Whitman Pioneer Spring 2010 - Issue 9

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Is Dungeons and Dragons obsolete? Columnist Blair Frank thinks not


Founders of the student-run theater group look to the future

page 8

Last-place Missionaries swept by first-place Pacific Lutheran in embarrassing fashion

page 6

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WHITMAN COLLEGE Walla Walla, WA Volume CXXVI Issue 9 whitmanpioneer.com A , 

AS W C ELE CTIO N Executive Council elections took place on M onday, April 5

Music department to undergo big changes by LIZ SIENG Staff Reporter

Vice Presidential and Finance Chair candidates John Loranger and M att Dittrich w ere elected in uncontested races. data compiled by AS W C

Holocaust survivor speaks to campus, community by LEA NEGRIN Staff Reporter

Over the next two years, sweeping changes in the music department will leave it almost completely unrecognizable. By the end of 2011, a total of four music professors (out of six that teach regular, classroom-based courses) will have le the department. Set to retire next year are Dr. Lee ompson, professor of music and head of piano and accompanying studies and David Glenn, department chair and director of jazz studies. Dr. Edward Dixon, associate professor of music and director of the Whitman symphony orchestra, is currently spending his last semester as conductor. is major shi in the department

Lee Thompson teaches applied music and piano accompaniment. He will leave Whitman after the spring 2011 semester.

began with Dixon’s decision to retire, but picked up signi cant momentum when Dr. Robert Bode, professor of music and head of choral and vocal studies, also decided unexpectedly to leave this semester, resulting in mixed reactions from students and professors. In 1986, partners Bode and ompson arrived in Walla Walla and began teaching at Whitman. Having formerly served as the department chair, Bode currently directs Chorale and Chamber Singers and teaches voice lessons, conducting and 19th-century music history. Like all professors of the music department, Bode teaches classes in applied music and history. “Even though he wasn’t acting as the chair, it always felt like he was the boss M U SIC D EPA RT M E N T, page 7

PH OTO S BY F E N N ELL Robert Bode has been with the department since 1986. After this semester, he will take a post at University of Missouri, Kansas City.

Record number of students One year later, bomb threat admitted to class of 2014 investigation unresolved Declining yield prompts the Office of Admission to admit more students, even as the number of applicants declines by 3.6 percent. by JOSH GOODMAN Associate N e w s Editor

A record number of prospective students received the good news that they have been admitted to Whitman this year. In total, the O ce of Admission admitted 1,490 of the 3,191 applicants for the class of 2014. e increase in admitted students, up from last year’s 1,443, comes despite the rst dip in applications received since 1995. A record 3,309 students applied last year, though this year is still the second-highest on record. e percent admitted rose from 43.6 percent last year to 46.7 percent for the class of 2014. Director of Admission Kevin Dyerly attributes the decline in applications to a decreasing number of high school seniors nationwide, as well as economic concerns. “ is year’s dip has to do with families making decisions in the middle of the recession related to their college search and ultimately some students not deciding to pursue Whitman because of cost, whereas a year ago they had already made their decision before the

When Lilly Black landed in Walla Walla earlier this week, it was the rst time she set eyes on the college her grandson, sophomore Ryan Smith, attends. However, she came for more than just a family visit. Last night at 7 p.m., hundreds of students and members of the Walla Walla community gathered in Maxey Auditorium to hear Black recount her trials as a Holocaust survivor. She appeared as a guest speaker for Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, which falls this Sunday, April 11. “Every time she has told me her story, I’ve learned something new,” said Smith as he introduced his grandmother. Black stepped up to the microphone and stared out at family members and strangers, all of whom were all there to listen to her story. “I really thought that Ryan was going to bring his class, and that would be it,” she said. Black has spoken before about her experience but, according to Smith, never for an audience as big as the one that greeted her last night. Black captured the audience with her story of hunger, desperation and nally liberation. As a 14-year-old from Romania, Black was taken with her family to Auschwitz where she and her sister were by CONNOR GUY separated from their parents. e two of A&E Editor them would survive, but not a er living For the rst time since Menomena’s Dein ve di erent concentration camps cember 2009 concert in Reid Ballroom, and experiencing hunger, forced labor W EB is sponsoring a major band’s perand unfathomable cruelty. formance at Whitman. On May 6, W EB “ ere are things there, I tell you, will collaborate with K WC W to host a [that were] very inhumane,” said Black. concert featuring two popular bands: Since 1992, Hillel-Shalom, Whitman the U K group Los Campesinos! and the College’s Jewish organization, has been Los Angeles experimental punk band bringing Holocaust survivors to cam- No Age, currently signed to the Seattle pus to tell their stories. Sharon Kauf- label Sub Pop. man-Osborn, Hillel-Shalom adviser According to W EB’s Music Entertainand counselor at the Whitman College ment Director, junior Matt Coleman, Counseling Center, has been a driving the process of getting a band to come force behind many of the lectures. Ac- to campus was arduous, and he did encording to Kaufman-Osborn, people’s counter setbacks, but the ultimate result interest in the Holocaust lectures has was a real success. always been strong and the generosity of “It’s not like you can just snap your the speakers has always moved her. ngers and a band will be here,” he said. “ e Holocaust survivors who have “It’s a lot of work, and it really doesn’t S U R V I V O R , page 2 depend a whole lot on who’s in charge,

market tanked,” he said. However, a declining yield, or percentage of admitted students who ultimately enroll, prompted the increased admissions. Dyerly said that Whitman’s growing reputation accounts for those declines. “ Ten years ago we were competing more with a regional peer group in the northwest,” he said. “While we still cross over with the likes of Puget Sound, Lewis and Clark and Willamette, more and more of our admitted students [are deciding between] Stanford and Whitman or Dartmouth and Whitman. We don’t win that one as much as we lose that one.” Whitman plans to enroll 390 to 395 rst-year students this fall, consistent with previous years. In response to increased economic concerns, for the rst time, the O ce of Admission mailed out nancial aid awards with admission letters. While a higher percentage of applicants applied for nancial aid than in previous years, President Bridges is con dent that A D M I SSI O N S , page 3

by MOLLY SMITH Editor-in-Chief

Last ursday, April 1, the memory of the previous year’s anonymous bomb threat on Hunter Conservatory was on the mind of Dean of Students Chuck Cleveland. “You always have concerns that someone could do it again,” said Cleveland. ese concerns are especially real in light of the fact that the Walla Walla Police Department has yet to close its investigation of the April 1, 2009 threat, which is believed by many to be an April Fool’s Day hoax. “ is case is an open case, still under investigation,” said Sergeant Matt Wood of the Walla Walla Police Department Detectives Unit. Although there is no expected closure date, active work on the case ceased sometime last summer. Last year, on the evening of March 31,

2009, ve Whitman students and President Bridges received an e-mail with the subject line “[bombthreatslol] Hi, lets play a game.” e sender also attempted to send the e-mail to both the community and student listservs, but it did not go through. “Rearrange the last initials of the C Ced to nd out where the bomb is going to explode tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. Add a U..cuz no one has that last name,” the e-mail read. According to the police department report, Whitman Security determined that the probable location of the bomb was Hunter Conservatory because the rst letter of the students’ last names, in addition to the ‘U’, spelled H U N TER. e next morning, Hunter was evacuated and the Walla Walla Police Department conducted a sweep of the building. T H R E AT, page 2

Los Campesinos! concert part of larger trend to hold events in spring who’s organizing it. It really comes down to the artist, and whether they want to come or not. Walla Walla’s a great place, but I mean, it is like ve hours from anything. So that’s one of the di culties I encountered. You just have to roll with the punches.” As a relatively new organization formed through a restructuring of ASWC Events, Campus Activities Board and several student activities programs at the end of last year, W EB has had to adjust to a new framework while planning concerts this year. Another new aspect of this semester’s concert will be the involvement of Whitman’s radio station, K WC W. According to senior Andrew Hall, the station’s cogeneral manager, strained relations between K WC W and the former ASWC Events Board kept the station from W EB, page 7

RECESSION IN WALLA WALLA How has Walla Walla fared during years of recession? W hat has made this tow n more stable than many of its neighbors? W hat job prospects do graduates have?

Looking de eper than the statistics, this w e ek’s Feature explores the real-life effects of the recession from various perspectives in the com munity. page 4

JAC O BS O N A member of the NBA jersey-clad Whoopsie-Daisies skies for a disc during last weekend’s Onionfest. The Whoopsie-Daisies tied for third with the Whitman Sweets.

Whitman Sweets host 15th annual Onionfest by JAY GOLD AND BIDNAM LEE Staff Reporters

O n the night of Saturday, April 3, a mass of reveling ultimate Frisbee players from Missoula, Mont., Seattle, Portland and elsewhere ooded Tau Kappa Epsilon’s backyard and spilled onto the adjoining parking lot behind the house known as Figi. is gathering provided a lucid illustration not

only of how monumental O nionfest ‘10 was—which included 29 teams and approximately 500 players—but of how much the tournament has grown in the 15 years since its inception. Looking through a retrospective lens, it is somewhat absurd to think that what has become such a populous tournament began with just four teams. O N I O N F E S T, page 10



SURVIVOR: Speaker recalls concentration camps page 1 come to speak have always volunteered their time. They have come to speak because they feel like it is part of their obligation to tell the world about their experiences,” she said. While many came to the lecture with intentions of supporting Smith and to hear a grandmother’s story, there was a greater purpose that senior HillelShalom President Jacqueline Kamm and Smith each noted. “It’s really important to document [Holocaust survivors] first hand before it’s too late and before our generation has the job of passing on the story,” Smith said. Kamm echoed Smith’s comment. “As time goes on there are going to be fewer Holocaust survivors still around, so I think it’s very important for us to learn about their experiences as well as really value their experiences,” she said. “They are heroes.” While the stories of Holocaust survivors throughout the years have all been different and unique to the individual,

their stories are always astounding. “It’s so amazing to think about my American children, what their lives are like, and what this woman did when she was 12,” said Kaufman-Osborn about a past Holocaust speaker on campus. As Black finished her story, recalling her joy at arriving in America, she left the audience with an appreciation for their daily life. “I had never seen any people so wonderful. I can’t ever tell you how absolutely wonderful [it is] to know that you are going to be free, and that you’re not going to be killed,” she said. Black’s story was moving: She finished to a standing ovation for her bravery at recounting her story and willingly sharing her personal struggles. Her story’s connection to a student on campus helped, more than ever, to drive home the message of the Holocaust and its impact. “What happened has to be retold so that it is never forgotten. It’s part of our history,” said Smith.

BOWMAN Guest speaker Lilly Black talks to community members outside Maxey Auditorium after discussing her experiences during the Holocaust.

Upcoming immigration rally to gain Whitman support by RACHEL ALEXANDER Staff Reporter

Ten thousand people will converge at Seattle’s Occidental Park on Saturday, April 10, to rally for comprehensive immigration reform. The rally has been organized by the Washington Immigration Reform Coalition, an umbrella group which includes over 50 immigrants’ rights groups, labor unions, faith-based organizations and community groups. For Whitman students passionate about immigration reform, the rally serves as a chance to get involved and put pressure on politicians to act now. “Immigration reform affects a lot of my family members,” said Ariel Ruiz, a junior who plans to attend the rally. He hopes to see Congress pass comprehensive immigration reform this year, and said it’s time to put pressure on politicians to take action. Sophomore Yonas Fikak, who also plans to attend the rally, agreed. “There is a need to solve [immigration], and in order to solve it, there has to be a push from ordinary Americans,” he said. OneAmerica, an immigrants’ rights group which is helping to organize the event, outlines seven major components of comprehensive immigration reform on their Web site. Among these measures are a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, reducing backlogs on immigration applications for people with family members already living in the United States and allowing enough legal visas to meet labor market demands. ”There are people who call for simply enforcing our laws, but our laws are outdated and unfair,” said Charlie McAteer, the communications manager for OneAmerica. McAteer said the goal of the rally was for Congress to pass a comprehensive

CORRECTIONS TO ISSUE 8: The large quote in “Double the fun for twins sharing Whitman experience” on page 6 is credited to Dawn Angus ‘13. Angus is actually a member of the class of 2011. The text of “Missionaries mired in 6-game losing streak” was mistakenly printed as the text from “Brittney Griner rocks the rim” on the same page. The real text of the former article can be found at whitmanpioneer.com. The photo accompanying “Wolves on campus!” on the front page of The Homesteader was mistakenly credited to Gold and von Hofften instead of to Gold and von Hafften.

IN THIS ISSUE: News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 A&E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Back Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

immigration reform bill this year. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act (CIR-ASAP) was introduced in the House by Representative Gutierrez (D-Ill.) last year, and is still in committee. The Senate currently has no comprehensive immigration reform bill, but Senators Schumer (DN.Y.) and Graham (R-S.C.) have outlined a plan which is supported by President Obama. Congressman Jim McDermott, who represents Washington’s 7th Congressional District, will speak at the rally. Other Washington politicians, including Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, have expressed support for immigration reform. The rally will be attended by people from all over Washington, with more than 80 charter buses scheduled to transport people to and from the event. Thirty-five Whitman students plan to attend the event and will share a bus with community members, including students from Walla Walla High School and Walla Walla Community College. “We’ve made a big effort to develop organizing strategies that are not just relying on Olympia and Seattle,” said McAteer. Whitman students are attending for a variety of reasons. Some are personally affected by immigration policy, while others see it as an important social and political issue. “It doesn’t help anyone to have people living in the shadows, in fear,” said junior Lissa Erickson, who is attending the rally. “It’s not just about immigrants’ rights; it’s about everyone’s rights.” Immigration policy also affects access to higher education, a fact which Fikak observed when he was applying for college. He saw friends who were undocumented immigrants struggling to find financial aid because of their immigration status. “They were going through problems applying for scholarships,” he said. “They were doing a lot more work than I was doing.” The DREAM Act, which will provide a path to citizenship for undocumented students and allow them access to financial aid, is a component of comprehensive immigration reform that has garnered support on many college campuses. Alonso Chehade, an organizer for the Washington DREAM Act Coalition, believes that allowing undocumented immigrants to become citizens is an issue of fairness. “[Undocumented immigrants] have been living here,” he said. “They’ve built their life here. They pay taxes and they don’t get anything in return.” He hopes the rally will mobilize grassroots support for immigration reform. “This won’t just be a rally,” Chehade said. “We’re trying to make history here.”

April 8, 2010A

THREAT: No suspect charged page 1 In addition, the e-mail contained threats towards a then first-year student and Bridges. “FUCK YOU [student’s name]..OR IS IT FUCK ME? or is it fuck you Mr. Bridges for canceling the ski team. DIAF [die in a fire]..seriously,” the email stated. The student named, one of the recipients of the e-mail, has since left the college. The e-mail was sent from the personal Gmail account of then first-year Ruth Mattmiller, who was immediately cleared of any involvement with the case. Whitman was able to obtain a subpoena against Google, Inc. in order to obtain information about the sender, who is believed to have accessed Mattmiller’s account via a library computer. Although Google fully cooperated with the college, because Google only keeps data for a two- to three-day time period, they were unable to process Whitman’s request because it was filed after this time period. According to Mattmiller, the e-mail was sent from her account without her knowledge and she only became aware of the e-mail when she was contacted by Whitman Security. Her laptop computer had been plagued by viruses for some time and her hard drive had crashed earlier in the fall 2008 semester. “Whitman Security and the police department were concerned that someone had accessed my personal information [through these viruses],” said Mattmiller. “I took my laptop down to the police department so they could scan an image of the hard drive. I never heard anything about it after that.” Mattmiller was not acquainted with any of the students CCed on the email. According to Cleveland, the detectives assigned to the case put over 100 hours of work into the investigation, but were unable to track down the source of the e-mail. Given the highly technological nature of the case, the police department did not have any hard evidence to work with. “The only hypothesis that they have is that [the e-mail] was sent from a computer in the library,” said Cleveland. The Walla Walla Police Department does not have sufficient information to determine the exact computer from which the e-mail was sent. Nor does it have sufficient information to speculate as to whether the threat was sent by a member of the Whitman community or from someone not directly associated with the college. “I interviewed everybody who was involved in the e-mail, from the people who received it to the person who sup-

CORNELIUS Hunter Conservatory earlier this month. The building, along with a student and President Bridges, was the subject of an April Fool’s bomb threat in 2009 that remains unresolved.

posedly sent it,” said Associate Director of Security Craig McKinnon. “I never ascertained any guilt.” Director of Security Terry Thompson echoed McKinnon’s uncertainty. “I don’t think the police were ever able to narrow down [a suspect]. They can speculate, but that’s the best they can do right now,” said Thompson. “[They] didn’t want to make any accusations that might slant it towards an individual without having anything to back it up with.” Cleveland cast doubt on the realistic possibility of resolving the case. “We don’t have the record capabilities that one would need to [uncover this information] and we never will because [the technology] is expensive and complex and may not help us in the long run,” he said. “I think the only way we’ll ever figure this out or it will ever be resolved is if the person or people involved in the threat talk about it and then if this information is related to the authorities,” said Thompson. “As far as Whitman’s concerned, it’s over and we hope it never happens again.” Although Cleveland recognizes the

frustrations of never pinning down a suspect, he believes that the police department truly exhausted all efforts. “The police did a good job. They took it seriously, they were concerned about it, and they would have loved to have found out who the person was, they just couldn’t,” he said. As a result of the threat, the college purchased Netflow, a software which better tracks e-mail flow between devices on the Whitman network. “If this type of incident occurs again, we will be able to provide additional information that may assist in investigation,” said Whitman Director of Network Technology Kevin Kelly in an e-mail. A year later, Mattmiller is left with questions. “I never heard anything more about it after the first couple of days after it happened,” she said. “I understand that there’s privacy issues but I also wonder, ‘Hey, whatever happened about that thing with my computer where I almost got arrested?’ I never got an update [on the case] and I thought it was interesting that I was never questioned by the police.”

Focus on mental health: Counseling on campus by NATE LESSLER Staff Reporter

Six unconnected suicides at Cornell University this year have prompted national media coverage of mental illness among college students and investigations into the ways campuses are addressing the problem. While Whitman students utilize college counseling services much more frequently than students from other colleges and universities, counselors stress that students at Whitman do not experience mental illness any differently from their peers. “I don’t think our students are sicker, I really don’t,” said Rich Jacks, an associate dean of students and a director of health and wellness at Welty Health Center. According to Jacks, 25 percent of Whitman students signed up for regular counseling sessions at the health center during 2009. Yet in a national survey of counseling center directors, the American College Counseling Association found that 10.4 percent of all college students, or 270,000 students out of 2.6 million sampled, actively sought counseling at their schools during the 2008-2009 academic year. Whitman offers free counseling services to students. Though Whit man students seek

counseling twice as frequently as peers from other schools, Jacks commented that many schools’ resources are not as visible or accessible as those at Whitman, and may not be free, discouraging many people from seeking help. “I think this is a caring, supportive environment and counseling is more common here and people are more willing to utilize resources in this environment,” he said. According to Jacks, 20 percent of students going to the counseling center do so for depression, a higher percentage than any other cause. Relationship issues—including problems with family, friends and boyfriends or girlfriends—is second. However, Jacks stresses that although students cite depression as the most common reason for counseling, the majority of counseling cases do not address major mental health problems. “Most of what people come in with are not serious mental health issues but generally more developmental issues that they would probably survive on their own if they didn’t come in,” Jacks said. “But hopefully by coming in they deal with things quicker and less painfully.”

Jacks said that statistics on the nature of counseling services at Whitman College are not always reflective of students’ actual experience because some students with mental health issues do not seek out help. “There is no way to get stats on people who don’t access any kind of resource . . . there are many reasons [why someone might not take advantage of resources],” said Jacks. “There is kind of a stigma of asking for help. Especially in the western part of this country, there is this sense of a pioneer spirit . . . that you should be able to fix [your problems] yourself, you shouldn’t have to ask for help.” First-year Lillian Bailey, a peer listener, echoed Jacks’ thoughts about such a stigma but said that on the Whitman campus, it is often associated more with the idea of going to a counseling center than with asking for help. “There is a huge stigma for most people of going [to the Counseling Center],” Bailey said. “It’s tough to admit that you have issues that need to be worked out.” Nonetheless, the availability of free counseling and student resources such as peer listeners has resulted in more students seeking out help for issues that plague thousands of college students every year. “I think it’s a combination of more people knowing about the counseling resources available on campus and people feeling freer to exercise that option,” said first-year Jonas Myers. “We live in a world that is becoming friendlier towards the idea of people talking about their inner feelings and emoLOOS-DIALLO tions.”


April 8, 2010


ADMISSIONS: Class of 2014 chosen from highly selective applicant pool Whitman’s financial aid system will help the college continue to attract talented applicants during this economic downfall. “I think parents and family members who are thoughtful about the decisions they make regarding colleges [will] consider the actual cost and less so the stated price of tuition and fees,” he said, referring to the cost families pay after financial aid awards. “Inevitably [high tuition] will probably steer some families away, but given Whitman’s reputation both regionally and nationally, I am not particularly concerned at this juncture.” Bridges was also unconcerned about the slight decrease in the number of applicants. “I don’t see evidence of a trend,” he said. “Now, if the decrease continues for three or four years, we will be concerned, but remember also that we’ve reached the end of the baby boom echo. There are fewer students in [college students’] age group than there were before . . . so the picture on applications is unclear.” Even with slightly fewer applicants, the Office of Admission had no shortage of qualified students to select from. Positions on the waitlist were offered to 565 students, and Dyerly notes that the quality of waitlisted applications is often comparable to those of admitted students.

“We don’t get a lot of fluff in our applicant pool,” said Dyerly. “There are so many colleges and universities out there who, especially in this economic climate, are struggling to make a class and are admitting everyone they can. We could go another 550 to 600 students and not sacrifice quality almost at all.” Now that students have been admitted, the Office of Admission is focusing on getting them here. That includes Admitted Students Day on April 17, phone calls and the added touch this year of handwritten notes by admissions officers and A-Team members. For Dyerly, that makes this one of his favorite times of the year. “These are the fun conversations. They’ve been admitted. They’re not

worried about the whole mystery of the admissions process of ‘Will I get in?’ Now it’s the time to go and recruit them and see if they’ll be a future Whittie come August.”

BY THE NUMBERS: Class of 2014

3191 applicants 1490 (46.7%) students admitted 565 applicants waitlisted 3.89 median GPA of admitted students

2050 median SAT score of admitted students fewer applicants and more admitted than Class of 2013



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B ULLIO N At the 12th annual W hitman Undergraduate Conference, dozens of students, faculty and staff gathered in Science 151 to hear Stephanie Silver ‘10 give the first presentation of the panel “Touring Contemporary Culture.” Silver’s presentation was titled “Big Architecture for a Little City: An Introduction to the Architectural Curiosities of Walla Walla.”

Debate team wins national tourney Staff Reporter

Whitman College’s debate team bested over 250 schools from across the nation to place first in this year’s National Parliamentary Debate Association Season Sweepstakes, which took place from March 19-22 in Lubbock, Texas. As a result of the win, Whitman was the only team this debate season to advance to elimination rounds in all four national championships, marking the high point for one of the most successful debate teams in recent Whitman history. “It’s been a great year. The students, they’ve really excelled . . . it’s been really exciting to see,” Jim Hanson, team adviser and professor of forensics, who noted that Whitman consistently ranks

as one of the nation’s top parliamentary debate programs in the nation, “We won the national championship in 2005, and we’re almost always in the top 10,” he said. Hanson said that the string of victories is not only significant for the team’s winning-streak, but also because the team is so young. “I do think it’s pretty significant. Not just winning, but we have a large, talented squad,” said Hanson. “Just one of them is graduating, and so they’re all back next year and we have good recruits coming in; I mean, we are, and we’re going to be, very good.” Senior Policy Debater Daniel Straus has spent this debate season researching U.S. nuclear policy, specifically the

implications of new Chinese weapon systems and how U.S. nuclear policy affects its deployment. He is impressed with the success the team has met as a whole this debate season. “We we’re pretty successful throughout the year,” said Straus. “We were invited to the Kentucky Round Robin, to which only nine teams are invited . . . We were ranked fifth in the nation.” Team Coaches Aaron Hardy and Nick Robinson, both former student debaters who performed competitively at the national level, shared Hanson’s sentiment when asked about the team’s future. “I’m really proud of the team’s effort,” Robinson said. “Every other team in the nation has reason to be scared.”

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April 8, 2010A

Tough times

While economists measure a recession in straight statistics and figures, the real-life effects are often harder to define. This week’s Feature takes a look at the current recession from the shops, food banks and paychecks of Walla Walla residents and Whitman students. E. JOHNSON

Work-study cuts stress students by MARYBETH MURRAY Staff Reporter

According to the Whitman College Financial Aid Web site, during the 20082009 academic school year 46 percent of the student body received needbased gift aid. In the same year the average need-based financial aid package added up to $29,841. The figures for this year have not yet been posted. As tuition increases and the school continues to make the budget cuts that began last year, students with on-campus jobs are finding it difficult to make the money they had expected. Ruth Mattmiller, a sophomore who works as a carpenter in the theater scene shop, explained that the shop staff was informed that, due to budget cuts, they would not be allowed to work the same amount of hours as they had previously. “Because of budget cuts to the theater program,” Mattmiller said in an e-mail, “we can no longer work more than six hours per week, which greatly affects us financially in general.” Mattmiller’s passion for theater is evident despite her worry about budget cuts to the department. While a decrease in income has become a major factor in whether she will live on or off campus in the coming year, it is not her greatest concern. “[I must] consider getting another job, possibly at the cost of having to quit my job in the theater, which I would hate to have to do,” said Mattmiller. Michail Georgiev, a sophomore from Bulgaria, expressed similar concerns. Georgiev works in the Harper Joy scene shop as well as the Baker Ferguson Fitness Center. “I was told that budget cuts resulted in less shifts,” Georgiev said. “[I] barely managed to total eight hours of work a week, whereas last semester I was working 16 and a half.” As an international student, Georgiev has expenses like international airfare that most other Whitman students do not have to factor into their budget. “[Less work] means not only less op-

portunities to eat off campus and shop for necessities, but it also means that I can pay a smaller part of my airfare to the United States, which is a big part of my family's annual expenses,” said Georgiev. With fewer opportunities to make money on campus, Georgiev juggles two jobs, along with his academic requirements and his extracurricular commitments to the Harper Joy Theater and the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. For some students, frustration arises not over the specifics of on-campus jobs, but rather the attitude towards student economics in general. Firstyear Lillian Bailey expressed her concern with the student population’s reluctance to discuss issues of money with their peers. “Whitman students [feel] like they need to be overly P.C. . . . people would rather not say anything at all than put something out there that’s controversial,” Bailey said. Bailey went on to say that this reluctance to talk about economic issues amongst friends makes for stressful social dynamics. “When so many people are hurting—struggling with financial aid—it’s difficult for people who have different economic backgrounds to talk about it and relate.” While 78 percent of Whitman students receive some form of aid for their tuition, the other 22 percent pay all expenses. For many of the students within that 78 percent, attending Whitman would not be possible without monetary help from the government and the school. As our nation struggles through economic crisis, social and academic life goes on here at Whitman. In order to ease the pressure that many students feel over issues of money, Bailey believes that it is better to confront the issues head-on. “For some people this is not a big deal,” Bailey said. “Not everyone is affected to the same extent . . . [and] it’s really stressful socially.”

Job hunting in a recession by AMY CHAPMAN Staff Reporter

“College Degree No Shield as More Jobs Are Slashed,” cries the Washington Post. “College Graduates Tackle Dismal Job Market,” CBS News grimly confirms. A new e-mail pops into my inbox: “Come celebrate 50 days to graduation!” and I think back to three years ago when my brother graduated from Occidental College. “Stay in college as long as you can,” he warned. His economics major landed him a major desk job at a high-rise marketing firm in Los Angeles, but his ominous predictions about the job market have proved accurate: The unemployment rate hovers around 10 percent. Everyone seems to be talking about how hard it is to get a job and how easy it will be to fail. In an effort to combat these depressing statistics, the Student Engagement Center has organized a flurry of events and resources this year. Susan Buchanan, director of the Student Engagement Center, held one such workshop on March 30. The workshop was entitled, “Take A Year Off: Make It Count,” and was directed at seniors and forward-looking juniors who wanted to gain experience, take a break from school, explore the world of work or, as Buchanan put it, just “chill out” for a year. During the workshop, Buchanan shared a number of strategies and tips to help students achieve their goals despite the unemployment rate. “It was designed for helping students get that first job, for getting their foot in the door,” Buchanan said. “Whether it’s using temp agencies or taking advantage of the CCN alumni network, finding the information and making the contacts that can get you a job sometimes.” The Student Engagement Center has spent enormous energy this year to show that the benefits that come from being a Whitman student can translate into jobs after graduation. “The most important thing we do, ev-

ery moment, every breath we take, is encourage students to be involved on campus, to recognize the skills they’ve gained, and help them see how to learn from those and how to translate these skills to another kind of job,” said Buchanan. As I contemplate my own impending future, the knowledge I have from past Whitties about the alternative pathways and chances of success currently available is also

comforting. Take Sophia Sady ‘09, for example. All fall semester I received postcards from Maine and New Hampshire full of tales of adventure from Sady’s experience working on various organic farms she found through World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. Sady then drove a biodiesel truck across the country, all the way back to Portland, before she set off to become a lift operator in Telluride, Colo. Now she returns my calls on the chair lift as she rides to work. “For me personally it’s all about taking advantage of the possibilities that come to you. Most of the jobs I’ve applied for I haven’t gotten. But I keep my ears open and keep a good attitude, and things just tend to work out,” Sady said. Sady emphasized the value she places on gaining experience over money right now, and the importance of networking. “I think a lot of people, when they graduate, set their hope too high. It’s no one’s fault, but in this economy, you’re going to be shut down,” Sady said. “You shouldn’t settle, but you should keep your options open. We have the ultimate excuse to do

nothing right now, to not feel guilty about not getting a job; the unemployment rate is out of control and everyone who applies is overqualified.” Instead of letting this reality scare or limit her from living the life she wants, Sady says that her life right now is “paradise.” “It’s not what you do, it’s where you are and who you’re with that counts,” Sady insisted. Despite this ability to view the poor economy as a rich opportunity, many current seniors find themselves succeeding in the job market. Senior Dan Oschrin is “one for one” in his job search, having just landed a job as an English teacher N at the O S N OH Bilkent E. J University School of English Language in Ankara, Turkey. “Two years ago, when the economy started to get bad, I enrolled in a TEFL course,” Oschrin said. These skills combined with some volunteer teaching experience and a networking connection to secure him the one-year contract that includes salary, living expenses, taxes paid and health insurance. “It seems like there’s a pretty consistent demand for English teachers,” Oschrin said. “Lots of Whitties want to travel, and this is a smart way to do it.” Oschrin’s success confirms Buchanan’s own perceptions of how Whitties fare post-graduation. Despite the hair-raising headlines and gloomy statistics, Buchanan is optimistic about students’ prospects. “I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Students have been quite successful,” she said. “It doesn’t seem that different from normal.” Among others, Buchanan listed the high number of students accepted for illustrious service programs such as Teach for America. No matter how you define success after college, the message remains clear: Focus on your talents and passions, and above all, don’t worry.

Walla Walla economy powers through recession

CORNELIUS At Walla Walla Bread Company, Sage Kline helps customer Brad Riordan while her father, Michael Kline, looks on. Kline co!owns the bakery with his wife, Rachel.

by REBECCA BRIGHT Feature Editor

Bob Catsiff, the owner of Inland Octopus toy store in downtown Walla Walla, paused his hectic work at the cash register long enough to weigh in on the economy. “Recession? What recession?” he said with a laugh. Although Catsiff did see the effects of the recession in a year of slower sales, in its first days at a new location next to Bright’s Candies, the store had attracted a curious crowd. Looking at downtown Walla Walla this spring, the word “recession” doesn’t leap to mind. On a sunny Thursday, the sidewalks may not be packed with pedestrians, but a busy afternoon at downtown stores like Inland Octopus shows that Walla Walla retail hasn’t been shut down by the recession. According to Pete Parcells, associate professor of economics at Whitman, the resilience of downtown reflects that of the Walla Walla economy as a whole. This comparative health has a lot to do with economic diversity.

“Walla Walla’s actually in pretty good shape, not just in how it’s ebbing or flowing now, but in how it’s able to withstand the ebbs and flows,” said Parcells. The Burearu of Labor Statistics’ unemployment rates back up this sense of relative health; in February 2010, the unemployment rate in Walla Walla County was the third lowest in the state. According to Parcells, Walla Walla’s combination of government money, private industry and institutions of higher education keep the community’s economy more stable than that of many of its neighbors. “Although business has slowed down some, none of it has dried up like it would have if we were more of a onehorse town,” Parcells said. According to the Washington State Labor Department, government makes up the largest portion of industry in Walla Walla. David Warkentin, the President/CEO of the Walla Walla Chamber of Commerce, said that the large presence of government agen-

cies has played a role in Walla Walla’s stability. Without more volatile industries, Walla Walla’s economy has resisted wild swings. “That’s probably why you’re seeing a sense of optimism that’s a little surprising,” he said. This optimism has carried over to other sectors of the economy, including the wine and tourism industry. Despite its large presence in downtown Walla Walla, however, the wine industry likely has not played a vital role during the recession, according to Parcells. “The economic impact of the wine industry is positive, but it’s a lot smaller than people might think,” he said. Warkentin believes that the wine industry will continue to hold a small place in Walla Walla’s economy, yet said that it does have significant, indirect effects felt during a recession and after. “Before the revitalization of downtown and the arrival of the wine industry, I think that Walla Walla was a couple of pieces short of the puzzle, and the wine industry and tourism kind of rounded it out and improved the quality of life in Walla Walla,” said Warkentin. “I think the positive benefits go beyond the actual wages and exporting of product.” At Sapolil Cellars, a Walla Walla Valley vineyard with a tasting room downtown, winemaker Abigail Schwerin knows that her industry’s role in Walla Walla is relatively small, and is constantly working to increase sales outside of the area and attract more visitors. During the recession, Sapolil has continued to see growth, something that Schwerin attributes to the vineyard’s youth and small size. The vineyard hasn’t been oblivious to the economy, however. Winemaker

Bill Schwerin, Abigail’s father, has noted the effects of economic hardship on the downtown area as a whole. “We’ve seen it in terms of other businesses not being in businesses,” he said. Fewer businesses mean less traffic downtown, something that hurts everyone. “Empty shops propagate a negative attitude—it’s all perception.” To combat these effects, the winemakers have broadened their approach to fit the market’s demands. The tasting room now hosts special events like music or spaghetti nights, and will soon serve beer and a selection of food. “We’re finding new ways to bring people in and expand the base of our offerings,” said Abigail. Michael Kline, co-owner of the Walla Walla Bread Company, changed his plans entirely when the economy slowed. Kline and his wife originally hoped to own a restaurant, but after evaluating the market and Walla Walla’s needs, the couple opened the bakery in July of 2009. According to Kline, a bakery is less of a financial risk, and serves

a greater need in the community. “We offer more of a staple and necessity. Going out to buy bread is not like going out to eat,” said Rachel Kline, Michael’s wife. “It helps to be unique.” Despite inevitable pitfalls and the added pressures of starting a business during a recession, the bakery’s sales have grown in the last three months. “The local community has really rallied around us, which is something that I thought would take a lot longer to happen,” said Kline. “We’re loving what we’re doing.” As businesses work harder for customers, those that adapt and find a following have been able to survive. According to Warkentin, the recession has forced many Walla Walla businesses to improve themselves, using this combination of adaptability and commitment. “The businesses that got better as a result of the recession—and that’s really your choice in a recession, get better or go away—they will be stronger because of it,” he said.

WOLFF During the current recession, unemployment rates in Walla Walla County have remained below that of Washington State and the United States, according to the Washington State Employment Security Department.

0April 8, 2010



Fighting hunger in Walla Walla Aid, donations Photos and reporting by RACHEL ALEXANDER, Staff Reporter

These coupons were redeemed by a single customer in one transaction at a Walla Walla grocery store. The customer said that she often buys multiple copies of newspapers so she can save more money on her groceries. According to the store manager, she sees anywhere from $40 to $120 in manufacturer’s coupons redeemed in a single day, and the number has gone up significantly since the recession started.

The entrance to the Department of Social and Health Services, where people can apply for food stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, more commonly known as welfare, and other government assistance programs. In the state of Washington, individuals and families making 200 percent or less of the Federal Poverty Guideline net income are eligible for benefits, which are a maximum of $200 for an individual or $668 for a family of four per month. Food stamps can be used to purchase any food products other than prepared foods.

Kate Rambo, right, manager of the Pantry Shelf Food Bank, and Pat Hobkirk, a volunteer, weigh and sort incoming oranges. Pantry Shelf is one of three food banks in Walla Walla, and allows people to come get food once every 30 days. In general, more people come towards the end of the month, when food stamp benefits and other forms of assistance are running out. Feeding children during the summer is also problematic for many families, who rely on free or reduced price school breakfasts and lunches to get by. Rambo said most of her clients have jobs with sub-living wages. “A lot of them work where they sell food,” she said. “That’s what really bothers me.”

A typical basket of items that can be purchased on a Women, Infants and Children check. The Women, Infants and Children program is designed to provide nutritious foods to low-income children and pregnant or nursing mothers. Recipients are issued checks which are valid for a month and can be used to buy specific types of food. Typical items include cereal, whole grain bread, juice, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, baby food and infant formula. Some program checks can also be used exclusively at farmers’ markets.

high at food banks

During the recession, many Walla Walla residents turned to food banks due to layoffs or a decrease in work hours. Despite tough times, however, local service providers have seen an increase in donations of food, money and volunteer hours.


CORNELIUS Gwyn Frasco, a volunteer at Pantry Shelf, greets patrons in front of the organization’s stock of available food.

by HADLEY JOLLEY Staff Reporter

Pantry Shelf, one of Walla Walla’s food banks, sits in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church, across from the YWCA. On Wednesday afternoons, the first hour of business is reserved for elderly clients, and on Wednesday, April 7, it’s fairly slow. Only about two to three people sit on the benches in line to receive their food from the women in the back room. The person at the counter decides which kind of food he or she wants—for example, the women behind the counter offers either mac and cheese or ramen noodles—and afterwards, the person leaves with a bag. This food bank, as well as other social services in Walla Walla, attempts to mitigate the effects of poverty on residents. And while some of their clients do come in due to the recession, the need for services like these existed before the previous economic downturn and will continue to exist afterward. Gwyn Frasco, one of the women who sorts food in the back room of Pantry Shelf and who was on the board of the charity for 20 years, said that it was founded by a group of churches in the early 1970s. Prior to that, according to Frasco, there was not a food pantry in Walla Walla. “The downtown churches were just getting people coming in after church asking for food, and so some of the churches had things on hand, and they decided to band together,” she said. Pantry Shelf serves as a resource for people who cannot afford enough food otherwise. “Most of the people who are here are either on social security or disability, or they work. So people just aren’t getting enough money,” said Kate Rambo. Many of the people who use Pantry Shelf ’s services found their way there using Helpline, a Walla Walla service that both runs social services and directs people to others. “I only make $500 a month, and so I went to helpline to get a discounted bus pass,” said Kathie Wade. Wade works for the Golden Horse, a Walla Walla restaurant, but because of the poor economy, her hours have been drastically cut, from just over 30 hours a week to about 10. Helpline directed her to Pantry Shelf and suggested she apply for food stamps. Wade considers Pantry Shelf one of the better food banks in Walla Walla, and suggested it to Janine Hill, who lost her job in August due to illness. Hill, who is currently applying for disability aid, worked for eight years in social services. This was Hill’s first time at Pantry.

“There is quite a bit of fraud and things like that in the bigger programs, and that’s why they put you through so much paperwork. Food banks and others aren’t looking to bust people for fraud. They want to help people and that’s the focus,” said Hill. Smaller food banks, like Pantry Shelf, are often able to offer more personal service than larger facilities. The Christian Aid Center, another social service provider in Walla Walla, also takes advantage of its small size and independence. The Center, which runs two shelter programs, one for homeless men and one for families, requires that men attend church services in order to use its programs. Because of this stipulation, it is not eligible for government aid and survives only on donations. It has not seen a huge increase in demand because of the economy; Jason Wicklund, the director, speculates that food pantry services, which serve those who have not lost quite everything yet, have seen more of the impact from the economic downturn. In fact, he says, economic prosperity contributed to the increase in homelessness, particularly an increase in homeless families.

Most of the people who are here are either on social security or disability, or they work. So people just aren’t getting enough money.

-Kate Rambo, Pantry Shelf manager

“Our increase started two or three years ago, when Walla Walla saw a big increase in market value for rentals. Once that housing boom hit here, a lot of the folks who [owned] low-income housing units . . . decided to change their fees to fair market value, because they could get higher rent,” said Wicklund. The higher housing costs would have driven more low-income people into homeless shelters like the Christian Aid Center. Neither Pantry Shelf nor the Christian Aid Center reported a decrease in donations. In fact, according to Frasco, Pantry Shelf has seen an increase in donations because the food share program, one of their major sources of food, has had some huge drives. While the economy may not be as strong, people are still willing to donate time and money to help those in need.




The Pioneer ISSUE 9 APR. 8, 2010 Page 7

KWCW SHOW OF T HE W EEK Euphonic Almanac The Euphonic Almanac has been enriching the KWCW airwaves for the past three years. Each week Matt Bachmann and Conner Bottomly provide their devout listeners with the best music of the past and present. The two haven’t always seen eye to eye: Conner believes Matt’s obsession with Neil Young is unhealthy and pathetic and Matt is disgusted by Conner’s lack of appreciation of Kanye/the rest of Chicago. But most weeks, they can put their differences aside to deliver the masses with life-changing music and commentary. Some Euphonic Almanac Gems: ti8F 4IBSF 0VS .PUIFS T )FBMUIw - The Knife ti#BCZ 8F MM #F 'JOFw - The National ti" /FX &OHMBOEw #JMMZ #SBHH ti.F BOE UIF %FWJMw - Gil Scott-Heron ti8BMMB 8BMMB 8"w ćF %PHT Listen to the Euphonic Almanac every Wednesday, 8-10 p.m. on KWCW 90.5 FM or stream it online at kwcw.net. contributed by KWCW

GOLD Left to right: Visiting writer David Biespiel, Book Store Director Douglas Carlsen, Danielle Broida ‘13 and Kasey Burden ‘13.

Biespiel turns relationships, religion, politics to poetry by CAITLIN HARDEE, Staff Reporter David Biespiel opened his Friday, April 2, poetry reading on the Visiting Writers circuit with an unusual move—reading aloud a sampling of his favorite poems from other authors. He started with poems by Tess Gallagher, Whitman’s own Katrina Roberts, associate professor of English and creative writing, and others. Biespiel also read a selection of works from his 2009 anthology, “The Book of Men and Women,� which was honored for Best Poetry of the Year by The Poetry Foundation. Biespiel alluded briefly to the fact that the book was published not only after the events of September 11, 2001, but also after the invasion of Iraq, and said that the book has a lot of “political steam in the air.� The award-winning poet then moved to poems still unpublished and in the works for his upcoming and still untitled book. Biespiel explained the concept for his next collection of poems.

“They are in the form of letters,� he said. “Some of them are letters to people who are alive, some of them are letters to people who are no longer alive, some of them are intimate friends, some of them are public figures.� When asked by a student if he uses the Bible for inspiration in writing poetry, Biespiel confirmed. “It’s a great book. Yeah, I guess I do. It’s so full of emotion, but the emotion isn’t always present. So much of the writing, especially in the Old Testament, so much of the experience is in the foreground. Abraham and Isaac travel for three days to go to the mountains so that Isaac can be sacrificed, but there’s never any description of—what did the landscape look like, who did they meet, what did they talk about.� The rest of April marks a special time in the Visiting Writers Series, as we move into National Poetry Month. Poet Sherman Alexie will speak in Cordiner Hall one week from today, on Thursday, April 15, at 7 p.m.

WEB: Students abroad feel short-changed MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Dixon, Bode, Thompson, Glenn 1 to leave over next 2 years ď?Śď?˛ď?Żď?­ page organizing its own concert for several years. “This is the first time that something like this has happened in a couple years,â€? he said. “I’m really happy that, especially with this transition to the new Whitman Events Board, there was the opportunity for us to start this new relationship with them, which I think is going to be really productive.â€? But while the reorganization of programming groups on campus was significantly helpful in some ways, it has not been without its setbacks. “Last fall, we didn’t have enough time to plan a big concert that would have worked because WEB was really new,â€? said Coleman. “We had just gotten our budgets, and by that time, it was kind of late in the game to be booking bands.â€? Assistant Director of Student Activities Leann Adams pointed out that this is actually not unusual; although WEB makes a concerted effort to spread its programming throughout the year, it and many other organizations on campus tend to organize a slightly higher number of events in the spring. “Yeah, we do generally see that as a trend,â€? she said. “In general over the last year or two, we’ve seen more events in April, and even in May than at other times of the year. But I think that programming from my department, from student activities and from WEB, was pretty heavy in the fall as well, although this year was a little bit of a challenge, just because of the new programming structure that came into effect. I think maybe September was a little slower than we’re used to to.â€? This tendency to have more programming in the spring semester has drawn

criticism from students who choose to study abroad in the spring, but particularly this year, because of WEB’s slow start.


Junior Amanda P r o t t i , who is studying abroad this semester in Nantes, France, felt that WEB’s line up of pro-

gramming this semester is better than last semester, citing upcoming events like Los Campesinos! and a lecture by Ralph Nader, scheduled for May 5. “We had Salman Rushdie and Girl Talk during the same semester my freshman year,� she said in an e-mail. “The inconsistent programming from semester to semester at Whitman is unfair to those who choose to study abroad in the spring. Because of its location in a small town, one of the most important aspects of ‘the Whitman experience’ is the guest speakers and concerts that the college brings here. Studying abroad is amazing and I wouldn’t trade the experience for a Kid Cudi concert or to hear the Pope speak, but I’m still not happy that my peers are getting so much more now than I was offered last semester.� Coleman has a number of friends studying abroad, and recognized the problem from the beginning, but it was unavoidable, as he sees it. “That’s just the way it worked out this year, unfortunately,� he said. “I do have friends who are abroad this semester, and they know who I’m bringing, and they’re not happy. So yeah, I agree with that concern, and I’ve been thinking about that, but, for example, there could have been a big concert in the fall, and people would have missed that, too. And, also, it’s a pretty small percentage of the Whitman population, in reality. A majority of the campus is here.�


ď?Śď?˛ď?Żď?­ page 1 because of his charisma and presence,â€? said junior Jackson Maberry, music major and conducting student under Bode. “He always seemed very in charge in a good way, and he is very likable and knowledgeable.â€? Next year, Bode will begin working at the University of Missouri—Kansas City Conservatory of Music. As the Director of Choral Activities, he will conduct choral ensembles and teach choral conducting and choral literature at the graduate level. Originally, Bode planned on returning from his current semester on sabbatical to continue teaching at Whitman and temporarily serve as the symphony orchestra conductor. “I never had any intention of leaving Whitman, and I certainly wasn’t looking for a new job!â€? said Bode, in an e-mail. “I have loved it here and I know full well that I am never going to find students any brighter or an administration more supportive than I have experienced here at Whitman.â€? Bode explained that he was unexpectedly invited to apply for the director position at the University of Missouri—Kansas City. “At first I told him that I wasn’t interested in moving, but the more we talked the more I began to realize that I want to work with graduate students before I retire from teaching. I see this as my best chance to influence the next generation of choral conductors,â€? said Bode. “The Dean wants to create one of the best graduate programs in conducting in the United States and I want to help build that.â€? Having received the news of Bode’s departure from Thompson this past March, students were surprised and disappointed. “It was so strange. We weren’t expecting it whatsoever,â€? said Maberry. “We all were all hungry for a relationship with him. With all his skill and knowledge, he could shape us [the choruses] into something beautiful.â€? “It was awful. I ran into a practice room and started crying,â€? said sophomore Michael Blackwood, a music theory major. “I can’t imagine the music department without him. I really respect him and like him academically and professionally. I really love him as a person.â€? While praising Bode for his musical talent and teaching skills, students wrestled with feelings of sadness and affection. “[As a first-year] I was so struck by how much like a little family this place is. Dr. Bode and Dr. Thompson both have a huge role here,â€? said junior McKenna Milici, a vocal performance music major. “[Dr. Bode] is so good at what he does.

The main thing I would say through this whole experience is that I’m really personally upset that I won’t spend the next year with him. He has all of this knowledge; he knows how to make us have a brilliant sound, which is a hard skill to teach. I’m really sad that I don’t get spend more time with him, but he’s going to teach conducting to grad students. He’s going to share incredible knowledge and talent with more people,� she said. Glenn explained that as part of the sweeping exodus of professors, Dr. Bode’s leave allows room for a positive change. Glenn pointed out that these professors were all of similar age and reaching retirement. “It’s a huge loss. He’s an incredible talent,� said Glenn. “At the same point, with all of us leaving, it gives the department a chance to reinvent itself. Even if it stays the same, which we’ve built up, an influx of new people always brings new things. It will probably be a younger generation of faculty.� In addition to teaching, Thompson and Glenn will spend this semester and their last year in the process of hiring and structuring the department. Thereafter, Thompson will join Bode at the University of Missouri—Kansas City and work as a freelance pianist. “One of our goals is to make sure that we maintain what is needed for the students—as much continuity and calm as there has been for the last 20 years,� said Thompson. “I can completely understand that the underclassmen feel affected firstperson. They see what the other students have had.� Bode and Thompson both expressed their appreciation for Walla Walla and the family-like community in Whitman’s Music Department. “I leave here with a real bitter-sweetness. This has been our home for 25 years,� said Thompson. “On the other hand, this is an exciting new chapter for us.� As the semester comes to an end, shifts in professorship will affect music students of all levels in the upcoming school year. “I’m really excited to that after being here for 25 years, he’s making this change. He’s going to kick it up to a new level,� said senior Harrison Fulop, a vocal performance music major. Having worked with Bode since his first year, Fulop hopes to continue the relationship next semester as a graduate student at the University of Missouri—Kansas City. “I’m sort of just hanging tight and seeing who will be the master of my conducting next year,� said Maberry. “Dr. Bode set the bar high.�



April 8, 2010



Predictability, cliché bog down Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’s cinematography in ‘Green Zone’ unpredictability shines what led the military to lie to its own officers? Don’t expect “The Hurt Locker,” whose cinematography is also Ackroyd’s; expect, rather, something similar to “Black Hawk Down” with better cinematography, but less intensity.


A preoccupation for identifying truth, or the accumulation of evidence that points toward a distinct narrative, seems to occupy most of director Paul Greengrass’s films. From “Bloody Sunday,” about the day twenty-seven civil rights protesters in Northern Ireland were shot by the British Army, to “United 93,” about the hijacking of the fourth plane on 9/11, Greengrass’s films posit this journey to truth as one worthy of a kind of fictional exploration unabashedly tied to reality. His latest film, “Green Zone,” starring Matt Damon and Amy Ryan (Holly from “The Office”), easily fits in with the rest of his oeuvre. Concerning the early attempts to find WMDs in Iraq, Barry Ackroyd’s neorealist cinematography gives Greengrass’s film a sensorial presence lacking in acclaimed war films like “Saving Private Ryan” or “Letters from Iwo Jima.” Unfortunately, “Green Zone” doesn’t replicate the near perfect pairing of cinematography and script Greengrass realized in “United 93.” The shaky, yet beautiful, camera sequences are paired with

predictable plot chicanery and clichéd dialogue. “We’re here to do a job; the reasons don’t matter,” says a fellow American soldier to Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller (Damon). “They matter to me,” Miller replies. The film’s laudable attempt to locate truth beneath the rubble is mired in the, by now, uninteresting question of why the U.S. intelligence so miserably failed in finding WMDs in Iraq. Had Greengrass written the script, perhaps the question could’ve been another: What role did the United Nations play in this search? How did the complexities of U.S. military-Iraqi military play out? Or,


Movie Reviewer




‘Let the Great World Spin’ not life-changing, but worth the read by CHRISTINE TEXIERA Book Reviewer

Set in 1970s New York, Colum McCann gives a multi-voiced account depicting the tragedy and passion necessary to exist as both insider and immigrant in a dynamic and unpredictable city. “Let the Great World Spin” is anchored in Funambulist Philippe Petit, who astounded the world by walking across a cable suspended between the World Trade Center towers in 1974. Each of the 10 primary narrative voices experience, at some point or another, Petit’s suspension amidst the New York skyline. In a Joycean mode, McCann captures the distinct nuances of a city through multiple perspectives, but although there is a provocative series of voices and incidents, “Let the Great World Spin” captures New York through its processes and motions over time and not in a single day. Petit on his cable does not serve as a point of revelation so much as a point of unconscious aspiration that settles within characters emerging when or where necessary. This book is not about the immediate or the gratifying, but the hope within the terror and the benefits of that itching instinct to just keep pressing on. Ciaran and his brother, Corrigan, end up in New York City from their native Ireland at separate times and for separate reasons, but soon enough become wrapped up in the interconnected web of McCann’s world. Corrigan lives in the Bronx and provides hospitality and amenities to the prostitutes strolling outside his apartment as a part of his personal duty to God; but Tillie, who works the street alongside her daugh-

ter, feels that “God is due His ass-kicking.” Claire seems as distant from the brothers as Dublin is from New York City. Living in a Penthouse on Park Avenue with her husband, a judge, Claire’s life is as upset and unbalanced as Corrigan’s as he decides between his religious vows and the love of Guatemalan nurse, Adelita. The Vietnam

“Let the Great World Spin” by Colum McCann, Random House 2009, 349 pages

War is still fresh in the minds of Americans, and Claire cannot forget the damage it has done to her family: “Just give my boy back to me. That’s all I want. Give him back.” The remaining voices burst forth through varying depictions of difficult histories and tragic decisions. Though the voices remain unaware of the connective tissue of the city binding them together at the level of both disaster and blessing, they

remain aware of their own mistakes with a powerful urgency to make the future worthwhile. The voices of youth seem the most lost among the choir, connected only through an observance of Philippe Petit’s great walk across the sky. Their voices remain on the fringe of this web, if only because they are still filled with a sense of strategic optimism in their youth and individuality. Petit’s walk is a shocking event and his brief moments of narrative focus bring the walk from strange fairy tale to a planned reality. The longer you think about his act the more mundane it becomes until all the details reveal themselves and everything is more surprising than it was before. The lives of McCann’s characters seem to follow this same arc and resonate momentarily at the forefront, but always remain significant and compelling as they fade into the background of succeeding stories. The prose is tight and concise even as the story extends and probes into every corner of the city. The connections between characters are often predictable or seem too perfect, but they simply exist in the inherent magnetism of our world and for that are realistic and sincerely moving. This book might not have changed my life, but I can understand Jonathan Mehler of The New York Times when he admits that it is “one of the most electric, profound novels I have read in years.” Whether truly profound or simply provocative and confident in its mission, “Let the Great World Spin” is worth the time and attention necessary to immerse yourself in a constantly surging New York City.

12 Stones looks to future, ASWC recognition by AMI TIAN Staff Reporter

12 Stones is known for being unusual and they like it that way. At a recent meeting, co-founders and seniors Ian Jagel and Peter Richards described the group’s upcoming events for the semester: “Blank by Blanks,” a series of short student-written plays and two new installments of “Christina and the Clockwork Boy,” a serial show set in a futuristic world. According to Richards, the third episode “opens in darkness to the sound of whales screaming.” The group has recently applied for ASWC club status, which they hope to use to continue their tradition of nontraditional theater. “I just hope that people continue to surprise the Whitman community,” said Richards. “I think a lot of people have a lot of ideas that are really crucial to making that happen, and I really hope that those people continue to come together in the form of 12 Stones later.” 12 Stones’ most recent show, episode two of “Christina and the Clockwork Boy,” was performed in the style of promenade theater, taking the audience to a variety of locations around campus including Kimball Auditorium, Maxey Auditorium, the amphitheater and Narnia. “Part of the mission statement is to activate the audience and to activate the campus, and what that means is we try and produce nontraditional theater stagings in nontraditional locations,” said Jagel. “We try and make the theatrical experience very interesting for the audience member, but we also try and do it

in numerous places around campus to make the students and faculty and Whitman community in general experience this campus and this school in a new way.” ASWC club status would also provide the group with the necessary funding to produce student-generated shows without having to sacrifice quality. “We’ve already shown that there’s a strong base of support and interest and also a large audience who are interested in coming to see our shows,” said Jagel. “And we have been trying to produce shows of high production quality, but we’ve been paying for it all with our own money.” Jagel and Richards hope that the group would, as an ASWC club, have an internal structure that would resemble that of a professional theater company, which in turn would provide opportunities for students who might not have an interest in acting, technical production or design. “There are positions [in a professional theater company] that are not necessarily theatrical,” said Jagel. “There’s a place for business, there’s a place for art direction, there’s a place for publicity, there’s a place for management . . . There are all different kinds of positions that are not necessarily taught in the theater department, that might be taught in another department or that might be interesting to another type of person who’s not a theater person. And that’s what we hope to do—make it as interdepartmental as possible.” 12 Stones has already attracted a diverse range of participants from a range of disciplines and with varying levels of

past theatrical involvement, including senior philosophy major Allison Gill, who is directing one of the “Blank by Blanks.” “This is the first thing I’ve done with [12 Stones],” said Gill. “It’s just one of those things that’s always been something I wanted to do more of but wasn’t sure how to fit into my schedule. That’s why it’s neat that there’s more studentrun theater, because it’s a lower time commitment.” Gill also appreciates the directorial liberty that 12 Stones allows her. “There are some structured opportunities for student theater on campus, but I think it’s really neat to have something that’s more free form,” said Gill. “I don’t think that there’s a whole lot of oversight except for support. I know who’s running it and I can ask questions, but I think we’re pretty much on our own.” Despite (or perhaps because of) the group’s laid-back attitude and the unconventional content of their shows, 12 Stones has so far enjoyed the support of the theater department and a large and dedicated audience. “For each ‘Christina [and the Clockwork Boy]’ episode all the theater staff has come and supported us . . . that felt good,” said Richards. “There’s an incredible amount of talent and interest here and an incredible amount of support from the community. We’ve had hundreds of people come to see our shows in very, very small places and we’re asking them to sit in not the most comfortable arrangements and they are trusting us and going along for the ride,” said Jagel. “There’s been so much support—it’s been really nice.”

in ‘The Wonder Show’

voices, and this proves a far greater asset than it has any right to. Will Oldham’s last several years have “With Cornstalks or Among Them” seen his already prolific pace increase shows this at its most extreme. Over drastically. The singer-songwriter best the course of three minutes, an electric known as Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy has, guitar rings out and arpeggiates, but since 2008, released the unbelievably the only real melodies come from the approachable Lie Down in the Light, a two singers, who move in and out of live album called Is It The Sea?, a full- harmony between sets of effects. Inexblown country record called Beware plicably, it never wears out its welcome, and another live album, Funtown Come- and moves into “The Sounds Are Aldown, as well as The Wonder Show of the ways Begging,” a song about music and World, credited to Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy family presented as fairly straightforand the Cairo Gang a.k.a. Emmett Kelly, ward folk, as Oldham moves through who has been playing with Oldham for a vignette in which his wife destroys several years and on their bed, then this album serves as roams around collaborator. Unlike his house while Beware, which was he and children all about big, somesing. “That’s times overblown, What Our Love arrangements, The Is” moves along Wonder Show is fairly well, but a record of achtruly picks up, ing intimacy and again, at the harproof that Oldham’s monies, highprolificacy is still lighting Oldlargely working in ham’s raunchiest his favor. lyric in recent The Wonder Show of the World, Oldham and memory before Drag City, 2010 Kelly’s collaborahand percussion tion is as much a and acoustic record that examines the relationships guitars take over. of Oldham’s narrators and addressees Though many of Oldham’s records as it is a record that explores the inter- function within a basic set of tropes— play between the two musicians. These there are almost always acoustic and songs privilege the two principal play- electric guitars, and words far stranger ers, their guitars and the negative space than their melodies let on being sung between lines, between notes and the atop them—none ever quite sounds like tension created by reducing everything anything that precedes it, and tracing surrounding them to the surroundings. the progress of his Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy Surprisingly, the record rarely sounds material is far more difficult than it has icy or austere, as so many records like any right to be. His work from record this one do, and empty seconds on songs to record is so unpredictable, and his like “Teach Me To Bear You,” buffered collaborators so frequently changing, by Kelly’s harmonies and the warmth in that it’s almost as if his followups exist Oldham’s voice, instead subdue some of to thwart any writing about career arcs. the eccentricities inherent in Oldham’s All I am certain of is that I’m expecting songs and his presentations. Rhythms another record in a year or so, and that are infrequent and guitar phrases are his work, as always, rewards far more rarely hugely memorable or easily-dis- than it ought to. sected; each song, thus, becomes about by ANDREW HALL Music Reviewer











19 21 26


22 27

20 23








35 37













39 42

40 44













by KARL WALLULIS Puzzlemaster

ACROSS 1. Winter month in the Hebrew calendar 5. Crowd noise 9. Toothpaste approvers 12. Goldberg Variations composer 13. American preceder? 14. “The Virgin Suicides” soundtrack artist 15. Infinitesimal 17. “Illmatic” rapper 18. New Zealand region or mountain 19. Who wrote “Hell is other people” 21. “…Ere I saw __” 23. Prevaricator 24. Some e-mail recipients (abbr.) 27. Fill (up) 29. Employee safety grp. 31. The Back Page writers, e.g. 34. Genealogist’s symbol 35. Withered 36. Level directly below the major leagues 37. Collected 39. Like Helen Keller 41. Former Washington b-baller 43. Props 47. It’s next to the space bar 48. Motown, for one? 50. Singing syllable 51. In addition 52. Penultimate word in many fairy tales

53. Like some wit 54. Cordelia’s father 55. “Likewise”

DOWN 1. Somewhat 2. What a processor processes 3. Play divisions 4. What the theme answers all do 5. Some Lucky Charms 6. Hella, in verse 7. They may be liberal 8. The R in RC Cola 9. 1940 dialogueless Disney film 10. The runs 11. 10-across region 16. Having a round-ish shape 20. Chaotic state 22. Expressed wonderment 24. It can be played with a vowelless rack in Scrabble 25. Like some reasoning 26. Cat-like 28. Academy Awards category 30. Coca-cola founder Candler 32. Sign of a bad poker player 33. Lachrymose 38. Symbol of athletic success 40. Doo-doo 41. Like Mr. Clean 42. Bathroom surface 44. Prima donna 45. “People” scoop 46. Aluminum : aluminium :: tire : __ 49. Homeland Security agcy.

To see answers to last week’s puzzle, see whitmanpioneer.com


The Pioneer ISSUE 9 APR. 8, 2010 Page 8

Tabletop gaming still entertaining,

In my column last week, I talked about video games and their potential as a storytelling medium. This week, I’d like to tackle something deBLAIR FRANK cidedly more old Columnist school: tabletop role-playing games. These games are nothing like your usual board game; there’s no standard game board, no standard way of winning and they can last for years at a time. The most well-known role-playing game is Dungeons and Dragons, which was first published in 1974 by the late Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Other games soon followed, like GURPS, Shadowrun and GUMSHOE. What all of them had in common was the emphasis on single players making radical differences in a game world. These worlds, more often than not, are constructed by a Game Master or Dungeon Master (GM and DM respectively) just for people to play. GMs will sometimes take years (usually while playing other games) to design and build an immersing experience for their players. When that experience, commonly referred to as a campaign, is finished, the whole group gets together around the table to play. It’s not a matter of picking a story off the shelf as it is about telling

a story all your own, with a group of other people. Everyone in the party is there to have fun and tell a story together. What makes this sort of gaming truly remarkable is that it’s literally possible for the players to do anything. As a GM, it’s your job to make the experience as fun as possible, and if that means adapting the rules to allow your players to use their horses as battering rams, so be it. It makes for a way

better experience as a player, too. Instead of being constrained by a video game plot, a campaign is only limited by the imagination of the people around the table. Of course, the graphical experience is all in your head for the most part, unless you have a bunch of professional cartoonists around the table. But getting to share epic experiences with a group of your friends is invaluable. Rolling dice is

only half the fun, it’s the jokes around the table, and all of the stor i e s y o u share with



the other people you play with. I’ve played various Dungeons and Dragons campaigns with friends off and on for the past seven years of my life, and I’ve always found the experience rewarding and fun. Sure, stories (and party members) will come and go, but the experiences I’ve enjoyed stick with me. Role-playing games have always interested me, because I enjoy inventing a character or a world and telling a story. Although video games are more popular these days, role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons are not going to go away because they offer something that other games can’t—the chance to have fun with your friends and create your own world together.


Got something to say? The Pioneer wants to hear your thoughts. Comment on this and other articles on our Web site, whitmanpioneer.com

War is a business: Privatization of My rules for Facebook war skews our commitments abroad Contracting creates artificial troop numbers and conflicts of interest in military policy The U.S. military is privatizing at an alarming rate. Thousands of troops are now employed by companies such as BlackHEATHER water and while NICHOLS- many hoped that HAINING Obama would Columnist decrease this corporate-socialism at least in part, there has been a 23 percent increase in the number of private contractors working in Iraq and 29 percent working in Afghanistan according to the Bill Moyers Journal. Like any increase in privatization, the danger is linking corporate profits with what should be public interests. Warfare is now a game of who can make the most money, deliver the cheapest product and compete most efficiently. The results are what you would expect them to be: Contracted troops reportedly have seen a decrease in the quality of food, living standards and weaponry while serving abroad. Companies invested in America’s War on Terror now have a huge amount at stake in keeping the war going. Haliburton, KBR and Blackwater all benefit extensively from the increasing outsourcing of military expenditures and they have all made huge financial donations to campaigns supporting the war.

The exact number of soldiers working under contractors remains unclear. Official counts of how many U.S. soldiers are deployed at any time do not include contracted soldiers. Likewise, casualties inflicted by these companies are not tallied and often go unreported. This means we are drastically underestimating the amount of troops currently serving abroad. The federal government has traditionally been respected for its monopoly on violence. Political scientists usually define the government as the sole legitimate wielder of violence. Civilians are not supposed to have the power to declare war, and mur-

While the ethics have always been questionable, the current extensiveness of privatization is cause for alarm.

der is punishable by the state. The government, on the other hand, is expected to punish people for their crimes and declare war when necessary. The privatization of the military means that corporations and the civilians who own them are now able to share the government’s control over

violence. Privatization means that the state is now responding ever-increasingly to corporate pressures and that these corporations are now responsible for the outcome of the war, the safety of our troops and the defense of our nation. To some extent, private mercenaries have been used by governments for centuries. While the ethics have always been questionable, the current extensiveness of privatization is cause for alarm. Furthermore, corporate interests now frequently have loyalties to multiple countries. Their goal is not to protect the citizens, but to make a profit. Our current war against Iraq comes with many mandates to restructure their country to support corporate interests. It is likely that these changes would have happened even without the involvement of huge corporations in the military, but their presence has probably had at least some affects on the neo-liberalization of Iraq. Americans should not be surprised that we are finding it increasingly harder to pull out of Iraq and now Afghanistan. We are up against some of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations around. While our interests may be the protection of our people and our ideals, their interests are to make a profit in whatever way possible. You wouldn’t trust Walmart to wage your wars, so why would you trust Blackwater?

We’ve all seen it. The endless comments cycle, the points, counterpoints, petty personal attacks and passive aggressive emotiGILLIAN FREW cons that hail the Columnist out-of-control Facebook thread. There’s even a fan page for this phenomenon that I’ve been tempted to join recently, aptly titled “63 Notifications Later and I Regret Liking Your Status.” While several species of status updates have the potential to become outof-control threads, I’m not talking about the personal milestones that bring family, friends and forgotten high school creepers out of the interweb woodwork, like engagements or birthdays. I’m referring to political rants. And my conclusion is this: They don’t belong on Facebook. As a study abroad student with a dearth of homework, I admit I spend enough time perusing the site to be generally up to date on who’s recuperating from the sniffles or attending MY SISTER SAID IF I GET ONE MILLION FANS SHE WILL NAME HER BABY MEGATRON. I’ve also formed some opinions about the marriage of Facebook and personal politics, and come up with this. Acceptable: Amy just became an auntie!! 7 lbs 4 ounces!!! Unacceptable: Tim is simultaneously infuriated and bemused by the utter idiocy/impotence of Congress and is now seriously contemplating relocating himself to the nearest druid commune/



benevolent dictatorship/uninhabited island with no CSPAN how ironic that we pride ourselves on being a “democracy” when in actuality it’s just like what my one politics professor said sophomore year about the (See More) First example: Cute. Succinct. Everybody loves baby photos. Second example: Out of control. In the immediate wake of the health care bill, I’ve stumbled upon many instances of ad lib, amateur politicizing on good old FB. And depending upon

I’m referring to political rants. And my conclusion is this: They don’t belong on Facebook.

the culprit, my first thought is often, I’d rather read about that person than their politics. You may argue that’s a fine line (or a slippery slope), since promoting one’s political proclivities via Facebook could be called just another means of self-expression. So to make things more clear cut, I’ve developed a simple strategy for diagnosing those pesky rants: If you can’t say it in three sentences, it doesn’t belong on Facebook. Twitter says you have to condense your thoughts into 140 characters. I say if you can’t wrap it up in three or four hundred, transfer whatever’s left to that personal blog with the seven-inch URL. It isn’t that political discussions are bad; they’re not. But Facebook is the wrong platform on which to stage them. Regardless of the authors’ political standing, whenever I see those exhaustive threads, I always think to myself, couldn’t you have done something more productive in the time it took you to craft that three-paragraph comment, complete with citations? It’s great to care about the issues, but why try to compete with spring break photo albums and Farmville invitations and all of that other meaningless news feed fodder we love to hate but still sift through dutifully each day? Why not do yourself a favor and join an election campaign, have coffee with a friend or professor or even write a letter to the editor? Obviously, more people look at Facebook than read The Pio (for example) but a college newspaper still serves as a far superior medium through which to voice your opinions about politics, hopefully with punctuation. That said, there’s certainly room for some infotainment on Facebook. Instead of launching a hyperbolic takeover of the home page, just link me to the Huffington Post.


April 8, 2010


Chinese education system does not allow for creativity Chinese culture is lauded for its emphasis on education. There’s a persistent stereotype that being “Asian” or “Chinese” means you’re smart. In some GARY WANG sense, that stereoColumnist type is grounded in the fact that Chinese students flat out work hard. In high school, they go to class on average 60 to 70 hours a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with some time off for meals. There’s a test called the GaoKao, which translated means literally “The High Test.” That one score determines if and where a high school student goes to college. It’s comprehensive and they spend the last two years of high school reviewing for it. Then you get to college, where your major is determined by how high you scored on that GaoKao test. It’s not up to you; it’s up to the school administrators. In college, you probably have an average of 26 hours of class a week. All extracurricular clubs are organized by the school. It’s striking how talking to the Chinese students here gives me a much better perspective on Whitman and America’s educational system in general. I mean, people are always complaining about how lax it is and how our test scores aren’t as good. But this reflects a basic difference in pedagogy. In China, you are bombarded with information to consume, memorize and rephrase. They start learning English in middle school and by the time they’re in college, many Chinese students can understand spo-

ken English, watch American TV and, in general, enjoy the highlights and pitfalls of American culture. On the other hand, we get to start clubs at school. Since middle school, there are various forms of student government. Sure, it’s easy to believe they’re just popularity contests, but that’s a rationalization. A key difference between a democratic society like the United States and an authoritarian hierarchical one like China is the lack of trust in the decision-making capabilities of others. Students don’t get to vote who gets involved in student government in China. It’s called the Communist Youth League and the professors select some of the students. Meanwhile, we at Whitman, with our Associated Students of Whitman College, get to pick which students get to manage a budget of $450,000. Students get to pick which initiatives to fund, what stance to take on political issues and how students should respond to the administration. Sure, it’s easy to say that student government can’t accomplish anything, but what does that mean? What are the standards determining what qualifies as an “accomplishment”? It’s easy to dream big and do nothing. At the same time, it’s easy to understand how China’s educational system breeds conformity and efficiency rather than innovation. That’s the thing with creativity. It comes to you; you don’t come to it. It’s not something you can learn, but it’s something for which you need opportunities to take advantage of it. We have those opportunities at Whitman. It’s harder in China. Imagine trying to go whitewater rafting or teach local kids

about climate change if you had class for 26 hours and everything had to be approved by a bureaucratic administration. Luckily for us, we don’t have to deal with that. What we have are the opportunities to train ourselves on how to think “critically.” At a liberal arts college like Whitman (liberal arts colleges don’t exist in China), the emphasis is on communicating your ideas and defending them in front of others. It’s hard to realize how unique that way of teaching is until you come to a place like China. I have a Chinese tutor assigned by my program and we talk about the differences between college life in the United States and in China. It really comes down to what goes on in the classroom. It’s either heads down, notes on the page listening to an endless lecture or giving an oral presentation. Yes, school can be a bother when there is Ankeny to frolic on. But the great thing about America’s educational system, one in which a college like Whitman can exist, is the emphasis on creativity—where being creative, self-expressive and inventive with words, ideas and the meanings of a book are up for debate or rather, are in play. That’s the hallmark of an open society that gets threatened the second we stop listening, caring and talking. China may have a lot of advantages in terms of hard work and growth but it’s hard to see how those strengths will ever cover up for an educational system that doesn’t foster creativity.


Political awareness at Whitman WUC impresses, inspires Whitman is geographically isolated, which easily translates into political isolation. Unlike on an urban campus, Whitties need to put in extra effort to stay informed. It’s hard not to know about the passage of the health care bill when everywhere you go you see a picture of Nancy Pelosi triumphantly descendAMI TIAN ing the steps of Columnist the capitol. Such is the case when you go to a school that carries free copies of the New York Times every weekday in the university center, academic buildings, the library and the dorms. It’s hard not to know about the G-20 Summit when there’s an army of tents set up on the cut, when your class in Baker Hall is cancelled for security reasons. Such is the case when you go to school in a city like Pittsburgh, where exciting things sometimes happen. College life is bubble-like enough as it is. Add geographic isolation and you have the Whitman bubble. Sunny, idyllic Walla Walla is not typically a town that comes to mind when one thinks of a hotbed of political controversy or activism. Keeping up with the news is more of an effort when it doesn’t seem to impact you directly, when you don’t see it immediately, when you aren’t woken up in the middle of the night by protestors screaming outside your window. If you wanted to, you could easily choose to ignore the “real world” altogether. And sometimes the

real world does slip from your mind, unintentionally—at least, in my experience. Maybe more conscientious citizens can’t make that claim. But think about it: you could go to class, eat food, go to the library, do work (or at least try), go to some club meeting, go on a run, talk to some friends—and never would you have to leave the Whitman campus. Most Whitman students don’t have TVs. If your friends tend to bring

But try to imagine a more politically conscious campus, where being aware of current events is a top priority and people discuss what’s going on in the world with urgency and interest. up skiing and homework more often than they do current events (which is sometimes the case), and if you haven’t heard or seen a radio or TV or checked an online news source in some time (which is also sometimes the case), it’s entirely possible to go for days without hearing about the passage of the healthcare bill—which is not really okay. But try to imagine a more politically conscious campus, where being aware

the Pioneer EDITORIAL


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of current events is a top priority and people discuss what’s going on in the world with urgency and interest. In this alternate reality, it’s impossible not to stay on top of things, it’s impossible not to care. Of course, this is an idealization. Or is it really? Think about it. If even a handful of people make an effort to read some kind of news source every day and talk about it, then maybe their friends will, too. And their friends’ friends, and so on. Seriously—it could happen. Don’t get me wrong; I’m probably as guilty of this laxness as the next person (probably more so), but I swear I’m going to try harder to be politically aware. At Whitman we have to compensate for our geographic isolation by making more of an effort to stay informed about what’s going on in the rest of the world. Living in Walla Walla can be frustrating and can sometimes feel like living in a bubble. But staying updated on the goings on of the “outside world” can remind one that there is a world outside of Whitman. And while the “outside world” might not seem that important to keep in mind on the day before you have two papers and a midterm due, the fact that you have two papers and a midterm due the next day might not stress you out so much when you keep in mind that there is a world outside of Whitman. Not to mention that it’s your duty to stay informed as a member of society. Or whatever.

I’m wandering around Jewett at 6:30 p.m. on a Monday and the sounds of partying are seeping up from the floorboards. I cock my head to the side and wonJOEY KERN der, “What the hell Columnist is going on?” My first guess would be something conventional. Birthday parties and things of the like have no concern for days of the week and this would seem the most likely explanation to this seemingly untimely merrymaking. Travelling to the source, I find a conclusion that is all the more satisfying, and one that requires less of a snackrifice in the next day’s academics: Class is cancelled on Tuesday—Undergraduate Conference, hell yeah. The Undergraduate Conference is the best thing to happen to Tuesdays. No class is always a good thing, always. But, what has been proven to me in attending this particular event is that this conference offers more than a convenient excuse for Monday night debauchery. The Undergraduate Conference, in a crudely summative definition, is a conference during which undergraduate students at Whitman are given an opportunity to present papers and research to their peers. It is a chance for collaboration amongst peers, a chance to see firsthand the fruits of your friends’ labor, a chance to be slapped in the face with the reality that people at this institution are, indeed, learning things. Most of all, however, it gives people the chance to explore topics that interest them, and explore topics with which they may be less familiar. All in all, it’s this concept of a ‘holistic education’ the Whitman Web site

bludgeons its viewers with, enacted in reality. My first impression of the undergrad was one of skepticism, a place where people can talk down to me from the heinous high horse of pretension and academic snobbery. But, upon further investigation, and by actually attending some of these presentations, I quickly realized this was not the case. The conference provided more insight than I could have expected, and shocked me from my own position of academic snobbery, bringing me to the grim reality that there are (several) people at this school smarter than myself. As unfortunate a realization as this was, it did give me the unique opportunity to learn from these people, and to crawl up to their level. In essence, I was learning amongst my peers from my peers. This kind of education, as a collaborative effort, is the very thing Whitman strives for, to instill a sense of community in its students. As much as this concept has been beat senselessly into our subconscious, it remains interesting to see it carried out. It’s inspiring, in a sense, to see the immediate fruits of academic rigor borne before you. The nature of the conference’s presentations being put on by fellow undergraduates brings about a closeness and immediacy that a lecture or a graduate conference would lack. These are people whose shoes I could see filling, whose work I could see replicating because I am engaged in the same process as they are. While it doesn’t take a hell of a lot of effort to see how Whitman instills community in the activities it sponsors and the parties it throws, it is much more difficult to realize this sense of community on the academic level. The Undergraduate Conference serves as a means to bring this level of community to the realm of academia, which, ultimately, is the goal of Whitman as a college.


whitman news, delivered. WRITING NEWS Rachel Alexander, Scott Cassidy, Jeremy Guggenheim, Nate Lessler, Lea Negrin, Rose Woodbury

A&E Ellie Gold, Andrew Hall, Caitlin Hardee, Bécquer Medak-Seguín, Liz Sieng, Christine Texeira, Ami Tian, Karl Wallulis

BUSINESS Publisher Derek Thurber Directors of Public Relations Connor Guy, Sara Rasmussen Directors of Public Relations Lilly Dethier, Linnea Rudeen Webmaster Rebecca Fish

OPINION Russ Caditz-Peck, Lisa Curtis, Blair Frank, Gillian Frew, Joey Kern, Heather Nichols-Haining, James Sledd, Gary Wang, Will Witwer



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HUMOR Emily Basham, Galen Cobb, Nadim Damluji, Helen Jenne

Advertising Manager Matt Solomon

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The Whitman College Pioneer is a weekly student-run newspaper published under the auspices of the Associated Students of Whitman College. The purpose of The Pioneer is to provide pertinent, timely news and commentary for Whitman students, alumni, faculty, staff and parents, as well as the Walla Walla community. The Pioneer is dedicated to expanding open discussion on campus about the issues with which students are most concerned. We provide coverage of Whitman-related news as well as featured local and regional events, and strive to maintain a standard of utmost fairness, quality, and journalistic integrity while promoting freedom of the press. In addition, the Pioneer strives to be a learning tool for students who are interested in journalism. The Pioneer welcomes all feedback and publishes weekly Letters to the Editor in print and online.


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The Pioneer ISSUE 9 APR. 8, 2010 Page 10


ONIONFEST: Offers competition, fun  page 1 “This was Onionfest's biggest year by far,” said Elle Burstein, the senior captain of the women's team. Though it is undeniable that this coed tournament’s attendance has proliferated astoundingly over the years, its noteworthiness does not stem merely from its size. “We pride ourselves on hosting the most fun co-ed tournament in the Northwest, while still making some profit (as it is our main fundraiser),” said sophomore Ben McGinn. "The tournament is focused more on fun than competition." Saturday night’s festivities certainly testified to the validity of McGinn’s claim, as does the fact that this tournament—unlike the others Whitman has competed in this season—is co-ed and warmly welcomes a wide range of talent. However, in spite of the tournament’s fun-oriented, relatively laid back nature, competition remains an important component of any tournament. “We have an outstanding reputation for putting on a tournament that attracts quality teams,” said Burstein. Amidst a bevy of strong teams, each of Whitman’s three mixed-gender teams performed well. The A team advanced all the way to the semi-finals and tied for third, marking the best showing by a Whitman team in recent memory. Whitman’s other two teams tied for fifth and 18th respectively. The Missoula Mental Toss Flycoons— the 2008 club mixed champions— emerged as tournament champions, but not without stiff competition from the Seattle Supersonics. Aside from these two teams, both Burstein and McGinn listed the Portland-based WhoopsieDaisies—the team that beat an all-star

PHOTOS BY JACOBSON team consisting of past and present Whitman Sweets—as another standout squad. Now that Onionfest is over, both the men’s and women’s teams must turn their attention to the postseason, or the College Series. To this point, both teams have had a fair amount of success, in spite of certain unforeseen troubles. Though many games at Trouble in Vegas—the first tournament Whitman competed in this season—were cancelled due to rain, both the men and woman managed to post impressive victories in the few games they did play in Sin City. The men beat one nationally-ranked opponent as they defeated number nine Tufts University 12-11 while the women defeated Dartmouth College 13-4 and

Missionaries maul Wildcats by LINDSAY FAIRCHILD Staff Reporter

This past weekend, the men’s tennis team had their final two home games of the season. After coming in to these matches ranked 21st in the NCAA Division III national rankings and seventh in the regional rankings, Whitman men’s tennis improved to 14-0 on the season in Northwest Conference play and 16-4 for the season total. The Missionaries had their eighth shutout of the season against Pacific on Friday, April 2, and on Saturday, April 3, beat Linfield 8-1. On Friday, Whitman had no trouble dismantling Pacific in both doubles and singles. At number one doubles, senior Matt Solomon and junior Etienne Moshevich won 8-2; at the two spot, senior Christoph Fuchs and junior Quin Miller won 8-5; and at number three doubles, senior Nadeem Kassam and first-year Jeff Tolman posted an 8-2 win. At the number one singles spot, Solomon had no trouble besting his Pacific opponent, winning 6-1, 6-0. At number two singles, Fuchs had a little more trouble, but ended up winning 6-4, 6-3. Kassam bested his opponent at number three singles 6-1, 6-3, while fellow senior Jasper Follows swept his opponent 6-2, 6-2, at number four. Rounding out the singles side at five and six, seniors Thomas Roston and David Deming both handily won, 6-1, 6-0 and 6-3, 6-1, respectively. “Hopefully everyone will continue to play better and we will be at the top of our game by the conference tournament. This weekend we probably played our best doubles of the year,” said Coach Jeff Northam. On Saturday, Linfield, who is ranked ninth regionally, gave Whitman a little more of a challenge—but not much. Whitman swept in doubles, with Solomon and Moshevich at number one and Kassam and Tolman at number three, both winning 8-5. At the number two spot, Fuchs and Miller had a real challenge on their hands facing their Linfield counterparts, Tal DeWitt and Kyle Anderson. Both teams were evenly matched and unforced errors plagued each side. With overheads that looked like winners falling into the net and constant double faults, it was anyone’s game. However, in the end, Fuchs’ strong serves lead the game to a tiebreak, which Whitman eventually won 9-8 (7-1). In singles, Whitman gave up one match at number four singles, with junior Chris Bailey falling 3-6, 6-3, 10-6 to his Linfield

counterpart. At number two singles, Tolman also had a challenge, but he came out on top, winning 6-2, 6-7 (2-7), 10-4). The rest of the Whitman singles squad rolled past their opponents, Solomon winning at number one 6-1, 6-2; Moshevich winning at number three 6-1, 6-4; Fuchs winning at number five 6-2, 6-2; and Kassam at number six winning 6-3, 6-2. The past two home matches are the last for seven seniors on the Missionary squad. Solomon, senior captain, reflected on his time here and on what the season holds. “Obviously, never having lost a conference match in my time here at Whitman is a great accomplishment and is a testament

JACOBSON Thomas Roston ‘10 scoops up a volley in the last home match of his collegiate career; he bested his opponent 6-1, 6-0.

to the fact that we never take our opponents for granted. No matter who we play, we always try to bring everything we have to the table. Our hard work and efforts have definitely paid off,” said Solomon. “To win three conference titles in a row is quite an accomplishment, but we still have a lot we want to accomplish as well. We can’t rest on our laurels now because we know this can be a really special year for us and we can accomplish much more than just a conference championship.” These two wins increased Whitman’s regular season conference win streak to 64 matches, and with the win over Linfield, Whitman has clinched a share of the conference title as well as the top seed in the post-season Northwest conference tournament. Whitman has two more regular season matches, both against Whitworth next weekend, before their sights fall on the Northwest Conference tournament, and if all goes well, the NCAA tournament.

A member of the Portland-based Whoopsie-Daisies dives for a disc during Saturday night’s Showcase Game. The Whoopsie-Daisies defeated the Sweets’ all-star team 15-11.

Harvard University 13-10. Conversely, the Stanford Open was not satisfying for either the men or the women. The women finished 10th just one year after placing second in the same tournament. “We underachieved that weekend only winning a few games, and losing a bunch that we could have won,” said McGinn, in describing the open from the men’s team’s perspective. In the following tournament, hosted by Pacific Lutheran, the men’s team played well enough, but suffered a devastating blow when junior captain Chris Hansman tore his ACL after a hard foul. Despite the setbacks that have befallen both Whitman teams thus far in the season, both Burstein and McGinn have managed to cling to positivity. “I have never gotten to play with such a group of talented and athletic ultimate players," said Burstein. "We have very dedicated players who give up so much time and energy to play for the Sweets that it really lends to creating a competitive team." In a similar vein, McGinn suggested that Hansman’s unfortunate injury does not necessarily spell doom for the men’s team. “I feel as though we have a solid core of players ready to go into the postseason," said McGinn, citing former junior national players Jeremy Norden and Jacob Janin in particular. "We have the potential to do very well for the rest of the season.” Beginning Saturday, April 17, when the college series commences, we wil have a chance to see just how much damage Whitman can do in the postseason For now, we can at least rest assured that the Sweets know how to host a tournament.

Whitman falls to PLU in blowouts by ALLAN CRUM Staff Reporter

The Whitman men’s baseball team was unable to shake up the Northwest Conference standings this last weekend, losing all three of its games to conferenceleading Pacific Lutheran University. Whitman lost 21-6 and 11-1 on Friday, April 2, and 23-1 on Saturday, April 3. The Missionaries fell to 3-23 for the season and are currently struggling to break out of a 10-game losing streak. The Lutes had no trouble scoring all weekend against the Missionaries, starting in the second inning of the Friday’s first game when the big-stickcarrying visitors racked up eight runs off of Whitman sophomore pitcher Eric Tolleson. Three Lute players had four hits, including right fielder Josh Takayoshi who had his first home run of the season. Tolleson would only pitch four innings, giving up 12 hits and 12 earned runs in a little less than half a game’s work. His replacement, firstyear Tyler Grisdale, would fare little better against the hard-swinging Lutes, giving up eight earned runs over the remaining five innings. Few members of the crowd expected the late game to turn into a pitcher’s duel, but that is exactly what happened for the first five innings of Friday’s second game. First-year John Nortz was on the mound for the Missionaries against PLU senior pitcher Robert Bleeker. It would be almost six innings before either team would put a run on the scoreboard, with Lutes lead-off bat-

PHOTOS BY BOWMAN Above: Eric Tolleson ‘12 swings and misses. He went 0 for 4 at the plate, while the struggling Missionaries only scored one run and gave up 23 to a visiting Pacific Lutheran University squad that is at the top of the Northwest Conference standings. Below: Head Coach Jared Holowaty looks on from the dugout as Missionaries bat.

ter Jaron Iwakami striking first blood with an RBI single to left. That single seemed to break the Lutes from their trance and remind them that they lead the Northwest Conference in batting; PLU would go on to score at least one run in each of the remaining innings. Nortz started strong, allowing only two hits before surrendering that first fateful run in the top of the sixth, but faded down the stretch. Unfortunately for him, Whitman’s lack of reliable relief pitching forced him to play out the innings. The Missionaries threatened to score in the bottom of the sixth when two walks, a well-executed sacrifice bunt and another walk loaded the baseswith two outs for senior Blaine Mercado, Whitman’s RBI leader. Sadly, Mercado would not get a chance to add to his RBI total as senior Mitch Hannoosh was called out while attempting to steal home after a wild pitch, shutting the door on a Missionaries rally. While the Whitman men will be able to take away some positives from Friday’s late game, Saturday’s blowout seems best left forgotten. The Lutes romped to eight runs off nine hits in

the first two innings and never looked back, finishing the game with 23 runs on 20 hits. Mercado, pitching this time, was victimized for 16 hits and 13 earned runs. Whitman would not score until the ninth inning as PLU’s Scott Wall improved his record to 4-1. “He was so effective,” said junior captain Erik Korsmo. “He was hitting every spot I asked him to hit. His change-up kept the batters off-balance, he was just in the zone. Everything was working for him. There is little good to say about this game, but the Missionaries do have some good things that they can take away from this weekend. Nortz’s pitching during game two was exceptional, and with better luck on offense this game could’ve ended very differently. Several individual position players have been playing well, especially Korsmo, who continues to lead the team in batting average after going 3-9 with two walks over the weekend. The blowouts were definitely ugly, but PLU leads the conference in team batting and is third in team pitching, while Whitman is near the bottom of the conference in both categories. Losing season such as this one can really wear on a teams psyche, however, Korsmo insists the team is maintaining their mental health. “[The losing streak] doesn’t affect our concentration too much,” said Korsmo. “We don’t think about what we’ve done in past games, we just learn and move on. We are really looking at next weekend. The losing streak doesn’t really affect us beyond what we learned.” The Whitman men will try to shake off the disappointment of this latest home stand and regroup as they travel to Forest Grove, Ore. to challenge the Pacific University Boxers to back-toback double headers Saturday, April 10, and Sunday, April 11.


April 8, 2010


Golf teams defeated by Mother Nature by MELISSA NAVARRO

“It was very hard to swing and ended up being frustrating. We felt like we played horrible,” said Head. The Whitman women have been concentrating on improving focus, motivation and patience with the game since spring break. With more underclassmen making up the bulk of the team, Head believes the adjustment to college level competition to be a work in progress as the women look to the future. “Staying positive is huge, with golf especially, since it’s a sport where a lot depends on your mental game,” said Head, who also added that the women’s coach Skip Molitor has tried to motivate the team toward confidence. “Placing in the top three would be great for this year. Next year, we’d love to go to nationals,” said Head on some of her goals for the team this season in

Staff Reporter

After spring break matches in surprisingly blustery Southern California, the Whitman men’s and women’s golf teams returned to the Pacific Northwest for the Northern Colleges Spring Tournament Saturday, April 3, at Apple Tree Golf Course in Yakima, sWash. e Both Pacific Lutheran University tand the University of Puget Sound’s eteams could not make the tournament due to inclement weather conditions d,on Snoqualmie Pass. As a result the gtournament turned into a dual match dbetween the Missionaries and Whitmworth University. At the end of the day the Pirates dtook home the hardware as the Whitmworth men recorded a team score of -314, good enough for a 13-stroke vicstory over the Missionaries. The Lady .Pirates ran away with the match as -they defeated the Whitman women by ea whopping 47 strokes, 340-387. e For the men, Saturday’s highlight was the performance of first-year hDrew Raher, who fired a season-best e78. y “He has a ton of potential, and he hshot the low score on our team,” said ssenior Steve Campbell. “We were all -pumped for him.” Unfortunately for Whitman, Radher’s effort was one of the few bright sspots of the day as the rest of the team ’sstruggled in tough weather conditions. Sophomore John Abercrombie, efirst-year Peter Clark and Campbell -all shot 83, leading the Missionaries rto a team score of 327. d “I think it is safe to say that a lot eof us have been disappointed in not fplaying as consistent as we’d like to,” said Campbell. “But I am hoping that nwe will pick it up for the rest of our llseason.” - Leading the way this season for the n.women is first-year Tate Head, who atsaw last weekend’s tournament as a -warm-up for this weekend’s Northwest Conference Spring Classic in Moses Lake, Wash. Nonetheless she

S Golf: Both the men's and women's

teams will play in the Northwest Conference Spring Classic this weekend, Saturday, April 10, and Sunday, April 11. The men will travel to Moses Lake, Wash. and play at Moses Pointe Golf Course, while the women will stop short in Yakima, Wash., competing at the Apple Valley Golf Course. VON HAFFTEN Peter Clark ‘13 lines up a putt during practice at the Walla Walla Country Club in preparation for the NWC Spring Classic at Moses Pointe golf course in Moses Lake, Wash.

was upset with her performance Saturday. “I didn’t play my best, but I’ve been trying to work on my swing and just figure things out, kind of like a practice round,” said Head. It is likely the Missionary ladies were a little rusty as last weekend’s tournament was the first since their spring break trip to Southern California, where they played in the Redlands Women’s Golf Invitational at the East Valley Golf Club in Beaumont, Calif. Windy conditions and a diffi-

cult course challenged the Whitman women in Beaumont as they finished fourth, 25 shots back of third place, the University of Calgary, in the four-team tournament. On the bright side Head finished sixth individually, shooting 95 on the last day of the tournament and finishing the weekend with a score of 197 for the 36-hole competition. First-years Sydney Conway and Caitlin Holland shot 217 and 226 respectively, while junior Sydney Saito fired a 226 and senior Kelsi Evans finished with a 237.

Money Talks: One and done athletes ruin spirit of amateur athletics March Madness is my favorite time of year; nowhere else is the charm of collegiate athletics as transcendent, and nowhere else is the specBAILEY ARANGO ter of Big Business professional Staff Reporter sports further in the background. For a few fleeting weeks each spring, people stop paying attention to bigleague contract signings and NBA lottery picks and instead spend some time learning the Siena fight-song or figuring out how to pronounce the name of Northern Iowa's undersized point-guard Ali Farokhmanesh. For all the talk of bracket-busters and Final Four predictions, I don't think I'm the only one who, after a day or two of beautiful, frenetic basketball, puts his bracket aside (at least in this year's case, never to be seen again) and sits back to enjoy the spectacle for what it is. While shoe sponsors and energy drinks all do their part to capitalize on the moment, one advertisement above all others stands out to me: A commercial in which the NCAA proudly declares that there are “over 380,000 student athletes,” most of whom “will go pro in something other than sports.” It is this, above all the highlight reel footage and last-second finishes, that makes March Madness so compelling: Nowhere else in sports can fans witness such a jaw-dropping athletic competition made up entirely of amateur athletes. Christian Leittner may not have experienced much success in the NBA, but in a way, that makes his game-winning shots in March that much more meaningful. With competitions like the Olympics now filled with paid athletes, collegiate athletics holds a unique spot in the hearts of sports fans. This is exactly why the NBA's decision to continue its age limit policy indefinitely is bad news for everyone involved. Following the 2005 NBA collective

the future of the young team. The men share the same hope for a strong finish this spring and a better season next year. “There is a good core of guys on the team,” said Campbell. “Not only is there a great team dynamic building, but there are some good golfers on the squad.” Junior Brian Barton shined for the men’s team last fall and is currently abroad in Scotland. With his return in the fall the Whitman men are hopeful for next season. “It could be a year that they make a serious run at the conference title,” said Campbell. The men and women’s golf teams are competing this weekend in the NWC Northern Colleges Spring Tournament, at the Links at Moses Pointe in Moses Point, Wash.

bargaining agreement, the NBA instituted a rule requiring that players be at least one year removed from high school before signing with an NBA franchise. The league had good intentions; it was reasoned that establishing such an age policy would, in theory, both strengthen the college game and give potential draft picks an extra year to mature as individuals before entering the world of big contracts and handouts. In reality, the NBA has effectively taken steps to take the college out of college basketball. By forcing potential NBA lottery picks who would otherwise have gone professional out of high school to attend college, the NBA has brought all of the worst parts of professional sports into the college ranks. It has been as predictable as clockwork: Every time

By forcing potential NBA lottery picks who would otherwise have gone professional out of high school to attend college, the NBA has brought all of the worst parts of professional sports into the college ranks. a school lands a big-name prospect, revelations regarding recruiting violations, bribery and dirty-dealing follow suit. At best, forcing lottery picks to go to school has necessitated that colleges wishing to remain competitive take part in recruiting practices that go against NCAA regulations in order to secure players who will spend only a single season in the college ranks. Take, for example, the University of Kentucky. Kentucky basketball is a multi-million-dollar industry. Coach John Calipari alone has over 1.1 million followers on Twitter, and courtside seats in Lexington are frequently filled with celebrity faces such as the

lovely Ashley Judd. This year's Kentucky squad, which saw two of its three first-year starters voted first-team AllAmericans, will likely also see five of its six main contributors declare for the NBA draft. But at what cost? Kentucky's “dream team” didn't win a national championship, despite having landed some of the biggest recruits of the decade, and if Calipari escapes this off-season without some sort of NCAA recruiting violation, it will be a small miracle. This has always been the story of NBA talent forced into the NCAA. O.J. Mayo, Kevin Durant, Greg Oden and John Wall have zero college championships between them, but the dollar signs they had on their mind from the start have left their former college programs decimated. In the NBA age limit policy, we see a system almost without precedent, one which offers no actual benefit to any party involved. College teams filled with NBA prospects who would otherwise have skipped college completely haven't faired well in the NCAA tournament, and programs are dropping like flies from NCAA-imposed sanctions following recruiting violations— both of Calipari's former teams, the University of Massachusetts and the University of Memphis have suffered NCAA sanctions as a result of recruiting violations which occurred under Calipari's watch. The NBA isn't faring much better in this equation; every year that a Greg Oden-sized talent is forced to spend pretending to be a student athlete (and let's make no bones about that charade—literally half of Oden's college credits were from a class entitled “Undergraduate Basketball”) is a year that the NBA loses in ticket sales. It's not a case of the NBA not caring about college athletics; it's a case of the NBA simply not understanding them. If the NBA were to put an end to its age limit policy, it would take a giant step towards purifying the college game. Simply put, in a system that lets student athletes play for colleges and professional athletes play for money, everyone wins.

Baseball: The Missionaries go into this weekend's three-game series with Pacific University on a 10-game losing streak and 3-23 overall. They will travel to Forest Grove, Ore. and face off against the eighth-place Boxers who post a record of 5-10 in conference and 7-20 overall. They play two games on Saturday, April 10, and one game Sunday, April 11.

Women's Tennis: The Whitman

women will be looking to rebound from

a heart-wrenching 4-5 loss to the Linfield Wildcats. They will close out their regular season with matches against Lewis & Clark College and Willamette University Saturday and Sunday, April 10 and 11. For the seniors, these next two games mark the end of their collegiate careers. Winning these next two matches will give the Missionarries much-needed momentum going into the Northwest Conference Championships.


Tennis: Having already clinched at least a share of the NWC title, the Missionaries head to Spokane, Wash., to close out their regular season with two matches against Whitworth Universty this Sunday, April 11. With two wins Whitman will extend their record-setting NWC win streak to 66 games.

S FRIDAY, April 2

Baseball: Pacific Lutheran University 21, Whitman College 6 L–Tolleson (1-5) Score by Innings R H E PLU....................080 423 103 - 21 23 3 Whitman...........000 010 410 - 6 8 5 Pacific Lutheran University 11, Whitman College 1 L–Nortz (1-3) Score by Innings R H E PLU....................000 012 116 - 11 16 0 Whitman...........000 000 001 - 1 3 3 Women's Tennis: Whitman College 9, Pacific University 0 Singles–Roberg d. Goya 7-5, 6-2; Otto d. Yoshimoto 6-0, 6-1; DeBree d. Wong 6-1, 6-1; Kaur d. Mizuno 6-3, 6-3; Rolston d. Velligas 6-3, 6-3; Kunkel-Patterson d. Greene 6-1, 6-0; Doubles-Otto/ Roberg d. Goya/Yoshimoto 8-0; Kaur/ DeBre d. Wong/Mizuno 8-5; Rolston/ Kuknel-Patterson d. Greene/Velligas 8-2 Men's Tennis: Pacific University 0, Whitman College 9 Singles–Solomon d. Okada 6-1, 6-0; Fuchs d. Hing 6-4, 6-3; Kassam d. Furuya, E. 6-1, 6-3; Follows d. Alcayde 6-2, 6-2; Roston d. Furuya, M. 6-1, 6-0; Deming d. Nguyen 6-3, 6-1; Doubles– Moshevich/Solomon d. Hing/Kinghorn 8-2; Miller/Fuchs d. Furuya, E./ Okada;

Tolman/Kassam d. Kawamura/Alcayde 8-2


Baseball: Pacific Lutheran University 23, Whitman College 1 L – Mercado (1-7) Score by Innings R H E PLU.....................260 403 013 - 23 20 0 Whitman............000 000 001 - 1 8 5

Women's Tennis: Whitman College 4, Linfield College 5 Singles–Olbrich (LC) d. Roberg 6-4, 6-2; Katter (LC) d. Otto 6-2, 6-2; Larson (LC) d. DeBree 6-3, 6-4; Kaur (WC) d. Click 6-4, 3-6, 10-4; Watanabe (LC) d. Rolston 6-3, 6-4; Kunkel-Patterson (WC) d. Franceschina 6-4, 6-4; Doubles–Olbrich/Katter (LC) d. Roberg/Otto 8-4; Kaur/DeBree (WC) d. Click/Watanabe 8-2; Rolston/Kunkel-Patterson (WC) d. Franceschina/Larson 8-6

Men's Tennis: Linfield College 1, Whitman College 8 Singles–Solomon d. Magdaong 6-1, 6-2; Tolman d. Anderson 6-2, 7-6(2-7), 10-4; Moshevich d. DeWitt 6-1, 6-4; Kingzett (LC) d. Bailey 6-3, 3-6, 10-6; Fuchs d. Levering 6-2, 6-2; Kassam d. Lyons 6-3, 6-2; Doubles–Moshevich/Solomon d. Kingzett/Magdaong 8-5; Fuchs/Miller d. DeWitt/Anderson 9-8 (7-1); Kassam/ Tolman d. Kauffman/Lyons 8-5


Disclaimer: This page is intended to be facetious!!! In no way are the pieces contained therin meant to convey any factual information!!!!

The Pioneer ISSUE 9 APR. 8, 2010 Page 12


This season, MTV brings you the true story of four strangers, hired to work in a dining hall together and serve food . . . to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.

: Prentiss

The Pio introduces you to this season’s cast! Stay tuned to see what happens . . .

Bon Appétit student

N G employees TURI

writers: F E A Harry Fulop, Michaela Gianotti andguest Anonymous

Food handler’s test

Hey gang! We present to you the official Washington State Food Handler’s Test, taken by actual food handlers across the state. If you have time, we suggest you try it out and find out your “food IQ.” Be warned, this quiz is notoriously difficult, as it should be to ensure the highest possible standards for safety and disease prevention. It should come as a comfort that every single person who touches your food must pass this rigorous qualification exam! 1.) Which one of these can you eat? a c


Both of the above

2.) How often should you wash your hands? a Always b After preparing meals c After petting a dog d Before petting a dog e Never

3.) Which of these is the appropriate response to a student who asks for five slices of pizza at a time? a “I’m sorry, our policy is to serve only two pieces at a time. If you want more than that, take two now and come back again for seconds. Thank you for understanding.” b “I will cut your face.” 4.) When is it appropriate to serve raw meat? a Never b If you really think it will bring out that extra zest in the marinara c Revenge 5.) Cleanliness: Godliness as ______:______ a Bon Appétit: A five-star restaurant b Puppies: Kittens c Ross: Rachel Spoon: Fork d

6.) A train leaves New Jersey heading east at 120 miles an hour. Another train leaves Ohio heading west at 340 miles an hour. The first train must make six stops on its cross country trip, and the second train makes nine. Will any of the passengers on either train get hungry enough to buy the “gut bomb” burrito available in the dining area? Show your work using quotes from the text.

Student nicknames as deemed by student Bon Appétit employees: t t t t t t t t t

“Meat” girl “The twins” “Frisbee as a plate” boy “Only ever points at the food that he wants” boy “Five minutes to decide between a yam or a sweet potato” girl “Come on, there’s no way I can finish that” boy “‘Oh, my god, hey! You’re in my math class, right? I’m so bad at Calculus which is weird because I took it in high school’” girl “Five pieces of semi-charred bacon, with only a little bit of fat, extra crispy and only ones from the bottom of the pan” boy “Usually drunk” bros

Hey kids! Have you ever asked the question: “Hey! No. 2 pencils? What about all the other numbers?!” Did your friends just stare and snicker at you? Do you even have any friends? Well, kid, turn your life around today at the

Numbers 1 to Infinity (Except for 2) Pencil Store! Documents from RL Stine’s divorce proceedings From the offices of Randal Flintock, lawyer to Clarissa Stine

March Mr. Stine, It is my duty to inform you of your wife’s request for a formal divorce. As you know, she has recently moved out of the house, taking the two children with her. She wishes you to vacate the premises so she can move back into the house. Grounds for divorce include “spooky” behavior, an obsession with the “creepy” and a predilection towards “fright-tastic” pranks, events and excursions. We kindly ask you to cease all potential spooky, creepy or fright-tastic behavior for the duration of these proceedings. Thank you. My client and I hope that you both can come to an understanding. Dear Mr. Flintock, Oh my good nothing more thanness! I would love house but it appe to move out of the Haunted by ghostars to be haunted. bottle of whisky (sps! I left an entire the counter at 7 p.mooky whisky!) on when I woke up thi . last night, and the suits in my clo s morning, all of fire and the bottle set had been set on ty. A spooky mysteof whisky was empI know no one wi ry, to say the least! staying behind to ll believe me, so I’m did this so that Clfind the ghosts who can live in an unhaarissa and the kids we all get back togunted house when ether as a family. Spooky ghosts!

A baby rabbit with single poison dart in its neck


Mr. Stine, My client wishes that she has taken to inform you evicting you from legal recourse in The deed is in hethe family home. and she has mader family’s name, ments. Legally, M all of the paynot a leg to standr. Stine, you have cerned about any on. We are contivity you may havesupernatural acliving alone these perceived while but my client wi past few weeks, with her initial plashes to continue the premises by 4 ns. Please vacate afternoon, or prep p.m. tomorrow are to face the consequences. tock, Dear Mr. Flin me very sad (sadder It makes st of the olf on the fir than a werew my spooky wife has month!) that ke such a strong legal decided to taards my residence in position tow ted) home. I’m afraid y hello to our (still haun t be safe! Sa it might nome! I am concerned for my kids for I have reason to believe their safety. ho Clarissa has been that Kyle, we last week now, may be seeing for th loquist dummy! Please an evil ventrid maybe a lawyer about tell them an they can come back to this so that and fight these ghosts live with meppy family. like a big ha

Ke$ha asking you repeatedly if she can come to your party

e, es to Mr. Stinur wife wish for w o Yo sh the you to remind ourt date on nore c ig r u u o o y y and hould 21st. S dge’s wishes judgju id vo the e to a iolacontinu r your clear v will u ment fof the law, yo , any tions o risoned. Also s my be imp made toward ount threats fiancé will c client’s C felonies. as class

Mr. Flintock, e some Wow! My wife must have madrs living kind of deal with the monste would inside of my former house thatgs! She try to make me do evil thin nth is a knows that the 21st of this mo ng the full moon, and I will be spendi ly wereday preparing for my month me that s eve beli one No ch. sear f wol n you there are werewolves, but sooregards h Wit h! trut the will all know children to “Kyle” all I did was tell my sure if that the only way to know for an evil your mom’s new betrothed is t it on ventriloquist dummy is to ligh , creepy fire! This is a fact! A spooky fact! Yours creepily, RL

Tired of hanging out on the periphery of the playground, constantly getting drenched by the water fountain run off? Sketch your own Playskool © playground with the No. 17 pencil. Buy the No. 4 pencil if you want to be best friends with Harry Potter! Draw Hogwarts on a piece of paper and in just moments you’ll be there! Spring allergies acting up? Even in the winter? Even in your bubble? Erase your allergy triggers with the No. 22 pencil. New shipment of the hot new No. 64 pencils that turn the stuffed animals you play “Magic: The Gathering” with into real live animals with just a touch of the pencil!* If you want to be rubber and want your P.E. teacher to be glue, and for all the insults to bounce off of you and stick to him, then buy a No. 1 pencil. Do you wish your parents loved you? We’re sorry, there’s nothing we can do for you at this time. Buy the No. 32 pencil to erase the food, hair and gum stuck in your headgear. Patent Pending: Numbers 1 to Infinity, (Except for 2) Pencil Store will soon release a pencil to erase headgear altogether! If you want a girlfriend, draw a cupid with your No. 11 pencil. All arrows shot by the cupid are final. *Pencil No. 64 does not guarantee that live animals will be capable of playing Magic with you. NUMBERS 1 to INFINITY, except for 2 PENCIL STORE is not liable for mauling or dismemberment.

March sadness ER


Ducks with learning disabilities

Cutting yourself with your last Pokemon card

Joe Liberman’s wife

Realizing you can’t sit on a cloud Seasonal Affective Disorder

Getting cheated on for DJ Qualls

Running out of Xanax Making the jump from Twilight to meth

Freddie Prinze Jr.’s career

Dumbledore’s corpse

Droopy and Eeyore’s love child


When bullies steal your lunch money, are you just left lunchless and alone? Not anymore! Redraw your lunch money with the No. 5 Pencil.

Being “really into” Donnie Darko

Eating a Reese’s the wrong way Just now getting into Yu-Gi-Oh

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