10 minute read
Let me introduce myself
from The Lowdown
Iam Sebastian Studier, a summer intern at Press Publications.
I graduated from Forest Lake Area High School in 2021 and just completed my junior year at Bethel University, where I am majoring in English education and minoring in journalism. At Bethel, I have explored my journalistic interests by serving as the sports reporter for the student newspaper, the Clarion, in addition to completing a spring semester internship in writing with Bethel’s athletic department where I wrote game recaps as well as feature stories. I also play on Bethel’s club hockey team and serve as a BUILD student mentor, tutoring and serving as a mentor for students with intellectual disabilities.
Rewinding a bit, I was born in Maplewood and spent the majority of my early childhood life in Cottage Grove from age zero to 5. I attended my first day of kindergarten at Columbus Elementary, and my family shortly thereafter moved to Columbus, where I still reside today. Growing up, my days were filled with school of course, but sports, and then more sports. My elementary school days were spent playing a full plate of baseball, basketball, hockey, and lacrosse before I attended Century Junior High and eventually, Forest Lake High School where I narrowed down my sports interest to lacrosse alone and played through my senior year.
This summer, I will be growing as a journalist and professional at Press Publications, working a full-time internship through the week, coming into the office Monday through Friday while spending my weekends ideally outdoors, avoiding mosquitoes, and spending time with the people that matter to me.
My internship at Press Publications will last through the three months of summer and I will be working a full 40 hours per week. In my first few days in the office, I have been impressed with both the friendliness and interconnectedness that exists in the building. I have seen many different smiling faces and have already received valuable advice from multiple different voices. From the news department where I will be working, to the sales department, to the production department, and beyond, it feels like a team rather than a collection of individuals. Growing up competing as a member of multiple sports teams, I know that a successful team is one that features unique individuals with individual strengths but works together towards a common goal utilizing teamwork. I can sense this team atmosphere already at Press Publications.
I’ve always had a passion and drive to write. Writing always came easily to me, and I always found that I could say what I couldn’t put into words aloud into writing. I remember my parents always telling me before I went to college to minor in something you’re passionate about, and that’s what I did. Although I aspire to become a high school English teacher, I truly believe that my journalistic experience will weave itself into my future career in some fashion, whether that be teaching journalism classes to high school students while advising a student lead newspaper, or simply continuing to write freelance in my spare time. Even though I don’t see myself working as a real-life journalist in the future, I still look forward to the invaluable experience and opportunities that my summer spent in this newsroom will create for me, whether those experiences contribute to educating the next generation of journalists, or even pull me into a fullon career change, because you just never know, after all.
Sebastian Studier is a summer intern at Press Publications.
THE LOWDOWN | letter guidelines
• Limited to 350 words.
• Submissions must include a full name, address and daytime phone number for verification.
• Letter writers must live, work or have another connection to Press Publications coverage area.
• Letter writers are limited to six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.
• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.
• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will not be published.
• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.
• Submissions containing facts not previously published in The Lowdown must ºFor our anniversary this year, the three of us are going on a dinner cruise with Stillwater River Boats.
It didn’t take long before we started dating. We were technically only dating for one month before we got engaged. People thought we were crazy, but as cliché as it may sound, when you know you know. We spent two years saving up for and planning our wedding and on June 27, 2015 we said “I do” at Crystal Lake Golf Course in Lakeville. It was close to 90 degrees that day.
Since that day we have been through a lot together. I often say 2015 was both the best year and worst year of my life. That December, right before Christmas, my dad passed away. At a time when we were supposed to be happy newlyweds with not a care in the world, my whole world fell apart. But Patrick stood by my side, as he always has, and got me through a really tough time. Throughout the years we have been through job changes and many moves. We have lived in Carlton, West Concord, Oakdale and now Hugo.
We have also been through some scary times with our pups, Frosty and Twinkie. When Frosty was just 8 months old, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Thankfully with treatment she was able to get rid of it.
When Twinkie was just 8 months old, we discovered she had a genetic heart defect. If she didn’t have surgery, the doctors predicted she would only live about a year longer. Thankfully, the surgery went well.
Years later when she was 5, another emergency surfaced that required surgery. One of her eyes was not producing any tears. We tried a variety of different eye drops but none of them seemed to do the trick. One day she developed an ulcer on her eye and we had to rush her to the emergency hospital so her eye did not rupture. They had to remove her eye but we are so thankful she is still with us.
We have had lots of happy times too, from our mini moon in Okoboji, Iowa to our honey moon in Destin, Florida, to our baby moon Lake City, Minnesota. We have also enjoyed many trips up north as well as attending car shows with my VW bus or Patrick’s hot rod.
Now eight years into our marriage we have welcomed our first child, Royce.
Summer festivals
Tis the season for summer festivals. Hugo Good Neighbor Days 2023 is already in the books and White Bear Lake’s Manitou Days is going on right now through July 4 and Marketfest through July 27. Next up will be Centerville’s Fete des Lacs July 11-16; Shoreview’s Slice of Shoreview July 23-25; Lino Lakes’ Blue Heron Days Aug. 17-20; Vadnais Heights’ Heritage Days Aug. 19-20 and Lexington’s Fall Festival Sept. 22-24. Make sure to check out all of these great events!
Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached by emailing quadnews@presspubs.com or calling 651-407-1227 be accompanied by factual verification.
• All letters are subject to editing.
• Deadline is 5
County board approves application to offer pull tabs at fair
Commissioners approved an application from the Bayport American Legion Post 491 to offer pull tabs during the Washington County Fair in Baytown Township Aug. 2-Aug. 4. State law allows a licensed organization to conduct gambling on a premise other than the organization’s permitted premises if it has authorization from the state gambling board in connection with a state or local event. The application meets the requirements. State law requires that the county board approve applications for gambling licenses in townships before they are sent to the state board that oversees the activity.
Peulen recognized for 2023 Advisor of the Year
Adults can get in on the fun, too. With the 10,000 Experiences at Your Library program, participants can checkout librarian-recommended reads, explore the community and take home a prize.
For each program, participants complete activities on a game card, then return their game card to the library to collect a reward. Each person who completes a game card will also be entered in a drawing for the chance to win grand prizes like activity kits, Washington County Parks passes, puzzles and more.
Library staff are also planning expanded programs and entertainers inside and outside the library. Popular performers visiting Washington County Library this summer include the Roe Family Singers, the Great Brodini, the Jolly Pops, TaikoArts Midwest and more. All programs are free and open to the public, although some require registration.
For additional information, including a complete schedule of summer events, visit a Washington County Library branch or connect online at www. WashCoLib.org.
BerryDunn will assist with creating county strategic plan
Berry, Dunn, McNeil, & Parker, LLC, or BerryDunn, will assist Washington County with creating a new strategic plan after the county board approved a not-to-exceed $89,400 contract with the company. A strategic plan is a tool to define where an organization wants to go and what actions it will take to achieve its goals.
Public Safety Briefs
Washington County warns of scam
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office continues to field multiple reports of residents receiving calls from someone claiming to be a Washington County sergeant. In some cases, the scammer has even “spoofed” the real dispatch phone number to appear as if the call is coming from the Washington County Sheriff’s office, and they are using real Washington County deputies’ names to seem more convincing.
Residents are reminded that no law enforcement agency, including the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, will ever ask for money or gift cards over the phone. While most agencies will not contact you by phone if you have a warrant, none will demand money or personal information in an attempt to clear the warrant.
The names and circumstances of these scam calls may change, but remember to never give out any personal or financial information over the phone. If a call seems suspicious, hang up and dial 911.
If you are concerned you may have a warrant, you can visit www.wcso.info and click the “warrant search” tab.
Sheriff’s Office receives grant to manage emergencies
Washington County board members honored Det. Sara Peulen for her work with the Sheriff’s Office Explorer program. Peulen is pictured with commissioners Michelle Clasen, District 5; Stan Karwoski, District 2; Karla Bigham, District 4; Gary Kriesel, District 3; Commissioner Fran Miron, District 1; and Sheriff’s Office Commander Tim Harris.
Washington County Sheriff’s Office Det. Sara Peulen was recently recognized by the county board for being named as the 2023 Advisor of the Year for the Northern Star Exploring.
This award is presented by the Learning for Life Executive Committee to recognize an individual who has made remarkable contributions to their exploring post and the Exploring Program as a whole. For more than 24 years, Peulen dedicated a substantial portion of her career to serving as an Explorer adviser.
The Washington County Explorer Post #9528 was selected as the 2023 Minnesota Exploring Post of the Year. It is an award given to an Exploring Post that goes above and beyond its commitment to the community and dedication to making the Exploring Post a success.
Sir Lines-A-Lot will do pavement markings for county highway projects
Sir Lines-A-Lot will do the latex pavement marking and striping on county highways and local streets in Washington County this summer for $213,710. Lane striping is required on roadways meeting certain width and traffic volume thresholds under state standards and according to state law and federal regulations. Many Washington County highways meet these thresholds.
Washington County Library offers summer programs for all ages
Washington County Library’s summer programs for kids, teens and adults will continues through Saturday, Aug. 19.
Through the Summer Adventure program, kids ages 0-11 can read, learn, listen and explore with an alien friend, Zorb. This flexible program can be tailored to each children’s interests and learning needs. Teens ages 12-18 can Level Up! their summer with a video game-themed program that promotes literacy of all kinds, including reading, crafting, cooking and gaming.
Community Brief
Forest Lake Airport open house
EAA Chapter 1638 will host a pancake breakfast and coordinate Young Eagle rides with EAA Chapter
The county released a request for proposals for consultant services for a countywide strategic plan in March and received 11 proposals from qualified candidates; BerryDunn was selected as the preferred consultant. It is anticipated that work on the plan will go through 2023, and will be final and implemented in early 2024.
Board recognizes Kearns as WTS Woman to Watch

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office will receive $119,578 from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety to cover personnel costs for the Washington County Emergency Operations Center staff for 2022. The emergency management performance grant provides funding to the Sheriff’s Office to cover personnel costs for the center staff. It requires a 100% match from the county.
Farewell, K-9 Beck
Laura Kearns, Washington County Public Works fleet manager, is honored for her award as a WTS Woman to Watch. She is pictured with Commissioner Stan Karwoski, District 2; Tim Parkos, senior engineer technician; commissioners Michelle Clasen, District 5, and Fran Miron, District 1; along with commissioners Gary Kriesel, District 3, Karla Bigham, District 4, and Public Works Director Wayne Sandberg.
Laura Kearns, Washington County Public Works fleet manager, is being honored as the 2023 recipient of the 2023 Woman to Watch from WTS. WTS is a group of transportation professionals — women and men — a committed to the WTS mission of transforming the transportation industry through the advancement of women. The Woman to Watch award recognizes women who are relatively new to the transportation industry and are making an impact in their field.
Kearns began her career with Washington County in 2014. In 2019, she was named interim fleet manager and was promoted to fleet manager in 2022. Kearns is the only female fleet manager within the sevencounty metro area.
237 (Anoka) from on Saturday, Aug. 12 at the Forest Lake Airport located at 20500 Forest Road N. in Forest Lake. Volunteers are needed for set up on Friday, Aug. 11, or to work the event on Aug. 12. If people
CONTRIBUTED are interested they fill out a form at: https://bit. ly/3PkSksl.
Deputy Bell and K-9 Beck achieved countless regional and national awards while earning numerous recognitions for their outstanding service to our community.

After seven years of serving the citizens of Washington County (and beyond), the time has come to bid farewell to K-9 Beck, after he officially retired from police service.
Under the guidance of his handler, Deputy Bell, the duo achieved countless regional and national awards while earning numerous recognitions for their outstanding service to our community. K-9 Beck will embark on a new chapter in life alongside Deputy Bell at home.