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from The Citizen
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the HUGO CITY COUNCIL has scheduled the Midyear Budget Workshop for Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 5 p.m. in the Hugo City Hall Council Chambers.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there is potential of a quorum of the HUGO CITY COUNCIL at the annual Kids ‘n Biz Festival on Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 9-noon at the Oneka Elementary School.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the HUGO CITY COUNCIL has rescheduled the annual Citywide Bus Tour from September 30 to Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 10 a.m. Location TBD.
Published one time in The Citizen on July 27, 2023. CITY OF HUGO WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 2023-525
Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby amend Chapter 10, Article II, Section 10-32 of the Hugo City Code to delete the following: Delete subsections 10-32 (2) Notification of authorities, 10-32 (3) Second complaint, and 10-32 (4) Failure to correct.
Section 2. Severability. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction adjudges any part of this Ordinance to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance not specifically included within that judgment.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication according to law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota this 15th day of May, 2023.
Tom Weidt, Mayor
ATTEST: Michele Lindau, City Clerk
Published one time in The Citizen on July 27, 2023.
The Hugo Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 7:00pm in Hugo City Hall to consider the minor subdivision request from Joseph and Lisa Gadbois, 8860 152nd Street North, Hugo, MN 55038. The request is to subdivide a 20-acre parcel located at 8860 152nd Street North into two 10-acre parcels. The property is generally located east of Irish Avenue North and north of 152nd Street North and is legally described as The west one-half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 031, Range 21, Washington County, Minnesota. Full legal description available at Hugo City Hall. Anyone wishing to comment on any request can be heard at this time. Please call Max Gort, Associate Planner at 651-762-6311 if you have any questions or comments on the application and would like to participate in the meeting.
Max Gort, Associate Planner Published one time in The Citizen on July 27, 2023.
14725 Victor Hugo Blvd |Hugo 8001 Lake Drive Lino Lakes License number 03934-007
License number 03934-008 and not just come in and be unable to learn, grow and take on responsibilities within the fire department.”
Miron said it took him a while to be comfortable with making the recommendation to council.
“My biggest concern going in was to try to maintain the structure that we currently have, our paid-on-call fire department, which largely amounts to a volunteer department,” he said. “I don’t think that moving forward with this recommendation is going to solve all of the challenges that the fire department has … I think this structure is going to look a lot different than what we see today in other places but it was done with the objective to maintain the current paid-on-call structure for as long as the city can retain it while bringing up future leaders.”
Council Member Becky Petryk said she appreciated the fact that the city wants to hire from within for the chief and other leadership positions.
“The creation of a full-time fire chief position will take the burden off the part-time staff. It will
• Kevin Kriegshauser no longer works for the Hugo Fire Department. He decided to retired from the department after he relocated outside of the city. He was hired in May 2010.

• American Legion Post 620 continues to donate to the Hugo Fire Department. Most recently, the legion donated $500.
• The Washington County Sheriff’s Office has received a grant to purchase new Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and wants to donate four used AEDs to the Hugo Fire Department.
• The lump-sum pension will increase by $300 a year, after a request came in from the Hugo Fire Relief Association. The organization’s bylaws have also been updated.

• The city’s moratorium on the sale, distribution and manufacturing of THC products is set to expire next month. The council has decided it will enact a new year-long moratorium that prohibits cannabis businesses. (See full story in this week’s paper.)
S & S Real Estate Holdings, LLC has applied for the final plat for the last additions (7th and 8th) of Adelaide Landing located along 130th also allow the fire chief the time to work more collaboratively with other city of Hugo departments, the sheriff’s office, M Health Fairview Ambulance and area fire departments,” Compton Jr. said. “Working efficiently and effectively within the administrative responsibilities will also allow the fire chief more time to focus on the paid-on-call firefighters and their needs. By having the time to dedicate properly to the needs of the fire firefighters, the fire department and the community will help preserve the paid-on-call fire department in our community for years to come.”
The item will likely come back before the council in August.
Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached at 651-407-1227 or citizennews@presspubs.com.
Street. The developer now has the OK to begin on the remaining six lots in the 7th Addition and one lot in the 8th Addition.
• The city has amended its Capital Improvement Plan. City Engineer Mark Erichson said, “This last year was very damaging to our roadways.” He added every three years staff evaluates pavement ratings, but since this year was not a rating year, the staff had to rely on the experience of the public works crews.
“Some roads that were far up on the list got surpassed by roads that weren’t even on the list,” Erichson said. The plan is as follows:
– 2024: Heather Avenue and Upper Heather Avenue, 125th Street
– 2025: Jardin Avenue, Fable Hills (Elmcrest to Bridge), Farnham Avenue and 130th Street, Garden Way, Arbre Lane, Poets Green, Beaver Ponds (129th Street, 128th Street, Ferreram, Fiona, Flay, Fondant)
– 2026: Heritage Parkway and Ingersoll Avenue
– 2027: Fenway Avenue and 140th Street
– 2028: Duck Pass (136th Street, Circle and Court), Janero Avenue, Hyde Avenue and Irish Avenue
• The council will need to approve a job description for the new full-time fire chief position at a future meeting. (See full story in this week’s paper.)
• The midyear budget workshop has been scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30.
• The city has decided to reschedule its 2023 citywide bus tour, after the Hugo Business Association scheduled its Kids ‘n Biz event for the same day. The tour is now scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 7.
• City Administrator Bryan Bear will represent the city of Hugo on a committee to develop a comprehensive plan ensuring sustainable water resources in the metropolitan area. Bear explained the committee was established and allocated $2 million from the Legislature for work through 2027. The committee will consist of the Metropolitan Council, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Health, PCA, Metropolitan Water Advisory Committee and area cities impacted by the White Bear Lake area lawsuit.
Shannon Granholm