2014 - 2015 Breeder Catalog
ADD JUMBO PRODUCTION to your whitetail deer herd...
470� @3 A proven Super Sire
Quality - Proven Production - Consistency Quality Bucks, Does, Fawns, and Semen For Sale John Ervin & Mary Ann Stoltzfus 717-768-3336
About Rocky Ridge Whitetails Rocky Ridge Whitetails was started in 1997 and is located in Lancaster County, PA. Since then we have realized how important top quality genetics are to successful breeding. The last 6 years we have qualified in the Top 30 Breeder Auction. We are breeding, stacking, and crossing the top quality genetics, and we continually try upgrading our genetics to the highest level possible. Here at Rocky Ridge Whitetails quality comes before quantity. We feel the most important part to consistently raising large antlers is to have a quality proven anchor doe side. Anchor doe means the mother, grandmother, and great grandmother on the very bottom side of the pedigree. Accurately keeping those records is a very important part of our breeding program. We also place strong focus on width, beam length, tine length, and total mainframe inches. Our main focus is breeding for the big wide open mainframe with extras and some we are breeding for the record typical and some we are breeding for the record nontypical. This way we can keep a large variety available to choose from for our customers. The genetic traits of our doe linage offer a very promising future, All our does are DNA registered and we have some of the deepest DNA’d pedigree does the industry has to offer. Every doe on our farm has a great track record of proven anchor does. We are breeding several does to our own bucks on the farm, but we still keep AIing to several outside sires that are also Advertised and Marketed well and have the antler traits and pedigree to cross well with our does and this way we have a large variety genetics to choose from for our customers. We normally kept around 25 does each year to fawn out 2
About Rocky Ridge Whitetails on our farm, but the last 2 years we added a few more keeping around 35 to 40 does to fawn out. And we partnered with a couple other farms with a few deer since we are limited in room and time. I strongly believe we need to support our state and national associations to keep our industry strong. I am a lifetime member of NADeFA, TDA, and PDFA, and a member of several other state associations. Being a full time deer farmer is a dream come true. Farm tours are welcome, we normally have farm tours scheduled nearly every day through July and August. Please call in advance if possible to schedule your farm tour. Thank You John Ervin
Our Fawn Facility ›››
‹‹‹ Our Handling Facility
Jumbo Buck 411” & Age@1
World Record Yearling in 2012 And one of the largest mainframe DNA# ?????? yearlings ever with a 202” 8 x 8 mainframe. 4
Jumbo 470” @3 Redoy Ben W 13 352” @6, 33” IS Texas Tea Elijah 219” typ Hannah 360” @3 30” IS Blue 83 Jumbo Marlin 240” Reno Lilly 310” 27½” IS Nancy PA Geronimo 251” DNA# 117787 Blue 413 Green 18 Need some big early maturing production? Add JUMBO PRODUCTION to your whitetail herd. The proven genetic line continues and only keeps getting better, Stickers, Texas Tea, and Jumbo are all proven Super Sires. To our best of knowledge Jumbo produced more 200”+ yearlings alone in his first year than any other buck did in his lifetime with Stickers or Texas Tea in the pedigree. Jumbo’s official hard antler score is 470 3/8” @3. Jumbo grew a lot more mass (bone) and mainframe than he had @ 1 yr old, but he had a few less points than he had at 1 yr old. And he still ended up scoring nearly 60” more. Jumbo had an 8x8 mainframe at 1 and 3 years old. 5 Stickers
A peek at some of Jumbo’s first group of Yearlings in 2014.... Jumbo is consistently producing big mainframes sons all over the country!!!
Jumbo Your Doe 300”+ @1 27” IS born in WI
Jumbo King
Jumbo Tron
Jumbo Gladiator
Jumbo Son
230”+ @1 born in Lancaster, PA
Jumbo Jet
est. 300”+ @1 26” IS. Cut antlers before finished growing born in Perry, PA
200”+ @1 born in Texas
200”+ @1 born in OH
200”+ @1 born in Lancaster PA
Big Screen
Jumbo Son
200”+ @1 born in OH
@1 born in Elizabethtown, PA
Jumbo Son
Jumbo Rush
Jumbo Son
Jumbo son
275”+ @1 born in Perry, PA
230”+ @1 born in WI
@1 born in Lancaster, PA
200+” @1 born in Tyrone, PA
Sorry, we ran out of room, there are many more 200” to 300” Jumbo yearlings not pictured.
BIG STITCH Semen sold out in 2014 Now taking orders for 2015
Big Stitch 310� @4
Big Stitch is the award winning 1st Place Typical 1st Place Mainframe, and 1st Place Longest Beams at 2014 NADeFA conference. 8
Big Stitch 299 5/8” @5 Stitches Big Stitch
DNA# 50551
352" @6 33" IS
376" @6 262" typ 28" IS
Y 192
W 6002
200"+ typical
7C's Big Boy Gr 3080
Big Stitch is one of the biggest and best looking typicals in the nation with an excellent pedigree. His Sire Stitches is also an award winning 1st place typical at TDA. Big Stitch at 4 has a 267” typical frame, 15” to 16” tines, 34” beams, 27½” IS. Big Stitch is 7/8 Texas genetics. Rocky Ridge Whitetails purchased Northern semen rights from T-3 Whitetails in Texas. Big Stitch @5 got a very late start after losing his antlers on April 16 and being moved to his new location just before starting his antler growth. With all that he still ended up growing an awesome set of antlers scoring 299 5/8” mostly typical and 31” inside spread.
Co-owned with 441 Ranch & Hickory Lane WTS
Big Expression 242” @1 Sudden Express Big Expression
DNA# 170570
400"+ @2
Blue 131
Express 320" @2 Purple 11 Express 320" @3
Yellow 9
Gladiator II 327" A 203 Sudden Impact 492" Sally Gladiator II 327" A 203 Maxbo 727 390" Heather
Big Expression is a yearling that has the total package. He is loaded with Texas genetics. He is one of the biggest and best pedigree Sudden Express sons out there. Check out his DNA registration pedigree on DNA solutions, it is about as stacked as you’ll find them anywhere. Plus you have the proven Sire Express in him twice. And you have Heather one of Rocky Ridge Whitetails best proven does as the anchor doe. Give your 10 does a chance to Express their production with a straw of Big Expression Semen!!!
Co-owned with Borntrager WT’s in Florida
Golden Danger 177” @1 Black Gold Golden Danger
DNA# 174972
314" @3
W 209
Texas Tea
360" @3 30" IS
Texas Girl Danger
305" @3 32" IS
Red 9
Stickers 352" Hannah Stitches 376" Red 5 Maxbo 409" O2 Hardcore 361" @3 Heather
Golden Danger is a big frame 6x7 typical yearling and his pedigree is loaded with 300”+ big frame bucks. And you have Heather one of Rocky Ridge Whitetails’ best proven does as the anchor doe. W 209 is the womb sister to Danger Core 300”+ @2.
Co-owned with Illini Whitetails
Jumbo King 234” @1 Jumbo Jumbo King
DNA# 174969
470" @3
Red 16
High Jack's Womb
Texas Tea 360" @3
King Pin 230" @1
Jackson's Mom
Stickers 352" Hannah Reno 310" PA Geronimo Doe
Maxbo Thicket 272" @2
Highroller Doe Timberjack 439" Y 62 Firejack's Mom
Jumbo King is a big frame yearling with a pedigree of big frames and high scores. Jumbo King’s beams are 23” to 24½” and his longest tines are 12” to 13”. Jumbo was the World Record Yearling in 2012 and Red 16’s half brother is Free Agent the World Record Yearling in 2009. Also if your breeding for big body Jumbo King is one of our biggest body yearlings we ever had. We are 12 confident Jumbo King will be a tremendous producer.
Jumbo Agent 207� @1 Jumbo Jumbo Agent
DNA# 174970
470" @3
Y 184
Texas Tea
360" @3
Free Agent 528" @2
O 36
Stickers 352" Hannah Reno 310" PA Geronimo Doe King Pin 230"@1 Y 14 Doc 256" Reno's Womb Sister
Jumbo Agent is a yearling with tremendous genetics of World Record Class bucks. Jumbo was the World Record yearling in 2012. Free Agent was the World Record Yearling in 2009, and Reno was the World Record Yearling in 2004.
Danger Core 234” @1 Danger Danger Core
DNA# 140258
305” @3 32” IS
Red 9
Maxbo 409” O2 Hardcore 361” @3
Kid Roller‛s Dam
Max 270” Y 27 Peach B 95 Maxbo 409” B 37 Highroller 418” Y 49
Danger Core scored 234” @1 with an awesome frame and pedigree. Danger Core was damaged this year at 2 years old but still ended up scoring over 300”. We sold Danger Core to Pondside Whitetails for a breeder with the agreement that we own 100% of the semen rights.
Kid Roller 288” @1 Cardiac Kid Kid Roller
DNA# 140259
343” @3 35¼” IS
Reggie 294” Y 0655 Highroller 418” Y 49
Green 36 382” Y 7 Bucky Doe Bucky Jr LY 139 Sundance 262” Y4 Eagle 233” Pink 22
Kid Roller is the largest Cardiac Kid Yearling ever and he is out of our proven super doe Heather. Kid Roller scored 288” @1 with 25” + beams, 3 tines over 12”, 19” IS and a 195” typical frame at only 1 year old. In 2014 NADeFA conference Kid Roller won 2nd place nontypical yearling and 2nd place mainframe yearling. Kid Roller died as a yearling.
Co-owned with 441 Ranch & Relyb’s WTS
Southern Kid 240” @2 Southern Boy Southern Kid
DNA# 170569
309" @5 29¼" IS
Blue 116
376" @6 28" IS
Y 99
Cardiac Kid
349" @4 35¼" IS
W 157
2 Full brothers 300"+ with 15" tines
Stickers 352" Y 192 Reggie 294" Bucky daughter Reggie 294" Bucky Jr daughter
Sundowner 380"+ 30" IS
Blosser Goliath Mary
Southern Kid is a big wide open typical frame 2 year old with a pedigree that is loaded with big wide open typical frame bucks. Keep in mind Southern Boy, Stitches, Stickers, Reggie, Cardiac Kid, Sundowner, and Bucky all blew up at 3 or 4 years old. Southern Kid has 4 times Flees’ Bucky in his pedigree. Bucky scored 331” with 34” inside spread. W 157 is a proven tine length producer and her 2 full brothers scored 300”+ with 15” + tines. This year Southern 16 Boy scored 309 7/8”, 29 1/4” IS. 33” beams, 15½ & 16½” G-2s and a 247” typical frame.
Co-owned with Honey Brook WTS
Texas Stitch 395” @2
Texas Stitch
DNA# 140257
Stitches 376” @6 262” typ. 28” IS Heidi
Redoy Ben W 13 Y 192 Pure Texas Loco 193” typ. W 56 Marty Graw 220” Hydro Ax 300”+ PA Geronimo Doe Loner 262” Blue 8 Stickers 352” @6
L 6 Wallace/Patty
Texas Stitch’s official hard antler score is 395” @2, 28” IS and 476” @3, 26” IS. Texas Stitch is pictured above at 2. Texas Stitch’s mom Heidi’s first 2 sons averaged 393” @2 and both wide. Be on the lookout on Texas Stitch’s first group of yearlings growing out in the summer of 2015, As we are hearing great reports from other breeders that their biggest button bucks are Texas Stitch sons.
Black Gold 314” @3 Texas Tea Black Gold
DNA# 123848
360” @3 30” IS
Texas Girl
352” @6 33” IS
Stitches 376” @6 262” Typ 28” IS Red 5
Redoy Ben W 13 Elijah 219” Typ B 83 Stickers 352” Y 192 Lonestar 200+ @2 Purple 52
Black Gold is a Big frame 3 year old with a pedigree of big frames. And Black Gold has some big frame yearlings on our farm. Black Gold was also a beautiful 8x7 typical frame yearling. Black Gold is stacked with 2 super sires Texas Tea and Stitches.
Gold Rush 363” @3 Max 270” Y 27 Shadow 368” @3 Boomer Super Doe W 0171 Gold Rush Max 270” Maxin 323” @3 Annie W7 Highroller 418” DNA# 52830 Climax Womb Sis Harmony Y 24 Gold Rush is a proven Super Sire with many outstanding sons on the ground, and his daughters are also producing very good. In 2013 we had 4 2 year old sons on our farm from Gold Rush, 2 scored over 300” @2 and the smallest one was Hard Rush 222” @2 mostly typical with 14½” G-2s and 24” IS, 3 out of the 4 had 14” to 15½” G-2s. Rattler is also a Gold Rush son scoring 305” @4 with a big frame and long tines, And Gold Rush II this year scores 420” @4. Gone Platinum is a Gold Rush son over 400” @3. Maxbo 409”
Complex 376” @4 Maxbo 409” Complex
DNA# 52829
Max 270” Y 27 Rolex 433” JP 2
Angus Chief Doe Boomer O 27 Highroller 418” Max Daughter Johnny #2 Patty
Complex scores 376” @4 with a 245” typical frame and 31” inside spread. Complex has it all! A proven sire, a proven production pedigree, score, width, beam length, tine length, and mass. Complex’s sire Maxbo is a Super Sire and Complex’s mom O 2 is a Super Doe. She has 4 sons 3 years old an older and the smallest one scores 314” @3, 35” inside spread, 31” beams, 13” G-2’s. 20 Complex has several big frame sons.
Jackson 345” @4 Jeckyl 405” Jackson
DNA# 52827
Rolex 433” O7 Timberjack 439” Y 62
Highroller 418” Max Doe Flip 280” Super Doe Highroller 418”
RDM Goliath Womb Sis
RDM Goliath Son Redoy Bill doe
Jackson has an awesome frame, He scores 345” @4 with 26½” inside spread, 31”+ beams, long tines and matching drop tines. Jackson has 6 times 400”+ bucks in his DNA registration pedigree. Jackson’s womb sister is the mother to Powerpack 330” @2, 29½” inside spread. W 8 is the womb sister to Fire Jack 327” @5 with 18” G-2s.
Co-owned with Rocky Top WTS
Rattler 305” @4 Goldrush Rattler
DNA# 123845
363” @3
W 47
Shadow 368” @3
Bucky 331” LW 146
Maxbo 409” Super Doe Maxin 323” @3 Highroller Doe Poncho 238” Daisy Mae
Flees Willy 227” Typ
LW 129
Rattler is a big frame breeder with 14” to 15” tines. He has a great pedigree to go with. W 47 is pure Flees. She only had 1 other son and that is Copperhead 251” @4, a big typical. Copperhead won 2nd place typical at 3 years old at the NADeFA antler competition. LW 129’s mother is Y 7 a Bucky Daughter and Flees’ Reggie’s mom.
Fastball 369” @4 Powerball 400”+ Fastball
DNA# 101766
Green 8
Maxbo 409” Red 16 GB Geronimax 234” @2
Super Star 347” sis
Max 270” Y 27 Sundance 262” Y3 Max 270” PA Geronimo/Bucky Loner 262” Red 16
Fastball scores 369” @4 with a 219” typical 6x6 mainframe and 31” beams. Fastball also scored 360” @3, and 303” @2 & 26” IS. G 8 is also the mom to Hardcore Riot 330” @2. W 2 is the womb sister to Super Star 347” & 29½” IS. Red 16 is in this pedigree twice.
Upgrade 403” @4 Maxbo XL 465” Upgrade
DNA# 33173
Y P432
Maxbo 409” Y 249 Maxin 323” @3 Tamie
Max 270” Y 27 Flees Buddy LY 141 Max 270” Annie Flees Magnum 230” Y8
Upgrade is a huge nontypical with a proven producing pedigree. Y-P432’s first 2 yearling sons average 232” at 1. We only ever had 1 Upgrade son on the farm and that is Golden Grade, 382” @2.
More Bucks On Our Farm...
O 338 190” @1
Texas Tea/Slick/Typical Marty’s Sister
O 322 198” @1
Sudden Express/Greyhound/ Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom
O 350 150”+ @1
Black Gold/Slick/20-28/ Double Wide’s Sister
O 328 201” @1
Sudden Express/Express/ Maxbo 727/Heather
Breeder Bucks For Sale....
More Bucks On Our Farm...
Southern Express 200”+ @2
W 233 242” @2
Complex Jr 292” @2
Jumbo Rush 165” @1
Slick/Gold Rush/Bucky (Rattler’s Sister) 26
Southern Boy/Express
Complex/Gold Rush
Call For Pricing and availability!!!
More Bucks On Our Farm...
Cardiac Boy 245” @2 28” IS 36½” OS Cardiac Kid/Reno
Red 31 467” @4 259” typical frame
Red 20 314” @3 35” Inside Spread
Sundowner/Complex’s Mom
Gold Rush II 420” @4 Gold Rush/PJ/Bart
King Kong/Jumbo’s Mom Visit www.rockridgewhitetails.com to see pedigrees and more.
Our 3 oldest Top Proven Foundation Super Does.... Nancy 7 years old Known as Jumbo’s Mom
Nancy had 4 sons and they all have big mainframes and she has 1 daughter and she has only one son, and her only son scores well over 300” @3 with a big frame. Nancy’s sons are Red 31 467” @4 with a 259” typical frame with 32” beams, 28” IS and 14½” G-2’s. Jumbo 411” @1 with a 8x8 202” mainframe, and 470” @3 with a big 8x8 mainframe. Cardiac Boy 245”+ @2 mostly typical, 28” inside spread and 36½” outside spread. And she had another son scoring 314” @3. Nancy’s three oldest sons average 417”. Was there ever another doe that had an average like this? If there is I would like to know it and possibly try to buy her.
Heather 8 years old
Known as anchor doe to many big frame sons and Kid Roller’s Mom
Heather is the mom to Kid Roller 288” @1 with a 195” typical mainframe with 3 tines over 12”, and winning 2nd place yearling at NADeFA in 2014. Kid Roller died at 1 years old. Nearly every buck on our farm with Heather as the anchor doe is getting big with big main frames. A few more of our bucks with Heather as the anchor doe include: Big Expression 242” @1; Danger Core 300”+ @2; O 328 201” @1; Golden Danger 177” typical @1; Hard Rush 222” @2 typ. 14½” G-2, 24” IS; B 139 271” @2; Red 48 378” @3, 15” G-2, 25” IS.
O 2 9 years old
Known as Complex’s Mom
O 2 has 4 sons 3 years old and older and they are all big. Her biggest son is Complex 376” @4 with a 245” mainframe, 31” IS, 14” G-2s. And her smallest son is Red 20 314” @3, 35” IS, 13” G-2 & 31”+ beams. O 2 also has a daughter that has 2 sons, the 1 son scores 272” @3 with 15” + tines and a big frame, and the other son scores 353” @3 with 15”+ tines and a big frame.
Our 2014 Sire line up... Farm Sires
AI Sires
Jumbo Jumbo King Jumbo Agent Big Expression Southern Kid Black Gold Texas Stitch Complex Golden Danger
Jumbo Big Expression Big Stitch Southern Boy Freeze Frame Triple Crown Blue Chip Gladiator XL Go Wide Perfect Dream Texas Tea Free Agent Epic King Hardcore Wildcore
To see pictures and pedigree’s of these sires visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com 29
2015 Unborn Fawn Crosses Live Bred to Jumbo W 10 W 260 G 216 Y 184 W 236 O 332 B 110 W 235 Texas Girl B 112 O 359 O 318 O 305 O 306
Free Agent/Sudden Impact/Reggie Sister Free Agent/Reno/Dixie Free Agent/Doc/Reno’s Sister Free Agent/Doc/Reno’s Sister Frequent Flyer/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Sudden Express/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Greyhound/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Frequent Flyer/Upgrade/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Stitches/Lone Star (Black Gold & Tea Bone’s Mom Stitches/Exbo/Rolex/Vortex Mom Black Gold/Complex/Rolex/Vortex Mom XL/Complex’s Mom XL/Heather XL/Heather
AI’d to Big Stitch Blood Tested Pregnant to AI O 343 O 337 B 128 W 245 C 33 W 270 W 258 W 247 W 215
Jumbo/Frequent Flyer/Upgrade/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Texas Tea/Slick/Typical Marty’s Sister Texas Tea/PA Geronimo Texas Tea/Stitches (Black Gold & Tea Bones Sister) Stitches/Bill/Super Grandma Complex/Texas Stitch’s Mom Complex/Rigid/Big Rig’s Grandmother Slick/20-28/Bucky/Double Wide’s Mom Slick/Hardcore/Maxbo Ranger (Hardy’s Sister)
Live Bred to Southern Kid Black 6 O 335 W 222 B 161 W 232
Cardiac Kid/XL/Stone Cold’s Mom Cardiac Kid/Diesel/Heavy/Y 7 Cardiac Kid/Sundowner/Complex’s Mom Slick/Typical Marty’s Sister Slick/Gold Rush/Bucky (Rattler’s Sister)
Live Bred to Black Gold O 351
Jackson/Maxbo/Rolex (Complex’s Sister)
To See Full Pedigrees Visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com
2015 Unborn Fawn Crosses Live Bred to Big Expression O 329 Y 1336 O 340 W 250 W 48 W 209 Nancy
Cardiac Kid/Bucky Primetime/Gambler/Bucky/Cardiac Kid’s Grandmother Texas Tea/Stitches (Black Gold’s Sister) Gold Rush/Maxbo/Rolex (Complex’s Sister) Gladiator’s hammer/High Roller/Pink 12 Danger/Hardcore/Heather Reno/PA Geronimo (Jumbo’s Mom)
Live bred to Jumbo Agent W 225
Frequent Flyer/Upgrade/BW Grand Canyon/W 8
AI’d to Blue Chip Blood Tested Pregnant to AI B 131 o 321 O 331
Express/Maxbo 727/Heather (Big Expression’s Mom) Sudden Express/Greyhound/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Sudden Express/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom
AI’d to Triple Crown Blood Tested Pregnant to AI Heather Y9
High Roller/Eagle (Kid Roller’s Mom) Maxbo 727/Heather
AI’d to Freeze Frame Blood Tested Pregnant to AI R9 W 210 W 269
Hardcore/Heather Danger/Hardcore/Heather Danger/Hardcore/Bart/Heavy/Pebbles
AI’d to Go Wide Blood Tested Pregnant to AI O2
Rolex/JP2 (Complex’s Mom)
AI’d to Gladiator XL Blood Tested Pregnant to AI O 353 O 309
Complex/Cardiac Kid/Sundowner (Southern Kid’s Mom) Stone Cold/Sundowner/Complex’s Mom
AI’d to Free Agent Blood Tested Pregnant to AI Y 14
Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom
To See Full Pedigrees Visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com
2015 Unborn Fawn Crosses AI’d to King Hardcore Blood Tested Pregnant to AI O 356 O 317 Y 406
Jumbo/Vortex II/Complex’s Mom Jumbo/Free Agent/Doc/Reno’s Sister Jumbo/Free Agent/Sudden Impact/Reggie’s Sister
AI’d to Epic R 47
Upgrade/BW Grand Canyon/W 8
The following does we are in partnership on other farms
AI’d to Wildcore W 62 R 43
Rolex/Vortex’s Mom Gold Rush/Hardcore/Soaring Eagle
Ai’d to Big Expression B 140 O9 O 23
Copperhead/Heather Power Pack/Gold Rush/Vortex II Sister Jumbo/Jeckyl/High Roller/RDM Goliath
AI to Jumbo Male Sexed Semen R 1 W 49 W 54 Pur 23 W 205
Gold Rush/Vortex II sister Jeckyl/Highroller/RDM Goliath Shadow/Soaring Eagle Rattler/Shadow/Soaring Eagle Complex/Jeckyl/High Roller/RDM Goliath
AI to Black Gold
Male Sexed Semen Red 58 Complex/Rolex/Vortex’s Mom O7 Powerpack/Goldrush/Vortex II Sister
To See Full Pedigrees Visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com 32
2014 Doe Fawns Y 406 Jumbo/Free Agent/Sudden Impact/Reggie’s Sister Y 442 Jumbo/Danger/Hardcore/Bart/Heavy/Pebbles Y 465 Jumbo/Black Gold/Danger/Hardcore/Heather Y 471 Jumbo/Sudden Express/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Y 473 Jumbo/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Y 414 Gladiator XL/Heather Y 415 Gladiator XL/Greyhound/Sudden Impact/Jumbo’s Mom Y 484 Gladiator XL/Sudden Impact/Bucky/Savage/Kristie Y 422 Triple Crown/Express/Maxbo 727/Heather Y 428 Federal Express/Texas Tea/Stitches Y 430 Federal Express/Primetime/Gambler/Bucky/LY 139 Y 462 Sun Dragon/Cardiac Kid/Sundowner/Complex Mom Y 466 Texas Stitch/Danger/Hardcore/Heather Y 454 Texas Stitch/Goldrush/Complex Sister Y 460 Texas Stitch/Jumbo’s Mom Y 479 Texas Stitch/Texas Tea/PA Geronimo Y 474 Black Gold/Stitches Y 452 Black Gold/Slick/Typical Marty’s Sister Y 423 The Big One/Free Agent/Doc/Reno’s Sister A solid outstanding group of doe fawns built for the future...
To See Full Pedigrees Visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com 33
The Old Man STITCHES “The consistent frame producing genetic line.”
Stitches @4
8x8 mainframe first place typical at TDA’s 2009 scoring contest
Stitches 376” @6 262” mainframe first place award at TDA’s 2011 scoring contest
STITCHES genetics is very rare.... There are only 4 Stitches Does in the north over 1 year old. And they are all owned by Rocky Ridge Whitetails.
Sires with Stitches genetics we are breeding with in 2014 Big Stitch (Stitches son) Texas Stitch (Stitches Son) Southern Boy (Stitches Son) 34
Black Gold (Stitches grandson) Southern Kid (Stitches grandson) Texas Tea (Stitches ½ brother)
THANK YOU for taking the
time to check out our breeding program. A special thank you to our growing list of new and repeat costumers, without you we would not be able to do what we love to do (raise top quality whitetail deer). We hope our genetics work as well for you as they have for us. It is very exciting for us to see our costumers achieve great results from the genetics off our farm. Our number one goal is honesty and integrity, how I would want to be treated in a fair business is how we treat you. We look forward to meeting all the great people in the up-coming deer auctions and farm tours throughout the year. Wishing you successful deer farming and God’s Blessings!
John Ervin & Mary Ann Stoltzfus
BIG STITCH 310” @4
Award winner of: 1st Place Typical 1st Place Mainframe 1st Place Longest Beams at 2014 NADeFA conference scoring contest.
Purchased Northern Semen rights from T-3 Whitetails
John Ervin & Mary Ann Stoltzfus • 717-768-3336 6099 Wanner Rd. • Narvon PA 17555 Visit www.rockyridgewhitetails.com Website owned and operated by Whitetail Quest