The Secret Behind The Law Of Attraction & A Spiritual Awakening
You’ve Reached Here / Brought Here For A Reason: The fact that you’ve reached this page clearly means that you believe in the Law Of Attraction. You want to know how to practically apply what you’ve read from many sources and actually see the positive changes brought about in your life. Spiritual
The Choice Is Yours – Freedom / In Chains: You can either free yourself or continue to imprison yourself in the confines and shackles you create. You can transcend the present limitations by first realizing that you draw into your life whatever you focus on. If you are unhappy with your present
situation, stop paying attention to all that is negative and start focusing on those which bring you joy. By doing so, you will automatically become a magnet – attracting the abundance you desire
circumstances, experiences and the right people.
Last or First Resort – Religion: People
pilgrimages they make, go unanswered and unnoticed. They try to appease the gods in hopes of some Higher Force miraculously changing their lives and answering their deepest desires. Whether you are atheist, agnostic and follow a religion, the same laws apply to everyone.
Make The Decision To Change Your Life Now: Forget how you used to do things. Things have got to change. Now. Instead of begging and wishing, start claiming your share. The minute your claims are made with complete conviction, with
unshakeable belief, with the utmost faith that it is yours and yours only, that is the moment you will draw to yourself all you desire. Of course theres more. If it were that simple a formula, so many people wouldn’t be struggling right now.
Role Playing: Pretend like you already live in that luxurious house. Pretend you own that car you’ve always wanted. Pretend you are able to afford to shop and dine in all those places that make you uncomfortable because they’re for the ‘rich folks’. You have to got to trick your senses to believe in what you want so very much, that you actually become one with the persona you have created.
You deny yourself every opportunity to feel sorry for yourself and to shut out every trace of negative thought patterns. Once you play out the role long enough, you’ll fit the role so well, it will feel as if it all belongs to you…the life, the house, the car, the partner, the relationships, the career, the bank balance. Don’t
underestimate the power of imagining. (I’ve shared those ideas in this site as well). Why Do Some People Have It All: It all seems easier said than done but before you continue with that thought, look around you. Have you wondered how certain people just magnetically attract the perfect life, the right mate, the comfortable standard of living. While you try everything that you think works, but still fail to attract anything or enough. What you do attract isn’t substantial enough to boost your morale.
Touching On Practical Ideas: Creating new beliefs, repeating positive affirmations, meditation, using entrainment products, EFT, Switchwords are some of the various methods you can combine and use to literally transform your world. With todays technology, you’ve got so many products out there, you’ve got no excuse to complain the LOA doesn’t work for you.
Personalized Regime: First off, you have to go to stick with your regime. There has got to be consistency. Just as you don’t expect to lose a few pounds without working out and dieting, you have to put in some work. That is of course, assuming you know what to do and how to go about attracting what you want. More on the details of creating a regime coming up!
Erasing Old Brainwashing & Inserting New Patterns: Secondly, you have to gradually undo all the years worth of incorrect thoughts and beliefs indoctrinated in your mind. Break away from the mould society & family has set for you; educate yourself as to what is really the truth. And don’t expect changes to happen over night. After all years of brainwashing will take some time to unravel and re-write over. Think 200-300 limiting beliefs on average for most people!
One of the most common misconceptions people ‘suffer’ from is the fear that asking for anything is being greedy, is taking away from another.
The Beautiful Law Of Detachment: Thirdly, you have to put into practice what I believe the most important law – the Law Of Detachment. I’ve seen most people fail because they either don’t know or fail to put this into practise. If you’ve cleared your beliefs, consistently stuck to a daily regime, raised your vibration and read / practised what every LOA guru says you must do, and still haven’t seen significant changes…This is where you probably need to pay attention.
Opening Up The Black Box: When you want to go check out why something doesn’t work, you’ve got to find out exactly what isn’t working for you and then replace or perfect that element. Open up the black box. Find out whats wrong. Tweak it to perfection till it works for you. You don’t go asking around, what worked for you and you
and you. No! You must find out what works for you and then build on that.
I’ll tell you where being part of a community and sharing helps. Motivation and Ideas. But then you are on your own. You take all the information you’ve got and work with it. If anyone claims to give you a standardized version, run a mile away because that’s not how it works. Its like a wonderful recipe where you collect all the ingredients to create the dish you want and then improvise till you get what you want. Liked the article, then visit Spiritual Awakening.