2015 Watermelon Festival

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t s i e v F a l Watermelon Fair Bluff, North Carolina July 17-19

Alexandria Wynn Small Retiring North Carolina Watermelon Festival Teen Miss

Salem Sherrill Retiring North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queen

Savannah Spencer Retiring North Carolina Watermelon Festival Young Miss

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 2 blessings I have ever received in my life. We never fail to have fun together and you can make me laugh like no one else on this earth can. You are Carolyn, Sue, Deidra, Joi so beautiful inside and out, and all other local festival and I am so happy that you committee members, thank are a part of my life. You inyou all so much for your love spire me to want to be the best and never failing to make me woman I can possibly be and I feel special. I can’t help but love you unconditionally. smile when I think about all Sawyer or should I say Mr. our crazy conversations and Watermelon? No...Mr. Festiyour countless words of envals Unlimited, I can say with couragement. I love you all. no doubt in my mind that you Sonya and Woody, thank are one of the best friends you for being my cheering that anyone could ever ask Salem Sherrill section at even the farthest for. Aside from all our shenan2014 N.C. Watermelon of appearances throughout igans, you never hesitate to Festival Queen the state. I am so glad that we carry my crown box, show me have gotten closer this year and I am grateful to you both countless things you have everything there is to know done for me. I love you dearly. about watermelon, or sit for everything you do. To my sissy queens, Ally there for hours while I try on Emily, you always have the power to brighten my day. You and Savannah, girls, we had dresses at the mall on the way are dedicated to our festival quite a year to say the least. If to Spot. You have contributed and making your queens truly I had a penny for every laugh so much to my year as queen, feel like royalty. Thank you for we had, we could all go ahead and I want to take the time to always keeping me informed and retire. I had the absolute tell you have much I truly apand in line. And for the amaz- time of my life with you and preciate you. You are a blessI am fully confident that it ing to everyone who has the ing strawberries. I love you. Rhonda, there are no words was God’s will that we were honor to know you. Thank to describe my gratitude to- brought into each other’s you for everything. Mom, dad, mamaw, pawards you. You have been a lives. I love you both as sisters second mother, a comedian, and I will always be here for paw and Gail, without your endless support, whether it a life coach, and a friend to you both. be emotional or financial, I My goddaughter Tori, you me as long as I’ve known you. Thank you so much for the have been one of the biggest cannot thank you enough for

Queen farewell

“You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality.” These words spoken by the great Walt Disney reflect perfectly on my year as the N.C. Watermelon Festival Queen. For it is the people who have shared this experience with me, offering love, support and encouragement that have made my reign that much more rewarding. There are so many people that I want to thank, so I will start with the one who made it all possible. God sought favor in me to represent this wonderful community, and I am eternally grateful for his many blessings and talents. To the Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, thank you for all of your support and trusting me to be an ambassador for you. I truly appreciate your hard work and dedication to the town of Fair Bluff and the world’s most outstanding crop. I hope that I have made you proud this year.

everything you do. I love you all so much and I genuinely hope that you are as proud of my accomplishments as I am proud to be your daughter and granddaughter. Judy, I don’t even know where to begin with you little lady. You are much more than just a director to me. I have known you my entire life and in that time, you have become one of the most important people in the world to me. You call me your adopted daughter (and I hope you know what you have gotten yourself into with that) and now it’s official. You’re stuck with me forever. Without you none of this would be possible and I sure as the world would not be the woman I am today without you. You have the kindest heart of anyone I know, and have helped and watched me grow, holding my hand along the way. I truly cherish you, for you hold such a special place in my heart. It has been an honor to be a queen under your direction. I love you so very much, and it is because of you that I can say my year as the N.C. Watermelon Festi-

Continued on page 7

Welcome to Fair Bluff’s 2015 Watermelon Festival A Message from the Mayor . . .

Mayor Billy Hammond

On behalf of our town government and citizens, we welcome tourists and guests to our fine town and community! It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy the many attractions we have in Fair Bluff. The picturesque setting of the Lumber River, especially viewed from a stroll along the boardwalk, will make photo memories to last a lifetime. The local Depot-Museum has over a hundred years of town history on display, including civil war memorabilia. Columbus County’s oldest building is

located near the American Legion, just west of town. It is known as the “Trading Post” You’re invited to browse our streets, visit our merchants and get to know some of North Carolina’s finest people. We love tourists and hope your visit is a rewarding and wonderful experience. In the event you encounter a problem while in our town, I welcome your comments. You may call me at 910-649-7423 or write me at P.O. Box 157, Fair Bluff, N.C. 28439.

Downtown Historic Fair Bluff welcomes everyone to come, bring the family, and have fun during this year’s Watermelon Festival.

TOWN OF FAIR BLUFF Billy Hammond - Mayor

Council Members: Lester Drew, Carl Meares, Jr., Jack Meares, Randy Spruell Britt and Clarice Faison. Town Clerk - Peggy Moore

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 3 watching over me and commenting on my pictures on Facebook. I love you. Uncle Charles, Thank Momma, thank you for all you for being so proud of me that you have done for me throughout this year. Thank throughout my reign. I don’t you for your honesty, when know what I would have done I ask you how do I look? You without you. Thank you for surely don’t sugar coat your helping me with my hair and opinion. (LOL). I love you. makeup before each appearAunt Lori, thank you for ance. You’re the best momma letting me park my car when I in the world. Thank you for had to leave for festival events. buying me everything I needI love you. ed. I love you. Tommy, Thank you for unDaddy, thank you for drivderstanding when I had an ing me in parades and preparappearance to go to. Thank ing me for the festivals I have Alexandria Wynn Small you for driving me in the paattended. Thank you for being 2014 N.C. Watermelon rades when daddy couldn’t. the best daddy in the world. I Festival Teen Miss Thank you for helping me get don’t know what I would do my crown straight and bobby you. without you. I love you. Papa, words nor tears can pinning it down. Thank you Stuart and Emma, thank you for supporting me express how much I miss you. for everything you do for me. through this journey in my I wish I could see you smile at I love you. Aunt Judy, well you’re a life. Even though both of you me one more time, and hear are never really seen, you do you call me Ally Cat. Thank handful as everyone knows. so much for me. Thank you. I you for always watching over Thank you for a wonderful time that I will never forget. me. I love you. love you both. Granny, thank you for pro- Thank you for everything you Mema, thank you for always taking your time to go viding me with the essentials do for me. I’m truly going to with me to get a last minute I needed for my appearances. miss staying up late talking outfit. Thank you for telling Thank you for contributing to about who knows what and me how pretty and special I my trips. Thank you for being the long car rides we took. am. Thank you for never let- so proud of me. Thank you. I Thank you for always having a necklace or bracelet to comting me go without, you never love you. Grandaddy Phillip and plete my outfit when I forgot let me leave without anything. Thank you so much. I love Winnie, thank you for always it. Your niceness, kindness,

Teen Miss farewell

Wow. I can’t believe it has been a year since I was crowned your 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss. It has truly been the best year of my life. Throughout this experience, I have grown, learned, and attained skills that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I have had wonderful experiences throughout my reign: spitting watermelon seeds, traveling across North Carolina, riding in parades, dancing in the streets, entertaining, meeting a lot of new people throwing horse shoes, late night talks, and painting Sawyer’s nails. There are many thanks that need to be given to the people who made my reign very special. First and foremost, I would like to thank God for all His many blessings that He has given to me. Thank you for letting me be crowned at a time in my life when I very much needed a new chapter to be opened. Through your love and guidance, I have gained much needed confidence and self-esteem. Thank you. I love you so much.

caringness and beautiful smile will always be dear to my heart. You are a true example of what a “lady” should be, and the best pageant director ever. Thank you. I love you. Salem, you’re the best big sister I never had. Thank you for helping me pick out my clothes for the various festivals we have attended together. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have really impacted my life in a positive way. I love you. Savannah, you’re like my second little sister. We have truly bonded a lot over this year together. There is never a dull moment between us. I would like to thank you for braiding my hair when it wouldn’t cooperate with me. Thank you for all the little things. You helped make my year unforgettable. I love you. Directors and the Watermelon Association, thank you for an amazing year. You all have made it wonderful. I would like to thank all the wonderful people I have met along the way through this year. I hope we all keep in touch. I love you all.

Continued on page 7

Welcome to Fair Bluff ’s

2015 Watermelon Festival We Accept



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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 4 always be the 2014 Watermelon Queens. Hopefully in the future, our paths will cross When I start to doubt myself, again. Thank you Lisa Ivey for you are there to lift me up. You will never know how much I giving me the great pageant advice, which enabled me to love and adore you. To Justin, Alyssa, Tucker make a lasting impression and Dawson, thank you for be- with the judges the night of ing there to cheer me on at the the pageant. Now this year, we pageant and in the parades. can sit back and relax in the Hearing your cheers made me watermelon patch as new confeel as if I could conquer the testants vie for the titles. Our world. Thank you for being the time has come and gone, but best brothers and sister in the our memories will last forever. Judy Enzor and T.J. world. McPherson, thank you for all A special thanks goes to Aunt Tommie Lynn and Bran- the time and effort you devote di Lovett for helping me look to making this pageant hapmy best in the pageant and parades. You ladies rally know how to make me look and feel fabulous. It is amazing what Emily Haven Faulk From our family to yours, a great hairstyle does for a 2014 N.C. Watermelon girl’s confidence. Also, thank we’d like to take the opportuFestival Junior Miss you aunt Tommie for allow- nity to thank you for choosing ing me to ride in your Jeep at Alexis to represent the great only what I needed, but more parades. Even though you had town of Fair Bluff. importantly that I had my to sacrifice shopping trips and Our deep family roots in family supporting me. You are vacation a couple of times for this riverside town make this my biggest fans, and I love you me to use your Jeep, you never extra special to us. What a both. complained. great year it’s been. To MeMe, Poppy and GrandTo my pageant sisters, you For the last time, I am your ma, thank you for believing in will always have a special 2014 N.C. Fair Bluff Tiny Miss me and making me feel beau- place in my heart. I have en- Alexis Dawn Enzor. tiful. Your compliments and joyed sharing the past year love give me the encourage- with you. We will always ment I need to be successful. share a bond because we will

Junior Miss farewell

Every story has an end, but in life every end leads to a new beginning. As my reign as the 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Junior Miss comes to an end, I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had this year to meet new friends and travel to neighboring towns representing the Watermelon Association and the town of Fair bluff. I will always cherish the memories made throughout the year and the people in my life who made it all possible. To these people, I want to say a special thank you for making this year special for me. First of all, I would like to thank God for placing good Christian people in my life who love me and help keep me on the right path. I am thankful and blessed to be a child of God. To mom and dad, thank you for your support and encouragement. Many hours were devoted to practicing, searching for the perfect dress, riding in parades, and attending pageants. Even though you probably had other things to do, you were always by my side making certain I had not

July is a special time for my hometown of Fair Bluff. I look forward to returning each year and meeting old friends and making new ones. Thanks to the Watermelon Growers Association, and all the volunteers who work so hard to promote agriculture in North Carolina. Sincerely, Bill Rabon

pen. You are always behind the scenes working to make dreams come true. This year I have had so much fun being your Junior Miss Watermelon. Lastly, I want to wish the new Junior Miss Watermelon good luck as she begins her journey. Although my time is ending, your time is just beginning. This year will pass by quickly so enjoy every second of it, and I hope you will cherish this experience as much as I have. For the last time I am your 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Junior Miss Emily Haven Faulk.

Tiny Miss FB farewell

Alexis Dawn Enzor 2014 Fair Bluff Tiny Miss

NC Senator, Bill Rabon

NC Watermelon Festival July 17-19 Downtown Fair Bluff, NC

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 5 gravate you all the time, but fun year. We have made so that shows we love each other many memories together that more. I know you are one of I will cherish forever. I love all my pageant sisters. Kailee we my biggest fans. To Dora, thanks for my had lots of fun at all the pabeautiful watermelon outfit. rades and pageants being silly It is truly my favorite outfit. girls. I love the bond we have Mommy and me made lots of made, no matter where we trips of trying on and putting are, whether a pageant event fabric together, but you made or supporting our brothers at ball games, you always want sure my outfit was perfect. To Kadi Jo, thank you for to know where Lyla is and fixing my hair and makeup. give me a hug. I love you KaiYou sure do know how to lee. To my family and friends, make a girl feel pretty. You were so much help, and I don’t thank you for always showknow if mommy could have ing your love and support. done it without you. To Mikayla, thank you for choreographing my dance to go along with my song. I had Giada has had a great time Lyla Autumn Bullard so much fun singing and danc- representing the Town of Fair 2014 N.C. Watermelon ing at the same time. I can’t Bluff as the N.C. Watermelon Festival Little Miss thank you enough for taking Festival Wee Miss. As her you could come to when you time out of your schedule to mother I have kept a scrapwere not working. You always help me. book for her, which will be To the Fair Bluff Water- great memories of this wonmade sure the bug was clean whether you could drive me melon Growers Association, derful year. or not. A special thanks for thank you for giving me this May God bless all the wonwashing the bug in the dark opportunity to represent such derful people in Fair Bluff for for the strawberry parade. I a great festival. making dreams come true for To T.J. and Emily, thank little girls love you always and will alyou for always keeping us inways be your little girl. For the last time I am your To Kelton, my big brother, formed with all the events and N.C. Watermelon Festival Wee thanks for always cheering where we needed to be. Miss Giada Maria Gritti. To my pageant sisters, your little sister on. I know Written by her mother, Holyou aggravate me and I ag- thank you for an amazing and ly Todd Gritti.

Little Miss farewell As your N.C. Watermelon Festival Little Miss, this past year has been an amazing and fun year. I have enjoyed riding in parades, visiting at different pageants and making new friends. This fun and exciting year couldn’t have been possible without help from a few people. I would like to thank God first of all, because without him this dream and opportunity would not have been possible. Next, I would like to thank my mommy. Mommy, I don’t know where to begin. Thanks for always making sure I had the perfect dress or outfit for any event. You always know how to make your little girl feel pretty. I cannot thank you enough for the countless hours you spent doing my hair, makeup and just making sure I had everything I needed. I know sometimes I didn’t always want my hair the way you wanted it, but it was always perfect. I love you to the moon and back. Daddy, thanks for always driving me in the parades

Granny and grandma, I can’t thank you enough for always making me feel special and beautiful. I love you all there is in the world plus a little bit more. To the next N.C. Watermelon Festival Little Miss, have fun and enjoy every minute because it will go by too fast. Wear your crown with pride and enjoy it from the heart. With lots of love I am and forever will be your 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Little Miss Lyla Autumn Bullard.

Wee Miss farewell

Giada Maria Gritti 2014 N.C. Watermelon Wee Miss

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 6

Tiny Miss farewell

I can’t believe a year has passed since I was crowned the N.C. Watermelon Festival Tiny Miss. I have had so much fun this year riding in parades, going to pageants and attending other events. There are so many special people I would like to thank. Mommy, thank you for making sure I looked pretty. You shopped nonstop, until you found the perfect outfits, so I would look my best. I love you too much. Daddy, thank you for always telling me I looked beautiful. You are my biggest fan. The parade cars always sparkled and had a great driver. I know mommy made you run lots of places to pick up things I needed and even take me for dress fittings, but that’s what super dads are for. I love you bunches. Bubba, I know you didn’t want to do all the girls stuff this year, but I’m thankful you were there cheering me on. You are the best big bubba. I love you. Mimi, Pa, Uncle Donnie and Caleb, thank you for always going to parades and pageants to smile, wave and cheer me on. You are my biggest fan club. I love you all. Uncle Donnie, you are the best at making sure I have pictures of the parades for my scrapbook and cleaning up a parade car too. I love you. Pa Tew, it was an honor to have my very own Veteran driving me in the Veteran’s Day Parade. You are the best Pa a girl could have. I love you. Aunt Kadi Jo, thank you for the many hair do’s and makeup this year. You sure know how to work your magic. Also, thank you for driving me in the Watermelon Parade and hanging with mommy and me that whole day. You are the best. I love you to pieces. Lori Leigh Photography, Lori you are awesome at what you do. My pictures are beautiful. Thank you for being patient with me and making sure you captured the perfect moments. Dora Adams, thank you for all the awesome outfits. You turned mommy ideas and thoughts into a work of art. Hugs. Allen Capps and Gene Davis, thank you for letting me borrow your cars for the pa-

Mini Miss farewell

This has been an awesome year. I’ve loved representing the N.C. Watermelon Festival. I’ve never felt as pretty as when I put on my Watermelon crown and my watermelon outfits. It’s even better when mommy will let me eat a slice of watermelon too. I want to say thanks to some special people for helping me through this year. T.J., thanks for everything you do and directing a great pageant. Emily, thanks for always keeping us straight and making sure everything was like it was supposed to be. Judy, thanks for always havKailee Ana Ivey ing a smile on your face and of2014 N.C. Watermelon fering encouraging words. Tiny Miss Nana and Pa, thanks for rades. You are both cool dudes. everything, all the last minute T.J., Emily and Judy, thank calls to run here and there, do you all for all your hard work this and that, buy this and pay with the Watermelon Festival that. I really don’t know how and making sure my mommy daddy and mommy could’ve made it through this year Continued on page 7

go to the florist at midnight to get them made. Those are special memories. Grandpa Happy and Grandma Belinda, thanks for always coming to see me at my parades and pageants and always making me feel like the prettiest princess in the world. Shirley, what can I say, there is no one on earth that can make me any prettier outfits than you do they’re always perfect. To all my friends and family, thanks for all your support throughout this year. God could not have placed any better people in my life to love and support me in everything I do. Daddy and mommy, there are no other words to say but thank you for everything. Madalyn Nichole Norris To the next N.C. Water2014 N.C. Watermelon melon Festival Mini Miss hold Mini Miss your head high and smile. Remember there will always be without your help. Grandma Lori and Papa a camera flashing somewhere Casey, thanks for always tell- because people think Watering me how pretty I am. Thank melon queens are the prettiest. And for the last time, ladies you for making sure I have my parade bows even if we have to Continued on page 7


Welcome To Fair Bluff’s

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 7

Continued from page 6

Continued from page 2

Junior Miss Fair Bluff farewell

and gentlemen, I’m your 20142015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Mini Miss Madalyn Nichole Norris.

val Queen has been the best year of my life. From the bottom of my heart, I give you my most sincere appreciation. To the people of Fair Bluff, I have attended the Watermelon Festival ever since I was four months old, and throughout my life, your town has become my second home. It has been my honor and privilege to represent you this year. I have so much pride for the town of Fair Bluff and the outstanding citizens it holds. My love and passion for you grows deeper each and every year. God bless you all. To the next N.C. Watermelon Festival Queen, always remember who you are, what you represent, who you represent, and always with grace and elegance. You are not just a queen, you are, as I stated before, an ambassador for the town of Fair Bluff, and a role model to all those around you. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to represent an amazing place full of amazing people. Make them proud and hold on tight, because it’s going to be a thrill ride. So much

This past year as Junior want to thank my Lord and Savior, JeMiss Fair sus Christ, Bluff has whom all been full of things are fun and expossible. citing activiTo my ties for me. I parents, have enjoyed brothers my reign and grandfrom riding parents, in parades to thank you representing so much for Fair Bluff all of your at various love and events. support. First and N e x t , most imI want to portantly I Emma Ward 2014 Junior Miss Fair Bluff thank Judy for all of your advice, encouraging fun packed into so little time. words and hugs and most of Blessings and best wishes. all, love. So now, it is time to turn the And to Carolyn Foley, page and start a new chapter thank you for always letting in life. It is bittersweet, yes, me know when and where I but I will cherish the memo- needed to be and for taking ries I have made forever. such great pictures for me. For the last time, proudly To the Town of Fair Bluff, I representing the Town of love you and I’m so very proud Fair Bluff and the Fair Bluff to call you my home. Watermelon Growers associaI am for the last time your tion, I am the 2014-2015 N.C. 2014-2015 Junior Miss Fair Watermelon Festival Queen Bluff Emma Ward. Salem Sherrill.

Mini Miss farewell Baby Miss farewell Queen farewell

Tiny Miss farewell Continued from page 6

knew when there were events so I could attend. I have enjoyed our time together. To my Melon Girls, I have had so much fun this year riding in parades, going to pageants and other events together. We have laughed and hared some great times. You will always be my Melon Sisters. I love you all. To the Melon Moms, I know my mommy has enjoyed spending time and laughing with each of you. Thank you for all you have done for us this year. We love you. To the next Watermelon Festival Tiny Miss, make sure you have fun, smile big and wave even when your arm gets tired. You are going to have a great year wearing the crown. For the last time I am the 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tiny Miss Kailee Ana Ivey.

Bella Gray Hardie 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Baby Miss

Teen Miss farewell Continued from page 3

To the next N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss, I know you will have the time of your life, wear your crown with pride. Always remember to smile, smile, smile. Your year will fly by, so cherish the little moments with your pageant sisters. For the last time, I am your 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss Alexandria Wynn Small.

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 8 monumental in farming history, by letting me try out the very first N.C. picker. Worley, It’s yours. How wonderful and how special. Also, thank you make a difference. I have loved for letting us take all of the fun being a part of this represenphotos. What an awesome stotation. ry to keep in my heart forever. Thank you to the N.C. WaThe N.C. farming industry is termelon Festival of Fair very blessed to have you. Bluff for allowing this opporTo Maw Maw Judy, I am so tunity to represent you and happy that you are my adopted this wonderful organization. grandmother. I am so glad that Wow. What a blessing to we are now family because of live in this great state of N.C. this wonderful festival. You where we have farmers who have taken me in and treated pour their heart and soul me as if I really am another into planting, caring for and granddaughter of yours. You Savannah Spencer harvesting our wonderful have this endearing way of 2014 N.C. Watermelon watermelons as well as other making everyone feel so speFestival Young Miss agriculture too. Where would cial and loved all of the time. we be without them? I am so I have learned so much thankful to have been blessed about N.C. agriculture and You have been so good to me with the honor of helping two about all of the hard work that as if I were your own. Even giving me your last pack of other lovely young ladies and goes into this industry. “nabs” when all food options the Little Miss court represent I am forever grateful to were closed during the Dogthe wonderfully tasty and deli- Chandler Worley for spending wood festival. You work so cious watermelon. so much time with me, teach- hard and have a way of makThis year has been very spe- ing me and showing me a few cial for me in so many ways. It small, but very important de- ing things happen. I am truly has been filled with laughter, tails about farming and caring convinced that you do have performances, travel, meeting for the fruit. Thanks to you and a “magic wand.” You wave it new friends and many unfor- your instruction, I have my and achieve the impossible. gettable moments. I have met own little Watermelon Patch. Judy, I love you with all of my so many wonderful people At this point in time, so far it heart, always and forever. I across the state and they have is growing very well. Thank think it is ok to say that all of all left their handprints on my you for allowing me to become the Watermelon Queens feel the same way. We all feel like heart forever. a part of what will someday be

Young Miss farewell

B.R.I.G.H.T.-Being Radiant in Godliness, Holiness and Testimony in the lives of those around us. As the 2014 NC Watermelon Young Miss, I hope to have been just that. A bright light shining as an example in the eyes of those around me. Being chosen as the Young Miss has allowed me blessings beyond my imagination. A very good friend told me once; “When you are wearing a shiny crown, people tend to notice you more,” so it is important to be an example that all can appreciate and respect and hopefully see Christ in you.” I hope I have been able to make a difference in even just one person’s life in a positive way by my example. There are so many great things that go along with wearing this beautiful crown, but it is not the crown or dress that makes a girl a queen or a princess, its what you live both when wearing the crown and when you take it off. It is about how you represent your cause and the people who are working to

your granddaughters. Thank you for your sweet love and appreciation for us all. You work so hard for the queens and the Watermelon Association, and it is so much appreciated. I am so glad that God has given me the blessing of meeting you and your precious family. Emily, from the first time we met, I knew we would be sisters in Christ forever. You are so encouraging and so inspirational “All of the time.” You always have a way of saying just the right thing to encourage and speak life into someone. You have such a heart for Christ and I admire that in you. You are such a great example for me and one that I want to follow closely. You have always made me feel so appreciated and so much like family. Because of Watermelon, we are family. You work hard for all of the Queens and the Watermelon Association. I love that from day one you made me feel so very welcome and as if I was family who had been there from the start. It seemed as if we had known each other all of our lives. We discovered early on that we two share a common link in

Continued on page 9

We Salute the NC Watermelon Festival Growers Association! HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H State Representative Ken Waddell H H

Those of us who represent you in Raleigh are proud of the job you are doing to promote agriculture in our state. I have close ties with the town of Fair Bluff and look forward each year to your gracious hospitality and the NC Watermelon Festival. May this year be your best ever. Sincerely, Kenneth Waddell

Young Miss farewell Continued from page 8

that we are both “old souls,” sisters. You captured my heart when the first thing you said to me after crowning was: “You are now ours” Wow. This is how you receive all of your Watermelon queens, as if they are truly family. I love that. It has meant so very much. I will always hold my watermelon family close in my heart. As business managers and directors of the pageant; Judy and Emily, you have both always been understanding, supportive, encouraging, loving, concerned and always cheering me on in whatever it is that I am doing. You have both been so willing to give me every chance possible to do what I love. Perform. Thanks for all of the times you gave me free reign with the mic. You know how much I love to sing and dance. And, I can’t forget to say thanks for playing the entire “baseball game” for me. You both will know what I am talking about. Thanks for always being in “my corner” no matter what the situation. We have really had some fun times together. Our weekend appearances have been incredibly

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 9 fun. Thanks for making them have been so great in helping poise. Congratulations on a so special and filled with loads guide us and taking care of job well done. Remember, the of laughter. things for different appearanc- sky’s the limit. Chase your Sawyer, you have been like es and parades. You have been dreams with determination a brother to me and the rest so giving, patient and so kind and passion and trust in God of my sister queens. You have to us and sacrificed your time always. May God bless you in traveled with us and protected on many occasions. I will hold everything that you do. I love us, you have been there to help the memory of the “grilled you both dearly. us with our luggage, carry our cheese sandwich party” in my Mary Ashton, what a great gowns, you have driven us to heart forever. Thank you for support you were to all of the and from sometimes, loaded all that you do for the queens contestants backstage at the and unloaded our cars, held and the festival. I am forever Watermelon pageant last year. our umbrellas, bought us grateful. I love you Carolyn You were the best cheerleader “blooming onions” or any oth- with all my heart. for all of us. Always supporter festival food we wanted. Oh To Salem and Ally and the ive and positive and helping by the way “Vincent” don’t for- entire family of sister queens; make sure we were having fun get about “Tina.” Thank you I have enjoyed being your Baby above all else. You make me for helping take care of us like Melon. We share a bond that is smile. You are precious. I love any loving big brother would. unbreakable. We are queens you. Thank you Carolyn for my now and always be. I know Thank you to my family beautiful portrait you created. that our friendships are now whose support is endless in Your talent and generosity as- and forever. I love each and ev- every way. To all three of my tounds me. What a sweet mem- ery one of you sincerely. I will sweet grandmothers, grandfaory of the time you opened always remember our fun car thers, aunts and uncles, cousyour heart, your home and rides, backseat sing-a-longs ins and dear friends, you all go your barn to all of us at the all the way to our late night above and beyond to support Ag Festival to get us out of the comedy shows. Salem and me and encourage me. You are cold for the festivals’ events. Ally, thank you for making me always cheering me on and I will remember those fun laugh so hard I cried on many telling me, ‘‘the sky is the limtimes for many years to come. occasions. I have enjoyed be- it” and to just go for it. You alThanks for sharing your home ing your personal hairdresser ways remind me to work hard and hosting the Queens Christ- at many of our appearances. and dream big. Thank you so mas party. Also, you have So any time you both need much for this never-ending made such beautiful photos of a hairdresser, just give me a love and dedication to me us this year and have captured call. I am so grateful to have in helping make my dreams such special moments. Your had you with me on this jour- come true. photos help tell our story in ney. You have both representUncle Rabbit, Aunt Lovie, such a beautiful way. You too, ed well with such grace and Ashleigh, Brannon, Khody

Enjoy The Festival!

and even sweet baby Emalyn, you traveled many miles just to support me in competing. I’ll always cherish that you are a part of that special memory. Thank you to my Mammaw, you have been incredible to me and so supportive. You put everything else aside always to make sure that you can be there for me. Though it is never expected, it is very much appreciated. Thank you for tracking all of my miles for me and for taking notes for Mommy of all the different events I have attended to put into my scrapbook. You have come to all the events that you possibly can, even if they are two and three hours away. Many times, I only got to visit with you for a short time after, but you were there anyway just to get to see me perform. I am so grateful. I have loved having you there and ready to tell my story after each event. I am so happy that God chose you to be my mammaw. You are the best. I love you to the moon and back. Aunt Nana. Thank you for all of the travel, the cards and gifts and support throughout the year, in everything I am doing. I love you more than words

Continued on page 10

“HAVE A GREAT FESTIVAL!” From All Your Friends at Enroh LP Gas

Thanks to all the folks who work so hard every year to make Fair Bluff’s Watermelon Festival a reality. It is a wonderful event, and greatly enjoyed by all who attend. See you at the festival!

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Young Miss farewell Continued from page 9

can say. Oh, and thank you for the “good blessings” Watermelon cake that you gave me as we were heading off to the Watermelon Festival. Mommy thank you for all that you have done for me this year and every year of my life. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have you as my mommy. From getting me ready back stage before I perform then praying for me when I am nervous, for being there for me through everything; staying up super late to help me work on some last minute details, or to hear and watch me practice my entertainment pieces, all the way to being my official photographer. I am so blessed that God has blessed me with the best mom I could ever ask for. I love you with all my heart. You are the best. Daddy, thank you for your financial support and hard work every day to help ensure that I have had everything I needed to be the best representative I can be. Thank you for everything. I love you with all of my heart.

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 10 Grandma and Papa, thank and always ready to offer kind for people that will stay in our you for driving across two and encouraging words to me. hearts forever. states sometimes to get to see Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hayes you Much appreciation to Pasme perform and for being my always host the best recep- tor Neil Smith for your supofficial videographers and tions. Thank you for giving so port and encouragement. helping capture on film some willingly and with such heartThanks to Fair Bluff Ford of my most cherished mo- felt emotion to the new queens for providing vehicles for me ments that will last forever. and outgoing queens each year during the parades this past You have both been so support- as you open up your home to year. I truly thank you. ive and so loving with being everyone and present all of Many thanks to Jeff Hartthere for me and sacrificing the great tasting and beautiful man and Rosa Creech Marsh your time even when it was food displays. Gayle, you are for helping me to develop and limited. Sometimes I could amazing. I love you both. grow my craft of singing and only see you after for a short Woody and Sawyer. You performing. You two are the time afterwards when you went above and beyond to best at what you do. Thank you had spent hours driving to me. make sure my mic, music and so much. Thank you for everything. I sound were always exactly Much appreciation goes to love you with all of my heart. perfect. Thank you for respect- Mr. and Mrs. King for the use Nonnie and Pawpaw, you ing how important that is and of your home on several occahave driven many miles to sup- what it meant to me to have it sions this past year. You are so port me and I am so grateful. just right. You are awesome. kind and generous. I appreciate all that you have I would like to thank Bob To the Watermelon Festival done to show your support Hensley for introducing me to Committee and Watermelon and encouragement. Thank the Watermelon festival two Growers Association, I thank you for everything. It is always years ago as the Jr. Rhododen- you for my scholarship money. great when you are there for dron Queen. For the past two It will be very much apprecime cheering me on. I truly love years I have had the privilege ated and helpful. It has been you both. of traveling with this great my honor to be the Young Miss Thank you Sonya and circle of friends and sister fes- and I have already been reWoody Strickland, Gayle and tivals. What a blessing these warded in that alone. So thank Stuart Hayes and Sue Jen- events have been in my life. . you sincerely. kins for all that you do for the I would like to say “a great I would like to thank the queens and how supportive big thank you” to Mr. Le- town of Fair Bluff and Mayor and encouraging you are in Grande for all of his great DJ Randy Britt for their support your involvement with the skills and providing such awe- and participations in this festival and the pageant. I love some music during the street great event. you all. Sonya and Sue, you dances and festival activities. This is not the end, but the have been so supportive to me You also have a heart and love beginning of what waits for

Watermelon Love (The history and the thoughts of The North Carolina Watermelon Festival)

all of us ahead. This opportunity has helped me to continue building my foundation for my future. I will take many new skills and new ideas from this, which will help in life. Our experiences and opportunities, our challenges, our victories and our defeats are really what build our character. Along the way, we gather the tools we need for what is waiting ahead for us. This past year has helped me to grow in these areas. It is really not about the destination, but about the journey along the way. I am very blessed to have had these wonderful experiences of which I know would not be possible without God’s permission and abundant blessing. I also believe that much of what I do today and the experiences I get to enjoy, would not be possible without the support and guidance of my sweet family and friends and all those around me who contribute and support me in many ways. I love each one of you endlessly. There are so many of you to thank. I couldn’t possibly list everyone, but you all know who you are. Each and every

Continued on page 11

Welcome To Chadbourn

Life’s Recipe 1 cup of good thoughts 1 cup of kind deeds 1 cup of consideration for others 2 cups of self sacrifice 3 cups of forgiviness 2 cups of well-beaten faults Mix these ingredients thoroughly and add tears of joy and sorrow and sympathy for others. Fold in 4 cups of prayer and faith to lighten other ingredients and to raise the texture to greater heights of Christian living. After pouring all this into your daily life, bake well with the heat of human kindness. Serve with a smile.

Left to right: Betty Coleman - Senior Teller, Tiffany Nance -Relationship Banker, Jessalyn Batten - Senior Teller, Jeremy Coker - Market Leader, Charlene Bullard - Senior Teller, Michelle Jamison - Teller Supervisor

From the Friendly Folks at . . .

We Hope You Enjoy The

30th Annual Watermelon Festival! 654-5166 • 625 N. Brown St., Chadbourn

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 11

Mini Ambassador farewell

This time last year, I was crowned the N.C. Watermelon Festival Mini Ambassador. I have had a wonderful time waving in parades, throwing out lots of candy and meeting new people while representing my hometown of Fair Bluff and the Watermelon Festival. This year has been a blast and I have a few people to thank for making it possible. Mommy and daddy, thank you for making sure I always had the perfect car for parades, the prettiest dresses to wear and for putting on my crown just right. I love being your little princess. I love you. Drake, thank you for being the best big brother ever and for tagging along to all my events with me. Nanny and Pa, thank you for spoiling me rotten. I can get away with anything as long as you two are around. Thank you for supporting me in everything me and my brother do, and for being the best Nanny and Pa a little girl could ask for. I love you. Aunt T.J., not only are you my mom’s best friend, you are the best “aunt”/pageant director ever. Thank you for loving me like you own and answering all my mommy’s questions this year. And don’t forget I am Uncle

Fair Bluff Debutante farewell

My name is Rayegan Littles. I was your 2014-2015 Fair Bluff Debutante. This past year has not only been an honor to represent Fair bluff as your Debutante but a great experience for me that I have really enjoyed. I have great memories that I will keep with me always. I want to thank all those that were responsible for choosing me to represent the Emilee Brooke Moore Town of Fair Bluff. I would 2014 N.C. Watermelon also like to thank Fair Bluff Rayegan Littles Festival Mini Ambassador Ford for providing a beautiful 2014 Fair Bluff Debutante convertible for me to use in Blake’s girl. I love you. the parades. I especially want ing such a great help to me in MeMe Sherry and PaPa Dean, thank you for follow- to thank my friend Miss Fair many ways. You are so beautiing me around to all my events Bluff Macelynn Nance, for be- ful on the outside and the inand waving at me and taking pictures of me so I will always will remember and cherish remember this year. I love you forever. Thank you for all that Continued from page 10 both so much. Emily, Judy and the rest of one of you has touched my you do. God bless each and evmy melon family, thank you for life through this wonderful ery one of you. I love you all our friendship we have gained experience in some way or dearly. this year and the memories that It has been my honor another. You have no idea will last a lifetime. to represent this beautiful To the next watermelon how much of an impact you blessing of a town and this queens, put a smile on your face have made in my life. I am amazing nutritious fruit and eternally grateful for all of and get ready for a fun year. vegetable, as the very first I am and will forever be your your hard work and dedica- N.C. Watermelon Festival 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festi- tion to this amazingly wonYoung Miss. The town of Fair val Mini Ambassador Emilee derful festival. This year will be unforgettable; one that I Bluff and all of its residents Brooke Moore.

Young Miss farewell

side. I love you. Thank you daddy for driving me in the parades and to you mama for getting me the clothes that I need for different events and making sure I always looked by best. To both of you, I love you very much and thank you for supporting me at parades and special events. I am for the last time your 2014-2015 Fair Bluff Debutante, Rayegan Littles.

and the beautiful watermelon will be in my heart forever. May God bless you all in every way. And remember, “It’s Got To Be N.C. Agriculture.” Proudly representing a tasty fruit and vegetable that you just can’t resist, I am Savannah Michelle Spencer, the first ever, 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Young Miss, always and forever.

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 12

Ambassador farewell

Wow. Seems like yesterday I was crowned Fair Bluff Ambassador. I’ve had an amazing year but none of this would have been possible without God. There are so many people I need to thank for making my year the best year ever. Mama, you have always been there for me and supported me through everything. My pageant world wouldn’t be the same without you. I thank you for all that you have done. I love you so much. Daddy, I know you’re not into pageants but thanks for spending your hard earned money on my dresses and me. It was very much appreciated and I love you. Grandma, I am so thankful that you were there at my events when mama couldn’t get off of work. Thank you for always being my number one fan. I love you dearly. Courtlyn, thank you for always going with me to pageants and helping me get dressed for them too. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for. I love you bunches. Gerik, what can I say? You always say that my title should be “Miss America” because that’s what I am in your book. You never fail to tell me how beautiful I look at every event I go to

Alicia Lynn Avellaneda 2014 Fair Bluff Ambassador and it wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t hear you say that each time. Thanks for all your love and kind words. I love you forever and always. Carolyn and Judy, thanks for always telling me how proud you are of me for representing Fair Bluff with honor. I love you both. To the next Fair Bluff Ambassador, wear your crown with pride and proudly represent the town of Fair Bluff, I know you will have a great year like I did and I wish you the very best. For the last time I am your 2014-2015 Fair Bluff Ambassador Alicia Lynn Avellaneda.

Petite Miss farewell

Who would have thought that one year ago I would have been crowned your 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Petite Miss? I couldn’t stop smiling with excitement as they called my name as the winner. This has been a year that I will never forget, especially since I got to share it with my baby sister, Bella Gray. This truly has been a dream that all little girls dream of. There are many people that I would like to thank for making this year so special to me. Mommy, you have dedicated all of your love and support to me from the day I was born. Thank you for always encouraging me to do my very best, taking me wherever I needed to go and always making sure I looked my very best. You truly are my biggest fan. I love you to the moon and back. Daddy Nick, thank you for always being my chauffeur and keeping the car shining. My mommy and I both appreciate your willingness to participate in whatever we needed you to do and allowing us to use you as our “ATM.” You are the best dance dad any lit-

Blayden Annsley Ludlum 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Petite Miss tle girl could ask for. Thanks for always telling me just how beautiful I really am. You are amazing and I love you very much. Bella Gray, what a precious little sister. You always make me laugh and keep me on my toes. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. Love you sissy. Papa G and Nanny, you both are awesome. Thank you for the never-ending support

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and love that you give me. You both will never know how much you mean to me. By the way, thanks Nanny for all of the extra outfits, shoes and accessories that you bought for me to make sure I was dressed in the finest (hopefully Papa G doesn’t read this part). I love you both a bushel and a peck. “Annie,” you sure know how to make a little girl feel beautiful. Every hair and every eyelash was always in place. Thanks for keeping my lips glossed and my mommy out of the dressing room. I love you. Bonnie, you sure know how to turn a “toe-sack” into something that looks like a million bucks. You are amazing with a needle and thread. I’m so glad you are considered part of our family and we can call you in a panic at the last minute. I don’t know what we would have done without you. You are special to me. Daddy Keith, thanks for your support and the time that you take out of your schedule to watch me in all of my special events. It is appreciated. I love you. Judy, Emily and T.J., thank

Continued on page 13

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 13 Poppy, thank you for taking taking me for pictures and to care of me when mommy and get my hair done and all your grandma had to work. Thank support. you for letting me ride with To Carolyn and Judy, thank you on your Harley and intro- you for seeing something speducing me to all your biker cial in me and giving me this friends. Thank you for taking opportunity. care of my grandma. I love Thank you to the Chanyou. dler Worley family, your love Brookie, thank you for be- and support could never be ing my big sister. Even though matched. You will always hold you are a lot older than me and a special place in my heart and at times you get on my nerves, will always make me look forI love you. I look up to you and ward to strawberry and waterI am one of your biggest fans melon season, I’ll see you at the even though I never tell you. stand. Thank you for playing with me, Jody Johnson and Photoletting me hang around when rad Photography, Greg Greene you are with your friends and Photography and Carolyn Kaylee Bryce Meares just for being a great big sister. Foley, thank you for always 2014 Little Miss Fair Bluff Tom, thank you for the end- making me look beautiful in for me knowing how special less hours on the Xbox and photos. I was and how much care I the patience to help me make Brandon, Crystal, Braydon, would need. it through four different call Nevaeh, Debbie, Hared, Lily, My blue-eyed Grandma of duty games. Thank you for Uncle Keith, Aunt Sue, Whit(Shirley), thank you. With- working all night, staying up ney, Jacie, Chelsey, Michelle out you I would not be where all day then going back to work and all of my family, friends I am today. Since I was born just to make sure I had a perfect named and unnamed, thank you have never left my side. spot in my parades and freeing you for all of your support. I Through ups and downs, sick mommy up to yell “smile and love each and every one of you and healthy, I felt safe know- wave,” “smile and wave.” And beyond words. ing that even when I didn’t see thank you for helping poppy To all my pageant sisters, your face you are always near get a break from watching me. thank you for being wonderful and always close and have alRea, thank you for all those role models bot on and off the ways made sure my health nice dresses and time spent at stage. I look up to you and I’m was the most important thing events and being there to sup- blessed to have shared this last in the world. You are the best port me. year and these crowns with grandma in the whole world. Daddy, and Nicole, thanks you. Being Little Miss Fair Thank you. for traveling long hours and Bluff has meant so much to

Little Miss Fair Bluff farewell To begin, I would like to say what an honor it has been to be Little Miss Fair Bluff. This had been such a remarkable opportunity for me and I have been very proud to wear the crown and carry this title. Dear God, thank you for giving me the strength and guidance, unconditional love and grace to make it through each day. Thank you for every answered prayer that has kept me healthy and strong enough to make it to the events I was able to attend. Thank you for this opportunity and blessing my life with so many wonderful people. Without you not one day on this earth would be possible. Thank you for making me special and for all your blessings. Amen. Mommy, thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for working endlessly to make me smile and give me what I need. You truly are my biggest fan. You are always there for me and encourage me every day to go beyond what I think I can to become a better person. Thank you for all your support in every way. We are not always dealt a fair hand, God could not have picked a better mommy

Enjoy your stay in Fair Bluff

Have Fun at the Watermelon Festival

me and truly opened my up to a world of possibilities. It has been an amazing year as Little Miss Fair Bluff, a blessing and a wonderful time. For the last time, I am and always will be your 2014-2015 Little Miss Fair Bluff Kaylee Bryce Meares.

Petite Miss farewell Continued from page 12

you for all of the work that you ladies put into making this festival a success. Thank you for keeping my mom up to date on where we needed to be. To the Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, thank you for the opportunity to represent such a great festival and organization. To each of the contestants, no matter what the outcome will be, you are all beautiful on the inside and out. To the next Petite Miss Watermelon, always wear your crown with pride and have fun representing the N.C. Watermelon Festival. With lots and lots of watermelon love, I am and forever will be your 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Petite Miss Blayden Annsley Ludlum.

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 14

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 15

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2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 16 for letting me use your car every time I needed it. It always kept me riding in style. Good evening everyone. I Ally, thank you for helping me out on everything this am your 2014-2015 N.C. Wayear. From teaching me how termelon Baby Master Nolan to walk to helping me fix my Bryce Barnes. First I would like to thank crown and going to all those pageants together. I couldn’t God for allowing me this ophave gotten through this year portunity, without Him it would not have been possible. without you. Secondly, thank you momCarolyn, thank you for keeping me up to date on all my for always making sure I had what I needed and the the places I needed to be. To the Town of Fair Bluff right outfit to wear each time. Daddy, thank you even and the watermelon Growers Association, thank you thought you told mommy that so much for this wonderful pageants was for girls. I think opportunity of representing you may have been my bigthe great town of Fair Bluff. gest supporter. Shhh, don’t tell To my pageant sisters, it has mommy I said that. I love you been remarkable getting to both. Aunt Chelse, thank you for know each and every one of Macelyn Nance riding me on your car when you. 2014 Miss Fair Bluff To the next Miss Fair Bluff, mommy would wait to the last me how beautiful I look and take a deep breath and get minute to call and ask you. to always lend a helping and Aunt Dene-Dene, thanks ready to take in the fabulous paying hand. You guys are the year you are about to experi- for always supporting me and best. I love yall. ence. It will fly by, so make also thanks for walking me To the rest of my family, I sure you make the most of it. last year on stage even though thank yall for all the support For the last time, I am your I had a major meltdown right shown to me in everything I 2014-2015 Miss Fair Bluff before we went on stage and I do. just had to have my pappy in Macelyn Nance. Brayden and Emmalee, thanks for being the best siblings a girl could ask for. I love you both, Chase, thank you for supporting me always, I love you. Johnny Kissam, thank you

Miss Fair Bluff farewell Wow. I cannot believe that my reign is coming to an end. This year has flown. This year serving as your 2014-2015 Miss Fair Bluff has been nothing less than amazing. Being able to be a part of such a great group of people has been a blessing. This being my first pageant ever has taught me many things that will stick with me forever. I want to start by saying thank you to everybody that has crossed my path. I don’t’ want to leave anybody out. I give all the praise and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him I would be nothing. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11. Secondly I would like to acknowledge my parents who fill me with unconditional love and support. Thank both of you for always pushing me to reach for the stars. Mom you always make sure I have everything I need and I always look my best, not to mention a pretty great driver for all parades. And daddy, thank you for always being there to tell

Little Master farewell

Congratulations to the Watermelon Growers Association


• Opening Number 2015 NC Watermelon Festival Contestants 2014 NC Watermelon Festival Queens • Introduction of Contestants and 2014 Queens

‘Celebration’ • Welcome & Invocation Sawyer Strickland, Mr. Watermelon Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc. Board Member • Introduction of Master of Ceremonies

Columbus Veterinary Clinic Have Fun at The Festival! “Take your pet to the country vet.”

1092 Main Street, Fair Bluff, N.C. 28439


Low Cost Spays & 7495 Andrew Jackson Hwy., Cerro Gordo Neuters

Jeff Burroughs, DVM 910-654-6952

Nolan Bryce Barnes 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Little Master

my mouth. To my Nana and the rest of my family, thanks for always doing what you could at the last minute to help me out. Bonnie, thanks for always fixing my outfits just the way my mommy had imagined them to be. I don’t know what she would do without you. For the last time I am your 2014-2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Baby Master Nolan Bryce Barnes.

Woody Strickland, President, Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc. • Introduction of Judges Gene Martin, Master of Ceremonies • Talent Competition Teen Miss Contestants • Farewell Entertainment Alexandria (Ally) Small 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss • Special Remarks Carmen Honeycutt 2015 N.C. Watermelon Queen • Talent Competition Queen Contestants • Farewell Entertainment Salem Sherrill, 2014 N.C. Watermelon Festival Queen ~~ Intermission ~~ *10 minutes* • Introduction of Visiting Queens • Introduction of Past and Present Watermelon Festival

Continued on page 18

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 17

Schedule of Events for the 2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival

‘Melon celebration’ Saturday, July 11 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Watermelon Day. Columbus County Community Farmers Market - Whiteville. Come meet the queens and enjoy watermelon. Free to the public. 5-6 p.m. Kick-off to the N.C. Watermelon Festival; cupcake party and more. 6:30-10 p.m. Celebrity showcase show. Horne Bay Farms, 225 Frank Horne Drive. Friday, July 17 6:30-9 p.m. Southern Watermelon Delight Fair Bluff Baptist Church Christian Life Center, (1205 Main Street- Fair Bluff) Tickets: $25 per person. To

order tickets - get form from The News Times or from www. ncwatermelonfestival.org. Sponsored by the Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc.

8 a.m. Registration for festival visiting queens, chaperones, judges and auditors. (Invitation only) Fair Bluff Depot Museum, 339 Railroad Street, Fair Bluff. Sponsored by the Fair Bluff Historical Society.

12:15 p.m. N.C. Watermelon Festival Luncheon for Dignitaries and invited guests, Lumber River Visitors Center, 1205 Main Street, Fair Bluff. By Invitation Only.

1 p.m. N.C. Watermelon 9-11 p.m. Immediately 10 a.m. Best Tastin’ Water- Festival Public Watermelon following Delight N.C. Watermelon Festival Street Dance. melon of the Carolinas Con- Auction, Riverside Drive, Fair Parking Lot beside Fair Bluff test on Riverside Drive. Water- Bluff. Open to the public. melon slices available all day. Baptist Church. 1:45 p.m. Largest Water11 a.m. N.C. Watermelon melon Contest, Watermelon Saturday, July 18 Festival Parade. Chairperson Seed Spitting, Watermelon Festival Day Woody Strickland. Sponsored Eating, Hat Contest, Riverside 7-9:30 a.m. Entries for Best by Fair Bluff Watermelon Drive, Fair Bluff. Tastin’ Watermelons on RivGrowers Association, Inc. Paerside Drive/downtown Fair rade route starts at 685 Acad12 p.m. WCHS Jazz Band Bluff. Watermelons must be emy Street; turn right onto plays-Riverside Drive. Sponpre-registered this year. Call Hwy. 904; turn left onto Hwy. 76 sored by Fair Bluff Rotary 910-207-1698 to pre-register. W. (Main Street); turn left onto Club. Railroad Street; then parade 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Arts and pickup will be at Atlantic Roof2:30 p.m. Duck Race near Crafts booths. Food sold all ing on Railroad Street. Boat Landing at Riverside day by FB Watermelon GrowDrive, Fair Bluff. $10 per tickers Association, Inc. and local 12-1 p.m. WCHS Jazz Band et. Sponsored by the Fair Bluff organizations. Entertainment plays-Riverside Drive. Spon- Rotary Club. Contact any ro- Rev. Neill Smith. sored by Fair Bluff Rotary Club. tary member of Jeff Prince at


6:30 p.m. N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss and Queen Scholarship Pre-show and Pageant in the West Columbus High School Auditorium, Hwy. 76 - six miles east of Fair Bluff in Cerro Gordo.

Sunday, July 19 3 p.m. Little Queens Watermelon Pageant. West Columbus High School Auditorium, Hwy. 76 - six miles east of Fair Bluff in Cerro Gordo.

For more information about the festival visit the website at www.ncwatermelonfestival.org or call 234-0756.

Welcome To Fair Bluff’s 2015 Watermelon Festival! As your Senator in Raleigh, the welcome mat is out, please feel free to meet with me during the Watermelon Festival. It’s an occasion for friends to gather and enjoy fellowship. I salute all who devote time and energy to promote farming in North Carolina. Our thanks to the Watermelon Growers Association and all volunteers who dedicate themselves to a better agricultural future. Sincerely, Senator Jane Smith

State Senator - Jane Smith

Visit All Events During the NC Watermelon Festival We Look Forward To Seeing You There

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 18

Queen Contestants

Abigail Leonard Parents: Al and Suzette Leonard Tabor City

Hope Richardson Parents: April and Morris Richardson Conway, S.C.

Directions to Fair Bluff

Note that the directions below will vary depending on your start location. The North Carolina Watermelon Festival Committee would recommend that you review your starting location with other online maps such as MapQuest at www.mapquest.com. Furthermore, note that these generalized directions may not be for going the shortest distance or the shortest amount of time.

From Columbia, S.C.: Merge onto I-20 E via Exit 16 toward Florence, South Carolina. Merge onto I-95 N via Exit 141A on the left toward Fayetteville (crossing into North Carolina). Take N.C. 130 exit (Exit 2) toward N.C.-904 (Rowland/ Fairmont). Turn Right onto N.C. 130 / N.C. 130 BYP E. Turn Right onto N.C.-904. Fair Bluff Baptist Church should be directly in front of you. Turn Left onto U.S.-76/


Continued from page 16

Lindsey Robinson Parents: Freddie and Lisa Robinson Marion

Madison Barnwell Parents: Stephanie Barnwell and Troy Jacobs Whiteville

Queens • Introduction of Fair Bluff Royalty & Nominees • Evening Gown Competition & Onstage Question Teen Miss Contestants • Special Entertainment Macelynn Nance, Miss Fair Bluff • Farewell Entertainment Savannah Spencer, 2014 NC Watermelon Festival Young Miss • Evening Gown Competition Queen Contestants • Special Recognition • Farewells • Presentation of Awards & Coronation of the 2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss and Queen

Main Street/N.C. 904. Follow U.S. 76/Main Street till you see BB&T Bank on your left. Riverside Drive runs beside BB&T Bank around the back of the Main Street stores. You will probably have to find a place to park somewhere behind BB&T bank or on Main Street. Riverside Drive will be blocked off on Festival Day and vehicles will not be allowed to park there. From Raleigh: Merge onto I-40

E. Merge onto I-95 S via Exit 328 A toward Benson/Fayetteville. Take the U.S.-74 E exit (Exit 14) toward Maxton/Laurinburg. Follow U.S.74 E until you see Chadbourn/ Tabor City Exit which will be Hwy. 410. Take Hwy. 410 - to U.S. Hwy. 76 W. Follow U.S. Hwy. 76 W to Fair Bluff. Go through the outer city limits of Fair Bluff until you reach see BB&T Bank on your right. (You will pass Fair Bluff

Ford, Dollar General, Piggly Wiggly, Johnny’s Drive In, Lovett’s Plaza, Fair Bluff United Methodist Church - BB&T will be beside the Fair Bluff United Methodist Church). Riverside Drive runs beside BB&T Bank around the back of the Main Street stores. Park somewhere behind BB&T bank or on Main Street. Riverside Drive will be blocked off on Festival Day.

From babies to animals,

everyone loves the

Our Best Wishes For A Great

Watermelon Festival! Visit Our Store For Refreshments Come Cool Off With Ice Cream, Fountain Drinks & Milk Shakes.

Watermelon Festival Emily Lundy Thompson, R-Ph



“We Care About Your Prescriptions - 24 Hour Service” Phone 910-649-7721 • Downtown Historic Fair Bluff, NC

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 19

Teen Miss Contestants

Madison Hardee Parents: John and Wanda Hardee Tabor City Alicia Garland Parents: Richie and Tara Garland Bakersville

Callie Henline Parents: Todd and Evie Henline Statesville

Megan Ivy Daniels Parents: Gwin and Terry Daniels Evergreen

Madeline Floyd Parents: Kim and Teague Floyd Loris, S.C.

FAIR BLUFF WATERMELON FESTIVAL Come to Fair Bluff and Enjoy . . .

The Southern Watermelon Delight The Watermelon Contest • Arts & Crafts Show Entertainment • The Parade on Saturday


Shown here is a delightful view of Lumber River from the boardwalk.

April 22-23, 2016

The Greater Fair Bluff Chamber of Commerce Karen Grainger, President • Eddie Burney, Treasurer

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 20

Junior Miss Contestants

Emma Rae Ward Parents: Ricky and Heather Ward Fair Bluff

Ella Sinclaire Singleton Parents: Cliff and Amy Singleton Statesville

Katelynn Scott Parents: Chris and Kristin Scott Lumberton

Sara Elizabeth Faulk Parents: Chris and Dawn Faulk Cerro Gordo


Little Miss Contestants

Stay cool with a slice of watermelon

Watermelon Growers Association on another wonderful...

Watermelon Festival Get A STEAL of a DEAL on a...


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l a i c e p S


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PHONE 910-649-7316 • Downtown Fair Bluff, NC

Alyson Julia Sharp Parents: James and Courtney Sharp Sims

Katherine Marie Alsup Parents: Keith and Samantha Alsup Lake Waccamaw

Lorelei Elberson Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Elberson Denton

Perry Pearl Sunyae Kim Parents: Heather Webb and Won Kim Bakersville

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 21

Tiny Mi

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OTHER ITEMS NOW AVAILABLE: • Watermelon • Cantaloupe • Potatoes • Okra • Jams, Jellies & Honey • Peas • Boiled Peanuts

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“Farm Fresh Produce”

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 22

Baby Miss Contestants

Wee Miss Contestants

Gabriella Rose Blackwell Parents: William and Alicia Blackwell Cerro Gordo

Gracelyn Brooke Thompson Parents: Barett and Stacey Thompson Evergreen

Natalie Brooke Hamilton Parents: William and Julia Hamilton Evergreen

Chloe Izabella Hagood Parents: Clay and Crystal Hagood Whiteville

Isla Grace Green Parents: Ryan and Jordan Green Chadbourn

Watermelon-Walla Walla Sweet Onion salsa A colorful, refreshing change from traditional salsa. Serve with corn chips, chicken, fish or pork.

1/4 cup orange marmalade 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup finely chopped jalapeno peppers 2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups chopped seeded watermelon 1 cup chopped Walla Walla Sweet Onion 1 cup chopped orange sections In large bowl, stir together orange marmalade, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, vinegar, gar-

How to pick a watermelon

lic and salt. Add watermelon, Walla Walla Sweet Onion and orange, gently loss together until coated. Chill at least 30 minutes before serving. Makes 4 cups • Preparation time: 15 minutes Chill time: 30 minutes

Watermelon handling tips

Appearance: Look it over -- choose a symmetrical watermelon that’s free of bruises, cuts, and dents. Weight: Lift it up -- the watermelon should be heavy for its size. Ripeness: Turn it over -- the underside of a ripe watermelon is yellow. The rind has a healthy sheen.

Whole Watermelons: • Rinse the outside with water before cutting, as you would with any produce item. • Store in the refrigerator to preserve freshness and flavor.

Festive Watermelon cake

Pre-cut Watermelons: • Look for the flesh to appear dense and firm. • Refrigerate to preserve freshness and flavor (1 week maximum). • Cover the cut surface loosely with plastic wrap to prevent flesh from becoming mushy. • Store chunks of the flesh in covered plastic containers. • Freeze watermelon cubes or chunks to use as ice cubes in beverages or to eat as popsicles. • Do not cook watermelon as it loses the sweet delicious taste.

1 box white cake mix 1 tablespoon plain flour 1 3-oz. package mixed fruit jello 3/4 cup Wesson oil 1 cup cut-up watermelon pieces 4 eggs

Watermelon popsicles

Sprinkle flour over cake mix. Add jello, oil and watermelon. Mix thoroughly with electric beater, adding one egg at a time. Divide batter into two greased and floured 8-inch pans. Bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees. Ice when cool.

3 cups watermelon juice 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar

Topping 1 stick of margarine 1/2 to 1 cup of cut-up watermelon 1 box of powdered sugar 1 each Red and green food coloring 1 package Chocolate chips Soften margarine and add sugar. Blend in the watermelon gradually until a spreading

consistency is reached. Divide topping and add red and green food coloring to each. Spread the topping over the cake. Add cholcoate chips as needed for decoration.

To prepare watermelon juice, cut watermelon into cubes and rub through a strainer to remove seeds. In small sauce-pan mix together sugar and water; simmer three minutes. Remove from heat; stir in watermelon juice and lemon juice. Turn into two ice trays. Freeze until very mushy and insert a popsicle stick in each cube.

Freeze. Makes about 36 small popsicles.

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 23

Visiting Queens

NC Watermelon State Queen Carmen Honeycutt

N.C. Watermelon Festival Best Tastin’ contest The NC Watermelon Festival Best Tastin’ Watermelon of the Carolinas Contest will be held Saturday, July 18 on Riverside Drive in Fair Bluff. Registration for watermelons begins at 7:30 a.m. Entrants are asked to complete a pre-registration form with their extension agent to certify their watermelon patches before July 16. The pre-registration form must be mailed or hand delivered to the registration table on Riverside Drive for the Watermelon Contest by 7:30 a.m. Only two watermelons are allowed per grower and no more than four watermelons are allowed per farm. The fourth watermelon per farm will be auctioned off with the proceeds going to Wounded Warriors. The families of the founders of the association will be entering watermelons as well to be entered with all proceeds going towards Wounded Warriors. Download your grower preregistration form from the website at www.ncwatermelonfestival.org. Any questions call Chandler Worley (910) 207-1698 or Roger Strickland at (919) 6303634. Contest Chairmans are Monroe Enzor Jr., Chandler Worley and Roger Strickland.

Little Gents Contestants Cowboys & Boots

Briggs Strickland Parents: Allen Strickland and Jenni Williamson Tabor City

Brinkley Collier N.C. Strawberry Princess and Tara Ward N.C. Strawberry Festival Queen

Nolan Barnes Parents: Whitney and Justin Barnes Chadbourn

Braxton Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo

Cowgirls & Tiaras

Mini Miss Contestants

Alexis Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo

Ashland Elizabeth Lane Batchelor Parents: Emily Gore Batchelor and Justin Batchelor Whiteville

Kelbi Bowen Parents: Dean and Heather Bowen Whiteville

BUY LOCAL Best Wishes to the Southeastern NC Watermelon Growers Association Have a Great Watermelon Festival in Fair Bluff!

For more than 50 years, we’ve been serving the fine folks in this area. Thanks for depending on us!


117 Railroad Ave., Chadbourn


Tenley Rae Taylor Parents: Olivia Cribb and Justin Taylor Whiteville

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Brian & Jolene Hamilton - We appreciate your business! 5196 Braswell Rd.,Cerro Gordo 654-5256 (located just off Hwy. 76) 770-0689

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 24

Calendar Kids

Alexis and Braxton Enzor Parents: Monroe and Amanda Enzor Cerro Gordo

Alexis Rose Ward Parents: Andrea Miller Ward and Mitchell Ward Tabor City

Alli Brooke Miller Parent: Summer Miller Green Sea, S.C.

Bentley Lee Parents: Stone and Alexandra Lee Evergreen

Elizabeth and Audrey Herring Parents: Chad and Heather Herring Cerro Gordo

F&F Repair Inc. 910-649-7326 Hydraulic Hoses Welding • Machine Work Hwy. 76, Fair Bluff, NC

Cayson Phipps Parents: Chris and Jennifer Phipps Tabor City

24 Hour Towing Ask for Ray Fax/Phone 910-649-6395

Brantley Nealey Parents: Joey and Morgan Cribb and Dustin Nealey Whiteville

Briggs Strickland Parents: Allen Strickland and Jenni Williamson Tabor City

Welcome to the

Watermelon Festival Enjoy Your Stay in Fair Bluff and Bring the Family for Lots of Fun & Excitement Catering Services available for Weddings, Receptions, & Holiday Gatherings

Olde Towne Florist 123 East First Ave., Chadbourn (910) 654-5646

William T. Williamson Owner and Operator

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 25

Calendar Kids

Giada Maria Gritti Parents: Holly and Davide Gritti Loris, S.C.

Carson Jones Parents: Jason and Cortney Jones Cerro Gordo

Connor Thompson, Bentlee Thompson, Parents: Kimber Strickland and Daniel Thompson Chadbourn

Gracelyn Brooke Thompson Parents: Barett and Stacey Thompson Evergreen

Kasi Strickland and Gracie Johnson Parent: Parent: Marsha Strickland Savanah Johnson Cerro Gordo Cerro Gordo

David Monroe Enzor Jr. Parents: Julia and David Enzor Ash

Ty Preston Nobles Parents: Brandi Nobles and Steven Nobles Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Kendyl Rose Lee Parents: Brandon and Lori Lee Little River, S.C.

The N.C. Watermelon Festival Parade and the Southern Watermelon Delight tickets are open until July 15. Tickets are available at B.H. Small Company, and Elvington Drug in Fair Bluff and BB&T in Tabor City.

Open Monday - Saturday • 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

910-654- 4157 Ashley Dealer Mattresses • Clothing Flags • Silk Flowers • Wreaths • Bows Furniture Showroom

410 Clothing, Furniture & Gift Shop Highway 410 South, Chadbourn, North Carolina Nolan Barnes Parents: Whitney and Justin Barnes Chadbourn

Gail Kennedy - Owner/Operator Special Prices on Nurse Uniforms: Landau, Cherokee, Crest, Dickies, Peaches, and Nurse Shoes

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 26

Calendar Kids

Luke Ward Parents: Heather and Ricky Ward Fair Bluff

Emma Ward Parents: Heather and Ricky Ward Fair Bluff

Koven Ward Parents: Andrea Miller Ward and Mitchell Ward Tabor City

Bryson Bullard Parents: Brandon and Lori Lee and Jamie Bullard Little River, S.C.

Logan Enzor Parents: Perry and T.J. Enzor Fair Bluff

Seth Enzor Parents: Perry and T.J. Enzor Fair Bluff

Winter Emery Green Parent: Reagan Powers and Trevon Green Chadbourn

Miller Montgomery Nance Parents: Blair Miller Nance and Matthew Nance Green Sea, S.C.

Torri Rayne Miller Parent: Summer Miller Green Sea, S.C.

Worthington Funeral Home, Inc.

Owen Ward Parents: Heather and Ricky Ward Fair Bluff

There’s sunshine in a smile

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, laughter and pleasure, teardrops and pain, all days can’t be bright, but it’s certainly true, there was never a cloud the sun didn’t shine through. So keep on smiling, whatever betide, you’re secure in the knowledge God is always beside you, and you’ll find when you smile your day will be brighter and all of your burdens will seem so much lighter. For each time you smile someone, somewhere will smile back at you, and nothing on earth can make life more worthwhile than the warmth and the sunshine of a beautiful smile.

Serving Columbus County For Three Generations • Dignified Traditional Services • Memorial Services • Cremation • Graveside Services • Out Of Town Arrangements 405 Strawberry Blvd. Chadbourn, NC

(910) 654-3518 www.worthingtonfuneralhome.com

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 27

Fair Bluff nominees

Emily Haven Faulk Nominee for Fair Bluff Ambassador

Emma Leah Dippel Nominee for Miss Fair Bluff

Torri Rayne Miller Nominee for Little Miss Fair Bluff

Emilee Brooke Moore Nominee for Tiny Miss Fair Bluff

2015 N.C. Watermelon Festival Tab -- Page 28

The Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association, Inc. The Town of Fair Bluff and the Reigning North Carolina Watermelon Festival Queens would like to invite you to join us for the

30th Annual

Watermelon Festival Bella Gray Hardie Baby Miss 2014

Emilee Brooke Moore Mini Ambassador 2014

Madalyn Nichole Norris Mini Miss 2014

Kailee Ana Ivey Tiny Miss 2014

Blayden Annsley Ludlum Petite Miss 2014

Lyla Autumn Bullard Little Miss 2014

Emily Haven Faulk Junior Miss 2014

Nolan Bryce Barnes Little Master 2014

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