Spiritual Awakening & Spiritual Enlightenment

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Spiritual Awakening & Spiritual Enlightenment

It is usually the search for meaning, guidance, a greater good, further understanding and enlightening knowledge that leads many people to experience a Spiritual Awakening. For some, it is not so much an invited guest as much as it is someone breaking and entering. They are those who go through extremely traumatic experiences that something large stirs within them, something mentally large at hand. It happens all of a sudden and without any effort, more like a surprise and a frightening one nonetheless. Will religion help one to bring them closer to a Spiritual Awakening? I think it is quite possible but absolutely not necessary. One could be spiritual and not religious and still experience a Spiritual Awakening. It doesn't mean that they needed a crutch in the form of religion but that being spiritual rather than religious resonated more with them than following regimental rules. Religion helps but is not needed. I was agnostic for many years and very religious prior to that so there is no set rule that one should follow any religious path.

However I always stress on reading or educating oneself and having a sense of belonging and community with like minded people. Spiritual growth happens almost instantaneously as you share your life with people who think like you and share your some, if not all, beliefs. Humankind will be brought together closer and closer as we approach a greater and strong number of people experiencing Spiritual Awakenings and Enlightenment's. Which is why we notice so many people around us picking up that New Age or Alternative Medicine book. That feeling of breaking away from decades of mindless empty drone like zombie behaviors and lives. The present way of life is short lived. We are certainly experiencing a global shift in consciousness.

Cleansing chakras, holistic healing, body and mind detoxes, spiritual communal fests, becoming one with nature. These are just some of the lengths people will go to experience a Spiritual Awakening. And why shouldn't they?

It is essential that we all do. It is our birth right and we are being slowly led to what we were always meant to be like, an enlightened group of people. There is no one size fits all package to bring about the dawn of realization when you need to tread the path alone and seek what it is YOU must do. It will be alignment with your life's purpose, your calling, your very center. I hope you have started your quest in enlightenment and are satisfied with the progress you are making. We are fortunate to be living in times where our minds will progress beyond borders unimaginable.

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