April/May 2018 Whitesburg Magazine

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Whitesburg APRIL/MAY 2018

40 years

A legacy of love A special tribute to Dr. Jimmy and Mrs. Bobbi Jackson Stories from the people whose lives they’ve touched in their 40 years at Whitesburg Page 4


He Lives In the midst of uncertainty, Christ alone holds the answer Page 32

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Whitesburg APRIL/MAY 2018

PAGE 4 A Legacy of Love

2 A Life of Impact By Rev. David Dye

4 40 Years - A legacy of love By the people whose lives have been touched

30 That Old Rugged Cross By Donna Lewis 32 Because He Lives By Dr. Harold Fanning 35 Kid’s Space Match the pairs

PAGE 30 That Old Rugged Cross

PAGE 32 Because He Lives Whitesburg magazine is a publication by Whitesburg Baptist Church, 6806 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-2299. (Permit No. 446) Publisher: Whitesburg Baptist Church Editor-in-Chief: Rev. David Dye Graphics & Publishing: Melissa Schuster, Ron Snyder, Jerry Nichols Editorial Assistants: Karen Tidwell, Beverly Dishman, Chrissy Curtis


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April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


It was 1978. The boombox was reigning while 8 track tapes were on their way out. Space Invaders was released, launching a new industry that would quickly reach into the billions. The big screen was playing hits like Grease and Star Wars while Little House on the Prairie, Happy Days and The Love Boat were on seemingly everyone’s television set. (The one that you still had to get up to change the channels between the three local networks and PBS.)

Oh, and one other big thing happened that year. Jimmy Jackson became the pastor of Whitesburg Baptist Church. 2


A Life of Impact

by David Dye

A lot has changed in 40 years.

Space Invaders has given way to games that can be accessed anywhere, at any time, and on many different devices. That first Star Wars movie is now the fourth, if you don’t know how, Google it. And now, not only do you not have to get up to change the channel when watching television, you don’t even need a television to watch anymore. But Jimmy Jackson is still the pastor of Whitesburg Baptist Church. How do you measure 40 years of ministry? Of course there are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and so on, but they alone do not tell much of a story. Some would say the only measure for such a time would be love. That’s a pretty good one and we could fill volumes with examples of how love has been shown and

received during the last 40 years. I believe that if you really want to get the true measure of someone’s life, look at their impact. In regards to Jimmy Jackson, a lot has changed in 40 years because of his influence: the church, community, and even the state have all experienced the impact of his moving in those 40 years ago. More importantly, countless lives have been touched by his ministry, friendship and caring attitude. I hope you enjoy this issue of Whitesburg magazine, where we have allowed just a few of those people to tell their stories of how Bro. Jimmy Jackson has made a difference in their lives. I hope you walk away not thinking of what a great man he is, but challenged to live a life of impact wherever God has placed you.

David Dye is a husband, father and minister. David says his greatest

desire is to live a life like the Apostle Paul: “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). He wants to point people only to Jesus and the salvation offered through His death, burial and resurrection. April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


A special tribute to Dr. Jimmy and Mrs. Bobbi Jackson, from the people whose lives they’ve touched in their 40 years at Whitesburg.

Audrey Henley It was 1984. We were a young family and had just been members of Whitesburg about three years. Though it was certainly smaller than what it is now, Whitesburg was still a formidable congregation. During these young married years, our young toddler was severely burned by a cup of coffee and was hospitalized. Imagine my surprise (and shock) when the phone rang and I heard Brother Jimmy’s voice on the other line asking about our son. I didn’t even think he knew who I was, much less know my name! My Pastor cared! In 1997, our family moved to Canada for a short while. We kept dual membership at the church in Canada because we did 4


not want to lose our moorings with Whitesburg. On one visit home, Brother Jimmy ran in to us after church and he simply said, “We need to pray you home!” Six months later, we were home! My Pastor prayed. Last year, I had the privilege of participating in a private meeting where-in our Pastor anointed my friend with oil and together we prayed for healing. I will never forget the unexpected action of Brother Jimmy getting on his knees and staying on his knees the entire time we prayed! His prayer was a tender plea for mercy. And though my friend is not yet healed, the delightful side effect it produced in my heart was a well-spring of gratitude for my Pastor and my church. My Pastor showed humility.

Ben Walker My oldest son grew up attending Whitesburg Baptist Church and came to know the Lord and was baptized there under Brother Jimmy’s pastoring. Years later, after he had graduated from Medical School and a residency in Anesthesiology he, unbeknownst to Brother Jimmy, was practicing at the Surgery Center here in Huntsville. A few years ago Brother Jimmy had the occasion to need some minor surgery and was in the prep area there at the surgery center along with several deacons who were there to pray for good results in his procedure. When Ben, my son, came into the cubicle to review what was to happen as anesthesiologists normally do, Brother Jimmy looked up and

with a big smile and in his usual humorous voice said, “Oh brothers pray hard for me. Look who’s going to put me to sleep.” After a mild chuckle by the deacons, my son replied, “Yes, Brother Jimmy, I put people to sleep one at a time.” And turning to the deacons he stated, “You know, I’ve seen on occasion Brother Jimmy do it to more than a dozen at one time.” This brought on a bigger laugh. Needless to say, all went well in the procedure and my son not only put him to sleep but also woke him up. Blake Qualls I remember SEVERAL years ago, when I was maybe in middle school or high school (20002004 time frame as a rough April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE guess), the children’s choir did a presentation on Sunday morning. The video cameras were up, the children sang, and they were dismissed. Usually when this happens, Brother Jimmy will ask the congregation that if they have a child up on stage, to please stand so that the children can easily locate their parents/guardians. After doing so, Brother Jimmy started with his opening remarks for a sermon. Maybe after a solid 10-15 seconds in, a small boy came back to the front around the altar, looking around and apparently lost. Brother Jimmy looked at the boy and said something to the effect of “Can I help you?” The little boy looked at Brother Jimmy and said that he was looking for his parents. Brother Jimmy repeated “You’re looking for your parents” for all of the congregation to hear. Without missing a beat, Brother Jimmy looked at the congregation and said “The bidding starts at $100.” LOL. Carol Sharp Tennyson Thank you, Brother Jimmy, for ministering to our family at 6


one of the lowest points of my father’s life when he was given a diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer and at best six months to live. He got the news over the phone when he was alone at home, and it shook him to his core, as well as us. We called you and you came that very evening to pray and counsel with us. You were a great comfort. You came again with an elder and anointed dad with oil and prayed for his healing. Your counsel was tender, compassionate, and given with such strength of faith and trust in our All-powerful God. God showed His glory in many ways during dad’s battle with cancer. He lived another two and a half years! During that time, we all went deeper in our faith. He told me about a miracle of relief from extreme pain when he called the name of Jesus. He had such joy in what God had done for him! He said he felt the presence of Jesus in the room, “there in the corner.” That his pain was swept away from head to toe when he said, “Jesus.” What a merciful God we serve! Thank you for being our Shephard-Pastor, calling dad,

encouraging him, and praying for all of us. Thank you for ministering to your sheep. You fed us well. Daphine Ralston The last months of 1978 were very eventful times in my life…some good, some sad and heartbreaking. Whitesburg Baptist Church had completed a pastoral search by calling a very personable, Godly young man to be our pastor/shepherd/ friend. That happening was on the “good page.” In a few short weeks his caring advice and compassion would be part of the counseling he offered to me… that I needed it was on the sad page. In the blink of an eye with no forewarning, I became a deserted wife with three dependent children, the youngest a senior in high school. My husband of 22 years disappeared leaving no clues – just a financial/ business nightmare without an explanation. While I was not prepared for such, God was prepared! He provided me with a caring group of family, WBC friends, an attorney friend,

Bro. Dick Thomassian, and the newcomer, Bro. Jimmy Jackson, plus compassionate bankers and businessmen who walked with me and gave emotional support through many trying months. Bro. Jimmy’s spiritual knowledge, advice, and care were definitely heavenly blessings! Fast forward to 1981, Green Mountain Chapel on a beautiful summer morning where Bro. Jimmy has just performed a simple wedding ceremony for two WBC singles – Steve Ralston and Daphine Balch… he a lonely widower, she the one who never planned to be divorced. A new beginning and a blended family that is approaching 37 years – the knot was well tied! Steve and I have been blessed to not only benefit from Bro. Jimmy’s teaching and preaching but also to enjoy friendship April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE with him and Bobbi and to pray for their family through the years. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Deree Tarwater Bro. Jimmy became my hero of grace one particular morning in Program Staff Meeting. Bro. Terry asked us to share what God had been doing in our lives. My heart started pounding hard, and I knew the Holy Spirit was undeniably prompting me to speak up. However, I didn’t want to share with this group, because they were my ministry peers and my pastor. After several people had spoken, Bro. Terry asked, “anyone else?” Bro. Jimmy then shared something. I was relieved because I figured Bro. Jimmy’s

story would be the last one, and we would move on to the next agenda item. But no. Bro. Terry asked again, “anyone else?” I told the group that my heart was pounding out of my body and I knew God was telling me to speak up. I briefly shared how I had questioned God’s existence for many years, even while I was on staff at WBC, and thankfully the Lord had brought me through it and I was now on the victory side. Whew! I did it. Bro. Jimmy’s response was amazing and full of grace. He thanked me for sharing; then he said that someone in the room might be dealing with the same struggle. He didn’t act shocked, disappointed, critical or condescending. Instead he graciously accepted my honesty and considered the other

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person who might be struggling spiritually. I will never forget Bro. Jimmy’s genuine grace in that meeting. He truly exemplified Jesus Christ to all of us. Eleanor Flippen I heard the doorbell ring, opened the door, and there stood Bro. Jimmy! What a pleasant surprise. He was in our area and felt he should visit with my husband, Sam Flippen, who had been diagnosed twelve days earlier with lung cancer, and metastasis in the bones. Bro. Jimmy and Sam talked Alabama football and shared memories from previous seasons! Fun sharing but the highlight was Bro. Jimmy’s prayer praising our Savior! Such a testimony in

prayer! Sam went to be with the Lord a few hours later. Countless times Bro. Jimmy has prayed for a loved one! What a blessing! I thank God for Bro. Jimmy’s willingness to allow God to lead him over all these years. Bro. Jimmy preached the plan of salvation at the Celebration of Life Service for Sam! Once again lives were changed! Blessings abounded! Thank you, Bro. Jimmy for your faithfulness! Ginger Clements Simply put, he’s part of our family. He’s been there for the birth of our daughters, the dedication of our grandchildren, the hard times, the joyful times. He’s been our counselor when we cried and hugged us when


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40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE words were meaningless. When our daughter, Lori, was stricken with leukemia at the age of 13 we had to stay in Memphis for several months. He called and prayed with me over the phone. He even had the entire church to pray over her one Sunday evening when we were home, just prior to her having her first hip replacement surgery. That sweet, special time of prayer did so much to calm our fears and help us trust in the Great Physician. Listening to Bro. Jimmy’s sermons has been the greatest growth booster in my spiritual life. I never leave church without learning something new and applicable. If I do, it’s because I put up a barrier between God’s word and my ears! I’m inspired to dig deeper, learn more, and keep growing. It is a blessing to have a man of God who preaches truth with love, conviction, and understanding. It is a gift from God to have a pastor who loves enough to pray for us weekly. He is a rare jewel. We are so spoiled to have him in our lives, and I’m so happy that we do! 10


Harold Fanning Recently I was talking with Brother Jimmy when the name of Dr. Adrian Rogers came up in our conversation. Dr. Rogers was the longtime pastor of the historic Belleview Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and was promoted to Heaven in 2005. Brother Jimmy commented, “Adrian was a tremendous man of God and one of the greatest preacher/pastors ever to stand behind a pulpit.” That was a remarkable compliment for any minister but when I responded, “Brother Jimmy, you are just as great a preacher and pastor as Dr. Rogers!” Briefly, Brother Jimmy paused and did not respond to my comment. Truly, I am confident that he had never thought of himself as being as great a preacher/pastor as his friend, Adrian Rogers. Thinking back I should not have been surprised by Dr. Jimmy’s reaction. The fact that he did not realize his own greatness is what makes Brother Jimmy the great man of God that he is! What a blessing Dr. Jimmy has been to me and our family

over the years. I believe he has preached revival meetings in every church that I had the privilege of serving. Our daughter, Alison, was saved under his anointed preaching at an outdoor crusade several years ago. Never once have I called on him that he did not respond with wise counsel. Brother Jimmy, on behalf of our family we want to thank you for being our pastor. We love you and Bobbi and pray new successes as you begin a new chapter of serving Him. Janet Willis Jones Brother Jimmy for over 26 years has been my pastor, friend, counselor, and a hero of my faith. There is one time that stands out in my memory that he not only impacted me, but my coworkers. It was about 18 years ago and I was a nurse at Huntsville Hospital. A coworker and I walked on our unit and instantly we could sense the presence of the Lord. We quickly discovered Brother Jimmy was one of our patients. That day my coworkers sensed something different and even the non-

christians kept commenting on what a great day it was. The next day the same sense of the presence of the Lord was on the unit and we had a great morning. Then early afternoon, Brother Jimmy was discharged and the feel of the unit changed, just as the elevators doors closed behind him. In my profession we experience so much darkness and spiritual battles because we are helping the sick and promoting life. I saw how one righteous man could have such an influence over the weekend on the entire unit. There was even a difference in the patients’ attitudes that weekend. Also it showed me what happens when the light is taken away. It felt darker than ever before. The rest of the weekend was horrible, we had issues being hurled April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE at us from all sides. God used that experience with Brother Jimmy to show me just how the presence of one life surrendered to the Lord can be a bright light in this dark world. Jeanette Lawson I am counting my words as I write; hoping I can effectively condense the countless ways my life has been blessed by knowing Bro. Jimmy. I’ve know of him since 1980, when I moved here from Pensacola. I was a member at a local Baptist Church, but visited at Whitesburg a few times, each sermon drawing me back again. I was hearing about the love of Jesus and that He loved... me. One Sunday in October, 2013, Bro. Jimmy’s sermon touched my spirit deeply. I began to weep 12


without knowing exactly why. I made an appointment with Bro. Jimmy a few days later and could hardly wait until the time came. I was very emotional and restless. I practiced what I would say, so I could be sure to say it just right. God was tilling the soil of my soul, preparing me for the big event. In his office, Bro. Jimmy’s approach was non threatening and kind but I was rambling, having forgotten what I practiced. He guided me gently by asking me in the kindest tone, “Jeanette, what do you want the Lord to do for you today?” My response was very clear and simple... Now that I know what He sacrificed by His death on the cross, when He shed His blood for me, I wanted the Lord to save me so I could know that when I die, I will see Jesus. I was raised

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by loving Christian parents, my father being a Baptist preacher & pastor, with my sweet Mom faithfully by his side. Every night at 9:00, my family knelt and had prayer in our living room. I remember going to the altar as a young girl, but didn’t remember a life changing experience. I wanted some of what I witnessed from the loving, kind, accepting folks I had encountered at Whitesburg Church. Under Bro. Jimmy’s teaching and preaching the authentic truth from God’s word, I have learned so much more than I knew before, of what a Christian looks, lives and loves like. That day in his office, I prayed the sinners’ prayer of repentance. The Holy Spirit now abides in me and guides me. I am still praising God daily for saving my soul. I continue to

grow and serve, applying what I have learned under Bro. Jimmy’s teaching and in my small groups. (I attend 2 groups). I no longer have that empty, lonely feeling I had. I love being a part of this wonderful, loving Church family. Bro. Jimmy, I wish you and your family well as you depart from us. We will all continue to benefit greatly from your many years of dedicated service to the Lord’s work here at Whitesburg Baptist Church. I sincerely thank you for your influence in my life. I will continue to pray for you Bro. Jimmy!! Best wishes to you and Miss Bobbi. Jimmy Dunn My family (Jimmy, Anna Lee, Amendie and James) returned to Huntsville in 1981. We planned April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE to move our membership back to Whitesburg. After going to church and filling out a guest card we received a call that Bro. Jimmy wanted to visit us at home. It was scheduled but I was late getting home so I asked Anna Lee how the visit went. She said Bro. Jimmy would not come in unless I was there. We re-scheduled, had a great visit and thus moved our membership. But I asked Anna Lee why he did not want to complete the first visit just because I was not there. She said Bro Jimmy said, “I can’t come inside without your husband being here because I don’t want anyone to have a reason to question what I was doing here.” This honorable attitude has stuck with me ever since as it reflects the virtues of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 8:9. Over the years as I would be placed in similar situations, the Holy Spirit would gently remind me of the lesson Bro. Jimmy taught me by living out God’s Holy Word. John Crocker In January of 1985 I began my studies for the ministry in Undergraduate School at 14


Samford University. I had been a Christian for 2 years and had many questions about Christ, the Bible, ministry and life. Brother Jimmy came to Campus to speak in Reid Chapel one day. I found out about his visit and contacted his office at Whitesburg to see if he had time to come and hang out after speaking. He promptly let me know he had plenty of time. After he spoke in Chapel we hung out in the Beeson Student Center on campus discussing our Lord, the Bible, life and the ministry over cokes. What impacted me at this time was that, although a leader in both the national Southern Baptist Convention and Alabama Baptist Convention, he had plenty of time to spend with me answering my many questions as a new Christian and ministerial student. Since that day, 30 years later, and answering many more questions about Christ, the Bible, the ministry and life, our Pastor has always been there when I needed him. Thank you Bro. Jimmy for your time.

Karen Tidwell I met Brother Jimmy and Bobbi as a young, single adult. As our new pastor, church members were offered the opportunity to host their family for lunch. I still am shocked I did, but I invited them to my apartment, beginning a relationship that would change the course of my life. There are few events of my adult life not impacted by Brother Jimmy. Our premarital counseling made it painfully clear that this marriage was not about me. With a page long list of my expectations, he instructed me to tear them up. Later, in our wedding ceremony, he made it clear that divorce would not be an option when things would inevitably be rocky. Eighteen years later, I would be in his office again, this time a widow. A few days earlier he sat with me for several hours as we waited for transfer to Vanderbilt. I will never forget the words he spoke to me the morning after my husband, Mitch, died. “It is just a little while until we will all be there,” he told me when my thinking was wrong about the separation I felt. He later preached from Psalm 46 which

remains to this day my psalm of comfort—“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Four years later, I ran into Brother Jimmy in the hall outside his office. He asked me if I would pray about becoming his secretary after Charlotte Malmede’s retirement. In my mind I was thinking, “Are you kidding, no way.” Out of my mouth came, “Of course I will pray about it.” Soon I was in his office again, interviewing for the job. Now, looking back on fourteen years of being in this office, one of the greatest blessings of my life has been serving as his secretary. He has treated me with kindness and graciousness while overlooking my many mistakes, as he does with everyone. “Let your sweet reasonableness be made known to all men” April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE (Philippians 4:5), characterizes his interactions with people and challenges me to do the same. For both Brother Jimmy and Bobbi, their time is scheduled by me and many others who plan events for them, not including the unexpected ones that frequently occur. I have learned from them to trust God with my time; it does not belong to me, but is His. On days I might have chosen to stay home due to grief and sadness, I knew Brother Jimmy and Bobbi would be at church, faithfully serving. Their presence, and knowing the grief they experienced, encouraged me to continue on. He taught me God has a bigger purpose that I may not know until heaven when healing or relief does not come as I have prayed. Paul’s words to the Philippians ring true as I say to both Brother Jimmy and Bobbi: “I thank God upon every remembrance of you.” Laura Medley The year was 1986 and our family had arrived in Huntsville on Thanksgiving, 1985. These 16


were wonderful days at Whitesburg Baptist and we knew early on that this was the church home for us! The music was exciting and the preaching powerful! People were being saved every week and life was good. Suddenly, our lives were interrupted with a string of events that tested our faith to the core. On July 26, the job that brought us to Huntsville suddenly ended. Lord, we questioned, “Why did you bring us here? What should we do now?” Russ and I started making applications for work, and I applied for a teaching position with Huntsville City Schools. I was hired at Huntsville Middle but after one week, my position was given to a tenured person in the system. “It was the worst of times, it was the best of times” because God was testing us, once again, to totally depend on Him. The following Tuesday, our 10-yearold daughter Margaret fell from a small bridge near our apartment and landed on some rocks that caused internal injuries. Here we were – no job, no insurance and a serious injury to deal

with. Our focus was on Margaret and praying for her recovery. Members of our church family began to flood into our lives – many visited, sent cards and gifts for the girls, and prayed for us daily! Food was delivered to our home where my mom was caring for Chrissy. God whispered to me one night from Ecclesiastes 3:3 that I should be patient - this healing would take time. The Holy Spirit through God’s Word was ministering to us daily. We had explored COBRA insurance and learned that coverage for several months could be written retroactive to cover some of the hospital bills that were mounting. The premium for that short period was over $1700. I cannot recall sharing this detail with anyone but asked the Lord to show us what to do. Into our hospital room walked our pastor, Jimmy Jackson. He spoke some comforting words and prayed for Margaret’s healing and for our family. Before leaving, he said, “I have a gift for your family that some people from your department at church have given to help with your expenses.” [We were members of Gerald

Staton’s class and Jim Gamble’s department.] I was overcome, but immediately began saying, “that’s not necessary—they have done so much already; we’ll be ok.” He looked directly at me and said, “You need to accept this gift graciously because it is given to your family in love.” With a twinkle in his eye, he handed us the envelope and left. When we opened it, the amount was just what we needed to make the COBRA payment. Tears welled up in our eyes as we thanked our Father for His care over us. That was the first of many instances where I have observed the extraordinary spiritual gift of giving that our pastor possesses. Fourteen days later, we left the hospital and Margaret continued to heal at home with additional bed rest. I was called to another teaching job on September 30. With the help of some of our church members, Russ was employed several months later. Yes, God is faithful! Dr. Jackson, I could write many pages about how your life of humility and your sermons have impacted my walk with the Lord. Thank you for being our pastor these 32 ½ years. April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE Margie Slayton My husband, Glenn was in the last stages of Alzheimer’s disease and I was told he needed to have a feeding tube inserted (in fact, I was being pressured to agree to this). This meant he would be in a comatose state for only the Lord knew how long. I knew Glenn would not want that. At that time, I needed some Spiritual advice and called Bro. Jimmy’s office and was told he was out of town. I do not know where he was or how busy he was, however within a very short time, he called with sound advice. That meant so very much to me. This is only one example of the many times Bro. Jimmy has been a blessing to me over the years. Thank you, Bro. Jimmy!

Mary Lou Herald My family arrived in Huntsville about 1998 or so. My son was a senior in high school and had just finished his high school football days when he and his dad moved in October, my daughter and I would arrive at the Christmas break. We had always encouraged our children to go to college after high school and assumed they would. However, Josh made another decision. In the spring, he announced he was going to go into the Marine Corps. I was panicking – they were going to kill him! But when we talked to him about why he wanted to go to the Marines, he said, “I love my country. This is what I am supposed to do.” How can I argue with that? So off to Paris Island he went… and I sobbed all day. I was so

In Whitesburg’s LIFE Groups, you will find a group of people who do life with each other, passionately following

God as they celebrate the good times and work through the tough stuff together. We have classes for all ages, life stages, and family situations. LIFE Groups meet on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am.

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 680618 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 WhitesburgBaptist.org


concerned for him. I prayed earnestly for him and what he was going through. I prayed for him to be an example; but also that he would finish well. He did and we were so proud on graduation day. He did well in his job and loved the Marines. Josh went overseas and was able to email daily. Then America had to go into Kosovo and defend the defenseless. I was at work when I received the news that helicopters and jets were going to Kosovo to take care of a dictator. Fear gripped my heart like never before. What was my first born child doing? Was he in danger? I could not protect him and I could not get to him. Panic set in. I drove home and turned on the television to see what was going on. Then I really panicked.

Thoughts were swirling through my mind – did I teach him everything he needed for a situation like this? Did I teach him to trust God? Was he ok? Will he come home again? Then the phone rang. It was Bro. Jimmy. He only said, “Miss Mary Lou I know you must be afraid because you are a mother. God is going to take care of Josh and protect him. God loves you and He is going to take care of you, too.” I blubbered my way through the rest of the call. What an incredible comfort that phone call was! I knew in my heart everything Bro. Jimmy said – but now I needed the encouragement and the reminder that it really was true. How did my pastor know how much I needed that phone call? Because he’s a pastor that loves his people.

April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE Mary Scott Hunter In 2014, my husband was deployed for six months to the Middle East. My children were 11, 8, and 7 at the time. That summer I desperately needed childcare, and there were absolutely no options that worked for the ages of my children which would also give me the peace of mind of knowing they were in a healthy Christian environment. When I tried to register them with the summer program that Whitesburg Baptist Church has, there was not enough room for my youngest. The director and I spoke, and she agreed to speak to Brother Jimmy because adding my youngest son meant they would have to add another class. She was not optimistic, and I was very discouraged. When Brother Jimmy learned of our situation, I understand that he directed another class be added. My three children were able to have a wonderful summer of fun and learning, and their teachers wrapped their arms around my children during the many days when we all missed Daddy very much. I told the story to my Aunt Carol Gaston in Mobile who knew Brother Jimmy from his 20


very first church. Her answer to me, “This is the kind of man he is.” Thank you, Brother Jimmy! Patsy Faulk A few months after Bro. Jimmy and Bobbi came to Whitesburg my teenager daughter began to attend Whitesburg. She was in Bobbi’s Sunday School class and she joined the church shortly. Kenneth and I were heavily involved in a local Baptist church, but we visited to see why our daughter had left the church she had grown up in. We listened to the most potent exegesis of scripture we had ever heard. We also heard my teenage daughter say Amen over and over – that was a WOW factor. We were constantly drawn back to hear Bro. Jimmy’s proclamation of the gospel through Matthew. I thought how wonderful it would be to sit under his study every Sunday. We began to realize that this drawing was the Holy Spirit and we left the church where we met and served for many years. I have been like a sponge soaking up Biblical truths from this man of God ever since.

Bro. Jimmy and Bobbi have both been with us through many down times in our lives – the death of both our mothers, sisters, brother and through Kenneth’s battle with cancer two different times. We have had many joyous times together also. Nine years ago, when God called Kenneth home, Bro. Jimmy called me while on vacation and said we’re headed home to be with you. They came straight to my house where I was just sitting in a numb like state. My children had all gone shopping for clothes. Bro. Jimmy got on the phone and made all the arrangements for a memorial service for Kenneth. Bobbi asked me what I was going to wear, and I said I don’t know. She took me by the hand and said we’re going shopping. I will never forget their loving and caring spirit. And what a witness this was to my family. God has greatly used our Pastor. I told him several years ago that I believed God had a special calling for him at this particular time. Like the prophets of old, I believe he is called to challenge and to wake us up to the fact that God will judge a secular world who turns

their back on God and His Word. Bro. Jimmy and Bobbi are special friends and I love them dearly. I pray that God will use both mightily in the years to come. Ramsey Williams The providence of God led me to Whitesburg Baptist Church and the leadership of Bro. Jimmy for the last forty years. What I have been taught from the pulpit and seen in the care and concern he has for his people has had an important place in the path my life has taken. In July, 1978, I came to Bro. Jimmy for counsel at a devastating time in my life. The first question asked concerned my salvation—the answer was “Yes.” Following this first association, he became involved with my unsaved husband, baptized him and a short time later, conducted Dwight Plott’s funeral. He was there, or at least available, twenty-four seven. A few years later, Bro. Jimmy presided over my marriage to Phillip Williams. Five years ago he stood by the family as Phil slowly died. There were many April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE days when Bro. Jimmy would bring his lunch and sit with Phil during lunch, just visiting and praying with him. Bro. Jimmy has been with me during times of uncertainty, rejoicing, and sadness. He has counseled, encouraged, prayed for and loved on my family. My love for the Bible, my confidence in God, His Word, His promises, His unfailing love and mercy had its roots in my association with my pastor and my friend, Bro. Jimmy Jackson. Thank you, Bro. Jimmy for your boldness, your truthful presentation of the Word each time you stand in the pulpit. May God smile on you as you enter this next phase of your life. Rev. Rick Stone In the late ’70s my brothers and I, along with Rosemary, were asked to sing at First Baptist Church Merritt Island, Florida. It was there we met Pastor Jimmy and Bobbi Jackson. My first impression? Two servants of the Lord who were so warm and gracious. They made us feel like we had known each other for a life time! I learned 22


something very valuable about being a minister. Take ministry seriously, love the people of God deeply and have a good time doing both! We ministered, worshiped, laughed, played tennis, ate good meals and had sweet fellowship the entire time. Jimmy & Bobbi Jackson lived out John 10:10 “…I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.” We are all a little older, but the abundant life still remains! Little did I know that I would have the privilege to serve alongside Dr. Jimmy at the wonderful Whitesburg Baptist Church. On a Sunday afternoon in 2012 I received a phone call and it went something like this, “Rick, this is Jimmy Jackson, I need your help and I want you to pray about being our next Music Pastor.” We talked a while, I hung up and walked to the kitchen and said, “Rosemary, you won’t believe who just called me?” “Who?” she asked. “None other than Jimmy Jackson of your home town of Huntsville, Alabama.” I’m not sure but I believe Rosemary said, “We’re going aren’t we?!” Rosemary and I count it a

blessing and honor to have served the Lord Jesus with two of God’s choice servants. Bobbi is a faithful “behind the scenes” servant and Bro. Jimmy is one of the most gentle, kind-hearted and wise Pastors a Music Minister could serve alongside. Thank you for “preaching Jesus and Him crucified” from every pulpit God has entrusted you with. And yes! You and Bobbi continue to demonstrate the fullness and abundance of two lives dedicated to glorifying God and enjoying Him forever! Ronnie & Jane Baker Jane and I joined WBC in 1976 as newlyweds of 2 years. Brother Jimmy became our Pastor in 1978. Some of my best memories were the weekend retreats that Brother Jimmy conducted usually out of town. We formulated friendships with couples our ages that are still friends 40 years later. His teachings during these retreats set the foundation for our marriage and growth as believers in Jesus Christ. Through God’s word, Brother Jimmy explained how men should be husbands, men and

fathers and ladies be wives, ladies and mothers. I will forever be grateful to Brother Jimmy for his preaching and teaching. Scott Wood Let me first tell you that I grew up just up the street from the Jackson’s. They moved onto my street when I was in the seventh grade. Their youngest son, Russell, and I are close friends to this day! There are not enough words to describe what an awesome man Dr. Jackson is! I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with him at a time when I was very impressionable. Russell and I became fast friends. Our families were in a school car pool together. Russell and I played on many soccer teams together, and would spend the night at each other’s houses on the weekends. If I am April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


JUNE 4-8 40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE being honest, at first, I didn’t like spending the night at The Jackson’s on Saturday nights because that meant that I would have to go to church with them on Sunday - and that was not very appealing to me at the time. The summer before ninth grade I went on vacation with Dr. J, Mrs. Bobbi, and Russell. We drove from Washington DC to Key West. It was a wonderful trip! Needless to say I was not looking forward to going to church on the first Sunday of the trip. We had stopped at Merritt Island, Florida and we were staying in a condominium. Dr. J assembled us all in the center of the room for “church.” Then he said (this might not be a direct quote but it is close), “Bow your heads. Dear Heavenly Father, please be with us on our travels. Amen. 24


Now let’s go get breakfast!” I was shocked and relieved. You see, he knew that it would not have been the right thing for him to break out the Bible and spend an hour teaching us a lesson. We would not have paid attention and it would have been counterproductive (plus we had a lot of driving to do that day). He knew that all he needed to do was to keep planting those seeds in me and one day the Holy Spirit would harvest them! I gave my life to Jesus Christ three years later and I can say without a doubt that Dr. J played a big part in influencing that decision! I’m sure my story is one of thousands. Just think of the impact that wonderful man of God has had on this city, this state, this country, and this world!!!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We invite your kids to grab their megaphones, lace up their cleats, and tune up their instruments! At VBS, kids will learn that God has given them His ultimate playbook, and wants them to join His team, train hard, celebrate salvation, and encourage one another.

Register now! WhitesburgBaptist.org/camps

Amazing! Congratulations on 40 years at Whitesburg!! (Luke 19:17). Steve & Song Ray In April of 1992 our Pastor’s oldest son lost his life in an automobile accident on Hobbs Island Road. Three weeks later our son went on a fishing trip and upon returning to Huntsville, used Hobbs Island Road, had an accident and was killed instantly. Sometimes, we think we know the pain others are experiencing, however, until you walk in their shoes, you don’t have a full appreciation of the depth of their feelings. Brother Jimmy visited our home to console and pray for us. Even though he

and Bobbie were going through what we were experiencing, he ministered to us and displayed the essence of 1 John 3:16. Brother Jimmy has been an example to us of what Jesus was like and God has used him to minister to our lives, our home, and our family. He is our Shepherd, Pastor, brother in Christ, and friend. Bother Jimmy never compromises the truth and is full of grace. We always know he is praying for our family, as he does for all members of WBC. He is a healing balm that gives us great comfort and assurance. He loves Jesus and displays that love constantly. We also know Bobbie has been right alongside him and has sacrificed much over many years. We thank God for both of them. They have richly April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE blessed us and countless others as well. We pray God’s richest blessings and continued perfect guidance as they move on to the Lord’s next opportunity in their lives. Sue Adams The year of 1987 was a difficult year for my husband and me. He was told he no longer had a job. After five months without pay we were making a dollar go as far as we could. We met Brother Jimmy a few years earlier when he was leading a revival in our church in Thomasville. The people in this church are still talking about what a wonderful revival it was and how lives had been changed. It is difficult for me to put in words the influence it had in my life. When Brother Jimmy heard that Robert was without a job, he called him and asked if he would be interested in coming to Huntsville to be business administrator of Whitesburg Baptist Church. We felt this was exactly what God would have us do. We felt everyone’s love from 26


the first day we were here. It was so good to be in a loving church with a pastor that preached from God’s Word. Brother Jimmy meant a lot spiritually, but also as a friend and a pastor. We were here for nine good years. We felt God was calling us back to Mobile to be business administrator at another church. After seven years, God called Robert home to be with Him. Brother Jimmy drove six hours to Mobile to speak at his memorial service. Brother Jimmy told me I would have to find a new normal. I stayed in Mobile for three more years. I moved back to Huntsville to go to Whitesburg Baptist Church and have Brother Jimmy Jackson as my Pastor. I wish I could tell you how God orchestrated my move, but that will take another day. Rev. Terry Herald It’s hard to believe it’s only been a couple of years ago and equally hard to believe that it has been a couple of years now. As I stood in the funeral parlor waiting to speak at my father’s funeral I was flooded with all the

emotions countless people going through this exact same scenario had gone through. Dad lived 500 miles away from Huntsville, AL. “Had I visited enough?” I had gone every chance I could. “Had I said everything I wanted to say?” The questions and emotions flowed through my mind. About 30 minutes before the service was to begin something happened. I’ve seen it many times but never from this side of the equation. Our pastor, no, MY pastor walked in. In the many years we have ministered together I have know of him to go to more funerals than I could count. We have attended many of those together. But this time he was here for me. It was different. I will never forget what he shared with me in those moments prior to the service. Things he was aware of because he know me and my family dynamic, and things he could only know because he knows the heart of God. He told me that as I spoke today I would be going through a rite of passage becoming the patriarch of my family. I was surprised and humbled by his words. Later as I shared his message with my wife, Mary Lou,

she affirmed his message. None of this should have come as a surprise. Having served at Whitesburg for twenty-five years, he and I have dealt with some very unusual situations. His patience and grace have amazed me on numerous occasions. He has a unique ability to say the right thing at just the right time. We have been blessed for over forty years to have a true man of God and Pastor in our midst. He is leaving a legacy to the glory of God. I am grateful for the influence he has had in my life. Tom Williams After I came back from Vietnam and I finished my last year of college, in 1972, we moved to Florida where I was fortunate to find a good job, and the Lord led us to our first stop on the road to Huntsville. Our April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


40 YEARS - A LEGACY OF LOVE Pastor at Aloma Baptist Church, Joe Boatwright, would bring in guest preachers. One was a guy from Titusville names Adrian Rogers, and the other was a tall skinny guy from Merritt Island named Jimmy Jackson. In 1990, my job took us to St. Louis, where we found another great church, and Pastor Gary Taylor. In 1994, another company move would bring us to Huntsville, Alabama. Brother Gary took me aside and told me to find the church where Jimmy Jackson was pastor and plant ourselves there. The associate pastor in St. Louis, was an Auburn grad, Phil Swearengin, and he asked if he could stow away on our moving van, as he dearly wanted to get back to Alabama. Since this was our last stop before glory, we took Pastor Gary’s advice and have been greatly blessed ever since in Brother Jimmy’s teaching on doctrine, ministry and edification. Although the road was winding, the Lord’s hand guided us to where He wanted us to be. Thank you, Brother Jimmy. 28


Tracy Baldwin Swayne Dr. Jimmy Jackson has been my pastor, mentor, friend, and I’ve adopted him as my Dad for the past 31 years. He counseled me through some very difficult years in reconciling Bible teaching about fathers to what I experienced with my own father. In that wisdom, I was able to respect and love my father with a heavenly love and forgive the many hurts I experienced. This not only brought tremendous peace, but also gave me the love I needed to continue praying for my father, which eventually brought a relationship with him in his later years before his passing. Brother Jimmy prayed with my father, as he was the only person, other than family, that my father would allow in his hospital room. And my father watched him each week through the Whitesburg television ministry. We all have great comfort knowing my father was a Christian when he died. Brother Jimmy has always made me feel special and he walked me through so many big life experiences. I just couldn’t imagine anyone else performing our wedding ceremony when I FINALLY found my husband,

Jeffrey. At first, it just didn’t seem that the timing would work out, but with a lot of persuasion from Bobbi and changing the time, he was with us and joined us for life before the Lord. He counseled me throughout my career in Government Contracting, as an FBI Special Agent, and now in the next chapter; he pastored funerals for my Father, Roy; Grandmother, Des; and Mother, Joan…and he noticed when I needed help to get through the care-giving and loss when I couldn’t see through the fog. No matter the joys or sorrows, Brother Jimmy has always brought Christ’s love to life in every situation so I know that God cares whether the issue is large or small. I have grateful tears in my eyes as I write this…such an appreciation for a giant man in my life. His wisdom, strength, humor, and love have forever changed my life! Yvonne Morris Brother Jimmy loved my Daddy and my Daddy loved Brother Jimmy. My Dad fell ill in 2014. What

we thought was pneumonia, turned into the worst diagnosis we could have imagined. My Daddy and I were alone in his hospital room when the doctor gave the news. After I received the news, I had to leave the room because I was crying. I took one step into the hallway and my phone rang - it was Jimmy Jackson! He told me the Lord had placed me on his heart to call. I told him the diagnosis but I was crying, so Brother Jimmy said “Yvonne, I cannot understand what you are saying, I know it is bad, so I will pray!” He began to pray and I will never forget the peace that came upon me - the peace that only the Lord can give. Brother Jimmy’s call provided peace to my heart so that I was able to later help my family receive the bad news. What a beautiful picture of how God works. Brother Jimmy visited or called every day, and was by our side every single step of the way until my Daddy went to heaven. Brother Jimmy has truly been an example to follow – to be like Jesus. I love Brother Jimmy and I am so thankful for his love for my family and especially his love for my Daddy - Earl Ray Tillman! April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


That Old Rugged Cross by Donna Lewis

That old rugged cross was not a pretty thing But it’s all about that cross I so often sing. Its gory intent was for men of crime, But for my Savior, it was the time. To show the world His endless love, God sent His Son from up above. Oh, why oh why did He have to die? Is our heartfelt feeling we sometimes cry. That “rugged” means it’s ugly, crude and rough, But of the One Who hung there, I cannot say enough. 30


Dark was the day my Savior died for me, His sacrifice was self, I wish the world could see. An assignment of love, God had given Him, But to His “human side” it really looked quite grim. God knew it would be difficult, but put Him to the test. To please His Father and to prove His love, Jesus did the rest. Just like ours, His blood was red, but there we draw the line, You see, His blood was sinless, without fault, divine. To illistrate its worth to me, this cross is made of “gold.” You can read how much He loved us, in His Word you’ll find it told. For truly it is “precious,” that story and that Man, And if we but trust His promises, then at least we can Give Him our heart, our life, our all. Then we will be with Him when we hear His final call. Oh, this cross is really not worth much, but it is meant to be, Just a shining example of how precious He is to me. April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


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s e v i L e H by Harold Fanning



Growing up in the early

1950s and 60s almost everyone attended church. Easter Sunday would see our little sanctuary packed with an ocean of pink, yellow, and blue. Women wore new dresses, white gloves up to their elbows, a pearl necklace, flowery hat and their best highheeled shoes. The girls were dressed in patent leather shoes, frilly dresses with a matching Easter bonnet. Likewise, the men sported their best Sunday attire – some of the rural farmers had new crisp blue bib overalls complete with a white shirt and neck tie. Easter lilies adorned the pulpit area and filled the room with a pleasant aroma. Easter was always a special family time at my grandparents’ house. There would be the usual egg hunt after Sunday dinner in which all the children longed for the prize egg. The prize usually consisted of jelly beans and a shiny quarter! Then there were the chocolate bunnies, yellow marshmellow Peeps, and fruit and cream filled eggs. Of course, there were always the dyed and decorated eggs, placed in woven

baskets with green and yellow colored “straw” cushions. There is certainly nothing wrong with fun family and church activities. However, we can never allow these activities to delude the true meaning of the Easter season. When our focus is taken off of Christ and His resurrection and placed upon other things it reduces this tremendous event to nothing more than just another holiday. Bill and Gloria Gaither captured the essence of Easter when they penned the words to one of the most heart-felt hymns ever written… Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, just because He lives. 1

Easter marks the time when we remember Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. When mankind had no hope, Jesus took our sin upon Himself. He arose three days later, thus confirming April/May 2018 | Whitesburg


BECAUSE HE LIVES His claim as the Son of God. He proved that He is Lord, God incarnate, and that He is our redeemer and living Savior! What does His death and resurrection mean to us? It means that Jesus loved us so much that He willingly laid down His life for us. It means Jesus intentionally planned for His own sacrifice on our behalf. It means that the Lord actually planted and blessed the very tree upon which His cross would be constructed. It means that He placed the iron ore in the earth of which the spikes in his hands and feet would be cast. It means that God allowed Pilate, the Roman governor to hand Him over to be crucified. It means He permitted the Roman government to nail Him to the cross. But more importantly, it also means that there is no limit to which God will go to bring us to Himself. This Easter our Whitesburg Baptist Church family prays that

you will discover the ultimate prize, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your own personal Savior. The very purpose of this Easter season is to remind us that no matter what we’ve been through in the past, what you might be facing today, or what uncertainties tomorrow may hold Christ alone holds the answer. He conquered death, He rose from the grave, He is all Powerful. Because of His miraculous resurrection, we know that His death completely paid the price for all our sins and unworthiness. Praise God, the sacrifice was accepted, God’s wrath was replaced by His favor toward those who believe, and that death does not have the final word. Just as Jesus lives we will live forever with Him. 1

1971 Gaither Music Company (ASCAP) Arr UBP of Gaither Copyright Management

Dr. Harold Fanning and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of a son


and a daughter, and have two grandsons and three granddaughters. He is a retired pastor who currently serves as a Hospice Chaplain. Harold speaks each Wednesday night at WBC’s Prayer Meeting service and is a hotrod enthusiast.


Kid’s Space Match the pairs. Can you spot the odd one out?

April/May 2018 | Whitesburg




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Whitesburg Christian Academy 7290 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL


WhitesburgChristianAcademy.org 36



April-june 2018 calendar April

1 Easter 1 High School Choir Mission Tour Home Coming Concert 7 The Academy Market Place 8 Discover 101 10 Men of Whitesburg at Top Golf 13 Ladies Night Out


6 Children’s Choir Spring Program 10 55+ BBQ @ The Pavillion 11 Date Night 13 Mother’s Day 13 Baby Dedication 13 No Evening Service 20 Graduate Recognition in the morning service


3 Bro. Jimmy’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Service and Reception 3 No Evening Service 4-8 VBS 7-11 Boston/NYC Mission Journey 9 Singles 35+ Coffee House 10 Membership Fast Track Class 10 No Evening Service 11 Senior Day at the ROC

14-24 Asia Mission Journey 14 Singles 35+ Coffee House 15 The Lord’s Supper 20-22 Middle School Choir Mission Tour 23 Academy Golf Tournament 28 Singles 35+ Coffee House

20 Academy Graduation in lieu of Evening Service 25 South Campus closes at noon for holiday and reopens on May 29 27 No Evening Service 28 Office closed for Memorial Day

15 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 17 Father’s Day 17 No Evening Service 24 No Evening Service 25-29 WinShape Camp 27 No Evening activities at the South Campus 27-39 Appalachia Summer Mission

For more details on these and other events, visit WhitesburgBaptist.org. April/May 2018 | Whitesburg



Come worship with us on Sundays!


Photo: Dr. Jimmy Jackson preaching in the 9:30 am service.




LIFE Groups 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Blended Traditional Service 9:30 am with Dr. Jimmy Jackson Contemporary Service 11:11 am with Jon & Trisha Evening Service 6:15 pm


6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802

Whitesburg Baptist Church


Huntsville, AL Permit 446

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