Canada’s logging industry is seeking a wildfire ‘hero’ narrative. - By Stefan Labbé
Arts Whistler and the Resort Municipality of Whistler are teaming up to turn the Whistler Sessions into an engaging new art show.
15 OLD STANDARD Forest ecologist Andy MacKinnon discussed old-growth forests and why they should be protected at a recent talk in Whistler.
MP Patrick Weiler sat down with Pique to discuss the federal budget, and how it might impact local residents.
Mounted riders arrived in Mount Currie last week to commemorate the 1911 signing of the Declaration of the Lillooet Tribe.
Whistler’s Marielle Thompson reflects on her record-tying fourth Crystal Globe—and she’s not done yet.
Pemberton band Mars Crossing looks to inject a healthy dose of originality into the Sea to Sky music scene.
COVER Some people can’t see the forest for the trees, and some people just see the trees for money. - By Jon Parris // @jon.parris.art
Publisher SARAH STROTHER - sstrother@piquenewsmagazine.com
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Founding Publishers KATHY & BOB BARNETT
08 OPENING REMARKS With spring just around the corner, editor Braden Dupuis has the documentary classic Project Grizzly playing on repeat.
10 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR This week’s letter writers state the case for hosting a Canada Day parade in Whistler, while also weighing in on water use and on-mountain safety.
13 SKI-TOWN RUNDOWN As winter gives way to another spring in Whistler, the reminders are all around us—this is bear country.
50 MAXED OUT In which an old friend returns with a shocking new outlook on life.
24 RANGE ROVER Stacking and balancing rocks in remote locations might seem like a fun photo op, but it’s out of step with the Leave No Trace ethos, writes Leslie Anthony.
36 EPICURIOUS The Whistler Brewing Co.’s Winter Dunkel earned a gold at the World Beer Cup this year, holding its own with top entrants across the world.
39 MUSEUM MUSINGS Remembering the early days of banking in Whistler—and revisiting attempts to rob said banks.
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We’ve got you covered.
Pick up the latest issue of your favourite read in Whistler.
NOVEMBER 25, 2023 — MAY 6, 2024
SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME , humans have shared a complicated relationship with Mother Nature.
Despite her selfless, life-giving sustenance, we insist on pushing her limits at every turn,
testing her boundaries and disrupting the natural order for our own frivolous enjoyment and personal gain. We are all part of the same vast, intricate, interconnected web of life, yet so often paint ourselves as adversaries.
Too commonly, we don’t give nature the respect it deserves.
So perhaps there are lessons to learn from the legendary Troy Hurtubise, star of the cult classic documentary Project Grizzly Released in 1996, the Peter Lynch-directed film chronicles Hurtubise’s own complicated relationship with nature, through his years-long efforts to build the world’s first “grizzly-bear-proof” suit—which of course includes the absolutely wild footage of him testing his concepts.
You’ve likely seen clips even without knowing the origin: Hurtubise standing in his clunky suit, nearly immobile, while a massive log swings into him (to simulate the strength of a grizzly’s swat, he says); a pickup truck with a mattress tied to its grill drives into him at 30 mph, sending him flying; an assistant kicks him down the edge of a massive escarpment, sending him tumbling in a spectacle usually reserved for professional stuntpeople.
The carnage is truly incredible (and hilarious—this is slapstick at its finest) to watch, but the film’s heart shines through in its insights into the eccentric Hurtubise himself.
Obsessed with an encounter with “the old man”—a grizzly bear he once met in a forest clearing—Hurtubise’s passion for learning more about the animals consumes years of his life, spanning multiple iterations of his grizzly suit and earning him worldwide notoriety along the way.
His ultimate goals are never made entirely clear in the film—what, exactly, is he hoping to learn? Who is he hoping might benefit from his research, and how?—but Hurtubise’s zany passion is evident throughout.
“I’m here for the grizzly,” he says at one point in the film, sitting around a campfire in the remote wilderness telling war stories with his buddies. “I’m here for the preservation part of it.”
Sadly (or thankfully, some might say),
Long a rarity in the Whistler Valley, in 2023, grizzly bears cruised local neighbourhoods, disrupted marathons, visited local parks, and set up camp for long stretches near an elementary school.
And the uptick in reports has prompted new discussions at Whistler’s municipal hall.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s aim is to reduce conflict between humans and bears, while supporting safe habits and co-existence with wildlife, a communications official said, adding local officials take guidance from the COS on how to address conflict.
“Given that we are seeing more grizzlies, we have been working on additions to our response plan and mitigation strategy,” they said.
“Along with the COS and the Whistler
Despite his insane, death-defying instincts, it wasn’t a grizzly that eventually killed Hurtubise, or one of his absurd stunts, but a car crash in 2018.
Watching Project Grizzly it’s clear the guy was a kook—a character with at least a couple screws loose—but his respect and reverence for nature and animals is admirable, and something worth replicating.
“All of a sudden this calm comes overtop of my whole body, just flushes, right through the veins, just right out the feet, and it was just euphoric, just beautiful, because I knew, right then, I’m gonna die,” Hurtubise says in the film, describing the grizzly encounter that changed his life.
Locked in a silent staredown, Hurtubise
“I’m gonna take both of these [knives] before I go down, sure as God made little green apples, and I’m gonna shove ‘em right up your ass, and that’s a fact.”
the effectiveness of Hurtubise’s suit against an actual grizzly is never proven on film, though its durability can hardly be questioned (mobility is another question).
Still, Whistlerites might be forgiven if their recent Google searches include the schematics for Hurtubise’s grizzly suit.
Last year, the Conservation Officer Service received 30 reports of grizzly conflicts in the Whistler area from Jan. 1 to July 5, and a Pique Freedom of Information request found reports of grizzly conflicts have effectively doubled in recent years (full 2023 stats for the region were not available before Pique’s press time).
Ski-in/ski-out on Blackcomb Mountain, Aspensisone of the bestlocations in Whistler! This brightand renovated 2-bed/2-bath condo has afully equipped kitchen, air conditioning and agas fireplace. Thecomplexhas three hot tubs, a heatedoutdoor pool,anexercise room, and aski valet.Unlimited owneruse with the option to do nightly rentals Asking price-$1,815,000 426-4800 Spearhead Drive
Bear Advisory Committee, we’ve updated our overall Bear Response Plan to incorporate response and communication around grizzlies that enter the Whistler Valley. We’ve also completed an initial review of the Grizzly Bear Conflict Mitigation Strategy, which was originally developed with the province, wildlife biologists and the RCMP.”
The next step will be taking that work to the province for further review, they added.
“There are developments happening, but no updates we can share at this time,” they said.
“We look forward to sharing our updates when everything is finalized.”
slowly drew his two hunting knives.
“And I look and I say, ‘Alright old man, you’re gonna kill me sure as I’m standing there, because your fighting prowess is 50 times mine,’” he says.
“And I know I’m gonna die, but I am so pissed off with all the bullshit you put me through, I’m gonna take both of these [knives] before I go down, sure as God made little green apples, and I’m gonna shove ‘em right up your ass, and that’s a fact.”
A complicated relationship, indeed. But on second thought, maybe the less we emulate Hurtubise, the better. ■
This letter was sent to Whistler’s mayor and council, and shared with Pique.
A Canada Day parade is a way to celebrate the country’s identity, history, and cultural diversity. It’s an opportunity for Canadians to come together and showcase their national pride.
Our parade can feature historical and cultural displays, paying homage to Canada’s past, including our Indigenous heritage, colonial history, and immigrant contributions. In a diverse country like Canada, more than ever, we must promote unity and solidarity by bringing together people from different backgrounds and regions to celebrate their shared citizenship.
Bonus, a Canada Day parade may attract additional tourists and visitors, boosting our economy through increased spending on accommodations, dining, and shopping.
Participating in or attending a Whistler Canada Day parade fosters civic engagement and a sense of belonging among Canadians, new and old, encouraging them to actively participate in our little part of the world. A Canada Day parade serves as a vibrant expression of Canadian identity, culture,
and unity, while also promoting community engagement and celebration.
Let’s do it.
Patrick Smyth // Whistler
This letter was sent to Premier David Eby and other provincial officials, and shared with Pique.
When tiny, starving, orphaned cubs are not allowed to be picked up and cared for in B.C., it demonstrates an appalling and reckless cruelty, all witnessed by traumatized
community members who care deeply for these vulnerable little bears.
British Columbians do not care if these cubs are cubs of the year or yearling cubs because British Columbians know what is ethically and morally correct when they see these little bears sick and starving to death.
Who can stare into the eyes of these helpless, starving, sick, orphaned babies and believe that this government allows their biologists and the BC Conservation Officer Service to leave them to die a cruel death?
No amount of pontification by government
wildlife bureaucrats/biologists/ministers about which cub is “eligible” for care and which one should be left to die justifies the cruelty we are witnessing! The yearling cub in the photo in Pique Newsmagazine ’s April 29 story (see page 22) is one of three in the same area that has been left to die a most cruel death when rehab could have helped. (In Ontario, cubs and young bears can be rehabbed until they are four!)
My question to those of you seeking election in October: Will you change policies immediately, allowing these vulnerable, starving little bears to be cared for in one of the rehabs, or should British Columbians consider changing governments in October? I will be happy to share your decisions, or lack thereof, across emails and social media.
There is no credible scientific, ethical, or moral justification for the cruelty that is being allowed to continue.
Who will vote for this cruelty?
Trish Boyum // Vancouver Island
Many reasons for increased safety chatter at Whistler—but personal responsibility is key
[ Pique’s recent story on skiing safety is] very timely. I have skied on Whistler Blackcomb since 1978. I think the frequency of being hit has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are several potential reasons
for this. With the large number of Epic Pass holders there are many skiers who clearly cannot ski very well. This year with the poor snow conditions and limited runs open it meant all levels of skiers were frequently on the same run.
When we get the, “How did we do today at Vail Resorts,” surveys, we always say, “It was a good day if we didn’t get hit.”
There is an obvious lack of mountainsafety personnel, and a lack of consequences for people hitting other people. There is an all-too-frequent lack of responsibility. When someone is hit, the person frequently leaves without giving their name and contact info. It would be virtually impossible to have enough staff to catch everyone.
On March 17, I was skiing down Dave Murray below the timing flats when I was hit from behind by a 10- to 12-year-old boy. You can only imagine how fast he was going to knock a 200-pound person over. This person was part of a ski-school class.
Two people stopped to see if I was all right. The woman who stopped said to the male skischool instructor, “the boy was going way too fast.” The instructor replied, “It is a black run, you can go as fast as you want.”
What is telling is the instructor never apologized and just left with his group.
Bryce Leigh // Whistler
How does new water bylaw align with council’s priorities?
This letter was sent to Whistler’s mayor and council, and shared with Pique.
It is hard to reconcile how the recently adopted water-use bylaw restricting sprinkler use aligns with council’s strategic priorities on smart tourism, community engagement, and climate action. Specifically:
1.Smart Tourism—Preserve and protect Whistler’s unique culture, natural assets, and infrastructure: Abundant fresh air, clean water, flowing streams, creeks and rivers, lakes, lush vegetation are some of
the natural assets unique to Whistler and other alpine regions. High-quality, wellmaintained, vibrant green landscaping has been encouraged and required for our built environment. Compromising existing landscaping is not smart tourism. I doubt residents and visitors are attracted to poorly maintained, dried out, dusty landscaping.
2.Community engagement—Strive to connect locals to each other and to the RMOW: The water use bylaw had a 10-day engagement timeline. Concerns raised by some of Whistler’s landscape professionals pleading to be engaged in the bylaw and their suggestions for alternative measures lacked the consideration deserved.
3.Climate Action—Mobilize municipal resources toward the implementation of the Big Moves Climate Action Plan: Whistler’s greatest threat is wildfire. As Heike Stippler articulated ( Pique , March 29) “With regard to FireSmart: Dry plants will pose a fire danger. Dry soil and plants will not help cool our environment and will increase the risk for fire. There cannot be fearmongering that watering your garden is bad! Healthy plants help us with fire prevention. They help keep our environment cooler, keep moisture in the air, provide oxygen, filter the air. Soils and plants sequester carbon and feed pollinators, but only if they are healthy and watered. There is much more, and horticulture is complex. We are here to help to truly conserve water. The new bylaw doesn’t avoid wasting water.”
Moving forward, I believe the RMOW should carefully consider the input of horticulturalists and landscape professionals and amend the bylaw to allow for managed smart watering. Hopefully, such amendment would curtail overwatering on the three days allowed per week to make up for the lack of water on the other four days. With good management, less water overall will be used, and Whistler’s landscaping will thrive and help protect rather than contribute to damage from wildfires.
Steve Bayly // Whistler n
Write to us! Letters to the editor must contain the writer’s name, address and a daytime telephone number. Maximum length is 450 words. Pique Newsmagazine reserves the right to edit, condense or refrain from publishing any contribution. Letters reflect the opinion of the writer and not that of Pique Newsmagazine. Send them to edit@ piquenewsmagazine.com before 11 a.m. on Tuesday for consideration in that week’s paper.
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AS WE SIT DOWN to contemplate our final Ski-Town Rundown of the 2023-24 season, the sun is shining bright, the snow is long gone from the valley, and the bears are out making a big mess all over the Valley Trail.
In other words, spring has sprung in Whistler.
While Fear and Loathing references are fun, word on the street is the skiing is still
excellent up top at Whistler Blackcomb as closing day approaches, and you can (and should) most certainly stop here if you get the chance. It’s their country, but the bears are happy to share so long as we respect them and their space.
As of April 30, Whistler Blackcomb had a base depth of about 219 centimetres, down slightly from the 231 cm we noted in our last instalment.
The latest Snow Survey and Water Supply Bulletin for the province won’t be posted until May 9, but as of April 15, the provincial average snowpack was at about 62 per cent of median, down from 67 per cent on April 1.
In the Lower Fraser Basin, which includes Whistler, the snow basin index had climbed
to about 64 per cent of normal as of April 15, down from 67 per cent on April 1.
While we FireSmart our properties and prepare for another dry fire season in the valley, the mountain is open for skiing until May 10—the only ski area in the province where you can still get your fix.
So rock up with your rock skis, bust your bear-proof research suit out of the garage, and enjoy all the best Whistler has to offer this spring.
Trunk full of psychedelics optional.
is bear country!
spokesman Simon Whitehead told the North Shore News earlier this month.
“It has been a wild ride this year,” he said. “We had a very strong El Nino. And that definitely created a lot of the weather conditions we saw... It’s not the worst year we’ve had but it’s definitely up there.”
Like the rest of us eternal optimists, Whitehead is hoping for a return to the La Nina good times for the ski season now ahead.
“It’s Mother Nature,” he said. “It’s like farming. You get what you get.”
“It’s Mother Nature. It’s like farming. You get what you get.”
Whistler was of course not the only B.C. ski resort to weather a challenging snow year, and in fact came off better than most.
North Vancouver’s Mt Seymour was closed sporadically due to rain, while Mount Timothy Recreational Resort in Lac La Hache, north of Kamloops, didn’t open at all.
But some late-season snow dumps and sunny conditions proved a pleasant cap to an otherwise dreary season, Mt Seymour
Meanwhile, in other bear news, a snowboarder at Lake Louise recently had his own close call with a grizzly, all of it captured on GoPro.
According to the Rocky Mountain Outlook, British man James Hardy was on his last run of the day with a buddy on April 24 when they encountered the big bruin at about 3 p.m.
Luckily, it wasn’t aggressive.
“It wasn’t anything threatening. As we went past, it just looked at us and just went
along,” he told the Outlook
“He wasn’t even fazed by us.”
If you just can’t help but go big, a trip to Chile or exotic northwest Italy may be in your future— that is, if you have the time and resources to chase the world’s finest powder on a whim (don’t we all?).
According to snow-forecast.com, Gressoney-la-Trinite in Italy is the place to be for fresh pow in the next three days, with up to 59 cm forecast.
Further out, get ready to learn Spanish, buddy—Chile dominates the upper echelons of snow-forecast’s three-to-six-day forecast, with various ski areas, volcanoes and mountains expected to get anywhere from 112 to 146 cm.
And if you can’t trust an anonymous, international, mid-range snow forecast on the internet with your entire travel savings fund, who can you trust?
Rhetorical question, of course.
That about wraps up our first year of Ski-Town Rundown. Check back next year, when La Nina (hopefully) returns to really kick things up a notch.
But it probably wouldn’t hurt to learn Spanish just for the heck of it. Learning a new language is a great way to improve memory and brain function while you anxiously await the return of Ski-Town Rundown this fall. ■
BY DAVID SONGARTS WHISTLER and the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) are thinking outside the box in terms of how to spark civic engagement.
On May 3, the Maury Young Arts Centre will host “Four Futures,” an art exhibition derived from the Whistler Sessions project. Seven local creatives contributed to the event: Allison Burns Joseph, Ron Denessen, Michaela Ivancova, Sherry Klassen, Rob LeBlanc, Heidi Mattson and Erik Van Meerbergen.
“People can expect interesting and different perspectives on our potential futures,” said Arts Whistler executive director Maureen Douglas. “A picture’s worth a thousand words, so we hope that there will be jumping-off points for further discussion to look at all kinds of different variables that [could impact] Whistler’s future.”
The Whistler Sessions presents a group of scenarios picturing what could take place in the Sea to Sky corridor through 2050. The initiative’s website explains these stories are not meant to predict what will happen nor what should happen, but rather to get people thinking about possibilities and how to realize or avoid them—depending on the situation.
“Not all art is there to make you feel good, but it is there to make you think differently,” Cullen said. “In a mountain town, it can be difficult to look into the future because our tourism industry is based on snow and the planet is warming. But we need to have this discussion and consciously select the future we want.
Meerbergen—whose talent for collage tends to fly under the radar as most know him from the Big Love Band.
Denessen and Ivancova both addressed Whistler’s ability to weather proverbial storms in their submissions.
“My goal is to elicit an optimistic and a comforting response to the uncertainties and fears that can come with changing climate conditions, specifically in our alpine environment,” said Denessen in a press
“Not all art is there to make you feel good, but it is there to make you think differently.”
“Art is, I would say, one of the more powerful ways to get a message across to people. It very much deals with the emotional level, and when we think about the future in Whistler, people are very much emotionally connected to it.”
According to RMOW chief administrative officer Ginny Cullen, not everyone got the point right away. That’s why she and her peers teamed up with Douglas and company to reframe the project.
Great variety can be found in the dozen or so artworks at hand. Some are pre-existing, while others were purpose-made for the exhibit. There are emerging artists like LeBlanc, a construction worker-turned carpentry wizard, as well as community favourites like Van
release. “Through innovation, restraint, and perseverance, it is my hope that my children can continue to enjoy Whistler winters in a resilient and sustainable mountain village. Our future looks bright.”
Added Ivancova: “Whistler is currently one of the world’s most renowned resorts. Despite any potential difficulties or challenges that may arise in the future for the people of Whistler, their unwavering passion for the mountains will always endure. People will find ways to enjoy their lives here, regardless of any obstacles that they may face.”
Of course, climate change isn’t the only hot-button topic at play. Housing and general
affordability will continue to be vital issues going forward.
Four Futures represents a unique intersection of art, science and municipal policy. Douglas praised Cullen and her RMOW cohorts for being open-minded and inviting artists to express themselves openly, even if they bring somewhat controversial material to the table.
Locals are encouraged not just to ponder what they see, but make their own voices heard by way of some interactive elements. A timeline wall will help people visualize what has changed in the last 25 years and what might come to fruition in the next quarter-century. There is also a blank wall where visitors may post their own thoughts and hopes.
“We need to use our right brains more often, and in that way we find more creative solutions,” Cullen said. “The future is going to demand that of us.”
All in all, Douglas thinks the upcoming engagement night presents a healthy reflection of Whistler.
“Artists are some of the most valuable people in a community, but also some of the most vulnerable people in any community,” she said. “We’re doing our best to create a future for Whistler that always includes artists because they are part of the ties that bind the community together.”
Four Futures will take place this Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. More information is available at artswhistler.com/calendar-upcoming/fourfutures-whistlers-way-forward. n
CLASS IS IN SESSION ”Back on Track” by Sherry Klassen. PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSICA BROWN / ARTS WHISTLEROLD-GROWTH FOREST enthusiasts packed into the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre’s Longhouse April 19 for a talk by Andy MacKinnon, a forest ecologist with more than three decades experience, to hear about how towering trees play a key role in ecosystems.
The talk was hosted by the Cheakamus Community Forest (CCF) in collaboration with the Association of Whistler Area Residents for the Environment (AWARE). MacKinnon is well-known to Whistlerites for his presence at the Whistler Naturalists’ Fungus Among Us and BioBlitz events. He spoke about the importance of old-growth forests for climate change, recreation and culture, and discussed a strategic report from 2020 that dives into provincial management of old growth.
The CCF is a non-profit that partners with the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) and the Squamish and Lil’wat Nations, who work together to manage 33,018 hectares of forest. The CCF takes an ecosystem-based management approach to forestry, incorporating harvesting, recreation, watershed protection and cultural values.
About half of the forest is protected from harvesting, and MacKinnon explained community forests like the CCF grew from communities wanting more input into forest management where they live.
“The communities are allowed to manage the forests around their community however they choose, so long as they log this amount of timber,” MacKinnon said.
There are 61 community forests in the province, and each determines what values are important to their community in terms of forest management. The model began in 1998 as a pilot program and today includes community forest agreements that are eligible for 25-year replaceable licenses.
MacKinnon is a strong proponent of the model, but expressed disagreement that communities are required to log a certain amount of their forests.
“There is a great diversity in community forests around the province and for some of them the main community value is feeding their local mill,” he said. “We have a real timber supply crunch in British Columbia … but there are other communities that want to do different things with their community forests, and I believe they ought to have the opportunity to plan accordingly.”
The cut requirement means community forest managers can end up logging their old growth to adhere to the rate.
Heather Beresford, executive director of the CCF, reiterated the requirement for logging quotas, but highlighted the CCF in Whistler incorporates an ecosystem-based management approach.
“We identify all of the sensitivities on the land, predominantly ecological, but also First Nations, cultural, and the economic aspect and other
values, recreation being a big one,” Beresford said.
After identifying community values, the CCF then decides which areas to harvest and integrates cooperation with other organizations in each area slated for harvest.
The CCF harvests using a thinning method, cutting from dense, second-growth forests, bringing in both money and more available space for the remaining trees.
“Those trees suddenly get more sunlight, more of the resources. They grow better, they’re now providing more habitat,” Beresford said.
The selective harvesting method allows trees to vary in age within the forest, and the CCF plants a diversity of species versus focusing solely on which wood makes the most money.
“We’re focusing on trees that are younger than 150 years old, trying to stay away from old growth because we recognize the many values that it provides with biodiversity, habitat, climate resilience, [and] wildfires,” she said.
MacKinnon said old-growth forest definitions are often contested depending on the interests of a profession or organization, leading to different projections about how much old-growth forest is left. For the Coastal region of B.C., trees older than 250 years are considered old growth, and in the Interior it’s 140 years and older.
Age isn’t the only important factor, though. The size of a tree matters because it translates to productivity both in terms of forestry output and a forest’s biodiversity. Forests approaching the alpine have trees that are more than 250 years old but are small and less productive.
“We’ve got lots of those left and nobody will ever be interested in logging most of them,” MacKinnon said.
To determine the state of forests in British Columbia, professional foresters Al Gorley and Garry Merkel were appointed by the province to report on old-growth management and determine which values the public ascribed to old growth.
They produced the report A New Future for Old Forests in 2020, with one key recommendation that old-growth logging
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IF YOUR VEHICLE has been a target of theft in Whistler recently, you’re not alone— police are reporting a near resort-wide uptick in incidents.
“Within the past approximately two weeks, the Sea to Sky Whistler RCMP have seen a significant increase in thefts from and of motor vehicles,” said Cst. Katrina
“We want individuals to contact us.”
Boehmer, media relations with the RCMP, in a release. “The Sea to Sky Whistler RCMP received reports from residents of multiple neighbourhoods, including Rainbow, Whistler Village, Nordic, Spruce Grove, Cheakamus and Black Tusk Village.”
Police are asking anyone who may have video surveillance or who noticed anything suspicious in these neighbourhoods over the past few weeks to contact investigators, Boehmer said.
“Sometimes people think they’ve seen something unusual or out of the norm, but don’t want to contact police because they think their suspicions may be incorrect,” she said. “We want individuals to contact us so that we can determine whether any crimes have been committed.”
Police offered some crime-prevention tips
in light of the uptick: Always keep your vehicle locked and use an anti-theft device;
Do not keep spare keys in your vehicle;
Do not leave valuables and property in your vehicle, including garage door openers; Wait for automatic gates to close behind you if you enter or leave a secure parking area; Report suspicious persons or activity
should be deferred “where ecosystems are at very high risk of irreversible biodiversity loss.”
The B.C. government then appointed an Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel in 2021. The panel’s report identified how much old growth remains in the province and which are most at-risk and should be deferred.
Historically, the panel’s report shows there was approximately 25 million hectares of old growth, and 11.1 million remains. They identified 2.6 million hectares as high priority, where logging needs to be deferred.
MacKinnon noted deferral doesn’t offer protection for these forests, and delays logging in them for two years as decisions are made.
In the CCF, logging of old growth was deferred in 2022, and again in 2023. The deferral continues in 2024 as the Squamish and Lil’wat Nations conclude their discussions with the
province and their communities, Beresford said.
In his presentation, MacKinnon highlighted how old-growth forests are important for climate-change realities like fires, drought, flooding and carbon sequestering.
Old-growth forests are resistant to fire because they are less dense and the trees’ limbs are higher, meaning there is less fuel for fire to spread through and reach the crowns of trees. Old-growth trees store water more effectively than second growth, which releases moisture faster because of its small size, increasing wildfire risk.
Fire-resistant forests are becoming increasingly important when considering the record-breaking wildfire season B.C. had in
around vehicles to your local police. These tips, and others, can be found at BC RCMP - Preventing theft from and of vehicles (rcmp-grc.gc.ca).
Anyone with any information regarding the above files are asked to contact the Sea to Sky Whistler RCMP at 604-932-3044, or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS, or go to the website solvecrime.ca. n
2023. Dry conditions persisted this winter, with the snowpack reaching 63 per cent below normal for the province as of April 1, according to the River Forecast Centre’s snow conditions and water supply bulletin.
Then there’s the carbon old growth stores underground, with 13.12 gigatons of carbon dioxide annually—equal to 36 per cent of global fossil-fuel emissions each year.
Alongside the climate benefits, old growth forests also carry spiritual and cultural significance to First Nations, from carvings and canoes to ceremonies. They provide habitat for fish and wildlife that live in forests nesting or denning, protection from heat, and places to hide from predators.
The CCF’s five-year harvesting plan was updated in January 2024. Read more at cheakamuscommunityforest.com. n
BY LIZ MCDONALDAN IMPORTANT survey about wildfire protection responsibilities was recently sent out to some Whistlerites.
The academic survey is part of a research project spearheaded by Adeniyi Asiyanbi, a PhD researcher at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. He studies how wildfires are governed and how the public engages with wildfire policy decisions. His work seeks to fill a gap in scholarly research about expectations around shared responsibilities in wildfire protection between the public and wildfire managers in Whistler.
“Studies continue to point to a disjuncture between public expectations around shared responsibility for wildfires and what the institutional actors expect,” he said.
He highlighted a 2003 wildfire in Kelowna, after which local insurance companies sued the municipal government over their response to the wildfire.
“The insurance companies had a particular expectation of the government, and the government had other expectations of itself, of its own responsibilities,” Asiyanbi said.
These different expectations continue to play out during wildfires, and as climate change increases the severity of wildfire season, how the public and wildfire managers understand responses will help inform policy.
“There has been a lot of policy work, all of which [is] also trying to educate the Whistler public, to foster more public engagement with wildfire issues and with emergency planning issues,” he said. “But also, this document points to the need to consolidate the governance structures on
the ground and rejigging some of those structures to better respond to the risks that Whistler faces when it comes to wildfires.”
The work builds on Asiyanbi’s previous research regarding carbon offsetting and wildfire risk in the Cheakamus Community Forest from 2019 to 2020.
Asiyanbi highlighted the risk of wildfire in Whistler from increasing temperatures, with an annual average temperature increase of 3 C projected by the 2050s. Climate modelling predicts increased temperatures will lead to longer, hotter and drier summers and increased wildfire activity.
Researchers hope the risk will encourage selected residents to fill out the survey, which takes about 13 minutes to complete.
Ten per cent of residences in Whistler were selected to take part, with survey requests sent out to 1,311 addresses. The responses will help inform the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP). Groups responsible for wildfire management helped provide feedback on the survey before it was mailed out, including the Resort Municipality of Whistler’s (RMOW) Wildfire Internal Coordination Group, the Climate Action and Environment Committee and FireSmart Whistler.
The survey is part of a broader research project focusing on Whistler, where Asiyanbi will also conduct interviews with members of the public, wildfire management and emergency response teams. He will also research historical patterns of wildfire management in Whistler and how local policies and regulations have changes around wildfires.
Asiyanbi said he will provide a summary report for the RMOW, but he also hopes various advocacy groups will pick up the findings. The case study can be applied to other municipalities as well. A summary will be publicly accessible online this fall. n
THE 2024 FEDERAL budget is out, with a raft of proposed legislation and funding across housing, health-care, childcare, cost-of-living expenses, the economy and more.
Pique had a chat with West VancouverSunshine Coast-Sea to Sky MP, Patrick Weiler, to get his initial thoughts on a handful of items discussed in the 400-page budget documents.
The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
PIQUE: What is your initial reaction to what’s in the budget? Does it have what you were hoping for?
PATRICK WEILER: Absolutely it does. The biggest challenge we have as a country right now from my point of view is the housing crisis that we have, and this budget is squarely focused on solving the housing crisis and launching a comprehensive plan that lays out how we’re going to get to building 3.87 million homes by 2031, which will meet the demand that we have. That’s absolutely crucial.
It provides funding for programs that are already delivering in the Sea to Sky region like the Apartment Construction Loan Program, the Housing Accelerator Fund, and the
Affordable Housing Fund that have already built a significant amount of units and more of them are on the way. This builds on that, and goes so much further…
There’s so much, it represents all of the different levers the federal government can pull to get the housing that we badly need built. It will also require us to work very closely with the provinces, and we’re fortunate that we have a very close working relationship with B.C.
There are some projects already underway in the area that incorporate the Housing Accelerator Fund, including a $7-million project in Squamish and a $2.7-million build in Pemberton—is there more coming for the Sea to Sky?
There’s an additional $400 million for the Housing Accelerator Fund, so I am encouraging Whistler to re-apply for it, because the support that fund is creating is to get things permitted faster—that’s a key part of the problem. We also need to build differently—we need to build more homes in factories: We need to build more prefabricated homes, we need to do more modular homes, and we have a lot of great companies based in Squamish that are doing just that.
We have a challenge on the labour side, and we have funding to speed up foreign
credential recognition so that people can get certified by B.C. to practice in their trades.
On the immigration side, we have curtailed our study permits and our temporary permits as well, which on one hand was to deal with some of the abuse we’re seeing in the university sector, and on the temporary foreign worker side, we don’t have the same labour demand we did in the pandemic, so that made sense as well.
The Sea to Sky is growing very quickly … there is more we can do, and we have to pull on all these levers.
Health-care and childcare are major issues in B.C. and Canada. Are you pleased with what we see in this budget on that?
It’s a huge challenge in Canada and B.C., and certainly in the fast-growing Sea to Sky region. One of the great things about this budget is that it provides student loan forgiveness whether you’re a doctor, nurse, dentist, dental hygienist, and early learning childcare coordinator if you’re going to go work in a rural area. The Sea to Sky is all considered a rural area, so that will be important in attracting more people to work in those places. We don’t have enough people right now.
We’re also in the process of rolling out the largest expansion of health-care in a
generation with the dental-care benefits, which is going to provide dental insurance to 9 million low- to middle-income Canadians.
We’re going to support building more spaces with a billion-dollar investment in early learning childcare and training more positions. We’re launching the first phase of the pharmacare program which is going to cover both diabetes medication and universal contraceptives.
The other part is we’re launching the national school food program. This is really important to ensure that children get the best start in life and are well-fed, so that they’re in the best position to learn in schools. We’re working very closely with what the provinces are doing to make sure we provide food to children.
What do you see in the budget that is going to help Sea to Sky residents with cost of living?
Ten-dollar-a-day childcare is critical. We have 180 spaces now that are $10 a day in Sea to Sky childcare services. [The budget] is going to provide grants and low-interest loans to build even more spaces, which is the challenge that we have.
We’ve seen more positive trends in inflation generally—it’s been in the Bank of Canada’s target range for three straight
months under three per cent. And food inflation has been coming down very quickly, which is important.
At the same time, we’ve made a number of changes to the Competition Act to allow us to deal with some of the anti-competitive behaviour that is preventing more businesses from getting into the grocery sector.
We’re also making a few more changes through legislation that’s going through right now, but the challenge with that is they’re not going to immediately make those changes, but change the long-term outlook.
It’s part of a whole suite of [policies] to have more competition. It will make a very big difference.
The budget talks about the strength of tourism for the Canadian economy, with a focus on Indigenous tourism. Can you talk about federal support for this sector, which is a major pillar of the Sea to Sky economy?
It may be the largest sector in the Sea to Sky. The support we have for the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) is very important. We are fortunate that there is incredible Indigenous tourist attractions like the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre. We want to make sure we support more of those types of attractions. Projections are that Indigenous tourism can grow three-fold between now and 2030, so it’s really important that we work with ITAC on that.
What are some other items that stand out for you that will be important for Sea to Sky residents?
We could easily spend an hour going through all the different housing measures here because from my point of view, that is what this budget is all about.
It’s really also about generational fairness, making sure that young people in Canada have a good shot at success. As a millennial myself, this really resonates with me. No issue is as critical as housing, so I’m very pleased we’re taking the comprehensive approach to tackling that that we are, but I think that’s a cross-cutting issue you could say is right through this budget.
Also making sure we invest in sectors that are going to be really important as we go forward, such as investments in Artificial Intelligence—Canada’s got a lot of potential and expertise, as well as making it easier for entrepreneurs to start up a business, having a more generous tax structure for that with how we’re going to treat capital gains for entrepreneurs, and finding ways of reforming some of our science and research tax credits so they’re better able to commercialize some of the innovative companies that are starting up in Canada.
Are you confident the incoming budget bill will pass as presented given feedback from the Conservatives and the NDP?
I’m quite confident that this budget is going to pass.
There is that political posturing that’s happening. We know the NDP will vote in favour, we know the Conservatives and the Bloc will not. But that’s to be expected.
From the Conservative perspective, I don’t know how you vote against a national school food program, or having people be able to get access to the medicine that they need. I don’t know how they vote against having a comprehensive plan to tackle housing, so they’re going to have to answer for that because of course they have no plan for any of these things.
Frankly, this is a budget we can be very proud of. I think it addresses the issues that we are seeing in Canada that need to be addressed now. I look forward to the debates on this, and I look forward to when these measures come to the finance committee, which I am on. I want to make sure they’re done in the best possible way, and I look forward to having debates with my colleagues from the different parties.
The budget, having been tabled, will now go through a few weeks of sittings in Ottawa. The budget and associated legislation will need to be voted on and passed before the end of June when parliament wraps for summer.
Check back with Pique for more on the upcoming federal budget, including reaction from local Conservative candidate Keith Roy. ■
Proposed Zoning Amendment: No Public Hearing to be Held Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 960, 2024 (Small Scale Multi Unit Housing Compliance and Short Term Vacation Rentals)
NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN under section 467 of the Local Government Act that the Village of Pemberton Council will consider first, second, and third readings of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No 960, 2024 (Small Scale Multi Unit Housing Compliance and Short Term Vacation Rentals) during the regular council meeting to be held at 5:30pm on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Council is authorized under section 135 of the Community Charter and section 480 of the Local Government Act, to give the bylaw up to three readings at this meeting.
Purpose: The proposed bylaw amendments will bring Village of Pemberton Zoning Bylaw No 832, 2018, into compliance with Bill 44 Housing Statutes, the new provincial legislation that received royal assent on December 7, 2023. The Village is required to update the zoning bylaw to allow all properties in Restricted Zones to be permitted a secondary suite or a detached accessory dwelling unit (i.e carriage house). Properties in the Village’s Restricted Zones already comply with the legislation, with the exception of the Tiyata subdivision as described below Also, Village Council has resolved to opt-in to the provincial principal residence requirement for short-term rentals and to and enact zoning bylaw amendments to align short-term vacation rental regulations with the new provincial regulations in Bill 35. Staff have prepared the new definitions and amended regulations as part of this bylaw amendment.
Subject Lands: The proposed amendments to comply with Bill 44 will allow secondary suites to be permitted in the CD-5 Comprehensive Development Zone that regulates land use in the Tiyata subdivision, shown in the map below Amendments to the short-term vacation rental (STVR) definition and other regulations will apply to all zones where
Bylaw Readings: Consideration of first, second, and third readings of the proposed bylaw is scheduled at the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Final adoption will follow after the proposed bylaw has received approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
How do I get more information?
A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant information may be inspected at the Village of Pemberton Office, 7400 Prospect Street from Tuesday, April 23, 2024, until the bylaws are adopted, during office hours 9:00am to 4:00pm (closed 12:00pm1:00pm), Monday to Friday (closed on statutory holidays), and online at: https://www.pemberton.ca/departments/ development-services/regulatory-bylaws
THE DECLARATION of the Lillooet Tribe was signed in Spences Bridge on May 10, 1911 by a committee of chiefs. The assertion of sovereignty over traditional territories was recorded by anthropologist and local resident James Teit.
“We speak the truth, and we speak for our whole tribe, numbering about 1,400 people at the present time. We claim that we are the rightful owners of our tribal territory, and everything pertaining thereto,” reads the Declaration. “We have always lived in our Country; at no time have we ever deserted or left it to others. We have retained it from the invasion of other tribes at the cost of our blood. Our ancestors were in possession of our Country centuries before the whites came.”
The document goes on to explain B.C. never had any right to the land.
“We never gave it nor sold it to them. They certainly never got the title to the Country from us, neither by agreement nor conquest, and none other than us could have any right to give them title.”
One hundred and thirteen years later, the Declaration Ride honours the signatories and serves as a reminder of who the land belongs
to. Real-life cowboys ride their horses from N’Quatqua and back again from April 24 to May 10, delivering invitations for the St’at’imc Declaration gathering. The number of riders varies during the long and exhausting journey.
Three riders stopped at the Ullus Centre in Mount Currie on Thursday, April 25 during their journey through the territory, and were warmly welcomed into the community with hand drumming.
One of the riders, Karen Aleck, told Pique the ride has been happening for 20 years now.
It used to coincide with an event called the
This year’s ride also remembered Pomus’ legacy—and was carried out in his style.
“He rode the route himself during the pandemic, but he kept it going. He didn’t go into the communities that year,” said Aleck.
Pomus was one of the first founders of the ride and had a deep family connection with the Declaration.
“His great-great-grandfather was one of the signatories of the declaration,” said Aleck. “It is emotional when someone who has gone to the spirit world has left such a legacy. It’s our responsibility to carry on his legacy. He
“[W]e have never, ever signed our land or title away. The rest of B.C. will recognize that this is our land.”
Unity Run, she said, but now the riders and runners embark on their journeys separately.
The riders still ride on horseback, the transportation their ancestors in 1911 used to travel around the territory. However, every year the area looks more and more different.
“It keeps reminding us of what we have and the changes that are happening,” said Aleck. “All the BC Hydro lines that are going through the land are diminishing our plants, our medicines and our wildlife.”
One brave man, Pomus, even kept the tradition going during the COVID-19 pandemic.
carried the legacy on for his ancestors. When you’re dedicated to fighting to keep your land, you have to keep going regardless.”
Cars in front of the group slow traffic and let people know the riders are coming through their territory, another needed change in the modern world.
“It is tiring every day, but it’s worth the tiredness,” said Aleck. “Every community feeds us and welcomes us in with songs and prayers. We just sit around and have a social gathering with drumming and dancing. It’s an honour. It’s their way of honouring our ride
through our territory for our Declaration.”
The riders have grown more and more familiar with the route and the work they have to do with each given year.
“Our first year was a little rough, but now we have our trails down pat,” Aleck said. “We know physically, mentally and spiritually what we have to do to prepare to go on this journey.”
They also teach their children and grandchildren about the importance of the event so they can carry it on long after they are gone.
“We teach them where their territory is,” said Aleck.
Lil’wat Nation Chief Dean Nelson was among the crowd of hand drummers welcoming the riders into the community last week. He said he is always happy to see the riders arrive.
“The Declaration itself is stating that we are still in unity,” he said. “We continue to exercise that, riding and running on the land, being visible. The Declaration itself is a statement of our rights on the land. It’s always a good thing when people are carrying it on. We commemorate them for their efforts, to see things carried on.”
Aleck feels the ride serves as an important yearly reminder to all who live, work and play in their territory.
“It’s to recognize that this is our territory and that we have never, ever given it up to anybody,” said Aleck. “The purpose of our ride is to let the government and everybody know that we have never, ever signed our land or title away. The rest of B.C. will recognize that this is our land.” ■
DECLARATION MADE Members of Lil’wat Nation welcomed the Declaration Riders into the community with hand drumming. PHOTO BY R. LUCY WALLACEPOLICE BRIEFS: SEARCH FOR MISSING PEMBERTON MAN GRAEME FERGUSON CONTINUES
BY RÓISÍN CULLEN Local Journalism Initiative ReporterPEMBERTON RCMP has opened an arson investigation after a Sea-Can storage container was set on fire on the Highline Road. The remote property north of Pemberton was set to become a vacation place and was used as a private camping spot. The gate into the private property close to D’Arcy was cut.
Almost all of the belongings inside the container, including power tools and camping gear, were burnt to a crisp.
The fire is believed to have spread into the brush, and could have caused a forest fire.
Cpl. James Gilmour from the Pemberton detachment confirmed the investigation is still ongoing.
“We are aware and investigating this arson file,” he said.
Anyone with information can contact the Pemberton RCMP at (604) 894-6634, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS, or go to the website solvecrime.ca.
The search for missing Pemberton man Graeme Alexander Ferguson continues, according to the Whistler RCMP. The 49-year-old Scottish man was last seen at 1:30 p.m. on April 1 at the Gateway Bus Loop in Whistler Village. He was reported missing April 14.
Katrina Boehmer with the Sea to Sky RCMP’s Whistler detachment was unable to share further details about the ongoing case aside from confirming the search is ongoing.
Ferguson’s personal belongings were found in a bag between Whistler’s Day Lot 1 and Lot 2. Someone found the belongings and posted them to the Whistler Winter group,
sparking serious concern for the man’s wellbeing. Ferguson hasn’t been active on social media since April 1, according to friends.
Ferguson is described as Caucasian, bald, with blue eyes. He is 5-10 (178 centimetres) in height, and weighs 175 lbs (79 kilograms).
He was last seen wearing a black vest, a plaid brown and orange shirt, black snow pants and hiking boots.
A friend of Ferguson’s confirmed to Pique RCMP officers have contacted Scotland to gain access to his social media accounts and email address. They urged the public to help in any way they can. “I was hoping the public could be asked to check any video or photos they took in Whistler that day up into the evening,” said his friend. “Anything might help to see where he went, what direction.”
“We are aware and investigating this arson file.”
- JAMES GILMOURFerguson has lived in Pemberton for three years. Concerned friends told Pique he was supposed to take a bus to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal on his way to Victoria, but they don’t believe he ever did. They noted he was given a ride from Pemberton to Whistler in order to catch the bus.
The concern heightened when his personal belongings were found, including his passport, ID and credit card. The items were turned into the RCMP.
“We just want him to get his things back and him to be safe,” a friend told Pique. “We love him.” ■
Sat. 4th May 2024, 11:00am to 3:00pm
Please visit and enjoy this mostly casual event:
• Formal opening-board cutting-11:30am
• Short opening ceremony with our Federal MP (Patrick Weiler) and President of Men’s Sheds Canada (Robert Goluch)
• Followed by Complimentary Burgers & Hotdogs till 2:45pm (Served by the Lions Club of Pemberton)
• Demonstrations of equipment.
• Showing our past and present projects.
Guys: Make New Friends
- Enjoy Group Activities
Participate in Community Projects and above all: Have fun together “Shoulder to Shoulder”!
Many thanks to our Member Volunteers who have put this together, and the contributing Partners who have made this feasible:
United Way BC (Healthy Aging)-New Horizons for Seniors-Vancouver Foundation (COVID Recovery)-Pemberton Lions Club - Pemberton Legion
AN ORPHANED BEAR near Bralorne is too old to rehabilitate, the BC Conservation Officer Service (COS) said in response to concerns raised by locals about the yearling’s well-being.
A photo of the young, emaciated bear on the roadside was posted to the Whistler Winter Facebook group. Many animal lovers were eager to step in and bring the bear to safety, worried the yearling would not be able to survive in the wild on its own. Some wildlife shelters, meanwhile, say they disagree with the province’s rules surrounding yearlings.
A spokesperson with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change confirmed the COS received reports of the bear and worked with wildlife biologists to determine its age. “The bear is a yearling, which is too old to rehabilitate,” they said in an email. “There are natural food sources available for the bear and recent reports indicate it has moved away from the roadway.”
Local woman, Michelle Nortje, first spotted the yearling last Friday, April 26, but hasn’t seen the animal since. “The cub is gone,” she said. “There is not much we can do without finding it. It’s an unfortunate situation that we couldn’t help. It wasn’t
doing well. It wasn’t very mobile. It could only walk a few steps and then it would curl up in a ball. It was licking its abdomen.”
She now fears the worst.
“I went to call it in,” said Nortje. “When I came back 45 minutes later, it was gone. I looked for it everywhere. There were coyote tracks in the area.”
She told Pique the nearest conservation officer is in 100 Mile House, and the area desperately needs its own designated officer. Nortje stressed the policy is not
Public Hearing: Official CommunityPlanAmendment (NkwukwmaSub Area Plan)Bylaw No.957,2024
Tuesday, May14, 2024,5:0 0pm, in-personatCouncil Chambers,740 0Prospect Street,Pemberton,BCorVir tual viaZoom WebinarID: 840 0997 7920, (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/840 09977920)
NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN underSection464 of theLocal GovernmentAct that theVillage of Pembertonis to holda public hearingfor theOfficialCommunity Plan AmendmentNo. 957, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May14, 2024 Council is authorized under Section135 of theCommunity Charterand Section465 of theLocal GovernmentAct that apublic hearingmustbeheldafterfirst readingofthe bylawand before thirdreading.
Purpose: The proposedbylaw amendmentwill amendthe Official Community Plan (OCP) to accommodate the Nkwukwma SubAreaPlanand land useamendments
SubjectLands: The lands currently subjecttothisOCP bylawamendmentapplicationare Crownlands,legal as BlockA District Lot 8556, BlockJDistrictLot 202, BlockI District Lot 202. BylawReadings: Considerationoffirst readingofthe proposed bylawisscheduled at theRegular CouncilMeeting on Tuesday,May 7, 2024. Finaladoptionwill followafterthe thirdreadinghas received approval from Council
HowdoI providefeedback?
Allpersons,who believe theirinterest in thepropertyisaffected by theproposed Bylaw, shallbegiven a reasonable opportunity to be heardbyCouncil at thePublic Hearing. Writtencommentsmustbeaddressed to “Mayorand Council”and maybesubmittedatthe Public Hearingorthrough one of thefollowing methods prior to thePublic Hearing(by noon on TuesdayMay 14, 2024): Email: admin@pemberton.ca
Fax: 604.894.6136
Mail: Corporate& LegislativeSer vices, VillageofPemberton, P.O. Box100, Pemberton, BC, VON2L0
In Person: Corporate& LegislativeSer vice Department, 7400 Prospect Street,Pemberton BC
HowdoI get more information?
Acopy of theproposed bylawand relevantinformation maybeinspected at theVillageofPemberton Office, 7400 Prospect Street until Tuesday,May 14,2024, duringoffice hours9:00amto4:00pm (closed12:00pm-1:00pm), Monday to Friday (closedonstatutory holidays),and onlineat: https://www.pemberton.ca/departments/developmentservices/skenkenam-development-benchlands-nk wukwma
coming from those on the ground level.
“It’s not coming from conservation officers. They have all been great and want to help,” she said. “It’s coming from higher up in the ministry. It’s just a really bad policy that you can’t help yearlings no matter what their state or size is. The policy really needs to change ... This little guy was tiny. It wasn’t much bigger than a cub of the year.”
Bear advocate Ellie Lamb said the nearest rehab centre (Northern Lights Wildlife Society in Smithers, B.C.) could
help if given the chance. “The regional manager of the [COS] has denied permission for Northern Lights to ensure safety for this orphan,” she said. “It’s very unlikely that it would survive on their own.”
There have been several orphaned yearlings spotted in the rural area over the last few weeks, including another struggling yearling about six weeks ago, Lamb said.
“The province turned down picking that yearling up as well,” she said. “That yearling has not been seen in six weeks. It’s very unlikely that the yearling at Gold Bridge survived. There is another one that has been seen on the other side of town that isn’t doing well.”
Lamb explained any number of reasons could have led to the yearling’s mother’s death.
“There were fires there. There have been bears killed in defence of property,” she said. “We don’t know if it’s that or if mum was just hit by a car. These little guys just show up and that’s when we need to help them. That’s what the public wants. They want to see these guys in care.”
Local rehab centres believe the bear would only need to be fed for a few weeks to get back to a good state of health, Lamb said, adding it was likely too thin to hibernate.
Lamb noted public opinion has been
NOTICEISHEARBY GIVEN under section467 of theLocal Government Actthatthe Village of PembertonCouncil will consider first readingofZoningAmendmentBylaw No.957, 2024 (Nkwukwma Neighbourhood)duringthe specialcouncil meetingtobeheldat 5:30pmonTuesday,May 14, 2024 Council is authorized undersection 135 of theCommunity Charterand section480 of theLocal Government Act, to give thebylaw up to threereadings at this meeting.
Purpose: The proposed bylawamendment will addComprehensive DevelopmentZone8 (CD-8) (NkwukwmaNeighbourhood)tothe VillageofPemberton Zoning BylawNo. 832, 2018.The Nkwukwma Neighbourhood CD-8 Zone is intendedtoprovide fora mixofresidential,commercial, andcommunity uses,integratedwitha networkofparks andopenspacesbased in theNkwukwmaSub Area Plan
Subject Lands: The lands currently subjecttothiszoningbylaw amendmentapplicationare Crown lands ,legal as BlockA District Lot 8556,Block JDistrictLot 202, Block| District Lot 202.
BylawReadings: Considerationoffirstreadingofthe proposed bylawisscheduled at theSpecial Council Meetingonat5:30pmon Tuesday, May14, 2024.Final adoption will follow afterthe third readinghas received approval from Council.
HowdoI getmoreinformation?
Acopyofthe proposed bylawand relevant informationmay be inspectedatthe Village of PembertonOffice,7400 Prospect Street from Tuesday, April23, 2024, until thebylawsare adopted, duringoffice hours9:00amto4:00pm (closed12:00pm-1:00pm), MondaytoFriday (closedonstatutory holidays),and onlineat: https://www.pemberton.ca/departments/ development-services/skenkenamdevelopment-benchlands-nkwukwma
Dear Customers,
LAST WEEK’S announcement that Joffre Lakes ‘Pipi7íyekew’ will close for three periods this summer is being welcomed by members of the Lil’wat Nation.
The closures are the result of a partnership approach from BC Parks, Lil’wat Nation and N’Quatqua.
Chief of the Lil’wat Nation, Dean Nelson, has vocally criticized the negative effects overtourism has had on the important cultural space. Joffre Lakes and the wider Duffey corridor are a “banquet place” where minerals and plants can be gathered, berries harvested, animals such as mountain goat and deer hunted, mammals trapped, and fish caught.
It saddened Nelson to see nature being “taken advantage of” during recent summers.
“There’s limits to everything,” he said. “It’s not a theme park or anything. It’s nature and it has its own life and existence.”
Nelson said the partial closure is a step in the right direction for the Lil’wat Nation. ”It’s always a good thing to be moving forward, exercising [our rights] a little bit more every year and every opportunity,” he said.
When asked if it was a positive step on the journey towards Truth and Reconciliation, Nelson offered a different way at looking at things.
“We have been allowing [the province] more time on our lands, and we are just taking it back,” he said.
He felt discussions to date have given all parties time to reflect on what’s truly important.
“It means just looking at the priorities,” he said. “What are the priorities? Is it the public, or is it adhering to the reconciliation that
incredibly strong on this issue.
“When these little guys lose their mums, they are hollering for weeks,” she said. “It is very traumatizing for the public to know that this yearling could have a very good chance of surviving with a little bit of body weight on them. Without help, there is very little chance of survival.”
Angelika Langen, co-founder of Northern Lights Wildlife Society in Smithers, said they need special permission to help a yearling.
“We could help if we get government’s permission,” she said. “The biologists in that area have said no. We can only take yearlings with special permission. They are not willing to give us that permission.”
The shelter has cared for yearlings before, she added.
“We do have bears that age in care right now. They don’t go out until June,” said Langen. “They only need a couple of weeks of good feeding and then they can go back out again. We have raised and released over 300 black bears. They are doing well out there. It’s
people talk about?”
Nelson stressed everyone has a responsibility to protect Joffre Lakes’ natural beauty.
“It just means keeping the numbers down and being respectful for what we have. We are all grateful for what we have,” he said. “We have to take care of it the best we can.”
Nelson hopes to spend as much time at Joffre Lakes as possible this summer when it is closed to the public, including a ceremony happening on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30.
Lil’wat and N’Quatqua First Nations first announced they were “shutting down” access to the park in a joint statement on Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023. In a statement sent to Glacier Media the following week, the Nations said their access to resources has not been prioritized.
Nelson previously told Pique last year’s surprise closure was powerful and wellneeded.
“The children went there to bathe,” he said. “It was glacier water but they just felt like they needed to bathe and give thanks for that time and space. We haven’t had that. That’s exactly what I was asking for from the government. We just need time and space, our own time and space. Not wrestling with the crowds trying to park. It’s the very beginning of that. The place itself is spiritual.”
He scoffed at the now-infamous “Instagram log” and the effect social media has had on Joffre Lakes.
“It’s a commodity for them,” he said. “People think they have to be there, to take the picture there ... There is hunting there, too. We have actually had a lot of confrontation because of people going hunting on cultural trails. All of a sudden, there were mountain bikers ripping down wondering what the hell they were doing. It’s a cultural trail first.” n
not a problem.”
Jenna Kuncewicz, senior wildlife supervisor with Critter Care Wildlife Society in Langley, said its hands are also tied.
“The bears are all under conservation, so we need permission to get them,” she said. “We are also held to a regional limit. We can only take from certain regions and [Bralorne] is very far past our region. It’s a case-by-case basis. If a biologist gives the OK, then we are allowed to take them. We are also limited to just taking cubs of the year.”
Kuncewicz explained COS’ word is final. “We pretty much answer to conservation when it comes to bears,” she added.
However, she said there is hope the yearling will survive on its own.
“The winters can be really tough, but now that the frost is gone, there will be fruit and fish available,” said Kuncewicz. “That’s when it becomes a little bit easier for them to get food and survive. A lot of the time, if we leave them to do their own thing they will recover.” n
We are still open at our
After May 17th, customers will be required to pick up in Function.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler would like to thank the community for their generous contributions to the
Together, more than 500 volunteers collected over 860 kilograms (and counting!) of trash and recycling from Whistler ’s ditches, forests, and streams.
A big thank you to Whistler Fire Rescue Service for hosting our volunteer appreciation BBQ , and to the following for their continued support
THE ODDLY RESURGENT problem of people trashing the environment has been the subject of much consternation and talk since the pandemic—almost like we’ve gone back to the dirty ’60s. Suffice to say to reverse the trend we must collectively—citizens, business, government—find a way to instil more respect for nature at a grassroots level, inculcating this into our own actions such that visitors to green spaces and wilderness areas are imbued with
the same sense of reverence we hopefully hold for these surroundings.
But here’s the thing about the bottomup approach: we can pick up garbage and dog poop, uproot invasive species, report illegal camping, scold folks who carelessly toss cigarette butts and warn them about fire danger, but if we leave other visual signposts of disrespect, entitlement, and unconscious behaviour, no matter how innocent-seeming, we’ll get nowhere. An example that has reached a nadir of foolishness was exposed the second the snow melted off Whistler’s trails: the stacking/balancing of rocks in natural areas.
It’s only May and already driving me crazy.
I’ve written about this before, but the behaviour has expanded to, well, everywhere
From Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula to Toronto’s urban parks, from B.C. roadsides and beaches to the top of Whistler Mountain, people appear to be falling over themselves to “outstack” each other in a dubious competition that is: a) negatively impactful to ecosystems; b) aesthetically disturbing; and c) a danger when it involves precipices. What is the point of dozens of rock stacks spread along a trail or across a hillside?
While the jury is out on whether an environ that people easily find their way to can be considered any form of natural, what you see in terms of infrastructure, trails or human
a liability), but acts as a semaphore for utter environmental disregard at a time when we should desperately be flagging out messages to the contrary.
Though most of Whistler’s lowland trails suffer this affliction (Lost Lake’s network may be the worst), sparser rocky environments like talus or high alpine offer a good example of the potential damage wrought by such frivolity. Soil development is a painstakingly slow process requiring thousands of years. The breakdown products of physical and chemical weathering, along with microbial and lichen activity, create the beginnings
There’s a reason for the expression “tread lightly.”
traffic is merely superficial. As with much of nature, the ground beneath our feet is a world unto itself—a microcosm of wilderness, home and habitat to countless wildlife from lichens to bacteria, pioneering plants, insects (including pollinating butterflies and bees), spiders, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds. Whether on cobble beach or mountaintop, all can be linked in a fragile web-of-life centred on rocks.
There’s a reason for the expression “tread lightly.” Never mind the actual needs of organisms that are truly saxicolous (the biological word for rock-dependent), it serves nothing in either the tourism or nature equations to have people swarming such habitats and piling up rocks for the hell of it. Not only does this violate the experience of nature for others (and, occasionally, present
of soil between, under, and around rocks. Moving even the smallest stone exposes this nascent soil, allowing it to wash away, foiling native plants and mosses that might colonize such environments. And every rock disturbed is also the loss of a potential home for numerous small organisms whose habitat we’ve already run a trail through
Even the worldwide community of “stone balance artists” (an interesting rabbit hole to dive down) eschew such behaviour, building their balances, taking photos, then dismantling, striving to avoid disturbing natural and protected areas. Unfortunately, stacking then unstacking already violates the Leave No Trace ethos universal to camping and backcountry travel. Leave No Trace isn’t just about trash. It means leave no sign you travelled through, i.e., zero impact. Stacking
rocks alters nature for the next visitor, leaves a reminder you were there, and encourages others to do the same.
Is there ever justification for rock cairns? Of course: navigation and safety, as per human tradition; carefully marking trails with minimal disruption to the natural environment, which can avoid the need in some wild areas for unnatural and expensive signage. In any other context, stacking rocks is simply another arrogant “I was here” statement equivalent to tagging a tree or a rock with spray-paint—something few rock-stackers would even condone (while missing the connection). During the COVID lockdown, people found several annoying new equivalents—painting rocks (with toxic paints) to leave along woodland trails, and stapling pictures to trees for the supposed enjoyment of passersby. While we can all empathize with the intended spirit-lifting, we’re-all-in-this-together message during cooped-up paranoiac times, such flagrant environmental alteration is paradoxically inconsiderate of others, turning what, for some, would be a meditative commune with nature into another depressing gallery of unconscious human behaviour.
But back to rock-stacking. Given this meme has spread globally and deeply into both front- and backcountry tourist culture (thank you, Instagram), what to do?
There’s only one solution: in cases of true peril or impact in natural areas, forbid it as many European and U.S. National Parks currently do; shut it down wherever and whenever possible through outreach and legislation. At the personal level, educate, discourage and, of course… unstack those rocks.
Leslie Anthony is a biologist, writer and author of several popular books on environmental science. ■
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On a rainy Friday this month, industry executives and government officials were sitting on the fourth floor of a Vancouver casino hotel. From the stage, a pitch for the future of forestry was on repeat: what if logging companies could be the heroes who saved British Columbia from wildfires?
Many of the speakers at the annual B.C. Council of Forest Industries (COFI) convention focused on how the sector could return to higher levels of harvest or slow the pace of government regulations. Then the conversation turned to wildfires.
David Coletto, head of the market research firm Abacus Data, presented the results from a poll he designed with COFI. After Canada’s most destructive wildfire season on record, the results suggested the B.C. public was ready to accept a narrative that the forestry industry could act as a saviour.
As Coletto put it, everybody in this province agrees who is the villain: it’s the fire.
“And so now you have a place to be a hero in that story,” he said, speaking to members of the logging industry in the room. “That’s a complete paradigm shift to where you were a few years ago, where you were often seen as the villain.”
Leaning on the data, COFI president and CEO Linda Coady said B.C. needs a “compelling story” that attracts investors, one that describes a convergence between fixing wildfires and increasing the supply of wood fibre.
Jamie Stephen, the managing director of the energy and resources consulting firm TorchLight Bioresources, put it another way.
“Counterintuitively, if governments and the public want forestry to contribute to climate mitigation in Canada, we have to harvest more, not less,” he said.
The call to re-frame forestry as the solution to wildfire comes less than a year after the most destructive season in Canada’s recorded history burned an area roughly half the size of Italy.
Experts interviewed for this story agreed the best solution to a growing wildfire crisis is to reduce the amount of forest fuels that have built up for more than a century—the result of unbridled wildfire suppression and logging practices that have left forests primed to burn. But just who should decide how to do that has divided many in industry, government and science.
On one side, the timber sector says it should drive the solution; on the other, critics say it’s dangerous to allow an industry that helped spawn the problem direct its solution through their version of “forest management.”
“It appears to be that they’re asking government and Canadians to write a blank check… It’s disaster capitalism— where industry takes advantage of a crisis to make money,”
said Julee Boan, the Canada program project manager for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Boan said the record 2023 wildfires “really scared people” and left many looking for answers to a “wicked and complex problem” too big for any single sector to deal with.
“This is really complicated,” said Boan, who also has a PhD in forestry science. “They need to be part of this discussion on what to do. But they can’t be leading it.”
The disagreement hinges on what appears to be a simple question: does logging more reduce wildfires? Glacier Media asked seven experts in wildfires and forest ecology to help answer that question.
Karen Price, an old-growth ecologist who served as a technical advisor on B.C.’s Old Growth Strategic Review, said she now frequently hears the argument for logging to solve wildfires from people inside the Ministry of Forests.
She described the argument put forward at the COFI conference as “mendacious and dangerous” and that she has
Canada’s logging industry is seeking a wild re ‘hero’ narrative
treatment.” A contractor was brought in to thin the forest and remove 15 tons of surface fuels per hectare, according to her report.
The forest there has spruce up to 200 years old and is classified as “big-treed old forests.” But after it was thinned, the forest “no longer had large, standing dead trees, large downed wood, large live trees, or abundant regeneration of various sizes,” wrote Bartemucci.
“The treated forest has lost old forest structure and function.”
Bartemucci later added that “the thinning treatment will likely make the site vulnerable to fire”—a result of increased drying, stronger winds, and lower relative humidity than before.
Price said that report is part of a body of evidence suggesting only fire-dominated forests of interior B.C. should be thinned and burned with low-intensity fires.
Most of the forest ecologists interviewed for this story
“Counterintuitively, if governments and the public want forestry to contribute to climate mitigation in Canada, we have to harvest more, not less.”
Jamie Stephen
“seen no evidence to support logging to reduce wildfire risk in most of B.C.’s ecosystems.”
Price said thinning—removing small trees, leaving big ones and then burning understories—can reduce fire risk in some fire-dominated ecosystems. But in the thin-barked ecosystems that make up most of B.C., those practices would burn big trees.
“And even worse, where people have thinned in the name of ‘fuel reduction,’ they’ve taken the big trees and left small ones, removing old-growth values with no decrease in wildfire risk…” said Price.
agreed that limiting wildfires would require a combination of leaving moist forests unharvested, leaving burned forests unsalvaged, and encouraging the re-growth of more fireresistant deciduous trees.
Lori Daniels, a professor in the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Forestry, said the forestry industry would need to go through a transformative change if it wants to be part of the solution to wildfires.
“While it is true that fuels need to be reduced and reconfigured across many landscapes of interior B.C., forestry as it is currently practiced in B.C. contributes to the wildfire problem. So more of the same is deeply problematic,” said Daniels in an email.
‘Forest management’ far more nuanced than ‘logging’
Price pointed to evidence from B.C., collected in May 2023, when B.C. Forest Service ecologist Paula Bartemucci carried out a field visit in a forest at Deception Lake outside the town of Smithers. The forest had earlier been deemed to have a “sufficiently high fuel hazard to warrant
Mathieu Bourbonnais, an assistant professor at UBC Okanagan’s Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences, said if logging to reduce wildfires means more cutblocks and more conifer tree plantations of a single species “then it won’t help at all.”
Bourbonnais said mechanical thinning may use some of the same equipment as logging but generally involves removing fibre that is not profitable, such as small trees and saplings.
“While it is true that fuels need to be reduced and reconfigured across many landscapes of interior B.C., forestry as it is currently practiced in B.C. contributes to the wildfire problem. So more of the same is deeply problematic.”
Lori Daniels
“They aren’t wrong in that we need to figure out ways to remove large amounts of hazardous fibre from many of our forests, but how to do that is far more nuanced than ‘logging.’ I hear this a lot but conflating logging with fuel treatments is a problem,” said Bourbonnais.
Forest ecologist Rachel Holt, who also served on B.C.’s Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel, said for forest management to actually reduce wildfires, it needs to focus on feeding value-added mills with small bits of wood— not chipping logs to feed the pellet industry and not exporting barely processed timber.
When Holt hears the words “forest management” she says it’s never clear what vision is actually being talked about. Rarely, she said, is there a recognition that to be successful, forest management will require cutting fewer trees.
“I hear the same words, but they don’t mean the same thing,” she said. “They are talking about sanitizing the forest of its biodiversity values—i.e. its old trees, its dead trees. They are talking about creating an agricultural forest.”
One 2022 study looking at thinning practices across the American West found “active management” led to widespread logging of fire-resistant live trees and snags. Degradation of wildlife habitat was “functionally equivalent to clear-cutting the forest understorey” in many cases leading to “weedinfested woodlands or savannahs that look nothing like the original forest.”
High-severity wildfire, found the study, is “substantially underestimated in thinned areas.”
Dominick DellaSala, who led the study as the chief scientist at Oregon’s Wild Heritage, said he is now working on studies across southeast Australia, the western U.S. and Canada that suggest previously harvested young forests “prime the fire pump” and burn hotter than old forests. In each region, he said logging has replaced old forests with slash and densely packed trees grown on a plantation model.
“And everyone knows when you start a fire, you start with kindling, small material, not the gigantic trees that you get in an old-growth forest,” he said.
DellaSala, who has been testifying about the effects of logging before the U.S. Congress since the 1990s, said in recent years, the U.S. timber industry has ramped up a lobbying campaign that frames wildfire as a solution only they can fix. The evidence suggests the “complete opposite” of what the timber industry is saying, with “messaging is akin to tobacco-cancer denialism and climate change denialism.”
“Right out of those playbooks,” DellaSala said.
A 2020 joint investigation involving the Oregon Public Broadcasting, The Oregonian/Oregon Live, and ProPublica uncovered documents that showed the timber industry aimed “to frame logging as the alternative to catastrophic wildfires
through advertising, legislative lobbying and attempts to undermine research that has shown forests burn more severely under industrial management.”
In one 2019 presentation to the Oregon House Committee On Natural Resources, Chris Edwards of the Oregon Forest Industries Council showed a slide of a timber-framed building next to a young child with an oxygen mask.
“Where would you rather store carbon?” it reads. “Here? Or here?”
In Canada, using wildfires to influence public opinion appears to only just be taking off. Holt, who was shown statements made at the convention, said it was the first time she heard B.C.’s forest industry explicitly planning to frame itself as heroes ready to solve wildfires. She said she was shocked by the open conversation on how to influence public opinion and government.
But a closer look at forestry industry groups across Canada shows B.C. is not the only province where such a public narrative is taking shape.
Many of the largest forestry companies operating in Canada count themselves as members of multiple industry groups. Paper Excellence, West Fraser and Weyerhaeuser are all members of both the B.C.-based COFI and the Forests Products Association of Canada (FPAC).
According to Meta’s Ad Library, FPAC has spent thousands of dollars and reached millions of people on is “Forestry for the Future” campaign. The ads frame industry as players reducing wildfire risk as early as 2022. In one advertisement shared across Facebook and Instagram, the national industry group tells people to “take action” by emailing “your MP to support the policies that will improve forest conditions and keep communities safe.”
It goes on: “We can help mitigate wildfire risk through responsible forestry.”
On June 8, 2023, near the height of the 2023 wildfire season, FPAC’s president and CEO Derek Nighbor presented a blueprint for the campaign in a presentation to the Maritime Lumber Bureau in Saint John, N.B.
“Persuasion and opinion change are not something that happen overnight. Retention of information requires multiplatform saturation, memorable executions, and consistency of message to seed the underlying facts,” reads one slide.
The presentation, first reported by the Halifax Examiner, then lists a number of campaign activities—on transit shelters, at airports, through a “Capturing Carbon” documentary and through its “Canadian Forestry Can Save the World” podcast.
Other activities include TikTok and Instagram influencer partnerships, Indigenous partnerships and cross-platform digital advertising. By June 2023, the public influencing campaign had already reached 13.1 million Canadians—more
than a quarter of the country’s population.
The presentation ends with a three- to five-year plan in which FPAC looks to expand its reach and appeal “to drive policy change and the sector’s place as a critical part of a growing, green economy.”
Glacier Media asked David Coletto what role Abacus Data had in shaping FPAC’s Forestry for the Future campaign, and who came up with the idea for COFI to use wildfire as a way to turn the forest industry into the ‘hero.’
Coletto declined to comment.
Melissa Aronczyk has spent years tracking the PR strategies corporations and politicians use to reshape the narrative around environmental problems. A professor of media studies at Rutgers University, Aronczyk said FPAC and COFI’s public messaging are all wellknown tactics.
“They are sometimes used in crisis situations, but more often these tactics are part of a long-term strategy to change the narrative around the industry to appear less environmentally destructive. This is a common playbook that gets opened up time and time again,” she said.
What’s remarkable about the playbook, Aronczyk said, is that it’s been around since at least the 1990s, an indication they are effective in influencing both the public and politicians.
Like COFI, documents show FPAC has also leaned on market research from Abacus Data to frame its Forestry for the Future campaign. Founded in 2010, the market research firm was formally chaired by Bruce Anderson, who worked alongside Coletto while leading accounts for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Canadian Energy Pipelines Association, among others, according the website of his current PR firm spark*advocacy.
Anderson was also the founding partner of the Earnscliffe Strategy Group back in the 1990s, a firm that more recently has carried out lobbying for Pathways Alliance, a coalition of six fossil fuel companies that together account for 95 per cent of Canada’s oil sands production.
Aronczyk learned of the connections in a recent peerreviewed study she carried out with two colleagues from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. The research, published earlier this month, found the coalition had engaged in several examples of greenwashing— including producing non-credible claims to the public and selectively disclosing and omitting information.
Aronczyk said public relations firms are “notorious for their coordination and communication across industry sectors,” and often share resources and strategies through industry coalitions.
She said Abacus’s latest work for Canada’s forestry industry appears to be carrying on that tradition. n
The Community Enrichment Program (CEP) provides funding to not-for-profit organizations or societies based within Whistler that Council considers to be contributing to the general interest and advantage of the
of Whistler (RMOW) The categories include:
and Sport or Arts and
The RMOW awarded $169,185
‘I’m certainly not done yet’
WHISTLER’S QUEEN of ski cross has again reclaimed her throne.
Marielle Thompson caught fire during the second half of the 2023-24 campaign, with seven podium finishes (including three consecutive wins in Alleghe, Italy and Bakuriani, Georgia) since the dawn of the new year. One more breakthrough at the season finale in Idre Fjäll, Sweden cemented her fourth Crystal Globe.
Thompson is now tied for first all-time in ski cross season championships, having previously achieved the distinction in 2012, 2014 and 2017. Her phenomenal career also encompasses 31 World Cup triumphs, 67 podiums, Olympic gold from Sochi 2014, the 2019 World Championship and Olympic silver from Beijing 2022.
“I’m super proud of everything I’ve been able to achieve, and it’s certainly been a rollercoaster,” said Thompson. “Each of these accomplishments has a very different story behind it. I’m proud of everything I’ve done and I’m certainly not done yet.”
Added fellow Sea to Sky national teamer Tiana Gairns: “Marielle is someone that I’ve looked up to for my whole skicross career, and to see her win another Crystal Globe sparks that feeling inside of
overwhelming pride. I can’t really explain how proud I am of her … but it is not easy to win one Crystal Globe, let alone multiple. For her to do it again after a few seasons, it just goes to show how resilient she is.”
Perhaps the story of this particular Crystal Globe could be titled “Resilience.”
Thompson dealt with a few nagging injuries late last year. While they weren’t enough to keep her sidelined for long, they did slow her down a tad—which against elite competition can make
chance that she’s going to be winning it—and I can’t say that about a lot of other people. She doesn’t let doubt get in the way at all.
“Marielle is the athlete who always shows up, is there to do the work, is calm, cool and collected. She’s such a grounding presence and that shows up in her skiing, too. You watch her ski and she just has everything dialed. She knows exactly where she wants to go. She knows exactly what she’s going to do.”
The turning point came Jan. 28 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where Thompson bested two-time Olympic bronze medallist Fanny Smith and teammate Hannah Schmidt for
“Each of these accomplishments has a very different story behind it.”
all the difference. December was especially frustrating, as her results did not line up with the calibre of practice and preparation she felt she was undergoing.
The Whistlerite returned home for Christmas at that point, spending quality time with family and friends. She got up the mountain just for fun, without medals on the line. Then she put her nose back to the grindstone.
Gairns knew her old friend wouldn’t stay down for long.
“No doubt at all,” she said. “Every time I see a race that Marielle is in, I know there’s a
victory. It was her first World Cup gold since 2021 in Arosa—if you can believe that.
“That course in St. Moritz really felt like it suited my skiing style and it was a lot of fun to race as well,” Thompson said. “There were lots of back-and-forth, tight heats. [Winning there] kind of propelled me for the rest of the season.”
Idre Fjäll presented its own challenges. Thompson crashed hard in qualifying— hard enough to make her fear her
season was done. Fortunately a squad of physiotherapists, coaches and massage therapists helped her recover from what turned out to be a not-so-debilitating ailment, and she was in the starting gate the following day. She didn’t feel perfect by any means, but she felt good enough.
The Whistlerite ended up fifth in her opening finals race. That result, unsatisfying as it may have initially been, was a reminder to fine-tune details the next day: how to navigate every turn and hit the right marks on every jump. The overall ranking was far from her mind, as were her opponents and what they’d pulled off. It was all about her own process.
On March 23, Thompson wrapped up the season on top over France’s Marielle Berger Sabbatel and compatriot Brittany Phelan.
“I think [the Crystal Globe] shows that all of my hard work has paid off,” Thompson said. “The team behind me really kept me going and put me back together when necessary, so I think it’s the culmination of a tough but strong season.”
The three-time Olympian hopes for everyone to return healthy this winter. She wasn’t the only one banged up: Gairns missed all but the final three World Cup races, while Courtney Hoffos from Windermere, B.C. hasn’t seen action since October 2023.
“We had a tough season with a lot of people getting injured, so I’m looking forward to the upcoming year where everyone’s back and in good form,” Thompson said. “Then we can have a full field of women that are excited and strong and ready to race. It’s most fun for us when we can race against the best of the best.” n
BEST OF THE BEST Marielle Thompson (front) leads Brittany Phelan and Margaux Dumont during a World Cup race in Nakiska on Jan. 20. PHOTO BY MATIC KLANSEK / GEPA PICTURESMELAMED, BOUCHER, HO, QUIST, WELLS AND BEATON TRIUMPH IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DIVISIONS
BY DAVID SONGLOCALS DEFENDED home turf well at this year’s Squamish Enduro, with Jesse Melamed, Lily Boucher, Wei Tien Ho, Mateo Quist, Ruby Wells and Rebecca Beaton seizing victory in their respective age and gender categories.
Melamed overcame some adversity to reach the line in 16 minutes and 23.351 seconds, dethroning previous champ Rhys Verner who finished second (16:34.802). Third went to Melamed’s Canyon CLLCTV teammate Jack Menzies (16:53.953).
“So stoked with the level of competition we have here at home,” said Melamed on his Instagram account. “The crash was at the bottom of the longest and roughest stage: six minutes of hectic riding and multiple climbs and I was giving it everything. I scared myself more than a few times. Cleaned it up and ended up edging ahead for the win. The feelings are there ... can’t wait for the big show in a few weeks.”
Boucher claimed her U21 crown with the second-fastest time among all ladies (21:17.73) as fellow Squamolian Elly Hoskin grabbed silver (21:35.79) and Geza Rodgers earned bronze (21:39.18).
“Felt good to get back to some enduro this weekend!” Boucher wrote on social media. “The Squamish Enduro put on a good one, as always. Thanks to everyone who came out and brought all the good vibes. Racing with friends at home is pretty special.”
Ho won the men’s U21 race (17:52.57) ahead of Noah Rubuliak (18:00.43) and Jacob Quist (18:10.55) in that order.
Gold in the boys’ U17 went to Mateo Quist (18:05.71) who bested Nolan Weiss (18:14.03) and Nash Jamieson (19:10.74).
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Wells prevailed in a two-athlete race for the girls’ U17 title (22:59.11), while Beaton took the U21 by default (26:43.41) after Sianna Roka failed to register a result.
Miranda Miller hasn’t participated in the Squamish Enduro since 2014. The veteran still has gas left in the tank, as evidenced by her two medals from Crankworx Whistler (enduro silver and downhill bronze) last July. She couldn’t stop Emmy Lan of Comox from winning the women’s pro event (20:56.76), but managed to lock down the runner-up position with a respectable time (21:27.942).
Trouble in the early going prevented Andréane Lanthier Nadeau from defending her 2023 title. Fortunately, she rallied with wins in stage 3 and 4 to preserve a third-place outing (21:29.403).
“Had a strange feeling all week that something bad was going to happen … the first time I had this feeling I broke my leg, the second time, my arm. But I survived and nothing bad happened,” mused Miller on Instagram. “Tried to play it safe, but not go too slow or stare at my front wheel. Wrapped up the day in second but got smoked again by the kids, which is fine. It’s just my time and also confirms my life choices.
“Last time I raced the Squamish Enduro was 10 years ago ... and it’s so impressive to see how the event has grown! Incredible work and thank you for having me.”
Added Lanthier Nadeau: “Some really good riding and some decently bad riding from me in Squamish. Still stoked and proud of where I’m at! Grateful to iron out the kinks before shipping off to Europe.”
Full results are available at rootsandrain. com/event13109/2024-apr-21-squamish-endurosquamish-enduro-squamish-bc/results. ■
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THE AXEMEN Rugby Club is heading back to the BC Rugby Division 2 championship game.
Captained by Neil Irwin, the Sea to Sky’s premier rugby union team pitched a home shutout last weekend against Meraloma 33-0. Blake Mahovic, Peter Foley and Giles Calder all breached the try line in victory.
A wet and blustery day proved to be its own challenge, but hardly an insurmountable one, and the final score did reflect the nature of the game.
“I was playing fullback and I didn’t have to make a single tackle,” Mahovic recalled.
“Defensively speaking, we were phenomenal. Even when [Meraloma] were at our five-metre line, they didn’t really look like they would score. I think that’s a testament to the grit we have, and more importantly the camaraderie we’ve been trying to build throughout the season.”
Added player-coach Steve List: “With the conditions [on Saturday], we had to play a bit of field position. We kept them in the right areas of the field, applied lots of pressure and just wore them down with some penalty kicks. When it came to defending, everyone fronted up.”
Division 3 Axemen also saw postseason action in Chilliwack, where they fell 18-5 in spite of a valiant effort.
Having finished the regular season atop Division 2 rankings, the Axemen looked poised and confident as playoff favourites at Howe Sound Secondary (HSS).
Meraloma guarded their end zone jealously at first, but Foley opened the scoring with two smooth penalty kicks. Physical play from the home team wore down the visitors from Vancouver, enabling Mahovic to eventually outflank the defence. The former Toronto Wolfpack Man of the Match broke free with a long, spectacular try down the near side of the field.
Foley contributed two more penalty kicks,
one near the end of the first half and another to establish a 17-0 lead at the beginning of the second frame. As errors and hard hits piled up, the Axemen had a few different offensive forays end in turnovers while the Meraloma sideline became visibly upset over a yellow card. Regardless, the Sea to Sky unit continued to keep their opponents away from the dangerous areas of the pitch.
“We’re really lucky that every Thursday we train against the Division 3 side of our club, who are really good,” said List. “We train at a real high intensity so when it comes to game time, things look familiar. We’re really happy when it gets intense.”
Mahovic again received the ball and charged through visiting defenders like a man possessed, pinballing off multiple tackles before finally going down deep in Meraloma territory. His heroics set up Foley for a try of his own.
“I had the benefit of not having to do much … so when I did get the ball, I’m fresh and I’m playing against guys who’ve been working really hard,” Mahovic said modestly about his performance. “They were just a little bit slower [and more tired], and that gave me a bit of an advantage over them. It’s a testament to our defence, really—they allowed me the opportunity to go on those runs.”
The latter part of the second half was all Axemen, who cruised to triumph in a businesslike manner. Cameron Dare eventually put together a bruising gallop of his own and Giles Calder cleaned things up for a late insurance try.
The Axemen are poised to go for another Division 2 title May 5 in Burnaby against Kamloops, but that’s not what they want people to fixate on.
“We’ve been able to take two squads of 23 guys all the way through to the semifinals, [Division 2 and Division 3], and I think that’s the real big win for us,” remarked Mahovic. “I’m already ecstatic with what we’ve achieved this year, and next week will be a cherry on a pretty incredible cake.” n
Join Whistler LakesConservation Foundation forits AnnualGeneral Meeting ,followedbyguest speaker Dr.Peter Ross, Senior Scientist, RaincoastConservation Foundation, whowillpresent thefirst-year results of Whistler ’s community-based water pollutionmonitoringprogram.
Doorsopenat3:00pm, seatingislimited!
ASky to SeaHealthy Waters ProgramPresentation
Saturday,May 11, 3:30 PM
Whistler Public Library
Initiated in 2023, HealthyWaters is ajoint venturebetween Whistler Lakes ConservationFoundationand RaincoastConservation Foundationthat expands WLCF’s volunteer monitoring from thelakes into thewatersheds. Theprogram testsfor contaminants in waters in theWhistlerareathat drainintoboththe Fraser andCoastal watersheds.The 2.5-year program will help to identifypotentialthreats whichmay then be acteduponor furtherinvestigated over time.
wh is tl er la ke s. ca
BY RÓISÍN CULLEN Local Journalism Initiative ReporterTHE WHISTLER BREWING CO. scooped a gold medal in the World Beer Cup this year, holding its own with top entrants across the world.
It was the brewery’s Winter Dunkel that captured the judges’ attention on the world stage in the Chocolate Beer category. The now-world-class sweet beer has a decidedly chocolatey orange finish that is surprisingly not in your face. It is made with chocolate and wheat malts before being finished with a big helping of 100-per-cent natural organic chocolate.
Marketing brand manager, Andrew Schoonen of Northam Beverages, said the Dunkel is a longtime favourite of craft-beer enthusiasts and will be back on the market in November just in time for another chilly ski season.
Schoonen chatted to Pique about the win and what it means for the locally owned B.C. company.
“We have won medals in various beer competitions. We are certainly proud of all the hard work that our brewing team does in Whistler,” he said. “This one is particularly satisfying. The World Beer Cup is held in the
States every two years. It’s a big competition.
It’s hard to win a medal there—2,060 breweries entered this year. For our brewery to win a gold medal says a lot about the great work our team is doing and how great that beer is.”
Whistler Brewing has been kicking around since 1989, constantly evolving along the way.
“The brewery has changed hands a number of times over the years,” said Schoonen.
“Northam started as a small group of local business people who wanted to enter into
Whistler Brewing cans can now be seen in stores across the province and further afield.
“British Columbia is our homebase so we are the strongest here,” said Schoonen. “Over the years, we have made inroads in other places around Canada. This has taken time. We have also been able to expand out East into Ontario and the Maritimes with our Forager Gluten Free Lager.”
The lager is a gluten-free beer that doesn’t taste like a gluten-free beer. Here the
“We are always looking to do some new and exciting beers.”
the brewing game and were able to acquire Whistler Brewing from its previous owner just ahead of the Olympics.”
It’s a warm craft brewery that feels like a brewery, a welcoming bar that fits in with all things Whistler. “We have the association with Whistler Blackcomb,” said Schoonen. “We are the longstanding brewery that’s evolved in the Whistler area. We definitely embrace that. It’s part of our identity. We celebrate all things outdoor and the wonderful location we get to work and play in.”
company hasn’t just settled to find a decent gluten-free alternative, but strived to be the best. The team at the brewery also takes all the measures needed to make sure the beer is safe for celiacs to enjoy. It is now one of the go-to gluten-free recommendations for bartenders across B.C.
“Gluten-free beers are a little bit more niche,” said Schooner. “We have really seen an interest in our market across Canada. We have done a really good job of brewing a gluten-free lager using sorghum and rice so
there’s no gluten in there. We don’t have to do any type of extraction.”
Schooner said ruling out crosscontamination is incredibly important to the team. “We pay super close attention when we are packaging and that our lines are clean,” he said. “[The Forager] is resonating really well with consumers across the country. It allows people with gluten sensitivities or celiacs to enjoy a really good gluten-free beer.”
The craft beer “revolution,” as Schooner calls it, has exploded since the 2010s. Craft beer counted for a staggering 30 per cent of the province’s beer market back in 2022, according to the Canadian Craft Brewers Association.
“We have seen the onset of craft beer since the 2010s. Down in the States in Washington, California and Oregon, we saw a rise in the popularity of craft beer,” said Schooner. “Down in British Columbia, we have seen the rise in our own craft brewery industry. We have well over 200 breweries in the province. The majority of them are craft breweries. It’s great to see how the industry has evolved and just the amount of great beer that is coming out of B.C. these days.”
The future looks bright for Whistler Brewing with lots of new recipes being whipped up.
“We are always looking to do some new and exciting beers,” said Schooner. “We have lots of capacity to grow … not just in B.C., but outside Canada as well. Awards like the World Beer Cup helps us.” n
WINTER GOLD Whistler Brewing’s Winter Dunkel held its own on the world stage at the 2024 World Beer Cup. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREW SCHOONENTHE LOCAL BAND NEXT PLAYS MAY 11 AT THE PEMBERTON LEGION
BY DAVID SONGYOU’LL FIND A LOT of cover bands in Whistler, and understandably so. As a worldrenowned ski resort that transforms into an elite mountain bike hot spot in summer months, this town attracts a revolving door of visitors which leave artists with a different crowd almost every night. Perhaps that’s one reason groups like A Whole Lotta Led have remained successful for so long without having to branch out to other areas.
That said, there’s always value in originality: which is exactly what Pemberton band Mars Crossing intends to bring to its upcoming show.
“The few times we played locally in Pemberton before, we’ve had great feedback,” says drummer Tom Rimmer. “People are stoked and they want to hear it again. Folks want to enjoy listening to music, and I think Whistler locals are maybe getting a bit tired of hearing the same music played over and over and over again.”
Rimmer will be joined by lead singer Caleb Mackenzie, bassist Brad Nichols and guitar players Mike Grenzer and Joseph Salay, a.k.a. Sal. The group coalesced by chance, on
a night when Grenzer went to Mackenzie’s house (the location of a lively party) and asked him to turn the music down.
What might have been a contentious encounter turned out to be awfully serendipitous.
The two men fell into a musical groove and stayed up all night playing together.
Mackenzie’s the youngest member of Mars Crossing: he’s in his 30s while the rest are in their 50s and 60s. As a result, he brings a
dad once played in a high-school orchestra, while his mom was a pianist, and there were always instruments kicking around their family home near Guelph, Ont. At age nine, he managed to save $90 and buy a drum kit off of his neighbour.
By his mid-teens, Rimmer had immersed himself in the burgeoning punk rock scene of Montreal and Toronto: an era where one could take the metro to three or four different shows per night if desired. Sporting
“The few times we played locally in Pemberton before, we’ve had great feedback.”
different style compared to the classic rock roots of his mates.
“We are a bit of southern rock, a bit of funk and some blues,” Rimmer explains.
“Caleb’s songs are really good—they’re kind of standard, with not a lot of complexity or chord changes, whereas Mike’s songs are the total opposite. We have some easy-listening songs, but we also have some complicated-music songs. As a musician, they’re both fun to play.”
Rimmer is indeed a lifelong musician. His
a mohawk and a pair of Doc Marten boots, Rimmer gained plenty of exposure opening for more established bands before selling his instruments and moving to Whistler at 17 years of age.
He came for the skiing, but ultimately stayed for the music.
Rimmer’s first band, The Dank Nuggs, lasted for almost eight years as he and two other locals toured across British Columbia. They covered everyone from Grateful Dead to the Allman Brothers before going their separate ways. Subsequently, Rimmer and Grenzer played with A Whole Lotta
Led guitarist Phil Richards for nearly two decades until Richards moved to Vancouver Island.
Just like with any other skill, practice makes proficient when it comes to music.
“Playing with all these guys over the years, it allows you to grow musically,” says Rimmer. “Music is a passion for me. I’m not playing for the income or the adoration of a crowd. I’m playing because I love playing music, and drumming especially.
“Rhythm is really what drives people to dance, so I get to have the fun job of controlling the crowd. Over the years, I’ve learned to listen. We really take time to craft the songs that we’ve been writing. We have songs that we wrote three years ago and we’re still tweaking their endings or their beginnings.”
Going forward, Rimmer hopes Mars Crossing’s fresh stuff will continue to win over audiences and promoters alike.
“Wouldn’t hiring an original band that writes their own music and is self-produced [be a great way to promote arts]?” he asks rhetorically. “People are getting gigs based on the covers they play, and then they inject one or two of their original songs. We’re trying to do the exact opposite: we have 20 original songs and two covers. I think people are going to be surprised at what they hear.”
Mars Crossing takes the stage May 11 at the Pemberton Legion. n
IN FEBRUARY 1984 , a “Whistler’s Answers” feature in the Whistler Question asked residents “Are your banking transactions made overly complicated because there’s no bank in Whistler?” Before the summer of 1984, there was no permanent financial institution in the resort, which could make banking more difficult than usual for residents and even visitors. Over time, we’ve heard many stories about banking (or not) in Whistler at the museum, such as the race completed by Whistler Mountain employees on payday to make it to Squamish before the bank there closed.
Two of the stories we’ve heard from longtime residents concern bank robberies, both occurring at the trailer the Bank of Nova Scotia (now known as Scotiabank) operated near the base of Whistler Mountain for a time in the 1970s. It seems the trailer operated as part of the Pemberton branch and, though it did not offer all the services one might expect to find at a bank, local residents could cash cheques there, avoiding a drive to either Pemberton or Squamish.
According to one tale, one or two people in Vancouver who were acquainted with some Whistler residents decided they were going to rob the bank. They drove up the highway, went into the trailer, held up the teller (though it is unclear what, if anything, they used as a weapon), and escaped with the money, though there was apparently at least one customer who recognized them. While it might have seemed like a simple robbery to plan, the thieves forgot to make a plan to get out of Whistler. With only one road in and out, the bank called the RCMP in Squamish, who set up a roadblock on the highway and apprehended the thieves.
The second story of a bank robbery in Whistler was even more straightforward. As the bank was located in a trailer, someone reportedly decided to hitch it up to their
Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing) No. 2440, 2024 (the “Proposed Bylaw”)
The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) is required by recent amendments to the Local Government Act to amend Zoning and Parking Bylaw No 303, 2015 to accommodate small-scale multi-unit housing on parcels of residential land with restrictive zoning The Local Government Act prohibits the holding of a public hearing on bylaws proposed to comply with this provincial government requirement.
Purpose: The purpose of Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing) No 2440, 2024 is to comply with provincial government requirements for zoning bylaw amendment permitting small-scale multi-unit housing on parcels of land with zoning currently restricted to single-family detached dwellings, auxiliary suites and duplexes Depending on parcel size and location, up to 4 dwelling units must be permitted on each parcel
Subject Lands: The Proposed Bylaw affects parcels of residential land on which Zoning and Parking Bylaw No 303, 2015 restricts development to fewer than the number of dwelling units required to be permitted by s. 481.3 of the Local Government Act. To see if your property may be affected, visit the RMOW website: whistler.ca/SSMUH
Date of First Reading: Consideration of the first reading of the Proposed Bylaw is scheduled for the Regular Council Meeting on May 14, 2024.
To learn more: A copy of the Proposed Bylaw will be available for review from May 3 to May 14, 2024 at:
• Municipal Hall at 4325 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC, during regular office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (statutory holidays excluded)
• Online on the RMOW website at: whistler.ca/SSMUH
truck and drive away with it. Unfortunately for them, there was no money kept on the premises, and the bank was found abandoned but intact relatively close by.
Though the Bank of Nova Scotia did offer some services in the trailer for a few years, it was not until June 1984 that a financial institution opened an official branch in Whistler. The North Shore Community Credit Union (NSCCU; known today as BlueShore Financial) opened in the Blackcomb Professional Building in Village Square on Saturday, June 2. Although credit unions are not the same as banks, the NSCCU provided residents with many of the same services, including chequing, RRSPs, mortgages, and loans. With four full-time and two part-time employees, the NSCCU planned to be open five days a week (Tuesday to Saturday) and was also planning to install an ATM. It was the seventh branch of the NSCCU to open and the first outside of the North Shore and West Vancouver. For visiting NSCCU members, the opening of a Whistler location was also very convenient.
The financial institution was well received by the community. Businesses and organizations such as the Whistler Resort Association and both mountains took advertisements out to welcome the NSCCU, and there was a very good turnout at the opening. The NSCCU also encouraged residents to become members by offering a chance to win either a season’s dual mountain ski pass or a summer of windsurfing. Though all members from any branch were eligible to enter the competition throughout June, it was two Whistler residents, Fred Lockwood and Heather McInnis, whose names were drawn by Willie Whistler at the beginning of July.
The NSCCU did not remain in its Village Square location for long. Over a weekend in December 1984, everything in the branch (including the safe) was moved to its current location on the Village Stroll. Over the past 40 years, other financial institutions have opened branches in Whistler, though none as portable as the Bank of Nova Scotia’s trailer. n
The Whistler Housing Authority (WHA) is seeking interest from individuals for an opportunity to join the WHA Board of Directors.
The WHA Board of Directors provides a valuable governance role and strategic oversight of Whistler’s Employee Housing Programs. WHA Board members make an important contribution to the organization and community in this volunteer capacity.
The Board is comprised of passionate and engaged community members who want to dedicate time and provide direction into the future evolution of Whistler’s Employee Housing Programs. The WHA believes that diversity in decision making is key to ensuring that everyone with an interest in housing is represented. We are seeking applications from people with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences with housing insecurity. We are also inviting those with legal and risk management expertise and all who are interested in contributing to Whistler’s Employee Housing Programs to apply. Directors’ terms are typically for a 3-year term.
Board Meetings are held bi-monthly at RMOW Municipal Hall. Attendance is mandatory, and virtual attendance can be accommodated.
For further information, please consult: whistlerhousing.ca Questions may be directed via email to: meredith@whistlerhousing.ca Applications will be received until May 23, 2024
Here’s a quick look at some events happening in Whistler this week and beyond. FIND MORE LOCAL EVENT LISTINGS (and submit your own for free!) at piquenewsmagazine.com/local-events
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Resort Municipality of Whistler
TheSmart TourismCommittee will support thedevelopment of a vision forthe future of tourisminWhistlerand help thecommunity developand evolve Whistler’s tourismproduct in line with this vision andleading regenerative practices.
Expertiseinatleast oneofthe following areas:
•Strategic thinking andpolicyanalysis
•Sustainable development
•Destination stewardship
•Environmental scienceand conservation
•Innovative technology
•Involvement in local community services,sport and/or recreation
Scanthe QR code formoreinformation aboutthe Smar tTourism Committeeand informationon howtoapply.
Submission deadline:May 20,2024at5:00p.m.
Resort MunicipalityofWhistler
Attend this special Curator Tour to learn how the Sk’wx’wú7mesh Úxwumixw and Líl’wat7úl have been caring for their territory since the beginning of their creation stories. The exhibition shares some of the work done to help restore the balance and harmony in the Sk’wx’wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) territory and the Líl’wat7úl (Lil’wat Nation) territory with neighbours and partners.
> May 3, 1 p.m.
> Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre
> With museum admission
Join the Whistler Naturalists for a bird walk on the first Saturday of each month. The walks are at Alta Lake, open to anyone interested in birds and covering many types of habitat. You’ll be joined by birding experts who compile a detailed inventory list on year-round bird activity.
> May 4, 8 a.m.
> Meet at the bottom of Lorimer Road by the Catholic Church
> Free
Join us in the heritage lodge at The Point Artist-Run Centre as we shake off the winter doldrums and rejuvenate our souls with the creative process in a group setting.
Beginning May 5, we kick off the Spring Artist Sessions with Wine & Wildlife Painting. Local artist, muralist and professor of fine arts Lacey Jane will be leading a fun evening of wine and painting wildlife in a casual setting.
The first session will be focused on painting the beloved Whiskey Jack, Canada’s friendliest alpine bird. A fee of $40 includes all art materials and a glass of wine, with a total of four Wine & Wildlife Painting Sessions scheduled for May 5, 26, June 9, and 23, running from 7 to 9 p.m. each evening.
> May 5, 7 to 9 p.m.
> The Point Artist-Run Centre > $40
The Point Artist-Run Centre is holding auditions for two one-act plays.
The plays—“Aye Aye AI” by Stephen Vogler and “Crypto Caper” by Alan Forsythe—will premiere at the Flag Stop Theatre & Arts Festival in Whistler on Aug. 9 and 10, and at the Heritage Playhouse in Gibsons on Aug. 23.
Auditions for “Aye Aye AI” are set for May 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Point, while “Crypto Caper” details have yet to be determined.
Both plays have four roles to fill. Email thepointinfo@ gmail.com for more info.
> May 6, 6:30 p.m.
> The Point Artist-Run Centre > Free
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ARIES (March 21-April 19): The world’s record for jumping rope in six inches of mud is held by an Aries. Are you surprised? I’m not. So is the world’s record for consecutive wallops administered to a plastic inflatable punching doll. Other top accomplishments performed by Aries people: longest distance walking on one’s hands; number of curse words uttered in two minutes; and most push-ups with three bulldogs sitting on one’s back. As impressive as these feats are, I hope you will channel your drive for excellence in more constructive directions during the coming weeks. Astrologically speaking, you are primed to be a star wherever you focus your ambition on highminded goals. Be as intense as you want to be while having maximum fun giving your best gifts.
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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I don’t casually invoke the terms “marvels,” “splendours,” and “miracles.” Though I am a mystic, I also place a high value on rational thinking and skeptical proof. If someone tells me a marvel, splendour, or miracle has occurred, I will thoroughly analyze the evidence. Having said that, though, I want you to know that during the coming weeks, marvels, splendours, and miracles are far more likely than usual to occur in your vicinity—even more so if you have faith they will. I will make a similar prediction about magnificence, sublimity, and resplendence. They are headed your way. Are you ready for blessed excess? For best results, welcome them all generously and share them lavishly.
Valerie Kelly (74) from D’arcy BC, peacefully passed away on April 03, 2024 at her home. Survived by daughter Debbie (Kur t), son Douglas (Petra), predeceased by daughter Jennifer. She was a very proud grandmother of Ella and Jaxon. Celebration of life to be held at a later date To leave a condolence to the family please go to www.squamishfuneralchapel.com
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In accordance with astrological omens, I recommend you enjoy a celebratory purge sometime soon. You could call it a Cleansing Jubilee, or a Gleeful Festival of Purification, or a Jamboree of Cathartic Healing. This would be a fun holiday that lasted for at least a day and maybe as long as two weeks. During this liberating revel, you would discard anything associated with histories you want to stop repeating. You’d get rid of garbage and excess. You may even thrive by jettisoning perfectly good stuff you no longer have any use for.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Graduation day will soon arrive. Congrats, Cancerian! You have mostly excelled in navigating through a labyrinthine system that once upon a time discombobulated you. With panache and skill, you have wrangled chaos into submission and gathered a useful set of resources. So are you ready to welcome your big rewards? Prepared to collect your graduation presents? I hope so. Don’t allow lingering fears of success to cheat you out of your well-deserved harvest. Don’t let shyness prevent you from beaming like a champion in the winner’s circle.
PS: I encourage you to meditate on the likelihood that your new bounty will transform your life almost as much as did your struggle to earn it.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ritualist and author Sobonfu Somé was born in Burkina Faso but spent many years teaching around the world. According to her philosophy, we should periodically ask ourselves two questions: 1. “What masks have been imposed on us by our culture and loved ones?” 2. “What masks have we chosen for ourselves to wear?” According to my astrological projections, the coming months will be an excellent time for you to ruminate on these inquiries—and take action in response. Are you willing to remove your disguises to reveal the hidden or unappreciated beauty that lies beneath? Can you visualize how your life may change if you will intensify your devotion to expressing your deepest, most authentic self?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If human culture were organized according to my principles, there would be more than eight billion religions—one for every person alive. Eight billion altars. Eight billion saviours. If anyone wanted to enlist priestesses, gurus, and other spiritual intermediaries to help them out in their worship, they would be encouraged. And we would all borrow beliefs and rituals from each other. There would be an extensive trade of clues and tricks about the art of achieving ecstatic union with the Great Mystery. I bring this up, Virgo, because the
coming weeks will be an ideal time for you to craft your own personalized and idiosyncratic religious path. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Hidden agendas and simmering secrets will soon leak into view. Intimate mysteries will become even more intimate and more mysterious. Questions that have been half-suppressed will become pressing and productive. Can you handle this much intrigue, Libra? Are you willing to wander through the amazing maze of emotional teases to gather clues about the provocative riddles? I think you will have the poise and grace to do these things. If I’m right, you can expect deep revelations to appear and long-lost connections to re-emerge. Intriguing new connections are also possible. Be on high alert for subtle revelations and nuanced intuitions. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It’s fun and easy to love people for their magnificent qualities and the pleasure you feel when they’re nice to you. What’s more challenging is to love the way they disappoint you. Now pause a moment and make sure you register what I just said. I didn’t assert that you should love them even if they disappoint you. Rather, I invited you to love them BECAUSE they disappoint you. In other words, use your disappointment to expand your understanding of who they really are, and thereby develop a more inclusive and realistic love for them. Regard your disappointment as an opportunity to deepen your compassion—and as a motivation to become wiser and more patient. (PS: In general, now is a time when so-called “negative” feelings can lead to creative breakthroughs and a deepening of love.)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I assure you that you don’t need “allies” who encourage you to indulge in delusions or excesses. Nor do I recommend that you seek counsel from people who think you’re perfect. But you could benefit from colleagues who offer you judicious feedback. Do you know any respectful and perceptive observers who can provide advice about possible course corrections you could make? If not, I will fill the role as best as I can. Here’s one suggestion: Consider phasing out a mild pleasure and a small goal so you can better pursue an extra fine pleasure and a major goal.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I invite you to take an inventory of what gives you pleasure, bliss, and rapture. It’s an excellent time to identify the thrills that you love most. When you have made a master list of the fun and games that enhance your intelligence and drive you half-wild with joy, devise a master plan to ensure you will experience them as much as you need to—not just in the coming weeks, but forever. As you do, experiment with this theory: By stimulating delight and glee, you boost your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian author Lewis Carroll said, “You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.” In my astrological opinion, this won’t be an operative theme for you in the coming weeks, Aquarius. I suspect you will be inclined to believe fervently in magic, which will ensure that you attract and create a magical solution to at least one of your problems—and probably more.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Which would you prefer in the coming weeks: lots of itches, prickles, twitches, and stings? Or, instead, lots of tingles, quivers, shimmers, and soothings? To ensure the latter types of experiences predominate, all you need to do is cultivate moods of surrender, relaxation, welcome, and forgiveness. You will be plagued with the aggravating sensations only if you resist, hinder, impede, and engage in combat. Your assignment is to explore new frontiers of elegant and graceful receptivity.
Homework: Tell yourself the truth about something you have not been fully honest about. Newsletter.FreeWillAstrology. com.
In addition to this column, Rob Brezsny creates
In-depth weekly forecasts designed to inspire and uplift you. To buy access, phone 1-888-499-4425. Once you’ve chosen the Block of Time you like, call 1-888-682-8777 to hear Rob’s forecasts. www.freewillastrology.com
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We are looking to hire another member to our team at Straightline. Experience in Plumbing is required. Gas Fitting and HVAC would be preferred but not essential. Wages are based on experience. Part-time or Full-time positions available.
Please call 604-935-8771 or email straightlineplumbingandheating@gmail.com for more information.
Our team of people is what sets us apart from other builders. As we continue to grow as the leader in luxury projects in Whistler, our team needs to expand with us.
We are currently hiring: Experienced Carpenters $30 - $45.50/hourly. Wage based on experience. Red Seal is a bonus, but not mandatory.
EVR is committed to the long-term retention and skills development of our team: We are passionate about investing in our team’s future.
We offer:
• Top Wages
• Training & Tuition Reimbursement (Need help getting your Red Seal?)
• $500 Annual Tool Allowance
• Extended Health and Dental Benefits (Also includes Family Benefits.)
• Flexible Schedule - Work Life Balance. (We get it. We love to ski and bike too.)
• Assistance with Work Visa and Permanent Residency (We can help.)
• Positive Work Environment
We promote from within and are looking to strengthen our amazing team. Opportunities for advancement into management positions always exist for the right candidates. Don’t miss out on being able to build with the team that builds the most significant projects in Whistler. Send your resume to info@evrfinehomes.com We look forward to hearing from you!
• Engineering Technologist - Utilities
• Industrial Electrician Utilities
• Labourer ll – Parks Sanitation
• Utilities Equipment Operator 3
• Facilities Maintenance I
• Band
- $63,973 per year)
• Housing Administrator ($46,683.00 to $63,973.00
HYDROVAC OPERATOR - Valid Class 1 or Class 3 with air brakes Manual transmission. 2 years experience preferred. $32-$37 per hour.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, Squamish - Minimum 5 years or 5,000 hours operating experience on excavator. Full-time, Monday – Friday. $33-$42 per hour.
HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC, Whistler – Red Seal Certified, Commercial Truck & Transport, Transport Trailer required. CVSE Inspector’s ticket, Air Conditioning ticket, Class 1 or 3 with air brakes preferred. Toolbox available for rent. $37.70-$39.80 per hour.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST – Keen eye for detail and proficiency in data entry and management required. Completion of accounting courses preferred. $26-$35 per hour.
ACCOUNTANT – Prepare financial information, statements, reports and develop internal control procedures. CPA or working towards designation preferred. $32-$42 per hour.
ACCOUNTING & PAYROLL SPECIALIST, Whistler – CPA, PCP or working towards certification preferred. Full-time, Monday – Friday. $27-$36 per hour
Worker/ Counsellor ($80,371.20 - $91,673.40 per year)
Lil’wat Health & Healing
• Nurse Manager ($85,685.60 - $117,280.80 per year)
• Health Care Assistant ($38,038 - $53,599 per year)
• Maintenance Worker ($20.90 to $29.45 per hour)
• Custodian ($17.40 to $20.90 per hour)
We are seeking
The Squamish Chief has an opening for an experienced and committed journalist who is comfortable in hiking boots.
The reporter will be tasked to cover local news and drive online engagement, while working with a small (but mighty) team based in one of Canada’s fastestgrowing communities, Squamish.
1-2 years experience working in a similar station an asset.
• Duties include prepping/portioning/cooking steaks, seafood and pan cooking.
• Imagine working in a well respected fine dinning bistro which is well run, fun, and does 60-70 covers a night.
• Wage is $25-$28/hour based on experience, plus tips. Medical & Dental benefits and staff discounts in Roland’s Pub.
Email resume to info@reddoorbistro.ca
The successful candidate will cover all things Squamish in a general reporter role both online and in print.
The candidate will write eight to 10 relevant stories per week.
The role includes some evening and weekend coverage.
The successful candidate should be at home covering District council meetings, which are weekly, interviewing business owners, jumping in a boat to photograph local herring, or heading out to interview someone in the Squamish Valley.
The role also involves producing social media content, such as regular videos. You have a degree in journalism, are passionate about community news—in print and online.
You have great ethics, are self-motivated and efficient, with a curious, critical mind and an acute attention to detail.
You have experience working in a newsroom and adhering to strict deadlines. Other relevant skills include newspaper layout, copy editing, photography, and video editing.
Ideally, you have experience covering provincial court decisions.
Located in the bustling outdoor-obsessed community of Squamish, British Columbia, The Squamish Chief is an award-winning publication and the paper of record for the community.
To apply for this position, send your resume, three clippings, or other relevant materials, as well as a short cover letter about why you want to cover community news in Squamish, by May 7, 2024, to: Jennifer Thuncher at jthuncher@ squamishchief.com
Compensation is commensurate with skills and experience ($40,000 - $48,000, and a benefit package).
IT WAS one of those moments.
Dazed and confused in more or less the middle of Olympic Plaza, it was one of those moments when the best thing a guy could do would be to just sit down, gather his thoughts, remind himself of what exactly he was trying to do, and start doing it all over again. Maybe even seek refuge in making a list! System overload: Reboot.
So naturally, I didn’t do that.
Instead, I hesitantly jerked my way first one direction then turned heel and stumbled a few steps the opposite way, like a target in a shooting gallery. Walk… plink… walk the other way… plink… repeat as necessary until enlightenment arrived.
After a half-dozen iterations of this spastic two-step, I broke through the haze and became self-aware of the comical spectacle my indecision was creating. Instead of seizing that moment of clarity to gather whatever was left of my wits, I truncated the two-step into a herky-jerky spinning motion. Whistler’s version of a whirling Dervish. A jerky Dervish? Sounds like a sweet, meaty snack.
“Tourism Whistler paying you to be street entertainment, dude?”
The all-too-familiar voice was a little less familiar than usual. The ground-glass, whiskey and unfiltered cigarette edges seemed rounded, almost melodic. There was a lyrical quality to his words. A kinder, gentler mockery.
“Just dancin’ with indecision, J.J.,” I replied.
In a most unusual way, I was kind of glad to be bushwhacked by J.J. Geddyup, Whistler’s inveterate, underemployed, over-stimulated, chronically paranoid private eye. If anyone could make me feel like I knew what I was doing, J.J. would be that guy. Living a life that pretty much embodied disorder and uncertainty, J.J. could be relied on to be an island of chaos in a placid sea. No matter how weird my life was, J.J.’s could be counted on to be a few steps closer to Armageddon.
“I know I came to the village to do something; I just can’t remember exactly what it was,” I continued. “Good news is, while I’ve been trying to remember, I’ve thought of several other things to do. Male Pattern Distraction. Now I’m just trying to figure out the best order to do them in.”
“I suggest we start with a planning session… over a beer,” he said in a voice that seemed way too rational, considering what a half-assed idea it was.
“A beer? It’s 10 in the freakin’ morning, J.J.”
“So it is. Better make it a Bloody Mary then. I’m buyin’.”
I froze. “What did you say?”
“Better make it a Bloody Mary?”
“No, after that.”
“I’m buyin’?”
“Yeah. That. I’ve never heard you say that before.” It was a little like taking a mild but
stunning blow to the head. J.J. offering to buy a drink? The guy who purloined my beverage whenever he came within reach. The guy I’d seen swipe beers off tables when their owners left them untended to make a pit stop. It was like hearing Pierre Poilievre say he and Justin Trudeau were secretly lovers.
“You look like you need a drink,” he countered. “In fact, you look like you either need a couple of drinks or you’ve already had a couple.”
Stumbling to the nearest patio, he ordered two Bloody Marys. “Make that one Bloody Mary and one black coffee,” I corrected.
“Coffee this early,” he mocked. “You are confused.”
“And you’re not,” I said. “How come? Usually it’s the other way around. You’re
silly people ripping the globe’s social fabric to shreds over which side is less reprehensible in the Middle East when their protest actions will have absolutely no impact on either side’s dogmatic intransigence. There’s the escalating culture war virus Canada seems to have contracted from the U.S. Need I go on?”
“Why worry about things you can’t do anything about?”
“Worry is doing something! Unfortunately, it’s about all I can do. I can’t do anything about uninspiring presidential candidates. Anything about an only slightly worse choice on this side of the border. Can’t do anything about Alberta channelling its inner Quebec or the growing sense most provincial leaders believe the best environmental policy is no policy at all. Can’t do anything about the wars that are
There was a lyrical quality to his words. A kindler, gentler mockery.
scattered and I’m the one who knows more or less what he’s doing. In fact, you seem eerily calm.”
“I am. Calm, that is.”
“How come? How can you be calm?”
“What’s not to be calm about?”
“Oh, let’s see. There’s stubbornly high inflation. There’s Trudeau driving the good ship Liberal Party into the ground. There’s
raging and the ones just waiting in the wings for a spark. Worry’s about all that’s left. How come you’re not worried? Since when did you start walking around, offering to buy drinks, humming ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’?”
“Since I stopped caring, dude. Since I caught the wave and joined the great unwashed.”
“What the hell does that mean, J.J.?”
“Means what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Isn’t that your philosophy about skiing?”
“Not exactly. It’s what you can’t see can’t hurt you. And I only mean it ironically; kind of a skiing-in-the-fog rationalization. But how can you not know? How can you ignore what’s going on around you?”
“No news, no newspapers. No antisocial media. Everything I need to know I can get off YouTube DIY ditties. I made a knife out of a bunch of rusted drill bits. Cool. The rest is just noise, one big reality show. Not part of my bubble. Ignorance is bliss, dude.”
“And freedom is slavery, war is peace… yada yada yada. Show me the lobotomy scar, J.J.”
“No lobotomy, dude. Just conscious choice. Or unconscious choice if you prefer. Look, you can get yourself all worked up about inflation and war and a burning planet and politics and greed. You can get so confused you can’t remember what it was you’re doing and wind up spinning in the middle of the village like a confused cat in the middle of a freeway. You can care until your ears bleed. And other than making you bloody, what’s it get you? Nothing. You know what? Maybe there is no solution. Maybe the best efforts you can mount, the best plans you can make aren’t good enough. If the planet’s warming up, if the icebergs’re meltin’, what the hell: strip down and ride the wave, dude. Cowabunga!”
“Seems a bit nihilistic, J.J.”
“Actually, it’s de-nihilistic. Don’t worry; be happy.”
“Well, if that’s the case, maybe a Bloody Mary this early makes all the sense in the world.”
“Nothing else does, brother.” ■