p u r c h a s i n g
Table of Contents QuickBooks
04. How to Create a Purchase Order
How to Create a Purchase Order
04. How to Edit, Copy and Delete a
How to Edit, Copy and Delete a
Purchase Order.
application is right for you?
If you have not made your decision whether to use Xero or Quickbooks, an in depth view of some of the functions of these apps could be
05. How to Mark or Unmark a Purchase
How to Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed
a helpful tool.
06. How to Print and Email Purchase Orders
How to Print and Email Purchase Orders
In our last issue, we learned and compared
06. How to Add and Approve Bills
How to Add and Approve Bills
06. How to Edit or Delete/Void Bills
How to Edit or Delete/Void Bills
07. How to Add or Edit a Recurring Bill
How to Add or Edit a Recurring Bill
07. How to Record and Remove Payment
How to Record and Remove Payment
08. How to Create and Delete Batch
How to Create and Delete Batch
Order as Billed
of a Bill
Purchase Order.
Still in doubt about which accounting
of a Bill
the processes of Sales and Invoices for Quickbooks & Xero.
Let’s dive deeper into the processes of the two accounting applications by learning and comparing the similarities and differences of Purchases between the two systems.
Let us start with Quickbooks.
How to Create a Purchase Order From the Dashboard, click on the
(Create) sign on the upper right
and select Purchase Order. You can also go to the Expenses Tab and under the New Transaction dropdown list, select Purchase Order.
How to Edit, Copy and Delete a Purchase Order Once the purchase order has been created, we can Edit, Copy or delete them if needed. Here are the steps on how to do these actions. From the Dashboard, select Expenses on the left hand side of the screen. You can then click on the Filter button on the upper left of the screen and select Purchase Orders. From the screen, you can choose the Purchase Order you would like to edit and click on it. From there, you can Edit the Purchase Order and save any changes that have been made.
From the Purchase Order screen, you can fill out the details and click the green Save and Close or Save and Send button on the lower right side of the screen. Now you have a new Purchase Order ready to be sent!
From inside the Purchase Order screen, you can scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on More. You will see options to either Copy or Delete the said purchase order.
How to Print and Email Purchase Orders It is easy to get a printed copy or to email our Purchase Orders in
How to Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed
Quickbooks. In the Expenses screen, we can just click on the Print button beside the Purchase Order we want to print. A new window will open with the option to Print or Download the PO as
In Quickbooks, once a Purchase Order has been billed it shows as
a PDF file. Once it is saved in your documents, you can then attach the
Closed. To mark a Purchase Order as Billed, we click on the drop-down
PDF to an email it as you would any regular file.
button on the right hand side of the screen and select Copy to a Bill. It will then transfer the PO details to the bill and can be marked as Paid and Closed.
From the Bill screen, you can fill out the details and click the green Save and Close or Save and Send button on the lower right side of the screen.
How to Edit or Delete / Void Bills Once the bill has been created, we can Edit, Void or Delete them if needed. Here are the steps on how to do these actions.
How to Add & Approve Bills Adding a Bill in Quickbooks is quite like adding a PO. From the Dashboard, click on the
sign on the upper right and select Bill. You
can also go to the Expenses Tab and under the New Transaction
From the Dashboard, select Expenses on the left hand side of the screen. You can then click on the Filter button on the upper left of the screen and select Bills. From the screen, you can choose the bill you would like to edit and click on it. From there, you can Edit the Bill and save any changes that have been made.
dropdown list, select Bill.
From inside the Bill screen, you can scroll down to the bottom of the
New fields will populate and we can then schedule the frequency and
screen and click on More. You will see options to either Copy or Delete
dates when the bills would need to be generated.
the said bill.
How to Add or Edit a Recurring Bill There are bills which need to be paid at recurring times, and instead of us creating a bill for each time, we can just create a recurring bill and have it automatically generated at a specified period. Here’s how. We would create the bill just like any other bill by clicking on the
and selecting Bill or going to the Expenses screen and clicking on the New Transaction button and selecting Bill. Once the details of the bill has been filled out, you can scroll down to the bottom and click on Make Recurring.
How to Record and Remove Payment of a Bill To record that a payment has been made to a bill, we only need to go to the Expenses screen and filter it to Bills, select the Bill to make a payment to and click on Make Payment on the upper right hand side of the screen.
How to Create and Delete Batch Payments To make or delete payments from multiple bills at once, all we need to do is go to the Unpaid Bills in the Expenses screen and tick on the check box of the bills we want to pay/remove payment from and click on the Batch Actions button and select whichever thing we want to do. New fields will appear where we can input the payment details
To delete a payment, we need to scroll down to the lower right part of the screen and click on Clear Payment.
Let us now move on to Xero and how we can deal with Purchases and Bills.
Click the purchase order you want to edit. Update the purchase order
How to Create a Purchase Order
fields - if you can't edit the fields, click Options, select Edit and try again.
In the Business menu, select Purchase Orders. Or you can Click + New Purchase order.
To delete a purchase order, go to the Business menu, select Purchase Orders. Click the status panel of the purchase order you want. You can then select the checkbox for each purchase order to delete, then click Delete.
How to Edit, Copy and Delete a Purchase Order You can edit a purchase order to change its details. Here’s how to do it. In the Business menu, select Purchase Orders. Click the status panel of the purchase order you want.
How to Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Paid
How to Print and Email Purchase Orders
You can mark an approved purchase order as billed if you've received
To email a purchase order, in the Business menu, select Purchase
your ordered goods and a bill from your supplier.
Orders. Select a purchase order or tick on the checkboxes of the ones you want to email or print. Click on the Send button. Complete the
To mark a purchase order as billed, in the Business menu, select
purchase order message fields and click Send. You can also opt for a
Purchase Orders. Select the Approved tab. Click the purchase order
copy to be sent to your email by clicking on the ‘Send me a copy’
you want. Click Mark as Billed.
check box.
To unmark a purchase order as billed, In the Business menu, select Purchases Orders. Select the Billed tab. Click the purchase order you want. Click Options, then select Unmark as Billed.
To print a purchase order, just follow the same steps until you get to the
In the Business menu, click Purchases Overview, then click the New
Purchase Order screen and select the POs you want to print and select
arrow and select Bill. From contact's details, click New and select
Print on the upper part of the screen.
Supplier Name. Enter the information into the bill fields.
How to Add & Approve Bills Click the create new icon and select Bill.
How to Edit or Delete / Void Bills To Edit a bill, Use the search field at the top right to find and open your Bill or go to Business menu and select Bills to Pay and then Find and open the bill you want by clicking Search in any of the status tabs. Then type in reference, contact or amount.
Awaiting Payment Bills -From Bill Options, select Edit. Paid Bills -Remove any payments, credit notes, prepayments and overpayments. Then from Bill Options, select Edit. Once all the changes have been made, you can click Update to save it.
To Delete a Bill, Find and open your draft or awaiting approval bill. Use To edit the bills in different status of tabs. Draft Bills - Make your changes to the bill. You can edit any field, and
search if you know the contact's name or bill amount. Click Bill Options, then select Void. To delete multiple bills, tick the check boxes of the bills you want to delete and click Delete.
you can drag and drop the item lines to reorder them.
How to Add or Edit a Recurring Bill To add a recurring bill, In the Business menu, select Bills to Pay, click the arrow next to New Bill, then select New Repeating Bill.
To edit an existing repeating template, find the template in the list, then click to open it. From a contact record, click New, then select Repeating Bill. On an existing transaction, from Bill Options, select Repeat.
Enter or edit the information in the repeating transaction fields and select Save.
How to Record and Remove Payment of a Bill To record a payment to a bill, in the Business menu, select Bills to Pay. Select the Awaiting Payment tab. Open the bill you want to record a payment on. Scroll down to Make a Payment. Complete the fields in the payment forms and select Add Payment.
To remove a payment from a bill, find and open your paid or partly paid bill. You can use Xero Search if you know the contact's name, the amount of the invoice or bill, or the transaction number. Click on Payment. Select Options, then click Remove & Redo.
To delete a batch payment, in the Accounting menu, and select Bank
How to Create and Delete Batch Payments
Accounts. Select the name of the bank account you want to delete the batch payment from. Tick the checkbox of the batch payment to delete, then select Remove & Redo.
To create a batch payment, in the Business menu, select Purchases Overview. Click See all, then select the Awaiting Payment tab. Select the bills you want to pay. Click Batch Payment.
Deleting a batch payment moves the batched bills back to the Awaiting Payment tab in Purchases.
Enter the details in the batch payment fields, then click Make Payments. Export the payment file and upload it to your bank.
We hope that this article has given you a better insight with both Quickbooks and Xero. If you have any further questions about the bank reconciliation process in Xero, please don't hesitate to contact customercare@whichaddon.com and our team of Quickbooks & Xero experts can help you.