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Hugo Police Reports

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office reports the following incidents:


• A suspiciously young male walking along a sidewalk near the intersection of 130th Street N. and Goodview Avenue N. at 3:07 a.m. June 15 -- long after curfew – was stopped by deputies but the youth turned out to be 18 years old and eligible to be out after curfew. Deputes moved on while the male continued walking.

• The driver of a blue sedan was cited at 9:00 p.m. June 16 on southbound Highway 61 at 145th Street N. for a window tint violation, after deputies on patrol noticed the vehicle without a front license plate and tint so dark the cab could not be viewed. The driver admitted he was driving his father’s car, had no front plate and knew the tint was too dark.

Deputies checked the light emittance calibration on their tint-o-meter and discovered the driver’s light filter was at only 16%, where 50% light emittance is mandatory.

A check of the driver’s license showed a prior conviction for tint violation. The motorist was also verbally warned about no front plate. Deputies conducted a DWI arrest at 10:33 p.m. June 16 near in the area of Frenchman Road and Elmcrest Avenue N.

• A westbound motorist was cited at 12:04 a.m. June 17 on 170th Street N. and Forest Blvd. N. for speeding 78 mph in a 55 mph zone by deputies on patrol who clocked the vehicle on radar.

• The driver of a gray sedan was also cited for tint violation by deputies at 6:47 p.m. June 17 on Highway 61 at 140th Street. The tint on the front windshield and side windows were so dark the occupants could not be seen.

The rear window and license plate cover were also heavily tinted.

Deputies’ tint-o-meter registered the light emission at 10%, where 50% is the standard. The driver and registered owner told deputies he had brought the vehicle already in that condition. The driver also received a verbal warning for the dark plate cover and object suspended from the rearview mirror.

• A motorist driving without license plates was arrested on outstanding warrants at 1:44 a.m. June 18 near Fenway Avenue N. and 140th Street N., following a traffic stop for the absent plates. During the stop, deputies also cited the driver for driving after revocation and failure to provide proof of insurance.

• Deputies pulled over a driver for no light on the rear license plate at 9:20 p.m. June 18 on Frenchman Road and Elmcrest Avenue N. While speaking with the driver, deputies noticed the odor of burnt marijuana, and a search produced a partially used marijuana cartridge. The driver was released with a warning for equipment violation and no driver’s license in possession.

• A sewer cover on 159th Street N. and Oneka Parkway N. was reported missing at 9:39 p.m. June 19. A citizen covered the gaping hole with a piece of wood, and the public works department was notified.

A Minnesota motorist was cited at 6:16 a.m. June 20 in the 5000 block of westbound Oneka Lake Blvd. for speeding 35 mph in a 30 mph zone by east-facing deputies on stationary patrol

Public Safety Briefs

Pedestrian struck by vehicle

At 1:22 a.m. July 16, officers with the Forest Lake Police Department responded to 95 Broadway Avenue W for a report of a pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle. The victim, Darisha Tela Bailey Vath, 17, of Stacy, was located in a municipal parking lot and lifesaving measures were attempted by officers, EMS and fire personnel on scene. The victim tragically succumbed to the injuries and was pronounced dead who clocked the vehicle on radar at 41 mph. The driver was also verbally warned for a handsfree phone violation because deputies observed him with a cell phone up to his ear. Deputies described the driver’s attitude as only fair. at the location by EMS personnel.

• Another Minnesota motorist was cited for speeding 35 mph in a 30 mph zone at 6:40 a.m. June 20 on westbound Oneka Lake Blvd. N. at Freeland Avenue N. by east-facing deputies who clocked her on radar at 44 mph. This driver, whose attitude was described as good, also had a cell phone up to her ear and received a verbal warning.

• A third Minnesota motorist was cited for speeding 35 mph in a 30 mph zone on westbound Oneka Lake Blvd. N. and Geneva Avenue N. at 6:58 a.m. June 20 by deputies on stationary patrol who clocked the vehicle at 47 mph. “The driver admitted to going too fast and came in hot,” deputies said. His attitude was also described as good.

• Deputies on disposal patrol received a report of a found discarded needle with a brown liquid inside at 11:03 a.m. June 20 from the area of Heritage Parkway N. and Elmcrest Avenue N. They seized the needle for public safety and disposed of it properly. While patrolling the 16000 block of Fenway Avenue N., deputies located a deposit of yard waste along with a small pile of trash. They summoned the public works department for pickup.

• A purse was reported stolen at 6:06 p.m. June 20 from the 15000 block of Forest Blvd. N. Miscellaneous items were reported stolen from an unlocked vehicle parked in a driveway in the 6000 block of 144th Street N. at 10:54 a.m. June 21. No suspects or video surveillance were available.

• A Kidamento camera and Patagonia fanny pack containing miscellaneous items were reported found at 1:49 p.m. June 21 in a park in the 5000 block of Upper 146th Street N. Deputies collected the items and entered them into evidence.

• Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies took possession of a Kidamento camera and a Patagonia fanny pack containing miscellaneous items that were found at 1:49 p.m. June 21 in the 5000 block of Upper 146th Street N. The items were then entered into evidence.

A Minnesota motorist was cited at 6:05 a.m. June 22 in the 6000 block of westbound Oneka Lake Blvd. N. for speeding 35 mph in a 30 mph zone by east-facing deputies on stationary patrol who clocked the vehicle on radar at 41 mph.

• Deputies assisted a man moving out of his home in the 13000 block of EuropaTrail N. at 11:06 a.m. June 22, after his wife would not let him retrieve his belongings. While on scene, deputies oversaw the well- being of everyone involved, and the husband got some of his property out of his home so that he could stay elsewhere.

• Neighbors were reported for drinking then getting into a dispute over lawn care at 3:52 p.m. June 22 in the 16000 block of Harrow Avenue N.

• A suspicious vehicle parked close to an address in the 4000 block of Victor Path N. at 11:51 a.m. June 23 turned out to be parked there legally. At 3:52 p.m. June 25, the complainant again reported the legally parked vehicle for being in that spot for a week.

The driver of the Mazda 3 passenger vehicle Dylan Robert Simmons, 20, of North Branch, was located at the scene and is charged by the Washington County Attorney with third-degree murder and criminal vehicular homicide. The suspect and victim knew each other.

Forest Lake Police officers were assisted by the Minnesota State Patrol, Wyoming Police Department, Chisago County Sheriff’s Office, Washington

County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. This is an active and ongoing investigation at this time.

Missing person found safe

The Forest Lake Police Department reports that Desiray Kappes, previously reported as a missing person, has been found healthy and is cooperating with investigators. Further information is not available, as it is an on-going investigation.

• Deputies assisted the Pine County Sheriff’s Office at 9:27 p.m. June 23 in the 8000 block of 140th Street N. in recovering a stolen vehicle that had been involved in a pursuit. During the traffic stop, the driver advised deputies that the vehicle was sold and had never been registered.

• The driver of a silver sedan was cited at 8:15 p.m. June 24 on Forest Blvd. N. and Frenchman Road for speeding 47 mph in a 35 mph zone by deputies on stationary patrol on Forest Blvd. N. at 146th Street N. During the traffic stop, deputies noticed a small toddler in the back seat who was not in any type of child restraint. The citation included penalties for child restraint violation.

• A tree was reported down and blocking the road near in the area of Elmcrest Avenue N. and 129th Street N. at 7:52 a.m. June 25, following an overnight thunderstorm.

• A southbound motorist was cited at 5:51 p.m. June 25 on Everton Avenue N. at Rosemary Way for driving after suspension and expired registration, after deputies on patrol observed the vehicle displaying tabs from March 2023. A check of the motorist’s driver’s license confirmed his suspended status.

The driver left his vehicle parked while he searched on foot for a valid driver for his vehicle.

• Financial fraud with monetary loss was reported from the 16000 block of Fairoaks Avenue at 8:01 p.m. June 25.

• A burglary in progress was reported at 5:43 p.m. June 26 in the 12000 block of Everton Avenue N.

• A resident in the 15000 block of Forest Blvd. N. at 9:56 p.m. June 26 called deputies to come and get a sister who, up until that moment, was allowed to stay at the residence. Deputies advised the complainant about how to initiate the civil course of action.

East-facing deputies on stationary patrol in the 6000 block of Oneka Lake Blvd. in their marked squad at 7:15 a.m. June 28 cited an eastbound motorist for speeding 35 mph in a 30 mph zone, after clocking the vehicle on radar at 41 mph. The Minnesota motorist said he didn’t know he was going that fast.

Theft was reported at 6:50 p.m. June 27 from the 15000 block of Forest Blvd. N.

• Deputies headed to the Hugo Public Works Department building at 10:27 a.m. June 28 to pick up two bikes found earlier near in the area of Victor Hugo Blvd. N. and Mercantile Drive N. and brought in to HPW, because the owners had now been found. Deputies returned the bikes to their owners.

• A firearm reported missing from the 13000 block of Goodview Avenue N. at 7:30 p.m. June 28 turned out to be the result of a civil matter. An unwanted person reported at 9:40 p.m. June 28 for being in the 15000 block of Forest Blvd. N., from where he had previously been banned, turned out to be allowed there, because the trespass notice had expired.

• Burglars reported for stealing from the Speedway station in the 14000 block of Forest Blvd. N. after hours turned out to be employees of the store on duty at 10:00 p.m. June 28.

Loretta Harding

Calendar Brief

Jolly Pops visit Hugo

The Jolly Pops will perform from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 11 at Lions Volunteer Park in Hugo. The Jolly Pops combine upbeat, original music with a host of children’s standards for a concert that is entertaining for both kids and adults. The performance will include music, movement, fun and possibly some puppets. Bring a blanket or chairs to sit on. The program is sponsored by the Hardwood Creek Library and funded with money from the Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

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