Watermelon Festival 2014

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2014 North Carolina

Watermelon Festival Fair Bluff, North Carolina • July 12-19

Hope Richardson Retiring North Carolina Watermelon Festival Teen Miss

Macie Peterson Retiring North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queen

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 2 hearts to me. I will forever be grateful. Also, thank you Bob Hensley and the Rhododendron girls and their families for everything you have done reflect on these memories I for me this year. You all will want to give special thanks to always hold a special place in some of the people that made my heart. this year unforgettable. Lastly, thanks to God and To my mom, I’m not sure his timing, my dream was met that I can put on paper just

Queen farewell

Words couldn’t express what this year has meant to me. In fear of leaving something out, I simply want to start by just saying thank you. Thank you for what has been a lifelong dream and one of the best years of my life. I had often looked to represent a town like Fair bluff but a good friend reminded me that all things happen in God’s time. On the night of the 2013 pageant, my time had come. It, however, wasn’t my time to win a pageant; it was my time to empower a voice for a town and festival that would ultimately show me what it means to have a home away from home. Although my physically home is in the mountains, I came to appreciate all of North Carolina through my year as the N.C. Watermelon Festival Queen. From the West to the East my heart has become filled with memories and people that will forever be cherished. Every second of my reign has built me into the person you see today. To

how much you mean to me. You have always been the wind beneath my wings. I have enjoyed every trip made and will treasure all the stories and laughs shared together. You have always supported my and never let me lose confidence in myself when I thought all was lost. Thank you for always being understanding and for being there when I needed you most even when it was just a phone call to hear your words of encouragement. Your efforts to always make sure I had everything I needed never went unnoticed. I love you. To Sarah, you are my support team and my best friend, I will never forget the night I won as I saw you and Lauren jump from the middle of the auditorium with screams of applause and congratulations. You know more than anyone

and I was able to reach out and talk to people from across the state about not only the N.C. Watermelon Festival, but also about the impact it has had on me and what it can do for others. Thank you for this year and for allowing me to always be 2013-2014 North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queen.

Debutante farewell

Macie Brooke Peterson 2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Queen else what this title meant to me and never left my side this year as we traveled the state together. To Judy, Emily and the rest of the festival committee, thank you for allowing me this experience and for having the faith in me to fulfill my duties as this year’s queen. I hope I never let you down. Thank you for every opportunity you have given me and for opening your homes and your

This past year representing the North Carolina Watermelon Festival has been a blast. I have really enjoyed representing the town of Fair Bluff also. It was such an honor being selected as the first melon debutante to represent the N.C. Watermelon Festival. It is a memory I will always treasure. First of all, I like to thank B.H. Small Company (granddaddy, grandmama and uncle Randy) for sponsoring me in the melon debutante contest. I was so proud to represent Katherine Corinn Edwards 2013 N.C. Watermelon one of Fair Bluff ’s well esFestival Debutante tablished businesses. Next, I would like to thank aunt Also, I would like to thank Carolyn for always taking Emily Worley for keeping great pictures of me. You are Continued on page 3 a wonderful photographer.

Welcome to Fair Bluff’s 2014 Watermelon Festival A Message from the Mayor . . .

Mayor Billy Hammond

On behalf of our town government and citizens, we welcome tourists and guests to our fine town and community! It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy the many attractions we have in Fair Bluff. The picturesque setting of the Lumber River, especially viewed from a stroll along the boardwalk, will make photo memories to last a lifetime. The local Depot-Museum has over a hundred years of town history on display, including civil war memorabilia. Columbus County’s oldest building is

located near the American Legion, just west of town. It is known as the “Trading Post” You’re invited to browse our streets, visit our merchants and get to know some of North Carolina’s finest people. We love tourists and hope your visit is a rewarding and wonderful experience. In the event you encounter a problem while in our town, I welcome your comments. You may call me at 910-649-7423 or write me at P.O. Box 157, Fair Bluff, N.C. 28439.

Downtown Historic Fair Bluff welcomes everyone to come, bring the family, and have fun during this year’s Watermelon Festival.

TOWN OF FAIR BLUFF Billy Hammond - Mayor

Council Members: Lester Drew, Carl Meares, Jr., Jack Meares, Randy Spruell Britt and Clarice Faison. Town Clerk - Peggy Moore

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 3 Crew, thank you for being my stylist and for always picking out my dresses, yall are just like family. this crown. Without you, it My queen, thank you for wouldn’t be on my head right all the encouraging words and now. Thank you for driving for being honest if I ask you me to all of my appearances what I’m wearing was cute and for all the times you put or not. Thank you for taking the finishing touches on my cute pictures with me and for outfits. I’m so thankful for all the hugs that I forced you your tips, even if I tell you to give me. You’re the best that you don’t know what queen ever, I love you. you’re talking about. To the future Miss North Daddy, thank you for beCarolina Watermelon Festiing so supportive. Thank you val Teen Miss, you are in for for always helping me stay grounded and keeping my eyes on the Lord. Also, thank you for my pageant allowContinued from page 2 ances. Judy, you are the best me informed of upcoming pageant director ever. You are events. You did a fantastic just like a grandma to me. You job. A special thanks goes to made me feel like I was a part my mom, dad and my brother, of your family. Charles for always supportEmily, you are the best. ing me at parades, pageants, Thank you for every touch festivals and special events. I up, shopping trip and for the Hope Richardson love you all lots. Last, but not time I forgot my signs and 2013 N.C. Watermelon least, I would like to thank the you stayed up all night makFestival Teen Miss ing me new ones. You will do anything to make your girls me straight. I love you to the be the best. moon. Raina, thank you for being Sawyer, thank you for bemy best friend. Thank you for ing my dance partner and for coming to my parades and for reminding me who everyone fixing my crown when I put it is at all the festivals. on crooked. You always keep Callie Ray and the Foxy

Teen Miss farewell

Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Being Miss North Carolina Watermelon Festival Teen Miss has been such an amazing journey. It has taught me that pageants aren’t just about beauty, but about good character, and of course in this case, watermelon. I can’t believe that just one year ago, I was back stage shaking out of my heels and practicing my talent while spinning around in circles. Since then, being a part of the watermelon family has made me so much more confident and has prepared me for anything that gets thrown my way. First, I would like to thank the best parents in the world. I love you both with all of my heart. Mama you deserve

Enjoy the 2014 Watermelon Festival

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the best ride of your life. The next year for you is going to be amazing. I hope you love watermelon because this coming year will be full of it. You will have the time of your life attending the street dances and meeting all the sweet people that make the Watermelon festivals amazing. Remember to always keep a smile on your face and to always keep your eyes on Christ, because without him, you wouldn’t be where you are today. Never forget that.

Debutante farewell

N.C. Watermelon Festival for giving me the opportunity to represent them and the town of Fair Bluff. This has been a great experience and one I will always cherish. Your first melon debutante Katherine Corinn Edwards.

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 4 that our outfits would be ready on time and the most beautiful. I love all of you so become too old for pageants, much. To my family, thanks for alwe will be able to have this experience again as pageant sis- ways supporting me in everyters. Thank you all for being thing I do, whether it’s playmy biggest supporters. I love ing sports, performing my dance, or being in a pageant. all three of you. To Pop Pop and Grandma To the Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Sheila, thanks for always thank you for blessing me spoiling me with anything I with the opportunity to repre- wanted. To Grandma Mable and sent such as great festival. Grandma Jeanie, thanks for To T.J. and Emily, thank you for always keeping me always trying to support me and momma informed on when I was in the pageant or when and where we needed to entertaining. To Pa Mark and Francis, be. To Carolyn, thanks for thank you for always letting helping me practice and al- us borrow your little BMW to ways giving me the advice I drive around in style, when I was in a parade. needed to hear. Alexis Bowen To aunt Crystal, thanks To Charlene, thank you for 2013 N.C. Watermelon for taking time off of work doing my hair and make-up Festival Junior Miss before and during the pageant to fix Briley’s hair and makelast year, (since momma was up during the pageant, and momma bought me a new out- so nervous). I will appreciate to support us both. Even if sometimes you were as nerfit. it forever. To Briley, even though we To Kadi Jo, thank you for vous as momma was. Thank have had our share of argu- fixing mine and Briley’s hair you all for everything you do, ments and don’t always see and make-up for our pictures. I’ll always love each and every eye to eye, I wouldn’t trade I know we appreciated it a lot. one of you. To my pageant sisters, you for anything in this world. To Bonnie, thanks for all of I have truly enjoyed our reign those last minute alterations Mattison, Tori and especially together. I hope that before I and for reassuring momma Briley, I have enjoyed every

Junior Miss farewell

This past year as Junior Miss Watermelon has been one of best experiences of my life, I have truly enjoyed every second of my reign, from riding in parades to entertaining and visiting at various pageants and parades. Although, I have had some of the best experiences ever, I couldn’t have done any of it alone. First off, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because without him, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish anything that I have so far in my life. Second, I would like to thank my incredible, loving parents and sister. Momma, thank you for being my “personal assistant,” and for everything you do. You always made sure that I looked my very best, and that I always had something to wear. Daddy, thanks for always taking time out of your schedule to ride me in parades. You always made sure that I had a car to ride in and that it was in top-notch shape. Thanks for also not getting mad when

July is a special time for my hometown of Fair Bluff. I look forward to returning each year and meeting old friends and making new ones. Thanks to the Watermelon Growers Association, and all the volunteers who work so hard to promote agriculture in North Carolina. Sincerely, Bill Rabon

second of your time together. Whether we were taking pictures, meeting new people, or representing our title at various events. I am always here for all of you, and love each of you dearly. To each contestant running in the pageant, no matter what the outcome will be, always remember you’re beautiful inside and out. To the next Junior Miss Watermelon Festival always remember to have fun and enjoy your reign. It goes by way too fast, I wish you the best of luck. For the last time, I am and always will be your 2013-2014 North Carolina Watermelon Festival Junior Miss Alexis Jade Bowen.

NC Senator, Bill Rabon

NC Watermelon Festival July 12-19 Downtown Fair Bluff, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 5 and not complaining because my lifetime sponsor and pro- together. we had to go to a pageant, viding a car whenever I needTo the next North Carolina parade or just an event that ed it and to Mr. Cece, thanks Watermelon Festival Little I had to attend you all did it for driving me in every single Miss, wear your crown with with a smile. I love you. Roger, parade I will never forget all pride and always remember thank you for always open- of our laughs and silly times it’s not the crown on your ing your wallet and giving that we spent together. head it’s what’s in your heart. me the money to get whatever Torri Rayne, Briley and Get ready because this year I needed and by the way all Alexis, this year has been so will go by in a blink of an eye. those Watermelons that you much fun and I have had an With lots and lots of Watermade for my opening number amazing time getting to know melon love, I am and forever outfit last year made my outfit each of you. You girls will will be your 2013-2014 North look amazing. Thank you for go far in your future. I will Carolina Watermelon Festival the endless hours spent just to miss you and will cherish the Little Miss Mattison Grayce make sure I looked my best at memories that we have made Hayes. last year’s pageant and all the time. I love you. Ryleigh, not only are you my sister you are my best friend and fellow festival queen. It was such an honor to be able to watch you get crowned 2013 North Carolina Mattison Hayes Yam Festival Little Miss; you 2013 N.C. Watermelon had one proud big sister. I love Festival Little Miss you more than words could To my mommy, where do ever say. Meme, Ada, Aunt Tiffany, I begin? You spend endless hours making sure that I have Lexi and Peyton, thank you the most fabulous things to for always believing in me wear, you make sure that I and for telling me how beautihave just what I need and al- ful I am. I love you. Mitzi’s Girls with all of you ways tell me how beautiful I Pictured are Miss N.C. Johna Edmonds and the N.C. I had my own personal cheeram, you are my biggest fan. I Watermelon Festival Queen, Macie Peterson. Peterson ing section. Thank you. Also, love you to the sun and back. has been traveling this past year from the mountains Roger, Landon and Collin, a special thank you to Judd and coast to various festivals, parades, farmers markets thank you for sucking it up Kuhn of Little River for being and pageants.

Little Miss farewell On this very stage exactly one year ago, I was waiting to see it my name would be called to fulfill my dream of becoming a Watermelon Queen, I was in shock “did they really just call my name?” and surely enough I was crowned your 2013 North Carolina Watermelon Festival Little Miss and what a fun year it has been. I would first and foremost like to thank God for allowing me to be standing here today. Thank you to the judges that believed in me. It has been an honor to represent the North Carolina Watermelon Festival and its growers, also the town of Fair Bluff. This has been an experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. A huge thank you to Emily Worley for always keeping us all up to date on where we needed to be. Judy Enzor, thank you for such a wonderful organized event. Both of you are so amazing, T.J., thank you for all you have done for us throughout this year. I will miss you all.

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2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 6

Tiny Miss farewell

Mini Miss farewell

Who would have thought One year ago I was crowned that one year ago I would have your North Carolina Waterbeen crowned your 2013-2014 melon Festival Mini Miss. It North Carolina Watermelon has been a year that all little Festival Tiny Miss. I was so girls dream of. Dressing up, excited when they called my putting on make-up, styling name, I couldn’t stop smiling. your hair, wearing beautiful This year has been one I will clothes and jewelry. Then topnever forget and the best part ping it off with a big, sparkly is I got to share it with my big crown, and instantly turning sister. But none of it would into a beautiful princess. It have been possible without the was so exciting to represent good Lord, he walked with me the Watermelon Association at every step of the way. all the festivals, pageants, and There are a lot of people I parades. I really enjoyed meetwould like to thank for making ing new people, making lots of this year so special. big and little new friends and First I would like to thank riding on beautiful cars while my family, to my mommy, people screamed out my name thanks for encouraging me to saying “Aww, she’s so pretty.” I do my best, taking me wheralways used my manners and ever I needed to go and always represented you as a queen making sure I looked my very should at all events. I hope I best. I love you. have made you proud, and will Briley Bowen To my daddy, thank you for always be a part of the Water2013 N.C. Watermelon driving me in the parades and melon family. Tiny Miss always supporting me in every And now, I would like to recway, I love you ognize some wonderful people To my big sissy, Alexis, your 2013-2014 Tiny Miss Wa- who have helped to make my thank you for always being termelon Briley Bowen. there for me and watching out for me. This year has been the best and I loved sharing it with you. To aunt Crystal, thank you for making me so pretty at last year’s pageant. You are a great aunt. To Mamel, Gigi, Gand, and Pop Pop, thanks for always being my cheering section. To Pa Mark and Frances, thanks for letting us use the BMW for parades. You know blue is my favorite color. To Carolyn, Charlene, and Lyla, thanks for all of your help last year it meant the world to me. - (910) 649-7220 To Bonnie, thanks for my 899 Main Street, Fair Bluff, NC pretty outfits. You always put your special touch on them. To Kadi Jo, thanks for making me look beautiful in my pictures. You always do a great job. To T.J., thanks for being such a great director and for everything you do. To Emily, thanks for keeping my mommy updated on the current events and times. To the Fair Bluff Watermelon Grower’s Association, 116 East 1st Ave., Chadbourn, NC 28431 thank you for the opportunity Located next to The News Times Office to represent such a great festival. Jay Suggs Jr., Owner To my pageant sisters, thanks for being part of such Unbelieveable Color Match • Unbeatable Prices a great year, I will never forget you. For the last time, I am

or pageants and lots of girls would never get to experience their fairy tale year as queen. Emily Worley, for all your hard work and dedication. T.J., for taking time out of your busy schedule to direct such a great pageant. Much love to all you ladies. Thank you aunt Blair for helping mom out on pageant night and making sure I was fixed just right. Julianna Foley, thanks for your help with my make-up emergency. Jessica Rogers, thank you for my beautiful signs that I used all year. You are one talented lady. To Jeff Prince and Randy Coleman, thanks for making sure I always had beautiful Torri Rayne Miller cars in the parades, I never 2013 N.C. Watermelon understood why Nana always Mini Miss had to take them back. A very special thanks to my year special. (Mr. Jack) Meares, for letting Judy Enzor, for all the endless, unnoticed hours that you me ride in style in the parades. put into this festival. I thank I love you Jack. And I know you and love you, without Continued on page 7 you there would be no festival


Welcome To Fair Bluff’s

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Watermelon Growers Association

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Mini Miss farewell Continued from page 6

you love me to. I sure made your car look good. LOL. Carolyn Foley and Bob Morgan, thanks for all the beautiful pictures that will give me lasting memories of this past year. Margie Flowers, you are one beautiful, special lady, I hope to possess some of your special qualities as I grow into a young lady. Love you. Aunt Sue and uncle Jim, you two are the best. Thanks for your love and support this past year. Jim, I will never forget you taking my picture around showing it off to all your friends. Love you both very much. Cameron, thanks for being my best buddy and my biggest fan. Love you. Grandma Martha, thanks for all your love, support and prayers for me this past year. God bless you for what you mean to me and our whole family. I love you. To my beautiful aunts, Onnie, Blair and Lori Lee, thanks for all the pictures, your love and support you have shown me this past year. All my love.

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 7 Miller, Koven, Lexi, Bryson car during parades, so I could ing my reign,. You always and Kendyl, you are the great- be the one to shine. went behind her and added est cousins in all the world. I To my mom, the best mom your special touch as only a love you all. in the whole world. You have mom can do. Thanks for being Papa Ric,remember when I dedicated all your love and so proud of me this past year. won and I held up my trophy support to me, not only this I seen it in your smile and in and yelled to you “look, Papa past year, but since the day I the sparkle in your eyes. I love Ric.” I bet you had tears in was born. No matter where we it when you tell me that “I am your eyes. Words cannot de- are or what we do, we always a diamond in a rhinestone scribe how much I love you, have the best times together. world.” Thanks for everything You will always be the num- Even though you stepped back and remember mom, I love you ber one man in my life. I sure and let Nana take charge dur- this much. know how to put a sparkle in your eyes, with or without a crown on. Love you bunches. Nana, what a special year My name is Andilyn Grace you and I have had together. You are most definitely a pag- Barnes. I was your 2013-2014 eant expert. You always picked North Carolina Watermelon the perfect clothes for each Festival Melon Princess. I want to thank the Waterevent, made sure my hair and melon Growers Association make-up was just right, always for letting me represent our had lots of lipstick ( I love lip- little town of Fair Bluff. stick). You made sure I always A big thank you to Emily stood like a queen and sat like Worley for keeping everything a lady. You taught me that my in order for all the queens. smile and my heart should Thank you Brandy for letalways outshine my crown. ting me use your car and Travis for diving me in the Thanks for every minute you spent with me this past year. parades. Papa, River and mama you I love you Nana, with all my all rock for just being yall. heart. Alli B., my beautiful little Ha d a blast with all the other sister. I love you so much, espe- girls...love you all and thank you again for leaving me with cially when I got all dressed up so many sweet and precious Andilyn Barnes and heard you say “sissy pret- memories....Hugs.. Your Mel2013 N.C. Watermelon ty.” Thank you for all the times on Princess. Festival Melon Princess you hid in the back seat of the

Melon Baby farewell

Melon Princess farewell

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2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 8

Queen Contestants

Crystal Bellamy Parents: Royce and Lora Harper Tabor City

Salem Sherrill Parents: Gary and Dreisa Sherrill Troutman

Directions to Fair Bluff

Note that the directions below will vary depending on your start location. The North Carolina Watermelon Festival Committee would recommend that you review your starting location with other online maps such as MapQuest at www.mapquest.com. Furthermore, note that these generalized directions may not be for going the shortest distance or the shortest amount of time.

From Columbia, S.C.: Merge onto I-20 E via Exit 16 toward Florence, South Carolina. Merge onto I-95 N via Exit 141A on the left toward Fayetteville (crossing into North Carolina). Take N.C. 130 exit (Exit 2) toward N.C.-904 (Rowland/ Fairmont). Turn Right onto N.C. 130 / N.C. 130 BYP E. Turn Right onto N.C.-904. Fair Bluff Baptist Church should be directly in front of you. Turn Left onto U.S.-76/

Lindsey Robinson Parents: Freddie and Lisa Robinson Marion

Resa Scaturro Parents: Michael “Seal” and Terry Scaturro Florence, S.C.

Alicia Avellaneda Parents: Jennifer and Franco Avellaneda Clarkton

Main Street/N.C. 904. Follow U.S. 76/Main Street till you see BB&T Bank on your left. Riverside Drive runs beside BB&T Bank around the back of the Main Street stores. You will probably have to find a place to park somewhere behind BB&T bank or on Main Street. Riverside Drive will be blocked off on Festival Day and vehicles will not be allowed to park there. From Raleigh: Merge onto I-40

E. Merge onto I-95 S via Exit 328 A toward Benson/Fayetteville. Take the U.S.-74 E exit (Exit 14) toward Maxton/Laurinburg. Follow U.S.74 E until you see Chadbourn/ Tabor City Exit which will be Hwy. 410. Take Hwy. 410 - to U.S. Hwy. 76 W. Follow U.S. Hwy. 76 W to Fair Bluff. Go through the outer city limits of Fair Bluff until you reach see BB&T Bank on your right. (You will pass Fair Bluff

Ford, Dollar General, Piggly Wiggly, Johnny’s Drive In, Lovett’s Plaza, Fair Bluff United Methodist Church - BB&T will be beside the Fair Bluff United Methodist Church). Riverside Drive runs beside BB&T Bank around the back of the Main Street stores. Park somewhere behind BB&T bank or on Main Street. Riverside Drive will be blocked off on Festival Day.

Welcome To Fair Bluff’s 2014 Watermelon Festival! As your Senator in Raleigh, the welcome mat is out, please feel free to meet with me during the Watermelon Festival. It’s an occasion for friends to gather and enjoy fellowship. I salute all who devote time and energy to promote farming in North Carolina. Our thanks to the Watermelon Growers Association and all volunteers who dedicate themselves to a better agricultural future. Sincerely, Senator Michael Walters

State Senator - Michael Walters

Visit All Events During the NC Watermelon Festival We Look Forward To Seeing You There

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 9

Teen Mi

ss Co ntest ants

C s s i M g n You

s t n a t s e t n o


xan d Phi Pare ria Sm llip n all and ts: Cer Smal Sheil a ro G l ord o


nda Pare Fisher Lyn nt: Flor n Robe r enc e, S ts .C.

Enjoy The Festival!

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“HAVE A GREAT FESTIVAL!” From All Your Friends at Enroh LP Gas

Thanks to all the folks who work so hard every year to make Fair Bluff’s Watermelon Festival a reality. It is a wonderful event, and greatly enjoyed by all who attend. See you at the festival!

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FOR FAST SERVICE, CALL 654-5806 638 Brown Street, Chadbourn

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 10

Tiny Miss Contestants

Claire Olivia Coker Parents: Jeremy and Jodi Coker Tabor City

Kailee Ana Ivey Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ivey Chadbourn

Jennings Hardin Parents: Justin and Laci Hardin Whiteville

Brynlee Aleese Freeman Parents: Candace and Brandon Reaves Gracelyn Elizabeth Johnson Whiteville Parent: Savannah Johnson Cerro Gordo0

Alexis Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo

We Salute the NC Watermelon Festival Growers Association! HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H State Representative Ken Waddell H H

Those of us who represent you in Raleigh are proud of the job you are doing to promote agriculture in our state. I have close ties with the town of Fair Bluff and look forward each year to your gracious hospitality and the NC Watermelon Festival. May this year be your best ever. Sincerely, Kenneth Waddell

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 11

Schedule of Events for the 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival

‘Melon Good Times’ Tickets: $25 per person. To order tickets - get form from The News Times or from www. ncwatermelonfestival.org. Sponsored by the Fair Bluff Saturday, July 12 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Water- Watermelon Growers Associamelon Day. Columbus County tion, Inc. Community Farmers Market 8:45-11 p.m. Immediately - Whiteville. Come meet the queens and enjoy watermelon. following Delight N.C. Watermelon Festival Street Dance. Free to the public. Parking Lot beside Fair Bluff Baptist Church. Sunday, July 13 3 p.m. Baby Miss, Wee Saturday, July 19 Miss, Mini Miss, Tiny Miss, Festival Day Little Miss and Junior Miss 7-9:30 a.m. Entries for Best pageant. West Columbus High School Auditorium. Admis- Tastin’ Watermelons on Rivsion $8 per person. For more erside Drive/downtown Fair Bluff. Watermelons must be information call 910-918-9994. pre-registered this year. Call 910-207-1698 to pre-register. Friday, July 18 6:30-8:30 p.m. Southern 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Arts and Watermelon Delight Fair Bluff Baptist Church Chris- Crafts booths. Entertainment tian Life Center, (1205 Main - Rev. Neill Smith. Street- Fair Bluff)

8 a.m. Registration for festival visiting queens, chaperones, judges and auditors. (Invitation only) Fair Bluff Depot Museum, 339 Railroad Street, Fair Bluff. Sponsored by the Fair Bluff Historical Society. 10 a.m. Best Tastin’ Watermelon of the Carolinas Contest on Riverside Drive. Watermelon slices available all day. 11 a.m. N.C. Watermelon Festival Parade. Chairperson Woody Strickland. Sponsored by Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc. Parade route starts at 685 Academy Street; turn right onto Hwy. 904; turn left onto Hwy. 76 W. (Main Street); turn left onto Railroad Street; then turn right onto Hwy. 904 W.; turn left onto Academy Street; return to 685 Academy Street school grounds.

12:15 p.m. N.C. Watermelon Festival Luncheon for Dignitaries and invited guests, Lumber River Visitors Center, 6:30 p.m. N.C. Watermel1205 Main Street, Fair Bluff. By Invitation Only. Spon- on Festival Young Miss, Teen sored by Brunswick Electric Miss and Queen Scholarship Pre-show and Pageant at the Membership Corporation. West Columbus High School 1 p.m. N.C. Watermelon Auditorium, Hwy. 76 - six miles Festival Public Watermelon east of Fair Bluff. Auction, Riverside Drive, Fair ALL DAY: Inner Tube and Bluff. Canoe Rides. Gatorades and 1:45 p.m. Largest Water- Paracord Bracelets. Lummelon Contest, Watermelon ber River Canoe Rentals, Seed Spitting, Watermelon LLC. Contact Kenton BullEating, Legs Contest, Hat ard at 641-7139. Contest, Riverside Drive, Fair For more information Bluff. about the festival visit the 2 p.m. Duck Race near Boat website at www.ncwaterLanding at Riverside Drive, melonfestival.org or call Fair Bluff. $10 per ticket. Spon- 641-7442. sored by the Fair Bluff Rotary T-shirts (children and adult sizes) Club. Contact any rotary mem- available at B.H. Small Co., Elvingber of Jeff Prince at 649-7531. ton Drug, Smash Hits.

Dewey Hill & Company DON’T BUY


welcomes everyone to the Fair Bluff Watermelon Festival. We invite you to visit any Hills Food Store for super low food prices during your visit.

D.D. Cox Agency, Inc.

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Phil Gore, Sales Manager Cheryl McRae, Representative Charlie Gore, Representative Pam Stanley, Office Representative 16 White’s Crossing Plaza, Whiteville

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2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 12


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FAIR BLUFF FORD Just East of Town on U.S. Hwy. 76 - Follow the Signs. Call: (910) 649-7531 or (888) 870-FORD • Fair Bluff, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 13

From babies to animals, everyone loves the Watermelon Festival

The North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queen and Teen Miss attended the recent Rhododendron Festival in Bakersville. Pictured left to right are the North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queen Macie Peterson, North Carolina Watermelon Festival Teen Miss Hope Richardson, North Carolina Rhododendron Festival Queen Andrea Marie Hall and North Carolina Rhododendron Festival Junior Miss Eavan Smith. Largest Selection of Manufactured Homes in the Area Singlewides and Doublewides

Let us put your family in a new home during our

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Visit Us During The

Land/Home Packages Available


Watermelon Festival

We Have Years Of Professional Experience and Service WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!



Hwy. 410 South, Chadbourn • Open Mon-Fri 8-7, Sat 9-6, Closed Sunday

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 14

Junior Miss Contestants

“Welcome To The Festival” We Look Forward to Seeing You Looking

Your Best!

Emily Haven Faulk Parents: Jerry and Leslie Faulk Cerro Gordo

Emma Rae Ward Parents: Ricky and Heather Ward Fair Bluff

Peyton Elizabeth Mincey Parents: Scott and Erin Mincey Tabor City

We Specialize In... • Hair Styling • Facial Waxing and Tanning Hair Color for Men & Women Color • Cut • Styling & More Kaitlin Ashley, Stylist Walk-ins Welcome, Tues.-Fri. 10 am - 6 pm

Open on Saturdays by Appointment Come Visit us & Enjoy The Festival

Carolina Class Salon & Boutique (910) 641-1187 or (910) 649-7000 Main St., Fair Bluff

S. Preston Douglas & Associates, LLP

ELIZABETHTOWN 1103 W. Broad Street 910-862-3768 Phil W. Byrd, CPA

Providing tax, consulting and accounting services to our clients for over 70 years

Johnny P. Britt, CPA

Julia Kinlaw, CPA

Jerry W. Brown, CPA

C. Jan Lennon, CPA

Phil W. Byrd, CPA

Culbert M. (Buddy)

Deborah S. Grissom, CPA

McLean, Jr., CPA

John L. Grissom, Jr., CPA

John D. Masters, CPA

J. Lee Grissom, CPA, CFE

Jerry G. Savage, CPA

Member: American Institute of CPA’s NC Association of CPA’s

LUMBERTON 907 N. Walnut Street 910-739-7523 John L. Grissom, Jr., CPA

WHITEVILLE 122 Memory Plaza 91-642-6692 Johnny P. Britt, CPA www.spdouglas.com

Certified Public Accountants Serving Southeastern North Carolina Since 1941

Baby Master Contestants

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 15

Medicine Mart

Gabel Charles Hammond Parents: Ricky and Carrie Hammond Lake Waccamaw

Pharmacies • Home Medical Equipment

Better Service • Better Selection • Better Prices • Better Health

Nolan Bryce Barnes Parents: Justin and Whitney Barnes Chadbourn

Baby Miss Contestants

Discount Prescriptions usually ready in 15 minutes or less Free Home Delivery Drive-thru Pharmacies Phone Bill Payment Station Home Medical Equipment Beds, Oxygen, Diabetic Supplies We gladly accept Medicare Part D plans, Medicaid, and most Insurance Plans!

Jean-Aubrey Williamson Parents: Walt and Jessica Williamson Chadbourn

Tabor City Medicine Mart

Bella Gray Hardie Parents: Nick and Bridgette Hardie Cerro Gordo

220 S. Main Street Tabor City, NC 28463 (910) 653-4800

Koonce Medicine Mart 112 E. 7th Ave. Chadbourn, NC 28431 (910) 654-4194

Medicine Mart Home Health

218 S. Main Street Tabor City, NC 28463 (910) 653-3136

Medicine Mart Long Term Care 214 S. Main Street Tabor City, N.C. (910) 653 6802

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 16





Dependable Preowned Autos

H H H District Court • 8 years experience teaching in Columbus County schools • 22 years of public service in the general practice of law • Five years of judicial experience, presiding over thousands of civil, criminal, and juvenile cases • Completed extensive training to obtain Juvenile Court Certification • Recipient of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest civilian honor in N.C. recognizing public service • Former member of UNC Pembroke Board of Trustees; Columbus Regional Healthcare Board of Trustees • Mother of three, grandmother of two

Dedicated H Fair H Experienced Paid for by Prince for District Court Judge, Don W. Viets, Jr., Treasurer

Hwy. 76 Fair Bluff, NC

...ask for Ray Fax/Phone 910-649-6395

Columbus Veterinary Clinic Have Fun at The Festival! “Take your pet to the country vet.”

Low Cost Spays & 7495 Andrew Jackson Hwy., Cerro Gordo Neuters

Jeff Burroughs, DVM 910-654-6952

Welcome To Fair Bluff’s WATERMELON FESTIVAL “Our Thanks to Everyone” Ronnie Enzor - Noted Gunsmith • Hot Bluing - Stock Refinishing - Cleaning • All types of gun repairs - Gun sales • Federal Firearms License (FFL) “During your stay in Fair Bluff, visit us”

Valley Gun Works

(910) 212-8646 • Downtown Fair Bluff, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 17

Wee Miss Contestants

Abbigale Grace Inman Parents: Justin and Jessica Inman Chadbourn

Khloe Aaleayh Castillo Parent: Savannah Castillo Whiteville

Bryleigh Andrea Pridgen Parents: Holden Pridgen and Alexendria Turbeville Whiteville

Gemma Hardin Parents: Nicholas and Stephanie Hardin Cerro Gordo

Giada Maria Gritti Parents: Davide and Holly Gritti Florence, S.C.

Enjoy your stay in Fair Bluff

Have Fun at the Watermelon Festival

• Stove & Frost Free Refrigerator w/Ice Maker • Wall to wall carpeting • Local shopping & medical

Little Miss Contestant

• On Site Laundry Facilities w/Free Laundry • Spacious Community Room • On site service coordination

Cypress Village APARTMENTS

197 Orange St., Box 100, Fair Bluff, NC • 910-649-7971

Lyla Autumn Bullard Parents: Marshall and Charlene Bullard Chadbourn

Jane Smith understands the value of a good education and a good job. Now she wants to put her experience to work as our next State Senator.

Jane Smith is running for North Carolina Senate District 13. A 41-year resident of southeastern North Carolina, Smith has dedicated her life and work to improving our community. She’s been a teacher, a business owner, and active in economic development. It’s just the type of experience we need in the North Carolina Senate.

Chair of the Southeastern North Carolina Regional Economic Development Commission

VOTE for Jane Smith on Nov. 4th to be YOUR voice in Raleigh Paid for by Jane Smith for NC Senate Committee, Greg Price, Treasurer

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 18

Mini Miss Contestants

Madalyn Nichole Norris Parents: Darren and Kristen Norris Clarendon

Olivia Alexandra Harrelson Parents: Tiffaneigh Rabon and Channing Harrelson Cerro Gordo

Emily Brooke Moore Parents: Bud and Mandy Moore Fair Bluff

Khloe Danielle Schultz Parents: Kris and Starla Schultz Supply

Sa’riyah Strickland Parents: Stacey Norris and Darryl Strickland Cerro Gordo

Watermelon Love

(The history and the thoughts of The North Carolina Watermelon Festival)

Life’s Recipe

Kenlee Elizabeth Baccarny Parents: Taylor and Kimberly Baccarny Ash

1 cup of good thoughts 1 cup of kind deeds 1 cup of consideration for others 2 cups of self sacrifice 3 cups of forgiviness 2 cups of well-beaten faults

Mix these ingredients thoroughly and add tears of joy and sorrow and sympathy for others. Fold in 4 cups of prayer and faith to lighten other ingredients and to raise the texture to greater heights of Christian living. After pouring all this into your daily life, bake well with the heat of human kindness. Serve with a smile.

Our Best Wishes For A Great

Watermelon Festival!


Visit Our Store For Refreshments Come Cool Off With Ice Cream, Fountain Drinks & Milk Shakes.

Emily Lundy Thompson, R-Ph



“We Care About Your Prescriptions - 24 Hour Service” Phone 910-649-7721 • Downtown Historic Fair Bluff, NC

We carry Ashley, Best Leather & Durapella Living Room Suits - Peggy Hobbs Special Prices on Nurse Uniforms, Landau, Cherokee, Peaches and Nurse Shoes Open Monday - Saturday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

410 CLOTHING, FURNITURE HHHH & GIFT SHOP HHHH Gail Kennedy, Owner • 910-654-4157 Highway 410 S., Chadbourn, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 19

How to pick a watermelon

Watermelon handling tips

Appearance: Look it over -- choose a symmetrical watermelon that’s free of bruises, cuts, and dents. Weight: Lift it up -- the watermelon should be heavy for its size. Ripeness: Turn it over -- the underside of a ripe watermelon is yellow. The rind has a healthy sheen.

Whole Watermelons: • Rinse the outside with water before cutting, as you would with any produce item. • Store in the refrigerator to preserve freshness and flavor.

Festive Watermelon cake

Pre-cut Watermelons: • Look for the flesh to appear dense and firm. • Refrigerate to preserve freshness and flavor (1 week maximum). • Cover the cut surface loosely with plastic wrap to prevent flesh from becoming mushy. • Store chunks of the flesh in covered plastic containers. • Freeze watermelon cubes or chunks to use as ice cubes in beverages or to eat as popsicles. • Do not cook watermelon as it loses the sweet delicious taste.

1 box white cake mix 1 tablespoon plain flour 1 3-oz. package mixed fruit jello 3/4 cup Wesson oil 1 cup cut-up watermelon pieces 4 eggs

Watermelon popsicles

Sprinkle flour over cake mix. Add jello, oil and watermelon. Mix thoroughly with electric beater, adding one egg at a time. Divide batter into two greased and floured 8-inch pans. Bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees. Ice when cool.

3 cups watermelon juice 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar

Topping 1 stick of margarine 1/2 to 1 cup of cut-up watermelon 1 box of powdered sugar 1 each Red and green food coloring 1 package Chocolate chips Soften margarine and add sugar. Blend in the watermelon gradually until a spreading

consistency is reached. Divide topping and add red and green food coloring to each. Spread the topping over the cake. Add cholcoate chips as needed for decoration.

To prepare watermelon juice, cut watermelon into cubes and rub through a strainer to remove seeds. In small sauce-pan mix together sugar and water; simmer three minutes. Remove from heat; stir in watermelon juice and lemon juice. Turn into two ice trays. Freeze until very mushy and insert a popsicle stick in each cube.

Freeze. Makes about 36 small popsicles.


Come to Fair Bluff and Enjoy . . .

Shown here is a delightful view of Lumber River from the boardwalk.

The Southern Watermelon Delight The Watermelon Contest • Arts & Crafts Show Entertainment • The Parade on Saturday

The Greater Fair Bluff Chamber of Commerce Karen Grainger, President • Eddie Burney, Treasurer

Petite Miss Contestants

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 19 20

Miss Fair Bluff Contestant

Worthington Blayden Annsley Ludlum Parents: Nick and Bridgette Hardie and Keith Ludlum Cerro Gordo

Funeral Home, Inc.

Kaylee Bryce Meares Parents: Darrell Meares and Amy Long Cerro Gordo

Macelynn Nance Parents: Chris and Tina Nance Evergreen

(910) 654-3518 www.worthingtonfuneralhome.com Watermelon Growers Association on another wonderful...

Watermelon Festival Get A STEAL of a DEAL on a...

l a i c e p S



Serving You Since The 1930s

• Dignified Traditional Services • Memorial Services • Cremation • Graveside Services • Out Of Town Arrangements 405 Strawberry Blvd. Chadbourn, NC

Melanie Ann Jamison Parents: Michael and Michelle Jamison Chadbourn


Serving Columbus County For Three Generations

MS Chain Saws 170 SALE $17995 $ 14995 Blowers BG 55 SALE

B.H. SMALL Co. Hardware & Clothing

PHONE 910-649-7316 • Downtown Fair Bluff, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 21

Calendar Kids Addison Prevatte Parents: Ashley and Tyler Prevatte Evergreen Sa’riyah Strickland Parents: Stacey Norris and Darryl Strickland Cerro Gordo

Ty Preston Nobles Parents: Steven and Brandi Nobles Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Welcome to the

Watermelon Festival Enjoy Your Stay in Fair Bluff and Bring the Family for Lots of Fun & Excitement Catering Services available for Weddings, Receptions, & Holiday Gatherings

Olde Towne Florist Cayson Colon Phipps Parents: Chris and Jennifer Phipps Tabor City

Bentlee Bryton Thompson Parents: Kimber Brooke Strickland and Daniel Thompson Cerro Gordo

123 East First Ave., Chadbourn (910) 654-5646

Gabel Charles Hammond Parents: Ricky and Carrie Hammond Lake Waccamaw


William T. Williamson Owner and Operator

Edmund Farms


nowble a avail Serving This Area Over 40 Years

• Water & Sewer Lines • Land Clearing • Dozer Work • Paving • Fill Dirt


General Contractor • Licensed & Bonded



fresh peas & butterbeans daily !

call to order yours today

OTHER ITEMS NOW AVAILABLE: • Watermelon • Cantaloupe • Potatoes • Okra • Peaches • Jams, Jellies & Honey • Peas & Butterbeans • Boiled Peanuts • Salsa • Chow Chow • BBQ Sauce

Edmund Farms “Farm Fresh Produce”

4275 Andrew Jackson Hwy., Chadbourn, NC 28431 • 654-4855

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 22

Calendar Kids Nolan Barnes Parents: Justin and Whitney Barnes Chadbourn

Braxton Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo Carson Jones Parents: Jason and Cortney Jones Cerro Gordo

How to pick a watermelon

Appearance: Look it over -- choose a symmetrical watermelon that’s free of bruises, cuts, and dents. Weight: Lift it up -- the watermelon should be heavy for its size. Ripeness: Turn it over -- the underside of a ripe watermelon is yellow. The rind has a healthy sheen.

Best Wishes to the Southeastern NC Watermelon Growers Association Have a Great Watermelon Festival in Fair Bluff!

Audrey and Elizabeth Herring Parents: Heather and Chad Herring Cerro Gordo

Bryleigh Pridgen Parents: Holden Pridgen and Alexendria Turbeville Whiteville

For more than 50 years, we’ve been serving the fine folks in this area. Thanks for depending on us!


117 Railroad Ave., Chadbourn


We Work With All Insurance Companies Complete Collision Repair & 24 Hour Wrecker Service

Cerro Gordo Body Shop

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Khloe Danielle Schultz Parents: Kris and Starla Schultz Supply

Giada Maria Gritti Parents: Davide and Holly Gritti Florence, S.C.

You have the right to choose the repair shop & For Hire towing service of your choice.

Brian & Jolene Hamilton 5196 Braswell Rd.,Cerro Gordo (located just off Hwy. 76)

654-5256 770-0689

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 23

Calendar Kids Abbigale Grace Inman Parents: Justin and Jessica Inman Chadbourn

Conrad and Claire Baker Parents: Dallas and Mary Giao Baker Pasadena, Calif.

Olivia Harrelson Parents: Tiffaneigh Rabon and Channing Harrelson Cerro Gordo

Car Needs Repairs? We’re At Your Service!

“Satisfied Customers” Are our


Alexis Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo

Briggs Strickland Parent: Jenni Williamson and Allen Strickland Tabor City

• Major & Minor Repairs • Tires & Alignment • Brakes, Exhaust, etc. • Electrical Repairs • A/C - Complete Analysis Kasi Raelynn Strickland Parent: Marsha Strickland Cerro Gordo


Dean Bowen - Manager

BOWEN TIRE & ALIGNMENT (Formerly Hamilton Tire & Alignment) U.S. Hwy. 76 East – Fair Bluff, NC

2013 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 24

The Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc. The Town of Fair Bluff and the Reigning North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queens would like to invite you to join us for the

29th Annual

Watermelon Festival Alexis Bowen

Mattison Hayes

NC Watermelon Festival Junior Miss 2013

NC Watermelon Festival Little Miss 2013

Briley Bowen

Torri Rayne Miller

NC Watermelon Festival Tiny Miss 2013

NC Watermelon Festival Mini Miss 2013

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