October/November 2018 Whitesburg Magazine

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Whitesburg OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018


the day

PALS Support for adults with special needs




A fleeting moment in the process of time PAGE 19

Passion for Fitness I had tried every fad diet under the sun, and nothing worked...


God-breathed Testament


The Word of God. The Bible.

It’s what we believe and what we share. Come learn the truth about God’s love, Jesus’ life, and what it means for you.

Sundays at 9:30 and 11:11 am

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802



Whitesburg OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018

PAGE 2 Shoulder Angels

2 Shoulder Angels By David Dye

7 The Urgency of Today By Harold Fanning

14 Doubting God By Deree Tarwater 12 PALS - Positive Adult Learning Support By Kathy McCown 16 Our PALS Story By Janet Anderson

PAGE 16 Our PALS Story

19 Passion for Fitness By Nicki Dickins 21 For the Fun! By Rachel Holaway 24 Kids Space Find 10 differences!

Whitesburg magazine is a publication by Whitesburg Baptist Church, 6806 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-2299. (Permit No. 446) Publisher: Whitesburg Baptist Church Editor-in-Chief: Rev. David Dye Graphics & Publishing: Melissa Schuster, Ron Snyder, Jerry Nichols Editorial Assistants: Beverly Dishman, Chrissy Curtis

26 Home Point Recipe Card Teaching children to be time wise PAGE 21 For the Fun!


Receive Whitesburg magazine in your home or business by subscribing in one of these ways: • Visit WhitesburgBaptist.org/resources. • Call the office at 256-704-5678, ext. 279.

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg



Angels by David Dye

Without a doubt, the most influential people in my life have been my parents. This is probably the same for many of you, and certainly not odd. I wish I could say that, because of their influence, I am just like them. But I could never say that! Truth is, I am very different from them in so many ways. None more so than the fact that I am a procrastinator. I’m not proud of it, and I fight it everyday. On the other hand, my parents never put off anything a day in their life. My parents were raised on 2


farms and although they moved to suburbia to raise their family, they also came to the end of their lives on a farm as well. (As a matter of fact, it was the same one my dad grew up on.) They worked hard their entire lives. And they loved the life they had been given. My dad was a bivocational preacher. If you are not from the country, or at least a small church, that means he had a fulltime job and pastored a small congregation, also a full-time job. My dad was the one that was “called� and was the pastor, but

my parents served together. Although I have great memories of fun times with my parents, when I remember them they are usually busy working on something. My mom was the kitchen queen. Nothing fancy and the word gourmet was never spoken in our house, but ask anyone that knew them and they would tell you they’d drive any distance to eat at my mom’s table. Mom could whip up a meal for a dozen or more people in the time most of us today could order out. When I think of who to

compare my parents to, I usually end up with Martha and Mary. We know them best as the sisters of Lazarus, the one whom Jesus raised from the dead, and for their different approaches to Jesus. We read part of their story in Luke 10:38-42 (AMP): Now while they were on their way, Jesus entered a village [called Bethany], and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was continually listening to His teaching. But Martha was very October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


SHOULDER ANGELS busy and distracted with all of her serving responsibilities; and she approached Him and said, “Lord, is it of no concern to You that my sister has left me to do the serving alone? Tell her to help me and do her part.” But the Lord replied to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part [that which is to her advantage], which will not be taken away from her. Here we have it. Hard working Martha, always cleaning, cooking, thinking of others and making sure all their needs were met. And Mary, the social butterfly, loved to meet and greet and listen. She could make you feel like you were the only person in the room. So, between my parents, who was the Martha, and who was the Mary? Well, the answer is both. One lesson I learned from my parents is that serving the


Lord does not always look the same. Everyday, we have to have time with Him. We need to sit at His feet and listen to His teaching because He holds the words of life. His instructions are not in vain and are as current today as the day they came out of His mouth. But some days there is work to be done and we must put our hand to the plow (remember they were farmers) and get the job done. Lots of people live their lives as if there is an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, battling over every decision they make. Today I like to think that I have two angels, and they look just like my parents. When temptation comes my way to put off some task, I just think about my parents and dive in. God, thank You for Your Word and my parents. As I strive everyday to look more and more like Jesus, I am glad that means I look more like them as well.

David Dye is a husband, father and minister. David says his greatest desire is to live a life like the Apostle Paul: “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). He wants to point people only to Jesus and the salvation offered through His death, burial and resurrection.


LIFE Groups... where the life of the church happens.

At Whitesburg Baptist, you will find a group of people who do life with each other, passionately following God as they celebrate the good times and work through the tough stuff together. Here, you can hear straightforward Bible teaching, and have a way to give back by serving God in the community.

Sundays at 8, 9:30, & 11 am

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802

WhitesburgBaptist.org October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


You take me higher than I’ve been before.

It’s Your perfect love that sees me soar. God, Your freedom is an open door. You are everything I want and more. “This Is Living” By Hillsong Young and Free 6


The Urgency of

TODAY by Harold Fanning One of the most startling warnings concerning the urgency of eternal salvation is found in Hebrews 3:7 (AMPC), “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: ‘Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…’” Verse 13 states, “but exhort one another daily, while it is called ‘Today,’ lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” When we consider the brevity

of ‘today’ we understand that time is only a fleeting moment in the process of time. In the few minutes it takes for you to read this article there is time that can never be recovered. Certainly the old saying “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today” becomes much more important when it applies to eternal salvation. Surprisingly the opportunity to be saved is extremely limited when we

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg



consider the rapidity of our time here on earth. This is why it is extremely dangerous to reject God’s call to eternal salvation. A continual rejection of the Holy Spirit can - and will - eventually lead to a calloused heart resulting in a seared conscience. I Timothy 4:2 states, “speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.” Ignoring the Holy Spirit’s call can suddenly result in an irrevocable point of no return. Additionally, the uncertainty of life itself is a matter of urgency. We never know when our life will end – it could even be today! I realize that the thought of eternal separation from God can be an unsettling topic – and for the lost it should be. But for the Christian the thought of our family, friends, and neighbors slipping into eternal darkness should be a motivator that spurs us to share Christ ASAP. That person whom you’ve been putting off witnessing to really needs to hear the message of salvation – and they need to hear it today! In a former pastorate I received a call from a family 8


who informed me that their beloved uncle had been rushed to the E.R. in critical condition. I immediately drove to the hospital where I was directed to an isolated waiting area that was filled with visibly upset family members. A nephew informed me that his uncle was in a coma and unresponsive. I requested that he direct me to his uncle’s room where I planned to pray for him. As I quietly opened the door, to my surprise, he was alone and sitting up in his hospital bed. I said, “Well sir, I heard that you were not doing very well!” He laughingly responded, “Yeah, that’s what they tell me!” Immediately I said, “Listen, I know I have asked you this before, but are you ready to meet Jesus?” With an expression of momentary reflection he responded, “Well preacher, I think so but I’m not certain.” I answered, “Would you like to be certain?” Without hesitation he instantly indicated that he would. For the next twenty minutes I shared with him the gospel message of Christ Jesus. When I concluded, without any prompting from me, he humbly

bowed his head and asked Jesus to come into his heart and save him. Afterward he thanked me for the visit and requested to see his family – who were elated and astounded by his sudden miraculous recovery from the coma. I had only been back at my office a few moments when I received a follow-up call from his nephew. With obvious emotion he said, “Brother Harold, a few moments after you left the

hospital our uncle relapsed into a coma and died a few moments later. The family wanted me to thank you for sharing Jesus with him during in his last moments on this earth.” As I hung up the telephone I silently recalled what the Hebrew writer had said, “but exhort one another daily, while it is called ‘Today,’ lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

Dr. Harold Fanning and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of a son and a daughter, and have two grandsons and three granddaughters. He is a retired pastor who currently serves as a Hospice Chaplain. Harold speaks each Wednesday night at WBC’s Prayer Meeting service and is a hotrod enthusiast.


October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


Let’s Get Real








T I C K E T S S A L E S B E G I N I N L AT E 2 0 1 8 !

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802


Through music and message, we offer you a place to be part of something greater than yourself. Open your heart to worship God.

You are invited to worship with us this Sunday: Blended Service at 9:30 am Contemporary Service at 11:11 am Evening Service at 6:15 pm

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802


Positive Adult Learning Support

by Kathy McCown



The start of school is an exciting time! Summer was fun, but students are happy to get back into the routine of school. But what if school was over for you and neither college nor the workforce is an option for you? What if, as a parent, you sit with your son or daughter on the first day of school and think,

“What am I supposed to do now?” For a parent of a student with autism there is nothing more frightening than the words “aging out.” Aging out is when your son or daughter turns 21 and can no longer go to school. What do you do then? There is nothing provided for them. Some can go to a group home, but a large number of them don’t qualify or their parents don’t want to put them in a position of being wards of the state. As family members of a group of students in our church faced this situation, we began to pray. Several years earlier, our church had formed a LIFE Group on Sunday morning called Special Friends. The original idea was to start a class for students with autism who were unable to go

to regular classes. We had a goal to provide a safe, happy place for the students so their family could worship on Sundays. It has become so much more than that. Our students are able to participate in worship at a level we didn’t think possible. They know that Jesus is God’s Son, He loves them, sacrificed for them, and they can be Christians, too. We sing and they are able to sign the songs, we talk about the Word and the Bible verse of the day. We have a Bible lesson every Sunday and do a worksheet answering questions about what they learned. We are amazed at how much they retain. Several of our students will usually volunteer to pray. They are always the sweetest,

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


PALS - POSITIVE ADULT LEARNING SUPPORT most sincere prayers I have ever heard. In faith, we started the group Positive Adult Learning Support, or PALS, for students with special needs who had aged out of the school system. PALS meets weekly, Tuesday through Friday, for half-day sessions. Our loving and faithful God answered our prayers “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). God provided a supportive church and pastor, people were led to help with the financial burden, and a perfect staff of teachers was formed. Today, our main teacher has a master’s degree in education and nine years’ experience working in special education. Our support teachers have been amazing. One is a college student majoring in education specializing in special needs; one is a sweet, loving lady with years of experience working with children; one is a young man (which is wonderful for our male students) working on his degree in psychology. They are strong Christians who are actively serving in their churches. Our students begin their day by signing in, getting their 14


notebooks and arranging their schedules for the day. Next is Morning Meeting, where the students talk about the day ahead and the weather. They have music and then a structured lesson from News-2-You. The students who are nonverbal use their tablet computers to communicate and are getting increasingly better at using them. The students have a small snack before they begin their Church Chores. These chores consist of picking up leftover bulletins in the sanctuary, dusting the pews, cleaning the white boards and wiping tables in the LIFE Groups’ rooms, washing windows, sweeping the gym, wiping doorknobs and air vents. Besides the chores they do on a regular basis, they have also assembled boxes for Samaritan’s Purse and stuffed stockings for children at Christmas. They have shredded papers and prepared materials for Vacation Bible School crafts. These chores teach prevocational skills that could possibly help the students find future employment. After the Church Chores, the students have planned physical

activity time, then a group lesson that is either a Bible story or a character lesson from the Bible. A favorite activity for the day is when the students do their “work boxes.” Work boxes are designed to help students learn and maintain attention, behavioral, and independent work skills through a variety of tasks. Our students also eat lunch together at PALS. They learn to make their own meal using the microwave or toaster when needed. One day a week they work together as a group to have a “cooking class.” They clean up after their lunch, wash any dishes, wipe the tables, and vacuum the floor. On Fridays,

they set up for LIFE Groups. All of our students have grown in independence, social skills, behavioral control, scholastic and work skills. We are so excited that one of our students has been accepted into a program at Huntsville Hospital that will prepare him for employment. If you are interested in the PALS program for your son or daughter, please email palsprogramwbc@gmail.com for more information and an application. Want to help? Volunteers for PALS or Special Friends can contact the church for more information by emailing serve. adults@whitesburgbaptist.org.

Kathy McCown has been married to Jerry for over 50 years. They

have three married daughters and four grandchildren. Kathy has been a member of Whitesburg Baptist Church since 1980 and a Sunday School teacher since 1981. Her hobby is her church work with PALS and Special Friends. October/November 2018 | Whitesburg



Positive Adult Learning Support


by Janet Anderson Our daughter Dana is connected and thoroughly happy. She is eager to head out each morning and is fully present, trying new things, easily making new friends, and feels valued. It hasn’t always been this way. Dana has Down Syndrome and Autism, is nonverbal and lowfunctioning. There are not many programs in this area for young adults who are challenged by basic self-care and limited social interaction. PALS is not just a program that fills a niche and 16


need in the community, it is life changing. For Dana, it is better than school ever was. It supplies similar academic study but within a quiet, loving environment that provides participants with more hands-on activities and thereby more opportunities for accomplishment and selfconfidence. Dana is happier in PALS than she ever was in school...and happier than any other avenue we have attempted. And we did try other programs.

For years we tried a program that was designed for higherfunctioning adults, those who do not need supervision and are not bothered by congestion and noise. There she danced, took a writing class and an art class. We were so hopeful. The first two years she did well as the program was just getting started and didn’t have many students. But as it grew in size, it became an overwhelming activity. It seemed that everyday she was either going reluctantly or coming out

crying at the end of the day. We pursued it nonetheless because it was the only program available to persons with disabilities. When PALS opened and Dana was selected to participate, it changed our family’s life. Now she is content and happy, and that makes for parents that are happy as well. I call it the best of school and Vacation Bible School combined. I am so grateful for this quality opportunity and can’t imagine Dana’s life without PALS as a primary focus.



We invite your family to a free come-and-go breakfast with the Bethlehem characters! ilies All fam ildren with ch Grade 2 nger, and you lings, g sib includin ited! are inv

Saturday, December 1 8:30-10:30 am

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH South Campus Fellowship Dining Room 7300 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 October/November 2018 | Whitesburg




December 2 at 11 am Our Student Choir leads a joyous worship celebration!


December 9 at 6:15 pm Four pianos and a big band play timeless Christmas favorites.

CHIL DRE N’S CH O IRS M U SICA L December 16 at 6:15 pm A heart-warming children’s Christmas program.

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 18



PASSION FOR FITNESS by Nicki Dickens My prayer for so long was, “Lord, show me how to use my passion for health and fitness to reach people for You. Give me the words to say to people to help encourage and uplift them.” Can health, fitness, and nutrition really be used for God’s glory? I had no idea of the future that He would lead me to. I had no idea when I agreed to start teaching the Monday night circuit class at Whitesburg that my passion for fitness was going to become my platform and my ministry! When I first started my journey it was partly because

I was suffering from severe anxiety and had read that regular exercise can work as well as medication for some people to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, the other part was for selfish reasons like wanting to look like the women on the magazine covers at the grocery store that give us a picture of the ideal woman that can only truly be achieved through Photoshop. When I first started out I was too embarrassed to go to the gym because everyone would know that I had no clue what I was doing. I had tried every fad

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


PASSION FOR FITNESS diet under the sun and nothing worked, so I searched out a fitness video that I could do from home and I made a promise to myself to do it every day for 30 days, I decided to change my diet and make baby steps to eating healthier. Here I am 5 years later still keeping that same promise to myself. The workouts have changed and I have learned a lot about nutrition and how important it is, but looking back I can see how God has truly guided me to a true passion and ministry through fitness. I LOVE helping people and even though I am a total introvert, the Lord has grown a confidence within me in this particular area that allows me to talk to anyone about it without feeling like I want to crawl in a hole. I love to help people set attainable goals. To see that proud look on their face when they achieve that goal is

an inspiring moment to witness. Teaching the circuit class is truly a gift that I never expected would have been such a blessing. I love the quote, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” Because when you live what you love every day, it sets your soul on fire and then you too can begin to change the world. Don’t ever stop pursuing the calling from Jesus on your life.

Nicki Dickens is married to Jonathan, is passionate about healthy eating and fitness. Nicki teaches the 5:30 pm Cardio Circuit class on Mondays at the Whitesburg Recreation Outreach Center. 20


For the

! n fu

My fitness journey began in January 2016 when my church started offering a Zumba class two days a week. I NEVER dreamed that night would be the beginning of a journey. As a matter of fact, I thought I would go to one class just to support something new the church was offering. Instead, I ended up loving it! You may have the same picture of someone doing Zumba that I had. What I found was that, even though I am horribly uncoordinated, have no rhythm, and was terribly out of shape when I started, Zumba was just so much fun! It didn’t matter that I was on the wrong foot (it still

by Rachel Holaway

doesn’t) or 2 steps behind the teacher, I was having a good time and I couldn’t wait to do it again. Now I also train at the Ninja Obstacle Academy because the people on the American Ninja Warrior show look like they’re having such a good time. I’m not very good at it but it is so satisfying to finally land an obstacle that I’ve been working on for weeks. I have health issues related to my weight and I find working out to be way more fun than following a super strict diet. My current fitness plan includes at least 3 Zumba classes (2 are classes I teach), 2-3 days of training at the Ninja Obstacle Academy, 5-7

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


FOR THE FUN! days with a 2-3 mile walk, and whatever other workouts I can fit in, usually weight training or hiking. There have been other unexpected and positive benefits. My walks/hikes have impacted me spiritually because being out in God’s creation with worship music in my headphones is one

of my favorite ways to spend time with the Lord. I also have gained so many new, Christian friends through Zumba and Ninja. Sometimes we go on a journey and sometimes the journey finds us. I’m glad my fitness journey found me. I’d hate to miss out on all the fun!

Rachel Holaway was born and raised in Hazel Green. She has attended Murphy Hill Baptist Church her entire life, where she currently serves as the VBS Director. When she’s not working out, she likes to bake, read, and go to Disney World.




Getting fit is more fun when you do it together!


ur ut oses! o k chec ess clas f itn

We have a variety of group fitness classes to meet your fitness goal. All classes are open to the public. Unlimited classes for $15 per month or $3 per class. 22







6:00 am Muscle Works

6:00 am Muscle Works

6:00 am Muscle Works

6:00 am Muscle Works

6:00 am Muscle Works

8:30 am Cardio & Core

8:30 am Cardio Fusion

8:30 am Muscle Madness

8:30 am Cardio Fusion

8:30 am Balance & Stretch

9:30 am Body Sculpt

9:30 am Body Strong

9:30 am Body Sculpt Plus

11:15 am Senior-Fit

11:15 am Senior-Fit 1:30 pm Zumba

5:30 pm Cardio Circuit

5:30 pm Cardio Circuit

6:00 pm Zumba

Details at WhitesburgBaptist.org/Recreation The Recreation Outreach Center is located at the Whitesburg Baptist South Campus 7300 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


Kids Space Find 10 differences!


l l a b t e k s Ba g n i d a e l r e e & Ch

Sign up now! Ages K5 - Grade 6 Early registration cost $75 After December 1, cost is $90


At the Whiteburg Baptist Church South Campus 7300 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL November 29 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm December 1 from 9:00 - 11:00 am

First game Saturday, January 12, 2019

Register at

WhitesburgBaptist.org/upward October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


The next two pages are a reprint of the

Time Wise Recipe Card from our Home Point center. Home Point has the resources to build your faith at home and Biblical guides to overcome challenges you may be facing in your family. Our materials are tailored for you and the people you love the most, whether you are single, married, have children, or are an emptynester. Many other books and brochures on various topics are available in our Home Point Center in the South Lobby at Whitesburg Baptist Church. You can find this recipe card and others in the Home Point Center and online.

WhitesburgBaptist.org/HomePoint 26


Children Time Wise BEST USE As a Family Night activity with children ages three through twelve NUTRITIONAL VALUE Illustrates the importance of using our time wisely ADVANCED PREP Have the following supplies ready for Family Night: • About ten toy blocks or wood pieces of various lengths

• A coffee table or flat surface shorter than the combined length of the blocks or wood pieces

• A marker

• A Bible

October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


Serve It Up Follow these steps to serve up a great experience: 1. Assemble the blocks from largest to smallest or have the child help you cut the wood into pieces of various lengths. 2. Have a child write one of the following words on each of the longer pieces of wood representing the “Should Do” activities in his or her day: Sleep, Eat, School, Bathe, Chores, Read, Practice, etc. 3. Now have them write one of the following “Could Do” words on each of the shorter pieces of wood: Television, Wii, Play with Friends, Eat lce Cream, etc. 4. Invite the kids to your “24 Hour Table” or flat surface. (Be sure the length of the surface is shorter than the combined length of the wood blocks.) 5. Invite each child to design his or her ideal day by selecting the wood blocks that represent what they would like to do most and placing them end-to-end on the surface until they run out of table. The child will quickly discover that there is not enough room on the table for several of the “Should Do” blocks such as “bathing” or “sleeping” or “school.” 6. Now invite each child to place the block on the “24 Hour Table” in order of importance - deciding which of the “Could Do” blocks should be lowest priority. Share that we should protect some time for fun activities, but we might not get to do everything we enjoy every day. 7. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 and Matthew 25:14-29 together and discuss ways to become wise with the time God gives us. 8. Memorize this jingle together... “Should Do before Could Do” ©2015 Inkling Innovations




fall 2018 calendar


4-16 Romania Mission Journey 7 Discover 101 8 Senior Day at the ROC 12 Date Night 13 Singles' 35+ Coffeehouse 14 Discover 201 14 Touchdown Food Drive


3-10 Haiti for Christ Mission Journey 4 LIFE Group Leadership Night 4 Discover 101 10 Singles’ 35+ Coffeehouse 11 Discover 201 14 Surviving the Holidays 17 Singles’ Thanksgiving Dinner 18 Baby Dedication 21 ROC Closes at Noon


2 Hanging of the Green 8 Singles’ Christmas Banquet 9 Global Missions Sunday 9 Winterlude 9 Discovery Path Fast Track 10 Senior Day at the ROC 16 Children’s Choir Christmas Program

16 Men's Dinner & Guest Speaker 18 Ladies' FOLD 19 Family Night at Tate Farms 21 Discover 301 21 Global Mission Discovery 23-28 Montana Mission Journey 27 Singles' 35+ Coffeehouse

21 Thanksgiving Dinner at Rescue Mission 22-25 ROC Closed 21 No Evening Activities 22 Thanksgiving 25 No Evening Service 29-Dec 1 Appalachia Family Christmas Mission

21 ROC Closes at Noon 22-Jan 1 ROC Closed for the Holidays 24-Jan 1 Church Offices Closed 24 Christmas Eve Vespers Service 26 No Evening Activities 30 Combined Morning Worship 30 No Evening Service

For more details on these and other events, visit WhitesburgBaptist.org. October/November 2018 | Whitesburg


Come worship with us on Sundays!


Photo: Children’s class at the Whitesburg Pulaski PIke Campus.




LIFE Groups 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Blended Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Service 11:11 am Evening Service 6:15 pm


6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802

Whitesburg Baptist Church


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