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Welcome to the 4th annual Whitetail Guide “Super Doe” magazine! We are grateful for the Whitetail Industry’s continued support and dedication to the preservation of records related to these amazing animals that we hold so “dear”. Majority of the farms listed in this magazine are farms that have been in the industry for years. There are also a few newer farms that have done a great job in building their herd with top quality genetics. If you are looking to buy animals in the future or just wish to talk deer, I would highly encourage you to call these farms. A special Thank You goes out to Theresa & Fred McComas at Texas M3 Ranch for placing their special Breeder buck on the front cover of the 4th Annual Whitetail Guide “Super Doe” magazine, also a special Thank You to all the farms that placed their animals in this magazine. We know how important but costly it is to advertise your animals and always try go the second mile to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. Feel free to call us if you have any suggestions in how we could better our publications. As always, it has been our goal to help provide a central resource of valuable information to the deer farmer. All of the data contained within these pages has been provided to us and is assumed accurate. The Whitetail Guide has taken every effort to maintain this accuracy, but will not be held responsible for false/misleading information. If you feel there has been a mistake made, please contact our staff or the listing farm to resolve these issues. We hope you enjoy reading and studying this magazine as much as we enjoyed gathering all the information. We look forward to serving you in the coming years and wish everyone a safe and prosperous year. Thank you! Elam Lapp Jr Ivan Lapp The Whitetail Guide 877-269-9091
Contents Introduction.............................................................................. 4 Advertisers Index...................................................................... 5 Super Does................................................................................ 8 Texas Super Does.................................................................... 20 Notes........................................................................................ 56
Advertisers Index 4M Whitetails................................... Super doe spots, 2 page Ad.............................. 21, 22, 23 5F Ranch............................................ Super doe spot............................................................... 24 American Cervid Alliance.............. full page ad.................................................................... 15 Bauer Whitetails............................... full page ad.................................................................... 17 Buck Run Whitetail Farms.............. Super doe spot..................................................................8 C & E Wildlife Products.................. 1/2 page Ad.................................................................... 47 Cole Creek Whitetails...................... 1/4 page Ad, doe spots................................................. 34 D & W Whitetails ............................ doe spots........................................................................ 36 Daniel Thomas Whitetails............... Super doe spot............................................................... 16 Deer ......................... full page ad.................................................................... 53 Deer full page ad.................................................................... 35 DJ Whitetails..................................... doe spots........................................................................ 36 Dorneyville Pharmacy..................... 1/2 page Ad.................................................................... 10 Dutch Creek Whitetails................... doe spots........................................................................ 38 EZID................................................... 1/4 page ad..................................................................... 36 Fertile Aid.......................................... full page ad.................................................................... 33 Fox Valley Animal Nutrition.......... full page ad.................................................................... 30 Galaxy Whitetail Solutions.............. full page ad.................................................................... 37 Head Gear LLC................................. full page ad.................................................................... 41 Heliwild LLC..................................... full page ad.................................................................... 25
Advertisers Index cont. Honeybrook Whitetails................... Super doe spot, full page ad...................................... 8, 9 Huntley Hill Whitetails.................... doe spots........................................................................ 40 Insights Wildlife Nutrition.............. full page ad.................................................................... 39 KT Crawfish & Deer........................ doe spots........................................................................ 42 Legends Whitetails of Florida......... Super doe spot............................................................... 10 M & S Whitetails.............................. doe spots........................................................................ 52 Max Rax Deer Feed.......................... 1/2 page Ad.................................................................... 47 Meadowview Deer farm ................. doe spots, full page Ad........................................... 44, 45 Millsview Whitetails........................ doe spots........................................................................ 46 Nationwide Scents ........................... 1/2 page ad............................................................... 12, 28 Pleasant View Whitetails................. Super doe spot, 1/2 page ad......................................... 11 Purina Antler Max........................... Full page ad.................................................................... 49 Rockville Whitetails......................... Super doe spot............................................................... 12 Rocky Ridge Whitetails................... 2 pg spread bucks, full page ad does.................. 2, 3, 13 Rocky Top Whitetails....................... doe spots........................................................................ 48 Seven Oaks Whitetails ................... Super does and doe spots...................................... 26, 27 Shock Effect Probiotics.................... 1/2 page ad..................................................................... 24 Springfield Whitetails...................... Super doe spots............................................................. 14 Swihart Sales..................................... 1/2 page Ad.................................................................... 16 T3 Whitetails..................................... full page ad, Back cover...........................32, back cover Texas M3 Ranch................................ Buck on cover, Super doe spot............... front cover, 28 Valley View Velvet Whitetails......... doe spot.......................................................................... 52 Valley View Whitetails..................... full page ad.................................................................... 55 Walnut Ridge Whitetails.................. doe spots, full page Ad........................................... 50, 51 WB Whitetails .................................. full page ad.................................................................... 29 Whetstone Bros Premier Wt........... doe spots........................................................................ 52 Whitetail Guide ............................... full page Ads......................................7, 19, 31, 54, 58, 59 Xfactor Whitetails............................ full page ad.................................................................... 43 Xtreme Whitetails of MO................ Super doe spots............................................................. 18
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
Purple 8
Maxbo DOB: 2009 DNA: 49822 L073
Free Agent (AI sire)
Waldvogel foundation
Louie Joie Flees foundation Flees foundation
Heavy Pebbles
Turning Point (son)
Angus Chief doe Boomer
Purple 8 is producing inches, just take a look at Turning Point and you will understand. Turning Point scored 176” @1, 365” @2, 450”+ @3. This year we AI’d Purple 8 to Free Agent. WOW!!! Call for availability on on fawns and offspring from Purple 8.
Turning Point (son)
In 2013 we AI’d Purple 8 to Free Agent, imagine what that will produce. Turning Point is Purple 8 only son, he scored 176” @1, 365” @2, 450”+ @3.
super doe
HONEY BROOK WHITETAILS - HONEY BROOK, PA Daniel King 610-273-2809 voicemail
Blue 9
Tea Party 320” @2 (son)
Loner DOB: 2004 DNA: 23367 L 10
PA Geronimo Or p Wallace Wh 82
Shock & Awe’s Mom
Studley Y-69 Poncho Little Boomer Savage Wh 16 #26 #44
Here at Honey Brook Whitetails we believe in a good doe foundation and Blue 9 has done very well for us. We have daughters, granddaughters and even great granddaughters out of Blue 9 that are producing very good. Pictured below are a few sons, grandsons and great grandsons Blue 9 has produced. All Blue 9 sons that we sold went for breeder bucks. Blue 9 is bred to Hardwood 421” @3 this year, we are very excited about that cross.
Sunset (son)
Yel 2 (grandson)
Or 28 (great grandson)
Or 37 (son)
Sunset is a Blue 9 son. He scored 292” @3
Yel 2 is a Blue 9 grandson. He scored 289” @2.
Or 28 is a Blue 9 great grandson. He scored 320” @1.
Or 37 is a Blue 9 son. He scored 180” @1.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
King Pin DOB: 2010 DNA: 91962 Pearl
Texas Stitch
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Maxbo Thicket Y #60 Yellow 78 D-122
Maxbo W-58 Highroller n.a. Thunder Pepsi doe Baker 58 Baker 38
Devi was created for pure production and score. Her first son was Maxpin (415” @2) a Malachi son. She has a Hardcore Flame up and coming yearling this year named Sizzler. She was lap Ai’d to Texas Stitch male sexed semen last fall. Keep an eye on this girl’s sons they (2013 AI sire) are what the industry is wanting.
Maxpin (son) Malachi Maxpin
Maxbo Angel King pin Pearl
Max Y-27 Tomahawk Pink 5 Maxbo Thicket
Y #60 Yellow 78 D-122
Maxpin is a 2 yr. old son out Malachi/ Devi. He scored 415” @2. Maxpin is owned by Galaxy Whitetail Solutions.
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super doe
2014 Super Doe Magazine PLEASANT VIEW WHITETAILS - MIDDLEFIELD, OH Jake Yoder 440-487-2845
Bucky DOB: 2005 DNA: 71544 Big Girl
Poncho Daisy Mae Buster Mandy
Big Guy (full brother) Bucky (sire)
11 Lil Boomer Pebbles Flees Flees Flees Flees Flees Flees
Buckyetta is a Full sister to Big Guy. Her 1st 2 sons scored over 300 with wide frames. Her yearling and 2 yr. old in 2013 showed the potential of her 1st 2 sons. Her pedigree is some of the best ever off the Flees farm, we AI’d her to Sudden Impact adding more flees power, with Express waiting in the tank for 2014 breeding.
Sudden Impact (AI sire)
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
ROCKVILLE WHITETAILS - HONEY BROOK, PA 19344 Emanuel Stoltzfus 610-273-2433
Green 9
Stolen Eagle (son)
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Soaring Eagle DOB: 2010 DNA: 112468 Or 19
Screaming Eagle Patrick doe Walker Y-1
Redoy Bill Sheena Patrick 112 n.a. Savage n.a. Lazer Patrick 111
Comments: Green 9 only has 1 son on the ground, that is Stolen Eagle scored 210” @1, 330” @2, and 419” @3 with a 33” inside spread and 30” beams. Green 9 also had 2 daughters out of Complex in 2012. This year we bred her to Jumbo (411” @1). Offspring for sale, fawns and bucks sired by Stolen Eagle.
Stolen Eagle (son)
Jumbo (AI sire)
Stolen Eagle is the only son out Green 9. Stolen Eagle scored 210” @1, 330” @2, and 419” @3 with a 33” inside spread and 30” beams.
Green 9 was AI’d to Jumbo 411”@1 WORLD RECORD YEARLING. This could get interesting!
All deer must be able to enter PA and they must be CWD monitored, animals will be used for scent collection and will not be used for breeding stock, pedigrees are not an issue.
Elam Lapp (717) 692-0527
“Bottlefed” fawns, does, and bucks ($300 - $600)
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
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Maximus CR DOB: DNA: Green 88
Blue 94
Max Y-27 Maxbo O-2
Angus Chief doe BJ1 O-105 Max Y-27 Peach B-95
Comments: Blue 94 is the womb sister to Black Ranger’s mother. Blue 94’s mother is Maxbo Ranger’s womb sister. Blue 94 has 2 big framed sons that scored 330” @ 3 and 252” at 3 with a 26” IS Spread!! She is AI’d to Freeze Frame, call for availability of fawns.
Freeze Frame (AI sire)
Maximus CR Maximus CR is the sire to Blue 94.
Maxbo Ranger Green 0259’s mother is a womb sister to Maxbo Ranger
super doe
Green 0259
Hardcore DOB: 2012 DNA: Green 88
Maxbo B-37 Maxbo O-2
Max Y-27 BJ1 O-105 Max Y-27 Peach B-95
Comments: Green 0259’s mother is Maxbo Ranger’s womb sister. Green 0259 is AI’d to Express, call for availability of fawns. Green 0259 doesnt have any sons on the ground yet.
Express (AI sire)
Hardcore (sire)
Maxbo Ranger
Green 0259’s mother is a womb sister to Maxbo Ranger
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
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Sundowner DOB: 2007 DNA: 38445 W82
BW Sunny BJ doe King David
Sundance Mag 228 doe BJ Maggie Blosser Goliath Mary
Blosser doe
W-168 is Sun Canyon’s dam, this year we bred her to Grand Canyon again giving us the same cross as when Sun Canyon was born. Last year W-168 had triplets, 2 bucks and 1 doe that are full brothers and sisters to Sun Canyon.
Sun Canyon (son)
Sun Canyon was 342” @ 2 (Scored at Nadefa), 398 7/8” @ 3, 448” @ 4.
Grand Canyon (AI sire)
Yukon (backup sire)
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
XTREME WHITETAILS OF MO - STAFFORD, MO Bryan White - Phil Collier - Ricky Cleveland 417-343-1360 or 417-848-0014
Sunny Jr. Y-24
DNA: 60326
Stonecold (son) Icon (son)
Icon scored 460”+
Y-24 could be the best doe we have ever produced. She is without a doubt one of the top PRODUCING!!! Does ever. No hype, just production. She is the mother to Stonecold 462” B&C, Cold Blooded 450”+, Cold Hearted 450”+, and Icon 460”+. She has had 5 sons and 4 out of 5 of them were 450”. Stonecold, Cold Hearted, & Cold Blooded are the largest set of triplets ever. Y-24 is a true Xtreme doe.
t set of Larges ver e Cold Hearted (son)tripletsCold Blooded (son)
Cold Hearted scored 450”+
super doe
Stonecold scored 462” B&C
XTREME WHITETAILS OF MO - STAFFORD, MO Bryan White - Phil Collier - Ricky Cleveland 417-343-1360 or 417-848-0014
DNA: 14951 W-132
rgest y the la l b i s s o P wins set of t
Stonecold (son)
Cold Blooded scored 450”+
PA Geronimo
Omega (son)
Sundance Mag 228 Blosser Goliath Charlie doe Sundance Mag 228 Goliath Blosser
GB Studly Y-69 BJ Maggie
Little Boomer Daisy Mae Walks Magnum
Comments: Y-6 is a power house doe from the Legendary PA Geronimo. She is packed with producing females such as Daisy Mae, Maggie & Sundowner’s mother’s wombsister. She is the mother to the legendary XL twins Alpha & Omega scoring 353 B&C and 468” B&C @3. They could be two of the highest scoring set of twins ever.
Alpha (son)
Omega (son)
Alpha scored 353” B&C @3
Omega scored 468” B&C @3
2014 Super Doe Magazine
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Texas SUPER DOES The following few pages have does that are on Texas farms and are some of the most proven Super Does in the industry! Please check them out closely and see for yourself what is putting Texas on the map. If your farm is in Texas or somewhere in the South and you are looking to build a solid foundation herd I would encourage you to call these farms for your future additions!
Thank you! To all our advertisers for your continued support.
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
4M WHITETAILS - FORT WORTH, TX Ben Mooring 817-822-8085
Red Rock
Jake the Dream Buck
4M Enola Gay
DOB: 2006 DNA: 14009 4M Blk 1 TX Super doe
4M Zero Hype @1 (AI sire)
n.a. Wilderness Bucky PJ 34 B doe
Flaco n.a. n.a. n.a. Poncho n.a. Twelve W84
4M Moab (son)
4M Ultimate Weapon (son)
4M JDAM (son)
4M Moab is Gladiator / 4M Enola Gay. he scored 458” @4.
4M Ultimate Weapon is Maxbo / 4M Enola Gay. he scored 289” @3.
4M JDAM is Gladiator / 4M Enola Gay.
super doe
4M WHITETAILS - FORT WORTH, TX Ben Mooring 817-822-8085
4M Texas Super dam
103 DOB: 2006 DNA: 24390 4M Blk 1 TX Super doe
4M Mad Talent (AI sire)
55 n.a. Wilderness Bucky PJ 34 B doe
Double Trouble Pink 20 n.a. n.a. Poncho n.a. Twelve W84
4M Gladiator’s Hammer (son)
4M Maxbo’s Hammer (son)
4M 2Wide’s Hammer (son)
4M Gladiator’s Hammer is out of Gladiator / 4M Texas Super dam. He scored 357” @4.
4M Maxbo’s Hammer is out of Maxbo / 4M Texas Super dam. He scored 348” @3.
4M 2Wide’s Hammer is out of 2Wide / 4M Texas Super dam. He scored 224” @3.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
5F RANCH - ZEPHYR, TX Lane Laning 830-832-7939
Green 68 Comments:
Zeus 331” @7 (son) Maxbo Prickly (grandson)
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Buddy DOB: 2002 DNA: 7043 n.a.
Muey n.a. n.a. n.a.
Green 68 is the Dam to Zeus, Thor, Jason, Wild Thang. Her daughter Sissy is the Dam to Easy Rider, Bomber, Hoofer. Her daughter P66 is the Dam to Maxbo Prickly and Maxbo Tex. Her daughter Athena is Dam to Dime. Her daughter Roo is the Dam to MP3 and Daniel. Her Grand Daughter Doris is the Dam to Big Dream. It just keeps going. She and her girls produce big typical frame bucks that are calm. Their fawns are always the sweetest.
Maxbo Tex (grandson)
Easy Rider (grandson)
Maxbo Prickly 336” @3. Dam is P66 Maxbo Tex 324” @3 is womb brother Easy Rider 286” @2 Dam is Sissy (Green 68 second daughter). to Maxbo Prickly. (White 22). Green 68 first daughter.
Big Dream (great grandson)
Big Dream 268” @2 Dam is Doris (Y139). Doris Dam is Sissy.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
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SEVEN OAKS WHITETAILS - UTOPIA, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM 830-796-1182
Spittin Image DOB: 2009 DNA: 78263 Hilary
Moe 86C Green 13 4M Spittin Image’s Dam n.a. Marlin Reno Lilly Wayne Mann buck 148 Pink 21 Gladiator
Comments: Myndy is a classic Super Doe in the making. She has the elite genetics to produce top quality offspring. Spittin Image/Reno/Wayne Mann Buck with a super producing mother in Hilary. Hilary has produced two Top Quality Breeder Bucks in Lonehollow’s Ignition (Myndy’s womb brother) and our own WOW XL (276” @ 2). Pair these incredible genetics with the production power of Secret Weapon and you have a dream fawn in the making.
Spittin Image
WOW XL (Hilary Son)
Sire of True Grit.
Sire of Hilary and Many Top Class Doe.
Most Prolific Buck in the Country.
Beautiful 276” @ 2 son of Maxbo XL.
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Maxbo 830-796-1182 King Leonidas Isabelle
DOB: 132242 DNA: 2012
King Pin P 601
Max Yellow 27 P.B. Pink 19
Maxbo Thicket
Y #80 Gladiator B20
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Maxbo 830-796-1182 King Leonidas Regina
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132185
Purple 302
Sudden Impact
Gladiator Brandi n.a. LB 06 Bam Bam Y0379 Gladiator 84A
Comments: Reigndrop’s pedigree consists of Gladiator’s Reign/Sudden Impact/Gladiator. What more could you ask for in a doe than a High Class Pedigree like this girl’s? She is loaded with sheer production ability. Bred Back to Gladiator II the excitement can’t be contained for this doe’s start to her breeding career and the possibilities are endless for success!
Super Moose Mighty Moose
LB 02
n.a. Peanut n.a.
Comments: Regina is a King Leonidas doe out of a dam that has produced two Bucks for Lonehollow. She is triple bred Peanut with production power. King Leonidas needs no explanation in his ability to get top producing sons and daughters. AIed and Covered by G3, she is in an elite class of her own as a doe carrying the offspring of one of the most sought after sires in the industry.
Isabelle’s pedigree consists of King Leonidas/ King Pin/Gladiator. No holes here! Strong tail female family of producers. Bred to Gladiator II, sire of G3. Putting Top Bloodlines on Top Bloodlines!
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Gladiator II 830-796-1182 Gladiator’s Reign
DOB: 107618 DNA: 2011
Max Yellow 27 P.B. Pink 19
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Moe 830-796-1182 Gladiator Yvette
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132196
King Leonidas II
Gladiator II
Clint n.a. P.B. n.a. Gladiator Brandi
Wilderness Bucky
Yvette is Double Bred Gladiator andTriple P.B. Gladiator/Gladiator II/ Wilderness Bucky. Lookout! Huge producing Bucks everywhere in this pedigree. Can’t argue Gladiator as one of the most prolific sires in the industry, then add Bucky to that! Bred to King Leonidas II, who is arguably producing some of the best bucks around, including our own Tailgunner (~400” @ 3) and she is off to a rocket start.
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
SEVEN OAKS WHITETAILS - UTOPIA, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM 830-796-1182
Walkin Tall DOB: 2012 DNA: 132200 944W
Jake the Dream Buck
Emily Mercedes
Red Rock n.a. Highroller
4M Corn Fed’s Dam Jake the Dream Buck
Star Blue 512 B20
Comments: Lexus is a doe by Walkin Tall over a producing Mercedes doe. Mercedes doe have been heating up! Siring not only our own Tailgunner (~400” @ 3), but also Lonehollow’s G3. Further back in the pedigree is Jake the Dream Buck TWICE and Highroller TWICE with Bucky for good measure. Bred to Gladiator XL arguably the hottest sire in the industry today! The only thing that can be said for this doe is Watch Out!
Walkin Tall
Jake the Dream Buck
Wilderness Bucky
One of the Best Dream Buck Sons out there!
No explanation needed! First Huge Buck in the Industry!
Needed in all pedigrees that want super production!
A Classic name producing Classic Sons!
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Gladiator 830-796-1182 Gladiator Elite Brandi II
Max Dream
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132245
Gladiator II
720 Comments: Brandi II is a Gladiator Elite/Gladiator II/Rolex doe. Full brothers Gladiator Elite and Gladiator II highlight this pedigree topped off by none other than Rolex. Double Bred Eclipse. Double Brandisuper producing doe. Bred to Max Dream for a match dream’s are made of. Look no further for the industries next top producing super doe.
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Maxbo Encore 830-796-1182 Secret Weapon Maxdoe
86C Eclipse 116A Gladiator Brandi Rolex n.a.
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132247
King George 706
Maxbo B #37 CR14J P.B. n.a. Maxbo
FW Woodard Doe 217
Maxbo Ranger
Maxdoe is a daughter of Gladiator’s Brother- SECRET WEAPON. Triple Maxbo in pedigree. Solid production found here! Bred to True Grit! Adding class to class produces results!
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Gladiator 830-796-1182 Gladiator Elite Luna
Max Dream
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132245
Bucky Archilles B15 Wilderness n.a. 843 Gladiator 648 521 Pink Comments: Luna’s Pedigree consists of Gladiator Elite/Wilderness Bucky Son/Gladiator. Double bred Gladiator. Double Bred Eclipse. Some of the most wellknown super producers in the industry. Bred to none other than one of the most sought after sires of 2013 Max Dream! Amazing production power found here!
Seven Oaks Whitetails - Utopia, TX Frank Ondrovik, DVM Gladiator II 830-796-1182 Gladiator’s Reign Reignbow
Moe 86C Eclipse 116A
DOB: 2012 DNA: 132284
Purple 302 King Leonitis
Gladiator Brandi n.a. LB 06 Maxbo 88 Gladiator Brandi
Comments: Reignbow’s pedigree consists of Gladiator’s Reign/King Leonidas/Gladiator. Double Bred Gladiator- with Maxbo and super doe Brandi to boot. Gladiator’s Reign is the womb brother to Gladiator XL’s Mom. Production Consistently! Bred to Lost Control. Further description not necessary. A true Super Doe.
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
super doe
TEXAS M3 RANCH - CHARLOTTE, TX Theresa & Fred McComas 210-385-8524
M3 Chowa
Traugott’s Razor DOB: June, 2007 DNA: 60557 M3 Myrtle
Perfect Dream (son)
Texas Dream (son)
Daydream (son) DNA# 86854, 3 year old womb brother of Perfect Dream 302” @ 3.
Texas Dream (son) DNA# 86855, 3 year old womb brother of Perfect Dream 240” @ 3.
Elam Lapp (717) 692-0527
SMR Patron Missy
Silver Dream (grandson) Perfect Legacy (grandson)
Silver Dream (grandson) DNA# 152083, 1 year old son of Perfect Dream.
All deer must be able to enter PA and they must be CWD monitored, animals will be used for scent collection and will not be used for breeding stock, pedigrees are not an issue.
Wheeler doe
Wheeler “Bub” n.a. n.a. n.a. Buddy Paco doe Pancho 15 red, Paco dau.
Chowa is the mother of the Texas Typical 3 year old Perfect Dream and his two womb brothers Texas Dream and Daydream. Perfect Dream is 28 inches wide and scores 231”. He just won 2nd place at the 2014 Nadefa show for 3 year old typical and 1st place at the 2014 DBC Golden buck contest 3 year old typical. Chowa is also the mother of breeder buck 915 Blue and granddam to 1 year olds Perfect Legacy and Silver Dream. Chowa is the daughter of Texas Typical “Razor” who is out of Wheeler’s “Bub” line. Bub is the grandsire of The Judge as well. View more photos at
Daydream (son)
Wheeler 734
Perfect Legacy (grandson) DNA# 152085. 1 year old son of Perfect Dream 193” @ 1.
“Bottlefed” fawns, does, and bucks ($300 - $600)
2014 Super Doe Magazine
34 2013 farm sire
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Breeding World Class Typicals and Non Typicals
215 2/8” @2
Copper Core’s sire is an award winning typical at NADeFA
Officially scored at NADeFA
Maxbo Bucky doe
Goldrush Hardcore doe
partnered with Rocky Ridge Whitetails on Copper Core
Zach & Kate Nelson 814-598-8644
We will be moving our herd to our new 65 acre farm in April 2014 located in Smethport, PA Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Stitches 814-598-8644 376” @6 Texas Stitch Showcasing 2014 fawns
395” @2
Blue 123 DOB: 2011 DNA: 92025
Heidi W-24
Blue 8
Drifter 403”
215 2/8” @2
Orange 23 DOB: 2013 DNA: yes
Jumbo 411” @1
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Maxbo 409” W-47 Bucky dau. Goldrush 363” @3 Y-3 Hardcore dau. Texas Tea 360” @3 Nancy Jeckyl 405” @3
Kid Roller
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Showcasing 2014 fawns
411” @1
Red 1
DOB: 2010 DNA: 70633
Comments: Red 1 was AI’d to sexed male Jumbo semen and backed up to Copper Core. Blue 13 is Vortex II 400” full sister, W-6 is the Mom to BW XLT 400”+ @3. Red 1 womb sister has a son called Golden Grade who was 248”@1 and 382”@2 located on John Ervin Stoltzfus’ farm.
proven doe
Copper Head 251” typical
Heather proven doe
411” @1
Orange 7
Powerpack 330” @2
W-47 Bucky doe
Highroller 418” Y-49 Eagle doe
Red 1
Stickers 352” Hannah Reno 310” B-413 Exbo 350” White 70
Goldrush 363” @3
B-13 400” full brother Comments: Orange 7 was AI’d to sexed male Jumbo semen and backed up to Copper Core. Her womb sister Orange 9 was AI’d to sexed male Texas Stitch semen. Red 1 womb sister is the mom to Rocky Ridge Whitetails Golden Grade 382” @2. B-13 full brother is Vortex II 400” with 17” G-2’s. B-13 mom also has another son over 400” @3.
411” @1
White 49 DOB: 2008 DNA: 33168
Y0655 Bucky Jr doe
Highroller 418” Y-49 Eagle doe Maxbo 409”
womb sis. has 382” @2 son
Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Texas Tea 814-598-8644 360” @3 Jumbo Showcasing 2014 fawns
Flees Reggie 294”
Blue 140 was AI’d to Kid Roller, he is the largest Cardiac Kid yearling ever and he is out of John Ervin Stoltzfus’ powerhouse doe Heather, Kid Roller scores 288 4/8” @1 with 25”+ beams, 3 tines over 12” 19” inside spread and 194” typical frame at only 1 year old, winning 2nd place main frame and 2nd place non typical at NADeFA. Blue 140 is backed up to Copper Core 215 2/8” @2. Blue 140 womb brother scores 271” @2.
DOB: 2012 DNA: yes
Stickers 352” Hannah Reno 310” Nancy B-413 368” @3 Goldrush Shadow W-7 Maxin dau. 363” @3 Vortex 237” Blue 13 400” full brother W-6 Maxin dau.
Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Texas Tea 814-598-8644 360” @3 Jumbo
Comments: Orange 23 is a 2013 doe fawn live covered to Copper Core. W-49 womb brother is Ridge Roller 340”+ W-49 has a 192” Complex yearling son. Y-15 has 2 sons over 300”.
Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Texas Tea 814-598-8644 360” @3 Jumbo
Blue 140 Comments:
340” womb bro. Y-15 Highroller dau.
Copper Core
288 4/8”@1
DOB: 2011 DNA: 92025
G-24 Sundance/ Heavy/ Little Boomer
Blue 123 is very tame, AI’d to Texas Stitch male semen. W-24 has a big framed 239” 2 yr. old. G-24 mom, Y-23 is a full sister to Primetime’s Mom and Dolly. Dolly has 2 sons over 400” on the Flees farmY-23 is the anchor grandmother to Dave McQuiag’s Sundrift 330” @3. We are willing to sell choice fawn or open doe. She is backed up to Copper Core 215 2/8” typical @2.
Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Copperhead 814-598-8644 251” Copper Core Showcasing 2014 fawns
Hydro Ax 300”+
Maxbo Ranger 312” Dream Ranger Flees Buddy doe 303”@3
Texas Stitch
Stickers 352” @6 Y-192
Cole Creek Whitetails - Smethport, PA Zach & Kate Nelson Cardiac Kid 814-598-8644 343” @3 Kid Roller
Nancy Jeckyl 405”
Stickers 352” Hannah Reno 310” B-413 Rolex 433” Rocket womb Highroller 418”
2 sons over 300” O-35 (RDM Goliath)
Comments: White 49 is AI’d to Jumbo 411” @1 and is backed up to Copper Core. White 49 womb brother is Ridge Roller 340”+. White 49 has a Complex yearling on Glen Lambright’s farm scoring 192” @1 with a big frame. Y-15 has 2 sons over 300”. O-35 womb sister is the mom to RDM Gold Bucky Boy 340” with a 240” typical frame.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
36 DJ Whitetails - Dundee, OH Duane Shetler - 330-231-6924 Joe Yoder - 330-763-0089
White 52
DOB: 2013 DNA: n.a. P-207 Twinkle
Maxbo O2 Hardcore B-31
Max Y-27 Peach
Summer found.
Maxbo B-37
DJ Whitetails - Dundee, OH Duane Shetler - 330-231-6924 Joe Yoder - 330-763-0089
Purple 207
Maxbo Ranger
Maxbo Ranger
DOB: 2009 DNA: 64568
White 52
Blue 2
Highroller Yellow 125 Tomahawk
Thunderstorm Mom
Thunder J.P. 111 Chopper White 18
D & W Deer Farm - Galeton, PA David Burrous Rolex 814-435-1128 Roll-on Bill Red 87
Comments: We also have more deer for sale, call for prices.
DOB: 2009 DNA: n.a.
Green 63
Magnum P-28 (Bill doe)
Comments: We also have more deer for sale, call for prices.
All Star’s Mom
Roll-on Bill
D & W Deer Farm - Galeton, PA David Burrous Timberjack 814-435-1128 RDM Timberbuck DOB: 2010 DNA: n.a.
RDM Goliath
Highroller Bl33 Goliath womb RDM Turbo W32 n.a. n.a.
Walks Magnum
Meadowview Deer Farm - Millersburg, PA Elam Lapp Stickers 376” 717-692-0527 Texas Stitch Showcasing 2014 fawns
Buckwheat dau. Comments: We also have more deer for sale, call for prices.
RDM Timberbuck
Max Y-27 BJ 1 O 105 Maxbo O-2 BJ-2 Flees Buster doe
Maxbo Hardcore
D & W Deer Farm - Galeton, PA David Burrous Rolex 814-435-1128 Tomex
Pink 59
Next year she will be AI’d to Gladiator XL. This year she was bred to a Maxbo XL son that scored 180” as a yearling.
White 52 is a yearling bottle fed doe. Danger and Hardcore are both big producers, with huge frames. Coming 2015 breeding season she will be LAP AI’d to Gladiator XL.
DOB: 2010 DNA: n.a.
BJ2/Buster doe
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Texas Stitch
Stickers 352” Y192 Hydro Ax Heidi B8 Marty Graw Hydro Ax 300” 7755 W02 Max Maxin Womb sister Annie Comments: W02 has a typical 2 yr old scoring 200”+. Texas Stitch’s mom Heidi is a great producing HydroAx doe. Heidi has never had a 2 yr old under 350”. Stitches scored 376” with an 8x8 main frame. This cross should produce a lot of width and tine length with Stitches, 2x HydroAx and Maxins womb sister as the anchor doe. Call for availability on 2014 fawns.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
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Grey 5
Danger DOB: 2013 DNA: 144018 Y 1201
Maxbo O2 Sudden Impact Big Girl
Max Y-27 Peach B-95 Bam Bam Y 0379 Buster Mandy
A 2013 doe fawn. This line will produce. Danger has more than proven himself and Big Girl along with Buster and Mandy, have anchored many great bucks.
Danger (sire) DUTCH CREEK WHITETAILS - FREDERICKSBURG, OH James Weaver 330-698-1062
Red 21
W-0064 DOB: 2012 DNA: 136401 Purple 4
Harry Cuddles Big Guy YO-340
Heavy Daisy Buster Mandy Bucky Big Girl Bart YO-261
A W-0064 doe bred to Bucky Jr. to stay pure Flees! Thes fawns should produce for years to come.
Bucky Jr (AI sire) DUTCH CREEK WHITETAILS - FREDERICKSBURG, OH James Weaver 330-698-1062
White 4
2-Wide DOB: 2012 DNA: 120822 W-222
TR Rattler P 26-01 Maxbo Hardcore W-200
TR Killer O 61-99 P-25 P-22 Maxbo B-37 Shadow W-114
White 4 is a 2 yr. old doe bred to Express. These fawns will be 3/4 Texas, with 2 of the best does in the North B-37 and Superdoe on the bottom side.
Express (AI sire) DUTCH CREEK WHITETAILS - FREDERICKSBURG, OH James Weaver 330-698-1062
Yellow 1248 Comments:
Maxbo DOB: 2009 DNA: 85892 Y0324 / LO-67
Max Y-27 Bucky Cuddles
Angus Chief doe Boomer Wald. doe Poncho Daisy Mae Buster Mandy
Yellow 1248 is a direct Maxbo doe. She was bred to Express, which will add the southern line to her fawns. She had a very nice yearling on the Flees farm this year. Y0324 is the mother to HBC and Texas Longhorn, and anchor to numerous other large bucks.
Express (AI sire)
2014 Super Doe Magazine
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Express 440-476-5743 American Express Showcasing 2014 fawns
Gladiator II A-203 Free Agent PK 0139 Wh 731 20/20 20/28 O-46 Buford Y-1281 Hardcore O-6 Lonewood doe Comments: American Express is an up & coming young sire from High Roller Whitetails. He is a big framed yearling and could be the next 2 yr. old Super star. These fawns will be 3/4 Texas with Hardcore and Lonewood on the bottom.
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Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Gladiator 440-476-5743 Gladiator’s Hammer Showcasing 2014 fawns
4M TX Super dam
4M Moab P-22
Gladiator’s Hammer
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Maxbo 440-476-5743 Maxbo XL
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Maxbo 440-476-5743 Maxbo XL
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Maxbo XL
Max Y-27 Buddy LY 141 Gambler
Y0355 Bucky doe
Savage Y0285 Kristie Comments: Y-1350 is a direct daughter of Y0285. We have a lot of faith in that Savage/ Kristie line!! With Maxbo XL on proven Flees production. 1st choice fawn is already sold out of this cross!
Maxbo XL
Sudden Impact
Powerball 400”
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Red 66
Maximus CR
Max Y-27 Buddy LY 141 Max B-37 Maxbo
Poncho/ Maverick Comments: Red 66 is a daughter of Yellow 66 known as one of the best Maxbo does ever!! She is the mother to Perfect Storm and Double Max. She is bred to Maxbo XL which will only bring more powerto an already powerful pedigree!
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Maxbo 440-476-5743 Maxbo XL Showcasing 2014 fawns
Y-63/ Y-1176
Sudden Impact
Y 0211
Max Y-27 Buddy LY 141 Bam Bam n.a. Heavy
Gr 112 (Lil Boomer) Comments: Maxbo XL on Sudden Impact!! Y0211 is known as one of Flees best Heavy does. Gr 112 is a Lil Boomer doe that promotes length to beams and tines. 1st choice fawn is already sold out of this cross.
Maxbo XL
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Bam Bam 440-476-5743 Sudden Impact Showcasing 2014 fawns
Gladiator 4M Enola Gay
Maxbo XL
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Maxbo 440-476-5743 Maxbo XL Showcasing 2014 fawns
Black 1 (Bucky)
W-18 All Star’s womb sister Comments: Red 148 is a Moab (400”) daughter out of Powerball (400”) going back to All Star’s womb sister (huge typical). She is bred to Gladiator’s Hammer! These fawns will be 2x Gladiator and 2x Black 1 the Texas Super doe!!
American Express
Max Y-27 Buddy Y0294 LY 141 Lil Boomer BJ Daisy Mae P-7 Poncho Red 97 Red 16 Comments: P-7 is the highlight of our breeding program, she has produced a 300” 2 yr. old. Her mother, Red 97 has a 400” son (Dutch Boy)!! Her grandmother is the mother to Powerball (400”)!! The bar is set pretty high for her offspring out of the great Maxbo XL!!
Moe 86C 103 Berdoll
W0079 Fluffy W0064 Y0379 Y0306 Maxbo Maxbo XL Y0294 P-26 Rocky G-72 Miss Daisy Comments: P-26 is a full sister to Rocky Ridge Greyhound 400” @3. This breeding is all about 400” proven genetics. Sudden Impact and Maxbo XL semen are all but gone!! This will be an exciting cross!!
Huntley Hill Whitetails - Huntsburg, OH Paul Troyer Jr. Bam Bam 440-476-5743 Sudden Impact Showcasing 2014 fawns
Sudden Impact
W0079 Fluffy W0064 Y0379 Y0306 Poncho Bucky Daisy Mae W-56 Savage Y0293 Kristie Comments: W-56 is a direct daughter of Bucky and Y0293, one of only 3 Savage/ Kristie does. Sudden Impact does are producing big sons everywhere. There are not many pedigrees out there with Y0306 and Y0293 in the same animal.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
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K-T’S CRAWFISH & DEER - ELTON, LA Kurt Goebel 337-246-1706
Maxbo Hardcore DOB: 5-3-12 DNA: 119980 Orange 135
Holly / R112
B-37 Maxbo Danger White 121
Max Y-27 BJ-1 Orange 105 Maxbo Orange 2 Maxbo
White 148 (Lil’ Larry doe)
Holly is bred to Danger’s Ace a 298” Danger son that is 30 inches wide. He is Maxbo Danger / Amos / Ace’s full sister with a great typical look. Call for pricing and availability on 2014 fawns.
Danger’s Ace
K-T’S CRAWFISH & DEER - ELTON, LA Kurt Goebel 337-246-1706
Maxbo Hardcore DOB: 5-5-10 DNA: 87320 White 98
K-T’s Choctaw Allstar
Maxbo Pickett
Maxbo B-37 Maxbo Pickett Y101 (Allstar’s womb)
Max Y-27 BJ-1 Orange 105 Maxbo White 58 Thunder Storm White 18 (Blazer doe)
Choctaw is bred to Danger’s Ace a 298” Danger son that is 30 inches wide. He is Maxbo Danger / Amos / Ace’s full sister with a great typical look. Choctaw has produced huge framed typical deer. Call for pricing and availability.
Maxbo Hardcore
K-T’S CRAWFISH & DEER - ELTON, LA Kurt Goebel 337-246-1706
DD Yellow 11 Allstar
Maxbo Danger DOB: 5-6-12 DNA: 128626 Choctaw O-168
Maxbo Pickett
Maxbo Orange 2 Maxbo Hardcore White 98
Max Y-27 Peach Blue 95 Maxbo B-37 Maxbo Pickett Y-101 (Allstar’s womb)
DD is bred to Danger’s Ace a 298” Danger son that is 30 inches wide. He is Maxbo Danger / Amos / Ace’s full sister with a great typical look. 2014 Fawns will have Orange 2 on top and bottom and genetics for huge frames. Call for pricing and availability on 2014 fawns.
Maxbo Danger
K-T’S CRAWFISH & DEER - ELTON, LA Kurt Goebel 337-246-1706
Mrs. T Maxbo
Gladiator DOB: 5-14-12 DNA: 128625 Green12 Poncho
Moe 86C Maxbo Green 11
Clint 96 P.B. Annie’s daughter Max Y-27 Poncho Flees Annie
Mrs. T is bred to Danger’s Ace a 298” Danger son that is 30 inches wide. He is Maxbo Danger / Amos / Ace’s full sister with a great typical look. Mrs. T is Gladiator / Maxbo / Poncho: 3 legends in the deer breeding industry. Call for pricing and availability on 2014 fawns.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
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2014 Fawns
Texas Stitch DOB: n.a. DNA: n.a. W02
Texas Stitch
Stickers 376” Heidi Hydro Ax 300” Maxin Womb sister
Stickers 352” Y192 Hydro Ax B8 Marty Graw 7755 Max Annie
W02 has a typical 2 yr old scoring 200”+. Texas Stitch’s mom Heidi is a great producing HydroAx doe. Heidi has never had a 2 yr old under 350”. Stitches scored 376” with an 8x8 main frame. This cross should produce a lot of width and tine length with Stitches, 2x HydroAx and Maxins womb sister as the anchor doe. Call for availability on 2014 fawns.
2014 Fawns
Big Tea 285” DOB: n.a. DNA: n.a. W53
Big Tea (285”)
Texas Tea W252 Spyder 430” G12
Stickers Hannah Grand Canyon Sundowner doe Rolex 427” R5 GB Magic M25
Big Tea is a huge 2 yr old scoring 285”. Texas tea is producing huge sons, Grand Canyon has produced several two year olds over 400 and brings blood flow and Sundowner is throwing frame, beams and long tines. Big Tea is as wide as Texas Tea @2 and has him beat on his typical frame by 20 inches at age 2. W53 is a Spyder doe with G12 as the dam. G12 has 2 sons scoring 220” and 240”. Proven, Proven genetics. Call for availability on 2014 fawns.
2014 Fawns
Big Tea 285” DOB: n.a. DNA: n.a. W0011 dam to 270” buck
Big Tea (285”)
Texas Tea W252 PA Geronimo G208 dam to 220” typ.
Stickers Hannah Grand Canyon Sundowner doe GB Studley Y69 Bambi Jr Y33
Big Tea is a huge 2 yr old scoring 285”. Texas tea is producing huge sons, Grand Canyon has produced several two year olds over 400 and brings blood flow and Sundowner is throwing frame, beams and long tines. Big Tea is as wide as Texas Tea @2 and has him beat on his typical frame by 20 inches at age 2. W0011 is the dam to EL Change 270”+. She is also the dam to a few other nice bucks. We all know what PA Geronimo is producing and here is a chance to get in on limited genetics. G208 is the dam to a beautiful 6x6 typical 220”. Call for availability on 2014 fawns.
2014 Fawns Comments:
Big Tea (285”)
Big Tea 285” DOB: n.a. DNA: n.a. R18
Texas Tea W252 Max DB MRW 0925
Stickers Hannah Grand Canyon Sundowner doe Max W7 Maxin 11
Y408 G-Ma to Big Rig Big Tea is a huge 2 yr old scoring 285”. Texas tea is producing huge sons, Grand Canyon has produced several two year olds over 400 and brings blood flow and Sundowner is throwing frame, beams and long tines. Big Tea is as wide as Texas Tea @2 and has him beat on his typical frame by 20 inches at age 2. R18 anchor doe is Y408 who is the grandmother to Big Rig 500” plus. Serious production in these lines. Call for availability on 2014 fawns.
Jumbo Texas Stitch
Big Tea
Scorpion Complex
2014 FAWNS
2014 Super Doe Magazine
Greg Mills - 217-202-8644
Blue 0827
White 99 DOB: 2008 DNA: 36383 P003
Redoy Bill’s mother
Wooly doe #22
BW Sunny
Sundowner DOB: 2010 DNA: 87938 Blue 0806
BW Beauty Highroller Pink 28
Sundance GB Magnum II doe BJ Maggie Sundance Yellow 4 White 99 Yellow 42
Comments: F 028 is one of our three does from the Split ll maternal line. This line is known for producing big typical frames. The Highroller combination has worked well with the Split ll line and Pink 28 is the mother to Whitetail Sales buck Bodacious. Sundowner brings in beam length and more frame. She was AI`d last fall to DW Sundragon and backed up to our yearling buck Black 16 who is double maternal line bred Split ll.
Greg Mills - 217-202-8644
Yellow 49
Sudden Impact DOB: 2009 DNA: 85774 Beauty (Sipes)
Bam Bam Y0379
W0079 Fluffy W0064 Y0306
Gzell Patrick Gzell Foundation
Comments: Yellow 49 is a direct daughter of Beauty, Mark Sipes best production anchor doe that is the Dam and Grand Dam of many brood bucks and famous does. This doe is one of our two does from the Beauty maternal line. She has had doe fawns until last year when she gave us a buck fawn out of Gladiator ll. She was AI`d to Kingpin last fall.
partner with
Greg Mills 217-202-8644
Yellow 53
Maxbo Beyond Control
FOD Desi FOD 87 Little Prince Redoy doe Moose Edna
Comments: Blue 0827 is the mother to Sam James`s Payday ( born on Kevin Grace`s farm ). Payday is a monster of a 3 year old scoring 420 0/8 and boasting a 35 2/8” inside spread with a 259” frame. She is one of our three White 99 does and also has a sharp 2 year old on our farm scoring 202” with a 7 by 6 frame sired by Sunny Son. Blue 0827 was AI`d to Complete Control last fall and backed up to Ambush, our 3 year old Free Agent / Sundance -Angela breeder.
F 028
Sudden Impact
Redoy Mustang
Greg Mills - 217-202-8644
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Sudden Impact DOB: 2009 DNA: 58242 Jewell
Bam Bam Y0379 Reno
W0079 Fluffy W0064 Y0306 Marlin Lilly Marlin Beauty
Little Beauty Comments: Yellow 53 is another one of our does going back to the Beauty maternal line which is one of the strongest maternal lines in the industry. She is a direct daughter of Jewell who is the mother of Maxbo Beyond Control. Beyond Control has been one of the most consistent sires for frame and width in recent history. She was AI`d to Triple Crown last fall and backed up to Maxbo Ranger. Either way these offspring will be winners.
2014 Super Doe Magazine
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ROCKY TOP WHITETAILS - NARVON, PA Sammy King 717-768-0645
Gladiator XL 2014 Fawns Y-62
Gladiator XL
Maxbo XL 846 Hardcore
Maxbo JRV Buddy doe Gladiator II Purple 302 Maxbo B-37 Marlin Y-40
B-80 Comments: Showcasing 2014 fawns from GXL and yellow 62. Yellow 62 oldest living son is a Jumbo buck fawn. B 80 had Triplet sudden impact sons that averaged 300” @ 2, YB 40 is the mother to the XL super sisters, sons of the super sisters are Cowboy, Frequent Flier, Free bird, Danger XL, Give us a call for availability of fawns 717-768-0645.
ROCKY TOP WHITETAILS - NARVON, PA Sammy King 717-768-0645
Gladiator XL 2014 Fawns Yellow 909
Gladiator XL
Maxbo XL 846 Big Guy
Maxbo JRV Buddy doe Gladiator II Purple 302 Bucky Big Girl Maxbo Ranger Wendy
SKY Red 40 Comments: Showcasing 2014 Fawns from GXL and Yellow 909. Stacking Frames on Frames here GXL/ Big Guy / Maxbo Ranger / Wendy. All big Frames Sky Red 40 already has a 300” 3 year old, with Big Guy and GXL on Top this is sure to be huge frames. Give us a call for availability of fawns 717-768-0645.
ROCKY TOP WHITETAILS - NARVON, PA Sammy King 717-768-0645
Jumbo 2014 Fawns Purple 1
Texas Tea Nancy Sudden Impact
Stickers Hannah Reno Blue 413 Bam Bam LG 8 Big Guy SKY Red 40
Y-909 Comments: Showcasing 2014 Fawns from Jumbo and Purple 1. Stacking inches on big frames here, purple 1 is a 2013 doe that we bred to jumbo. Sky Red 40 has a 300” 3 year old 24” wide. We are really excited about this cross. Give us a call for availability of fawns 717-768-0645.
Jumbo ROCKY TOP WHITETAILS - NARVON, PA Sammy King 717-768-0645
Triple Crown 2014 Fawns Grey 004
Yardstick Whitney Free Agent
Gladiator Tasha King Pin Emmy Reno G-5
W-12 Comments: Showcasing 2014 Fawns from Triple Crown and Gray 004, Triple crown / Free agent / Reno / G 5, Green 5 is one of Barkley Yong power does with many great son’s, this doe is packed with production. Give us a call for availability of fawns 717-768-0645.
Triple Crown
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
50 Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Showcasing 2014 fawns
395” 42 1/2” I.S. @3
Blue 54
Maxbo XL 465” @3
Y-0602 Goldrush 363” @3
Matrix full sis
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA Maxbo Y-0294 Pa Geronimo Daisaree Shadow W-7 Climax mom Tonto Red 19
Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Comments: Blue 54 only sons are 2 button bucks. Matrixie is a full sister to Matrix. Matrixie is also the mother to Matex 319” @2.
Interpreter Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Stickers Hannah 360” @3 30” I.S. Matex Tonto 319” @2 Matrixie Red 19 Matrix full sis Rolex Rigid Orange 10 390”+ Red 7 Max Yellow 408 Red 37 Comments: Big Rig grand mom Red 7 is a 3/4 sister to Big Rig. Y-408 is a great producer, she has two sons over 400”. Y-408 is also the grandmother to Big Rig 600”+ @2.
Texas Tea
Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Maxbo XL
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Texas Stitch
Yellow 75
Flees Buddy
Y-249 Maxbo 409”
Sugar Girl
LY 141 Max Y-27
Sudden Impact
395” @2
Yellow 32
Stitches 376”
Y-13 Texas Tea 360” @3
Yellow 7
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA Stickers Y-192 Hydro Ax Blue 8 Stickers Hannah Maxbo 727 Wh-47
Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Texas Stitch
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Yellow 33
Y-13 Texas Tea 360” @3
Yellow 11
Big Kid 213” @1 mother
Comments: Yellow 32 and Yellow 7 first sons are button bucks. Wh-47 is the mother to Rocky Ridge Whitetails Copper Head and Rattler.
Texas Stitch
395” @2
Stickers Y-192 Hydro Ax Blue 8 Stickers Hannah Lakota Matrixie
Matrix full sis Comments: Yellow 33 womb bro scored 250”+ @2. Yellow 11 is the mother to Big Kid 213” @1. Matrixie is a full sister to Matrix. Matrixie also has a two yr. old son we call Matex 319” @2.
Copper Head & Ratttler’s Mom
Texas Stitch
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Texas Stitch 395” @2
Yellow 42
Stitches 376”
Y-13 Solid Impact 268” @2
Yellow 18
Stonehard’s mom
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA Stickers Y-192 Hydro Ax Blue 8
Sudden Impact
Yellow 63 Harcore Matrixie
Lloyd Stoltzfus - 717-768-3471 Leon Stoltzfus - 717-768-7394
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Redoy Ben 13W Texas Tea Elijah 360” @3 Hannah B-83 Angus Max Chief doe 270” Orange 12 Y-0067 / G-208 Heavy Little Boomer doe Stickers 352”
DNA# 75077 Comments: Orange 12 does not have any sons. G-208 is the grandmother to Texas Tebo 350”+ @2 with a 39” inside spread.
Matrix full sis Comments: Yellow 42 womb bro scored 225”+ @2. Yellow 18 is the mother to Stonhard 180” @1. Matrixie is a full sister to Matrix, she is also the mother to Matex 319” @2.
Texas Stitch
465” @3
Max Y-27
Maxbo XL
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA
Showcasing 2014 fawns
465” @3
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Maxbo XL
Walnut Ridge Whitetails - Narvon, PA
Showcasing 2014 fawns
Maxbo Y-0294 Pa Geronimo 395” 42 1/2” I.S. @3 Y-0602 Daisaree Maxbo Maxbo 727 W-13 390”+ Yellow 7 Bucky Wh-47 LW-146 Copperhead & Rattler’s mom Comments: Y-7 only son is a button buck. Wh 47 is the mother to Copperhead and Rattler. The anchor doe to LW-149 (LW-146 mother) is Reggie’s mother Yellow 7.
Texas Tea
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2014 Super Doe Magazine
M & S Whitetails - Thompsontown, PA Mark Saner Texas Tea 717-363-6835 Mr T Showcasing 2014 fawns
DNA 123843
Page R4
DNA 74779
PA Geronimo
Blue 6
Stickers Hannah BJ Flees Annie Mae Studly Y69 PJ
M & S Whitetails - Thompsontown, PA Mark Saner Texas Tea 717-363-6835 Mr T Showcasing 2014 fawns
2014 FAWNS FOR SALE Mr. T @1
DNA 123843
Maxbo Beyond Control
Shelly W001 DNA 114489
Y66 Maxbo doe
Stickers Hannah BJ Flees Annie Mae Maxbo Jewell Champ Flees Bea
2014 FAWNS FOR SALE Mr. T @1
VALLEY VIEW VELVET WHITETAILS - HANOVERTON, OH Cory Thomas & Brian Wood 330-831-1054
Red #5
Shadow DOB: 5-20-08 DNA: 126509 Purple #1
Spydow @3
Maxbo Y-27 Super doe Rocket Yellow #11
Max Y-27 Boomer W-0171 Flip Y-27 Super doe Orange #25 Yellow #25
Red #5 is a six year old doe who only has three sons. The oldest is Spydow who scored 440” @2 and over 400” @3. Her second son is on Gary Maxwell’s farm and is over 220” @2. Red #5’s third son is a buck fawn out of Aces Up. Keep an eye on him to watch her production. Red #5 is AI’d to Texas Tea this year. (( WATCH OUT ))
John Whetstone 574-907-4204
Red 24 - Cindy
Maxbo Ranger DOB: 2006 DNA: 59998 O-12
Max Y-27
O-2 Charlie Foundation
O-12 is the mother to multiple breeder bucks.
Heavy Ranger WHETSTONE BROTHERS PREMIER WHITETAILS - NAPPANEE, IN John Whetstone 574-907-4204 Pink 142 - Sandy Comments:
Rolex DOB: 2009 DNA: 18803 BM Sheryl
Sandy is X-Factor’s womb sister.
Highroller Y-125 BM Bill White 15
Sundance Y-4 Max Y-42 Stormy Ben Glick doe Crab King O-0098