Spring 2014 Issue 3

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Issue 3 | February 13, 2014 | Whitman news since 1896 | Vol. CXXXI

Board of Trustees states college will not divest from fossil fuel companies by SHELLY LE Editor-in-Chief


little more than a year after various student and faculty discussions began regarding Whitman’s divestment against fossil fuels, the Whitman Board of Trustees released an official statement on the movement deciding not to pursue divestment at this point in time. The response was sent out in an email by the Associated Students of Whitman College on the morning of Saturday, Feb. 8. The statement holds that the board does not consider Whitman’s divestment from companies that invest in fossil fuels to be in the best interest of the college. While members of the board agree that the impact of climate change on our environment is cause for concern, they also believe that divesting the college’s endowment from fossil fuel companies would place the college in an unstable situation to meet other obligations the college holds. “We reviewed and talked about the ways we support the objective of the movement. We talked about ways that we could address the problem of climate change. But at this time, we didn’t think the trade-off of trying to implement this divestment would be prudent given our objective to maximize returns on

our portfolio and how it’s managed,” said Chair of the Board of Trustees Peter van Oppen ‘74. About two percent of the college’s endowment is invested in fossil fuel companies, according to the statement provided by the board. However, the endowment itself is invested in fund managers rather than individual companies and the two percent holdings are held by fund managers that control more than 25 percent of the college’s overall investment portfolio. This means that should the college divest from the few companies that hold investments in fossil fuel energies, the college would lose a significant amount of potential return on their investments because they would have to switch fund managers completely. “It’s very difficult for us to tell the portfolio managers to invest or not invest in specific companies. We often manage our diversity by picking managers who focus on emerging markets, or large cap stocks, or domestic stocks, or European stocks— all with very diverse criteria. But within those criteria, some of those managers’ portfolios may have some energybased holdings. So it’s very difficult for us to dictate what they hold and don’t hold,” he said. van Oppen notes that since

see DIVESTMENT, page 3

Trustees meet to address diversity, divestment by Sam Grainger-shuba Staff Reporter


hitman’s Board of Trustees meets four times each year to discuss the state of the college. This Thursday and Friday, Feb. 6 and 7, they met again to discuss divestment and diversity. Due to student unrest and a protest during the last board meeting, the student representatives to the Board of Trustees’ Student Life Committee, senior David Fleming and sophomore Brenna Feeney, decided to evaluate students’ thoughts on issues relating to race, religion, socioeconomic class, gender and sexual orientation before the board meeting this past week. They sent out an anonymous survey via the student listserv. “It was really remarkable the response that we got. In about 24 hours we got over 400 responses, which is unreal,” said Feeney. With responses from a total of 430 students, the committee received input from over a quarter of the college. That quarter was also fairly rep-

resentative of the student body: of those responding, 35 percent were part of the Greek system, 18 percent identified as GLBTQ, 18 percent were people of color, 31 percent identified as working class and 60 percent were women. The survey found that students felt the college dealt well or very well with issues of gender and sexual orientation, but did not deal as well with issues of race and class. “We wanted to know ‘What is the student body saying about how we could facilitate better conversation?’ or ‘What can the administration do to better facilitate better conversation?’ Not only facilitate, but educate,” said Fleming. Feeney also emphasized the need for the administration to educate students about how to have these conversations. “So people can have these discussions in a safe place where they can leave their political correctness at the door and speak more candidly. But not only creating those spaces, but also educating people see TRUSTEES, page 2

Whitman Athletics strive to support LGBTQ athletes by Quin Nelson Sports Editor


GBTQ athletes who choose to play for the Missionaries sometimes face clashing ideals. While the college prides itself on being progressive and inclusive, the sports world can often be rigid and conservative. When these perceived opposites meet, which wins out? Although Whitman’s accepting environment has created a fairly safe place for its LGBTQ athletes, it still has a way to go before all of these athletes truly feel supported. Alumna Amy Hasson ’12 was a varsity soccer player who came out to her teammates at the beginning of her sophomore year. The announcement went over very well with her teammates, not that Hasson was surprised. “I think coming out to myself and learning to accept that I was gay was probably the hardest part, and coming out to my friends was the easy part. I knew they would be supportive. I knew the team would love me no matter what and have my back,” she said. Senior Tom Smith,* a member of the cross country team who is gay, also found support and understanding from some people on his team, although unlike Hasson, he did not feel that same acceptance from his entire team. “My coach has been very supportive. He’s been like another dad to me. One of my good friends knows, and he’s okay with it. A lot of the other guys don’t know because I think they’d be weirded out since they make a lot of homophobic jokes,” said Smith. The difference in their experiences could largely be due to Hasson’s finding a supportive community, which Smith has yet to find. “I kind of wish there would have been more of a supportive en-

Students struggle with concussion aftermath

vironment because I’ve never known any gay athletes or had any gay friends in my life. All my life I’ve kind of been alone and dealing with these issues on my own,” he said. His experiences are quite different than Hasson’s, who felt very comfortable throughout her college soccer career due to the fact that there had been several older soccer players who were already out. She also attributes much of her positive experience to the supportive environment of Whitman as a whole. “Being at Whitman and being on the soccer team at Whitman was crucial to my coming-out story. I think if I had gone to another school, it would have taken me a lot longer to come out, and I think Whitman was a blessing in that respect,” said Hasson. The Whitman Athletic Department, headed by Director of Athletics Dean Snider, has worked to bring Hasson’s perception of Whitman as an open and comfortable atmosphere into the more conservative world of sports. Snider, a member of the LGBTQ sub-committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, firmly believes in providing a nonjudgmental environment for athletes. “We accept and celebrate people’s differences, whether that be ethnic or socioeconomic or, in this case, sexual orientation,” said Snider. “Everyone is welcome here.” The athletic department has a strict nondiscrimination policy that Snider does his best to uphold. He also has the help of Athlete Ally, a nonprofit organization striving to end homophobia and transphobia in sports. Senior swimmer Claire Collins, Whitman’s Athlete Ally representative, feels that the program has been both productive and rewarding. see LGBTQ, page 9

by Helen Angell Staff Reporter


hirteen concussions were reported to the Dean of Students Office in Fall 2013, a sharp increase from previous years. This number is shocking, but it might not indicate an increasing number of head injuries on campus. Rather, students and staff believe that higher numbers were reported last semester because of heightened awareness about the seriousness of concussions and their impact on the brain. Concussions are defined as mild head injuries, but they can be devastating for students because they must put academic work aside while symptoms persist. While some students heal in a matter of days, others continue to experience severe symptoms for months or years after the initial head trauma. The only effective treatment for a concussion is allowing the brain to rest, so taking time off from classwork is often the only way to recover fully from the injury. Concussions can be poorly understood, and their impact on the brain is often underestimated. When senior Hannah Fadenrecht first hit her head during a rugby game in the fall of her sophomore year, she didn’t realize it was a concussion. “I thought I was sick with a cold,” said Fadenrecht. “I just felt a little fuzzy, and a little out of it. The symptoms are really subtle.” It wasn’t until she injured her head again a few weeks later and began suffering more severe symptoms that she was diagnosed with two concussions. Concussions can be difficult to recognize because of the variety of symptoms and because they don’t show up on CT scans. The concussion discharge instructions, distributed by the Welty Health Center list headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, confusion, restlessness and vision difficulties among the wide variety of effects a student can suffer after a concussion. Fadenrecht experienced many of these symptoms after her second concussion and continued to suffer headaches, sensitivity to light and other troubling effects for many months. These symptoms made it a struggle to complete academic work. At first, Fadenrecht tried taking a few days, then a few weeks off from her courses. But when symptoms persisted, she decided to leave Whitman for the rest of the semester, with advice and support from the Dean of Students Office and her family. “I realized that I needed to go home and recover,” she said. “And it’s a really good thing I did.” Fadrenrecht will be graduating a semester late, but has recovered completely from the injury. Because the duration of symptoms varies widely from case to case, it can be difficult for a student to know how much time they should take off from school after a concussion, if any. “Everything is absolutely so individual,” said Director of the Health Center Claudia Ness. “You don’t know how long it’s going to take and that makes it a little tricky to schedule your ac-

ademic life around, not knowing if you’ll be up to taking a test in two weeks or a month.” Ness emphasized that brain rest is the “key treatment” for a concussion. The Dean of Students Office and the Academic Resource Center offer a wide range of support to students with concussions, encouraging students to be excused from classes or take tests with special accommodations according to the students’ need. “We do everything we can to accommodate their illness,” said Associate to the Dean of Students Donna Cummins. But because concussions and their effects are poorly understood, it’s not always clear what support a student requires. When working with staff and faculty at Whitman to accommodate her academic work when she returned to school, Fadenrecht said there was sometimes a lack of understanding about her needs. “They wanted to be supportive,” she said. “But person to person, they might not know anything about the effects of a concussion.” But awareness is increasing, and the college is making an effort to give students the help they need in this situation. “People are realizing that concussions are something that need to be looked at,” said Ness. Senior Libby Arnosti received two concussions in 2012 while participating in Whitman’s swim team, and she had to delay graduating by a year because of the injury. Arnosti said that the athletics trainers, and the athletes themselves, are becoming more sensitive to concussions. “Because people know more about them now, it’s easier for the training staff to identify them,” said Arnosti. Students and staff believe that increased awareness explains the recent increase in concussions reported to the Dean of Students Office. “I think in years past, students have had almost as many accidents,” said Ness, “but we didn’t realize that the hit on the head could have consequences down the road.” But now they do. However, students won’t be able to receive accommodations if they don’t report their concussion to the Dean of Students Office. Because of rules about patient privacy, the Health Center cannot report a head injury to the Dean of Students Office. “Please, come see us,” said Cummins, encouraging students who’ve had head injuries to work with the Dean of Students Office to receive academic support. But not all students who have suffered concussions have had to ask for support or accommodations. Senior Ethan Parrish did not have lasting impacts after he suffered a concussion while playing ultimate frisbee at Whitman. The concussion occurred at a tournament just before spring break in 2012. “By the time I got back to Whitman after spring break, I didn’t have any more headaches,” said Parrish. But this was the sixth time see CONCUSSIONS, page 2

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