Whitman College Pioneer - Spring 2009 Issue 10

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ALL ABOUT alumni

JEKYLL and hyde engages

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pg 15

april 23, 2009 Volume CXXIV / Issue 10 Walla Walla, WAshington whitmanpioneer.com

Tour takes over WALLa WALLA

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WhitmanCollegePioneer Budget, stipends top ASWC agenda

New sexual misconduct policy approved

by Alex Jeffers

by Hanna Ory Associate News Editor

Early Wednesday evening, April 22, the Whitman College faculty voted to approve the Dean of Student’s new proposed Sexual Misconduct Policy, a project that has been under revision for nearly two years. However, the Board of Trustees must still approve the policy before it takes effect. While the process is not over, the faculty’s vote represents significant advancements towards the policy’s adoption. The two-year process has involved hiring a consultant, reviewing other school’s policies and mediating student focus groups and forums. According to the Whitman Web site, the new policy was proposed when the college discovered that their previous policy was not in compliance with current law. However, Associate Dean of Students, Clare Carson also attributes the change to a desire to follow national recommendations. “What really happened is that we review our policies a lot and we’ve been reading new advisement from the office of civil rights (department of education), and what they recommend. We felt there were parts of our policy that were just a MISCONDUCT POLICY, see page 2


Admitted students and their families enjoy a luncheon on the Cordiner side lawn during last Saturday’s Admitted Students’ Day.

Admitted students get a taste of Whitman life Admitted Students’ Day a make or break experience for prospective students by Josh Goodman Reporter

As spring temperatures approached 80 degrees, hundred of admitted students and their family members flocked to campus for Admitted Students’ Day on Saturday, April 18. The annual event, featuring tours, sample classes and information on programs such as study abroad, provided an opportunity for many high school seniors to get a better feel for Whitman. “Getting to meet the faculty was pretty amazing,” said Laignee Barron of Ojai, California. “I talked to two of the professors

here; they were really approachable.” Seeing the campus was also helpful for students such as Robert Logan of New Orleans. “One of the biggest things is just visiting the campus itself, because I’ve never even been up to the northwest,” he said. “Not only is the area beautiful, but the campus itself is amazing. I love it.” This year’s Admitted Students’ Day featured a more interactive approach than in previous years, based on feedback from last year. “Even though these students are connected electronically through the [class of 2013] Facebook group, this [doesn’t] translate to a smooth meeting and greeting of students when they [come] to campus,” said Associate Dean of Students Barbara Maxwell. ADMISSIONS, see page 7

sports was also increased from $22,000 to $30,000, in Reporter order to make up for cuts in Money was the hot topic the Whitman’s Club Sports on the ASWC Senate’s agen- contribution. Returns from ASWC’s da as they convened for their fifth meeting of the spring over $250,000 endowment semester on Sunday, April were also earmarked (or pur19. Foremost among the is- posed) for service learning projects such as sues discussed Justice Beyond were details What happened? Borders, Whitconcerning the man Direct ’09-’10 ASWC • Funds earmarked Action and the budget and the for service learning projects and Organic Youth Advencreation of a Garden. ture Program fund to augand to sponsor ment ASWC • Creation of funds to Organic Garofficers’ stisupplement ASWC officers’ stipends den summer inpends. terns. ASWC’s to“We’re really excited tal budget for fiscal year 2010 is projected to be close to about the purposing of our $485,000. The largest share endowment, a goal that all of of the budget will be dis- us in the Finance Committee tributed among ASWC clubs have been working toward and the new ASWC Pro- since September,” said Figramming Board. ASWC’s nance Chair-Elect for next annual contribution to club SENATE, see page 4


ASWC’s Sunday, April 19 Senate meeting was well attended by officers and club representatives.

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