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Every community is full of hidden gems- from local businesses and restaurants to a wide range of annual festivals and community celebrations. Events such as farmers markets, art fairs, music in the park concerts, parades and community festivals like Fete des Lacs in Centerville, Blue Heron Days in Lino Lakes and Fall Festival in Lexington bring the community together in the summer and fall. In the winter, residents can adventure out to the various parks and trails located around the community or take a brief drive to an alpine ski resort in the area.
From the Chain of Lakes to the Wargo Nature Center, there is plenty to keep you busy all year round in the Quad area. The Centennial School District, specifically community education, offers a variety of activities for all age groups no matter the season.
As always, readers should check their community
website or call prior to venturing out for a day filled with activity.
If you have news to share with our news team, please send it to news@ presspubs.com. If you are an advertiser and would like to be involved in next year’s edition, please call 651-4071200 and ask for a Press multimedia representative. We at Press Publications look forward to spending another year covering all the hidden gems your community has to offer.
Granholm Managing Editor Press Publications
When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays June 13 through July 25
Where: Downtown White Bear Lake east of Highway 61 between 3rd Street and 4th Street. Details: Free family festival includes more than 180 retail and food vendors, lzive music, children’s activities, farmers market, classic car show. Contact: marketfestwbl.org
When: 7 p.m. Thursdays, June 13 through Aug. 29
Where: Trail Side Park, Centerville Lake
Details: Members of all ages
perform water skiing tricks. Club also performs at summer festivals throughout the state. Contact: baldeaglewaterskishows.net
When: 7-8:30 p.m., Thursdays July 11, Aug. 1, 8, 22, 29
Where: Golden Lake Park, 67 W. Golden Lake Rd.
Details: Free, family-friendly summer concerts. See website to confirm dates, times, and lineup of performances.
Contact: ci.circle-pines.mn.us
When: 2nd Saturday of the month: July 13, Aug. 10 & Sept. 14
Where: Polar Lakes Park, 1280 Hammond Road, White Bear Township
Details: Movies start at dusk. Bring your own blanket, lawn chair and bug spray. Donations accepted for the White Bear Lake Emergency Food Shelf. Contact: 651-747-2750 or whitebeartownship.org
When: July 16-21
Where: Centerville
Details: Week-long community festival includes music, parade, inflatables, softball and kickball
tournament, 5K walk/run and fireworks.
Contact: fetedeslacs.org
Anoka County Fair
When: July 23-28
Where: Anoka County Fairgrounds, 3200 Saint Francis Blvd., Anoka
Details: Motocross, bull riding, tractor pulls, demolition derby, live music, rides and games. Contact: 763-427-4070 or anokacountyfair.com
Slice of Shoreview Days
When: July 26-28
Where: Island Lake Park, 3611 N. Victoria St., Shoreview
Details: Past events have included carnival, parade, car show, art and food vendors, helicopter rides, Dock Dogs, petting zoo, live entertainment, fireworks, golf tournament. Contact: 651-303-4667 or sliceofshoreview.com
When: Tuesday, Aug. 6
Where: Local neighborhoods
Details: Celebration sponsored
by the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association, AAA of Minnesota/Iowa, and local law enforcement agencies. To coordinate a neighborhood party and visit from local law enforcement agencies, the Lino Lakes Department of Public Safety or the Centennial Lakes Police Department.
When: Aug. 15-18
Where: Rookery Activity Center, 7690 Village Drive and throughout Lino Lakes Details: Annual community festival includes 5K run, parade of Saturday, kids entertainment, live music, food trucks, and Quad Chamber of Commerce vendor show.
Contact: linolakes.us/BlueHeron-Days
When: Sept. 7- Oct. 31
Where: Anoka County Historical Society, 2135 3rd Ave. Anoka. Details: Costumed tour guides lead walks through historic
neighborhoods and share stories of odd happenings and eerie encounters.
Contact: anokacountyhistory.org
When: Sept. 14 & 15
Where: Shoreview Ice Arena, 877 Highway 96 W., Shoreview
Details: Has generated more than $2 million for the Children’s Hospital Association. Contact: 651-484-3792 or northoaksrummagesale.org
When: 2-8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21
Where: Polar Lakes Park, 1281 Hammond Road, White Bear Township
Details: Live music, food trucks, arts and crafts, community exhibits, car show, beer garden. Contact: whitebeartownship.org
When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 & Sunday, Oct. 6
Where: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater
Details: St. Croix Valley’s largest juried art festival features the works of more than 150 artisans from around the country, food vendors, beer tent, live music. Contact: greaterstillwaterchamber.com/ rivertownfallartfestival.com
When: October
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Pioneer games, cider press, and self-guided nature activities.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: Usually around Halloween
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Carnival games, crafts, flashlight hike for kids 8 and under.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: Dec. 7 & 14
Where: Abbott Paint and Carpet, 2223 4th Street, White Bear Lake
Details: Horse-drawn carriage rides 11 a.m.- 2:45 p.m.; Photos with Santa 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Medicine Chest. Events free with donation to the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf. Contact: downtownwhitebearlake.com/ events
Artisan Church
1105 117th Ave. NE, Blaine 763-754-1011, artisan.church
North Springs Church
7868 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes 651-426-2088, northspringschurch.org
Tree of Life Assembly of God
3905 Woodland Road, Lexington 651-340-2857, treeoflifeag.com
Living Faith Church
10101 Lexington Ave. N., Circle Pines, 763-784-1760, livingfaithmn.org
Eagle Brook Church Office: 7015 20th Ave., Centerville, 651-429-9227, eaglebrookchurch. com
Multiple weekend services at 12 locations, including: Lino Lakes Campus 7775 20th Ave. N., Lino Lakes Blaine Campus 3603 95th Ave. NE, Blaine
St. Genevieve Church,
Parish Community Center
6995 Centerville Road, Centerville 651-429-7937, stgens.org Masses at St. Genevieve and St. John the Baptist in Hugo St. Genevieve Church
1683 Sorel St., Centerville St. John’s Site 14383 Forest Blvd., Hugo 651-429-9170
St. Joseph of the Lakes Catholic Church
171 Elm Street, Lino Lakes 651-784-3015, mystjoes.me
Church of St. Timothy
707 89th Ave. NE, Blaine 763-784-1329, churchofsttimothy. com
River of Life Church
4294 Hodgson Road, Shoreview 651-484-8737, rolchurchmn.org
Rice Creek Covenant Church
125 Ash Street, Lino Lakes 651-486-0692, ricecreekcov.org
Centennial Church
14854 Lake Drive NE, Forest Lake | 651-368-9500, cefc.net
Cornerstone Church of Blaine
Northpoint Elementary School, 2350 124th Court NE, Blaine 763-783-1983, ccblaine.org
Hope Christian Church
4911 Hodgson Road, Shoreview 651-486-6243, cogrowhope.com
Good Shepherd
Lutheran (LCMS)
1 Shepherd Court, Circle Pines
763-784-8417, goodshepherdlink. org
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
9185 Lexington Avenue NE, Circle Pines. 763-784-1971, oursaviorsonline.org
St. Mark Evangelical
Lutheran Church
1 North Road, Circle Pines 763-784-2558, stmarkcp.org
Incarnation Lutheran Church
4880 Hodgson Road, Shoreview 651-484-7213, incarnationmn.org
Living Waters Lutheran Church
865 Birch Street, Lino Lakes 651-481-0220, livingwaterslutheran.org
Together Place Church
3860 Flowerfield Road, Circle Pines
763-784-1607, togetherplacechurch.org
Bridgewood Community Church
11670 Lexington Avenue NE, Blaine. 763-780-2500, bridgewoodcc.org
Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
1212 Holly Drive, Lino Lakes 651-653-8207 christoscenter.org
Oak Park Community Church
12050 Aberdeen St. NE, Blaine 763-757-1505, oakparkcc.org
United Methodist
Lino Lakes Community Church
7330 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes 651-784-7667, linolakescommunitychurch.com
Chain of Lakes Church
2650 125th Ave NE, Blaine 763-465-8585 colpres.org
With a name like “Quad Insider,” one might expect to learn classified intel—but it’s no secret that Anoka County has a robust culture and recreation scene!
Anoka County is home to the largest amateur sports center in the world, so if a person—young or old—is on a mission to hone their skills, the National Sports Center in Blaine offers classes and camps year-round—from Hockey fundamentals to MLS-sponsored soccer clinics. The Rookery in Lino Lakes offers endurance fitness and swim lessons, keeping your body ready for any mission you undertake. They also host
numerous card-game clubs for you to practice bluffing and other crucial forms of opponent deception.
Should one need to blend into the artistic crowd, the RumRiver Arts Center in Anoka offers classes and exhibitions for kids, adults, and seniors— culminating in an art fair every July where citizens vote on their favorite pieces. Stake out the Boulevard Bar & Grill and observe live music from seasoned pros.
Once spring hits, head over to Chomonix Golf Course to improve your game. During Saturdays in the summer, visit the Cottonwood Church
parking lot to make a shocking discovery: A bustling farmer’s market with dozens of vendors! Scout out your next ride at the Lexington fall festival’s classic car show.
During the winter, hide out in Wargo Nature Center to learn more about your surroundings with expert naturalist classes. Afterwards, discover hidden gems by geocaching along their snowshoe, snowmobile, and cross-country ski trails. Now that you’ve been briefed, you’d better act quickly. Who knows how many other eyes have seen this file.
Looking for something fun to do?
The northeast metro area offers plenty of opportunities, all within an hour’s drive. Call or check the websites we provide for the following listings before you go.
Gallery 96 Art Center: 651-4848710 or gallery96.org . Work on display at the Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview
White Bear Center for the Arts: 4971 Long Ave. White Bear Lake. 651-407-0597 or visit whitebeararts.org
Arts in the Park: Lakeside Park, downtown Forest Lake. Tuesdays from 5-9 p.m., June-Aug. 651-4643550 or ci.forest-lake.mn.us.
Marketfest: Downtown White Bear Lake. Thursdays from 6-9 p.m., June-July. marketfestwbl.com.
Summer Tuesdays: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater. Tuesdays from 5-9 p.m., July 9 - Aug. 13. summertuesdays.com.
(see parks for descriptions of other local beaches)
Big Marine Park: 17495 Manning Trail N., Marine on St. Croix. Centerville Lake Beach: 7401 Main St., Lino Lakes within Anoka County Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve.
Golden Lake Park: 67 West Golden Lake Rd., Circle Pines. Lake Owasso County Park: 370 N. Owasso Blvd., Shoreview. Unguarded swimming beach.
Lakeside Memorial Park: 95 East Broadway, downtown Forest Lake along the east side of Highway 61. Clean, sandy swimming beach also offers picnic areas and playground equipment.
Lakeside Commons Park: 3020 Lake Parkway, Blaine. Boat rentals, swimming, beach house, concessions, volleyball, pavilion available for rent. Open through late August. 763-785-6164.
Tony Schmidt Regional Park: 3500 Lake Johanna Blvd., Arden Hills. Swimming beach.
Turtle Lake County Park: 4979 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview. Unguarded swimming beach.
Vadnais-Snail Lake Regional Park: 4191 Snail Lake Blvd., Shoreview. Swimming, volleyball, playground, concession stand, more than 5 miles of paved trails.
White Bear County Park/Ramsey County Beach: 5050 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake. Swimming play area, picnic tables, boat launch.
Admiral D’s: 4424 Lake Ave S, White Bear Lake, 651-426-3444
Rents pontoons.
Wargo Nature Center: 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes. Rents canoes and kayaks. 763-324-3350, call for availability.
Pontoons on Bald Eagle: 4444
129th St., White Bear Lake. Rents pontoons. 763-248-8922 or pontoonsonbaldeagle.com.com.
Lakeside Commons Park: 3020 Lake Parkway, Blaine. Kayak, canoe and paddleboat rentals. 763-7856164.
Tally’s Dockside: 4441 Lake Ave. S., White Bear Lake. Rents canoes, motorboats, pontoons and pedal kayaks on White Bear Lake. 651429-2633.
Taylors Falls Canoe and Kayak
Rental -Wild Mountain: 307 Milltown Road, Taylors Falls, MN. 651-465-1080 or wildmountain. com. Trips available from Taylors Falls to Osceola Landing (7 miles) or William O’Brien State Park (17 Miles). Canoe base located inside Minnesota Interstate Park.
Your Boat Club: Over 20 locations in Minnesota, including White Bear Lake, Forest Lake and the St. Croix River. 612-208-1800 or yourboatclub.com
St. Croix Boat & Packet Co.: 525 S. Main St., Stillwater. Paddleboat cruises down the St. Croix. 651-430-1234.
Taylors Falls Scenic Boat Tours: Highways 95 and 8, Taylors Falls. 651-465-6315 or taylorsfallsboat.com.
Gondola Romantica: 425 E. Nelson St., Stillwater. 651-439-1783 or gondolaromantica.com.
Bowling Bowlero: 11351 Ulysses St. NE, Blaine. Blacklight bowling, arcade, play area, laser tag. 763-561-2230 or bowlero.com
Flaherty’s Arden Bowl: 1273 W. County Rd. E, Arden Hills. 651-6331777 or flahertysbowl.com.
PINZ: 7520 32nd St. N., Oakdale. 651-770-8000 or pinz.com
Split Rocks Entertainment Center: 5063 273rd St., Wyoming. 651-462-6000 or splitrocksmn.com
Barley John’s Brew Pub: 781 Old Hwy. 8, New Brighton. 651-6364670 or barleyjohns.com
Bent Brewstillery: 1744 Terrace Dr., Roseville. 844-879-2368 or bentbrestillery.com
Big Wood Brewery: 3429 Centerville Rd., Vadnais Heights. bigwoodbrewery.com
Invictus Brewing Company: 2025 105th Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55449. 763-208-3063 or invictusbrewingco.com
University of Minnesota Climbing Wall: 1536 N. Cleveland Ave., St. Paul. 612-625-8790 or recwell. umn.edu.
Vertical Endeavors: 855 Phalen Blvd., St Paul. 651-776-1430 or verticalendeavors.com.
Forest Lake YMCA: 19845 Forest Road N., Forest Lake. 651-259-2133
The Rookery Activity Center: 7690 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014. 651-982-2468, linolakes.us/158/The-Rookery-Activity-Center Shoreview YMCA: 3760 Lexington Ave. N., Shoreview. 651-4832671
White Bear Area YMCA: 2100 Orchard Lane, White Bear Lake. 651-777-8103
Brown’s Creek Park: Corner of McKusick Rd. and Neal Ave., Stillwater, 651-430-8837
Lakewood Hills Park: 2110 Orchard Lane, White Bear Lake. Has a 14-hole disc golf course that winds through the park and surrounding woods, 651-747-3650.
Lochness Park: 11121 Lexington Avenue NE Blaine, 763-785-6164, blainemn.gov.
Silverview: County Road I and Silver Lake Road, Mounds View
Lexington: Parking lot of Lexington Municipal Liquor Store, 9271 South Hwy Dr. Wednesdays, 3-7 p.m. Forest Lake: Lakeside Park, 95 East Broadway, downtown Forest Lake. Tuesdays from 5-9 p.m.
Shoreview: Shoreview Community Center, lower-level parking lot
and pavilion, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview. Tuesdays from 3-7 pm. Indoor Farmers Market Nov-Feb. shoreviewcommunitycenter.com, 651-490-4750.
White Bear Lake: Fridays, Clark Street, between 2nd and 4th Streets, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 651-747-3650 or whitebearlake.org.
Waldoch Farm: 8174 Lake Dr., Lino Lakes. Pick your own produce. 651-780-1207.
Applecrest Orchards: 7306 24th Ave N., Hugo MN 55038, 651-5835209.
Natura Farms: Farm stand located at 19060 Manning Trail N., 651433-5850 or naturafarms.com. Pine Tree Apple Orchard: 450 Apple Orchard Rd. in White Bear Lake. Pick your own strawberries, apples. 651-429-7202 or pinetreeappleorchard.com.
Castlewood Golf Course: 7060
Scandia Trail N., Forest Lake. 651982-4707 or castlewoodgolf.com
Chomonix Golf Course: 700 Aqua Lane, Lino Lakes. 763-324-3434 or chomonix.com
Chomonix Golf Course: 700 Aqua Lane, Lino Lakes. 763-3243434. chomonixgolf.com
Gem Lake Hills Golf Course: 4039 Scheuneman Rd., Gem Lake. 651-429-8715 or gemlakehillsgolf. com. Also offers Foot Golf.
Island Lake Golf & Training Center: 1000 Red Fox Rd., Shoreview. 651787-0383, islandlakegolf.com
Oneka Ridge Golf Course: 5610 120th St. N., Hugo. 651-429-2390. onekaridgegc.com
Tanners Brook Golf Club: 5810 190th St. N., Forest Lake. 651-4642300.
Victory Links: National Sports Center, 2010 105th Ave NE, Blaine. 763-717-3240, victorylinks.nscsports.org
Forest Hills Golf Club: 7530 210th St. N., Forest Lake. 651-4643097. foresthillsgc.com
North Oaks Golf Club: 54 E. Oaks Rd., North Oaks. 651-484-
Shadow Ridge Driving Range: 1297 Ash St., Lino Lakes, 651-4817003.
Victory Links: National Sports Center, 2010 105th Ave NE, Blaine. 763-717-3240 or victorylinks.nscsports.org
Midwest Golf Dome: 1815 VanDyke St., Maplewood, 651-7770500. Indoor range.
757-9445 or bunkerparkstablemn. com.
Exclusive Equine Center: 9610 140th St., N., Hugo. 651-925-6207 or exclusiveequinecenter.net.
Hardwood Creek Farm: 2306 E. 80th St., Hugo. 651-318-5526 or hardwoodcreek.com.
Rocking S Horse Company: 1288 Main St., Lino Lakes. 651-2471380 or rockingshorsecompany. com.
Anoka County Historical Society: 2135 3rd Ave, Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-0600 or www. anokacountyhistory.org.
Bunker Park Stable: 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover. Enter via the Activities Center Entrance of Bunker Hills Regional Park, 763-
Woodloch Stable: 5676 170th St. N, Hugo. 651-429-1303 or woodlochstable.com
Running Aces Harness Park: 15201 Running Aces Blvd., Columbus, 651-925-4600 or runaces.com.
Pickleball continues to gain popularity nationally, around the state and locally.
A sports and fitness industry report named pickleball the fastest-growing sport in America for the third year in a row; the sport totaled 8.9 million players in the U.S. over the age of 6 – an increase from 4.8 million in 2022. Its growth is attributed to its popularity within community centers, PE classes, YMCA facilities and retirement communities.
Pickleball is described as a mix of ping pong and tennis, but its origins lie with badminton. In the summer of 1965, on Bainbridge Island, Washington, three friends created the game for their bored children. The property had an old badminton court. Ping-pong paddles and a perforated plastic ball were used in place of missing badminton equipment.
A standard pickleball court measures about the size of a doubles badminton court: Inclusive of lines, it’s 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. Like tennis, the court is striped with right and left service courts. The seven-foot non-volley zone in front of the net on both sides, extending to each sideline, is called the kitchen.
It’s a fault if a player hits the ball mid-air from the kitchen and/ or while standing on the kitchen line, but a player can stand in the kitchen and hit the ball over the net after it bounces. This is when dinking often commences. Dinks are soft and controlled shots; the ball is lightly tapped over the net, sometimes at a sharp angle near the opposing kitchen line, to make difficult returns. Other rules to
remember: Serves must be from below the waist, from behind the baseline, and the ball must bounce once per side after the serve before it can be hit mid-air from the service courts.
Many people believe the game is named after a dog owned by one of the creators, Joel Pritchard. But, according to an interview with Pritchard, the dog didn’t exist until 3 years after the game’s creation. Pritchard said his wife, Joan, named the sport after the “pickle boats” she rooted for in college rowing regattas. Non-varsity rowers competed in separate “just for fun” pickle boat races. Joan thought “pickleball” – a mishmash of games – was an appropriate name. And, it stuck. To learn more visit: https://usapickleball.org.
Aamodt’s Hot Air Balloon Rides: 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater. 651-351-0101 or aamodtsballoons.com.
Stillwater Balloons: 135 St. Croix Trail N., Lakeland. 651-439-1800 or stillwaterballoons.com.
Wild Wings of Oneka: 14814 Irish Ave N, Hugo. Private hunt club offers sporting clays and hunting options. 651-439-4287 or wildwingsofoneka.com
Bald Eagle Sportsman’s Association: 6557 N 125th St., Hugo. Shotgun, rifle, handgun and archery ranges; offers firearm safety, hunter education and an archery walking trail. 651-429-9874 or besamn.com.
Metro Gun Club: 10601 Naples St NE, Blaine. Open to the public 7 days a week, all year round. Pistol and shotgun practice areas. 763786-5880 or www.metrogunclub. com.
(Also see “Parks” listings for skating rinks open seasonally at local parks)
Centennial Sports Arena: 4810 103rd Ln NE, Circle Pines between east and west buildings of Centennial High School. 763-792-6090 or communityed.isd12.org.
FLAAA Sports Center: 5530 206th St. N., Forest Lake. Recently purchased by the Forest Lake Area School District. 651-982-8160 or rangers.flaschools.org.
Hippodrome Ice Arena: 4855 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake. 651653-3126 or communityservices. isd624.org.
The Super Rink: 1850 105th Ave NE, Minneapolis, 763-717-5600 or nscsports.org.
Shoreview Arena: 877 W. Hwy. 96, Shoreview. 651-766-4000.
TCO Sports Garden: 1490 E. County Rd. E, Vadnais Heights. 651-2660381 or ramseycounty.us.
White Bear Lake Sports Center: 1328 E. Hwy. 96, White Bear Lake. 651-429-8571 or whitebearlake.org.
Bowlero: 11351 Ulysses St. NE, Blaine. Blacklight bowling, arcade, play area, laser tag. 763-561-2230 or bowlero.com
Chuck E Cheese: 8943 University Ave NE, Blaine, 763-785-2966. Theme restaurant with arcade. Eagles Nest Indoor Playground: 400 10th St. NW, New Brighton. For kids 12 months-12 years. 651-638-2130 or newbrighton.gov.
Grand Slam USA: 2941 Coon Rapids Blvd., Coon Rapids. 763427-1959 or grandslamcoonrapids. com. Also, a batting cage, mini golf, bumper cars, and video arcade. InnerActive: 2240 Woodale Drive, Mounds View. inneractiveplayground.com, 612-699-0649.
Sky Zone Trampoline Park: 198 Northtown Dr., Blaine. 612392-0387 or skyzone.com/blaine. Indoor trampoline park.
Shoreview Community Center: 4580 N. Victoria, Shoreview. 651-490-4700 or shoreviewmn.gov. Indoor playground and Tropics Indoor Water Park.
Zero Gravity Adventure Park: 2292 Woodale Dr., Mounds View. 763-231-3033 or zerogravitymn. com. Trampoline Park and Laser Tag.
Emagine White Bear: 1180 County Rd. J, White Bear Township. 651-653-3243 or emagine-entertainment.com. Luxury seating and bar service.
AMC Classic Mounds View 15: 2430 County Hwy. 10, Mounds View. 612-448-2857 or amctheatres.com.
Centennial Community Band: Nonprofit, charitable organization of over forty musicians primarily from the cities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes as well as the extended Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Rehearses 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays, centennialcommunityband.org.
Lake Country Chorus: Open to female singers of all ages who perform throughout the area. lakecountrychorus.org.
Paul Dols
There are many outdoor skating rink options in the Quad area.
Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band: Community band rehearses every Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. snlvb.com, 651-470-5625.
Racquetball / Handball
Shoreview Community Center: 4580 Victoria St. N., Shoreview. Pickleball. 651-490-4700 or shoreviewmn.gov.
Forest Lake Skate Park: 28 Forest Blvd. N., Forest Lake. Freedom Park: 2121 14th Street NW, New Brighton.
Hugo Skate Park: 5524 Upper 146th St. N., Hugo. Includes a quarter pipe, bank ramp, pyramid, grind rails, skittle pad and dragon back.
Sweet Roll Skate Park: North side of Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview. Tier-one skate facility. Includes a wedge, spine, fun box, quarter pipe, grind rails and mini ramp.
Wheels Skate Board Park: 6970 LaMotte Drive, at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park, on the east side of LaMotte Dr. west of Centerville Rd. in Centerville.
Afton Alps: 6600 Peller Ave. S., Hastings. 651-436-5245 or aftonalps.com. Opens mid-November. Ski, snowboard, snow tubing, terrain park. Full-service specialty ski and snowboard shop. 48 runs, 18 chair lifts, chalets and rentals. Limited restaurant service in chalets and bar area.
Trollhaugen Outdoor Recreation Area: 2232 100th Ave., Dresser, Wis. 651-433-5141, 800826-7166, 715-755-2955 or trollhaugen.com. Opens mid-November
to March. Ski, snowboard, snow tube, cross-country, zip line. 22 runs. Rentals, ski and snowboard shop, snack bar, arcade room, Kaffe Stuga and Skolhaugen Lounge. Wild Mountain Ski & Snowboard Area: 37200 Wild Mountain Rd., Taylors Falls. 651-465-6365, or wildmountain.com. Opens mid-November, often the first to open for the season in Minnesota. Ski, snowboard, snowtubing. 26 runs with a variety of terrain from green to double black diamond. Chalet with food service, rentals, terrain park.
Green Acres Recreation: 8989 55th St. N., Lake Elmo. 651-5929944 or greenacresrec.com.
Trollhaugen: 2232 100th Ave., Dresser, WI 54009; 651-433-5141 or trollhaugen.com.
Wild Chutes Snow Tubing Wild Mountain: 37200 Wild Mountain Rd., Taylors Falls. wildmountain. com.
See Park listings for more information: Chomonix Golf Course, Tamarack Nature Center, Brown’s Creek Nature Preserve, Wargo Nature Center, William O’Brien State Park, Gateway State Trail (see Biking/hiking).
Arena Acres Park: 519 Andall St., Lino Lakes Tennis courts. Austin Park: 4041 85th Lane, Blaine
Centennial Green: 4041 Austin Street, Blaine
Eagle Park: 6955 Dupre Road, Centerville.
Eastside Park: 4715 107th Avenue NE, Blaine
Golden Lake Park: 67 W. Golden Lake Road., Circle Pines
Lexington Memorial Park: 9100
Hamline Ave., Lexington
McCullough Park: 955 County Road I, Shoreview
Shamrock Park: 5623 Snelling Ave., Shoreview
Shoreview Commons Park: 4580 Victoria St. N, Shoreview
Sitzer Park: 4344 Hodgson Road, Shoreview
Wilson Park: 815 County Road F, Shoreview
Xylite Park: 9033 Xylite Street, Blaine
Children’s Performing Arts: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake. 651-336-8613 or childrensperformingartsmn.org. Theatre education for children.
Lakeshore Players Theatre: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake 651478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org. Community theatre offers performing arts productions, concerts, and classes.
Masquers Theatre Company: Performances at Forest Lake Area High School, 6101 Scandia Trail N. 651-464-5823 or masquerstheatre. com
(Also see “Parks” section of guide) Browns Creek Nature Preserve: Located at the corner of McKusick Rd. and Neal Ave.in Stillwater. 5.9-mile trail constructed on the former Minnesota Zephyr railroad grade connecting the Gateway Trail in Grant to the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway in Stillwater, and also connects to other local park and trail systems. Trail is generally level and accessible to users of all abilities.
Bruce Vento Regional Trail:
Thirteen miles of paved pedestrian and biking trails passing through St. Paul, Maplewood, Vadnais Heights, Gem Lake and White Bear Lake. goramsey.com
Gateway Trail: 18.3-mile state trail cutting through parts of Ramsey and Washington counties. Some is wheelchair-accessible. Offers access to downtown and the State Capitol complex in St. Paul, as well as Phalen-Keller Regional Park. For 9.7 miles between I-694 and the eastern end at Pine Point Park, the paved trail adjoins a separate, unpaved trail used for horseback riding or carriage riding. dnr.state.mn.us. Rice Creek North Regional Trail: The Rice Creek North Regional Trail is located in the South-
east quadrant of Anoka County. It provides a connection between Anoka and Ramsey counties and connects the Cities of Blaine, Circle Pines, and Lino Lakes. A unique feature of the trail is a proposed 8-10-foot-wide paved trail. On the north end of the trail, one can witness prairie restoration. The trail also connects to other regional trails within the county, such as the East Anoka County Regional Trail and Bunker Chain of Lakes Regional Trail. 763-324-3300
Snail Lake Trail: 1.4-mile loop begins at Snail Lake Beach in Shoreview.
Sucker Lake Trail: 2.6-mile trail for biking and walking in Vadnais Heights.
Sunrise Prairie/Hardwood
Creek Trail: Follows the original Lake Superior and Mississippi Rail Line and runs through North Branch to the southern border of Chisago County, where it becomes Hardwood Creek Trail and continues south to downtown Hugo. 651-257-1300
Bunker Beach Water Park: 701 County Parkway A, Coon Rapids. Outside. 763-324-3310 or bunkerbeach.com.
Tropics Indoor Water Park: Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria, Shoreview. 651490-4700 or shoreviewmn.gov.
4707 North Road Circle Pines, MN 55014 | 763-792-6000 | isd12.org
Centennial School District 12 serves the communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes. Nine schools serve more than 6,400 students in grades K-12. Annually, Centennial students score higher than state averages in reading and math. The district’s high school graduation rate of 94.9 percent is at the top of Minnesota’s rankings. To enroll, call 763-7926000.
Governance: Centennial School District is governed by a six-member school board. Meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the district office
board room. Meetings are open to the public. For the meeting calendar, agendas, watch live-stream, or view meetings from the archive, visit www.isd12.org. School district elections are held on the second Tuesday in November of evennumbered years.
Board members:
Chair: Tom Knisely, tknisely@isd12. org
Vice-Chair: Sue Linser, slinser@ isd12.org
Clerk: Craig Johnson, cmjohnson@ isd12.org
Treasurer: Gloria Murphy, gmurphy@isd12.org
Director: Chris Bettinger, cbettinger@isd12.org
Director: Jessica Schwinn, jschwinn@isd12.org
Superintendent of schools, ex-officio board member: Jeff Holmberg, jholmberg@isd12.org
Superintendent: Jeff Holmberg: 763-792-6010 or jholmberg@isd12. org
Executive Director of Business Services: Patrick Chaffey, 763-7926001 or pchaffey@isd12.org
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning: Mark Grossklaus, 763-792-6006 or mgrossklaus@ isd12.org
Director of Public Information and Community Outreach: Krista Bergert, 763-792-6060 or kbergert@isd12.org
Director of Human Resources: Dan Melde, 763-792-6009 or dmelde@isd12.org
Director of Community Education: Cori Sendle, 763-792-6101, or csendle@isd12.org
Schools: Blue Heron Elementary 405 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 | 763-792-6200
Centennial Elementary 4657 North Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014 | 763-792-5300
Centerville Elementary 1721 Westview Avenue, Centerville, MN 55038 | 763-792-5800
Golden Lake Elementary
1 School Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014 | 763-792-5900
Rice Lake Elementary
575 Birch Street, Lino Lakes, MN 55014| 763-792-5700
Centennial Middle School
399 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 | 763-792-5400
Centennial High School
4757 North Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014 | 763-792-5000
Centennial Area Learning Center
4881 101st Ln NE, Circle Pines, MN 55014 | 763-398-2960
Pines School
7555 4th Ave., Lino Lakes, MN 55014 | 763-278-4010
Centennial Community Education
4707 North Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014 | communityed.isd12.org | 763-792-6100. Community Education includes opportunities
for all ages from infants to seniors. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Centennial Preschool, Kids Club school-age care, driver education, after school classes and middle school activities, gymnastics, programming for adults with disabilities, Adult Basic Education (ABE) English Language Classes for all levels, facility use, aquatics, and more.
Centennial Preschool: Options include full-day, year-before-kindergarten program held at all elementary schools and the Early Childhood Center: Information: earlychildhood.isd12.org, or call 763792-6120.
Kids Club and Pre-K Kids Club: Kids Club school age childcare is available before and after school hours and non-school days. Information: communityed.isd12.org/ kids-club or call 763-792-6193.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE): Learning opportunities, resources and activities for families with children from birth to kindergarten age. Classes meet at the Early Childhood Center at Rice Lake Elementary, 575 Birch St., Lino Lakes. Information: www.earlychildhood.isd12.org, or call 763-792-6120.
Early Childhood Special Education: Program provides evaluation and educational services for children ages birth to kindergarten. 763-792- 6123. Minnesota law requires children be screened prior to entering kindergarten. To schedule an appointment before your child’s fourth birthday, contact earlychildhood.isd12.org, or 763-792-6120 Facilities: 763-792-6104.
Centennial Sports Arena: 4810 103rd Lane NE, Circle Pines 763792-6090
Centennial Area Education
Foundation: CAEF, a nonprofit corporation comprised of volunteers, is dedicated to raising money to enrich students’ experience in Centennial schools. Information: www.caefoundation.org.
District Office 6100 N. 210th St. Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-982-8100 www.flaschools.org
Forest Lake Area School District 831 serves portions of Lino Lakes, in addition to Forest Lake, May Township, Scandia, Wyoming, Columbus, Linwood Township and parts of Marine on St. Croix, Hugo, Stacy, Ham
Lake, Wyoming Township and East Bethel. The district encompasses 240 square miles and serves nearly 7,000 students in seven elementary school buildings (K-6), a junior high school (7-8), a senior high school (9-12), and an Area Learning Center (6-12). Governance: School board meetings are generally held at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the district office, 6100 N. 210th Street, Forest Lake.
Lino Lakes Elementary
725 Main Street
Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-982-8850
Academy for Sciences and Agriculture High School (grades 8-12)
100 Vadnais Blvd, Vadnais Heights 651-209-3910
AFSA Elementary School (grades K-7)
2925 Country Drive. Little Canada 612-260-2662 afsahighschool.com
AFSA is a public charter school for students grades K-12 that draws from across the northern Twin Cities
metro area. AFSA provides agricultural literacy education to include career opportunities in Engineering, Animal Science, Plant Science, Environmental Science and Food Science. The school is tuition-free and offers small class sizes. Governance: Elected school board Administration: Becky Meyer, Executive Director, 651-209-3910 bmeyer@afsak12.com
Oak Hill Montessori 4665 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview 651-484-8242 | ohmcs.org
Public charter school offering Montessori education to children 16 months through 8th grade; tuition-free for students in K-8.
Accredited by the Association Montessori Internationale, the state of Minnesota and ISD-621 Mounds View Public Schools.
Governance: Governed by board members comprised of teachers, parents and community members
Administration: Shirley Volk, Executive Director
Registration: Office, 651-484-8242
Anoka/Washington County Head Start-Early Head Start 574 Foley Blvd., Coon Rapids, MN 55433 | 763-783-4300 | accap.org
Offers a variety of programs for families with children birth to five years and pregnant women.
Lakes Head Start Center: Forest Hills United Methodist Church 1790 11th Street NE. Forest Lake, 651-464-7505
Despite the lack of snow, organizers went ahead with the annual Snow Day event at Wargo Nature Center. Visitors were still able to participate in a variety of activities including a scavenger hunt, campfire marshmallows and smores. Inside activities included an educational program featuring live animals presented by visiting naturalists from Tamarack Nature Center. A group of visitors roasts marshmallows over a campfire.
“It’s a beautiful day—Go outside!” Your mom was right, and Anoka County has the year-round calendar to prove it.
“But Mom, it’s cold outside—“ No buts! Camp at Bunker Hills at a rustic, electric, or cabin campsite through the end of October. Warm yourself during the Maple Syrup Fest, then burn off the calories geocaching with snowshoes. Winter wildlife track for river otters along Rice Creek. Cross-country ski over 10km of trails at Chomonix, or snowmobile through Cedar Creek Conservation area. Go for a sleigh ride at Bunker Park Stables.
“But I can’t—“ We don’t use “can’t” in this house. Learn to kayak on
the Rum River. Discover paddle boarding or fly fishing at the Coon Rapids Dam. Get target practice in at the Rapids Archery Club. Sharpen your faculties during a forest bath at Wargo Nature Center.
“There’s nothing to do—“ That’s no true! Anoka County has dozens of summer-camp offerings for all ages, from “Nature Explorers” for four-to-five-year-olds at Lake George to “Stoked About Fire” for middle schoolers at Martin-IslandLinwood Lakes Regional Park. Once the kids are gone, trade your summertime blues in for something shinier at Golden Lake Park in Circle Pines: Volleyball, fishing,
grilling, concessions and live music every Thursday from June through August. Wave your cares goodbye at Bunker Beach, the largest outdoor water park in the state.
“But everyone else is busy!” I don’t want to hear it! Go fat-tire biking with a guide along Centerville’s dozens of miles of bike trails. Hike with a naturalist while learning about local birds and agates. Take your dog for a walk at the 6.5-acre park in Coon Rapids.
Looks like you’re out of excuses. Explore Anoka County today, then tell your mother all about it when you get home. Better yet—take her with!
Vehicle permits are $30/year or $7/day. Permits are honored at all Anoka County regional parks as well as those in Washington County. A reduced rate of $5 for a daily permit or $25 for an annual permit is available for individuals with disabilities. On the second Tuesday of each month, vehicle entry fees are waived. Anoka County Parks and Recreation Office: 763-324-3300 or anokacounty.us.
Bunker Hills Regional Park: 550 Bunker Lake Boulevard, Andover. This 1,600-acre regional park offers a wide spectrum of recreation opportunities including biking, camping, cross country skiing and skijoring, archery, disc golf, golf, hiking, dog park, horseback riding, playground, meeting facilities and Anoka County Veteran’s Memorial. Bunker Beach Water Park has a large wave pool, swimming and water slides. Located at 701 County Parkway #A, Coon Rapids, 763-324-3310 or bunkerbeach.com.
Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve: 7373 Main Street, Lino Lakes. This 5,500-acre regional park contains some of the most significant wildlife habitat and water resources in the metropolitan area. The Wargo Nature Center, Chomonix Golf Course, Rice Creek Campground and Centerville Lake Beach are located within the park. Other amenities include picnic areas, boat launch, paved biking trails, hiking trails, canoe and boat launches, playgrounds, cross country ski trails and a fishing pier located on Peltier Lake east of the entrance to the park.
Wargo Nature Center:
7701 Main Street, Lino Lakes. Trails, gardens and a visitor center with restrooms. Exhibits, summer camps and other youth activities, as well as senior programs and other special events. Home to native plant and animal life including muskrats, red foxes, grey and red squirrels, woodchucks, weasels, deer and birds. Part of 5,500-acre Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve. Rents canoes, kayaks, snowshoes and kicksleds. Call for hours: 763324-3350 or anokacountyparks. com.
Tamarack Nature Center: 5287 Otter Lake Road, White Bear Township. 320-acre preserve with picnic shelter, half-mile paved trail, more than 5 miles of woodchip paths, indoor exhibit area with restrooms. Call for hours: 651-2660360 or ramseycounty.us.
Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area:
5463 C West Broadway, Forest Lake. 651-539-3300 or carlosavery. wildlife@state.mn.us. Over 20,000 acres of marshland, lakes and swamp. Trails provide access for bird watching and nature study.
The City of Blaine has more than 60 parks. Parks listed below are in or near the Quad Community Press’ distribution area. For more information, call 763-785-6164. Austin Park: 4041 85th Lane NE. Softball field, ice skating rink, basketball, tennis, picnic tables, playground, open play field, trails. Centennial Green: 4041 Austin
Street NE. Softball field, basketball, tennis, picnic tables, playground, open play field, trails, lake/pond.
Centennial Park: 10450 Rockney Street NE. Basketball, picnic tables, playground, open play field.
Eastside Park: 4715 107th Avenue NE. Two softball fields, basketball, tennis, picnic tables, playground, open play field, trails.
Lakeside Commons Park and Beach: 3020 Lakes Parkway NE, 763-785-6164. Public beach, splash pad, canoe and kayak rental, beach house, boathouse with concessions, playground, volleyball court and pavilion. Parking permit required; free for residents.
Lexington Athletic Complex: 4286 121st Avenue NE, baseball/ softball,basketball, hockey rink,multi-use field, parking, pickleball, picnic shelters/ tables, playground, tennis court, trails.
Lochness Park: 11121 Lexington Avenue NE, two picnic shelters, picnic tables, trails, lake/pond, dock, disc golf.
Xylite Park: 9033 Xylite Street, softball field, tennis, picnic shelter, playground, open play field, trails.
Baldwin Park: 400 Keith Drive. Picnic shelter, baseball/softball field, hockey rink, pleasure rink, line skate in summer, playground, community gardens.
Canoe Launch: Located at the end of East Golden Lake Road and connects to Rice Creek Water Trail. Carl Eck Park: 2 Firebarn Road. Picnic shelters, Little League fields, concessions, batting cage, playground.
Center Park: 26 A Center Road. Picnic shelters, playground, open space.
Golden Lake Park: 67 West Golden Lake Road. Fishing pier,
boat launch, playground, picnic pavilions, concession stand, volleyball, half-court basketball, tennis court, restrooms and swimming beach.
Golden Lake School: 1 School Road, picnic shelters, baseball fields and playground equipment. Indian Hills Park: 52 Indian Hills Drive. Open space, playground. Inner Park: 6A Inner Drive. Softball/baseball, hockey, playground. Heritage Commons: Village Parkway on south side of Lake Drive. Clock tower, history walk, pavilion, labyrinth.
Lexington City Park: 9004 Dunlap Avenue. A small neighborhood park designed for use by the whole community. New equipment has been added as well as picnic tables and benches.
Lexington Memorial Park: 9100 Hamline Avenue. Half-court basketball, ice rinks, playground, pavilion, picnic tables, grills, five ball fields, tennis courts, concession stand.
Behm’s Park: 7699 Mustang Drive. Playground, basketball court, picnic shelter, trail.
Birch Park: 6520 Pheasant Run South. Playground, ball fields, skating rink with warming house, picnic shelter, trail.
Birchwood Acres Park: 572 Lonesome Pine Trail. Playground, ball field, trail.
Brandywood Park: 1300 Velvet Leaf Lane. Playground, trail.
City Hall Park: 1189 Main Street. Playground, 2 ball fields, skating rink with warming house.
Clearwater Creek Park: 2270
Tart Lake Road. Playground, basketball, gazebo, trail.
Country Lakes Park: 6600 West
Shadow Lake Drive. Fishing pier, picnic tables, trails.
Highland Meadows Park: 624
Arlo Lane. Playground, basketball court, picnic shelter, trail.
Lino Park: 7850 Lake Drive.
Playground, picnic shelter, soccer field, trail.
Marshan Park: 7204 Lake Drive. Soccer fields, trail and playground. Pheasant Hills Park: 6659 Sherman Lake Road. Playground, basketball court, trail.
Sunrise Park: 6918 Sunrise Drive. Playground, 4 ball fields, soccer field, picnic shelter, skating and hockey rinks, and warming house.
Sunset Oaks Park: 7481 Leonard Avenue. Soccer field and playground.
• Blaine
• Circle Pines
• Lexington
• Lino Lakes
Estimated population 2020: 70,222 (census.gov)
Blaine is a city of 34 square miles, located north of the Twin Cities in Anoka and Ramsey counties. It sits adjacent to Coon Rapids, Andover, Lino Lakes, and Mounds View. Blaine has been labeled as one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live by MONEY Magazine. With a location that intersects with Interstate 35W and Highways 10 and 65, it offers quick routes to both Minneapolis and St. Paul. The world’s largest amateur sports facility, the National Sports Center, is set in Blaine. Also located in Blaine is the TPC Twin Cities, the state’s only PGA Tour golf facility, host to the annual 3M Championship, as well as the Four Seasons Curling Club — the first year-round curling venue in North America.
City Hall:
10801 Town Square Drive NE, Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700
City Council:
City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 pm. at the City Council Chambers, unless noted.
Mayor: Tim Sanders, 763-2033286, tsanders@blainemn.gov
Council Members:
Ward #1: Lori Saroya, 612-516-1073, lsaroya@blainemn.gov
Ward #1: Tom Newland, 651-2713341, tnewland@blainemn.gov
Ward #2: Jess Robertson, 763-6072233, jrobertson@blainemn.gov
Ward #2: Leslie Larson, 612-4899651, leslielarson@blainemn.gov
Ward #3: Terra Fleming, 612-5135231 tfleming@blainemn.gov
Ward #3: Chris Massoglia, 651-2711153, cmassoglia@blainemn.gov
City Staff:
City Manager: Michelle Wolfe, 763785-6120, mwolfe@blainemn.gov
City Clerk: Cathy Sorenson, 763785-6124, csorenson@blainemn.gov
Community Development Director: Erik Thorvig,763-785-6147, ethorvig@blainemn.gov
Public Works Director: Nick Fleischhacker, 763-717-2728, nfleischhacker@blainemn.gov
Finance Director: Jason Zimmerman,763-717-2677, jzimmerman@ blainemn.gov
Building Official: Dan Hauck, 763785-6176, dhauck@blainemn.gov
Parks & Recreation Administrative Assistant: Diane Heitkamp 763-785-6164, dheitkamp@ blainemn.gov
Blaine Police Department:
Police Chief: Brian Podany, 763785-6132, bpodany@blainemn.gov
Nonemergency: 763-427-1212
Spring Lake Park-BlaineMounds View Fire
Fire Chief: Dan Retka, 763-7864436, Administration: 763-786-4436 www.sbmfire.org
Chamber of Commerce: Blaine is served by two Chambers of Commerce whose goal is to further the interests of businesses by building community, building business and building relationships. MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce: 763-783-3553, metronorthchamber.org
Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce: 763-571-9781, twincitiesnorth.org
Estimated population 2020: 5,025 (census.gov)
Circle Pines is a city of two square miles located 15 miles north of the Twin Cities, adjacent to Shoreview, Lino Lakes, Lexington and Blaine. Circle Pines has extensive parks, walking trails, good schools and safe neighborhoods that make the community a wonderful place to live, work or play. Circle Pines has been voted the Third Most Perfect Suburb by CNBC.com, recognizing the city’s mix of affordable housing, good schools, educated neighbors, low crime and a reasonable commute enjoyed by its residents.
City Hall:
200 Civic Heights Circle, Circle Pines, MN 55014 763-784-5898
City Council:
City Council meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
Council members:
Mayor: Dave Bartholomay, 763780-1785, dbartholomay@ci.circlepines.mn.us
Matt Percy, 763-784-2062, mpercy@ci.circle-pines.mn.us
Nici Dorner,651-329-5192, ndorner@ci.circle-pines.mn.us
Steve McChesney, 651-604-7678, smcchesney@ ci.circle-pines.mn.us
City Staff:
City Administrator: Patrick Antonen, 763-231-2605, pantonen@ ci.circle-pines.mn.us
Assistant City Administrator/ Public Services: Chandra Peterson, 763-231-2611
Finance Director: Kate Manson, 763-231-2612
Public Works Superintendent: Rich Lavell, 763-231-2606
Parks Superintendent: Pat Stapleton, 763-231-2608
Centennial Lakes Police Department:
Police Chief: Jim Mork, 763-7842501 or jmork@clpdmn.com Administration: 763-784-2501 Dispatch: 763-427-1212
Centennial Fire District:
Fire Chief: Dan Retka, 651-7927901, dan.retka@centennialfire.org
Battalion Chief Station 1: Darren Eckart, 651-792-7902, darren. eckart@centennialfire.org
Battalion Chief, Station 3: Matt Montain, 651-492-5979, matt. montain@centennialfire.org Administration: 651-792-7900
Chamber of Commerce:
Quad Area Chamber of Commerce: quadareachamber.org
Estimated population 2020:2248 (census.gov)
Lexington is nestled between the cities of Circle Pines and Blaine in the southwest corner of Anoka County — small in size and big on pride. Lexington was incorporated on May 21, 1950 with a population of 569. The population today has grown to just over 2,000. Just 0.69 square miles in area, Lexington boasts a small-town atmosphere with all the advantages of having Minneapolis/St. Paul only minutes away.
City Hall:
9180 Lexington Ave., Lexington, MN 55014 763-784-2792
City Council:
Meetings are held the first and third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Lexington City Hall. Council members: 763-784-2792
Mayor: Gary Grote gary.grote@ cityoflexingtonmn.org
Kim DeVries: kim.devries@ cityoflexingtonmn.org
Robert Benson: rbensonjr06@ gmail.com
Brandon Winge: brandon.winge@ cityoflexingtonmn.org
Mike Murphy: mike.murphy@ cityoflexingtonmn.org
City Staff:
City Administrator: Bill Petracek, 763-784-2792
Finance: Chris Galiov, 763-7842792
Public Works: Jim Fischer and Travis Schmid, 763-784-6849
Building Inspector: Scott Jensen, 763-784-2792
Centennial Lakes Police Department:
Police Chief: Jim Mork, 763-7842501 or jmork@clpdmn.com Administration: 763-784-2501, Dispatch: 763-427-1212
Lexington Fire Department: 763-784-1604
Fire Chief: Erik Edwards, 763784-2792 or lexingtonmnfirechief@ comcast.net
Assistant Fire Chief: Mike Mohler, 763-784-2792
Chamber of Commerce:
Quad Area Chamber of Commerce: quadareachamber.org
Municipal Liquor Store: 9271 South Highway Drive, 763786-0198
Estimated Population 2020: 21,399 (census.gov)
Lino Lakes is a city of 33 square miles in the southeast corner of Anoka County, adjacent to Blaine, Centerville and Circle Pines. It was incorporated into a village in 1955 and received city status in 1972.
The 2,700-acre Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park is situated in the center of the city. The park is a county-owned nature preserve, consisting of 13 lakes and several wetlands. But residents also like the fact that Interstates 35E and 35W offer just a 20-minute drive to either downtown Minneapolis or St. Paul. Money Magazine recently selected Lino Lakes as one of the top 100 Best Places to Live.
City Hall:
600 Town Center Parkway, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-982-2400
City Council:
Meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Council Members:
Mayor: Rob Rafferty, 651-9822492, rrafferty@linolakes.us
Dale Stoesz, 651-252-0658, dstoesz@linolakes.us Tony Cavegn, 651-982-2491, tcavegn@linolakes.us Chris Lyden, 651-982-2490, clyden@linolakes.us Michael Ruhland, 651-242-2483 or mruhland@linolakes.us
City Administrator: Sarah Cotton, 651-982-2410, scotton@linolakes.us
Community Development Director: Michael Grochala, 651-9822427
City Engineer: Diane Hankee, 651982-2430
City Planner: Katie Larsen, 651982-2426
Building Official: Patrick Moonen, 651-982-2463
Finance Director: Hannah Lynch, 651-982-2405
Environmental Coordinator: Andrew Nelson, 651-982-2465
Public Services Director: Rick DeGardner, 651-982-2444
Director of Public Safety: John Swenson, 651-982-2301 Dispatch: 763-427-1212
Police Division: 651-982-2323; Kyle Leibel, Deputy Director, 651982-2302
Fire Division: 763-982-2323
Deputy Director: Dan L’Allier, 651288-2910
Fire Lieutenant/Fire Inspector: Brian Finke, 651-982-2464
Chamber of Commerce: Quad Area Chamber of Commerce quadareachamber.org
See Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Information
Created with GoogleMaps
A - Wargo Nature Center B - Rice Creek Chain of Lakes
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D)
Washington Office: 425 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
202-224-3244, Fax: 202-228-2186 Metro office: 1200 Washington Ave. S., Suite 250, Minneapolis, 55415 612-727-5220, Fax: 202-224-1792 www.klobuchar.senate.gov
U.S. Sen. Tina Smith (D)
Washington Office: 720 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
202-224-5641, Fax: 202-224-1152
Metro Office: 60 East Plato Boulevard, Suite 220, St. Paul, 55107 651-221-1016, Fax: 651-224-3056 www.smith.senate.gov
U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer (R)
Washington Office: 464 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
202-225-2331, Fax: 202-225-6475 District Office: 9201 Quaday Ave. NE Suite 206, Otsego, 55330 763-241-6848, Fax: 763-241-7955 www.emmer.house.gov
Governor Tim Walz (D)
130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, 55155
651-201-3400 or 800-657-3717,
Fax: 651-797-1850
tim.walz@state.mn.us www.governor.state.mn.us
Michael Kreun (R)
95 University Ave. W., Minnesota Senate Building, Room 2321, St. Paul, 55155 651-296-1282, senate.mn/members
Heather Gustafson (D)
95 University Ave. W., Minnesota Senate Building, Room 3103, St. Paul, 55155
651-296-1253, senate.mn/members
Matt Norris (D)
507 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, 55155
651-296-2907, rep.matt.norris@ house.mn.gov
Elliott Engen (R)
345 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, 55155
651-296-2365, rep.elliott.engen@ house.mn.gov
General information www.state. mn.us
Agriculture: 800-967-2474
Attorney General: 651-296-3353
Commerce: 651-539-1500
Education: 651-582-8200
Employment and Economic Development: 651-259-7114
Labor and Industry: 651-2845005
Natural Resources: 651-2966157
Individual income tax: 651-2963781
Property tax: 651-556-6091
Unemployment: 651-296-3644
Veterans Affairs: 888-546-5838
Work Force Center: 763-3242300
Worker’s Compensation: 651284-5032
390 Robert St. N., St Paul, MN 55101 | 651-602-1000 or metrocouncil.org.
Overview: The Met Council, established by the state Legislature in 1967, coordinates planning and development within the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. The council works with local communities to operate the region’s largest bus system; collect and treat wastewater; engage communities and the public in planning for future growth; provide forecasts of the region’s population and household growth; provide affordable housing opportunities; provide planning, acquisitions and funding for a regional system of parks and trails; and provide a framework for decisions and implementation for regional services including aviation, transportation, parks and open space, water quality and water management. Governance: The 17-member Met Council has 16 members who each represent a geographic district and one chairman, Charlie Zelle, who serves at-large. They all are appointed by and serve at
the pleasure of the governor. The state Senate confirms council member appointments. Serving the Lino Lakes, Lexington, Circle Pines and Blaine areas are: Dist. 10 (Blaine, Circle Pines and Lexington) Peter Lindstrom, 651602-1095, peter.lindstrom@metc. state.mn.us
Dist. 11 (Centerville, Lino Lakes, Forest Lake) Gail Cederberg, 612487-1205, gail.cederberg@metc. state.mn.us
Rice Creek Watershed District
4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive, Suite 611, Blaine, MN 55449 | 763-3983070 or www.ricecreek.org
Overview: Includes parts of Anoka, Washington, Hennepin and Ramsey counties, including Lino Lakes, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and a portion of Blaine, for the purpose of preventing flooding and enhancing water quality in the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes. Governance: The board of managers consists of five members appointed by their respective county boards. The board meets at 9 am the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at Shoreview City Hall. Nick Tomczik, Administrator, 763398-3079, ext. 179, or ntomczik@ ricecreek.org
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization
800 East County Road E, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 651-204-6070 or vlawmo.org
Overview: VLAWMO was established in 1983 to manage the Vadnais Lake area watershed, which includes the city of North Oaks and portions of White Bear Lake, Gem Lake, Vadnais Heights,
Lino Lakes and White Bear Township. Vadnais Lake is used as the final water storage reservoir for the drinking water supply system operated by the St. Paul Regional Water Service. Oversight includes protection of surface water quality, flood control and storm water management, wetland and groundwater protection. A water-related reference library is maintained at the VLAWMO office. Governance: Six-member board of directors from each of the communities served, which pay a share of the annual operating budget. The commission meets the second Friday of each month at 7:30 am at Vadnais Heights City Hall. The board of directors meets the fourth Wednesday every other month at 7:00 pm. Contact: Phil Belafiori, Administrator: 651-204-6073 or phil.belfiori@vlawmo.org; Board Member Rob Rafferty, Lino Lakes: 651-982-2492 or RRafferty@ linolakes.us
Blaine: 10611 Baltimore St. NE, Suite 100, Blaine, MN 55449. 763784-9218. Circle Pines: 300 Civic Heights Drive, Circle Pines, MN 55014. 763-717-0595. Hugo: 5615 150th St. N., Hugo, MN 55038. 651-407-1991 White Bear Lake: 2223 Fifth Street, White Bear Lake, MN 55110. 651-762-1437
Anoka County Anoka County is bounded by Isanti county on the north, Chisago and Washington counties on the east, Ramsey and Hennepin counties on the
south and Hennepin and Sherburne counties on the west. It lies on both sides of the Rum River, which enters the county approximately 20 miles north of the city of Anoka.
2100 Third Ave., Anoka, MN 55303 | 763-324-4000, www. anokacountymn.gov
Interim County/Deputy Administrator: Dee Guthman, 763-3244700, or dee.guthman@co.anoka. mn.us
Courthouse 325 East Main Street, Anoka, MN 55303-2401; 763-760-6700, www.anokacountymn.govAnoka County Board of Commissioners: Board meetings are held in room 705 of the Anoka County Government Center, 2100 Third Avenue, Anoka. Board meetings are held twice monthly, typically the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, at 9:30 a.m. County board meetings are subject to change. Call 763-3235700 for meeting dates.
District 3: Jeff Reinert, 763-3244701 or jeff.reinert@co.anoka. mn.us. Represents Centerville, Columbus, Lexington, Linwood, Lino Lakes, Circle Pines and southeastern Blaine.
Birth certificates:763-324-1360
Camping-Bunker Hills: 763-3243330
Camping-Rice Creek: 763-3243340
Child Care Licensing: 763-3241235
Child Support Services: 763422-7200
Chomonix Golf Course: 763324-3434
Composting-yard Waste: 763429-3723
Community Corrections: 763324-4800
Death certificates: 763-3241360
Driving Conditions and Road Construction: 763-324-3100
Elections and Voter Registration: 763-324-1300
Foster Care Licensing: 763324-1230
Job Training Center: 763-3242300
Nature Programs: 763-324-3350
Parks and Recreation: 763-3243300
Property Records, Taxation & Assessment: 763-323-5400
Recycling and Resource Solutions: 763-324-3400
Senior Services: 763-324-1200
Voter Registration Elections Department, 325 East Main Street, Suite 130, Anoka. 763-324-1300
Where to vote, Determine voting district and polling location at www.pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us, or call 763- 323-5275
License Center:10995 Club West Parkway, Suite 700, Blaine. 763-
324-2100. Register a car, driver’s licenses and state ID cards, hunting and fishing licenses, marriage license.
North Metro DVS Exam Station: 5400 Old Highway 8 (County Road I & 35W), Arden Hills, 55112. 651-201-7900. www,dps.mn.gov. Passports License Center: 10995 Club West Parkway, Suite 700, Blaine. 763-324-2100
Veterans’ Services: 2100 3rd Ave., Suite 216, Anoka. 763-324-4500 Registering firearm: Sheriff’s office, 13301 Hanson Blvd. NW, Andover, 55304; 763-324-5000
There are eight regular branches and two affiliated branches in the Anoka County Library system; two are convenient to the area served by the Quad Community Press. See hours at anokacountymn.gov.
Centennial Branch: 763-3241540, 100 Civic Heights Circle, Circle Pines
Northtown Library: 763-3241510, 711 County Hwy 10, Frontage Road, Blaine
Blaine, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes offer cleanup/
recycling days, when residents may bring recyclable items such as batteries, appliances, tires and furniture for disposal. Call city hall for information.
Tree waste and yard waste cannot be put in with garbage. Some haulers may collect yard waste for an additional fee. The following are drop-off sites for yard waste. Sites open April through November.
Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Compost Site, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes, 651-429-3723
Bunker Hills Compost Site, 13285 Hanson Blvd., Coon Rapids, 763767-7964
Hazardous waste is anything labeled flammable, corrosive or toxic and has caution, warning poison and/or danger on the label. Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Facility, 3230 101st Ave. NE, Blaine, 763-324-3400
All American Roofing ........................ 33
B usiness type: Roofing & Siding
Anoka Hennepin Credit Union 31
Contact: 763-422-0290
Business type: Credit Union
Bear Roofing & Exteriors .............. 32
Contact: (320) 587-5225
Business type: Roofing & Siding
Centennial School District.............. 2
Contact: 763-792-6026
Business type: School District
Charles Taylor ......................................... 24
Contact: 612-446-5411
Business type: Investment Advisor
Jones Mulch Service 32
Contact: 612-501-1191
Business type: Landscaping
Krinkle’s Heating Air Plumbing .................................................... 32
Contact: 651-426-5220
Business type: Heating & Cooling, AC, Plumbing
Lyngblomsten ......................................... 35
Contact: 651-515-1727
Business type: Healthcare, Senior Adult Services
Northland Landscape & Construction ............................................ 32
Contact: 651-746-4582
Business type: Landscaping
Olson’s Sewer Service ..................... 13
Location: 17638 Lyons St. NE, Forest Lake
Contact: 651-464-2082
Business type: Sewer
Pet-a-Cake Childcare 20
Location: 7761 Lake Dr., Ste. E Lino Lakes Contact: 651-786-2286
Business type: Childcare
Renstrom Dental 8
Location: 7455 Village Dr., Lino Lakes
Contact: 651-407-0491
Business type: Dental Studio
Rehbein Transit Co. Inc ...........19, 33
Location: 6298 Hodgson Rd, Lino Lakes
Contact: 651-484-1809
Ruddy’s Rental ......................................... 11
Location: Hwy. 61 & 97, Forest Lake
Contact: 651-464-73689 651-674-7000 (North Branch)
Signature Nails 36
Location: 709 Apollo Drive, Suite 200, Lino Lakes Contact: 651-756-1209
St, Joseph of the Lakes Catholic Church ....................................... 8
Location: 171 Elm St., Lino Lakes Contact: 651-784-3015
Timberline Roofing and Contraction 11, 32 Contact: 651-287-3720
Business type: Roofing & Siding
Looking to enjoy life without the hassle of home maintenance? Then check out Lyngblomsten at Lino Lakes, a new senior living campus at the corner of Hodgson Road and County Road J. Choose from:
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These housing options are bolstered by an abundance of amenities and services to enrich your life. Amenities include:
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and reserve your
• Theater
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• Game room with golf simulator
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