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Notwithstanding the effectiveness of fast-developing methods for tackling environmental pressures, there is still much need for more innovative tools in order to address problems which remain a threat to the future of our society. Future Center Alliance (FCA) have come forward to meet those challenges head on. FCA is a diverse alliance of pioneers and organizations, who altogether form platforms for collaborative innovation with 12 key values. Through prototyping new services and products, they target complex social, economic, ecological, and political challenges in order to develop a profound and sustainable impact on the future.
PLURAL SECTOR TO ACCELERATE THE PLACE FOR OPEN AND SOCIETAL INNOVATION. The Japanese branch, Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ) is an organization in which academia, public, and private sectors participate and collaborate as a plural sector that connects social and economic sectors. We have been working across boundaries since 2016, committed to being a ‘place (a)’ for social and open innovation to address future challenges and envision new industries. Cumulatively, we have over 80 members, including local and national governments, universities, research institutions, and private companies.
Discovering viewpoints, co-creating and sharing hypothesis among players, users and citizens
Innovation Centers
Future Centers
Prototyping, co-creation/ co-development
Coexperimenting, observations, scanning the futures, exploring issues, feedback
Living Labs
FCAJ ‘s activities consist of three domains: Open Innovation Program in which our member companies and organizations launch programs to solve social issues across disciplines. Academy in which members learn skills to promote open innovation and develop future leaders. Open Thinktank which conducts research and development. In all three domains, the ‘ba’ (place) is essential for stimulating dialogue and generating new ideas. It is crucial to create a path to co-creation and practice of the participants’ purposes - a method called ‘Purpose Engineering’.