Contradictory Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening - The Whats & The Hows Answered
I have always spoken about achieving a Spiritual Awakening through the courses I did, but also through the experiences I've had. What I mean of course is that just doing and going through with the various programs is useless unless it is implemented strategically and consistently. It either gives rise to certain experiences that make you who you are or it helps you along your journey but inevitably the effort you put in, in enlightening yourself pays off immensely. So it is almost like saying that I could not have reached the point of enlightenment or gone through a Spiritual Awakening had I not had a combination of both. I am a product of my experiences as well as what I have taught myself. One without the other would not give me the desirable results. Then again, can you take the very same steps as I have and expect identical results? No. Because you process everything differently. Maybe you would have a much more powerful experience or a trickle of few enlightened moments. It all depends on the individual. Either way, you don't go through with it alone; you use resources available to you.
What is it like, what feelings go through me. Among the various I can talk off, there are a few I would like to share below. To start with, you will experience a renewed sense of courage and strength that you did not even know you possessed. you will marvel at where you've suddenly dipped into to become so strong. It won't be that difficulties reduce or life becomes perfect but you're whole outlook changes and that shift is the first one I wanted to talk about.
Secondly, while you feel as strong as you do, you also will notice a, what might seem to be contradictory to what was just mentioned, but it really isn't. It goes side by side, hand in hand. So as this tenacity persists, this indomitable spirit, this unshakable trust, you will also feel this bottomless emptiness and have this resolve that life is short and precious so must be lived to the fullest but always with this lingering fear and loneliness. Like you are a lone island. It will be a sort of powerlessness yet a sort of strength.
Thirdly, there will be within you a feeling of despair and anxiety, as if something is about to happen. You will realize the futility of life and have within you a foreboding feeling of uneasiness that you just can't shake off. But this is accompanied by a stillness and peace. It is like we notice, think, realize, wonder because there is a reason to it. It will be like a calling to take some action and not waste moments of your life. Especially when you wonder why you feel like there is more to life.
How will you be able to distinguish this from any regular moment of contemplation, the ones that are fleeting? Well there's you answer, it won't stick. One moment it is there and the next its gone. It will be like nothing ever happened. It is the persistent gnawing within you that creeps up quietly and stays, refusing to go, for a good reason too, that is when you know you are going through a Spiritual Awakening. There are plenty more articles at Spiritual Awakening to educate yourself with regarding this and much more so I encourage you to keep learning by looking around.