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Wheat Ridge Historical Society
Historical Park Tours
4610 Robb St.
Historical Park Tours $5 per adult/$2 per student
Open Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment, call 303-421-9111
Second Saturday Socials 10:00am - 2:00pm
May Festival | May 13th
[At the Historical Park (4610 Robb St.)]
• An adventure into the past for the whole family! May Pole dances at 11:00 & 1:00; live music, crafts, games, Victorian and pioneer costumes, local food trucks.
Yard Sale | June 10th
[At the Baugh House (44th & Robb)]
• Load up items to sell, or just come to shop! Buy, sell, trade – and freebies, too! Local food trucks on site for lunch.
Member Appreciation Day | July 8th
[At the Historical Park]
• We take care of our own! Picnic, awards, prizes, thank you’s galore for active members. Learn about volunteer programs, ways to become involved.
Heritage Day at the Baugh | August 12th
[At the Baugh House (44th & Robb)]
• Celebrate James Baugh’s pioneer spirit and home! Ice cream social and vintage quilt display; share your own Wheat Ridge story.
Be a part of Wheat Ridge History
Several ways to get involved:
• Fourth Saturday workdays, 10-2pm; call or email for current month’s project
• Digital archiving – word processing and data entry Staging museum buildings for our Century-long Story project
• Oral Histories Project – work with us to record your Wheat Ridge experiences!
Contact us by email, phone, or stop by the Historical Park on Fridays from 10:00-3:00pm.
Become a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society
Annual membership levels:
• $25 Individual | $30 Family $50 Patron | $100 Business
Make check to: WRHS and send to P.O. Box 1833, WR 80034
Historical Society Meetings:
Scheduled for second Tuesday each month in hybrid format; in-person at White Family Home, 4610 Robb St., and online via Zoom (Email form Zoom link)
6:30pm-WRHS board meeting
7:45pm – History Talk and conversation
Email wrhistorical@gmail.com for a link to our meetings or to volunteer 303-421-9111 for more information www wheatridgehistoricalsociety org
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