Backpage - Fall 2013 Issue 3

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Here are four upcoming opportunities this week!

Alumni Networking Reception

Reid Coffeehouse Friday, September 27th 4-5PM

Alumni will share important lessons and career experiences that can help students navigate the transition to the professional world. • • • • • •

Law Business Social Services Education Non-Profit More!

Co-Sponsored by: The Student Engagement Center & The Whitman College Alumni Association

Making Money is a Result, Not a Purpose Monday September 30th 7pm Maxey 207 Reception to follow

Dave Williams ‘67 Former CEO of ShoreBank Pacific, the first commercial bank in the United States with a commitment to environmentally sustainable community development Sava and Danica Andjelkovic Endowed Lectureship

To shave or not to shave?


ight about this time of year, Whitman students are getting into the shower (occasionally), looking in the bathroom mirror and thinking, “Should I shave now?” It’s a difficult question to answer. Yes, it is still much too warm for that uncomfortable lumberjack mustache and beard combo you cultivated this summer in the forest doing research on endangered wolves, or on a boat pursuing a dream career of Alaskan fishing. Or perhaps you got empowered after you grew out your leg hair for your Birthright trip to Israel (because then it wouldn’t sting at all in the Dead Sea). The bottom line is that summer is over. While fall has yet to bring in real cool chills of wind, the warm air of September is fleeting. Still don’t know what to do? First off, ask yourself if you’re preparing for winter or trying to drag out summer. If you are trying to stretch out summer, shave. If you are not trying to achieve an endless summer by keeping your body hair, the following article is for you. Beards are good for looking burly, getting an image and keeping warm. If you are unsure about your beard, ask yourself if you need any of these things. If your nickname is “Beard Pete,” then perhaps shaving the beard will ruin your reputation, but it could also be the birth of “Beardless Pete” or even just “Pete.” Do you have a cold chin and face? Do you like storing food in your beard or making jokes about it? If you are frequently compared to Jesus and/or a homeless person, decide if you like that image. If your beard has a name and talks back to you or you

play with it excessively and put beads in it, shave it off. Beards should never talk back. Mustaches are an all-season facial hair, but they are hit or miss. If your mustache is a John Waters pencil, erase it. If you got a Handlebar mustache to try out popular hipster culture, shave it off unless it really works for your face. Ask your friends and acquaintances because sometimes friends let friends have bad staches. If you have purchased special wax for your mustache and have a comb, keep it around. It seems to give you something to do with your extra time. However, if you look like a stubbly eighth grader who has not been introduced to a razor, kill the stache. Finally, if parents shy away from you on the street when you smile or wave at their kids, kill the stache. The Pio does not support Pedo-staches. Chops look like laziness incarnate on most people. They make many look fatter, or more animal-like. However, if you are going for a Beatles look and it works, keep ‘em. Soul Patches are a tricky, tricky thing. Soul Patches beg to be shaved. They look like a missed spot. They are compared to caterpillars and called chin pubes and people openly debate how much soul the wearer has. Shave it now, or proceed with extreme caution. Hello, all you hairy-legged or armpitted femme-fatales. This is another voice telling you to do what you want to do. But also, there are good and bad reasons not to shave. Expressing inequality of expectations of men and women is among the good reasons. A bad reason not to shave is just to make your “conservative” family uncomfortable. Your hairy legs will not get them to support Obamacare or green space. Shave if you like the way it looks, shave if you miss the feeling of your legs in bedsheets, shave if you find it fun. And if you just DGAF, go you! HUH

The Student Engagement Center connects students with alumni.



26 2013






Fall Fashion Quiz

Fall has officially arrived and you know what that means: Fashion Week. The latest styles seen on this year’s runways all over Boyer and Isaacs have included Canadian Tuxedos, flannel on flannel and a gorgeous pair of found-on-the-side-of-the-road boots by designer Smolly JoJo that I know all of us girls are just dying to have. With the weather cooling down, it is essential to know this season’s trends in order to avoid committing a fashion faux-pas (like department-store sweaters, EW! I wear Goodwill or I wear nothing!) Take this quiz and see if you are truly prepared to rock your Birkenstocks this semester! 1. Which is the coolest way to wear sweaters? A. A sweater over a t-shirt B. Sweaters on sweaters C. Under a bro-tank 2. Which of these three flannels is the most chic? A. Baggy B. Fitted C. Grandpa’s hand-me-down 3. Match these: A. Pants B. Leggings C. Jeggings




4.What is this season’s hottest accessory? A. Ironic trucker hats B. Hand-knit scarves C. Mason-jar traveler mugs 5. What are you wearing on your feet right now? A. Nothing. Shoes are never necessary. Ever. B. My latest Goodwill find C. A pair of super fine toe shoes

Photo by Clay

If you answered any of these questions, then congratulations! You are totally going to be super fly this semester. But if you need to be correct to have meaning in your life, here is how you should dress for fall to be fashionable: 1:B (extra points for sweaters3), 2:C, 3:A2, B1 & C3? These could possibly be pants? They’ve really advanced jeggings technology these days. 4:D. a fez. 5:D I have no feet. ABS-VERTISEMENTS

Nina Buty ‘97 Major: Studio Art Noon

Wednesday,October 2 Reid 207

Nina Buty is the founder of Buty Winery, a Walla Walla-based winery that makes a small selection of acclaimed Washington State wines. These sought-after wines are made using grapes from a handful of renowned Washington winegrowing sites, including Nina’s own organic Rockgarden Estate. Buty was named Wine & Spirits “Winery of the Year” in both 2011 & 2012.

Hookup coUture

Don’t cave to societal “norms.”


“Not your boyfriend’s clothes”


the original vintage

you got laid

and everyone should know ILLUSTRATION BY BOWEN

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