Spring 2014 Issue 12

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ISSUE 12 | May 1, 2014 | Whitman news since 1896 | Vol. CXXXI



Cultural capital


Whitman cultur

Invisibility Support

Social graces

Academics Guilt Isolation Confidence Finances


Whitman’s first-generation students face unique challenges by SHELLY LE Editor-in-Chief


lass is invisible. You can dress and act a different way and no one would ever really know what you might be struggling with. First-generation students really are in an invisible category.” As the adviser for Whitman’s First Generation and Working Class Club, Professor of History Julie Charlip has seen countless students come to Whitman from backgrounds like her own. They are the first in their families to attend college and are often from households significantly less welloff than the majority of their peers. In the fall 2013 semester, 10 percent of the student body identified as first-generation college students, making it one of the smallest statistical minority categories at Whitman. It’s likely that most students at Whitman know a first-generation student, but unlikely that they understand the first-generation college experience. Unlike other signifiers of identity, “first generation” comes attached to a diverse spectrum of backgrounds. Many who identify as first generation struggle at college with family finances, varying levels of cultural capital and feelings of isolation. However, not all do, and the phrase “first generation and working class” isn’t necessarily all-encompassing. “Being first generation [and] working class isn’t something that happens to everyone, but, at the same time, every experience for first-generation students can be unique from each other,” said sophomore firstgeneration student Brenda Zarazua. Senior first-generation student Bridget Tescher believes economic difference isn’t acknowledged enough on campus. Often, it’s simply assumed that most students come from middle- and upper-class backgrounds. “It gets really tense as soon as you try and bring up economic disparity. Overall, I think a lot of students here are really uncomfortable with their economic status in general,” she said. Isolation Economic class is a factor that often goes ignored at Whitman, but it affects students of all racial backgrounds. Associate Professor of Sociology Gilbert Mireles, who is a former first-generation student, believes economic class has a greater impact on a student’s Whitman experience

than any other demographic feature. “In the college-going experience oftentimes class influences the day-to-day experiences of students to a much greater extent than their racial-ethnic background. That’s not to say that racial-ethnic background isn’t going to be a factor ... but I think that [in] everyday lived reality, class is a more significant factor,” he said. Mireles, who attended Swarthmore College, says he sees connections between first-generation students’ experiences and his own. Mireles traveled from central California to attend Swarthmore and faced a culture shock for which he wasn’t prepared. “I came from a background that was very different from most of the students that I encountered at Swarthmore ... these kids came across as very worldly and cosmopolitan and experienced in all sorts of ways that I was not.” Because of those cultural differences, interacting with his peers at Swarthmore was difficult for Mireles. “I wasn’t able to readily engage them in conversation in the dining hall, [and] I hadn’t had the sorts of educational opportunities that they had had. I hadn’t had the vacation experiences that they had had. I didn’t know anything about lacrosse, these sorts of things that are outside the experiential framework of someone growing up in a small farming community,” he said. “It wasn’t easy, and I felt very isolated and unsupported.” Upon coming to Whitman, Tescher quickly became aware of how her clothing set her apart from other students. She tried to conform to what she calls the “Whitman dress code” of Birkenstocks and North Face jackets because she felt pressure to fit in appearance-wise. “I think that Whitman’s first-generation [and] working class students learn very quickly how to blend in and how to adopt the lifestyle that Whitman students lead here, even if it requires cutting corners and buying stuff from the REI used gear sale as opposed to the Patagonia store,” she said. First-generation student Lionel Valdez* says the cultural difference between him and his more economically privileged Whitman peers hasn’t negatively affected him because he found a small community of students of color from similar socioeconomic backgrounds to connect with. However, the gap in economic resources and cultural references among students of lower and higher income backgrounds can be surreal, he says.

“I remember freshman year, [my first-year section] had barely met each other, and we didn’t really know each other. Then during winter break they went on an amazing, crazy trip that was super expensive. Stuff like that was different, and people I grew up with and hung out with never had that kind of experience.” Assistant Professor of Art Nicole Pietrantoni’s parents attended community college, but she was the first in her family to attend a prestigious four-year university. Her parents encouraged her to attend college in order to live a life that was less financially stressed than theirs. “In my family, it was kind of like a golden ticket. You get an education, and you can do something really great. It was like, ‘You can do something better than we’ve done. You can go farther; you can do better,’” she said. Although the college application process isn’t easy for first-generation Whitman students without parents who have experience with higher education, many had mentors who were invested in their college careers. Others were involved in college preparatory programs in high school. Zarazua went to a charter high school that focuses on preparing students for college. But when she finally arrived at college, things weren’t as she expected. Her parents couldn’t travel to Whitman with her, so her aunt came with her for one day. She moved into the dorms by herself. “My charter school kept saying, ‘College is going to be perfect and the best time of your life.’ So I was expecting that things would be great, but then it felt like it was a let down, and I was lonely,” she said. Finances and Family Ties Tescher worked 20-25 hours per week in high school and throughout Whitman to pay for college, and her single-parent father hasn’t been able to support her Whitman education financially. She doesn’t label herself as poor, but says that she sometimes feels set apart from Whitman students who come from wealthier backgrounds. “I didn’t ever actually think I was poor ... I identified as middle class ... I grew up on free and reduced lunch, and it wasn’t until I got here that I realized there was so much more upward [mobility], and there was so much more money that I could have had that I didn’t,” she said. Finances created an immediate but unspoken division between Tescher and

her first-year peers when she wasn’t able to attend a Scramble, and when her section-mates wanted to eat meals outside of the campus dining halls. “[Seeing everyone come back from their Scramble] was definitely dislocating at first, because as soon as I got here, everyone had friends and had been on this week-long trip,” she said. “I could never go out with my section. They would all go out [to eat] ... and I was like, ‘I can’t afford to go out every week.’” For Mireles, his financial struggle as an undergraduate can be summed up in a painful memory of leaving for college. As his father was driving him to the airport, he handed him $600 in cash. Although Mireles was on a full-ride scholarship at Swarthmore, there were extra expenses, such as books and transportation home, that quickly ate through his extra funds. “It was the end of summer, and I can’t imagine how hard [my father] worked to earn that money, probably over the course of ... more than the summer, and he just kind of gave it to me as I was leaving for my first year. And it was gone in about two months. I mean you have to eat ... college isn’t cheap,” he said. Junior first-generation student Leslie Rodriguez’s first year at Whitman was especially difficult because she was worried about paying for college in addition to transitioning to being away from her family. Although Rodriguez says she hasn’t struggled as much financially since her first year, she still feels pressure to work at school, often at what she feels to be the expense of her academics. “In the back of my mind I’m always constantly like, ‘That’s money I’m not making, and it’s money that we need,’” she said. “That’s constantly on my mind when I’m doing homework or when I’m here. I sometimes feel that because I’m here, I’m neglecting [my family], in a sense.” Since she’s not yet financially independent, junior first-generation college student Heather Lovelace says it can be difficult to separate family financial struggles from her academic and social life at Whitman. Lovelace’s father is considering retiring, which would significantly affect how much money they could contribute to her education. “I’ve been trying to work on ... not taking my parents’ worries and making them my own and realizing that I am my own person, which is really hard because we’re so tied to our family,” said Lovelace. see FGWC, page 6

Robert Reich Art department changes lecture confronts format of introductory courses income inequality

by SARAH CORNETT News Editor


he art department has changed the structure of its introductory studio art classes, ending the popular Introduction to Visual Arts Practices class and instead creating more specialized “Foundations” courses. The changes, which will be implemented for the 2014-2015 academic year, provide for five new classes that will be offered during the academic year on topics including contemporary printmaking, abstract painting, the transformed object and digital processing. The shift in focus resulted in part from an art faculty committee, comprised of Assistant Professor of Art Nicole Pietrantoni, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Joe Page, Director of Sheehan Gallery Daniel Forbes and Assistant Professor of Art Justin Lincoln, that sought to reexamine the way the art department conducts its introductory classes. With the greatest num-

ber of faculty in the department’s history, part of the motivation was the new professor focuses that did not lend themselves to an introductory class as broad as IVAP. “We wanted to rethink the foundations classes so as to offer depth over breadth,” said Pietrantoni. “We also wanted to account for new people entering the department who were bringing new specializations.” Traditionally, IVAP has sought to provide students an opportunity to explore a wide variety of artistic media through multiple projects throughout the semester. A class required for the art major and minor, its makeup often provides for an interesting juxtaposition: students who bring significant experience in studio art and those who are looking to fulfill their fine arts requirement with a 100-level art class. Sophomore Cody Burchfield, an art major who is currently enrolled in one of three IVAP classes being offered this se-

mester, said that the class structure doesn’t allow students on either side of the experience spectrum to fully realize projects. “It doesn’t seem like it satisfies either desires, [an art major or someone who is taking it to fulfill requirements,] very well. It’s such an expedited timeline that if you want to invest in it, you don’t have time to dedicate to anything in particular,” he said. Part of the struggle with the current layout of IVAP is its breadth. The course exposes students to a wide variety of media, but many, like Burchfield, don’t feel as if they’ve fully gained an understanding of the various practices it introduces. Sophomore Taylor Cook is pursuing an art minor and also is currently enrolled in IVAP. “It’s not feasible that you can really sink your teeth into a medium in such a short period of time,” she said. “The professors know this, too, but I think for students with little or no art experience, it’s see ART DEPARTMENT, page 3



ormer Secretary of Labor Robert Reich gave a lecture Wednesday evening in a packed Cordiner Hall. Students, faculty, staff and Walla Walla community members attended the event, where Reich predominantly discussed income inequality and the influence of money in politics. Reich came to campus with the help of the Genevieve Patterson Perry Endowment for the Study of Economics, which brings economists to speak at Whitman on a regular basis. The endowment, which was established in 1999, began bringing speakers to campus in 2001. The Office of the President and the economics department, particularly Assistant Professor of Economics Lee Sanning, also played major roles in selecting Reich and bringing him to campus. The talk drew a crowd of Whitman and Walla Walla com-

munity members that dwarfed most Whitman lecture crowds. Many of those attendees came from economics classes that mandated attendance, but a large number of Walla Walla community members also attended. The crowd clearly liked Reich from the beginning, applauding enthusiastically and often unexpectedly at several points during the lecture. Senior Robert Dalton, who attended the lecture as a part of two economics courses, counted himself among those supporters. “I particularly enjoyed being reminded that economics is a child of moral philosophy,” he said. “I think that that’s something that we may have lost sight of, and it’s good to be reminded of it.” Reich has reestablished himself as a sort of economic celebrity in the past several months, partially because of his 2013 film “Inequality for All.” Reich’s talk touched on many of the points see REICH, page 2

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