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Fete des Lacs fun returns to Centerville

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andArts Culture

andArts Culture


And just like that — Another Fete des Lacs celebration is in the books. This year’s festival featured fireworks, a parade, car show, Paddle des Lacs and more. Now the planning will begin for 2024.

Dr. Rosann Froehle

Doctorate in Chiropractic. *Acupunture

Bachelor of Science in Human Biology

• Injuries:

3.5M squarefoot industrial development may come to Lino


Scannell Properties, a nation development company, is considering the possible development of approximately 325 acres located in both Lino Lakes and the city of Columbus.

The project could include up to 3.5 million square feet of industrial development. The development of the industrial park requires an environmental review under state law. While the location is covered, in part, by the city’s I-35E Corridor Alternative Urban Area-wide Review environmental document, Scannell has chosen to prepare an

Healthy Eating Healthy Teeth

environmental area wide review document specific to their site.

Community development director

Michael Grochala explained that the AUAR environmental review process will likely take six to nine months. Both cities have entered into a joint powers agreement, which establishes the process for joint review of the environmental study and responsibilities of each city. Both cities will be responsible for their individual review costs, which will be collected from the developer, and both cities will participate in a pro-rata share of review costs for the required five-year updates, again borne by the developer.


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