Spring fashion show supports mission
day, May 6, in the Great Hall. The event began as a way to help support the church’s mission team and to send food shipments of Feed My Starving Children to an organization called Believe Guatemala. Items in the church’s artisan co-op are featured in the fashion show.
Blaine family overwhelmed by support
Noah Berger, a 2022 Centennial graduate, has been lying in a hospital bed in Missouri for weeks now.
Berger, a freshman at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri, was struck by a vehicle in the early morning hours of April 16 while walking back to his dorm room.
Blaine residents Jim and Denise Berger were in town for their son’s lacrosse game when the accident happened. Before the accident, Noah had called Jim. Jim asked if he needed a ride, but Noah declined, as he was almost back to his dorm. Denise asked Noah to let her know when he made it back, but she never heard from him. He didn’t answer her phone calls or texts.
“I looked at his Find my iPhone and his location wasn’t moving,” she recalled. “I just had this
feeling that something was wrong.” Denise checked in with Noah’s roommate, who went to the location where his phone was and found Noah had been struck by a vehicle.
By the time his roommate found him, the police were already on scene rendering aid to Noah, who had been thrown approximately 25 feet. (The crash
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness.
During May, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) joins the national movement to raise awareness about mental health. Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949.
Mental Health Awareness Month provides a perfect opportunity for the
NAMI Alliance to shine a spotlight on spreading helpful mental health resources and information on local programs or initiatives and content to specific populations (for example, caregivers, youth and young adults, underrepresented communities). It is also a chance to encourage people to take action.
NAMI is launching the “More Than Enough” social media awareness
campaign, uplifting and empowering the mental health community to feel that they are “more than enough.” It affirms the idea that people are inherently worthy of life, love and healing — no matter what they look like, no matter where they are in their journeys, no matter what they are or aren’t able to do.
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 29 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00 BEST OF CONTEST: Nominate your favorites beginning May 3 PAGES 2 AND 5 CIRCULATION 651-407-1234 circ@presspubs.com NEWS 651-407-1227 quadnews@presspubs.com ADVERTISING 651-407-1200 marketing@presspubs.com CLASSIFIED 651-407-1250 classified@presspubs.com PRODUCTION 651-407-1220 art@presspubs.com PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED
DON’T JUST PROMISE QUALITY... certified collision repair, hail damage repair and auto body services WE GUARANTEE IT, FOR LIFE! 24408 Greenway Ave | 651.464.6477 | www.BillsAutoBodyMN.com A FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED AUTO BODY SHOP IN FOREST LAKE, MINNESOTA. 760516 MUELLER-BIES FUNERAL HOMES www.muellerbies.com email: staff@muellerbies.com 772622 LINO LAKES 7050 Lake Drive 651-784-3390 ROSEVILLE 2130 N. Dale St. 651-487-2550
St. Joseph of the Lakes Catholic Church will host its annual spring fashion show from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Satur-
One in five U.S. adults experienced a mental health condition each year.
Noah Berger, former Centennial lacrosse player, was struck by a vehicle while walking back to his dorm room.
2 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 2, 2023 www.presspubs.com Readers’ Choice 2023 BEST NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED: Wednesday, May 3 – Friday, May 19 VOTING: July 12 – August 6 WINNERS ANNOUNCED: October 4 Sports & Recreation Health & Fitness Shopping Arts & Entertainment Local Eating & Drinking Services Scan Here to Nominate 2023 of the Press Quad Community P ress www.presspubs.com/quad/bestof
When: 12:45 p.m. Thursday May 4; and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of every month
Where: Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Games begin at 12:45 p.m. Refreshments and coffee served. All senior citizens from the area invited.
Contact: 651-592-0369 or barbconnolly1958@yahoo.com
When: 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, April 28-May 21; 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 15
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: Comic play performed by Lakeshore Players Theatre. Tickets $10-$30.
Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org
When: 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Thursday, May 4
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino
Lakes Details: Kids ages 2-5 explore through outdoor play and a story. Registration required.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday, May 4-Sunday, May 7
Where: Gammelgarden Museum, 20080 Olinda Trail N., Scandia
Details: Free tours at 10:30 a.m., 1 & 2:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 1 & 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Artist and crafter's fair, artisan demos, 19th century games, and hands on activities for all ages.
Contact: gammelgardenmuseum.org
When: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake
Details: Kids can climb on vehicles at the Metro Transit parking lot behind the library while listening to the Roe Family singers. Free; no registration required.
Contact: washcolib.org
When: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, May 6
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino
Details: Volunteer to tackle challenges each month
such as removing invasive species, cleaning up gardens, and gathering native plant seeds. Free; registration required.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 10 & 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Fillebrown House, 4735 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: Tour the 1879 lakeside cottage that exemplifies life during White Bear's resort era. Registration required.
Contact: whitebearhistory.org
When: 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Sunrise Park Middle School, 2399 Cedar Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: The public is invited to a community powwow to honor American Indian students who are graduating from local school districts. Event features Native American drums and dancing, vendors, artists, learning stations, and food trucks. Free.
Contact: manyfaceswblarea.org/wacipi
When: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Forest Lake Transit Center, 19987 Fitzgerald Trail N.
Details: Recycle and dispose of electronics and household hazardous waste. Confidential document shredding.
Contact: 651-430-6702 or co.washington.mn.us
When: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Century College West Campus Theatre, 3300 Century Ave. N., White Bear Lake
Details: Free instrumental concert directed by Charlie Preis.
Contact: century.edu/campus-life/fine-performing-arts
When: 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6
Where: Peder Pedersen Pavilion, 5524 Upper 146th St., Hugo
Details: Annual fundraiser for Chain of Lakes Rotary includes comedy show and Mexican buffet indoors, along with yard games and pinata outside. Adults 21+ only. See details and registration information online.
Contact: chainoflakesrotary.com
April 2023 Carrier of the Month
“Because we’re in this together.”
3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines togetherplacechurch.org facebook.com/togetherplacechurch 761679
Malachi and Eliah have been carriers with us since 2018. Thank you for all your hard work.
HAPPENING MAY 2, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 3 To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052 Church Directory Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us!
Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site 14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo
761676 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 762801 We welcome you to worship with us Virtually and in Person Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship & refreshments following the service 7330 Lake Drive | 651-784-7667 admin@linolakescommunitychurch.com & directions (1 mile south of Target on Lake Dr) Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE
Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville
651‐429‐7937 761757
and Eliah
to Malachi (left) and Eliah (right)!
Have an event? Email it to calendar @presspubs.com
The Chain of Lakes will host its Chain of Giving event May 6 in Hugo. See calendar listing for more information.
Support fried rice
Our readers clearly have insider information when it comes down to who’s serving up one of my favorite meals fried rice. Now it the time to pick your favorite local restaurants, services, retailers, professionals, establishments organizations, and more through the Best of The Press contest. As you know, we launched this contest four years ago and I am still looking to find more fried rice options. So we need your help. Go to Presspubs.com and start nominating your favorites. Since the contest launched, our readers votes have more than doubled. Best of the press is a real thing. I’m seeing these winners on billboards magazines, newspaper, social media and TV. It is because of your nominations that we drill down this year’s Best of the Press in your community. The nomination period runs from Wednesday, May 3, to Friday, May 19. Check your local contest for exact times and dates. The voting period will run July 12 through Aug. 6, so vote early and often. Unlike elections we want you to vote every 24 hours. With the votes in the Best of the Press, nominees rise up to the top of in their respective categories. As we pull together as a community, please remember our local businesses are in many cases dealing with labor shortages and inflation. Basic materials like napkins, eggs and meat products are still trending higher than normal. Please take this into consideration and don’t let a factor outside a nominee’s control overshadow your vote.
Publisher’s View
God’s undo button
As you know Best of the Press is the laser-focus on supporting our small, local businesses, merchants, doctors, services and dining establishments to name a few. This year we have well over 100 categories. Voting is expected to grow again. Please help our local businesses by casting your votes. Check out our online ballot and begin selecting your favorite choices from best celebration or festival to the best local sports team and everything in between. The first time you use the website it will ask you to register and provide an email address. We do this to ensure people vote only once per day. Happy voting and we look forward to celebrating ourBest of the Press winners.
Has any parent had a freshman from college return home for the summer? Do you have words of advice? My wife and I spent an entire meal talking through the summertime scenario. Both kids will have an expectation to be working and saving. We hope one can secure an internship while the other will pick his work between summer school and summer camps. While sitting with my parents for dinner, I asked for their recommendations, even though I was raised by them and watched two of my three siblings struggle and suffer. I thought I surely knew what they were going to say. It would sound like that of Jean Shepherd in the famous movie “The Christmas Story.” I could totally see a list created for every day—make sure they are in before midnight as nothing good happens after midnight, the early bird gets the worm, make sure they wake up at a certain time, make sure they finish their chores no matter what time it is, demand it’s done if you ask, make them pay for gas and groceries, do laundry, help around the house and kitchen, and maybe many would have to pay rent. But what came out of their mouth was nothing of the short. It was as if I knew nothing about parenting. They said treat her like an adult and leave her alone. So, if you see me out doing all the yard work, filling up all the cars at the gas station, it’s okay. It’s going to be alright. It’s only one summer.
Carter Johnson is publisher of Press Publications.
If you’ve ever had to fill out extensive paperwork for a loan or insurance claim, you know what a process it can be. You pray that there won’t be any glitches and frustrations to disrupt you as you attempt to interpret what is needed to complete to the task. What happens when you hit the wrong button?
Terrifying at best. Devastating at worst. Frustrating all around. All your hard work lost in a moment. And yet, within the digital realm, there are backups and redundances built into the system that allow for documents to be resurrected, saving us from having to start all over again. That is, if you know what to do.
On almost any computer, if you hit Ctrl + Z, the shortcut brings us back to where we were. In a dire situation, hit Ctrl Alt Delete and the reboot brings us back to the last time we saved the project. We have
an undo button to get us back online.
Wouldn’t it be nice if life had an undo button?
When we are frustrated with our children and lash out with a harsh word- hit the undo button and boom- a fresh opportunity to be a better parent. Or when we are distracted and back your car into tree- click and here’s your chance to be more aware of your surroundings. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to click a button and everything was okay again?
As the women arrived at Jesus’ tomb early that first morning, uncertainty, fear and grief hung heavy in each step. They showed up to the tomb to deal with the dead, while still reflecting on Jesus’ last three years of teachings about loving one another and being faithful to God. They had witnessed miracles and healings. Everything that they saw in Jesus, now seems to have disappeared in moment. If only there could have been another way to be saved from our sins instead of Jesus being arrested, condemned, tortured and finally, dying on the cross. Unfortunately, an undo button isn’t an option for humanity.
And yet, arriving at the tomb, they experienced a literal, earth-shaking moment that resets the world moving forward for all time. An angel appears. Jesus is not there. He is alive! Suddenly, the despair and anguish of losing everything at the cross, suddenly shifts. The despair is replaced with joy! And the joy is doubled as they come face to face with the Risen Lord himself. Enfleshed. Animated. Alive. God’s plan for saving humanity from the power of sin and death wasn’t lost at the cross.
In fact, at the cross, God hit the greatest undo button ever! Undoing the power of sin and death which separates us from God and each other. Undoing our mistakes and inviting us to live again! We might not have an undo button for our lives but we have a God, whose love, incarnate in Jesus, has the power to undo our mistakes and set us right once more. The tomb is empty! We are forgiven! Thanks be to God!
Ivy Huston is the pastor at Living Waters Lutheran Church in Lino Lakes.
• Limited to 350 words.
• Submissions must Include a full name, address and daytime phone number for verification.
• Letter writers must live, work or have another connection to Press Publications coverage area.
• Letter writers are limited to six letters per year and at least four weeks must
lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.
• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.
• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will not be published.
• Submissions containing
libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.
• Submissions containing facts not previously published in the Press must be accompanied by factual verification.
• All letters are subject to editing.
• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday of the week prior to publication.
• To submit a letter, e-mail it to quadnews@presspubs.com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to:
White Bear
4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com MAY 2, 2023
4779 Bloom
55110. Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1227 Advertising 651-407-1200 Circulation 651-407-1234 Classified/Obits 651-407-1250 Production 651-407-1239 FAX 651-429-1242 Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Winter Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at presspubs.com Carter C. Johnson Publisher cjohnson@presspubs.com Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus ppinfo@presspubs.com Shannon Granholm Managing Editor quadnews@presspubs.com Patty Steele Director of Sales & Marketing marketing@presspubs.com Mary Peterson Designer art@presspubs.com Brianna Luecken Circulation circ@presspubs.com Paul Dols Photo Journalist photos@presspubs.com Other departments obits@presspubs.com classified@presspubs.com callaspecialist@presspubs.com www.presspubs.com 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
Carter Johnson
Pastor’s Ponderings Ivy Huston
Nominate your favorites for ‘Best Of’ Contest
Something exciting is returning!
This week, nominations are open for the biggest and fastest-growing Readers’ Choice Best of the Press Contest in the region. Voting grew by more than 35% last year, topping 30,000 votes. Thank you, readers.
Who do you want to see listed on the 2023 ballot? This is your opportunity to support your favorite local business, artist, teacher, professional and more by nominating them in one of over 100 categories.
The seven groups of categories are eating and drinking, arts and entertainment, health and fitness, local services, shopping, and sports and recreation.
Each year, we add new categories to the contest that are requested by readers and important to the area.
These include — the best Italian restaurant, lasagna, streaming service, sports movie, tree service, exterior painting service, exterminator, ski slopes, dog park, disc golf course, dermatology, Pho soup, and chow mein, as well as your favorite Minnesota professional sports team.
“This is a great opportunity for a community member to vote for what they love in those categories in the surrounding communities,” said Patty Steele, director of marketing at Press Publications. “It's a great way for our readers to learn what different businesses have that they are the best in.”
To nominate, simply go to presspubs.com/shoreview/bestof and recommend your favorite place or person.
You can nominate once each day, and can nominate for one or all of the categories.
The easy, online voting tool also helps you fill in the full name and address. However, please remember to be as complete as possible when filling in information. For example, recommend your favorite waitstaff person, but be sure to include the name of the restaurant with their name.
The nomination period runs from Wednesday, May 3, to Friday, May 19. Check your local contest for exact times and dates. You will
see plenty of announcements in the newspapers and online, reminding you to submit your nominations.
After the nomination period concludes, we will go through each of the categories to select the five businesses or people who captured the most nominations. They will make it onto the final ballot. We also will look at the nominations to make sure they are valid. Categories that do not receive two or more nominations will not move on to the voting period.
After the ballot is finalized, readers will be able to vote online for their favorites once a day beginning Wednesday, July 12. Once live, the official final ballot can be found at presspubs.com/quad/bestof. Check your local contest for exact times and dates.
The contest is conducted exclusively online: no paper ballots will be used. After voting closes, results will be tallied and winners announced in the fall.
10th annual Chain of Giving boasts new theme, venue
The Chain of Lakes Rotary is switching things up for its 10th annual Chain of Giving fundraiser.
The event is slated for 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, May
6. Historically, the event has been held in March at Infinite Campus in Blaine, but this year the event will be held in May at the new Peder Pedersen Pavilion, which is located in Lions Volunteer Park in Hugo.
“We wanted to try something different,” explained Rotary President Patrick Antonen.
MAY 2, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 5 www.presspubs.com Get the most out of your lawn this spring. Your First Application 50% OFF* Save now with *Requires purchase of annual plan. Special price is for first Lawn application only. Requires purchase of annual plan, for new residential EasyPay or PrePay customers only. Valid at participating TruGreen locations. Availability of services may vary by geography. Not to be combined with or used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Additional restrictions may apply. Consumer responsible for all sales tax. †Purchase of annual lawn plan required forTruGreen Lawn Assessment, which is performed at the first visit. ◆Guarantee applies to annual plan customers only. BBB accredited since 07/01/2012. ©2023 TruGreen Limited Partnership. All rights reserved. In Connecticut, B-0153, B-1380, B-0127, B-0200, B-0151. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 1-833-914-2939 TruGreen® will gladly visit your property as needed between scheduled visits to ensure your satisfaction◆ MUELLER-BIES FUNERAL HOMES FUNERALS — CREMATION — PREPLANNING Personal, Professional Services At Affordable Prices LINO LAKES 7050 Lake Drive 651-784-3390 www.muellerbies.com email: staff@muellerbies.com ROSEVILLE 2130 N. Dale St. 651-487-2550 • Serving Families for more than 115 years • Fourth generation, Family owned provider • We provide a personal, thorough service • We offer free, no-obligation pre-planning consultations 768084 May 3rd Anchor Coffee 4742 Washington Square, White Bear Lake Drop-In Appointments 10 am – 1 pm May 3rd Jimmy’s Conference Center 1132 East County Road E, Vadnais Heights Educational Seminar 6:30 pm May 8th Forest Lake YMCA 19845 Forest Rd. N, Forest Lake Educational Seminar 1:30 pm May 9th White Bear Senior Center 2484 County Rd. F East, WBL Drop-In Appts. Bingo to follow Call 651-653-3121 for Reservations 10 am – 1 pm Medicare 772248 Possehl Agency YOUR LOCAL Independent agent. Call Kirk 612-747-2726 or Pat 651-428-8871 for more information Possehlagency@gmail.com | Possehlagency.com Are you turning 65 this year? Are you confused about Medicare and what your next steps might be? Join us for an Educational Seminar giving you the A,B,C, and D’s of Medicare. No obligation, No sales pressure. Just education and your questions answered! Seminar Locations: Book a free, no obligation phone call: EasyTaxCredits.com Phone: 1-234-273-3487 Promotional offer: some restriction apply. East Tax Credits not responsible for fulfillment of promotional offer. Attention: Business owners YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR A TAX CREDIT OF UP TO $26,000 PER EMPLOYEE Use reference code Quad for $1,000 of additional free advertising with the code per-email for our ERTC consulting services
Upcoming Games
The Lino Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• An officer responded to a report of a stolen trailer from a business in the 500 block of Lilac Street April 18. The investigation is ongoing
• An officer received information regarding potential neglect of a vulnerable adult in the 700 block of Town Center Parkway April 18. The investigation is ongoing.
• Officers responded to a report of individuals throwing rocks out of an apartment window in the 700 block of Town Center Parkway April 18. An officer made contact with the involved juveniles and spoke to them about their conduct.
• Officers responded to a possible grass fire in the 500 block of Apollo Drive April 18. Upon investigation, officers found the fire to be an attended recreational fire.
• An officer stopped a vehicle for displaying expired registration in the area of Main Street and I-35E April 18. The adult male driver was arrested and charged with fourth-degree DWI and alcohol content 0.08 or more within two hours.
• An officer took a report regarding damage to a cityowned vehicle in the 1700 block of Birch Street April 19.
• An officer responded to a report of a student possibly planning to bring a firearm to school in the 400 block of Elm Street April 19. The investigation is ongoing.
• A resident voiced a complaint of passing on the shoulder in the 7700 block of Lake Drive April 20. The resident requested extra patrol and the information was passed on to officers.
• Officers responded to a report of a possible vehicle submerged in the water after a caller in the 7400 block of Main Street reported seeing headlights April 20. Upon arrival, the lights were found to be coming from a fishing boat.
• An officer located a vehicle involved in a possible fraud in
Grass fire burns 65 acres
The Lino Lakes Public Safety Department responded to a large grass fire in a field northeast of Holly Drive N. and County Road J (Ash Street) at 3:12 p.m. Tuesday, April 25.
Public Safety Director John Swenson said it is estimated that the fire burned approximately 65 acres.
Lino Lakes Public Safety was assisted by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forestry (helicopter, fixed wing and ground fire suppression resources) as well as the Centennial Fire District, Spring Lake Park-BlaineMounds View, Hugo, Forest Lake and Lake Jo-
another city in the 2000 block of Main Street April 21. The officer stopped the vehicle and identified all parties in the vehicle. The officer then relayed the information to the investigating agency.
• An officer responded to a gas station in the 7000 block of 21st Avenue South on a report of a theft of gasoline April 22. The officer was able to subsequently locate the driver, who denied intentionally leaving without paying. Charges are pending until the officer can view the video of the incident.
• An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for traffic violations on I-35E near Lake Drive NE April 23. The male driver showed signs of impairment and was arrested for third-degree DWI.
• An officer documented an incident involving damage to city property in the 1600 block of Birch Street April 23.
• Officers responded to a call of a male in possession of stolen property in the 700 block of Town Center Parkway April 23. The property was recovered and the male was charged.
• An officer took a phone call report from a resident in the 8000 block of Rondeau Lake Road West who reported he was the victim of identity theft April 24. The incident is under investigation.
• Officers responded to a report of disorderly juveniles at a gas station in the 7500 block of Lake Drive April 24. The juveniles were gone upon arrival, and police assistance was declined by staff.
• An officer took a report for damage to property at the Rookery Activity Center April 24. The incident is under investigation.
The Centennial Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• Officers received a report of harassment from the 9100 block of Lexington Avenue April 19.
• Police responded to a motor vehicle crash at the intersec -
tion of Park Drive West and North Road NE in Circle Pines April 19.
• Suspicious activity was reported in the 400 block of Keith Road in Circle Pines April 19.
• Officers located a suspected stolen vehicle in the 8700 block of Syndicate Avenue in Lexington April 19.
• Officers responded to the 2000 block of Main Street in Centerville April 21 for a property damage crash.
• Police responded to the 2000 block of Main Street in Centerville on a report of a counterfeit bill April 21.
• An officer observed a vehicle travelling well above the posted speed limit in the 7300 block of Main Street in Centerville April 21. The vehicle was ultimately stopped, and the driver was issued a speeding citation.
• Police responded to the 9000 block of South Highway Drive in Lexington April 22 on report of multiple assaults.
• An officer observed a traffic violation at the intersection of Lake Drive and Lexington Avenue in Lexington April 22. The vehicle was subsequently stopped and the male driver was arrested for fourth-degree DWI.
• One individual was arrested for domestic assault in Lexington April 23.
• Stolen property was reported in the 8900 block of Pascal Avenue in Lexington April 23.
• Officers responded to a property damage accident at the intersection of Main Street and 20th Avenue in Centerville April 24. Upon investigation, officers found that a white Dodge truck rear-ended a postal delivery truck as it was stopped on Main Street. There were no injuries.
• Suspicious activity was reported on Center Road in Circle Pines April 24. A caller advised police that an unknown suspect tried the doors on his vehicle before being scared off. Nothing was found to be missing.
orative is hosting a free substance use community resource event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office, located at 13301 Hanson Blvd. NW, Andover.
hanna fire departments. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the DNR.
“At this time we do not believe this was deliberately set,” Swenson said.
Free substance use event planned for May
The Anoka County Chemical Health Collab-
All community members are invited to this educational event, which will focus on the substance abuse epidemic and community wellness. Prevention and assistance resources will be available at the event to those who are struggling or who have loved ones who are struggling with addiction. A vaping presentation will be held at 11 a.m. and a naloxone (used to treat opioid overdoses) training will be held at noon.
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A large grass fire in a field northeast of Holly Drive N. and County Road J burned approximately 65 acres.
MAY 2, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 7 www.presspubs.com 2023
Directory Use QR Code for more details on individual camps Since 1950 Keep dancing the Larkin way 1400 East Highway 36, Maplewood www.larkindancestudio.com. | 651-770-0764 ScanQRCode ForAllClasses Summer Dance June 12th - 22nd Enroll Now For Summer or to Finish Up The School year Strong! www.mathnasium.com BEFOREENROLLMAY 20 SAVE $50 SUMMER MATH PROGRAM! June - August We make math make sense to kids! White Bear Lake • 4715 Highway 61 N • 651-888-2541 CAMP June 26 – August 18, 2023 ARTS DANCE • MUSIC • THEATER • VISUAL ARTS SUMMER ThePhipps.org 715.961.1003 Hudson, WI CENTER FOR THE ARTS Lakeshore Players Theatre Summer Theatre Camps June 12-August 11 Grades K-12 651-478-7427 www lakeshoreplayers org L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e Secure your spot and save today at Camp Lakeshore Players Camp Invention WB Center for the Arts The Phipps Larkin Dance Studio Mathnasium Price & Length Morning/Afternoon: 3-5 Days See invent.org/local for details $176-440 4 days, half & full days See thephipps.org for details See larkindancestudio.com June - August Ages Grades K - 12 5 to 11 Years 2 to 12 years 3 to 18 years 2 to 18 years Grades 1 - 12 Dance, Music, Art & Theatre Academics & Day Camp Art & Theatre Day Camp, Nature, Dance, Music, Art, & Theatre Dance Academics Activities Miss your envelope? Subscribe today for a chance to win a $250 gift card Scan the QR code or fill out the form and return to: Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-407-1200 • www.presspubs.com 4779 Bloom Ave. • White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-407-1200 circ@presspubs.com Please detach this portion and mail with your payment. Subscribe today and receive up to $100 value in Loyalty Coupons www.presspubs.com/site/services Buy One Give One $78/two 12 month Subscription $ One Subscription for you and one for another in our community $39/one 12 month Subscription $ Additional amount to Support Journalism $ Donated Subscription will be given to an area family, food shelf or senior housing I would like the Quad Community Press to donate $1 of my subscription to the Centennial Community Food Shelf Please tip my carrier $_______ Total amount enclosed $_______ Today’s date: Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email: Check payable to Press Publications or Credit Card: -Visa -Mastercard -Discover -AMEX #: Expires: 3 Digit Code: Comments:
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Offer expires 5/31/23 3600 Lexington Ave. Suite 106, Shoreview | 651-484-2585 facebook.com/winkinrooster www.winkinrooster.com Open Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm • Meetings • Graduation Parties • Grooms Dinners • Special Events 25% OFF one food item CODE: SV Catering for your events! 2022 of the Press BUY ANY 2 ANNUALS AND GET 1 FREE (OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE) FREE 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) • Lino Lakes/Shoreview (3 blocks N. of Cty. Rd. J on Hwy. 49) Celebrating Our 34th Anniversary • Black Dirt • Garden Blend • Sod • Boulders • Lawn Edging • Sand Box or Beach Sand • Excellent Prices • Wood Chips & Mulch • Decorative Rock • Paving Stones • Lawn Ornaments • Weed Mats & Poly • Fairy Gardens • Excellent Quality Check out our website: www.rockgardens.net You Pick Up or We Deliver Mulch! $500 Off 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview (3 blocks N. of Cty. Rd. 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• The city has reached an agreement with AFSCME, Local No. 2454, for 2023 and 2024. The agreement was reached after four meetings. It includes a 3% wage increase and a 0.75% market adjustment for both years. An agreement that mirrors the union employees’ agreement was also reached for the nonunion employees.
• The city of Lino Lakes will participate in the multistate settlements relating to the opioid supply chain. The state of Minnesota and numerous Minnesota cities and counties are engaged in nationwide civil litigation against opioid supply chain participants related to the opioid crisis. The Minnesota Attorney General has signed on to multistate settlement agreements with several opioid supply chain participants, but those settlement agreements are still subject to sign-on by local governments and final agreement by the companies and approval by the courts. Settlements have been reached with opioid manufacturers Teva Pharmaceuticals and Allergan, and retail pharmacy chains Walmart, CVS and Walgreens. Awards
are dependent on participation by both litigating and nonlitigating local governments and could exceed $235 million over 15 years for Minnesota. To maximize the money coming to Minnesota, all cities with populations over 10,000 are being asked to sign on to these settlements.
• The city plans to sell its 1994 Chevrolet S-10 to the Scandia Valley Fire Department for $15,000. The truck, which is outfitted with wildland fire suppression equipment, is no longer needed by the city since it now has a UTV.
• Allina Ambulance will continue to pay the city $700 per month to house an ambulance at Fire Station No. 1 through May 31, 2026.
• The city will pay $47,313 to Midwest Landscapes to plant 91 boulevard trees; 51 of those trees will be installed on residential lots and 40 trees will replace trees that were removed due to emerald ash borer, other pests and storm damage.
The city requires new boulevard trees to be planted in all new residential subdivisions in accordance with Chapter
1007.043 (17), the landscaping section of the Zoning Ordinance. Both the Environmental Board and the City Council have also supported replacing boulevard trees that die in order to maintain the many benefits that trees provide to the community.
The trees planted for new residential properties are purchased with developer funds collected as part of development agreements. The replacements for trees that die are purchased with city forestry funds. Each spring, city staff members coordinate tree plantings to ensure that the trees and planting methods used meet city standards to ensure high-quality plantings will maximize the benefits provided by trees while minimizing long-term maintenance costs.
The next City Council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 8, at City Hall. There will also be a work session immediately beforehand at 6 p.m. in the Community Room.
• Two seniors at Centennial High School will receive scholarships from Centennial Utilities. First-place winner Zachary Embacher will receive $2,000 and second-place winner Maxwell Lesch will receive $1,000.
• The City Council will likely pass Ordinance No. 162, which regulates cannabinoid products, at its next meeting. City Administrator Patrick Antonen explained that the ordinance is closely modeled after the city of Lexington’s ordinance, which will make it easier for the Centennial Lakes Police Department to enforce in both cities.
City Council Member Steve McChesney wondered whether the city should pause and wait for the matter to play out at the state level. Antonen explained that the ordinance was needed for the interim.
“The goal of this ordinance is to set up a licensing structure. Once the state law comes through, we will have to modify our process to fit state statute,” Antonen explained. “It is kind of the Wild West right now … we don’t have any regulation. Under current licensing, McDonalds could be selling it.”
Council Member Dean Goldberg said he would like to see stiffer penalty fines. Antonen said he would do some research before bringing the ordinance back for consideration.
• By 2024 or 2025, the city could
progress to step 3 of the GreenStep Cities program, which helps cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals.
• A reminder to residents that leaf pickup is scheduled for Saturday, May 6.
• The city’s curbside organics recycling program now has over 100 users. Antonen said the program continues to grow and be successful.
The city is working to install two Level 2 charging stations for electric vehicles at City Hall. The charging stations are expected to cost $21,708, which will be funded via a grant the city received.
• Approximately $6,000 of $12,000 remains available to residents who want to install a water sense toilet or smart irrigation controller. More information and an application is available on the city’s website.
• The city’s employee handbook has received some “significant updates,” mainly from changes in state statutes and recommendations from the League of Minnesota Cities. Antonen explained that the last major updates to the handbook were made in 2015.
The next City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, at City Hall.
Shannon Granholm
MAY 2, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 9 www.presspubs.com COUPONS | May 2023 SHOREVIEW • NORTH OAKS •LEXINGTON • CIRCLE PINES • LINO LAKES | 651-407-1200 | PRESSPUBS.COM Geller Jewelers Any Jewelry Repair With this coupon. Not valid with any other offer/discounts. Must present coupon before service. Expires 5/31/23 50% OFF Watch Batteries With this coupon. Not valid with any other offer/ discounts. Must present coupon before service. Expires 5/31/23 Family Owned & Operated Over 100 Years! WE BUY GOLD! Shoreview In the Bridge Court Center 4535 Hodgson Rd. Shoreview, MN 55126 651-481-9750 Roseville In the Lexington Plaza Shopping Center Lexington at Larpenteur 651-487-1455 Geller Jewelers 4535 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview • 651-481-9750 Tues-Fri 10am - 5pm Sat 10am - 2pm 770502 Geller Jewelers 4535 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview • 651-481-9750 20% OFF Gate Access (Daily): 7:00 am - 10:00 pm NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE NOW OPEN SHOREVIEW Mon-Fri: 9-5 • Saturday: 9-4 • Sunday: Closed 483 W. County Rd. E. • Shoreview, MN • 651-483-1100 shoreview@northstarministorage.com NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE $20 OFF STORAGE 10X10 UNITS OR LARGER 1ST MONTH ONLY NEW CUSTOMER ONLY VALID AT SHOREVIEW LOCATION ONLY NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE $10 OFF STORAGE 10X10 UNITS OR LARGER 1ST MONTH ONLY NEW CUSTOMER ONLY VALID AT SHOREVIEW LOCATION ONLY 760223 2022 of the Press BEST Selection of Annuals in Town! Order Online at CostaGreenhouse.com Located on Hwy 96 between White Bear Lake & Stillwater Hours: 9am-6:30pm Daily Expires 6/15/2023 Not valid with other coupons or offers • costaproducefarm.com FREE 4 PACK OF ANNUALS with $40 purchase. • Hanging Baskets • Annuals • Herbs • • Veggie Plants • Soil • Gift Cards • • Curbside Pickup or Delivery Available • CSA Community Supported Agriculture Full, Half & Mini Share Memberships Available Sign up Online at CostaCSA.com Visit our website for more info and pickup sites 12 Weeks of Super Fresh Homegrown Veggies Grown Locally at Costa Farm & Greenhouse • USDA Food Safety Certified Non-GMO 763837 Great Gifts for Mother’s Day! 40 Pickup Locations in the Metro Area! BESTOFTHEPRESS Sign up deadline May 30th
Shannon Granholm
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NOAH BERGER: Former Centennial Lacrosse player recovering from traumatic brain injury
remains under investigation.)
“When his roommate told me he got hit by a car, it was immediate fear,” Denise said.
Noah was taken to DePaul Hospital in Bridgeton, Missouri. Surprisingly he had no injuries from the neck down, not even a broken bone. He did end up losing about 2/3 of his right earlobe.
“The plastic surgeon was surprised that there were no facial bone breaks at all,” Denise explained. “Unfortunately, his head took all of the trauma.” The medical staff discovered Noah was suffering from a traumatic brain injury, and he was placed into a medically induced coma while his brain heals and the swelling goes down.
At this point, the family doesn’t know how long Noah will be in the hospital. After he is released, he will head to a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation center. The family won’t have answers as to what his recovery looks like or the extent of the injury until Noah is able to come out of sedation and go through an MRI.
Currently, Noah is battling pneumonia, which has slowed down his recovery a bit. “We are
Noah Berger is at DePaul Hospital in Bridgeton, Missouri recovering from a traumatic brain injury. He was recently moved to a bigger room to accommodate all of his visitors.
trying to tackle that pneumonia, and then once that’s tackled we can bring him off sedation,” Denise explained.
The family continues to be amazed by the outpouring of support they have received from their family and friends back home, as well as new friends and Lindenwood University administrators in Missouri and complete strangers from the lacrosse community.
As of press time, a GoFundMe page has raised over $100,000 for the family, and Noah’s CaringBridge website had been viewed more than 20,000 times.
“It’s been so overwhelming. I
can’t even count how many hundreds of texts and messages we have received,” Denise said. “(It’s just a testament) to how many lives he has touched in his short 18 years. He is just one of those amazing kids. When you meet him, you just instantly fall in love with him.”
While the community back home is supporting their other two children and the family dog, the community in Missouri is making sure they are supported
To donate, visit www. gofundme.com/f/prtjenoahs-road-to-recovery
To follow Noah’s progress, visit www.caringbridge. org/visit/noahberger62
by providing meals, a place to stay, etc. Lacrosse teams from across the country continue to show their support, too.
“We've always been on the opposite end of this, and it's always that feeling, ‘What can we do to help these people who are in the situation?’ and so I never ever in a million years thought that I would be on this side of it,” Denise said. “But people are amazing.”
Section 471.6161.
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on May 2, 2023. CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA
This may affect your 2024 property tax payments.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for the City of Lino Lakes shall meet on May 8, 2023, 5:30 p.m., at Lino Lakes City Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made.
If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the county board of appeal and equalization.
Given under my hand this 18th day of April, 2023.
Jolleen Chaika, Clerk of City of Lino Lakes
Published two times in the Quad Community Press on April 25 and May 2, 2023.
CITY OF LINO LAKES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL – VISION INSURANCE The City of Lino Lakes will accept proposals for vision insurance effective 1/1/2024 for City staff until noon on May 23rd, 2023. Proposals should be emailed to: Ann Benson (ann.benson@nfp.com) The Proposal should be labeled “Proposal – Lino Lakes Vision Insurance RFP 2024”. The Request for Proposal and information necessary for underwriting are on file with NFP at (763) 450-1826. No formal opening of proposals will occur. The City Council reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. The Request for Proposal is being made under conditions set forth in Minnesota Statues
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OPPORTUNITY, all real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion based on race, co lo r, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce, limitation or discriminat ion.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal cu stod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not kn owingly accept any ad vertising for real esta te which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this
Employment • Employment •
Part-time Public Works Employee
The City of Lexington is accepting applications for a part-time public works employee to assist the public works department in regular maintenance and repair work associated with the city’s parks, buildings, streets, and utilities. The position is 20-30 hours per week – flexible hours. A high school diploma and a valid driver's license with a clean driving record is essential.
Applications available Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm, at Lexington City Hall, 9180 Lexington Ave, Lexington, MN 55014 or online at http://www.ci.lexington.mn.us/.
Salary Range:
Press Publications in White Bear Lake is seeking a staff writer to join its award-winning team. As a staff writer-reporter you will be responsible for coordinating editorial content and layout for our newspapers, website and social media pages. In addition to writing stories, the job will require attending meetings, taking photographs, assisting with the layout process, coordinating, writing occasional editorial columns and maintaining a positive relationship with the community at large. We are looking for a candidate who is an efficient writer, passionate about local community news and great at time managment. Candidates should have a degree in journalism (or a related field) and have relevant experience. To apply, please send resume, cover letter and three writing samples to quadnews@presspubs.com.
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WB Country Inn is hiring Admin Assistant See full ad for details 104
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Weekly Outlook
Weekly Outlook
Weather Tidbits
Weather Tidbits
Brought to you by WeathermanWatson.com
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Truth be told, we haven’t had the greatest weekends weatherwise lately. In fact, April wasn’t the most pleasant month. Other than the string of 80’s we experienced, April was on the wet and windy side. I’m not too overly optimistic that May will be our breakthrough month. We haven’t had the best Mays the past few seasons. I’m forecasting near normal temperatures and below normal rainfall this May. It’s nice to see the sky starting to brighten around 5am, if you’re up that early. Astro note: Look for Mars near the moon on Saturday after sunset. Venus is the bright planet in the evening sky.
Brought to you by WeathermanWatson.com
Truth be told, we haven’t had the greatest weekends weatherwise lately. In fact, April wasn’t the most pleasant month. Other than the string of 80’s we experienced, April was on the wet and windy side. I’m not too overly optimistic that May will be our breakthrough month. We haven’t had the best Mays the past few seasons. I’m forecasting near normal temperatures and below normal rainfall this May. It’s nice to see the sky starting to brighten around 5am, if you’re up that early. Astro note: Look for Mars near the moon on Saturday after sunset. Venus is the bright planet in the evening sky.
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12 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 2, 2023 www.presspubs.com WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ presspubs.com PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS earthwizards.co 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT AUTO SERVICE • Auto Repair • Oil Lube & Filter Service 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville www.facebook.com/vermauto H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 www.youngcastlebathrooms.com • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours schneidercustomwoodwork.com 651-213-6638 Commercial & Residential CUSTOM WOOD WOR KS CARPENTRY CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE Chimney Inspections/Sweeps • Chimney Repair/Rebuilds Tuckpointing • Stainless Steel Liner Installations Gas Fireplace Services • Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g co m CONCRETE Concrete Work Driveways, Steps & Patios Sean: 651-210-0061 www.SCHservices.net SCH Services FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs Sidewalks/Steps Repair & Replacement Block Repair Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 www.rooftodeck.com DECKS 651-746-4582 www.northlandlandscape.com Bonded Insured Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates ELECTRICAL SERVICES 651-307-6502 FERTILIZING R.P.M. Lawncare FERTILIZATION Call Jim 651-226-5779 Furnace & A/C Installations and Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 cphvac.net HEATING & COOLING Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Odd Jobs Under $100 Give me a call HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAWN CARE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Jeff@yardworksmn.com Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Jeff@yardworksmn.com Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES 651410-3889 SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 www.SCHservices.net LANDSCAPING 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured Lic. #BC638094 www.northlandlandscape.com Ponds & Wat er falls, Paver Patios, Driveways, Concret e, Bobcat Work, Grading, Sod, Retaining, Walls & Tree Work, Plants, Mulch
Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at WeathermanWatson.com.
“Experts in Indoor Air Comfort Since 1974” www.4seasonsairwbl.com | (651) 426-5254
SUNRISE/SUNSET MAY 3 TO 9, 2023 5:59 8:22 5:57 8:23 5:56 8:24 5:54 8:26 5:53 8:27 5:52 8:28 5:51 8:29
Frank Watson
Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at WeathermanWatson.com.
AIR SPECIALISTS, INC. “Experts in Indoor Air Comfort Since 1974” www.4seasonsairwbl.com | (651) 426-5254 WEEKLY AVERAGES HIGH LOW SUN PCP 66° 44° 56% 0.73”
SUNRISE/SUNSET MAY 3 TO 9, 2023 5:59 8:22 5:57 8:23 5:56 8:24 5:54 8:26 5:53 8:27 5:52 8:28 5:51 8:29
Frank Watson
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(651) 407-1987 bearexterior.com Find our ad under Roofing • Minnesota license #BC223025 • Wisconsin license #856111 We make this ... ...much easier. Call 651-407-1250 to place your classified ad today! Classifieds
Cougars post two last-winning wins in 2-1 week
Centennial rallied for two road wins last week, over Maple Grove 5-4 Monday and Rogers 5-2 in 10 innings Wednesday, then fell to Osseo 6-4 Thursday at home.
BRUCE STRAND | CONTRIBUTED Cougar pitcher Josh Lee looks to first base before throwing out a Rogers
Centennial placed fifth of 14 teams in the Northwest Suburban mid-season tournament Thursday at Majestic Oaks, while losing two dual meets, last week. In the NWSC meet, in intermittent rain, Taylor Thor placed eighth with 84 and Marina Allen ninth with 87 (she birdied 18) among 82 golfers. Ella Friedman shot 104, Tatum Knox 109, Charlye Weymann 109 and Lily Rupert 116. Maple Grove won with 325. The Cougars had 384. Centennial lost to Andover 185 to 191 on a cold, windy Monday with some snow and hail at Bunker Hills. Thor was low with 40 including a par-five birdie on No. 2. Allen shot 48 (third place), Friedman 53 and Rupert 56. Blaine outstroked the Cougars 181 to 193 Wednesday at Majestic Oaks. Blaine’s Kathryn VanArragon sizzled with a 34. Allen shot 42 (second place), Thor 49, Weymann 50 and Knox 52.
Centennial participated in the inaugural event of a new White Bear Lake outdoor track facility, the White Bear Lake Coed Invitational, in chilly, overcast conditions Saturday. The Cougars placed fourth of seven teams. Spring Lake Park won. The Centennial distance runners sparkled. They had a 1-2 finish in the 1600 with Lauren Klein
(5:13.99) and Kylie Nelson (5:15.93), the program’s two best times in eight years, a coach reported. They won the 4x400 with Nelson, Anna Swanson, Klein, and Julia Zalewski (4:21.25).
The Cougars (6-2) trailed Maple Grove 4-2 but scored two in the fifth and the go-ahead run in the seventh when Vinny Wry singled, took second on Anders Wessman’s bunt, and scored on Will Whelan’s double. Wry was 2-for3 (walk, three runs) and Wessman 2-for-3 (run, RBI). Tyler Gruye got the win in relief (three innings, no runs, one hit, three strikeouts). Whelan, the starter, gave up four runs.
Against Rogers, the Cougars trailed 2-0 as starter Josh Lee yielded two runs on six hits in two innings. Lee then threw four shutout innings, and Luke Gunderman threw four more (one hit, two walks) to get the win. Two bunts helped take the lead in the 10th. Jack Dagostino struck out but reached first on a third-strike wild pitch. He was bunted to second by Gunderman, took third on Wry’s single, and scored on Wessman’s squeeze bunt. After an error, Peyton Streit delivered a two-run single. Owen Hackett was 3-for-4 (double, RBI), Wessman 2-for-4 (two runs), and Sam Menne 1-for-3 (double, sacrifice fly).
Against Osseo, Dagostino, first of four pitchers, took the loss (3 1/3 innings, three runs). Delivering RBI hits were Whelan, Lee and Menne.
Abigail Woods won the 3200 (12:17). Placing second were Nelson in the 800 (2:25.88), Amelia Launinger in the 400 (1:05.94) and Alyssa Draheim in high jump (5-0). Zalewski was third in the 400 (1:06.41).
Centennial’s defense has been stellar in four straight wins, allowing just nine goals. Last week the Cougars beat Spring Lake Park 17-3 Monday and Andover 6-3 Wednesday. The defensive corps, coach Hallie Berg said, consists of Elizabeth Clough, Avery Sauber, Maddie Perron, Mallory Haffeman, Katie Hemr and Maria Waller. The midfielders are also a huge help in establishing defensive discipline, Berg added, while goalkeeper Peyton Breezy “has kept us in some really tough games.” Against SLP, Callie Cody notched four goals, Ella O’Hearn three (plus four assists), Kayler Whiteworth and Ella Weist two each, and Ella Fenstermacher, Lillian Brausen and Noelle Hemr one each. In the defensive tussle against Andover, O’Hearn tallied three goals and assisted on the other three, all by Cody.
Centennial Lacrosse
Centennial is 4-2 after picking up conference wins last week over Coon Rapids/Spring Lake Park 12-6 on Monday in Coon Rapids and Andover 17-7 at home Wednesday. Against CR/ SLP, Brol Scherman tallied four goals, Logan Adams three, and Gavin Krage, Kellen Krumwiede, Tyson Bautsch, Cooper Larson and Colden Anderson one each. Tyler Case had eight ground balls and Krumwiede six. Against Andover, Adams and Scherman each tallied five goals. Solomon Marshall added two goals and Samuel Lewis, Kai Hermodson, Krumwiede, Larson and Anderson one each. Marshall had six ground balls and Case five. Carson Bednar in goal made 12 saves in the two games.
Centennial stands 5-0 after rolling past Spring Lake Park 7-0 and Coon Rapids 6-1 last week. Winning against SLP were Joaquin Bliss, JJ Bliss, Jesse Simso and Ian Gangl in singles, and Sean Oslund/Zack Chaffey, Trevor Allen/Brody Johnson, and Andrew Abraham/Drew Gangl in singles. The Cougars won 84 of 96 games. Winning against Coon Rapids were Oslund, Chaffey and Sims at 1-2-3 singles, and Bliss/Bliss, Allen/Johnson and Abraham/Gangl in doubles.
Centennial lost to two strong rivals last week, Maple Grove 6-0 Monday and Brainerd 4-3 in 10 innings Friday, both on the road, while defeating Osseo 4-1
at home Thursday. The Cougars are 4-3. Maple Grove (7-1) got a three-hitter by Maddie Whilm with 12 strikeouts and a two-run homer by Alyssa Wernz. Riley O’Connell took the loss while striking out 10. Against Osseo, O’Connell spun a two-hitter (one walk, 10 strikeouts) and Jordan Lemire belted a three-run double. Against Brainerd (6-1), Lemire was 3-for-3 with two doubles and knocked three more runs. Peyton Corbin had a hit and two runs, and Adrianna Thomas two hits. Maggie Olson pitched 3 2/3 innings (eight hits, three runs). O’Connell fired four shutout innings before giving up an unearned run in the 10th. An error put Elsa Borchart on base. She scored third on a close play at the plate when Ella Chaussee looped a single over the drawn-in infield.
Centennial participated in the inaugural event of a new White Bear Lake outdoor track facility, the White Bear Lake Coed Invitational, in chilly, overcast conditions Saturday. The Cougars placed fourth of eight teams. Spring Lake Park won. Centennial highlights were Timothy Ball winning discus (143-7) and taking second in the shot put (46-4), and Charles Bolkcom winning the 800 (2:08.13). In the 100 dash, Brock Burgraff ran second (11.48) and Samuel Zeresany third (11.55). In the 200, Zeresenay took third (23.44), Gavin Moore fourth (23.99) and Isaiah Tandoh fifth (24.02). Jacob Podratz was third in the 400 (53.36). The Cougars were second in the 4x200 and 4x400.
Waiting Child
Timmy,13, is very curious, inquisitive and creative. He loves to build things with building toys and everyday objects. He also likes to play sports and loves to be active and keep busy. Timmy has a very good sense of humor and loves to tell jokes. He can be quiet around new people, but once he gets to know someone he is very funny and talkative. His favorite treat is an Oreo Blizzard. Timmy is open to any type of family dynamic - either a one parent or two parent family would be fine with him. Following adoption, Timmy needs to maintain contact with his siblings.
Only families living in Minnesota are being considered at this time.
“Your Financial Partner”
Brol Scherman, Centennial junior lacrosse standout, has netted 22 goals and provided seven assists for the Cougars (4-2) while notching 17 ground balls (a change of possession statistic). The 6-foot, 185-pound attacker and midfielder has already committed to a Division I team, Marquette (Wisconsin). Scherman was all-conference as a sophomore with 36 goals and 28 assists. The recruiting website ILMCA said of him: “End-to-end playmaking machine with striking confidence both on and off the field. Versatile offensive threat with strong outside shooting and crease finishing skills. Magnetic team leader and positive influencer.” 4661 Highway 61 | White Bear Lake northstarbank.com | 651-429-4531
SPORTS AND OUTDOORS 14 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com MAY 2, 2023 Submitted by Foster Adopt Minnesota, a state organization whose vision is to have zero kids waiting for permanent loving families, and mission to find and strengthen Minnesota adoptive, foster care and kinship families. To learn more, go to www.fosteradoptmn.org
batter on a sacrifice bunt.
BRUCE STRAND | CONTRIBUTED Taylor Thor (left) and Ella Friedman chat on the course at Bunker Hills.
BRUCE STRAND | CONTRIBUTED Centennial’s Lauren Klein (middle) and Kylie Nelson (right) took off at the start of the 1600 at White Bear Lake. Klein and Nelson finished 1-2.
MENTAL HEALTH: Combat the stigma, get involved
Throughout the month, NAMI will introduce several calls to action related to how people can feel empowered, combat stigma and get involved — ultimately sharing the message that all people, no matter where they are on their mental health journey, are deserving of support, resources, fulfillment and a community that cares.
Get involved
• NAMIWalks: Many virtual and in-person NAMIWalks will be taking place throughout the country during the month of May to help bring awareness and spread the message of Mental Health for All!
• Hold a virtual film watch party in your community: Host a TV show or film watch party about mental health and/or discussion group afterward.
• Host a book club: Coordinate a book selection about mental health with friends (such as “You Are Not Alone”
Ken Duckworth; “Turtles All the Way Down” by Jon Green; “On Edge: A Journey Through Anxiety” by Andrea Petersen; “Crazy Is My Superpower” by AJ Mendez Brooks; “Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine: A Novel” by Gail Honeyman; “The Lonely Century” by Noreena Hertz). Then host — virtually or in person — a conversation to talk about it. Consider inviting the author or a subject matter expert to moderate or ask for facilitation questions to help guide the discussion.
• Host a NAMI DIY Fundraiser: Plan an event like bowling or a bake sale, concert or gala; celebrate a milestone; remember a loved one’s legacy; undertake a physical challenge; or create something that’s perfect for your unique skills or interests to raise funds.
Be sure to visit nami. org/MentalHealthMonth for further details on activities and events.
1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, and less than half of them receive treatment.
1 in 20 U.S. adults experience a serious mental illness each year, and less than two-thirds receive treatment.
1 in 6 U.S. youth experience a mental health condition each year, and only half of them receive treatment.
50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.
11 years is the average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment.
1 in 10 young people under age 18 experienced a mental health condition following a COVID-19 diagnosis.
77% of Americans say they are not content with the state of mental health treatment in this country.
65% of Americans are concerned about the stigma around mental illness.
Wynifred, also known as Winnie, is a young, 45-pound shepherd mix. One-year-old Winnie arrived at Ruff Start Rescue from a local shelter. She is a sweet, lovable, affectionate girl who has a lot of puppy energy. She is very playful, and would do well in a home with another dog companion. Winnie is social with other dogs and loves all of the people she meets, too.
Winnie is still working on her house training, but she is doing very well, according to her foster.
Winnie also continues to do well learning her basic commands.
She is treat-motivated, always ready to learn, and eager to please. Winnie is a young work in progress and can be trained to be a perfect partner and family member.
If you are interested in learning more about Wynifred or adopting her, please fill out an application at www.ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.
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CHAIN OF GIVING: ‘Comedy de Mayo’
“We were looking to go somewhere new.”
Also new this year is the “Comedy de Mayo” theme, since the fundraiser falls the day after Cinco de Mayo. The event will feature an hourlong comedy show by Kevin Cahak, a Mexican buffet from El Zócalo and desserts from Kingdom Baking. In addition to outdoor yard games, there will be additional games, raffles and other chances to win prizes. The event will raise funds for Centennial Schools’ Angel Fund, which gives all students in middle school and high school the opportunity to participate in activities and sports offered through the schools and community education.
“Come support your community,”
Antonen said. “It’s a worthy cause, and a night to get out and have some fun.”
In addition to its goal to raise funds for area youth, the Rotary is hopeful the event will encourage more community members to get involved in Rotary and spread its message of “service above self.”
Tickets for Chain of Giving can be purchased in advance online at chainoflakesrotary.com. A limited number of tickets will also be available at the door.
Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached at 651-407-1227 or quadnews@presspubs.com.
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PAGE 5 Nominations open for Best of the Press at www.presspubs.com/quad/bestof May3-19th