Phoebe Burgess

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A nthurium C l A sh

O rigin A l P rint D esign B y P h O e B e B urgess


Découpage is a fashion concept that merges innovation with tradition, drawing inspiration from the ancient Japanese art of origami. This collection breathes life into textiles with precision and creativity, featuring a captivating red Anthurium print that mirrors a heart shape, symbolising its central theme.

It explores discordant elements, such as a bold colour palette and the juxtaposition of zips, flowers, and fence mesh. These intentional contrasts highlight the deconstructed trench design and sleeveless fit-and-flare dress, pushing the boundaries of fashion innovation.

Just as origami artists craft intricate paper forms, Découpage sculpts textiles into breathtaking silhouettes. The carefully chosen fabrics allow for dynamic threedimensional shapes.

Beyond a mere collection, Découpage represents a journey through time and tradition, combining art and apparel. It embodies origami’s principles of transformation, patience, and simplicity, challenging conventional fashion norms and inviting self-expression.

regArDez 1

Look 1

regArDez 2

Look 2

regArDez 3

regArDez 4

lOOk De hérOs

Hero Look


exPerienCe Pure elegAnCe with 100% inDiAn silk DuPiOn this luxuriOus FABriC, weighing 80gsm AnD 112Cm wiDe, COmes in A viBrAnt FuChsiA COlOr, rADiAting sOPhistiCAtiOn AnD versAtility FOr yOur reFineD CreAtiOns.

exPerienCe the versAtile BlenD OF 55% COttOn AnD 45% linen in sunset gOlD, with A COmFOrtABle 112Cm wiDth this FABriC COmBines the BreAthABility OF COttOn with the timeless texture OF linen, PerFeCt FOr A vAriety OF stylish AnD

exPerienCe Pure elegAnCe with 100% inDiAn silk DuPiOn this luxuriOus FABriC, weighing 80gsm AnD 112Cm wiDe, COmes in A viBrAnt rOyAl Blue COlOr, rADiAting sOPhistiCAtiOn AnD versAtility FOr yOur reFineD CreAtiOns.

exPlOre the luxuriOus Feel OF next stAte Print’s velvet FABriC, mADe entirely FrOm POlyester with A weight OF 370gsm AnD A wiDe 140Cm, this Plush velvet ADDs sOPhistiCAtiOn AnD COmFOrt tO yOur CreAtiOns.

exPlOre the next stAte Print’s sOhO FABriC, A DurABle BlenD OF 94% COttOn AnD 6% linen with A weight OF 228gsm AnD A wiDth OF 138Cm, it ’ s An iDeAl ChOiCe FOr CreAting BOth stylish AnD sturDy PieCes

les tenDenCes

Nom 1. Une direction générale dans laquelle quelque chose se développe ou change. "une tendance à la hausse des ventes et des marges bénéficiaires". Similaire: tendance, mouvement, dérive, balançoire, changement, cours, actuel, courir, direction, inclination, penché, biais, Courbé 2. Une mode. "les dernières tendances de la danse moderne". Similaire: mode, vogue, style, mode, engouement, la manie, rage, mode, chose, verbe. 1. Changer ou évoluer dans une direction générale. "Le chômage a tendance à augmenter". Similaire: se déplacer, aller, tendre, tête, dérive, graviter, balançoire, changement, tourner, inclinaison, maigre, virer. 2. (d'un sujet) faire l'objet de nombreuses publications sur un site ou une application de réseau social dans un court laps de temps. "Je viens de jeter un coup d'œil rapide aux tendances actuelles sur Twitter".

PhOeBe Burgess

FAshiOn Design textile Design

FABriC mAniPulAtiOn PAtternmAking gArment COnstruCtiOn

styling AnD CreAtive DireCtiOn AnimAtiOn

summer wAnless


sOPhie CArr


kennA BurrOws


riley rODewAlD


geOrgiA Burns


kAilee wAller


AliyA ryAn


lilliA wArner


next stAte Print

FABriC Printing

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