From the Editor Welcome to Wheel of Life Magazine! The Wheel Of Life Magazine is in a category of its own. It combines lifestyle with a twist of spirituality. The Wheel Of Life Magazine shares stories from people that are dealing with the current day issues and how they overcame them. These stories are intended to inspire you, motivate you, and empower you, helping you to live the life you are seeking. Like the Wheel of Life, this magazine will cover all areas of life ranging from (yet not limited to) grief, healthy eating and living, gender roles and gender issues, balancing career with family life; with all articles being inspiring, motivating, and empowering. Our world is changing at an exceptionally fast pace and thus life is also changing. The issues we deal with in current times are heavier and very different than any other time in history. The result though, is very positive. More than ever before, people want to discover the meaning of life, make a positive impact on the world, and make conscious changes and improvements to their life. At the same time, we are coming to understand there is more to our world than what we can see and touch. We are understanding there are forces that work with us, help us, guide us, and we want to know how to connect with them. The Wheel of Life Magazine will link real life issues with understanding these unseen forces,
Wheel Of Life #3-644 Portland St, Suite 413 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Editor Design Photography Consultant We recognize and respect all copyrights. Photographs Unless otherwise stated, graphics are sourced from Pixabay Advertising Creative and Design - Amanda Salsman Media Kits are available upon request. Contributors - Tess Adams, Sudie Crouch, Linda Davis, Lisa Falcon, Leah Parsons, Nina Ploetz, Amanda Salsman, Mark Setjo, Bernette Sherman Cover Photo and Design Š 2018 Wheel Of Life Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the Editor. The information in this publication is deemed, as far as we are aware, to be accurate at the time of publishing. Wheel Of Life Magazine, it’s owner, contributors, and publishers cannot be held liable for errors or inaccuracies in its contents, contributors, advertisers, and platforms, nor be responsible for products, services and pricing by its contributors and advertisers. If you wish to submit articles, we welcome submissions. We do reserve the right to accept or decline submissions. We will attempt to respond to declined submissions, but do not guarantee a reply. In submitting an article to us, you warrant the information is correct, is your own work or have rights/permission to supply it (including illustrations and photographs), and you automatically grant Wheel Of Life Magazine a license to publish your submission in whole or a part thereof, and any edited versions in any issue. We assume all unsolicited material is for publication, unless otherwise stated, and we reserve the right to edit, amend or adapt all submissions. Disclaimer: The information provided in the Wheel Of Life Magazine is to add to your knowledge, understanding and experiences. It is intended to give you motivation and inspiration to better your life in the ways that are the best for you. We recommend researching any suggestions offered in the magazine to
particular spiritual and/or religious paths.
see if it is right for you, and be sure any health recommendations are checked
Real people, real stories. Real empowerment.
and volunteers are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage that may arise
Blessings, Angela 1
Wheel Of Life Magazine
with your care provider. The Wheel of Life Magazine, it owner, staff, agents, directly or indirectly from the use of any information given in the magazine. Any information and methods provided in the magazine are not necessarily the opinions or beliefs of the owner, publisher, staff, agents, etc and do not make any claims or guarantees of any sort as to the effectiveness thereof.