of the bocce team, and Kim Holmes is the mission staff. This marks the first time that Special Olympics Yukon sends a bocce team to National Games. The team qualified at the 2013 SOBC Summer Games held in Langley in July 2013 where they earned a bronze medal. This will be Trevor and Taylor’s first national competition, although Aimee and Theresa are veterans – both at the 2006 SOC Summer Games in Brandon, MB. They have been training all winter and joining the rest of Team Yukon at boot camp throughout the winter. Since May, the Bocce team trains 3 times per week and they’ve also got some friendly competition games scheduled with The Bocce team that will compete at the Canada 55+ Games. Needless to say, this team is very excited to compete and they have proven that they work well together. They are prepared to play and have some great fun while doing it!


Their qualification for Nationals was earned through qualification at the 2013 Special Olympics BC Summer Games this past July.

Gustafson is the Head Coach of our Athletics team.

5-Pin Bowling

Jean-Sebastien (JS) Gallant is Yukon’s lone representative on the National Games golf links. Charlene Donald is Gallant’s Head Coach. They have been working very hard to prepare themselves, and as you can imagine, the golf season here in Whitehorse is very short! While participating at boot camp, and hitting some balls at the Canada Games Centre over the winter has helped some, JS has been training at both Whitehorse Golf Courses since late April. JS qualified for Nationals through his performance at the 2013 Special Olympics BC Summer Games this past July. He was very happy to have shot under 60 for both of his 9 hole rounds, and looks forward to improving his score again!

“Whitehorse McDonald’s is proud to be the lead sponsor of Team Yukon 2014 that will compete at the Special Olympics Canada Summer Games from July 8-13 in Vancouver, BC. Whitehorse McDonald’s has been a major supporter of Special Olympics Yukon programs for over 22 years.”

Active Interest Listings Wed, Jul 2 FREE Lunch Time Yoga 12:00 PM Shanti Yoga 867-456-7123 Learn to breathe, stretch and relax! Donations Welcome. Use back entrance of Hawkins House No experience required all are welcome Wed, Jul 2 Hand to Hand - Level 2&3 with Gael 6:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Wed, Jul 2 Baked 1 miler 6:00 PM Spook Creek Station 633-5671 Start: on Millennium Trail at Spook Creek Finish line: Old Fire Hall on Millennium Trail (kitty corner to Baked) Wed, Jul 2 Staff/Jo with Gael 7:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Wed, Jul 2 Bhangra Dance Classes 7:00 PM Shipyards Park 867-336-3344 The objective of these free dance classes is to bring happiness and good health to life through dancing! Thu, Jul 3 Introduction to 3D Archery 1:00 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Age 10 +. colin.hickman@yasc.ca Thu, Jul 3 Introduction to 3D Archery 4:30 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Activity suitable for youth 10 or older, and families. Thu, Jul 3 Savaté (French Kick Boxing) 6:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo 335-4500 Thu, Jul 3 Trail Run 6:30 PM Miles Canyon Bridge shuttle (Leg 2 YRTM 10km moderate) Fri, Jul 4 Hand to Hand - Level 1 (lunch class) with Gael 11:30 AM Aikido Yukon Dojo Fri, Jul 4 Golden Horn Judo 3:30 PM Golden Horn Elementary


Sun, Jul 6 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30 PM Canada Games Centre 668-6517 Come out and play some frisbee. All levels are welcome. Sun, Jul 6 Badminton 7:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary Tracy 393-7641 Mon, Jul 7 Hand to Hand - Level 1&2 with Gael 6:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Mon, Jul 7 Sword/Bokken with Gael 7:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Tue, Jul 8 pick-up beach volleyball 6:00 PM Rotary Peace Park All are welcome with 3 courts, music playing and great nights of volleyball Tue, Jul 8 Introduction to 3D Archery 4:30 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Activity suitable for youth 10 or older, and families. Tue, Jul 8 Fun Run/Walk 6:00 PM F.H. Collins Secondary 633-5671 Run or walk a 2.5 km route, or a 5 km route. Tue, Jul 8 Yoga 6:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary Tracy 393-7641 Tue, Jul 8 NIA dance and fitness 6:30 PM Leaping Feats Creative Danceworks 3353442 NIA is a choreographed combination of martial arts, dance, and healing, set to great music. first class is free! Tue, Jul 8 Dirt Girls Group Ride 7:00 PM TBA Leaders: Isabel & Annie Trails: Collective, Rocky Canyon, Reimer Reason, Rebirth, Calypso Tue, Jul 8 Badminton 7:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary Tracy 393-7641 Wed, Jul 9 FREE Lunch Time Yoga 12:00 PM Shanti Yoga 867-456-7123 Learn to breathe, stretch and relax! Donations Welcome. Use back entrance of Hawkins House No experience required all are welcome

Wellness Listings Wed, Jul 2 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women & Children Wed, Jul 2 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM Whitehorse Food Bank 334-9317 Free Hot Lunch for Women Wed, Jul 2 FREE Lunch Time Yoga 12:00 PM Shanti Yoga 867-456-7123 Learn to breathe, stretch and relax! Donations Welcome. Use back entrance of Hawkins House No experience required all are welcome Wed, Jul 2 One On One Support 1:00 PM Second Opinions Society A support staff will be available for one on one sessions every Tuesday Wed, Jul 2 Gardening 2:00 PM Second Opinions Society 867-667-2037 Come and join us for some time in the community garden. Thu, Jul 3 Second Opinion Society Community Lunch 12:00 PM Second Opinions Society Mon, Jul 7 Practical Skills Class 2:00 PM Second Opinions Society 867-6672037 Join us for a class on a practical skill including resume building, budgeting, communication etc... Tue, Jul 8 One On One Support 10:00 AM Second Opinions Society A support staff will be available for one on one sessions every Tuesday Tue, Jul 8 Wellness Support Group 2:00 PM Second Opinions Society Everyone is welcome to this afternoon support group for those looking for a place to share, learn and grow. Tue, Jul 8 Yoga 6:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary Tracy 393-7641 Wed, Jul 9 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women & Children Wed, Jul 9 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM Whitehorse Food Bank 334-9317 Free Hot Lunch for Women



July 3, 2014

Wed, Jul 9 Hand to Hand - Level 2&3 with Gael 6:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Wed, Jul 9 Staff/Jo with Gael 7:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo Wed, Jul 9 Bhangra Dance Classes 7:00 PM Shipyards Park 867-336-3344 The objective of these free dance classes is to bring happiness and good health to life through dancing! Thu, Jul 10 Introduction to 3D Archery 1:00 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Age 10 +. colin.hickman@yasc.ca Thu, Jul 10 Introduction to 3D Archery 4:30 PM Biathlon Range 668-2840 Learn archery on life-size animals in the forest. Activity suitable for youth 10 or older, and families. Thu, Jul 10 Savaté (French Kick Boxing) 6:00 PM Aikido Yukon Dojo 335-4500 Fri, Jul 11 Hand to Hand - Level 1 (lunch class) with Gael 11:30 AM Aikido Yukon Dojo Fri, Jul 11 Golden Horn Judo 3:30 PM Golden Horn Elementary Fri, Jul 11 Capital Cup Tennis Championships 5:00 PM Mt Mac Tennis Courts 334-6587 Whitehorse and Juneau face off once again in the 2014 Capital Cup Challenge. Sign up now by emailing tennisyukon@gmail.com Fri, Jul 11 Junior Men’s 2014 ISF World Softball Championship Whitehorse Pepsi Softball Centre Join us for 10 days of world class softball! Sun, Jul 13 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30 PM Canada Games Centre 668-6517 Come out and play some frisbee. All levels are welcome. Sun, Jul 13 Badminton 7:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary Tracy 393-7641

Enter Your Events On-line It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. Or email them to: events@whatsupyukon.com

Wed, Jul 9 FREE Lunch Time Yoga 12:00 PM Shanti Yoga 867-456-7123 Learn to breathe, stretch and relax! Donations Welcome. Use back entrance of Hawkins House No experience required all are welcome Wed, Jul 9 One On One Support 1:00 PM Second Opinions Society A support staff will be available for one on one sessions every Tuesday Wed, Jul 9 Gardening 2:00 PM Second Opinions Society 867-667-2037 Come and join us for some time in the community garden. Thu, Jul 10 Second Opinion Society Community Lunch 12:00 PM Second Opinions Society

Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesday

The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Porter Creek Step meeting (CM) 8:00 PM Our Lady of Victory No Puffin (CM, NS) 8:00 PM Big Book Study Maryhouse 504 Cook St.


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Happy Destiny Young Peoples Group 6:00 PM B.Y.T.E. Polar Group (OM) 7:30 PM Seventh Day Adventists Church (PC)


Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM DETOX Bldg 6118-6th Women’s Meeting (CM, NS) 2:30 PM Whitehorse General Hospital (across from emergency) Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting (OM, NS) 7:00 PM Hospital boardroom


Sunshine Group (OM, NS) 1:00 PM DETOX Bldg 6118-6th Marble Group (OM, NS) 7:00 PM Hospital boardroom


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St.


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Ugly Duckling Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Juste Pour Aujourd’hui (OM, NS) 7:00 PM 4141B 4th Ave.


The Joy Of Living group (OM, NS) 12:00 noon Maryhouse 504 Cook St. Yukon Unity Group Meeting 1:30 PM #4 Hospital Road Whitehorse Group (CM, NS) 9:00 PM Maryhouse 504 Cook St.

Enter Your Events On-line It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.



t h g u o h T r Food Fo e u s s I y r e v in E Have a story idea? Want to write? Email:


Want to advertise?


tammy@whatsupyukon.com mark@whatsupyukon.com zvonko@whatsupyukon.com


Find Us On Facebook!


HELLO YUKON FRIENDS & VISITORS Stop in at the little independent bookstore on Broadway! SUMMERTIME HOURS Open 9-6 daily

3rd & Broadway 907-983-3354


Discover Yukon’s wildlife and wilderness Nature lovers of all ages are invited to take part in the Wild Discoveries summer interpretive program. Join wildlife viewing biologists and nature interpreters for dozens of free events across the territory. For a full listing of walks, talks and wildlife viewing activities, visit the Environment Yukon website.

Join us for a summer of Wild Discoveries. For more information visit:



Registration ($50 value) for June 1-30, 2014 Only!* *Contact Kumon Math and Reading Centre of Nasutlin at 393-3151 for more information.

18 2


HELLO YUKON FRIENDS & VISITORS Stop in at the little independent bookstore on Broadway!



July 3, 2014

Looking for

Part 5

Yukon L ve Online

by Charles Green

3rd & Broadway ¥  907-983-3354 NEW & USED BOOKS ¥ NEWS ¥ MAGS ¥ MAPS ¥ COLOR COPIES

Rock Walks Brought to you by the Yukon Geological Survey 2 SKAGUAY NEWS DEPOT & BOOKS


Learn more about Yukon geology and interact with YGS geologists in a fun, relaxed setting.

Thursday, July 10th , 7-8Stop pm in at the little Geology of Whitehorse: from tropical reefs to independent bookstore kilometre-thick ice! onVisitor Broadway! Where: Meet at the Whitehorse Info Centre, 2nd Ave & Lambert Street SUMMERTIME HOURS Difficulty level: easy, walkingOpen along paved pathway 9-6 daily

NEW & USED BOOKS Thursday, July 17th, 7-8 pm ¥ NEWS ¥ MAGS Geology of Miles Canyon: discover how Miles Canyon was formed and what it is made of Where: Miles Canyon Bridge Parking Lot Difficulty level: easy, some roots and rocks on trail

3rd & Broadway 907-983-3354


Wednesday, July 23rd, 6-8:30 pm Glacial History of Fish Lake Where: Fish Lake trail head, end of Fish Lake Road Difficulty level: moderate, uphill hiking to ridge top

Contact/info: Sarah Laxton: sarah.laxton@gov.yk.ca Tel. 393-7187 www.geology.gov.yk.ca

Photo: Thinkstock.com In previous weeks, this unattached Yukon man described his initial experiences in online dating, provided some observations on improving online dating profiles, and discussed how he grouped the Yukon women’s profiles he came up with. Now, on to contacting complete strangers!


he first on my list was a woman who had included no photo but provided a lengthy, detailed, useful narrative. Woman 1’s age was close to mine and she had many of the same interests. Furthermore, she described some of her life philosophy, which coincided with mine. I composed a thoughtful and witty note to her, observing specifically how some of the things in her profile apparently matched mine. And then... Several days went by with no response from Woman 1. Okay, on to Woman 2. Her profile had a photograph, and while her narrative was not as long, it still gave me a good aperçu of a fascinating person that I would like to meet. I tailored a message to her and sent it off. And then... Nothing, again. So I sent off messages to the others at the top of my list. At this point, I was still learning all the features of the online dating site. There was a way I could see who had viewed my profile. Neither Woman 1 nor 2 had even looked at mine. Then, I discovered a way to see roughly when anyone had last logged onto the dating site. It had been more than a month for both Woman 1 and 2. In fact, of the 52 on my list, only

18 had been on in the last month. What did that mean? I had heard stories of dating sites making up bogus profiles or retaining old profiles impress paying customers with the vast selection. But this was a free site. Maybe all the other women including 1 and 2 had already found love and were off enjoying Yukon’s outdoors, evenings at the Arts Centre, wining and dining, and some cuddling, of course, with the men of their dreams. Or perhaps they had given up and cancelled their email addresses. Two women near the top of my list eventually replied saying they were very busy sifting through the unexpected barrage of requests for contact from other men they had met online; well, at least that sounded promising for them. And one woman in the middle of the list wrote to say she liked my profile; however, it turned out we had very little in common. So, based on my experience so far, here are some suggestions for women interacting with men on online dating sites: If a man sends you a message, check out his profile and then send him a polite reply within several days if only to say you don’t think it would work. Don’t cruelly ignore his message. If he is sincere, it was probably difficult for him to write to you. Don’t be too picky or judgemental. That doesn’t mean you should lower your standards. But the pool in Whitehorse is small, and an online profile doesn’t tell the whole story. Going for coffee with someone new might be instructive, if only to confirm that no, that’s not what you want. Who knows, you might strike gold.

If you’re no longer looking, take your online profile out of action. Don’t be afraid of taking the initiative. After all, this is the 21st century. If you see a man’s profile you like, send the man a cheerful message and see what happens. I know that would impress me. My single women friends report that finding a good man in Whitehorse is difficult and I can understand that; most of the men I know are attached. I’m finding it difficult to locate interesting women in Whitehorse. They’re certainly not congregating on my dating site. Are the odds really good? Not in my experience, although this is still a work in progress. The dating site keeps sending me emails trumpeting, “Here are your matches!” Clicking on the link gives the message, “Sorry, not enough local matches!” And are the goods really odd? I don’t think so, but I haven’t collected sufficient data for a valid conclusion. There has to be a better way. If you (men or women) have any personal Yukon-specific observations about online dating or comments about this article, please share them with me, maybe for a future article. Yes, I will discreetly protect your identity. Oh yes — did I mention that I like cuddling?

Charles Green is still looking for love. To get in touch with him, for any reason, email love@whatsupyukon.com.

Community EVENTS Atlin

Wed, Jul 2 Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet Bowling 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre Wed, Jul 2 Board Games 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre Wed, Jul 9 Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet Bowling 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre Wed, Jul 9 Board Games 7:00 PM Atlin Rec Centre Fri, Jul 11 Atlin Music Festival Tarahne Park This event is SOLD OUT Sat, Jul 12 Atlin Mini-Marathon 10:00 AM Tarahne Park 867-633-6081 “The run that ends with a splash” Registration Tarahne Park 9:30 a.m., Run starts at 10:00 for the 24 km Also 12 K, 6 k and 1.6k starts Contact: Terry or Michèle Markley at 867-633-6081 or 250-651-0077

Beaver Creek

Monday - Thursday Adult swim/ Aqua Fit 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Beaver Creek Community Centre Pool Monday- Saturday Public Swim 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Beaver Creek Community Centre Pool Fridays Midnight Swim 10:00 PM to Midnight Beaver Creek Community Centre Pool Thu, Jul 3 Beaver Creek Community Market 6:00 PM Beaver Creek Community Club Locals sell home made crafts and baked goods. Ask the Visitor Center for directions to the Far West Plaza Thu, Jul 10 Beaver Creek Community Market 6:00 PM Beaver Creek Community Club Locals sell home made crafts and baked goods. Ask the Visitor Center for directions to the Far West Plaza Sat, Jul 12 Juicing Workshop 2:00 PM Beaver Creek Community Club Everyone Welcome.


Wed, Jul 2 Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program Lunch 12:00 PM The Old Daycare 821-4251 For more info:kathleen.cranfield@ctfn.ca Wed, Jul 2 Hiroshikai Judo 6:00 PM Ghùch Tlâ Community School 332-1031 Wed, Jul 2 Sewing Group 6:00 PM CTFN Capacity Building Thu, Jul 3 Carcross Dune Walk 2:00 PM Carcross Visitor Information Centre Environment Yukon biologist Bruce Bennett will walk you through this unique ecosystem Thu, Jul 3 Sewing Group 6:00 PM CTFN Capacity Building Thu, Jul 3 Prenatal Classes for Mothers and Fathers to be 7:00 PM Ghùch Tlâ Community School With Kathleen Cranfield, Registered Midwife and CPNP coordinator Sun, Jul 6 St. Saviours Church Service 11:00 AM St. Saviours Church 867-668-3129 Mon, Jul 7 C/TFN Carving Shed open 5:30 PM Carcross Carving Shed Keith Wolf Smarch will be in attendance to provide guidance/help with all manner of traditional artwork Tue, Jul 8 Elder’s Breakfast 10:00 AM The Old Daycare Tue, Jul 8 Sports Night 6:00 PM Ghùch Tlâ Community School Tue, Jul 8 Women’s Group 7:00 PM Carcross Community Campus 821-4251 Wed, Jul 9 Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program Lunch 12:00 PM The Old Daycare 821-4251 For more info:kathleen.cranfield@ctfn.ca Wed, Jul 9 Hiroshikai Judo 6:00 PM Ghùch Tlâ Community School 332-1031 Wed, Jul 9 Sewing Group 6:00 PM CTFN Capacity Building Thu, Jul 10 Sewing Group 6:00 PM CTFN Capacity Building Thu, Jul 10 Prenatal Classes for Mothers and Fathers to be 7:00 PM Ghùch Tlâ Community School With Kathleen Cranfield, Registered Midwife and CPNP coordinator

Dawson City

until Fri, Jun 27 “New Works” Art Show 10:00 AM ODD Gallery Works by Sarah Crawley of Winnipeg, MB. Sat. & Sun. 1:00 PM. until Sat, July 12 Confluence at the SOVA Gallery:Nicole Rayburn, Which Witch Mon, May 19 “Encounters with the Sublime” Photography Exhibit by Salgado and Washburn at the Palace Grand 4:30 PM Palace Grand Theatre Thu, Jun 19 Sova Gallery: Nicole Rayburn, Which Witch KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Which Witch? is an in-progress exhibition of photo and video work which traces the figure of the witch through historical constructions, actual persecutions, and the transformations of this character into contemporary representation Wed, Jul 2 Art Camp 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For kids ages 6 – 9 Wed, Jul 2 Zumba with Katie Pearse 5:30 PM Robert Service School 867-993-5370 Join the Zumba craze with this Latin-inspired workout! Wed, Jul 2 Kickboxing 6:30 PM Robert Service School Work up a sweat through basic kickboxing techniques and conditioning, geared to all ages!For info: contact Ben@ brudif@gmail.com. Wed, Jul 2 CFYT Trivia 8:00 PM The Billy Goat A fundraiser for CFYT local radio. Thu, Jul 3 Super Seniors Weights 55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre Thu, Jul 3 Women & Weights (Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Thu, Jul 3 Youth Weights 4:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Hosted with the Youth Centre Thu, Jul 3 Odd Gallery: Alison Judd LIVING WITH A LANDSLIDE KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture 867993-5005 Thu, Jul 3 Toddler Painting 10:00 AM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A parented activity for kids aged 2-4. Come get messy and enjoy some creative play-time in the KIAC ballroom!! Thu, Jul 3 Art Camp 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For kids ages 6 – 9 Thu, Jul 3 Midnight Sun Yoga 5:30 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For more info email yogawithjoanne@me.com. Thu, Jul 3 HIIT Like a Girl 7:00 PM Robert Service School 993-2520 For women only. Class combines cardiokickboxing & high intensity interval training with ABC toning - that’s arms, but & core. Designed for all fitness levels Thu, Jul 3 Adults Drop In Soccer 8:00 PM Robert Service School Contact: Ian 993—5122 or Sonny– 993-5794. Thu, Jul 3 YEU Local Y026 (Klondike) monthly meeting 7:00 PM YTG Property management building Fri, Jul 4 Live at the Palace Grand: the Silver Screen Scoundrels 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867-993-5005 Brandon Isaak and Keith Picot present a mix of music, laughter and authentic silent films in the Silver Screen Scoundrels. Fri, Jul 4 Zumba with Katie Pearse 5:30 PM Robert Service School 867-993-5370 Join the Zumba craze with this Latininspired workout! Fri, Jul 4 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre Sat, Jul 5 Art Market 11:00 AM Community Shelter on Front Street Sat, Jul 5 KIAC Summer Art Market 11:00 AM Dawson City Community Events Shelter Dawson City Art for purchase Sat, Jul 5 Live at the Palace Grand: Don Amero 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867-993-5005 Don’s music carries the depth of hardship and luminosity of hope.



July 3, 2014

Sat, Jul 5 Dawson City Farmers Market 11:00 AM Riverside Park & Gazebo Local artisans, crafters, artists, and farmers bring homegrown homemade products to the community Sat, Jul 5 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre Sun, Jul 6 Adult co-ed basketball 4:00 PM Robert Service School All levels welcome. Contact: alexcampbell@gmail. com. Sun, Jul 6 Archery 6:00 PM Robert Service School Adult & All Ages Sun, Jul 6 St. Paul’s Church Service 10:30 AM St Paul’s Church 867-993-5381 Mon, Jul 7 Recreation Board Meeting 5:30 PM Art & Margaret Fry Recreation Centre Recreation board grants are due the Thursday preceding each meeting Mon, Jul 7 Dark Room Club 6:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture bekmiller1234@gmail.com please sign up in advance Mon, Jul 7 Zumba with Katie Pearse 5:30 PM Robert Service School 867-993-5370 Join the Zumba craze with this Latin-inspired workout! Mon, Jul 7 Kickboxing 6:30 PM Robert Service School Work up a sweat through basic kickboxing techniques and conditioning, geared to all ages!For info: contact Ben@ brudif@gmail.com. Tue, Jul 8 Super Seniors Weights 55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre Tue, Jul 8 Women & Weights (Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Tue, Jul 8 Dawson City Council Meeting 7:00 PM Dawson City Town Hall 867-993-7400 The meetings are aired live on Dawson City TV Channel 12. Council holds a Question Period at each meeting that takes place towards the end of the meeting. This provides the public an opportunity to ask Council questions. Tue, Jul 8 Art Camp 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For kids ages 6 – 9 Tue, Jul 8 Midnight Sun Yoga 5:30 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For more info email yogawithjoanne@me.com. Tue, Jul 8 Step n Strong 7:00 PM Robert Service School 867-993-2520 For more information email: getrealfit(at) me.com Tue, Jul 8 Adults Drop In Soccer 8:00 PM Robert Service School Contact: Ian 993—5122 or Sonny– 993-5794. Wed, Jul 9 Traditional Women’s Group 7:00 PM Community Support Centre 867-456-9537 Join women for sharing and learning on: connection to Mother Earth teachings from conception to going home ceremonies traditional medicines, food harvest, sewing special ceremonies teachings of the Medicine Wheel and more. Wed, Jul 9 Art Camp 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For kids ages 6 – 9 Wed, Jul 9 Zumba with Katie Pearse 5:30 PM Robert Service School 867-993-5370 Join the Zumba craze with this Latin-inspired workout! Wed, Jul 9 Kickboxing 6:30 PM Robert Service School Work up a sweat through basic kickboxing techniques and conditioning, geared to all ages!For info: contact Ben@ brudif@gmail.com. Wed, Jul 9 CFYT Trivia 8:00 PM The Billy Goat A fundraiser for CFYT local radio. Thu, Jul 10 Super Seniors Weights 55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre Thu, Jul 10 Women & Weights (Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Thu, Jul 10 Youth Weights 4:00 PM Dawson City Fitness Centre Hosted with the Youth Centre Thu, Jul 10 Toddler Painting 10:00 AM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture A parented activity for kids aged 2-4. Come get messy and enjoy some creative play-time in the KIAC ballroom!! Thu, Jul 10 Art Camp 1:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For kids ages 6 – 9 Thu, Jul 10 Midnight Sun Yoga 5:30 PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art & Culture For more info email yogawithjoanne@me.com. Thu, Jul 10 Live at the Palace Grand: a Klondike Home Companion 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867-993-5005 Local variety-style performances based on the live-radio broadcast show, A Prairie Home Companion. Tickets can be bought in Dawson City at the Visitors’ Information Centre, KIAC, the Westmark Hotel, and at the door. Thu, Jul 10 HIIT Like a Girl 7:00 PM Robert Service School 993-2520 For women only. Class combines cardiokickboxing & high intensity interval training with ABC toning - that’s arms, but & core. Designed for all fitness levels Thu, Jul 10 Adults Drop In Soccer 8:00 PM Robert Service School Contact: Ian 993—5122 or Sonny– 993-5794. Fri, Jul 11 Live at the Palace Grand: film night 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867-993-5005 View films from across the North. Fri, Jul 11 Zumba with Katie Pearse 5:30 PM Robert Service School 867-993-5370 Join the Zumba craze with this Latin-inspired workout! Fri, Jul 11 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre Sat, Jul 12 Art Market 11:00 AM Community Shelter on Front Street Sat, Jul 12 KIAC Summer Art Market 11:00 AM Dawson City Community Events Shelter Dawson City Art for purchase Sat, Jul 12 Live at the Palace Grand: Barnacle Jazz Trio with Duo Manouche 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867993-5005 Barnacle Jazz Trio offers up traditional jazz tunes, while Duo Manouche performs gypsy jazz melodies Sat, Jul 12 Live at the Palace Grand: Jazz Night 8:00 PM Palace Grand Theatre 867-993-5005 Barnacle Jazz Trio and Duo Manouche perform “hot, tight jazz”. Tickets can be bought in Dawson City at the Visitors’ Information Centre, KIAC, the Westmark Hotel, and at the door. Sat, Jul 12 Dawson City Farmers Market 11:00 AM Riverside Park & Gazebo Local artisans, crafters, artists, and farmers bring homegrown homemade products to the community Sat, Jul 12 Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre Sun, Jul 13 Adult co-ed basketball 4:00 PM Robert Service School All levels welcome. Contact: alexcampbell@gmail. com. Sun, Jul 13 Archery 6:00 PM Robert Service School Adult & All Ages Sun, Jul 13 St. Paul’s Church Service 10:30 AM St Paul’s Church 867-993-5381

Daily Tourist Tours - from the Visitor Center

9:30 AM Then & Now Walking Tour 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM S.S. Keno 9:30 AM S.S. Keno Tour in French 10:30 AM Hike with the Poetry of Robert Service 11:00 AM French Town Walking Tour 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Doors Open - a different building each day 1:00 PM The Life and Poetry of Robert Service Program 1:00 PM What a RUSH! Walking Tour 2:30 PM Palace Grand Tour 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Commissioner’s Residence 3:30 PM Greatest Klondiker Contest (except Fri/Sat)

Enter Your Events On-line It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy. 3:30 PM French Commissioner’s Residence Tour 4:30 PM Free Viewing of “Encounters with the Sublime” Photography Exhibit by Salgado and Washburn at the Palace Grand 7:00 PM “Strange Things Done” Walking Tour

TOMBSTONE Territorial Park

Wed, Jul 2 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Wed, Jul 2 Campfire Program 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Thu, Jul 3 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Thu, Jul 3 Bannock Making 3:00 PM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Stunning views and alpine flora & fauna on this moderate 2-3 hour hike Thu, Jul 3 Goldensides Trail Guided Hike 7:30 PM Stunning views and alpine flora & fauna on this moderate 2-3 hour hike Guided hikes meet at the campground picnic shelter to car pool. Fri, Jul 4 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Fri, Jul 4 Campfire Program 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Sat, Jul 5 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Sat, Jul 5 Junior Naturalist at the Interpretive Centre 1:30 PM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Sat, Jul 5 Guided Hike on North Klondike Trail 7:00 PM Join us for an easy 2 hour stroll on this beautiful riverside trail Guided hikes meet at the campground picnic shelter to car pool. Sun, Jul 6 Guided Hike on Grizzly Trail 10:00 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet to car pool or join us at Grizzly parking lot at 10:30 a.m.(4-5 hours) Bring a lunch to enjoy ringside views of Mt. Monolith (Difficult) Sun, Jul 6 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Mon, Jul 7 Park Critter Talks 10:30 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Mon, Jul 7 Campfire Program 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Tue, Jul 8 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Tue, Jul 8 Goldensides Trail Guided Hike 7:30 PM Stunning views and alpine flora & fauna on this moderate 2-3 hour hike Guided hikes meet at the campground picnic shelter to car pool. Wed, Jul 9 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Wed, Jul 9 Campfire Program 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Thu, Jul 10 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Thu, Jul 10 Bannock Making Thursdays 3:00 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Stunning views and alpine flora & fauna on this moderate 2-3 hour hike Thu, Jul 10 Goldensides Trail Guided Hike 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Stunning views and alpine flora & fauna on this moderate 2-3 hour hike Guided hikes meet at the campground picnic shelter to car pool. Fri, Jul 11 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Tombstone Territorial Park Meet at the Interpretative Centre Fri, Jul 11 Campfire Program 7:30 PM Tombstone Territorial Park Sat, Jul 12 Tombstone Territorial Park Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Sat, Jul 12 Junior Naturalist at the Interpretive Centre 1:30 PM Meet at the Interpretative Centre Sat, Jul 12 Guided Hike on North Klondike Trail 7:00 PM Join us for an easy 2 hour stroll on this beautiful riverside trail Guided hikes meet at the campground picnic shelter to car pool. Sun, Jul 13 Guided Hike on Grizzly Trail 10:00 AM Meet to car pool or join us at Grizzly parking lot at 10:30 a.m.(4-5 hours) Bring a lunch to enjoy ringside views of Mt. Monolith (Difficult) Sun, Jul 13 Critter Talks 10:30 AM Meet at the Interpretative Centre


Wed, Jul 2 Parent & Tot Story Time 11:00 AM Faro Community Library For Babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be provided Wed, Jul 2 Faro Glee Club 1:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Wed, Jul 2 Play Group 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 994-2375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Wed, Jul 2 Kids in Action Store 3:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Thu, Jul 3 Seniors Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Thu, Jul 3 Zumba 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Fri, Jul 4 Play Group 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 9942375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 4 Archery 3:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 9942375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 4 Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Program 4:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 994-2375 farorecreation@ faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 4 Seniors Fitness class 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Sun, Jul 6 Faro Church of Apostles Mass 10:00 AM Church of Apostles Sun, Jul 6 Faro Bible Chapel Sunday Service 10:30 AM Faro Bible Chapel with Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442 Mon, Jul 7 Faro Glee Club 1:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Tue, Jul 8 Seniors Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Tue, Jul 8 Faro Glee Club 1:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Tue, Jul 8 Archery 3:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 9942375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Tue, Jul 8 Faro Kettle Cafe 4:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Hosted by the Faro Youth Group. Wed, Jul 9 Parent & Tot Story Time 11:00 AM Faro Community Library For Babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be provided Wed, Jul 9 Faro Glee Club 1:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Wed, Jul 9 Play Group 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 994-2375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Wed, Jul 9 Kids in Action Store 3:00 PM Del Van Gorder School Thu, Jul 10 Seniors Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Thu, Jul 10 Zumba 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Fri, Jul 11 Play Group 2:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 9942375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 11 Archery 3:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 9942375 farorecreation@faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 11 Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Program 4:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre 994-2375 farorecreation@ faroyukon.ca Fri, Jul 11 Seniors Fitness class 7:00 PM Faro Recreation Centre Sun, Jul 13 Faro Church of Apostles Mass 10:00 AM Church of Apostles Sun, Jul 13 Faro Bible Chapel Sunday Service 10:30 AM Faro Bible Chapel with Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442

Thu, Jul 3 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM Tagish Community Centre 399-3407 Fri, Jul 4 Yoga with Geana Hadley 10:00 AM Tagish Fridays Community Centre Golden Horn Judo Club 3:30 PM Golden Horn School Sat, Jul 5 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community judoyukon@gmail.com or Mike 668- 6952. Under 15 years Centre 399-3418 Sundays Badminton 7:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary School Tracy Mon, Jul 7 Carcross /Tagish Renewable Resources Council Meeting 10:00 AM Tagish Community Centre 393-7641 Tue, Jul 8 Stay Get Fit 5:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Tuesdays 399-3407 Yoga 6:00 PM Golden Horn Elementary School Terice Wed, Jul 9 Library and Treasures Thrift Shop 12:00 PM 668-6631 Tagish Community Centre Tuesdays Badminton 7:30 PM Golden Horn Elementary School Tracy Wed, Jul 9 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community Centre 399-3418 393-7641 Wed, Jul 9 Cruizers Concession Coffee & Chat 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Thu, Jul 10 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM Tagish Community Wed, Jul 2 Haines Junction Community Market 3:00 PM St Christopher’s Church Features produce, plants and baked Centre 399-3407 Fri, Jul 11 Yoga with Geana Hadley 10:00 AM Tagish goods. For more info: sprucecottagefarms@gmail.com Community Centre Thu, Jul 3 Elders’ Tea & Fitness Lunch 11:00 AM Mun Ku Sat, Jul 12 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community Thu, Jul 3 Adult Soccer 7:30 PM St. Elias Community Centre 399-3418 School Fri, Jul 4 Village Bakery Salmon Barbeque with music by Sat, Jul 12 Monthly Music Jam 2:00 PM Tagish Community Barbara Chamberlin 6:30 PM Village Bakery and Deli 867- Centre Everyone is welcome to come and play, or enjoy! 634-2867 Reservations are recommended. Come early with your instrument to play at open mic! Wed, Jul 2 Card Games for Seniors 1:00 PM Teslin Seniors Sun, Jul 6 St Christopher’s Church Service 10:30 AM St Complex Christopher’s Church 867-634-2360 Licensed Lay Leader: Wed, Jul 2 Archery 3:30 PM Teslin School Lynn De Brabandere Thu, Jul 3 Youth Badminton 3:30 PM Teslin School Mon, Jul 7 Fitness Classes - Pilates & Yoga 5:15 PM Da Sun, Jul 6 Seniors Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Teslin Rec Ku Cultural Centre Center Tue, Jul 8 Southern Tutchone Classes 12:00 PM Da Ku Mon, Jul 7 Archery 3:30 PM Teslin School Cultural Centre Tue, Jul 8 Takhini Family Game Night 7:00 PM Takhini Hall Mon, Jul 7 Teslin’s Biking Gang 6:00 PM Teslin Tlingit Council Administration Building Meet outside the TTC admin Wed, Jul 9 Haines Junction Community Market 3:00 PM St Christopher’s Church Features produce, plants and baked building. Join us for a weekly road bike ride! Tue, Jul 8 Youth Badminton 3:30 PM Teslin School goods. For more info: sprucecottagefarms@gmail.com Thu, Jul 10 Elders’ Tea & Fitness Lunch 11:00 AM Mun Ku Wed, Jul 9 Card Games for Seniors 1:00 PM Teslin Seniors Complex Thu, Jul 10 Adult Soccer 7:30 PM St. Elias Community Wed, Jul 9 Archery 3:30 PM Teslin School School Thu, Jul 10 Youth Badminton 3:30 PM Teslin School Thu, Jul 10 Presented By Jam: Steve Poltz 8:00 PM St. Elias Convention Centre Haines Junction Outdoors weather Sun, Jul 13 St. Philip’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Philip’s Church (867) 667-7746 permitting For more details: hainesjunctionjam@gmail.com Fri, Jul 11 Village Bakery Salmon Barbeque with music by Sun, Jul 13 Seniors Carpet Bowling 1:00 PM Teslin Rec Barbara Chamberlin 6:30 PM Village Bakery and Deli 867- Center 634-2867 Reservations are recommended. Come early with your instrument to play at open mic! Sun, Jul 13 St Christopher’s Church Service 10:30 AM St Wed, Jul 2 Aquafit 6:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Christopher’s Church 867-634-2360 Licensed Lay Leader: Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open Lynn De Brabandere for the summer! Wed, Jul 2 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool is open for the summer! Tue, Jul 8 Pika Palace 10:30 AM Keno Alpine Interpretive Centre Join Environment Yukon biologist Mark O’Donoghue Thu, Jul 3 Girls Night Youth group 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre to look for pikas, marmots, alpine flowers, and arctic butterflies on Keno Hill. Bring a water bottle, lunch, and warm Thu, Jul 3 Senior/Elder Activities 10:00 AM Wye Lake Park Thu, Jul 3 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Watson clothing. Wear sturdy hiking boots Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool is open for the summer! Thu, Jul 3 Watson Lake: Hot Yoga 6:30 PM Watson Lake Wed, Jul 2 Kids Craft time 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Recreation Centre Community Centre Thu, Jul 3 Playgroup for parents 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Thu, Jul 3 Watson Lake: Zumba 8:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Community Centre Agnes 667-7083 Fri, Jul 4 Aquafit 6:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Fri, Jul 4 Learning Lions - Homeschoolers Get Together 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre Agnes 667-7083 Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open for the summer! Wed, Jul 9 Kids Craft time 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Fri, Jul 4 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Watson Community Centre Thu, Jul 10 Playgroup for parents 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool is open for the summer! Community Centre Agnes 667-7083 Fri, Jul 11 Learning Lions - Homeschoolers Get Together Sat, Jul 5 Ladies Time Out Breakfast 8:30 AM Andrea’s 3:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre Agnes 667-7083 Hotel Cynthia Armstrong 536-7239 Sat, Jul 5 Saturday Night Social 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Sat, Jul 5 Swimming - Open to the Public 1:00 PM Watson Wed, Jul 2 Waste Mgnt Society Meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Community Association Lake Pool is open for the summer! Fri, Jul 4 Dinner at the Jackalope 6:00 PM Marsh Lake Sat, Jul 5 Watson Lake Farmer’s Market 3:00 PM Wye Community Association Reservations welcome. Steak/Rib Lake Park Celebrate Summer with Arts in the Park at the Nights - last Friday of each month Gazebo, Crafters, Bakers, Artists and Gardeners every Fri, Jul 4 Drop-in Basketball 7:30 PM Marsh Lake Saturday. Community Association Sat, Jul 5 Watson Lake: Hot Yoga 6:30 PM Watson Lake Sat, Jul 5 South of 6 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Recreation Centre Association Sun, Jul 6 St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Sat, Jul 5 Tot Program 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Church Service (867) 536-2932 Association Mon, Jul 7 Aquafit 6:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Sun, Jul 6 Badminton Drop-in 11:30 AM Marsh Lake Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open Community Association 660-4999 All welcome for the summer! Tue, Jul 8 North of 60 Cafe 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Mon, Jul 7 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Community Association Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool Tue, Jul 8 South of 6 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community is open for the summer! Association Tue, Jul 8 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Watson Fri, Jul 11 Dinner at the Jackalope 6:00 PM Marsh Lake Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool is open Community Association Reservations welcome. Steak/Rib for the summer! Nights - last Friday of each month Tue, Jul 8 Youth Night 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Fri, Jul 11 Drop-in Basketball 7:30 PM Marsh Lake Centre Community Association Wed, Jul 9 Aquafit 6:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Sat, Jul 12 South of 6 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open Association Sat, Jul 12 Tot Program 10:00 AM Marsh Lake Community for the summer! Wed, Jul 9 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Association Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool Sun, Jul 13 Badminton Drop-in 11:30 AM Marsh Lake is open for the summer! Community Association 660-4999 All welcome Thu, Jul 10 Girls Night Youth group 7:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Thu, Jul 10 Senior/Elder Activities 10:00 AM Wye Lake Thu, Jul 3 Community BBQ with MLA Jim Tredger 5:00 Park PM Galena Park Join Mayo-Tatchun MLA Jim Tredger Thu, Jul 10 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Vegetarian options will be available. Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool Sun, Jul 6 St. Mary’s Church Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s is open for the summer! Church (867)667-7746 Sun, Jul 13 St. Mary’s Church Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s Thu, Jul 10 Watson Lake: Hot Yoga 6:30 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Church (867)667-7746 Thu, Jul 10 Watson Lake: Zumba 8:00 PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre Fri, Jul 11 Aquafit 6:30 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Thu, Jul 3 Adult Night at the Youth Centre 7:00 PM Old Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open Crow Community Center for the summer! Sun, Jul 6 St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Lukes Fri, Jul 11 Swimming - Open to the Public 3:30 PM Watson Church 867-993-5381 Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool Watson Lake Pool is open Mon, Jul 7 Volleyball & Floor Hockey Night 7:00 PM Old for the summer! Crow Community Center Saniz 966-3238 Sat, Jul 12 Ladies Time Out Breakfast 8:30 AM Andrea’s Thu, Jul 10 Adult Night at the Youth Centre 7:00 PM Old Hotel Cynthia Armstrong 536-7239 Crow Community Center Sat, Jul 12 Saturday Night Social 7:00 PM Watson Lake Sun, Jul 13 St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Lukes Recreation Centre Church 867-993-5381 Sat, Jul 12 Swimming - Open to the Public 1:00 PM Watson Lake: Dennis Ball Swimming Pool 867-536-8030 Watson Lake Pool is open for the summer! Wed, Jul 2 Community BBQ with MLA Jim Tredger 5:00 Sat, Jul 12 Watson Lake Farmer’s Market 3:00 PM Wye PM Link Building Join Mayo-Tatchun MLA Jim Tredger. Lake Park Celebrate Summer with Arts in the Park at the Vegetarian options will be available. Gazebo, Crafters, Bakers, Artists and Gardeners every Saturday. Sat, Jul 12 Watson Lake: Hot Yoga 6:30 PM Watson Lake Wed, Jul 2 Library and Treasures Thrift Shop 12:00 PM Recreation Centre Tagish Community Centre Sun, Jul 13 St. John’s Church Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Wed, Jul 2 Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community Church Service (867) 536-2932 Centre 399-3418 Wed, Jul 2 Cruizers Concession Coffee & Chat 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Wed, Jul 2 Tagish Advisory Council meeting 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre Agenda posted at tagish.ca

Golden Horn

Haines Junction


Watson Lake


Hamlet of Mt. Lorne

Marsh Lake


Old Crow

Pelly Crossing Tagish




Friends, Food & Drinks Wednesday-Whitewater Jam Friday- Live Local Artist Saturday- Steiner Saturday featuring

July 3, 2014

Shagadelica Rising

Whitehorse cover band rocks out with hits from the ‘70s by Angela Szymczuk

The Recliners “you know all their songs”

OPEN 38c Lewes Blvd. Whitehorse, Yukon 867.456.4792 www.facebook.com/garlicninja

Tues & Thurs 4-10 Wed & Fri 4-12 Sat 4:30 - 10


Home of the Blues! Photo: wikipedia.com

Rumours by Fleetwood Mac


w Thursday OPEN MIC WITH MA S w Friday & Saturday KIM BEGG ht” WITH MCNALLY & w “Sunday Blues NNig- Th e music starts at 730 PATRICK HAMILTO

Band Hours 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Best Western Gold Rush Inn 411 Main Street, Whitehorse, 668-4500

Mondays Ladies Night Wednesday Comedy 9pm - 11pm Wednesday Jamoke 11pm - 2am Thursday Jamoke 10pm - 2am Friday The Steiner Recliners $5 cover 10pm - 2am Saturday Yukon Jack 10pm - 2am

Find us on facebook



here is much respect for the rock gods of the ‘70s, whether you create your own music, or simply enjoy listening to it. Whitehorse native Kim Rogers is a true patriot of the heavy rock

Da on w s on k u Y C it y , H ea rt o f the Klondike

sounds that topped the charts in the Watergate decade. “I absolutely love music from that time period,” she declares. Her love has turned into Shagadelica — a new cover band that plays music you’d expect from the name. “The idea of a band just came together naturally. We all sing back-up, but we also each have our own role,” Rogers says.

band, such as “Crazy on You” by Heart, and “Cashmere” by Led Zeppelin. Chamberlin shares Roger’s passion for ‘70s rock, and explains why some songs can be more difficult than others: “’Cashmere’ is very difficult because it has an unusual time signature. The original is eight minutes long and has an orchestra arrangement. We had to do our

The ‘70s were a pioneering

era for women in the sense that more female musicians were being successful .

--Kim Rogers, member of Shagadelica

JULY 4: SILVER SCREEN SCOUNDRELS JULY 5: DON AMERO JULY 10: A KLONDIKE HOME COMPANION featuring WHOA BEAR, SHOO-FLY AND MORE! Shows begin at 8pm | Tickets Adults $20/$25 Kids $10/$15 Advance tickets: VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE, Front & King Streets, 9am-5pm KIAC, 2nd Ave & Princess Street, 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri WESTMARK HOTEL, 5th Ave (betwen Princess & Harper) 9am-6pm PALACE GRAND THEATRE, 2nd Avenue & King Street, 7-8pm, Perfomance nights only WALK UP SALES AT THE THEATRE ARE WELCOME!

Presented KIAC in Partnership with Parks Canada


Major Sponsors

Joining Rogers are Barbara Chamberlin on vocals, keys and guitar; Roxx Hunter, on lead guitar; Marc Paradis on drums; and Pam Phillips on bass and vocals. Rogers says coming up with a band name was the hardest part, but: “I felt Shagadelica was a true reflection of what we are doing. And in the end it is all about having fun. “The ‘70s were a pioneering era for women in the sense that more female musicians were being successful,” she says. “One of my favorite albums was Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. It was such a special era with women playing music alongside the men.” Some of the artists covered by Shagadelica are Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, Journey, and Neil Young. Certain songs challenge the

own version, which works out to be five minutes. Luckily we have some great guitar players who can do the intricate chords with ease.” Originality is another aspect of ‘70s rock that appeals to Chamberlin. “The music was authentic and not cookie-cutter like,” she says. “In today’s age, I wonder if any of the bands from back then would be able to be successful. The bands that we are covering coined the term ‘stadium bands’, and it was such an epic time-period for music.” With Shagadelica on board, it’s unlikely that epic time-period will soon be forgotten. Angela Szymczuk is a Whitehorse-based writer.



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July 3, 2014


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Where history is mad by han e d

Discover the very ’s best of Yukon d culture history, art, an e attractions. g ta ri e h g: r u o t a nces, includin e ri e p x e e u istory iq m of Natural H Over 20 un Kluane Museu

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Yukon Athletes


July 3, 2014

Are Prepared to Dominate by Angela Szymczuk


ancouver had better be prepared. That’s where the Yukon is sending 24 Special Olympians, ages 13 and older, to compete in the Special Olympics Canada Summer Games — our largest team ever. Janine Peters is the Chef de Mission for team Yukon. She oversees training, makes sure the athletes have everything they need, and coordinates volunteers. “I enjoy every moment of it,” she says. Although Peters is experienced with special athletes, she openly admits her personal struggles: “There are times when I wonder if I am doing a good enough job, what more can be done, and

pete in swimming, athletics, soccer, and bowling. Whitehorse athlete Aimee Lien is no stranger to competitive sports. She has competed in figure skating at the Winter Games in Quebec, as well as summer provincials in Ontario and Manitoba. This year, she is the captain of the bocce team. “I find it to be very fun and exciting,” she says. “I feel really good when I play bocce.” The recent high school graduate and her four teammates are hoping to win big. “I have won a few bronze medals in provincial events. I would like my team to win gold,” she says.

Darby McIntyre at the 2013 Special Olympics BC Summer Games

Special Olympics Canada Summer Games take place July 7-12 in Vancouver if I am living up to the expectations of my predecessor.” Despite these doubts, Peters is fully confidant in all the athletes. “A lot of the athletes train several times a week, and have been working very hard,” she says. Prior to qualifying for the national Special Olympics, athletes took part in the B.C. provincial competition, which was held in Langley B.C. last year. “Our athletes all competed very well at the provincial level. I really look forward to seeing the results from the nationals,” Peters says. Golf and bocce were added to the events for the first time this year; Yukon athletes will also com-

When Lien is not playing bocce, she will be supporting her coathletes by attending the other games. “I like to watch golf and soccer, I hope they do well,” she says. Darby McIntyre will represent the Yukon in athletics. “I am going to be doing shot put, long jumping, and running in the 1500 and 5000 meter,” says the versatile athlete. This will be the second time the Grade 9 student has competed. “I really like running, I feel very powerful and focused,” he says. The running superstar won four medals at last year’s BC provincials, and has no intention of stopping anytime soon.

PHOTO: courtesy McIntyre family “I would like to keep running for the next few years,” he says. “I like to socialize and make friends when I’m at a competition. I get very excited about competing,” McIntyre says. Aside from athletics, McIntyre also has an interest in snowshoe running. “It’s fun, I get to show off my skills.” Training for the athletes would not be complete without the support of volunteer coaches. Ken Binns has coached the soccer team for four years. “I am extremely honoured to be part of the Special Olympics, I

know the athletes and other members have taken me in as part of their family,” he says. The devoted coach has even gotten a Special Olympics tattoo. “I got it to honour all the athletes around the world but especially my family of athletes, coaches and other volunteers in the Yukon that makes it worth belonging.” Binns will coach soccer for as long as he can. “I will certainly jump at the opportunity if I am again given the honour to be a Team Yukon coach,” he says. “I am also hoping

to be able to get floor hockey going again, as there is also the same chances for the athletes to advance to the national and world levels, and it would be another experience for them to attain.” The Special Olympics Canada Summer Games take place July 7-12 in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia. Teams from all territories and provinces will be there to compete for medals. For more information visit www. vancouver2014.com. Angela Szymczuk is a Whitehorse-based writer.

NEWS THAT NOT ONLY INFORMS, BUT INSPIRES. Trust Shirley McLean, your Whitehorse correspondent, to gather stories from an Aboriginal perspective. APTN National News reports each weeknight from regional bureaus across Canada, hosted by Cheryl McKenzie and Michael Hutchinson, delivering the national stories that affect us all. Visit aptn.ca/news

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July 3, 2014

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